Anime Aggregator
A data management tool designed to streamline and consolidate information from various anime providers such as AniList, Kitsu and more. This tool serves as a centralized hub for organizing, syncing, and maintaining anime data, making it easier for users to access and manage their favorite shows across different platforms. The aggregator simplifies the process of keeping track of anime titles and discovering new content by providing a unified and efficient solution.
Implemented providers
Entity relation diagram
anime {
guid id
text provider_id
anime_provider provider
text poster
text banner
text logo
integer score
char(2) country_of_origin
text age_rating
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
text description
anime_status status
anime_format format
anime_season season
integer season_year
timestamp start_date
timestamp end_date
anime_genre {
guid id
guid anime_id
guid genre_id
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
anime_mapping {
guid id
anime_provider provider
text provider_id
timestamp created_at
anime_relation {
guid id
guid anime_id
text related_anime_id
anime_provider related_anime_provider
anime_relation_type relation_type
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
anime_studio {
guid id
guid anime_id
guid studio_id
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
anime_tag {
guid id
guid anime_id
guid tag_id
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
anime_title {
guid id
guid anime_id
text name
anime_title_type title_type
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
char(2) language
genre {
guid id
anime_provider provider
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
text name
text slug
studio {
guid id
anime_provider provider
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
text name
text slug
tag {
guid id
anime_provider provider
timestamp created_at
timestamp updated_at
text name
text slug
text description
anime_studio }|--|{ studio : studio_id
anime_studio }|--|{ anime : anime_id
anime_genre }|--|{ genre : genre_id
anime_genre }|--|{ anime : anime_id
anime_tag }|--|{ tag : tag_id
anime_tag }|--|{ anime : anime_id
anime_title }|--|{ anime : anime_id
anime_relation }|--|{ anime : anime_id