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v0.1.9 Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 21, 2022 License: PostgreSQL Imports: 10 Imported by: 0



TRMM cli using the API. The API schema can be found at


trmm-cli requires Go 1.18. Using the Go toolchain, this command will download, compile and install trmm-cli in $HOME/go/bin (*nix) or %USERPROFILE%\go (Windows), depending on your $GOPATH.

go install


Most "listing" endpoints work. Listing endpoints output a flat list of information suitable for import into a spreadsheet. Some endpoints like /software, have a few top level fields and then a large list of items in other fields. This hierarchy is not suitable for CSV files.

Currently, trmm-cli outputs in CSV format which looses some detail when compared to a hierarchical format like JSON.

First, export your domain and API key.

cp .env-example .env
# Edit .env and add your domain and API key
export $(grep -vE "^(#.*|\s*)$" ../../.env)

# OR

Then run the command for the endpoint

trmm-cli checks > checks.csv
trmm-cli clients clients > clients-clients.csv
trmm-cli agents > agents.csv

And of course there is the help command.

Usage: trmm-cli <command>

trmm-cli is a command line interface to the TRMM API.

  -h, --help                  Show context-sensitive help.
      --log-level="warn"      Log level
      --log-type="console"    Log type

  accounts users
    Work with the accounts users endpoint.

  accounts roles
    Work with the accounts roles endpoint.

  accounts api-keys
    Work with the accounts api-keys endpoint.

  agents agents
    Work with the agents agents endpoint.

  agents history
    Work with the agents history endpoint.

  agents notes
    Work with the agents notes endpoint.

  agents versions
    Work with the agents versions endpoint.

  alerts templates
    Work with the alerts templates endpoint.

    Work with the checks endpoint.

  clients clients
    Work with the clients endpoint.

  clients sites
    Work with the clients sites endpoint.

  core code-sign
    Work with the core code-sign endpoint.

  core custom-fields
    Work with the core custom-fields endpoint.

  core dash-info
    Work with the core dash-info endpoint.

  core key-store
    Work with the core key-store endpoint.

  core settings
    Work with the core settings endpoint.

  core version
    Work with the core version endpoint.

  logs pending-actions
    Work with the logs pending-actions endpoint.

  scripts scripts
    Work with the scripts endpoint.

  scripts snippets
    Work with the scripts snippets endpoint.

    Work with the services endpoint.

  software software
    Work with the software endpoint.

  software chocos
    Work with the software chocos endpoint.

    Work with the tasks endpoint.

    Work with the winupdate endpoint.



Run "trmm-cli <command> --help" for more information on a command.

trmm-cli: error: unexpected argument help

The /api/v3 APIs do not work as they need a different authentication method.


This project follows the typical Go setup.

git clone
cd trmm-cli

The .env file is not used by trmm-cli directly. Instead, the export command will export the domain and API key to be used when running the program.

cp .env-example .env

## Testing
Running all tests.
Run in the root directory.

env TRMM_API_KEY=asdf123 go test -v ./...

Running single tests.

env TRMM_API_KEY=asdf123 go test -v -run TestGetAgentsClient

# Edit .env and add your domain and API key
export $(grep -vE "^(#.*|\s*)$" ../../.env)

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Add your files

cd existing_repo
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -uf origin main

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Test and Deploy

Use the built-in continuous integration in GitLab.

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Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README.


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Package trmmcli is the higher level interface to Tactical RMM.

Package trmmcli is the higher level interface to Tactical RMM.

Package trmmcli is the higher level interface to Tactical RMM.



View Source
const (
	NAME         = "trmm-cli"
	URL          = ""
	AUTHORS      = "David Randall"
	LICENSE      = "PostgreSQL"
	COPYRIGHT    = "(c) 2022 Nice Guy IT, LLC"
	YEAR         = "2022"


View Source
var (
	// VERSION TODO: Add API version, GUI version, and possibly other versions.
	VERSION    = "unknown version"
	BUILD_TIME = "unknown time"
	BUILD_ENV  = "unknown env"
	GIT_COMMIT = "unknown git commit"
	GIT_TAG    = "unknown git tag"
	GIT_BRANCH = "unknown git branch"

External variables pulled in during the build process


func SetLogging

func SetLogging(l *LoggingConfig)


type CLI

type CLI struct {

	// Accounts command is to work with TRMM accounts.
	Accounts struct {
		Users   struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='accounts',help='Work with the accounts users endpoint.'"`
		Roles   struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='accounts',help='Work with the accounts roles endpoint.'"`
		APIKeys struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='accounts',help='Work with the accounts api-keys endpoint.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='accounts',help='Work with the accounts endpoint.'"`

	// Agents command is to work with TRMM agents.
	Agents struct {
		Agents   struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='agents',help='Work with the agents agents endpoint.'"`
		History  struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='agents',help='Work with the agents history endpoint.'"`
		Notes    struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='agents',help='Work with the agents notes endpoint.'"`
		Versions struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='agents',help='Work with the agents versions endpoint.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='agents',help='Work with the agents endpoint.'"`

	// Alerts command is to work with TRMM alerts.
	Alerts struct {
		Templates struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='alerts',help='Work with the alerts templates endpoint.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='alerts',help='Work with the alerts endpoint.'"`

	// Checks command is to work with TRMM checks.
	Checks struct {
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='checks',help='Work with the checks endpoint.'"`

	// Clients command is to work with TRMM clients.
	Clients struct {
		Clients  struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='clients',help='Work with the clients endpoint.'"`
		Sites    struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='clients',help='Work with the clients sites endpoint.'"`
		Offboard struct {
			ClientParam string `arg:"" name:"client" help:"Specify the client."`
			Force       bool   `help:"Force offboard the client."`
		} `kong:"cmd='',group='clients',help='Offboard a client.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='clients',help='Work with the clients endpoint.'"`

	// Core command is to work with TRMM core.
	Core struct {
		CodeSign     struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the core code-sign endpoint.'"`
		CustomFields struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the core custom-fields endpoint.'"`
		DashInfo     struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the core dash-info endpoint.'"`
		KeyStore     struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the core key-store endpoint.'"`
		Settings     struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the core settings endpoint.'"`
		Version      struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the core version endpoint.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the core endpoint.'"`

	// Logs command is to work with TRMM logs.
	Logs struct {
		PendingActions struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='core',help='Work with the logs pending-actions endpoint.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='logs',help='Work with the logs endpoint.'"`

	// Scripts command is to work with TRMM scripts.
	Scripts struct {
		Scripts  struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='scripts',help='Work with the scripts endpoint.'"`
		Snippets struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='scripts',help='Work with the scripts snippets endpoint.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='scripts',help='Work with the scripts endpoint.'"`

	// Services command is to work with TRMM services.
	Services struct {
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='services',help='Work with the services endpoint.'"`

	// Software command for working with TRMM software.
	Software struct {
		Software struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='software',help='Work with the software endpoint.'"`
		Chocos   struct{} `kong:"cmd='',group='software',help='Work with the software chocos endpoint.'"`
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='software',help='Work with the software endpoint.'"`

	// Tasks command is to work with TRMM tasks.
	Tasks struct {
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='tasks',help='Work with the tasks endpoint.'"`

	// Winupdate command is to work with TRMM winupdate.
	Winupdate struct {
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='winupdate',help='Work with the winupdate endpoint.'"`

	 * Non-Tactical commands
	// Logging options
	Logging struct {
		Level string `kong:"enum='debug,info,warn,error',default='warn',help='Log level'"`
		Type  string `kong:"enum='json,console',default='console',help='Log type'"`
	} `kong:"embed='',prefix='log-'"`

	// Version
	Version struct {
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='version',name='version'"`

	// License
	License struct {
	} `kong:"cmd='',group='license',name='license'"`

CLI contains the command line configuration

func NewCLI

func NewCLI() *CLI

NewCLI starts a new configuration.

func (*CLI) ParseCLI

func (cli *CLI) ParseCLI() *CLI

ParseCLI command line options

type LoggingConfig

type LoggingConfig struct {
	Level string `enum:"debug,info,warn,error" default:"info"`
	Type  string `enum:"json,console" default:"console"`

type TacticalCLI

type TacticalCLI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TacticalCLI is the main entry to the TRMM CLI.

func NewTacticalCLI

func NewTacticalCLI() *TacticalCLI

NewTacticalCLI starts a new Tactical CLI request.

func (*TacticalCLI) Error

func (t *TacticalCLI) Error() error

Errors returns the error if present, or nil otherwise.

func (*TacticalCLI) ErrorMessage

func (t *TacticalCLI) ErrorMessage() string

ErrorMessage returns the error message.

func (*TacticalCLI) HasErrors

func (t *TacticalCLI) HasErrors() bool

HasErrors returns true if errors are present.

func (*TacticalCLI) Run

func (t *TacticalCLI) Run() *TacticalCLI

Run will run the Tactical CLI request.

func (*TacticalCLI) SetAPIKey

func (t *TacticalCLI) SetAPIKey(key string) *TacticalCLI

SetAPIKey will set the API key for Tactical RMM.

func (*TacticalCLI) SetDomain

func (t *TacticalCLI) SetDomain(domain string) *TacticalCLI

SetDomain will set the API domain for Tactical RMM.

func (*TacticalCLI) SetTimeout

func (t *TacticalCLI) SetTimeout(seconds int) *TacticalCLI

SetTimeout will set the HTTP timeout.

type TacticalConfig

type TacticalConfig struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

TacticalConfig is the configuration for Tactical RMM.


Path Synopsis
Package main is for the trmm-cli binary.
Package main is for the trmm-cli binary.
Package trmm integrates with the Tactical RMM API.
Package trmm integrates with the Tactical RMM API.

Jump to

Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL