Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package cdpcmd defines the command arguments and replies for CDP commands.
Index ¶
- type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs
- type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeReply
- type AnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs
- type AnimationGetCurrentTimeReply
- type AnimationGetPlaybackRateReply
- type AnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs
- type AnimationResolveAnimationArgs
- type AnimationResolveAnimationReply
- type AnimationSeekAnimationsArgs
- type AnimationSetPausedArgs
- type AnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs
- type AnimationSetTimingArgs
- type ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs
- type ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameReply
- type ApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifestsReply
- type ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs
- type ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameReply
- type BrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs
- type BrowserGetWindowBoundsReply
- type BrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs
- type BrowserGetWindowForTargetReply
- type BrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs
- type CSSAddRuleArgs
- type CSSAddRuleReply
- type CSSCollectClassNamesArgs
- type CSSCollectClassNamesReply
- type CSSCreateStyleSheetArgs
- type CSSCreateStyleSheetReply
- type CSSForcePseudoStateArgs
- type CSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs
- type CSSGetBackgroundColorsReply
- type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs
- type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeReply
- type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs
- type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeReply
- type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs
- type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeReply
- type CSSGetMediaQueriesReply
- type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs
- type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeReply
- type CSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs
- type CSSGetStyleSheetTextReply
- type CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs
- type CSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs
- type CSSSetKeyframeKeyReply
- type CSSSetMediaTextArgs
- type CSSSetMediaTextReply
- type CSSSetRuleSelectorArgs
- type CSSSetRuleSelectorReply
- type CSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs
- type CSSSetStyleSheetTextReply
- type CSSSetStyleTextsArgs
- type CSSSetStyleTextsReply
- type CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingReply
- type CSSTakeCoverageDeltaReply
- type CacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs
- type CacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs
- type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs
- type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesReply
- type CacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs
- type CacheStorageRequestEntriesReply
- type CmdType
- type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs
- type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeReply
- type DOMCopyToArgs
- type DOMCopyToReply
- type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs
- type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersReply
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs
- type DOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs
- type DOMFocusArgs
- type DOMGetAttributesArgs
- type DOMGetAttributesReply
- type DOMGetBoxModelArgs
- type DOMGetBoxModelReply
- type DOMGetDocumentArgs
- type DOMGetDocumentReply
- type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs
- type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentReply
- type DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs
- type DOMGetNodeForLocationReply
- type DOMGetOuterHTMLArgs
- type DOMGetOuterHTMLReply
- type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs
- type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryReply
- type DOMGetSearchResultsArgs
- type DOMGetSearchResultsReply
- type DOMMoveToArgs
- type DOMMoveToReply
- type DOMPerformSearchArgs
- type DOMPerformSearchReply
- type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs
- type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendReply
- type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs
- type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendReply
- type DOMQuerySelectorAllArgs
- type DOMQuerySelectorAllReply
- type DOMQuerySelectorArgs
- type DOMQuerySelectorReply
- type DOMRemoveAttributeArgs
- type DOMRemoveNodeArgs
- type DOMRequestChildNodesArgs
- type DOMRequestNodeArgs
- type DOMRequestNodeReply
- type DOMResolveNodeArgs
- type DOMResolveNodeReply
- type DOMSetAttributeValueArgs
- type DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs
- type DOMSetFileInputFilesArgs
- type DOMSetInspectedNodeArgs
- type DOMSetNodeNameArgs
- type DOMSetNodeNameReply
- type DOMSetNodeValueArgs
- type DOMSetOuterHTMLArgs
- type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs
- type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotReply
- type DOMStorageClearArgs
- type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs
- type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsReply
- type DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs
- type DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs
- type DatabaseExecuteSQLArgs
- type DatabaseExecuteSQLReply
- type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs
- type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesReply
- type DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs
- type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
- func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
- func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI(includeCommandLineAPI bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
- func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
- func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
- func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
- func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetThrowOnSideEffect(throwOnSideEffect bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
- type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameReply
- type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs
- type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsReply
- type DebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs
- type DebuggerGetScriptSourceReply
- type DebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs
- type DebuggerRestartFrameArgs
- type DebuggerRestartFrameReply
- type DebuggerSearchInContentArgs
- type DebuggerSearchInContentReply
- type DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs
- type DebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs
- type DebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
- func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetColumnNumber(columnNumber int) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
- func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetCondition(condition string) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
- func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetURL(url string) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
- func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetURLRegex(urlRegex string) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLReply
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointReply
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs
- type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs
- type DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs
- type DebuggerSetScriptSourceReply
- type DebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs
- type DebuggerSetVariableValueArgs
- type DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs
- type EmulationCanEmulateReply
- type EmulationForceViewportArgs
- type EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs
- type EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs
- type EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetX(offsetX float64) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetY(offsetY float64) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionX(positionX int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionY(positionY int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScale(scale float64) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenHeight(screenHeight int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenOrientation(screenOrientation cdptype.EmulationScreenOrientation) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenWidth(screenWidth int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- type EmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs
- type EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetAccuracy(accuracy float64) *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLatitude(latitude float64) *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- func (a *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLongitude(longitude float64) *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- type EmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs
- type EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs
- type EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs
- type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs
- type EmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs
- type HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs
- type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs
- type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDReply
- type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs
- type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDReply
- type HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs
- type HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs
- type HeapProfilerStopSamplingReply
- type HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs
- type HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs
- type IOCloseArgs
- type IOReadArgs
- type IOReadReply
- type IndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs
- type IndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs
- type IndexedDBRequestDataArgs
- type IndexedDBRequestDataReply
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesReply
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseReply
- type InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetAutoRepeat(autoRepeat bool) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetCode(code string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetIsKeypad(isKeypad bool) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetIsSystemKey(isSystemKey bool) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetKey(key string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetKeyIdentifier(keyIdentifier string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetModifiers(modifiers int) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetNativeVirtualKeyCode(nativeVirtualKeyCode int) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetText(text string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetTimestamp(timestamp cdptype.Timestamp) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetUnmodifiedText(unmodifiedText string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetWindowsVirtualKeyCode(windowsVirtualKeyCode int) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
- type InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetButton(button string) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetClickCount(clickCount int) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetModifiers(modifiers int) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetTimestamp(timestamp cdptype.Timestamp) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
- type InputDispatchTouchEventArgs
- type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetClickCount(clickCount int) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetDeltaX(deltaX float64) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetDeltaY(deltaY float64) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
- func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetModifiers(modifiers int) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
- type InputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs
- type InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs
- type InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType(gestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetInteractionMarkerName(interactionMarkerName string) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetPreventFling(preventFling bool) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetRepeatCount(repeatCount int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetRepeatDelayMs(repeatDelayMs int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetSpeed(speed int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetXDistance(xDistance int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetXOverscroll(xOverscroll int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetYDistance(yDistance int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetYOverscroll(yOverscroll int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
- type InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetDuration(duration int) *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType(gestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType) *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
- func (a *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetTapCount(tapCount int) *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
- type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs
- type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsReply
- type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs
- type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotReply
- type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs
- type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotReply
- type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
- func (a *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetClipRect(clipRect cdptype.DOMRect) *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
- func (a *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetMinDuration(minDuration float64) *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
- func (a *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetMinRepeatCount(minRepeatCount int) *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
- type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotReply
- type LayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs
- type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs
- type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotReply
- type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs
- type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogReply
- type LogStartViolationsReportArgs
- type MemoryGetDOMCountersReply
- type MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs
- type MemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs
- type NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheReply
- type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesReply
- type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsReply
- type NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetAuthChallengeResponse(authChallengeResponse cdptype.NetworkAuthChallengeResponse) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetErrorReason(errorReason cdptype.NetworkErrorReason) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetHeaders(headers cdptype.NetworkHeaders) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetMethod(method string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetPostData(postData string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetRawResponse(rawResponse string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetURL(url string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
- type NetworkDeleteCookieArgs
- type NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs
- type NetworkEnableArgs
- type NetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs
- type NetworkGetAllCookiesReply
- type NetworkGetCertificateArgs
- type NetworkGetCertificateReply
- type NetworkGetCookiesArgs
- type NetworkGetCookiesReply
- type NetworkGetResponseBodyArgs
- type NetworkGetResponseBodyReply
- type NetworkReplayXHRArgs
- type NetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs
- type NetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs
- type NetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs
- type NetworkSetCookieArgs
- func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetDomain(domain string) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
- func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetExpirationDate(expirationDate cdptype.NetworkTimestamp) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
- func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetHTTPOnly(httpOnly bool) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
- func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetPath(path string) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
- func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetSameSite(sameSite cdptype.NetworkCookieSameSite) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
- func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetSecure(secure bool) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
- type NetworkSetCookieReply
- type NetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs
- type NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs
- type NetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs
- type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs
- type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestReply
- type OverlayHighlightFrameArgs
- type OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
- func (a *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetBackendNodeID(backendNodeID cdptype.DOMBackendNodeID) *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
- func (a *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetNodeID(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
- func (a *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetObjectID(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
- type OverlayHighlightQuadArgs
- type OverlayHighlightRectArgs
- type OverlaySetInspectModeArgs
- type OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs
- type OverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs
- type OverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs
- type OverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs
- type OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs
- type OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs
- type OverlaySetSuspendedArgs
- type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs
- type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReply
- type PageCaptureScreenshotArgs
- type PageCaptureScreenshotReply
- type PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs
- type PageCreateIsolatedWorldReply
- type PageDeleteCookieArgs
- type PageGetAppManifestReply
- type PageGetCookiesReply
- type PageGetLayoutMetricsReply
- type PageGetNavigationHistoryReply
- type PageGetResourceContentArgs
- type PageGetResourceContentReply
- type PageGetResourceTreeReply
- type PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs
- type PageNavigateArgs
- type PageNavigateReply
- type PageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs
- type PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetDisplayHeaderFooter(displayHeaderFooter bool) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetLandscape(landscape bool) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginBottom(marginBottom float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginLeft(marginLeft float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginRight(marginRight float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginTop(marginTop float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPageRanges(pageRanges string) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPaperHeight(paperHeight float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPaperWidth(paperWidth float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPrintBackground(printBackground bool) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetScale(scale float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
- type PagePrintToPDFReply
- type PageProcessNavigationArgs
- type PageReloadArgs
- type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs
- type PageScreencastFrameAckArgs
- type PageSearchInResourceArgs
- type PageSearchInResourceReply
- type PageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs
- type PageSetControlNavigationsArgs
- type PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetX(offsetX float64) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetY(offsetY float64) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionX(positionX int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionY(positionY int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScale(scale float64) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenHeight(screenHeight int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenOrientation(screenOrientation cdptype.EmulationScreenOrientation) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenWidth(screenWidth int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
- type PageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs
- type PageSetDocumentContentArgs
- type PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetAccuracy(accuracy float64) *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLatitude(latitude float64) *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- func (a *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLongitude(longitude float64) *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
- type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs
- type PageStartScreencastArgs
- func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetEveryNthFrame(everyNthFrame int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
- func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetFormat(format string) *PageStartScreencastArgs
- func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetMaxHeight(maxHeight int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
- func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetMaxWidth(maxWidth int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
- func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetQuality(quality int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
- type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageReply
- type ProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs
- type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs
- type ProfilerStopReply
- type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageReply
- type RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs
- type RuntimeAwaitPromiseReply
- type RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
- func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetArguments(arguments []cdptype.RuntimeCallArgument) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
- func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetAwaitPromise(awaitPromise bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
- func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
- func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
- func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
- func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetUserGesture(userGesture bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
- type RuntimeCallFunctionOnReply
- type RuntimeCompileScriptArgs
- type RuntimeCompileScriptReply
- type RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetAwaitPromise(awaitPromise bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetContextID(contextID cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI(includeCommandLineAPI bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetUserGesture(userGesture bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
- type RuntimeEvaluateReply
- type RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
- func (a *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetAccessorPropertiesOnly(accessorPropertiesOnly bool) *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
- func (a *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
- func (a *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetOwnProperties(ownProperties bool) *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
- type RuntimeGetPropertiesReply
- type RuntimeReleaseObjectArgs
- type RuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs
- type RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetAwaitPromise(awaitPromise bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetExecutionContextID(executionContextID cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI(includeCommandLineAPI bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
- type RuntimeRunScriptReply
- type RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs
- type SchemaGetDomainsReply
- type SecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs
- type SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs
- type ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs
- type ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs
- type ServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs
- type ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs
- type ServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs
- type ServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs
- type ServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs
- type ServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs
- type ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs
- type StorageClearDataForOriginArgs
- type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs
- type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaReply
- type SystemInfoGetInfoReply
- type TargetActivateTargetArgs
- type TargetAttachToTargetArgs
- type TargetAttachToTargetReply
- type TargetCloseTargetArgs
- type TargetCloseTargetReply
- type TargetCreateBrowserContextReply
- type TargetCreateTargetArgs
- type TargetCreateTargetReply
- type TargetDetachFromTargetArgs
- type TargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs
- type TargetDisposeBrowserContextReply
- type TargetGetTargetInfoArgs
- type TargetGetTargetInfoReply
- type TargetGetTargetsReply
- type TargetSendMessageToTargetArgs
- type TargetSetAttachToFramesArgs
- type TargetSetAutoAttachArgs
- type TargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs
- type TargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs
- type TetheringBindArgs
- type TetheringUnbindArgs
- type TracingGetCategoriesReply
- type TracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs
- type TracingRequestMemoryDumpReply
- type TracingStartArgs
- func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetBufferUsageReportingInterval(bufferUsageReportingInterval float64) *TracingStartArgs
- func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetCategories(categories string) *TracingStartArgs
- func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetOptions(options string) *TracingStartArgs
- func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetTraceConfig(traceConfig cdptype.TracingTraceConfig) *TracingStartArgs
- func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetTransferMode(transferMode string) *TracingStartArgs
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs ¶
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // ID of node to get the partial accessibility tree for. FetchRelatives *bool `json:"fetchRelatives,omitempty"` // Whether to fetch this nodes ancestors, siblings and children. Defaults to true. }
AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs represents the arguments for GetPartialAXTree in the Accessibility domain.
func NewAccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs ¶
func NewAccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs
NewAccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs initializes AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs with the required arguments.
func (*AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs) SetFetchRelatives ¶
func (a *AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs) SetFetchRelatives(fetchRelatives bool) *AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeArgs
SetFetchRelatives sets the FetchRelatives optional argument. Whether to fetch this nodes ancestors, siblings and children. Defaults to true.
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeReply ¶
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeReply struct {
Nodes []cdptype.AccessibilityAXNode `json:"nodes"` // The Accessibility.AXNode for this DOM node, if it exists, plus its ancestors, siblings and children, if requested.
AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeReply represents the return values for GetPartialAXTree in the Accessibility domain.
type AnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs ¶
type AnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs struct {
ID string `json:"id"` // Id of animation.
AnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs represents the arguments for GetCurrentTime in the Animation domain.
func NewAnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs ¶
func NewAnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs(id string) *AnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs
NewAnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs initializes AnimationGetCurrentTimeArgs with the required arguments.
type AnimationGetCurrentTimeReply ¶
type AnimationGetCurrentTimeReply struct {
CurrentTime float64 `json:"currentTime"` // Current time of the page.
AnimationGetCurrentTimeReply represents the return values for GetCurrentTime in the Animation domain.
type AnimationGetPlaybackRateReply ¶
type AnimationGetPlaybackRateReply struct {
PlaybackRate float64 `json:"playbackRate"` // Playback rate for animations on page.
AnimationGetPlaybackRateReply represents the return values for GetPlaybackRate in the Animation domain.
type AnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs ¶
type AnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs struct {
Animations []string `json:"animations"` // List of animation ids to seek.
AnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs represents the arguments for ReleaseAnimations in the Animation domain.
func NewAnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs ¶
func NewAnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs(animations []string) *AnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs
NewAnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs initializes AnimationReleaseAnimationsArgs with the required arguments.
type AnimationResolveAnimationArgs ¶
type AnimationResolveAnimationArgs struct {
AnimationID string `json:"animationId"` // Animation id.
AnimationResolveAnimationArgs represents the arguments for ResolveAnimation in the Animation domain.
func NewAnimationResolveAnimationArgs ¶
func NewAnimationResolveAnimationArgs(animationID string) *AnimationResolveAnimationArgs
NewAnimationResolveAnimationArgs initializes AnimationResolveAnimationArgs with the required arguments.
type AnimationResolveAnimationReply ¶
type AnimationResolveAnimationReply struct {
RemoteObject cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"remoteObject"` // Corresponding remote object.
AnimationResolveAnimationReply represents the return values for ResolveAnimation in the Animation domain.
type AnimationSeekAnimationsArgs ¶
type AnimationSeekAnimationsArgs struct { Animations []string `json:"animations"` // List of animation ids to seek. CurrentTime float64 `json:"currentTime"` // Set the current time of each animation. }
AnimationSeekAnimationsArgs represents the arguments for SeekAnimations in the Animation domain.
func NewAnimationSeekAnimationsArgs ¶
func NewAnimationSeekAnimationsArgs(animations []string, currentTime float64) *AnimationSeekAnimationsArgs
NewAnimationSeekAnimationsArgs initializes AnimationSeekAnimationsArgs with the required arguments.
type AnimationSetPausedArgs ¶
type AnimationSetPausedArgs struct { Animations []string `json:"animations"` // Animations to set the pause state of. Paused bool `json:"paused"` // Paused state to set to. }
AnimationSetPausedArgs represents the arguments for SetPaused in the Animation domain.
func NewAnimationSetPausedArgs ¶
func NewAnimationSetPausedArgs(animations []string, paused bool) *AnimationSetPausedArgs
NewAnimationSetPausedArgs initializes AnimationSetPausedArgs with the required arguments.
type AnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs ¶
type AnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs struct {
PlaybackRate float64 `json:"playbackRate"` // Playback rate for animations on page
AnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs represents the arguments for SetPlaybackRate in the Animation domain.
func NewAnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs ¶
func NewAnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs(playbackRate float64) *AnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs
NewAnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs initializes AnimationSetPlaybackRateArgs with the required arguments.
type AnimationSetTimingArgs ¶
type AnimationSetTimingArgs struct { AnimationID string `json:"animationId"` // Animation id. Duration float64 `json:"duration"` // Duration of the animation. Delay float64 `json:"delay"` // Delay of the animation. }
AnimationSetTimingArgs represents the arguments for SetTiming in the Animation domain.
func NewAnimationSetTimingArgs ¶
func NewAnimationSetTimingArgs(animationID string, duration float64, delay float64) *AnimationSetTimingArgs
NewAnimationSetTimingArgs initializes AnimationSetTimingArgs with the required arguments.
type ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs ¶
type ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs struct {
FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Identifier of the frame containing document whose application cache is retrieved.
ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs represents the arguments for GetApplicationCacheForFrame in the ApplicationCache domain.
func NewApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs ¶
func NewApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID) *ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs
NewApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs initializes ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameArgs with the required arguments.
type ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameReply ¶
type ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameReply struct {
ApplicationCache cdptype.ApplicationCache `json:"applicationCache"` // Relevant application cache data for the document in given frame.
ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrameReply represents the return values for GetApplicationCacheForFrame in the ApplicationCache domain.
type ApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifestsReply ¶
type ApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifestsReply struct {
FrameIDs []cdptype.ApplicationCacheFrameWithManifest `json:"frameIds"` // Array of frame identifiers with manifest urls for each frame containing a document associated with some application cache.
ApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifestsReply represents the return values for GetFramesWithManifests in the ApplicationCache domain.
type ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs ¶
type ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs struct {
FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Identifier of the frame containing document whose manifest is retrieved.
ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs represents the arguments for GetManifestForFrame in the ApplicationCache domain.
func NewApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs ¶
func NewApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID) *ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs
NewApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs initializes ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameArgs with the required arguments.
type ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameReply ¶
type ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameReply struct {
ManifestURL string `json:"manifestURL"` // Manifest URL for document in the given frame.
ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrameReply represents the return values for GetManifestForFrame in the ApplicationCache domain.
type BrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs ¶
type BrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs struct {
WindowID cdptype.BrowserWindowID `json:"windowId"` // Browser window id.
BrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs represents the arguments for GetWindowBounds in the Browser domain.
func NewBrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs ¶
func NewBrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs(windowID cdptype.BrowserWindowID) *BrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs
NewBrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs initializes BrowserGetWindowBoundsArgs with the required arguments.
type BrowserGetWindowBoundsReply ¶
type BrowserGetWindowBoundsReply struct {
Bounds cdptype.BrowserBounds `json:"bounds"` // Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window position and size are returned.
BrowserGetWindowBoundsReply represents the return values for GetWindowBounds in the Browser domain.
type BrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs ¶
type BrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs struct {
TargetID cdptype.TargetID `json:"targetId"` // Devtools agent host id.
BrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs represents the arguments for GetWindowForTarget in the Browser domain.
func NewBrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs ¶
func NewBrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs(targetID cdptype.TargetID) *BrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs
NewBrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs initializes BrowserGetWindowForTargetArgs with the required arguments.
type BrowserGetWindowForTargetReply ¶
type BrowserGetWindowForTargetReply struct { WindowID cdptype.BrowserWindowID `json:"windowId"` // Browser window id. Bounds cdptype.BrowserBounds `json:"bounds"` // Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window position and size are returned. }
BrowserGetWindowForTargetReply represents the return values for GetWindowForTarget in the Browser domain.
type BrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs ¶
type BrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs struct { WindowID cdptype.BrowserWindowID `json:"windowId"` // Browser window id. Bounds cdptype.BrowserBounds `json:"bounds"` // New window bounds. The 'minimized', 'maximized' and 'fullscreen' states cannot be combined with 'left', 'top', 'width' or 'height'. Leaves unspecified fields unchanged. }
BrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs represents the arguments for SetWindowBounds in the Browser domain.
func NewBrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs ¶
func NewBrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs(windowID cdptype.BrowserWindowID, bounds cdptype.BrowserBounds) *BrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs
NewBrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs initializes BrowserSetWindowBoundsArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSAddRuleArgs ¶
type CSSAddRuleArgs struct { StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // The css style sheet identifier where a new rule should be inserted. RuleText string `json:"ruleText"` // The text of a new rule. Location cdptype.CSSSourceRange `json:"location"` // Text position of a new rule in the target style sheet. }
CSSAddRuleArgs represents the arguments for AddRule in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSAddRuleArgs ¶
func NewCSSAddRuleArgs(styleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID, ruleText string, location cdptype.CSSSourceRange) *CSSAddRuleArgs
NewCSSAddRuleArgs initializes CSSAddRuleArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSAddRuleReply ¶
CSSAddRuleReply represents the return values for AddRule in the CSS domain.
type CSSCollectClassNamesArgs ¶
type CSSCollectClassNamesArgs struct {
StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` //
CSSCollectClassNamesArgs represents the arguments for CollectClassNames in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSCollectClassNamesArgs ¶
func NewCSSCollectClassNamesArgs(styleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID) *CSSCollectClassNamesArgs
NewCSSCollectClassNamesArgs initializes CSSCollectClassNamesArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSCollectClassNamesReply ¶
type CSSCollectClassNamesReply struct {
ClassNames []string `json:"classNames"` // Class name list.
CSSCollectClassNamesReply represents the return values for CollectClassNames in the CSS domain.
type CSSCreateStyleSheetArgs ¶
type CSSCreateStyleSheetArgs struct {
FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Identifier of the frame where "via-inspector" stylesheet should be created.
CSSCreateStyleSheetArgs represents the arguments for CreateStyleSheet in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSCreateStyleSheetArgs ¶
func NewCSSCreateStyleSheetArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID) *CSSCreateStyleSheetArgs
NewCSSCreateStyleSheetArgs initializes CSSCreateStyleSheetArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSCreateStyleSheetReply ¶
type CSSCreateStyleSheetReply struct {
StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Identifier of the created "via-inspector" stylesheet.
CSSCreateStyleSheetReply represents the return values for CreateStyleSheet in the CSS domain.
type CSSForcePseudoStateArgs ¶
type CSSForcePseudoStateArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // The element id for which to force the pseudo state. ForcedPseudoClasses []string `json:"forcedPseudoClasses"` // Element pseudo classes to force when computing the element's style. }
CSSForcePseudoStateArgs represents the arguments for ForcePseudoState in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSForcePseudoStateArgs ¶
func NewCSSForcePseudoStateArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, forcedPseudoClasses []string) *CSSForcePseudoStateArgs
NewCSSForcePseudoStateArgs initializes CSSForcePseudoStateArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs ¶
type CSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to get background colors for.
CSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs represents the arguments for GetBackgroundColors in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs ¶
func NewCSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *CSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs
NewCSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs initializes CSSGetBackgroundColorsArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSGetBackgroundColorsReply ¶
type CSSGetBackgroundColorsReply struct {
BackgroundColors []string `json:"backgroundColors,omitempty"` // The range of background colors behind this element, if it contains any visible text. If no visible text is present, this will be undefined. In the case of a flat background color, this will consist of simply that color. In the case of a gradient, this will consist of each of the color stops. For anything more complicated, this will be an empty array. Images will be ignored (as if the image had failed to load).
CSSGetBackgroundColorsReply represents the return values for GetBackgroundColors in the CSS domain.
type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs ¶
CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs represents the arguments for GetComputedStyleForNode in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs ¶
func NewCSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs
NewCSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs initializes CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeReply ¶
type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeReply struct {
ComputedStyle []cdptype.CSSComputedStyleProperty `json:"computedStyle"` // Computed style for the specified DOM node.
CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeReply represents the return values for GetComputedStyleForNode in the CSS domain.
type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs ¶
CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs represents the arguments for GetInlineStylesForNode in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs ¶
func NewCSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs
NewCSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs initializes CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeReply ¶
type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeReply struct { InlineStyle *cdptype.CSSStyle `json:"inlineStyle,omitempty"` // Inline style for the specified DOM node. AttributesStyle *cdptype.CSSStyle `json:"attributesStyle,omitempty"` // Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%"). }
CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeReply represents the return values for GetInlineStylesForNode in the CSS domain.
type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs ¶
CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs represents the arguments for GetMatchedStylesForNode in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs ¶
func NewCSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs
NewCSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs initializes CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeReply ¶
type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeReply struct { InlineStyle *cdptype.CSSStyle `json:"inlineStyle,omitempty"` // Inline style for the specified DOM node. AttributesStyle *cdptype.CSSStyle `json:"attributesStyle,omitempty"` // Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%"). MatchedCSSRules []cdptype.CSSRuleMatch `json:"matchedCSSRules,omitempty"` // CSS rules matching this node, from all applicable stylesheets. PseudoElements []cdptype.CSSPseudoElementMatches `json:"pseudoElements,omitempty"` // Pseudo style matches for this node. Inherited []cdptype.CSSInheritedStyleEntry `json:"inherited,omitempty"` // A chain of inherited styles (from the immediate node parent up to the DOM tree root). CSSKeyframesRules []cdptype.CSSKeyframesRule `json:"cssKeyframesRules,omitempty"` // A list of CSS keyframed animations matching this node. }
CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeReply represents the return values for GetMatchedStylesForNode in the CSS domain.
type CSSGetMediaQueriesReply ¶
CSSGetMediaQueriesReply represents the return values for GetMediaQueries in the CSS domain.
type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs ¶
CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs represents the arguments for GetPlatformFontsForNode in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs ¶
func NewCSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs
NewCSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs initializes CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeReply ¶
type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeReply struct {
Fonts []cdptype.CSSPlatformFontUsage `json:"fonts"` // Usage statistics for every employed platform font.
CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeReply represents the return values for GetPlatformFontsForNode in the CSS domain.
type CSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs ¶
type CSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs struct {
StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` //
CSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs represents the arguments for GetStyleSheetText in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs ¶
func NewCSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs(styleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID) *CSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs
NewCSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs initializes CSSGetStyleSheetTextArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSGetStyleSheetTextReply ¶
type CSSGetStyleSheetTextReply struct {
Text string `json:"text"` // The stylesheet text.
CSSGetStyleSheetTextReply represents the return values for GetStyleSheetText in the CSS domain.
type CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs ¶
type CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // The element id for which to set property. PropertyName string `json:"propertyName"` // Value string `json:"value"` // }
CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs represents the arguments for SetEffectivePropertyValueForNode in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs ¶
func NewCSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, propertyName string, value string) *CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs
NewCSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs initializes CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs ¶
type CSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs struct { StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range cdptype.CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // KeyText string `json:"keyText"` // }
CSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs represents the arguments for SetKeyframeKey in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs ¶
func NewCSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs(styleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID, rang cdptype.CSSSourceRange, keyText string) *CSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs
NewCSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs initializes CSSSetKeyframeKeyArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSSetKeyframeKeyReply ¶
type CSSSetKeyframeKeyReply struct {
KeyText cdptype.CSSValue `json:"keyText"` // The resulting key text after modification.
CSSSetKeyframeKeyReply represents the return values for SetKeyframeKey in the CSS domain.
type CSSSetMediaTextArgs ¶
type CSSSetMediaTextArgs struct { StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range cdptype.CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // Text string `json:"text"` // }
CSSSetMediaTextArgs represents the arguments for SetMediaText in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSSetMediaTextArgs ¶
func NewCSSSetMediaTextArgs(styleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID, rang cdptype.CSSSourceRange, text string) *CSSSetMediaTextArgs
NewCSSSetMediaTextArgs initializes CSSSetMediaTextArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSSetMediaTextReply ¶
type CSSSetMediaTextReply struct {
Media cdptype.CSSMedia `json:"media"` // The resulting CSS media rule after modification.
CSSSetMediaTextReply represents the return values for SetMediaText in the CSS domain.
type CSSSetRuleSelectorArgs ¶
type CSSSetRuleSelectorArgs struct { StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range cdptype.CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // Selector string `json:"selector"` // }
CSSSetRuleSelectorArgs represents the arguments for SetRuleSelector in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSSetRuleSelectorArgs ¶
func NewCSSSetRuleSelectorArgs(styleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID, rang cdptype.CSSSourceRange, selector string) *CSSSetRuleSelectorArgs
NewCSSSetRuleSelectorArgs initializes CSSSetRuleSelectorArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSSetRuleSelectorReply ¶
type CSSSetRuleSelectorReply struct {
SelectorList cdptype.CSSSelectorList `json:"selectorList"` // The resulting selector list after modification.
CSSSetRuleSelectorReply represents the return values for SetRuleSelector in the CSS domain.
type CSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs ¶
type CSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs struct { StyleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Text string `json:"text"` // }
CSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs represents the arguments for SetStyleSheetText in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs ¶
func NewCSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs(styleSheetID cdptype.CSSStyleSheetID, text string) *CSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs
NewCSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs initializes CSSSetStyleSheetTextArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSSetStyleSheetTextReply ¶
type CSSSetStyleSheetTextReply struct {
SourceMapURL *string `json:"sourceMapURL,omitempty"` // URL of source map associated with script (if any).
CSSSetStyleSheetTextReply represents the return values for SetStyleSheetText in the CSS domain.
type CSSSetStyleTextsArgs ¶
type CSSSetStyleTextsArgs struct {
Edits []cdptype.CSSStyleDeclarationEdit `json:"edits"` //
CSSSetStyleTextsArgs represents the arguments for SetStyleTexts in the CSS domain.
func NewCSSSetStyleTextsArgs ¶
func NewCSSSetStyleTextsArgs(edits []cdptype.CSSStyleDeclarationEdit) *CSSSetStyleTextsArgs
NewCSSSetStyleTextsArgs initializes CSSSetStyleTextsArgs with the required arguments.
type CSSSetStyleTextsReply ¶
type CSSSetStyleTextsReply struct {
Styles []cdptype.CSSStyle `json:"styles"` // The resulting styles after modification.
CSSSetStyleTextsReply represents the return values for SetStyleTexts in the CSS domain.
type CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingReply ¶
type CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingReply struct {
RuleUsage []cdptype.CSSRuleUsage `json:"ruleUsage"` //
CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingReply represents the return values for StopRuleUsageTracking in the CSS domain.
type CSSTakeCoverageDeltaReply ¶
type CSSTakeCoverageDeltaReply struct {
Coverage []cdptype.CSSRuleUsage `json:"coverage"` //
CSSTakeCoverageDeltaReply represents the return values for TakeCoverageDelta in the CSS domain.
type CacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs ¶
type CacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs struct {
CacheID cdptype.CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` // Id of cache for deletion.
CacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs represents the arguments for DeleteCache in the CacheStorage domain.
func NewCacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs ¶
func NewCacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs(cacheID cdptype.CacheStorageCacheID) *CacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs
NewCacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs initializes CacheStorageDeleteCacheArgs with the required arguments.
type CacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs ¶
type CacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs struct { CacheID cdptype.CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` // Id of cache where the entry will be deleted. Request string `json:"request"` // URL spec of the request. }
CacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs represents the arguments for DeleteEntry in the CacheStorage domain.
func NewCacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs ¶
func NewCacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs(cacheID cdptype.CacheStorageCacheID, request string) *CacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs
NewCacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs initializes CacheStorageDeleteEntryArgs with the required arguments.
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs ¶
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs struct {
SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // Security origin.
CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs represents the arguments for RequestCacheNames in the CacheStorage domain.
func NewCacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs ¶
func NewCacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs(securityOrigin string) *CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs
NewCacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs initializes CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesArgs with the required arguments.
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesReply ¶
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesReply struct {
Caches []cdptype.CacheStorageCache `json:"caches"` // Caches for the security origin.
CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesReply represents the return values for RequestCacheNames in the CacheStorage domain.
type CacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs ¶
type CacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs struct { CacheID cdptype.CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` // ID of cache to get entries from. SkipCount int `json:"skipCount"` // Number of records to skip. PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` // Number of records to fetch. }
CacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs represents the arguments for RequestEntries in the CacheStorage domain.
func NewCacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs ¶
func NewCacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs(cacheID cdptype.CacheStorageCacheID, skipCount int, pageSize int) *CacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs
NewCacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs initializes CacheStorageRequestEntriesArgs with the required arguments.
type CacheStorageRequestEntriesReply ¶
type CacheStorageRequestEntriesReply struct { CacheDataEntries []cdptype.CacheStorageDataEntry `json:"cacheDataEntries"` // Array of object store data entries. HasMore bool `json:"hasMore"` // If true, there are more entries to fetch in the given range. }
CacheStorageRequestEntriesReply represents the return values for RequestEntries in the CacheStorage domain.
type CmdType ¶
type CmdType string
CmdType is the type for CDP methods names.
const ( AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree CmdType = "Accessibility.getPartialAXTree" AnimationEnable CmdType = "Animation.enable" AnimationDisable CmdType = "Animation.disable" AnimationGetPlaybackRate CmdType = "Animation.getPlaybackRate" AnimationSetPlaybackRate CmdType = "Animation.setPlaybackRate" AnimationGetCurrentTime CmdType = "Animation.getCurrentTime" AnimationSetPaused CmdType = "Animation.setPaused" AnimationSetTiming CmdType = "Animation.setTiming" AnimationSeekAnimations CmdType = "Animation.seekAnimations" AnimationReleaseAnimations CmdType = "Animation.releaseAnimations" AnimationResolveAnimation CmdType = "Animation.resolveAnimation" ApplicationCacheGetFramesWithManifests CmdType = "ApplicationCache.getFramesWithManifests" ApplicationCacheEnable CmdType = "ApplicationCache.enable" ApplicationCacheGetManifestForFrame CmdType = "ApplicationCache.getManifestForFrame" ApplicationCacheGetApplicationCacheForFrame CmdType = "ApplicationCache.getApplicationCacheForFrame" BrowserGetWindowForTarget CmdType = "Browser.getWindowForTarget" BrowserSetWindowBounds CmdType = "Browser.setWindowBounds" BrowserGetWindowBounds CmdType = "Browser.getWindowBounds" CSSEnable CmdType = "CSS.enable" CSSDisable CmdType = "CSS.disable" CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode CmdType = "CSS.getMatchedStylesForNode" CSSGetInlineStylesForNode CmdType = "CSS.getInlineStylesForNode" CSSGetComputedStyleForNode CmdType = "CSS.getComputedStyleForNode" CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode CmdType = "CSS.getPlatformFontsForNode" CSSGetStyleSheetText CmdType = "CSS.getStyleSheetText" CSSCollectClassNames CmdType = "CSS.collectClassNames" CSSSetStyleSheetText CmdType = "CSS.setStyleSheetText" CSSSetRuleSelector CmdType = "CSS.setRuleSelector" CSSSetKeyframeKey CmdType = "CSS.setKeyframeKey" CSSSetStyleTexts CmdType = "CSS.setStyleTexts" CSSSetMediaText CmdType = "CSS.setMediaText" CSSCreateStyleSheet CmdType = "CSS.createStyleSheet" CSSAddRule CmdType = "CSS.addRule" CSSForcePseudoState CmdType = "CSS.forcePseudoState" CSSGetMediaQueries CmdType = "CSS.getMediaQueries" CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode CmdType = "CSS.setEffectivePropertyValueForNode" CSSGetBackgroundColors CmdType = "CSS.getBackgroundColors" CSSStartRuleUsageTracking CmdType = "CSS.startRuleUsageTracking" CSSTakeCoverageDelta CmdType = "CSS.takeCoverageDelta" CSSStopRuleUsageTracking CmdType = "CSS.stopRuleUsageTracking" CacheStorageRequestCacheNames CmdType = "CacheStorage.requestCacheNames" CacheStorageRequestEntries CmdType = "CacheStorage.requestEntries" CacheStorageDeleteCache CmdType = "CacheStorage.deleteCache" CacheStorageDeleteEntry CmdType = "CacheStorage.deleteEntry" ConsoleEnable CmdType = "Console.enable" ConsoleDisable CmdType = "Console.disable" ConsoleClearMessages CmdType = "Console.clearMessages" DOMEnable CmdType = "DOM.enable" DOMDisable CmdType = "DOM.disable" DOMGetDocument CmdType = "DOM.getDocument" DOMGetFlattenedDocument CmdType = "DOM.getFlattenedDocument" DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree CmdType = "DOM.collectClassNamesFromSubtree" DOMRequestChildNodes CmdType = "DOM.requestChildNodes" DOMQuerySelector CmdType = "DOM.querySelector" DOMQuerySelectorAll CmdType = "DOM.querySelectorAll" DOMSetNodeName CmdType = "DOM.setNodeName" DOMSetNodeValue CmdType = "DOM.setNodeValue" DOMRemoveNode CmdType = "DOM.removeNode" DOMSetAttributeValue CmdType = "DOM.setAttributeValue" DOMSetAttributesAsText CmdType = "DOM.setAttributesAsText" DOMRemoveAttribute CmdType = "DOM.removeAttribute" DOMGetOuterHTML CmdType = "DOM.getOuterHTML" DOMSetOuterHTML CmdType = "DOM.setOuterHTML" DOMPerformSearch CmdType = "DOM.performSearch" DOMGetSearchResults CmdType = "DOM.getSearchResults" DOMDiscardSearchResults CmdType = "DOM.discardSearchResults" DOMRequestNode CmdType = "DOM.requestNode" DOMHighlightRect CmdType = "DOM.highlightRect" DOMHighlightNode CmdType = "DOM.highlightNode" DOMHideHighlight CmdType = "DOM.hideHighlight" DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend CmdType = "DOM.pushNodeByPathToFrontend" DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend CmdType = "DOM.pushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend" DOMSetInspectedNode CmdType = "DOM.setInspectedNode" DOMResolveNode CmdType = "DOM.resolveNode" DOMGetAttributes CmdType = "DOM.getAttributes" DOMCopyTo CmdType = "DOM.copyTo" DOMMoveTo CmdType = "DOM.moveTo" DOMUndo CmdType = "DOM.undo" DOMRedo CmdType = "DOM.redo" DOMMarkUndoableState CmdType = "DOM.markUndoableState" DOMFocus CmdType = "DOM.focus" DOMSetFileInputFiles CmdType = "DOM.setFileInputFiles" DOMGetBoxModel CmdType = "DOM.getBoxModel" DOMGetNodeForLocation CmdType = "DOM.getNodeForLocation" DOMGetRelayoutBoundary CmdType = "DOM.getRelayoutBoundary" DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.setDOMBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.removeDOMBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.setEventListenerBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.removeEventListenerBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.setInstrumentationBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.removeInstrumentationBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.setXHRBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint CmdType = "DOMDebugger.removeXHRBreakpoint" DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners CmdType = "DOMDebugger.getEventListeners" DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot CmdType = "DOMSnapshot.getSnapshot" DOMStorageEnable CmdType = "DOMStorage.enable" DOMStorageDisable CmdType = "DOMStorage.disable" DOMStorageClear CmdType = "DOMStorage.clear" DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems CmdType = "DOMStorage.getDOMStorageItems" DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem CmdType = "DOMStorage.setDOMStorageItem" DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem CmdType = "DOMStorage.removeDOMStorageItem" DatabaseEnable CmdType = "Database.enable" DatabaseDisable CmdType = "Database.disable" DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames CmdType = "Database.getDatabaseTableNames" DatabaseExecuteSQL CmdType = "Database.executeSQL" DebuggerEnable CmdType = "Debugger.enable" DebuggerDisable CmdType = "Debugger.disable" DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive CmdType = "Debugger.setBreakpointsActive" DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses CmdType = "Debugger.setSkipAllPauses" DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL CmdType = "Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl" DebuggerSetBreakpoint CmdType = "Debugger.setBreakpoint" DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint CmdType = "Debugger.removeBreakpoint" DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints CmdType = "Debugger.getPossibleBreakpoints" DebuggerContinueToLocation CmdType = "Debugger.continueToLocation" DebuggerStepOver CmdType = "Debugger.stepOver" DebuggerStepInto CmdType = "Debugger.stepInto" DebuggerStepOut CmdType = "Debugger.stepOut" DebuggerPause CmdType = "Debugger.pause" DebuggerScheduleStepIntoAsync CmdType = "Debugger.scheduleStepIntoAsync" DebuggerResume CmdType = "Debugger.resume" DebuggerSearchInContent CmdType = "Debugger.searchInContent" DebuggerSetScriptSource CmdType = "Debugger.setScriptSource" DebuggerRestartFrame CmdType = "Debugger.restartFrame" DebuggerGetScriptSource CmdType = "Debugger.getScriptSource" DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions CmdType = "Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions" DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame CmdType = "Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame" DebuggerSetVariableValue CmdType = "Debugger.setVariableValue" DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth CmdType = "Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth" DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns CmdType = "Debugger.setBlackboxPatterns" DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges CmdType = "Debugger.setBlackboxedRanges" DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride CmdType = "DeviceOrientation.setDeviceOrientationOverride" DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride CmdType = "DeviceOrientation.clearDeviceOrientationOverride" EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride CmdType = "Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride" EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride CmdType = "Emulation.clearDeviceMetricsOverride" EmulationForceViewport CmdType = "Emulation.forceViewport" EmulationResetViewport CmdType = "Emulation.resetViewport" EmulationResetPageScaleFactor CmdType = "Emulation.resetPageScaleFactor" EmulationSetPageScaleFactor CmdType = "Emulation.setPageScaleFactor" EmulationSetVisibleSize CmdType = "Emulation.setVisibleSize" EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled CmdType = "Emulation.setScriptExecutionDisabled" EmulationSetGeolocationOverride CmdType = "Emulation.setGeolocationOverride" EmulationClearGeolocationOverride CmdType = "Emulation.clearGeolocationOverride" EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled CmdType = "Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled" EmulationSetEmulatedMedia CmdType = "Emulation.setEmulatedMedia" EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate CmdType = "Emulation.setCPUThrottlingRate" EmulationCanEmulate CmdType = "Emulation.canEmulate" EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy CmdType = "Emulation.setVirtualTimePolicy" EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride CmdType = "Emulation.setDefaultBackgroundColorOverride" HeapProfilerEnable CmdType = "HeapProfiler.enable" HeapProfilerDisable CmdType = "HeapProfiler.disable" HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects CmdType = "HeapProfiler.startTrackingHeapObjects" HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects CmdType = "HeapProfiler.stopTrackingHeapObjects" HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot CmdType = "HeapProfiler.takeHeapSnapshot" HeapProfilerCollectGarbage CmdType = "HeapProfiler.collectGarbage" HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID CmdType = "HeapProfiler.getObjectByHeapObjectId" HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject CmdType = "HeapProfiler.addInspectedHeapObject" HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID CmdType = "HeapProfiler.getHeapObjectId" HeapProfilerStartSampling CmdType = "HeapProfiler.startSampling" HeapProfilerStopSampling CmdType = "HeapProfiler.stopSampling" IORead CmdType = "" IOClose CmdType = "IO.close" IndexedDBEnable CmdType = "IndexedDB.enable" IndexedDBDisable CmdType = "IndexedDB.disable" IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames CmdType = "IndexedDB.requestDatabaseNames" IndexedDBRequestDatabase CmdType = "IndexedDB.requestDatabase" IndexedDBRequestData CmdType = "IndexedDB.requestData" IndexedDBClearObjectStore CmdType = "IndexedDB.clearObjectStore" IndexedDBDeleteDatabase CmdType = "IndexedDB.deleteDatabase" InputSetIgnoreInputEvents CmdType = "Input.setIgnoreInputEvents" InputDispatchKeyEvent CmdType = "Input.dispatchKeyEvent" InputDispatchMouseEvent CmdType = "Input.dispatchMouseEvent" InputDispatchTouchEvent CmdType = "Input.dispatchTouchEvent" InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent CmdType = "Input.emulateTouchFromMouseEvent" InputSynthesizePinchGesture CmdType = "Input.synthesizePinchGesture" InputSynthesizeScrollGesture CmdType = "Input.synthesizeScrollGesture" InputSynthesizeTapGesture CmdType = "Input.synthesizeTapGesture" InspectorEnable CmdType = "Inspector.enable" InspectorDisable CmdType = "Inspector.disable" LayerTreeEnable CmdType = "LayerTree.enable" LayerTreeDisable CmdType = "LayerTree.disable" LayerTreeCompositingReasons CmdType = "LayerTree.compositingReasons" LayerTreeMakeSnapshot CmdType = "LayerTree.makeSnapshot" LayerTreeLoadSnapshot CmdType = "LayerTree.loadSnapshot" LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot CmdType = "LayerTree.releaseSnapshot" LayerTreeProfileSnapshot CmdType = "LayerTree.profileSnapshot" LayerTreeReplaySnapshot CmdType = "LayerTree.replaySnapshot" LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog CmdType = "LayerTree.snapshotCommandLog" LogEnable CmdType = "Log.enable" LogDisable CmdType = "Log.disable" LogClear CmdType = "Log.clear" LogStartViolationsReport CmdType = "Log.startViolationsReport" LogStopViolationsReport CmdType = "Log.stopViolationsReport" MemoryGetDOMCounters CmdType = "Memory.getDOMCounters" MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed CmdType = "Memory.setPressureNotificationsSuppressed" MemorySimulatePressureNotification CmdType = "Memory.simulatePressureNotification" NetworkEnable CmdType = "Network.enable" NetworkDisable CmdType = "Network.disable" NetworkSetUserAgentOverride CmdType = "Network.setUserAgentOverride" NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders CmdType = "Network.setExtraHTTPHeaders" NetworkGetResponseBody CmdType = "Network.getResponseBody" NetworkSetBlockedURLs CmdType = "Network.setBlockedURLs" NetworkReplayXHR CmdType = "Network.replayXHR" NetworkCanClearBrowserCache CmdType = "Network.canClearBrowserCache" NetworkClearBrowserCache CmdType = "Network.clearBrowserCache" NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies CmdType = "Network.canClearBrowserCookies" NetworkClearBrowserCookies CmdType = "Network.clearBrowserCookies" NetworkGetCookies CmdType = "Network.getCookies" NetworkGetAllCookies CmdType = "Network.getAllCookies" NetworkDeleteCookie CmdType = "Network.deleteCookie" NetworkSetCookie CmdType = "Network.setCookie" NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions CmdType = "Network.canEmulateNetworkConditions" NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions CmdType = "Network.emulateNetworkConditions" NetworkSetCacheDisabled CmdType = "Network.setCacheDisabled" NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker CmdType = "Network.setBypassServiceWorker" NetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTest CmdType = "Network.setDataSizeLimitsForTest" NetworkGetCertificate CmdType = "Network.getCertificate" NetworkEnableRequestInterception CmdType = "Network.enableRequestInterception" NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest CmdType = "Network.continueInterceptedRequest" OverlayEnable CmdType = "Overlay.enable" OverlayDisable CmdType = "Overlay.disable" OverlaySetShowPaintRects CmdType = "Overlay.setShowPaintRects" OverlaySetShowDebugBorders CmdType = "Overlay.setShowDebugBorders" OverlaySetShowFPSCounter CmdType = "Overlay.setShowFPSCounter" OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects CmdType = "Overlay.setShowScrollBottleneckRects" OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize CmdType = "Overlay.setShowViewportSizeOnResize" OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage CmdType = "Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessage" OverlaySetSuspended CmdType = "Overlay.setSuspended" OverlaySetInspectMode CmdType = "Overlay.setInspectMode" OverlayHighlightRect CmdType = "Overlay.highlightRect" OverlayHighlightQuad CmdType = "Overlay.highlightQuad" OverlayHighlightNode CmdType = "Overlay.highlightNode" OverlayHighlightFrame CmdType = "Overlay.highlightFrame" OverlayHideHighlight CmdType = "Overlay.hideHighlight" OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest CmdType = "Overlay.getHighlightObjectForTest" PageEnable CmdType = "Page.enable" PageDisable CmdType = "Page.disable" PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad CmdType = "Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad" PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad CmdType = "Page.removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoad" PageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPages CmdType = "Page.setAutoAttachToCreatedPages" PageReload CmdType = "Page.reload" PageStopLoading CmdType = "Page.stopLoading" PageGetCookies CmdType = "Page.getCookies" PageDeleteCookie CmdType = "Page.deleteCookie" PageGetResourceTree CmdType = "Page.getResourceTree" PageGetResourceContent CmdType = "Page.getResourceContent" PageSearchInResource CmdType = "Page.searchInResource" PageSetDocumentContent CmdType = "Page.setDocumentContent" PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride CmdType = "Page.setDeviceMetricsOverride" PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride CmdType = "Page.clearDeviceMetricsOverride" PageSetGeolocationOverride CmdType = "Page.setGeolocationOverride" PageClearGeolocationOverride CmdType = "Page.clearGeolocationOverride" PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride CmdType = "Page.setDeviceOrientationOverride" PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride CmdType = "Page.clearDeviceOrientationOverride" PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled CmdType = "Page.setTouchEmulationEnabled" PageCaptureScreenshot CmdType = "Page.captureScreenshot" PagePrintToPDF CmdType = "Page.printToPDF" PageStartScreencast CmdType = "Page.startScreencast" PageStopScreencast CmdType = "Page.stopScreencast" PageScreencastFrameAck CmdType = "Page.screencastFrameAck" PageHandleJavaScriptDialog CmdType = "Page.handleJavaScriptDialog" PageGetAppManifest CmdType = "Page.getAppManifest" PageRequestAppBanner CmdType = "Page.requestAppBanner" PageGetLayoutMetrics CmdType = "Page.getLayoutMetrics" PageCreateIsolatedWorld CmdType = "Page.createIsolatedWorld" ProfilerEnable CmdType = "Profiler.enable" ProfilerDisable CmdType = "Profiler.disable" ProfilerSetSamplingInterval CmdType = "Profiler.setSamplingInterval" ProfilerStart CmdType = "Profiler.start" ProfilerStop CmdType = "Profiler.stop" ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage CmdType = "Profiler.startPreciseCoverage" ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage CmdType = "Profiler.stopPreciseCoverage" ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage CmdType = "Profiler.takePreciseCoverage" ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage CmdType = "Profiler.getBestEffortCoverage" RuntimeEvaluate CmdType = "Runtime.evaluate" RuntimeAwaitPromise CmdType = "Runtime.awaitPromise" RuntimeCallFunctionOn CmdType = "Runtime.callFunctionOn" RuntimeGetProperties CmdType = "Runtime.getProperties" RuntimeReleaseObject CmdType = "Runtime.releaseObject" RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup CmdType = "Runtime.releaseObjectGroup" RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger CmdType = "Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger" RuntimeEnable CmdType = "Runtime.enable" RuntimeDisable CmdType = "Runtime.disable" RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries CmdType = "Runtime.discardConsoleEntries" RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled CmdType = "Runtime.setCustomObjectFormatterEnabled" RuntimeCompileScript CmdType = "Runtime.compileScript" RuntimeRunScript CmdType = "Runtime.runScript" SchemaGetDomains CmdType = "Schema.getDomains" SecurityEnable CmdType = "Security.enable" SecurityDisable CmdType = "Security.disable" SecurityShowCertificateViewer CmdType = "Security.showCertificateViewer" SecurityHandleCertificateError CmdType = "Security.handleCertificateError" SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors CmdType = "Security.setOverrideCertificateErrors" ServiceWorkerEnable CmdType = "ServiceWorker.enable" ServiceWorkerDisable CmdType = "ServiceWorker.disable" ServiceWorkerUnregister CmdType = "ServiceWorker.unregister" ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration CmdType = "ServiceWorker.updateRegistration" ServiceWorkerStartWorker CmdType = "ServiceWorker.startWorker" ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting CmdType = "ServiceWorker.skipWaiting" ServiceWorkerStopWorker CmdType = "ServiceWorker.stopWorker" ServiceWorkerInspectWorker CmdType = "ServiceWorker.inspectWorker" ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad CmdType = "ServiceWorker.setForceUpdateOnPageLoad" ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage CmdType = "ServiceWorker.deliverPushMessage" ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent CmdType = "ServiceWorker.dispatchSyncEvent" StorageClearDataForOrigin CmdType = "Storage.clearDataForOrigin" StorageGetUsageAndQuota CmdType = "Storage.getUsageAndQuota" SystemInfoGetInfo CmdType = "SystemInfo.getInfo" TargetSetDiscoverTargets CmdType = "Target.setDiscoverTargets" TargetSetAutoAttach CmdType = "Target.setAutoAttach" TargetSetAttachToFrames CmdType = "Target.setAttachToFrames" TargetSetRemoteLocations CmdType = "Target.setRemoteLocations" TargetSendMessageToTarget CmdType = "Target.sendMessageToTarget" TargetGetTargetInfo CmdType = "Target.getTargetInfo" TargetActivateTarget CmdType = "Target.activateTarget" TargetCloseTarget CmdType = "Target.closeTarget" TargetAttachToTarget CmdType = "Target.attachToTarget" TargetDetachFromTarget CmdType = "Target.detachFromTarget" TargetCreateBrowserContext CmdType = "Target.createBrowserContext" TargetDisposeBrowserContext CmdType = "Target.disposeBrowserContext" TargetCreateTarget CmdType = "Target.createTarget" TargetGetTargets CmdType = "Target.getTargets" TetheringBind CmdType = "Tethering.bind" TetheringUnbind CmdType = "Tethering.unbind" TracingStart CmdType = "Tracing.start" TracingEnd CmdType = "Tracing.end" TracingGetCategories CmdType = "Tracing.getCategories" TracingRequestMemoryDump CmdType = "Tracing.requestMemoryDump" TracingRecordClockSyncMarker CmdType = "Tracing.recordClockSyncMarker" )
Cmd methods.
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs ¶
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to collect class names.
DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs represents the arguments for CollectClassNamesFromSubtree in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs ¶
func NewDOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs
NewDOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs initializes DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeReply ¶
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeReply struct {
ClassNames []string `json:"classNames"` // Class name list.
DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeReply represents the return values for CollectClassNamesFromSubtree in the DOM domain.
type DOMCopyToArgs ¶
type DOMCopyToArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to copy. TargetNodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"targetNodeId"` // Id of the element to drop the copy into. InsertBeforeNodeID *cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"insertBeforeNodeId,omitempty"` // Drop the copy before this node (if absent, the copy becomes the last child of targetNodeId). }
DOMCopyToArgs represents the arguments for CopyTo in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMCopyToArgs ¶
func NewDOMCopyToArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, targetNodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMCopyToArgs
NewDOMCopyToArgs initializes DOMCopyToArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMCopyToArgs) SetInsertBeforeNodeID ¶
func (a *DOMCopyToArgs) SetInsertBeforeNodeID(insertBeforeNodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMCopyToArgs
SetInsertBeforeNodeID sets the InsertBeforeNodeID optional argument. Drop the copy before this node (if absent, the copy becomes the last child of targetNodeId).
type DOMCopyToReply ¶
DOMCopyToReply represents the return values for CopyTo in the DOM domain.
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs struct { ObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // Identifier of the object to return listeners for. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // The maximum depth at which Node children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Pierce *bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` // Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree (default is false). Reports listeners for all contexts if pierce is enabled. }
DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs represents the arguments for GetEventListeners in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs
NewDOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs initializes DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs) SetDepth ¶
func (a *DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs) SetDepth(depth int) *DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs
SetDepth sets the Depth optional argument. The maximum depth at which Node children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
func (*DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs) SetPierce ¶
func (a *DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs) SetPierce(pierce bool) *DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersArgs
SetPierce sets the Pierce optional argument. Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree (default is false). Reports listeners for all contexts if pierce is enabled.
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersReply ¶
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersReply struct {
Listeners []cdptype.DOMDebuggerEventListener `json:"listeners"` // Array of relevant listeners.
DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersReply represents the return values for GetEventListeners in the DOMDebugger domain.
type DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Identifier of the node to remove breakpoint from. Type cdptype.DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType `json:"type"` // Type of the breakpoint to remove. }
DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for RemoveDOMBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, typ cdptype.DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType) *DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs struct { EventName string `json:"eventName"` // Event name. TargetName *string `json:"targetName,omitempty"` // EventTarget interface name. }
DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for RemoveEventListenerBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs(eventName string) *DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs) SetTargetName ¶
func (a *DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs) SetTargetName(targetName string) *DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpointArgs
SetTargetName sets the TargetName optional argument. EventTarget interface name.
type DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs struct {
EventName string `json:"eventName"` // Instrumentation name to stop on.
DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for RemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs(eventName string) *DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs struct {
URL string `json:"url"` // Resource URL substring.
DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for RemoveXHRBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs(url string) *DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Identifier of the node to set breakpoint on. Type cdptype.DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType `json:"type"` // Type of the operation to stop upon. }
DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for SetDOMBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, typ cdptype.DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType) *DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs struct { EventName string `json:"eventName"` // DOM Event name to stop on (any DOM event will do). TargetName *string `json:"targetName,omitempty"` // EventTarget interface name to stop on. If equal to "*" or not provided, will stop on any EventTarget. }
DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for SetEventListenerBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs(eventName string) *DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs) SetTargetName ¶
func (a *DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs) SetTargetName(targetName string) *DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpointArgs
SetTargetName sets the TargetName optional argument. EventTarget interface name to stop on. If equal to "*" or not provided, will stop on any EventTarget.
type DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs struct {
EventName string `json:"eventName"` // Instrumentation name to stop on.
DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for SetInstrumentationBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs(eventName string) *DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs struct {
URL string `json:"url"` // Resource URL substring. All XHRs having this substring in the URL will get stopped upon.
DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for SetXHRBreakpoint in the DOMDebugger domain.
func NewDOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs(url string) *DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs
NewDOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs initializes DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs ¶
type DOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs struct {
SearchID string `json:"searchId"` // Unique search session identifier.
DOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs represents the arguments for DiscardSearchResults in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs ¶
func NewDOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs(searchID string) *DOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs
NewDOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs initializes DOMDiscardSearchResultsArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMFocusArgs ¶
DOMFocusArgs represents the arguments for Focus in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMFocusArgs ¶
func NewDOMFocusArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMFocusArgs
NewDOMFocusArgs initializes DOMFocusArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMGetAttributesArgs ¶
type DOMGetAttributesArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to retrieve attibutes for.
DOMGetAttributesArgs represents the arguments for GetAttributes in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetAttributesArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetAttributesArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMGetAttributesArgs
NewDOMGetAttributesArgs initializes DOMGetAttributesArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMGetAttributesReply ¶
type DOMGetAttributesReply struct {
Attributes []string `json:"attributes"` // An interleaved array of node attribute names and values.
DOMGetAttributesReply represents the return values for GetAttributes in the DOM domain.
type DOMGetBoxModelArgs ¶
type DOMGetBoxModelArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to get box model for.
DOMGetBoxModelArgs represents the arguments for GetBoxModel in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetBoxModelArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetBoxModelArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMGetBoxModelArgs
NewDOMGetBoxModelArgs initializes DOMGetBoxModelArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMGetBoxModelReply ¶
type DOMGetBoxModelReply struct {
Model cdptype.DOMBoxModel `json:"model"` // Box model for the node.
DOMGetBoxModelReply represents the return values for GetBoxModel in the DOM domain.
type DOMGetDocumentArgs ¶
type DOMGetDocumentArgs struct { Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Pierce *bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` // Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree (default is false). }
DOMGetDocumentArgs represents the arguments for GetDocument in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetDocumentArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetDocumentArgs() *DOMGetDocumentArgs
NewDOMGetDocumentArgs initializes DOMGetDocumentArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMGetDocumentArgs) SetDepth ¶
func (a *DOMGetDocumentArgs) SetDepth(depth int) *DOMGetDocumentArgs
SetDepth sets the Depth optional argument. The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
func (*DOMGetDocumentArgs) SetPierce ¶
func (a *DOMGetDocumentArgs) SetPierce(pierce bool) *DOMGetDocumentArgs
SetPierce sets the Pierce optional argument. Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree (default is false).
type DOMGetDocumentReply ¶
DOMGetDocumentReply represents the return values for GetDocument in the DOM domain.
type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs ¶
type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs struct { Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Pierce *bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` // Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree (default is false). }
DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs represents the arguments for GetFlattenedDocument in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs() *DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs
NewDOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs initializes DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs) SetDepth ¶
func (a *DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs) SetDepth(depth int) *DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs
SetDepth sets the Depth optional argument. The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
func (*DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs) SetPierce ¶
func (a *DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs) SetPierce(pierce bool) *DOMGetFlattenedDocumentArgs
SetPierce sets the Pierce optional argument. Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree (default is false).
type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentReply ¶
type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentReply struct {
Nodes []cdptype.DOMNode `json:"nodes"` // Resulting node.
DOMGetFlattenedDocumentReply represents the return values for GetFlattenedDocument in the DOM domain.
type DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs ¶
type DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs struct { X int `json:"x"` // X coordinate. Y int `json:"y"` // Y coordinate. IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM *bool `json:"includeUserAgentShadowDOM,omitempty"` // False to skip to the nearest non-UA shadow root ancestor (default: false). }
DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs represents the arguments for GetNodeForLocation in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetNodeForLocationArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetNodeForLocationArgs(x int, y int) *DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs
NewDOMGetNodeForLocationArgs initializes DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs) SetIncludeUserAgentShadowDOM ¶
func (a *DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs) SetIncludeUserAgentShadowDOM(includeUserAgentShadowDOM bool) *DOMGetNodeForLocationArgs
SetIncludeUserAgentShadowDOM sets the IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM optional argument. False to skip to the nearest non-UA shadow root ancestor (default: false).
type DOMGetNodeForLocationReply ¶
type DOMGetNodeForLocationReply struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node at given coordinates.
DOMGetNodeForLocationReply represents the return values for GetNodeForLocation in the DOM domain.
type DOMGetOuterHTMLArgs ¶
type DOMGetOuterHTMLArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to get markup for.
DOMGetOuterHTMLArgs represents the arguments for GetOuterHTML in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetOuterHTMLArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetOuterHTMLArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMGetOuterHTMLArgs
NewDOMGetOuterHTMLArgs initializes DOMGetOuterHTMLArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMGetOuterHTMLReply ¶
type DOMGetOuterHTMLReply struct {
OuterHTML string `json:"outerHTML"` // Outer HTML markup.
DOMGetOuterHTMLReply represents the return values for GetOuterHTML in the DOM domain.
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs ¶
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node.
DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs represents the arguments for GetRelayoutBoundary in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs
NewDOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs initializes DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryReply ¶
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryReply struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Relayout boundary node id for the given node.
DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryReply represents the return values for GetRelayoutBoundary in the DOM domain.
type DOMGetSearchResultsArgs ¶
type DOMGetSearchResultsArgs struct { SearchID string `json:"searchId"` // Unique search session identifier. FromIndex int `json:"fromIndex"` // Start index of the search result to be returned. ToIndex int `json:"toIndex"` // End index of the search result to be returned. }
DOMGetSearchResultsArgs represents the arguments for GetSearchResults in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMGetSearchResultsArgs ¶
func NewDOMGetSearchResultsArgs(searchID string, fromIndex int, toIndex int) *DOMGetSearchResultsArgs
NewDOMGetSearchResultsArgs initializes DOMGetSearchResultsArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMGetSearchResultsReply ¶
type DOMGetSearchResultsReply struct {
NodeIDs []cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` // Ids of the search result nodes.
DOMGetSearchResultsReply represents the return values for GetSearchResults in the DOM domain.
type DOMMoveToArgs ¶
type DOMMoveToArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to move. TargetNodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"targetNodeId"` // Id of the element to drop the moved node into. InsertBeforeNodeID *cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"insertBeforeNodeId,omitempty"` // Drop node before this one (if absent, the moved node becomes the last child of targetNodeId). }
DOMMoveToArgs represents the arguments for MoveTo in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMMoveToArgs ¶
func NewDOMMoveToArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, targetNodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMMoveToArgs
NewDOMMoveToArgs initializes DOMMoveToArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMMoveToArgs) SetInsertBeforeNodeID ¶
func (a *DOMMoveToArgs) SetInsertBeforeNodeID(insertBeforeNodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMMoveToArgs
SetInsertBeforeNodeID sets the InsertBeforeNodeID optional argument. Drop node before this one (if absent, the moved node becomes the last child of targetNodeId).
type DOMMoveToReply ¶
type DOMMoveToReply struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // New id of the moved node.
DOMMoveToReply represents the return values for MoveTo in the DOM domain.
type DOMPerformSearchArgs ¶
type DOMPerformSearchArgs struct { Query string `json:"query"` // Plain text or query selector or XPath search query. IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM *bool `json:"includeUserAgentShadowDOM,omitempty"` // True to search in user agent shadow DOM. }
DOMPerformSearchArgs represents the arguments for PerformSearch in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMPerformSearchArgs ¶
func NewDOMPerformSearchArgs(query string) *DOMPerformSearchArgs
NewDOMPerformSearchArgs initializes DOMPerformSearchArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMPerformSearchArgs) SetIncludeUserAgentShadowDOM ¶
func (a *DOMPerformSearchArgs) SetIncludeUserAgentShadowDOM(includeUserAgentShadowDOM bool) *DOMPerformSearchArgs
SetIncludeUserAgentShadowDOM sets the IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM optional argument. True to search in user agent shadow DOM.
type DOMPerformSearchReply ¶
type DOMPerformSearchReply struct { SearchID string `json:"searchId"` // Unique search session identifier. ResultCount int `json:"resultCount"` // Number of search results. }
DOMPerformSearchReply represents the return values for PerformSearch in the DOM domain.
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs ¶
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs struct {
Path string `json:"path"` // Path to node in the proprietary format.
DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs represents the arguments for PushNodeByPathToFrontend in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs ¶
func NewDOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs(path string) *DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs
NewDOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs initializes DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendReply ¶
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendReply struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node for given path.
DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendReply represents the return values for PushNodeByPathToFrontend in the DOM domain.
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs ¶
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs struct {
BackendNodeIDs []cdptype.DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeIds"` // The array of backend node ids.
DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs represents the arguments for PushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs ¶
func NewDOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs(backendNodeIDs []cdptype.DOMBackendNodeID) *DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs
NewDOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs initializes DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendReply ¶
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendReply struct {
NodeIDs []cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` // The array of ids of pushed nodes that correspond to the backend ids specified in backendNodeIds.
DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendReply represents the return values for PushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend in the DOM domain.
type DOMQuerySelectorAllArgs ¶
type DOMQuerySelectorAllArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to query upon. Selector string `json:"selector"` // Selector string. }
DOMQuerySelectorAllArgs represents the arguments for QuerySelectorAll in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMQuerySelectorAllArgs ¶
func NewDOMQuerySelectorAllArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, selector string) *DOMQuerySelectorAllArgs
NewDOMQuerySelectorAllArgs initializes DOMQuerySelectorAllArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMQuerySelectorAllReply ¶
type DOMQuerySelectorAllReply struct {
NodeIDs []cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` // Query selector result.
DOMQuerySelectorAllReply represents the return values for QuerySelectorAll in the DOM domain.
type DOMQuerySelectorArgs ¶
type DOMQuerySelectorArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to query upon. Selector string `json:"selector"` // Selector string. }
DOMQuerySelectorArgs represents the arguments for QuerySelector in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMQuerySelectorArgs ¶
func NewDOMQuerySelectorArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, selector string) *DOMQuerySelectorArgs
NewDOMQuerySelectorArgs initializes DOMQuerySelectorArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMQuerySelectorReply ¶
type DOMQuerySelectorReply struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Query selector result.
DOMQuerySelectorReply represents the return values for QuerySelector in the DOM domain.
type DOMRemoveAttributeArgs ¶
type DOMRemoveAttributeArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the element to remove attribute from. Name string `json:"name"` // Name of the attribute to remove. }
DOMRemoveAttributeArgs represents the arguments for RemoveAttribute in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMRemoveAttributeArgs ¶
func NewDOMRemoveAttributeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, name string) *DOMRemoveAttributeArgs
NewDOMRemoveAttributeArgs initializes DOMRemoveAttributeArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMRemoveNodeArgs ¶
type DOMRemoveNodeArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to remove.
DOMRemoveNodeArgs represents the arguments for RemoveNode in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMRemoveNodeArgs ¶
func NewDOMRemoveNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMRemoveNodeArgs
NewDOMRemoveNodeArgs initializes DOMRemoveNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMRequestChildNodesArgs ¶
type DOMRequestChildNodesArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to get children for. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Pierce *bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` // Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the sub-tree (default is false). }
DOMRequestChildNodesArgs represents the arguments for RequestChildNodes in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMRequestChildNodesArgs ¶
func NewDOMRequestChildNodesArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMRequestChildNodesArgs
NewDOMRequestChildNodesArgs initializes DOMRequestChildNodesArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMRequestChildNodesArgs) SetDepth ¶
func (a *DOMRequestChildNodesArgs) SetDepth(depth int) *DOMRequestChildNodesArgs
SetDepth sets the Depth optional argument. The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0.
func (*DOMRequestChildNodesArgs) SetPierce ¶
func (a *DOMRequestChildNodesArgs) SetPierce(pierce bool) *DOMRequestChildNodesArgs
SetPierce sets the Pierce optional argument. Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the sub-tree (default is false).
type DOMRequestNodeArgs ¶
type DOMRequestNodeArgs struct {
ObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // JavaScript object id to convert into node.
DOMRequestNodeArgs represents the arguments for RequestNode in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMRequestNodeArgs ¶
func NewDOMRequestNodeArgs(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *DOMRequestNodeArgs
NewDOMRequestNodeArgs initializes DOMRequestNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMRequestNodeReply ¶
type DOMRequestNodeReply struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Node id for given object.
DOMRequestNodeReply represents the return values for RequestNode in the DOM domain.
type DOMResolveNodeArgs ¶
type DOMResolveNodeArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to resolve. ObjectGroup *string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. }
DOMResolveNodeArgs represents the arguments for ResolveNode in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMResolveNodeArgs ¶
func NewDOMResolveNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMResolveNodeArgs
NewDOMResolveNodeArgs initializes DOMResolveNodeArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMResolveNodeArgs) SetObjectGroup ¶
func (a *DOMResolveNodeArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *DOMResolveNodeArgs
SetObjectGroup sets the ObjectGroup optional argument. Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
type DOMResolveNodeReply ¶
type DOMResolveNodeReply struct {
Object cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"object"` // JavaScript object wrapper for given node.
DOMResolveNodeReply represents the return values for ResolveNode in the DOM domain.
type DOMSetAttributeValueArgs ¶
type DOMSetAttributeValueArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the element to set attribute for. Name string `json:"name"` // Attribute name. Value string `json:"value"` // Attribute value. }
DOMSetAttributeValueArgs represents the arguments for SetAttributeValue in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMSetAttributeValueArgs ¶
func NewDOMSetAttributeValueArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, name string, value string) *DOMSetAttributeValueArgs
NewDOMSetAttributeValueArgs initializes DOMSetAttributeValueArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs ¶
type DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the element to set attributes for. Text string `json:"text"` // Text with a number of attributes. Will parse this text using HTML parser. Name *string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Attribute name to replace with new attributes derived from text in case text parsed successfully. }
DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs represents the arguments for SetAttributesAsText in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs ¶
func NewDOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, text string) *DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs
NewDOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs initializes DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs) SetName ¶
func (a *DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs) SetName(name string) *DOMSetAttributesAsTextArgs
SetName sets the Name optional argument. Attribute name to replace with new attributes derived from text in case text parsed successfully.
type DOMSetFileInputFilesArgs ¶
type DOMSetFileInputFilesArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the file input node to set files for. Files []string `json:"files"` // Array of file paths to set. }
DOMSetFileInputFilesArgs represents the arguments for SetFileInputFiles in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMSetFileInputFilesArgs ¶
func NewDOMSetFileInputFilesArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, files []string) *DOMSetFileInputFilesArgs
NewDOMSetFileInputFilesArgs initializes DOMSetFileInputFilesArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMSetInspectedNodeArgs ¶
type DOMSetInspectedNodeArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // DOM node id to be accessible by means of $x command line API.
DOMSetInspectedNodeArgs represents the arguments for SetInspectedNode in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMSetInspectedNodeArgs ¶
func NewDOMSetInspectedNodeArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *DOMSetInspectedNodeArgs
NewDOMSetInspectedNodeArgs initializes DOMSetInspectedNodeArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMSetNodeNameArgs ¶
type DOMSetNodeNameArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to set name for. Name string `json:"name"` // New node's name. }
DOMSetNodeNameArgs represents the arguments for SetNodeName in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMSetNodeNameArgs ¶
func NewDOMSetNodeNameArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, name string) *DOMSetNodeNameArgs
NewDOMSetNodeNameArgs initializes DOMSetNodeNameArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMSetNodeNameReply ¶
DOMSetNodeNameReply represents the return values for SetNodeName in the DOM domain.
type DOMSetNodeValueArgs ¶
type DOMSetNodeValueArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to set value for. Value string `json:"value"` // New node's value. }
DOMSetNodeValueArgs represents the arguments for SetNodeValue in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMSetNodeValueArgs ¶
func NewDOMSetNodeValueArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, value string) *DOMSetNodeValueArgs
NewDOMSetNodeValueArgs initializes DOMSetNodeValueArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMSetOuterHTMLArgs ¶
type DOMSetOuterHTMLArgs struct { NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to set markup for. OuterHTML string `json:"outerHTML"` // Outer HTML markup to set. }
DOMSetOuterHTMLArgs represents the arguments for SetOuterHTML in the DOM domain.
func NewDOMSetOuterHTMLArgs ¶
func NewDOMSetOuterHTMLArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID, outerHTML string) *DOMSetOuterHTMLArgs
NewDOMSetOuterHTMLArgs initializes DOMSetOuterHTMLArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs ¶
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs struct {
ComputedStyleWhitelist []string `json:"computedStyleWhitelist"` // Whitelist of computed styles to return.
DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs represents the arguments for GetSnapshot in the DOMSnapshot domain.
func NewDOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs ¶
func NewDOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs(computedStyleWhitelist []string) *DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs
NewDOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs initializes DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotReply ¶
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotReply struct { DOMNodes []cdptype.DOMSnapshotDOMNode `json:"domNodes"` // The nodes in the DOM tree. The DOMNode at index 0 corresponds to the root document. LayoutTreeNodes []cdptype.DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeNode `json:"layoutTreeNodes"` // The nodes in the layout tree. ComputedStyles []cdptype.DOMSnapshotComputedStyle `json:"computedStyles"` // Whitelisted ComputedStyle properties for each node in the layout tree. }
DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotReply represents the return values for GetSnapshot in the DOMSnapshot domain.
type DOMStorageClearArgs ¶
type DOMStorageClearArgs struct {
StorageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` //
DOMStorageClearArgs represents the arguments for Clear in the DOMStorage domain.
func NewDOMStorageClearArgs ¶
func NewDOMStorageClearArgs(storageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID) *DOMStorageClearArgs
NewDOMStorageClearArgs initializes DOMStorageClearArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs ¶
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs struct {
StorageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` //
DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs represents the arguments for GetDOMStorageItems in the DOMStorage domain.
func NewDOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs ¶
func NewDOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs(storageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID) *DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs
NewDOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs initializes DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsReply ¶
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsReply struct {
Entries []cdptype.DOMStorageItem `json:"entries"` //
DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsReply represents the return values for GetDOMStorageItems in the DOMStorage domain.
type DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs ¶
type DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs struct { StorageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` // Key string `json:"key"` // }
DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs represents the arguments for RemoveDOMStorageItem in the DOMStorage domain.
func NewDOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs ¶
func NewDOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs(storageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID, key string) *DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs
NewDOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs initializes DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItemArgs with the required arguments.
type DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs ¶
type DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs struct { StorageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` // Key string `json:"key"` // Value string `json:"value"` // }
DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs represents the arguments for SetDOMStorageItem in the DOMStorage domain.
func NewDOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs ¶
func NewDOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs(storageID cdptype.DOMStorageStorageID, key string, value string) *DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs
NewDOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs initializes DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItemArgs with the required arguments.
type DatabaseExecuteSQLArgs ¶
type DatabaseExecuteSQLArgs struct { DatabaseID cdptype.DatabaseID `json:"databaseId"` // Query string `json:"query"` // }
DatabaseExecuteSQLArgs represents the arguments for ExecuteSQL in the Database domain.
func NewDatabaseExecuteSQLArgs ¶
func NewDatabaseExecuteSQLArgs(databaseID cdptype.DatabaseID, query string) *DatabaseExecuteSQLArgs
NewDatabaseExecuteSQLArgs initializes DatabaseExecuteSQLArgs with the required arguments.
type DatabaseExecuteSQLReply ¶
type DatabaseExecuteSQLReply struct { ColumnNames []string `json:"columnNames,omitempty"` // Values []json.RawMessage `json:"values,omitempty"` // SQLError *cdptype.DatabaseError `json:"sqlError,omitempty"` // }
DatabaseExecuteSQLReply represents the return values for ExecuteSQL in the Database domain.
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs ¶
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs struct {
DatabaseID cdptype.DatabaseID `json:"databaseId"` //
DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs represents the arguments for GetDatabaseTableNames in the Database domain.
func NewDatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs ¶
func NewDatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs(databaseID cdptype.DatabaseID) *DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs
NewDatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs initializes DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesArgs with the required arguments.
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesReply ¶
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesReply struct {
TableNames []string `json:"tableNames"` //
DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesReply represents the return values for GetDatabaseTableNames in the Database domain.
type DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs ¶
type DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs struct { Location cdptype.DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` // Location to continue to. TargetCallFrames *string `json:"targetCallFrames,omitempty"` // }
DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs represents the arguments for ContinueToLocation in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerContinueToLocationArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerContinueToLocationArgs(location cdptype.DebuggerLocation) *DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs
NewDebuggerContinueToLocationArgs initializes DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs) SetTargetCallFrames ¶
func (a *DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs) SetTargetCallFrames(targetCallFrames string) *DebuggerContinueToLocationArgs
SetTargetCallFrames sets the TargetCallFrames optional argument.
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs ¶
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs struct { CallFrameID cdptype.DebuggerCallFrameID `json:"callFrameId"` // Call frame identifier to evaluate on. Expression string `json:"expression"` // Expression to evaluate. ObjectGroup *string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // String object group name to put result into (allows rapid releasing resulting object handles using releaseObjectGroup). IncludeCommandLineAPI *bool `json:"includeCommandLineAPI,omitempty"` // Specifies whether command line API should be available to the evaluated expression, defaults to false. Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state. ReturnByValue *bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value. GeneratePreview *bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // Whether preview should be generated for the result. ThrowOnSideEffect *bool `json:"throwOnSideEffect,omitempty"` // Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation. }
DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs represents the arguments for EvaluateOnCallFrame in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs(callFrameID cdptype.DebuggerCallFrameID, expression string) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
NewDebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs initializes DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetGeneratePreview ¶
func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
SetGeneratePreview sets the GeneratePreview optional argument. Whether preview should be generated for the result.
func (*DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI ¶
func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI(includeCommandLineAPI bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
SetIncludeCommandLineAPI sets the IncludeCommandLineAPI optional argument. Specifies whether command line API should be available to the evaluated expression, defaults to false.
func (*DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetObjectGroup ¶
func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
SetObjectGroup sets the ObjectGroup optional argument. String object group name to put result into (allows rapid releasing resulting object handles using releaseObjectGroup).
func (*DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetReturnByValue ¶
func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
SetReturnByValue sets the ReturnByValue optional argument. Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value.
func (*DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetSilent ¶
func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
SetSilent sets the Silent optional argument. In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state.
func (*DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetThrowOnSideEffect ¶
func (a *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs) SetThrowOnSideEffect(throwOnSideEffect bool) *DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameArgs
SetThrowOnSideEffect sets the ThrowOnSideEffect optional argument. Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation.
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameReply ¶
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameReply struct { Result cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // Object wrapper for the evaluation result. ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details. }
DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameReply represents the return values for EvaluateOnCallFrame in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs ¶
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs struct { Start cdptype.DebuggerLocation `json:"start"` // Start of range to search possible breakpoint locations in. End *cdptype.DebuggerLocation `json:"end,omitempty"` // End of range to search possible breakpoint locations in (excluding). When not specified, end of scripts is used as end of range. RestrictToFunction *bool `json:"restrictToFunction,omitempty"` // Only consider locations which are in the same (non-nested) function as start. }
DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs represents the arguments for GetPossibleBreakpoints in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs(start cdptype.DebuggerLocation) *DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs
NewDebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs initializes DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs) SetEnd ¶
func (a *DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs) SetEnd(end cdptype.DebuggerLocation) *DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs
SetEnd sets the End optional argument. End of range to search possible breakpoint locations in (excluding). When not specified, end of scripts is used as end of range.
func (*DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs) SetRestrictToFunction ¶
func (a *DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs) SetRestrictToFunction(restrictToFunction bool) *DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsArgs
SetRestrictToFunction sets the RestrictToFunction optional argument. Only consider locations which are in the same (non-nested) function as start.
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsReply ¶
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsReply struct {
Locations []cdptype.DebuggerBreakLocation `json:"locations"` // List of the possible breakpoint locations.
DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsReply represents the return values for GetPossibleBreakpoints in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs ¶
type DebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs struct {
ScriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Id of the script to get source for.
DebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs represents the arguments for GetScriptSource in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs(scriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID) *DebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs
NewDebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs initializes DebuggerGetScriptSourceArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerGetScriptSourceReply ¶
type DebuggerGetScriptSourceReply struct {
ScriptSource string `json:"scriptSource"` // Script source.
DebuggerGetScriptSourceReply represents the return values for GetScriptSource in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs ¶
type DebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs struct {
BreakpointID cdptype.DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` //
DebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for RemoveBreakpoint in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs(breakpointID cdptype.DebuggerBreakpointID) *DebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs
NewDebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs initializes DebuggerRemoveBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerRestartFrameArgs ¶
type DebuggerRestartFrameArgs struct {
CallFrameID cdptype.DebuggerCallFrameID `json:"callFrameId"` // Call frame identifier to evaluate on.
DebuggerRestartFrameArgs represents the arguments for RestartFrame in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerRestartFrameArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerRestartFrameArgs(callFrameID cdptype.DebuggerCallFrameID) *DebuggerRestartFrameArgs
NewDebuggerRestartFrameArgs initializes DebuggerRestartFrameArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerRestartFrameReply ¶
type DebuggerRestartFrameReply struct { CallFrames []cdptype.DebuggerCallFrame `json:"callFrames"` // New stack trace. AsyncStackTrace *cdptype.RuntimeStackTrace `json:"asyncStackTrace,omitempty"` // Async stack trace, if any. }
DebuggerRestartFrameReply represents the return values for RestartFrame in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerSearchInContentArgs ¶
type DebuggerSearchInContentArgs struct { ScriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Id of the script to search in. Query string `json:"query"` // String to search for. CaseSensitive *bool `json:"caseSensitive,omitempty"` // If true, search is case sensitive. IsRegex *bool `json:"isRegex,omitempty"` // If true, treats string parameter as regex. }
DebuggerSearchInContentArgs represents the arguments for SearchInContent in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSearchInContentArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSearchInContentArgs(scriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID, query string) *DebuggerSearchInContentArgs
NewDebuggerSearchInContentArgs initializes DebuggerSearchInContentArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DebuggerSearchInContentArgs) SetCaseSensitive ¶
func (a *DebuggerSearchInContentArgs) SetCaseSensitive(caseSensitive bool) *DebuggerSearchInContentArgs
SetCaseSensitive sets the CaseSensitive optional argument. If true, search is case sensitive.
func (*DebuggerSearchInContentArgs) SetIsRegex ¶
func (a *DebuggerSearchInContentArgs) SetIsRegex(isRegex bool) *DebuggerSearchInContentArgs
SetIsRegex sets the IsRegex optional argument. If true, treats string parameter as regex.
type DebuggerSearchInContentReply ¶
type DebuggerSearchInContentReply struct {
Result []cdptype.DebuggerSearchMatch `json:"result"` // List of search matches.
DebuggerSearchInContentReply represents the return values for SearchInContent in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs struct {
MaxDepth int `json:"maxDepth"` // Maximum depth of async call stacks. Setting to 0 will effectively disable collecting async call stacks (default).
DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs represents the arguments for SetAsyncCallStackDepth in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs(maxDepth int) *DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs
NewDebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs initializes DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepthArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs struct {
Patterns []string `json:"patterns"` // Array of regexps that will be used to check script url for blackbox state.
DebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs represents the arguments for SetBlackboxPatterns in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs(patterns []string) *DebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs
NewDebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs initializes DebuggerSetBlackboxPatternsArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs struct { ScriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Id of the script. Positions []cdptype.DebuggerScriptPosition `json:"positions"` // }
DebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs represents the arguments for SetBlackboxedRanges in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs(scriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID, positions []cdptype.DebuggerScriptPosition) *DebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs
NewDebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs initializes DebuggerSetBlackboxedRangesArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs struct { Location cdptype.DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` // Location to set breakpoint in. Condition *string `json:"condition,omitempty"` // Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true. }
DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs represents the arguments for SetBreakpoint in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetBreakpointArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetBreakpointArgs(location cdptype.DebuggerLocation) *DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs
NewDebuggerSetBreakpointArgs initializes DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs) SetCondition ¶
func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs) SetCondition(condition string) *DebuggerSetBreakpointArgs
SetCondition sets the Condition optional argument. Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true.
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs struct { LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // Line number to set breakpoint at. URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // URL of the resources to set breakpoint on. URLRegex *string `json:"urlRegex,omitempty"` // Regex pattern for the URLs of the resources to set breakpoints on. Either url or urlRegex must be specified. ColumnNumber *int `json:"columnNumber,omitempty"` // Offset in the line to set breakpoint at. Condition *string `json:"condition,omitempty"` // Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true. }
DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs represents the arguments for SetBreakpointByURL in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs(lineNumber int) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
NewDebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs initializes DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetColumnNumber ¶
func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetColumnNumber(columnNumber int) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
SetColumnNumber sets the ColumnNumber optional argument. Offset in the line to set breakpoint at.
func (*DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetCondition ¶
func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetCondition(condition string) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
SetCondition sets the Condition optional argument. Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true.
func (*DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetURL ¶
func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetURL(url string) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
SetURL sets the URL optional argument. URL of the resources to set breakpoint on.
func (*DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetURLRegex ¶
func (a *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs) SetURLRegex(urlRegex string) *DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLArgs
SetURLRegex sets the URLRegex optional argument. Regex pattern for the URLs of the resources to set breakpoints on. Either url or urlRegex must be specified.
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLReply ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLReply struct { BreakpointID cdptype.DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` // Id of the created breakpoint for further reference. Locations []cdptype.DebuggerLocation `json:"locations"` // List of the locations this breakpoint resolved into upon addition. }
DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLReply represents the return values for SetBreakpointByURL in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerSetBreakpointReply ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointReply struct { BreakpointID cdptype.DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` // Id of the created breakpoint for further reference. ActualLocation cdptype.DebuggerLocation `json:"actualLocation"` // Location this breakpoint resolved into. }
DebuggerSetBreakpointReply represents the return values for SetBreakpoint in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs struct {
Active bool `json:"active"` // New value for breakpoints active state.
DebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs represents the arguments for SetBreakpointsActive in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs(active bool) *DebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs
NewDebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs initializes DebuggerSetBreakpointsActiveArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs struct {
State string `json:"state"` // Pause on exceptions mode.
DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs represents the arguments for SetPauseOnExceptions in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs(state string) *DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs
NewDebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs initializes DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs struct { ScriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Id of the script to edit. ScriptSource string `json:"scriptSource"` // New content of the script. DryRun *bool `json:"dryRun,omitempty"` // If true the change will not actually be applied. Dry run may be used to get result description without actually modifying the code. }
DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs represents the arguments for SetScriptSource in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs(scriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID, scriptSource string) *DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs
NewDebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs initializes DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs with the required arguments.
func (*DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs) SetDryRun ¶
func (a *DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs) SetDryRun(dryRun bool) *DebuggerSetScriptSourceArgs
SetDryRun sets the DryRun optional argument. If true the change will not actually be applied. Dry run may be used to get result description without actually modifying the code.
type DebuggerSetScriptSourceReply ¶
type DebuggerSetScriptSourceReply struct { CallFrames []cdptype.DebuggerCallFrame `json:"callFrames,omitempty"` // New stack trace in case editing has happened while VM was stopped. StackChanged *bool `json:"stackChanged,omitempty"` // Whether current call stack was modified after applying the changes. AsyncStackTrace *cdptype.RuntimeStackTrace `json:"asyncStackTrace,omitempty"` // Async stack trace, if any. ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details if any. }
DebuggerSetScriptSourceReply represents the return values for SetScriptSource in the Debugger domain.
type DebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs struct {
Skip bool `json:"skip"` // New value for skip pauses state.
DebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs represents the arguments for SetSkipAllPauses in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs(skip bool) *DebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs
NewDebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs initializes DebuggerSetSkipAllPausesArgs with the required arguments.
type DebuggerSetVariableValueArgs ¶
type DebuggerSetVariableValueArgs struct { ScopeNumber int `json:"scopeNumber"` // 0-based number of scope as was listed in scope chain. Only 'local', 'closure' and 'catch' scope types are allowed. Other scopes could be manipulated manually. VariableName string `json:"variableName"` // Variable name. NewValue cdptype.RuntimeCallArgument `json:"newValue"` // New variable value. CallFrameID cdptype.DebuggerCallFrameID `json:"callFrameId"` // Id of callframe that holds variable. }
DebuggerSetVariableValueArgs represents the arguments for SetVariableValue in the Debugger domain.
func NewDebuggerSetVariableValueArgs ¶
func NewDebuggerSetVariableValueArgs(scopeNumber int, variableName string, newValue cdptype.RuntimeCallArgument, callFrameID cdptype.DebuggerCallFrameID) *DebuggerSetVariableValueArgs
NewDebuggerSetVariableValueArgs initializes DebuggerSetVariableValueArgs with the required arguments.
type DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs ¶
type DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs struct { Alpha float64 `json:"alpha"` // Mock alpha Beta float64 `json:"beta"` // Mock beta Gamma float64 `json:"gamma"` // Mock gamma }
DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetDeviceOrientationOverride in the DeviceOrientation domain.
func NewDeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs ¶
func NewDeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs(alpha float64, beta float64, gamma float64) *DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs
NewDeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs initializes DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
type EmulationCanEmulateReply ¶
type EmulationCanEmulateReply struct {
Result bool `json:"result"` // True if emulation is supported.
EmulationCanEmulateReply represents the return values for CanEmulate in the Emulation domain.
type EmulationForceViewportArgs ¶
type EmulationForceViewportArgs struct { X float64 `json:"x"` // X coordinate of top-left corner of the area (CSS pixels). Y float64 `json:"y"` // Y coordinate of top-left corner of the area (CSS pixels). Scale float64 `json:"scale"` // Scale to apply to the area (relative to a page scale of 1.0). }
EmulationForceViewportArgs represents the arguments for ForceViewport in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationForceViewportArgs ¶
func NewEmulationForceViewportArgs(x float64, y float64, scale float64) *EmulationForceViewportArgs
NewEmulationForceViewportArgs initializes EmulationForceViewportArgs with the required arguments.
type EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs ¶
type EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs struct {
Rate float64 `json:"rate"` // Throttling rate as a slowdown factor (1 is no throttle, 2 is 2x slowdown, etc).
EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs represents the arguments for SetCPUThrottlingRate in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs(rate float64) *EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs
NewEmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs initializes EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRateArgs with the required arguments.
type EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs ¶
type EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs struct {
Color *cdptype.DOMRGBA `json:"color,omitempty"` // RGBA of the default background color. If not specified, any existing override will be cleared.
EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs() *EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs
NewEmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs initializes EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
func (*EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs) SetColor ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs) SetColor(color cdptype.DOMRGBA) *EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverrideArgs
SetColor sets the Color optional argument. RGBA of the default background color. If not specified, any existing override will be cleared.
type EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs ¶
type EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs struct { Width int `json:"width"` // Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. Height int `json:"height"` // Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. DeviceScaleFactor float64 `json:"deviceScaleFactor"` // Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override. Mobile bool `json:"mobile"` // Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text autosizing and more. FitWindow bool `json:"fitWindow"` // Whether a view that exceeds the available browser window area should be scaled down to fit. Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` // Scale to apply to resulting view image. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode. OffsetX *float64 `json:"offsetX,omitempty"` // Not used. OffsetY *float64 `json:"offsetY,omitempty"` // Not used. ScreenWidth *int `json:"screenWidth,omitempty"` // Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. ScreenHeight *int `json:"screenHeight,omitempty"` // Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. PositionX *int `json:"positionX,omitempty"` // Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. PositionY *int `json:"positionY,omitempty"` // Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. ScreenOrientation *cdptype.EmulationScreenOrientation `json:"screenOrientation,omitempty"` // Screen orientation override. }
EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetDeviceMetricsOverride in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs(width int, height int, deviceScaleFactor float64, mobile bool, fitWindow bool) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
NewEmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs initializes EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetX ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetX(offsetX float64) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetOffsetX sets the OffsetX optional argument. Not used.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetY ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetY(offsetY float64) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetOffsetY sets the OffsetY optional argument. Not used.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionX ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionX(positionX int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetPositionX sets the PositionX optional argument. Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionY ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionY(positionY int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetPositionY sets the PositionY optional argument. Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScale ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScale(scale float64) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScale sets the Scale optional argument. Scale to apply to resulting view image. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenHeight ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenHeight(screenHeight int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScreenHeight sets the ScreenHeight optional argument. Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenOrientation ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenOrientation(screenOrientation cdptype.EmulationScreenOrientation) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScreenOrientation sets the ScreenOrientation optional argument. Screen orientation override.
func (*EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenWidth ¶
func (a *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenWidth(screenWidth int) *EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScreenWidth sets the ScreenWidth optional argument. Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
type EmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs ¶
type EmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs struct {
Media string `json:"media"` // Media type to emulate. Empty string disables the override.
EmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs represents the arguments for SetEmulatedMedia in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs(media string) *EmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs
NewEmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs initializes EmulationSetEmulatedMediaArgs with the required arguments.
type EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs ¶
type EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs struct { Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // Mock latitude Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // Mock longitude Accuracy *float64 `json:"accuracy,omitempty"` // Mock accuracy }
EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetGeolocationOverride in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs() *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
NewEmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs initializes EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
func (*EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetAccuracy ¶
func (a *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetAccuracy(accuracy float64) *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
SetAccuracy sets the Accuracy optional argument. Mock accuracy
func (*EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLatitude ¶
func (a *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLatitude(latitude float64) *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
SetLatitude sets the Latitude optional argument. Mock latitude
func (*EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLongitude ¶
func (a *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLongitude(longitude float64) *EmulationSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
SetLongitude sets the Longitude optional argument. Mock longitude
type EmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs ¶
type EmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs struct {
PageScaleFactor float64 `json:"pageScaleFactor"` // Page scale factor.
EmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs represents the arguments for SetPageScaleFactor in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs(pageScaleFactor float64) *EmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs
NewEmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs initializes EmulationSetPageScaleFactorArgs with the required arguments.
type EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs ¶
type EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs struct {
Value bool `json:"value"` // Whether script execution should be disabled in the page.
EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs represents the arguments for SetScriptExecutionDisabled in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs(value bool) *EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs
NewEmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs initializes EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabledArgs with the required arguments.
type EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs ¶
type EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled. Configuration *string `json:"configuration,omitempty"` // Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform. }
EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs represents the arguments for SetTouchEmulationEnabled in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs(enabled bool) *EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs
NewEmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs initializes EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs with the required arguments.
func (*EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs) SetConfiguration ¶
func (a *EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs) SetConfiguration(configuration string) *EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs
SetConfiguration sets the Configuration optional argument. Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform.
type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs ¶
type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs struct { Policy cdptype.EmulationVirtualTimePolicy `json:"policy"` // Budget *int `json:"budget,omitempty"` // If set, after this many virtual milliseconds have elapsed virtual time will be paused and a virtualTimeBudgetExpired event is sent. }
EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs represents the arguments for SetVirtualTimePolicy in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs(policy cdptype.EmulationVirtualTimePolicy) *EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs
NewEmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs initializes EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs with the required arguments.
func (*EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs) SetBudget ¶
func (a *EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs) SetBudget(budget int) *EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyArgs
SetBudget sets the Budget optional argument. If set, after this many virtual milliseconds have elapsed virtual time will be paused and a virtualTimeBudgetExpired event is sent.
type EmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs ¶
type EmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs struct { Width int `json:"width"` // Frame width (DIP). Height int `json:"height"` // Frame height (DIP). }
EmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs represents the arguments for SetVisibleSize in the Emulation domain.
func NewEmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs ¶
func NewEmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs(width int, height int) *EmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs
NewEmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs initializes EmulationSetVisibleSizeArgs with the required arguments.
type HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs ¶
type HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs struct {
HeapObjectID cdptype.HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID `json:"heapObjectId"` // Heap snapshot object id to be accessible by means of $x command line API.
HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs represents the arguments for AddInspectedHeapObject in the HeapProfiler domain.
func NewHeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs ¶
func NewHeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs(heapObjectID cdptype.HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID) *HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs
NewHeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs initializes HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObjectArgs with the required arguments.
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs ¶
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs struct {
ObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // Identifier of the object to get heap object id for.
HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs represents the arguments for GetHeapObjectID in the HeapProfiler domain.
func NewHeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs ¶
func NewHeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs
NewHeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs initializes HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDArgs with the required arguments.
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDReply ¶
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDReply struct {
HeapSnapshotObjectID cdptype.HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID `json:"heapSnapshotObjectId"` // Id of the heap snapshot object corresponding to the passed remote object id.
HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDReply represents the return values for GetHeapObjectID in the HeapProfiler domain.
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs ¶
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs struct { ObjectID cdptype.HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID `json:"objectId"` // ObjectGroup *string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. }
HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs represents the arguments for GetObjectByHeapObjectID in the HeapProfiler domain.
func NewHeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs ¶
func NewHeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs(objectID cdptype.HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID) *HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs
NewHeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs initializes HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs with the required arguments.
func (*HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs) SetObjectGroup ¶
func (a *HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDArgs
SetObjectGroup sets the ObjectGroup optional argument. Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDReply ¶
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDReply struct {
Result cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // Evaluation result.
HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDReply represents the return values for GetObjectByHeapObjectID in the HeapProfiler domain.
type HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs ¶
type HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs struct {
SamplingInterval *float64 `json:"samplingInterval,omitempty"` // Average sample interval in bytes. Poisson distribution is used for the intervals. The default value is 32768 bytes.
HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs represents the arguments for StartSampling in the HeapProfiler domain.
func NewHeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs ¶
func NewHeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs() *HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs
NewHeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs initializes HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs with the required arguments.
func (*HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs) SetSamplingInterval ¶
func (a *HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs) SetSamplingInterval(samplingInterval float64) *HeapProfilerStartSamplingArgs
SetSamplingInterval sets the SamplingInterval optional argument. Average sample interval in bytes. Poisson distribution is used for the intervals. The default value is 32768 bytes.
type HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs ¶
type HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs struct {
TrackAllocations *bool `json:"trackAllocations,omitempty"` //
HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs represents the arguments for StartTrackingHeapObjects in the HeapProfiler domain.
func NewHeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs ¶
func NewHeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs() *HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs
NewHeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs initializes HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs with the required arguments.
func (*HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs) SetTrackAllocations ¶
func (a *HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs) SetTrackAllocations(trackAllocations bool) *HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjectsArgs
SetTrackAllocations sets the TrackAllocations optional argument.
type HeapProfilerStopSamplingReply ¶
type HeapProfilerStopSamplingReply struct {
Profile cdptype.HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile `json:"profile"` // Recorded sampling heap profile.
HeapProfilerStopSamplingReply represents the return values for StopSampling in the HeapProfiler domain.
type HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs ¶
type HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs struct {
ReportProgress *bool `json:"reportProgress,omitempty"` // If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken when the tracking is stopped.
HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs represents the arguments for StopTrackingHeapObjects in the HeapProfiler domain.
func NewHeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs ¶
func NewHeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs() *HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs
NewHeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs initializes HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs with the required arguments.
func (*HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs) SetReportProgress ¶
func (a *HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs) SetReportProgress(reportProgress bool) *HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjectsArgs
SetReportProgress sets the ReportProgress optional argument. If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken when the tracking is stopped.
type HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs ¶
type HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs struct {
ReportProgress *bool `json:"reportProgress,omitempty"` // If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken.
HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs represents the arguments for TakeHeapSnapshot in the HeapProfiler domain.
func NewHeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs ¶
func NewHeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs() *HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs
NewHeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs initializes HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs with the required arguments.
func (*HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs) SetReportProgress ¶
func (a *HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs) SetReportProgress(reportProgress bool) *HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshotArgs
SetReportProgress sets the ReportProgress optional argument. If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken.
type IOCloseArgs ¶
type IOCloseArgs struct {
Handle cdptype.IOStreamHandle `json:"handle"` // Handle of the stream to close.
IOCloseArgs represents the arguments for Close in the IO domain.
func NewIOCloseArgs ¶
func NewIOCloseArgs(handle cdptype.IOStreamHandle) *IOCloseArgs
NewIOCloseArgs initializes IOCloseArgs with the required arguments.
type IOReadArgs ¶
type IOReadArgs struct { Handle cdptype.IOStreamHandle `json:"handle"` // Handle of the stream to read. Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Seek to the specified offset before reading (if not specificed, proceed with offset following the last read). Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` // Maximum number of bytes to read (left upon the agent discretion if not specified). }
IOReadArgs represents the arguments for Read in the IO domain.
func NewIOReadArgs ¶
func NewIOReadArgs(handle cdptype.IOStreamHandle) *IOReadArgs
NewIOReadArgs initializes IOReadArgs with the required arguments.
func (*IOReadArgs) SetOffset ¶
func (a *IOReadArgs) SetOffset(offset int) *IOReadArgs
SetOffset sets the Offset optional argument. Seek to the specified offset before reading (if not specificed, proceed with offset following the last read).
func (*IOReadArgs) SetSize ¶
func (a *IOReadArgs) SetSize(size int) *IOReadArgs
SetSize sets the Size optional argument. Maximum number of bytes to read (left upon the agent discretion if not specified).
type IOReadReply ¶
type IOReadReply struct { Data string `json:"data"` // Data that were read. EOF bool `json:"eof"` // Set if the end-of-file condition occurred while reading. }
IOReadReply represents the return values for Read in the IO domain.
type IndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs ¶
type IndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs struct { SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // Security origin. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // Database name. ObjectStoreName string `json:"objectStoreName"` // Object store name. }
IndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs represents the arguments for ClearObjectStore in the IndexedDB domain.
func NewIndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs ¶
func NewIndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs(securityOrigin string, databaseName string, objectStoreName string) *IndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs
NewIndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs initializes IndexedDBClearObjectStoreArgs with the required arguments.
type IndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs ¶
type IndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs struct { SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // Security origin. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // Database name. }
IndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs represents the arguments for DeleteDatabase in the IndexedDB domain.
func NewIndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs ¶
func NewIndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs(securityOrigin string, databaseName string) *IndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs
NewIndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs initializes IndexedDBDeleteDatabaseArgs with the required arguments.
type IndexedDBRequestDataArgs ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDataArgs struct { SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // Security origin. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // Database name. ObjectStoreName string `json:"objectStoreName"` // Object store name. IndexName string `json:"indexName"` // Index name, empty string for object store data requests. SkipCount int `json:"skipCount"` // Number of records to skip. PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` // Number of records to fetch. KeyRange *cdptype.IndexedDBKeyRange `json:"keyRange,omitempty"` // Key range. }
IndexedDBRequestDataArgs represents the arguments for RequestData in the IndexedDB domain.
func NewIndexedDBRequestDataArgs ¶
func NewIndexedDBRequestDataArgs(securityOrigin string, databaseName string, objectStoreName string, indexName string, skipCount int, pageSize int) *IndexedDBRequestDataArgs
NewIndexedDBRequestDataArgs initializes IndexedDBRequestDataArgs with the required arguments.
func (*IndexedDBRequestDataArgs) SetKeyRange ¶
func (a *IndexedDBRequestDataArgs) SetKeyRange(keyRange cdptype.IndexedDBKeyRange) *IndexedDBRequestDataArgs
SetKeyRange sets the KeyRange optional argument. Key range.
type IndexedDBRequestDataReply ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDataReply struct { ObjectStoreDataEntries []cdptype.IndexedDBDataEntry `json:"objectStoreDataEntries"` // Array of object store data entries. HasMore bool `json:"hasMore"` // If true, there are more entries to fetch in the given range. }
IndexedDBRequestDataReply represents the return values for RequestData in the IndexedDB domain.
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs struct { SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // Security origin. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // Database name. }
IndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs represents the arguments for RequestDatabase in the IndexedDB domain.
func NewIndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs ¶
func NewIndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs(securityOrigin string, databaseName string) *IndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs
NewIndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs initializes IndexedDBRequestDatabaseArgs with the required arguments.
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs struct {
SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // Security origin.
IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs represents the arguments for RequestDatabaseNames in the IndexedDB domain.
func NewIndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs ¶
func NewIndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs(securityOrigin string) *IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs
NewIndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs initializes IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesArgs with the required arguments.
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesReply ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesReply struct {
DatabaseNames []string `json:"databaseNames"` // Database names for origin.
IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesReply represents the return values for RequestDatabaseNames in the IndexedDB domain.
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseReply ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseReply struct {
DatabaseWithObjectStores cdptype.IndexedDBDatabaseWithObjectStores `json:"databaseWithObjectStores"` // Database with an array of object stores.
IndexedDBRequestDatabaseReply represents the return values for RequestDatabase in the IndexedDB domain.
type InputDispatchKeyEventArgs ¶
type InputDispatchKeyEventArgs struct { Type string `json:"type"` // Type of the key event. Modifiers *int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0). Timestamp cdptype.Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Time at which the event occurred. Measured in UTC time in seconds since January 1, 1970 (default: current time). Text *string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Text as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard layout. Not needed for for keyUp and rawKeyDown events (default: "") UnmodifiedText *string `json:"unmodifiedText,omitempty"` // Text that would have been generated by the keyboard if no modifiers were pressed (except for shift). Useful for shortcut (accelerator) key handling (default: ""). KeyIdentifier *string `json:"keyIdentifier,omitempty"` // Unique key identifier (e.g., 'U+0041') (default: ""). Code *string `json:"code,omitempty"` // Unique DOM defined string value for each physical key (e.g., 'KeyA') (default: ""). Key *string `json:"key,omitempty"` // Unique DOM defined string value describing the meaning of the key in the context of active modifiers, keyboard layout, etc (e.g., 'AltGr') (default: ""). WindowsVirtualKeyCode *int `json:"windowsVirtualKeyCode,omitempty"` // Windows virtual key code (default: 0). NativeVirtualKeyCode *int `json:"nativeVirtualKeyCode,omitempty"` // Native virtual key code (default: 0). AutoRepeat *bool `json:"autoRepeat,omitempty"` // Whether the event was generated from auto repeat (default: false). IsKeypad *bool `json:"isKeypad,omitempty"` // Whether the event was generated from the keypad (default: false). IsSystemKey *bool `json:"isSystemKey,omitempty"` // Whether the event was a system key event (default: false). }
InputDispatchKeyEventArgs represents the arguments for DispatchKeyEvent in the Input domain.
func NewInputDispatchKeyEventArgs ¶
func NewInputDispatchKeyEventArgs(typ string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
NewInputDispatchKeyEventArgs initializes InputDispatchKeyEventArgs with the required arguments.
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetAutoRepeat ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetAutoRepeat(autoRepeat bool) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetAutoRepeat sets the AutoRepeat optional argument. Whether the event was generated from auto repeat (default: false).
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetCode ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetCode(code string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetCode sets the Code optional argument. Unique DOM defined string value for each physical key (e.g., 'KeyA') (default: "").
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetIsKeypad ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetIsKeypad(isKeypad bool) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetIsKeypad sets the IsKeypad optional argument. Whether the event was generated from the keypad (default: false).
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetIsSystemKey ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetIsSystemKey(isSystemKey bool) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetIsSystemKey sets the IsSystemKey optional argument. Whether the event was a system key event (default: false).
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetKey ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetKey(key string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetKey sets the Key optional argument. Unique DOM defined string value describing the meaning of the key in the context of active modifiers, keyboard layout, etc (e.g., 'AltGr') (default: "").
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetKeyIdentifier ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetKeyIdentifier(keyIdentifier string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetKeyIdentifier sets the KeyIdentifier optional argument. Unique key identifier (e.g., 'U+0041') (default: "").
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetModifiers ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetModifiers(modifiers int) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetModifiers sets the Modifiers optional argument. Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0).
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetNativeVirtualKeyCode ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetNativeVirtualKeyCode(nativeVirtualKeyCode int) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetNativeVirtualKeyCode sets the NativeVirtualKeyCode optional argument. Native virtual key code (default: 0).
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetText ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetText(text string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetText sets the Text optional argument. Text as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard layout. Not needed for for keyUp and rawKeyDown events (default: "")
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetTimestamp ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetTimestamp(timestamp cdptype.Timestamp) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetTimestamp sets the Timestamp optional argument. Time at which the event occurred. Measured in UTC time in seconds since January 1, 1970 (default: current time).
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetUnmodifiedText ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetUnmodifiedText(unmodifiedText string) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetUnmodifiedText sets the UnmodifiedText optional argument. Text that would have been generated by the keyboard if no modifiers were pressed (except for shift). Useful for shortcut (accelerator) key handling (default: "").
func (*InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetWindowsVirtualKeyCode ¶
func (a *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs) SetWindowsVirtualKeyCode(windowsVirtualKeyCode int) *InputDispatchKeyEventArgs
SetWindowsVirtualKeyCode sets the WindowsVirtualKeyCode optional argument. Windows virtual key code (default: 0).
type InputDispatchMouseEventArgs ¶
type InputDispatchMouseEventArgs struct { Type string `json:"type"` // Type of the mouse event. X int `json:"x"` // X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport. Y int `json:"y"` // Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport. 0 refers to the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport. Modifiers *int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0). Timestamp cdptype.Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Time at which the event occurred. Measured in UTC time in seconds since January 1, 1970 (default: current time). Button *string `json:"button,omitempty"` // Mouse button (default: "none"). ClickCount *int `json:"clickCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0). }
InputDispatchMouseEventArgs represents the arguments for DispatchMouseEvent in the Input domain.
func NewInputDispatchMouseEventArgs ¶
func NewInputDispatchMouseEventArgs(typ string, x int, y int) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
NewInputDispatchMouseEventArgs initializes InputDispatchMouseEventArgs with the required arguments.
func (*InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetButton ¶
func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetButton(button string) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
SetButton sets the Button optional argument. Mouse button (default: "none").
func (*InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetClickCount ¶
func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetClickCount(clickCount int) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
SetClickCount sets the ClickCount optional argument. Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0).
func (*InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetModifiers ¶
func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetModifiers(modifiers int) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
SetModifiers sets the Modifiers optional argument. Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0).
func (*InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetTimestamp ¶
func (a *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs) SetTimestamp(timestamp cdptype.Timestamp) *InputDispatchMouseEventArgs
SetTimestamp sets the Timestamp optional argument. Time at which the event occurred. Measured in UTC time in seconds since January 1, 1970 (default: current time).
type InputDispatchTouchEventArgs ¶
type InputDispatchTouchEventArgs struct { Type string `json:"type"` // Type of the touch event. TouchPoints []cdptype.InputTouchPoint `json:"touchPoints"` // Touch points. Modifiers *int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0). Timestamp cdptype.Timestamp `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Time at which the event occurred. Measured in UTC time in seconds since January 1, 1970 (default: current time). }
InputDispatchTouchEventArgs represents the arguments for DispatchTouchEvent in the Input domain.
func NewInputDispatchTouchEventArgs ¶
func NewInputDispatchTouchEventArgs(typ string, touchPoints []cdptype.InputTouchPoint) *InputDispatchTouchEventArgs
NewInputDispatchTouchEventArgs initializes InputDispatchTouchEventArgs with the required arguments.
func (*InputDispatchTouchEventArgs) SetModifiers ¶
func (a *InputDispatchTouchEventArgs) SetModifiers(modifiers int) *InputDispatchTouchEventArgs
SetModifiers sets the Modifiers optional argument. Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0).
func (*InputDispatchTouchEventArgs) SetTimestamp ¶
func (a *InputDispatchTouchEventArgs) SetTimestamp(timestamp cdptype.Timestamp) *InputDispatchTouchEventArgs
SetTimestamp sets the Timestamp optional argument. Time at which the event occurred. Measured in UTC time in seconds since January 1, 1970 (default: current time).
type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs ¶
type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs struct { Type string `json:"type"` // Type of the mouse event. X int `json:"x"` // X coordinate of the mouse pointer in DIP. Y int `json:"y"` // Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in DIP. Timestamp cdptype.Timestamp `json:"timestamp"` // Time at which the event occurred. Measured in UTC time in seconds since January 1, 1970. Button string `json:"button"` // Mouse button. DeltaX *float64 `json:"deltaX,omitempty"` // X delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0). DeltaY *float64 `json:"deltaY,omitempty"` // Y delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0). Modifiers *int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0). ClickCount *int `json:"clickCount,omitempty"` // Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0). }
InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs represents the arguments for EmulateTouchFromMouseEvent in the Input domain.
func NewInputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs ¶
func NewInputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs(typ string, x int, y int, timestamp cdptype.Timestamp, button string) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
NewInputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs initializes InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs with the required arguments.
func (*InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetClickCount ¶
func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetClickCount(clickCount int) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
SetClickCount sets the ClickCount optional argument. Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0).
func (*InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetDeltaX ¶
func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetDeltaX(deltaX float64) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
SetDeltaX sets the DeltaX optional argument. X delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
func (*InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetDeltaY ¶
func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetDeltaY(deltaY float64) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
SetDeltaY sets the DeltaY optional argument. Y delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0).
func (*InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetModifiers ¶
func (a *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs) SetModifiers(modifiers int) *InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventArgs
SetModifiers sets the Modifiers optional argument. Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 (default: 0).
type InputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs ¶
type InputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs struct {
Ignore bool `json:"ignore"` // Ignores input events processing when set to true.
InputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs represents the arguments for SetIgnoreInputEvents in the Input domain.
func NewInputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs ¶
func NewInputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs(ignore bool) *InputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs
NewInputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs initializes InputSetIgnoreInputEventsArgs with the required arguments.
type InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs ¶
type InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs struct { X int `json:"x"` // X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. Y int `json:"y"` // Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. ScaleFactor float64 `json:"scaleFactor"` // Relative scale factor after zooming (>1.0 zooms in, <1.0 zooms out). RelativeSpeed *int `json:"relativeSpeed,omitempty"` // Relative pointer speed in pixels per second (default: 800). GestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType `json:"gestureSourceType,omitempty"` // Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform for the preferred input type). }
InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs represents the arguments for SynthesizePinchGesture in the Input domain.
func NewInputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs ¶
func NewInputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs(x int, y int, scaleFactor float64) *InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs
NewInputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs initializes InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs with the required arguments.
func (*InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType(gestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType) *InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs
SetGestureSourceType sets the GestureSourceType optional argument. Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform for the preferred input type).
func (*InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs) SetRelativeSpeed ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs) SetRelativeSpeed(relativeSpeed int) *InputSynthesizePinchGestureArgs
SetRelativeSpeed sets the RelativeSpeed optional argument. Relative pointer speed in pixels per second (default: 800).
type InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs ¶
type InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs struct { X int `json:"x"` // X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. Y int `json:"y"` // Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. XDistance *int `json:"xDistance,omitempty"` // The distance to scroll along the X axis (positive to scroll left). YDistance *int `json:"yDistance,omitempty"` // The distance to scroll along the Y axis (positive to scroll up). XOverscroll *int `json:"xOverscroll,omitempty"` // The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the X axis, in addition to the given distance. YOverscroll *int `json:"yOverscroll,omitempty"` // The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the Y axis, in addition to the given distance. PreventFling *bool `json:"preventFling,omitempty"` // Prevent fling (default: true). Speed *int `json:"speed,omitempty"` // Swipe speed in pixels per second (default: 800). GestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType `json:"gestureSourceType,omitempty"` // Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform for the preferred input type). RepeatCount *int `json:"repeatCount,omitempty"` // The number of times to repeat the gesture (default: 0). RepeatDelayMs *int `json:"repeatDelayMs,omitempty"` // The number of milliseconds delay between each repeat. (default: 250). InteractionMarkerName *string `json:"interactionMarkerName,omitempty"` // The name of the interaction markers to generate, if not empty (default: ""). }
InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs represents the arguments for SynthesizeScrollGesture in the Input domain.
func NewInputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs ¶
func NewInputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs(x int, y int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
NewInputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs initializes InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs with the required arguments.
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType(gestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetGestureSourceType sets the GestureSourceType optional argument. Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform for the preferred input type).
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetInteractionMarkerName ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetInteractionMarkerName(interactionMarkerName string) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetInteractionMarkerName sets the InteractionMarkerName optional argument. The name of the interaction markers to generate, if not empty (default: "").
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetPreventFling ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetPreventFling(preventFling bool) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetPreventFling sets the PreventFling optional argument. Prevent fling (default: true).
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetRepeatCount ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetRepeatCount(repeatCount int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetRepeatCount sets the RepeatCount optional argument. The number of times to repeat the gesture (default: 0).
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetRepeatDelayMs ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetRepeatDelayMs(repeatDelayMs int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetRepeatDelayMs sets the RepeatDelayMs optional argument. The number of milliseconds delay between each repeat. (default: 250).
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetSpeed ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetSpeed(speed int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetSpeed sets the Speed optional argument. Swipe speed in pixels per second (default: 800).
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetXDistance ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetXDistance(xDistance int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetXDistance sets the XDistance optional argument. The distance to scroll along the X axis (positive to scroll left).
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetXOverscroll ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetXOverscroll(xOverscroll int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetXOverscroll sets the XOverscroll optional argument. The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the X axis, in addition to the given distance.
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetYDistance ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetYDistance(yDistance int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetYDistance sets the YDistance optional argument. The distance to scroll along the Y axis (positive to scroll up).
func (*InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetYOverscroll ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs) SetYOverscroll(yOverscroll int) *InputSynthesizeScrollGestureArgs
SetYOverscroll sets the YOverscroll optional argument. The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the Y axis, in addition to the given distance.
type InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs ¶
type InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs struct { X int `json:"x"` // X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. Y int `json:"y"` // Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. Duration *int `json:"duration,omitempty"` // Duration between touchdown and touchup events in ms (default: 50). TapCount *int `json:"tapCount,omitempty"` // Number of times to perform the tap (e.g. 2 for double tap, default: 1). GestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType `json:"gestureSourceType,omitempty"` // Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform for the preferred input type). }
InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs represents the arguments for SynthesizeTapGesture in the Input domain.
func NewInputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs ¶
func NewInputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs(x int, y int) *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
NewInputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs initializes InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs with the required arguments.
func (*InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetDuration ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetDuration(duration int) *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
SetDuration sets the Duration optional argument. Duration between touchdown and touchup events in ms (default: 50).
func (*InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetGestureSourceType(gestureSourceType cdptype.InputGestureSourceType) *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
SetGestureSourceType sets the GestureSourceType optional argument. Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform for the preferred input type).
func (*InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetTapCount ¶
func (a *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs) SetTapCount(tapCount int) *InputSynthesizeTapGestureArgs
SetTapCount sets the TapCount optional argument. Number of times to perform the tap (e.g. 2 for double tap, default: 1).
type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs ¶
type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs struct {
LayerID cdptype.LayerTreeLayerID `json:"layerId"` // The id of the layer for which we want to get the reasons it was composited.
LayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs represents the arguments for CompositingReasons in the LayerTree domain.
func NewLayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs ¶
func NewLayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs(layerID cdptype.LayerTreeLayerID) *LayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs
NewLayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs initializes LayerTreeCompositingReasonsArgs with the required arguments.
type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsReply ¶
type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsReply struct {
CompositingReasons []string `json:"compositingReasons"` // A list of strings specifying reasons for the given layer to become composited.
LayerTreeCompositingReasonsReply represents the return values for CompositingReasons in the LayerTree domain.
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs ¶
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs struct {
Tiles []cdptype.LayerTreePictureTile `json:"tiles"` // An array of tiles composing the snapshot.
LayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs represents the arguments for LoadSnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
func NewLayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs ¶
func NewLayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs(tiles []cdptype.LayerTreePictureTile) *LayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs
NewLayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs initializes LayerTreeLoadSnapshotArgs with the required arguments.
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotReply ¶
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotReply struct {
SnapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // The id of the snapshot.
LayerTreeLoadSnapshotReply represents the return values for LoadSnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs ¶
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs struct {
LayerID cdptype.LayerTreeLayerID `json:"layerId"` // The id of the layer.
LayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs represents the arguments for MakeSnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
func NewLayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs ¶
func NewLayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs(layerID cdptype.LayerTreeLayerID) *LayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs
NewLayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs initializes LayerTreeMakeSnapshotArgs with the required arguments.
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotReply ¶
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotReply struct {
SnapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // The id of the layer snapshot.
LayerTreeMakeSnapshotReply represents the return values for MakeSnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs ¶
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs struct { SnapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // The id of the layer snapshot. MinRepeatCount *int `json:"minRepeatCount,omitempty"` // The maximum number of times to replay the snapshot (1, if not specified). MinDuration *float64 `json:"minDuration,omitempty"` // The minimum duration (in seconds) to replay the snapshot. ClipRect *cdptype.DOMRect `json:"clipRect,omitempty"` // The clip rectangle to apply when replaying the snapshot. }
LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs represents the arguments for ProfileSnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
func NewLayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs ¶
func NewLayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs(snapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID) *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
NewLayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs initializes LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs with the required arguments.
func (*LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetClipRect ¶
func (a *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetClipRect(clipRect cdptype.DOMRect) *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
SetClipRect sets the ClipRect optional argument. The clip rectangle to apply when replaying the snapshot.
func (*LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetMinDuration ¶
func (a *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetMinDuration(minDuration float64) *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
SetMinDuration sets the MinDuration optional argument. The minimum duration (in seconds) to replay the snapshot.
func (*LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetMinRepeatCount ¶
func (a *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs) SetMinRepeatCount(minRepeatCount int) *LayerTreeProfileSnapshotArgs
SetMinRepeatCount sets the MinRepeatCount optional argument. The maximum number of times to replay the snapshot (1, if not specified).
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotReply ¶
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotReply struct {
Timings []cdptype.LayerTreePaintProfile `json:"timings"` // The array of paint profiles, one per run.
LayerTreeProfileSnapshotReply represents the return values for ProfileSnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
type LayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs ¶
type LayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs struct {
SnapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // The id of the layer snapshot.
LayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs represents the arguments for ReleaseSnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
func NewLayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs ¶
func NewLayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs(snapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID) *LayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs
NewLayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs initializes LayerTreeReleaseSnapshotArgs with the required arguments.
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs ¶
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs struct { SnapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // The id of the layer snapshot. FromStep *int `json:"fromStep,omitempty"` // The first step to replay from (replay from the very start if not specified). ToStep *int `json:"toStep,omitempty"` // The last step to replay to (replay till the end if not specified). Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` // The scale to apply while replaying (defaults to 1). }
LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs represents the arguments for ReplaySnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
func NewLayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs ¶
func NewLayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs(snapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID) *LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs
NewLayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs initializes LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs with the required arguments.
func (*LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs) SetFromStep ¶
func (a *LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs) SetFromStep(fromStep int) *LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs
SetFromStep sets the FromStep optional argument. The first step to replay from (replay from the very start if not specified).
func (*LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs) SetScale ¶
func (a *LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs) SetScale(scale float64) *LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs
SetScale sets the Scale optional argument. The scale to apply while replaying (defaults to 1).
func (*LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs) SetToStep ¶
func (a *LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs) SetToStep(toStep int) *LayerTreeReplaySnapshotArgs
SetToStep sets the ToStep optional argument. The last step to replay to (replay till the end if not specified).
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotReply ¶
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotReply struct {
DataURL string `json:"dataURL"` // A data: URL for resulting image.
LayerTreeReplaySnapshotReply represents the return values for ReplaySnapshot in the LayerTree domain.
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs ¶
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs struct {
SnapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // The id of the layer snapshot.
LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs represents the arguments for SnapshotCommandLog in the LayerTree domain.
func NewLayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs ¶
func NewLayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs(snapshotID cdptype.LayerTreeSnapshotID) *LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs
NewLayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs initializes LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogArgs with the required arguments.
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogReply ¶
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogReply struct {
CommandLog []json.RawMessage `json:"commandLog"` // The array of canvas function calls.
LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogReply represents the return values for SnapshotCommandLog in the LayerTree domain.
type LogStartViolationsReportArgs ¶
type LogStartViolationsReportArgs struct {
Config []cdptype.LogViolationSetting `json:"config"` // Configuration for violations.
LogStartViolationsReportArgs represents the arguments for StartViolationsReport in the Log domain.
func NewLogStartViolationsReportArgs ¶
func NewLogStartViolationsReportArgs(config []cdptype.LogViolationSetting) *LogStartViolationsReportArgs
NewLogStartViolationsReportArgs initializes LogStartViolationsReportArgs with the required arguments.
type MemoryGetDOMCountersReply ¶
type MemoryGetDOMCountersReply struct { Documents int `json:"documents"` // Nodes int `json:"nodes"` // JsEventListeners int `json:"jsEventListeners"` // }
MemoryGetDOMCountersReply represents the return values for GetDOMCounters in the Memory domain.
type MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs ¶
type MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs struct {
Suppressed bool `json:"suppressed"` // If true, memory pressure notifications will be suppressed.
MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs represents the arguments for SetPressureNotificationsSuppressed in the Memory domain.
func NewMemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs ¶
func NewMemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs(suppressed bool) *MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs
NewMemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs initializes MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressedArgs with the required arguments.
type MemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs ¶
type MemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs struct {
Level cdptype.MemoryPressureLevel `json:"level"` // Memory pressure level of the notification.
MemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs represents the arguments for SimulatePressureNotification in the Memory domain.
func NewMemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs ¶
func NewMemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs(level cdptype.MemoryPressureLevel) *MemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs
NewMemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs initializes MemorySimulatePressureNotificationArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheReply ¶
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheReply struct {
Result bool `json:"result"` // True if browser cache can be cleared.
NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheReply represents the return values for CanClearBrowserCache in the Network domain.
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesReply ¶
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesReply struct {
Result bool `json:"result"` // True if browser cookies can be cleared.
NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesReply represents the return values for CanClearBrowserCookies in the Network domain.
type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsReply ¶
type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsReply struct {
Result bool `json:"result"` // True if emulation of network conditions is supported.
NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsReply represents the return values for CanEmulateNetworkConditions in the Network domain.
type NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs ¶
type NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs struct { InterceptionID cdptype.NetworkInterceptionID `json:"interceptionId"` // ErrorReason cdptype.NetworkErrorReason `json:"errorReason,omitempty"` // If set this causes the request to fail with the given reason. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. RawResponse *string `json:"rawResponse,omitempty"` // If set the requests completes using with the provided base64 encoded raw response, including HTTP status line and headers etc... Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // If set the request url will be modified in a way that's not observable by page. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. Method *string `json:"method,omitempty"` // If set this allows the request method to be overridden. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. PostData *string `json:"postData,omitempty"` // If set this allows postData to be set. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. Headers cdptype.NetworkHeaders `json:"headers,omitempty"` // If set this allows the request headers to be changed. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. AuthChallengeResponse *cdptype.NetworkAuthChallengeResponse `json:"authChallengeResponse,omitempty"` // Response to a requestIntercepted with an authChallenge. Must not be set otherwise. }
NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs represents the arguments for ContinueInterceptedRequest in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs ¶
func NewNetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs(interceptionID cdptype.NetworkInterceptionID) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
NewNetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs initializes NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs with the required arguments.
func (*NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetAuthChallengeResponse ¶
func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetAuthChallengeResponse(authChallengeResponse cdptype.NetworkAuthChallengeResponse) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
SetAuthChallengeResponse sets the AuthChallengeResponse optional argument. Response to a requestIntercepted with an authChallenge. Must not be set otherwise.
func (*NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetErrorReason ¶
func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetErrorReason(errorReason cdptype.NetworkErrorReason) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
SetErrorReason sets the ErrorReason optional argument. If set this causes the request to fail with the given reason. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
func (*NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetHeaders ¶
func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetHeaders(headers cdptype.NetworkHeaders) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
SetHeaders sets the Headers optional argument. If set this allows the request headers to be changed. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
func (*NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetMethod ¶
func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetMethod(method string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
SetMethod sets the Method optional argument. If set this allows the request method to be overridden. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
func (*NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetPostData ¶
func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetPostData(postData string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
SetPostData sets the PostData optional argument. If set this allows postData to be set. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
func (*NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetRawResponse ¶
func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetRawResponse(rawResponse string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
SetRawResponse sets the RawResponse optional argument. If set the requests completes using with the provided base64 encoded raw response, including HTTP status line and headers etc... Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
func (*NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetURL ¶
func (a *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs) SetURL(url string) *NetworkContinueInterceptedRequestArgs
SetURL sets the URL optional argument. If set the request url will be modified in a way that's not observable by page. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge.
type NetworkDeleteCookieArgs ¶
type NetworkDeleteCookieArgs struct { CookieName string `json:"cookieName"` // Name of the cookie to remove. URL string `json:"url"` // URL to match cooke domain and path. }
NetworkDeleteCookieArgs represents the arguments for DeleteCookie in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkDeleteCookieArgs ¶
func NewNetworkDeleteCookieArgs(cookieName string, url string) *NetworkDeleteCookieArgs
NewNetworkDeleteCookieArgs initializes NetworkDeleteCookieArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs ¶
type NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs struct { Offline bool `json:"offline"` // True to emulate internet disconnection. Latency float64 `json:"latency"` // Additional latency (ms). DownloadThroughput float64 `json:"downloadThroughput"` // Maximal aggregated download throughput. UploadThroughput float64 `json:"uploadThroughput"` // Maximal aggregated upload throughput. ConnectionType cdptype.NetworkConnectionType `json:"connectionType,omitempty"` // Connection type if known. }
NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs represents the arguments for EmulateNetworkConditions in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs ¶
func NewNetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs(offline bool, latency float64, downloadThroughput float64, uploadThroughput float64) *NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs
NewNetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs initializes NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs with the required arguments.
func (*NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs) SetConnectionType ¶
func (a *NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs) SetConnectionType(connectionType cdptype.NetworkConnectionType) *NetworkEmulateNetworkConditionsArgs
SetConnectionType sets the ConnectionType optional argument. Connection type if known.
type NetworkEnableArgs ¶
type NetworkEnableArgs struct { MaxTotalBufferSize *int `json:"maxTotalBufferSize,omitempty"` // Buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc). MaxResourceBufferSize *int `json:"maxResourceBufferSize,omitempty"` // Per-resource buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc). }
NetworkEnableArgs represents the arguments for Enable in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkEnableArgs ¶
func NewNetworkEnableArgs() *NetworkEnableArgs
NewNetworkEnableArgs initializes NetworkEnableArgs with the required arguments.
func (*NetworkEnableArgs) SetMaxResourceBufferSize ¶
func (a *NetworkEnableArgs) SetMaxResourceBufferSize(maxResourceBufferSize int) *NetworkEnableArgs
SetMaxResourceBufferSize sets the MaxResourceBufferSize optional argument. Per-resource buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc).
func (*NetworkEnableArgs) SetMaxTotalBufferSize ¶
func (a *NetworkEnableArgs) SetMaxTotalBufferSize(maxTotalBufferSize int) *NetworkEnableArgs
SetMaxTotalBufferSize sets the MaxTotalBufferSize optional argument. Buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc).
type NetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs ¶
type NetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Whether or not HTTP requests should be intercepted and Network.requestIntercepted events sent.
NetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs represents the arguments for EnableRequestInterception in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs ¶
func NewNetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs(enabled bool) *NetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs
NewNetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs initializes NetworkEnableRequestInterceptionArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkGetAllCookiesReply ¶
type NetworkGetAllCookiesReply struct {
Cookies []cdptype.NetworkCookie `json:"cookies"` // Array of cookie objects.
NetworkGetAllCookiesReply represents the return values for GetAllCookies in the Network domain.
type NetworkGetCertificateArgs ¶
type NetworkGetCertificateArgs struct {
Origin string `json:"origin"` // Origin to get certificate for.
NetworkGetCertificateArgs represents the arguments for GetCertificate in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkGetCertificateArgs ¶
func NewNetworkGetCertificateArgs(origin string) *NetworkGetCertificateArgs
NewNetworkGetCertificateArgs initializes NetworkGetCertificateArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkGetCertificateReply ¶
type NetworkGetCertificateReply struct {
TableNames []string `json:"tableNames"` //
NetworkGetCertificateReply represents the return values for GetCertificate in the Network domain.
type NetworkGetCookiesArgs ¶
type NetworkGetCookiesArgs struct {
URLs []string `json:"urls,omitempty"` // The list of URLs for which applicable cookies will be fetched
NetworkGetCookiesArgs represents the arguments for GetCookies in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkGetCookiesArgs ¶
func NewNetworkGetCookiesArgs() *NetworkGetCookiesArgs
NewNetworkGetCookiesArgs initializes NetworkGetCookiesArgs with the required arguments.
func (*NetworkGetCookiesArgs) SetURLs ¶
func (a *NetworkGetCookiesArgs) SetURLs(urls []string) *NetworkGetCookiesArgs
SetURLs sets the URLs optional argument. The list of URLs for which applicable cookies will be fetched
type NetworkGetCookiesReply ¶
type NetworkGetCookiesReply struct {
Cookies []cdptype.NetworkCookie `json:"cookies"` // Array of cookie objects.
NetworkGetCookiesReply represents the return values for GetCookies in the Network domain.
type NetworkGetResponseBodyArgs ¶
type NetworkGetResponseBodyArgs struct {
RequestID cdptype.NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Identifier of the network request to get content for.
NetworkGetResponseBodyArgs represents the arguments for GetResponseBody in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkGetResponseBodyArgs ¶
func NewNetworkGetResponseBodyArgs(requestID cdptype.NetworkRequestID) *NetworkGetResponseBodyArgs
NewNetworkGetResponseBodyArgs initializes NetworkGetResponseBodyArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkGetResponseBodyReply ¶
type NetworkGetResponseBodyReply struct { Body string `json:"body"` // Response body. Base64Encoded bool `json:"base64Encoded"` // True, if content was sent as base64. }
NetworkGetResponseBodyReply represents the return values for GetResponseBody in the Network domain.
type NetworkReplayXHRArgs ¶
type NetworkReplayXHRArgs struct {
RequestID cdptype.NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Identifier of XHR to replay.
NetworkReplayXHRArgs represents the arguments for ReplayXHR in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkReplayXHRArgs ¶
func NewNetworkReplayXHRArgs(requestID cdptype.NetworkRequestID) *NetworkReplayXHRArgs
NewNetworkReplayXHRArgs initializes NetworkReplayXHRArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs ¶
type NetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs struct {
URLs []string `json:"urls"` // URL patterns to block. Wildcards ('*') are allowed.
NetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs represents the arguments for SetBlockedURLs in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs ¶
func NewNetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs(urls []string) *NetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs
NewNetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs initializes NetworkSetBlockedURLsArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs ¶
type NetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs struct {
Bypass bool `json:"bypass"` // Bypass service worker and load from network.
NetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs represents the arguments for SetBypassServiceWorker in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs ¶
func NewNetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs(bypass bool) *NetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs
NewNetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs initializes NetworkSetBypassServiceWorkerArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs ¶
type NetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs struct {
CacheDisabled bool `json:"cacheDisabled"` // Cache disabled state.
NetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs represents the arguments for SetCacheDisabled in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs ¶
func NewNetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs(cacheDisabled bool) *NetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs
NewNetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs initializes NetworkSetCacheDisabledArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkSetCookieArgs ¶
type NetworkSetCookieArgs struct { URL string `json:"url"` // The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect the default domain and path values of the created cookie. Name string `json:"name"` // The name of the cookie. Value string `json:"value"` // The value of the cookie. Domain *string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // If omitted, the cookie becomes a host-only cookie. Path *string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Defaults to the path portion of the url parameter. Secure *bool `json:"secure,omitempty"` // Defaults ot false. HTTPOnly *bool `json:"httpOnly,omitempty"` // Defaults to false. SameSite cdptype.NetworkCookieSameSite `json:"sameSite,omitempty"` // Defaults to browser default behavior. ExpirationDate cdptype.NetworkTimestamp `json:"expirationDate,omitempty"` // If omitted, the cookie becomes a session cookie. }
NetworkSetCookieArgs represents the arguments for SetCookie in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkSetCookieArgs ¶
func NewNetworkSetCookieArgs(url string, name string, value string) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
NewNetworkSetCookieArgs initializes NetworkSetCookieArgs with the required arguments.
func (*NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetDomain ¶
func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetDomain(domain string) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
SetDomain sets the Domain optional argument. If omitted, the cookie becomes a host-only cookie.
func (*NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetExpirationDate ¶
func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetExpirationDate(expirationDate cdptype.NetworkTimestamp) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
SetExpirationDate sets the ExpirationDate optional argument. If omitted, the cookie becomes a session cookie.
func (*NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetHTTPOnly ¶
func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetHTTPOnly(httpOnly bool) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
SetHTTPOnly sets the HTTPOnly optional argument. Defaults to false.
func (*NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetPath ¶
func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetPath(path string) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
SetPath sets the Path optional argument. Defaults to the path portion of the url parameter.
func (*NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetSameSite ¶
func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetSameSite(sameSite cdptype.NetworkCookieSameSite) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
SetSameSite sets the SameSite optional argument. Defaults to browser default behavior.
func (*NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetSecure ¶
func (a *NetworkSetCookieArgs) SetSecure(secure bool) *NetworkSetCookieArgs
SetSecure sets the Secure optional argument. Defaults ot false.
type NetworkSetCookieReply ¶
type NetworkSetCookieReply struct {
Success bool `json:"success"` // True if successfully set cookie.
NetworkSetCookieReply represents the return values for SetCookie in the Network domain.
type NetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs ¶
type NetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs struct { MaxTotalSize int `json:"maxTotalSize"` // Maximum total buffer size. MaxResourceSize int `json:"maxResourceSize"` // Maximum per-resource size. }
NetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs represents the arguments for SetDataSizeLimitsForTest in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs ¶
func NewNetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs(maxTotalSize int, maxResourceSize int) *NetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs
NewNetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs initializes NetworkSetDataSizeLimitsForTestArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs ¶
type NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs struct {
Headers cdptype.NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` // Map with extra HTTP headers.
NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs represents the arguments for SetExtraHTTPHeaders in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs ¶
func NewNetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs(headers cdptype.NetworkHeaders) *NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs
NewNetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs initializes NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeadersArgs with the required arguments.
type NetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs ¶
type NetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs struct {
UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"` // User agent to use.
NetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetUserAgentOverride in the Network domain.
func NewNetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs ¶
func NewNetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs(userAgent string) *NetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs
NewNetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs initializes NetworkSetUserAgentOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs ¶
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs struct {
NodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Id of the node to get highlight object for.
OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs represents the arguments for GetHighlightObjectForTest in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs ¶
func NewOverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs
NewOverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs initializes OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestArgs with the required arguments.
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestReply ¶
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestReply struct {
Highlight json.RawMessage `json:"highlight"` // Highlight data for the node.
OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestReply represents the return values for GetHighlightObjectForTest in the Overlay domain.
type OverlayHighlightFrameArgs ¶
type OverlayHighlightFrameArgs struct { FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Identifier of the frame to highlight. ContentColor *cdptype.DOMRGBA `json:"contentColor,omitempty"` // The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent). ContentOutlineColor *cdptype.DOMRGBA `json:"contentOutlineColor,omitempty"` // The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent). }
OverlayHighlightFrameArgs represents the arguments for HighlightFrame in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlayHighlightFrameArgs ¶
func NewOverlayHighlightFrameArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID) *OverlayHighlightFrameArgs
NewOverlayHighlightFrameArgs initializes OverlayHighlightFrameArgs with the required arguments.
func (*OverlayHighlightFrameArgs) SetContentColor ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightFrameArgs) SetContentColor(contentColor cdptype.DOMRGBA) *OverlayHighlightFrameArgs
SetContentColor sets the ContentColor optional argument. The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
func (*OverlayHighlightFrameArgs) SetContentOutlineColor ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightFrameArgs) SetContentOutlineColor(contentOutlineColor cdptype.DOMRGBA) *OverlayHighlightFrameArgs
SetContentOutlineColor sets the ContentOutlineColor optional argument. The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
type OverlayHighlightNodeArgs ¶
type OverlayHighlightNodeArgs struct { HighlightConfig cdptype.OverlayHighlightConfig `json:"highlightConfig"` // A descriptor for the highlight appearance. NodeID *cdptype.DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // Identifier of the node to highlight. BackendNodeID *cdptype.DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // Identifier of the backend node to highlight. ObjectID *cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted. }
OverlayHighlightNodeArgs represents the arguments for HighlightNode in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlayHighlightNodeArgs ¶
func NewOverlayHighlightNodeArgs(highlightConfig cdptype.OverlayHighlightConfig) *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
NewOverlayHighlightNodeArgs initializes OverlayHighlightNodeArgs with the required arguments.
func (*OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetBackendNodeID ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetBackendNodeID(backendNodeID cdptype.DOMBackendNodeID) *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
SetBackendNodeID sets the BackendNodeID optional argument. Identifier of the backend node to highlight.
func (*OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetNodeID ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetNodeID(nodeID cdptype.DOMNodeID) *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
SetNodeID sets the NodeID optional argument. Identifier of the node to highlight.
func (*OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetObjectID ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs) SetObjectID(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *OverlayHighlightNodeArgs
SetObjectID sets the ObjectID optional argument. JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted.
type OverlayHighlightQuadArgs ¶
type OverlayHighlightQuadArgs struct { Quad cdptype.DOMQuad `json:"quad"` // Quad to highlight Color *cdptype.DOMRGBA `json:"color,omitempty"` // The highlight fill color (default: transparent). OutlineColor *cdptype.DOMRGBA `json:"outlineColor,omitempty"` // The highlight outline color (default: transparent). }
OverlayHighlightQuadArgs represents the arguments for HighlightQuad in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlayHighlightQuadArgs ¶
func NewOverlayHighlightQuadArgs(quad cdptype.DOMQuad) *OverlayHighlightQuadArgs
NewOverlayHighlightQuadArgs initializes OverlayHighlightQuadArgs with the required arguments.
func (*OverlayHighlightQuadArgs) SetColor ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightQuadArgs) SetColor(color cdptype.DOMRGBA) *OverlayHighlightQuadArgs
SetColor sets the Color optional argument. The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
func (*OverlayHighlightQuadArgs) SetOutlineColor ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightQuadArgs) SetOutlineColor(outlineColor cdptype.DOMRGBA) *OverlayHighlightQuadArgs
SetOutlineColor sets the OutlineColor optional argument. The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
type OverlayHighlightRectArgs ¶
type OverlayHighlightRectArgs struct { X int `json:"x"` // X coordinate Y int `json:"y"` // Y coordinate Width int `json:"width"` // Rectangle width Height int `json:"height"` // Rectangle height Color *cdptype.DOMRGBA `json:"color,omitempty"` // The highlight fill color (default: transparent). OutlineColor *cdptype.DOMRGBA `json:"outlineColor,omitempty"` // The highlight outline color (default: transparent). }
OverlayHighlightRectArgs represents the arguments for HighlightRect in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlayHighlightRectArgs ¶
func NewOverlayHighlightRectArgs(x int, y int, width int, height int) *OverlayHighlightRectArgs
NewOverlayHighlightRectArgs initializes OverlayHighlightRectArgs with the required arguments.
func (*OverlayHighlightRectArgs) SetColor ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightRectArgs) SetColor(color cdptype.DOMRGBA) *OverlayHighlightRectArgs
SetColor sets the Color optional argument. The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
func (*OverlayHighlightRectArgs) SetOutlineColor ¶
func (a *OverlayHighlightRectArgs) SetOutlineColor(outlineColor cdptype.DOMRGBA) *OverlayHighlightRectArgs
SetOutlineColor sets the OutlineColor optional argument. The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
type OverlaySetInspectModeArgs ¶
type OverlaySetInspectModeArgs struct { Mode cdptype.OverlayInspectMode `json:"mode"` // Set an inspection mode. HighlightConfig *cdptype.OverlayHighlightConfig `json:"highlightConfig,omitempty"` // A descriptor for the highlight appearance of hovered-over nodes. May be omitted if enabled == false. }
OverlaySetInspectModeArgs represents the arguments for SetInspectMode in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetInspectModeArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetInspectModeArgs(mode cdptype.OverlayInspectMode) *OverlaySetInspectModeArgs
NewOverlaySetInspectModeArgs initializes OverlaySetInspectModeArgs with the required arguments.
func (*OverlaySetInspectModeArgs) SetHighlightConfig ¶
func (a *OverlaySetInspectModeArgs) SetHighlightConfig(highlightConfig cdptype.OverlayHighlightConfig) *OverlaySetInspectModeArgs
SetHighlightConfig sets the HighlightConfig optional argument. A descriptor for the highlight appearance of hovered-over nodes. May be omitted if enabled == false.
type OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs ¶
type OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs struct {
Message *string `json:"message,omitempty"` // The message to display, also triggers resume and step over controls.
OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs represents the arguments for SetPausedInDebuggerMessage in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs() *OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs
NewOverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs initializes OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs with the required arguments.
func (*OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs) SetMessage ¶
func (a *OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs) SetMessage(message string) *OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessageArgs
SetMessage sets the Message optional argument. The message to display, also triggers resume and step over controls.
type OverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs ¶
type OverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs struct {
Show bool `json:"show"` // True for showing debug borders
OverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs represents the arguments for SetShowDebugBorders in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs(show bool) *OverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs
NewOverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs initializes OverlaySetShowDebugBordersArgs with the required arguments.
type OverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs ¶
type OverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs struct {
Show bool `json:"show"` // True for showing the FPS counter
OverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs represents the arguments for SetShowFPSCounter in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs(show bool) *OverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs
NewOverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs initializes OverlaySetShowFPSCounterArgs with the required arguments.
type OverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs ¶
type OverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs struct {
Result bool `json:"result"` // True for showing paint rectangles
OverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs represents the arguments for SetShowPaintRects in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs(result bool) *OverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs
NewOverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs initializes OverlaySetShowPaintRectsArgs with the required arguments.
type OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs ¶
type OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs struct {
Show bool `json:"show"` // True for showing scroll bottleneck rects
OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs represents the arguments for SetShowScrollBottleneckRects in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs(show bool) *OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs
NewOverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs initializes OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRectsArgs with the required arguments.
type OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs ¶
type OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs struct {
Show bool `json:"show"` // Whether to paint size or not.
OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs represents the arguments for SetShowViewportSizeOnResize in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs(show bool) *OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs
NewOverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs initializes OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResizeArgs with the required arguments.
type OverlaySetSuspendedArgs ¶
type OverlaySetSuspendedArgs struct {
Suspended bool `json:"suspended"` // Whether overlay should be suspended and not consume any resources until resumed.
OverlaySetSuspendedArgs represents the arguments for SetSuspended in the Overlay domain.
func NewOverlaySetSuspendedArgs ¶
func NewOverlaySetSuspendedArgs(suspended bool) *OverlaySetSuspendedArgs
NewOverlaySetSuspendedArgs initializes OverlaySetSuspendedArgs with the required arguments.
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs ¶
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs struct {
ScriptSource string `json:"scriptSource"` //
PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs represents the arguments for AddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad in the Page domain.
func NewPageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs ¶
func NewPageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs(scriptSource string) *PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs
NewPageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs initializes PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs with the required arguments.
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReply ¶
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReply struct {
Identifier cdptype.PageScriptIdentifier `json:"identifier"` // Identifier of the added script.
PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadReply represents the return values for AddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad in the Page domain.
type PageCaptureScreenshotArgs ¶
type PageCaptureScreenshotArgs struct { Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Image compression format (defaults to png). Quality *int `json:"quality,omitempty"` // Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only). FromSurface *bool `json:"fromSurface,omitempty"` // Capture the screenshot from the surface, rather than the view. Defaults to true. }
PageCaptureScreenshotArgs represents the arguments for CaptureScreenshot in the Page domain.
func NewPageCaptureScreenshotArgs ¶
func NewPageCaptureScreenshotArgs() *PageCaptureScreenshotArgs
NewPageCaptureScreenshotArgs initializes PageCaptureScreenshotArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageCaptureScreenshotArgs) SetFormat ¶
func (a *PageCaptureScreenshotArgs) SetFormat(format string) *PageCaptureScreenshotArgs
SetFormat sets the Format optional argument. Image compression format (defaults to png).
func (*PageCaptureScreenshotArgs) SetFromSurface ¶
func (a *PageCaptureScreenshotArgs) SetFromSurface(fromSurface bool) *PageCaptureScreenshotArgs
SetFromSurface sets the FromSurface optional argument. Capture the screenshot from the surface, rather than the view. Defaults to true.
func (*PageCaptureScreenshotArgs) SetQuality ¶
func (a *PageCaptureScreenshotArgs) SetQuality(quality int) *PageCaptureScreenshotArgs
SetQuality sets the Quality optional argument. Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only).
type PageCaptureScreenshotReply ¶
type PageCaptureScreenshotReply struct {
Data []byte `json:"data"` // Base64-encoded image data.
PageCaptureScreenshotReply represents the return values for CaptureScreenshot in the Page domain.
type PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs ¶
type PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs struct { FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Id of the frame in which the isolated world should be created. WorldName *string `json:"worldName,omitempty"` // An optional name which is reported in the Execution Context. GrantUniveralAccess *bool `json:"grantUniveralAccess,omitempty"` // Whether or not universal access should be granted to the isolated world. This is a powerful option, use with caution. }
PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs represents the arguments for CreateIsolatedWorld in the Page domain.
func NewPageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs ¶
func NewPageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID) *PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs
NewPageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs initializes PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs) SetGrantUniveralAccess ¶
func (a *PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs) SetGrantUniveralAccess(grantUniveralAccess bool) *PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs
SetGrantUniveralAccess sets the GrantUniveralAccess optional argument. Whether or not universal access should be granted to the isolated world. This is a powerful option, use with caution.
func (*PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs) SetWorldName ¶
func (a *PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs) SetWorldName(worldName string) *PageCreateIsolatedWorldArgs
SetWorldName sets the WorldName optional argument. An optional name which is reported in the Execution Context.
type PageCreateIsolatedWorldReply ¶
type PageCreateIsolatedWorldReply struct {
ExecutionContextID cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId"` // Execution context of the isolated world.
PageCreateIsolatedWorldReply represents the return values for CreateIsolatedWorld in the Page domain.
type PageDeleteCookieArgs ¶
type PageDeleteCookieArgs struct { CookieName string `json:"cookieName"` // Name of the cookie to remove. URL string `json:"url"` // URL to match cooke domain and path. }
PageDeleteCookieArgs represents the arguments for DeleteCookie in the Page domain.
func NewPageDeleteCookieArgs ¶
func NewPageDeleteCookieArgs(cookieName string, url string) *PageDeleteCookieArgs
NewPageDeleteCookieArgs initializes PageDeleteCookieArgs with the required arguments.
type PageGetAppManifestReply ¶
type PageGetAppManifestReply struct { URL string `json:"url"` // Manifest location. Errors []cdptype.PageAppManifestError `json:"errors"` // Data *string `json:"data,omitempty"` // Manifest content. }
PageGetAppManifestReply represents the return values for GetAppManifest in the Page domain.
type PageGetCookiesReply ¶
type PageGetCookiesReply struct {
Cookies []cdptype.NetworkCookie `json:"cookies"` // Array of cookie objects.
PageGetCookiesReply represents the return values for GetCookies in the Page domain.
type PageGetLayoutMetricsReply ¶
type PageGetLayoutMetricsReply struct { LayoutViewport cdptype.PageLayoutViewport `json:"layoutViewport"` // Metrics relating to the layout viewport. VisualViewport cdptype.PageVisualViewport `json:"visualViewport"` // Metrics relating to the visual viewport. ContentSize cdptype.DOMRect `json:"contentSize"` // Size of scrollable area. }
PageGetLayoutMetricsReply represents the return values for GetLayoutMetrics in the Page domain.
type PageGetNavigationHistoryReply ¶
type PageGetNavigationHistoryReply struct {}
PageGetNavigationHistoryReply represents the return values for GetNavigationHistory in the Page domain.
type PageGetResourceContentArgs ¶
type PageGetResourceContentArgs struct { FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Frame id to get resource for. URL string `json:"url"` // URL of the resource to get content for. }
PageGetResourceContentArgs represents the arguments for GetResourceContent in the Page domain.
func NewPageGetResourceContentArgs ¶
func NewPageGetResourceContentArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID, url string) *PageGetResourceContentArgs
NewPageGetResourceContentArgs initializes PageGetResourceContentArgs with the required arguments.
type PageGetResourceContentReply ¶
type PageGetResourceContentReply struct { Content string `json:"content"` // Resource content. Base64Encoded bool `json:"base64Encoded"` // True, if content was served as base64. }
PageGetResourceContentReply represents the return values for GetResourceContent in the Page domain.
type PageGetResourceTreeReply ¶
type PageGetResourceTreeReply struct {
FrameTree cdptype.PageFrameResourceTree `json:"frameTree"` // Present frame / resource tree structure.
PageGetResourceTreeReply represents the return values for GetResourceTree in the Page domain.
type PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs ¶
type PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs struct { Accept bool `json:"accept"` // Whether to accept or dismiss the dialog. PromptText *string `json:"promptText,omitempty"` // The text to enter into the dialog prompt before accepting. Used only if this is a prompt dialog. }
PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs represents the arguments for HandleJavaScriptDialog in the Page domain.
func NewPageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs ¶
func NewPageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs(accept bool) *PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs
NewPageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs initializes PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs) SetPromptText ¶
func (a *PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs) SetPromptText(promptText string) *PageHandleJavaScriptDialogArgs
SetPromptText sets the PromptText optional argument. The text to enter into the dialog prompt before accepting. Used only if this is a prompt dialog.
type PageNavigateArgs ¶
type PageNavigateArgs struct {}
PageNavigateArgs represents the arguments for Navigate in the Page domain.
func NewPageNavigateArgs ¶
func NewPageNavigateArgs(url string) *PageNavigateArgs
NewPageNavigateArgs initializes PageNavigateArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageNavigateArgs) SetReferrer ¶
func (a *PageNavigateArgs) SetReferrer(referrer string) *PageNavigateArgs
SetReferrer sets the Referrer optional argument. Referrer URL.
func (*PageNavigateArgs) SetTransitionType ¶
func (a *PageNavigateArgs) SetTransitionType(transitionType cdptype.PageTransitionType) *PageNavigateArgs
SetTransitionType sets the TransitionType optional argument. Intended transition type.
type PageNavigateReply ¶
type PageNavigateReply struct {
}PageNavigateReply represents the return values for Navigate in the Page domain.
type PageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs ¶
type PageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs struct {
}PageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs represents the arguments for NavigateToHistoryEntry in the Page domain.
func NewPageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs ¶
func NewPageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs(entryID int) *PageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs
NewPageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs initializes PageNavigateToHistoryEntryArgs with the required arguments.
type PagePrintToPDFArgs ¶
type PagePrintToPDFArgs struct { Landscape *bool `json:"landscape,omitempty"` // Paper orientation. Defaults to false. PrintBackground *bool `json:"printBackground,omitempty"` // Print background graphics. Defaults to false. Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` // Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1. PaperWidth *float64 `json:"paperWidth,omitempty"` // Paper width in inches. Defaults to 8.5 inches. PaperHeight *float64 `json:"paperHeight,omitempty"` // Paper height in inches. Defaults to 11 inches. MarginTop *float64 `json:"marginTop,omitempty"` // Top margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). MarginBottom *float64 `json:"marginBottom,omitempty"` // Bottom margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). MarginLeft *float64 `json:"marginLeft,omitempty"` // Left margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). MarginRight *float64 `json:"marginRight,omitempty"` // Right margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). PageRanges *string `json:"pageRanges,omitempty"` // Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages. }
PagePrintToPDFArgs represents the arguments for PrintToPDF in the Page domain.
func NewPagePrintToPDFArgs ¶
func NewPagePrintToPDFArgs() *PagePrintToPDFArgs
NewPagePrintToPDFArgs initializes PagePrintToPDFArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetDisplayHeaderFooter ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetDisplayHeaderFooter(displayHeaderFooter bool) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetDisplayHeaderFooter sets the DisplayHeaderFooter optional argument. Display header and footer. Defaults to false.
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetLandscape ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetLandscape(landscape bool) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetLandscape sets the Landscape optional argument. Paper orientation. Defaults to false.
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginBottom ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginBottom(marginBottom float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetMarginBottom sets the MarginBottom optional argument. Bottom margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginLeft ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginLeft(marginLeft float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetMarginLeft sets the MarginLeft optional argument. Left margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginRight ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginRight(marginRight float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetMarginRight sets the MarginRight optional argument. Right margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginTop ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetMarginTop(marginTop float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetMarginTop sets the MarginTop optional argument. Top margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches).
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPageRanges ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPageRanges(pageRanges string) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetPageRanges sets the PageRanges optional argument. Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Defaults to the empty string, which means print all pages.
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPaperHeight ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPaperHeight(paperHeight float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetPaperHeight sets the PaperHeight optional argument. Paper height in inches. Defaults to 11 inches.
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPaperWidth ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPaperWidth(paperWidth float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetPaperWidth sets the PaperWidth optional argument. Paper width in inches. Defaults to 8.5 inches.
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPrintBackground ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetPrintBackground(printBackground bool) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetPrintBackground sets the PrintBackground optional argument. Print background graphics. Defaults to false.
func (*PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetScale ¶
func (a *PagePrintToPDFArgs) SetScale(scale float64) *PagePrintToPDFArgs
SetScale sets the Scale optional argument. Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1.
type PagePrintToPDFReply ¶
type PagePrintToPDFReply struct {
Data []byte `json:"data"` // Base64-encoded pdf data.
PagePrintToPDFReply represents the return values for PrintToPDF in the Page domain.
type PageProcessNavigationArgs ¶
type PageProcessNavigationArgs struct {}
PageProcessNavigationArgs represents the arguments for ProcessNavigation in the Page domain.
func NewPageProcessNavigationArgs ¶
func NewPageProcessNavigationArgs(response cdptype.PageNavigationResponse, navigationID int) *PageProcessNavigationArgs
NewPageProcessNavigationArgs initializes PageProcessNavigationArgs with the required arguments.
type PageReloadArgs ¶
type PageReloadArgs struct { IgnoreCache *bool `json:"ignoreCache,omitempty"` // If true, browser cache is ignored (as if the user pressed Shift+refresh). ScriptToEvaluateOnLoad *string `json:"scriptToEvaluateOnLoad,omitempty"` // If set, the script will be injected into all frames of the inspected page after reload. }
PageReloadArgs represents the arguments for Reload in the Page domain.
func NewPageReloadArgs ¶
func NewPageReloadArgs() *PageReloadArgs
NewPageReloadArgs initializes PageReloadArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageReloadArgs) SetIgnoreCache ¶
func (a *PageReloadArgs) SetIgnoreCache(ignoreCache bool) *PageReloadArgs
SetIgnoreCache sets the IgnoreCache optional argument. If true, browser cache is ignored (as if the user pressed Shift+refresh).
func (*PageReloadArgs) SetScriptToEvaluateOnLoad ¶
func (a *PageReloadArgs) SetScriptToEvaluateOnLoad(scriptToEvaluateOnLoad string) *PageReloadArgs
SetScriptToEvaluateOnLoad sets the ScriptToEvaluateOnLoad optional argument. If set, the script will be injected into all frames of the inspected page after reload.
type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs ¶
type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs struct {
Identifier cdptype.PageScriptIdentifier `json:"identifier"` //
PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs represents the arguments for RemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad in the Page domain.
func NewPageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs ¶
func NewPageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs(identifier cdptype.PageScriptIdentifier) *PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs
NewPageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs initializes PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoadArgs with the required arguments.
type PageScreencastFrameAckArgs ¶
type PageScreencastFrameAckArgs struct {
SessionID int `json:"sessionId"` // Frame number.
PageScreencastFrameAckArgs represents the arguments for ScreencastFrameAck in the Page domain.
func NewPageScreencastFrameAckArgs ¶
func NewPageScreencastFrameAckArgs(sessionID int) *PageScreencastFrameAckArgs
NewPageScreencastFrameAckArgs initializes PageScreencastFrameAckArgs with the required arguments.
type PageSearchInResourceArgs ¶
type PageSearchInResourceArgs struct { FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Frame id for resource to search in. URL string `json:"url"` // URL of the resource to search in. Query string `json:"query"` // String to search for. CaseSensitive *bool `json:"caseSensitive,omitempty"` // If true, search is case sensitive. IsRegex *bool `json:"isRegex,omitempty"` // If true, treats string parameter as regex. }
PageSearchInResourceArgs represents the arguments for SearchInResource in the Page domain.
func NewPageSearchInResourceArgs ¶
func NewPageSearchInResourceArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID, url string, query string) *PageSearchInResourceArgs
NewPageSearchInResourceArgs initializes PageSearchInResourceArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageSearchInResourceArgs) SetCaseSensitive ¶
func (a *PageSearchInResourceArgs) SetCaseSensitive(caseSensitive bool) *PageSearchInResourceArgs
SetCaseSensitive sets the CaseSensitive optional argument. If true, search is case sensitive.
func (*PageSearchInResourceArgs) SetIsRegex ¶
func (a *PageSearchInResourceArgs) SetIsRegex(isRegex bool) *PageSearchInResourceArgs
SetIsRegex sets the IsRegex optional argument. If true, treats string parameter as regex.
type PageSearchInResourceReply ¶
type PageSearchInResourceReply struct {
Result []cdptype.DebuggerSearchMatch `json:"result"` // List of search matches.
PageSearchInResourceReply represents the return values for SearchInResource in the Page domain.
type PageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs ¶
type PageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs struct {
AutoAttach bool `json:"autoAttach"` // If true, browser will open a new inspector window for every page created from this one.
PageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs represents the arguments for SetAutoAttachToCreatedPages in the Page domain.
func NewPageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs ¶
func NewPageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs(autoAttach bool) *PageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs
NewPageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs initializes PageSetAutoAttachToCreatedPagesArgs with the required arguments.
type PageSetControlNavigationsArgs ¶
type PageSetControlNavigationsArgs struct {
}PageSetControlNavigationsArgs represents the arguments for SetControlNavigations in the Page domain.
func NewPageSetControlNavigationsArgs ¶
func NewPageSetControlNavigationsArgs(enabled bool) *PageSetControlNavigationsArgs
NewPageSetControlNavigationsArgs initializes PageSetControlNavigationsArgs with the required arguments.
type PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs ¶
type PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs struct { Width int `json:"width"` // Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. Height int `json:"height"` // Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. DeviceScaleFactor float64 `json:"deviceScaleFactor"` // Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override. Mobile bool `json:"mobile"` // Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text autosizing and more. FitWindow bool `json:"fitWindow"` // Whether a view that exceeds the available browser window area should be scaled down to fit. Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` // Scale to apply to resulting view image. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode. OffsetX *float64 `json:"offsetX,omitempty"` // X offset to shift resulting view image by. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode. OffsetY *float64 `json:"offsetY,omitempty"` // Y offset to shift resulting view image by. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode. ScreenWidth *int `json:"screenWidth,omitempty"` // Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. ScreenHeight *int `json:"screenHeight,omitempty"` // Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. PositionX *int `json:"positionX,omitempty"` // Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. PositionY *int `json:"positionY,omitempty"` // Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|. ScreenOrientation *cdptype.EmulationScreenOrientation `json:"screenOrientation,omitempty"` // Screen orientation override. }
PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetDeviceMetricsOverride in the Page domain.
func NewPageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs ¶
func NewPageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs(width int, height int, deviceScaleFactor float64, mobile bool, fitWindow bool) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
NewPageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs initializes PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetX ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetX(offsetX float64) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetOffsetX sets the OffsetX optional argument. X offset to shift resulting view image by. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetY ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetOffsetY(offsetY float64) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetOffsetY sets the OffsetY optional argument. Y offset to shift resulting view image by. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionX ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionX(positionX int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetPositionX sets the PositionX optional argument. Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionY ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetPositionY(positionY int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetPositionY sets the PositionY optional argument. Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScale ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScale(scale float64) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScale sets the Scale optional argument. Scale to apply to resulting view image. Ignored in |fitWindow| mode.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenHeight ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenHeight(screenHeight int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScreenHeight sets the ScreenHeight optional argument. Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenOrientation ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenOrientation(screenOrientation cdptype.EmulationScreenOrientation) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScreenOrientation sets the ScreenOrientation optional argument. Screen orientation override.
func (*PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenWidth ¶
func (a *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs) SetScreenWidth(screenWidth int) *PageSetDeviceMetricsOverrideArgs
SetScreenWidth sets the ScreenWidth optional argument. Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). Only used for |mobile==true|.
type PageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs ¶
type PageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs struct { Alpha float64 `json:"alpha"` // Mock alpha Beta float64 `json:"beta"` // Mock beta Gamma float64 `json:"gamma"` // Mock gamma }
PageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetDeviceOrientationOverride in the Page domain.
func NewPageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs ¶
func NewPageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs(alpha float64, beta float64, gamma float64) *PageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs
NewPageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs initializes PageSetDeviceOrientationOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
type PageSetDocumentContentArgs ¶
type PageSetDocumentContentArgs struct { FrameID cdptype.PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Frame id to set HTML for. HTML string `json:"html"` // HTML content to set. }
PageSetDocumentContentArgs represents the arguments for SetDocumentContent in the Page domain.
func NewPageSetDocumentContentArgs ¶
func NewPageSetDocumentContentArgs(frameID cdptype.PageFrameID, html string) *PageSetDocumentContentArgs
NewPageSetDocumentContentArgs initializes PageSetDocumentContentArgs with the required arguments.
type PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs ¶
type PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs struct { Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // Mock latitude Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // Mock longitude Accuracy *float64 `json:"accuracy,omitempty"` // Mock accuracy }
PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs represents the arguments for SetGeolocationOverride in the Page domain.
func NewPageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs ¶
func NewPageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs() *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
NewPageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs initializes PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetAccuracy ¶
func (a *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetAccuracy(accuracy float64) *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
SetAccuracy sets the Accuracy optional argument. Mock accuracy
func (*PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLatitude ¶
func (a *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLatitude(latitude float64) *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
SetLatitude sets the Latitude optional argument. Mock latitude
func (*PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLongitude ¶
func (a *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs) SetLongitude(longitude float64) *PageSetGeolocationOverrideArgs
SetLongitude sets the Longitude optional argument. Mock longitude
type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs ¶
type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs struct { Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled. Configuration *string `json:"configuration,omitempty"` // Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform. }
PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs represents the arguments for SetTouchEmulationEnabled in the Page domain.
func NewPageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs ¶
func NewPageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs(enabled bool) *PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs
NewPageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs initializes PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs) SetConfiguration ¶
func (a *PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs) SetConfiguration(configuration string) *PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledArgs
SetConfiguration sets the Configuration optional argument. Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform.
type PageStartScreencastArgs ¶
type PageStartScreencastArgs struct { Format *string `json:"format,omitempty"` // Image compression format. Quality *int `json:"quality,omitempty"` // Compression quality from range [0..100]. MaxWidth *int `json:"maxWidth,omitempty"` // Maximum screenshot width. MaxHeight *int `json:"maxHeight,omitempty"` // Maximum screenshot height. EveryNthFrame *int `json:"everyNthFrame,omitempty"` // Send every n-th frame. }
PageStartScreencastArgs represents the arguments for StartScreencast in the Page domain.
func NewPageStartScreencastArgs ¶
func NewPageStartScreencastArgs() *PageStartScreencastArgs
NewPageStartScreencastArgs initializes PageStartScreencastArgs with the required arguments.
func (*PageStartScreencastArgs) SetEveryNthFrame ¶
func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetEveryNthFrame(everyNthFrame int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
SetEveryNthFrame sets the EveryNthFrame optional argument. Send every n-th frame.
func (*PageStartScreencastArgs) SetFormat ¶
func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetFormat(format string) *PageStartScreencastArgs
SetFormat sets the Format optional argument. Image compression format.
func (*PageStartScreencastArgs) SetMaxHeight ¶
func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetMaxHeight(maxHeight int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
SetMaxHeight sets the MaxHeight optional argument. Maximum screenshot height.
func (*PageStartScreencastArgs) SetMaxWidth ¶
func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetMaxWidth(maxWidth int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
SetMaxWidth sets the MaxWidth optional argument. Maximum screenshot width.
func (*PageStartScreencastArgs) SetQuality ¶
func (a *PageStartScreencastArgs) SetQuality(quality int) *PageStartScreencastArgs
SetQuality sets the Quality optional argument. Compression quality from range [0..100].
type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageReply ¶
type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageReply struct {
Result []cdptype.ProfilerScriptCoverage `json:"result"` // Coverage data for the current isolate.
ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageReply represents the return values for GetBestEffortCoverage in the Profiler domain.
type ProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs ¶
type ProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs struct {
Interval int `json:"interval"` // New sampling interval in microseconds.
ProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs represents the arguments for SetSamplingInterval in the Profiler domain.
func NewProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs ¶
func NewProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs(interval int) *ProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs
NewProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs initializes ProfilerSetSamplingIntervalArgs with the required arguments.
type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs ¶
type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs struct {
CallCount *bool `json:"callCount,omitempty"` // Collect accurate call counts beyond simple 'covered' or 'not covered'.
ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs represents the arguments for StartPreciseCoverage in the Profiler domain.
func NewProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs ¶
func NewProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs() *ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs
NewProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs initializes ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs with the required arguments.
func (*ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs) SetCallCount ¶
func (a *ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs) SetCallCount(callCount bool) *ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageArgs
SetCallCount sets the CallCount optional argument. Collect accurate call counts beyond simple 'covered' or 'not covered'.
type ProfilerStopReply ¶
type ProfilerStopReply struct {
Profile cdptype.ProfilerProfile `json:"profile"` // Recorded profile.
ProfilerStopReply represents the return values for Stop in the Profiler domain.
type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageReply ¶
type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageReply struct {
Result []cdptype.ProfilerScriptCoverage `json:"result"` // Coverage data for the current isolate.
ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageReply represents the return values for TakePreciseCoverage in the Profiler domain.
type RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs ¶
type RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs struct { PromiseObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"promiseObjectId"` // Identifier of the promise. ReturnByValue *bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value. GeneratePreview *bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // Whether preview should be generated for the result. }
RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs represents the arguments for AwaitPromise in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs(promiseObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs
NewRuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs initializes RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs with the required arguments.
func (*RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs) SetGeneratePreview ¶
func (a *RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs
SetGeneratePreview sets the GeneratePreview optional argument. Whether preview should be generated for the result.
func (*RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs) SetReturnByValue ¶
func (a *RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *RuntimeAwaitPromiseArgs
SetReturnByValue sets the ReturnByValue optional argument. Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value.
type RuntimeAwaitPromiseReply ¶
type RuntimeAwaitPromiseReply struct { Result cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // Promise result. Will contain rejected value if promise was rejected. ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details if stack strace is available. }
RuntimeAwaitPromiseReply represents the return values for AwaitPromise in the Runtime domain.
type RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs ¶
type RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs struct { ObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // Identifier of the object to call function on. FunctionDeclaration string `json:"functionDeclaration"` // Declaration of the function to call. Arguments []cdptype.RuntimeCallArgument `json:"arguments,omitempty"` // Call arguments. All call arguments must belong to the same JavaScript world as the target object. Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state. ReturnByValue *bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value. GeneratePreview *bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // Whether preview should be generated for the result. UserGesture *bool `json:"userGesture,omitempty"` // Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI. AwaitPromise *bool `json:"awaitPromise,omitempty"` // Whether execution should wait for promise to be resolved. If the result of evaluation is not a Promise, it's considered to be an error. }
RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs represents the arguments for CallFunctionOn in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID, functionDeclaration string) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
NewRuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs initializes RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs with the required arguments.
func (*RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetArguments ¶
func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetArguments(arguments []cdptype.RuntimeCallArgument) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
SetArguments sets the Arguments optional argument. Call arguments. All call arguments must belong to the same JavaScript world as the target object.
func (*RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetAwaitPromise ¶
func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetAwaitPromise(awaitPromise bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
SetAwaitPromise sets the AwaitPromise optional argument. Whether execution should wait for promise to be resolved. If the result of evaluation is not a Promise, it's considered to be an error.
func (*RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetGeneratePreview ¶
func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
SetGeneratePreview sets the GeneratePreview optional argument. Whether preview should be generated for the result.
func (*RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetReturnByValue ¶
func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
SetReturnByValue sets the ReturnByValue optional argument. Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value.
func (*RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetSilent ¶
func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
SetSilent sets the Silent optional argument. In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state.
func (*RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetUserGesture ¶
func (a *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs) SetUserGesture(userGesture bool) *RuntimeCallFunctionOnArgs
SetUserGesture sets the UserGesture optional argument. Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI.
type RuntimeCallFunctionOnReply ¶
type RuntimeCallFunctionOnReply struct { Result cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // Call result. ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details. }
RuntimeCallFunctionOnReply represents the return values for CallFunctionOn in the Runtime domain.
type RuntimeCompileScriptArgs ¶
type RuntimeCompileScriptArgs struct { Expression string `json:"expression"` // Expression to compile. SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL"` // Source url to be set for the script. PersistScript bool `json:"persistScript"` // Specifies whether the compiled script should be persisted. ExecutionContextID *cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` // Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page. }
RuntimeCompileScriptArgs represents the arguments for CompileScript in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeCompileScriptArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeCompileScriptArgs(expression string, sourceURL string, persistScript bool) *RuntimeCompileScriptArgs
NewRuntimeCompileScriptArgs initializes RuntimeCompileScriptArgs with the required arguments.
func (*RuntimeCompileScriptArgs) SetExecutionContextID ¶
func (a *RuntimeCompileScriptArgs) SetExecutionContextID(executionContextID cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID) *RuntimeCompileScriptArgs
SetExecutionContextID sets the ExecutionContextID optional argument. Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page.
type RuntimeCompileScriptReply ¶
type RuntimeCompileScriptReply struct { ScriptID *cdptype.RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId,omitempty"` // Id of the script. ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details. }
RuntimeCompileScriptReply represents the return values for CompileScript in the Runtime domain.
type RuntimeEvaluateArgs ¶
type RuntimeEvaluateArgs struct { Expression string `json:"expression"` // Expression to evaluate. ObjectGroup *string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. IncludeCommandLineAPI *bool `json:"includeCommandLineAPI,omitempty"` // Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation. Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state. ContextID *cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"contextId,omitempty"` // Specifies in which execution context to perform evaluation. If the parameter is omitted the evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page. ReturnByValue *bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value. GeneratePreview *bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // Whether preview should be generated for the result. UserGesture *bool `json:"userGesture,omitempty"` // Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI. AwaitPromise *bool `json:"awaitPromise,omitempty"` // Whether execution should wait for promise to be resolved. If the result of evaluation is not a Promise, it's considered to be an error. }
RuntimeEvaluateArgs represents the arguments for Evaluate in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeEvaluateArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeEvaluateArgs(expression string) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
NewRuntimeEvaluateArgs initializes RuntimeEvaluateArgs with the required arguments.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetAwaitPromise ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetAwaitPromise(awaitPromise bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetAwaitPromise sets the AwaitPromise optional argument. Whether execution should wait for promise to be resolved. If the result of evaluation is not a Promise, it's considered to be an error.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetContextID ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetContextID(contextID cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetContextID sets the ContextID optional argument. Specifies in which execution context to perform evaluation. If the parameter is omitted the evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetGeneratePreview ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetGeneratePreview sets the GeneratePreview optional argument. Whether preview should be generated for the result.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI(includeCommandLineAPI bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetIncludeCommandLineAPI sets the IncludeCommandLineAPI optional argument. Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetObjectGroup ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetObjectGroup sets the ObjectGroup optional argument. Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetReturnByValue ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetReturnByValue sets the ReturnByValue optional argument. Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetSilent ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetSilent sets the Silent optional argument. In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state.
func (*RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetUserGesture ¶
func (a *RuntimeEvaluateArgs) SetUserGesture(userGesture bool) *RuntimeEvaluateArgs
SetUserGesture sets the UserGesture optional argument. Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI.
type RuntimeEvaluateReply ¶
type RuntimeEvaluateReply struct { Result cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // Evaluation result. ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details. }
RuntimeEvaluateReply represents the return values for Evaluate in the Runtime domain.
type RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs ¶
type RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs struct { ObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // Identifier of the object to return properties for. OwnProperties *bool `json:"ownProperties,omitempty"` // If true, returns properties belonging only to the element itself, not to its prototype chain. AccessorPropertiesOnly *bool `json:"accessorPropertiesOnly,omitempty"` // If true, returns accessor properties (with getter/setter) only; internal properties are not returned either. GeneratePreview *bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // Whether preview should be generated for the results. }
RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs represents the arguments for GetProperties in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeGetPropertiesArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeGetPropertiesArgs(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
NewRuntimeGetPropertiesArgs initializes RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs with the required arguments.
func (*RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetAccessorPropertiesOnly ¶
func (a *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetAccessorPropertiesOnly(accessorPropertiesOnly bool) *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
SetAccessorPropertiesOnly sets the AccessorPropertiesOnly optional argument. If true, returns accessor properties (with getter/setter) only; internal properties are not returned either.
func (*RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetGeneratePreview ¶
func (a *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
SetGeneratePreview sets the GeneratePreview optional argument. Whether preview should be generated for the results.
func (*RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetOwnProperties ¶
func (a *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs) SetOwnProperties(ownProperties bool) *RuntimeGetPropertiesArgs
SetOwnProperties sets the OwnProperties optional argument. If true, returns properties belonging only to the element itself, not to its prototype chain.
type RuntimeGetPropertiesReply ¶
type RuntimeGetPropertiesReply struct { Result []cdptype.RuntimePropertyDescriptor `json:"result"` // Object properties. InternalProperties []cdptype.RuntimeInternalPropertyDescriptor `json:"internalProperties,omitempty"` // Internal object properties (only of the element itself). ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details. }
RuntimeGetPropertiesReply represents the return values for GetProperties in the Runtime domain.
type RuntimeReleaseObjectArgs ¶
type RuntimeReleaseObjectArgs struct {
ObjectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // Identifier of the object to release.
RuntimeReleaseObjectArgs represents the arguments for ReleaseObject in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeReleaseObjectArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeReleaseObjectArgs(objectID cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObjectID) *RuntimeReleaseObjectArgs
NewRuntimeReleaseObjectArgs initializes RuntimeReleaseObjectArgs with the required arguments.
type RuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs ¶
type RuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs struct {
ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup"` // Symbolic object group name.
RuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs represents the arguments for ReleaseObjectGroup in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs(objectGroup string) *RuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs
NewRuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs initializes RuntimeReleaseObjectGroupArgs with the required arguments.
type RuntimeRunScriptArgs ¶
type RuntimeRunScriptArgs struct { ScriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Id of the script to run. ExecutionContextID *cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` // Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page. ObjectGroup *string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. Silent *bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state. IncludeCommandLineAPI *bool `json:"includeCommandLineAPI,omitempty"` // Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation. ReturnByValue *bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value. GeneratePreview *bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // Whether preview should be generated for the result. AwaitPromise *bool `json:"awaitPromise,omitempty"` // Whether execution should wait for promise to be resolved. If the result of evaluation is not a Promise, it's considered to be an error. }
RuntimeRunScriptArgs represents the arguments for RunScript in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeRunScriptArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeRunScriptArgs(scriptID cdptype.RuntimeScriptID) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
NewRuntimeRunScriptArgs initializes RuntimeRunScriptArgs with the required arguments.
func (*RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetAwaitPromise ¶
func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetAwaitPromise(awaitPromise bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
SetAwaitPromise sets the AwaitPromise optional argument. Whether execution should wait for promise to be resolved. If the result of evaluation is not a Promise, it's considered to be an error.
func (*RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetExecutionContextID ¶
func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetExecutionContextID(executionContextID cdptype.RuntimeExecutionContextID) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
SetExecutionContextID sets the ExecutionContextID optional argument. Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page.
func (*RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetGeneratePreview ¶
func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetGeneratePreview(generatePreview bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
SetGeneratePreview sets the GeneratePreview optional argument. Whether preview should be generated for the result.
func (*RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI ¶
func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetIncludeCommandLineAPI(includeCommandLineAPI bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
SetIncludeCommandLineAPI sets the IncludeCommandLineAPI optional argument. Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation.
func (*RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetObjectGroup ¶
func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetObjectGroup(objectGroup string) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
SetObjectGroup sets the ObjectGroup optional argument. Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects.
func (*RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetReturnByValue ¶
func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetReturnByValue(returnByValue bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
SetReturnByValue sets the ReturnByValue optional argument. Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value.
func (*RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetSilent ¶
func (a *RuntimeRunScriptArgs) SetSilent(silent bool) *RuntimeRunScriptArgs
SetSilent sets the Silent optional argument. In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause execution. Overrides setPauseOnException state.
type RuntimeRunScriptReply ¶
type RuntimeRunScriptReply struct { Result cdptype.RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // Run result. ExceptionDetails *cdptype.RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` // Exception details. }
RuntimeRunScriptReply represents the return values for RunScript in the Runtime domain.
type RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs ¶
type RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs struct {
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` //
RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs represents the arguments for SetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled in the Runtime domain.
func NewRuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs ¶
func NewRuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs(enabled bool) *RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs
NewRuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs initializes RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabledArgs with the required arguments.
type SchemaGetDomainsReply ¶
type SchemaGetDomainsReply struct {
Domains []cdptype.SchemaDomain `json:"domains"` // List of supported domains.
SchemaGetDomainsReply represents the return values for GetDomains in the Schema domain.
type SecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs ¶
type SecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs struct { EventID int `json:"eventId"` // The ID of the event. Action cdptype.SecurityCertificateErrorAction `json:"action"` // The action to take on the certificate error. }
SecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs represents the arguments for HandleCertificateError in the Security domain.
func NewSecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs ¶
func NewSecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs(eventID int, action cdptype.SecurityCertificateErrorAction) *SecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs
NewSecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs initializes SecurityHandleCertificateErrorArgs with the required arguments.
type SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs ¶
type SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs struct {
Override bool `json:"override"` // If true, certificate errors will be overridden.
SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs represents the arguments for SetOverrideCertificateErrors in the Security domain.
func NewSecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs ¶
func NewSecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs(override bool) *SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs
NewSecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs initializes SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrorsArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs struct { Origin string `json:"origin"` // RegistrationID string `json:"registrationId"` // Data string `json:"data"` // }
ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs represents the arguments for DeliverPushMessage in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs(origin string, registrationID string, data string) *ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs
NewServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs initializes ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessageArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs struct { Origin string `json:"origin"` // RegistrationID string `json:"registrationId"` // Tag string `json:"tag"` // LastChance bool `json:"lastChance"` // }
ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs represents the arguments for DispatchSyncEvent in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs(origin string, registrationID string, tag string, lastChance bool) *ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs
NewServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs initializes ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEventArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs struct {
VersionID string `json:"versionId"` //
ServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs represents the arguments for InspectWorker in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs(versionID string) *ServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs
NewServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs initializes ServiceWorkerInspectWorkerArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs struct {
ForceUpdateOnPageLoad bool `json:"forceUpdateOnPageLoad"` //
ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs represents the arguments for SetForceUpdateOnPageLoad in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs(forceUpdateOnPageLoad bool) *ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs
NewServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs initializes ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoadArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs struct {
ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` //
ServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs represents the arguments for SkipWaiting in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs(scopeURL string) *ServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs
NewServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs initializes ServiceWorkerSkipWaitingArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs struct {
ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` //
ServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs represents the arguments for StartWorker in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs(scopeURL string) *ServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs
NewServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs initializes ServiceWorkerStartWorkerArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs struct {
VersionID string `json:"versionId"` //
ServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs represents the arguments for StopWorker in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs(versionID string) *ServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs
NewServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs initializes ServiceWorkerStopWorkerArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs struct {
ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` //
ServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs represents the arguments for Unregister in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs(scopeURL string) *ServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs
NewServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs initializes ServiceWorkerUnregisterArgs with the required arguments.
type ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs ¶
type ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs struct {
ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` //
ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs represents the arguments for UpdateRegistration in the ServiceWorker domain.
func NewServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs ¶
func NewServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs(scopeURL string) *ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs
NewServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs initializes ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistrationArgs with the required arguments.
type StorageClearDataForOriginArgs ¶
type StorageClearDataForOriginArgs struct { Origin string `json:"origin"` // Security origin. StorageTypes string `json:"storageTypes"` // Comma separated origin names. }
StorageClearDataForOriginArgs represents the arguments for ClearDataForOrigin in the Storage domain.
func NewStorageClearDataForOriginArgs ¶
func NewStorageClearDataForOriginArgs(origin string, storageTypes string) *StorageClearDataForOriginArgs
NewStorageClearDataForOriginArgs initializes StorageClearDataForOriginArgs with the required arguments.
type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs ¶
type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs struct {
Origin string `json:"origin"` // Security origin.
StorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs represents the arguments for GetUsageAndQuota in the Storage domain.
func NewStorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs ¶
func NewStorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs(origin string) *StorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs
NewStorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs initializes StorageGetUsageAndQuotaArgs with the required arguments.
type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaReply ¶
type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaReply struct { Usage float64 `json:"usage"` // Storage usage (bytes). Quota float64 `json:"quota"` // Storage quota (bytes). UsageBreakdown []cdptype.StorageUsageForType `json:"usageBreakdown"` // Storage usage per type (bytes). }
StorageGetUsageAndQuotaReply represents the return values for GetUsageAndQuota in the Storage domain.
type SystemInfoGetInfoReply ¶
type SystemInfoGetInfoReply struct { GPU cdptype.SystemInfoGPUInfo `json:"gpu"` // Information about the GPUs on the system. ModelName string `json:"modelName"` // A platform-dependent description of the model of the machine. On Mac OS, this is, for example, 'MacBookPro'. Will be the empty string if not supported. ModelVersion string `json:"modelVersion"` // A platform-dependent description of the version of the machine. On Mac OS, this is, for example, '10.1'. Will be the empty string if not supported. CommandLine string `json:"commandLine"` // The command line string used to launch the browser. Will be the empty string if not supported. }
SystemInfoGetInfoReply represents the return values for GetInfo in the SystemInfo domain.
type TargetActivateTargetArgs ¶
TargetActivateTargetArgs represents the arguments for ActivateTarget in the Target domain.
func NewTargetActivateTargetArgs ¶
func NewTargetActivateTargetArgs(targetID cdptype.TargetID) *TargetActivateTargetArgs
NewTargetActivateTargetArgs initializes TargetActivateTargetArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetAttachToTargetArgs ¶
TargetAttachToTargetArgs represents the arguments for AttachToTarget in the Target domain.
func NewTargetAttachToTargetArgs ¶
func NewTargetAttachToTargetArgs(targetID cdptype.TargetID) *TargetAttachToTargetArgs
NewTargetAttachToTargetArgs initializes TargetAttachToTargetArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetAttachToTargetReply ¶
type TargetAttachToTargetReply struct {
Success bool `json:"success"` // Whether attach succeeded.
TargetAttachToTargetReply represents the return values for AttachToTarget in the Target domain.
type TargetCloseTargetArgs ¶
TargetCloseTargetArgs represents the arguments for CloseTarget in the Target domain.
func NewTargetCloseTargetArgs ¶
func NewTargetCloseTargetArgs(targetID cdptype.TargetID) *TargetCloseTargetArgs
NewTargetCloseTargetArgs initializes TargetCloseTargetArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetCloseTargetReply ¶
type TargetCloseTargetReply struct {
Success bool `json:"success"` //
TargetCloseTargetReply represents the return values for CloseTarget in the Target domain.
type TargetCreateBrowserContextReply ¶
type TargetCreateBrowserContextReply struct {
BrowserContextID cdptype.TargetBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId"` // The id of the context created.
TargetCreateBrowserContextReply represents the return values for CreateBrowserContext in the Target domain.
type TargetCreateTargetArgs ¶
type TargetCreateTargetArgs struct { URL string `json:"url"` // The initial URL the page will be navigated to. Width *int `json:"width,omitempty"` // Frame width in DIP (headless chrome only). Height *int `json:"height,omitempty"` // Frame height in DIP (headless chrome only). BrowserContextID *cdptype.TargetBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` // The browser context to create the page in (headless chrome only). }
TargetCreateTargetArgs represents the arguments for CreateTarget in the Target domain.
func NewTargetCreateTargetArgs ¶
func NewTargetCreateTargetArgs(url string) *TargetCreateTargetArgs
NewTargetCreateTargetArgs initializes TargetCreateTargetArgs with the required arguments.
func (*TargetCreateTargetArgs) SetBrowserContextID ¶
func (a *TargetCreateTargetArgs) SetBrowserContextID(browserContextID cdptype.TargetBrowserContextID) *TargetCreateTargetArgs
SetBrowserContextID sets the BrowserContextID optional argument. The browser context to create the page in (headless chrome only).
func (*TargetCreateTargetArgs) SetHeight ¶
func (a *TargetCreateTargetArgs) SetHeight(height int) *TargetCreateTargetArgs
SetHeight sets the Height optional argument. Frame height in DIP (headless chrome only).
func (*TargetCreateTargetArgs) SetWidth ¶
func (a *TargetCreateTargetArgs) SetWidth(width int) *TargetCreateTargetArgs
SetWidth sets the Width optional argument. Frame width in DIP (headless chrome only).
type TargetCreateTargetReply ¶
type TargetCreateTargetReply struct {
TargetID cdptype.TargetID `json:"targetId"` // The id of the page opened.
TargetCreateTargetReply represents the return values for CreateTarget in the Target domain.
type TargetDetachFromTargetArgs ¶
TargetDetachFromTargetArgs represents the arguments for DetachFromTarget in the Target domain.
func NewTargetDetachFromTargetArgs ¶
func NewTargetDetachFromTargetArgs(targetID cdptype.TargetID) *TargetDetachFromTargetArgs
NewTargetDetachFromTargetArgs initializes TargetDetachFromTargetArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs ¶
type TargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs struct {
BrowserContextID cdptype.TargetBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId"` //
TargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs represents the arguments for DisposeBrowserContext in the Target domain.
func NewTargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs ¶
func NewTargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs(browserContextID cdptype.TargetBrowserContextID) *TargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs
NewTargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs initializes TargetDisposeBrowserContextArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetDisposeBrowserContextReply ¶
type TargetDisposeBrowserContextReply struct {
Success bool `json:"success"` //
TargetDisposeBrowserContextReply represents the return values for DisposeBrowserContext in the Target domain.
type TargetGetTargetInfoArgs ¶
TargetGetTargetInfoArgs represents the arguments for GetTargetInfo in the Target domain.
func NewTargetGetTargetInfoArgs ¶
func NewTargetGetTargetInfoArgs(targetID cdptype.TargetID) *TargetGetTargetInfoArgs
NewTargetGetTargetInfoArgs initializes TargetGetTargetInfoArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetGetTargetInfoReply ¶
type TargetGetTargetInfoReply struct {
TargetInfo cdptype.TargetInfo `json:"targetInfo"` //
TargetGetTargetInfoReply represents the return values for GetTargetInfo in the Target domain.
type TargetGetTargetsReply ¶
type TargetGetTargetsReply struct {
TargetInfos []cdptype.TargetInfo `json:"targetInfos"` // The list of targets.
TargetGetTargetsReply represents the return values for GetTargets in the Target domain.
type TargetSendMessageToTargetArgs ¶
type TargetSendMessageToTargetArgs struct { TargetID cdptype.TargetID `json:"targetId"` // Message string `json:"message"` // }
TargetSendMessageToTargetArgs represents the arguments for SendMessageToTarget in the Target domain.
func NewTargetSendMessageToTargetArgs ¶
func NewTargetSendMessageToTargetArgs(targetID cdptype.TargetID, message string) *TargetSendMessageToTargetArgs
NewTargetSendMessageToTargetArgs initializes TargetSendMessageToTargetArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetSetAttachToFramesArgs ¶
type TargetSetAttachToFramesArgs struct {
Value bool `json:"value"` // Whether to attach to frames.
TargetSetAttachToFramesArgs represents the arguments for SetAttachToFrames in the Target domain.
func NewTargetSetAttachToFramesArgs ¶
func NewTargetSetAttachToFramesArgs(value bool) *TargetSetAttachToFramesArgs
NewTargetSetAttachToFramesArgs initializes TargetSetAttachToFramesArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetSetAutoAttachArgs ¶
type TargetSetAutoAttachArgs struct { AutoAttach bool `json:"autoAttach"` // Whether to auto-attach to related targets. WaitForDebuggerOnStart bool `json:"waitForDebuggerOnStart"` // Whether to pause new targets when attaching to them. Use Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger to run paused targets. }
TargetSetAutoAttachArgs represents the arguments for SetAutoAttach in the Target domain.
func NewTargetSetAutoAttachArgs ¶
func NewTargetSetAutoAttachArgs(autoAttach bool, waitForDebuggerOnStart bool) *TargetSetAutoAttachArgs
NewTargetSetAutoAttachArgs initializes TargetSetAutoAttachArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs ¶
type TargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs struct {
Discover bool `json:"discover"` // Whether to discover available targets.
TargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs represents the arguments for SetDiscoverTargets in the Target domain.
func NewTargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs ¶
func NewTargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs(discover bool) *TargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs
NewTargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs initializes TargetSetDiscoverTargetsArgs with the required arguments.
type TargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs ¶
type TargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs struct {
Locations []cdptype.TargetRemoteLocation `json:"locations"` // List of remote locations.
TargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs represents the arguments for SetRemoteLocations in the Target domain.
func NewTargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs ¶
func NewTargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs(locations []cdptype.TargetRemoteLocation) *TargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs
NewTargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs initializes TargetSetRemoteLocationsArgs with the required arguments.
type TetheringBindArgs ¶
type TetheringBindArgs struct {
Port int `json:"port"` // Port number to bind.
TetheringBindArgs represents the arguments for Bind in the Tethering domain.
func NewTetheringBindArgs ¶
func NewTetheringBindArgs(port int) *TetheringBindArgs
NewTetheringBindArgs initializes TetheringBindArgs with the required arguments.
type TetheringUnbindArgs ¶
type TetheringUnbindArgs struct {
Port int `json:"port"` // Port number to unbind.
TetheringUnbindArgs represents the arguments for Unbind in the Tethering domain.
func NewTetheringUnbindArgs ¶
func NewTetheringUnbindArgs(port int) *TetheringUnbindArgs
NewTetheringUnbindArgs initializes TetheringUnbindArgs with the required arguments.
type TracingGetCategoriesReply ¶
type TracingGetCategoriesReply struct {
Categories []string `json:"categories"` // A list of supported tracing categories.
TracingGetCategoriesReply represents the return values for GetCategories in the Tracing domain.
type TracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs ¶
type TracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs struct {
SyncID string `json:"syncId"` // The ID of this clock sync marker
TracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs represents the arguments for RecordClockSyncMarker in the Tracing domain.
func NewTracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs ¶
func NewTracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs(syncID string) *TracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs
NewTracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs initializes TracingRecordClockSyncMarkerArgs with the required arguments.
type TracingRequestMemoryDumpReply ¶
type TracingRequestMemoryDumpReply struct { DumpGUID string `json:"dumpGuid"` // GUID of the resulting global memory dump. Success bool `json:"success"` // True iff the global memory dump succeeded. }
TracingRequestMemoryDumpReply represents the return values for RequestMemoryDump in the Tracing domain.
type TracingStartArgs ¶
type TracingStartArgs struct { Categories *string `json:"categories,omitempty"` // Category/tag filter Options *string `json:"options,omitempty"` // Tracing options BufferUsageReportingInterval *float64 `json:"bufferUsageReportingInterval,omitempty"` // If set, the agent will issue bufferUsage events at this interval, specified in milliseconds TransferMode *string `json:"transferMode,omitempty"` // Whether to report trace events as series of dataCollected events or to save trace to a stream (defaults to ReportEvents). TraceConfig *cdptype.TracingTraceConfig `json:"traceConfig,omitempty"` // }
TracingStartArgs represents the arguments for Start in the Tracing domain.
func NewTracingStartArgs ¶
func NewTracingStartArgs() *TracingStartArgs
NewTracingStartArgs initializes TracingStartArgs with the required arguments.
func (*TracingStartArgs) SetBufferUsageReportingInterval ¶
func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetBufferUsageReportingInterval(bufferUsageReportingInterval float64) *TracingStartArgs
SetBufferUsageReportingInterval sets the BufferUsageReportingInterval optional argument. If set, the agent will issue bufferUsage events at this interval, specified in milliseconds
func (*TracingStartArgs) SetCategories ¶
func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetCategories(categories string) *TracingStartArgs
SetCategories sets the Categories optional argument. Category/tag filter
func (*TracingStartArgs) SetOptions ¶
func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetOptions(options string) *TracingStartArgs
SetOptions sets the Options optional argument. Tracing options
func (*TracingStartArgs) SetTraceConfig ¶
func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetTraceConfig(traceConfig cdptype.TracingTraceConfig) *TracingStartArgs
SetTraceConfig sets the TraceConfig optional argument.
func (*TracingStartArgs) SetTransferMode ¶
func (a *TracingStartArgs) SetTransferMode(transferMode string) *TracingStartArgs
SetTransferMode sets the TransferMode optional argument. Whether to report trace events as series of dataCollected events or to save trace to a stream (defaults to ReportEvents).