This starts a http or an http/https server using Let's Encrypt certificates which auto renew via acme controller.
Uses graceful shutdown when it's time to die, meaning in-flight connections finish and are not dropped in the middle of the request while new requests are rejected during the shutdown process.
// Server structure; supports the zxdev/env package
type Server struct {
Host string `env:"require" default:"localhost" help:"localhost or FQDN"`
Mirror bool `default:"false" help:"http request policy [mirror, 400]"`
CertPath string `default:"/var/certs"`
opt *http.Server
The default configuration is http
on localhost:1455
, however when a FQDN (eg. is configured as a HOST paramater, then requests will be served based on an https server and follow the server.Mirror policy.
- server.Mirror = true responsed on port 80 or 443.
- server.Mirror = false returns 400 response codes for http requests requiring port 443 connections
is a simple user:pass based system and middleware with supporting management endpoints
is an interval based rolling token generation system with middleware for machine-to-machine communication based on the shared secret concept of RFC 4226 standards
- For passkey manual api tesing a passkey generator
go build cmd/pkgen.go
is provided to obtain the current passkey which can be used from the shell curl -H token:$(./pkgen AW6TJVTYMAYJXLWFW2WWJ6D3Q5B2AY25) http://localhost:1455/demo
for command line testing
See the example
folder for the following working sample that integrates both auth types; shown here for reference.
type params struct {
Secret string `help:"passKey shared secret"`
AuthKey string `help:"authKey filename"`
// bootstrap
var srv server.Server
var param params
paths := env.NewEnv(¶m, &srv)
grace := env.NewGraceful()
// handlers; default public
router := server.Public(server.Heartbeat, nil, nil)
// auth; showing both configuration types
switch {
case len(param.Secret) > 0:
pk := auth.NewPassKey(param.Secret)
if pk == nil {
pk = auth.NewPassKey(nil)
log.Println("tokens:", pk.Tokens()) // token set
log.Println("passkey:", pk.Secret()) // to stderr
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stdout, pk.Secret()) // to stdout;
private(pk, router)
grace.Manager(pk) // pk.Start; roll timer
case len(param.AuthKey) > 0:
param.AuthKey = env.Dir(paths.Srv, "conf", param.AuthKey)
ak := auth.NewAuthKey(¶m.AuthKey, router) // .Silent() .User("bob","I'mBobI'mBobI'mBob")
private(ak, router)
log.Println("alert: no auth system configured")
Handler: router,
ReadHeaderTimeout: time.Second * 5,
ReadTimeout: time.Second * 10,
WriteTimeout: time.Second * 30,
PassKey client configuration
type params struct {
Secret string `help:"passKey shared secret"`
// showing the client passkey configuration for
// authentication with a passkey; remote server
pkc := auth.NewClient(param.Secret)
pkc.Start(ctx) // start roll timer
// ...
r.Header.Set("token", pkc.Current())
Generate/Save/Load a shared secret from a file for testing purposes
# generate a new shared secret for passKey
# and write the secret to a local file; start server
go run example/main.go -secret gen > sandbox/secret
# use a shared secret from a local file; start server
go run example/main.go -secret $(cat sandbox/secret)
# client testing example using the pkgen passkey token generator
# with a shared secret to generate the current token; also reads
# the shared secret from a local file for pkgen to use
curl -i -H token:$(sandbox/pkgen $(cat sandbox/secret)) http://localhost:1455/demo
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Auth: success
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 20:19:45 GMT
Content-Length: 0