
v0.0.0-...-168ccc2 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 5, 2021 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 4 Imported by: 0



Package usart provides interface to Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter.

Peripheral: USART_Periph Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter. Instances:



0x00 32  CR1  Control register 1.
0x04 32  CR2  Control register 2.
0x08 32  CR3  Control register 3.
0x0C 32  BRR  Baud rate register.
0x10 32  GTPR Guard time and prescaler register.
0x14 32  RTOR Receiver Time Out register.
0x18 32  RQR  Request register.
0x1C 32  ISR  Interrupt and status register.
0x20 32  ICR  Interrupt flag Clear register.
0x24 16  RDR  Receive Data register.
0x28 16  TDR  Transmit Data register.





View Source
const (
	UEn     = 0
	REn     = 2
	TEn     = 3
	IDLEIEn = 4
	RXNEIEn = 5
	TCIEn   = 6
	TXEIEn  = 7
	PEIEn   = 8
	PSn     = 9
	PCEn    = 10
	WAKEn   = 11
	Mn      = 12
	MMEn    = 13
	CMIEn   = 14
	OVER8n  = 15
	DEDTn   = 16
	DEATn   = 21
	RTOIEn  = 26
	EOBIEn  = 27
View Source
const (
	ADDM7n    = 4
	LBCLn     = 8
	CPHAn     = 9
	CPOLn     = 10
	CLKENn    = 11
	STOPn     = 12
	SWAPn     = 15
	RXINVn    = 16
	TXINVn    = 17
	DATAINVn  = 18
	ABRENn    = 20
	ABRMODEn  = 21
	RTOENn    = 23
	ADDn      = 24
View Source
const (
	EIEn    = 0
	HDSELn  = 3
	DMARn   = 6
	DMATn   = 7
	RTSEn   = 8
	CTSEn   = 9
	CTSIEn  = 10
	ONEBITn = 11
	OVRDISn = 12
	DDREn   = 13
	DEMn    = 14
	DEPn    = 15
View Source
const (
View Source
const (
	PSCn = 0
	GTn  = 8
View Source
const (
	RTOn  = 0
	BLENn = 24
View Source
const (
	ABRRQn = 0
	SBKRQn = 1
	MMRQn  = 2
	RXFRQn = 3
View Source
const (
	PEn    = 0
	FEn    = 1
	NEn    = 2
	OREn   = 3
	IDLEn  = 4
	RXNEn  = 5
	TCn    = 6
	TXEn   = 7
	CTSIFn = 9
	CTSn   = 10
	RTOFn  = 11
	ABREn  = 14
	ABRFn  = 15
	BUSYn  = 16
	CMFn   = 17
	SBKFn  = 18
	RWUn   = 19
	TEACKn = 21
	REACKn = 22
View Source
const (
	PECFn   = 0
	FECFn   = 1
	NCFn    = 2
	ORECFn  = 3
	IDLECFn = 4
	TCCFn   = 6
	CTSCFn  = 9
	RTOCFn  = 11
	CMCFn   = 17



This section is empty.


type BRR

type BRR uint32
const (
	DIV_FRACTION BRR = 0x0F << 0  //+ Fraction of USARTDIV.
	DIV_MANTISSA BRR = 0xFFF << 4 //+ Mantissa of USARTDIV.

func (BRR) Field

func (b BRR) Field(mask BRR) int

func (BRR) J

func (mask BRR) J(v int) BRR

type CR1

type CR1 uint32
const (
	UE     CR1 = 0x01 << 0  //+ USART Enable.
	RE     CR1 = 0x01 << 2  //+ Receiver Enable.
	TE     CR1 = 0x01 << 3  //+ Transmitter Enable.
	IDLEIE CR1 = 0x01 << 4  //+ IDLE Interrupt Enable.
	RXNEIE CR1 = 0x01 << 5  //+ RXNE Interrupt Enable.
	TCIE   CR1 = 0x01 << 6  //+ Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable.
	TXEIE  CR1 = 0x01 << 7  //+ TXE Interrupt Enable.
	PEIE   CR1 = 0x01 << 8  //+ PE Interrupt Enable.
	PS     CR1 = 0x01 << 9  //+ Parity Selection.
	PCE    CR1 = 0x01 << 10 //+ Parity Control Enable.
	WAKE   CR1 = 0x01 << 11 //+ Receiver Wakeup method.
	M      CR1 = 0x01 << 12 //+ Word Length.
	MME    CR1 = 0x01 << 13 //+ Mute Mode Enable.
	CMIE   CR1 = 0x01 << 14 //+ Character match interrupt enable.
	OVER8  CR1 = 0x01 << 15 //+ Oversampling by 8-bit or 16-bit mode.
	DEDT   CR1 = 0x1F << 16 //+ DEDT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Deassertion Time).
	DEAT   CR1 = 0x1F << 21 //+ DEAT[4:0] bits (Driver Enable Assertion Time).
	RTOIE  CR1 = 0x01 << 26 //+ Receive Time Out interrupt enable.
	EOBIE  CR1 = 0x01 << 27 //+ End of Block interrupt enable.

func (CR1) Field

func (b CR1) Field(mask CR1) int

func (CR1) J

func (mask CR1) J(v int) CR1

type CR2

type CR2 uint32
const (
	ADDM7    CR2 = 0x01 << 4  //+ 7-bit or 4-bit Address Detection.
	LBCL     CR2 = 0x01 << 8  //+ Last Bit Clock pulse.
	CPHA     CR2 = 0x01 << 9  //+ Clock Phase.
	CPOL     CR2 = 0x01 << 10 //+ Clock Polarity.
	CLKEN    CR2 = 0x01 << 11 //+ Clock Enable.
	STOP     CR2 = 0x03 << 12 //+ STOP[1:0] bits (STOP bits).
	SWAP     CR2 = 0x01 << 15 //+ SWAP TX/RX pins.
	RXINV    CR2 = 0x01 << 16 //+ RX pin active level inversion.
	TXINV    CR2 = 0x01 << 17 //+ TX pin active level inversion.
	DATAINV  CR2 = 0x01 << 18 //+ Binary data inversion.
	MSBFIRST CR2 = 0x01 << 19 //+ Most Significant Bit First.
	ABREN    CR2 = 0x01 << 20 //+ Auto Baud-Rate Enable.
	ABRMODE  CR2 = 0x03 << 21 //+ ABRMOD[1:0] bits (Auto Baud-Rate Mode).
	RTOEN    CR2 = 0x01 << 23 //+ Receiver Time-Out enable.
	ADD      CR2 = 0xFF << 24 //+ Address of the USART node.

func (CR2) Field

func (b CR2) Field(mask CR2) int

func (CR2) J

func (mask CR2) J(v int) CR2

type CR3

type CR3 uint32
const (
	EIE    CR3 = 0x01 << 0  //+ Error Interrupt Enable.
	HDSEL  CR3 = 0x01 << 3  //+ Half-Duplex Selection.
	DMAR   CR3 = 0x01 << 6  //+ DMA Enable Receiver.
	DMAT   CR3 = 0x01 << 7  //+ DMA Enable Transmitter.
	RTSE   CR3 = 0x01 << 8  //+ RTS Enable.
	CTSE   CR3 = 0x01 << 9  //+ CTS Enable.
	CTSIE  CR3 = 0x01 << 10 //+ CTS Interrupt Enable.
	ONEBIT CR3 = 0x01 << 11 //+ One sample bit method enable.
	OVRDIS CR3 = 0x01 << 12 //+ Overrun Disable.
	DDRE   CR3 = 0x01 << 13 //+ DMA Disable on Reception Error.
	DEM    CR3 = 0x01 << 14 //+ Driver Enable Mode.
	DEP    CR3 = 0x01 << 15 //+ Driver Enable Polarity Selection.

func (CR3) Field

func (b CR3) Field(mask CR3) int

func (CR3) J

func (mask CR3) J(v int) CR3

type GTPR

type GTPR uint32
const (
	PSC GTPR = 0xFF << 0 //+ PSC[7:0] bits (Prescaler value).
	GT  GTPR = 0xFF << 8 //+ GT[7:0] bits (Guard time value).

func (GTPR) Field

func (b GTPR) Field(mask GTPR) int

func (GTPR) J

func (mask GTPR) J(v int) GTPR

type ICR

type ICR uint32
const (
	PECF   ICR = 0x01 << 0  //+ Parity Error Clear Flag.
	FECF   ICR = 0x01 << 1  //+ Framing Error Clear Flag.
	NCF    ICR = 0x01 << 2  //+ Noise detected Clear Flag.
	ORECF  ICR = 0x01 << 3  //+ OverRun Error Clear Flag.
	IDLECF ICR = 0x01 << 4  //+ IDLE line detected Clear Flag.
	TCCF   ICR = 0x01 << 6  //+ Transmission Complete Clear Flag.
	CTSCF  ICR = 0x01 << 9  //+ CTS Interrupt Clear Flag.
	RTOCF  ICR = 0x01 << 11 //+ Receiver Time Out Clear Flag.
	CMCF   ICR = 0x01 << 17 //+ Character Match Clear Flag.

func (ICR) Field

func (b ICR) Field(mask ICR) int

func (ICR) J

func (mask ICR) J(v int) ICR

type ISR

type ISR uint32
const (
	PE    ISR = 0x01 << 0  //+ Parity Error.
	FE    ISR = 0x01 << 1  //+ Framing Error.
	NE    ISR = 0x01 << 2  //+ Noise detected Flag.
	ORE   ISR = 0x01 << 3  //+ OverRun Error.
	IDLE  ISR = 0x01 << 4  //+ IDLE line detected.
	RXNE  ISR = 0x01 << 5  //+ Read Data Register Not Empty.
	TC    ISR = 0x01 << 6  //+ Transmission Complete.
	TXE   ISR = 0x01 << 7  //+ Transmit Data Register Empty.
	CTSIF ISR = 0x01 << 9  //+ CTS interrupt flag.
	CTS   ISR = 0x01 << 10 //+ CTS flag.
	RTOF  ISR = 0x01 << 11 //+ Receiver Time Out.
	ABRE  ISR = 0x01 << 14 //+ Auto-Baud Rate Error.
	ABRF  ISR = 0x01 << 15 //+ Auto-Baud Rate Flag.
	BUSY  ISR = 0x01 << 16 //+ Busy Flag.
	CMF   ISR = 0x01 << 17 //+ Character Match Flag.
	SBKF  ISR = 0x01 << 18 //+ Send Break Flag.
	RWU   ISR = 0x01 << 19 //+ Receive Wake Up from mute mode Flag.
	TEACK ISR = 0x01 << 21 //+ Transmit Enable Acknowledge Flag.
	REACK ISR = 0x01 << 22 //+ Receive Enable Acknowledge Flag.

func (ISR) Field

func (b ISR) Field(mask ISR) int

func (ISR) J

func (mask ISR) J(v int) ISR

type RBRR

type RBRR struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RBRR) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RBRR) AtomicClearBits(mask BRR)

func (*RBRR) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RBRR) AtomicSetBits(mask BRR)

func (*RBRR) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RBRR) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b BRR)

func (*RBRR) Bits

func (r *RBRR) Bits(mask BRR) BRR

func (*RBRR) ClearBits

func (r *RBRR) ClearBits(mask BRR)

func (*RBRR) Load

func (r *RBRR) Load() BRR

func (*RBRR) SetBits

func (r *RBRR) SetBits(mask BRR)

func (*RBRR) Store

func (r *RBRR) Store(b BRR)

func (*RBRR) StoreBits

func (r *RBRR) StoreBits(mask, b BRR)

type RCR1

type RCR1 struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RCR1) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RCR1) AtomicClearBits(mask CR1)

func (*RCR1) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RCR1) AtomicSetBits(mask CR1)

func (*RCR1) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RCR1) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b CR1)

func (*RCR1) Bits

func (r *RCR1) Bits(mask CR1) CR1

func (*RCR1) ClearBits

func (r *RCR1) ClearBits(mask CR1)

func (*RCR1) Load

func (r *RCR1) Load() CR1

func (*RCR1) SetBits

func (r *RCR1) SetBits(mask CR1)

func (*RCR1) Store

func (r *RCR1) Store(b CR1)

func (*RCR1) StoreBits

func (r *RCR1) StoreBits(mask, b CR1)

type RCR2

type RCR2 struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RCR2) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RCR2) AtomicClearBits(mask CR2)

func (*RCR2) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RCR2) AtomicSetBits(mask CR2)

func (*RCR2) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RCR2) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b CR2)

func (*RCR2) Bits

func (r *RCR2) Bits(mask CR2) CR2

func (*RCR2) ClearBits

func (r *RCR2) ClearBits(mask CR2)

func (*RCR2) Load

func (r *RCR2) Load() CR2

func (*RCR2) SetBits

func (r *RCR2) SetBits(mask CR2)

func (*RCR2) Store

func (r *RCR2) Store(b CR2)

func (*RCR2) StoreBits

func (r *RCR2) StoreBits(mask, b CR2)

type RCR3

type RCR3 struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RCR3) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RCR3) AtomicClearBits(mask CR3)

func (*RCR3) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RCR3) AtomicSetBits(mask CR3)

func (*RCR3) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RCR3) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b CR3)

func (*RCR3) Bits

func (r *RCR3) Bits(mask CR3) CR3

func (*RCR3) ClearBits

func (r *RCR3) ClearBits(mask CR3)

func (*RCR3) Load

func (r *RCR3) Load() CR3

func (*RCR3) SetBits

func (r *RCR3) SetBits(mask CR3)

func (*RCR3) Store

func (r *RCR3) Store(b CR3)

func (*RCR3) StoreBits

func (r *RCR3) StoreBits(mask, b CR3)

type RDR

type RDR uint16

func (RDR) Field

func (b RDR) Field(mask RDR) int

func (RDR) J

func (mask RDR) J(v int) RDR

type RGTPR

type RGTPR struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RGTPR) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RGTPR) AtomicClearBits(mask GTPR)

func (*RGTPR) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RGTPR) AtomicSetBits(mask GTPR)

func (*RGTPR) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RGTPR) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b GTPR)

func (*RGTPR) Bits

func (r *RGTPR) Bits(mask GTPR) GTPR

func (*RGTPR) ClearBits

func (r *RGTPR) ClearBits(mask GTPR)

func (*RGTPR) Load

func (r *RGTPR) Load() GTPR

func (*RGTPR) SetBits

func (r *RGTPR) SetBits(mask GTPR)

func (*RGTPR) Store

func (r *RGTPR) Store(b GTPR)

func (*RGTPR) StoreBits

func (r *RGTPR) StoreBits(mask, b GTPR)

type RICR

type RICR struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RICR) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RICR) AtomicClearBits(mask ICR)

func (*RICR) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RICR) AtomicSetBits(mask ICR)

func (*RICR) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RICR) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b ICR)

func (*RICR) Bits

func (r *RICR) Bits(mask ICR) ICR

func (*RICR) ClearBits

func (r *RICR) ClearBits(mask ICR)

func (*RICR) Load

func (r *RICR) Load() ICR

func (*RICR) SetBits

func (r *RICR) SetBits(mask ICR)

func (*RICR) Store

func (r *RICR) Store(b ICR)

func (*RICR) StoreBits

func (r *RICR) StoreBits(mask, b ICR)

type RISR

type RISR struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RISR) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RISR) AtomicClearBits(mask ISR)

func (*RISR) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RISR) AtomicSetBits(mask ISR)

func (*RISR) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RISR) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b ISR)

func (*RISR) Bits

func (r *RISR) Bits(mask ISR) ISR

func (*RISR) ClearBits

func (r *RISR) ClearBits(mask ISR)

func (*RISR) Load

func (r *RISR) Load() ISR

func (*RISR) SetBits

func (r *RISR) SetBits(mask ISR)

func (*RISR) Store

func (r *RISR) Store(b ISR)

func (*RISR) StoreBits

func (r *RISR) StoreBits(mask, b ISR)

type RMBRR

type RMBRR struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMBRR) Load

func (rm RMBRR) Load() BRR

func (RMBRR) Store

func (rm RMBRR) Store(b BRR)

type RMCR1

type RMCR1 struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMCR1) Load

func (rm RMCR1) Load() CR1

func (RMCR1) Store

func (rm RMCR1) Store(b CR1)

type RMCR2

type RMCR2 struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMCR2) Load

func (rm RMCR2) Load() CR2

func (RMCR2) Store

func (rm RMCR2) Store(b CR2)

type RMCR3

type RMCR3 struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMCR3) Load

func (rm RMCR3) Load() CR3

func (RMCR3) Store

func (rm RMCR3) Store(b CR3)


type RMGTPR struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMGTPR) Load

func (rm RMGTPR) Load() GTPR

func (RMGTPR) Store

func (rm RMGTPR) Store(b GTPR)

type RMICR

type RMICR struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMICR) Load

func (rm RMICR) Load() ICR

func (RMICR) Store

func (rm RMICR) Store(b ICR)

type RMISR

type RMISR struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMISR) Load

func (rm RMISR) Load() ISR

func (RMISR) Store

func (rm RMISR) Store(b ISR)

type RMRDR

type RMRDR struct{ mmio.UM16 }

func (RMRDR) Load

func (rm RMRDR) Load() RDR

func (RMRDR) Store

func (rm RMRDR) Store(b RDR)

type RMRQR

type RMRQR struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMRQR) Load

func (rm RMRQR) Load() RQR

func (RMRQR) Store

func (rm RMRQR) Store(b RQR)


type RMRTOR struct{ mmio.UM32 }

func (RMRTOR) Load

func (rm RMRTOR) Load() RTOR

func (RMRTOR) Store

func (rm RMRTOR) Store(b RTOR)

type RMTDR

type RMTDR struct{ mmio.UM16 }

func (RMTDR) Load

func (rm RMTDR) Load() TDR

func (RMTDR) Store

func (rm RMTDR) Store(b TDR)

type RQR

type RQR uint32
const (
	ABRRQ RQR = 0x01 << 0 //+ Auto-Baud Rate Request.
	SBKRQ RQR = 0x01 << 1 //+ Send Break Request.
	MMRQ  RQR = 0x01 << 2 //+ Mute Mode Request.
	RXFRQ RQR = 0x01 << 3 //+ Receive Data flush Request.

func (RQR) Field

func (b RQR) Field(mask RQR) int

func (RQR) J

func (mask RQR) J(v int) RQR

type RRDR

type RRDR struct{ mmio.U16 }

func (*RRDR) Bits

func (r *RRDR) Bits(mask RDR) RDR

func (*RRDR) ClearBits

func (r *RRDR) ClearBits(mask RDR)

func (*RRDR) Load

func (r *RRDR) Load() RDR

func (*RRDR) SetBits

func (r *RRDR) SetBits(mask RDR)

func (*RRDR) Store

func (r *RRDR) Store(b RDR)

func (*RRDR) StoreBits

func (r *RRDR) StoreBits(mask, b RDR)

type RRQR

type RRQR struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RRQR) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RRQR) AtomicClearBits(mask RQR)

func (*RRQR) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RRQR) AtomicSetBits(mask RQR)

func (*RRQR) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RRQR) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b RQR)

func (*RRQR) Bits

func (r *RRQR) Bits(mask RQR) RQR

func (*RRQR) ClearBits

func (r *RRQR) ClearBits(mask RQR)

func (*RRQR) Load

func (r *RRQR) Load() RQR

func (*RRQR) SetBits

func (r *RRQR) SetBits(mask RQR)

func (*RRQR) Store

func (r *RRQR) Store(b RQR)

func (*RRQR) StoreBits

func (r *RRQR) StoreBits(mask, b RQR)

type RRTOR

type RRTOR struct{ mmio.U32 }

func (*RRTOR) AtomicClearBits

func (r *RRTOR) AtomicClearBits(mask RTOR)

func (*RRTOR) AtomicSetBits

func (r *RRTOR) AtomicSetBits(mask RTOR)

func (*RRTOR) AtomicStoreBits

func (r *RRTOR) AtomicStoreBits(mask, b RTOR)

func (*RRTOR) Bits

func (r *RRTOR) Bits(mask RTOR) RTOR

func (*RRTOR) ClearBits

func (r *RRTOR) ClearBits(mask RTOR)

func (*RRTOR) Load

func (r *RRTOR) Load() RTOR

func (*RRTOR) SetBits

func (r *RRTOR) SetBits(mask RTOR)

func (*RRTOR) Store

func (r *RRTOR) Store(b RTOR)

func (*RRTOR) StoreBits

func (r *RRTOR) StoreBits(mask, b RTOR)

type RTDR

type RTDR struct{ mmio.U16 }

func (*RTDR) Bits

func (r *RTDR) Bits(mask TDR) TDR

func (*RTDR) ClearBits

func (r *RTDR) ClearBits(mask TDR)

func (*RTDR) Load

func (r *RTDR) Load() TDR

func (*RTDR) SetBits

func (r *RTDR) SetBits(mask TDR)

func (*RTDR) Store

func (r *RTDR) Store(b TDR)

func (*RTDR) StoreBits

func (r *RTDR) StoreBits(mask, b TDR)

type RTOR

type RTOR uint32
const (
	RTO  RTOR = 0xFFFFFF << 0 //+ Receiver Time Out Value.
	BLEN RTOR = 0xFF << 24    //+ Block Length.

func (RTOR) Field

func (b RTOR) Field(mask RTOR) int

func (RTOR) J

func (mask RTOR) J(v int) RTOR

type TDR

type TDR uint16

func (TDR) Field

func (b TDR) Field(mask TDR) int

func (TDR) J

func (mask TDR) J(v int) TDR

type USART_Periph

type USART_Periph struct {
	CR1  RCR1
	CR2  RCR2
	CR3  RCR3

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*USART_Periph) ABRE

func (p *USART_Periph) ABRE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) ABREN

func (p *USART_Periph) ABREN() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) ABRF

func (p *USART_Periph) ABRF() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) ABRMODE

func (p *USART_Periph) ABRMODE() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) ABRRQ

func (p *USART_Periph) ABRRQ() RMRQR

func (*USART_Periph) ADD

func (p *USART_Periph) ADD() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) ADDM7

func (p *USART_Periph) ADDM7() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) BLEN

func (p *USART_Periph) BLEN() RMRTOR

func (*USART_Periph) BUSY

func (p *USART_Periph) BUSY() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) BaseAddr

func (p *USART_Periph) BaseAddr() uintptr

func (*USART_Periph) CLKEN

func (p *USART_Periph) CLKEN() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) CMCF

func (p *USART_Periph) CMCF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) CMF

func (p *USART_Periph) CMF() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) CMIE

func (p *USART_Periph) CMIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) CPHA

func (p *USART_Periph) CPHA() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) CPOL

func (p *USART_Periph) CPOL() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) CTS

func (p *USART_Periph) CTS() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) CTSCF

func (p *USART_Periph) CTSCF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) CTSE

func (p *USART_Periph) CTSE() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) CTSIE

func (p *USART_Periph) CTSIE() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) CTSIF

func (p *USART_Periph) CTSIF() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) DATAINV

func (p *USART_Periph) DATAINV() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) DDRE

func (p *USART_Periph) DDRE() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) DEAT

func (p *USART_Periph) DEAT() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) DEDT

func (p *USART_Periph) DEDT() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) DEM

func (p *USART_Periph) DEM() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) DEP

func (p *USART_Periph) DEP() RMCR3





func (*USART_Periph) DMAR

func (p *USART_Periph) DMAR() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) DMAT

func (p *USART_Periph) DMAT() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) EIE

func (p *USART_Periph) EIE() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) EOBIE

func (p *USART_Periph) EOBIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) FE

func (p *USART_Periph) FE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) FECF

func (p *USART_Periph) FECF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) GT

func (p *USART_Periph) GT() RMGTPR

func (*USART_Periph) HDSEL

func (p *USART_Periph) HDSEL() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) IDLE

func (p *USART_Periph) IDLE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) IDLECF

func (p *USART_Periph) IDLECF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) IDLEIE

func (p *USART_Periph) IDLEIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) LBCL

func (p *USART_Periph) LBCL() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) M

func (p *USART_Periph) M() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) MME

func (p *USART_Periph) MME() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) MMRQ

func (p *USART_Periph) MMRQ() RMRQR

func (*USART_Periph) MSBFIRST

func (p *USART_Periph) MSBFIRST() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) NCF

func (p *USART_Periph) NCF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) NE

func (p *USART_Periph) NE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) ONEBIT

func (p *USART_Periph) ONEBIT() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) ORE

func (p *USART_Periph) ORE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) ORECF

func (p *USART_Periph) ORECF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) OVER8

func (p *USART_Periph) OVER8() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) OVRDIS

func (p *USART_Periph) OVRDIS() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) PCE

func (p *USART_Periph) PCE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) PE

func (p *USART_Periph) PE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) PECF

func (p *USART_Periph) PECF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) PEIE

func (p *USART_Periph) PEIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) PS

func (p *USART_Periph) PS() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) PSC

func (p *USART_Periph) PSC() RMGTPR

func (*USART_Periph) RE

func (p *USART_Periph) RE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) REACK

func (p *USART_Periph) REACK() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) RTO

func (p *USART_Periph) RTO() RMRTOR

func (*USART_Periph) RTOCF

func (p *USART_Periph) RTOCF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) RTOEN

func (p *USART_Periph) RTOEN() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) RTOF

func (p *USART_Periph) RTOF() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) RTOIE

func (p *USART_Periph) RTOIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) RTSE

func (p *USART_Periph) RTSE() RMCR3

func (*USART_Periph) RWU

func (p *USART_Periph) RWU() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) RXFRQ

func (p *USART_Periph) RXFRQ() RMRQR

func (*USART_Periph) RXINV

func (p *USART_Periph) RXINV() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) RXNE

func (p *USART_Periph) RXNE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) RXNEIE

func (p *USART_Periph) RXNEIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) SBKF

func (p *USART_Periph) SBKF() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) SBKRQ

func (p *USART_Periph) SBKRQ() RMRQR

func (*USART_Periph) STOP

func (p *USART_Periph) STOP() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) SWAP

func (p *USART_Periph) SWAP() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) TC

func (p *USART_Periph) TC() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) TCCF

func (p *USART_Periph) TCCF() RMICR

func (*USART_Periph) TCIE

func (p *USART_Periph) TCIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) TE

func (p *USART_Periph) TE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) TEACK

func (p *USART_Periph) TEACK() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) TXE

func (p *USART_Periph) TXE() RMISR

func (*USART_Periph) TXEIE

func (p *USART_Periph) TXEIE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) TXINV

func (p *USART_Periph) TXINV() RMCR2

func (*USART_Periph) UE

func (p *USART_Periph) UE() RMCR1

func (*USART_Periph) WAKE

func (p *USART_Periph) WAKE() RMCR1

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