responds to webhooks requests made by gitlab for whatever you want to make it
- have an executable relative to the working directory or the program (idk probably working directory) called
(or modify the name)
- run
./gitlab_webhook_responder --port=17192 --host= --token="aTokenForGitlab"
- setup gitlab webhooks
go install
i guess
sidetracked: the port choice
the method of choosing the port wasn't necessarily arbitrary.
since this project was made for some needs and my ports weren't really working, i chose a default port number for the program to listen to, which is 17192.
the reason it's 17192 is because when you take the gitlab logo from here, render an svg to a raster image at a resolution of 1024 in gimp, scale the image to 1x1 with NoHalo interpolation (again, with gimp), and take the color pixel and do a modulo opreation by 65536, you get 17192.