Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckColumnMembers(column gjson.Result) error
- func CheckForeignKeyElementMembers(element gjson.Result) error
- func CheckForeignKeyMembers(fk gjson.Result) error
- func CheckIndexElementMembers(element gjson.Result) error
- func CheckIndexMembers(index gjson.Result) error
- func CheckMember(column gjson.Result, member string) error
- func FspExtentSize(size uint32) uint32
- func FspFlagsGetPageSsize(flags uint32) uint32
- func FspFlagsGetZipSsize(flags uint32) uint32
- func FspFlagsHasSDI(flags uint32) uint32
- func FspHeaderGetField(page []byte, field uint32) uint32
- func FspHeaderGetFlags(page []byte) uint32
- func FspHeaderGetSDIOffset(pageSize *PageSize) (offset uint32)
- func GetXdesSize(pageSize *PageSize) uint32
- func ParseCollation(ddObject gjson.Result) (ddl string, err error)
- func ParseEngine(ddlObject gjson.Result) (ddl string, err error)
- func ParseForeignKeys(ddObject gjson.Result, columnCache ColumnCache, tableSchema string) (ddl string, err error)
- func ParseIndexes(ddObject gjson.Result, columnCache ColumnCache) (ddl string, err error)
- func SetUnivPageSize(size uint32)
- func UTBitsInBytes(bits uint32) uint32
- func XdesArrSize(pageSize *PageSize) uint32
- type Collation
- type Column
- type ColumnCache
- type ColumnType
- type FKMatchOption
- type FKRule
- type ForeignKey
- type ForeignKeyElement
- type HiddenType
- type Index
- type IndexAlgorithm
- type IndexElement
- type IndexType
- type Page
- func (p *Page) Decompress() (err error)
- func (p *Page) DecompressDIR() (err error)
- func (p *Page) GetHeapTop()
- func (p *Page) GetIsCompact()
- func (p *Page) GetNDens()
- func (p *Page) GetNHeap()
- func (p *Page) GetNHeapBase()
- func (p *Page) GetNRecs()
- func (p *Page) GetNSlotOffset() (offset uint32)
- func (p *Page) GetNSlots()
- func (p *Page) GetNextPageNum()
- func (p *Page) GetPageLevel()
- func (p *Page) GetPageType()
- func (p *Page) GetRecType(recOffset uint32) (recType byte)
- func (p *Page) HeaderGetField(field int) uint16
- func (p *Page) IsEmpty() bool
- func (p *Page) RecCheck(recOffset uint32) (err error)
- func (p *Page) RecGetBitField_1(recOffset uint32, offs uint32, mask uint32, shift uint32) uint32
- func (p *Page) RecGetDeletedFlag(recOffset uint32) uint32
- func (p *Page) RecGetNextOffs(recOffset uint16) (nextRecOffset uint16, err error)
- func (p *Page) RecIsInfimum(recOffset uint32) (isInfimum bool, err error)
- func (p *Page) RecIsInfimumLow(recOffset uint32) (isInfimumLow bool, err error)
- func (p *Page) RecIsSupremum(recOffset uint32) (isSupremum bool, err error)
- func (p *Page) RecIsSupremumLow(recOffset uint32) (isSupremumLow bool, err error)
- func (p *Page) RecSetNextOffsNew(data []byte, currentOffset, nextOffset uint32) error
- func (p *Page) ZipDirGet(slotID uint32) uint16
- type PageSize
- type PageType
- type SDI
- type TableSchema
- type TableSpace
- func (ts *TableSpace) CopyCompressedBlob(firstBlobPageNum uint32, totalOffsetPageLength uint64, destBuf []byte) (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) CopyUncompressedBlob(firstBlobPageNum uint32, totalOffsetPageLength uint64, destBuf []byte) (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) DumpAllRecsInLeafLevel() (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) DumpSDIs() (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) DumpSchemas() (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) FetchPage(pageNum uint32) (page *Page, err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) FetchSDIPageAndLevel(pageNum uint32) (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) FetchSDIPages() (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) GetFirstUserRec() (curRecOffset uint16, err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) GetNextRecOffset(recOffset uint16) (nextRecOffset uint16, err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) GetPageSize() (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) GetSDIRoot()
- func (ts *TableSpace) ParseFieldsInRec(curRecOffset uint16) (err error)
- func (ts *TableSpace) ReadToOffset(offset uint32) (err error)
- type TablespaceFile
Constants ¶
const ( KiB = 1024 MiB = 1024 * KiB SIZE_OF_UINT32 = 4 ULINT_UNDEFINED uint64 = ^uint64(0) )
const ( /** Transaction ID type size in bytes. */ DATA_TRX_ID_LEN uint32 = 6 /** Rollback data pointer type size in bytes. */ DATA_ROLL_PTR_LEN uint32 = 7 )
const ( /** Encryption magic bytes size */ MAGIC_SIZE = 3 /** Encryption key length */ KEY_LEN = 32 /** UUID of server instance, it's needed for composing master key name */ SERVER_UUID_LEN = 36 /** Encryption information total size: magic number + master_key_id + key + iv + server_uuid + checksum */ INFO_SIZE = (MAGIC_SIZE + SIZE_OF_UINT32 + (KEY_LEN * 2) + SERVER_UUID_LEN + SIZE_OF_UINT32) /** Maximum size of Encryption information considering all formats v1, v2 & v3. */ INFO_MAX_SIZE = INFO_SIZE + SIZE_OF_UINT32 )
const ( // The number of bytes required to store the file space header FIL_PAGE_DATA = 38 // address size is 6 bytes FIL_ADDR_SIZE = 6 /** page offset inside space */ FIL_PAGE_OFFSET = 4 FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID = 34 // The physical size of a list base node in bytes FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE = 4 + 2*FIL_ADDR_SIZE FLST_NODE_SIZE = 2 * FIL_ADDR_SIZE // The physical size of a list node in bytes // page type offset in page FIL_PAGE_TYPE = 24 /** File page types (values of FIL_PAGE_TYPE) @{ */ /** B-tree node */ FIL_PAGE_INDEX = 17855 /** R-tree node */ FIL_PAGE_RTREE = 17854 /** Tablespace SDI Index page */ FIL_PAGE_SDI = 17853 /** This page type is unused. */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_UNUSED = 1 /** Undo log page */ FIL_PAGE_UNDO_LOG = 2 /** Index node */ FIL_PAGE_INODE = 3 /** Insert buffer free list */ FIL_PAGE_IBUF_FREE_LIST = 4 /* File page types introduced in MySQL/InnoDB 5.1.7 */ /** Freshly allocated page */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ALLOCATED = 0 /** Insert buffer bitmap */ FIL_PAGE_IBUF_BITMAP = 5 /** System page */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_SYS = 6 /** Transaction system data */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_TRX_SYS = 7 /** File space header */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_FSP_HDR = 8 /** Extent descriptor page */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_XDES = 9 /** Uncompressed BLOB page */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_BLOB = 10 /** First compressed BLOB page */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZBLOB = 11 /** Subsequent compressed BLOB page */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZBLOB2 = 12 /* * In old tablespaces, garbage in FIL_PAGE_TYPE is replaced with this value when flushing pages. */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 13 /** Compressed page */ FIL_PAGE_COMPRESSED = 14 /** Encrypted page */ FIL_PAGE_ENCRYPTED = 15 /** Compressed and Encrypted page */ FIL_PAGE_COMPRESSED_AND_ENCRYPTED = 16 /** Encrypted R-tree page */ FIL_PAGE_ENCRYPTED_RTREE = 17 /** Uncompressed SDI BLOB page */ FIL_PAGE_SDI_BLOB = 18 /** Compressed SDI BLOB page */ FIL_PAGE_SDI_ZBLOB = 19 /** Legacy doublewrite buffer page. */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_LEGACY_DBLWR = 20 /** Rollback Segment Array page */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_RSEG_ARRAY = 21 /** Index pages of uncompressed LOB */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_LOB_INDEX = 22 /** Data pages of uncompressed LOB */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_LOB_DATA = 23 /** The first page of an uncompressed LOB */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_LOB_FIRST = 24 /** The first page of a compressed LOB */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZLOB_FIRST = 25 /** Data pages of compressed LOB */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZLOB_DATA = 26 /* * Index pages of compressed LOB. This page contains an array of z_index_entry_t objects. */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZLOB_INDEX = 27 /** Fragment pages of compressed LOB. */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZLOB_FRAG = 28 /** Index pages of fragment pages (compressed LOB). */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZLOB_FRAG_ENTRY = 29 /** Note the highest valid non-index page_type_t. */ FIL_PAGE_TYPE_LAST = FIL_PAGE_TYPE_ZLOB_FRAG_ENTRY FIL_PAGE_DATA_END = 8 /** if there is a 'natural' successor of the page, its offset. Otherwise FIL_NULL. B-tree index pages(FIL_PAGE_TYPE contains FIL_PAGE_INDEX) on the same PAGE_LEVEL are maintained as a doubly linked list via FIL_PAGE_PREV and FIL_PAGE_NEXT in the collation order of the smallest user record on each page. */ FIL_PAGE_NEXT = 12 FIL_NULL = math.MaxUint32 )
FIL file
const ( // Offset of the space header within a file page FSP_HEADER_OFFSET = FIL_PAGE_DATA // The number of bytes required to store SDI root page number(4) and SDI version(4) at Page 0 FSP_SDI_HEADER_LEN = 8 // fsp_space_t.flags, similar to dict_table_t::flags FSP_SPACE_FLAGS = 16 // Number of flag bits used to indicate the tablespace page size FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_PAGE_SSIZE uint32 = 4 /** Zero relative shift position of the POST_ANTELOPE field */ FSP_FLAGS_POS_POST_ANTELOPE uint32 = 0 /** Width of the POST_ANTELOPE flag */ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_POST_ANTELOPE uint32 = 1 /** Number of flag bits used to indicate the tablespace zip page size */ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_ZIP_SSIZE uint32 = 4 /** Zero relative shift position of the ZIP_SSIZE field */ FSP_FLAGS_POS_ZIP_SSIZE uint32 = FSP_FLAGS_POS_POST_ANTELOPE + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_POST_ANTELOPE // Zero relative shift position of the ATOMIC_BLOBS field FSP_FLAGS_POS_ATOMIC_BLOBS uint32 = FSP_FLAGS_POS_ZIP_SSIZE + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_ZIP_SSIZE /** Width of the SDI flag. This flag indicates the presence of tablespace dictionary.*/ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_SDI uint32 = 1 /** Width of the encryption flag. This flag indicates that the tablespace is a tablespace with encryption. */ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_ENCRYPTION = 1 /** Zero relative shift position of the start of the DATA_DIR bit */ FSP_FLAGS_POS_DATA_DIR = FSP_FLAGS_POS_PAGE_SSIZE + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_PAGE_SSIZE /** Width of the DATA_DIR flag. This flag indicates that the tablespace is found in a remote location, not the default data directory. */ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_DATA_DIR = 1 /** Zero relative shift position of the start of the SHARED bit */ FSP_FLAGS_POS_SHARED = FSP_FLAGS_POS_DATA_DIR + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_DATA_DIR /** Width of the TEMPORARY flag. This flag indicates that the tablespace is a temporary tablespace and everything in it is temporary, meaning that it is for a single client and should be deleted upon startup if it exists. */ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_TEMPORARY = 1 /** Width of the SHARED flag. This flag indicates that the tablespace was created with CREATE TABLESPACE and can be shared by multiple tables. */ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_SHARED = 1 /** Zero relative shift position of the start of the TEMPORARY bit */ FSP_FLAGS_POS_TEMPORARY = FSP_FLAGS_POS_SHARED + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_SHARED /** Zero relative shift position of the start of the ENCRYPTION bit */ FSP_FLAGS_POS_ENCRYPTION = FSP_FLAGS_POS_TEMPORARY + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_TEMPORARY /** Zero relative shift position of the start of the SDI bits */ FSP_FLAGS_POS_SDI = FSP_FLAGS_POS_ENCRYPTION + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_ENCRYPTION /** Width of the ATOMIC_BLOBS flag. The ability to break up a long column into an in-record prefix and an externally stored part is available to ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT and ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT. */ FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_ATOMIC_BLOBS uint32 = 1 // Zero relative shift position of the PAGE_SSIZE field FSP_FLAGS_POS_PAGE_SSIZE uint32 = FSP_FLAGS_POS_ATOMIC_BLOBS + FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_ATOMIC_BLOBS // Bit mask of the PAGE_SSIZE field FSP_FLAGS_MASK_PAGE_SSIZE uint32 = (1<<FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_PAGE_SSIZE - 1) << FSP_FLAGS_POS_PAGE_SSIZE /** Bit mask of the ZIP_SSIZE field */ FSP_FLAGS_MASK_ZIP_SSIZE uint32 = (1<<FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_ZIP_SSIZE - 1) << FSP_FLAGS_POS_ZIP_SSIZE /** Bit mask of the SDI field */ FSP_FLAGS_MASK_SDI uint32 = (1<<FSP_FLAGS_WIDTH_SDI - 1) << FSP_FLAGS_POS_SDI /* File space header size */ FSP_HEADER_SIZE = 32 + 5*FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE /** On a page of any file segment, data may be put starting from this offset */ FSEG_PAGE_DATA = FIL_PAGE_DATA /** Length of the file system header, in bytes */ FSEG_HEADER_SIZE = 10 )
FSP file space
const ( /** 8 bytes containing the length of the externally stored part of the LOB. The 2 highest bits are reserved to the flags below. */ BTR_EXTERN_LEN = 12 /** page number where stored */ BTR_EXTERN_PAGE_NO = 4 LOB_HDR_PART_LEN = 0 LOB_HDR_SIZE = 10 LOB_PAGE_DATA = FIL_PAGE_DATA + LOB_HDR_SIZE )
const ( /** index page header starts at this offset */ PAGE_HEADER = FSEG_PAGE_DATA /** start of data on the page */ PAGE_DATA = PAGE_HEADER + 36 + 2*FSEG_HEADER_SIZE /** number of records in the heap, bit 15=flag: new-style compact page format */ PAGE_N_HEAP = 4 /** level of the node in an index tree; the leaf level is the level 0. This field should not be written to after page creation. */ PAGE_LEVEL = 26 /** index id where the page belongs. This field should not be written to after page creation. */ PAGE_INDEX_ID = 28 /** number of slots in page directory */ PAGE_N_DIR_SLOTS = 0 /** pointer to record heap top */ PAGE_HEAP_TOP = 2 /* Offset of the directory start down from the page end. We call the slot with the highest file address directory start, as it points to the first record in the list of records. */ PAGE_DIR = FIL_PAGE_DATA_END /* We define a slot in the page directory as two bytes */ PAGE_DIR_SLOT_SIZE = 2 /** number of user records on the page */ PAGE_N_RECS = 16 /** First user record in creation (insertion) order, not necessarily collation order; this record may have been deleted */ PAGE_HEAP_NO_USER_LOW = 2 /** Size of an compressed page directory entry */ PAGE_ZIP_DIR_SLOT_SIZE = 2 /** Mask of record offsets */ PAGE_ZIP_DIR_SLOT_MASK uint32 = 0x3fff /** 'owned' flag */ PAGE_ZIP_DIR_SLOT_OWNED = 0x4000 /** offset of the page infimum record on a new-style compact page */ PAGE_NEW_INFIMUM = (PAGE_DATA + REC_N_NEW_EXTRA_BYTES) /** offset of the page infimum record on an old-style page */ PAGE_OLD_INFIMUM = PAGE_DATA + 1 + REC_N_OLD_EXTRA_BYTES /** offset of the page supremum record on a new-style compact page */ PAGE_NEW_SUPREMUM = PAGE_DATA + 2*REC_N_NEW_EXTRA_BYTES + 8 /** offset of the page supremum record end on a new-style compact page */ PAGE_NEW_SUPREMUM_END = PAGE_NEW_SUPREMUM + 8 /** offset of the page supremum record on an old-style page */ PAGE_OLD_SUPREMUM = PAGE_DATA + 2 + 2*REC_N_OLD_EXTRA_BYTES + 8 /** Start offset of the area that will be compressed */ PAGE_ZIP_START = PAGE_NEW_SUPREMUM_END /* The offset of the physically lower end of the directory, counted from page end, when the page is empty */ PAGE_EMPTY_DIR_START = PAGE_DIR + 2*PAGE_DIR_SLOT_SIZE )
const ( /* Number of extra bytes in a new-style record, in addition to the data and the offsets */ REC_N_NEW_EXTRA_BYTES uint32 = 5 // next record mask REC_NEXT uint32 = 2 REC_NEXT_MASK uint32 = 0xFFFF REC_NEXT_SHIFT uint32 = 0 /** Stored at rec origin minus 3rd byte. Only 3bits of 3rd byte are used for rec type. */ REC_OFF_TYPE uint32 = 3 /** Stored at rec_origin minus 2nd byte and length 2 bytes. */ REC_OFF_NEXT = 2 /** Length of TYPE field in record of SDI Index. */ REC_DATA_TYPE_LEN = 4 /** Length of ID field in record of SDI Index. */ REC_DATA_ID_LEN = 8 /* This is single byte bit-field */ REC_OLD_INFO_BITS uint32 = 6 /* This is single byte bit-field */ REC_NEW_INFO_BITS uint32 = 5 /* This is single byte bit-field */ /** The deleted flag in info bits; when bit is set to 1, it means the record has been delete marked */ REC_INFO_DELETED_FLAG uint32 = 0x20 REC_INFO_BITS_SHIFT uint32 = 0 /* Number of extra bytes in an old-style record, in addition to the data and the offsets */ REC_N_OLD_EXTRA_BYTES = 6 /** SDI Index record Origin. */ REC_ORIGIN uint32 = 0 /** Offset of TYPE field in record (0). */ REC_OFF_DATA_TYPE uint32 = REC_ORIGIN /** Offset of ID field in record (4). */ REC_OFF_DATA_ID uint32 = REC_OFF_DATA_TYPE + REC_DATA_TYPE_LEN /** Offset of 6-byte trx id (12). */ REC_OFF_DATA_TRX_ID uint32 = REC_OFF_DATA_ID + REC_DATA_ID_LEN /** 7-byte roll-ptr (18). */ REC_OFF_DATA_ROLL_PTR uint32 = REC_OFF_DATA_TRX_ID + DATA_TRX_ID_LEN /** 4-byte un-compressed len (25) */ REC_OFF_DATA_UNCOMP_LEN uint32 = REC_OFF_DATA_ROLL_PTR + DATA_ROLL_PTR_LEN /** Length of UNCOMPRESSED_LEN field in record of SDI Index. */ REC_DATA_UNCOMP_LEN uint32 = 4 /** 4-byte compressed len (29) */ REC_OFF_DATA_COMP_LEN uint32 = REC_OFF_DATA_UNCOMP_LEN + REC_DATA_UNCOMP_LEN /** Length of SDI Index record header. */ REC_MIN_HEADER_SIZE uint32 = REC_N_NEW_EXTRA_BYTES /** Length of COMPRESSED_LEN field in record of SDI Index. */ REC_DATA_COMP_LEN uint32 = 4 /** Variable length Data (33). */ REC_OFF_DATA_VARCHAR uint32 = REC_OFF_DATA_COMP_LEN + REC_DATA_COMP_LEN )
const ( /* Define the Min, Max, Default page sizes. */ /** Minimum Page Size Shift (power of 2) */ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MIN = 12 /** Maximum Page Size Shift (power of 2) */ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX = 16 /** Original 16k InnoDB Page Size Shift, in case the default changes */ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_ORIG = 14 /** Minimum page size InnoDB currently supports. */ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_MIN = 1 << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MIN /** Maximum page size InnoDB currently supports. */ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_MAX = 1 << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX /** Original 16k page size for InnoDB tablespaces. */ UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_ORIG = 1 << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_ORIG /** log2 of smallest compressed page size (1<<10 == 1024 bytes) Note: This must never change! */ UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_SHIFT_MIN = 10 /** log2 of largest compressed page size (1<<14 == 16384 bytes). A compressed page directory entry reserves 14 bits for the start offset and 2 bits for flags. This limits the uncompressed page size to 16k. Even though a 16k uncompressed page can theoretically be compressed into a larger compressed page, it is not a useful feature so we will limit both with this same constant. */ UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX = 14 /** Smallest compressed page size */ UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_MIN = 1 << UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_SHIFT_MIN /** Largest compressed page size */ UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_MAX = 1 << UNIV_ZIP_SIZE_SHIFT_MAX /** Original 16k InnoDB Page Size as an ssize (log2 - 9) */ UNIV_PAGE_SSIZE_ORIG = UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT_ORIG - 9 )
universal page sizes
const ( /* EXTENT DESCRIPTOR ================= File extent descriptor data structure: contains bits to tell which pages in the extent are free and which contain old tuple version to clean. */ /*-------------------------------------*/ // The identifier of the segment to which this extent belongs XDES_ID = 0 // The list node data structure for the descriptors XDES_FLST_NODE = 8 // contains state information of the extent XDES_STATE = FLST_NODE_SIZE + 8 // Descriptor bitmap of the pages in the extent XDES_BITMAP = FLST_NODE_SIZE + 12 /** How many bits are there per page */ XDES_BITS_PER_PAGE = 2 /** Offset of the descriptor array on a descriptor page */ XDES_ARR_OFFSET = FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + FSP_HEADER_SIZE )
const (
/** SDI BLOB not expected before the following page number.
0 (tablespace header), 1 (tabespace bitmap), 2 (ibuf bitmap)
3 (SDI Index root page) */
Variables ¶
var ColumnMembers = []string{
var ForeignKeyElementMembers = []string{
var ForeignKeyMembers = []string{
var INFIMUM_DATA = []byte{
0x69, 0x6e, 0x66, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x75, 0x6d, 0x00,
* Data bytes of an infimum record
var INFIMUM_EXTRA = []byte{
0x00, 0x02,
The infimum and supremum records are omitted from the compressed page.
On compress, we compare that the records are there, and on uncompress we restore the records. * Extra bytes of an infimum record
var IndexElementMembers = []string{
var IndexMembers = []string{
* Extra bytes and data bytes of a supremum record
var UNIV_PAGE_SIZE uint32
Universal page size
Functions ¶
func CheckColumnMembers ¶
func CheckForeignKeyMembers ¶
func CheckIndexMembers ¶
func FspExtentSize ¶
* File space extent size in pages page size | file space extent size ----------+-----------------------
4 KiB | 256 pages = 1 MiB 8 KiB | 128 pages = 1 MiB 16 KiB | 64 pages = 1 MiB 32 KiB | 64 pages = 2 MiB 64 KiB | 64 pages = 4 MiB
FSPExtentSize calculates the file space extent size in pages based on a given page size
func FspFlagsGetPageSsize ¶
FspFlagsGetPageSsize returns the value of the PAGE_SSIZE field from the given flags.
func FspFlagsGetZipSsize ¶
* FspFlagsGetZipSsize Return the value of the ZIP_SSIZE field
func FspHeaderGetField ¶
* Read a tablespace header field. @param[in] page first page of a tablespace @param[in] field the header field @return the contents of the header field
func FspHeaderGetFlags ¶
* Read the flags from the tablespace header page. @param[in] page first page of a tablespace @return the contents of FSP_SPACE_FLAGS
func FspHeaderGetSDIOffset ¶
func GetXdesSize ¶
func ParseCollation ¶
* Parse Collation @param[in] collation Table collation object @param[in,out] ddl DDL string @return False in case of errors
func ParseEngine ¶
* Parse the engine section of SDI JSON @param[in] dd_object Data Dictionary JSON object @param[in,out] ddl DDL string @return False in case of errors
func ParseForeignKeys ¶
func ParseIndexes ¶
func ParseIndexes(ddObject gjson.Result, columnCache ColumnCache) ( ddl string, err error)
* Parse the indexes section of SDI JSON @param[in] dd_object Data Dictionary JSON object @param[in,out] ddl DDL string @return False in case of errors
func UTBitsInBytes ¶
UTBitsInBytes converts a given number of bits to the minimum number of bytes needed to store them
func XdesArrSize ¶
* Calculates the descriptor array size. @param[in] page_size page size @return size of descriptor array
Types ¶
type Collation ¶
type Collation struct { ID int `json:"id"` CharsetName string `json:"charset_name"` Name string `json:"name"` IsDefault bool `json:"is_default"` Maxlen int `json:"maxlen"` }
func GetCollationByID ¶
GetCollationByID returns collations by given id.
type Column ¶
type Column struct { OrdinalPosition int Name string Type ColumnType GenerationExpression string Hidden HiddenType Size uint64 Collation *Collation GJson gjson.Result DDL string }
func (*Column) SupportPrefixIndex ¶
Check if column type support index prefix
@return True if the type supports index prefix
type ColumnCache ¶
func ParseColumns ¶
func ParseColumns(ddObject gjson.Result) ( ddl string, columnCache ColumnCache, err error)
type ColumnType ¶
type ColumnType int
type FKMatchOption ¶
type FKMatchOption int64
type FKRule ¶
type FKRule int64
type ForeignKey ¶
type ForeignKey struct { Name string UpdateRule FKRule DeleteRule FKRule ReferenceNames []string ReferencedTableSchemaName string ReferencedTableName string Gjson gjson.Result DDL string }
func NewForeignKey ¶
func NewForeignKey(fk gjson.Result) *ForeignKey
type ForeignKeyElement ¶
func NewForeignKeyElement ¶
func NewForeignKeyElement(element gjson.Result) *ForeignKeyElement
type HiddenType ¶
type HiddenType int64
const ( /// The column is visible (a normal column) HT_VISIBLE HiddenType = iota + 1 /// The column is completely invisible to the server HT_HIDDEN_SE /// The column is visible to the server but hidden from the user. /// This is used for i.e. implementing functional indexes. HT_HIDDEN_SQL /// User table column marked as INVISIBLE by using the column visibility /// attribute. Column is hidden from the user unless it is explicitly /// referenced in the statement. Column is visible to the server. HT_HIDDEN_USER )
type Index ¶
type IndexAlgorithm ¶
type IndexAlgorithm int64 // similar to ha_key_alg
const ( IA_SE_SPECIFIC IndexAlgorithm = iota + 1 IA_BTREE IA_RTREE IA_HASH IA_FULLTEXT )
func (IndexAlgorithm) String ¶
func (ia IndexAlgorithm) String() string
type IndexElement ¶
func NewIndexElement ¶
func NewIndexElement(e gjson.Result) *IndexElement
type IndexType ¶
type IndexType int64
type Page ¶
type Page struct { *PageSize PageNum uint32 NHeap uint16 NHeapBase uint16 NRecs uint16 NDense uint16 NSlots uint16 HeapTop uint16 OriginData []byte UncompressedData []byte SlotOffset uint32 Slot []byte Recs []uint16 PageLevel uint16 PageType PageType NextPageNum uint32 }
func (*Page) Decompress ¶
pageZipDecompressLow decompresses a page. This function should tolerate errors on the compressed page. Instead of causing assertions to fail, it will return false if an inconsistency is detected.
Returns true on success, false on failure.
func (*Page) DecompressDIR ¶
* Populate the sparse page directory from the dense directory. @return true on success, false on failure
func (*Page) GetHeapTop ¶
func (p *Page) GetHeapTop()
func (*Page) GetIsCompact ¶
func (p *Page) GetIsCompact()
- Determine whether the page is in new-style compact format. @return nonzero if the page is in compact format, zero if it is in old-style format
func (*Page) GetNDens ¶
func (p *Page) GetNDens()
- Gets the number of elements in the dense page directory, including deleted records (the free list). @return number of elements in the dense page directory
func (*Page) GetNHeapBase ¶
func (p *Page) GetNHeapBase()
func (*Page) GetNRecs ¶
func (p *Page) GetNRecs()
- Gets the number of user records on page (infimum and supremum records are not user records).
func (*Page) GetNSlotOffset ¶
- Gets pointer to nth directory slot. @return pointer to dir slot
func (*Page) GetNSlots ¶
func (p *Page) GetNSlots()
- Gets the number of dir slots in directory. @return number of slots
func (*Page) GetNextPageNum ¶
func (p *Page) GetNextPageNum()
func (*Page) GetPageLevel ¶
func (p *Page) GetPageLevel()
* Determine whether the page is a B-tree leaf. @return true if the page is a B-tree leaf (PAGE_LEVEL = 0)
func (*Page) GetPageType ¶
func (p *Page) GetPageType()
func (*Page) GetRecType ¶
func (*Page) HeaderGetField ¶
func (*Page) IsEmpty ¶
* Determine whether the page is empty. @return true if the page is empty (PAGE_N_RECS = 0)
func (*Page) RecCheck ¶
* Used to check the consistency of a record on a page. @return true if succeed
func (*Page) RecGetBitField_1 ¶
* Gets a bit field from within 1 byte. in:
rec: pointer to record origin offs: offset from the origin down mask: mask used to filter bits shift: shift right applied after masking
func (*Page) RecGetDeletedFlag ¶
func (*Page) RecGetNextOffs ¶
func (*Page) RecIsInfimum ¶
- true if the record is the infimum record on a page. @return true if the infimum record
func (*Page) RecIsInfimumLow ¶
- true if the record is the infimum record on a page. @return true if the infimum record
func (*Page) RecIsSupremum ¶
* true if the record is the supremum record on a page. @return true if the supremum record
func (*Page) RecIsSupremumLow ¶
* true if the record is the supremum record on a page. @return true if the supremum record
func (*Page) RecSetNextOffsNew ¶
- The following function is used to set the next record offset field of a new-style record.
type PageSize ¶
type PageSize struct { Physical uint32 PhysicalShift uint32 Logical uint32 LogicalShift uint32 SSize uint32 IsCompressed bool IsCompact bool }
* Page size descriptor. Contains the physical and logical page size, as well as whether the page is compressed or not.
func NewPageSize ¶
func NewPageSizeWithFlag ¶
type SDI ¶
type SDI struct { Type uint64 ID uint64 OriginData []byte OriginDataLen uint64 UncompressedData []byte UncompressedDataLen uint64 DatabaseName string TableSchema *TableSchema }
func (*SDI) DumpTableSchema ¶
type TableSchema ¶
type TableSchema struct { Hidden HiddenType Name string DDL string }
type TableSpace ¶
type TableSpace struct { Reader io.Reader Buf *bytes.Buffer Flags uint32 SpaceID uint32 FirstPageNum uint32 PageSize *PageSize TablespaceFiles []*TablespaceFile SDIVersion uint32 SDIRootOffset uint32 SDIRootPageNum uint32 SDIRootPage *Page SDIPages []*Page SDIPagesMap map[uint32]*Page LeafSDIPage *Page SDIs []*SDI CurPage *Page SDIResult []byte TableSchemas map[string]*TableSchema }
func NewTableSpace ¶
func NewTableSpace(r io.Reader) (ts *TableSpace, err error)
func (*TableSpace) CopyCompressedBlob ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) CopyCompressedBlob( firstBlobPageNum uint32, totalOffsetPageLength uint64, destBuf []byte) (err error)
* Read the compressed blob stored in off-pages to the buffer. @param[in] ts tablespace structure @param[in] first_blob_page_num first blob page number of the chain @param[in] total_off_page_length total Length of blob stored in record @param[in,out] dest_buf blob will be copied to this buffer @return 0 if blob is not read, else the total length of blob read from off-pages
func (*TableSpace) CopyUncompressedBlob ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) CopyUncompressedBlob( firstBlobPageNum uint32, totalOffsetPageLength uint64, destBuf []byte) (err error)
* Read the uncompressed blob stored in off-pages to the buffer. @param[in] ts tablespace structure @param[in] first_blob_page_num first blob page number of the chain @param[in] total_off_page_length total length of blob stored in record @param[in,out] dest_buf blob will be copied to this buffer @return 0 if blob is not read, else the total length of blob read from off-pages
func (*TableSpace) DumpAllRecsInLeafLevel ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) DumpAllRecsInLeafLevel() (err error)
func (*TableSpace) DumpSDIs ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) DumpSDIs() (err error)
func (*TableSpace) DumpSchemas ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) DumpSchemas() (err error)
func (*TableSpace) FetchPage ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) FetchPage(pageNum uint32) (page *Page, err error)
func (*TableSpace) FetchSDIPageAndLevel ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) FetchSDIPageAndLevel(pageNum uint32) (err error)
func (*TableSpace) GetFirstUserRec ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) GetFirstUserRec() (curRecOffset uint16, err error)
func (*TableSpace) GetNextRecOffset ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) GetNextRecOffset(recOffset uint16) (nextRecOffset uint16, err error)
func (*TableSpace) GetPageSize ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) GetPageSize() (err error)
func (*TableSpace) GetSDIRoot ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) GetSDIRoot()
func (*TableSpace) ParseFieldsInRec ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) ParseFieldsInRec(curRecOffset uint16) (err error)
* Extract SDI record fields @param[in] rec pointer to record @param[in,out] sdi_type sdi type @param[in,out] sdi_id sdi id @param[in,out] sdi_data sdi blob @param[in,out] sdi_data_len length of sdi blob @return DB_SUCCESS on success, else error code
func (*TableSpace) ReadToOffset ¶
func (ts *TableSpace) ReadToOffset(offset uint32) (err error)