Provides Google Service Account Tokens to containers running inside a kubernetes cluster based on annotations.
Inspired by and heavily based off kube2iam
Service accounts are attached to instances and are accessible by services through the transparent
usage by the google-cloud-sdk of the Google instance metadata API. When using the google-cloud-sdk,
a call is made to the Google instance metadata API which provides temporary credentials
that are then used to make calls to the Google service.
Problem statement
The problem is that in a multi-tenanted containers based world, multiple containers will be sharing the underlying
nodes. Given containers will share the same underlying nodes, they each get the same Google service account credentials.
The solution is to redirect the traffic that is going to the Google instance metadata API for docker containers to a container
running on each instance, make a call to the Google IAM Credentials API to retrieve temporary credentials and return these to the caller.
Other calls will be proxied to the Google instance metadata API. This container will need to run with host networking enabled
so that it can call the Google instance metadata API itself.
Service accounts
It is necessary to create an service account which has the role roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator
so it get tokens for other service accounts and can assign it to each pod.
This service account should be associated to the kubernetes cluster and the kubernetes cluster should have the scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform
so that it can query the IAM credentials API
Additionally, its necessary to have enabled the Google IAM Credentials API for your project.
k8s-gke-service-account-assigner daemonset
Run the k8s-gke-service-account-assigner container as a daemonset (so that it runs on each worker) with hostNetwork: true
The k8s-gke-service-account-assigner daemon and iptables rule (see below) need to run before all other pods that would require
access to Google resources.
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: DaemonSet
name: saassigner
app: saassigner
name: saassigner
hostNetwork: true
- image: imduffy15/k8s-gke-service-account-assigner:latest
name: saassigner
- "--iptables=true"
- "--host-ip=$(HOST_IP)"
- "--node=$(NODE_NAME)"
- "--default-service-account=default"
- "--default-scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_write,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append"
- name: HOST_IP
fieldPath: status.podIP
- name: NODE_NAME
fieldPath: spec.nodeName
- containerPort: 8181
hostPort: 8181
name: http
To prevent containers from directly accessing the Google instance metadata API and gaining unwanted access to Google resources,
the traffic to
must be proxied for docker containers.
iptables \
--append PREROUTING \
--protocol tcp \
--destination \
--dport 80 \
--in-interface eth0 \
--jump DNAT \
--table nat \
--to-destination `curl -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"`:8181
This rule can be added automatically by setting --iptables=true
, setting the HOST_IP
variable, and running the container in a privileged security context (or more granularly with CAP_NET_ADMIN
kubernetes annotation
Add an accounts.google.com/service-account
and accounts.google.com/scopes
annotation to your pods with the service account
and scopes that you want to used for this pod.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: debug-shell
name: debug-shell
accounts.google.com/service-account: "<PROJECT-ID>-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com"
accounts.google.com/scopes: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"
restartPolicy: Never
- image: imduffy15/docker-gcloud
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: debug-shell
tty: true
You can use --default-service-account
and --default-scopes
to set a fallback service account and scope to use when annotation is not set.
Namespace Restrictions
By using the flag --namespace-restrictions you can enable a mode in which the roles that pods can assume is restricted
by an annotation on the pod's namespace. This annotation should be in the form of a json array.
To allow the debug-shell pod specified above to run in the default namespace your namespace would look like the following.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
accounts.google.com/allowed-service-accounts: |
name: default
The entries in the array may also be glob patterns.
For example, you could match any user-managed service account for a project using ["*@<PROJECT-ID>.iam.gserviceaccount.com"]
RBAC Setup
This is the basic RBAC setup to get k8s-gke-service-account-assigner working correctly when your cluster is using rbac. Below is the bare minimum to get k8s-gke-service-account-assigner working.
First we need to make a service account.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: k8s-gke-service-account-assigner
namespace: kube-system
Next we need to setup roles and binding for the the process.
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterRole
name: k8s-gke-service-account-assigner
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["namespaces","pods"]
verbs: ["get","watch","list"]
- apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: k8s-gke-service-account-assigner
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: k8s-gke-service-account-assigner
namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRole
name: k8s-gke-service-account-assigner
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: List
You will notice this lives in the kube-system namespace to allow for easier seperation between system services and other services.
By using the --debug flag you can enable some extra features making debugging easier:
endpoint enabled to dump knowledge of namespaces and service account association.
By default, k8s-gke-service-account-assigner
will use the in-cluster method to connect to the kubernetes master, and use the
and accounts.google.com/scopes
annotations to retrieve the service
account and scopes for the container.
$ k8s-gke-service-account-assigner --help
Usage of ./k8s-gke-service-account-assigner:
--api-server string Endpoint for the api server
--api-token string Token to authenticate with the api server
--app-port string Http port (default "8181")
--backoff-max-elapsed-time duration Max elapsed time for backoff when querying for role. (default 2s)
--backoff-max-interval duration Max interval for backoff when querying for role. (default 1s)
--debug Enable debug features
--default-scopes string Fallback scopes to use when annotation is not set
--default-service-account string Fallback service account to use when annotation is not set
--enable-metadata-proxy Send traffic to next-hop proxy
--host-interface string Host interface for proxying google compute engine metadata (default "eth0")
--host-ip string IP address of host
--iam-role-key string Pod annotation key used to retrieve the IAM role (default "accounts.google.com/service-account")
--insecure Kubernetes server should be accessed without verifying the TLS. Testing only
--iptables Add iptables rule (also requires --host-ip)
--log-format string Log format (text/json) (default "text")
--log-level string Log level (default "info")
--metadata-addr string Address for the google compute engine metadata (default "")
--metadata-proxy-addr string Address for the next-hop proxy, defaults to GKE's metadata-proxy location (default "")
--namespace-key string Namespace annotation key used to retrieve the service accounts allowed (value in annotation should be json array) (default "accounts.google.com/allowed-service-accounts")
--namespace-restrictions Enable namespace restrictions
--node string Name of the node where k8s-gke-service-account-assigner is running
--verbose Verbose
--version Print the version and exits
GKE's Metadata concealment protects some potentially sensitive system metadata from user workloads running on your cluster. It does so by deploying k8s-metadata-proxy and routing traffic to metadata service via this proxy. K8s-gke-service-account-assigner will take precedence, by putting its iptables rule before the k8s-metadata-proxy one, and therefore effectively bypassing it. If you want to use both, set --enable-metadata-proxy
, in which case the traffic will we sent to the --metadata-proxy-addr
(defaults to
, GKE's metadata-proxy default location).
Development loop
- Create a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster
- Run skaffold dev
- Run make watch
- Create a container and exec onto it to make queries against the deployed k8s-gke-service-account-assigner instance