Stuart the Chat Steward
Chatbot written in Go for Jupiter Broadcasting
Project Hosts
MainHost: GitLab.com
Mirror: JupiterCode.io
Mirror: GitHub.com
Stay up to date with the project at KhronoSync.com
Support our progress on Patreon
Quick Start
To enable IRC private message support, Chat Steward requires a registered nick
and password with the configured IRC servers.
Freenode: Nickname Registration
Geekshed: Why should I register my nickname, and how do I do it?
In order to use the Discord functionality, Chat Steward requires a Discord bot
Creating a discord bot & getting a token
DiscordApp: Bots
ToDo: Add guide for using nginx to redirect from lower ports and handle SSL for the Chat Steward voting site
Chat Steward's latest point release can be found in the beta channel on the
SnapStore. To install run the following command
on your terminal
sudo snap install chat-steward --beta
After that, you can launch the bot with chat-steward
. Follow along with the
install wizard, and you're good to go.
Chat-Steward is currently in active development. Use at your own risk.