Versatile logging PKG for logging
Create a logger instance
To create a basic logger pass in a context and a span name.
*Right now the span name doesn't act like a true span
ctx, log := logger.New(ctx, "spanName")
You can pass in extra fields as options that will get logged as details with every log
ctx, log := logger.New(
logger.WithField("fieldName", "valueToLog"),
Error Log
logs a message prefixed with Error:
// basic error log
log.Error(ctx, "this is an error message")
// with an extra field
log.WithField("extraFieldName", "extraFieldValue").Error(ctx, "this is an error message with extra field")
// with error
err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error(ctx, "this is an error message with an error attached")
// with error and field
err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
WithField("extraFieldName", "extraFieldValue").
Error(ctx, "this is an error message with an error attached")
Fatal Log
logs a message prefixed with Fatal:
// basic Fatal log
log.Fatal(ctx, "this is a fatal error message")
// with an extra field
log.WithField("extraFieldName", "extraFieldValue").Fatal(ctx, "this is a fatal error message with extra field")
// with error
err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal(ctx, "this is a fatal error message with an error attached")
// with error and field
err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
WithField("extraFieldName", "extraFieldValue").
Fatal(ctx, "this is a fatal error message with an error attached and extra field")
Info Log
logs a message prefixed with Info:
// basic Info log
log.Info(ctx, "this is an info message")
// with an extra field
log.WithField("extraFieldName", "extraFieldValue").Info(ctx, "this is an info message with extra field")
Warning Log
logs a message prefixed with Warn:
// basic Warn log
log.Warn(ctx, "this is a warning message")
// with an extra field
log.WithField("extraFieldName", "extraFieldValue").Warn(ctx, "this is a warning message with extra field")
// with error
err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Warn(ctx, "this is a warning message with an error attached")
// with error and field
err := someFunction()
if err != nil {
WithField("extraFieldName", "extraFieldValue").
Warn(ctx, "this is a warning message with an error attached and extra field")
There are a few advanced options you can use with your logger.
Create a logger instance with Slack as an output
Set any number of channels to send any log level to, then every time a log is called it will get sent to the corresponding channels in slack.
ctx, log := logger.New(
logger.ERROR: []string{"slackErrorChannelID"},
logger.FATAL: []string{"slackFatalChannelID"},
logger.INFO: []string{"slackInfoChannelID"},
logger.WARNING: []string{"slackWarningChannelID"},
Create a logger instance that sends requests to webhook endpoints
Set any number of endpoints to send your logs to, then every time a log is called it will make a request to the all the endpoints defined
ctx, log := logger.New(
"message", // the key used for the message in the JSON payload ie: {"message": "some log meessge here"}
logger.ERROR: []string{"https://test.com/error"},
logger.FATAL: []string{"https://test.com/fatal"},
logger.INFO: []string{"https://test.com/info"},
logger.WARNING: []string{"https://test.com/warning"},
Request Payload
Request body that gets sent as a POST
"message": "log message:\n{\"fieldName\": \"valueToLog\"}"