Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AbsInt(n int) int
- func CalcSymbolsInResultEx(gs *sgc7game.GameScene, mapSymbolCodes map[int]int, ret *sgc7game.Result, ...) int
- func CmpVal(src int, op string, target int) bool
- func CountSymbolsInResult(gs *sgc7game.GameScene, symbols []int, ret *sgc7game.Result) int
- func GenDefaultScene(game *Game, bet int) (*sgc7game.GameScene, error)
- func GenInitialArr(len int) []int
- func GetComponentDataVal(pb proto.Message, val string) (int, bool)
- func GetExcludeSymbols(pt *sgc7game.PayTables, symbols []int) []int
- func GetSymbolValMultiFunc(t OtherSceneMultiType) sgc7game.FuncCalcMulti
- func HasSamePos(src []int, target []int) bool
- func HasSymbolsInResult(gs *sgc7game.GameScene, symbols []int, ret *sgc7game.Result) bool
- func InsSliceNonRep(arr []string, src []string) []string
- func InsStringSliceNonRep(arr []string, str string) []string
- func IsInPosArea(x, y int, posArea []int) bool
- func IsInitialArr(arr []int) bool
- func IsSameIntArr(arr []int, arr1 []int) bool
- func IsValidPosWithHeight(x, y int, curHeight, height int, isReversalHeight bool) bool
- func NewStats2(components *ComponentList) *stats2.Stats
- func PowInt(v int, n int) int
- func SaveIntWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, vw *sgc7game.ValWeights2) error
- func SaveLineData(f *excelize.File, sheet string, ld *sgc7game.LineData) error
- func SavePaytable(f *excelize.File, sheet string, pt *sgc7game.PayTables) error
- func SaveReels(f *excelize.File, sheet string, pt *sgc7game.PayTables, ...) error
- func SaveStrWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, vw *sgc7game.ValWeights2) error
- func SaveSymbolWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, pt *sgc7game.PayTables, ...) error
- func SetAllowForceOutcome(maxTry int)
- func SetAllowFullComponentHistory()
- func SetAllowStatsV2()
- func SetRTPMode()
- func SetReleaseMode()
- func SetRngLibConfig(fn string)
- func Shuffle(arr []int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) ([]int, error)
- func Spin(game *Game, ips sgc7game.IPlayerState, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, ...) ([]*sgc7game.PlayResult, error)
- func StartRTP(gamecfg string, icore int, ispinnums int64, outputPath string, bet int64, ...) error
- func StartRTPWithData(gamecfg []byte, icore int, ispinnums int64, bet int64, ...) (*stats2.Stats, error)
- func String2Property(str string) (int, error)
- type AddSymbolNumType
- type AddSymbols
- func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type AddSymbolsConfig
- type AddSymbolsData
- func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
- func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type AddSymbolsType
- type AdjacentPayTrigger
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type AdjacentPayTriggerConfig
- type AdjacentPayTriggerData
- func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) AddPos(x, y int)
- func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetPos() []int
- func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type Award
- type AwardsNode
- type AwardsWeights
- type BasicComponent
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddOtherScene(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, sc *sgc7game.GameScene, ...)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddPos(cd IComponentData, x int, y int)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddResult(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ret *sgc7game.Result, basicCD *BasicComponentData)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddScene(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, sc *sgc7game.GameScene, ...)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ClearOtherScene(gameProp *GameProperty)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetBranchNum() int
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetBranchWeights() []int
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetChildLinkComponents() []string
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetName() string
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetTargetOtherScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetTargetScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsForeach() bool
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsMask() bool
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2() bool
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsRespin() bool
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnPlayGameWithSet(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- type BasicComponentConfig
- type BasicComponentData
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddRespinTimes(num int)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddSymbol(symbolCode int)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) BuildPBBasicComponentData() *sgc7pb.ComponentData
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ChgMask(curMask int, val bool) bool
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ClearConfigIntVal(key string)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) CloneBasicComponentData() BasicComponentData
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetConfigIntVal(key string) (int, bool)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetConfigVal(key string) string
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetLastRespinNum() int
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetMask() []bool
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetOutput() int
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetPos() []int
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetResults() []int
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetStringOutput() string
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetSymbols() []int
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) IsRespinEnding() bool
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) IsRespinStarted() bool
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) LoadPBComponentData(pb *sgc7pb.ComponentData) error
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) PutInMoney(coins int)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) SetConfigVal(key string, val string)
- func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type BasicGameMod
- func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error
- func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake, curPlugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
- func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnNewStep(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake) error
- func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnPlay(game sgc7game.IGame, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ...) (*sgc7game.PlayResult, error)
- func (bgm *BasicGameMod) ResetConfig(cfg *Config)
- type BasicRNG
- func (rng *BasicRNG) Clone() IRNG
- func (rng *BasicRNG) GetCurRNG(betMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, ...) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string)
- func (rng *BasicRNG) OnChoiceBranch(betMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error
- func (rng *BasicRNG) OnNewGame(betMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
- func (rng *BasicRNG) OnStepEnd(betMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- type BasicReels
- func (basicReels *BasicReels) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (basicReels *BasicReels) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (basicReels *BasicReels) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (basicReels *BasicReels) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (basicReels *BasicReels) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type BasicReelsConfig
- type BetConfig
- type BetType
- type Bomb
- func (bomb *Bomb) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (bomb *Bomb) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (burstSymbols *Bomb) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (burstSymbols *Bomb) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (bomb *Bomb) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (bomb *Bomb) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type BombConfig
- type BombData
- func (bombData *BombData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (bombData *BombData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (bombData *BombData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (bombData *BombData) GetPos() []int
- func (bombData *BombData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (bombData *BombData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type BombSourceType
- type BombTargetType
- type BranchNode
- type BurstSymbols
- func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type BurstSymbolsConfig
- type BurstSymbolsData
- func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) GetPos() []int
- func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) OnNewStep()
- type BurstSymbolsSourceType
- type BurstSymbolsType
- type CallStack
- func (cs *CallStack) ComponentDone(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent, cd IComponentData)
- func (cs *CallStack) Each(gameProp *GameProperty, onEach FuncOnEachHistoryComponent) error
- func (cs *CallStack) GetComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData
- func (cs *CallStack) GetComponentNum() int
- func (cs *CallStack) GetCurCallStackSymbol() int
- func (cs *CallStack) GetCurComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData
- func (cs *CallStack) GetGlobalComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData
- func (cs *CallStack) IsInCurCallStack(componentName string) bool
- func (cs *CallStack) OnCallEnd(ic IComponent, cd IComponentData) string
- func (cs *CallStack) OnNewGame()
- func (cs *CallStack) OnNewStep() *CallStack
- func (cs *CallStack) StartEachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent, children []string, ...) error
- type CatchSymbols
- func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type CatchSymbolsConfig
- type CatchSymbolsData
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) GetPos() []int
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) OnNewStep()
- type CatchSymbolsType
- type CheckSymbolVals
- func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type CheckSymbolValsConfig
- type CheckSymbolValsType
- type CheckVal
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (checkVal *CheckVal) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type CheckValConfig
- type CheckValData
- func (checkValData *CheckValData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (checkValData *CheckValData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (checkValData *CheckValData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (checkValData *CheckValData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type CheckWinType
- type ChgSymbol
- func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ChgSymbolConfig
- type ChgSymbolNodeConfig
- type ChgSymbolVals
- func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) GetNumber(cd *ChgSymbolValsData) int
- func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) GetTarget(cd *ChgSymbolValsData, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) (int, error)
- func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ChgSymbolValsConfig
- type ChgSymbolValsData
- func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) AddPos(x, y int)
- func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) GetPos() []int
- func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type ChgSymbolValsSourceType
- type ChgSymbolValsTargetType
- type ChgSymbolValsType
- type ChgSymbols
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetBranchNum() int
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetBranchWeights() []int
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetSymbolCodes(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) ([]int, error)
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type ChgSymbolsConfig
- type ChgSymbolsData
- type ChgSymbolsMysteryOnReelsWeightData
- type ChgSymbolsType
- type ClusterTrigger
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type ClusterTriggerConfig
- type ClusterTriggerData
- func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) AddPos(x, y int)
- func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) GetPos() []int
- func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type Collector
- func (collector *Collector) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (collector *Collector) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (collector *Collector) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (collector *Collector) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2() bool
- func (collector *Collector) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (collector *Collector) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (collector *Collector) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (collector *Collector) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (collector *Collector) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type CollectorConfig
- type CollectorData
- func (collectorData *CollectorData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (collectorData *CollectorData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (collectorData *CollectorData) GetOutput() int
- func (collectorData *CollectorData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (collectorData *CollectorData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (collectorData *CollectorData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
- type ComponentConfig
- type ComponentList
- type ComponentMgr
- type ComponentTrigger
- func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ComponentTriggerConfig
- type ComponentValTrigger
- func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (componentTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ComponentValTriggerConfig
- type Config
- func (cfg *Config) BuildStatsSymbolCodes(paytables *sgc7game.PayTables) error
- func (cfg *Config) GetDefaultLineData() *sgc7game.LineData
- func (cfg *Config) GetDefaultPaytables() *sgc7game.PayTables
- func (cfg *Config) GetPath(fn string, useFileMapping bool) string
- func (cfg *Config) Reset(bet int, start string, endings []string)
- type ControllerWorker
- func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type ControllerWorkerConfig
- type DropDownSymbols
- func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type DropDownSymbolsConfig
- type EmptyFeatureLevel
- type FOData
- type FeatureBar
- func (featureBar *FeatureBar) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (featureBar *FeatureBar) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (featureBar *FeatureBar) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (featureBar *FeatureBar) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (featureBar *FeatureBar) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (featureBar *FeatureBar) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type FeatureBarConfig
- type FeatureBarData
- type FixSymbols
- func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type FixSymbolsConfig
- type ForceOutcome
- type ForceOutcome2
- type ForeachSymbolData
- type FuncLoadComponentInJson
- type FuncNewComponent
- type FuncNewComponentData
- type FuncNewFeatureLevel
- type FuncNewRNG
- type FuncOnChgComponentIntVal
- type FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal
- type FuncOnEachHistoryComponent
- type FuncOnEachUsedResult
- type FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal
- type Game
- func (game *Game) BuildGameConfigData() error
- func (game *Game) CheckStake(stake *sgc7game.Stake) error
- func (game *Game) DeleteGameData(gamed sgc7game.IGameData)
- func (game *Game) Init2(cfg *Config, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) error
- func (game *Game) Initialize() sgc7game.IPlayerState
- func (game *Game) NewGameData(stake *sgc7game.Stake) sgc7game.IGameData
- func (game *Game) NewPlayerState() sgc7game.IPlayerState
- func (game *Game) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (game *Game) ResetConfig(cfg any)
- func (game *Game) SaveParSheet(f *excelize.File) error
- type GameParams
- type GameProperty
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddComponentPos(componentName string, pos []int)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddComponentSymbol(componentName string, symbolCode int)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddVal(prop int, val int) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) BuildGameParam(gp *GameParams)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) CanTrigger(componentName string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) bool
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) ChgComponentConfigIntVal(componentConfigValName string, off int, onProc FuncOnChgComponentIntVal, ...) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) ClearComponentOtherScene(component string)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBet2(stake *sgc7game.Stake, bt BetType) int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBet3(stake *sgc7game.Stake, bt BetType) int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBetMul() int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentData(icomponent IComponent) IComponentData
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentOtherScene(component string) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentPos(componentName string) []int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentScene(component string) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentStrVal2(component string, val string) (string, error)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentSymbols(componentName string) []int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentVal(componentVal string) (int, error)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentVal2(component string, val string) (int, error)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurCallStackSymbol() int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurComponentData(ic IComponent) IComponentData
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentData(icomponent IComponent) IComponentData
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalScene(tag string) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetIntValWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetLastRespinNum(respinComponent string) int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetMask(name string) ([]bool, error)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetOtherScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string) (*sgc7game.GameScene, int)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string) (*sgc7game.GameScene, int)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetStrVal(prop int) string
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagGlobalStr(tag string) string
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagInt(tag string) int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagStr(tag string) string
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetVal(prop int) int
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsEndingRespin(componentName string) bool
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsInCurCallStack(componentName string) bool
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsRespin(componentName string) bool
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsStartedRespin(componentName string) bool
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnCallEnd(component IComponent, cd IComponentData, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnNewGame(stake *sgc7game.Stake, curPlugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnNewStep() error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) ProcRespin(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) Respin(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, respinComponent string, ...)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) RunController(award *Award, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentConfigIntVal(componentConfigValName string, val int, onProc FuncOnChgComponentIntVal, ...) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentConfigVal(componentConfigValName string, val string) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentOtherScene(component string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentScene(component string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetStrVal(prop int, val string) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetVal(prop int, val int) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagGlobalScene(tag string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagGlobalStr(tag string, val string)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagInt(tag string, val int)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagOtherScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string, sceneIndex int)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string, sceneIndex int)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagStr(tag string, val string)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TriggerRespin(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) error
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) TriggerRespinWithWeights(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, fn string, ...) (int, error)
- func (gameProp *GameProperty) UseComponent(componentName string)
- type GamePropertyPool
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) GetComponentList(bet int) *ComponentList
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) GetMask(name string, gameProp *GameProperty) ([]bool, error)
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) InitStats(betMul int) error
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadIntMapping(fn string) *sgc7game.ValMapping2
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadIntWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadStrWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadSymbolWeights(fn string, headerVal string, headerWeight string, ...) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) PushTrigger(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (pool *GamePropertyPool) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- type GenGigaSymbol
- func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type GenGigaSymbolConfig
- type GenGigaSymbolData
- func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) GetPos() []int
- func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewStep(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type GenGigaSymbolType
- type GenPositionCollection
- func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type GenPositionCollectionConfig
- type GenSymbolVals
- func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type GenSymbolValsConfig
- type GenSymbolValsType
- type GenSymbolValsWithPos
- func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig
- type GenSymbolValsWithPosType
- type GenSymbolValsWithSymbol
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig
- type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType
- type GetComponentValType
- type HistoryComponentData
- type IComponent
- func NewAddSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewAdjacentPayTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewBasicReels(name string) IComponent
- func NewBomb(name string) IComponent
- func NewBurstSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewCatchSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewCheckSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
- func NewCheckVal(name string) IComponent
- func NewChgSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewChgSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
- func NewChgSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewClusterTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewCollector(name string) IComponent
- func NewComponentTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewComponentValTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewControllerWorker(name string) IComponent
- func NewDropDownSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewFeatureBar(name string) IComponent
- func NewFixSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewGenGigaSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewGenPositionCollection(name string) IComponent
- func NewGenSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
- func NewGenSymbolValsWithPos(name string) IComponent
- func NewGenSymbolValsWithSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewIntValMapping(name string) IComponent
- func NewJackpot(name string) IComponent
- func NewLinesTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewMask(name string) IComponent
- func NewMaskBranch(name string) IComponent
- func NewMergeSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewMoveReel(name string) IComponent
- func NewMoveSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewMoveSymbols2(name string) IComponent
- func NewMultiRespin(name string) IComponent
- func NewMultiWeightAwards(name string) IComponent
- func NewOverlaySymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewPiggyBank(name string) IComponent
- func NewPositionCollection(name string) IComponent
- func NewQueueBranch(name string) IComponent
- func NewRandomMoveSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewReRollReel(name string) IComponent
- func NewRebuildReelIndex(name string) IComponent
- func NewRebuildSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewReelModifier(name string) IComponent
- func NewReelTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewRefillSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewRemoveSymbols(name string) IComponent
- func NewReplaceReel(name string) IComponent
- func NewReplaceReelWithMask(name string) IComponent
- func NewReplaceSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewReplaceSymbolGroup(name string) IComponent
- func NewRespin(name string) IComponent
- func NewRollNumber(name string) IComponent
- func NewRollSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewScatterTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewSumSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
- func NewSymbolCollection2(name string) IComponent
- func NewSymbolModifier(name string) IComponent
- func NewSymbolMulti(name string) IComponent
- func NewSymbolVal(name string) IComponent
- func NewSymbolVal2(name string) IComponent
- func NewSymbolValWins(name string) IComponent
- func NewTreasureChest(name string) IComponent
- func NewWaysTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewWeightAwards(name string) IComponent
- func NewWeightBranch(name string) IComponent
- func NewWeightChgSymbol(name string) IComponent
- func NewWeightReels(name string) IComponent
- func NewWeightReels2(name string) IComponent
- func NewWeightTrigger(name string) IComponent
- func NewWeightTrigger2(name string) IComponent
- func NewWinResultCache(name string) IComponent
- func NewWinResultModifier(name string) IComponent
- func NewWinResultModifierEx(name string) IComponent
- func NewWinResultMulti(name string) IComponent
- type IComponentConfig
- type IComponentData
- type IFeatureLevel
- type IRNG
- type IntValMapping
- func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type IntValMappingConfig
- type Jackpot
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) GetWins(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type JackpotConfig
- type JackpotData
- func (jackpotData *JackpotData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (jackpotData *JackpotData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (jackpotData *JackpotData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (jackpotData *JackpotData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type JsonMgr
- type LinesTrigger
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type LinesTriggerConfig
- type LinesTriggerData
- func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type Mask
- func (mask *Mask) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (mask *Mask) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (mask *Mask) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (mask *Mask) IsMask() bool
- func (mask *Mask) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (mask *Mask) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (mask *Mask) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (mask *Mask) ProcMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- func (mask *Mask) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (mask *Mask) SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (mask *Mask) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- type MaskBranch
- func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type MaskBranchConfig
- type MaskBranchNode
- type MaskConfig
- type MaskData
- func (maskData *MaskData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (maskData *MaskData) ChgMask(curMask int, val bool) bool
- func (maskData *MaskData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (maskData *MaskData) GetMask() []bool
- func (maskData *MaskData) IsFull() bool
- func (maskData *MaskData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type MergeSymbol
- func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type MergeSymbolConfig
- type MoveData
- type MoveReel
- func (moveReel *MoveReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (moveReel *MoveReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (moveReel *MoveReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (moveReel *MoveReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type MoveReelConfig
- type MoveSymbol
- func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type MoveSymbolConfig
- type MoveSymbolData
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) AddPosEx(x int, y int)
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) GetPos() []int
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) OnNewStep()
- type MoveSymbols2
- func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type MoveSymbols2Config
- type MoveSymbols2Data
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) AddPosEx(x int, y int)
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) Clone() IComponentData
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) GetPos() []int
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewStep()
- type MoveSymbols2Type
- type MultiRespin
- func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type MultiRespinConfig
- type MultiWeightAwards
- func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type MultiWeightAwardsConfig
- type MultiWeightAwardsData
- type MultiWeightAwardsNode
- type OperateType
- type OtherSceneFeature
- type OtherSceneFeatureConfig
- type OtherSceneMultiType
- type OverlaySymbol
- func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type OverlaySymbolConfig
- type OverlaySymbolData
- type PiggyBank
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type PiggyBankConfig
- type PiggyBankData
- func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type PiggyBankType
- type PosComponentData
- type PositionCollection
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) AddPos(icd IComponentData, x int, y int)
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) GetChildLinkComponents() []string
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) IsForeach() bool
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error
- func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type PositionCollectionConfig
- type PositionCollectionData
- func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) GetPos() []int
- func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type PositionCollectionType
- type QueueBranch
- func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type QueueBranchConfig
- type QueueBranchData
- func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
- func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
- type RTPConfig
- type RTPHitRateFeature
- type RTPSymbolFeature
- type RTPSymbolModule
- type RandomMoveSymbols
- func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (moveSymbol *RandomMoveSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (moveSymbol *RandomMoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type RandomMoveSymbolsConfig
- type RandomMoveSymbolsData
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPosEx(x int, y int)
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) GetPos() []int
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewStep()
- type RandomMoveSymbolsType
- type ReRollReel
- func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ReRollReelConfig
- type RebuildReelIndex
- func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type RebuildReelIndexConfig
- type RebuildReelIndexType
- type RebuildSymbols
- func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type RebuildSymbolsConfig
- type RebuildSymbolsType
- type ReelModifier
- func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ReelModifierConfig
- type ReelTrigger
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type ReelTriggerConfig
- type ReelTriggerData
- type ReelTriggerType
- type RefillSymbols
- func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type RefillSymbolsConfig
- type RemoveSymbols
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type RemoveSymbolsConfig
- type RemoveSymbolsData
- func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type RemoveSymbolsType
- type ReplaceReel
- func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ReplaceReelConfig
- type ReplaceReelWithMask
- func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceReel *ReplaceReelWithMask) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig
- type ReplaceSymbol
- func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ReplaceSymbolConfig
- type ReplaceSymbolGroup
- func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig
- type Respin
- func (respin *Respin) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, ...)
- func (respin *Respin) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (respin *Respin) GetChildLinkComponents() []string
- func (respin *Respin) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (respin *Respin) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (respin *Respin) IsRespin() bool
- func (respin *Respin) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (respin *Respin) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (respin *Respin) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (respin *Respin) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (respin *Respin) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (respin *Respin) ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type RespinConfig
- type RespinData
- func (respinData *RespinData) AddRespinTimes(num int)
- func (respinData *RespinData) AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award)
- func (respinData *RespinData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (respinData *RespinData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
- func (respinData *RespinData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (respinData *RespinData) GetLastRespinNum() int
- func (respinData *RespinData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (respinData *RespinData) IsRespinEnding() bool
- func (respinData *RespinData) IsRespinStarted() bool
- func (respinData *RespinData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (respinData *RespinData) PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- func (respinData *RespinData) ResetRespinTimes(num int)
- func (respinData *RespinData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
- func (respinData *RespinData) TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type RespinDataCmdParam
- type RespinDataConfig
- type RespinLevelConfig
- type RngData
- type RngLib
- type RollNumber
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (rollNumber *RollNumber) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type RollNumberConfig
- type RollNumberData
- func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
- func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) GetOutput() int
- func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
- type RollSymbol
- func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type RollSymbolConfig
- type RollSymbolData
- func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type SPCNode
- func (node *SPCNode) AddChild(child *SPCNode)
- func (node *SPCNode) AddNormal(componentName string)
- func (node *SPCNode) CountComponentNum() int
- func (node *SPCNode) CountDeep() int
- func (node *SPCNode) CountParentNum() int
- func (node *SPCNode) Format()
- func (node *SPCNode) GetComponents() []string
- func (node *SPCNode) GetParent(component string) string
- func (node *SPCNode) IsChildren(componentName string) bool
- func (node *SPCNode) IsIn(componentName string) bool
- func (node *SPCNode) IsInChildren(componentName string) bool
- func (node *SPCNode) IsInNormal(componentName string) bool
- type ScatterTrigger
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetHeight(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type ScatterTriggerConfig
- type ScatterTriggerData
- func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type SceneStack
- func (stack *SceneStack) GetPreTopScene(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *SceneStackData
- func (stack *SceneStack) GetPreTopSceneEx(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (stack *SceneStack) GetTargetScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCfg *BasicComponentConfig, si int, ...) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (stack *SceneStack) GetTopScene(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *SceneStackData
- func (stack *SceneStack) GetTopSceneEx(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene
- func (stack *SceneStack) Has(scene string) bool
- func (stack *SceneStack) InsertPreScene(scene string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
- func (stack *SceneStack) Pop() *SceneStackData
- func (stack *SceneStack) PopEx(num int)
- func (stack *SceneStack) PopTo(scene string)
- func (stack *SceneStack) Push(scene string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
- type SceneStackData
- type ScriptCore
- type SelectPosData
- type SimpleRNG
- func (rng *SimpleRNG) Clone() IRNG
- func (rng *SimpleRNG) GetCurRNG(curBetMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, ...) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string)
- func (rng *SimpleRNG) IsIterateEnding() bool
- func (rng *SimpleRNG) IsNeedIterate() bool
- func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnChoiceBranch(curBetMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error
- func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnNewGame(curBetMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
- func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnStepEnd(curBetMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- type SumSymbolVals
- func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type SumSymbolValsConfig
- type SumSymbolValsData
- func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (rollNumberData *SumSymbolValsData) GetOutput() int
- func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type SumSymbolValsType
- type SymbolCollection2
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) error
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) GetChildLinkComponents() []string
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) IsForeach() bool
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type SymbolCollection2Config
- type SymbolCollection2Data
- func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) AddSymbol(symbolCode int)
- func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) Clone() IComponentData
- func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) GetSymbols() []int
- func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type SymbolModifier
- func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type SymbolModifierConfig
- type SymbolMulti
- func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type SymbolMultiConfig
- type SymbolTriggerType
- type SymbolVal
- func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) GetWeightVal(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2
- func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type SymbolVal2
- func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type SymbolVal2Config
- type SymbolValConfig
- type SymbolValWins
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type SymbolValWinsConfig
- type SymbolValWinsData
- func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type SymbolValWinsType
- type SymbolViewerData
- type SymbolsViewer
- type TreasureChest
- func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type TreasureChestConfig
- type TreasureChestData
- type TreasureChestType
- type WaysTrigger
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type WaysTriggerConfig
- type WaysTriggerData
- func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type WeightAwards
- func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type WeightAwardsConfig
- type WeightAwardsData
- type WeightBranch
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type WeightBranchConfig
- type WeightBranchData
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool)
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
- func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) SetConfigVal(key string, val string)
- type WeightChgSymbol
- func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type WeightChgSymbolConfig
- type WeightReels
- func (weightReels *WeightReels) GetReelSetWeight(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2
- func (weightReels *WeightReels) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightReels *WeightReels) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightReels *WeightReels) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (weightReels *WeightReels) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (weightReels *WeightReels) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (weightReels *WeightReels) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type WeightReels2
- func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) GetReelSetWeight(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2
- func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ...)
- type WeightReels2Config
- type WeightReels2Data
- func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) Clone() IComponentData
- func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type WeightReelsConfig
- type WeightReelsData
- func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type WeightResults
- type WeightTrigger
- func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type WeightTrigger2
- func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type WeightTrigger2Config
- type WeightTriggerConfig
- type WinResultCache
- func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type WinResultCacheConfig
- type WinResultCacheData
- func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type WinResultModifier
- func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type WinResultModifierConfig
- type WinResultModifierData
- func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type WinResultModifierEx
- func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- type WinResultModifierExConfig
- type WinResultModifierExData
- func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
- type WinResultModifierType
- type WinResultMulti
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) NewComponentData() IComponentData
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, ...) error
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, ...) (string, error)
- func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, ...)
- type WinResultMultiConfig
- type WinResultMultiData
- func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
- func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) Clone() IComponentData
- func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
- func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
Constants ¶
const ( AwardUnknow int = 0 // 未知的奖励 AwardCash int = 1 // 直接奖励cash AwardCollector int = 2 // 奖励收集器 AwardRespinTimes int = 3 // 奖励respin次数 AwardGameMulti int = 4 // 奖励游戏整体倍数 AwardStepMulti int = 5 // 奖励这个step里的倍数 AwardInitMask int = 6 // 初始化mask AwardTriggerRespin int = 7 // 弃用,触发respin,理论上,在respin外面应该用AwardTriggerRespin,在respin里面应该用AwardRespinTimes,如果分不清楚,就统一用AwardTriggerRespin AwardNoLevelUpCollector int = 8 // 奖励收集器,但不会触发升级奖励 AwardWeightGameRNG int = 9 // 权重产生一个rng,供后续逻辑用,全局用,不同step不会reset这个rng AwardPushSymbolCollection int = 10 // 根据SymbolCollection自己的逻辑,产生一定数量的Symbol到SymbolCollection里 AwardGameCoinMulti int = 11 // 奖励游戏整体的coin倍数 AwardStepCoinMulti int = 12 // 奖励这个step里的coin倍数 AwardRetriggerRespin int = 13 // 奖励再次触发respin,这种只会用前面记录下的retrigger次数 AwardAddRetriggerRespinNum int = 14 // 奖励再次触发respin次数,这种会在前面的基础上增加 AwardSetMaskVal int = 15 // 设置mask的值 AwardTriggerRespin2 int = 16 // 新的触发respin,不需要考虑trigger、retrigger、respinTimes,直接用这个就行,如果次数给-1,就会用当前的retriggerRespinNum AwardSetComponentConfigVal int = 17 // 设置组件的configVal AwardSetComponentConfigIntVal int = 18 // 设置组件的configIntVal AwardChgComponentConfigIntVal int = 19 // 改变组件的configIntVal )
const ( CCVReelSet string = "reelset" // 可以修改配置项里的 reelSet CCVWeightVal string = "weightval" // 可以修改配置项里的 weightVal CCVMapChgWeight string = "mapchgweight" // 可以修改配置项里的 mapChgWeight,这里因为是个map,所以要当成 mapChgWeight:S 这样传递 CCVTriggerWeight string = "triggerweight" // 可以修改配置项里的 triggerWeight CCVRetriggerRespinNum string = "retriggerrespinnum" // 可以修改配置项里的 retriggerRespinNum CCVWinMulti string = "winmulti" // 可以修改配置项里的 winMulti CCVSavedMoney string = "savedmoney" // 可以修改配置项里的 savedMoney CCVSymbolNum string = "symbolnum" // 可以修改配置项里的 symbolNum CCVInputVal string = "inputval" // 可以修改配置项里的 inputVal CCVValueNum string = "valuenum" // 可以修改配置项里的 valueNum CCVQueue string = "queue" // 可以修改配置项里的 queue CCVLastRespinNum string = "lastrespinnum" // 可以修改配置项里的 lastRespinNum CCVRetriggerAddRespinNum string = "retriggeraddrespinnum" // 可以修改配置项里的 retriggerAddRespinNum CCVLastTriggerNum string = "lasttriggernum" // 可以修改配置项里的 lastTriggerNum CCVWeight string = "weight" // 可以修改配置项里的 weight CCVForceBranch string = "forcebranch" // 可以修改配置项里的 forceBranch CCVWins string = "wins" // 可以修改配置项里的 wins CCVMulti string = "multi" // 可以修改配置项里的 multi CCVNumber string = "number" // 可以修改配置项里的 number CCVHeight string = "height" // 可以修改配置项里的 height CCVReelSetWeight string = "reelsetweight" // 可以修改配置项里的 reelSetWeight CCVForceVal string = "forceval" // 可以修改配置项里的 forceVal CCVForceValNow string = "forcevalnow" // 可以修改配置项里的 forceValNow CCVClearForceTriggerOnceCache string = "clearforcetriggeroncecache" // 可以修改配置项里的 clearForceTriggerOnceCache )
const ( CVSymbolNum string = "symbolnum" // 触发后,符号数量 CVWildNum string = "wildnum" // 触发后,中奖符号里的wild数量 CVRespinNum string = "respinnum" // 触发后,如果有产生respin的逻辑,这就是最终respin的次数 CVWins string = "wins" // 中奖的数值,线注的倍数 CVCurRespinNum string = "currespinnum" // curRespinNum CVCurTriggerNum string = "curtriggernum" // curTriggerNum CVLastRespinNum string = "lastrespinnum" // lastRespinNum CVLastTriggerNum string = "lasttriggernum" // lastTriggerNum CVRetriggerAddRespinNum string = "retriggeraddrespinnum" // retriggerAddRespinNum CVAvgSymbolValMulti string = "avgsymbolvalmulti" // avgSymbolValMulti CVAvgHeight string = "avgheight" // avgHeight CVWinMulti string = "winmulti" // winMulti CVNumber string = "number" // number CVResultNum string = "resultnum" // 触发后,中奖的数量 CVOutputInt string = "outputint" // outputInt CVSelectedIndex string = "selectedindex" // selectedIndex,一般用于各种权重组件里,最后被选中的index CVValue string = "value" // value CVSymbolVal string = "symbolval" // symbolVal CVWinResultNum string = "winresultnum" // winResultNum CCValueNum string = "valuenum" // valueNum )
const ( FixSymbolsTypeUnknow int = 0 // unknow FixSymbolsTypeMergeDown int = 1 // merge & down )
const ( SelectSymbolR2L = "selectSymbolR2L" SelectSymbolL2R = "selectSymbolL2R" SelectWithXY = "selectWithXY" )
const ( MoveTypeXY = "xy" MoveTypeYX = "yx" )
const ( OtherSceneFeatureUnknow int = 0 OtherSceneFeatureGameMulti int = 1 // GameMulti,默认用乘法 OtherSceneFeatureGameMultiSum int = 2 // GameMulti,默认用加法 OtherSceneFeatureStepMulti int = 3 // StepMulti,默认用乘法 OtherSceneFeatureStepMultiSum int = 4 // StepMulti,默认用加法 )
const ( GamePropWidth = 1 GamePropHeight = 2 GamePropCurPaytables = 3 GamePropCurReels = 4 GamePropCurLineData = 5 GamePropCurLineNum = 6 GamePropCurBetIndex = 7 )
const ( SVWDVWins string = "wins" // 中奖的数值,线注的倍数 SVWDVSymbolNum string = "symbolNum" // 符号数量 )
const AddSymbolsTypeName = "addSymbols"
const AdjacentPayTriggerTypeName = "adjacentPayTrigger"
const BasicGameModName = "basic"
const BasicReelsTypeName = "basicReels"
const BombTypeName = "bomb"
const BurstSymbolsTypeName = "burstSymbols"
const (
CSVValue string = "value" // 组件触发后的具体值
const CatchSymbolsTypeName = "catchSymbols"
const CheckSymbolValsTypeName = "checkSymbolVals"
const CheckValTypeName = "checkVal"
const ChgSymbolTypeName = "chgSymbol"
const ChgSymbolValsTypeName = "chgSymbolVals"
const ChgSymbolsTypeName = "chgSymbols"
const ClusterTriggerTypeName = "clusterTrigger"
const CollectorTypeName = "collector"
const ComponentTriggerTypeName = "componentTrigger"
const ComponentValTriggerTypeName = "componentValTrigger"
const ControllerWorkerTypeName = "controllerWorker"
const DefaultCmd = "SPIN"
const DropDownSymbolsTypeName = "dropDownSymbols"
const FeatureBarTypeName = "featureBar"
const FixSymbolsTypeName = "fixSymbols"
const GenGigaSymbolTypeName = "genGigaSymbol"
const GenPositionCollectionTypeName = "genPositionCollection"
const GenSymbolValsTypeName = "genSymbolVals"
const GenSymbolValsWithPosTypeName = "genSymbolValsWithPos"
const GenSymbolValsWithSymbolTypeName = "genSymbolValsWithSymbol"
const IntValMappingTypeName = "intValMapping"
const JackpotTypeName = "jackpot"
const LinesTriggerTypeName = "linesTrigger"
const MaskBranchTypeName = "maskBranch"
const MaskTypeName = "mask"
const MaxComponentNumInStep = 100
const MaxStepNum = 1000
const MergeSymbolTypeName = "mergeSymbol"
const MoveReelTypeName = "moveReel"
const MoveSymbolTypeName = "moveSymbol"
const MoveSymbols2TypeName = "moveSymbols2"
const MultiRespinTypeName = "multiRespin"
const MultiWeightAwardsTypeName = "multiWeightAwards"
const OverlaySymbolTypeName = "overlaySymbol"
const PiggyBankTypeName = "piggyBank"
const PositionCollectionTypeName = "positionCollection"
const QueueBranchTypeName = "queueBranch"
const (
RSDVSymbol string = "symbol" // roll a symbol
const RandomMoveSymbolsTypeName = "randomMoveSymbols"
const ReRollReelTypeName = "reRollReel"
const RebuildReelIndexTypeName = "rebuildReelIndex"
const RebuildSymbolsTypeName = "rebuildSymbols"
const ReelModifierTypeName = "reelModifier"
const ReelTriggerTypeName = "reelTrigger"
const RefillSymbolsTypeName = "refillSymbols"
const RemoveSymbolsTypeName = "removeSymbols"
const ReplaceReelTypeName = "replaceReel"
const ReplaceReelWithMaskTypeName = "replaceReelWithMask"
const ReplaceSymbolGroupTypeName = "replaceSymbolGroup"
const ReplaceSymbolTypeName = "replaceSymbol"
const RespinTypeName = "respin"
const RollNumberTypeName = "rollNumber"
const RollSymbolTypeName = "rollSymbol"
const ScatterTriggerTypeName = "scatterTrigger"
const SumSymbolValsTypeName = "sumSymbolVals"
const SymbolCollection2TypeName = "symbolCollection2"
const SymbolModifierTypeName = "symbolModifier"
const SymbolMultiTypeName = "symbolMulti"
const SymbolVal2TypeName = "symbolVal2"
const SymbolValTypeName = "symbolVal"
const SymbolValWinsTypeName = "symbolValWins"
const (
TagCurReels = "reels"
const TreasureChestTypeName = "treasureChest"
const (
WRMCVWinMulti string = "winMulti" // 可以修改配置项里的winMulti
const WaysTriggerTypeName = "waysTrigger"
const WeightAwardsTypeName = "weightAwards"
const WeightBranchTypeName = "weightBranch"
const WeightChgSymbolTypeName = "weightChgSymbol"
const WeightReels2TypeName = "weightReels2"
const WeightReelsTypeName = "weightReels"
const WeightTrigger2TypeName = "weightTrigger2"
const WeightTriggerTypeName = "weightTrigger"
const WinResultCacheTypeName = "winResultCache"
const WinResultModifierExTypeName = "winResultModifierEx"
const WinResultModifierTypeName = "winResultModifier"
const WinResultMultiTypeName = "winResultMulti"
Variables ¶
var ( // ErrUnkonow - unknow error ErrUnkonow = errors.New("unknow error") // ErrMustHaveMainPaytables - must have main paytables ErrMustHaveMainPaytables = errors.New("must have main paytables") // ErrInvalidGameMod - invalid gamemod ErrInvalidGameMod = errors.New("invalid gamemod") // ErrInvalidGameConfig - invalid game config ErrInvalidGameConfig = errors.New("invalid game config") // ErrInvalidComponent - invalid component ErrInvalidComponent = errors.New("invalid component") // ErrInvalidComponentConfig - invalid component config ErrInvalidComponentConfig = errors.New("invalid component config") // ErrInvalidReels - invalid reels ErrInvalidReels = errors.New("invalid reels") // ErrInvalidSymbol - invalid symbol ErrInvalidSymbol = errors.New("invalid symbol") // ErrInvalidPaytables - invalid paytables ErrInvalidPaytables = errors.New("invalid paytables") // ErrInvalidLineData - invalid line data ErrInvalidLineData = errors.New("invalid line data") // ErrInvalidGamePropertyString - invalid gameProperty string ErrInvalidGamePropertyString = errors.New("invalid gameProperty string") // ErrParseScript - parse script error ErrParseScript = errors.New("parse script error") // ErrNoFunctionInScript - no function in script ErrNoFunctionInScript = errors.New("no function in script") // ErrWrongFunctionInScript - wrong function in script ErrWrongFunctionInScript = errors.New("wrong function in script") // ErrInvalidComponentName - invalid component name ErrInvalidComponentName = errors.New("invalid component name") // ErrIvalidCurGameModParams - invalid CurGameModParams ErrIvalidCurGameModParams = errors.New("invalid CurGameModParams") // ErrIvalidPlayResultLength - invalid PlayResult Length ErrIvalidPlayResultLength = errors.New("invalid PlayResult Length") // ErrIvalidMultiLevelReelsConfig - invalid MultiLevelReels config ErrIvalidMultiLevelReelsConfig = errors.New("invalid MultiLevelReels config") // ErrIvalidStatsSymbolsInConfig - invalid StatsSymbols in config ErrIvalidStatsSymbolsInConfig = errors.New("invalid StatsSymbols in config") // ErrIvalidStatsComponentInConfig - invalid Stats's component in config ErrIvalidStatsComponentInConfig = errors.New("invalid Stats's component in config") // ErrIvalidComponentConfig - invalid component config ErrIvalidComponentConfig = errors.New("invalid component config") // ErrIvalidGameData - invalid gameData ErrIvalidGameData = errors.New("invalid gameData") // ErrIvalidSimpleRNG - invalid SimpleRNG ErrIvalidSimpleRNG = errors.New("invalid SimpleRNG") // ErrIvalidCmd - invalid cmd ErrIvalidCmd = errors.New("invalid cmd") // ErrIvalidCmdParam - invalid cmdparam ErrIvalidCmdParam = errors.New("invalid cmdparam") // ErrIvalidTagCurReels - invalid TagCurReels ErrIvalidTagCurReels = errors.New("invalid TagCurReels") // ErrIvalidSymbolCollection - invalid SymbolColletion ErrIvalidSymbolCollection = errors.New("invalid SymbolColletion") // ErrIvalidCustomNode - invalid custom-node ErrIvalidCustomNode = errors.New("invalid custom-node") // ErrIvalidTriggerLabel - invalid trigger label ErrIvalidTriggerLabel = errors.New("invalid trigger label") // ErrIvalidPayTables - invalid paytables ErrIvalidPayTables = errors.New("invalid paytables") // ErrIvalidSymbolInReels - invalid symbol in reels ErrIvalidSymbolInReels = errors.New("invalid symbol in reels") // ErrNoComponentValues - no componentValues ErrNoComponentValues = errors.New("no componentValues") // ErrUnsupportedComponentType - unsupported componentType ErrUnsupportedComponentType = errors.New("unsupported componentType") // ErrUnsupportedLinkType - unsupported link type ErrUnsupportedLinkType = errors.New("unsupported link type") // ErrUnsupportedControllerType - unsupported ControllerType ErrUnsupportedControllerType = errors.New("unsupported ControllerType") // ErrInvalidJsonNode - invalid json node ErrInvalidJsonNode = errors.New("invalid json node") // ErrIvalidReels - invalid reels ErrIvalidReels = errors.New("invalid reels") // ErrUnsupportedOtherList - unsupported otherList ErrUnsupportedOtherList = errors.New("unsupported otherList") // ErrIvalidDefaultScene - invalid default scene ErrIvalidDefaultScene = errors.New("invalid default scene") // ErrIvalidWidth - invalid width ErrIvalidWidth = errors.New("invalid width") // ErrIvalidHeight - invalid height ErrIvalidHeight = errors.New("invalid height") // ErrIvalidProto - invalid proto ErrIvalidProto = errors.New("invalid proto") // ErrIvalidSymbol - invalid symbol ErrIvalidSymbol = errors.New("invalid symbol") // ErrIvalidSymbolTriggerType - invalid SymbolTriggerType ErrIvalidSymbolTriggerType = errors.New("invalid SymbolTriggerType") // ErrNotMask - not mask ErrNotMask = errors.New("not mask") // ErrNotRespin - not respin ErrNotRespin = errors.New("not respin") // ErrInvalidSymbolNum - invalid SymbolNum ErrInvalidSymbolNum = errors.New("invalid SymbolNum") // ErrInvalidComponentVal - invalid ComponentVal ErrInvalidComponentVal = errors.New("invalid ComponentVal") // ErrInvalidBet - invalid Bet ErrInvalidBet = errors.New("invalid Bet") // ErrInvalidIntValMappingFile - invalid IntValMappingFile ErrInvalidIntValMappingFile = errors.New("invalid IntValMappingFile") // ErrInvalidIntValMappingValue - invalid IntValMapping value ErrInvalidIntValMappingValue = errors.New("invalid IntValMapping value") // ErrInvalidWeightVal - invalid weight value ErrInvalidWeightVal = errors.New("invalid weight value") // ErrComponentDoNothing - component do nothing ErrComponentDoNothing = errors.New("component do nothing") // ErrTooManySteps - too many steps ErrTooManySteps = errors.New("too many steps") // ErrTooManyComponentsInStep - too many components in step ErrTooManyComponentsInStep = errors.New("too many components in step") // ErrCannotForceOutcome - cannot force outcome ErrCannotForceOutcome = errors.New("cannot force outcome") // ErrInvalidCallStackNode - invalid callstack node ErrInvalidCallStackNode = errors.New("invalid callstack node") // ErrInvalidComponentChildren - invalid component children ErrInvalidComponentChildren = errors.New("invalid component children") // ErrInvalidForceOutcome2Code - invalid ForceOutcome2 code ErrInvalidForceOutcome2Code = errors.New("invalid ForceOutcome2 code") // ErrInvalidForceOutcome2ReturnVal - invalid ForceOutcome2 return value ErrInvalidForceOutcome2ReturnVal = errors.New("invalid ForceOutcome2 return value") // ErrInvalidOtherScene - invalid OtherScene ErrInvalidOtherScene = errors.New("invalid OtherScene") // ErrInvalidScene - invalid Scene ErrInvalidScene = errors.New("invalid Scene") // ErrInvalidSetComponent - invalid a set component ErrInvalidSetComponent = errors.New("invalid a set component") // ErrInvalidScriptParamsNumber - invalid script params number ErrInvalidScriptParamsNumber = errors.New("invalid script params number") // ErrInvalidScriptParamType - invalid script param type ErrInvalidScriptParamType = errors.New("invalid param type") // ErrInvalidPosition - invalid position ErrInvalidPosition = errors.New("invalid position") // ErrInvalidCollectorVal - invalid Collector.Val ErrInvalidCollectorVal = errors.New("invalid Collector.Val") // ErrInvalidCollectorLogic - invalid Collector logic ErrInvalidCollectorLogic = errors.New("invalid Collector logic") // ErrInvalidAnyProtoBuf - invalid AnyProtoBuf ErrInvalidAnyProtoBuf = errors.New("invalid AnyProtoBuf") // ErrInvalidPBComponentData - invalid invalid PB ComponentData ErrInvalidPBComponentData = errors.New("invalid PB ComponentData") // ErrInvalidFuncNewComponentData - invalid FuncNewComponentData ErrInvalidFuncNewComponentData = errors.New("invalid FuncNewComponentData") // ErrInvalidAnypbTypeURL - invalid anypb TypeURL ErrInvalidAnypbTypeURL = errors.New("invalid anypb TypeURL") // ErrNoWeight - no weight ErrNoWeight = errors.New("no weight") // ErrInvalidBranch - invalid branch ErrInvalidBranch = errors.New("invalid branch") // ErrInvalidCommand - invalid command ErrInvalidCommand = errors.New("invalid command") // ErrNoComponent - no component ErrNoComponent = errors.New("no component") )
var MapProperty map[string]int
Functions ¶
func CalcSymbolsInResultEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
func CountSymbolsInResult ¶ added in v0.13.293
func GenDefaultScene ¶ added in v0.13.305
func GenInitialArr ¶ added in v0.13.178
GenInitialArr - return [0,1,2...]
func GetComponentDataVal ¶ added in v0.13.11
func GetExcludeSymbols ¶ added in v0.12.216
func GetSymbolValMultiFunc ¶ added in v0.13.137
func GetSymbolValMultiFunc(t OtherSceneMultiType) sgc7game.FuncCalcMulti
func HasSamePos ¶ added in v0.13.175
func HasSymbolsInResult ¶ added in v0.13.244
func InsSliceNonRep ¶ added in v0.13.39
func InsStringSliceNonRep ¶ added in v0.13.39
func IsInPosArea ¶ added in v0.12.230
func IsInitialArr ¶ added in v0.13.178
IsInitialArr - is the arr [0,1,2...]
func IsSameIntArr ¶ added in v0.13.189
func IsValidPosWithHeight ¶ added in v0.13.464
func NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.8
func NewStats2(components *ComponentList) *stats2.Stats
func SaveIntWeights ¶ added in v0.13.369
func SaveIntWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, vw *sgc7game.ValWeights2) error
func SaveLineData ¶ added in v0.13.369
func SavePaytable ¶ added in v0.13.369
func SaveStrWeights ¶ added in v0.13.369
func SaveStrWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, vw *sgc7game.ValWeights2) error
func SaveSymbolWeights ¶ added in v0.13.369
func SetAllowForceOutcome ¶ added in v0.13.11
func SetAllowForceOutcome(maxTry int)
func SetAllowFullComponentHistory ¶ added in v0.13.327
func SetAllowFullComponentHistory()
func SetAllowStatsV2 ¶ added in v0.13.8
func SetAllowStatsV2()
func SetRngLibConfig ¶ added in v0.13.433
func SetRngLibConfig(fn string)
func Spin ¶ added in v0.13.11
func Spin(game *Game, ips sgc7game.IPlayerState, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, stake *sgc7game.Stake, cmd string, params string, cheat string, isNotAutoSelect bool) ([]*sgc7game.PlayResult, error)
func StartRTP ¶
func StartRTP(gamecfg string, icore int, ispinnums int64, outputPath string, bet int64, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel, wincap int64) error
func StartRTPWithData ¶ added in v0.13.106
func StartRTPWithData(gamecfg []byte, icore int, ispinnums int64, bet int64, ontimer sgc7rtp.FuncOnRTPTimer, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) (*stats2.Stats, error)
func String2Property ¶
Types ¶
type AddSymbolNumType ¶ added in v0.13.295
type AddSymbolNumType int
const ( AddSymbolNumTypeNumber AddSymbolNumType = 0 // 数字 AddSymbolNumTypeWeight AddSymbolNumType = 1 // 权重表 AddSymbolNumTypeIncUntilTriggered AddSymbolNumType = 2 // 不停的加数量,直到触发器触发 )
type AddSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.47
type AddSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *AddSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*AddSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*AddSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*AddSymbols) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.275
func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*AddSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*AddSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type AddSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.47
type AddSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type AddSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"` SymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` StrSymbolNumType string `yaml:"symbolNumType" json:"symbolNumType"` SymbolNumType AddSymbolNumType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` SymbolNum int `yaml:"symbolNum" json:"symbolNum"` SymbolNumWeight string `yaml:"symbolNumWeight" json:"symbolNumWeight"` SymbolNumWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IgnoreSymbols []string `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"` IgnoreSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` SymbolNumTrigger string `yaml:"symbolNumTrigger" json:"symbolNumTrigger"` Height int `yaml:"height" json:"height"` SrcPositionCollections []string `yaml:"srcPositionCollections" json:"srcPositionCollections"` }
AddSymbolsConfig - configuration for AddSymbols
func (*AddSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (cfg *AddSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type AddSymbolsData ¶ added in v0.13.275
type AddSymbolsData struct { BasicComponentData SymbolNum int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AddSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.275
func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*AddSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.388
func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
ChgConfigIntVal -
func (*AddSymbolsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.275
func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*AddSymbolsData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*AddSymbolsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.275
func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type AddSymbolsType ¶ added in v0.13.259
type AddSymbolsType int
const ( AddSymbolsTypeNormal AddSymbolsType = 0 // 普通 AddSymbolsTypeNoSameReel AddSymbolsType = 1 // 不能加在同一轴上 AddSymbolsTypeNoSameReelAndIgnore AddSymbolsType = 2 // 也不能加在和ignore symbol同一轴上 AddSymbolsTypePositionCollection AddSymbolsType = 3 // 在 positionCollection 的位置上加 symbol )
type AdjacentPayTrigger ¶ added in v0.13.305
type AdjacentPayTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *AdjacentPayTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
CanTriggerWithScene -
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type AdjacentPayTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.13.305
type AdjacentPayTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // like scatter SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // like scatter Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // like scatters TriggerType SymbolTriggerType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // SymbolTriggerType OSMulTypeString string `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"` // OtherSceneMultiType OSMulType OtherSceneMultiType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // OtherSceneMultiType BetTypeString string `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"` // bet or totalBet or noPay BetType BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // bet or totalBet or noPay MinNum int `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"` // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效 WildSymbols []string `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"` // wild etc WildSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // wild symbolCode WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to ForceToNext bool `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"` // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支 Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"` // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发 PiggyBankComponent string `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"` // piggyBank component }
AdjacentPayTriggerConfig - configuration for AdjacentPayTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*AdjacentPayTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (cfg *AdjacentPayTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type AdjacentPayTriggerData ¶ added in v0.13.305
type AdjacentPayTriggerData struct { BasicComponentData PosComponentData NextComponent string SymbolNum int WildNum int RespinNum int Wins int WinMulti int AvgSymbolValMulti int // 平均的symbolVal倍数,用整数来表达浮点数,100是1倍 }
func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) AddPos(x, y int)
AddPos -
func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type Award ¶ added in v0.10.273
type Award struct { AwardType string `yaml:"awardType" json:"awardType"` Type int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Val int `yaml:"val" json:"-"` // 弃用,代码里已经不用了,初始化时会把数据转存到Vals里,为了兼容性保留配置 StrParam string `yaml:"strParam" json:"-"` // 弃用,代码里已经不用了,初始化时会把数据转存到StrParams里,为了兼容性保留配置 Vals []int `yaml:"vals" json:"vals"` // 数值参数 StrParams []string `yaml:"strParams" json:"strParams"` // 字符串参数 ComponentVals []string `yaml:"componentVals" json:"componentVals"` // 可以用component数值来替代常量,如果val长度为2,需要替换第二个参数,那么第一个参数应该给空字符串 OnTriggerRespin string `yaml:"onTriggerRespin" json:"onTriggerRespin"` // 在这个respin再次触发时才生效,这个时候会用当前respin的LastTriggerNum+CurTriggerNum作为TriggerIndex记下,当TriggerIndex==CurTriggerNum时才生效 TriggerIndex int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 见上 }
type AwardsNode ¶ added in v0.10.323
type AwardsWeights ¶ added in v0.10.323
type AwardsWeights struct { Nodes []*AwardsNode `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"` MaxWeight int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
func (*AwardsWeights) Init ¶ added in v0.10.323
func (aw *AwardsWeights) Init()
func (*AwardsWeights) RandVal ¶ added in v0.10.323
func (aw *AwardsWeights) RandVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) (*AwardsNode, error)
type BasicComponent ¶
type BasicComponent struct { Config *BasicComponentConfig Name string SrcSceneNum int }
func NewBasicComponent ¶
func NewBasicComponent(name string, srcSceneNum int) *BasicComponent
func (*BasicComponent) AddOtherScene ¶
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddOtherScene(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, sc *sgc7game.GameScene, basicCD *BasicComponentData)
AddOtherScene -
func (*BasicComponent) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddPos(cd IComponentData, x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*BasicComponent) AddResult ¶
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddResult(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ret *sgc7game.Result, basicCD *BasicComponentData)
AddResult -
func (*BasicComponent) AddScene ¶
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddScene(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, sc *sgc7game.GameScene, basicCD *BasicComponentData)
AddScene -
func (*BasicComponent) CanTriggerWithScene ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
CanTriggerWithScene -
func (*BasicComponent) ClearOtherScene ¶ added in v0.12.220
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ClearOtherScene(gameProp *GameProperty)
ClearOtherScene -
func (*BasicComponent) EachSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) error
EachSymbols - foreach symbols
func (*BasicComponent) EachUsedResults ¶
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*BasicComponent) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*BasicComponent) GetBranchNum ¶ added in v0.13.216
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetBranchNum() int
GetBranchNum -
func (*BasicComponent) GetBranchWeights ¶ added in v0.13.235
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetBranchWeights() []int
GetBranchWeights -
func (*BasicComponent) GetChildLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetChildLinkComponents() []string
GetChildLinkComponents - get child link components
func (*BasicComponent) GetName ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetName() string
GetName -
func (*BasicComponent) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*BasicComponent) GetTargetOtherScene3 ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetTargetOtherScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, si int) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*BasicComponent) GetTargetScene3 ¶ added in v0.12.272
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetTargetScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, si int) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*BasicComponent) Init ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*BasicComponent) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*BasicComponent) IsForeach ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsForeach() bool
IsForeach -
func (*BasicComponent) IsMask ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsMask() bool
IsMask -
func (*BasicComponent) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.338
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2() bool
IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 - 除respin外,如果也有component也需要在stepEnd调用的话,这里需要返回true
func (*BasicComponent) IsRespin ¶ added in v0.12.157
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsRespin() bool
IsRespin -
func (*BasicComponent) NewComponentData ¶
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*BasicComponent) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*BasicComponent) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*BasicComponent) OnGameInited ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error
OnGameInited - on game inited
func (*BasicComponent) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error
OnPlayGame - on playgame
func (*BasicComponent) OnPlayGameWithSet ¶ added in v0.13.143
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnPlayGameWithSet(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData, set int) (string, error)
OnPlayGameWithSet - on playgame with a set
func (*BasicComponent) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*BasicComponent) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
func (*BasicComponent) ProcRespinOnStepEnd ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, canRemove bool) (string, error)
ProcRespinOnStepEnd - 现在只有respin需要特殊处理结束,如果多层respin嵌套时,只要新的有next,就不会继续结束respin
func (*BasicComponent) SetMask ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error
SetMask -
func (*BasicComponent) SetMaskOnlyTrue ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error
SetMaskOnlyTrue -
func (*BasicComponent) SetMaskVal ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, index int, mask bool) error
SetMaskVal -
type BasicComponentConfig ¶
type BasicComponentConfig struct { DefaultNextComponent string `yaml:"defaultNextComponent" json:"defaultNextComponent"` // next component, if it is empty jump to ending TagRNG []string `yaml:"tagRNG" json:"tagRNG"` // tag RNG InitStrVals map[string]string `yaml:"initStrVals" json:"initStrVals"` // 只要这个组件被执行,就会初始化这些strvals UseFileMapping bool `yaml:"useFileMapping" json:"useFileMapping"` // 兼容性配置,新配置应该一定用filemapping ComponentType string `yaml:"-" json:"componentType"` // 组件类型 TargetScenes3 [][]string `yaml:"targetScenes3" json:"targetScenes3"` // target scenes V3 TargetOtherScenes3 [][]string `yaml:"targetOtherScenes3" json:"targetOtherScenes3"` // target scenes V3 }
type BasicComponentData ¶
type BasicComponentData struct { UsedScenes []int UsedOtherScenes []int UsedResults []int UsedPrizeScenes []int CashWin int64 CoinWin int TargetSceneIndex int TargetOtherSceneIndex int RNG []int MapConfigVals map[string]string MapConfigIntVals map[string]int SrcScenes []int Output int StrOutput string }
func (*BasicComponentData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*BasicComponentData) AddRespinTimes ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddRespinTimes(num int)
AddRespinTimes -
func (*BasicComponentData) AddSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddSymbol(symbolCode int)
AddSymbol -
func (*BasicComponentData) AddTriggerRespinAward ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award)
AddTriggerRespinAward -
func (*BasicComponentData) BuildPBBasicComponentData ¶
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) BuildPBBasicComponentData() *sgc7pb.ComponentData
func (*BasicComponentData) BuildPBComponentData ¶
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*BasicComponentData) ChgConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.11
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
ChgConfigIntVal -
func (*BasicComponentData) ChgMask ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ChgMask(curMask int, val bool) bool
ChgMask -
func (*BasicComponentData) ClearConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.67
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ClearConfigIntVal(key string)
ClearConfigIntVal -
func (*BasicComponentData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*BasicComponentData) CloneBasicComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) CloneBasicComponentData() BasicComponentData
func (*BasicComponentData) GetConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetConfigIntVal(key string) (int, bool)
GetConfigIntVal -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetConfigVal ¶ added in v0.12.244
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetConfigVal(key string) string
GetConfigVal -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetLastRespinNum ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetLastRespinNum() int
GetLastRespinNum -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetMask ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetMask() []bool
GetMask -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetOutput ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetOutput() int
GetOutput -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetResults ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetResults() []int
GetResults -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetStrVal ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool)
GetStrVal -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetStringOutput ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetStringOutput() string
GetStringOutput -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetSymbols() []int
GetSymbols -
func (*BasicComponentData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.332
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*BasicComponentData) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*BasicComponentData) IsRespinEnding ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) IsRespinEnding() bool
IsRespinEnding -
func (*BasicComponentData) IsRespinStarted ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) IsRespinStarted() bool
IsRespinStarted -
func (*BasicComponentData) LoadPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) LoadPBComponentData(pb *sgc7pb.ComponentData) error
func (*BasicComponentData) OnNewGame ¶
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*BasicComponentData) PushTriggerRespin ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, num int)
PushTrigger -
func (*BasicComponentData) PutInMoney ¶ added in v0.13.49
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) PutInMoney(coins int)
func (*BasicComponentData) SetConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
SetConfigIntVal -
func (*BasicComponentData) SetConfigVal ¶ added in v0.12.244
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) SetConfigVal(key string, val string)
SetConfigVal -
func (*BasicComponentData) TriggerRespin ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)
type BasicGameMod ¶
type BasicGameMod struct { *sgc7game.BasicGameMod Pool *GamePropertyPool MapComponents map[int]*ComponentList }
BasicGameMod - basic gamemod
func NewBasicGameMod2 ¶ added in v0.12.36
func NewBasicGameMod2(pool *GamePropertyPool, mgrComponent *ComponentMgr) (*BasicGameMod, error)
NewBasicGameMod2 - new BaseGame
func (*BasicGameMod) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*BasicGameMod) OnNewGame ¶
func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake, curPlugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
OnNewGame -
func (*BasicGameMod) OnNewStep ¶
func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnNewStep(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake) error
OnNewStep -
func (*BasicGameMod) OnPlay ¶
func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnPlay(game sgc7game.IGame, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, gameData any) (*sgc7game.PlayResult, error)
OnPlay - on play
type BasicRNG ¶ added in v0.13.135
type BasicRNG struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BasicRNG) GetCurRNG ¶ added in v0.13.135
func (rng *BasicRNG) GetCurRNG(betMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, cd IComponentData, fl IFeatureLevel) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string)
GetCurRNG -
func (*BasicRNG) OnChoiceBranch ¶ added in v0.13.277
func (rng *BasicRNG) OnChoiceBranch(betMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error
OnChoiceBranch -
func (*BasicRNG) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.135
func (rng *BasicRNG) OnNewGame(betMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
OnNewGame -
func (*BasicRNG) OnStepEnd ¶ added in v0.13.322
func (rng *BasicRNG) OnStepEnd(betMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error
OnStepEnd -
type BasicReels ¶
type BasicReels struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *BasicReelsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*BasicReels) Init ¶
func (basicReels *BasicReels) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*BasicReels) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (basicReels *BasicReels) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*BasicReels) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (basicReels *BasicReels) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*BasicReels) OnPlayGame ¶
func (basicReels *BasicReels) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*BasicReels) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (basicReels *BasicReels) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type BasicReelsConfig ¶
type BasicReelsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` ReelSet string `yaml:"reelSet" json:"reelSet"` IsExpandReel bool `yaml:"isExpandReel" json:"isExpandReel"` Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 }
BasicReelsConfig - configuration for BasicReels
func (*BasicReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (cfg *BasicReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type BetConfig ¶ added in v0.13.117
type BetConfig struct { Bet int `yaml:"bet"` TotalBetInWins int `yaml:"totalBetInWins"` Start string `yaml:"start"` Components []*ComponentConfig `yaml:"components"` ForceEndings []string `yaml:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type Bomb ¶ added in v0.13.447
type Bomb struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *BombConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*Bomb) Init ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (bomb *Bomb) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*Bomb) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (bomb *Bomb) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*Bomb) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (burstSymbols *Bomb) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*Bomb) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (burstSymbols *Bomb) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*Bomb) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (bomb *Bomb) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*Bomb) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (bomb *Bomb) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type BombConfig ¶ added in v0.13.447
type BombConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` BombWidth int `json:"bombWidth"` BombHeight int `json:"bombHeight"` StrBombSourceType string `json:"bombSourceType"` BombSourceType BombSourceType `json:"-"` SourceSymbols []string `json:"sourceSymbols"` SourceSymbolCodes []int `json:"-"` BombData [][]int `json:"bombData"` SourcePositionCollection string `json:"sourcePositionCollection"` SelectSourceNumber int `json:"selectSourceNumber"` IgnoreSymbols []string `json:"ignoreSymbols"` IgnoreSymbolCodes []int `json:"-"` StrBombTargetType string `json:"bombTargetType"` BombTargetType BombTargetType `json:"-"` TargetSymbol string `json:"targetSymbol"` TargetSymbolCode int `json:"-"` OutputToComponent string `json:"outputToComponent"` IgnoreWinResults []string `json:"ignoreWinResults"` IgnorePositionCollections []string `json:"ignorePositionCollections"` Controllers []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` // 新的奖励系统 }
BombConfig - configuration for Bomb
func (*BombConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (cfg *BombConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type BombData ¶ added in v0.13.447
type BombData struct { BasicComponentData Pos [][]int }
func (*BombData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (*BombData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (bombData *BombData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type BombSourceType ¶ added in v0.13.447
type BombSourceType int
const ( BSTypePositionCollection BombSourceType = 0 BSTypeSymbols BombSourceType = 1 )
type BombTargetType ¶ added in v0.13.447
type BombTargetType int
const ( BTTypeSymbols BombTargetType = 0 BTTypeRemove BombTargetType = 1 )
type BranchNode ¶ added in v0.13.17
type BranchNode struct { Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` }
BranchNode -
type BurstSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.202
type BurstSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *BurstSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*BurstSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*BurstSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*BurstSymbols) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*BurstSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*BurstSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*BurstSymbols) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type BurstSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.202
type BurstSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrBurstType string `yaml:"burstType" json:"burstType"` BurstType BurstSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` BurstNumber int `yaml:"burstNumber" json:"burstNumber"` StrSourceType string `yaml:"burstSymbolsSourceType" json:"burstSymbolsSourceType"` SourceType BurstSymbolsSourceType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` SourceSymbols []string `yaml:"sourceSymbols" json:"sourceSymbols"` SourceSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IgnoreSymbols []string `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"` IgnoreSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` OverrideSymbol string `yaml:"overrideSymbol" json:"overrideSymbol"` OverrideSymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` PositionCollection string `yaml:"positionCollection" json:"positionCollection"` Controllers []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` // 新的奖励系统 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to }
BurstSymbolsConfig - configuration for BurstSymbols
func (*BurstSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (cfg *BurstSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type BurstSymbolsData ¶ added in v0.13.210
type BurstSymbolsData struct { BasicComponentData Pos [][]int }
func (*BurstSymbolsData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*BurstSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*BurstSymbolsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*BurstSymbolsData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*BurstSymbolsData) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*BurstSymbolsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*BurstSymbolsData) OnNewStep ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) OnNewStep()
OnNewStep -
type BurstSymbolsSourceType ¶ added in v0.13.202
type BurstSymbolsSourceType int
const ( BSSTypeSymbols BurstSymbolsSourceType = 0 BSSTypePositionCollection BurstSymbolsSourceType = 1 )
type BurstSymbolsType ¶ added in v0.13.202
type BurstSymbolsType int
const ( BSTypeDiffusion BurstSymbolsType = 0 BSTypeSurround4 BurstSymbolsType = 1 BSTypeSurround8 BurstSymbolsType = 2 )
type CallStack ¶ added in v0.13.39
type CallStack struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCallStack ¶ added in v0.13.39
func NewCallStack() *CallStack
func (*CallStack) ComponentDone ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cs *CallStack) ComponentDone(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent, cd IComponentData)
func (*CallStack) Each ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cs *CallStack) Each(gameProp *GameProperty, onEach FuncOnEachHistoryComponent) error
func (*CallStack) GetComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cs *CallStack) GetComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData
func (*CallStack) GetComponentNum ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (*CallStack) GetCurCallStackSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (*CallStack) GetCurComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cs *CallStack) GetCurComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData
func (*CallStack) GetGlobalComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cs *CallStack) GetGlobalComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData
GetGlobalComponentData -
func (*CallStack) IsInCurCallStack ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (*CallStack) OnCallEnd ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cs *CallStack) OnCallEnd(ic IComponent, cd IComponentData) string
func (*CallStack) StartEachSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cs *CallStack) StartEachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent, children []string, symbolCode int, i int) error
type CatchSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.202
type CatchSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *CatchSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*CatchSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*CatchSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*CatchSymbols) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*CatchSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*CatchSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*CatchSymbols) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type CatchSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.202
type CatchSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrCatchType string `yaml:"catchType" json:"catchType"` CatchType CatchSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` SourceSymbols []string `yaml:"sourceSymbols" json:"sourceSymbols"` SourceSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` TargetSymbols []string `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"` TargetSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IgnoreSymbols []string `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"` IgnoreSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` OverrideSymbol string `yaml:"overrideSymbol" json:"overrideSymbol"` OverrideSymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` UpgradeSymbol string `yaml:"upgradeSymbol" json:"upgradeSymbol"` UpgradeSymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` PositionCollection string `yaml:"positionCollection" json:"positionCollection"` Controllers []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` // 新的奖励系统 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to }
CatchSymbolsConfig - configuration for CatchSymbols
func (*CatchSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.202
func (cfg *CatchSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type CatchSymbolsData ¶ added in v0.13.210
type CatchSymbolsData struct { BasicComponentData Pos [][]int SymbolNum int }
func (*CatchSymbolsData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*CatchSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*CatchSymbolsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*CatchSymbolsData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*CatchSymbolsData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*CatchSymbolsData) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*CatchSymbolsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*CatchSymbolsData) OnNewStep ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) OnNewStep()
OnNewStep -
type CatchSymbolsType ¶ added in v0.13.202
type CatchSymbolsType int
const (
CSTypeRule1 CatchSymbolsType = 0
type CheckSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.89
type CheckSymbolVals struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *CheckSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*CheckSymbolVals) Init ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*CheckSymbolVals) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*CheckSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*CheckSymbolVals) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type CheckSymbolValsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.89
type CheckSymbolValsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type CheckSymbolValsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Value int `yaml:"value" json:"value"` Min int `yaml:"min" json:"min"` Max int `yaml:"max" json:"max"` OutputToComponent string `yaml:"outputToComponent" json:"outputToComponent"` }
CheckSymbolValsConfig - configuration for CheckSymbolVals
func (*CheckSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (cfg *CheckSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type CheckSymbolValsType ¶ added in v0.13.89
type CheckSymbolValsType int
const ( CSVTypeEqu CheckSymbolValsType = 0 // == CSVTypeGreaterEqu CheckSymbolValsType = 1 // >= CSVTypeLessEqu CheckSymbolValsType = 2 // <= CSVTypeGreater CheckSymbolValsType = 3 // > CSVTypeLess CheckSymbolValsType = 4 // < CSVTypeInAreaLR CheckSymbolValsType = 5 // In [min, max] CSVTypeInAreaR CheckSymbolValsType = 6 // In (min, max] CSVTypeInAreaL CheckSymbolValsType = 7 // In [min, max) CSVTypeInArea CheckSymbolValsType = 8 // In (min, max) )
type CheckVal ¶ added in v0.13.273
type CheckVal struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *CheckValConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*CheckVal) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.273
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*CheckVal) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.273
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*CheckVal) Init ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkVal *CheckVal) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*CheckVal) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkVal *CheckVal) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*CheckVal) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkVal *CheckVal) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*CheckVal) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkVal *CheckVal) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*CheckVal) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkVal *CheckVal) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*CheckVal) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (checkVal *CheckVal) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type CheckValConfig ¶ added in v0.13.273
type CheckValConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` SourceVal []string `yaml:"sourceVal" json:"sourceVal"` TargetVal []string `yaml:"targetVal" json:"targetVal"` JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` Controllers []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` // 新的奖励系统 }
CheckValConfig - configuration for CheckVal
func (*CheckValConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (cfg *CheckValConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type CheckValData ¶ added in v0.13.273
type CheckValData struct { BasicComponentData IsTrigger bool }
func (*CheckValData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkValData *CheckValData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*CheckValData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkValData *CheckValData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*CheckValData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (checkValData *CheckValData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*CheckValData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (checkValData *CheckValData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type CheckWinType ¶ added in v0.12.16
type CheckWinType int
const ( // CheckWinTypeLeftRight - left -> right CheckWinTypeLeftRight CheckWinType = 0 // CheckWinTypeRightLeft - right -> left CheckWinTypeRightLeft CheckWinType = 1 // CheckWinTypeAll - left -> right & right -> left CheckWinTypeAll CheckWinType = 2 // CheckWinTypeCount - count CheckWinTypeCount CheckWinType = 3 )
func ParseCheckWinType ¶ added in v0.12.16
func ParseCheckWinType(str string) CheckWinType
type ChgSymbol ¶ added in v0.10.273
type ChgSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ChgSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ChgSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ChgSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ChgSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ChgSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.10.273
type ChgSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Nodes []*ChgSymbolNodeConfig `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"` }
ChgSymbolConfig - configuration for ChgSymbol feature
type ChgSymbolNodeConfig ¶ added in v0.10.273
type ChgSymbolNodeConfig struct { X int `yaml:"x" json:"x"` Y int `yaml:"y" json:"y"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"` SymbolCode int `yaml:"symbolCode" json:"symbolCode"` }
ChgSymbolNodeConfig -
type ChgSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.89
type ChgSymbolVals struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ChgSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ChgSymbolVals) GetNumber ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) GetNumber(cd *ChgSymbolValsData) int
func (*ChgSymbolVals) GetTarget ¶ added in v0.13.305
func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) GetTarget(cd *ChgSymbolValsData, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) (int, error)
func (*ChgSymbolVals) Init ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ChgSymbolVals) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ChgSymbolVals) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*ChgSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ChgSymbolVals) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ChgSymbolValsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.89
type ChgSymbolValsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type ChgSymbolValsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` StrSourceType string `yaml:"sourceType" json:"sourceType"` SourceType ChgSymbolValsSourceType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` StrTargetType string `yaml:"targetType" json:"targetType"` TargetType ChgSymbolValsTargetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` PositionCollection string `yaml:"positionCollection" json:"positionCollection"` WinResultComponents []string `yaml:"winResultComponents" json:"winResultComponents"` MaxNumber int `yaml:"maxNumber" json:"maxNumber"` MaxVal int `yaml:"maxVal" json:"maxVal"` MinVal int `yaml:"minVal" json:"minVal"` Row int `yaml:"minVal" json:"row"` Column int `yaml:"minVal" json:"column"` Multi int `yaml:"multi" json:"multi"` Number int `yaml:"number" json:"number"` TargetWeight string `yaml:"weight" json:"-"` TargetWeightVW2 *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
ChgSymbolValsConfig - configuration for ChgSymbolVals
func (*ChgSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (cfg *ChgSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type ChgSymbolValsData ¶ added in v0.13.175
type ChgSymbolValsData struct { BasicComponentData PosComponentData // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChgSymbolValsData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.177
func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) AddPos(x, y int)
AddPos -
func (*ChgSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*ChgSymbolValsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*ChgSymbolValsData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*ChgSymbolValsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type ChgSymbolValsSourceType ¶ added in v0.13.89
type ChgSymbolValsSourceType int
const ( CSVSTypePositionCollection ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 0 // positionCollection CSVSTypeWinResult ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 1 // winResult CSVSTypeRow ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 2 // row CSVSTypeColumn ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 3 // column CSVSTypeAll ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 4 // all )
type ChgSymbolValsTargetType ¶ added in v0.13.305
type ChgSymbolValsTargetType int
const ( CSVTTypeNumber ChgSymbolValsTargetType = 0 // number CSVTTypeWeight ChgSymbolValsTargetType = 1 // weight CSVTTypeEachWeight ChgSymbolValsTargetType = 2 // each weight )
type ChgSymbolValsType ¶ added in v0.13.89
type ChgSymbolValsType int
const ( CSVTypeInc ChgSymbolValsType = 0 // ++ CSVTypeDec ChgSymbolValsType = 1 // -- CSVTypeMul ChgSymbolValsType = 2 // *= CSVTypeAdd ChgSymbolValsType = 3 // += CSVTypeSet ChgSymbolValsType = 4 // = )
type ChgSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.89
type ChgSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ChgSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ChgSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*ChgSymbols) GetBranchNum ¶ added in v0.13.216
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetBranchNum() int
GetBranchNum -
func (*ChgSymbols) GetBranchWeights ¶ added in v0.13.235
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetBranchWeights() []int
GetBranchWeights -
func (*ChgSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*ChgSymbols) GetSymbolCodes ¶ added in v0.13.350
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetSymbolCodes(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) ([]int, error)
func (*ChgSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ChgSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ChgSymbols) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.388
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*ChgSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ChgSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*ChgSymbols) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type ChgSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.89
type ChgSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"chgSymbolsType" json:"-"` Type ChgSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"chgSymbolsType"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"-"` SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"symbols"` BlankSymbol string `yaml:"blankSymbol" json:"-"` BlankSymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"blankSymbol"` SourceWeight string `yaml:"sourceWeight" json:"sourceWeight"` SourceWeightVW2 *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Weight string `yaml:"weight" json:"-"` WeightVW2 *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` MaxNumber int `yaml:"maxNumber" json:"maxNumber"` IsAlwaysGen bool `yaml:"isAlwaysGen" json:"isAlwaysGen"` Controllers []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` StrTriggers []string `yaml:"triggers" json:"-"` Height int `yaml:"height" json:"height"` StrWeightOnReels map[int]string `yaml:"weightOnReels" json:"weightOnReels"` WeightOnReels map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` MysteryOnReelsWeight []*ChgSymbolsMysteryOnReelsWeightData `yaml:"mysteryOnReelsWeight" json:"mysteryOnReelsWeight"` }
ChgSymbolsConfig - configuration for ChgSymbols
func (*ChgSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (cfg *ChgSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type ChgSymbolsData ¶ added in v0.13.388
type ChgSymbolsData struct { BasicComponentData // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ChgSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.388
func (chgSymbolsData *ChgSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
ChgConfigIntVal -
func (*ChgSymbolsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.388
func (chgSymbolsData *ChgSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*ChgSymbolsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.388
func (chgSymbolsData *ChgSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type ChgSymbolsMysteryOnReelsWeightData ¶ added in v0.13.460
type ChgSymbolsMysteryOnReelsWeightData struct { Index []int StrWeight string Weight *sgc7game.ValWeights2 }
type ChgSymbolsType ¶ added in v0.13.210
type ChgSymbolsType int
const ( ChgSymTypeNormal ChgSymbolsType = 0 ChgSymTypeMystery ChgSymbolsType = 1 ChgSymTypeRandomWithNoTrigger ChgSymbolsType = 2 ChgSymTypeUpgradeSymbolOfCategory ChgSymbolsType = 3 ChgSymTypeReels ChgSymbolsType = 4 ChgSymTypeMysteryOnReels ChgSymbolsType = 5 )
type ClusterTrigger ¶ added in v0.13.8
type ClusterTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ClusterTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ClusterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
CanTriggerWithScene -
func (*ClusterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*ClusterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*ClusterTrigger) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*ClusterTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ClusterTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ClusterTrigger) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*ClusterTrigger) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*ClusterTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ClusterTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*ClusterTrigger) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*ClusterTrigger) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type ClusterTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.13.8
type ClusterTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // like scatter SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // like scatter Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // like scatters TriggerType SymbolTriggerType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // SymbolTriggerType OSMulTypeString string `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"` // OtherSceneMultiType OSMulType OtherSceneMultiType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // OtherSceneMultiType BetTypeString string `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"` // bet or totalBet or noPay BetType BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // bet or totalBet or noPay MinNum int `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"` // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效 WildSymbols []string `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"` // wild etc WildSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // wild symbolCode WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to ForceToNext bool `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"` // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支 Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"` // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发 PiggyBankComponent string `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"` // piggyBank component IsAddRespinMode bool `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"` // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式 RespinNum int `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"` // respin number RespinNumWeight string `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"` // respin number weight RespinNumWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight RespinNumWithScatterNum map[int]int `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"` // respin number with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum map[int]string `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight with scatter number }
ClusterTriggerConfig - configuration for ClusterTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*ClusterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (cfg *ClusterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type ClusterTriggerData ¶ added in v0.13.8
type ClusterTriggerData struct { BasicComponentData PosComponentData NextComponent string SymbolNum int WildNum int RespinNum int Wins int WinMulti int AvgSymbolValMulti int // 平均的symbolVal倍数,用整数来表达浮点数,100是1倍 }
func (*ClusterTriggerData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.177
func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) AddPos(x, y int)
AddPos -
func (*ClusterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*ClusterTriggerData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*ClusterTriggerData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*ClusterTriggerData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*ClusterTriggerData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type Collector ¶
type Collector struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *CollectorConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*Collector) EachUsedResults ¶
func (collector *Collector) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*Collector) Init ¶
func (collector *Collector) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*Collector) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (collector *Collector) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*Collector) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.338
IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 - 除respin外,如果也有component也需要在stepEnd调用的话,这里需要返回true
func (*Collector) NewComponentData ¶
func (collector *Collector) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*Collector) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (collector *Collector) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*Collector) OnPlayGame ¶
func (collector *Collector) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*Collector) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.337
func (collector *Collector) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type CollectorConfig ¶
type CollectorConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` MaxVal int `yaml:"maxVal" json:"maxVal"` PerLevelAwards []*Award `yaml:"perLevelAwards" json:"perLevelAwards"` MapSPLevelAwards map[int][]*Award `yaml:"mapSPLevelAwards" json:"mapSPLevelAwards"` IsCycle bool `yaml:"isCycle" json:"isCycle"` }
CollectorConfig - configuration for Collector
func (*CollectorConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.25
func (cfg *CollectorConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type CollectorData ¶
type CollectorData struct { BasicComponentData Val int // 当前总值, Current total value NewCollector int // 这一个step收集到的, The values collected in this step }
func (*CollectorData) BuildPBComponentData ¶
func (collectorData *CollectorData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*CollectorData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (collectorData *CollectorData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*CollectorData) GetOutput ¶ added in v0.13.245
func (collectorData *CollectorData) GetOutput() int
GetOutput -
func (*CollectorData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (collectorData *CollectorData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*CollectorData) OnNewGame ¶
func (collectorData *CollectorData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*CollectorData) SetConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.160
func (collectorData *CollectorData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
SetConfigIntVal - CCVValueNum的set和chg逻辑不太一样,等于的时候不会触发任何的 controllers
type ComponentConfig ¶
type ComponentList ¶
type ComponentList struct { Components []IComponent `yaml:"-" json:"-"` MapComponents map[string]IComponent `yaml:"mapComponents" json:"mapComponents"` Stats2 *stats2.Stats `yaml:"-" json:"-"` RngLib *RngLib `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewComponentList ¶
func NewComponentList() *ComponentList
func (*ComponentList) AddComponent ¶
func (lst *ComponentList) AddComponent(name string, component IComponent)
func (*ComponentList) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (lst *ComponentList) GetAllLinkComponents(componentName string) []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
type ComponentMgr ¶
type ComponentMgr struct { MapComponent map[string]FuncNewComponent MapComponentData map[string]FuncNewComponentData // 未写完,写了一半,觉得clone效率更高,后续如果确定需要要再写 }
func NewComponentMgr ¶
func NewComponentMgr() *ComponentMgr
func (*ComponentMgr) NewComponent ¶
func (mgr *ComponentMgr) NewComponent(cfgComponent *ComponentConfig) IComponent
func (*ComponentMgr) Reg ¶
func (mgr *ComponentMgr) Reg(component string, funcNew FuncNewComponent)
func (*ComponentMgr) RegComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (mgr *ComponentMgr) RegComponentData(pbtype string, funcNewComponentData FuncNewComponentData)
type ComponentTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.233
type ComponentTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ComponentTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ComponentTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.12.233
func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ComponentTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.233
func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ComponentTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.233
func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ComponentTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.233
func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ComponentTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.12.233
type ComponentTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` CheckRunComponents []string `yaml:"checkRunComponents" json:"checkRunComponents"` // 这一组components只要有1个已经运行过就算触发 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"` // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发 }
ComponentTriggerConfig - configuration for ComponentTrigger
type ComponentValTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.236
type ComponentValTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ComponentValTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ComponentValTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.12.236
func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ComponentValTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.236
func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ComponentValTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.236
func (componentTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ComponentValTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.236
func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ComponentValTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.12.236
type ComponentValTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` ComponentVals []string `yaml:"componentVals" json:"componentVals"` // 用来检查的值,bg-wins.wins 这样的命名方式 OperateString []string `yaml:"operate" json:"operate"` // ==/>=/<=/>/</!= Operate []OperateType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // TargetVals []int `yaml:"targetVals" json:"targetVals"` // 目标值 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to }
ComponentValTriggerConfig - configuration for ComponentValTrigger
type Config ¶
type Config struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Width int `yaml:"width"` Height int `yaml:"height"` Linedata map[string]string `yaml:"linedata"` MapLinedate map[string]*sgc7game.LineData `yaml:"-"` Paytables map[string]string `yaml:"paytables"` MapPaytables map[string]*sgc7game.PayTables `yaml:"-"` Reels map[string]string `yaml:"reels"` MapReels map[string]*sgc7game.ReelsData `yaml:"-"` FileMapping map[string]string `yaml:"fileMapping"` SymbolsViewer string `yaml:"symbolsViewer"` DefaultScene string `yaml:"defaultScene"` DefaultPaytables string `yaml:"defaultPaytables"` DefaultLinedata string `yaml:"defaultLinedata"` Bets []int `yaml:"bets"` TotalBetInWins []int `yaml:"totalBetInWins"` StatsSymbols []string `yaml:"statsSymbols"` StatsSymbolCodes []mathtoolset.SymbolType `yaml:"-"` MainPath string `yaml:"mainPath"` MapCmdComponent map[string]string `yaml:"mapCmdComponent"` ComponentsMapping map[int]map[string]string `yaml:"componentsMapping"` MapBetConfigs map[int]*BetConfig `yaml:"mapBetConfigs"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Config) BuildStatsSymbolCodes ¶
func (*Config) GetDefaultLineData ¶
func (*Config) GetDefaultPaytables ¶
type ControllerWorker ¶ added in v0.13.197
type ControllerWorker struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ControllerWorkerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ControllerWorker) Init ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ControllerWorker) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ControllerWorker) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ControllerWorker) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*ControllerWorker) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type ControllerWorkerConfig ¶ added in v0.13.197
type ControllerWorkerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 }
ControllerWorkerConfig - configuration for ControllerWorker
func (*ControllerWorkerConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (cfg *ControllerWorkerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type DropDownSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.17
type DropDownSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *DropDownSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*DropDownSymbols) EachUsedResults ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*DropDownSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*DropDownSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*DropDownSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*DropDownSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type DropDownSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.17
type DropDownSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` HoldSymbols []string `yaml:"holdSymbols" json:"holdSymbols"` // 不需要下落的symbol HoldSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 不需要下落的symbol IsNeedProcSymbolVals bool `yaml:"isNeedProcSymbolVals" json:"isNeedProcSymbolVals"` // 是否需要同时处理symbolVals EmptySymbolVal int `yaml:"emptySymbolVal" json:"emptySymbolVal"` // 空的symbolVal是什么 }
DropDownSymbolsConfig - configuration for DropDownSymbols
func (*DropDownSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.25
func (cfg *DropDownSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type EmptyFeatureLevel ¶ added in v0.13.192
type EmptyFeatureLevel struct { }
func (*EmptyFeatureLevel) CountLevel ¶ added in v0.13.193
func (fl *EmptyFeatureLevel) CountLevel() int
CountLevel -
func (*EmptyFeatureLevel) OnStepEnd ¶ added in v0.13.194
func (fl *EmptyFeatureLevel) OnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult)
OnStepEnd -
type FeatureBar ¶ added in v0.13.447
type FeatureBar struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *FeatureBarConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*FeatureBar) Init ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBar *FeatureBar) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*FeatureBar) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBar *FeatureBar) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*FeatureBar) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBar *FeatureBar) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*FeatureBar) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBar *FeatureBar) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*FeatureBar) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBar *FeatureBar) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*FeatureBar) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBar *FeatureBar) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type FeatureBarConfig ¶ added in v0.13.447
type FeatureBarConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Length int `yaml:"length" json:"length"` // bar 的长度 StrFeatureWeight string `yaml:"featureWeight" json:"featureWeight"` // feature权重 FeatureWeight *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // feature权重 FirstJumpWeight int `yaml:"firstJumpWeight" json:"firstJumpWeight"` // firstJump 权重 MapAwards map[int][]*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 }
FeatureBarConfig - configuration for FeatureBar
func (*FeatureBarConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (cfg *FeatureBarConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type FeatureBarData ¶ added in v0.13.447
type FeatureBarData struct { BasicComponentData Features []int CurFeature int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*FeatureBarData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBarData *FeatureBarData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*FeatureBarData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBarData *FeatureBarData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*FeatureBarData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (featureBarData *FeatureBarData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type FixSymbols ¶ added in v0.10.350
type FixSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *FixSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` SymbolCodes []int `json:"-"` Type int `json:"-"` }
func (*FixSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.10.350
func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*FixSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*FixSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.10.350
func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*FixSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.10.350
func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type FixSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.10.350
type FixSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` }
FixSymbolsConfig - configuration for FixSymbols feature
type ForceOutcome ¶ added in v0.13.11
type ForceOutcome struct {
Data []*FOData
func ParseForceOutcome ¶ added in v0.13.11
func ParseForceOutcome(str string) *ForceOutcome
func (*ForceOutcome) IsValid ¶ added in v0.13.11
func (fo *ForceOutcome) IsValid(lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) bool
type ForceOutcome2 ¶ added in v0.13.126
type ForceOutcome2 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ForceOutcome2 - 通过 results 来分析数据,所以只能做为临时变量用
func NewForceOutcome2 ¶ added in v0.13.126
func NewForceOutcome2(code string) (*ForceOutcome2, error)
func ProcCheat ¶ added in v0.13.11
func ProcCheat(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cheat string) (*ForceOutcome2, error)
ProcCheat -
func (*ForceOutcome2) CalcVal ¶ added in v0.13.127
func (fo2 *ForceOutcome2) CalcVal(results []*sgc7game.PlayResult) int
func (*ForceOutcome2) IsValid ¶ added in v0.13.126
func (fo2 *ForceOutcome2) IsValid(results []*sgc7game.PlayResult) bool
func (*ForceOutcome2) SetScript ¶ added in v0.13.126
func (fo2 *ForceOutcome2) SetScript(code string) error
type ForeachSymbolData ¶ added in v0.13.39
type FuncLoadComponentInJson ¶ added in v0.13.164
type FuncNewComponent ¶
type FuncNewComponent func(name string) IComponent
type FuncNewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.170
type FuncNewComponentData func() IComponentData
type FuncNewFeatureLevel ¶ added in v0.13.192
type FuncNewFeatureLevel func(betMode int) IFeatureLevel
type FuncNewRNG ¶ added in v0.13.135
type FuncNewRNG func() IRNG
type FuncOnChgComponentIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.271
FuncOnChgComponentIntVal - 当这个接口处理完数据,需要返回true,这时底层就不会再处理了
type FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.376
FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal - 处理完后才调用这个接口,val 是最终数值
type FuncOnEachHistoryComponent ¶ added in v0.13.39
type FuncOnEachHistoryComponent func(tag string, gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent, cd IComponentData) error
FuncOnEachHistoryComponent -
type FuncOnEachUsedResult ¶
type FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.376
FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal - 处理完后才调用这个接口,val 是最终数值
type Game ¶
type Game struct { *sgc7game.BasicGame Pool *GamePropertyPool MgrComponent *ComponentMgr }
Game - game
func NewGame2 ¶ added in v0.12.31
func NewGame2(fn string, funcNewPlugin sgc7plugin.FuncNewPlugin, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) (*Game, error)
func NewGame2WithData ¶ added in v0.12.57
func NewGame2WithData(data []byte, funcNewPlugin sgc7plugin.FuncNewPlugin, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) (*Game, error)
func (*Game) BuildGameConfigData ¶ added in v0.12.61
BuildGameConfigData - build game configration data
func (*Game) CheckStake ¶
CheckStake - check stake
func (*Game) DeleteGameData ¶ added in v0.12.225
DeleteGameData - delete GameData
func (*Game) Init2 ¶ added in v0.12.36
func (game *Game) Init2(cfg *Config, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) error
Init - initial game
func (*Game) Initialize ¶ added in v0.13.120
func (game *Game) Initialize() sgc7game.IPlayerState
Initialize - initialize PlayerState
func (*Game) NewGameData ¶
NewGameData - new GameData
func (*Game) NewPlayerState ¶
func (game *Game) NewPlayerState() sgc7game.IPlayerState
NewPlayerState - new playerstate
func (*Game) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (game *Game) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*Game) SaveParSheet ¶ added in v0.13.369
type GameParams ¶
type GameParams struct { sgc7pb.GameParam `json:",inline"` LastScene *sgc7game.GameScene `json:"-"` LastOtherScene *sgc7game.GameScene `json:"-"` MapComponentData map[string]IComponentData `json:"-"` }
func NewGameParam ¶ added in v0.12.25
func NewGameParam() *GameParams
func (*GameParams) AddComponentData ¶
func (gp *GameParams) AddComponentData(name string, cd IComponentData) error
func (*GameParams) SetGameProp ¶ added in v0.12.16
func (gp *GameParams) SetGameProp(gameProp *GameProperty) error
type GameProperty ¶
type GameProperty struct { CurBetMul int Pool *GamePropertyPool MapVals map[int]int MapStrVals map[int]string CurPaytables *sgc7game.PayTables CurLineData *sgc7game.LineData CurReels *sgc7game.ReelsData MapIntValWeights map[string]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 MapStats map[string]*sgc7stats.Feature RespinComponents []string PoolScene *sgc7game.GameScenePoolEx Components *ComponentList SceneStack *SceneStack OtherSceneStack *SceneStack // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GameProperty) AddComponentPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddComponentPos(componentName string, pos []int)
func (*GameProperty) AddComponentSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddComponentSymbol(componentName string, symbolCode int)
func (*GameProperty) BuildGameParam ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (gameProp *GameProperty) BuildGameParam(gp *GameParams)
func (*GameProperty) CanTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (gameProp *GameProperty) CanTrigger(componentName string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) bool
CanTrigger -
func (*GameProperty) ChgComponentConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.11
func (gameProp *GameProperty) ChgComponentConfigIntVal(componentConfigValName string, off int, onProc FuncOnChgComponentIntVal, onProced FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal) error
func (*GameProperty) ClearComponentOtherScene ¶ added in v0.12.220
func (gameProp *GameProperty) ClearComponentOtherScene(component string)
func (*GameProperty) GetBet2 ¶ added in v0.12.147
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBet2(stake *sgc7game.Stake, bt BetType) int
func (*GameProperty) GetBet3 ¶ added in v0.13.323
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBet3(stake *sgc7game.Stake, bt BetType) int
func (*GameProperty) GetBetMul ¶ added in v0.12.225
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBetMul() int
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentData(icomponent IComponent) IComponentData
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentDataWithName ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentOtherScene ¶ added in v0.12.205
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentOtherScene(component string) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentPos ¶ added in v0.13.210
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentPos(componentName string) []int
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentScene ¶ added in v0.12.205
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentScene(component string) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentStrVal2 ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentStrVal2(component string, val string) (string, error)
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentSymbols(componentName string) []int
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentVal ¶ added in v0.12.225
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentVal(componentVal string) (int, error)
func (*GameProperty) GetComponentVal2 ¶ added in v0.13.126
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentVal2(component string, val string) (int, error)
func (*GameProperty) GetCurCallStackSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurCallStackSymbol() int
func (*GameProperty) GetCurComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurComponentData(ic IComponent) IComponentData
func (*GameProperty) GetCurComponentDataWithName ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData
func (*GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentData(icomponent IComponent) IComponentData
func (*GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentDataWithName ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData
func (*GameProperty) GetGlobalScene ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalScene(tag string) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*GameProperty) GetIntValWeights ¶ added in v0.10.251
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetIntValWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
func (*GameProperty) GetLastRespinNum ¶ added in v0.12.200
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetLastRespinNum(respinComponent string) int
func (*GameProperty) GetMask ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetMask(name string) ([]bool, error)
func (*GameProperty) GetOtherScene ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetOtherScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string) (*sgc7game.GameScene, int)
func (*GameProperty) GetScene ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string) (*sgc7game.GameScene, int)
func (*GameProperty) GetStrVal ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetStrVal(prop int) string
func (*GameProperty) GetTagGlobalStr ¶ added in v0.10.361
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagGlobalStr(tag string) string
func (*GameProperty) GetTagInt ¶ added in v0.10.251
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagInt(tag string) int
func (*GameProperty) GetTagStr ¶ added in v0.10.267
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagStr(tag string) string
func (*GameProperty) GetVal ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetVal(prop int) int
func (*GameProperty) IsEndingRespin ¶ added in v0.12.234
func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsEndingRespin(componentName string) bool
func (*GameProperty) IsInCurCallStack ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsInCurCallStack(componentName string) bool
func (*GameProperty) IsRespin ¶ added in v0.12.225
func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsRespin(componentName string) bool
func (*GameProperty) IsStartedRespin ¶ added in v0.12.234
func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsStartedRespin(componentName string) bool
func (*GameProperty) OnCallEnd ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnCallEnd(component IComponent, cd IComponentData, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult)
OnCallEnd - call after the component onPlay
func (*GameProperty) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnNewGame(stake *sgc7game.Stake, curPlugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
func (*GameProperty) OnNewStep ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnNewStep() error
func (*GameProperty) ProcRespin ¶ added in v0.10.277
func (gameProp *GameProperty) ProcRespin(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)
func (*GameProperty) Respin ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) Respin(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, respinComponent string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, os *sgc7game.GameScene)
func (*GameProperty) RunController ¶ added in v0.13.242
func (gameProp *GameProperty) RunController(award *Award, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)
func (*GameProperty) SetComponentConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentConfigIntVal(componentConfigValName string, val int, onProc FuncOnChgComponentIntVal, onProced FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal) error
func (*GameProperty) SetComponentConfigVal ¶ added in v0.12.244
func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentConfigVal(componentConfigValName string, val string) error
func (*GameProperty) SetComponentOtherScene ¶ added in v0.12.205
func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentOtherScene(component string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
func (*GameProperty) SetComponentScene ¶ added in v0.12.205
func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentScene(component string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
func (*GameProperty) SetStrVal ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetStrVal(prop int, val string) error
func (*GameProperty) TagGlobalScene ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagGlobalScene(tag string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
func (*GameProperty) TagGlobalStr ¶ added in v0.10.361
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagGlobalStr(tag string, val string)
func (*GameProperty) TagInt ¶ added in v0.10.251
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagInt(tag string, val int)
func (*GameProperty) TagOtherScene ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagOtherScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string, sceneIndex int)
func (*GameProperty) TagScene ¶
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string, sceneIndex int)
func (*GameProperty) TagStr ¶ added in v0.10.267
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagStr(tag string, val string)
func (*GameProperty) TriggerRespin ¶ added in v0.10.275
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TriggerRespin(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, respinNum int, respinComponent string, usePushTrigger bool) error
func (*GameProperty) TriggerRespinWithWeights ¶ added in v0.10.275
func (gameProp *GameProperty) TriggerRespinWithWeights(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, fn string, useFileMapping bool, respinComponent string, usePushTrigger bool) (int, error)
func (*GameProperty) UseComponent ¶ added in v0.13.125
func (gameProp *GameProperty) UseComponent(componentName string)
type GamePropertyPool ¶
type GamePropertyPool struct { MapGamePropPool map[int]*sync.Pool Config *Config DefaultPaytables *sgc7game.PayTables DefaultLineData *sgc7game.LineData SymbolsViewer *SymbolsViewer MapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GamePropertyPool) GetComponentList ¶ added in v0.12.228
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) GetComponentList(bet int) *ComponentList
func (*GamePropertyPool) GetMask ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) GetMask(name string, gameProp *GameProperty) ([]bool, error)
func (*GamePropertyPool) InitStats ¶
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) InitStats(betMul int) error
func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadIntMapping ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadIntMapping(fn string) *sgc7game.ValMapping2
LoadSymbolWeights - load xlsx file
func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadIntWeights ¶ added in v0.12.72
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadIntWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
LoadIntWeights - load xlsx file
func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadStrWeights ¶ added in v0.12.72
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadStrWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
LoadStrWeights - load xlsx file
func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadSymbolWeights ¶ added in v0.12.72
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadSymbolWeights(fn string, headerVal string, headerWeight string, paytables *sgc7game.PayTables, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)
LoadSymbolWeights - load xlsx file
func (*GamePropertyPool) PushTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.193
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) PushTrigger(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, name string, num int) error
func (*GamePropertyPool) SetMask ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, name string, mask []bool, isOnlyTrue bool) error
func (*GamePropertyPool) SetMaskVal ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (pool *GamePropertyPool) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, name string, index int, mask bool) error
type GenGigaSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.78
type GenGigaSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *GenGigaSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*GenGigaSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*GenGigaSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*GenGigaSymbol) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*GenGigaSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*GenGigaSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type GenGigaSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.13.78
type GenGigaSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"symbol" json:"type"` Type GenGigaSymbolType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` GigaWidth int `yaml:"gigaWidth" json:"gigaWidth"` GigaHeight int `yaml:"gigaHeight" json:"gigaHeight"` Number int `yaml:"number" json:"number"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"` SymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ExcludeSymbols []string `yaml:"excludeSymbols" json:"excludeSymbols"` ExcludeSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
GenGigaSymbolConfig - configuration for GenGigaSymbol
func (*GenGigaSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (cfg *GenGigaSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type GenGigaSymbolData ¶ added in v0.13.199
type GenGigaSymbolData struct { BasicComponentData Pos []int }
func (*GenGigaSymbolData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*GenGigaSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*GenGigaSymbolData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*GenGigaSymbolData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*GenGigaSymbolData) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewStep ¶ added in v0.13.199
func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewStep(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewStep -
type GenGigaSymbolType ¶ added in v0.13.78
type GenGigaSymbolType int
const ( GGSTypeOverwrite GenGigaSymbolType = 0 GGSTypeExpand GenGigaSymbolType = 1 )
type GenPositionCollection ¶ added in v0.13.414
type GenPositionCollection struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *GenPositionCollectionConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*GenPositionCollection) Init ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*GenPositionCollection) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*GenPositionCollection) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*GenPositionCollection) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type GenPositionCollectionConfig ¶ added in v0.13.414
type GenPositionCollectionConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` OutputToComponent string `yaml:"outputToComponent" json:"outputToComponent"` }
GenPositionCollectionConfig - configuration for GenPositionCollection
func (*GenPositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (cfg *GenPositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type GenSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.189
type GenSymbolVals struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *GenSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*GenSymbolVals) Init ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*GenSymbolVals) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*GenSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*GenSymbolVals) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type GenSymbolValsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.189
type GenSymbolValsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type GenSymbolValsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` DefaultVal int `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"` Weight string `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` WeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` }
GenSymbolValsConfig - configuration for GenSymbolVals
func (*GenSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (cfg *GenSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type GenSymbolValsType ¶ added in v0.13.305
type GenSymbolValsType int
const ( GSVTypeBasic GenSymbolValsType = 0 GSVTypeWeight GenSymbolValsType = 1 )
type GenSymbolValsWithPos ¶ added in v0.13.78
type GenSymbolValsWithPos struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) Init ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig ¶ added in v0.13.78
type GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` TargetComponents []string `yaml:"targetComponents" json:"targetComponents"` StrType string `yaml:"genType" json:"genType"` Type GenSymbolValsWithPosType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ValMapping string `yaml:"valMapping" json:"valMapping"` ValMappingVM *sgc7game.ValMapping2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IsUseSource bool `yaml:"isUseSource" json:"isUseSource"` IsAlwaysGen bool `yaml:"isAlwaysGen" json:"isAlwaysGen"` DefaultVal int `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"` MaxVal int `yaml:"maxVal" json:"maxVal"` MinVal int `yaml:"minVal" json:"minVal"` }
GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig - configuration for GenSymbolValsWithPos
func (*GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (cfg *GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type GenSymbolValsWithPosType ¶ added in v0.13.78
type GenSymbolValsWithPosType int
const ( GSVWPTypeAdd GenSymbolValsWithPosType = 0 GSVWPTypeMask GenSymbolValsWithPosType = 1 GSVWPTypeAddWithIntMapping GenSymbolValsWithPosType = 2 )
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.89
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.332
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.334
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.334
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.13.89
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Weight string `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` WeightVW2 *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` DefaultVal int `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"` IsUseSource bool `yaml:"isUseSource" json:"isUseSource"` IsAlwaysGen bool `yaml:"isAlwaysGen" json:"isAlwaysGen"` }
GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig - configuration for GenSymbolValsWithSymbol
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (cfg *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData ¶ added in v0.13.332
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData struct { BasicComponentData GenVals []int }
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.332
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.332
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.332
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.332
func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType ¶ added in v0.13.89
type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType int
const ( GSVWSTypeNormal GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType = 0 GSVWSTypeNonClear GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType = 1 )
type GetComponentValType ¶ added in v0.13.332
type GetComponentValType int
const ( GCVTypeNormal GetComponentValType = 0 GCVTypeMin GetComponentValType = 1 GCVTypeMax GetComponentValType = 2 )
type HistoryComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
type HistoryComponentData struct { Component IComponent ForeachIndex int }
type IComponent ¶
type IComponent interface { // Init - Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error // InitEx - InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error // OnGameInited - on game inited OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error // OnPlayGame - on playgame OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error) // OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error // // OnStats - // OnStats(feature *sgc7stats.Feature, stake *sgc7game.Stake, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) (bool, int64, int64) // NewComponentData - NewComponentData() IComponentData // EachUsedResults - EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult) // ProcRespinOnStepEnd - 现在只有respin需要特殊处理结束,如果多层respin嵌套时,只要新的有next,就不会继续结束respin ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, canRemove bool) (string, error) // GetName - GetName() string // IsRespin - IsRespin() bool // IsForeach - IsForeach() bool // NewStats2 - NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature // OnStats2 - 除respin外,其它component都是在onPlayGame后调用;respin会在onStepEnd这个环节调用,而且是遍历Respin队列 OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool) // IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 - 除respin外,如果也有component也需要在stepEnd调用的话,这里需要返回true IsNeedOnStepEndStats2() bool // GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components GetAllLinkComponents() []string // GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components GetNextLinkComponents() []string // GetChildLinkComponents - get child link components GetChildLinkComponents() []string // CanTriggerWithScene - CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result) // ProcControllers - ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string) // IsMask - IsMask() bool // SetMask - SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error // SetMaskVal - SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, index int, mask bool) error // SetMaskOnlyTrue - SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error // EachSymbols - each symbols EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) error // AddPos - AddPos(cd IComponentData, x int, y int) // OnPlayGameWithSet - on playgame with a set OnPlayGameWithSet(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData, set int) (string, error) // GetBranchNum - GetBranchNum() int // GetBranchWeights - GetBranchWeights() []int }
func NewAddSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.47
func NewAddSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewAdjacentPayTrigger ¶ added in v0.13.305
func NewAdjacentPayTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewBasicReels ¶
func NewBasicReels(name string) IComponent
func NewBomb ¶ added in v0.13.447
func NewBomb(name string) IComponent
func NewBurstSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.202
func NewBurstSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewCatchSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.202
func NewCatchSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewCheckSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.89
func NewCheckSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
func NewCheckVal ¶ added in v0.13.273
func NewCheckVal(name string) IComponent
func NewChgSymbol ¶ added in v0.10.273
func NewChgSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewChgSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.89
func NewChgSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
func NewChgSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.89
func NewChgSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewClusterTrigger ¶ added in v0.13.8
func NewClusterTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewCollector ¶
func NewCollector(name string) IComponent
func NewComponentTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.233
func NewComponentTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewComponentValTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.236
func NewComponentValTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewControllerWorker ¶ added in v0.13.197
func NewControllerWorker(name string) IComponent
func NewDropDownSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.17
func NewDropDownSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewFeatureBar ¶ added in v0.13.447
func NewFeatureBar(name string) IComponent
func NewFixSymbols ¶ added in v0.10.350
func NewFixSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewGenGigaSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.78
func NewGenGigaSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewGenPositionCollection ¶ added in v0.13.414
func NewGenPositionCollection(name string) IComponent
func NewGenSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.189
func NewGenSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
func NewGenSymbolValsWithPos ¶ added in v0.13.78
func NewGenSymbolValsWithPos(name string) IComponent
func NewGenSymbolValsWithSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.89
func NewGenSymbolValsWithSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewIntValMapping ¶ added in v0.13.57
func NewIntValMapping(name string) IComponent
func NewJackpot ¶ added in v0.13.261
func NewJackpot(name string) IComponent
func NewLinesTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.264
func NewLinesTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewMask ¶ added in v0.10.285
func NewMask(name string) IComponent
func NewMaskBranch ¶ added in v0.12.170
func NewMaskBranch(name string) IComponent
func NewMergeSymbol ¶ added in v0.12.155
func NewMergeSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewMoveReel ¶ added in v0.12.155
func NewMoveReel(name string) IComponent
func NewMoveSymbol ¶ added in v0.12.148
func NewMoveSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewMoveSymbols2 ¶ added in v0.13.464
func NewMoveSymbols2(name string) IComponent
func NewMultiRespin ¶ added in v0.10.279
func NewMultiRespin(name string) IComponent
func NewMultiWeightAwards ¶ added in v0.12.170
func NewMultiWeightAwards(name string) IComponent
func NewOverlaySymbol ¶
func NewOverlaySymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewPiggyBank ¶ added in v0.13.47
func NewPiggyBank(name string) IComponent
func NewPositionCollection ¶ added in v0.13.89
func NewPositionCollection(name string) IComponent
func NewQueueBranch ¶ added in v0.13.19
func NewQueueBranch(name string) IComponent
func NewRandomMoveSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.414
func NewRandomMoveSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewReRollReel ¶ added in v0.12.156
func NewReRollReel(name string) IComponent
func NewRebuildReelIndex ¶ added in v0.13.178
func NewRebuildReelIndex(name string) IComponent
func NewRebuildSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.189
func NewRebuildSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewReelModifier ¶ added in v0.12.250
func NewReelModifier(name string) IComponent
func NewReelTrigger ¶ added in v0.13.261
func NewReelTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewRefillSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.17
func NewRefillSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewRemoveSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.17
func NewRemoveSymbols(name string) IComponent
func NewReplaceReel ¶ added in v0.12.147
func NewReplaceReel(name string) IComponent
func NewReplaceReelWithMask ¶ added in v0.13.39
func NewReplaceReelWithMask(name string) IComponent
func NewReplaceSymbol ¶ added in v0.10.285
func NewReplaceSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewReplaceSymbolGroup ¶ added in v0.13.17
func NewReplaceSymbolGroup(name string) IComponent
func NewRespin ¶ added in v0.10.273
func NewRespin(name string) IComponent
func NewRollNumber ¶ added in v0.13.197
func NewRollNumber(name string) IComponent
func NewRollSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.17
func NewRollSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewScatterTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.264
func NewScatterTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewSumSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.447
func NewSumSymbolVals(name string) IComponent
func NewSymbolCollection2 ¶ added in v0.13.21
func NewSymbolCollection2(name string) IComponent
func NewSymbolModifier ¶ added in v0.12.230
func NewSymbolModifier(name string) IComponent
func NewSymbolMulti ¶
func NewSymbolMulti(name string) IComponent
func NewSymbolVal ¶
func NewSymbolVal(name string) IComponent
func NewSymbolVal2 ¶
func NewSymbolVal2(name string) IComponent
func NewSymbolValWins ¶
func NewSymbolValWins(name string) IComponent
func NewTreasureChest ¶ added in v0.13.460
func NewTreasureChest(name string) IComponent
func NewWaysTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.264
func NewWaysTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewWeightAwards ¶ added in v0.12.264
func NewWeightAwards(name string) IComponent
func NewWeightBranch ¶ added in v0.13.17
func NewWeightBranch(name string) IComponent
func NewWeightChgSymbol ¶ added in v0.12.132
func NewWeightChgSymbol(name string) IComponent
func NewWeightReels ¶ added in v0.12.264
func NewWeightReels(name string) IComponent
func NewWeightReels2 ¶ added in v0.13.402
func NewWeightReels2(name string) IComponent
func NewWeightTrigger ¶ added in v0.10.270
func NewWeightTrigger(name string) IComponent
func NewWeightTrigger2 ¶ added in v0.12.230
func NewWeightTrigger2(name string) IComponent
func NewWinResultCache ¶ added in v0.13.78
func NewWinResultCache(name string) IComponent
func NewWinResultModifier ¶ added in v0.13.244
func NewWinResultModifier(name string) IComponent
func NewWinResultModifierEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
func NewWinResultModifierEx(name string) IComponent
func NewWinResultMulti ¶ added in v0.13.8
func NewWinResultMulti(name string) IComponent
type IComponentConfig ¶ added in v0.12.278
type IComponentData ¶
type IComponentData interface { // OnNewGame - OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent) // BuildPBComponentData BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message // // LoadPB // LoadPB(pb *anypb.Any) error // Clone Clone() IComponentData // GetValEx - GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool) // GetStrVal - GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool) // GetConfigVal - GetConfigVal(key string) string // SetConfigVal - SetConfigVal(key string, val string) // GetConfigIntVal - GetConfigIntVal(key string) (int, bool) // SetConfigIntVal - SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int) // ChgConfigIntVal - ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int // ClearConfigIntVal - ClearConfigIntVal(key string) // GetResults - GetResults() []int // GetOutput - GetOutput() int // GetStringOutput - GetStringOutput() string // GetSymbols - GetSymbols() []int // AddSymbol - AddSymbol(symbolCode int) // GetPos - GetPos() []int // HasPos - HasPos(x int, y int) bool // AddPos - AddPos(x int, y int) // GetLastRespinNum - GetLastRespinNum() int // IsRespinEnding - IsRespinEnding() bool // IsRespinStarted - IsRespinStarted() bool // AddTriggerRespinAward - AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award) // AddRespinTimes - AddRespinTimes(num int) // TriggerRespin TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams) // PushTriggerRespin - PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, num int) // GetMask - GetMask() []bool // ChgMask - ChgMask(curMask int, val bool) bool PutInMoney(coins int) }
type IFeatureLevel ¶ added in v0.13.192
type IFeatureLevel interface { // Init - Init() // OnStepEnd - OnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult) // CountLevel - CountLevel() int }
func NewEmptyFeatureLevel ¶ added in v0.13.192
func NewEmptyFeatureLevel(bet int) IFeatureLevel
type IRNG ¶ added in v0.13.135
type IRNG interface { // Clone - Clone() IRNG // OnNewGame - OnNewGame(betMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error // GetCurRNG - GetCurRNG(betMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, cd IComponentData, fl IFeatureLevel) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string) // OnChoiceBranch - OnChoiceBranch(betMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error // OnStepEnd - OnStepEnd(betMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error }
func NewBasicRNG ¶ added in v0.13.135
func NewBasicRNG() IRNG
func NewSimpleRNG ¶ added in v0.13.235
type IntValMapping ¶ added in v0.13.57
type IntValMapping struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *IntValMappingConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*IntValMapping) Init ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*IntValMapping) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*IntValMapping) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*IntValMapping) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type IntValMappingConfig ¶ added in v0.13.57
type IntValMappingConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` ValMapping string `yaml:"valMapping" json:"valMapping"` ValMappingVM *sgc7game.ValMapping2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` InputVal int `yaml:"inputVal" json:"inputVal"` ComponentOutput string `yaml:"componentOutput" json:"componentOutput"` }
IntValMappingConfig - configuration for IntValMapping
func (*IntValMappingConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.57
func (cfg *IntValMappingConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type Jackpot ¶ added in v0.13.261
type Jackpot struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *JackpotConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*Jackpot) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpot *Jackpot) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*Jackpot) GetWins ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpot *Jackpot) GetWins(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*Jackpot) Init ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpot *Jackpot) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*Jackpot) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpot *Jackpot) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*Jackpot) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpot *Jackpot) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*Jackpot) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*Jackpot) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*Jackpot) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.321
func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type JackpotConfig ¶ added in v0.13.261
type JackpotConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` BetTypeString string `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"` // bet or totalBet or noPay BetType BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // bet or totalBet or noPay Wins int `yaml:"wins" json:"wins"` // wins WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 }
JackpotConfig - configuration for Jackpot
func (*JackpotConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (cfg *JackpotConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type JackpotData ¶ added in v0.13.261
type JackpotData struct { BasicComponentData Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*JackpotData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpotData *JackpotData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*JackpotData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpotData *JackpotData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*JackpotData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (jackpotData *JackpotData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*JackpotData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (jackpotData *JackpotData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type JsonMgr ¶ added in v0.13.164
type JsonMgr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*JsonMgr) LoadComponent ¶ added in v0.13.164
func (*JsonMgr) RegLoadComponent ¶ added in v0.13.164
func (mgr *JsonMgr) RegLoadComponent(typename string, loader FuncLoadComponentInJson)
type LinesTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.264
type LinesTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *LinesTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*LinesTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
CanTriggerWithScene -
func (*LinesTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*LinesTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*LinesTrigger) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*LinesTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*LinesTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*LinesTrigger) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*LinesTrigger) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*LinesTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*LinesTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*LinesTrigger) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*LinesTrigger) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type LinesTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.12.264
type LinesTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // like scatter SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // like scatter Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // like scatters TriggerType SymbolTriggerType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // SymbolTriggerType BetTypeString string `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"` // bet or totalBet or noPay BetType BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // bet or totalBet or noPay OSMulTypeString string `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"` // OtherSceneMultiType OSMulType OtherSceneMultiType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // OtherSceneMultiType MinNum int `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"` // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效 WildSymbols []string `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"` // wild etc WildSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // wild symbolCode StrCheckWinType string `yaml:"checkWinType" json:"checkWinType"` // left2right or right2left or all CheckWinType CheckWinType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to ForceToNext bool `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"` // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支 Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 // SymbolAwardsWeights *AwardsWeights `yaml:"symbolAwardsWeights" json:"symbolAwardsWeights"` // 每个中奖符号随机一组奖励 TargetMask string `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"` // 如果是scatter这一组判断,可以把结果传递给一个mask IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"` // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发 PiggyBankComponent string `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"` // piggyBank component IsAddRespinMode bool `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"` // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式 RespinNum int `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"` // respin number RespinNumWeight string `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"` // respin number weight RespinNumWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight RespinNumWithScatterNum map[int]int `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"` // respin number with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum map[int]string `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight with scatter number }
LinesTriggerConfig - configuration for LinesTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*LinesTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (cfg *LinesTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type LinesTriggerData ¶ added in v0.12.264
type LinesTriggerData struct { BasicComponentData NextComponent string SymbolNum int WildNum int RespinNum int Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*LinesTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*LinesTriggerData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*LinesTriggerData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*LinesTriggerData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type Mask ¶ added in v0.10.285
type Mask struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MaskConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*Mask) EachUsedResults ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (mask *Mask) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*Mask) Init ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (mask *Mask) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*Mask) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (mask *Mask) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*Mask) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (mask *Mask) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*Mask) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (mask *Mask) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*Mask) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (mask *Mask) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*Mask) ProcMask ¶ added in v0.10.297
func (mask *Mask) ProcMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, targetScene string)
onMaskChg -
func (*Mask) SetMask ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (mask *Mask) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, arrMask []bool) error
SetMask -
func (*Mask) SetMaskOnlyTrue ¶ added in v0.12.267
func (mask *Mask) SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, arrMask []bool) error
SetMaskOnlyTrue -
func (*Mask) SetMaskVal ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (mask *Mask) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, index int, val bool) error
SetMaskVal -
type MaskBranch ¶ added in v0.12.170
type MaskBranch struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MaskBranchConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*MaskBranch) Init ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*MaskBranch) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*MaskBranch) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*MaskBranch) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type MaskBranchConfig ¶ added in v0.12.170
type MaskBranchConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Mask string `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"` // mask Nodes []*MaskBranchNode `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"` // 可以不用配置全,如果没有配置的,就跳转默认的next }
MaskBranchConfig - configuration for MaskBranch
type MaskBranchNode ¶ added in v0.12.170
type MaskBranchNode struct { MaskVal []bool `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"` Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` }
MaskBranchNode -
type MaskConfig ¶ added in v0.10.285
type MaskConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Num int `yaml:"num" json:"num"` IgnoreFalse bool `yaml:"ignoreFalse" json:"ignoreFalse"` PerMaskAwards []*Award `yaml:"perMaskAwards" json:"perMaskAwards"` MapSPMaskAwards map[int][]*Award `yaml:"mapSPMaskAwards" json:"mapSPMaskAwards"` // -1表示全满的奖励 }
MaskConfig - configuration for Mask
func (*MaskConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cfg *MaskConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type MaskData ¶ added in v0.10.285
type MaskData struct { BasicComponentData Num int Vals []bool NewChged int NewVals []bool }
func (*MaskData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (*MaskData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (maskData *MaskData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type MergeSymbol ¶ added in v0.12.155
type MergeSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MergeSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*MergeSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*MergeSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*MergeSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*MergeSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type MergeSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.12.155
type MergeSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` SrcScene []string `yaml:"srcScene" json:"srcScene"` // 2个scene,mask false表示用0,true表示用1 TargetMask string `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"` // mask EmptyOtherSceneVal int `yaml:"emptyOtherSceneVal" json:"emptyOtherSceneVal"` // 如果要合并otherscene时,某一个otherscene不存在时,就用这个作默认值 }
MergeSymbolConfig - configuration for MergeSymbol
type MoveData ¶ added in v0.12.148
type MoveData struct { Src *SelectPosData `yaml:"src" json:"src"` Target *SelectPosData `yaml:"target" json:"target"` MoveType string `yaml:"moveType" json:"moveType"` TargetSymbol string `yaml:"targetSymbol" json:"targetSymbol"` TargetSymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` OverrideSrc bool `yaml:"overrideSrc" json:"overrideSrc"` OverrideTarget bool `yaml:"overrideTarget" json:"overrideTarget"` OverridePath bool `yaml:"overridePath" json:"overridePath"` }
type MoveReel ¶ added in v0.12.155
type MoveReel struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MoveReelConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*MoveReel) Init ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (moveReel *MoveReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*MoveReel) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (moveReel *MoveReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*MoveReel) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (moveReel *MoveReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*MoveReel) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.155
func (moveReel *MoveReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type MoveReelConfig ¶ added in v0.12.155
type MoveReelConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` MoveReelIndex []int `yaml:"moveReelIndex" json:"moveReelIndex"` // 每个轴的移动幅度,-1是上移 EmptyOtherSceneVal int `yaml:"emptyOtherSceneVal" json:"emptyOtherSceneVal"` // 如果要移动otherscene时,这个是移出去以后的默认值 }
MoveReelConfig - configuration for MoveReel
type MoveSymbol ¶ added in v0.12.148
type MoveSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MoveSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*MoveSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.12.148
func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*MoveSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.148
func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*MoveSymbol) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*MoveSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.148
func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*MoveSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.148
func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type MoveSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.12.148
type MoveSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` MoveData []*MoveData `yaml:"moveData" json:"moveData"` }
MoveSymbolConfig - configuration for MoveSymbol
func (*MoveSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (cfg *MoveSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type MoveSymbolData ¶ added in v0.13.204
type MoveSymbolData struct { BasicComponentData Pos [][]int }
func (*MoveSymbolData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*MoveSymbolData) AddPosEx ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) AddPosEx(x int, y int)
AddPosEx -
func (*MoveSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*MoveSymbolData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*MoveSymbolData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*MoveSymbolData) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*MoveSymbolData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*MoveSymbolData) OnNewStep ¶ added in v0.13.204
func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) OnNewStep()
OnNewStep -
type MoveSymbols2 ¶ added in v0.13.464
type MoveSymbols2 struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MoveSymbols2Config `json:"config"` }
func (*MoveSymbols2) Init ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*MoveSymbols2) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*MoveSymbols2) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*MoveSymbols2) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*MoveSymbols2) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*MoveSymbols2) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type MoveSymbols2Config ¶ added in v0.13.464
type MoveSymbols2Config struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Type MoveSymbols2Type `yaml:"-" json:"-"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` SrcSymbols []string `yaml:"srcSymbols" json:"srcSymbols"` SrcSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Controllers []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` }
MoveSymbols2Config - configuration for MoveSymbols2
func (*MoveSymbols2Config) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (cfg *MoveSymbols2Config) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type MoveSymbols2Data ¶ added in v0.13.464
type MoveSymbols2Data struct { BasicComponentData Pos [][]int }
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) AddPosEx ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) AddPosEx(x int, y int)
AddPosEx -
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) Clone() IComponentData
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewStep ¶ added in v0.13.464
func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewStep()
OnNewStep -
type MoveSymbols2Type ¶ added in v0.13.464
type MoveSymbols2Type int
const ( MS2TypeLeft MoveSymbols2Type = 0 // left MS2TypeRight MoveSymbols2Type = 1 // right )
type MultiRespin ¶ added in v0.10.279
type MultiRespin struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MultiRespinConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*MultiRespin) Init ¶ added in v0.10.279
func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*MultiRespin) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*MultiRespin) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.10.279
func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*MultiRespin) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.10.279
func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type MultiRespinConfig ¶ added in v0.10.279
type MultiRespinConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` RespinData []*RespinDataConfig `yaml:"respinData" json:"respinData"` // wait player select TargetSymbolNum string `yaml:"targetSymbolNum" json:"targetSymbolNum"` // 这里可以用到一个前面记下的tagSymbolNum值 IsUseTriggerRespin2 bool `yaml:"isUseTriggerRespin2" json:"isUseTriggerRespin2"` // 给true就用triggerRespin2 }
BasicWinsConfig - configuration for BasicWins
type MultiWeightAwards ¶ added in v0.12.170
type MultiWeightAwards struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *MultiWeightAwardsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*MultiWeightAwards) Init ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*MultiWeightAwards) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*MultiWeightAwards) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*MultiWeightAwards) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*MultiWeightAwards) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type MultiWeightAwardsConfig ¶ added in v0.12.170
type MultiWeightAwardsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Nodes []*MultiWeightAwardsNode `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"` InitMask string `yaml:"initMask" json:"initMask"` // 用这个来初始化,true表示需要开奖 ReverseInitMask bool `yaml:"reverseInitMask" json:"reverseInitMask"` // reverse the target mask TargetMask string `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"` // 用这个来初始化,true表示需要开奖 ReverseTargetMask bool `yaml:"reverseTargetMask" json:"reverseTargetMask"` // reverse the target mask }
MultiWeightAwardsConfig - configuration for MultiWeightAwards feature
type MultiWeightAwardsData ¶ added in v0.12.170
type MultiWeightAwardsData struct { BasicComponentData HasGot []bool }
func (*MultiWeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (multiWeightAwardsData *MultiWeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*MultiWeightAwardsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (multiWeightAwardsData *MultiWeightAwardsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*MultiWeightAwardsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.12.170
func (multiWeightAwardsData *MultiWeightAwardsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type MultiWeightAwardsNode ¶ added in v0.12.170
type MultiWeightAwardsNode struct { Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 Weight string `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` // VW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // }
type OperateType ¶ added in v0.12.236
type OperateType int
const ( OTEqual OperateType = 0 // == OTGreaterEqual OperateType = 1 // >= OTLessEqual OperateType = 2 // <= OTGreater OperateType = 3 // > OTLess OperateType = 4 // < OTNotEqual OperateType = 5 // != )
func ParseOperateType ¶ added in v0.12.236
func ParseOperateType(str string) OperateType
type OtherSceneFeature ¶ added in v0.10.285
type OtherSceneFeature struct { Type int Config *OtherSceneFeatureConfig }
func NewOtherSceneFeature ¶ added in v0.10.285
func NewOtherSceneFeature(cfg *OtherSceneFeatureConfig) *OtherSceneFeature
type OtherSceneFeatureConfig ¶ added in v0.10.285
type OtherSceneFeatureConfig struct {
Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
func (*OtherSceneFeatureConfig) GetType ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (cfg *OtherSceneFeatureConfig) GetType() int
type OtherSceneMultiType ¶ added in v0.13.137
type OtherSceneMultiType int
const ( OSMTNone OtherSceneMultiType = 0 OSMTAdd OtherSceneMultiType = 1 // 每个位置用加来计算总倍数 OSMTMul OtherSceneMultiType = 2 // 每个位置用乘来计算总倍数 OSMTPowOf2Add OtherSceneMultiType = 3 // 每个位置用2的次方之和来计算总倍数 OSMTPowOf2Mul OtherSceneMultiType = 4 // 每个位置用2的次方之积来计算总倍数 )
func ParseOtherSceneMultiType ¶ added in v0.13.137
func ParseOtherSceneMultiType(str string) OtherSceneMultiType
type OverlaySymbol ¶
type OverlaySymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *OverlaySymbolConfig `json:"config"` SymbolCode int `json:"-"` MapPosition *sgc7game.ValMapping2 `json:"-"` }
func (*OverlaySymbol) EachUsedResults ¶
func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*OverlaySymbol) Init ¶
func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*OverlaySymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*OverlaySymbol) NewComponentData ¶
func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*OverlaySymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*OverlaySymbol) OnPlayGame ¶
func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type OverlaySymbolConfig ¶
type OverlaySymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"` MapPosition string `yaml:"mapPosition" json:"mapPosition"` DefaultLevel int `yaml:"defaultLevel" json:"defaultLevel"` Collector string `yaml:"collector" json:"collector"` }
OverlaySymbolConfig - configuration for OverlaySymbol feature
type OverlaySymbolData ¶
type OverlaySymbolData struct { BasicComponentData CurLevel int }
func (*OverlaySymbolData) BuildPBComponentData ¶
func (overlaySymbolData *OverlaySymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*OverlaySymbolData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (overlaySymbolData *OverlaySymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*OverlaySymbolData) OnNewGame ¶
func (overlaySymbolData *OverlaySymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type PiggyBank ¶ added in v0.13.47
type PiggyBank struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *PiggyBankConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*PiggyBank) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*PiggyBank) Init ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*PiggyBank) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*PiggyBank) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*PiggyBank) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*PiggyBank) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*PiggyBank) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.366
func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type PiggyBankConfig ¶ added in v0.13.47
type PiggyBankConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // 如何初始化winmulti Type PiggyBankType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 如何初始化winmulti }
PiggyBankConfig - configuration for PiggyBank
func (*PiggyBankConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (cfg *PiggyBankConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type PiggyBankData ¶ added in v0.13.47
type PiggyBankData struct { BasicComponentData SavedMoney int Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*PiggyBankData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*PiggyBankData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*PiggyBankData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*PiggyBankData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.47
func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type PiggyBankType ¶ added in v0.13.186
type PiggyBankType int
const ( PiggyBankTypeNone PiggyBankType = 0 PiggyBankTypeSumSymbolVals PiggyBankType = 1 PiggyBankTypeAddSumSymbolVals PiggyBankType = 2 PiggyBankTypeSumEmptyWithSymbolVals PiggyBankType = 3 )
type PosComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.175
type PosComponentData struct {
Pos []int
func (*PosComponentData) Add ¶ added in v0.13.176
func (posdata *PosComponentData) Add(x, y int)
func (*PosComponentData) Clear ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (posdata *PosComponentData) Clear()
func (*PosComponentData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (posdata *PosComponentData) Clone() PosComponentData
func (*PosComponentData) Has ¶ added in v0.13.175
func (posdata *PosComponentData) Has(target *PosComponentData) bool
func (*PosComponentData) MergePosList ¶ added in v0.13.176
func (posdata *PosComponentData) MergePosList(pos []int)
type PositionCollection ¶ added in v0.13.89
type PositionCollection struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *PositionCollectionConfig `json:"config"` }
PositionCollection - 也是一个非常特殊的组件,symbol集合
func (*PositionCollection) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) AddPos(icd IComponentData, x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*PositionCollection) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*PositionCollection) GetChildLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) GetChildLinkComponents() []string
GetChildLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*PositionCollection) Init ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*PositionCollection) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*PositionCollection) IsForeach ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) IsForeach() bool
IsForeach -
func (*PositionCollection) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*PositionCollection) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*PositionCollection) OnGameInited ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error
OnGameInited - on game inited
func (*PositionCollection) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type PositionCollectionConfig ¶ added in v0.13.89
type PositionCollectionConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // type Type PositionCollectionType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // type IsNeedClear bool `yaml:"isNeedClear" json:"isNeedClear"` // isNeedClear InitPositions []int `yaml:"initPositions" json:"initPositions"` // 初始化 ForeachComponent string `yaml:"foreachComponent" json:"foreachComponent"` // foreach Children []string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // }
PositionCollectionConfig - configuration for PositionCollection feature
func (*PositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (cfg *PositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type PositionCollectionData ¶ added in v0.13.89
type PositionCollectionData struct { BasicComponentData Pos []int }
func (*PositionCollectionData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*PositionCollectionData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*PositionCollectionData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*PositionCollectionData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*PositionCollectionData) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*PositionCollectionData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type PositionCollectionType ¶ added in v0.13.89
type PositionCollectionType int
const ( PCTypeNormal PositionCollectionType = 0 PCTypeNonRepeatable PositionCollectionType = 1 )
type QueueBranch ¶ added in v0.13.19
type QueueBranch struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *QueueBranchConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*QueueBranch) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*QueueBranch) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*QueueBranch) Init ¶ added in v0.13.19
func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*QueueBranch) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.19
func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*QueueBranch) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.27
func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*QueueBranch) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.19
func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*QueueBranch) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.19
func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type QueueBranchConfig ¶ added in v0.13.19
type QueueBranchConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` }
QueueBranchConfig - configuration for QueueBranch
func (*QueueBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.25
func (cfg *QueueBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type QueueBranchData ¶ added in v0.13.19
type QueueBranchData struct { BasicComponentData Queue int }
func (*QueueBranchData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.19
func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*QueueBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.67
func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
ChgConfigIntVal -
func (*QueueBranchData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*QueueBranchData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*QueueBranchData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.19
func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*QueueBranchData) SetConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.67
func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
SetConfigIntVal -
type RTPConfig ¶
type RTPConfig struct { Modules []*RTPSymbolModule `yaml:"modules"` HitRateFeatures []*RTPHitRateFeature `yaml:"hitRateFeatures"` }
type RTPHitRateFeature ¶
type RTPSymbolFeature ¶
type RTPSymbolModule ¶
type RTPSymbolModule struct { Name string `yaml:"name"` Components []string `yaml:"components"` Features []*RTPSymbolFeature `yaml:"features"` }
type RandomMoveSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.414
type RandomMoveSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RandomMoveSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*RandomMoveSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*RandomMoveSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*RandomMoveSymbols) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (moveSymbol *RandomMoveSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*RandomMoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (moveSymbol *RandomMoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*RandomMoveSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*RandomMoveSymbols) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.422
func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type RandomMoveSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.414
type RandomMoveSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Type RandomMoveSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` TargetSymbols []string `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"` TargetSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` IgnoreSymbols []string `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"` IgnoreSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` ReelsWeight string `yaml:"reelsWeight" json:"reelsWeight"` ReelsWeightVW2 *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` TargetPositionCollection string `yaml:"targetPositionCollection" json:"targetPositionCollection"` Controllers []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` }
RandomMoveSymbolsConfig - configuration for RandomMoveSymbols
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (cfg *RandomMoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RandomMoveSymbolsData ¶ added in v0.13.414
type RandomMoveSymbolsData struct { BasicComponentData Pos [][]int }
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPos ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)
AddPos -
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPosEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPosEx(x int, y int)
AddPosEx -
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) GetPos ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) GetPos() []int
GetPos -
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) HasPos ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool
HasPos -
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewStep ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewStep()
OnNewStep -
type RandomMoveSymbolsType ¶ added in v0.13.414
type RandomMoveSymbolsType int
const ( RMSTypeNormal RandomMoveSymbolsType = 0 // normal RMSTypeReels RandomMoveSymbolsType = 1 // reels )
type ReRollReel ¶ added in v0.12.156
type ReRollReel struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ReRollReelConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ReRollReel) Init ¶ added in v0.12.156
func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ReRollReel) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.156
func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ReRollReel) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.156
func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ReRollReel) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.156
func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ReRollReelConfig ¶ added in v0.12.156
type ReRollReelConfig struct {
BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
ReRollReelConfig - configuration for ReRollReel
type RebuildReelIndex ¶ added in v0.13.178
type RebuildReelIndex struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RebuildReelIndexConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*RebuildReelIndex) Init ¶ added in v0.13.178
func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*RebuildReelIndex) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.178
func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*RebuildReelIndex) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.178
func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*RebuildReelIndex) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.178
func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type RebuildReelIndexConfig ¶ added in v0.13.178
type RebuildReelIndexConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // type Type RebuildReelIndexType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // type }
RebuildReelIndexConfig - configuration for RebuildReelIndex feature
func (*RebuildReelIndexConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.178
func (cfg *RebuildReelIndexConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RebuildReelIndexType ¶ added in v0.13.178
type RebuildReelIndexType int
const ( RebuildReelIndexTypeCircle RebuildReelIndexType = 0 // circle RebuildReelIndexTypeRandom RebuildReelIndexType = 1 // random )
type RebuildSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.189
type RebuildSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RebuildSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*RebuildSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*RebuildSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*RebuildSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*RebuildSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type RebuildSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.189
type RebuildSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // type Type RebuildSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // type Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
RebuildSymbolsConfig - configuration for RebuildSymbols feature
func (*RebuildSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.189
func (cfg *RebuildSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RebuildSymbolsType ¶ added in v0.13.189
type RebuildSymbolsType int
const ( RebuildSymbolsTypeCircle RebuildSymbolsType = 0 // circle RebuildSymbolsTypeRandom RebuildSymbolsType = 1 // random )
type ReelModifier ¶ added in v0.12.250
type ReelModifier struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ReelModifierConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ReelModifier) Init ¶ added in v0.12.250
func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ReelModifier) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.250
func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ReelModifier) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.250
func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ReelModifier) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.250
func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ReelModifierConfig ¶ added in v0.12.250
type ReelModifierConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Reel string `yaml:"reel" json:"reel"` // 用这个轮子roll ReelData *sgc7game.ReelsData `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 用这个轮子roll Mask string `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"` // 如果mask不为空,则用这个mask的1来roll,可以配置 isReverse 来roll 0 IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"` // 如果isReverse,表示roll 0 HoldSymbols []string `yaml:"holdSymbols" json:"holdSymbols"` // 这些符号保留 HoldSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Triggers []string `yaml:"triggers" json:"triggers"` // 替换完轮子后需要保证所有trigger返回true }
ReelModifierConfig - configuration for ReelModifier feature
type ReelTrigger ¶ added in v0.13.261
type ReelTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ReelTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ReelTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*ReelTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*ReelTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ReelTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ReelTrigger) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*ReelTrigger) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*ReelTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ReelTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*ReelTrigger) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type ReelTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.13.261
type ReelTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // symbols SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // symbol codes StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // ReelTriggerType Type ReelTriggerType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // ReelTriggerType WildSymbols []string `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"` // wild etc WildSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // wild symbolCode MinSymbolNum int `yaml:"minSymbolNum" json:"minSymbolNum"` // minSymbolNum TargetMask string `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"` // 可以把结果传递给一个mask MapBranchs map[int]*BranchNode `yaml:"mapBranchs" json:"mapBranchs"` // mapBranchs IsCheckEmptySymbol bool `yaml:"isCheckEmptySymbol" json:"isCheckEmptySymbol"` // }
ReelTriggerConfig - configuration for ReelTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*ReelTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (cfg *ReelTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type ReelTriggerData ¶ added in v0.13.261
type ReelTriggerData struct { BasicComponentData NextComponent string Masks []bool Number int SymbolCode int }
func (*ReelTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTriggerData *ReelTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*ReelTriggerData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTriggerData *ReelTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*ReelTriggerData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.261
func (reelTriggerData *ReelTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type ReelTriggerType ¶ added in v0.13.261
type ReelTriggerType int
const ( RTTypeRow ReelTriggerType = 0 // row RTTypeColumn ReelTriggerType = 1 // column RTTypeRowNumber ReelTriggerType = 2 // row number RTTypeColumnNumber ReelTriggerType = 3 // column number RTTypeFullScreen ReelTriggerType = 4 // full screen )
type RefillSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RefillSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RefillSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*RefillSymbols) EachUsedResults ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*RefillSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*RefillSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*RefillSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*RefillSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
type RefillSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RefillSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` IsNeedProcSymbolVals bool `yaml:"isNeedProcSymbolVals" json:"isNeedProcSymbolVals"` // 是否需要同时处理symbolVals EmptySymbolVal int `yaml:"emptySymbolVal" json:"emptySymbolVal"` // 空的symbolVal是什么 DefaultSymbolVal int `yaml:"defaultSymbolVal" json:"defaultSymbolVal"` // 重新填充的symbolVal是什么 }
RefillSymbolsConfig - configuration for RefillSymbols
func (*RefillSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.25
func (cfg *RefillSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RemoveSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RemoveSymbols struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RemoveSymbolsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*RemoveSymbols) EachUsedResults ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*RemoveSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*RemoveSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*RemoveSymbols) Init ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*RemoveSymbols) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*RemoveSymbols) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*RemoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*RemoveSymbols) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*RemoveSymbols) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type RemoveSymbolsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RemoveSymbolsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type RemoveSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` AddedSymbol string `yaml:"addedSymbol" json:"addedSymbol"` AddedSymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to TargetComponents []string `yaml:"targetComponents" json:"targetComponents"` // 这些组件的中奖会需要参与remove IgnoreSymbols []string `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"` // 忽略的symbol IgnoreSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 忽略的symbol IsNeedProcSymbolVals bool `yaml:"isNeedProcSymbolVals" json:"isNeedProcSymbolVals"` // 是否需要同时处理symbolVals EmptySymbolVal int `yaml:"emptySymbolVal" json:"emptySymbolVal"` // 空的symbolVal是什么 OutputToComponent string `yaml:"outputToComponent" json:"outputToComponent"` // outputToComponent Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 }
RemoveSymbolsConfig - configuration for RemoveSymbols
func (*RemoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.25
func (cfg *RemoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RemoveSymbolsData ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RemoveSymbolsData struct { BasicComponentData RemovedNum int AvgHeight int // 平均移除图标的高度,用int表示浮点数,因此100表示1 }
func (*RemoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*RemoveSymbolsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*RemoveSymbolsData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*RemoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type RemoveSymbolsType ¶ added in v0.13.305
type RemoveSymbolsType int
const ( RSTypeBasic RemoveSymbolsType = 0 RSTypeAdjacentPay RemoveSymbolsType = 1 )
type ReplaceReel ¶ added in v0.12.147
type ReplaceReel struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ReplaceReelConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ReplaceReel) Init ¶ added in v0.12.147
func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ReplaceReel) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.147
func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ReplaceReel) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.147
func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ReplaceReel) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.147
func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ReplaceReelConfig ¶ added in v0.12.147
type ReplaceReelConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` MapReels map[int]string `yaml:"mapReels" json:"mapReels"` MapReelsCode map[int]int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
ReplaceReelConfig - configuration for ReplaceReel
type ReplaceReelWithMask ¶ added in v0.13.39
type ReplaceReelWithMask struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) Init ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (replaceReel *ReplaceReelWithMask) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig ¶ added in v0.13.39
type ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"` SymbolCode int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Mask string `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"` IgnoreSymbols []string `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"` IgnoreSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig - configuration for ReplaceReelWithMask
func (*ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cfg *ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type ReplaceSymbol ¶ added in v0.10.285
type ReplaceSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ReplaceSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ReplaceSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ReplaceSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ReplaceSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ReplaceSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.10.285
func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ReplaceSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.10.285
type ReplaceSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` Chg2SymbolInReels []string `yaml:"chg2SymbolInReels" json:"chg2SymbolInReels"` MapChg2SymbolInReels map[int]string `yaml:"mapChg2SymbolInReels" json:"mapChg2SymbolInReels"` Mask string `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"` SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` MapChg2SymbolCodeInReels map[int]int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
ReplaceSymbolConfig - configuration for ReplaceSymbol
type ReplaceSymbolGroup ¶ added in v0.13.17
type ReplaceSymbolGroup struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) Init ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig ¶ added in v0.13.17
type ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` SrcSymbols []string `yaml:"srcSymbols" json:"srcSymbols"` SrcSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` TargetSymbols []string `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"` TargetSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Mask string `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"` }
ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig - configuration for ReplaceSymbolGroup
func (*ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.25
func (cfg *ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type Respin ¶ added in v0.10.273
type Respin struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RespinConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*Respin) EachUsedResults ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (respin *Respin) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
EachUsedResults -
func (*Respin) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*Respin) GetChildLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
GetChildLinkComponents - get child link components
func (*Respin) Init ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (respin *Respin) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*Respin) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (respin *Respin) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*Respin) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (respin *Respin) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*Respin) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (respin *Respin) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*Respin) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (respin *Respin) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*Respin) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (respin *Respin) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*Respin) ProcRespinOnStepEnd ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (respin *Respin) ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, canRemove bool) (string, error)
ProcRespinOnStepEnd - 现在只有respin需要特殊处理结束,如果多层respin嵌套时,只要新的有next,就不会继续结束respin
type RespinConfig ¶ added in v0.10.273
type RespinConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` MainComponent string `yaml:"mainComponent" json:"mainComponent"` }
RespinConfig - configuration for Respin
func (*RespinConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (cfg *RespinConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RespinData ¶ added in v0.10.273
type RespinData struct { BasicComponentData LastRespinNum int CurRespinNum int CurAddRespinNum int RetriggerAddRespinNum int // 再次触发时增加的次数 TotalCoinWin int64 LastTriggerNum int // 剩余的触发次数,respin有2种模式,一种是直接增加免费次数,一种是累积整体触发次数 CurTriggerNum int // 当前已经触发次数 Awards []*Award // 当前已经触发次数 TriggerRespinNum []int // 配合LastTriggerNum用的respin次数,-1表示用当前的RetriggerAddRespinNum,否则就是具体值 }
func (*RespinData) AddRespinTimes ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (respinData *RespinData) AddRespinTimes(num int)
AddRespinTimes -
func (*RespinData) AddTriggerRespinAward ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (respinData *RespinData) AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award)
AddTriggerRespinAward -
func (*RespinData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (respinData *RespinData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*RespinData) ChgConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (respinData *RespinData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
ChgConfigIntVal -
func (*RespinData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (respinData *RespinData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*RespinData) GetLastRespinNum ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (respinData *RespinData) GetLastRespinNum() int
GetLastRespinNum -
func (*RespinData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (respinData *RespinData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*RespinData) IsRespinEnding ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (respinData *RespinData) IsRespinEnding() bool
IsEnding -
func (*RespinData) IsRespinStarted ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (respinData *RespinData) IsRespinStarted() bool
IsStarted -
func (*RespinData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.10.273
func (respinData *RespinData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*RespinData) PushTriggerRespin ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (respinData *RespinData) PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, num int)
PushTrigger -
func (*RespinData) ResetRespinTimes ¶ added in v0.13.286
func (respinData *RespinData) ResetRespinTimes(num int)
ResetRespinTimes -
func (*RespinData) SetConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.160
func (respinData *RespinData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
SetConfigIntVal -
func (*RespinData) TriggerRespin ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (respinData *RespinData) TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)
type RespinDataCmdParam ¶ added in v0.10.279
type RespinDataConfig ¶ added in v0.10.279
type RespinDataConfig struct { RespinNum int `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"` // respin number RespinNumWeight string `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"` // respin number weight RespinNumWithScatterNum map[int]int `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"` // respin number with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum map[int]string `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number RespinComponent string `yaml:"respinComponent" json:"respinComponent"` // like fg-spin Cmd string `yaml:"cmd" json:"cmd"` // cmd }
RespinDataConfig - configuration for MultiRespin
type RespinLevelConfig ¶ added in v0.10.323
type RespinLevelConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` LastRespinNum int `yaml:"lastRespinNum" json:"lastRespinNum"` // 倒数第几局开始 MaxCoinWins int `yaml:"maxCoinWins" json:"maxCoinWins"` // 如果最大获奖低于这个 JumpComponent string `yaml:"jumpComponent" json:"jumpComponent"` // 跳转到这个component }
RespinLevelConfig - configuration for Respin Level
type RngData ¶ added in v0.13.433
type RngData struct { Script string `yaml:"script"` FO2 *ForceOutcome2 `yaml:"-"` }
type RngLib ¶ added in v0.13.433
type RngLib struct { MapRNGs map[string]*RngData `yaml:"rngs"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func LoadRngLib ¶ added in v0.13.433
type RollNumber ¶ added in v0.13.197
type RollNumber struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RollNumberConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*RollNumber) Init ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*RollNumber) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*RollNumber) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*RollNumber) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.391
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*RollNumber) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*RollNumber) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*RollNumber) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.391
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*RollNumber) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (rollNumber *RollNumber) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type RollNumberConfig ¶ added in v0.13.197
type RollNumberConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Weight string `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` WeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 MapValAwards map[int][]*Award `yaml:"mapValAwards" json:"mapValAwards"` // 新的奖励系统 ForceVal int `yaml:"forceVal" json:"forceVal"` }
RollNumberConfig - configuration for RollNumber
func (*RollNumberConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (cfg *RollNumberConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RollNumberData ¶ added in v0.13.197
type RollNumberData struct { BasicComponentData Number int }
func (*RollNumberData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*RollNumberData) ChgConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
ChgConfigIntVal -
func (*RollNumberData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*RollNumberData) GetOutput ¶ added in v0.13.381
func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) GetOutput() int
GetOutput -
func (*RollNumberData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*RollNumberData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.197
func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*RollNumberData) SetConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
SetConfigIntVal - CCVValueNum的set和chg逻辑不太一样,等于的时候不会触发任何的 controllers
type RollSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RollSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *RollSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*RollSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*RollSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*RollSymbol) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*RollSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*RollSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type RollSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RollSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` SymbolNum int `yaml:"symbolNum" json:"symbolNum"` SymbolNumComponent string `json:"symbolNumComponent"` Weight string `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` WeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` SrcSymbolCollection string `yaml:"srcSymbolCollection" json:"srcSymbolCollection"` IgnoreSymbolCollection string `yaml:"ignoreSymbolCollection" json:"ignoreSymbolCollection"` TargetSymbolCollection string `yaml:"targetSymbolCollection" json:"targetSymbolCollection"` }
RollSymbolConfig - configuration for RollSymbol
func (*RollSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (cfg *RollSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type RollSymbolData ¶ added in v0.13.17
type RollSymbolData struct { BasicComponentData SymbolCodes []int }
func (*RollSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*RollSymbolData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*RollSymbolData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*RollSymbolData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type SPCNode ¶ added in v0.13.99
func ParseStepParentChildren ¶ added in v0.13.99
func ParseStepParentChildren(lst *ComponentList, start string) (*SPCNode, error)
func (*SPCNode) CountComponentNum ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (*SPCNode) CountParentNum ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (*SPCNode) GetComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (*SPCNode) IsChildren ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (*SPCNode) IsInChildren ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (*SPCNode) IsInNormal ¶ added in v0.13.99
type ScatterTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.264
type ScatterTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *ScatterTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*ScatterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
CanTriggerWithScene -
func (*ScatterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*ScatterTrigger) GetHeight ¶ added in v0.13.344
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetHeight(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*ScatterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*ScatterTrigger) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*ScatterTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*ScatterTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*ScatterTrigger) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*ScatterTrigger) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*ScatterTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*ScatterTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*ScatterTrigger) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*ScatterTrigger) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type ScatterTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.12.264
type ScatterTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // like scatter SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // like scatter Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // like scatters TriggerType SymbolTriggerType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // SymbolTriggerType BetTypeString string `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"` // bet or totalBet or noPay BetType BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // bet or totalBet or noPay OSMulTypeString string `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"` // OtherSceneMultiType OSMulType OtherSceneMultiType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // OtherSceneMultiType MinNum int `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"` // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效 WildSymbols []string `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"` // wild etc WildSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // wild symbolCode PosArea []int `yaml:"posArea" json:"posArea"` // 只在countscatterInArea时生效,[minx,maxx,miny,maxy],当x,y分别符合双闭区间才合法 CountScatterPayAs string `yaml:"countScatterPayAs" json:"countScatterPayAs"` // countscatter时,按什么符号赔付 SymbolCodeCountScatterPayAs int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // countscatter时,按什么符号赔付 WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 Height int `yaml:"Height" json:"Height"` // Height MaxHeight int `yaml:"MaxHeight" json:"MaxHeight"` // MaxHeight IsReversalHeight bool `yaml:"isReversalHeight" json:"isReversalHeight"` // isReversalHeight JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to PiggyBankComponent string `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"` // piggyBank component ForceToNext bool `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"` // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支 Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 TargetMask string `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"` // 如果是scatter这一组判断,可以把结果传递给一个mask IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"` // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发 IsAddRespinMode bool `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"` // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式 RespinComponent string `yaml:"respinComponent" json:"respinComponent"` // respin component RespinNum int `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"` // respin number RespinNumWeight string `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"` // respin number weight RespinNumWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight RespinNumWithScatterNum map[int]int `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"` // respin number with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum map[int]string `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight with scatter number MapAwards map[int][]*Award `yaml:"mapAwards" json:"mapAwards"` // 新的奖励系统 }
ScatterTriggerConfig - configuration for ScatterTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*ScatterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (cfg *ScatterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type ScatterTriggerData ¶ added in v0.12.264
type ScatterTriggerData struct { BasicComponentData NextComponent string SymbolNum int WildNum int RespinNum int Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*ScatterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*ScatterTriggerData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*ScatterTriggerData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*ScatterTriggerData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type SceneStack ¶ added in v0.12.272
type SceneStack struct { Scenes []*SceneStackData IsOtherScene bool }
func NewSceneStack ¶ added in v0.12.272
func NewSceneStack(isOtherScene bool) *SceneStack
func (*SceneStack) GetPreTopScene ¶ added in v0.13.419
func (stack *SceneStack) GetPreTopScene(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *SceneStackData
func (*SceneStack) GetPreTopSceneEx ¶ added in v0.13.419
func (stack *SceneStack) GetPreTopSceneEx(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*SceneStack) GetTargetScene3 ¶ added in v0.12.272
func (stack *SceneStack) GetTargetScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCfg *BasicComponentConfig, si int, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*SceneStack) GetTopScene ¶ added in v0.12.272
func (stack *SceneStack) GetTopScene(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *SceneStackData
func (*SceneStack) GetTopSceneEx ¶ added in v0.13.419
func (stack *SceneStack) GetTopSceneEx(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene
func (*SceneStack) Has ¶ added in v0.12.272
func (stack *SceneStack) Has(scene string) bool
func (*SceneStack) InsertPreScene ¶ added in v0.13.419
func (stack *SceneStack) InsertPreScene(scene string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)
func (*SceneStack) Pop ¶ added in v0.12.272
func (stack *SceneStack) Pop() *SceneStackData
func (*SceneStack) PopEx ¶ added in v0.13.43
func (stack *SceneStack) PopEx(num int)
func (*SceneStack) PopTo ¶ added in v0.12.272
func (stack *SceneStack) PopTo(scene string)
type SceneStackData ¶ added in v0.12.272
type ScriptCore ¶
func NewScriptCore ¶
func NewScriptCore(gameProp *GameProperty) (*ScriptCore, error)
type SelectPosData ¶ added in v0.12.148
type SimpleRNG ¶ added in v0.13.235
type SimpleRNG struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*SimpleRNG) GetCurRNG ¶ added in v0.13.235
func (rng *SimpleRNG) GetCurRNG(curBetMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, cd IComponentData, fl IFeatureLevel) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string)
GetCurRNG -
func (*SimpleRNG) IsIterateEnding ¶ added in v0.13.235
func (*SimpleRNG) IsNeedIterate ¶ added in v0.13.235
func (*SimpleRNG) OnChoiceBranch ¶ added in v0.13.277
func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnChoiceBranch(curBetMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error
OnChoiceBranch -
func (*SimpleRNG) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.235
func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnNewGame(curBetMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
OnNewGame -
func (*SimpleRNG) OnStepEnd ¶ added in v0.13.322
func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnStepEnd(curBetMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error
OnStepEnd -
type SumSymbolVals ¶ added in v0.13.447
type SumSymbolVals struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *SumSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*SumSymbolVals) Init ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*SumSymbolVals) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*SumSymbolVals) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.451
func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*SumSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*SumSymbolVals) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type SumSymbolValsConfig ¶ added in v0.13.447
type SumSymbolValsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type SumSymbolValsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Value int `yaml:"value" json:"value"` Min int `yaml:"min" json:"min"` Max int `yaml:"max" json:"max"` SourceComponent string `yaml:"sourceComponent" json:"sourceComponent"` }
SumSymbolValsConfig - configuration for SumSymbolVals
func (*SumSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (cfg *SumSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type SumSymbolValsData ¶ added in v0.13.447
type SumSymbolValsData struct { BasicComponentData Number int }
func (*SumSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*SumSymbolValsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*SumSymbolValsData) GetOutput ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (rollNumberData *SumSymbolValsData) GetOutput() int
GetOutput -
func (*SumSymbolValsData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*SumSymbolValsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.447
func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type SumSymbolValsType ¶ added in v0.13.447
type SumSymbolValsType int
const ( SSVTypeNone SumSymbolValsType = 0 // none SSVTypeEqu SumSymbolValsType = 1 // == SSVTypeGreaterEqu SumSymbolValsType = 2 // >= SSVTypeLessEqu SumSymbolValsType = 3 // <= SSVTypeGreater SumSymbolValsType = 4 // > SSVTypeLess SumSymbolValsType = 5 // < SSVTypeInAreaLR SumSymbolValsType = 6 // In [min, max] SSVTypeInAreaR SumSymbolValsType = 7 // In (min, max] SSVTypeInAreaL SumSymbolValsType = 8 // In [min, max) SSVTypeInArea SumSymbolValsType = 9 // In (min, max) )
type SymbolCollection2 ¶ added in v0.13.21
type SymbolCollection2 struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *SymbolCollection2Config `json:"config"` }
SymbolCollection2 - 也是一个非常特殊的组件,symbol集合
func (*SymbolCollection2) EachSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) error
EachSymbols - foreach symbols
func (*SymbolCollection2) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*SymbolCollection2) GetChildLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) GetChildLinkComponents() []string
GetChildLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*SymbolCollection2) Init ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*SymbolCollection2) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*SymbolCollection2) IsForeach ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) IsForeach() bool
IsForeach -
func (*SymbolCollection2) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*SymbolCollection2) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.115
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*SymbolCollection2) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*SymbolCollection2) OnGameInited ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error
OnGameInited - on game inited
func (*SymbolCollection2) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*SymbolCollection2) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.115
func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type SymbolCollection2Config ¶ added in v0.13.21
type SymbolCollection2Config struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` ForeachComponent string `yaml:"foreachComponent" json:"foreachComponent"` // foreach MaxSymbolNum int `yaml:"maxSymbolNum" json:"maxSymbolNum"` // 0表示不限制 InitSymbols []string `yaml:"initSymbols" json:"initSymbols"` // 初始化symbols InitSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // 初始化symbols Children []string `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // }
SymbolCollection2Config - configuration for SymbolCollection2 feature
func (*SymbolCollection2Config) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (cfg *SymbolCollection2Config) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type SymbolCollection2Data ¶ added in v0.13.21
type SymbolCollection2Data struct { BasicComponentData SymbolCodes []int TotalCoinWin int64 TotalCashWin int64 }
func (*SymbolCollection2Data) AddSymbol ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) AddSymbol(symbolCode int)
AddSymbol -
func (*SymbolCollection2Data) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*SymbolCollection2Data) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) Clone() IComponentData
func (*SymbolCollection2Data) GetSymbols ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) GetSymbols() []int
GetSymbols -
func (*SymbolCollection2Data) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.21
func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type SymbolModifier ¶ added in v0.12.230
type SymbolModifier struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *SymbolModifierConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*SymbolModifier) Init ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*SymbolModifier) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*SymbolModifier) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*SymbolModifier) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type SymbolModifierConfig ¶ added in v0.12.230
type SymbolModifierConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` TargetSymbols []string `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"` TargetSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` Triggers []string `yaml:"triggers" json:"triggers"` // 替换完图标后需要保证所有trigger返回true MinNum int `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"` // 至少换几个,如果小于等于0,就表示要全部换 PosArea []int `yaml:"posArea" json:"posArea"` // 只在countscatterInArea时生效,[minx,maxx,miny,maxy],当x,y分别符合双闭区间才合法 }
SymbolModifierConfig - configuration for SymbolModifier feature
type SymbolMulti ¶
type SymbolMulti struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *SymbolMultiConfig `json:"config"` SymbolCodes []int `json:"-"` WeightMulti *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` MapWeightMulti map[string]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeature `json:"-"` }
func (*SymbolMulti) Init ¶
func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*SymbolMulti) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*SymbolMulti) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*SymbolMulti) OnPlayGame ¶
func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type SymbolMultiConfig ¶
type SymbolMultiConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"-"` // 弃用,用symbols Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // 这些符号可以有倍数 WeightMulti string `yaml:"weightMulti" json:"weightMulti"` // 倍数权重 StaticMulti int `yaml:"staticMulti" json:"staticMulti"` // 恒定倍数 MapWeightMulti map[string]string `yaml:"mapWeightMulti" json:"mapWeightMulti"` // 可以配置多套权重 ValUsed string `yaml:"valUsed" json:"valUsed"` // 用这个值来确定使用的权重 OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeatureConfig `yaml:"otherSceneFeature" json:"otherSceneFeature"` }
SymbolMultiConfig - configuration for SymbolMulti feature
type SymbolTriggerType ¶ added in v0.12.147
type SymbolTriggerType int
const ( STTypeUnknow SymbolTriggerType = 0 // 非法 STTypeLines SymbolTriggerType = 1 // 线中奖判断,一定是判断全部线,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖 STTypeWays SymbolTriggerType = 2 // ways中奖判断,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖 STTypeScatters SymbolTriggerType = 3 // scatter中奖判断,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖 STTypeCountScatter SymbolTriggerType = 4 // scatter判断,需要传入minnum,不读paytable STTypeCountScatterInArea SymbolTriggerType = 5 // 区域内的scatter判断,需要传入minnum,不读paytable STTypeCheckLines SymbolTriggerType = 6 // 线判断,一定是判断全部线,需要传入minnum,不读paytable STTypeCheckWays SymbolTriggerType = 7 // ways判断,需要传入minnum,不读paytable STTypeCluster SymbolTriggerType = 8 // cluster,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖 STTypeReelScatters SymbolTriggerType = 9 // scatter中奖判断,且一轴上只算1个scatter,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖 STTypeCountScatterReels SymbolTriggerType = 10 // scatter中奖判断,且一轴上只算1个scatter,不读paytable STTypeAdjacentPay SymbolTriggerType = 11 // adjacentPay,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖 )
func ParseSymbolTriggerType ¶ added in v0.12.147
func ParseSymbolTriggerType(str string) SymbolTriggerType
type SymbolVal ¶
type SymbolVal struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *SymbolValConfig `json:"config"` SymbolCode int `json:"-"` WeightVal *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeature `json:"-"` }
func (*SymbolVal) GetWeightVal ¶ added in v0.12.244
func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) GetWeightVal(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2
func (*SymbolVal) Init ¶
func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*SymbolVal) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*SymbolVal) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*SymbolVal) OnPlayGame ¶
func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type SymbolVal2 ¶
type SymbolVal2 struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *SymbolVal2Config `json:"config"` SymbolCode int `json:"-"` WeightsVal []*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` WeightSet *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeature `json:"-"` }
func (*SymbolVal2) Init ¶
func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*SymbolVal2) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*SymbolVal2) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*SymbolVal2) OnPlayGame ¶
func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type SymbolVal2Config ¶
type SymbolVal2Config struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"` WeightSet string `yaml:"weightSet" json:"weightSet"` WeightsVal []string `yaml:"weightsVal" json:"weightsVal"` DefaultVal int `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"` RNGSet string `yaml:"RNGSet" json:"RNGSet"` OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeatureConfig `yaml:"otherSceneFeature" json:"otherSceneFeature"` }
SymbolVal2Config - configuration for SymbolVal2 feature
type SymbolValConfig ¶
type SymbolValConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbol string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"` WeightVal string `yaml:"weightVal" json:"weightVal"` DefaultVal int `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"` OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeatureConfig `yaml:"otherSceneFeature" json:"otherSceneFeature"` EmptyOtherSceneVal int `yaml:"emptyOtherSceneVal" json:"emptyOtherSceneVal"` // 如果配置了otherscene,那么当otherscene里的某个位置为这个值时,才新赋值 }
SymbolValConfig - configuration for SymbolMulti feature
type SymbolValWins ¶
type SymbolValWins struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *SymbolValWinsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*SymbolValWins) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*SymbolValWins) Init ¶
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*SymbolValWins) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*SymbolValWins) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.250
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*SymbolValWins) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*SymbolValWins) OnAsciiGame ¶
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*SymbolValWins) OnPlayGame ¶
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*SymbolValWins) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type SymbolValWinsConfig ¶
type SymbolValWinsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` BetTypeString string `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"` // bet or totalBet or noPay BetType BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // bet or totalBet or noPay WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // bet or totalBet Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // like collect SymbolCodes []int `json:"-"` // StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type SymbolValWinsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
SymbolValWinsConfig - configuration for SymbolValWins
func (*SymbolValWinsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.89
func (cfg *SymbolValWinsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type SymbolValWinsData ¶ added in v0.12.250
type SymbolValWinsData struct { BasicComponentData SymbolNum int Wins int }
func (*SymbolValWinsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.250
func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*SymbolValWinsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*SymbolValWinsData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*SymbolValWinsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.12.250
func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type SymbolValWinsType ¶ added in v0.13.89
type SymbolValWinsType int
const ( SVWTypeNormal SymbolValWinsType = 0 SVWTypeCollector SymbolValWinsType = 1 )
type SymbolViewerData ¶
type SymbolsViewer ¶
type SymbolsViewer struct {
MapSymbols map[int]*SymbolViewerData
func LoadSymbolsViewer ¶
func LoadSymbolsViewer(fn string) (*SymbolsViewer, error)
func NewSymbolViewerFromPaytables ¶ added in v0.12.36
func NewSymbolViewerFromPaytables(paytables *sgc7game.PayTables) *SymbolsViewer
type TreasureChest ¶ added in v0.13.460
type TreasureChest struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *TreasureChestConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*TreasureChest) Init ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*TreasureChest) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*TreasureChest) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*TreasureChest) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*TreasureChest) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*TreasureChest) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*TreasureChest) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type TreasureChestConfig ¶ added in v0.13.460
type TreasureChestConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` Type TreasureChestType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` StrWeight string `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` // weight Weight *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` FragmentNum int `yaml:"fragmentNum" json:"fragmentNum"` // fragmentNum MapBranchs map[int]string `yaml:"mapBranchs" json:"mapBranchs"` MapControllers map[int][]*Award `yaml:"mapControllers" json:"mapControllers"` }
TreasureChestConfig - configuration for TreasureChest
func (*TreasureChestConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (cfg *TreasureChestConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type TreasureChestData ¶ added in v0.13.460
type TreasureChestData struct { BasicComponentData Selected []int }
func (*TreasureChestData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChestData *TreasureChestData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*TreasureChestData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChestData *TreasureChestData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*TreasureChestData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.460
func (treasureChestData *TreasureChestData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type TreasureChestType ¶ added in v0.13.460
type TreasureChestType int
const (
TreasureChestTypeFragmentCollection TreasureChestType = 0
type WaysTrigger ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WaysTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WaysTriggerConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WaysTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)
CanTriggerWithScene -
func (*WaysTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.39
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*WaysTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*WaysTrigger) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*WaysTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WaysTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WaysTrigger) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WaysTrigger) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*WaysTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WaysTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*WaysTrigger) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.103
func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type WaysTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WaysTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` Symbols []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"` // like scatter SymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // like scatter Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // like scatters TriggerType SymbolTriggerType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // SymbolTriggerType BetTypeString string `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"` // bet or totalBet or noPay BetType BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // bet or totalBet or noPay OSMulTypeString string `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"` // OtherSceneMultiType OSMulType OtherSceneMultiType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // OtherSceneMultiType MinNum int `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"` // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效 WildSymbols []string `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"` // wild etc WildSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // wild symbolCode StrCheckWinType string `yaml:"checkWinType" json:"checkWinType"` // left2right or right2left or all CheckWinType CheckWinType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to ForceToNext bool `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"` // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支 Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 TargetMask string `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"` // 如果是scatter这一组判断,可以把结果传递给一个mask IsReverse bool `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"` // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发 PiggyBankComponent string `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"` // piggyBank component IsAddRespinMode bool `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"` // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式 RespinNum int `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"` // respin number RespinNumWeight string `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"` // respin number weight RespinNumWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight RespinNumWithScatterNum map[int]int `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"` // respin number with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum map[int]string `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // respin number weight with scatter number }
WaysTriggerConfig - configuration for WaysTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*WaysTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (cfg *WaysTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WaysTriggerData ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WaysTriggerData struct { BasicComponentData NextComponent string SymbolNum int WildNum int RespinNum int Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*WaysTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WaysTriggerData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WaysTriggerData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WaysTriggerData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type WeightAwards ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WeightAwards struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WeightAwardsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WeightAwards) Init ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WeightAwards) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WeightAwards) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WeightAwards) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WeightAwards) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type WeightAwardsConfig ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WeightAwardsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` AwardWeight string `yaml:"awardWeight" json:"awardWeight"` AwardWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` Awards [][]*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 Nums int `yaml:"nums" json:"nums"` // how many arards are given TargetMask string `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"` // output for the mask ReverseTargetMask bool `yaml:"reverseTargetMask" json:"reverseTargetMask"` // reverse the target mask }
WeightAwardsConfig - configuration for WeightAwards feature
type WeightAwardsData ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WeightAwardsData struct { BasicComponentData GotIndex []int }
func (*WeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightAwardsData *WeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WeightAwardsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (weightAwardsData *WeightAwardsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WeightAwardsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightAwardsData *WeightAwardsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type WeightBranch ¶ added in v0.13.17
type WeightBranch struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WeightBranchConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WeightBranch) GetAllLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) GetAllLinkComponents() []string
GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
func (*WeightBranch) GetNextLinkComponents ¶ added in v0.13.99
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) GetNextLinkComponents() []string
GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
func (*WeightBranch) Init ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WeightBranch) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WeightBranch) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.73
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WeightBranch) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.407
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*WeightBranch) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WeightBranch) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*WeightBranch) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.407
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
func (*WeightBranch) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type WeightBranchConfig ¶ added in v0.13.17
type WeightBranchConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` ForceBranch string `yaml:"forceBranch" json:"forceBranch"` Weight string `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` WeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` MapBranchs map[string]*BranchNode `yaml:"mapBranchs" json:"mapBranchs"` // 可以不用配置全,如果没有配置的,就跳转默认的next ForceTriggerOnce []string `yaml:"forceTriggerOnce" json:"forceTriggerOnce"` IsNeedPlayerSelect bool `yaml:"isNeedPlayerSelect" json:"isNeedPlayerSelect"` }
WeightBranchConfig - configuration for WeightBranch
func (*WeightBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.70
func (cfg *WeightBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WeightBranchData ¶ added in v0.13.17
type WeightBranchData struct { BasicComponentData Value string WeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 IgnoreBranchs []string }
func (*WeightBranchData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WeightBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
ChgConfigIntVal -
func (*WeightBranchData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WeightBranchData) GetStrVal ¶ added in v0.13.273
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool)
GetStrVal -
func (*WeightBranchData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WeightBranchData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.17
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
func (*WeightBranchData) SetConfigIntVal ¶ added in v0.13.376
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
SetConfigIntVal - CCVValueNum的set和chg逻辑不太一样,等于的时候不会触发任何的 controllers
func (*WeightBranchData) SetConfigVal ¶ added in v0.13.344
func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) SetConfigVal(key string, val string)
SetConfigVal -
type WeightChgSymbol ¶ added in v0.12.132
type WeightChgSymbol struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WeightChgSymbolConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WeightChgSymbol) Init ¶ added in v0.12.132
func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WeightChgSymbol) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.132
func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WeightChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.132
func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WeightChgSymbol) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.132
func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type WeightChgSymbolConfig ¶ added in v0.12.132
type WeightChgSymbolConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` MapChgWeight map[string]string `yaml:"mapChgWeight" json:"mapChgWeight"` MapChgWeightVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"` }
WeightChgSymbolConfig - configuration for WeightChgSymbol feature
type WeightReels ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WeightReels struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WeightReelsConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WeightReels) GetReelSetWeight ¶ added in v0.13.359
func (weightReels *WeightReels) GetReelSetWeight(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2
func (*WeightReels) Init ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightReels *WeightReels) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WeightReels) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightReels *WeightReels) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WeightReels) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightReels *WeightReels) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WeightReels) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightReels *WeightReels) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WeightReels) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightReels *WeightReels) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*WeightReels) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.382
func (weightReels *WeightReels) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type WeightReels2 ¶ added in v0.13.402
type WeightReels2 struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WeightReels2Config `json:"config"` }
func (*WeightReels2) GetReelSetWeight ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) GetReelSetWeight(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2
func (*WeightReels2) Init ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WeightReels2) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WeightReels2) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WeightReels2) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WeightReels2) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*WeightReels2) ProcControllers ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)
OnProcControllers -
type WeightReels2Config ¶ added in v0.13.402
type WeightReels2Config struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` ReelSetsWeight string `yaml:"reelSetWeight" json:"reelSetWeight"` ReelSetsWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` IsExpandReel bool `yaml:"isExpandReel" json:"isExpandReel"` MapAwards map[string][]*Award `yaml:"mapAwards" json:"mapAwards"` // 新的奖励系统 }
BasicReelsConfig - configuration for WeightReels
func (*WeightReels2Config) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (cfg *WeightReels2Config) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WeightReels2Data ¶ added in v0.13.402
type WeightReels2Data struct { BasicComponentData ReelSetIndex int // The index of the currently selected reelset }
func (*WeightReels2Data) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WeightReels2Data) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WeightReels2Data) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WeightReels2Data) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.402
func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type WeightReelsConfig ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WeightReelsConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` ReelSetsWeight string `yaml:"reelSetWeight" json:"reelSetWeight"` ReelSetsWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` IsExpandReel bool `yaml:"isExpandReel" json:"isExpandReel"` Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统 }
BasicReelsConfig - configuration for WeightReels
func (*WeightReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.12.278
func (cfg *WeightReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WeightReelsData ¶ added in v0.12.264
type WeightReelsData struct { BasicComponentData ReelSetIndex int // The index of the currently selected reelset }
func (*WeightReelsData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WeightReelsData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WeightReelsData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WeightReelsData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.12.264
func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type WeightResults ¶ added in v0.13.235
type WeightResults struct { Results []*sgc7game.PlayResult Weight int }
func SpinWithSeed ¶ added in v0.13.235
func SpinWithSeed(game *Game, ips sgc7game.IPlayerState, seed int, stake *sgc7game.Stake) ([]*WeightResults, error)
type WeightTrigger ¶ added in v0.10.270
type WeightTrigger struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WeightTriggerConfig `json:"config"` WeightSet *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` }
func (*WeightTrigger) Init ¶ added in v0.10.270
func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WeightTrigger) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.33
func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WeightTrigger) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.10.270
func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WeightTrigger) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.10.270
func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type WeightTrigger2 ¶ added in v0.12.230
type WeightTrigger2 struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WeightTrigger2Config `json:"config"` }
func (*WeightTrigger2) Init ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WeightTrigger2) InitEx ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WeightTrigger2) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WeightTrigger2) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.12.230
func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type WeightTrigger2Config ¶ added in v0.12.230
type WeightTrigger2Config struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` TriggerWeight string `yaml:"triggerWeight" json:"triggerWeight"` TriggerWeightVW *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"` JumpToComponent string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to }
WeightTrigger2Config - configuration for WeightTrigger2
type WeightTriggerConfig ¶ added in v0.10.270
type WeightTriggerConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` NextComponents []string `yaml:"nextComponents" json:"nextComponents"` RespinNums []int `yaml:"respinNums" json:"respinNums"` WeightSet string `yaml:"weightSet" json:"weightSet"` IsUseTriggerRespin2 bool `yaml:"isUseTriggerRespin2" json:"isUseTriggerRespin2"` // 给true就用triggerRespin2 }
WeightTriggerConfig - configuration for WeightTrigger
type WinResultCache ¶ added in v0.13.78
type WinResultCache struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WinResultCacheConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WinResultCache) Init ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WinResultCache) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WinResultCache) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WinResultCache) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WinResultCache) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type WinResultCacheConfig ¶ added in v0.13.78
type WinResultCacheConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 }
WinResultCacheConfig - configuration for WinResultCache
func (*WinResultCacheConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (cfg *WinResultCacheConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WinResultCacheData ¶ added in v0.13.78
type WinResultCacheData struct { BasicComponentData WinResultNum int Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*WinResultCacheData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WinResultCacheData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WinResultCacheData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WinResultCacheData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.78
func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type WinResultModifier ¶ added in v0.13.244
type WinResultModifier struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WinResultModifierConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WinResultModifier) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*WinResultModifier) Init ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WinResultModifier) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WinResultModifier) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WinResultModifier) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WinResultModifier) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type WinResultModifierConfig ¶ added in v0.13.244
type WinResultModifierConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // type Type WinResultModifierType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // type SourceComponents []string `yaml:"sourceComponents" json:"sourceComponents"` // target components WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 TargetSymbols []string `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"` // targetSymbols TargetSymbolCodes []int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // target SymbolCodes }
WinResultModifierConfig - configuration for WinResultModifier 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*WinResultModifierConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (cfg *WinResultModifierConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WinResultModifierData ¶ added in v0.13.244
type WinResultModifierData struct { BasicComponentData Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*WinResultModifierData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WinResultModifierData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WinResultModifierData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WinResultModifierData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.244
func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type WinResultModifierEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
type WinResultModifierEx struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WinResultModifierExConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WinResultModifierEx) Init ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WinResultModifierEx) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WinResultModifierEx) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WinResultModifierEx) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WinResultModifierEx) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
type WinResultModifierExConfig ¶ added in v0.13.414
type WinResultModifierExConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` StrType string `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // type Type WinResultModifierType `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // type SourceComponents []string `yaml:"sourceComponents" json:"sourceComponents"` // target components MapTargetSymbols map[string]int `yaml:"mapTargetSymbols" json:"mapTargetSymbols"` // mapTargetSymbols MapTargetSymbolCodes map[int]int `yaml:"-" json:"-"` // MapTargetSymbolCodes }
WinResultModifierExConfig - configuration for WinResultModifierEx 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*WinResultModifierExConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (cfg *WinResultModifierExConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WinResultModifierExData ¶ added in v0.13.414
type WinResultModifierExData struct { BasicComponentData Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*WinResultModifierExData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WinResultModifierExData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WinResultModifierExData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WinResultModifierExData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.414
func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
type WinResultModifierType ¶ added in v0.13.244
type WinResultModifierType int
const ( WRMTypeExistSymbol WinResultModifierType = 0 WRMTypeAddSymbolMulti WinResultModifierType = 1 WRMTypeMulSymbolMulti WinResultModifierType = 2 WRMTypeSymbolMultiOnWays WinResultModifierType = 3 )
type WinResultMulti ¶ added in v0.13.8
type WinResultMulti struct { *BasicComponent `json:"-"` Config *WinResultMultiConfig `json:"config"` }
func (*WinResultMulti) GetWinMulti ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int
func (*WinResultMulti) Init ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
Init -
func (*WinResultMulti) InitEx ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
InitEx -
func (*WinResultMulti) NewComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) NewComponentData() IComponentData
NewComponentData -
func (*WinResultMulti) NewStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.391
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
NewStats2 -
func (*WinResultMulti) OnAsciiGame ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error
OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
func (*WinResultMulti) OnPlayGame ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)
func (*WinResultMulti) OnStats2 ¶ added in v0.13.391
func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
type WinResultMultiConfig ¶ added in v0.13.8
type WinResultMultiConfig struct { BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"` TargetComponents []string `yaml:"targetComponents" json:"targetComponents"` // target components WinMulti int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1 }
WinResultMultiConfig - configuration for WinResultMulti 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理
func (*WinResultMultiConfig) SetLinkComponent ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (cfg *WinResultMultiConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)
type WinResultMultiData ¶ added in v0.13.8
type WinResultMultiData struct { BasicComponentData Wins int WinMulti int }
func (*WinResultMultiData) BuildPBComponentData ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
func (*WinResultMultiData) Clone ¶ added in v0.13.170
func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) Clone() IComponentData
func (*WinResultMultiData) GetValEx ¶ added in v0.13.336
func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)
GetValEx -
func (*WinResultMultiData) OnNewGame ¶ added in v0.13.8
func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
OnNewGame -
Source Files
- addsymbols.go
- adjacentpaytrigger.go
- analyze.go
- award.go
- awardsweights.go
- basedef.go
- basiccomponent.go
- basiccomponentdata.go
- basicgamemod.go
- basicreels.go
- basicrng.go
- bomb.go
- burstsymbols.go
- callstack.go
- catchsymbols.go
- cel.go
- checksymbolvals.go
- checkval.go
- chgsymbol.go
- chgsymbols.go
- chgsymbolvals.go
- clustertrigger.go
- collector.go
- componentcfgval.go
- componentdatapos.go
- componentlist.go
- componentmgr.go
- componenttrigger.go
- componentvaltrigger.go
- config.go
- controllerworker.go
- dropdownsymbols.go
- emptyfeaturelevel.go
- err.go
- featurebar.go
- fixsymbols.go
- forceoutcome.go
- forceoutcome2.go
- game.go
- gengigasymbol.go
- genpositioncollection.go
- gensymbolvals.go
- gensymbolvalswithpos.go
- gensymbolvalswithsymbol.go
- icomponent.go
- icomponentcfg.go
- icomponentdata.go
- ifeaturelevel.go
- intvalmapping.go
- irng.go
- jackpot.go
- json.go
- json2.go
- jsondata.go
- jsonmgr.go
- jsonutils.go
- linestrigger.go
- mask.go
- maskbranch.go
- mergesymbol.go
- movereel.go
- movesymbol.go
- movesymbols2.go
- multirespin.go
- multiweightawards.go
- otherscenefeature.go
- overlaysymbol.go
- parsheetutils.go
- pbutils.go
- piggybank.go
- positioncollection.go
- property.go
- proppool.go
- queuebranch.go
- randommovesymbols.go
- rebuildreelindex.go
- rebuildsymbols.go
- reelmodifier.go
- reeltrigger.go
- refillsymbols.go
- removesymbols.go
- replacereel.go
- replacereelwithmask.go
- replacesymbol.go
- replacesymbolgroup.go
- rerollreel.go
- respin.go
- rnglib.go
- rollnumber.go
- rollsymbol.go
- rtp.go
- scattertrigger.go
- scenestack.go
- simplerng.go
- stats2.go
- sumsymbolvals.go
- symbolcollection2.go
- symbolmodifier.go
- symbolmulti.go
- symbolval.go
- symbolval2.go
- symbolvalwins.go
- symbolviewer.go
- treasurechest.go
- utils.go
- utils2.go
- waystrigger.go
- weightawards.go
- weightbranch.go
- weightchgsymbol.go
- weightreels.go
- weightreels2.go
- weighttrigger.go
- weighttrigger2.go
- winresultcache.go
- winresultmodifier.go
- winresultmodifierex.go
- winresultmulti.go