single-cell ATAC-seq tools
Suite of tools to maniputate files related to single-cell ATAC experiments, such as fastq files or single cell bed files (below an example)
# Example of BED file related to single-cell ATAC-Seq. The last column designates the cell barcode
hr17 14066243 14066440 AACGAGAGCTAAACCCGAGATA
chr19 42120584 42120781 AACGAGAGCTAAACCCGAGATA
chr19 42120603 42120799 AACGAGAGCTAAACCCGAGATA
chr6 36835546 36835742 AACGAGAGCTAAACCCGAGATA
chr17 14066259 14066455 AACGAGAGCTAAACCCGAGATA
chr16 79321071 79321267 AACGAGAGCTAAACCCGAGATA
chr19 45396965 45397161 AACGAGAGCTAAACCCGAGATA
- Install and configure a golang compiler (if not existing)
- Download binaries:
- Configure $GOPATH/$GOBIN
#In .bashrc or .zshrc
export GOROOT=$HOME/go # or wherever is you go folder
export GOBIN=$HOME/go/local/bin # or wherever is your local bin folder for go exectuable
export GOPATH=$HOME/go/code/:$HOME/code
source your init file
source ~/.bashrc
Install the package
go get -v -u
The ATAC tools executable are located in your $GOBIN
folder and should be in your global path
ATACdemultiplex -h
ATACeQTLUtils -h
ATACMatUtils -h
ATACSimUtils -h
ATACtools -h
ATACTopFeatures -h
BAMutils -h
ATACAnnotateRegions -h
ATACdemultiplex: Fastq files demultiplexification
Tools to insert snATAC-Seq barcodes from multiple files inside read IDs to create new fastq files containing the cell ID barcode at the begining of each read. See
ATACCellTSS: Computing cell / cluster TSS
USAGE: ATACCellTSS -bed <filename> -ygi/tss <filename> -xgi <filename>
(optionnal -out <string> -flank <int> -smoothing <int> -boundary <int> -cluster <filename> -flank_size).
if -cluster is provided, TSS is computed per cluster and -xgi argument is ignored. THe cluster file should contain cluster and cell ID with the following structure for each line: clusterID<TAB>cellID
ATACMatUtils: Suite of functions dedicated to analyze intersection with genomic regions from a peak file (in bed format) to create a sparse matrix (cell x genomic regions)
#################### MODULE TO CREATE (cell x genomic region) SPARSE MATRIX ########################
"""Boolean / interger Peak matrix """
transform one (-bed) or multiple bed files into a sparse matrix
USAGE: ATACMatTools -coo -bed <bedFile> -ygi <bedFile> -xgi <fname> (-threads <int> -out <fname> -use_count -taiji -bed <fileName2>)
"""Create a cell x bin matrix: -bin """
transform one (-bed) or multiple (use multiple -bed options) bed file into a bin (using float) sparse matrix. If ygi provided, reads intersecting these bin are ignored
USAGE: ATACMatTools -bin -bed <bedFile> (optional -ygi <bedFile> -xgi <fname> -bin_size <int> -ygi_out <string> -norm -taiji -coo)
"""Count the number of reads in peaks for each cell: -count """
USAGE: ATACMatTools -count -xgi <fname> -ygi <bedfile> -bed <bedFile> (optionnal: -out <fname> -norm)
"""Merge multiple matrices results into one output file: -merge """
It can be used to convert taiji to coo or coo to taiji formats.
USAGE: ATACMatTools -coo/taiji -merge -xgi <fname> -in <matrixFile1> -in <matrixFile2> ... (optional -bin -use_count -out <fname>)
BAMutils: Suite of functions dedicated to process BAM or BED files
#################### Suite of functions dedicated to process BAM or BED files ########################
-bed_to_bedgraph: Transform one (-bed) or multiple (use multiple -beds option) into bedgraph
USAGE: BAMutils -bed_to_bedgraph -bed <fname> (-out <fname> -threads <int> -cellsID <fname> -split -binsize <int> -refchr <filename>)
-create_cell_index: Create cell index (cell -> read Counts) for a bam or bed file
USAGE: BAMutils -create_cell_index -bed/bam <name> -out <output name> (-sort)
-divide: Divide the bam/bed file according to barcode file list
USAGE: BAMutils -divide -bed/bam <fname> (-cell_index <fname> -threads <int> -cellsID <fname> -out <fname>)
-divide_parallel: Divide the bam file according to barcode file list using a parallel version
USAGE: BAMutils -divide_parallel -cell_index <fname> -bed/bam <fname> (-threads <int>)
-split: Split file per chromosomes
USAGE: BAMutils -split -bed <bedfile> (-out <string> -cellsID <string>)
-downsample: Downsample the number of reads from a a bed file (downsample = 1.0 is 100 perc. and downsample = 0.0 is 0 perc. of the reads)
USAGE: BAMutils -downsample <float> -bed <bedfile> (-out <string> -cellsID <string>)
-bamtobed: Transform a 10x BAM file to a bed file with each read in a new line and using the "CB:Z" field as barcode
USAGE: BAMutils -bamtobed -bam <filename> -out <bedfile> (-optionnal -cellsID <filename> -threads <int> -tag <string>)
ATACTopFeatures: Module to inter significant cluster peaks using a peak list, a bed file and cell ID <-> cluster ID file
#################### MODULE TO INFER SIGNIFICANT CLUSTER PEAKS ########################
"""full individual chi2 computation for each peak with FDR correction using Benjamini-Hochberg correction. Not recommended because using golang suboptimal chi2 implementation"""
USAGE: ATACTopFeatures -chi2 -bed <fname> -peak <fname> -cluster <fname> (optionnal -out <string> -threads <int> -alpha <float> -write_all -split <int>)
"""Create contingency table for each feature and each cluster"""
USAGE: ATACTopFeatures -create_contingency -bed <fname> -peak <fname> -cluster <fname> (optionnal -out <string> -threads <int>)
"""correct feature pvalue for multiple tests performed or each cluster"""
USAGE: ATACTopFeatures -pvalue_correction -ptable <fname> (optionnal -out <string> -threads <int> -alpha <float> -write_all)
- Once the contingency table is created, it is preferable to use Python (or R) to infer the p-values. We wrote a python script to handle the contingency table using multithreading and the scipy package here:
ATACSimUtils: Suite of functions dedicated to generate Simulated snATAC-Seq data
#################### MODULE TO CREATE SIMULATED SINGLE CELL ATAC BED FILE ########################
USAGE: ATACSimUtils -simulate -nb <int> -mean <float> std <float> -bed <bedfile> (-threads <int> -out <string> -tag <string>)
ATACtools: Suite of functions dedicated to pre/post process generic files related to snATAC pipeline
#################### Suite of functions dedicated to pre/post process files related to snATAC pipeline ########################
-bed_to_cicero: format a bed to cicero input (ex: chr1\t1215523\t1216200\tcellID -> chr1_1215523_121620,tcellID,1)
USAGE: ATACtools -bed_to_cicero -filename <bedfile> (-filenames <bedfile2> -filenames <bedfile3> ... -ignoreerror)
-create_ref_fastq: Create a ref FASTQ file using a reference barcode list
USAGE: ATACtools -create_ref_bed -filename <fname> (-ref_barcode_list <fname> -tag <string> -output <string>)
-merge: Merge input log files together
USAGE: ATACtools -merge -filenames <fname1> -filenames <fname2> -filenames <fname3> ... (-sortfile -delimiter "<string>" -ignoreerror -ignore_sorting_category)
-sortfile: Sort key -> values (i.e.: <key><SEP><value>) file
USAGE: ATACtools -sortfile -filename <fname> (-delimiter <string> -ignoreerror -ignore_sorting_category)
-write_compl: Write the barcode complement of a fastq files
USAGE: ATACtools -write_compl <fastq_file> (-compl_strategy <"split_10_compl_second"/"split_10_compl_first"> -tag <string>)
-scan: Scan a file and determine the number of line
USAGE ATACtools -scan -filename <string> (-printlastline -printlastlines <int> -search_in_line <string> -gotoline <int>)
-create_barcode_dict: Create a barcode key / value count file
USAGE: ATACtools -create_barcode_dict -filename <fname> (-sortfile -delimiter <string>)
-clean: clean file from unwanted lines
USAGE: ATACtools -clean -filename <fname> -output filename -clean_pattern "\n"
ATACAnnotateregions: Module to annotate genomic regions from bed file using a reference bed file containing annotation
#################### MODULE TO ANNOTATE GENOMIC REGIONS FROM BED FILES ########################
This software presents some similarities with bedtools usage however it provides better customisations for bed file annotation when comparing two bed files with interesecting regions
"""Annotate bed file using a reference bed file containing the annotations"""
USAGE: ATACAnnotateRegions -bed <file> -ref <file> (optionnal -out <string> -unique -unique_ref -intersect -write_ref -edit -ref_sep "[3]int" -ref_symbol "[]int|str" -diff -stdout -annotate_line)
for -ref_sep and -ref_symbol options, the input should be a string of numbers separated by whitespace and delimited with ". -ref_sep needs exactly three positions: 1) for the chromosomes column, 2) for the begining and 3) for the end of the region
Example: ATACAnnotateRegions -bed regionToAnnotate.bed -ref referenceAnnotation.tsv -ref_sep "0 1 2" -ref_symbol "4 5"
-ref_sep and -symbol_pos can be blank with " or comma separated: i.e."0 1 2" or 0,1,2. Also symbol_pos an be a generic string to annotate all ref regions
Here the three first columns of referenceAnnotation.tsv will be used to identify chromosome (column 0), start (column 1), and end (column 2) of each region, and regionToAnnotate.bed will be annotatd using columns 4 and 5 from referenceAnnotation.tsv
ATACeQTLUtils: Module to deal with eQTL from bed files and snATAC-Seq
In construction. See ATACeQTLUtils -h
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