
v0.13.464 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 5, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 33 Imported by: 0




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const (
	AwardUnknow                   int = 0  // 未知的奖励
	AwardCash                     int = 1  // 直接奖励cash
	AwardCollector                int = 2  // 奖励收集器
	AwardRespinTimes              int = 3  // 奖励respin次数
	AwardGameMulti                int = 4  // 奖励游戏整体倍数
	AwardStepMulti                int = 5  // 奖励这个step里的倍数
	AwardInitMask                 int = 6  // 初始化mask
	AwardTriggerRespin            int = 7  // 弃用,触发respin,理论上,在respin外面应该用AwardTriggerRespin,在respin里面应该用AwardRespinTimes,如果分不清楚,就统一用AwardTriggerRespin
	AwardNoLevelUpCollector       int = 8  // 奖励收集器,但不会触发升级奖励
	AwardWeightGameRNG            int = 9  // 权重产生一个rng,供后续逻辑用,全局用,不同step不会reset这个rng
	AwardPushSymbolCollection     int = 10 // 根据SymbolCollection自己的逻辑,产生一定数量的Symbol到SymbolCollection里
	AwardGameCoinMulti            int = 11 // 奖励游戏整体的coin倍数
	AwardStepCoinMulti            int = 12 // 奖励这个step里的coin倍数
	AwardRetriggerRespin          int = 13 // 奖励再次触发respin,这种只会用前面记录下的retrigger次数
	AwardAddRetriggerRespinNum    int = 14 // 奖励再次触发respin次数,这种会在前面的基础上增加
	AwardSetMaskVal               int = 15 // 设置mask的值
	AwardTriggerRespin2           int = 16 // 新的触发respin,不需要考虑trigger、retrigger、respinTimes,直接用这个就行,如果次数给-1,就会用当前的retriggerRespinNum
	AwardSetComponentConfigVal    int = 17 // 设置组件的configVal
	AwardSetComponentConfigIntVal int = 18 // 设置组件的configIntVal
	AwardChgComponentConfigIntVal int = 19 // 改变组件的configIntVal
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const (
	CCVReelSet                    string = "reelset"                    // 可以修改配置项里的 reelSet
	CCVWeightVal                  string = "weightval"                  // 可以修改配置项里的 weightVal
	CCVMapChgWeight               string = "mapchgweight"               // 可以修改配置项里的 mapChgWeight,这里因为是个map,所以要当成 mapChgWeight:S 这样传递
	CCVTriggerWeight              string = "triggerweight"              // 可以修改配置项里的 triggerWeight
	CCVRetriggerRespinNum         string = "retriggerrespinnum"         // 可以修改配置项里的 retriggerRespinNum
	CCVWinMulti                   string = "winmulti"                   // 可以修改配置项里的 winMulti
	CCVSavedMoney                 string = "savedmoney"                 // 可以修改配置项里的 savedMoney
	CCVSymbolNum                  string = "symbolnum"                  // 可以修改配置项里的 symbolNum
	CCVInputVal                   string = "inputval"                   // 可以修改配置项里的 inputVal
	CCVValueNum                   string = "valuenum"                   // 可以修改配置项里的 valueNum
	CCVQueue                      string = "queue"                      // 可以修改配置项里的 queue
	CCVLastRespinNum              string = "lastrespinnum"              // 可以修改配置项里的 lastRespinNum
	CCVRetriggerAddRespinNum      string = "retriggeraddrespinnum"      // 可以修改配置项里的 retriggerAddRespinNum
	CCVLastTriggerNum             string = "lasttriggernum"             // 可以修改配置项里的 lastTriggerNum
	CCVWeight                     string = "weight"                     // 可以修改配置项里的 weight
	CCVForceBranch                string = "forcebranch"                // 可以修改配置项里的 forceBranch
	CCVWins                       string = "wins"                       // 可以修改配置项里的 wins
	CCVMulti                      string = "multi"                      // 可以修改配置项里的 multi
	CCVNumber                     string = "number"                     // 可以修改配置项里的 number
	CCVHeight                     string = "height"                     // 可以修改配置项里的 height
	CCVReelSetWeight              string = "reelsetweight"              // 可以修改配置项里的 reelSetWeight
	CCVForceVal                   string = "forceval"                   // 可以修改配置项里的 forceVal
	CCVForceValNow                string = "forcevalnow"                // 可以修改配置项里的 forceValNow
	CCVClearForceTriggerOnceCache string = "clearforcetriggeroncecache" // 可以修改配置项里的 clearForceTriggerOnceCache
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const (
	CVSymbolNum             string = "symbolnum"             // 触发后,符号数量
	CVWildNum               string = "wildnum"               // 触发后,中奖符号里的wild数量
	CVRespinNum             string = "respinnum"             // 触发后,如果有产生respin的逻辑,这就是最终respin的次数
	CVWins                  string = "wins"                  // 中奖的数值,线注的倍数
	CVCurRespinNum          string = "currespinnum"          // curRespinNum
	CVCurTriggerNum         string = "curtriggernum"         // curTriggerNum
	CVLastRespinNum         string = "lastrespinnum"         // lastRespinNum
	CVLastTriggerNum        string = "lasttriggernum"        // lastTriggerNum
	CVRetriggerAddRespinNum string = "retriggeraddrespinnum" // retriggerAddRespinNum
	CVAvgSymbolValMulti     string = "avgsymbolvalmulti"     // avgSymbolValMulti
	CVAvgHeight             string = "avgheight"             // avgHeight
	CVWinMulti              string = "winmulti"              // winMulti
	CVNumber                string = "number"                // number
	CVResultNum             string = "resultnum"             // 触发后,中奖的数量
	CVOutputInt             string = "outputint"             // outputInt
	CVSelectedIndex         string = "selectedindex"         // selectedIndex,一般用于各种权重组件里,最后被选中的index
	CVValue                 string = "value"                 // value
	CVSymbolVal             string = "symbolval"             // symbolVal
	CVWinResultNum          string = "winresultnum"          // winResultNum
	CCValueNum              string = "valuenum"              // valueNum
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const (
	FixSymbolsTypeUnknow    int = 0 // unknow
	FixSymbolsTypeMergeDown int = 1 // merge & down
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const (
	SelectSymbolR2L = "selectSymbolR2L"
	SelectSymbolL2R = "selectSymbolL2R"
	SelectWithXY    = "selectWithXY"
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const (
	MoveTypeXY = "xy"
	MoveTypeYX = "yx"
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const (
	OtherSceneFeatureUnknow       int = 0
	OtherSceneFeatureGameMulti    int = 1 // GameMulti,默认用乘法
	OtherSceneFeatureGameMultiSum int = 2 // GameMulti,默认用加法
	OtherSceneFeatureStepMulti    int = 3 // StepMulti,默认用乘法
	OtherSceneFeatureStepMultiSum int = 4 // StepMulti,默认用加法
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const (
	GamePropWidth        = 1
	GamePropHeight       = 2
	GamePropCurPaytables = 3
	GamePropCurReels     = 4
	GamePropCurLineData  = 5
	GamePropCurLineNum   = 6
	GamePropCurBetIndex  = 7
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const (
	SVWDVWins      string = "wins"      // 中奖的数值,线注的倍数
	SVWDVSymbolNum string = "symbolNum" // 符号数量
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const AddSymbolsTypeName = "addSymbols"
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const AdjacentPayTriggerTypeName = "adjacentPayTrigger"
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const BasicGameModName = "basic"
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const BasicReelsTypeName = "basicReels"
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const BombTypeName = "bomb"
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const BurstSymbolsTypeName = "burstSymbols"
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const (
	CSVValue string = "value" // 组件触发后的具体值
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const CatchSymbolsTypeName = "catchSymbols"
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const CheckSymbolValsTypeName = "checkSymbolVals"
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const CheckValTypeName = "checkVal"
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const ChgSymbolTypeName = "chgSymbol"
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const ChgSymbolValsTypeName = "chgSymbolVals"
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const ChgSymbolsTypeName = "chgSymbols"
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const ClusterTriggerTypeName = "clusterTrigger"
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const CollectorTypeName = "collector"
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const ComponentTriggerTypeName = "componentTrigger"
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const ComponentValTriggerTypeName = "componentValTrigger"
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const ControllerWorkerTypeName = "controllerWorker"
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const DefaultCmd = "SPIN"
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const DropDownSymbolsTypeName = "dropDownSymbols"
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const FeatureBarTypeName = "featureBar"
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const FixSymbolsTypeName = "fixSymbols"
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const GenGigaSymbolTypeName = "genGigaSymbol"
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const GenPositionCollectionTypeName = "genPositionCollection"
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const GenSymbolValsTypeName = "genSymbolVals"
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const GenSymbolValsWithPosTypeName = "genSymbolValsWithPos"
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const GenSymbolValsWithSymbolTypeName = "genSymbolValsWithSymbol"
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const IntValMappingTypeName = "intValMapping"
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const JackpotTypeName = "jackpot"
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const LinesTriggerTypeName = "linesTrigger"
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const MaskBranchTypeName = "maskBranch"
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const MaskTypeName = "mask"
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const MaxComponentNumInStep = 100
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const MaxStepNum = 1000
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const MergeSymbolTypeName = "mergeSymbol"
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const MoveReelTypeName = "moveReel"
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const MoveSymbolTypeName = "moveSymbol"
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const MoveSymbols2TypeName = "moveSymbols2"
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const MultiRespinTypeName = "multiRespin"
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const MultiWeightAwardsTypeName = "multiWeightAwards"
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const OverlaySymbolTypeName = "overlaySymbol"
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const PiggyBankTypeName = "piggyBank"
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const PositionCollectionTypeName = "positionCollection"
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const QueueBranchTypeName = "queueBranch"
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const (
	RSDVSymbol string = "symbol" // roll a symbol
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const RandomMoveSymbolsTypeName = "randomMoveSymbols"
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const ReRollReelTypeName = "reRollReel"
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const RebuildReelIndexTypeName = "rebuildReelIndex"
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const RebuildSymbolsTypeName = "rebuildSymbols"
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const ReelModifierTypeName = "reelModifier"
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const ReelTriggerTypeName = "reelTrigger"
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const RefillSymbolsTypeName = "refillSymbols"
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const RemoveSymbolsTypeName = "removeSymbols"
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const ReplaceReelTypeName = "replaceReel"
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const ReplaceReelWithMaskTypeName = "replaceReelWithMask"
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const ReplaceSymbolGroupTypeName = "replaceSymbolGroup"
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const ReplaceSymbolTypeName = "replaceSymbol"
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const RespinTypeName = "respin"
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const RollNumberTypeName = "rollNumber"
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const RollSymbolTypeName = "rollSymbol"
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const ScatterTriggerTypeName = "scatterTrigger"
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const SumSymbolValsTypeName = "sumSymbolVals"
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const SymbolCollection2TypeName = "symbolCollection2"
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const SymbolModifierTypeName = "symbolModifier"
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const SymbolMultiTypeName = "symbolMulti"
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const SymbolVal2TypeName = "symbolVal2"
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const SymbolValTypeName = "symbolVal"
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const SymbolValWinsTypeName = "symbolValWins"
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const (
	TagCurReels = "reels"
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const TreasureChestTypeName = "treasureChest"
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const (
	WRMCVWinMulti string = "winMulti" // 可以修改配置项里的winMulti
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const WaysTriggerTypeName = "waysTrigger"
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const WeightAwardsTypeName = "weightAwards"
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const WeightBranchTypeName = "weightBranch"
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const WeightChgSymbolTypeName = "weightChgSymbol"
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const WeightReels2TypeName = "weightReels2"
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const WeightReelsTypeName = "weightReels"
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const WeightTrigger2TypeName = "weightTrigger2"
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const WeightTriggerTypeName = "weightTrigger"
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const WinResultCacheTypeName = "winResultCache"


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const WinResultModifierExTypeName = "winResultModifierEx"
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const WinResultModifierTypeName = "winResultModifier"
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const WinResultMultiTypeName = "winResultMulti"


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var (
	// ErrUnkonow - unknow error
	ErrUnkonow = errors.New("unknow error")

	// ErrMustHaveMainPaytables - must have main paytables
	ErrMustHaveMainPaytables = errors.New("must have main paytables")

	// ErrInvalidGameMod - invalid gamemod
	ErrInvalidGameMod = errors.New("invalid gamemod")

	// ErrInvalidGameConfig - invalid game config
	ErrInvalidGameConfig = errors.New("invalid game config")

	// ErrInvalidComponent - invalid component
	ErrInvalidComponent = errors.New("invalid component")

	// ErrInvalidComponentConfig - invalid component config
	ErrInvalidComponentConfig = errors.New("invalid component config")

	// ErrInvalidReels - invalid reels
	ErrInvalidReels = errors.New("invalid reels")

	// ErrInvalidSymbol - invalid symbol
	ErrInvalidSymbol = errors.New("invalid symbol")

	// ErrInvalidPaytables - invalid paytables
	ErrInvalidPaytables = errors.New("invalid paytables")

	// ErrInvalidLineData - invalid line data
	ErrInvalidLineData = errors.New("invalid line data")

	// ErrInvalidGamePropertyString - invalid gameProperty string
	ErrInvalidGamePropertyString = errors.New("invalid gameProperty string")

	// ErrParseScript - parse script error
	ErrParseScript = errors.New("parse script error")
	// ErrNoFunctionInScript - no function in script
	ErrNoFunctionInScript = errors.New("no function in script")
	// ErrWrongFunctionInScript - wrong function in script
	ErrWrongFunctionInScript = errors.New("wrong function in script")

	// ErrInvalidComponentName - invalid component name
	ErrInvalidComponentName = errors.New("invalid component name")

	// ErrIvalidCurGameModParams - invalid CurGameModParams
	ErrIvalidCurGameModParams = errors.New("invalid CurGameModParams")

	// ErrIvalidPlayResultLength - invalid PlayResult Length
	ErrIvalidPlayResultLength = errors.New("invalid PlayResult Length")

	// ErrIvalidMultiLevelReelsConfig - invalid MultiLevelReels config
	ErrIvalidMultiLevelReelsConfig = errors.New("invalid MultiLevelReels config")

	// ErrIvalidStatsSymbolsInConfig - invalid StatsSymbols in config
	ErrIvalidStatsSymbolsInConfig = errors.New("invalid StatsSymbols in config")
	// ErrIvalidStatsComponentInConfig - invalid Stats's component in config
	ErrIvalidStatsComponentInConfig = errors.New("invalid Stats's component in config")

	// ErrIvalidComponentConfig - invalid component config
	ErrIvalidComponentConfig = errors.New("invalid component config")

	// ErrIvalidGameData - invalid gameData
	ErrIvalidGameData = errors.New("invalid gameData")

	// ErrIvalidSimpleRNG - invalid SimpleRNG
	ErrIvalidSimpleRNG = errors.New("invalid SimpleRNG")

	// ErrIvalidCmd - invalid cmd
	ErrIvalidCmd = errors.New("invalid cmd")
	// ErrIvalidCmdParam - invalid cmdparam
	ErrIvalidCmdParam = errors.New("invalid cmdparam")

	// ErrIvalidTagCurReels - invalid TagCurReels
	ErrIvalidTagCurReels = errors.New("invalid TagCurReels")

	// ErrIvalidSymbolCollection - invalid SymbolColletion
	ErrIvalidSymbolCollection = errors.New("invalid SymbolColletion")

	// ErrIvalidCustomNode - invalid custom-node
	ErrIvalidCustomNode = errors.New("invalid custom-node")
	// ErrIvalidTriggerLabel - invalid trigger label
	ErrIvalidTriggerLabel = errors.New("invalid trigger label")
	// ErrIvalidPayTables - invalid paytables
	ErrIvalidPayTables = errors.New("invalid paytables")
	// ErrIvalidSymbolInReels - invalid symbol in reels
	ErrIvalidSymbolInReels = errors.New("invalid symbol in reels")
	// ErrNoComponentValues - no componentValues
	ErrNoComponentValues = errors.New("no componentValues")
	// ErrUnsupportedComponentType - unsupported componentType
	ErrUnsupportedComponentType = errors.New("unsupported componentType")
	// ErrUnsupportedLinkType - unsupported link type
	ErrUnsupportedLinkType = errors.New("unsupported link type")
	// ErrUnsupportedControllerType - unsupported ControllerType
	ErrUnsupportedControllerType = errors.New("unsupported ControllerType")
	// ErrInvalidJsonNode - invalid json node
	ErrInvalidJsonNode = errors.New("invalid json node")
	// ErrIvalidReels - invalid reels
	ErrIvalidReels = errors.New("invalid reels")
	// ErrUnsupportedOtherList - unsupported otherList
	ErrUnsupportedOtherList = errors.New("unsupported otherList")

	// ErrIvalidDefaultScene - invalid default scene
	ErrIvalidDefaultScene = errors.New("invalid default scene")
	// ErrIvalidWidth - invalid width
	ErrIvalidWidth = errors.New("invalid width")
	// ErrIvalidHeight - invalid height
	ErrIvalidHeight = errors.New("invalid height")

	// ErrIvalidProto - invalid proto
	ErrIvalidProto = errors.New("invalid proto")

	// ErrIvalidSymbol - invalid symbol
	ErrIvalidSymbol = errors.New("invalid symbol")

	// ErrIvalidSymbolTriggerType - invalid SymbolTriggerType
	ErrIvalidSymbolTriggerType = errors.New("invalid SymbolTriggerType")

	// ErrNotMask - not mask
	ErrNotMask = errors.New("not mask")
	// ErrNotRespin - not respin
	ErrNotRespin = errors.New("not respin")

	// ErrInvalidSymbolNum - invalid SymbolNum
	ErrInvalidSymbolNum = errors.New("invalid SymbolNum")
	// ErrInvalidComponentVal - invalid ComponentVal
	ErrInvalidComponentVal = errors.New("invalid ComponentVal")
	// ErrInvalidBet - invalid Bet
	ErrInvalidBet = errors.New("invalid Bet")

	// ErrInvalidIntValMappingFile - invalid IntValMappingFile
	ErrInvalidIntValMappingFile = errors.New("invalid IntValMappingFile")
	// ErrInvalidIntValMappingValue - invalid IntValMapping value
	ErrInvalidIntValMappingValue = errors.New("invalid IntValMapping value")

	// ErrInvalidWeightVal - invalid weight value
	ErrInvalidWeightVal = errors.New("invalid weight value")

	// ErrComponentDoNothing - component do nothing
	ErrComponentDoNothing = errors.New("component do nothing")

	// ErrTooManySteps - too many steps
	ErrTooManySteps = errors.New("too many steps")
	// ErrTooManyComponentsInStep - too many components in step
	ErrTooManyComponentsInStep = errors.New("too many components in step")

	// ErrCannotForceOutcome - cannot force outcome
	ErrCannotForceOutcome = errors.New("cannot force outcome")

	// ErrInvalidCallStackNode - invalid callstack node
	ErrInvalidCallStackNode = errors.New("invalid callstack node")

	// ErrInvalidComponentChildren - invalid component children
	ErrInvalidComponentChildren = errors.New("invalid component children")

	// ErrInvalidForceOutcome2Code - invalid ForceOutcome2 code
	ErrInvalidForceOutcome2Code = errors.New("invalid ForceOutcome2 code")
	// ErrInvalidForceOutcome2ReturnVal - invalid ForceOutcome2 return value
	ErrInvalidForceOutcome2ReturnVal = errors.New("invalid ForceOutcome2 return value")

	// ErrInvalidOtherScene - invalid OtherScene
	ErrInvalidOtherScene = errors.New("invalid OtherScene")

	// ErrInvalidScene - invalid Scene
	ErrInvalidScene = errors.New("invalid Scene")

	// ErrInvalidSetComponent - invalid a set component
	ErrInvalidSetComponent = errors.New("invalid a set component")

	// ErrInvalidScriptParamsNumber - invalid script params number
	ErrInvalidScriptParamsNumber = errors.New("invalid script params number")
	// ErrInvalidScriptParamType - invalid script param type
	ErrInvalidScriptParamType = errors.New("invalid param type")

	// ErrInvalidPosition - invalid position
	ErrInvalidPosition = errors.New("invalid position")

	// ErrInvalidCollectorVal - invalid Collector.Val
	ErrInvalidCollectorVal = errors.New("invalid Collector.Val")
	// ErrInvalidCollectorLogic - invalid Collector logic
	ErrInvalidCollectorLogic = errors.New("invalid Collector logic")

	// ErrInvalidAnyProtoBuf - invalid AnyProtoBuf
	ErrInvalidAnyProtoBuf = errors.New("invalid AnyProtoBuf")
	// ErrInvalidPBComponentData - invalid invalid PB ComponentData
	ErrInvalidPBComponentData = errors.New("invalid PB ComponentData")
	// ErrInvalidFuncNewComponentData - invalid FuncNewComponentData
	ErrInvalidFuncNewComponentData = errors.New("invalid FuncNewComponentData")
	// ErrInvalidAnypbTypeURL - invalid anypb TypeURL
	ErrInvalidAnypbTypeURL = errors.New("invalid anypb TypeURL")
	// ErrNoWeight - no weight
	ErrNoWeight = errors.New("no weight")

	// ErrInvalidBranch - invalid branch
	ErrInvalidBranch = errors.New("invalid branch")

	// ErrInvalidCommand - invalid command
	ErrInvalidCommand = errors.New("invalid command")

	// ErrNoComponent - no component
	ErrNoComponent = errors.New("no component")
View Source
var MapProperty map[string]int


func AbsInt added in v0.13.210

func AbsInt(n int) int

func CalcSymbolsInResultEx added in v0.13.414

func CalcSymbolsInResultEx(gs *sgc7game.GameScene, mapSymbolCodes map[int]int, ret *sgc7game.Result, t WinResultModifierType) int

func CmpVal added in v0.13.175

func CmpVal(src int, op string, target int) bool

func CountSymbolsInResult added in v0.13.293

func CountSymbolsInResult(gs *sgc7game.GameScene, symbols []int, ret *sgc7game.Result) int

func GenDefaultScene added in v0.13.305

func GenDefaultScene(game *Game, bet int) (*sgc7game.GameScene, error)

func GenInitialArr added in v0.13.178

func GenInitialArr(len int) []int

GenInitialArr - return [0,1,2...]

func GetComponentDataVal added in v0.13.11

func GetComponentDataVal(pb proto.Message, val string) (int, bool)

func GetExcludeSymbols added in v0.12.216

func GetExcludeSymbols(pt *sgc7game.PayTables, symbols []int) []int

func GetSymbolValMultiFunc added in v0.13.137

func GetSymbolValMultiFunc(t OtherSceneMultiType) sgc7game.FuncCalcMulti

func HasSamePos added in v0.13.175

func HasSamePos(src []int, target []int) bool

func HasSymbolsInResult added in v0.13.244

func HasSymbolsInResult(gs *sgc7game.GameScene, symbols []int, ret *sgc7game.Result) bool

func InsSliceNonRep added in v0.13.39

func InsSliceNonRep(arr []string, src []string) []string

func InsStringSliceNonRep added in v0.13.39

func InsStringSliceNonRep(arr []string, str string) []string

func IsInPosArea added in v0.12.230

func IsInPosArea(x, y int, posArea []int) bool

func IsInitialArr added in v0.13.178

func IsInitialArr(arr []int) bool

IsInitialArr - is the arr [0,1,2...]

func IsSameIntArr added in v0.13.189

func IsSameIntArr(arr []int, arr1 []int) bool

func IsValidPosWithHeight added in v0.13.464

func IsValidPosWithHeight(x, y int, curHeight, height int, isReversalHeight bool) bool

func NewStats2 added in v0.13.8

func NewStats2(components *ComponentList) *stats2.Stats

func PowInt added in v0.13.137

func PowInt(v int, n int) int

func SaveIntWeights added in v0.13.369

func SaveIntWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, vw *sgc7game.ValWeights2) error

func SaveLineData added in v0.13.369

func SaveLineData(f *excelize.File, sheet string, ld *sgc7game.LineData) error

func SavePaytable added in v0.13.369

func SavePaytable(f *excelize.File, sheet string, pt *sgc7game.PayTables) error

func SaveReels added in v0.13.369

func SaveReels(f *excelize.File, sheet string, pt *sgc7game.PayTables, reels *sgc7game.ReelsData) error

func SaveStrWeights added in v0.13.369

func SaveStrWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, vw *sgc7game.ValWeights2) error

func SaveSymbolWeights added in v0.13.369

func SaveSymbolWeights(f *excelize.File, sheet string, pt *sgc7game.PayTables, vw *sgc7game.ValWeights2) error

func SetAllowForceOutcome added in v0.13.11

func SetAllowForceOutcome(maxTry int)

func SetAllowFullComponentHistory added in v0.13.327

func SetAllowFullComponentHistory()

func SetAllowStatsV2 added in v0.13.8

func SetAllowStatsV2()

func SetRTPMode added in v0.13.135

func SetRTPMode()

SetRTPMode - rtp mode

func SetReleaseMode added in v0.12.250

func SetReleaseMode()

SetReleaseMode - release mode

func SetRngLibConfig added in v0.13.433

func SetRngLibConfig(fn string)

func Shuffle added in v0.13.178

func Shuffle(arr []int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) ([]int, error)

func Spin added in v0.13.11

func Spin(game *Game, ips sgc7game.IPlayerState, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, stake *sgc7game.Stake, cmd string, params string, cheat string, isNotAutoSelect bool) ([]*sgc7game.PlayResult, error)

func StartRTP

func StartRTP(gamecfg string, icore int, ispinnums int64, outputPath string, bet int64, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel, wincap int64) error

func StartRTPWithData added in v0.13.106

func StartRTPWithData(gamecfg []byte, icore int, ispinnums int64, bet int64, ontimer sgc7rtp.FuncOnRTPTimer, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) (*stats2.Stats, error)

func String2Property

func String2Property(str string) (int, error)


type AddSymbolNumType added in v0.13.295

type AddSymbolNumType int
const (
	AddSymbolNumTypeNumber            AddSymbolNumType = 0 // 数字
	AddSymbolNumTypeWeight            AddSymbolNumType = 1 // 权重表
	AddSymbolNumTypeIncUntilTriggered AddSymbolNumType = 2 // 不停的加数量,直到触发器触发

type AddSymbols added in v0.13.47

type AddSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *AddSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*AddSymbols) Init added in v0.13.47

func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*AddSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.47

func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*AddSymbols) NewComponentData added in v0.13.275

func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*AddSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.47

func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*AddSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.47

func (addSymbols *AddSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type AddSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.47

type AddSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig   `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType                string                `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                   AddSymbolsType        `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Symbol                 string                `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	SymbolCode             int                   `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	StrSymbolNumType       string                `yaml:"symbolNumType" json:"symbolNumType"`
	SymbolNumType          AddSymbolNumType      `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	SymbolNum              int                   `yaml:"symbolNum" json:"symbolNum"`
	SymbolNumWeight        string                `yaml:"symbolNumWeight" json:"symbolNumWeight"`
	SymbolNumWeightVW      *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	IgnoreSymbols          []string              `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"`
	IgnoreSymbolCodes      []int                 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	SymbolNumTrigger       string                `yaml:"symbolNumTrigger" json:"symbolNumTrigger"`
	Height                 int                   `yaml:"height" json:"height"`
	SrcPositionCollections []string              `yaml:"srcPositionCollections" json:"srcPositionCollections"`

AddSymbolsConfig - configuration for AddSymbols

func (*AddSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.47

func (cfg *AddSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type AddSymbolsData added in v0.13.275

type AddSymbolsData struct {
	SymbolNum int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AddSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.275

func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*AddSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal added in v0.13.388

func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int

ChgConfigIntVal -

func (*AddSymbolsData) Clone added in v0.13.275

func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*AddSymbolsData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*AddSymbolsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.275

func (addSymbolsData *AddSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type AddSymbolsType added in v0.13.259

type AddSymbolsType int
const (
	AddSymbolsTypeNormal              AddSymbolsType = 0 // 普通
	AddSymbolsTypeNoSameReel          AddSymbolsType = 1 // 不能加在同一轴上
	AddSymbolsTypeNoSameReelAndIgnore AddSymbolsType = 2 // 也不能加在和ignore symbol同一轴上
	AddSymbolsTypePositionCollection  AddSymbolsType = 3 // 在 positionCollection 的位置上加 symbol

type AdjacentPayTrigger added in v0.13.305

type AdjacentPayTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *AdjacentPayTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)

CanTriggerWithScene -

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) GetWinMulti added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) Init added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) InitEx added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) NewComponentData added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) NewStats2 added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) OnStats2 added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*AdjacentPayTrigger) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (adjacentPayTrigger *AdjacentPayTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type AdjacentPayTriggerConfig added in v0.13.305

type AdjacentPayTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols              []string            `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`                       // like scatter
	SymbolCodes          []int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // like scatter
	Type                 string              `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                             // like scatters
	TriggerType          SymbolTriggerType   `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // SymbolTriggerType
	OSMulTypeString      string              `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"`       // OtherSceneMultiType
	OSMulType            OtherSceneMultiType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // OtherSceneMultiType
	BetTypeString        string              `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"`                       // bet or totalBet or noPay
	BetType              BetType             `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // bet or totalBet or noPay
	MinNum               int                 `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"`                         // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效
	WildSymbols          []string            `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"`               // wild etc
	WildSymbolCodes      []int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // wild symbolCode
	WinMulti             int                 `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"`                     // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1
	JumpToComponent      string              `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`       // jump to
	ForceToNext          bool                `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"`               // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支
	Awards               []*Award            `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                         // 新的奖励系统
	IsReverse            bool                `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"`                   // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发
	PiggyBankComponent   string              `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"` // piggyBank component

AdjacentPayTriggerConfig - configuration for AdjacentPayTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*AdjacentPayTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.305

func (cfg *AdjacentPayTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type AdjacentPayTriggerData added in v0.13.305

type AdjacentPayTriggerData struct {
	NextComponent     string
	SymbolNum         int
	WildNum           int
	RespinNum         int
	Wins              int
	WinMulti          int
	AvgSymbolValMulti int // 平均的symbolVal倍数,用整数来表达浮点数,100是1倍

func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) AddPos added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) AddPos(x, y int)

AddPos -

func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) Clone added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetPos added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*AdjacentPayTriggerData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.305

func (adjacentPayTriggerData *AdjacentPayTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type Award added in v0.10.273

type Award struct {
	AwardType       string   `yaml:"awardType" json:"awardType"`
	Type            int      `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Val             int      `yaml:"val" json:"-"`                           // 弃用,代码里已经不用了,初始化时会把数据转存到Vals里,为了兼容性保留配置
	StrParam        string   `yaml:"strParam" json:"-"`                      // 弃用,代码里已经不用了,初始化时会把数据转存到StrParams里,为了兼容性保留配置
	Vals            []int    `yaml:"vals" json:"vals"`                       // 数值参数
	StrParams       []string `yaml:"strParams" json:"strParams"`             // 字符串参数
	ComponentVals   []string `yaml:"componentVals" json:"componentVals"`     // 可以用component数值来替代常量,如果val长度为2,需要替换第二个参数,那么第一个参数应该给空字符串
	OnTriggerRespin string   `yaml:"onTriggerRespin" json:"onTriggerRespin"` // 在这个respin再次触发时才生效,这个时候会用当前respin的LastTriggerNum+CurTriggerNum作为TriggerIndex记下,当TriggerIndex==CurTriggerNum时才生效
	TriggerIndex    int      `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             // 见上

func (*Award) GetVal added in v0.12.225

func (cfg *Award) GetVal(gameProp *GameProperty, i int) int

func (*Award) Init added in v0.10.323

func (cfg *Award) Init()

type AwardsNode added in v0.10.323

type AwardsNode struct {
	Weight int      `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"`
	Awards []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`

type AwardsWeights added in v0.10.323

type AwardsWeights struct {
	Nodes     []*AwardsNode `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"`
	MaxWeight int           `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

func (*AwardsWeights) Init added in v0.10.323

func (aw *AwardsWeights) Init()

func (*AwardsWeights) RandVal added in v0.10.323

func (aw *AwardsWeights) RandVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) (*AwardsNode, error)

type BasicComponent

type BasicComponent struct {
	Config      *BasicComponentConfig
	Name        string
	SrcSceneNum int

func NewBasicComponent

func NewBasicComponent(name string, srcSceneNum int) *BasicComponent

func (*BasicComponent) AddOtherScene

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddOtherScene(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult,
	sc *sgc7game.GameScene, basicCD *BasicComponentData)

AddOtherScene -

func (*BasicComponent) AddPos added in v0.13.89

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddPos(cd IComponentData, x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*BasicComponent) AddResult

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddResult(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, ret *sgc7game.Result, basicCD *BasicComponentData)

AddResult -

func (*BasicComponent) AddScene

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) AddScene(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult,
	sc *sgc7game.GameScene, basicCD *BasicComponentData)

AddScene -

func (*BasicComponent) CanTriggerWithScene added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)

CanTriggerWithScene -

func (*BasicComponent) ClearOtherScene added in v0.12.220

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ClearOtherScene(gameProp *GameProperty)

ClearOtherScene -

func (*BasicComponent) EachSymbols added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake,
	prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) error

EachSymbols - foreach symbols

func (*BasicComponent) EachUsedResults

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (*BasicComponent) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*BasicComponent) GetBranchNum added in v0.13.216

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetBranchNum() int

GetBranchNum -

func (*BasicComponent) GetBranchWeights added in v0.13.235

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetBranchWeights() []int

GetBranchWeights -

func (*BasicComponent) GetChildLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetChildLinkComponents() []string

GetChildLinkComponents - get child link components

func (*BasicComponent) GetName added in v0.10.285

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetName() string

GetName -

func (*BasicComponent) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*BasicComponent) GetTargetOtherScene3 added in v0.13.78

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetTargetOtherScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, si int) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*BasicComponent) GetTargetScene3 added in v0.12.272

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) GetTargetScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, si int) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*BasicComponent) Init added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*BasicComponent) InitEx added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*BasicComponent) IsForeach added in v0.13.99

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsForeach() bool

IsForeach -

func (*BasicComponent) IsMask added in v0.12.170

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsMask() bool

IsMask -

func (*BasicComponent) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 added in v0.13.338

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2() bool

IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 - 除respin外,如果也有component也需要在stepEnd调用的话,这里需要返回true

func (*BasicComponent) IsRespin added in v0.12.157

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) IsRespin() bool

IsRespin -

func (*BasicComponent) NewComponentData

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*BasicComponent) NewStats2 added in v0.13.8

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*BasicComponent) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*BasicComponent) OnGameInited added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error

OnGameInited - on game inited

func (*BasicComponent) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error

OnPlayGame - on playgame

func (*BasicComponent) OnPlayGameWithSet added in v0.13.143

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnPlayGameWithSet(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData, set int) (string, error)

OnPlayGameWithSet - on playgame with a set

func (*BasicComponent) OnStats2 added in v0.13.8

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*BasicComponent) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

func (*BasicComponent) ProcRespinOnStepEnd added in v0.13.99

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, canRemove bool) (string, error)

ProcRespinOnStepEnd - 现在只有respin需要特殊处理结束,如果多层respin嵌套时,只要新的有next,就不会继续结束respin

func (*BasicComponent) SetMask added in v0.12.155

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error

SetMask -

func (*BasicComponent) SetMaskOnlyTrue added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error

SetMaskOnlyTrue -

func (*BasicComponent) SetMaskVal added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponent *BasicComponent) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, index int, mask bool) error

SetMaskVal -

type BasicComponentConfig

type BasicComponentConfig struct {
	DefaultNextComponent string            `yaml:"defaultNextComponent" json:"defaultNextComponent"` // next component, if it is empty jump to ending
	TagRNG               []string          `yaml:"tagRNG" json:"tagRNG"`                             // tag RNG
	InitStrVals          map[string]string `yaml:"initStrVals" json:"initStrVals"`                   // 只要这个组件被执行,就会初始化这些strvals
	UseFileMapping       bool              `yaml:"useFileMapping" json:"useFileMapping"`             // 兼容性配置,新配置应该一定用filemapping
	ComponentType        string            `yaml:"-" json:"componentType"`                           // 组件类型
	TargetScenes3        [][]string        `yaml:"targetScenes3" json:"targetScenes3"`               // target scenes V3
	TargetOtherScenes3   [][]string        `yaml:"targetOtherScenes3" json:"targetOtherScenes3"`     // target scenes V3


type BasicComponentData

type BasicComponentData struct {
	UsedScenes            []int
	UsedOtherScenes       []int
	UsedResults           []int
	UsedPrizeScenes       []int
	CashWin               int64
	CoinWin               int
	TargetSceneIndex      int
	TargetOtherSceneIndex int
	RNG                   []int
	MapConfigVals         map[string]string
	MapConfigIntVals      map[string]int
	SrcScenes             []int
	Output                int
	StrOutput             string

func (*BasicComponentData) AddPos added in v0.13.89

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*BasicComponentData) AddRespinTimes added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddRespinTimes(num int)

AddRespinTimes -

func (*BasicComponentData) AddSymbol added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddSymbol(symbolCode int)

AddSymbol -

func (*BasicComponentData) AddTriggerRespinAward added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award)

AddTriggerRespinAward -

func (*BasicComponentData) BuildPBBasicComponentData

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) BuildPBBasicComponentData() *sgc7pb.ComponentData


func (*BasicComponentData) BuildPBComponentData

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*BasicComponentData) ChgConfigIntVal added in v0.13.11

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int

ChgConfigIntVal -

func (*BasicComponentData) ChgMask added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ChgMask(curMask int, val bool) bool

ChgMask -

func (*BasicComponentData) ClearConfigIntVal added in v0.13.67

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) ClearConfigIntVal(key string)

ClearConfigIntVal -

func (*BasicComponentData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*BasicComponentData) CloneBasicComponentData added in v0.13.170

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) CloneBasicComponentData() BasicComponentData


func (*BasicComponentData) GetConfigIntVal added in v0.12.278

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetConfigIntVal(key string) (int, bool)

GetConfigIntVal -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetConfigVal added in v0.12.244

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetConfigVal(key string) string

GetConfigVal -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetLastRespinNum added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetLastRespinNum() int

GetLastRespinNum -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetMask added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetMask() []bool

GetMask -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetOutput added in v0.13.57

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetOutput() int

GetOutput -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetPos added in v0.13.89

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetResults added in v0.13.8

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetResults() []int

GetResults -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetStrVal added in v0.13.273

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool)

GetStrVal -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetStringOutput added in v0.13.57

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetStringOutput() string

GetStringOutput -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetSymbols added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetSymbols() []int

GetSymbols -

func (*BasicComponentData) GetValEx added in v0.13.332

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*BasicComponentData) HasPos added in v0.13.89

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*BasicComponentData) IsRespinEnding added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) IsRespinEnding() bool

IsRespinEnding -

func (*BasicComponentData) IsRespinStarted added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) IsRespinStarted() bool

IsRespinStarted -

func (*BasicComponentData) LoadPBComponentData added in v0.13.170

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) LoadPBComponentData(pb *sgc7pb.ComponentData) error


func (*BasicComponentData) OnNewGame

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*BasicComponentData) PushTriggerRespin added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, num int)

PushTrigger -

func (*BasicComponentData) PutInMoney added in v0.13.49

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) PutInMoney(coins int)

func (*BasicComponentData) SetConfigIntVal added in v0.12.278

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)

SetConfigIntVal -

func (*BasicComponentData) SetConfigVal added in v0.12.244

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) SetConfigVal(key string, val string)

SetConfigVal -

func (*BasicComponentData) TriggerRespin added in v0.13.39

func (basicComponentData *BasicComponentData) TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)


type BasicGameMod

type BasicGameMod struct {
	Pool          *GamePropertyPool
	MapComponents map[int]*ComponentList

BasicGameMod - basic gamemod

func NewBasicGameMod2 added in v0.12.36

func NewBasicGameMod2(pool *GamePropertyPool, mgrComponent *ComponentMgr) (*BasicGameMod, error)

NewBasicGameMod2 - new BaseGame

func (*BasicGameMod) OnAsciiGame

func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*BasicGameMod) OnNewGame

func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake, curPlugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error

OnNewGame -

func (*BasicGameMod) OnNewStep

func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnNewStep(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake) error

OnNewStep -

func (*BasicGameMod) OnPlay

func (bgm *BasicGameMod) OnPlay(game sgc7game.IGame, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cmd string, param string,
	ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, gameData any) (*sgc7game.PlayResult, error)

OnPlay - on play

func (*BasicGameMod) ResetConfig

func (bgm *BasicGameMod) ResetConfig(cfg *Config)


type BasicRNG added in v0.13.135

type BasicRNG struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BasicRNG) Clone added in v0.13.242

func (rng *BasicRNG) Clone() IRNG

func (*BasicRNG) GetCurRNG added in v0.13.135

func (rng *BasicRNG) GetCurRNG(betMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, cd IComponentData, fl IFeatureLevel) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string)

GetCurRNG -

func (*BasicRNG) OnChoiceBranch added in v0.13.277

func (rng *BasicRNG) OnChoiceBranch(betMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error

OnChoiceBranch -

func (*BasicRNG) OnNewGame added in v0.13.135

func (rng *BasicRNG) OnNewGame(betMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error

OnNewGame -

func (*BasicRNG) OnStepEnd added in v0.13.322

func (rng *BasicRNG) OnStepEnd(betMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error

OnStepEnd -

type BasicReels

type BasicReels struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *BasicReelsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*BasicReels) Init

func (basicReels *BasicReels) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*BasicReels) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (basicReels *BasicReels) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*BasicReels) OnAsciiGame

func (basicReels *BasicReels) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*BasicReels) OnPlayGame

func (basicReels *BasicReels) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*BasicReels) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (basicReels *BasicReels) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type BasicReelsConfig

type BasicReelsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	ReelSet              string   `yaml:"reelSet" json:"reelSet"`
	IsExpandReel         bool     `yaml:"isExpandReel" json:"isExpandReel"`
	Awards               []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统

BasicReelsConfig - configuration for BasicReels

func (*BasicReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.12.278

func (cfg *BasicReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type BetConfig added in v0.13.117

type BetConfig struct {
	Bet            int                `yaml:"bet"`
	TotalBetInWins int                `yaml:"totalBetInWins"`
	Start          string             `yaml:"start"`
	Components     []*ComponentConfig `yaml:"components"`

	ForceEndings []string `yaml:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*BetConfig) Reset added in v0.13.164

func (betCfg *BetConfig) Reset(start string, endings []string)

type BetType added in v0.12.147

type BetType int
const (
	BTypeNoPay    BetType = 0
	BTypeBet      BetType = 1
	BTypeTotalBet BetType = 2

func ParseBetType added in v0.12.147

func ParseBetType(str string) BetType

type Bomb added in v0.13.447

type Bomb struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *BombConfig `json:"config"`

func (*Bomb) Init added in v0.13.447

func (bomb *Bomb) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*Bomb) InitEx added in v0.13.447

func (bomb *Bomb) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*Bomb) NewComponentData added in v0.13.447

func (burstSymbols *Bomb) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*Bomb) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.447

func (burstSymbols *Bomb) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*Bomb) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.447

func (bomb *Bomb) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*Bomb) ProcControllers added in v0.13.447

func (bomb *Bomb) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type BombConfig added in v0.13.447

type BombConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig      `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	BombWidth                 int            `json:"bombWidth"`
	BombHeight                int            `json:"bombHeight"`
	StrBombSourceType         string         `json:"bombSourceType"`
	BombSourceType            BombSourceType `json:"-"`
	SourceSymbols             []string       `json:"sourceSymbols"`
	SourceSymbolCodes         []int          `json:"-"`
	BombData                  [][]int        `json:"bombData"`
	SourcePositionCollection  string         `json:"sourcePositionCollection"`
	SelectSourceNumber        int            `json:"selectSourceNumber"`
	IgnoreSymbols             []string       `json:"ignoreSymbols"`
	IgnoreSymbolCodes         []int          `json:"-"`
	StrBombTargetType         string         `json:"bombTargetType"`
	BombTargetType            BombTargetType `json:"-"`
	TargetSymbol              string         `json:"targetSymbol"`
	TargetSymbolCode          int            `json:"-"`
	OutputToComponent         string         `json:"outputToComponent"`
	IgnoreWinResults          []string       `json:"ignoreWinResults"`
	IgnorePositionCollections []string       `json:"ignorePositionCollections"`
	Controllers               []*Award       `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` // 新的奖励系统

BombConfig - configuration for Bomb

func (*BombConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.447

func (cfg *BombConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type BombData added in v0.13.447

type BombData struct {
	Pos [][]int

func (*BombData) AddPos added in v0.13.447

func (bombData *BombData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*BombData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.447

func (bombData *BombData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*BombData) Clone added in v0.13.447

func (bombData *BombData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*BombData) GetPos added in v0.13.447

func (bombData *BombData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*BombData) HasPos added in v0.13.447

func (bombData *BombData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*BombData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.447

func (bombData *BombData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type BombSourceType added in v0.13.447

type BombSourceType int
const (
	BSTypePositionCollection BombSourceType = 0
	BSTypeSymbols            BombSourceType = 1

type BombTargetType added in v0.13.447

type BombTargetType int
const (
	BTTypeSymbols BombTargetType = 0
	BTTypeRemove  BombTargetType = 1

type BranchNode added in v0.13.17

type BranchNode struct {
	Awards          []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统
	JumpToComponent string   `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`

BranchNode -

type BurstSymbols added in v0.13.202

type BurstSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *BurstSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*BurstSymbols) Init added in v0.13.202

func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*BurstSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.202

func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*BurstSymbols) NewComponentData added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*BurstSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.202

func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*BurstSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.202

func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*BurstSymbols) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (burstSymbols *BurstSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type BurstSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.202

type BurstSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrBurstType         string                 `yaml:"burstType" json:"burstType"`
	BurstType            BurstSymbolsType       `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	BurstNumber          int                    `yaml:"burstNumber" json:"burstNumber"`
	StrSourceType        string                 `yaml:"burstSymbolsSourceType" json:"burstSymbolsSourceType"`
	SourceType           BurstSymbolsSourceType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	SourceSymbols        []string               `yaml:"sourceSymbols" json:"sourceSymbols"`
	SourceSymbolCodes    []int                  `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	IgnoreSymbols        []string               `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"`
	IgnoreSymbolCodes    []int                  `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	OverrideSymbol       string                 `yaml:"overrideSymbol" json:"overrideSymbol"`
	OverrideSymbolCode   int                    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	PositionCollection   string                 `yaml:"positionCollection" json:"positionCollection"`
	Controllers          []*Award               `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"`         // 新的奖励系统
	JumpToComponent      string                 `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to

BurstSymbolsConfig - configuration for BurstSymbols

func (*BurstSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.202

func (cfg *BurstSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type BurstSymbolsData added in v0.13.210

type BurstSymbolsData struct {
	Pos [][]int

func (*BurstSymbolsData) AddPos added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*BurstSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*BurstSymbolsData) Clone added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*BurstSymbolsData) GetPos added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*BurstSymbolsData) HasPos added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*BurstSymbolsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*BurstSymbolsData) OnNewStep added in v0.13.210

func (burstSymbolsData *BurstSymbolsData) OnNewStep()

OnNewStep -

type BurstSymbolsSourceType added in v0.13.202

type BurstSymbolsSourceType int
const (
	BSSTypeSymbols            BurstSymbolsSourceType = 0
	BSSTypePositionCollection BurstSymbolsSourceType = 1

type BurstSymbolsType added in v0.13.202

type BurstSymbolsType int
const (
	BSTypeDiffusion BurstSymbolsType = 0
	BSTypeSurround4 BurstSymbolsType = 1
	BSTypeSurround8 BurstSymbolsType = 2

type CallStack added in v0.13.39

type CallStack struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewCallStack added in v0.13.39

func NewCallStack() *CallStack

func (*CallStack) ComponentDone added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) ComponentDone(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent, cd IComponentData)

func (*CallStack) Each added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) Each(gameProp *GameProperty, onEach FuncOnEachHistoryComponent) error

func (*CallStack) GetComponentData added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) GetComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData

func (*CallStack) GetComponentNum added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) GetComponentNum() int

func (*CallStack) GetCurCallStackSymbol added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) GetCurCallStackSymbol() int

func (*CallStack) GetCurComponentData added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) GetCurComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData

func (*CallStack) GetGlobalComponentData added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) GetGlobalComponentData(gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent) IComponentData

GetGlobalComponentData -

func (*CallStack) IsInCurCallStack added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) IsInCurCallStack(componentName string) bool

func (*CallStack) OnCallEnd added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) OnCallEnd(ic IComponent, cd IComponentData) string

func (*CallStack) OnNewGame added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) OnNewGame()

func (*CallStack) OnNewStep added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) OnNewStep() *CallStack

func (*CallStack) StartEachSymbols added in v0.13.39

func (cs *CallStack) StartEachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent, children []string, symbolCode int, i int) error

type CatchSymbols added in v0.13.202

type CatchSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *CatchSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*CatchSymbols) Init added in v0.13.202

func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*CatchSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.202

func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*CatchSymbols) NewComponentData added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*CatchSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.202

func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*CatchSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.202

func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*CatchSymbols) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (catchSymbols *CatchSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type CatchSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.202

type CatchSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrCatchType         string           `yaml:"catchType" json:"catchType"`
	CatchType            CatchSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	SourceSymbols        []string         `yaml:"sourceSymbols" json:"sourceSymbols"`
	SourceSymbolCodes    []int            `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	TargetSymbols        []string         `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"`
	TargetSymbolCodes    []int            `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	IgnoreSymbols        []string         `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"`
	IgnoreSymbolCodes    []int            `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	OverrideSymbol       string           `yaml:"overrideSymbol" json:"overrideSymbol"`
	OverrideSymbolCode   int              `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	UpgradeSymbol        string           `yaml:"upgradeSymbol" json:"upgradeSymbol"`
	UpgradeSymbolCode    int              `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	PositionCollection   string           `yaml:"positionCollection" json:"positionCollection"`
	Controllers          []*Award         `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"`         // 新的奖励系统
	JumpToComponent      string           `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to

CatchSymbolsConfig - configuration for CatchSymbols

func (*CatchSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.202

func (cfg *CatchSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type CatchSymbolsData added in v0.13.210

type CatchSymbolsData struct {
	Pos       [][]int
	SymbolNum int

func (*CatchSymbolsData) AddPos added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*CatchSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*CatchSymbolsData) Clone added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*CatchSymbolsData) GetPos added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*CatchSymbolsData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*CatchSymbolsData) HasPos added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*CatchSymbolsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*CatchSymbolsData) OnNewStep added in v0.13.210

func (catchSymbolsData *CatchSymbolsData) OnNewStep()

OnNewStep -

type CatchSymbolsType added in v0.13.202

type CatchSymbolsType int
const (
	CSTypeRule1 CatchSymbolsType = 0

type CheckSymbolVals added in v0.13.89

type CheckSymbolVals struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *CheckSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*CheckSymbolVals) Init added in v0.13.89

func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*CheckSymbolVals) InitEx added in v0.13.89

func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*CheckSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.89

func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*CheckSymbolVals) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.89

func (checkSymbolVals *CheckSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type CheckSymbolValsConfig added in v0.13.89

type CheckSymbolValsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string              `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 CheckSymbolValsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Value                int                 `yaml:"value" json:"value"`
	Min                  int                 `yaml:"min" json:"min"`
	Max                  int                 `yaml:"max" json:"max"`
	OutputToComponent    string              `yaml:"outputToComponent" json:"outputToComponent"`

CheckSymbolValsConfig - configuration for CheckSymbolVals

func (*CheckSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.89

func (cfg *CheckSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type CheckSymbolValsType added in v0.13.89

type CheckSymbolValsType int
const (
	CSVTypeEqu        CheckSymbolValsType = 0 // ==
	CSVTypeGreaterEqu CheckSymbolValsType = 1 // >=
	CSVTypeLessEqu    CheckSymbolValsType = 2 // <=
	CSVTypeGreater    CheckSymbolValsType = 3 // >
	CSVTypeLess       CheckSymbolValsType = 4 // <
	CSVTypeInAreaLR   CheckSymbolValsType = 5 // In [min, max]
	CSVTypeInAreaR    CheckSymbolValsType = 6 // In (min, max]
	CSVTypeInAreaL    CheckSymbolValsType = 7 // In [min, max)
	CSVTypeInArea     CheckSymbolValsType = 8 // In (min, max)

type CheckVal added in v0.13.273

type CheckVal struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *CheckValConfig `json:"config"`

func (*CheckVal) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.273

func (checkVal *CheckVal) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*CheckVal) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.273

func (checkVal *CheckVal) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*CheckVal) Init added in v0.13.273

func (checkVal *CheckVal) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*CheckVal) InitEx added in v0.13.273

func (checkVal *CheckVal) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*CheckVal) NewComponentData added in v0.13.273

func (checkVal *CheckVal) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*CheckVal) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.273

func (checkVal *CheckVal) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*CheckVal) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.273

func (checkVal *CheckVal) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*CheckVal) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (checkVal *CheckVal) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type CheckValConfig added in v0.13.273

type CheckValConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	SourceVal            []string `yaml:"sourceVal" json:"sourceVal"`
	TargetVal            []string `yaml:"targetVal" json:"targetVal"`
	JumpToComponent      string   `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`
	Controllers          []*Award `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"` // 新的奖励系统

CheckValConfig - configuration for CheckVal

func (*CheckValConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.273

func (cfg *CheckValConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type CheckValData added in v0.13.273

type CheckValData struct {
	IsTrigger bool

func (*CheckValData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.273

func (checkValData *CheckValData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*CheckValData) Clone added in v0.13.273

func (checkValData *CheckValData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*CheckValData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (checkValData *CheckValData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*CheckValData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.273

func (checkValData *CheckValData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type CheckWinType added in v0.12.16

type CheckWinType int
const (
	// CheckWinTypeLeftRight - left -> right
	CheckWinTypeLeftRight CheckWinType = 0
	// CheckWinTypeRightLeft - right -> left
	CheckWinTypeRightLeft CheckWinType = 1
	// CheckWinTypeAll - left -> right & right -> left
	CheckWinTypeAll CheckWinType = 2
	// CheckWinTypeCount - count
	CheckWinTypeCount CheckWinType = 3

func ParseCheckWinType added in v0.12.16

func ParseCheckWinType(str string) CheckWinType

type ChgSymbol added in v0.10.273

type ChgSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ChgSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ChgSymbol) Init added in v0.10.273

func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ChgSymbol) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.10.273

func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ChgSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.10.273

func (chgSymbol *ChgSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ChgSymbolConfig added in v0.10.273

type ChgSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Nodes                []*ChgSymbolNodeConfig `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"`

ChgSymbolConfig - configuration for ChgSymbol feature

type ChgSymbolNodeConfig added in v0.10.273

type ChgSymbolNodeConfig struct {
	X          int    `yaml:"x" json:"x"`
	Y          int    `yaml:"y" json:"y"`
	Symbol     string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	SymbolCode int    `yaml:"symbolCode" json:"symbolCode"`

ChgSymbolNodeConfig -

type ChgSymbolVals added in v0.13.89

type ChgSymbolVals struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ChgSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ChgSymbolVals) GetNumber added in v0.13.305

func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) GetNumber(cd *ChgSymbolValsData) int

func (*ChgSymbolVals) GetTarget added in v0.13.305

func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) GetTarget(cd *ChgSymbolValsData, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) (int, error)

func (*ChgSymbolVals) Init added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ChgSymbolVals) InitEx added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ChgSymbolVals) NewComponentData added in v0.13.175

func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*ChgSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ChgSymbolVals) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbolVals *ChgSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ChgSymbolValsConfig added in v0.13.89

type ChgSymbolValsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                  `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 ChgSymbolValsType       `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	StrSourceType        string                  `yaml:"sourceType" json:"sourceType"`
	SourceType           ChgSymbolValsSourceType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	StrTargetType        string                  `yaml:"targetType" json:"targetType"`
	TargetType           ChgSymbolValsTargetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	PositionCollection   string                  `yaml:"positionCollection" json:"positionCollection"`
	WinResultComponents  []string                `yaml:"winResultComponents" json:"winResultComponents"`
	MaxNumber            int                     `yaml:"maxNumber" json:"maxNumber"`
	MaxVal               int                     `yaml:"maxVal" json:"maxVal"`
	MinVal               int                     `yaml:"minVal" json:"minVal"`
	Row                  int                     `yaml:"minVal" json:"row"`
	Column               int                     `yaml:"minVal" json:"column"`
	Multi                int                     `yaml:"multi" json:"multi"`
	Number               int                     `yaml:"number" json:"number"`
	TargetWeight         string                  `yaml:"weight" json:"-"`
	TargetWeightVW2      *sgc7game.ValWeights2   `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

ChgSymbolValsConfig - configuration for ChgSymbolVals

func (*ChgSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.89

func (cfg *ChgSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type ChgSymbolValsData added in v0.13.175

type ChgSymbolValsData struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ChgSymbolValsData) AddPos added in v0.13.177

func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) AddPos(x, y int)

AddPos -

func (*ChgSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.175

func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*ChgSymbolValsData) Clone added in v0.13.175

func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*ChgSymbolValsData) GetPos added in v0.13.175

func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*ChgSymbolValsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.175

func (chgSymbolValsData *ChgSymbolValsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type ChgSymbolValsSourceType added in v0.13.89

type ChgSymbolValsSourceType int
const (
	CSVSTypePositionCollection ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 0 // positionCollection
	CSVSTypeWinResult          ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 1 // winResult
	CSVSTypeRow                ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 2 // row
	CSVSTypeColumn             ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 3 // column
	CSVSTypeAll                ChgSymbolValsSourceType = 4 // all

type ChgSymbolValsTargetType added in v0.13.305

type ChgSymbolValsTargetType int
const (
	CSVTTypeNumber     ChgSymbolValsTargetType = 0 // number
	CSVTTypeWeight     ChgSymbolValsTargetType = 1 // weight
	CSVTTypeEachWeight ChgSymbolValsTargetType = 2 // each weight

type ChgSymbolValsType added in v0.13.89

type ChgSymbolValsType int
const (
	CSVTypeInc ChgSymbolValsType = 0 // ++
	CSVTypeDec ChgSymbolValsType = 1 // --
	CSVTypeMul ChgSymbolValsType = 2 // *=
	CSVTypeAdd ChgSymbolValsType = 3 // +=
	CSVTypeSet ChgSymbolValsType = 4 // =

type ChgSymbols added in v0.13.89

type ChgSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ChgSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ChgSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*ChgSymbols) GetBranchNum added in v0.13.216

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetBranchNum() int

GetBranchNum -

func (*ChgSymbols) GetBranchWeights added in v0.13.235

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetBranchWeights() []int

GetBranchWeights -

func (*ChgSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*ChgSymbols) GetSymbolCodes added in v0.13.350

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) GetSymbolCodes(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) ([]int, error)

func (*ChgSymbols) Init added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ChgSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ChgSymbols) NewComponentData added in v0.13.388

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*ChgSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ChgSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.89

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*ChgSymbols) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (chgSymbols *ChgSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type ChgSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.89

type ChgSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                                `yaml:"chgSymbolsType" json:"-"`
	Type                 ChgSymbolsType                        `yaml:"-" json:"chgSymbolsType"`
	Symbols              []string                              `yaml:"symbols" json:"-"`
	SymbolCodes          []int                                 `yaml:"-" json:"symbols"`
	BlankSymbol          string                                `yaml:"blankSymbol" json:"-"`
	BlankSymbolCode      int                                   `yaml:"-" json:"blankSymbol"`
	SourceWeight         string                                `yaml:"sourceWeight" json:"sourceWeight"`
	SourceWeightVW2      *sgc7game.ValWeights2                 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Weight               string                                `yaml:"weight" json:"-"`
	WeightVW2            *sgc7game.ValWeights2                 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	MaxNumber            int                                   `yaml:"maxNumber" json:"maxNumber"`
	IsAlwaysGen          bool                                  `yaml:"isAlwaysGen" json:"isAlwaysGen"`
	Controllers          []*Award                              `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"`
	JumpToComponent      string                                `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`
	StrTriggers          []string                              `yaml:"triggers" json:"-"`
	Height               int                                   `yaml:"height" json:"height"`
	StrWeightOnReels     map[int]string                        `yaml:"weightOnReels" json:"weightOnReels"`
	WeightOnReels        map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	MysteryOnReelsWeight []*ChgSymbolsMysteryOnReelsWeightData `yaml:"mysteryOnReelsWeight" json:"mysteryOnReelsWeight"`

ChgSymbolsConfig - configuration for ChgSymbols

func (*ChgSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.89

func (cfg *ChgSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type ChgSymbolsData added in v0.13.388

type ChgSymbolsData struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*ChgSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal added in v0.13.388

func (chgSymbolsData *ChgSymbolsData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int

ChgConfigIntVal -

func (*ChgSymbolsData) Clone added in v0.13.388

func (chgSymbolsData *ChgSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*ChgSymbolsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.388

func (chgSymbolsData *ChgSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type ChgSymbolsMysteryOnReelsWeightData added in v0.13.460

type ChgSymbolsMysteryOnReelsWeightData struct {
	Index     []int
	StrWeight string
	Weight    *sgc7game.ValWeights2

type ChgSymbolsType added in v0.13.210

type ChgSymbolsType int
const (
	ChgSymTypeNormal                  ChgSymbolsType = 0
	ChgSymTypeMystery                 ChgSymbolsType = 1
	ChgSymTypeRandomWithNoTrigger     ChgSymbolsType = 2
	ChgSymTypeUpgradeSymbolOfCategory ChgSymbolsType = 3
	ChgSymTypeReels                   ChgSymbolsType = 4
	ChgSymTypeMysteryOnReels          ChgSymbolsType = 5

type ClusterTrigger added in v0.13.8

type ClusterTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ClusterTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ClusterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene added in v0.13.39

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)

CanTriggerWithScene -

func (*ClusterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*ClusterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*ClusterTrigger) GetWinMulti added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*ClusterTrigger) Init added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ClusterTrigger) InitEx added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ClusterTrigger) NewComponentData added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*ClusterTrigger) NewStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*ClusterTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ClusterTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*ClusterTrigger) OnStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*ClusterTrigger) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (clusterTrigger *ClusterTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type ClusterTriggerConfig added in v0.13.8

type ClusterTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig            `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols                         []string                      `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`                                             // like scatter
	SymbolCodes                     []int                         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // like scatter
	Type                            string                        `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                                                   // like scatters
	TriggerType                     SymbolTriggerType             `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // SymbolTriggerType
	OSMulTypeString                 string                        `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"`                             // OtherSceneMultiType
	OSMulType                       OtherSceneMultiType           `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // OtherSceneMultiType
	BetTypeString                   string                        `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"`                                             // bet or totalBet or noPay
	BetType                         BetType                       `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // bet or totalBet or noPay
	MinNum                          int                           `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"`                                               // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效
	WildSymbols                     []string                      `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"`                                     // wild etc
	WildSymbolCodes                 []int                         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // wild symbolCode
	WinMulti                        int                           `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"`                                           // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1
	JumpToComponent                 string                        `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`                             // jump to
	ForceToNext                     bool                          `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"`                                     // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支
	Awards                          []*Award                      `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                                               // 新的奖励系统
	IsReverse                       bool                          `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"`                                         // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发
	PiggyBankComponent              string                        `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"`                       // piggyBank component
	IsAddRespinMode                 bool                          `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"`                             // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式
	RespinNum                       int                           `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"`                                         // respin number
	RespinNumWeight                 string                        `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"`                             // respin number weight
	RespinNumWeightVW               *sgc7game.ValWeights2         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight
	RespinNumWithScatterNum         map[int]int                   `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"`             // respin number with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum   map[int]string                `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight with scatter number

ClusterTriggerConfig - configuration for ClusterTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*ClusterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.8

func (cfg *ClusterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type ClusterTriggerData added in v0.13.8

type ClusterTriggerData struct {
	NextComponent     string
	SymbolNum         int
	WildNum           int
	RespinNum         int
	Wins              int
	WinMulti          int
	AvgSymbolValMulti int // 平均的symbolVal倍数,用整数来表达浮点数,100是1倍

func (*ClusterTriggerData) AddPos added in v0.13.177

func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) AddPos(x, y int)

AddPos -

func (*ClusterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*ClusterTriggerData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*ClusterTriggerData) GetPos added in v0.13.175

func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*ClusterTriggerData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*ClusterTriggerData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.8

func (clusterTriggerData *ClusterTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type Collector

type Collector struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *CollectorConfig `json:"config"`

func (*Collector) EachUsedResults

func (collector *Collector) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (*Collector) Init

func (collector *Collector) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*Collector) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (collector *Collector) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*Collector) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 added in v0.13.338

func (collector *Collector) IsNeedOnStepEndStats2() bool

IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 - 除respin外,如果也有component也需要在stepEnd调用的话,这里需要返回true

func (*Collector) NewComponentData

func (collector *Collector) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*Collector) NewStats2 added in v0.13.337

func (collector *Collector) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*Collector) OnAsciiGame

func (collector *Collector) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*Collector) OnPlayGame

func (collector *Collector) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*Collector) OnStats2 added in v0.13.337

func (collector *Collector) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type CollectorConfig

type CollectorConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	MaxVal               int              `yaml:"maxVal" json:"maxVal"`
	PerLevelAwards       []*Award         `yaml:"perLevelAwards" json:"perLevelAwards"`
	MapSPLevelAwards     map[int][]*Award `yaml:"mapSPLevelAwards" json:"mapSPLevelAwards"`
	IsCycle              bool             `yaml:"isCycle" json:"isCycle"`

CollectorConfig - configuration for Collector

func (*CollectorConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.25

func (cfg *CollectorConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type CollectorData

type CollectorData struct {
	Val          int // 当前总值, Current total value
	NewCollector int // 这一个step收集到的, The values collected in this step

func (*CollectorData) BuildPBComponentData

func (collectorData *CollectorData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*CollectorData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (collectorData *CollectorData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*CollectorData) GetOutput added in v0.13.245

func (collectorData *CollectorData) GetOutput() int

GetOutput -

func (*CollectorData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (collectorData *CollectorData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*CollectorData) OnNewGame

func (collectorData *CollectorData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*CollectorData) SetConfigIntVal added in v0.13.160

func (collectorData *CollectorData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)

SetConfigIntVal - CCVValueNum的set和chg逻辑不太一样,等于的时候不会触发任何的 controllers

type ComponentConfig

type ComponentConfig struct {
	Name   string `yaml:"name"`
	Type   string `yaml:"type"`
	Config string `yaml:"config"`

type ComponentList

type ComponentList struct {
	Components    []IComponent          `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	MapComponents map[string]IComponent `yaml:"mapComponents" json:"mapComponents"`
	Stats2        *stats2.Stats         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

	RngLib *RngLib `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewComponentList

func NewComponentList() *ComponentList

func (*ComponentList) AddComponent

func (lst *ComponentList) AddComponent(name string, component IComponent)

func (*ComponentList) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (lst *ComponentList) GetAllLinkComponents(componentName string) []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

type ComponentMgr

type ComponentMgr struct {
	MapComponent     map[string]FuncNewComponent
	MapComponentData map[string]FuncNewComponentData // 未写完,写了一半,觉得clone效率更高,后续如果确定需要要再写

func NewComponentMgr

func NewComponentMgr() *ComponentMgr

func (*ComponentMgr) NewComponent

func (mgr *ComponentMgr) NewComponent(cfgComponent *ComponentConfig) IComponent

func (*ComponentMgr) Reg

func (mgr *ComponentMgr) Reg(component string, funcNew FuncNewComponent)

func (*ComponentMgr) RegComponentData added in v0.13.170

func (mgr *ComponentMgr) RegComponentData(pbtype string, funcNewComponentData FuncNewComponentData)

type ComponentTrigger added in v0.12.233

type ComponentTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ComponentTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ComponentTrigger) Init added in v0.12.233

func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ComponentTrigger) InitEx added in v0.12.233

func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ComponentTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.233

func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ComponentTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.233

func (componentTrigger *ComponentTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ComponentTriggerConfig added in v0.12.233

type ComponentTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	CheckRunComponents   []string `yaml:"checkRunComponents" json:"checkRunComponents"` // 这一组components只要有1个已经运行过就算触发
	JumpToComponent      string   `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`       // jump to
	IsReverse            bool     `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"`                   // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发

ComponentTriggerConfig - configuration for ComponentTrigger

type ComponentValTrigger added in v0.12.236

type ComponentValTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ComponentValTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ComponentValTrigger) Init added in v0.12.236

func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ComponentValTrigger) InitEx added in v0.12.236

func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ComponentValTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.236

func (componentTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ComponentValTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.236

func (componentValTrigger *ComponentValTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ComponentValTriggerConfig added in v0.12.236

type ComponentValTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	ComponentVals        []string      `yaml:"componentVals" json:"componentVals"`     // 用来检查的值,bg-wins.wins 这样的命名方式
	OperateString        []string      `yaml:"operate" json:"operate"`                 // ==/>=/<=/>/</!=
	Operate              []OperateType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             //
	TargetVals           []int         `yaml:"targetVals" json:"targetVals"`           // 目标值
	JumpToComponent      string        `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to

ComponentValTriggerConfig - configuration for ComponentValTrigger

type Config

type Config struct {
	Name              string                         `yaml:"name"`
	Width             int                            `yaml:"width"`
	Height            int                            `yaml:"height"`
	Linedata          map[string]string              `yaml:"linedata"`
	MapLinedate       map[string]*sgc7game.LineData  `yaml:"-"`
	Paytables         map[string]string              `yaml:"paytables"`
	MapPaytables      map[string]*sgc7game.PayTables `yaml:"-"`
	Reels             map[string]string              `yaml:"reels"`
	MapReels          map[string]*sgc7game.ReelsData `yaml:"-"`
	FileMapping       map[string]string              `yaml:"fileMapping"`
	SymbolsViewer     string                         `yaml:"symbolsViewer"`
	DefaultScene      string                         `yaml:"defaultScene"`
	DefaultPaytables  string                         `yaml:"defaultPaytables"`
	DefaultLinedata   string                         `yaml:"defaultLinedata"`
	Bets              []int                          `yaml:"bets"`
	TotalBetInWins    []int                          `yaml:"totalBetInWins"`
	StatsSymbols      []string                       `yaml:"statsSymbols"`
	StatsSymbolCodes  []mathtoolset.SymbolType       `yaml:"-"`
	MainPath          string                         `yaml:"mainPath"`
	MapCmdComponent   map[string]string              `yaml:"mapCmdComponent"`
	ComponentsMapping map[int]map[string]string      `yaml:"componentsMapping"`
	MapBetConfigs     map[int]*BetConfig             `yaml:"mapBetConfigs"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Config) BuildStatsSymbolCodes

func (cfg *Config) BuildStatsSymbolCodes(paytables *sgc7game.PayTables) error

func (*Config) GetDefaultLineData

func (cfg *Config) GetDefaultLineData() *sgc7game.LineData

func (*Config) GetDefaultPaytables

func (cfg *Config) GetDefaultPaytables() *sgc7game.PayTables

func (*Config) GetPath added in v0.10.251

func (cfg *Config) GetPath(fn string, useFileMapping bool) string

func (*Config) Reset added in v0.13.164

func (cfg *Config) Reset(bet int, start string, endings []string)

type ControllerWorker added in v0.13.197

type ControllerWorker struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ControllerWorkerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ControllerWorker) Init added in v0.13.197

func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ControllerWorker) InitEx added in v0.13.197

func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ControllerWorker) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.197

func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ControllerWorker) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.197

func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*ControllerWorker) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (controllerWorker *ControllerWorker) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type ControllerWorkerConfig added in v0.13.197

type ControllerWorkerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Awards               []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统

ControllerWorkerConfig - configuration for ControllerWorker

func (*ControllerWorkerConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.197

func (cfg *ControllerWorkerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type DropDownSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *DropDownSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`
func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (dropDownSymbols *DropDownSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type DropDownSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	HoldSymbols          []string `yaml:"holdSymbols" json:"holdSymbols"`                   // 不需要下落的symbol
	HoldSymbolCodes      []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                       // 不需要下落的symbol
	IsNeedProcSymbolVals bool     `yaml:"isNeedProcSymbolVals" json:"isNeedProcSymbolVals"` // 是否需要同时处理symbolVals
	EmptySymbolVal       int      `yaml:"emptySymbolVal" json:"emptySymbolVal"`             // 空的symbolVal是什么

DropDownSymbolsConfig - configuration for DropDownSymbols

func (cfg *DropDownSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type EmptyFeatureLevel added in v0.13.192

type EmptyFeatureLevel struct {

func (*EmptyFeatureLevel) CountLevel added in v0.13.193

func (fl *EmptyFeatureLevel) CountLevel() int

CountLevel -

func (*EmptyFeatureLevel) Init added in v0.13.192

func (fl *EmptyFeatureLevel) Init()

Init -

func (*EmptyFeatureLevel) OnStepEnd added in v0.13.194

func (fl *EmptyFeatureLevel) OnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult)

OnStepEnd -

type FOData added in v0.13.11

type FOData struct {
	Component   string
	Value       string
	Operator    string
	TargetValue int

func ParseFOData added in v0.13.11

func ParseFOData(str string) *FOData

parse a parse a.b >= 1

func (*FOData) IsValid added in v0.13.11

func (fod *FOData) IsValid(lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) bool

type FeatureBar added in v0.13.447

type FeatureBar struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *FeatureBarConfig `json:"config"`

func (*FeatureBar) Init added in v0.13.447

func (featureBar *FeatureBar) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*FeatureBar) InitEx added in v0.13.447

func (featureBar *FeatureBar) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*FeatureBar) NewComponentData added in v0.13.447

func (featureBar *FeatureBar) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*FeatureBar) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.447

func (featureBar *FeatureBar) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*FeatureBar) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.447

func (featureBar *FeatureBar) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*FeatureBar) ProcControllers added in v0.13.447

func (featureBar *FeatureBar) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type FeatureBarConfig added in v0.13.447

type FeatureBarConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Length               int                   `yaml:"length" json:"length"`                   // bar 的长度
	StrFeatureWeight     string                `yaml:"featureWeight" json:"featureWeight"`     // feature权重
	FeatureWeight        *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             // feature权重
	FirstJumpWeight      int                   `yaml:"firstJumpWeight" json:"firstJumpWeight"` // firstJump 权重
	MapAwards            map[int][]*Award      `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                   // 新的奖励系统

FeatureBarConfig - configuration for FeatureBar

func (*FeatureBarConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.447

func (cfg *FeatureBarConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type FeatureBarData added in v0.13.447

type FeatureBarData struct {
	Features   []int
	CurFeature int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*FeatureBarData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.447

func (featureBarData *FeatureBarData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*FeatureBarData) Clone added in v0.13.447

func (featureBarData *FeatureBarData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*FeatureBarData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.447

func (featureBarData *FeatureBarData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type FixSymbols added in v0.10.350

type FixSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *FixSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`
	SymbolCodes     []int             `json:"-"`
	Type            int               `json:"-"`

func (*FixSymbols) Init added in v0.10.350

func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*FixSymbols) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*FixSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.10.350

func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*FixSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.10.350

func (fixSymbols *FixSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type FixSymbolsConfig added in v0.10.350

type FixSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Type                 string   `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Symbols              []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`

FixSymbolsConfig - configuration for FixSymbols feature

type ForceOutcome added in v0.13.11

type ForceOutcome struct {
	Data []*FOData

func ParseForceOutcome added in v0.13.11

func ParseForceOutcome(str string) *ForceOutcome

func (*ForceOutcome) IsValid added in v0.13.11

func (fo *ForceOutcome) IsValid(lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) bool

type ForceOutcome2 added in v0.13.126

type ForceOutcome2 struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ForceOutcome2 - 通过 results 来分析数据,所以只能做为临时变量用

func NewForceOutcome2 added in v0.13.126

func NewForceOutcome2(code string) (*ForceOutcome2, error)

func ProcCheat added in v0.13.11

func ProcCheat(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, cheat string) (*ForceOutcome2, error)

ProcCheat -

func (*ForceOutcome2) CalcVal added in v0.13.127

func (fo2 *ForceOutcome2) CalcVal(results []*sgc7game.PlayResult) int

func (*ForceOutcome2) IsValid added in v0.13.126

func (fo2 *ForceOutcome2) IsValid(results []*sgc7game.PlayResult) bool

func (*ForceOutcome2) SetScript added in v0.13.126

func (fo2 *ForceOutcome2) SetScript(code string) error

type ForeachSymbolData added in v0.13.39

type ForeachSymbolData struct {
	SymbolCode int
	Index      int

type FuncLoadComponentInJson added in v0.13.164

type FuncLoadComponentInJson func(gamecfg *BetConfig, cell *ast.Node) (string, error)

type FuncNewComponent

type FuncNewComponent func(name string) IComponent

type FuncNewComponentData added in v0.13.170

type FuncNewComponentData func() IComponentData

type FuncNewFeatureLevel added in v0.13.192

type FuncNewFeatureLevel func(betMode int) IFeatureLevel

type FuncNewRNG added in v0.13.135

type FuncNewRNG func() IRNG

type FuncOnChgComponentIntVal added in v0.13.271

type FuncOnChgComponentIntVal func(componentName string, valName string, off int) bool

FuncOnChgComponentIntVal - 当这个接口处理完数据,需要返回true,这时底层就不会再处理了

type FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal added in v0.13.376

type FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal func(componentName string, valName string, val int, off int)

FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal - 处理完后才调用这个接口,val 是最终数值

type FuncOnEachHistoryComponent added in v0.13.39

type FuncOnEachHistoryComponent func(tag string, gameProp *GameProperty, ic IComponent, cd IComponentData) error

FuncOnEachHistoryComponent -

type FuncOnEachUsedResult

type FuncOnEachUsedResult func(*sgc7game.Result)

type FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal added in v0.13.376

type FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal func(componentName string, valName string, val int)

FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal - 处理完后才调用这个接口,val 是最终数值

type Game

type Game struct {
	Pool         *GamePropertyPool
	MgrComponent *ComponentMgr

Game - game

func NewGame2 added in v0.12.31

func NewGame2(fn string, funcNewPlugin sgc7plugin.FuncNewPlugin, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) (*Game, error)

func NewGame2WithData added in v0.12.57

func NewGame2WithData(data []byte, funcNewPlugin sgc7plugin.FuncNewPlugin, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) (*Game, error)

func (*Game) BuildGameConfigData added in v0.12.61

func (game *Game) BuildGameConfigData() error

BuildGameConfigData - build game configration data

func (*Game) CheckStake

func (game *Game) CheckStake(stake *sgc7game.Stake) error

CheckStake - check stake

func (*Game) DeleteGameData added in v0.12.225

func (game *Game) DeleteGameData(gamed sgc7game.IGameData)

DeleteGameData - delete GameData

func (*Game) Init2 added in v0.12.36

func (game *Game) Init2(cfg *Config, funcNewRNG FuncNewRNG, funcNewFeatureLevel FuncNewFeatureLevel) error

Init - initial game

func (*Game) Initialize added in v0.13.120

func (game *Game) Initialize() sgc7game.IPlayerState

Initialize - initialize PlayerState

func (*Game) NewGameData

func (game *Game) NewGameData(stake *sgc7game.Stake) sgc7game.IGameData

NewGameData - new GameData

func (*Game) NewPlayerState

func (game *Game) NewPlayerState() sgc7game.IPlayerState

NewPlayerState - new playerstate

func (*Game) OnAsciiGame

func (game *Game) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, stake *sgc7game.Stake, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*Game) ResetConfig

func (game *Game) ResetConfig(cfg any)


func (*Game) SaveParSheet added in v0.13.369

func (game *Game) SaveParSheet(f *excelize.File) error

type GameParams

type GameParams struct {
	sgc7pb.GameParam `json:",inline"`
	LastScene        *sgc7game.GameScene       `json:"-"`
	LastOtherScene   *sgc7game.GameScene       `json:"-"`
	MapComponentData map[string]IComponentData `json:"-"`

func NewGameParam added in v0.12.25

func NewGameParam() *GameParams

func (*GameParams) AddComponentData

func (gp *GameParams) AddComponentData(name string, cd IComponentData) error

func (*GameParams) SetGameProp added in v0.12.16

func (gp *GameParams) SetGameProp(gameProp *GameProperty) error

type GameProperty

type GameProperty struct {
	CurBetMul        int
	Pool             *GamePropertyPool
	MapVals          map[int]int
	MapStrVals       map[int]string
	CurPaytables     *sgc7game.PayTables
	CurLineData      *sgc7game.LineData
	CurReels         *sgc7game.ReelsData
	MapIntValWeights map[string]*sgc7game.ValWeights2
	MapStats         map[string]*sgc7stats.Feature

	RespinComponents []string
	PoolScene        *sgc7game.GameScenePoolEx
	Components       *ComponentList
	SceneStack       *SceneStack
	OtherSceneStack  *SceneStack
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GameProperty) AddComponentPos added in v0.13.210

func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddComponentPos(componentName string, pos []int)

func (*GameProperty) AddComponentSymbol added in v0.13.17

func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddComponentSymbol(componentName string, symbolCode int)

func (*GameProperty) AddVal

func (gameProp *GameProperty) AddVal(prop int, val int) error

func (*GameProperty) BuildGameParam added in v0.10.285

func (gameProp *GameProperty) BuildGameParam(gp *GameParams)

func (*GameProperty) CanTrigger added in v0.12.230

func (gameProp *GameProperty) CanTrigger(componentName string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) bool

CanTrigger -

func (*GameProperty) ChgComponentConfigIntVal added in v0.13.11

func (gameProp *GameProperty) ChgComponentConfigIntVal(componentConfigValName string, off int, onProc FuncOnChgComponentIntVal, onProced FuncOnChgedComponentIntVal) error

func (*GameProperty) ClearComponentOtherScene added in v0.12.220

func (gameProp *GameProperty) ClearComponentOtherScene(component string)

func (*GameProperty) GetBet2 added in v0.12.147

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBet2(stake *sgc7game.Stake, bt BetType) int

func (*GameProperty) GetBet3 added in v0.13.323

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBet3(stake *sgc7game.Stake, bt BetType) int

func (*GameProperty) GetBetMul added in v0.12.225

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetBetMul() int

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentData added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentData(icomponent IComponent) IComponentData

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentDataWithName added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentOtherScene added in v0.12.205

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentOtherScene(component string) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentPos added in v0.13.210

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentPos(componentName string) []int

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentScene added in v0.12.205

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentScene(component string) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentStrVal2 added in v0.13.273

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentStrVal2(component string, val string) (string, error)

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentSymbols added in v0.13.17

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentSymbols(componentName string) []int

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentVal added in v0.12.225

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentVal(componentVal string) (int, error)

func (*GameProperty) GetComponentVal2 added in v0.13.126

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetComponentVal2(component string, val string) (int, error)

func (*GameProperty) GetCurCallStackSymbol added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurCallStackSymbol() int

func (*GameProperty) GetCurComponentData added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurComponentData(ic IComponent) IComponentData

func (*GameProperty) GetCurComponentDataWithName added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetCurComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData

func (*GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentData added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentData(icomponent IComponent) IComponentData

func (*GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentDataWithName added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalComponentDataWithName(componentName string) IComponentData

func (*GameProperty) GetGlobalScene added in v0.12.155

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetGlobalScene(tag string) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*GameProperty) GetIntValWeights added in v0.10.251

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetIntValWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)

func (*GameProperty) GetLastRespinNum added in v0.12.200

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetLastRespinNum(respinComponent string) int

func (*GameProperty) GetMask added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetMask(name string) ([]bool, error)

func (*GameProperty) GetOtherScene

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetOtherScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string) (*sgc7game.GameScene, int)

func (*GameProperty) GetScene

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string) (*sgc7game.GameScene, int)

func (*GameProperty) GetStrVal

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetStrVal(prop int) string

func (*GameProperty) GetTagGlobalStr added in v0.10.361

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagGlobalStr(tag string) string

func (*GameProperty) GetTagInt added in v0.10.251

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagInt(tag string) int

func (*GameProperty) GetTagStr added in v0.10.267

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetTagStr(tag string) string

func (*GameProperty) GetVal

func (gameProp *GameProperty) GetVal(prop int) int

func (*GameProperty) IsEndingRespin added in v0.12.234

func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsEndingRespin(componentName string) bool

func (*GameProperty) IsInCurCallStack added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsInCurCallStack(componentName string) bool

func (*GameProperty) IsRespin added in v0.12.225

func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsRespin(componentName string) bool

func (*GameProperty) IsStartedRespin added in v0.12.234

func (gameProp *GameProperty) IsStartedRespin(componentName string) bool

func (*GameProperty) OnCallEnd added in v0.13.39

func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnCallEnd(component IComponent, cd IComponentData, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult)

OnCallEnd - call after the component onPlay

func (*GameProperty) OnNewGame added in v0.10.285

func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnNewGame(stake *sgc7game.Stake, curPlugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error

func (*GameProperty) OnNewStep

func (gameProp *GameProperty) OnNewStep() error

func (*GameProperty) ProcRespin added in v0.10.277

func (gameProp *GameProperty) ProcRespin(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)

func (*GameProperty) Respin

func (gameProp *GameProperty) Respin(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, respinComponent string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, os *sgc7game.GameScene)

func (*GameProperty) RunController added in v0.13.242

func (gameProp *GameProperty) RunController(award *Award, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)

func (*GameProperty) SetComponentConfigIntVal added in v0.12.278

func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentConfigIntVal(componentConfigValName string, val int, onProc FuncOnChgComponentIntVal, onProced FuncOnSettedComponentIntVal) error

func (*GameProperty) SetComponentConfigVal added in v0.12.244

func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentConfigVal(componentConfigValName string, val string) error

func (*GameProperty) SetComponentOtherScene added in v0.12.205

func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentOtherScene(component string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)

func (*GameProperty) SetComponentScene added in v0.12.205

func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetComponentScene(component string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)

func (*GameProperty) SetStrVal

func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetStrVal(prop int, val string) error

func (*GameProperty) SetVal

func (gameProp *GameProperty) SetVal(prop int, val int) error

func (*GameProperty) TagGlobalScene added in v0.12.155

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagGlobalScene(tag string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)

func (*GameProperty) TagGlobalStr added in v0.10.361

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagGlobalStr(tag string, val string)

func (*GameProperty) TagInt added in v0.10.251

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagInt(tag string, val int)

func (*GameProperty) TagOtherScene

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagOtherScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string, sceneIndex int)

func (*GameProperty) TagScene

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagScene(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, tag string, sceneIndex int)

func (*GameProperty) TagStr added in v0.10.267

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TagStr(tag string, val string)

func (*GameProperty) TriggerRespin added in v0.10.275

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TriggerRespin(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, respinNum int, respinComponent string, usePushTrigger bool) error

func (*GameProperty) TriggerRespinWithWeights added in v0.10.275

func (gameProp *GameProperty) TriggerRespinWithWeights(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, fn string, useFileMapping bool, respinComponent string, usePushTrigger bool) (int, error)

func (*GameProperty) UseComponent added in v0.13.125

func (gameProp *GameProperty) UseComponent(componentName string)

type GamePropertyPool

type GamePropertyPool struct {
	MapGamePropPool  map[int]*sync.Pool
	Config           *Config
	DefaultPaytables *sgc7game.PayTables
	DefaultLineData  *sgc7game.LineData
	SymbolsViewer    *SymbolsViewer
	MapSymbolColor   *asciigame.SymbolColorMap
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*GamePropertyPool) GetComponentList added in v0.12.228

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) GetComponentList(bet int) *ComponentList

func (*GamePropertyPool) GetMask added in v0.12.155

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) GetMask(name string, gameProp *GameProperty) ([]bool, error)

func (*GamePropertyPool) InitStats

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) InitStats(betMul int) error

func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadIntMapping added in v0.13.57

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadIntMapping(fn string) *sgc7game.ValMapping2

LoadSymbolWeights - load xlsx file

func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadIntWeights added in v0.12.72

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadIntWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)

LoadIntWeights - load xlsx file

func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadStrWeights added in v0.12.72

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadStrWeights(fn string, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)

LoadStrWeights - load xlsx file

func (*GamePropertyPool) LoadSymbolWeights added in v0.12.72

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) LoadSymbolWeights(fn string, headerVal string, headerWeight string, paytables *sgc7game.PayTables, useFileMapping bool) (*sgc7game.ValWeights2, error)

LoadSymbolWeights - load xlsx file

func (*GamePropertyPool) PushTrigger added in v0.12.193

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) PushTrigger(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, name string, num int) error

func (*GamePropertyPool) SetMask added in v0.12.155

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, name string, mask []bool, isOnlyTrue bool) error

func (*GamePropertyPool) SetMaskVal added in v0.12.170

func (pool *GamePropertyPool) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, name string, index int, mask bool) error

type GenGigaSymbol added in v0.13.78

type GenGigaSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *GenGigaSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*GenGigaSymbol) Init added in v0.13.78

func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*GenGigaSymbol) InitEx added in v0.13.78

func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*GenGigaSymbol) NewComponentData added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*GenGigaSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.78

func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*GenGigaSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.78

func (genGigaSymbol *GenGigaSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type GenGigaSymbolConfig added in v0.13.78

type GenGigaSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string            `yaml:"symbol" json:"type"`
	Type                 GenGigaSymbolType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	GigaWidth            int               `yaml:"gigaWidth" json:"gigaWidth"`
	GigaHeight           int               `yaml:"gigaHeight" json:"gigaHeight"`
	Number               int               `yaml:"number" json:"number"`
	Symbol               string            `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	SymbolCode           int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	ExcludeSymbols       []string          `yaml:"excludeSymbols" json:"excludeSymbols"`
	ExcludeSymbolCodes   []int             `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

GenGigaSymbolConfig - configuration for GenGigaSymbol

func (*GenGigaSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.78

func (cfg *GenGigaSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type GenGigaSymbolData added in v0.13.199

type GenGigaSymbolData struct {
	Pos []int

func (*GenGigaSymbolData) AddPos added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*GenGigaSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*GenGigaSymbolData) Clone added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*GenGigaSymbolData) GetPos added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*GenGigaSymbolData) HasPos added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewStep added in v0.13.199

func (genGigaSymbolData *GenGigaSymbolData) OnNewStep(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewStep -

type GenGigaSymbolType added in v0.13.78

type GenGigaSymbolType int
const (
	GGSTypeOverwrite GenGigaSymbolType = 0
	GGSTypeExpand    GenGigaSymbolType = 1

type GenPositionCollection added in v0.13.414

type GenPositionCollection struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *GenPositionCollectionConfig `json:"config"`

func (*GenPositionCollection) Init added in v0.13.414

func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*GenPositionCollection) InitEx added in v0.13.414

func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*GenPositionCollection) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.414

func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*GenPositionCollection) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.414

func (genPositionCollection *GenPositionCollection) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type GenPositionCollectionConfig added in v0.13.414

type GenPositionCollectionConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols              []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`
	SymbolCodes          []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	OutputToComponent    string   `yaml:"outputToComponent" json:"outputToComponent"`

GenPositionCollectionConfig - configuration for GenPositionCollection

func (*GenPositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.414

func (cfg *GenPositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type GenSymbolVals added in v0.13.189

type GenSymbolVals struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *GenSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*GenSymbolVals) Init added in v0.13.189

func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*GenSymbolVals) InitEx added in v0.13.189

func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*GenSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.189

func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*GenSymbolVals) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.189

func (genSymbolVals *GenSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type GenSymbolValsConfig added in v0.13.189

type GenSymbolValsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 GenSymbolValsType     `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	DefaultVal           int                   `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"`
	Weight               string                `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"`
	WeightVW             *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`

GenSymbolValsConfig - configuration for GenSymbolVals

func (*GenSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.189

func (cfg *GenSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type GenSymbolValsType added in v0.13.305

type GenSymbolValsType int
const (
	GSVTypeBasic  GenSymbolValsType = 0
	GSVTypeWeight GenSymbolValsType = 1

type GenSymbolValsWithPos added in v0.13.78

type GenSymbolValsWithPos struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig `json:"config"`

func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) Init added in v0.13.78

func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) InitEx added in v0.13.78

func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.78

func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.78

func (genSymbolValsWithPos *GenSymbolValsWithPos) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig added in v0.13.78

type GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	TargetComponents     []string                 `yaml:"targetComponents" json:"targetComponents"`
	StrType              string                   `yaml:"genType" json:"genType"`
	Type                 GenSymbolValsWithPosType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	ValMapping           string                   `yaml:"valMapping" json:"valMapping"`
	ValMappingVM         *sgc7game.ValMapping2    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	IsUseSource          bool                     `yaml:"isUseSource" json:"isUseSource"`
	IsAlwaysGen          bool                     `yaml:"isAlwaysGen" json:"isAlwaysGen"`
	DefaultVal           int                      `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"`
	MaxVal               int                      `yaml:"maxVal" json:"maxVal"`
	MinVal               int                      `yaml:"minVal" json:"minVal"`

GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig - configuration for GenSymbolValsWithPos

func (*GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.78

func (cfg *GenSymbolValsWithPosConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type GenSymbolValsWithPosType added in v0.13.78

type GenSymbolValsWithPosType int
const (
	GSVWPTypeAdd               GenSymbolValsWithPosType = 0
	GSVWPTypeMask              GenSymbolValsWithPosType = 1
	GSVWPTypeAddWithIntMapping GenSymbolValsWithPosType = 2

type GenSymbolValsWithSymbol added in v0.13.89

type GenSymbolValsWithSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) Init added in v0.13.89

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) InitEx added in v0.13.89

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewComponentData added in v0.13.332

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewStats2 added in v0.13.334

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.89

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.89

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnStats2 added in v0.13.334

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbol *GenSymbolValsWithSymbol) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig added in v0.13.89

type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                      `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Symbols              []string                    `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`
	SymbolCodes          []int                       `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Weight               string                      `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"`
	WeightVW2            *sgc7game.ValWeights2       `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	DefaultVal           int                         `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"`
	IsUseSource          bool                        `yaml:"isUseSource" json:"isUseSource"`
	IsAlwaysGen          bool                        `yaml:"isAlwaysGen" json:"isAlwaysGen"`

GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig - configuration for GenSymbolValsWithSymbol

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.89

func (cfg *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData added in v0.13.332

type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData struct {
	GenVals []int

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.332

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) Clone added in v0.13.332

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) GetValEx added in v0.13.332

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.332

func (genSymbolValsWithSymbolData *GenSymbolValsWithSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType added in v0.13.89

type GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType int
const (
	GSVWSTypeNormal   GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType = 0
	GSVWSTypeNonClear GenSymbolValsWithSymbolType = 1

type GetComponentValType added in v0.13.332

type GetComponentValType int
const (
	GCVTypeNormal GetComponentValType = 0
	GCVTypeMin    GetComponentValType = 1
	GCVTypeMax    GetComponentValType = 2

type HistoryComponentData added in v0.13.39

type HistoryComponentData struct {
	Component    IComponent
	ForeachIndex int

type IComponent

type IComponent interface {
	// Init -
	Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
	// InitEx -
	InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error
	// OnGameInited - on game inited
	OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error

	// OnPlayGame - on playgame
	OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
		cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)
	// OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame
	OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error
	// // OnStats -
	// OnStats(feature *sgc7stats.Feature, stake *sgc7game.Stake, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult) (bool, int64, int64)
	// NewComponentData -
	NewComponentData() IComponentData

	// EachUsedResults -
	EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)
	// ProcRespinOnStepEnd - 现在只有respin需要特殊处理结束,如果多层respin嵌套时,只要新的有next,就不会继续结束respin
	ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, canRemove bool) (string, error)
	// GetName -
	GetName() string

	// IsRespin -
	IsRespin() bool
	// IsForeach -
	IsForeach() bool

	// NewStats2 -
	NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature
	// OnStats2 - 除respin外,其它component都是在onPlayGame后调用;respin会在onStepEnd这个环节调用,而且是遍历Respin队列
	OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)
	// IsNeedOnStepEndStats2 - 除respin外,如果也有component也需要在stepEnd调用的话,这里需要返回true
	IsNeedOnStepEndStats2() bool

	// GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components
	GetAllLinkComponents() []string

	// GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components
	GetNextLinkComponents() []string
	// GetChildLinkComponents - get child link components
	GetChildLinkComponents() []string

	// CanTriggerWithScene -
	CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)

	// ProcControllers -
	ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

	// IsMask -
	IsMask() bool
	// SetMask -
	SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error
	// SetMaskVal -
	SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, index int, mask bool) error
	// SetMaskOnlyTrue -
	SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, mask []bool) error

	// EachSymbols - each symbols
	EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake,
		prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) error

	// AddPos -
	AddPos(cd IComponentData, x int, y int)

	// OnPlayGameWithSet - on playgame with a set
	OnPlayGameWithSet(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
		cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData, set int) (string, error)

	// GetBranchNum -
	GetBranchNum() int
	// GetBranchWeights -
	GetBranchWeights() []int

func NewAddSymbols added in v0.13.47

func NewAddSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewAdjacentPayTrigger added in v0.13.305

func NewAdjacentPayTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewBasicReels

func NewBasicReels(name string) IComponent

func NewBomb added in v0.13.447

func NewBomb(name string) IComponent

func NewBurstSymbols added in v0.13.202

func NewBurstSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewCatchSymbols added in v0.13.202

func NewCatchSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewCheckSymbolVals added in v0.13.89

func NewCheckSymbolVals(name string) IComponent

func NewCheckVal added in v0.13.273

func NewCheckVal(name string) IComponent

func NewChgSymbol added in v0.10.273

func NewChgSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewChgSymbolVals added in v0.13.89

func NewChgSymbolVals(name string) IComponent

func NewChgSymbols added in v0.13.89

func NewChgSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewClusterTrigger added in v0.13.8

func NewClusterTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewCollector

func NewCollector(name string) IComponent

func NewComponentTrigger added in v0.12.233

func NewComponentTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewComponentValTrigger added in v0.12.236

func NewComponentValTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewControllerWorker added in v0.13.197

func NewControllerWorker(name string) IComponent

func NewDropDownSymbols added in v0.13.17

func NewDropDownSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewFeatureBar added in v0.13.447

func NewFeatureBar(name string) IComponent

func NewFixSymbols added in v0.10.350

func NewFixSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewGenGigaSymbol added in v0.13.78

func NewGenGigaSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewGenPositionCollection added in v0.13.414

func NewGenPositionCollection(name string) IComponent

func NewGenSymbolVals added in v0.13.189

func NewGenSymbolVals(name string) IComponent

func NewGenSymbolValsWithPos added in v0.13.78

func NewGenSymbolValsWithPos(name string) IComponent

func NewGenSymbolValsWithSymbol added in v0.13.89

func NewGenSymbolValsWithSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewIntValMapping added in v0.13.57

func NewIntValMapping(name string) IComponent

func NewJackpot added in v0.13.261

func NewJackpot(name string) IComponent

func NewLinesTrigger added in v0.12.264

func NewLinesTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewMask added in v0.10.285

func NewMask(name string) IComponent

func NewMaskBranch added in v0.12.170

func NewMaskBranch(name string) IComponent

func NewMergeSymbol added in v0.12.155

func NewMergeSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewMoveReel added in v0.12.155

func NewMoveReel(name string) IComponent

func NewMoveSymbol added in v0.12.148

func NewMoveSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewMoveSymbols2 added in v0.13.464

func NewMoveSymbols2(name string) IComponent

func NewMultiRespin added in v0.10.279

func NewMultiRespin(name string) IComponent

func NewMultiWeightAwards added in v0.12.170

func NewMultiWeightAwards(name string) IComponent

func NewOverlaySymbol

func NewOverlaySymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewPiggyBank added in v0.13.47

func NewPiggyBank(name string) IComponent

func NewPositionCollection added in v0.13.89

func NewPositionCollection(name string) IComponent

func NewQueueBranch added in v0.13.19

func NewQueueBranch(name string) IComponent

func NewRandomMoveSymbols added in v0.13.414

func NewRandomMoveSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewReRollReel added in v0.12.156

func NewReRollReel(name string) IComponent

func NewRebuildReelIndex added in v0.13.178

func NewRebuildReelIndex(name string) IComponent

func NewRebuildSymbols added in v0.13.189

func NewRebuildSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewReelModifier added in v0.12.250

func NewReelModifier(name string) IComponent

func NewReelTrigger added in v0.13.261

func NewReelTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewRefillSymbols added in v0.13.17

func NewRefillSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewRemoveSymbols added in v0.13.17

func NewRemoveSymbols(name string) IComponent

func NewReplaceReel added in v0.12.147

func NewReplaceReel(name string) IComponent

func NewReplaceReelWithMask added in v0.13.39

func NewReplaceReelWithMask(name string) IComponent

func NewReplaceSymbol added in v0.10.285

func NewReplaceSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewReplaceSymbolGroup added in v0.13.17

func NewReplaceSymbolGroup(name string) IComponent

func NewRespin added in v0.10.273

func NewRespin(name string) IComponent

func NewRollNumber added in v0.13.197

func NewRollNumber(name string) IComponent

func NewRollSymbol added in v0.13.17

func NewRollSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewScatterTrigger added in v0.12.264

func NewScatterTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewSumSymbolVals added in v0.13.447

func NewSumSymbolVals(name string) IComponent

func NewSymbolCollection2 added in v0.13.21

func NewSymbolCollection2(name string) IComponent

func NewSymbolModifier added in v0.12.230

func NewSymbolModifier(name string) IComponent

func NewSymbolMulti

func NewSymbolMulti(name string) IComponent

func NewSymbolVal

func NewSymbolVal(name string) IComponent

func NewSymbolVal2

func NewSymbolVal2(name string) IComponent

func NewSymbolValWins

func NewSymbolValWins(name string) IComponent

func NewTreasureChest added in v0.13.460

func NewTreasureChest(name string) IComponent

func NewWaysTrigger added in v0.12.264

func NewWaysTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewWeightAwards added in v0.12.264

func NewWeightAwards(name string) IComponent

func NewWeightBranch added in v0.13.17

func NewWeightBranch(name string) IComponent

func NewWeightChgSymbol added in v0.12.132

func NewWeightChgSymbol(name string) IComponent

func NewWeightReels added in v0.12.264

func NewWeightReels(name string) IComponent

func NewWeightReels2 added in v0.13.402

func NewWeightReels2(name string) IComponent

func NewWeightTrigger added in v0.10.270

func NewWeightTrigger(name string) IComponent

func NewWeightTrigger2 added in v0.12.230

func NewWeightTrigger2(name string) IComponent

func NewWinResultCache added in v0.13.78

func NewWinResultCache(name string) IComponent

func NewWinResultModifier added in v0.13.244

func NewWinResultModifier(name string) IComponent

func NewWinResultModifierEx added in v0.13.414

func NewWinResultModifierEx(name string) IComponent

func NewWinResultMulti added in v0.13.8

func NewWinResultMulti(name string) IComponent

type IComponentConfig added in v0.12.278

type IComponentConfig interface {
	// SetLinkComponent
	SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)

type IComponentData

type IComponentData interface {
	// OnNewGame -
	OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)
	// BuildPBComponentData
	BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message
	// // LoadPB
	// LoadPB(pb *anypb.Any) error
	// Clone
	Clone() IComponentData

	// GetValEx -
	GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

	// GetStrVal -
	GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool)

	// GetConfigVal -
	GetConfigVal(key string) string
	// SetConfigVal -
	SetConfigVal(key string, val string)
	// GetConfigIntVal -
	GetConfigIntVal(key string) (int, bool)
	// SetConfigIntVal -
	SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)
	// ChgConfigIntVal -
	ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int
	// ClearConfigIntVal -
	ClearConfigIntVal(key string)

	// GetResults -
	GetResults() []int
	// GetOutput -
	GetOutput() int
	// GetStringOutput -
	GetStringOutput() string

	// GetSymbols -
	GetSymbols() []int
	// AddSymbol -
	AddSymbol(symbolCode int)

	// GetPos -
	GetPos() []int
	// HasPos -
	HasPos(x int, y int) bool
	// AddPos -
	AddPos(x int, y int)

	// GetLastRespinNum -
	GetLastRespinNum() int
	// IsRespinEnding -
	IsRespinEnding() bool
	// IsRespinStarted -
	IsRespinStarted() bool
	// AddTriggerRespinAward -
	AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award)
	// AddRespinTimes -
	AddRespinTimes(num int)
	// TriggerRespin
	TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)
	// PushTriggerRespin -
	PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, num int)

	// GetMask -
	GetMask() []bool
	// ChgMask -
	ChgMask(curMask int, val bool) bool

	PutInMoney(coins int)

type IFeatureLevel added in v0.13.192

type IFeatureLevel interface {
	// Init -
	// OnStepEnd -
	OnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult)
	// CountLevel -
	CountLevel() int

func NewEmptyFeatureLevel added in v0.13.192

func NewEmptyFeatureLevel(bet int) IFeatureLevel

type IRNG added in v0.13.135

type IRNG interface {
	// Clone -
	Clone() IRNG
	// OnNewGame -
	OnNewGame(betMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error
	// GetCurRNG -
	GetCurRNG(betMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, cd IComponentData, fl IFeatureLevel) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string)
	// OnChoiceBranch -
	OnChoiceBranch(betMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error
	// OnStepEnd -
	OnStepEnd(betMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error

func NewBasicRNG added in v0.13.135

func NewBasicRNG() IRNG

func NewSimpleRNG added in v0.13.235

func NewSimpleRNG(iterateComponent string) IRNG

type IntValMapping added in v0.13.57

type IntValMapping struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *IntValMappingConfig `json:"config"`

func (*IntValMapping) Init added in v0.13.57

func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*IntValMapping) InitEx added in v0.13.57

func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*IntValMapping) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.57

func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*IntValMapping) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.57

func (intValMapping *IntValMapping) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type IntValMappingConfig added in v0.13.57

type IntValMappingConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	ValMapping           string                `yaml:"valMapping" json:"valMapping"`
	ValMappingVM         *sgc7game.ValMapping2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	InputVal             int                   `yaml:"inputVal" json:"inputVal"`
	ComponentOutput      string                `yaml:"componentOutput" json:"componentOutput"`

IntValMappingConfig - configuration for IntValMapping

func (*IntValMappingConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.57

func (cfg *IntValMappingConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type Jackpot added in v0.13.261

type Jackpot struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *JackpotConfig `json:"config"`

func (*Jackpot) GetWinMulti added in v0.13.261

func (jackpot *Jackpot) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*Jackpot) GetWins added in v0.13.261

func (jackpot *Jackpot) GetWins(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*Jackpot) Init added in v0.13.261

func (jackpot *Jackpot) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*Jackpot) InitEx added in v0.13.261

func (jackpot *Jackpot) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*Jackpot) NewComponentData added in v0.13.261

func (jackpot *Jackpot) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*Jackpot) NewStats2 added in v0.13.321

func (jackpot *Jackpot) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*Jackpot) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.261

func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*Jackpot) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.261

func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*Jackpot) OnStats2 added in v0.13.321

func (jackpot *Jackpot) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type JackpotConfig added in v0.13.261

type JackpotConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	BetTypeString        string  `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"`   // bet or totalBet or noPay
	BetType              BetType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`               // bet or totalBet or noPay
	Wins                 int     `yaml:"wins" json:"wins"`         // wins
	WinMulti             int     `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1

JackpotConfig - configuration for Jackpot

func (*JackpotConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.261

func (cfg *JackpotConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type JackpotData added in v0.13.261

type JackpotData struct {
	Wins     int
	WinMulti int

func (*JackpotData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.261

func (jackpotData *JackpotData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*JackpotData) Clone added in v0.13.261

func (jackpotData *JackpotData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*JackpotData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (jackpotData *JackpotData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*JackpotData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.261

func (jackpotData *JackpotData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type JsonMgr added in v0.13.164

type JsonMgr struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*JsonMgr) LoadComponent added in v0.13.164

func (mgr *JsonMgr) LoadComponent(componentType string, gamecfg *BetConfig, cell *ast.Node) (string, error)

func (*JsonMgr) RegLoadComponent added in v0.13.164

func (mgr *JsonMgr) RegLoadComponent(typename string, loader FuncLoadComponentInJson)

type LinesTrigger added in v0.12.264

type LinesTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *LinesTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*LinesTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene added in v0.13.39

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)

CanTriggerWithScene -

func (*LinesTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*LinesTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*LinesTrigger) GetWinMulti added in v0.12.278

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*LinesTrigger) Init added in v0.12.264

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*LinesTrigger) InitEx added in v0.12.264

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*LinesTrigger) NewComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*LinesTrigger) NewStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*LinesTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.264

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*LinesTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.264

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*LinesTrigger) OnStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*LinesTrigger) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (linesTrigger *LinesTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type LinesTriggerConfig added in v0.12.264

type LinesTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols              []string            `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`                 // like scatter
	SymbolCodes          []int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             // like scatter
	Type                 string              `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                       // like scatters
	TriggerType          SymbolTriggerType   `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             // SymbolTriggerType
	BetTypeString        string              `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"`                 // bet or totalBet or noPay
	BetType              BetType             `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             // bet or totalBet or noPay
	OSMulTypeString      string              `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"` // OtherSceneMultiType
	OSMulType            OtherSceneMultiType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             // OtherSceneMultiType
	MinNum               int                 `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"`                   // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效
	WildSymbols          []string            `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"`         // wild etc
	WildSymbolCodes      []int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             // wild symbolCode
	StrCheckWinType      string              `yaml:"checkWinType" json:"checkWinType"`       // left2right or right2left or all
	CheckWinType         CheckWinType        `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                             //
	WinMulti             int                 `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"`               // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1
	JumpToComponent      string              `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to
	ForceToNext          bool                `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"`         // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支
	Awards               []*Award            `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                   // 新的奖励系统
	// SymbolAwardsWeights             *AwardsWeights                `yaml:"symbolAwardsWeights" json:"symbolAwardsWeights"`                     // 每个中奖符号随机一组奖励
	TargetMask                      string                        `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"`                                       // 如果是scatter这一组判断,可以把结果传递给一个mask
	IsReverse                       bool                          `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"`                                         // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发
	PiggyBankComponent              string                        `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"`                       // piggyBank component
	IsAddRespinMode                 bool                          `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"`                             // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式
	RespinNum                       int                           `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"`                                         // respin number
	RespinNumWeight                 string                        `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"`                             // respin number weight
	RespinNumWeightVW               *sgc7game.ValWeights2         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight
	RespinNumWithScatterNum         map[int]int                   `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"`             // respin number with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum   map[int]string                `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight with scatter number

LinesTriggerConfig - configuration for LinesTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*LinesTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.12.278

func (cfg *LinesTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type LinesTriggerData added in v0.12.264

type LinesTriggerData struct {
	NextComponent string
	SymbolNum     int
	WildNum       int
	RespinNum     int
	Wins          int
	WinMulti      int

func (*LinesTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*LinesTriggerData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*LinesTriggerData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*LinesTriggerData) OnNewGame added in v0.12.264

func (linesTriggerData *LinesTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type Mask added in v0.10.285

type Mask struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MaskConfig `json:"config"`

func (*Mask) EachUsedResults added in v0.10.285

func (mask *Mask) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (*Mask) Init added in v0.10.285

func (mask *Mask) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*Mask) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (mask *Mask) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*Mask) IsMask added in v0.12.170

func (mask *Mask) IsMask() bool

IsMask -

func (*Mask) NewComponentData added in v0.10.285

func (mask *Mask) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*Mask) OnAsciiGame added in v0.10.285

func (mask *Mask) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*Mask) OnPlayGame added in v0.10.285

func (mask *Mask) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*Mask) ProcMask added in v0.10.297

func (mask *Mask) ProcMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, targetScene string)

onMaskChg -

func (*Mask) SetMask added in v0.12.155

func (mask *Mask) SetMask(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, arrMask []bool) error

SetMask -

func (*Mask) SetMaskOnlyTrue added in v0.12.267

func (mask *Mask) SetMaskOnlyTrue(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, arrMask []bool) error

SetMaskOnlyTrue -

func (*Mask) SetMaskVal added in v0.12.170

func (mask *Mask) SetMaskVal(plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, index int, val bool) error

SetMaskVal -

type MaskBranch added in v0.12.170

type MaskBranch struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MaskBranchConfig `json:"config"`

func (*MaskBranch) Init added in v0.12.170

func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*MaskBranch) InitEx added in v0.12.170

func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*MaskBranch) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.170

func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*MaskBranch) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.170

func (maskBranch *MaskBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type MaskBranchConfig added in v0.12.170

type MaskBranchConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Mask                 string            `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"`   // mask
	Nodes                []*MaskBranchNode `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"` // 可以不用配置全,如果没有配置的,就跳转默认的next

MaskBranchConfig - configuration for MaskBranch

type MaskBranchNode added in v0.12.170

type MaskBranchNode struct {
	MaskVal         []bool   `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"`
	Awards          []*Award `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统
	JumpToComponent string   `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`

MaskBranchNode -

type MaskConfig added in v0.10.285

type MaskConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Num                  int              `yaml:"num" json:"num"`
	IgnoreFalse          bool             `yaml:"ignoreFalse" json:"ignoreFalse"`
	PerMaskAwards        []*Award         `yaml:"perMaskAwards" json:"perMaskAwards"`
	MapSPMaskAwards      map[int][]*Award `yaml:"mapSPMaskAwards" json:"mapSPMaskAwards"` // -1表示全满的奖励

MaskConfig - configuration for Mask

func (*MaskConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.39

func (cfg *MaskConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type MaskData added in v0.10.285

type MaskData struct {
	Num      int
	Vals     []bool
	NewChged int
	NewVals  []bool

func (*MaskData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.10.285

func (maskData *MaskData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*MaskData) ChgMask added in v0.13.39

func (maskData *MaskData) ChgMask(curMask int, val bool) bool

ChgMask -

func (*MaskData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (maskData *MaskData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*MaskData) GetMask added in v0.13.39

func (maskData *MaskData) GetMask() []bool

GetMask -

func (*MaskData) IsFull added in v0.10.285

func (maskData *MaskData) IsFull() bool

IsFull -

func (*MaskData) OnNewGame added in v0.10.285

func (maskData *MaskData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type MergeSymbol added in v0.12.155

type MergeSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MergeSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*MergeSymbol) Init added in v0.12.155

func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*MergeSymbol) InitEx added in v0.12.155

func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*MergeSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.155

func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*MergeSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.155

func (mergeSymbol *MergeSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type MergeSymbolConfig added in v0.12.155

type MergeSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	SrcScene             []string `yaml:"srcScene" json:"srcScene"`                     // 2个scene,mask false表示用0,true表示用1
	TargetMask           string   `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"`                 // mask
	EmptyOtherSceneVal   int      `yaml:"emptyOtherSceneVal" json:"emptyOtherSceneVal"` // 如果要合并otherscene时,某一个otherscene不存在时,就用这个作默认值

MergeSymbolConfig - configuration for MergeSymbol

type MoveData added in v0.12.148

type MoveData struct {
	Src              *SelectPosData `yaml:"src" json:"src"`
	Target           *SelectPosData `yaml:"target" json:"target"`
	MoveType         string         `yaml:"moveType" json:"moveType"`
	TargetSymbol     string         `yaml:"targetSymbol" json:"targetSymbol"`
	TargetSymbolCode int            `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	OverrideSrc      bool           `yaml:"overrideSrc" json:"overrideSrc"`
	OverrideTarget   bool           `yaml:"overrideTarget" json:"overrideTarget"`
	OverridePath     bool           `yaml:"overridePath" json:"overridePath"`

func (*MoveData) Move added in v0.12.148

func (md *MoveData) Move(gs *sgc7game.GameScene, sx, sy, tx, ty int, symbolCode int, msd *MoveSymbolData)

type MoveReel added in v0.12.155

type MoveReel struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MoveReelConfig `json:"config"`

func (*MoveReel) Init added in v0.12.155

func (moveReel *MoveReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*MoveReel) InitEx added in v0.12.155

func (moveReel *MoveReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*MoveReel) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.155

func (moveReel *MoveReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*MoveReel) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.155

func (moveReel *MoveReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type MoveReelConfig added in v0.12.155

type MoveReelConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	MoveReelIndex        []int `yaml:"moveReelIndex" json:"moveReelIndex"`           // 每个轴的移动幅度,-1是上移
	EmptyOtherSceneVal   int   `yaml:"emptyOtherSceneVal" json:"emptyOtherSceneVal"` // 如果要移动otherscene时,这个是移出去以后的默认值

MoveReelConfig - configuration for MoveReel

type MoveSymbol added in v0.12.148

type MoveSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MoveSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*MoveSymbol) Init added in v0.12.148

func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*MoveSymbol) InitEx added in v0.12.148

func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*MoveSymbol) NewComponentData added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*MoveSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.148

func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*MoveSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.148

func (moveSymbol *MoveSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type MoveSymbolConfig added in v0.12.148

type MoveSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	MoveData             []*MoveData `yaml:"moveData" json:"moveData"`

MoveSymbolConfig - configuration for MoveSymbol

func (*MoveSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.12.278

func (cfg *MoveSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type MoveSymbolData added in v0.13.204

type MoveSymbolData struct {
	Pos [][]int

func (*MoveSymbolData) AddPos added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*MoveSymbolData) AddPosEx added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) AddPosEx(x int, y int)

AddPosEx -

func (*MoveSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*MoveSymbolData) Clone added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*MoveSymbolData) GetPos added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*MoveSymbolData) HasPos added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*MoveSymbolData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*MoveSymbolData) OnNewStep added in v0.13.204

func (moveSymbolData *MoveSymbolData) OnNewStep()

OnNewStep -

type MoveSymbols2 added in v0.13.464

type MoveSymbols2 struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MoveSymbols2Config `json:"config"`

func (*MoveSymbols2) Init added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*MoveSymbols2) InitEx added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*MoveSymbols2) NewComponentData added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*MoveSymbols2) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*MoveSymbols2) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*MoveSymbols2) ProcControllers added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbol2 *MoveSymbols2) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type MoveSymbols2Config added in v0.13.464

type MoveSymbols2Config struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Type                 MoveSymbols2Type `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	StrType              string           `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	SrcSymbols           []string         `yaml:"srcSymbols" json:"srcSymbols"`
	SrcSymbolCodes       []int            `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Controllers          []*Award         `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"`

MoveSymbols2Config - configuration for MoveSymbols2

func (*MoveSymbols2Config) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.464

func (cfg *MoveSymbols2Config) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type MoveSymbols2Data added in v0.13.464

type MoveSymbols2Data struct {
	Pos [][]int

func (*MoveSymbols2Data) AddPos added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*MoveSymbols2Data) AddPosEx added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) AddPosEx(x int, y int)

AddPosEx -

func (*MoveSymbols2Data) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*MoveSymbols2Data) Clone added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) Clone() IComponentData


func (*MoveSymbols2Data) GetPos added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*MoveSymbols2Data) HasPos added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewGame added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewStep added in v0.13.464

func (moveSymbols2Data *MoveSymbols2Data) OnNewStep()

OnNewStep -

type MoveSymbols2Type added in v0.13.464

type MoveSymbols2Type int
const (
	MS2TypeLeft  MoveSymbols2Type = 0 // left
	MS2TypeRight MoveSymbols2Type = 1 // right

type MultiRespin added in v0.10.279

type MultiRespin struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MultiRespinConfig `json:"config"`

func (*MultiRespin) Init added in v0.10.279

func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*MultiRespin) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*MultiRespin) OnAsciiGame added in v0.10.279

func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*MultiRespin) OnPlayGame added in v0.10.279

func (multiRespin *MultiRespin) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type MultiRespinConfig added in v0.10.279

type MultiRespinConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	RespinData           []*RespinDataConfig `yaml:"respinData" json:"respinData"`                   // wait player select
	TargetSymbolNum      string              `yaml:"targetSymbolNum" json:"targetSymbolNum"`         // 这里可以用到一个前面记下的tagSymbolNum值
	IsUseTriggerRespin2  bool                `yaml:"isUseTriggerRespin2" json:"isUseTriggerRespin2"` // 给true就用triggerRespin2

BasicWinsConfig - configuration for BasicWins

type MultiWeightAwards added in v0.12.170

type MultiWeightAwards struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *MultiWeightAwardsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*MultiWeightAwards) Init added in v0.12.170

func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*MultiWeightAwards) InitEx added in v0.12.170

func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*MultiWeightAwards) NewComponentData added in v0.12.170

func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*MultiWeightAwards) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.170

func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*MultiWeightAwards) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.170

func (multiWeightAwards *MultiWeightAwards) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type MultiWeightAwardsConfig added in v0.12.170

type MultiWeightAwardsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Nodes                []*MultiWeightAwardsNode `yaml:"nodes" json:"nodes"`
	InitMask             string                   `yaml:"initMask" json:"initMask"`                   // 用这个来初始化,true表示需要开奖
	ReverseInitMask      bool                     `yaml:"reverseInitMask" json:"reverseInitMask"`     // reverse the target mask
	TargetMask           string                   `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"`               // 用这个来初始化,true表示需要开奖
	ReverseTargetMask    bool                     `yaml:"reverseTargetMask" json:"reverseTargetMask"` // reverse the target mask

MultiWeightAwardsConfig - configuration for MultiWeightAwards feature

type MultiWeightAwardsData added in v0.12.170

type MultiWeightAwardsData struct {
	HasGot []bool

func (*MultiWeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.12.170

func (multiWeightAwardsData *MultiWeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*MultiWeightAwardsData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (multiWeightAwardsData *MultiWeightAwardsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*MultiWeightAwardsData) OnNewGame added in v0.12.170

func (multiWeightAwardsData *MultiWeightAwardsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type MultiWeightAwardsNode added in v0.12.170

type MultiWeightAwardsNode struct {
	Awards []*Award              `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统
	Weight string                `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` //
	VW     *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`           //

type OperateType added in v0.12.236

type OperateType int
const (
	OTEqual        OperateType = 0 // ==
	OTGreaterEqual OperateType = 1 // >=
	OTLessEqual    OperateType = 2 // <=
	OTGreater      OperateType = 3 // >
	OTLess         OperateType = 4 // <
	OTNotEqual     OperateType = 5 // !=

func ParseOperateType added in v0.12.236

func ParseOperateType(str string) OperateType

type OtherSceneFeature added in v0.10.285

type OtherSceneFeature struct {
	Type   int
	Config *OtherSceneFeatureConfig

func NewOtherSceneFeature added in v0.10.285

func NewOtherSceneFeature(cfg *OtherSceneFeatureConfig) *OtherSceneFeature

type OtherSceneFeatureConfig added in v0.10.285

type OtherSceneFeatureConfig struct {
	Type string `yaml:"type" json:"type"`

func (*OtherSceneFeatureConfig) GetType added in v0.10.285

func (cfg *OtherSceneFeatureConfig) GetType() int

type OtherSceneMultiType added in v0.13.137

type OtherSceneMultiType int
const (
	OSMTNone      OtherSceneMultiType = 0
	OSMTAdd       OtherSceneMultiType = 1 // 每个位置用加来计算总倍数
	OSMTMul       OtherSceneMultiType = 2 // 每个位置用乘来计算总倍数
	OSMTPowOf2Add OtherSceneMultiType = 3 // 每个位置用2的次方之和来计算总倍数
	OSMTPowOf2Mul OtherSceneMultiType = 4 // 每个位置用2的次方之积来计算总倍数

func ParseOtherSceneMultiType added in v0.13.137

func ParseOtherSceneMultiType(str string) OtherSceneMultiType

type OverlaySymbol

type OverlaySymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *OverlaySymbolConfig  `json:"config"`
	SymbolCode      int                   `json:"-"`
	MapPosition     *sgc7game.ValMapping2 `json:"-"`

func (*OverlaySymbol) EachUsedResults

func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (*OverlaySymbol) Init

func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*OverlaySymbol) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*OverlaySymbol) NewComponentData

func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*OverlaySymbol) OnAsciiGame

func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*OverlaySymbol) OnPlayGame

func (overlaySymbol *OverlaySymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type OverlaySymbolConfig

type OverlaySymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbol               string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	MapPosition          string `yaml:"mapPosition" json:"mapPosition"`
	DefaultLevel         int    `yaml:"defaultLevel" json:"defaultLevel"`
	Collector            string `yaml:"collector" json:"collector"`

OverlaySymbolConfig - configuration for OverlaySymbol feature

type OverlaySymbolData

type OverlaySymbolData struct {
	CurLevel int

func (*OverlaySymbolData) BuildPBComponentData

func (overlaySymbolData *OverlaySymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*OverlaySymbolData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (overlaySymbolData *OverlaySymbolData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*OverlaySymbolData) OnNewGame

func (overlaySymbolData *OverlaySymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type PiggyBank added in v0.13.47

type PiggyBank struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *PiggyBankConfig `json:"config"`

func (*PiggyBank) GetWinMulti added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*PiggyBank) Init added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*PiggyBank) InitEx added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*PiggyBank) NewComponentData added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*PiggyBank) NewStats2 added in v0.13.366

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*PiggyBank) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*PiggyBank) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*PiggyBank) OnStats2 added in v0.13.366

func (piggyBank *PiggyBank) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type PiggyBankConfig added in v0.13.47

type PiggyBankConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	WinMulti             int           `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1
	StrType              string        `yaml:"type" json:"type"`         // 如何初始化winmulti
	Type                 PiggyBankType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`               // 如何初始化winmulti

PiggyBankConfig - configuration for PiggyBank

func (*PiggyBankConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.47

func (cfg *PiggyBankConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type PiggyBankData added in v0.13.47

type PiggyBankData struct {
	SavedMoney int
	Wins       int
	WinMulti   int

func (*PiggyBankData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*PiggyBankData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*PiggyBankData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*PiggyBankData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.47

func (piggyBankData *PiggyBankData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type PiggyBankType added in v0.13.186

type PiggyBankType int
const (
	PiggyBankTypeNone                   PiggyBankType = 0
	PiggyBankTypeSumSymbolVals          PiggyBankType = 1
	PiggyBankTypeAddSumSymbolVals       PiggyBankType = 2
	PiggyBankTypeSumEmptyWithSymbolVals PiggyBankType = 3

type PosComponentData added in v0.13.175

type PosComponentData struct {
	Pos []int

func (*PosComponentData) Add added in v0.13.176

func (posdata *PosComponentData) Add(x, y int)

func (*PosComponentData) Clear added in v0.13.175

func (posdata *PosComponentData) Clear()

func (*PosComponentData) Clone added in v0.13.175

func (posdata *PosComponentData) Clone() PosComponentData

func (*PosComponentData) Has added in v0.13.175

func (posdata *PosComponentData) Has(target *PosComponentData) bool

func (*PosComponentData) MergePosList added in v0.13.176

func (posdata *PosComponentData) MergePosList(pos []int)

type PositionCollection added in v0.13.89

type PositionCollection struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *PositionCollectionConfig `json:"config"`

PositionCollection - 也是一个非常特殊的组件,symbol集合

func (*PositionCollection) AddPos added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) AddPos(icd IComponentData, x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*PositionCollection) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*PositionCollection) GetChildLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) GetChildLinkComponents() []string

GetChildLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*PositionCollection) Init added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*PositionCollection) InitEx added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*PositionCollection) IsForeach added in v0.13.99

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) IsForeach() bool

IsForeach -

func (*PositionCollection) NewComponentData added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*PositionCollection) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult,
	mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*PositionCollection) OnGameInited added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error

OnGameInited - on game inited

func (*PositionCollection) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollection *PositionCollection) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type PositionCollectionConfig added in v0.13.89

type PositionCollectionConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                 `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                         // type
	Type                 PositionCollectionType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               // type
	IsNeedClear          bool                   `yaml:"isNeedClear" json:"isNeedClear"`           // isNeedClear
	InitPositions        []int                  `yaml:"initPositions" json:"initPositions"`       // 初始化
	ForeachComponent     string                 `yaml:"foreachComponent" json:"foreachComponent"` // foreach
	Children             []string               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               //

PositionCollectionConfig - configuration for PositionCollection feature

func (*PositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.89

func (cfg *PositionCollectionConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type PositionCollectionData added in v0.13.89

type PositionCollectionData struct {
	Pos []int

func (*PositionCollectionData) AddPos added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*PositionCollectionData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*PositionCollectionData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*PositionCollectionData) GetPos added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*PositionCollectionData) HasPos added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*PositionCollectionData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.89

func (positionCollectionData *PositionCollectionData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type PositionCollectionType added in v0.13.89

type PositionCollectionType int
const (
	PCTypeNormal        PositionCollectionType = 0
	PCTypeNonRepeatable PositionCollectionType = 1

type QueueBranch added in v0.13.19

type QueueBranch struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *QueueBranchConfig `json:"config"`

func (*QueueBranch) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*QueueBranch) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*QueueBranch) Init added in v0.13.19

func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*QueueBranch) InitEx added in v0.13.19

func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*QueueBranch) NewComponentData added in v0.13.27

func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*QueueBranch) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.19

func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*QueueBranch) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.19

func (queueBranch *QueueBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type QueueBranchConfig added in v0.13.19

type QueueBranchConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	JumpToComponent      string `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`

QueueBranchConfig - configuration for QueueBranch

func (*QueueBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.25

func (cfg *QueueBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type QueueBranchData added in v0.13.19

type QueueBranchData struct {
	Queue int

func (*QueueBranchData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.19

func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*QueueBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal added in v0.13.67

func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int

ChgConfigIntVal -

func (*QueueBranchData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*QueueBranchData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*QueueBranchData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.19

func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*QueueBranchData) SetConfigIntVal added in v0.13.67

func (queueBranchData *QueueBranchData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)

SetConfigIntVal -

type RTPConfig

type RTPConfig struct {
	Modules         []*RTPSymbolModule   `yaml:"modules"`
	HitRateFeatures []*RTPHitRateFeature `yaml:"hitRateFeatures"`

type RTPHitRateFeature

type RTPHitRateFeature struct {
	Name       string   `yaml:"name"`
	Components []string `yaml:"components"`

type RTPSymbolFeature

type RTPSymbolFeature struct {
	Name       string   `yaml:"name"`
	Components []string `yaml:"components"`

type RTPSymbolModule

type RTPSymbolModule struct {
	Name       string              `yaml:"name"`
	Components []string            `yaml:"components"`
	Features   []*RTPSymbolFeature `yaml:"features"`

type RandomMoveSymbols added in v0.13.414

type RandomMoveSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RandomMoveSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*RandomMoveSymbols) Init added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*RandomMoveSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*RandomMoveSymbols) NewComponentData added in v0.13.414

func (moveSymbol *RandomMoveSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*RandomMoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.414

func (moveSymbol *RandomMoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*RandomMoveSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*RandomMoveSymbols) ProcControllers added in v0.13.422

func (randomMoveSymbols *RandomMoveSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type RandomMoveSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.414

type RandomMoveSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig     `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Type                     RandomMoveSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	StrType                  string                `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	TargetSymbols            []string              `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"`
	TargetSymbolCodes        []int                 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	IgnoreSymbols            []string              `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"`
	IgnoreSymbolCodes        []int                 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	ReelsWeight              string                `yaml:"reelsWeight" json:"reelsWeight"`
	ReelsWeightVW2           *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	TargetPositionCollection string                `yaml:"targetPositionCollection" json:"targetPositionCollection"`
	Controllers              []*Award              `yaml:"controllers" json:"controllers"`

RandomMoveSymbolsConfig - configuration for RandomMoveSymbols

func (*RandomMoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.414

func (cfg *RandomMoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RandomMoveSymbolsData added in v0.13.414

type RandomMoveSymbolsData struct {
	Pos [][]int

func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPos added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPos(x int, y int)

AddPos -

func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPosEx added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) AddPosEx(x int, y int)

AddPosEx -

func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) Clone added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) GetPos added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) GetPos() []int

GetPos -

func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) HasPos added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) HasPos(x int, y int) bool

HasPos -

func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewStep added in v0.13.414

func (randomMoveSymbolsData *RandomMoveSymbolsData) OnNewStep()

OnNewStep -

type RandomMoveSymbolsType added in v0.13.414

type RandomMoveSymbolsType int
const (
	RMSTypeNormal RandomMoveSymbolsType = 0 // normal
	RMSTypeReels  RandomMoveSymbolsType = 1 // reels

type ReRollReel added in v0.12.156

type ReRollReel struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ReRollReelConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ReRollReel) Init added in v0.12.156

func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ReRollReel) InitEx added in v0.12.156

func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ReRollReel) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.156

func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ReRollReel) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.156

func (reRollReel *ReRollReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ReRollReelConfig added in v0.12.156

type ReRollReelConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`

ReRollReelConfig - configuration for ReRollReel

type RebuildReelIndex added in v0.13.178

type RebuildReelIndex struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RebuildReelIndexConfig `json:"config"`

func (*RebuildReelIndex) Init added in v0.13.178

func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*RebuildReelIndex) InitEx added in v0.13.178

func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*RebuildReelIndex) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.178

func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*RebuildReelIndex) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.178

func (rebuildReelIndex *RebuildReelIndex) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type RebuildReelIndexConfig added in v0.13.178

type RebuildReelIndexConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string               `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // type
	Type                 RebuildReelIndexType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`       // type

RebuildReelIndexConfig - configuration for RebuildReelIndex feature

func (*RebuildReelIndexConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.178

func (cfg *RebuildReelIndexConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RebuildReelIndexType added in v0.13.178

type RebuildReelIndexType int
const (
	RebuildReelIndexTypeCircle RebuildReelIndexType = 0 // circle
	RebuildReelIndexTypeRandom RebuildReelIndexType = 1 // random

type RebuildSymbols added in v0.13.189

type RebuildSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RebuildSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*RebuildSymbols) Init added in v0.13.189

func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*RebuildSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.189

func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*RebuildSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.189

func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*RebuildSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.189

func (rebuildSymbols *RebuildSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type RebuildSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.189

type RebuildSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string             `yaml:"type" json:"type"` // type
	Type                 RebuildSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`       // type
	Symbols              []string           `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`
	SymbolCodes          []int              `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

RebuildSymbolsConfig - configuration for RebuildSymbols feature

func (*RebuildSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.189

func (cfg *RebuildSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RebuildSymbolsType added in v0.13.189

type RebuildSymbolsType int
const (
	RebuildSymbolsTypeCircle RebuildSymbolsType = 0 // circle
	RebuildSymbolsTypeRandom RebuildSymbolsType = 1 // random

type ReelModifier added in v0.12.250

type ReelModifier struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ReelModifierConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ReelModifier) Init added in v0.12.250

func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ReelModifier) InitEx added in v0.12.250

func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ReelModifier) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.250

func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ReelModifier) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.250

func (reelModifier *ReelModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ReelModifierConfig added in v0.12.250

type ReelModifierConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Reel                 string              `yaml:"reel" json:"reel"`               // 用这个轮子roll
	ReelData             *sgc7game.ReelsData `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                     // 用这个轮子roll
	Mask                 string              `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"`               // 如果mask不为空,则用这个mask的1来roll,可以配置 isReverse 来roll 0
	IsReverse            bool                `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"`     // 如果isReverse,表示roll 0
	HoldSymbols          []string            `yaml:"holdSymbols" json:"holdSymbols"` // 这些符号保留
	HoldSymbolCodes      []int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Triggers             []string            `yaml:"triggers" json:"triggers"` // 替换完轮子后需要保证所有trigger返回true

ReelModifierConfig - configuration for ReelModifier feature

type ReelTrigger added in v0.13.261

type ReelTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ReelTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ReelTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*ReelTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*ReelTrigger) Init added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ReelTrigger) InitEx added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ReelTrigger) NewComponentData added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*ReelTrigger) NewStats2 added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*ReelTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ReelTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*ReelTrigger) OnStats2 added in v0.13.261

func (reelTrigger *ReelTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type ReelTriggerConfig added in v0.13.261

type ReelTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols              []string            `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`                       // symbols
	SymbolCodes          []int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // symbol codes
	StrType              string              `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                             // ReelTriggerType
	Type                 ReelTriggerType     `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // ReelTriggerType
	WildSymbols          []string            `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"`               // wild etc
	WildSymbolCodes      []int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                   // wild symbolCode
	MinSymbolNum         int                 `yaml:"minSymbolNum" json:"minSymbolNum"`             // minSymbolNum
	TargetMask           string              `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"`                 // 可以把结果传递给一个mask
	MapBranchs           map[int]*BranchNode `yaml:"mapBranchs" json:"mapBranchs"`                 // mapBranchs
	IsCheckEmptySymbol   bool                `yaml:"isCheckEmptySymbol" json:"isCheckEmptySymbol"` //

ReelTriggerConfig - configuration for ReelTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*ReelTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.261

func (cfg *ReelTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type ReelTriggerData added in v0.13.261

type ReelTriggerData struct {
	NextComponent string
	Masks         []bool
	Number        int
	SymbolCode    int

func (*ReelTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.261

func (reelTriggerData *ReelTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*ReelTriggerData) Clone added in v0.13.261

func (reelTriggerData *ReelTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*ReelTriggerData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.261

func (reelTriggerData *ReelTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type ReelTriggerType added in v0.13.261

type ReelTriggerType int
const (
	RTTypeRow          ReelTriggerType = 0 // row
	RTTypeColumn       ReelTriggerType = 1 // column
	RTTypeRowNumber    ReelTriggerType = 2 // row number
	RTTypeColumnNumber ReelTriggerType = 3 // column number
	RTTypeFullScreen   ReelTriggerType = 4 // full screen

type RefillSymbols added in v0.13.17

type RefillSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RefillSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*RefillSymbols) EachUsedResults added in v0.13.17

func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (*RefillSymbols) Init added in v0.13.17

func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*RefillSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.17

func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*RefillSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.17

func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*RefillSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.17

func (refillSymbols *RefillSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


type RefillSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.17

type RefillSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	IsNeedProcSymbolVals bool `yaml:"isNeedProcSymbolVals" json:"isNeedProcSymbolVals"` // 是否需要同时处理symbolVals
	EmptySymbolVal       int  `yaml:"emptySymbolVal" json:"emptySymbolVal"`             // 空的symbolVal是什么
	DefaultSymbolVal     int  `yaml:"defaultSymbolVal" json:"defaultSymbolVal"`         // 重新填充的symbolVal是什么

RefillSymbolsConfig - configuration for RefillSymbols

func (*RefillSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.25

func (cfg *RefillSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RemoveSymbols added in v0.13.17

type RemoveSymbols struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RemoveSymbolsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*RemoveSymbols) EachUsedResults added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (*RemoveSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*RemoveSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*RemoveSymbols) Init added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*RemoveSymbols) InitEx added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*RemoveSymbols) NewComponentData added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*RemoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, cd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*RemoveSymbols) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*RemoveSymbols) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (removeSymbols *RemoveSymbols) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type RemoveSymbolsConfig added in v0.13.17

type RemoveSymbolsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string            `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 RemoveSymbolsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	AddedSymbol          string            `yaml:"addedSymbol" json:"addedSymbol"`
	AddedSymbolCode      int               `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	JumpToComponent      string            `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`           // jump to
	TargetComponents     []string          `yaml:"targetComponents" json:"targetComponents"`         // 这些组件的中奖会需要参与remove
	IgnoreSymbols        []string          `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"`               // 忽略的symbol
	IgnoreSymbolCodes    []int             `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                       // 忽略的symbol
	IsNeedProcSymbolVals bool              `yaml:"isNeedProcSymbolVals" json:"isNeedProcSymbolVals"` // 是否需要同时处理symbolVals
	EmptySymbolVal       int               `yaml:"emptySymbolVal" json:"emptySymbolVal"`             // 空的symbolVal是什么
	OutputToComponent    string            `yaml:"outputToComponent" json:"outputToComponent"`       // outputToComponent
	Awards               []*Award          `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                             // 新的奖励系统

RemoveSymbolsConfig - configuration for RemoveSymbols

func (*RemoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.25

func (cfg *RemoveSymbolsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RemoveSymbolsData added in v0.13.17

type RemoveSymbolsData struct {
	RemovedNum int
	AvgHeight  int // 平均移除图标的高度,用int表示浮点数,因此100表示1

func (*RemoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*RemoveSymbolsData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*RemoveSymbolsData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*RemoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.17

func (removeSymbolsData *RemoveSymbolsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type RemoveSymbolsType added in v0.13.305

type RemoveSymbolsType int
const (
	RSTypeBasic       RemoveSymbolsType = 0
	RSTypeAdjacentPay RemoveSymbolsType = 1

type ReplaceReel added in v0.12.147

type ReplaceReel struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ReplaceReelConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ReplaceReel) Init added in v0.12.147

func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ReplaceReel) InitEx added in v0.12.147

func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ReplaceReel) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.147

func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ReplaceReel) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.147

func (replaceReel *ReplaceReel) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ReplaceReelConfig added in v0.12.147

type ReplaceReelConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	MapReels             map[int]string `yaml:"mapReels" json:"mapReels"`
	MapReelsCode         map[int]int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

ReplaceReelConfig - configuration for ReplaceReel

type ReplaceReelWithMask added in v0.13.39

type ReplaceReelWithMask struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) Init added in v0.13.39

func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) InitEx added in v0.13.39

func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.39

func (replaceReel *ReplaceReelWithMask) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ReplaceReelWithMask) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.39

func (replaceReelWithMask *ReplaceReelWithMask) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig added in v0.13.39

type ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbol               string   `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	SymbolCode           int      `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Mask                 string   `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"`
	IgnoreSymbols        []string `yaml:"ignoreSymbols" json:"ignoreSymbols"`
	IgnoreSymbolCodes    []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig - configuration for ReplaceReelWithMask

func (*ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.39

func (cfg *ReplaceReelWithMaskConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type ReplaceSymbol added in v0.10.285

type ReplaceSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ReplaceSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ReplaceSymbol) Init added in v0.10.285

func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ReplaceSymbol) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ReplaceSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.10.285

func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ReplaceSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.10.285

func (replaceSymbol *ReplaceSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ReplaceSymbolConfig added in v0.10.285

type ReplaceSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig     `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols                  []string       `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`
	Chg2SymbolInReels        []string       `yaml:"chg2SymbolInReels" json:"chg2SymbolInReels"`
	MapChg2SymbolInReels     map[int]string `yaml:"mapChg2SymbolInReels" json:"mapChg2SymbolInReels"`
	Mask                     string         `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"`
	SymbolCodes              []int          `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	MapChg2SymbolCodeInReels map[int]int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

ReplaceSymbolConfig - configuration for ReplaceSymbol

type ReplaceSymbolGroup added in v0.13.17

type ReplaceSymbolGroup struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) Init added in v0.13.17

func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) InitEx added in v0.13.17

func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.17

func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.17

func (replaceSymbolGroup *ReplaceSymbolGroup) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig added in v0.13.17

type ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	SrcSymbols           []string `yaml:"srcSymbols" json:"srcSymbols"`
	SrcSymbolCodes       []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	TargetSymbols        []string `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"`
	TargetSymbolCodes    []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Mask                 string   `yaml:"mask" json:"mask"`

ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig - configuration for ReplaceSymbolGroup

func (*ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.25

func (cfg *ReplaceSymbolGroupConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type Respin added in v0.10.273

type Respin struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RespinConfig `json:"config"`

func (*Respin) EachUsedResults added in v0.10.273

func (respin *Respin) EachUsedResults(pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, pbComponentData *anypb.Any, oneach FuncOnEachUsedResult)

EachUsedResults -

func (*Respin) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (respin *Respin) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*Respin) GetChildLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (respin *Respin) GetChildLinkComponents() []string

GetChildLinkComponents - get child link components

func (*Respin) Init added in v0.10.273

func (respin *Respin) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*Respin) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (respin *Respin) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*Respin) IsRespin added in v0.12.157

func (respin *Respin) IsRespin() bool

IsRespin -

func (*Respin) NewComponentData added in v0.10.273

func (respin *Respin) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*Respin) NewStats2 added in v0.13.99

func (respin *Respin) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*Respin) OnAsciiGame added in v0.10.273

func (respin *Respin) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*Respin) OnPlayGame added in v0.10.273

func (respin *Respin) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*Respin) OnStats2 added in v0.13.99

func (respin *Respin) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*Respin) ProcRespinOnStepEnd added in v0.13.99

func (respin *Respin) ProcRespinOnStepEnd(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, cd IComponentData, canRemove bool) (string, error)

ProcRespinOnStepEnd - 现在只有respin需要特殊处理结束,如果多层respin嵌套时,只要新的有next,就不会继续结束respin

type RespinConfig added in v0.10.273

type RespinConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	MainComponent        string `yaml:"mainComponent" json:"mainComponent"`

RespinConfig - configuration for Respin

func (*RespinConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.12.278

func (cfg *RespinConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RespinData added in v0.10.273

type RespinData struct {
	LastRespinNum         int
	CurRespinNum          int
	CurAddRespinNum       int
	RetriggerAddRespinNum int // 再次触发时增加的次数
	TotalCoinWin          int64
	LastTriggerNum        int      // 剩余的触发次数,respin有2种模式,一种是直接增加免费次数,一种是累积整体触发次数
	CurTriggerNum         int      // 当前已经触发次数
	Awards                []*Award // 当前已经触发次数
	TriggerRespinNum      []int    // 配合LastTriggerNum用的respin次数,-1表示用当前的RetriggerAddRespinNum,否则就是具体值

func (*RespinData) AddRespinTimes added in v0.13.39

func (respinData *RespinData) AddRespinTimes(num int)

AddRespinTimes -

func (*RespinData) AddTriggerRespinAward added in v0.13.39

func (respinData *RespinData) AddTriggerRespinAward(award *Award)

AddTriggerRespinAward -

func (*RespinData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.10.273

func (respinData *RespinData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*RespinData) ChgConfigIntVal added in v0.13.89

func (respinData *RespinData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int

ChgConfigIntVal -

func (*RespinData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (respinData *RespinData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*RespinData) GetLastRespinNum added in v0.13.39

func (respinData *RespinData) GetLastRespinNum() int

GetLastRespinNum -

func (*RespinData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (respinData *RespinData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*RespinData) IsRespinEnding added in v0.13.39

func (respinData *RespinData) IsRespinEnding() bool

IsEnding -

func (*RespinData) IsRespinStarted added in v0.13.39

func (respinData *RespinData) IsRespinStarted() bool

IsStarted -

func (*RespinData) OnNewGame added in v0.10.273

func (respinData *RespinData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*RespinData) PushTriggerRespin added in v0.13.39

func (respinData *RespinData) PushTriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, num int)

PushTrigger -

func (*RespinData) ResetRespinTimes added in v0.13.286

func (respinData *RespinData) ResetRespinTimes(num int)

ResetRespinTimes -

func (*RespinData) SetConfigIntVal added in v0.13.160

func (respinData *RespinData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)

SetConfigIntVal -

func (*RespinData) TriggerRespin added in v0.13.39

func (respinData *RespinData) TriggerRespin(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams)


type RespinDataCmdParam added in v0.10.279

type RespinDataCmdParam struct {
	RespinNum       int    `json:"RespinNum"`       // respin number
	RespinComponent string `json:"respinComponent"` // like fg-spin

type RespinDataConfig added in v0.10.279

type RespinDataConfig struct {
	RespinNum                     int            `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"`                                         // respin number
	RespinNumWeight               string         `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"`                             // respin number weight
	RespinNumWithScatterNum       map[int]int    `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"`             // respin number with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum map[int]string `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number
	RespinComponent               string         `yaml:"respinComponent" json:"respinComponent"`                             // like fg-spin
	Cmd                           string         `yaml:"cmd" json:"cmd"`                                                     // cmd

RespinDataConfig - configuration for MultiRespin

type RespinLevelConfig added in v0.10.323

type RespinLevelConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	LastRespinNum        int    `yaml:"lastRespinNum" json:"lastRespinNum"` // 倒数第几局开始
	MaxCoinWins          int    `yaml:"maxCoinWins" json:"maxCoinWins"`     // 如果最大获奖低于这个
	JumpComponent        string `yaml:"jumpComponent" json:"jumpComponent"` // 跳转到这个component

RespinLevelConfig - configuration for Respin Level

type RngData added in v0.13.433

type RngData struct {
	Script string         `yaml:"script"`
	FO2    *ForceOutcome2 `yaml:"-"`

type RngLib added in v0.13.433

type RngLib struct {
	MapRNGs map[string]*RngData `yaml:"rngs"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func LoadRngLib added in v0.13.433

func LoadRngLib(fn string) (*RngLib, error)

type RollNumber added in v0.13.197

type RollNumber struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RollNumberConfig `json:"config"`

func (*RollNumber) Init added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*RollNumber) InitEx added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*RollNumber) NewComponentData added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*RollNumber) NewStats2 added in v0.13.391

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*RollNumber) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*RollNumber) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*RollNumber) OnStats2 added in v0.13.391

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*RollNumber) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (rollNumber *RollNumber) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type RollNumberConfig added in v0.13.197

type RollNumberConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Weight               string                `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"`
	WeightVW             *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	Awards               []*Award              `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`             // 新的奖励系统
	MapValAwards         map[int][]*Award      `yaml:"mapValAwards" json:"mapValAwards"` // 新的奖励系统
	ForceVal             int                   `yaml:"forceVal" json:"forceVal"`

RollNumberConfig - configuration for RollNumber

func (*RollNumberConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.197

func (cfg *RollNumberConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RollNumberData added in v0.13.197

type RollNumberData struct {
	Number int

func (*RollNumberData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*RollNumberData) ChgConfigIntVal added in v0.13.376

func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int

ChgConfigIntVal -

func (*RollNumberData) Clone added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*RollNumberData) GetOutput added in v0.13.381

func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) GetOutput() int

GetOutput -

func (*RollNumberData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*RollNumberData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.197

func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*RollNumberData) SetConfigIntVal added in v0.13.376

func (rollNumberData *RollNumberData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)

SetConfigIntVal - CCVValueNum的set和chg逻辑不太一样,等于的时候不会触发任何的 controllers

type RollSymbol added in v0.13.17

type RollSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *RollSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*RollSymbol) Init added in v0.13.17

func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*RollSymbol) InitEx added in v0.13.17

func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*RollSymbol) NewComponentData added in v0.13.39

func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*RollSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.17

func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*RollSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.17

func (rollSymbol *RollSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type RollSymbolConfig added in v0.13.17

type RollSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig   `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	SymbolNum              int                   `yaml:"symbolNum" json:"symbolNum"`
	SymbolNumComponent     string                `json:"symbolNumComponent"`
	Weight                 string                `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"`
	WeightVW               *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	SrcSymbolCollection    string                `yaml:"srcSymbolCollection" json:"srcSymbolCollection"`
	IgnoreSymbolCollection string                `yaml:"ignoreSymbolCollection" json:"ignoreSymbolCollection"`
	TargetSymbolCollection string                `yaml:"targetSymbolCollection" json:"targetSymbolCollection"`

RollSymbolConfig - configuration for RollSymbol

func (*RollSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.39

func (cfg *RollSymbolConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type RollSymbolData added in v0.13.17

type RollSymbolData struct {
	SymbolCodes []int

func (*RollSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.17

func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*RollSymbolData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*RollSymbolData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*RollSymbolData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.17

func (rollSymbolData *RollSymbolData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type SPCNode added in v0.13.99

type SPCNode struct {
	Parent           *SPCNode
	NormalComponents []string
	Children         []*SPCNode
	Root             string

func ParseStepParentChildren added in v0.13.99

func ParseStepParentChildren(lst *ComponentList, start string) (*SPCNode, error)

func (*SPCNode) AddChild added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) AddChild(child *SPCNode)

func (*SPCNode) AddNormal added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) AddNormal(componentName string)

func (*SPCNode) CountComponentNum added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) CountComponentNum() int

func (*SPCNode) CountDeep added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) CountDeep() int

func (*SPCNode) CountParentNum added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) CountParentNum() int

func (*SPCNode) Format added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) Format()

func (*SPCNode) GetComponents added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) GetComponents() []string

func (*SPCNode) GetParent added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) GetParent(component string) string

func (*SPCNode) IsChildren added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) IsChildren(componentName string) bool

func (*SPCNode) IsIn added in v0.13.124

func (node *SPCNode) IsIn(componentName string) bool

func (*SPCNode) IsInChildren added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) IsInChildren(componentName string) bool

func (*SPCNode) IsInNormal added in v0.13.99

func (node *SPCNode) IsInNormal(componentName string) bool

type ScatterTrigger added in v0.12.264

type ScatterTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *ScatterTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*ScatterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene added in v0.13.39

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)

CanTriggerWithScene -

func (*ScatterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*ScatterTrigger) GetHeight added in v0.13.344

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetHeight(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*ScatterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*ScatterTrigger) GetWinMulti added in v0.12.278

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*ScatterTrigger) Init added in v0.12.264

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*ScatterTrigger) InitEx added in v0.12.264

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*ScatterTrigger) NewComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*ScatterTrigger) NewStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*ScatterTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.264

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*ScatterTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.264

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*ScatterTrigger) OnStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*ScatterTrigger) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (scatterTrigger *ScatterTrigger) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type ScatterTriggerConfig added in v0.12.264

type ScatterTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig            `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols                         []string                      `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`                                             // like scatter
	SymbolCodes                     []int                         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // like scatter
	Type                            string                        `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                                                   // like scatters
	TriggerType                     SymbolTriggerType             `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // SymbolTriggerType
	BetTypeString                   string                        `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"`                                             // bet or totalBet or noPay
	BetType                         BetType                       `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // bet or totalBet or noPay
	OSMulTypeString                 string                        `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"`                             // OtherSceneMultiType
	OSMulType                       OtherSceneMultiType           `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // OtherSceneMultiType
	MinNum                          int                           `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"`                                               // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效
	WildSymbols                     []string                      `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"`                                     // wild etc
	WildSymbolCodes                 []int                         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // wild symbolCode
	PosArea                         []int                         `yaml:"posArea" json:"posArea"`                                             // 只在countscatterInArea时生效,[minx,maxx,miny,maxy],当x,y分别符合双闭区间才合法
	CountScatterPayAs               string                        `yaml:"countScatterPayAs" json:"countScatterPayAs"`                         // countscatter时,按什么符号赔付
	SymbolCodeCountScatterPayAs     int                           `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // countscatter时,按什么符号赔付
	WinMulti                        int                           `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"`                                           // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1
	Height                          int                           `yaml:"Height" json:"Height"`                                               // Height
	MaxHeight                       int                           `yaml:"MaxHeight" json:"MaxHeight"`                                         // MaxHeight
	IsReversalHeight                bool                          `yaml:"isReversalHeight" json:"isReversalHeight"`                           // isReversalHeight
	JumpToComponent                 string                        `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`                             // jump to
	PiggyBankComponent              string                        `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"`                       // piggyBank component
	ForceToNext                     bool                          `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"`                                     // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支
	Awards                          []*Award                      `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                                               // 新的奖励系统
	TargetMask                      string                        `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"`                                       // 如果是scatter这一组判断,可以把结果传递给一个mask
	IsReverse                       bool                          `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"`                                         // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发
	IsAddRespinMode                 bool                          `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"`                             // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式
	RespinComponent                 string                        `yaml:"respinComponent" json:"respinComponent"`                             // respin component
	RespinNum                       int                           `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"`                                         // respin number
	RespinNumWeight                 string                        `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"`                             // respin number weight
	RespinNumWeightVW               *sgc7game.ValWeights2         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight
	RespinNumWithScatterNum         map[int]int                   `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"`             // respin number with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum   map[int]string                `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight with scatter number
	MapAwards                       map[int][]*Award              `yaml:"mapAwards" json:"mapAwards"`                                         // 新的奖励系统

ScatterTriggerConfig - configuration for ScatterTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*ScatterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.12.278

func (cfg *ScatterTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type ScatterTriggerData added in v0.12.264

type ScatterTriggerData struct {
	NextComponent string
	SymbolNum     int
	WildNum       int
	RespinNum     int
	Wins          int
	WinMulti      int

func (*ScatterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*ScatterTriggerData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*ScatterTriggerData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*ScatterTriggerData) OnNewGame added in v0.12.264

func (scatterTriggerData *ScatterTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type SceneStack added in v0.12.272

type SceneStack struct {
	Scenes       []*SceneStackData
	IsOtherScene bool

func NewSceneStack added in v0.12.272

func NewSceneStack(isOtherScene bool) *SceneStack

func (*SceneStack) GetPreTopScene added in v0.13.419

func (stack *SceneStack) GetPreTopScene(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *SceneStackData

func (*SceneStack) GetPreTopSceneEx added in v0.13.419

func (stack *SceneStack) GetPreTopSceneEx(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*SceneStack) GetTargetScene3 added in v0.12.272

func (stack *SceneStack) GetTargetScene3(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCfg *BasicComponentConfig, si int, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*SceneStack) GetTopScene added in v0.12.272

func (stack *SceneStack) GetTopScene(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *SceneStackData

func (*SceneStack) GetTopSceneEx added in v0.13.419

func (stack *SceneStack) GetTopSceneEx(curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) *sgc7game.GameScene

func (*SceneStack) Has added in v0.12.272

func (stack *SceneStack) Has(scene string) bool

func (*SceneStack) InsertPreScene added in v0.13.419

func (stack *SceneStack) InsertPreScene(scene string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)

func (*SceneStack) Pop added in v0.12.272

func (stack *SceneStack) Pop() *SceneStackData

func (*SceneStack) PopEx added in v0.13.43

func (stack *SceneStack) PopEx(num int)

func (*SceneStack) PopTo added in v0.12.272

func (stack *SceneStack) PopTo(scene string)

func (*SceneStack) Push added in v0.12.272

func (stack *SceneStack) Push(scene string, gs *sgc7game.GameScene)

type SceneStackData added in v0.12.272

type SceneStackData struct {
	Component string
	Scene     *sgc7game.GameScene

type ScriptCore

type ScriptCore struct {
	Cel *cel.Env

func NewScriptCore

func NewScriptCore(gameProp *GameProperty) (*ScriptCore, error)

type SelectPosData added in v0.12.148

type SelectPosData struct {
	Type       string `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	X          int    `yaml:"x" json:"x"`
	Y          int    `yaml:"y" json:"y"`
	Symbol     string `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	SymbolCode int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

func (*SelectPosData) Select added in v0.12.148

func (spd *SelectPosData) Select(gs *sgc7game.GameScene) (bool, int, int)

type SimpleRNG added in v0.13.235

type SimpleRNG struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*SimpleRNG) Clone added in v0.13.235

func (rng *SimpleRNG) Clone() IRNG

func (*SimpleRNG) GetCurRNG added in v0.13.235

func (rng *SimpleRNG) GetCurRNG(curBetMode int, gameProp *GameProperty, curComponent IComponent, cd IComponentData, fl IFeatureLevel) (bool, int, sgc7plugin.IPlugin, string)

GetCurRNG -

func (*SimpleRNG) IsIterateEnding added in v0.13.235

func (rng *SimpleRNG) IsIterateEnding() bool

func (*SimpleRNG) IsNeedIterate added in v0.13.235

func (rng *SimpleRNG) IsNeedIterate() bool

func (*SimpleRNG) OnChoiceBranch added in v0.13.277

func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnChoiceBranch(curBetMode int, curComponent IComponent, branchName string) error

OnChoiceBranch -

func (*SimpleRNG) OnNewGame added in v0.13.235

func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnNewGame(curBetMode int, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin) error

OnNewGame -

func (*SimpleRNG) OnStepEnd added in v0.13.322

func (rng *SimpleRNG) OnStepEnd(curBetMode int, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult) error

OnStepEnd -

type SumSymbolVals added in v0.13.447

type SumSymbolVals struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *SumSymbolValsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*SumSymbolVals) Init added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*SumSymbolVals) InitEx added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*SumSymbolVals) NewComponentData added in v0.13.451

func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*SumSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*SumSymbolVals) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolVals *SumSymbolVals) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type SumSymbolValsConfig added in v0.13.447

type SumSymbolValsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string            `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 SumSymbolValsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Value                int               `yaml:"value" json:"value"`
	Min                  int               `yaml:"min" json:"min"`
	Max                  int               `yaml:"max" json:"max"`
	SourceComponent      string            `yaml:"sourceComponent" json:"sourceComponent"`

SumSymbolValsConfig - configuration for SumSymbolVals

func (*SumSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.447

func (cfg *SumSymbolValsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type SumSymbolValsData added in v0.13.447

type SumSymbolValsData struct {
	Number int

func (*SumSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*SumSymbolValsData) Clone added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*SumSymbolValsData) GetOutput added in v0.13.447

func (rollNumberData *SumSymbolValsData) GetOutput() int

GetOutput -

func (*SumSymbolValsData) GetValEx added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*SumSymbolValsData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.447

func (sumSymbolValsData *SumSymbolValsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type SumSymbolValsType added in v0.13.447

type SumSymbolValsType int
const (
	SSVTypeNone       SumSymbolValsType = 0 // none
	SSVTypeEqu        SumSymbolValsType = 1 // ==
	SSVTypeGreaterEqu SumSymbolValsType = 2 // >=
	SSVTypeLessEqu    SumSymbolValsType = 3 // <=
	SSVTypeGreater    SumSymbolValsType = 4 // >
	SSVTypeLess       SumSymbolValsType = 5 // <
	SSVTypeInAreaLR   SumSymbolValsType = 6 // In [min, max]
	SSVTypeInAreaR    SumSymbolValsType = 7 // In (min, max]
	SSVTypeInAreaL    SumSymbolValsType = 8 // In [min, max)
	SSVTypeInArea     SumSymbolValsType = 9 // In (min, max)

type SymbolCollection2 added in v0.13.21

type SymbolCollection2 struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *SymbolCollection2Config `json:"config"`

SymbolCollection2 - 也是一个非常特殊的组件,symbol集合

func (*SymbolCollection2) EachSymbols added in v0.13.39

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) EachSymbols(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake,
	prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, cd IComponentData) error

EachSymbols - foreach symbols

func (*SymbolCollection2) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*SymbolCollection2) GetChildLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) GetChildLinkComponents() []string

GetChildLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*SymbolCollection2) Init added in v0.13.21

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*SymbolCollection2) InitEx added in v0.13.21

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*SymbolCollection2) IsForeach added in v0.13.99

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) IsForeach() bool

IsForeach -

func (*SymbolCollection2) NewComponentData added in v0.13.21

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*SymbolCollection2) NewStats2 added in v0.13.115

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*SymbolCollection2) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.21

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult,
	mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*SymbolCollection2) OnGameInited added in v0.13.39

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnGameInited(components *ComponentList) error

OnGameInited - on game inited

func (*SymbolCollection2) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.21

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*SymbolCollection2) OnStats2 added in v0.13.115

func (symbolCollection2 *SymbolCollection2) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type SymbolCollection2Config added in v0.13.21

type SymbolCollection2Config struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	ForeachComponent     string   `yaml:"foreachComponent" json:"foreachComponent"` // foreach
	MaxSymbolNum         int      `yaml:"maxSymbolNum" json:"maxSymbolNum"`         // 0表示不限制
	InitSymbols          []string `yaml:"initSymbols" json:"initSymbols"`           // 初始化symbols
	InitSymbolCodes      []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               // 初始化symbols
	Children             []string `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               //

SymbolCollection2Config - configuration for SymbolCollection2 feature

func (*SymbolCollection2Config) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.21

func (cfg *SymbolCollection2Config) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type SymbolCollection2Data added in v0.13.21

type SymbolCollection2Data struct {
	SymbolCodes  []int
	TotalCoinWin int64
	TotalCashWin int64

func (*SymbolCollection2Data) AddSymbol added in v0.13.39

func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) AddSymbol(symbolCode int)

AddSymbol -

func (*SymbolCollection2Data) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.21

func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*SymbolCollection2Data) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) Clone() IComponentData


func (*SymbolCollection2Data) GetSymbols added in v0.13.39

func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) GetSymbols() []int

GetSymbols -

func (*SymbolCollection2Data) OnNewGame added in v0.13.21

func (symbolCollection2Data *SymbolCollection2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type SymbolModifier added in v0.12.230

type SymbolModifier struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *SymbolModifierConfig `json:"config"`

func (*SymbolModifier) Init added in v0.12.230

func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*SymbolModifier) InitEx added in v0.12.230

func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*SymbolModifier) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.230

func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*SymbolModifier) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.230

func (symbolModifier *SymbolModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type SymbolModifierConfig added in v0.12.230

type SymbolModifierConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols              []string `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`
	SymbolCodes          []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	TargetSymbols        []string `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"`
	TargetSymbolCodes    []int    `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	Triggers             []string `yaml:"triggers" json:"triggers"` // 替换完图标后需要保证所有trigger返回true
	MinNum               int      `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"`     // 至少换几个,如果小于等于0,就表示要全部换
	PosArea              []int    `yaml:"posArea" json:"posArea"`   // 只在countscatterInArea时生效,[minx,maxx,miny,maxy],当x,y分别符合双闭区间才合法

SymbolModifierConfig - configuration for SymbolModifier feature

type SymbolMulti

type SymbolMulti struct {
	*BasicComponent   `json:"-"`
	Config            *SymbolMultiConfig               `json:"config"`
	SymbolCodes       []int                            `json:"-"`
	WeightMulti       *sgc7game.ValWeights2            `json:"-"`
	MapWeightMulti    map[string]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeature               `json:"-"`

func (*SymbolMulti) Init

func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*SymbolMulti) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*SymbolMulti) OnAsciiGame

func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*SymbolMulti) OnPlayGame

func (symbolMulti *SymbolMulti) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type SymbolMultiConfig

type SymbolMultiConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbol               string                   `yaml:"symbol" json:"-"`                      // 弃用,用symbols
	Symbols              []string                 `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`               // 这些符号可以有倍数
	WeightMulti          string                   `yaml:"weightMulti" json:"weightMulti"`       // 倍数权重
	StaticMulti          int                      `yaml:"staticMulti" json:"staticMulti"`       // 恒定倍数
	MapWeightMulti       map[string]string        `yaml:"mapWeightMulti" json:"mapWeightMulti"` // 可以配置多套权重
	ValUsed              string                   `yaml:"valUsed" json:"valUsed"`               // 用这个值来确定使用的权重
	OtherSceneFeature    *OtherSceneFeatureConfig `yaml:"otherSceneFeature" json:"otherSceneFeature"`

SymbolMultiConfig - configuration for SymbolMulti feature

type SymbolTriggerType added in v0.12.147

type SymbolTriggerType int
const (
	STTypeUnknow             SymbolTriggerType = 0  // 非法
	STTypeLines              SymbolTriggerType = 1  // 线中奖判断,一定是判断全部线,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖
	STTypeWays               SymbolTriggerType = 2  // ways中奖判断,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖
	STTypeScatters           SymbolTriggerType = 3  // scatter中奖判断,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖
	STTypeCountScatter       SymbolTriggerType = 4  // scatter判断,需要传入minnum,不读paytable
	STTypeCountScatterInArea SymbolTriggerType = 5  // 区域内的scatter判断,需要传入minnum,不读paytable
	STTypeCheckLines         SymbolTriggerType = 6  // 线判断,一定是判断全部线,需要传入minnum,不读paytable
	STTypeCheckWays          SymbolTriggerType = 7  // ways判断,需要传入minnum,不读paytable
	STTypeCluster            SymbolTriggerType = 8  // cluster,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖
	STTypeReelScatters       SymbolTriggerType = 9  // scatter中奖判断,且一轴上只算1个scatter,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖
	STTypeCountScatterReels  SymbolTriggerType = 10 // scatter中奖判断,且一轴上只算1个scatter,不读paytable
	STTypeAdjacentPay        SymbolTriggerType = 11 // adjacentPay,且读paytable来判断是否可以中奖

func ParseSymbolTriggerType added in v0.12.147

func ParseSymbolTriggerType(str string) SymbolTriggerType

type SymbolVal

type SymbolVal struct {
	*BasicComponent   `json:"-"`
	Config            *SymbolValConfig      `json:"config"`
	SymbolCode        int                   `json:"-"`
	WeightVal         *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeature    `json:"-"`

func (*SymbolVal) GetWeightVal added in v0.12.244

func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) GetWeightVal(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2

func (*SymbolVal) Init

func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*SymbolVal) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*SymbolVal) OnAsciiGame

func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*SymbolVal) OnPlayGame

func (symbolVal *SymbolVal) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type SymbolVal2

type SymbolVal2 struct {
	*BasicComponent   `json:"-"`
	Config            *SymbolVal2Config       `json:"config"`
	SymbolCode        int                     `json:"-"`
	WeightsVal        []*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	WeightSet         *sgc7game.ValWeights2   `json:"-"`
	OtherSceneFeature *OtherSceneFeature      `json:"-"`

func (*SymbolVal2) Init

func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*SymbolVal2) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*SymbolVal2) OnAsciiGame

func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*SymbolVal2) OnPlayGame

func (symbolVal2 *SymbolVal2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type SymbolVal2Config

type SymbolVal2Config struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbol               string                   `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	WeightSet            string                   `yaml:"weightSet" json:"weightSet"`
	WeightsVal           []string                 `yaml:"weightsVal" json:"weightsVal"`
	DefaultVal           int                      `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"`
	RNGSet               string                   `yaml:"RNGSet" json:"RNGSet"`
	OtherSceneFeature    *OtherSceneFeatureConfig `yaml:"otherSceneFeature" json:"otherSceneFeature"`

SymbolVal2Config - configuration for SymbolVal2 feature

type SymbolValConfig

type SymbolValConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbol               string                   `yaml:"symbol" json:"symbol"`
	WeightVal            string                   `yaml:"weightVal" json:"weightVal"`
	DefaultVal           int                      `yaml:"defaultVal" json:"defaultVal"`
	OtherSceneFeature    *OtherSceneFeatureConfig `yaml:"otherSceneFeature" json:"otherSceneFeature"`
	EmptyOtherSceneVal   int                      `yaml:"emptyOtherSceneVal" json:"emptyOtherSceneVal"` // 如果配置了otherscene,那么当otherscene里的某个位置为这个值时,才新赋值

SymbolValConfig - configuration for SymbolMulti feature

type SymbolValWins

type SymbolValWins struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *SymbolValWinsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*SymbolValWins) GetWinMulti added in v0.13.39

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*SymbolValWins) Init

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*SymbolValWins) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*SymbolValWins) NewComponentData added in v0.12.250

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*SymbolValWins) NewStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*SymbolValWins) OnAsciiGame

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*SymbolValWins) OnPlayGame

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*SymbolValWins) OnStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (symbolValWins *SymbolValWins) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type SymbolValWinsConfig

type SymbolValWinsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	BetTypeString        string            `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"`   // bet or totalBet or noPay
	BetType              BetType           `yaml:"-" json:"-"`               // bet or totalBet or noPay
	WinMulti             int               `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // bet or totalBet
	Symbols              []string          `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`   // like collect
	SymbolCodes          []int             `json:"-"`                        //
	StrType              string            `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 SymbolValWinsType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

SymbolValWinsConfig - configuration for SymbolValWins

func (*SymbolValWinsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.89

func (cfg *SymbolValWinsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type SymbolValWinsData added in v0.12.250

type SymbolValWinsData struct {
	SymbolNum int
	Wins      int

func (*SymbolValWinsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.12.250

func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*SymbolValWinsData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*SymbolValWinsData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*SymbolValWinsData) OnNewGame added in v0.12.250

func (symbolValWinsData *SymbolValWinsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type SymbolValWinsType added in v0.13.89

type SymbolValWinsType int
const (
	SVWTypeNormal    SymbolValWinsType = 0
	SVWTypeCollector SymbolValWinsType = 1

type SymbolViewerData

type SymbolViewerData struct {
	Code   int
	Symbol string
	Output string
	Color  string

type SymbolsViewer

type SymbolsViewer struct {
	MapSymbols map[int]*SymbolViewerData

func LoadSymbolsViewer

func LoadSymbolsViewer(fn string) (*SymbolsViewer, error)

func NewSymbolViewerFromPaytables added in v0.12.36

func NewSymbolViewerFromPaytables(paytables *sgc7game.PayTables) *SymbolsViewer

type TreasureChest added in v0.13.460

type TreasureChest struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *TreasureChestConfig `json:"config"`

func (*TreasureChest) Init added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*TreasureChest) InitEx added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*TreasureChest) NewComponentData added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*TreasureChest) NewStats2 added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*TreasureChest) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*TreasureChest) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*TreasureChest) OnStats2 added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChest *TreasureChest) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type TreasureChestConfig added in v0.13.460

type TreasureChestConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                `yaml:"type" json:"type"`
	Type                 TreasureChestType     `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	StrWeight            string                `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"` // weight
	Weight               *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`
	FragmentNum          int                   `yaml:"fragmentNum" json:"fragmentNum"` // fragmentNum
	MapBranchs           map[int]string        `yaml:"mapBranchs" json:"mapBranchs"`
	MapControllers       map[int][]*Award      `yaml:"mapControllers" json:"mapControllers"`

TreasureChestConfig - configuration for TreasureChest

func (*TreasureChestConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.460

func (cfg *TreasureChestConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type TreasureChestData added in v0.13.460

type TreasureChestData struct {
	Selected []int

func (*TreasureChestData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChestData *TreasureChestData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*TreasureChestData) Clone added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChestData *TreasureChestData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*TreasureChestData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.460

func (treasureChestData *TreasureChestData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type TreasureChestType added in v0.13.460

type TreasureChestType int
const (
	TreasureChestTypeFragmentCollection TreasureChestType = 0

type WaysTrigger added in v0.12.264

type WaysTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WaysTriggerConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WaysTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene added in v0.13.39

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) CanTriggerWithScene(gameProp *GameProperty, gs *sgc7game.GameScene, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, stake *sgc7game.Stake) (bool, []*sgc7game.Result)

CanTriggerWithScene -

func (*WaysTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.39

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*WaysTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*WaysTrigger) GetWinMulti added in v0.12.278

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*WaysTrigger) Init added in v0.12.264

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WaysTrigger) InitEx added in v0.12.264

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WaysTrigger) NewComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WaysTrigger) NewStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*WaysTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.264

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WaysTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.264

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*WaysTrigger) OnStats2 added in v0.13.103

func (waysTrigger *WaysTrigger) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type WaysTriggerConfig added in v0.12.264

type WaysTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig            `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	Symbols                         []string                      `yaml:"symbols" json:"symbols"`                                             // like scatter
	SymbolCodes                     []int                         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // like scatter
	Type                            string                        `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                                                   // like scatters
	TriggerType                     SymbolTriggerType             `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // SymbolTriggerType
	BetTypeString                   string                        `yaml:"betType" json:"betType"`                                             // bet or totalBet or noPay
	BetType                         BetType                       `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // bet or totalBet or noPay
	OSMulTypeString                 string                        `yaml:"symbolValsMulti" json:"symbolValsMulti"`                             // OtherSceneMultiType
	OSMulType                       OtherSceneMultiType           `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // OtherSceneMultiType
	MinNum                          int                           `yaml:"minNum" json:"minNum"`                                               // like 3,countscatter 或 countscatterInArea 或 checkLines 或 checkWays 时生效
	WildSymbols                     []string                      `yaml:"wildSymbols" json:"wildSymbols"`                                     // wild etc
	WildSymbolCodes                 []int                         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // wild symbolCode
	StrCheckWinType                 string                        `yaml:"checkWinType" json:"checkWinType"`                                   // left2right or right2left or all
	CheckWinType                    CheckWinType                  `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         //
	WinMulti                        int                           `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"`                                           // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1
	JumpToComponent                 string                        `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"`                             // jump to
	ForceToNext                     bool                          `yaml:"forceToNext" json:"forceToNext"`                                     // 如果触发,默认跳转jump to,这里可以强制走next分支
	Awards                          []*Award                      `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                                               // 新的奖励系统
	TargetMask                      string                        `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"`                                       // 如果是scatter这一组判断,可以把结果传递给一个mask
	IsReverse                       bool                          `yaml:"isReverse" json:"isReverse"`                                         // 如果isReverse,表示判定为否才触发
	PiggyBankComponent              string                        `yaml:"piggyBankComponent" json:"piggyBankComponent"`                       // piggyBank component
	IsAddRespinMode                 bool                          `yaml:"isAddRespinMode" json:"isAddRespinMode"`                             // 是否是增加respinNum模式,默认是增加triggerNum模式
	RespinNum                       int                           `yaml:"respinNum" json:"respinNum"`                                         // respin number
	RespinNumWeight                 string                        `yaml:"respinNumWeight" json:"respinNumWeight"`                             // respin number weight
	RespinNumWeightVW               *sgc7game.ValWeights2         `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight
	RespinNumWithScatterNum         map[int]int                   `yaml:"respinNumWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWithScatterNum"`             // respin number with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNum   map[int]string                `yaml:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum" json:"respinNumWeightWithScatterNum"` // respin number weight with scatter number
	RespinNumWeightWithScatterNumVW map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                                                         // respin number weight with scatter number

WaysTriggerConfig - configuration for WaysTrigger 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*WaysTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.12.278

func (cfg *WaysTriggerConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WaysTriggerData added in v0.12.264

type WaysTriggerData struct {
	NextComponent string
	SymbolNum     int
	WildNum       int
	RespinNum     int
	Wins          int
	WinMulti      int

func (*WaysTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WaysTriggerData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WaysTriggerData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WaysTriggerData) OnNewGame added in v0.12.264

func (waysTriggerData *WaysTriggerData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type WeightAwards added in v0.12.264

type WeightAwards struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WeightAwardsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WeightAwards) Init added in v0.12.264

func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WeightAwards) InitEx added in v0.12.264

func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WeightAwards) NewComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WeightAwards) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.264

func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WeightAwards) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.264

func (weightAwards *WeightAwards) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type WeightAwardsConfig added in v0.12.264

type WeightAwardsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	AwardWeight          string                `yaml:"awardWeight" json:"awardWeight"`
	AwardWeightVW        *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	Awards               [][]*Award            `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"`                       // 新的奖励系统
	Nums                 int                   `yaml:"nums" json:"nums"`                           // how many arards are given
	TargetMask           string                `yaml:"targetMask" json:"targetMask"`               // output for the mask
	ReverseTargetMask    bool                  `yaml:"reverseTargetMask" json:"reverseTargetMask"` // reverse the target mask

WeightAwardsConfig - configuration for WeightAwards feature

type WeightAwardsData added in v0.12.264

type WeightAwardsData struct {
	GotIndex []int

func (*WeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (weightAwardsData *WeightAwardsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WeightAwardsData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (weightAwardsData *WeightAwardsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WeightAwardsData) OnNewGame added in v0.12.264

func (weightAwardsData *WeightAwardsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type WeightBranch added in v0.13.17

type WeightBranch struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WeightBranchConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WeightBranch) GetAllLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) GetAllLinkComponents() []string

GetAllLinkComponents - get all link components

func (*WeightBranch) GetNextLinkComponents added in v0.13.99

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) GetNextLinkComponents() []string

GetNextLinkComponents - get next link components

func (*WeightBranch) Init added in v0.13.17

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WeightBranch) InitEx added in v0.13.17

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WeightBranch) NewComponentData added in v0.13.73

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WeightBranch) NewStats2 added in v0.13.407

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*WeightBranch) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.17

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WeightBranch) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.17

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*WeightBranch) OnStats2 added in v0.13.407

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


func (*WeightBranch) ProcControllers added in v0.13.376

func (weightBranch *WeightBranch) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type WeightBranchConfig added in v0.13.17

type WeightBranchConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	ForceBranch          string                 `yaml:"forceBranch" json:"forceBranch"`
	Weight               string                 `yaml:"weight" json:"weight"`
	WeightVW             *sgc7game.ValWeights2  `json:"-"`
	MapBranchs           map[string]*BranchNode `yaml:"mapBranchs" json:"mapBranchs"` // 可以不用配置全,如果没有配置的,就跳转默认的next
	ForceTriggerOnce     []string               `yaml:"forceTriggerOnce" json:"forceTriggerOnce"`
	IsNeedPlayerSelect   bool                   `yaml:"isNeedPlayerSelect" json:"isNeedPlayerSelect"`

WeightBranchConfig - configuration for WeightBranch

func (*WeightBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.70

func (cfg *WeightBranchConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WeightBranchData added in v0.13.17

type WeightBranchData struct {
	Value         string
	WeightVW      *sgc7game.ValWeights2
	IgnoreBranchs []string

func (*WeightBranchData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.17

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WeightBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal added in v0.13.376

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) ChgConfigIntVal(key string, off int) int

ChgConfigIntVal -

func (*WeightBranchData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WeightBranchData) GetStrVal added in v0.13.273

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) GetStrVal(key string) (string, bool)

GetStrVal -

func (*WeightBranchData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WeightBranchData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.17

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

func (*WeightBranchData) SetConfigIntVal added in v0.13.376

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) SetConfigIntVal(key string, val int)

SetConfigIntVal - CCVValueNum的set和chg逻辑不太一样,等于的时候不会触发任何的 controllers

func (*WeightBranchData) SetConfigVal added in v0.13.344

func (weightBranchData *WeightBranchData) SetConfigVal(key string, val string)

SetConfigVal -

type WeightChgSymbol added in v0.12.132

type WeightChgSymbol struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WeightChgSymbolConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WeightChgSymbol) Init added in v0.12.132

func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WeightChgSymbol) InitEx added in v0.12.132

func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WeightChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.132

func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WeightChgSymbol) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.132

func (weightChgSymbol *WeightChgSymbol) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type WeightChgSymbolConfig added in v0.12.132

type WeightChgSymbolConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	MapChgWeight         map[string]string             `yaml:"mapChgWeight" json:"mapChgWeight"`
	MapChgWeightVW       map[int]*sgc7game.ValWeights2 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`

WeightChgSymbolConfig - configuration for WeightChgSymbol feature

type WeightReels added in v0.12.264

type WeightReels struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WeightReelsConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WeightReels) GetReelSetWeight added in v0.13.359

func (weightReels *WeightReels) GetReelSetWeight(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2

func (*WeightReels) Init added in v0.12.264

func (weightReels *WeightReels) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WeightReels) InitEx added in v0.12.264

func (weightReels *WeightReels) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WeightReels) NewComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (weightReels *WeightReels) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WeightReels) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.264

func (weightReels *WeightReels) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WeightReels) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.264

func (weightReels *WeightReels) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*WeightReels) ProcControllers added in v0.13.382

func (weightReels *WeightReels) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type WeightReels2 added in v0.13.402

type WeightReels2 struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WeightReels2Config `json:"config"`

func (*WeightReels2) GetReelSetWeight added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) GetReelSetWeight(gameProp *GameProperty, basicCD *BasicComponentData) *sgc7game.ValWeights2

func (*WeightReels2) Init added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WeightReels2) InitEx added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WeightReels2) NewComponentData added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WeightReels2) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WeightReels2) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*WeightReels2) ProcControllers added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2 *WeightReels2) ProcControllers(gameProp *GameProperty, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, val int, strVal string)

OnProcControllers -

type WeightReels2Config added in v0.13.402

type WeightReels2Config struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	ReelSetsWeight       string                `yaml:"reelSetWeight" json:"reelSetWeight"`
	ReelSetsWeightVW     *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	IsExpandReel         bool                  `yaml:"isExpandReel" json:"isExpandReel"`
	MapAwards            map[string][]*Award   `yaml:"mapAwards" json:"mapAwards"` // 新的奖励系统

BasicReelsConfig - configuration for WeightReels

func (*WeightReels2Config) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.402

func (cfg *WeightReels2Config) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WeightReels2Data added in v0.13.402

type WeightReels2Data struct {
	ReelSetIndex int // The index of the currently selected reelset

func (*WeightReels2Data) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WeightReels2Data) Clone added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WeightReels2Data) GetValEx added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WeightReels2Data) OnNewGame added in v0.13.402

func (weightReels2Data *WeightReels2Data) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type WeightReelsConfig added in v0.12.264

type WeightReelsConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	ReelSetsWeight       string                `yaml:"reelSetWeight" json:"reelSetWeight"`
	ReelSetsWeightVW     *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	IsExpandReel         bool                  `yaml:"isExpandReel" json:"isExpandReel"`
	Awards               []*Award              `yaml:"awards" json:"awards"` // 新的奖励系统

BasicReelsConfig - configuration for WeightReels

func (*WeightReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.12.278

func (cfg *WeightReelsConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WeightReelsData added in v0.12.264

type WeightReelsData struct {
	ReelSetIndex int // The index of the currently selected reelset

func (*WeightReelsData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.12.264

func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WeightReelsData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WeightReelsData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WeightReelsData) OnNewGame added in v0.12.264

func (weightReelsData *WeightReelsData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type WeightResults added in v0.13.235

type WeightResults struct {
	Results []*sgc7game.PlayResult
	Weight  int

func SpinWithSeed added in v0.13.235

func SpinWithSeed(game *Game, ips sgc7game.IPlayerState, seed int, stake *sgc7game.Stake) ([]*WeightResults, error)

type WeightTrigger added in v0.10.270

type WeightTrigger struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WeightTriggerConfig  `json:"config"`
	WeightSet       *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`

func (*WeightTrigger) Init added in v0.10.270

func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WeightTrigger) InitEx added in v0.12.33

func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WeightTrigger) OnAsciiGame added in v0.10.270

func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WeightTrigger) OnPlayGame added in v0.10.270

func (weightTrigger *WeightTrigger) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type WeightTrigger2 added in v0.12.230

type WeightTrigger2 struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WeightTrigger2Config `json:"config"`

func (*WeightTrigger2) Init added in v0.12.230

func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WeightTrigger2) InitEx added in v0.12.230

func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WeightTrigger2) OnAsciiGame added in v0.12.230

func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WeightTrigger2) OnPlayGame added in v0.12.230

func (weightTrigger2 *WeightTrigger2) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type WeightTrigger2Config added in v0.12.230

type WeightTrigger2Config struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	TriggerWeight        string                `yaml:"triggerWeight" json:"triggerWeight"`
	TriggerWeightVW      *sgc7game.ValWeights2 `json:"-"`
	JumpToComponent      string                `yaml:"jumpToComponent" json:"jumpToComponent"` // jump to

WeightTrigger2Config - configuration for WeightTrigger2

type WeightTriggerConfig added in v0.10.270

type WeightTriggerConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	NextComponents       []string `yaml:"nextComponents" json:"nextComponents"`
	RespinNums           []int    `yaml:"respinNums" json:"respinNums"`
	WeightSet            string   `yaml:"weightSet" json:"weightSet"`
	IsUseTriggerRespin2  bool     `yaml:"isUseTriggerRespin2" json:"isUseTriggerRespin2"` // 给true就用triggerRespin2

WeightTriggerConfig - configuration for WeightTrigger

type WinResultCache added in v0.13.78

type WinResultCache struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WinResultCacheConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WinResultCache) Init added in v0.13.78

func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WinResultCache) InitEx added in v0.13.78

func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WinResultCache) NewComponentData added in v0.13.78

func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WinResultCache) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.78

func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WinResultCache) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.78

func (winResultCache *WinResultCache) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type WinResultCacheConfig added in v0.13.78

type WinResultCacheConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	WinMulti             int `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"` // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1

WinResultCacheConfig - configuration for WinResultCache

func (*WinResultCacheConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.78

func (cfg *WinResultCacheConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WinResultCacheData added in v0.13.78

type WinResultCacheData struct {
	WinResultNum int
	Wins         int
	WinMulti     int

func (*WinResultCacheData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.78

func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WinResultCacheData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WinResultCacheData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WinResultCacheData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.78

func (winResultCacheData *WinResultCacheData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type WinResultModifier added in v0.13.244

type WinResultModifier struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WinResultModifierConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WinResultModifier) GetWinMulti added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*WinResultModifier) Init added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WinResultModifier) InitEx added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WinResultModifier) NewComponentData added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WinResultModifier) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WinResultModifier) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifier *WinResultModifier) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type WinResultModifierConfig added in v0.13.244

type WinResultModifierConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                         // type
	Type                 WinResultModifierType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               // type
	SourceComponents     []string              `yaml:"sourceComponents" json:"sourceComponents"` // target components
	WinMulti             int                   `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"`                 // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1
	TargetSymbols        []string              `yaml:"targetSymbols" json:"targetSymbols"`       // targetSymbols
	TargetSymbolCodes    []int                 `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               // target SymbolCodes

WinResultModifierConfig - configuration for WinResultModifier 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*WinResultModifierConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.244

func (cfg *WinResultModifierConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WinResultModifierData added in v0.13.244

type WinResultModifierData struct {
	Wins     int
	WinMulti int

func (*WinResultModifierData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WinResultModifierData) Clone added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WinResultModifierData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WinResultModifierData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.244

func (winResultModifierData *WinResultModifierData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type WinResultModifierEx added in v0.13.414

type WinResultModifierEx struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WinResultModifierExConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WinResultModifierEx) Init added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WinResultModifierEx) InitEx added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WinResultModifierEx) NewComponentData added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WinResultModifierEx) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WinResultModifierEx) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierEx *WinResultModifierEx) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


type WinResultModifierExConfig added in v0.13.414

type WinResultModifierExConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	StrType              string                `yaml:"type" json:"type"`                         // type
	Type                 WinResultModifierType `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               // type
	SourceComponents     []string              `yaml:"sourceComponents" json:"sourceComponents"` // target components
	MapTargetSymbols     map[string]int        `yaml:"mapTargetSymbols" json:"mapTargetSymbols"` // mapTargetSymbols
	MapTargetSymbolCodes map[int]int           `yaml:"-" json:"-"`                               // MapTargetSymbolCodes

WinResultModifierExConfig - configuration for WinResultModifierEx 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*WinResultModifierExConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.414

func (cfg *WinResultModifierExConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WinResultModifierExData added in v0.13.414

type WinResultModifierExData struct {
	Wins     int
	WinMulti int

func (*WinResultModifierExData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WinResultModifierExData) Clone added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WinResultModifierExData) GetValEx added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WinResultModifierExData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.414

func (winResultModifierDataEx *WinResultModifierExData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

type WinResultModifierType added in v0.13.244

type WinResultModifierType int
const (
	WRMTypeExistSymbol       WinResultModifierType = 0
	WRMTypeAddSymbolMulti    WinResultModifierType = 1
	WRMTypeMulSymbolMulti    WinResultModifierType = 2
	WRMTypeSymbolMultiOnWays WinResultModifierType = 3

type WinResultMulti added in v0.13.8

type WinResultMulti struct {
	*BasicComponent `json:"-"`
	Config          *WinResultMultiConfig `json:"config"`

func (*WinResultMulti) GetWinMulti added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) GetWinMulti(basicCD *BasicComponentData) int

func (*WinResultMulti) Init added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) Init(fn string, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

Init -

func (*WinResultMulti) InitEx added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) InitEx(cfg any, pool *GamePropertyPool) error

InitEx -

func (*WinResultMulti) NewComponentData added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) NewComponentData() IComponentData

NewComponentData -

func (*WinResultMulti) NewStats2 added in v0.13.391

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) NewStats2(parent string) *stats2.Feature

NewStats2 -

func (*WinResultMulti) OnAsciiGame added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnAsciiGame(gameProp *GameProperty, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, lst []*sgc7game.PlayResult, mapSymbolColor *asciigame.SymbolColorMap, icd IComponentData) error

OnAsciiGame - outpur to asciigame

func (*WinResultMulti) OnPlayGame added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnPlayGame(gameProp *GameProperty, curpr *sgc7game.PlayResult, gp *GameParams, plugin sgc7plugin.IPlugin,
	cmd string, param string, ps sgc7game.IPlayerState, stake *sgc7game.Stake, prs []*sgc7game.PlayResult, icd IComponentData) (string, error)


func (*WinResultMulti) OnStats2 added in v0.13.391

func (winResultMulti *WinResultMulti) OnStats2(icd IComponentData, s2 *stats2.Cache, gameProp *GameProperty, gp *GameParams, pr *sgc7game.PlayResult, isOnStepEnd bool)


type WinResultMultiConfig added in v0.13.8

type WinResultMultiConfig struct {
	BasicComponentConfig `yaml:",inline" json:",inline"`
	TargetComponents     []string `yaml:"targetComponents" json:"targetComponents"` // target components
	WinMulti             int      `yaml:"winMulti" json:"winMulti"`                 // winMulti,最后的中奖倍数,默认为1

WinResultMultiConfig - configuration for WinResultMulti 需要特别注意,当判断scatter时,symbols里的符号会当作同一个符号来处理

func (*WinResultMultiConfig) SetLinkComponent added in v0.13.8

func (cfg *WinResultMultiConfig) SetLinkComponent(link string, componentName string)


type WinResultMultiData added in v0.13.8

type WinResultMultiData struct {
	Wins     int
	WinMulti int

func (*WinResultMultiData) BuildPBComponentData added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) BuildPBComponentData() proto.Message


func (*WinResultMultiData) Clone added in v0.13.170

func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) Clone() IComponentData


func (*WinResultMultiData) GetValEx added in v0.13.336

func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) GetValEx(key string, getType GetComponentValType) (int, bool)

GetValEx -

func (*WinResultMultiData) OnNewGame added in v0.13.8

func (winResultMultiData *WinResultMultiData) OnNewGame(gameProp *GameProperty, component IComponent)

OnNewGame -

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