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Published: Nov 10, 2022 License: BSD-2-Clause, BSD-2-Clause Imports: 51 Imported by: 1




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const BloomFilterHashes = 10
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const BloomFilterSize = 648 // In Bits
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const DefaultDebugTag = "External"


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func Checker

func Checker(roundID id.Round, filters []*RemoteFilter, cr *store.CheckedRounds) bool

Checker is a single use function that is meant to be wrapped and adhere to the knownRounds checker interface. It receives a round ID and looks up the state of that round to determine if the client has a message waiting in it. It will return true if it can conclusively determine no message exists, and it will return false and set the round to processing if it needs further investigation. Once it determines messages might be waiting in a round, it determines if the information about that round is already present. If it is, then the data is sent to Message Retrieval Workers; otherwise, it is sent to Historical Round Retrieval false: no message true: message

func TrackResults

func TrackResults(resultsCh chan ds.EventReturn, numResults int) (bool, int, int)

TrackResults follows the results of events. It returns true if the collection of events resolved well, and then a count of how many rounds failed and how many roundEvents timed out.


type CMIXParams

type CMIXParams struct {
	// RoundTries is the maximum number of rounds to try to send on
	RoundTries     uint
	Timeout        time.Duration
	RetryDelay     time.Duration
	ExcludedRounds excludedRounds.ExcludedRounds `json:"-"`

	// SendTimeout is the duration to wait before sending on a round times out
	// and a new round is tried.
	SendTimeout time.Duration

	// DebugTag is a tag that is printed with sending logs to help localize the
	// source. All internal sends are tagged, so the default tag is "External".
	DebugTag string

	// Stop can be used to stop the send early.
	Stop *stoppable.Single `json:"-"`

	// BlacklistedNodes is a list of nodes to not send to; will skip a round
	// with these nodes in it.
	BlacklistedNodes NodeMap

	// Critical indicates if the message is critical. The system will track that
	// the round it sends on completes and will auto resend in the event the
	// round fails or completion cannot be determined. The sent data will be
	// byte identical, so this has a high chance of metadata leak. This system
	// should only be used in cases where repeats cannot be different. Only used
	// in sendCmix, not sendManyCmix.
	Critical bool

	// Probe tells the client that this send can be used to test network performance,
	// that outgoing latency is not important
	Probe bool

func GetCMIXParameters

func GetCMIXParameters(params string) (CMIXParams, error)

GetCMIXParameters obtains default CMIX parameters, or overrides with given parameters if set.

func GetDefaultCMIXParams

func GetDefaultCMIXParams() CMIXParams

func (CMIXParams) MarshalJSON

func (p CMIXParams) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON adheres to the json.Marshaler interface.

func (CMIXParams) SetDebugTag

func (p CMIXParams) SetDebugTag(newTag string) CMIXParams

SetDebugTag appends the debug tag if one already exists, otherwise it just used the new debug tag

func (*CMIXParams) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *CMIXParams) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON adheres to the json.Unmarshaler interface.

type Client

type Client interface {
	// Follow starts the tracking of the network in a new thread.
	// Errors that occur are reported on the ClientErrorReport function if
	// passed. The returned stoppable can be used to stop the follower.
	// Only one follower may run at a time.
	Follow(report ClientErrorReport) (stoppable.Stoppable, error)

	// GetMaxMessageLength returns the max message size for the current network.
	GetMaxMessageLength() int

	// Send sends a "raw" cMix message payload to the provided recipient.
	// Returns the round ID of the round the payload was sent or an error if it
	// fails.
	// This does not have end-to-end encryption on it and is used exclusively as
	// a send for higher order cryptographic protocols. Do not use unless
	// implementing a protocol on top.
	//   recipient - cMix ID of the recipient.
	//   fingerprint - Key Fingerprint. 256-bit field to store a 255-bit
	//      fingerprint, highest order bit must be 0 (panic otherwise). If your
	//      system does not use key fingerprints, this must be random bits.
	//   service - Reception Service. The backup way for a client to identify
	//      messages on receipt via trial hashing and to identify notifications.
	//      If unused, use message.GetRandomService to fill the field with
	//      random data.
	//   payload - Contents of the message. Cannot exceed the payload size for a
	//      cMix message (panic otherwise).
	//   mac - 256-bit field to store a 255-bit mac, highest order bit must be 0
	//      (panic otherwise). If used, fill with random bits.
	// Will return an error if the network is unhealthy or if it fails to send
	// (along with the reason). Blocks until successful sends or errors.
	// WARNING: Do not roll your own crypto.
	Send(recipient *id.ID, fingerprint format.Fingerprint,
		service message.Service, payload, mac []byte, cmixParams CMIXParams) (
		rounds.Round, ephemeral.Id, error)

	// SendMany sends many "raw" cMix message payloads to the provided
	// recipients all in the same round.
	// Returns the round ID of the round the payloads was sent or an error if it
	// fails.
	// This does not have end-to-end encryption on it and is used exclusively as
	// a send for higher order cryptographic protocols. Do not use unless
	// implementing a protocol on top.
	// Due to sending multiple payloads, this leaks more metadata than a
	// standard cMix send and should be in general avoided.
	//   recipient - cMix ID of the recipient.
	//   fingerprint - Key Fingerprint. 256-bit field to store a 255-bit
	//      fingerprint, highest order bit must be 0 (panic otherwise). If your
	//      system does not use key fingerprints, this must be random bits.
	//   service - Reception Service. The backup way for a client to identify
	//      messages on receipt via trial hashing and to identify notifications.
	//      If unused, use message.GetRandomService to fill the field with
	//      random data.
	//   payload - Contents of the message. Cannot exceed the payload size for a
	//      cMix message (panic otherwise).
	//   mac - 256-bit field to store a 255-bit mac, highest order bit must be 0
	//      (panic otherwise). If used, fill with random bits.
	// Will return an error if the network is unhealthy or if it fails to send
	// (along with the reason). Blocks until successful send or err.
	// WARNING: Do not roll your own crypto.
	SendMany(messages []TargetedCmixMessage, p CMIXParams) (
		rounds.Round, []ephemeral.Id, error)

	// SendWithAssembler sends a variable cmix payload to the provided recipient.
	// The payload sent is based on the Complier function passed in, which accepts
	// a round ID and returns the necessary payload data.
	// Returns the round ID of the round the payload was sent or an error if it
	// fails.
	// This does not have end-to-end encryption on it and is used exclusively as
	// a send for higher order cryptographic protocols. Do not use unless
	// implementing a protocol on top.
	//   recipient - cMix ID of the recipient.
	//   assembler - MessageAssembler function, accepting round ID and returning
	//   fingerprint
	//   format.Fingerprint, service message.Service, payload, mac []byte
	// Will return an error if the network is unhealthy or if it fails to send
	// (along with the reason). Blocks until successful sends or errors.
	// WARNING: Do not roll your own crypto.
	SendWithAssembler(recipient *id.ID, assembler MessageAssembler,
		cmixParams CMIXParams) (rounds.Round, ephemeral.Id, error)

	// AddIdentity adds an identity to be tracked. If persistent is false,
	// the identity will not be stored to disk and will be dropped on reload.
	AddIdentity(id *id.ID, validUntil time.Time, persistent bool)

	// AddIdentityWithHistory adds an identity to be tracked. If persistent is
	// false, the identity will not be stored to disk and will be dropped on
	// reload. It will pickup messages slowly back in the history or up back
	// until beginning or the start of message retention, which should be ~500
	// houses back
	AddIdentityWithHistory(id *id.ID, validUntil, beginning time.Time, persistent bool)

	// RemoveIdentity removes a currently tracked identity.
	RemoveIdentity(id *id.ID)

	//GetIdentity returns a currently tracked identity
	GetIdentity(get *id.ID) (identity.TrackedID, error)

	// AddFingerprint adds a fingerprint that will be handled by a specific
	// processor for messages received by the given identity. If a nil identity
	// is passed, it will automatically use the default identity in the session.
	AddFingerprint(identity *id.ID, fingerprint format.Fingerprint,
		mp message.Processor) error

	// DeleteFingerprint deletes a single fingerprint associated with the given
	// identity, if it exists. If a nil identity is passed, it will
	// automatically use the default identity in the session.
	DeleteFingerprint(identity *id.ID, fingerprint format.Fingerprint)

	// DeleteClientFingerprints deletes all fingerprint associated with the
	// given identity, if it exists. A specific identity must be supplied; a
	// nil identity will result in a panic.
	DeleteClientFingerprints(identity *id.ID)

	// AddService adds a service that can call a message handing function or be
	// used for notifications. In general, a single service can only be
	// registered for the same identifier/tag pair.
	//   preimage - The preimage that is triggered on.
	//   type - A descriptive string of the service. Generally used in
	//      notifications.
	//   source - A byte buffer of related data. Generally used in notifications.
	//     Example: Sender ID
	// There can be multiple "default" services; if the "default" tag is used,
	// then the identifier must be the client reception ID.
	// A service may have a nil response unless it is default. In general a
	// nil service is used to detect notifications when pickup is done by
	// fingerprints.
	AddService(clientID *id.ID, newService message.Service,
		response message.Processor)

	// PauseNodeRegistrations stops all node registrations and returns a
	// function to resume them.
	PauseNodeRegistrations(timeout time.Duration) error

	// ChangeNumberOfNodeRegistrations changes the number of parallel node
	// registrations up to the initialized maximum.
	ChangeNumberOfNodeRegistrations(toRun int, timeout time.Duration) error

	// DeleteService deletes a message service. If only a single response is
	// associated with the preimage, the entire preimage is removed. If there is
	// more than one response, only the given response is removed. If nil is
	// passed in for response, all triggers for the preimage will be removed.
	// The processor is only used in deletion when deleting a default service
	DeleteService(clientID *id.ID, toDelete message.Service,
		processor message.Processor)

	// DeleteClientService deletes the mapping associated with an ID.
	DeleteClientService(clientID *id.ID)

	// TrackServices registers a callback that will get called every time a
	// service is added or removed. It will receive the triggers list every time
	// it is modified. It will only get callbacks while the network follower is
	// running. Multiple trackTriggers can be registered.
	TrackServices(tracker message.ServicesTracker)

	// CheckInProgressMessages retries processing all messages in check in
	// progress messages. Call this after adding fingerprints or triggers while
	// the follower is running.

	// IsHealthy returns true if currently healthy.
	IsHealthy() bool

	// WasHealthy returns true if the network has ever been healthy in this run.
	WasHealthy() bool

	// AddHealthCallback adds a callback that gets called whenever the network
	// health changes. Returns a registration ID that can be used to unregister.
	AddHealthCallback(f func(bool)) uint64

	// RemoveHealthCallback removes a health callback using its registration ID.

	// HasNode can be used to determine if a keying relationship exists with a
	// node.
	HasNode(nid *id.ID) bool

	// NumRegisteredNodes returns the total number of nodes we have a keying
	// relationship with.
	NumRegisteredNodes() int

	// TriggerNodeRegistration triggers the negotiation of a keying relationship
	// with a given node.
	TriggerNodeRegistration(nid *id.ID)

	// GetRoundResults adjudicates on the rounds requested. Checks if they are
	// older rounds or in progress rounds.
	GetRoundResults(timeout time.Duration, roundCallback RoundEventCallback,

	// LookupHistoricalRound looks up the passed historical round on the network.
	// GetRoundResults does this lookup when needed, generally that is
	// preferable
		rid id.Round, callback rounds.RoundResultCallback) error

	// SendToAny can be used to send the comm to any gateway in the network.
	SendToAny(sendFunc func(host *connect.Host) (interface{}, error),
		stop *stoppable.Single) (interface{}, error)

	// SendToPreferred sends to a specific gateway, doing so through another
	// gateway as a proxy if not directly connected.
	SendToPreferred(targets []*id.ID, sendFunc gateway.SendToPreferredFunc,
		stop *stoppable.Single, timeout time.Duration) (interface{}, error)

	// SetGatewayFilter sets a function which will be used to filter gateways
	// before connecting.
	SetGatewayFilter(f gateway.Filter)

	// GetHostParams returns the host params used when connecting to gateways.
	GetHostParams() connect.HostParams

	// GetAddressSpace returns the current address size of IDs. Blocks until an
	// address size is known.
	GetAddressSpace() uint8

	// RegisterAddressSpaceNotification returns a channel that will trigger for
	// every address space size update. The provided tag is the unique ID for
	// the channel. Returns an error if the tag is already used.
	RegisterAddressSpaceNotification(tag string) (chan uint8, error)

	// UnregisterAddressSpaceNotification stops broadcasting address space size
	// updates on the channel with the specified tag.
	UnregisterAddressSpaceNotification(tag string)

	// GetInstance returns the network instance object, which tracks the
	// state of the network.
	GetInstance() *network.Instance

	// GetVerboseRounds returns stringification of verbose round info.
	GetVerboseRounds() string

func NewClient

func NewClient(params Params, comms *commClient.Comms, session storage.Session,
	rng *fastRNG.StreamGenerator, events event.Reporter) (Client, error)

NewClient builds a new reception client object using inputted key fields.

type ClientErrorReport

type ClientErrorReport func(source, message, trace string)

type CmixMessageBuffer

type CmixMessageBuffer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CmixMessageBuffer wraps the message buffer to store and load raw cMix messages.

func LoadCmixMessageBuffer

func LoadCmixMessageBuffer(kv *versioned.KV, key string) (*CmixMessageBuffer, error)

func NewOrLoadCmixMessageBuffer

func NewOrLoadCmixMessageBuffer(kv *versioned.KV, key string) (
	*CmixMessageBuffer, error)

func (*CmixMessageBuffer) Add

func (cmb *CmixMessageBuffer) Add(msg format.Message, recipient *id.ID,
	params CMIXParams)

func (*CmixMessageBuffer) AddProcessing

func (cmb *CmixMessageBuffer) AddProcessing(msg format.Message, recipient *id.ID,
	params CMIXParams)

func (*CmixMessageBuffer) Failed

func (cmb *CmixMessageBuffer) Failed(msg format.Message, recipient *id.ID)

func (*CmixMessageBuffer) Next

func (cmb *CmixMessageBuffer) Next() (format.Message, *id.ID, CMIXParams, bool)

func (*CmixMessageBuffer) Succeeded

func (cmb *CmixMessageBuffer) Succeeded(msg format.Message, recipient *id.ID)

type MessageAssembler

type MessageAssembler func(rid id.Round) (fingerprint format.Fingerprint,
	service message.Service, payload, mac []byte, err error)

MessageAssembler func accepts a round ID, returning fingerprint, service, payload & mac. This allows users to pass in a paylaod which will contain the round ID over which the message is sent.

type NodeMap

type NodeMap map[id.ID]bool

NodeMap represents a map of nodes and whether they have been blacklisted. This is designed for use with CMIXParams.BlacklistedNodes

func (NodeMap) MarshalJSON

func (nm NodeMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON adheres to the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*NodeMap) UnmarshalJSON

func (nm *NodeMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON adheres to the json.Unmarshaler interface.

type Params

type Params struct {
	TrackNetworkPeriod time.Duration
	// MaxCheckedRounds is the maximum number of rounds to check in a single
	// iterations network updates.
	MaxCheckedRounds uint

	// RegNodesBufferLen is the size of the buffer of nodes to register.
	RegNodesBufferLen uint

	// NetworkHealthTimeout is the longest delay between network events for
	// health tracker to denote that the network is in a bad state.
	NetworkHealthTimeout time.Duration

	// ParallelNodeRegistrations is the number of parallel node registrations
	// that the client is capable of.
	ParallelNodeRegistrations uint

	// KnownRoundsThreshold dictates how far back in rounds the network should
	// actually check.
	KnownRoundsThreshold uint

	// FastPolling determines verbosity of network updates while polling. If
	// true, client receives a filtered set of updates. If false, client
	// receives the full list of network updates.
	FastPolling bool

	// VerboseRoundTracking determines if the state of every round processed is
	// tracked in memory. This is very memory intensive and is primarily used
	// for debugging.
	VerboseRoundTracking bool

	// ReplayRequests Resends auth requests up the stack if received multiple
	// times.
	ReplayRequests bool

	// MaxParallelIdentityTracks is the maximum number of parallel identities
	// the system will poll in one iteration of the follower
	MaxParallelIdentityTracks uint

	// ClockSkewClamp is the window (+/-) in which clock skew is
	// ignored and local time is used
	ClockSkewClamp time.Duration

	Rounds     rounds.Params
	Pickup     pickup.Params
	Message    message.Params
	Historical rounds.Params

func GetDefaultParams

func GetDefaultParams() Params

GetDefaultParams returns a Params object containing the default parameters.

func GetParameters

func GetParameters(params string) (Params, error)

GetParameters returns the default Params, or override with given parameters, if set.

func (Params) MarshalJSON

func (p Params) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON adheres to the json.Marshaler interface.

func (*Params) UnmarshalJSON

func (p *Params) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error

UnmarshalJSON adheres to the json.Unmarshaler interface.

type RemoteFilter

type RemoteFilter struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRemoteFilter

func NewRemoteFilter(data *mixmessages.ClientBloom) *RemoteFilter

func (*RemoteFilter) FirstRound

func (rf *RemoteFilter) FirstRound() id.Round

func (*RemoteFilter) GetFilter

func (rf *RemoteFilter) GetFilter() *bloom.Bloom

func (*RemoteFilter) LastRound

func (rf *RemoteFilter) LastRound() id.Round

type RoundEventCallback

type RoundEventCallback func(allRoundsSucceeded, timedOut bool, rounds map[id.Round]RoundResult)

RoundEventCallback interface which reports the requested rounds. Designed such that the caller may decide how much detail they need. allRoundsSucceeded:

Returns false if any rounds in the round map were unsuccessful.
Returns true if ALL rounds were successful


   Returns true if any of the rounds timed out while being monitored
	  Returns false if all rounds statuses were returned

rounds contains a mapping of all previously requested rounds to

their respective round results

type RoundLookupStatus

type RoundLookupStatus uint

RoundLookupStatus is the enum of possible round results to pass back

const (
	TimeOut RoundLookupStatus = iota

func (RoundLookupStatus) String

func (rr RoundLookupStatus) String() string

type RoundResult

type RoundResult struct {
	Status RoundLookupStatus
	Round  rounds.Round

type RoundState

type RoundState uint8
const (
	Unchecked RoundState = iota

func (RoundState) String

func (rs RoundState) String() string

type RoundTracker

type RoundTracker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRoundTracker

func NewRoundTracker() *RoundTracker

func (*RoundTracker) String

func (rt *RoundTracker) String() string

type SendCmixCommsInterface

type SendCmixCommsInterface interface {
	// SendPutMessage places a cMix message on the gateway to be sent through
	// cMix.
	SendPutMessage(host *connect.Host, message *pb.GatewaySlot,
		timeout time.Duration) (*pb.GatewaySlotResponse, error)

	// SendPutManyMessages places a list of cMix messages on the gateway to be
	// sent through cMix.
	SendPutManyMessages(host *connect.Host, messages *pb.GatewaySlots,
		timeout time.Duration) (*pb.GatewaySlotResponse, error)

SendCmixCommsInterface is the interface for Send comms; allows mocking this in testing.

type TargetedCmixMessage

type TargetedCmixMessage struct {
	Recipient   *id.ID
	Payload     []byte
	Fingerprint format.Fingerprint
	Service     message.Service
	Mac         []byte

TargetedCmixMessage defines a recipient target pair in a sendMany cMix message.


Path Synopsis
package clockSkew tracks local clock skew relative to gateways.
package clockSkew tracks local clock skew relative to gateways.
This file is compiled for all architectures except WebAssembly.
This file is compiled for all architectures except WebAssembly.

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