Apple Time Machine Exporter for Prometheus
This is a simple server that determines the age of the latest time machine
backup and exports that via HTTP for Prometheus consumption.
Getting Started
To run it:
./timemachine_exporter [flags]
Help on flags:
./timemachine_exporter --help
For more information check the source code documentation. All of the
core developers are accessible via the Prometheus Developers [mailinglist][].
make all
Exported Metrics
Here's an example of the metrics exported.
# HELP timemachine_exporter_build_info A metric with a constant '1' value labeled by version, revision, branch, goversion from which timemachine_exporter was built, and the goos and goarch for the build.
# TYPE timemachine_exporter_build_info gauge
timemachine_exporter_build_info{branch="",goarch="amd64",goos="darwin",goversion="go1.19.3",revision="unknown",version=""} 1
# HELP timemachine_latestbackup_age_seconds Seconds since the last successful Apple Time Machine Backup
# TYPE timemachine_latestbackup_age_seconds gauge
timemachine_latestbackup_age_seconds 298.016831
# HELP timemachine_latestbackup_errors_total Current total errors occured while attempting to determine Apple Time Machine Backup status
# TYPE timemachine_latestbackup_errors_total counter
timemachine_latestbackup_errors_total 0
TLS and basic authentication
The Apple Time Machine Exporter supports TLS and basic authentication.
To use TLS and/or basic authentication, you need to pass a configuration file
using the --web.config.file
parameter. The format of the file is described
in the exporter-toolkit repository.
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.