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Published: Aug 22, 2017 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 24 Imported by: 0


package inp implements the input data read from a (.sim) JSON file



package inp implements the input data read from a (.sim) JSON file



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const (
	TOL_ZMIN_FOR_3D      = 1e-7



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This section is empty.


type Cell

type Cell struct {

	// input data
	Id     int    // id
	Tag    int    // tag
	Geo    int    // geometry type (gemlab code)
	Type   string // geometry type (string)
	Part   int    // partition id
	Verts  []int  // vertices
	FTags  []int  // edge (2D) or face (3D) tags
	STags  []int  // seam tags (for 3D only; it is actually a 3D edge tag)
	JlinId int    // joint line id
	JsldId int    // joint solid id

	// derived
	Shp         *shp.Shape // shape structure
	FaceBcs     FaceConds  // face boundary condition
	GoroutineId int        // go routine id
	Disabled    bool       // cell is disabled (regardless inactive flag)

	// specific problems data
	IsBeam      bool         // simple beam element (no need for shape structure)
	IsJoint     bool         // cell represents joint element
	IsSolid     bool         // is 2D or 3D solid element; i.e. not "lin#", not "beam", not "joint"
	SeepVerts   map[int]bool // local vertices ids of vertices on seepage faces
	Extrap      bool         // needs to extrapolate internal values; e.g. because is connected to joint
	JntConVerts []int        // vertices of solids connected to it
	JntConCells []int        // cells connected to it

	Nrb  int   // index of NURBS patch to which this cell belongs to
	Span []int // knot indices indicating which span this cell is located

Cell holds cell data

func (*Cell) GetNverts

func (o *Cell) GetNverts(lbb bool) int

GetNverts returns the number of vertices, whether LBB condition is on or not

func (*Cell) GetSimilar

func (o *Cell) GetSimilar(lbb bool) (newcell *Cell)

GetSimilar allocates a copy of this cell

Note: the resulting cell with share the same slices as the original one => not a full copy

func (*Cell) GetVtkInfo

func (o *Cell) GetVtkInfo(lbb, v3beam bool) (nvtkverts, vtkcode int)

GetVtkInfo returns information about this cell for generating VTK files

func (*Cell) SetFaceConds

func (o *Cell) SetFaceConds(stg *Stage, functions FuncsData) (err error)

SetFaceConds sets face boundary conditions map in cell

func (*Cell) String

func (o *Cell) String() string

String returns a JSON representation of *Cell

type CellFaceId

type CellFaceId struct {
	C   *Cell // cell
	Fid int   // face id

CellFaceId structure

type CellSeamId

type CellSeamId struct {
	C   *Cell // cell
	Sid int   // seam id

CellSeamId structure

type Data

type Data struct {

	// global information
	Desc    string `json:"desc"`    // description of simulation
	Matfile string `json:"matfile"` // materials file path
	DirOut  string `json:"dirout"`  // directory for output; e.g. /tmp/gofem
	Encoder string `json:"encoder"` // encoder name; e.g. "gob" "json" "xml"

	// problem definition and options
	Steady    bool    `json:"steady"`    // steady simulation
	Axisym    bool    `json:"axisym"`    // axisymmetric
	Pstress   bool    `json:"pstress"`   // plane-stress
	NoLBB     bool    `json:"nolbb"`     // do not satisfy Ladyženskaja-Babuška-Brezzi condition; i.e. do not use [qua8,qua4] for u-p formulation
	Stat      bool    `json:"stat"`      // activate statistics
	Wlevel    float64 `json:"wlevel"`    // water level; 0 means use max elevation
	Surch     float64 `json:"surch"`     // surcharge load at surface == qn0
	LiqMat    string  `json:"liq"`       // name of liquid material
	GasMat    string  `json:"gas"`       // name of gas material
	ListBcs   bool    `json:"listbcs"`   // list boundary conditions
	WriteSmat bool    `json:"writesmat"` // writes /tmp/gofem_Kb.smat file for debugging global Jacobian matrix. The simulation will be stopped.

Data holds global data for simulations

type EleCond

type EleCond struct {
	Tag   int      `json:"tag"`   // tag of cell/element
	Keys  []string `json:"keys"`  // key indicating type of condition. ex: "g" (gravity), "qn" for beams, etc.
	Funcs []string `json:"funcs"` // name of function. ex: grav, none
	Extra string   `json:"extra"` // extra information. ex: '!λl:10'

EleCond holds element condition

type ElemData

type ElemData struct {

	// input data
	Tag   int    `json:"tag"`   // tag of element
	Mat   string `json:"mat"`   // material name
	Type  string `json:"type"`  // type of element. ex: u, p, up, rod, beam, rjoint
	Nip   int    `json:"nip"`   // number of integration points; 0 => use default
	Nipf  int    `json:"nipf"`  // number of integration points on face; 0 => use default
	Extra string `json:"extra"` // extra flags (in keycode format). ex: "!thick:0.2 !nip:4"
	Inact bool   `json:"inact"` // whether element starts inactive or not

	// auxiliary/internal
	Lbb bool // LBB element

ElemData holds element data

type FaceBc

type FaceBc struct {
	Tag   int      `json:"tag"`   // tag of face
	Keys  []string `json:"keys"`  // key indicating type of bcs. ex: qn, pw, ux, uy, uz, wwx, wwy, wwz
	Funcs []string `json:"funcs"` // name of function. ex: zero, load, myfunction1, etc.
	Extra string   `json:"extra"` // extra information. ex: '!λl:10'

FaceBc holds face boundary condition

type FaceCond

type FaceCond struct {
	FaceId      int           // msh: cell's face local id
	LocalVerts  []int         // msh: cell's face local vertices ids (sorted)
	GlobalVerts []int         // msh: global vertices ids (sorted)
	Cond        string        // sim: condition; e.g. "qn" or "seepH"
	Func        fun.TimeSpace // sim: function to compute boundary condition
	Extra       string        // sim: extra information

FaceCond holds information of one single face boundary condition. Example:

                   -12 => "qn", "seepH"
36    -12     35   -11 => "ux", "seepH"
  |    2     |     face id => conditions
  |          |           0 => <nil>
  |3        1| -11       1 => {"ux", "seepH"} => localVerts={1,2} => globalVerts={34,35}
  |          |           2 => {"qn", "seepH"} => localVerts={2,3} => globalVerts={35,36}
  |    0     |           3 => <nil>
33            34    "seepH" => localVerts={1,2,3}
                    "seepH" => globalVerts={34,35,36}

face id => condition
      1 => "ux"    => localVerts={1,2} => globalVerts={34,35}
      1 => "seepH" => localVerts={1,2} => globalVerts={34,35}
      2 => "qn"    => localVerts={2,3} => globalVerts={35,36}
      2 => "seepH" => localVerts={2,3} => globalVerts={35,36}

type FaceConds

type FaceConds []*FaceCond

FaceConds hold many face boundary conditions

func (FaceConds) GetVerts

func (o FaceConds) GetVerts(conds ...string) (verts []int)

GetVerts gets all vertices with any of the given conditions

Example: "seepH" => localVerts={1,2,3}

type FuncData

type FuncData struct {
	Name     string     `json:"name"`     // name of function. ex: zero, load, myfunction1, etc.
	Type     string     `json:"type"`     // type of function. ex: cte, rmp
	Prms     dbf.Params `json:"prms"`     // parameters
	PltExtra string     `json:"pltextra"` // extra arguments for plotting

	// extra data for plotting
	LabelT, LabelF, LabelG, LabelH, ArgsF, ArgsG, ArgsH string

FuncData holds function definition

func (FuncData) String

func (o FuncData) String() string

String prints one function

type FuncsData

type FuncsData []*FuncData

Funcs holds functions

func (FuncsData) Get

func (o FuncsData) Get(name string) (fcn fun.TimeSpace, err error)

Get returns function by name

func (FuncsData) PlotAll

func (o FuncsData) PlotAll(pd *PlotFdata, dirout, fnkey string)

PlotAll plot all functions

func (FuncsData) String

func (o FuncsData) String() string

String prints functions

type IniFcnData

type IniFcnData struct {
	File string   `json:"file"` // file with values at each node is given; filename with path is provided
	Fcns []string `json:"fcns"` // functions F(t, x) are given; from functions database
	Dofs []string `json:"dofs"` // degrees of freedom corresponding to "fcns"

IniFcnData holds data for setting initial solution values such as Y, dYdt and d2Ydt2

type IniImportRes

type IniImportRes struct {
	Dir    string `json:"dir"`    // output directory with previous simulation files
	Fnk    string `json:"fnk"`    // previous simulation file name key (without .sim)
	ResetU bool   `json:"resetu"` // reset/zero u (displacements)

IniImportRes holds definitions for importing results from a previous simulation

type IniPorousData

type IniPorousData struct {
	Nu     []float64 `json:"nu"`     // [nlayers] Poisson's coefficient to compute effective horizontal state for each layer
	K0     []float64 `json:"K0"`     // [nlayers] or Earth pressure coefficient at rest to compute effective horizontal stresses
	Layers [][]int   `json:"layers"` // [nlayers][ntagsInLayer]; e.g. [[-1,-2], [-3,-4]] => 2 layers

IniPorousData holds data for setting initial porous media state (e.g. geostatic, hydrostatic)

type IniStressData

type IniStressData struct {
	Hom bool    `json:"hom"` // homogeneous stress distribution
	Iso bool    `json:"iso"` // isotropic state
	Psa bool    `json:"psa"` // plane-strain state
	S0  float64 `json:"s0"`  // Iso => stress value to use in homogeneous and isotropic distribution
	Sh  float64 `json:"sh"`  // Psa => horizontal stress
	Sv  float64 `json""sv"`  // Psa => vertical stress
	Nu  float64 `json:"nu"`  // Psa => Poisson's coefficient for plane-strain state

IniStressData holds data for setting initial stresses

type LinSolData

type LinSolData struct {
	Name      string `json:"name"`      // "mumps" or "umfpack"
	Symmetric bool   `json:"symmetric"` // use symmetric solver
	Verbose   bool   `json:"verbose"`   // verbose?
	Timing    bool   `json:"timing"`    // show timing statistics
	Ordering  string `json:"ordering"`  // ordering scheme
	Scaling   string `json:"scaling"`   // scaling scheme

LinSolData holds data for linear solvers

func (*LinSolData) SetDefault

func (o *LinSolData) SetDefault()

SetDefault sets defaults values

type MatDb

type MatDb struct {

	// input
	Functions FuncsData `json:"functions"` // all functions
	Materials MatsData  `json:"materials"` // all materials

	// derived
	GEN map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: generic materials
	SLD map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: solids
	LIQ map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: liquids
	GAS map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: gases
	CND map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: coductivities
	LRM map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: retention models
	DIF map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: diffusion
	TRM map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: thermomech
	POR map[string]*Material // subset with materials/models: porous materials

MatDb implements a database of materials

func ReadMat

func ReadMat(dir, fn string, ndim int, pstress bool, H, grav float64) (mdb *MatDb, err error)

ReadMat reads all materials data from a .mat JSON file

func (*MatDb) Free

func (o *MatDb) Free()

Free frees memory

func (MatDb) Get

func (o MatDb) Get(name string) *Material

Get returns a material

Note: returns nil if not found

func (MatDb) String

func (o MatDb) String() string

String outputs all materials

type Material

type Material struct {

	// input
	Name  string     `json:"name"`  // name of material
	Type  string     `json:"type"`  // type of material; e.g. "gen", "sld", "fld", "cnd", "lrm", "dif", "trm", "por"
	Model string     `json:"model"` // name of model; e.g. "dp", "vm", "elast", etc.
	Deps  []string   `json:"deps"`  // dependencies; other material names. e.g. ["water", "dryair", "solid1", "conduct1", "lreten1"]
	Prms  dbf.Params `json:"prms"`  // prms holds all model parameters for this material

	// derived
	Gen generic.Model    // pointer to generic model
	Sld solid.Model      // pointer to solid model
	Liq *fluid.Model     // pointer to liquid model
	Gas *fluid.Model     // pointer to gas model
	Cnd conduct.Model    // pointer to conductivity model
	Lrm retention.Model  // pointer to retention model
	Dif diffusion.Model  // pointer to diffusion model
	Trm thermomech.Model // pointer to thermo-mechanical model
	Por *porous.Model    // pointer to porous model

Material holds material data

func (*Material) String

func (o *Material) String() string

String prints one function

type MatsData

type MatsData []*Material

Mats holds materials

func (MatsData) String

func (o MatsData) String() string

String prints materials

type Mesh

type Mesh struct {

	// from JSON
	Verts []*Vert // vertices
	Cells []*Cell // cells

	// derived
	FnamePath  string  // complete filename path
	Ndim       int     // space dimension
	Xmin, Xmax float64 // min and max x-coordinate
	Ymin, Ymax float64 // min and max x-coordinate
	Zmin, Zmax float64 // min and max x-coordinate
	MaxElev    float64 // max elevation; considering solids only

	// derived: maps
	VertTag2verts map[int][]*Vert      // vertex tag => set of vertices
	CellTag2cells map[int][]*Cell      // cell tag => set of cells
	FaceTag2cells map[int][]CellFaceId // face tag => set of cells
	FaceTag2verts map[int][]int        // face tag => vertices on tagged face
	SeamTag2cells map[int][]CellSeamId // seam tag => set of cells
	Ctype2cells   map[string][]*Cell   // cell type => set of cells
	Part2cells    map[int][]*Cell      // partition number => set of cells

	Nurbss   []gm.NurbsExchangeData // all NURBS' data (read from file)
	PtNurbs  []*gm.Nurbs            // all NURBS' structures (allocated here)
	NrbFaces [][]*gm.Nurbs          // all NURBS' faces

Mesh holds a mesh for FE analyses

func ReadMsh

func ReadMsh(dir, fn string, goroutineId int) (o *Mesh, err error)

ReadMsh reads a mesh for FE analyses

Note: returns nil on errors

func (*Mesh) CalcDerived

func (o *Mesh) CalcDerived(goroutineId int) (err error)

CalcDerived computes derived quantities

func (*Mesh) Draw2d

func (o *Mesh) Draw2d(onlyLin, setup, withNodes bool, argsCells map[int]*plt.A, argsLins map[int]*plt.A, argsNodes map[int]*plt.A)

Draw2d draws 2D mesh

onlyLin -- show only linear cells
setup -- setup axis with equal scales and fix range
withNodes -- draw nodes
argsCells -- arguments for drawing cells. maps cid => *plt.A
             if the cid is -1, use the same *plt.A to all cells. may be nil
argsLins -- arguments for drawing linear cells. maps cid => *plt.A
            if the cid is -1, use the same *plt.A to all lins. may be nil
argsNodes -- arguments for drawing nodes. maps nid => *plt.A
             if the nid is -1, use the same *plt.A to all nodes. may be nil

func (Mesh) String

func (o Mesh) String() string

String returns a JSON representation of *Mesh

type NodeBc

type NodeBc struct {
	Tag   int      `json:"tag"`   // tag of node
	Keys  []string `json:"keys"`  // key indicating type of bcs. ex: pw, ux, uy, uz, wwx, wwy, wwz
	Funcs []string `json:"funcs"` // name of function. ex: zero, load, myfunction1, etc.
	Extra string   `json:"extra"` // extra information. ex: '!λl:10'

NodeBc holds node boundary condition

type PlotFdata

type PlotFdata struct {
	Ti      float64  `json:"ti"`      // initial time
	Tf      float64  `json:"tf"`      // final time
	Np      int      `json:"np"`      // number of points
	Skip    []string `json:"skip"`    // skip functions
	WithTxt bool     `json:"withtxt"` // show text corresponding to initial and final points

PlotFdata holds information to plot functions

type Region

type Region struct {

	// input data
	Desc      string      `json:"desc"`      // description of region. ex: ground, indenter, etc.
	Mshfile   string      `json:"mshfile"`   // file path of file with mesh data
	ElemsData []*ElemData `json:"elemsdata"` // list of elements data
	AbsPath   bool        `json:"abspath"`   // mesh filename is given in absolute path

	// derived
	Msh *Mesh // the mesh

Region holds region data

func (*Region) Etag2data

func (o *Region) Etag2data(etag int) *ElemData

Etag2data returns the ElemData corresponding to element tag

Note: returns nil if not found

type SeamBc

type SeamBc struct {
	Tag   int      `json:"tag"`   // tag of seam
	Keys  []string `json:"keys"`  // key indicating type of bcs. ex: qn, pw, ux, uy, uz, wwx, wwy, wwz
	Funcs []string `json:"funcs"` // name of function. ex: zero, load, myfunction1, etc.
	Extra string   `json:"extra"` // extra information. ex: '!λl:10'

SeamBc holds seam (3D edge) boundary condition

type Simulation

type Simulation struct {

	// input
	Data      Data       `json:"data"`      // stores global simulation data
	Functions FuncsData  `json:"functions"` // stores all boundary condition functions
	PlotF     *PlotFdata `json:"plotf"`     // plot functions
	Regions   []*Region  `json:"regions"`   // stores all regions
	LinSol    LinSolData `json:"linsol"`    // linear solver data
	Solver    SolverData `json:"solver"`    // FEM solver data
	Stages    []*Stage   `json:"stages"`    // stores all stages

	// derived
	GoroutineId int          // id of goroutine to avoid race problems
	DirOut      string       // directory to save results
	Key         string       // simulation key; e.g. mysim01.sim => mysim01 or mysim01-alias
	EncType     string       // encoder type
	Ndim        int          // space dimension
	MaxElev     float64      // maximum elevation
	Grav0       float64      // gravity constant from stage #0
	MatModels   *MatDb       // materials and models
	LiqMdl      *fluid.Model // liquid model to use when computing density and pressure along column; from stage #0
	GasMdl      *fluid.Model // gas model to use when computing density and pressure along column; from stage #0

	// adjustable parameters
	Adjustable   dbf.Params    // adjustable parameters (not dependent)
	AdjRandom    rnd.Variables // adjustable parameters that are random variables (not dependent)
	AdjDependent dbf.Params    // adjustable parameters that depend on other adjustable parameters
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Simulation holds all simulation data

func ReadSim

func ReadSim(simfilepath, alias string, erasePrev, createDirOut bool, goroutineId int) *Simulation

ReadSim reads all simulation data from a .sim JSON file

func (*Simulation) Free

func (o *Simulation) Free()

Free frees memory

func (*Simulation) GetInfo

func (o *Simulation) GetInfo(w goio.Writer) (err error)

GetInfo returns formatted information

func (*Simulation) PrmAdjust

func (o *Simulation) PrmAdjust(adj int, val float64)

PrmAdjust adjusts parameter (random variable or not)

func (*Simulation) PrmGetAdj

func (o *Simulation) PrmGetAdj(adj int) (val float64)

PrmGetAdj gets adjustable parameter (random variable or not)

type SolverData

type SolverData struct {

	// nonlinear solver
	Type    string  `json:"type"`    // nonlinear solver type: {imp, exp, rex} => implicit, explicit, Richardson extrapolation
	NmaxIt  int     `json:"nmaxit"`  // number of max iterations
	Atol    float64 `json:"atol"`    // absolute tolerance
	Rtol    float64 `json:"rtol"`    // relative tolerance
	FbTol   float64 `json:"fbtol"`   // tolerance for convergence on fb
	FbMin   float64 `json:"fbmin"`   // minimum value of fb
	DvgCtrl bool    `json:"dvgctrl"` // use divergence control
	NdvgMax int     `json:"ndvgmax"` // max number of continued divergence
	CteTg   bool    `json:"ctetg"`   // use constant tangent (modified Newton) during iterations
	ShowR   bool    `json:"showr"`   // show residual

	// Richardson's extrapolation
	REnogus  bool    `json:"renogus"`  // Richardson extrapolation: no Gustafsson's step control
	REnssmax int     `json:"renssmax"` // Richardson extrapolation: max number of substeps
	REatol   float64 `json:"reatol"`   // Richardson extrapolation: absolute tolerance
	RErtol   float64 `json:"rertol"`   // Richardson extrapolation: relative tolerance
	REmfac   float64 `json:"remfac"`   // Richardson extrapolation: multiplier factor
	REmmin   float64 `json:"remmin"`   // Richardson extrapolation: min multiplier
	REmmax   float64 `json:"remmax"`   // Richardson extrapolation: max multiplier

	// transient analyses
	DtMin      float64 `json:"dtmin"`      // minium value of Dt for transient (θ and Newmark / Dyn coefficients)
	Theta      float64 `json:"theta"`      // θ-method
	ThGalerkin bool    `json:"thgalerkin"` // use θ = 2/3
	ThLiniger  bool    `json:"thliniger"`  // use θ = 0.878

	// dynamics
	Theta1 float64 `json:"theta1"` // Newmark's method parameter
	Theta2 float64 `json:"theta2"` // Newmark's method parameter
	HHT    bool    `json:"hht"`    // use Hilber-Hughes-Taylor method
	HHTalp float64 `json:"hhtalp"` // HHT α parameter

	// combination of coefficients
	ThCombo1 bool `json:"thcombo1"` // use θ=2/3, θ1=5/6 and θ2=8/9 to avoid oscillations

	// constants
	Eps float64 `json:"eps"` // smallest number satisfying 1.0 + ϵ > 1.0

	// derived
	Itol float64 // iterations tolerance

SolverData holds FEM solver data

func (*SolverData) PostProcess

func (o *SolverData) PostProcess()

PostProcess performs a post-processing of the just read json file

func (*SolverData) SetDefault

func (o *SolverData) SetDefault()

SetDefault set defaults values

type Stage

type Stage struct {

	// main
	Desc       string `json:"desc"`       // description of simulation stage. ex: activation of top layer
	Activate   []int  `json:"activate"`   // array of tags of elements to be activated
	Deactivate []int  `json:"deactivate"` // array of tags of elements to be deactivated
	Save       bool   `json:"save"`       // save stage data to binary file
	Load       string `json:"load"`       // load stage data (filename) from binary file
	Skip       bool   `json:"skip"`       // do not run stage

	// specific problems data
	SeepFaces []int          `json:"seepfaces"` // face tags corresponding to seepage faces
	IniPorous *IniPorousData `json:"iniporous"` // initial porous media state (geostatic and hydrostatic included)
	IniStress *IniStressData `json:"inistress"` // initial stress data
	IniFcn    *IniFcnData    `json:"inifcn"`    // set initial solution values such as Y, dYdt and d2Ydt2
	IniImport *IniImportRes  `json:"import"`    // import results from another previous simulation

	// conditions
	EleConds []*EleCond `json:"eleconds"` // element conditions. ex: gravity or beam distributed loads
	FaceBcs  []*FaceBc  `json:"facebcs"`  // face boundary conditions
	SeamBcs  []*SeamBc  `json:"seambcs"`  // seam (3D) boundary conditions
	NodeBcs  []*NodeBc  `json:"nodebcs"`  // node boundary conditions

	// timecontrol
	Control TimeControl `json:"control"` // time control

Stage holds stage data

func (Stage) GetEleCond

func (o Stage) GetEleCond(elemtag int) *EleCond

GetEleCond returns element condition structure by giving an elem tag

Note: returns nil if not found

func (Stage) GetFaceBc

func (o Stage) GetFaceBc(facetag int) *FaceBc

GetFaceBc returns face boundary condition structure by giving a face tag

Note: returns nil if not found

func (Stage) GetNodeBc

func (o Stage) GetNodeBc(nodetag int) *NodeBc

GetNodeBc returns node boundary condition structure by giving a node tag

Note: returns nil if not found

type TimeControl

type TimeControl struct {
	Tf     float64 `json:"tf"`     // final time
	Dt     float64 `json:"dt"`     // time step size (if constant)
	DtOut  float64 `json:"dtout"`  // time step size for output
	DtFcn  string  `json:"dtfcn"`  // time step size (function name)
	DtoFcn string  `json:"dtofcn"` // time step size for output (function name)

	// derived
	DtFunc  fun.TimeSpace // time step function
	DtoFunc fun.TimeSpace // output time step function

TimeControl holds data for defining the simulation time stepping

type Vert

type Vert struct {
	Id       int       // id
	Tag      int       // tag
	C        []float64 // coordinates (size==2 or 3)
	SharedBy []int     // cells sharing this vertex

Vert holds vertex data

func (*Vert) String

func (o *Vert) String() string

String returns a JSON representation of *Vert

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