Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AllResourceIds(net *xir.Net) []string
- func CancelTask(prefix string) error
- func CheckForTasks(etcd *clientv3.Client, doTask func(*Task) error) error
- func Cmdr(cfg common.Config, f func(cm.CommanderClient) error) error
- func CogletId() string
- func CommanderClient(cfg common.Config) (*grpc.ClientConn, cm.CommanderClient, error)
- func CreateContainer(ctr *ContainerSpec) error
- func CreateContainerRecord(spec *ContainerSpec) error
- func CreateContainerTask(ctr *ContainerSpec) error
- func CreateIfx(netns string, ifx *EnclaveVeth) error
- func CreateInfrapodNS(name string) error
- func CreateLinks(mzid, instance string, fragments []*site.MzFragment) error
- func Delete(obj Object) error
- func DeleteContainer(name, namespace string) error
- func DeleteContainerIfx(namespace, name string) error
- func DeleteContainerRecord(name, namespace string, a *Action) error
- func DeleteContainerTask(name, namespace string) error
- func DeleteIfx(netns string, ifx *EnclaveVeth) error
- func DeleteInfrapodNS(name string) error
- func DeleteObjects(objs []Object) error
- func DestroyLinks(mzid, instance string, fragments []*site.MzFragment) error
- func DestroyNetNS(netns *NetNS) error
- func EnsureEtcd(etcdp **clientv3.Client) error
- func EtcdConnect() (*clientv3.Client, error)
- func EvpnAdvertiseMac(veth *rtnl.Link, vni, vindex int) error
- func EvpnAdvertiseMulticast(vni, vindex int) error
- func EvpnWithdrawMac(veth *rtnl.Link, vni, vindex int) error
- func EvpnWithdrawMulticast(vni, vindex int) error
- func Exec(etcdp **clientv3.Client, cog string, doTask func(*Task) error) error
- func ExtractConstraint(props map[string]interface{}, key string) *xir.Constraint
- func GetInfraEndpoint(n *xir.Node) *xir.Endpoint
- func GetIntLike(x interface{}) (int, error)
- func GetNativeNlri(p *api.Path) (bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
- func GetNativePathAttributes(p *api.Path) ([]bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
- func GetNodeLeaf(nodeEndpoint *xir.Endpoint) *xir.Endpoint
- func HandleIncoming(rq *cm.IncomingRequest) error
- func HandleLinkCreate(rq *cm.MzRequest) error
- func HandleLinkDestroy(rq *cm.MzRequest) error
- func HandleNodeRecycle(rq *cm.MzRequest) error
- func HandleNodeSetup(rq *cm.MzRequest) error
- func HandleStatus(rq *cm.StatusRequest) (*cm.StatusResponse, error)
- func HandleTask(etcd *etcd.Client, task *Task, lease etcd.LeaseID, doTask func(*Task) error)
- func Init()
- func InitInfranet(mzid, instance string, props map[string]interface{}, record bool) error
- func IsTxnFailed(err error) bool
- func KeepLeaseAlive(etcd *clientv3.Client, lease clientv3.LeaseID) (chan bool, error)
- func LaunchTask(task *Task) error
- func LeaseTask(c *etcd.Client, t *Task) (etcd.LeaseID, error)
- func ListContainers(namespace string) ([]containerd.Container, error)
- func ListMaterializations(prefix string) ([]string, error)
- func ListNamespaces() ([]string, error)
- func LoadXIR() (*xir.Net, error)
- func MarshalFlowSpecRules(values []bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface) []*any.Any
- func MarshalNLRI(value bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) *any.Any
- func MarshalNLRIs(values []bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) []*any.Any
- func MarshalPathAttributes(attrList []bgp.PathAttributeInterface) []*any.Any
- func MarshalRD(rd bgp.RouteDistinguisherInterface) *any.Any
- func MarshalRT(rt bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface) *any.Any
- func MarshalRTs(values []bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface) []*any.Any
- func Merge2Local(devId string) (string, error)
- func NewAggregatorAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAggregator) *api.AggregatorAttribute
- func NewAigpAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAigp) *api.AigpAttribute
- func NewAs4AggregatorAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Aggregator) *api.As4AggregatorAttribute
- func NewAs4PathAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Path) *api.As4PathAttribute
- func NewAsPathAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAsPath) *api.AsPathAttribute
- func NewAtomicAggregateAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAtomicAggregate) *api.AtomicAggregateAttribute
- func NewClusterListAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeClusterList) *api.ClusterListAttribute
- func NewCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeCommunities) *api.CommunitiesAttribute
- func NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative(a *bgp.EthernetSegmentIdentifier) *api.EthernetSegmentIdentifier
- func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities) *api.ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
- func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities) *api.IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
- func NewLargeCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeLargeCommunities) *api.LargeCommunitiesAttribute
- func NewLocalPrefAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeLocalPref) *api.LocalPrefAttribute
- func NewMpReachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI) *api.MpReachNLRIAttribute
- func NewMpUnreachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI) *api.MpUnreachNLRIAttribute
- func NewMultiExitDiscAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMultiExitDisc) *api.MultiExitDiscAttribute
- func NewNextHopAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeNextHop) *api.NextHopAttribute
- func NewOriginAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeOrigin) *api.OriginAttribute
- func NewOriginatorIdAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeOriginatorId) *api.OriginatorIdAttribute
- func NewPath(nlri bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, isWithdraw bool, ...) *api.Path
- func NewPmsiTunnelAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributePmsiTunnel) *api.PmsiTunnelAttribute
- func NewTunnelEncapAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeTunnelEncap) *api.TunnelEncapAttribute
- func NewUnknownAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeUnknown) *api.UnknownAttribute
- func NodeOps(kind, mzid, instance string, fragments []*site.MzFragment) error
- func NodeRecycle(mzid, instance string, fragments []*site.MzFragment) error
- func NodeSetup(mzid, instance string, fragments []*site.MzFragment) error
- func PullContainerImage(namespace, image string) error
- func Read(obj Object) error
- func ReadNew(obj Object) error
- func ReadObjects(objs []Object) (error, int)
- func ReadWait(obj Object, timer *ReadTimer) error
- func RegisterCoglet(c *etcd.Client, cog string) (error, etcd.LeaseID)
- func RegisterWithCommander()
- func RevokeLease(etcd *clientv3.Client, lease clientv3.LeaseID)
- func RunObjectTx(otx ObjectTx) error
- func SetupContainerLo(namespace string) error
- func SvcAddress(vindex int) string
- func SvcCidr(vindex int) string
- func TeardownInfranet(mzid, instance string, props map[string]interface{}, record bool) error
- func ToApiFamily(afi uint16, safi uint8) *api.Family
- func ToRouteFamily(f *api.Family) bgp.RouteFamily
- func TxnFailed(message string) error
- func UnmarshalAttribute(an *any.Any) (bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
- func UnmarshalFlowSpecRules(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface, error)
- func UnmarshalNLRI(rf bgp.RouteFamily, an *any.Any) (bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
- func UnmarshalNLRIs(rf bgp.RouteFamily, values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
- func UnmarshalPathAttributes(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
- func UnmarshalRD(a *any.Any) (bgp.RouteDistinguisherInterface, error)
- func UnmarshalRT(a *any.Any) (bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, error)
- func UnmarshalRTs(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, error)
- func WithCogCNI(netns string) oci.SpecOpts
- func WithCtrMounts(mounts []*ContainerMount) oci.SpecOpts
- func Write(obj Object, opts ...etcd.OpOption) error
- func WriteObjects(objs []Object, opts ...etcd.OpOption) error
- type Action
- type BelugaSpec
- type CogletInfo
- type Container
- type ContainerImageData
- type ContainerMount
- type ContainerSpec
- type CountSet
- type CtrComponent
- type DeleteContainerData
- type DeleteContainerIfxData
- type Destination
- type EnclaveSpec
- type EnclaveVeth
- type Endpoint
- type EvpnInfo
- type EvpnWithdrawData
- type FoundrySetSpec
- type ImageBinding
- type ImageDefaults
- type ImageSpec
- type LeafPortMode
- type LeafPortState
- type LinkInfo
- type LinkKind
- type LinkSpec
- type MacAdvSpec
- type MzInfo
- type MzOperation
- type MzfIndex
- type NetNS
- type NexMemberSpec
- type NexNetworkSpec
- type NimbusConfig
- type NimbusUser
- type NodeInfo
- type NodeInfraInfo
- type NodeSpec
- type NodeStatus
- type NsnatSpec
- type Object
- type ObjectTx
- type OtterSpec
- type Path
- type RallyStore
- type ReadTimer
- type SledStatus
- type Stage
- type TargetNetwork
- type Task
- func (t *Task) AddDep(id string)
- func (t *Task) AddStage(s *Stage) *Stage
- func (t *Task) ClearErrors()
- func (t *Task) Complete() bool
- func (t *Task) DepsSatisfied() bool
- func (t *Task) Failed() []*Action
- func (t *Task) GetVersion() int64
- func (t *Task) Init()
- func (t *Task) InsertStage(after *Stage, new *Stage) *Stage
- func (t *Task) Key() string
- func (t *Task) MaskAction(stage, action int)
- func (t *Task) Mzid() string
- func (t *Task) Reset()
- func (t *Task) SetVersion(v int64)
- func (t *Task) Value() interface{}
- func (t *Task) Wait() error
- type VLMap
- type VLMentry
- type VLinkEdge
- type Vtep
- type VtepSpec
- type VxLan
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( HarborNet = "" HarborMzid = "harbor.dcomptb" HarborSvcAddr = "" //XXX hardcode HarborVindex = 2 HarborInfraVNI = 2 HarborInfraVID = 2 HarborXpVNI = 2 )
View Source
const ( ContainerKind = "container" LaunchCtr = "launch" PullCtrImage = "pull-image" CreateCtr = "create" CreateCtrTask = "create-task" CreateCtrNs = "create-ns" ConfigCtrLo = "config-lo" CreateCtrRecord = "create-record" DeleteCtr = "delete" DeleteCtrTask = "delete-task" DeleteCtrRecord = "delete-record" DeleteNS = "delete-ns" NodeSetupKind = "NodeSetup" NodeRecycleKind = "NodeRecycle" PlumbingKind = "plumbing" CreateEnclave = "create-enclave" DestroyEnclave = "destroy-enclave" AdvertiseMac = "advertise-mac" NexKind = "Nex" CreateNexNetwork = "CreateNetwork" DeleteNexNetwork = "DeleteNetwork" DeleteNexMembers = "DeleteMembers" AddNexMembers = "AddMembers" CanopyKind = "Canopy" SetCanopyLinks = "SetLinks" SetCanopyServiceVtep = "SetServiceVtep" RemoveCanopyServiceVtep = "RemoveServiceVtep" RemoveCanopyLinks = "RemoveLinks" BookkeepingKind = "bookkeeping" DeleteMzinfo = "DeleteMzinfo" OtterKind = "Otter" SetOtter = "Set" NimbusKind = "Nimbus" DeleteNimbusConfig = "Delete" CreateNimbusConfig = "Create" RallyKind = "Rally" RecycleRally = "Recycle" EnsureRally = "Ensure" )
View Source
const ( //assumes rex configures the machine he's running on InfraCanopyHost = "localhost" Svcbr = "svcbr" )
View Source
const ( FoundryNamespace = "foundry" FoundryImage = "" FoundryCertMountName = "foundry-cert" FoundryCertMountSource = "/etc/foundry/manage.pem" FoundryCertMountDest = "/etc/foundry/manage.pem" FoundryKeyMountName = "foundry-key" FoundryKeyMountSource = "/etc/foundry/manage-key.pem" FoundryKeyMountDest = "/etc/foundry/manage-key.pem" FoundryEnv = "FOUNDRYD_ARGS" FoundryArgs = "-no-auth" )
View Source
const ( EtcdNamespace = "etcd" EtcdImage = "" )
View Source
const ( NexNamespace = "nex" NexImage = "" NexMountName = "nex-config" NexMountSource = "/etc/cogs/nex.yml" NexMountDest = "/etc/nex/nex.yml" NexDomainEnv = "DOMAIN" )
View Source
const ( InfrapodMznIfx = "eth0" InfrapodSvcIfx = "eth1" DefaultInternalGateway = "" DefaultInternalGatewayCIDR = "" DefaultServiceGateway = "" HarborVni = 2 HarborVid = 2 HarborControlAddr = "" )
View Source
const ( TimeFormat = "2 Jan 06 15:04:05.00 MST" IdAlphabet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_@" )
View Source
const (
DefaultMountType = "bind"
View Source
const (
TxnFailedPrefix = "txn failed"
View Source
const (
XIR_FILE_PATH = "/etc/dcomp/tb-xir.json"
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( GobgpdPort = flag.Int("gobgpd-port", 50051, "gobgpd listening port") BgpAddr = flag.String("bgp-addr", "", "bgp address") BgpAS = flag.Int("bgp-as", 0, "bgp autonomus system number") )
user flags
View Source
var (
AlreadyWorking error = fmt.Errorf("cog already running")
View Source
var (
DefaultMountOptions = []string{"rbind", "ro"}
View Source
var NotFound error = fmt.Errorf("not found")
View Source
var Version = "undefined"
Functions ¶
func AllResourceIds ¶
func AllResourceIds(net *xir.Net) []string
func CommanderClient ¶
func CommanderClient(cfg common.Config) ( *grpc.ClientConn, cm.CommanderClient, error)
func CreateContainer ¶
func CreateContainer(ctr *ContainerSpec) error
func CreateContainerRecord ¶
func CreateContainerRecord(spec *ContainerSpec) error
func CreateContainerTask ¶
func CreateContainerTask(ctr *ContainerSpec) error
func CreateIfx ¶ added in v0.1.7
func CreateIfx(netns string, ifx *EnclaveVeth) error
func CreateInfrapodNS ¶ added in v0.1.7
func CreateLinks ¶ added in v0.2.1
func DeleteContainer ¶
func DeleteContainerIfx ¶
func DeleteContainerRecord ¶
func DeleteContainerTask ¶
func DeleteIfx ¶ added in v0.1.7
func DeleteIfx(netns string, ifx *EnclaveVeth) error
func DeleteInfrapodNS ¶ added in v0.1.7
func DeleteObjects ¶
func DestroyLinks ¶ added in v0.2.1
func DestroyNetNS ¶
func EnsureEtcd ¶
func EtcdConnect ¶
Try up to 10 times to connect to etcd
func EvpnAdvertiseMulticast ¶
func EvpnWithdrawMulticast ¶
func Exec ¶
Exec is the primary lower half subroutine. It is designed to be executed in an infinite loop by lower half implementations.
func ExtractConstraint ¶
func GetInfraEndpoint ¶
func GetInfraEndpoint(n *xir.Node) *xir.Endpoint
func GetIntLike ¶
sigh, needed for data that gets cross-serialized, nfc what the number format will be, json it's int64, mapstructure+yaml its int
func GetNativeNlri ¶
func GetNativeNlri(p *api.Path) (bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
func GetNativePathAttributes ¶
func GetNativePathAttributes(p *api.Path) ([]bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
func GetNodeLeaf ¶
func GetNodeLeaf(nodeEndpoint *xir.Endpoint) *xir.Endpoint
func HandleIncoming ¶
func HandleIncoming(rq *cm.IncomingRequest) error
func HandleLinkCreate ¶
func HandleLinkDestroy ¶
func HandleNodeRecycle ¶
func HandleNodeSetup ¶
func HandleStatus ¶ added in v0.1.2
func HandleStatus(rq *cm.StatusRequest) (*cm.StatusResponse, error)
func HandleTask ¶
func InitInfranet ¶ added in v0.2.1
func IsTxnFailed ¶
func KeepLeaseAlive ¶
func ListContainers ¶
func ListContainers(namespace string) ([]containerd.Container, error)
func ListMaterializations ¶ added in v0.1.2
func ListNamespaces ¶ added in v0.1.13
func MarshalFlowSpecRules ¶
func MarshalFlowSpecRules(values []bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface) []*any.Any
func MarshalNLRI ¶
func MarshalNLRI(value bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) *any.Any
func MarshalNLRIs ¶
func MarshalNLRIs(values []bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) []*any.Any
func MarshalPathAttributes ¶
func MarshalPathAttributes(attrList []bgp.PathAttributeInterface) []*any.Any
func MarshalRTs ¶
func MarshalRTs(values []bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface) []*any.Any
func Merge2Local ¶
func NewAggregatorAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewAggregatorAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAggregator) *api.AggregatorAttribute
func NewAigpAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewAigpAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAigp) *api.AigpAttribute
func NewAs4AggregatorAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewAs4AggregatorAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Aggregator) *api.As4AggregatorAttribute
func NewAs4PathAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewAs4PathAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Path) *api.As4PathAttribute
func NewAsPathAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewAsPathAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAsPath) *api.AsPathAttribute
func NewAtomicAggregateAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewAtomicAggregateAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAtomicAggregate) *api.AtomicAggregateAttribute
func NewClusterListAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewClusterListAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeClusterList) *api.ClusterListAttribute
func NewCommunitiesAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeCommunities) *api.CommunitiesAttribute
func NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative ¶
func NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative(a *bgp.EthernetSegmentIdentifier) *api.EthernetSegmentIdentifier
func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities) *api.ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities) *api.IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute
func NewLargeCommunitiesAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewLargeCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeLargeCommunities) *api.LargeCommunitiesAttribute
func NewLocalPrefAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewLocalPrefAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeLocalPref) *api.LocalPrefAttribute
func NewMpReachNLRIAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewMpReachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI) *api.MpReachNLRIAttribute
func NewMpUnreachNLRIAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewMpUnreachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI) *api.MpUnreachNLRIAttribute
func NewMultiExitDiscAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewMultiExitDiscAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMultiExitDisc) *api.MultiExitDiscAttribute
func NewNextHopAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewNextHopAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeNextHop) *api.NextHopAttribute
func NewOriginAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewOriginAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeOrigin) *api.OriginAttribute
func NewOriginatorIdAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewOriginatorIdAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeOriginatorId) *api.OriginatorIdAttribute
func NewPath ¶
func NewPath(nlri bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, isWithdraw bool, attrs []bgp.PathAttributeInterface, age time.Time) *api.Path
func NewPmsiTunnelAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewPmsiTunnelAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributePmsiTunnel) *api.PmsiTunnelAttribute
func NewTunnelEncapAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewTunnelEncapAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeTunnelEncap) *api.TunnelEncapAttribute
func NewUnknownAttributeFromNative ¶
func NewUnknownAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeUnknown) *api.UnknownAttribute
func NodeRecycle ¶ added in v0.1.19
func PullContainerImage ¶
func ReadObjects ¶
func ReadWait ¶ added in v0.1.10
ReadWait attempts to read an object repeatedly until a timeout threshold is reached defined by timer. If timer is nil the defaults of 30 seconds with a retry period of 250 milliseconds is applied
func RegisterWithCommander ¶
func RegisterWithCommander()
func RunObjectTx ¶
func SetupContainerLo ¶
func SvcAddress ¶ added in v0.1.8
func TeardownInfranet ¶ added in v0.2.1
func ToRouteFamily ¶
func ToRouteFamily(f *api.Family) bgp.RouteFamily
func UnmarshalAttribute ¶
func UnmarshalAttribute(an *any.Any) (bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
func UnmarshalFlowSpecRules ¶
func UnmarshalFlowSpecRules(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface, error)
func UnmarshalNLRI ¶
func UnmarshalNLRI(rf bgp.RouteFamily, an *any.Any) (bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
func UnmarshalNLRIs ¶
func UnmarshalNLRIs(rf bgp.RouteFamily, values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error)
func UnmarshalPathAttributes ¶
func UnmarshalPathAttributes(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error)
func UnmarshalRD ¶
func UnmarshalRD(a *any.Any) (bgp.RouteDistinguisherInterface, error)
func UnmarshalRT ¶
func UnmarshalRT(a *any.Any) (bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, error)
func UnmarshalRTs ¶
func UnmarshalRTs(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, error)
func WithCogCNI ¶
func WithCtrMounts ¶
func WithCtrMounts(mounts []*ContainerMount) oci.SpecOpts
Types ¶
type Action ¶
type Action struct { Kind string Mzid string MzOp MzOperation MzInstance string Action string Data interface{} Complete bool Error *string Masked bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NexCreateMembers ¶
func NexDeleteMembers ¶
func NexDeleteNetwork ¶
type BelugaSpec ¶ added in v0.2.4
type CogletInfo ¶
type CogletInfo struct { Id string Cog string Host string Pid int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListCoglets ¶
func ListCoglets() ([]*CogletInfo, error)
func (*CogletInfo) GetVersion ¶
func (c *CogletInfo) GetVersion() int64
func (*CogletInfo) SetVersion ¶
func (c *CogletInfo) SetVersion(v int64)
func (*CogletInfo) Value ¶
func (c *CogletInfo) Value() interface{}
type Container ¶
type Container struct { Name string //CtrNamespace string //NetNamespace string Namespace string Vindex int Image string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Container) GetVersion ¶
func (*Container) SetVersion ¶
type ContainerImageData ¶
type ContainerMount ¶
type ContainerMount struct { Name string specs.Mount `mapstructure:",squash" yaml:",inline"` CtrComponent `mapstructure:",squash" yaml:",inline"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContainerMount) GetVersion ¶
func (x *ContainerMount) GetVersion() int64
func (*ContainerMount) Key ¶
func (x *ContainerMount) Key() string
func (*ContainerMount) SetVersion ¶
func (x *ContainerMount) SetVersion(v int64)
func (*ContainerMount) Value ¶
func (x *ContainerMount) Value() interface{}
type ContainerSpec ¶
type ContainerSpec struct { Container `mapstructure:",squash" yaml:",inline"` //Interfaces []*ContainerInterface Mounts []*ContainerMount Environment map[string]string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ContainerSpec) Env ¶
func (ctr *ContainerSpec) Env() []string
type CountSet ¶
type CountSet struct { Name string `json:"name"` Size int `json:"size,omitempty"` Values []int `json:"values"` Offset int `json:"offset"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CountSet) GetVersion ¶
func (*CountSet) SetVersion ¶
type CtrComponent ¶
type DeleteContainerData ¶
type DeleteContainerIfxData ¶
type Destination ¶
type Destination struct {
Paths []*Path
func NewDestination ¶
func NewDestination(dst *api.Destination) *Destination
func (*Destination) MarshalJSON ¶
func (d *Destination) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
type EnclaveSpec ¶ added in v0.1.7
type EnclaveSpec struct { Mzid string Vindex int ExternalIfx string ExternalGateway string ExternalSubnet string InternalGateway string NatSourceIP string Interfaces []*EnclaveVeth // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*EnclaveSpec) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (e *EnclaveSpec) GetVersion() int64
func (*EnclaveSpec) Key ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (e *EnclaveSpec) Key() string
func (*EnclaveSpec) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (e *EnclaveSpec) SetVersion(v int64)
func (*EnclaveSpec) Value ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (e *EnclaveSpec) Value() interface{}
type EnclaveVeth ¶ added in v0.1.7
type EnclaveVeth struct { Inner string Outer string Vni int `yaml:",omitempty"` Vid int `yaml:",omitempty"` Vindex int `yaml:",omitempty"` EvpnAdvertise bool `yaml:",omitempty"` Bridge string Address string HostMac string `yaml:",omitempty"` CtrMac string `yaml:",omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*EnclaveVeth) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (x *EnclaveVeth) GetVersion() int64
func (*EnclaveVeth) Key ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (x *EnclaveVeth) Key() string
func (*EnclaveVeth) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (x *EnclaveVeth) SetVersion(v int64)
func (*EnclaveVeth) Value ¶ added in v0.1.7
func (x *EnclaveVeth) Value() interface{}
type EvpnInfo ¶
type EvpnInfo struct { BgpIP net.IP Rd bgp.RouteDistinguisherInterface Rt bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface }
type EvpnWithdrawData ¶
type FoundrySetSpec ¶ added in v0.1.2
type FoundrySetSpec struct { Endpoint string Machines []*foundry.MachineConfig }
type ImageBinding ¶
type ImageBinding struct { //Node string //Mac string Image *sled.Image // image storage information Kexec *sled.Kexec // local kexec after initial sled write }
type ImageDefaults ¶ added in v0.1.2
type ImageDefaults struct { Image sled.Image // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ImageDefaults) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (d *ImageDefaults) GetVersion() int64
func (*ImageDefaults) Key ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (d *ImageDefaults) Key() string
func (*ImageDefaults) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (d *ImageDefaults) SetVersion(v int64)
func (*ImageDefaults) Value ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (d *ImageDefaults) Value() interface{}
type ImageSpec ¶ added in v0.1.2
type ImageSpec struct { Endpoint string // location of sledb List []ImageBinding NoVerify bool }
type LeafPortMode ¶ added in v0.1.13
type LeafPortMode int
const ( Access LeafPortMode = iota Trunk )
type LeafPortState ¶
type LeafPortState struct { Mzid string Leaf string Port string Mode LeafPortMode Vids []int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LeafPortState) GetVersion ¶
func (x *LeafPortState) GetVersion() int64
func (*LeafPortState) Key ¶
func (x *LeafPortState) Key() string
func (*LeafPortState) SetVersion ¶
func (x *LeafPortState) SetVersion(v int64)
func (*LeafPortState) Value ¶
func (x *LeafPortState) Value() interface{}
type LinkInfo ¶
type LinkInfo struct { Mzid string Vlid string // virtual link identifier from merge Vni int Vid int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LinkInfo) GetVersion ¶
func (*LinkInfo) SetVersion ¶
type MacAdvSpec ¶ added in v0.1.10
type MzInfo ¶
type MzInfo struct { Mzid string Instance string Vindex int Vni int Vid int IncomingTaskId string TeardownTaskId string NodeSetupTaskId string NodeRecycleTaskId string LinkCreateTaskId string LinkDestroyTaskId string NodeInfo map[string]NodeInfo LinkInfo []LinkSpec // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MzInfo) GetVersion ¶
func (*MzInfo) SetVersion ¶
type MzOperation ¶ added in v0.2.7
type MzOperation string
const ( MzOutgoing MzOperation = "outgoing" MzIncoming MzOperation = "incoming" MzMod MzOperation = "mod" )
type MzfIndex ¶ added in v0.1.2
type MzfIndex struct { Resource string Fragment *site.MzFragment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MzfIndex) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*MzfIndex) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.2
type NetNS ¶
Network Namespace Record
func (*NetNS) GetVersion ¶
func (*NetNS) RemoveContainer ¶
func (*NetNS) SetVersion ¶
type NexMemberSpec ¶
type NexMemberSpec struct { nex.MemberList `mapstructure:",squash" yaml:",inline"` Endpoint string }
type NexNetworkSpec ¶
type NexNetworkSpec struct { // Core Nex data Network nex.Network // Nex endpoint address Endpoint string }
type NimbusConfig ¶
type NimbusConfig struct { Node string Users []NimbusUser }
type NimbusUser ¶
type NodeInfo ¶ added in v0.1.13
type NodeInfo struct { XpName string Image *ImageBinding Config *foundry.MachineConfig Nex *nex.Member }
type NodeInfraInfo ¶
NodeInfraInfo something struct
type NodeSpec ¶ added in v0.2.8
type NodeSpec struct { Resource string Xname string Mac string Interface string Multidegree bool SvcEndpoint string Infranet *TargetNetwork Binding *ImageBinding Config *foundry.MachineConfig }
type NodeStatus ¶ added in v0.2.1
type NodeStatus struct { Name string Mzid string Sled SledStatus // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ListNodes ¶ added in v0.2.1
func ListNodes() ([]*NodeStatus, error)
func (*NodeStatus) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (v *NodeStatus) GetVersion() int64
func (*NodeStatus) Key ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (n *NodeStatus) Key() string
func (*NodeStatus) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (v *NodeStatus) SetVersion(x int64)
func (*NodeStatus) Value ¶ added in v0.2.1
func (v *NodeStatus) Value() interface{}
type Path ¶
type Path struct { Nlri bgp.AddrPrefixInterface `json:"nlri"` Age int64 `json:"age"` Best bool `json:"best"` Attrs []bgp.PathAttributeInterface `json:"attrs"` Stale bool `json:"stale"` Withdrawal bool `json:"withdrawal,omitempty"` SourceID net.IP `json:"source-id,omitempty"` NeighborIP net.IP `json:"neighbor-ip,omitempty"` }
workaround. This for the json format compatibility. Once we update senario tests, we can remove this.
type RallyStore ¶
type RallyStore struct {
Id string
type SledStatus ¶ added in v0.2.1
type TargetNetwork ¶ added in v0.2.8
type Task ¶
type Task struct { Id string `yaml:",omitempty"` Coglet string `yaml:",omitempty"` Stages []*Stage Deps []string `yaml:",omitempty"` Timestamp string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Task) ClearErrors ¶
func (t *Task) ClearErrors()
func (*Task) DepsSatisfied ¶
func (*Task) GetVersion ¶
func (*Task) MaskAction ¶ added in v0.2.3
func (*Task) SetVersion ¶
type VLMap ¶ added in v0.1.10
type VLMap struct { Mzid string Entries map[int]*VLMentry // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*VLMap) GetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.10
func (*VLMap) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.1.10
type VxLan ¶
Vxlan Record
func (*VxLan) GetVersion ¶
func (*VxLan) RemoveInterface ¶
func (*VxLan) SetVersion ¶
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