
d2p-migrator is a system tool for ops to migrate containers from docker world
to pouchcontainer world.
PouchContainer has a lot of advanced features towards Docker. Under some
circumstance, when upgrading dockerd to pouchd, the legacy containers cannot be
removed. These containers must be running in place. As a result, it is an
essential functionality to migrate legacy containers to those which are managed
by pouchcontainer.
Migrate Steps
We assume that dockerd is running with controlling containerd 0.2.3 in
environment. Docker has not supported containerd 1.0.0+ yet, so image
management is not in the scope of docker. While PouchContainer takes
advantanges of containerd 1.0.0+ to manage containers and images. Migration
containers from docker's management to pouchd must take both image and
container into consideration. Here are the steps to accomplish a migration job.
Step 1 - Install containerd 1.0.3 independently, rename it to d2p-containerd
Step 2 - Pull Images via ctr
Step 3 - Prepare snapshotters with containerd's API
Step 4 - Setting QuotaID to UpperDir/MergedDir
Step 5 - Stop all containers and dockerd
Step 6 - Move legacy content from old_upperdir/* to new-upperdir/
Step 8 - Stop running containerd 1.0.3
Step 9 - Install PouchContainer with rpm including containerd 1.0.3
Step 10 - Start all containers in pouchd
To be continued