Overview ¶
Example (Animated) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Scon("x", "y").Animated() fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x -> y: {style.animated: true}
Example (BoldItalicUnderline) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").Underline() c.Node("y").Italic() c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi").Bold() fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {style.underline: true} y: {style.italic: true} x -> y: hi {style.bold: true}
Example (BorderRadius) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").BorderRadius(3) c.Node("y").BorderRadius(8) c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {style.border-radius: 3} y: {style.border-radius: 8} x -> y: hi
Example (Class) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Class("MyClass"). Field("field", "[]string"). Field("method(a uint64)", "(x, y int)"). Field(`# peekn(n int)`, "(s string, eof bool)") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: MyClass: { shape: class field: "[]string" method(a uint64): (x, y int) \# peekn(n int): (s string, eof bool) }
Example (Code) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Code("markdown", "md", `# Hi cdor - Go+ - Go `) c.Code("latex", "latex", `\lim_{h \rightarrow 0 } \frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h}`) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: markdown: |md # Hi cdor - Go+ - Go | latex: |latex \\lim_{h \\rightarrow 0 } \\frac{f(x+h)-f(x)}{h} |
Example (Connection) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Con("x", "y").Stroke("red") c.Con("x", "y").Stroke("blue") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x <-> y: {style.stroke: red} x <-> y: {style.stroke: blue}
Example (Connection_arrow) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Con("x", "y"). Stroke("red"). SrcHeadLabel("from").SrcHeadShape(c.HeadArrow()). DstHeadLabel("to").DstHeadShape(c.HeadDiamond()).DstHeadFilled() fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x <-> y: { style.stroke: red true source-arrowhead.label: from source-arrowhead.shape: arrow target-arrowhead.label: to target-arrowhead.shape: diamond }
Example (Container) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("server.process") c.Node("im a a child") c.Con("apartment.Bedroom.Bathroom", "office.Spare Room.Bathroom").Label("Portal") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: server.process im a a child apartment.Bedroom.Bathroom <-> office.Spare Room.Bathroom: Portal
Example (D2) ¶
c := Ctx() c.D2(`x -> y: hi`) c.Direction(c.Right()) c.Con("Go+", "Go").Label("cdor") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x -> y: hi direction: right Go+ <-> Go: cdor
Example (DoubleBorder) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").DoubleBorder() c.Circle("y").DoubleBorder() c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {style.double-border: true} y: { shape: circle style.double-border: true } x -> y: hi
Example (Fillpattern) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Direction(c.Right()) c.FillPattern(c.Dots()) c.Node("x").FillPattern(c.Lines()) c.Node("y").FillPattern(c.Grain()) c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: direction: right style.fill-pattern: dots x: {style.fill-pattern: lines} y: {style.fill-pattern: grain} x -> y: hi
Example (Font) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").Font("mono").FontSize(8) c.Node("y").Font("mono").FontSize(55).FontColor("#f4a261") c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi").Font("mono").FontSize(28).FontColor("red") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: { style.font-size: 8 style.font: mono } y: { style.font-size: 55 style.font-color: "#f4a261" style.font: mono } x -> y: hi { style.font-size: 28 style.font-color: red style.font: mono }
Example (Grid) ¶
c := Ctx() c.GridRows(2).GridCols(4).GridGap(0) c.Node("Element") c.Node("Atomic Number") c.Node("Atomic Mass") c.Node("Melting Point") c.Node("Hydrogen") c.Node(`"1"`) c.Node(`"1.008"`) c.Node(`"-259.16"`) c.Node("Carbon") c.Node(`"6"`) c.Node(`"12.011"`) c.Node(`"3500"`) c.Node("Oxygen") c.Node(`"8"`) c.Node(`"15.999"`) c.Node(`"-218.79"`) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: grid-rows: 2 grid-columns: 4 grid-gap: 0 Element Atomic Number Atomic Mass Melting Point Hydrogen "1" "1.008" "-259.16" Carbon "6" "12.011" "3500" Oxygen "8" "15.999" "-218.79"
Example (Hello) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Direction(c.Right()) c.Con("Go+", "Go").Label("cdor") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: direction: right Go+ <-> Go: cdor
Example (Icon) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("github").Icon("") c.Image("gg").Icon("") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: github: {icon:} gg: { icon: shape: image }
Example (Id) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("imAShape") c.Node("im_a_shape") c.Node("im a shape") c.Node("i'm a shape") c.Node("a-shape") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: imAShape im_a_shape im a shape i'm a shape a-shape
Example (Is3d) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").Is3d() c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {style.3d: true} x -> y: hi
Example (Json) ¶
c := Ctx() json := `[13, {"37": 37}]` c.Json(json) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: direction: right 0: { shape: sql_table 13: " " } 1: { shape: sql_table 37: 37 } 0.1 -> 1
Example (Label) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("pg").Label("PostgreSQL") c.Node("Cloud").Label("my cloud") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: pg: PostgreSQL Cloud: my cloud
Example (Link) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("cdor").Link("") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: cdor: {link:}
Example (Multiple) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").Multiple() c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {style.multiple: true} x -> y: hi
Example (Nested_containers) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("clouds"). Children( c.Node("aws").Cons( c.Con("load_balancer", "api"), c.Con("api", "db"), ), c.Node("gcloud").Cons( c.Con("auth", "db"), ), ). Cons( c.Con("gcloud", "aws"), ) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: clouds: { aws: { load_balancer <-> api api <-> db } gcloud: { auth <-> db } gcloud <-> aws }
Example (Node_json) ¶
json := `{ "fruit":"Apple" }` c := Ctx() c.Node("ttt").Json(json) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: ttt: { 0: { shape: sql_table fruit: Apple } }
Example (Opacity) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Direction(c.Right()) c.Node("x").Opacity(0) c.Node("y").Opacity(0.7) c.Scon("x", "y").Opacity(0.4) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: direction: right x: {style.opacity: 0.0} y: {style.opacity: 0.7} x -> y: {style.opacity: 0.4}
Example (Same_name_sub_containers) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("christmas").Fill("#ACE1AF") c.Con("christmas.presents", "birthdays.presents").Label("regift") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: christmas: {style.fill: "#ACE1AF"} christmas.presents <-> birthdays.presents: regift
Example (Sequence) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Sequence() c.Scon("alice", "bob").Label("What does it mean\nto be well-adjusted?") c.Scon("bob", "alice").Label("The ability to play bridge or\ngolf as if they were games.") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: shape: sequence_diagram alice -> bob: "What does it mean\nto be well-adjusted?" bob -> alice: "The ability to play bridge or\ngolf as if they were games."
Example (Shadow) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").Shadow() c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {style.shadow: true} x -> y: hi
Example (Shape) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Cloud("cloud") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: cloud: {shape: cloud}
Example (Sql_table) ¶
c := Ctx() c.SqlTable("table"). Field("id", "int", "primary_key"). Field("last_updated", "timestamp with time zone") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: table: { shape: sql_table id: int id.constraint: primary_key last_updated: timestamp with time zone }
Example (StrokeDash) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").StrokeDash(5) c.Scon("x", "y").Label("hi").StrokeDash(3) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {style.stroke-dash: 5} x -> y: hi {style.stroke-dash: 3}
Example (StrokeWidth) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Direction(c.Right()) c.Node("x").StrokeWidth(1) c.Scon("x", "y").StrokeWidth(8) fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: direction: right x: {style.stroke-width: 1} x -> y: {style.stroke-width: 8}
Example (Tooltip) ¶
c := Ctx() c.Node("x").Tooltip("Hello,\nWorld!") fmt.Println(c.d2())
Output: x: {tooltip: "Hello,\nWorld!"}
Index ¶
- Constants
- func Gopt_App_Main(app IMain, workers ...IWorker)
- type App
- type Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) ApplyConfig(cfg *config) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) ApplyOption(opt *option) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Aubergine() int
- func (c *Cdor) ButteredToast() int
- func (c *Cdor) Callout(id string) *node
- func (c Cdor) Center(b ...bool) *config
- func (c *Cdor) Cfg() *config
- func (c *Cdor) Circle(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Class(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Clear()
- func (c *Cdor) Cloud(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Code(id, tag, code string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) ColorblindClear() int
- func (c *Cdor) Con(src, dst string) *connection
- func (c *Cdor) ConOpt() *conOption
- func (c *Cdor) Cool() int
- func (c *Cdor) Cylinder(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) D2(d2script string) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) DarkFlagshipTerrastruct() int
- func (c *Cdor) DarkMauve() int
- func (c Cdor) DarkTheme(theme int) *config
- func (c Cdor) DarkThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
- func (c *Cdor) Diamond(id string) *node
- func (c Cdor) Direction(dir string) *config
- func (c *Cdor) Document(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Dots() string
- func (c *Cdor) Down() string
- func (c *Cdor) EarthTones() int
- func (c Cdor) ElkLayout(b ...bool) *config
- func (c *Cdor) EvergladeGreen() int
- func (c *Cdor) FillPattern(pattern string) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Flagship() int
- func (c *Cdor) Gen() (svg []byte, err error)
- func (c *Cdor) Grain() string
- func (c *Cdor) GrapeSoda() int
- func (c *Cdor) GridCols(cols int) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) GridGap(gap int) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) GridRows(rows int) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) HeadArrow() string
- func (c *Cdor) HeadCfMany() string
- func (c *Cdor) HeadCfManyRequired() string
- func (c *Cdor) HeadCfOne() string
- func (c *Cdor) HeadCfOneRequired() string
- func (c *Cdor) HeadDiamond() string
- func (c *Cdor) HeadNone() string
- func (c *Cdor) HeadTriangle() string
- func (c *Cdor) Hexagon(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) HorizontalGap(gap int) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Image(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Json(json string) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Jsonn(id, json string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Latex(id, content string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Left() string
- func (c *Cdor) Lines() string
- func (c *Cdor) Markdown(id, content string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) MdCode(code string, id ...string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) MixedBerryBlue() int
- func (c *Cdor) Neutral() int
- func (c *Cdor) NeutralGrey() int
- func (c *Cdor) Node(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Obj(x any) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Objn(id string, obj any) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Opt() *option
- func (c *Cdor) OrangeCreamsicle() int
- func (c *Cdor) Origami() int
- func (c *Cdor) Oval(id string) *node
- func (c Cdor) Pad(pad int) *config
- func (c *Cdor) Page(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Parallelogram(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Person(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Pkg(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Queue(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Rectangle(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Right() string
- func (c *Cdor) SaveFile(filename string) error
- func (c *Cdor) Scon(src, dst string) *connection
- func (c Cdor) Sequence() *config
- func (c *Cdor) Sequencen(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) ShirleyTemple() int
- func (c Cdor) Sketch(b ...bool) *config
- func (c *Cdor) SqlTable(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Square(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Step(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) StoredData(id string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Terminal() int
- func (c *Cdor) TerminalGrayscale() int
- func (c *Cdor) Text(id, content string) *node
- func (c Cdor) Theme(theme int) *config
- func (c Cdor) ThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
- func (c *Cdor) Toml(toml string) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Tomln(id, toml string) *node
- func (c *Cdor) Up() string
- func (c *Cdor) VanillaNitroCola() int
- func (c *Cdor) VerticalGap(gap int) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Yaml(yaml string) *Cdor
- func (c *Cdor) Yamln(id, yaml string) *node
- type IMain
- type IWorker
- type Mgr
- func (a *Mgr) ApplyConfig(cfg *config, diagrams ...string)
- func (a *Mgr) ApplyOption(opt *option, diagrams ...string)
- func (c Mgr) Center(b ...bool) *config
- func (c Mgr) DarkTheme(theme int) *config
- func (c Mgr) DarkThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
- func (c Mgr) Direction(dir string) *config
- func (c Mgr) ElkLayout(b ...bool) *config
- func (a *Mgr) Merge(diagrams ...string) *Cdor
- func (c Mgr) Pad(pad int) *config
- func (m *Mgr) RangeCdors(action func(string, *Cdor, error) error, diagrams ...string)
- func (a *Mgr) SaveFiles(dir string, diagrams ...string) (err error)
- func (c Mgr) Sequence() *config
- func (c Mgr) Sketch(b ...bool) *config
- func (c Mgr) Theme(theme int) *config
- func (c Mgr) ThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
- type ThemeOverrides
Examples ¶
- Package (Animated)
- Package (BoldItalicUnderline)
- Package (BorderRadius)
- Package (Class)
- Package (Code)
- Package (Connection)
- Package (Connection_arrow)
- Package (Container)
- Package (D2)
- Package (DoubleBorder)
- Package (Fillpattern)
- Package (Font)
- Package (Grid)
- Package (Hello)
- Package (Icon)
- Package (Id)
- Package (Is3d)
- Package (Json)
- Package (Label)
- Package (Link)
- Package (Multiple)
- Package (Nested_containers)
- Package (Node_json)
- Package (Opacity)
- Package (Same_name_sub_containers)
- Package (Sequence)
- Package (Shadow)
- Package (Shape)
- Package (Sql_table)
- Package (StrokeDash)
- Package (StrokeWidth)
- Package (Tooltip)
Constants ¶
const GopPackage = true
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Gopt_App_Main ¶
Types ¶
type Cdor ¶
type Cdor struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Cdor) ApplyConfig ¶ added in v0.0.5
ApplyConfig applys the diagram's config
func (*Cdor) ApplyOption ¶ added in v0.0.5
ApplyOption applys the diagram's global option
func (*Cdor) ButteredToast ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (Cdor) Center ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) Center(b ...bool) *config
Center sets if the diagram is centered
func (*Cdor) ColorblindClear ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (*Cdor) ConOpt ¶ added in v0.0.5
func (c *Cdor) ConOpt() *conOption
ConOpt creates a default connection option
func (*Cdor) DarkFlagshipTerrastruct ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (Cdor) DarkTheme ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) DarkTheme(theme int) *config
DarkTheme sets the diagram's dark theme id
func (Cdor) DarkThemeOverrides ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) DarkThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
DarkThemeOverrides sets the diagram's dark theme over rides
func (Cdor) Direction ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) Direction(dir string) *config
Direction sets the diagram's direction
func (*Cdor) EarthTones ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (Cdor) ElkLayout ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) ElkLayout(b ...bool) *config
ElkLayout sets if the diagram is elk layouted
func (*Cdor) EvergladeGreen ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (*Cdor) FillPattern ¶ added in v0.1.0
FillPattern sets the global fill pattern
func (*Cdor) HeadCfMany ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Cdor) HeadCfManyRequired ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Cdor) HeadCfOneRequired ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Cdor) HeadDiamond ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Cdor) HeadTriangle ¶ added in v0.1.2
func (*Cdor) HorizontalGap ¶ added in v0.0.7
HorizontalGap sets the global horizontal gap
func (*Cdor) MixedBerryBlue ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (*Cdor) NeutralGrey ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (*Cdor) OrangeCreamsicle ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (*Cdor) Parallelogram ¶ added in v0.1.1
Parallelogram creates a parallelogram node
func (Cdor) Sequence ¶ added in v0.0.4
func (c Cdor) Sequence() *config
Sequence sets the diagram as a sequence
func (*Cdor) ShirleyTemple ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (Cdor) Sketch ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) Sketch(b ...bool) *config
Sketch sets if the diagram is sketch style
func (*Cdor) StoredData ¶ added in v0.1.1
StoredData creates a stored_data node
func (*Cdor) TerminalGrayscale ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (Cdor) Theme ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) Theme(theme int) *config
Theme sets the diagram's theme id
func (Cdor) ThemeOverrides ¶ added in v0.0.3
func (c Cdor) ThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
ThemeOverrides sets the diagram's theme over rides
func (*Cdor) VanillaNitroCola ¶ added in v0.1.1
func (*Cdor) VerticalGap ¶ added in v0.0.7
VertivalGap sets the global vertical gap
type IWorker ¶ added in v0.0.4
type IWorker interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
type Mgr ¶ added in v0.1.0
type Mgr struct { Cdor // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Mgr) ApplyConfig ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (*Mgr) ApplyOption ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Mgr) Center ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) Center(b ...bool) *config
Center sets if the diagram is centered
func (Mgr) DarkTheme ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) DarkTheme(theme int) *config
DarkTheme sets the diagram's dark theme id
func (Mgr) DarkThemeOverrides ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) DarkThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
DarkThemeOverrides sets the diagram's dark theme over rides
func (Mgr) Direction ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) Direction(dir string) *config
Direction sets the diagram's direction
func (Mgr) ElkLayout ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) ElkLayout(b ...bool) *config
ElkLayout sets if the diagram is elk layouted
func (*Mgr) RangeCdors ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (Mgr) Sequence ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) Sequence() *config
Sequence sets the diagram as a sequence
func (Mgr) Sketch ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) Sketch(b ...bool) *config
Sketch sets if the diagram is sketch style
func (Mgr) Theme ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) Theme(theme int) *config
Theme sets the diagram's theme id
func (Mgr) ThemeOverrides ¶ added in v0.1.0
func (c Mgr) ThemeOverrides(ov *ThemeOverrides) *config
ThemeOverrides sets the diagram's theme over rides
type ThemeOverrides ¶ added in v0.0.3
type ThemeOverrides = d2target.ThemeOverrides