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Published: May 1, 2015 License: Apache-2.0


rkt - App Container runtime

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rkt Logo

rkt (pronounced "rock-it") is a CLI for running app containers on Linux. rkt is designed to be composable, secure, and fast.

Some of rkt's key features and goals include:

  • First-class integration with init systems (systemd, upstart) and cluster orchestration tools (fleet, Kubernetes)
  • Compatibility with other container software (e.g. rkt can run Docker images)
  • Modular and extensible architecture (network configuration plugins, swappable execution engines based on systemd or QEMU/KVM)

For more on the background and motivation behind rkt, read the original launch announcement.

App Container

rkt is an implementation of the App Container spec. rkt's native image format (ACI) and runtime/execution environment (pods) are defined in the specification.

Project status

rkt is at an early stage and under active development. We do not recommend its use in production, but we encourage you to try out rkt and provide feedback via issues and pull requests.

Check out the roadmap for more details on the future of rkt.

Trying out rkt

Using rkt on Linux

rkt consists of a single self-contained CLI, and is currently supported on amd64 Linux. A modern kernel is required but there should be no other system dependencies. We recommend booting up a fresh virtual machine to test out rkt.

To download the rkt binary, simply grab the latest release directly from GitHub:

wget https://github.com/coreos/rkt/releases/download/v0.5.5/rkt-v0.5.5.tar.gz
tar xzvf rkt-v0.5.5.tar.gz
cd rkt-v0.5.5
./rkt help
Trying out rkt using Vagrant

For Mac (and other Vagrant) users we have set up a Vagrantfile: clone this repository and make sure you have Vagrant installed. vagrant up starts up a Linux box and installs via some scripts rkt and actool. With a subsequent vagrant ssh you are ready to go:

git clone https://github.com/coreos/rkt
cd rkt
vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Keep in mind while running through the examples that right now rkt needs to be run as root for most operations.

rkt basics

Downloading an App Container Image (ACI)

rkt uses content addressable storage (CAS) for storing an ACI on disk. In this example, the image is downloaded and added to the CAS. Downloading an image before running it is not strictly necessary (if it is not present, rkt will automatically retrieve it), but useful to illustrate how rkt works.

Since rkt verifies signatures by default, you will need to first trust the CoreOS public key used to sign the image, using rkt trust:

$ sudo rkt trust --prefix coreos.com/etcd
Prefix: "coreos.com/etcd"
Key: "https://coreos.com/dist/pubkeys/aci-pubkeys.gpg"
GPG key fingerprint is: 8B86 DE38 890D DB72 9186  7B02 5210 BD88 8818 2190
  CoreOS ACI Builder <release@coreos.com>
Are you sure you want to trust this key (yes/no)? yes
Trusting "https://coreos.com/dist/pubkeys/aci-pubkeys.gpg" for prefix "coreos.com/etcd".
Added key for prefix "coreos.com/etcd" at "/etc/rkt/trustedkeys/prefix.d/coreos.com/etcd/8b86de38890ddb7291867b025210bd8888182190"

A detailed, step-by-step guide for the signing procedure is here.

Now that we've trusted the CoreOS public key, we can fetch the ACI using rkt fetch:

$ sudo rkt fetch coreos.com/etcd:v2.0.4
rkt: searching for app image coreos.com/etcd:v2.0.4
rkt: fetching image from https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v2.0.4/etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.aci
Downloading aci: [==========================================   ] 3.47 MB/3.7 MB
Downloading signature from https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v2.0.0/etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.aci.asc
rkt: signature verified: 
  CoreOS ACI Builder <release@coreos.com>

For the curious, we can see the files written to disk in rkt's CAS:

$ find /var/lib/rkt/cas/blob/

Per the App Container Specification, the SHA-512 hash is of the tarball and can be reproduced with other tools:

$ wget https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v2.0.4/etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.aci
$ gzip -dc etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.aci > etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.tar
$ sha512sum etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.tar
1eba37d9b344b33d272181e176da111ef2fdd4958b88ba4071e56db9ac07cf62cce3daaee03ebd92dfbb596fe7879938374c671ae768cd927bab7b16c5e432e8  etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.tar
Launching an ACI

After it has been retrieved and stored locally, an ACI can be run by pointing rkt run at either the original image reference (in this case, "coreos.com/etcd:v2.0.4"), the full URL of the ACI, or the ACI hash. Hence, the following three examples are equivalent:

# Example of running via ACI name:version
$ sudo rkt run coreos.com/etcd:v2.0.4
Press ^] three times to kill container
# Example of running via ACI hash
$ sudo rkt run sha512-1eba37d9b344b33d272181e176da111e
Press ^] three times to kill container
# Example of running via ACI URL
$ sudo rkt run https://github.com/coreos/etcd/releases/download/v2.0.4/etcd-v2.0.4-linux-amd64.aci
Press ^] three times to kill container

In the latter case, rkt will do the appropriate ETag checking on the URL to make sure it has the most up to date version of the image.

Note that the escape character ^] is generated by Ctrl-] on a US keyboard. The required key combination will differ on other keyboard layouts. For example, the Swedish keyboard layout uses Ctrl-å on OS X and Ctrl-^ on Windows to generate the ^] escape character.

Contributing to rkt

rkt is an open source project under the Apache 2.0 license, and contributions are gladly welcomed! See the Hacking Guide for more information on how to build and work on rkt. See CONTRIBUTING for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.



Path Synopsis
The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs.
The uuid package generates and inspects UUIDs.
Package skel provides skeleton code for a CNI plugin.
Package skel provides skeleton code for a CNI plugin.
Package docker2aci implements a simple library for converting docker images to App Container Images (ACIs).
Package docker2aci implements a simple library for converting docker images to App Container Images (ACIs).
Package aci contains various functions for working with App Container Images.
Package aci contains various functions for working with App Container Images.
Package main contains a tool for building and validating images and manifests that meet the App Container specifications.
Package main contains a tool for building and validating images and manifests that meet the App Container specifications.
Package discovery contains an experimental implementation of the Image Discovery section of the appc specification.
Package discovery contains an experimental implementation of the Image Discovery section of the appc specification.
Package tarheader contains a simple abstraction to accurately create tar.Headers on different operating systems.
Package tarheader contains a simple abstraction to accurately create tar.Headers on different operating systems.
Package schema provides definitions for the JSON schema of the different manifests in the App Container Specification.
Package schema provides definitions for the JSON schema of the different manifests in the App Container Specification.
Package types contains structs representing the various types in the app container specification.
Package types contains structs representing the various types in the app container specification.
Package b implements the B+tree flavor of a BTree.
Package b implements the B+tree flavor of a BTree.
Package bufs implements a simple buffer cache.
Package bufs implements a simple buffer cache.
Package lldb (WIP) implements a low level database engine.
Package lldb (WIP) implements a low level database engine.
Package fileutil collects some file utility functions.
Package fileutil collects some file utility functions.
WIP: Package falloc provides allocation/deallocation of space within a file/store (WIP, unstable API).
WIP: Package falloc provides allocation/deallocation of space within a file/store (WIP, unstable API).
WIP: Package hdb provides a "handle"/value DB like store, but actually it's closer to the model of a process's virtual memory and its alloc, free and move methods.
WIP: Package hdb provides a "handle"/value DB like store, but actually it's closer to the model of a process's virtual memory and its alloc, free and move methods.
WIP: Package storage defines and implements storage providers and store accessors.
WIP: Package storage defines and implements storage providers and store accessors.
Package mathutil provides utilities supplementing the standard 'math' and 'math/rand' packages.
Package mathutil provides utilities supplementing the standard 'math' and 'math/rand' packages.
Package mersenne collects utilities related to Mersenne numbers[1] and/or some of their properties.
Package mersenne collects utilities related to Mersenne numbers[1] and/or some of their properties.
Package ql is a pure Go embedded (S)QL database.
Package ql is a pure Go embedded (S)QL database.
Package design describes some of the data structures used in QL.
Package design describes some of the data structures used in QL.
Package driver registers a QL sql/driver named "ql" and a memory driver named "ql-mem".
Package driver registers a QL sql/driver named "ql" and a memory driver named "ql-mem".
Command ql is a utility to explore a database, prototype a schema or test drive a query, etc.
Command ql is a utility to explore a database, prototype a schema or test drive a query, etc.
Package sortutil provides utilities supplementing the standard 'sort' package.
Package sortutil provides utilities supplementing the standard 'sort' package.
Package strutil collects utils supplemental to the standard strings package.
Package strutil collects utils supplemental to the standard strings package.
Package zappy implements the zappy block-based compression format.
Package zappy implements the zappy block-based compression format.
Package dbus implements bindings to the D-Bus message bus system.
Package dbus implements bindings to the D-Bus message bus system.
Package introspect provides some utilities for dealing with the DBus introspection format.
Package introspect provides some utilities for dealing with the DBus introspection format.
Package prop provides the Properties struct which can be used to implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.
Package prop provides the Properties struct which can be used to implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.
Package fuzz is a library for populating go objects with random values.
Package fuzz is a library for populating go objects with random values.
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime.
Package context stores values shared during a request lifetime.
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher.
Package gorilla/mux implements a request router and dispatcher.
Shellquote provides utilities for joining/splitting strings using sh's word-splitting rules.
Shellquote provides utilities for joining/splitting strings using sh's word-splitting rules.
Package pty provides functions for working with Unix terminals.
Package pty provides functions for working with Unix terminals.
A Left-Leaning Red-Black (LLRB) implementation of 2-3 balanced binary search trees, based on the following work:
A Left-Leaning Red-Black (LLRB) implementation of 2-3 balanced binary search trees, based on the following work:
pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
pflag is a drop-in replacement for Go's flag package, implementing POSIX/GNU-style --flags.
Package capability provides utilities for manipulating POSIX capabilities.
Package capability provides utilities for manipulating POSIX capabilities.
Package netlink provides a simple library for netlink.
Package netlink provides a simple library for netlink.
Package nl has low level primitives for making Netlink calls.
Package nl has low level primitives for making Netlink calls.
Package cast5 implements CAST5, as defined in RFC 2144.
Package cast5 implements CAST5, as defined in RFC 2144.
Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages.
Package openpgp implements high level operations on OpenPGP messages.
Package armor implements OpenPGP ASCII Armor, see RFC 4880.
Package armor implements OpenPGP ASCII Armor, see RFC 4880.
Package clearsign generates and processes OpenPGP, clear-signed data.
Package clearsign generates and processes OpenPGP, clear-signed data.
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.
Package elgamal implements ElGamal encryption, suitable for OpenPGP, as specified in "A Public-Key Cryptosystem and a Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, v.
Package errors contains common error types for the OpenPGP packages.
Package errors contains common error types for the OpenPGP packages.
Package packet implements parsing and serialization of OpenPGP packets, as specified in RFC 4880.
Package packet implements parsing and serialization of OpenPGP packets, as specified in RFC 4880.
Package s2k implements the various OpenPGP string-to-key transforms as specified in RFC 4800 section 3.7.1.
Package s2k implements the various OpenPGP string-to-key transforms as specified in RFC 4800 section 3.7.1.
Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser.
Package html implements an HTML5-compliant tokenizer and parser.
Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id".
Package atom provides integer codes (also known as atoms) for a fixed set of frequently occurring HTML strings: tag names and attribute keys such as "p" and "id".
Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents.
Package charset provides common text encodings for HTML documents.
Package inf (type inf.Dec) implements "infinite-precision" decimal arithmetic.
Package inf (type inf.Dec) implements "infinite-precision" decimal arithmetic.
Package common defines values shared by different parts of rkt (e.g.
Package common defines values shared by different parts of rkt (e.g.
Package aci implements helper functions for working with ACIs
Package aci implements helper functions for working with ACIs
Package keystore implements the ACI keystore.
Package keystore implements the ACI keystore.
Package keystoretest provides utilities for ACI keystore testing.
Package keystoretest provides utilities for ACI keystore testing.
Package lock implements simple locking primitives on a regular file or directory using flock
Package lock implements simple locking primitives on a regular file or directory using flock
Package tar contains helper functions for working with tar files
Package tar contains helper functions for working with tar files
Package rkt (main) implements the command line interface to rkt
Package rkt (main) implements the command line interface to rkt
Package store implements a content-addressable-store on disk.
Package store implements a content-addressable-store on disk.

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