Design a bot to scrape a Legistar calendar and notify interested parties of
changes. For example, if a new agenda is posted we could tweet about it. Or we
could summarize daily changes into a blog.
Technical requirements
Stay within the free-tier of a cloud-service provider.
Current status
This is implemented on Google's App Engine in the go language.
Admin pages
- Modify app settings
- Scrape calendar data and trigger updates
- Print calendar entries for the current month
This assumes you have a functional go workspace set up.
Deploy to dev
Push to trunk.
Deploy to prod
Push a tag to trunk.
Adding new dependencies
# update & test application
godep save ./...
git add vendor/*** Godeps/***
git commit -m "Add $DEPENDENCY"
# add & commit application changes
Updating dependencies
godep restore # ???
go get -u all
godep update ...
# test applicaiton
git add vendor/*** Godeps/***
git commit -m "Updating dependencies."