
v0.5.24 Latest Latest

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Published: Nov 29, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 30 Imported by: 0




View Source
const (
	MIMEJSON              = binding.MIMEJSON
	MIMEHTML              = binding.MIMEHTML
	MIMEXML               = binding.MIMEXML
	MIMEXML2              = binding.MIMEXML2
	MIMEPlain             = binding.MIMEPlain
	MIMEPOSTForm          = binding.MIMEPOSTForm
	MIMEMultipartPOSTForm = binding.MIMEMultipartPOSTForm
	MIMEYAML              = binding.MIMEYAML

Content-Type MIME of the most common data formats.

View Source
const (
	// When running on Google App Engine. Trust X-Appengine-Remote-Addr
	// for determining the client's IP
	PlatformGoogleAppEngine = "X-Appengine-Remote-Addr"
	// When using Cloudflare's CDN. Trust CF-Connecting-IP for determining
	// the client's IP
	PlatformCloudflare = "CF-Connecting-IP"

Trusted platforms

View Source
const (
	// DebugMode indicates gin mode is debug.
	DebugMode = "debug"
	// ReleaseMode indicates gin mode is release.
	ReleaseMode = "release"
	// TestMode indicates gin mode is test.
	TestMode = "test"
View Source
const BodyBytesKey = "_gin-gonic/gin/bodybyteskey"

BodyBytesKey indicates a default body bytes key.

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const EnvGinMode = "GIN_MODE"

EnvGinMode indicates environment name for gin mode.


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var DebugPrintRouteFunc func(httpMethod, absolutePath, handlerName string, nuHandlers int)

DebugPrintRouteFunc indicates debug log output format.

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var DefaultErrorWriter io.Writer = os.Stderr

DefaultErrorWriter is the default io.Writer used by Gin to debug errors

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var DefaultWriter io.Writer = os.Stdout

DefaultWriter is the default io.Writer used by Gin for debug output and middleware output like Logger() or Recovery(). Note that both Logger and Recovery provides custom ways to configure their output io.Writer. To support coloring in Windows use:

import ""
gin.DefaultWriter = colorable.NewColorableStdout()


func DisableBindValidation

func DisableBindValidation()

DisableBindValidation closes the default validator.

func EnableJsonDecoderDisallowUnknownFields

func EnableJsonDecoderDisallowUnknownFields()

EnableJsonDecoderDisallowUnknownFields sets true for binding.EnableDecoderDisallowUnknownFields to call the DisallowUnknownFields method on the JSON Decoder instance.

func EnableJsonDecoderUseNumber

func EnableJsonDecoderUseNumber()

EnableJsonDecoderUseNumber sets true for binding.EnableDecoderUseNumber to call the UseNumber method on the JSON Decoder instance.

func IsDebugging

func IsDebugging() bool

IsDebugging returns true if the framework is running in debug mode. Use SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode) to disable debug mode.

func Mode

func Mode() string

Mode returns current gin mode.

func SetMode

func SetMode(value string)

SetMode sets gin mode according to input string.

func WriteJSON

func WriteJSON(w ResponseWriter, obj interface{}) error

WriteJSON marshals the given interface object and writes it with custom ContentType.


type Context

type Context struct {
	Request IRequest
	Writer  ResponseWriter

	Params Params

	// Keys is a key/value pair exclusively for the context of each request.
	Keys map[string]interface{}

	// Errors is a list of errors attached to all the handlers/middlewares who used this context.
	Errors errorMsgs

	// Accepted defines a list of manually accepted formats for content negotiation.
	Accepted []string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Context is the most important part of gin. It allows us to pass variables between middleware, manage the flow, validate the JSON of a request and render a JSON response for example.

func (*Context) Abort

func (c *Context) Abort()

Abort prevents pending handlers from being called. Note that this will not stop the current handler. Let's say you have an authorization middleware that validates that the current request is authorized. If the authorization fails (ex: the password does not match), call Abort to ensure the remaining handlers for this request are not called.

func (*Context) AbortWithError

func (c *Context) AbortWithError(code int, err error) *Error

AbortWithError calls `AbortWithStatus()` and `Error()` internally. This method stops the chain, writes the status code and pushes the specified error to `c.Errors`. See Context.Error() for more details.

func (*Context) AbortWithStatus

func (c *Context) AbortWithStatus(code int)

AbortWithStatus calls `Abort()` and writes the headers with the specified status code. For example, a failed attempt to authenticate a request could use: context.AbortWithStatus(401).

func (*Context) AbortWithStatusJSON

func (c *Context) AbortWithStatusJSON(code int, jsonObj interface{})

AbortWithStatusJSON calls `Abort()` and then `JSON` internally. This method stops the chain, writes the status code and return a JSON body. It also sets the Content-Type as "application/json".

func (*Context) AddParam

func (c *Context) AddParam(key, value string)

AddParam adds param to context and replaces path param key with given value for e2e testing purposes Example Route: "/user/:id" AddParam("id", 1) Result: "/user/1"

func (*Context) BindUri

func (c *Context) BindUri(obj interface{}) error

BindUri binds the passed struct pointer using binding.Uri. It will abort the request with HTTP 400 if any error occurs.

func (*Context) ClientIP

func (c *Context) ClientIP() string

ClientIP implements one best effort algorithm to return the real client IP. It called c.RemoteIP() under the hood, to check if the remote IP is a trusted proxy or not. If it is it will then try to parse the headers defined in Engine.RemoteIPHeaders (defaulting to [X-Forwarded-For, X-Real-Ip]). If the headers are not syntactically valid OR the remote IP does not correspond to a trusted proxy, the remote IP (coming from Request.RemoteAddr) is returned.

func (*Context) ContentType

func (c *Context) ContentType() string

ContentType returns the Content-Type header of the request.

func (*Context) Copy

func (c *Context) Copy() *Context

Copy returns a copy of the current context that can be safely used outside the request's scope. This has to be used when the context has to be passed to a goroutine.

func (*Context) Data

func (c *Context) Data(code int, contentType string, data []byte)

Data writes some data into the body stream and updates the HTTP code.

func (*Context) Error

func (c *Context) Error(err error) *Error

Error attaches an error to the current context. The error is pushed to a list of errors. It's a good idea to call Error for each error that occurred during the resolution of a request. A middleware can be used to collect all the errors and push them to a database together, print a log, or append it in the HTTP response. Error will panic if err is nil.

func (*Context) FullPath

func (c *Context) FullPath() string

FullPath returns a matched route full path. For not found routes returns an empty string.

router.GET("/user/:id", func(c *gin.Context) {
    c.FullPath() == "/user/:id" // true

func (*Context) Get

func (c *Context) Get(key string) (value interface{}, exists bool)

Get returns the value for the given key, ie: (value, true). If the value does not exist it returns (nil, false)

func (*Context) GetBool

func (c *Context) GetBool(key string) (b bool)

GetBool returns the value associated with the key as a boolean.

func (*Context) GetDuration

func (c *Context) GetDuration(key string) (d time.Duration)

GetDuration returns the value associated with the key as a duration.

func (*Context) GetFloat64

func (c *Context) GetFloat64(key string) (f64 float64)

GetFloat64 returns the value associated with the key as a float64.

func (*Context) GetHeader

func (c *Context) GetHeader(key string) string

GetHeader returns value from request headers.

func (*Context) GetInt

func (c *Context) GetInt(key string) (i int)

GetInt returns the value associated with the key as an integer.

func (*Context) GetInt64

func (c *Context) GetInt64(key string) (i64 int64)

GetInt64 returns the value associated with the key as an integer.

func (*Context) GetString

func (c *Context) GetString(key string) (s string)

GetString returns the value associated with the key as a string.

func (*Context) GetStringMap

func (c *Context) GetStringMap(key string) (sm map[string]interface{})

GetStringMap returns the value associated with the key as a map of interfaces.

func (*Context) GetStringMapString

func (c *Context) GetStringMapString(key string) (sms map[string]string)

GetStringMapString returns the value associated with the key as a map of strings.

func (*Context) GetStringMapStringSlice

func (c *Context) GetStringMapStringSlice(key string) (smss map[string][]string)

GetStringMapStringSlice returns the value associated with the key as a map to a slice of strings.

func (*Context) GetStringSlice

func (c *Context) GetStringSlice(key string) (ss []string)

GetStringSlice returns the value associated with the key as a slice of strings.

func (*Context) GetTime

func (c *Context) GetTime(key string) (t time.Time)

GetTime returns the value associated with the key as time.

func (*Context) GetUint

func (c *Context) GetUint(key string) (ui uint)

GetUint returns the value associated with the key as an unsigned integer.

func (*Context) GetUint64

func (c *Context) GetUint64(key string) (ui64 uint64)

GetUint64 returns the value associated with the key as an unsigned integer.

func (*Context) Handler

func (c *Context) Handler() HandlerFunc

Handler returns the main handler.

func (*Context) HandlerName

func (c *Context) HandlerName() string

HandlerName returns the main handler's name. For example if the handler is "handleGetUsers()", this function will return "main.handleGetUsers".

func (*Context) HandlerNames

func (c *Context) HandlerNames() []string

HandlerNames returns a list of all registered handlers for this context in descending order, following the semantics of HandlerName()

func (*Context) Header

func (c *Context) Header(key, value string)

Header is an intelligent shortcut for c.Writer.Header().Set(key, value). It writes a header in the response. If value == "", this method removes the header `c.Writer.Header().Del(key)`

func (*Context) IsAborted

func (c *Context) IsAborted() bool

IsAborted returns true if the current context was aborted.

func (*Context) JSON

func (c *Context) JSON(code int, obj interface{})

JSON serializes the given struct as JSON into the response body. It also sets the Content-Type as "application/json".

func (*Context) Next

func (c *Context) Next()

Next should be used only inside middleware. It executes the pending handlers in the chain inside the calling handler. See example in GitHub.

func (*Context) Param

func (c *Context) Param(key string) string

Param returns the value of the URL param. It is a shortcut for c.Params.ByName(key)

router.GET("/user/:id", func(c *gin.Context) {
    // a GET request to /user/john
    id := c.Param("id") // id == "john"

func (*Context) RemoteIP

func (c *Context) RemoteIP() string

RemoteIP parses the IP from Request.RemoteAddr, normalizes and returns the IP (without the port).

func (*Context) Render

func (c *Context) Render(code int, r Render)

Render writes the response headers and calls Render to render data.

func (*Context) SaveUploadedFile

func (c *Context) SaveUploadedFile(file *multipart.FileHeader, dst string) error

SaveUploadedFile uploads the form file to specific dst.

func (*Context) Set

func (c *Context) Set(key string, value interface{})

Set is used to store a new key/value pair exclusively for this context. It also lazy initializes c.Keys if it was not used previously.

func (*Context) SetAccepted

func (c *Context) SetAccepted(formats ...string)

SetAccepted sets Accept header data.

func (*Context) SetSameSite

func (c *Context) SetSameSite(samesite http.SameSite)

SetSameSite with cookie

func (*Context) ShouldBindUri

func (c *Context) ShouldBindUri(obj interface{}) error

ShouldBindUri binds the passed struct pointer using the specified binding engine.

func (*Context) String

func (c *Context) String(code int, format string, values ...interface{})

String writes the given string into the response body.

func (*Context) WriteHeader

func (c *Context) WriteHeader(code int)

Status sets the HTTP response code.

func (*Context) XML

func (c *Context) XML(code int, obj interface{})

XML serializes the given struct as XML into the response body. It also sets the Content-Type as "application/xml".

type DataRender

type DataRender struct {
	ContentType string
	Data        []byte

Data contains ContentType and bytes data.

func (DataRender) Render

func (r DataRender) Render(w ResponseWriter) (err error)

Render (Data) writes data with custom ContentType.

func (DataRender) WriteContentType

func (r DataRender) WriteContentType(w ResponseWriter)

WriteContentType (Data) writes custom ContentType.

type Engine

type Engine struct {

	// Enables automatic redirection if the current route can't be matched but a
	// handler for the path with (without) the trailing slash exists.
	// For example if /foo/ is requested but a route only exists for /foo, the
	// client is redirected to /foo with http status code 301 for GET requests
	// and 307 for all other request methods.
	RedirectTrailingSlash bool

	// If enabled, the router tries to fix the current request path, if no
	// handle is registered for it.
	// First superfluous path elements like ../ or // are removed.
	// Afterwards the router does a case-insensitive lookup of the cleaned path.
	// If a handle can be found for this route, the router makes a redirection
	// to the corrected path with status code 301 for GET requests and 307 for
	// all other request methods.
	// For example /FOO and /..//Foo could be redirected to /foo.
	// RedirectTrailingSlash is independent of this option.
	RedirectFixedPath bool

	// If enabled, the router checks if another method is allowed for the
	// current route, if the current request can not be routed.
	// If this is the case, the request is answered with 'Method Not Allowed'
	// and HTTP status code 405.
	// If no other Method is allowed, the request is delegated to the NotFound
	// handler.
	HandleMethodNotAllowed bool

	// If enabled, client IP will be parsed from the request's headers that
	// match those stored at `(*gin.Engine).RemoteIPHeaders`. If no IP was
	// fetched, it falls back to the IP obtained from
	// `(*gin.Context).Request.RemoteAddr`.
	ForwardedByClientIP bool

	// DEPRECATED: USE `TrustedPlatform` WITH VALUE `gin.PlatformGoogleAppEngine` INSTEAD
	// #726 #755 If enabled, it will trust some headers starting with
	// 'X-AppEngine...' for better integration with that PaaS.
	AppEngine bool

	// If enabled, the url.RawPath will be used to find parameters.
	UseRawPath bool

	// If true, the path value will be unescaped.
	// If UseRawPath is false (by default), the UnescapePathValues effectively is true,
	// as url.Path gonna be used, which is already unescaped.
	UnescapePathValues bool

	// RemoveExtraSlash a parameter can be parsed from the URL even with extra slashes.
	// See the PR #1817 and issue #1644
	RemoveExtraSlash bool

	// List of headers used to obtain the client IP when
	// `(*gin.Engine).ForwardedByClientIP` is `true` and
	// `(*gin.Context).Request.RemoteAddr` is matched by at least one of the
	// network origins of list defined by `(*gin.Engine).SetTrustedProxies()`.
	RemoteIPHeaders []string

	// If set to a constant of value gin.Platform*, trusts the headers set by
	// that platform, for example to determine the client IP
	TrustedPlatform string

	// Value of 'maxMemory' param that is given to http.Request's ParseMultipartForm
	// method call.
	MaxMultipartMemory int64

	// Enable h2c support.
	UseH2C bool

	HTMLRender render.HTMLRender
	FuncMap    template.FuncMap
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Engine is the framework's instance, it contains the muxer, middleware and configuration settings. Create an instance of Engine, by using New() or Default()

func Default

func Default() *Engine

Default returns an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.

func New

func New() *Engine

New returns a new blank Engine instance without any middleware attached. By default, the configuration is: - RedirectTrailingSlash: true - RedirectFixedPath: false - HandleMethodNotAllowed: false - ForwardedByClientIP: true - UseRawPath: false - UnescapePathValues: true

func (*Engine) Delims

func (engine *Engine) Delims(left, right string) *Engine

Delims sets template left and right delims and returns an Engine instance.

func (*Engine) HandleContext

func (engine *Engine) HandleContext(c *Context)

HandleContext re-enters a context that has been rewritten. This can be done by setting c.Request.URL.Path to your new target. Disclaimer: You can loop yourself to deal with this, use wisely.

func (*Engine) HandleRequest

func (engine *Engine) HandleRequest(r IRequest, resp ResponseWriter) (err error)

HandleRequest 处理外部请求

func (*Engine) LoadHTMLFiles

func (engine *Engine) LoadHTMLFiles(files ...string)

LoadHTMLFiles loads a slice of HTML files and associates the result with HTML renderer.

func (*Engine) LoadHTMLGlob

func (engine *Engine) LoadHTMLGlob(pattern string)

LoadHTMLGlob loads HTML files identified by glob pattern and associates the result with HTML renderer.

func (*Engine) NoMethod

func (engine *Engine) NoMethod(handlers ...HandlerFunc)

NoMethod sets the handlers called when Engine.HandleMethodNotAllowed = true.

func (*Engine) NoRoute

func (engine *Engine) NoRoute(handlers ...HandlerFunc)

NoRoute adds handlers for NoRoute. It returns a 404 code by default.

func (*Engine) Routes

func (engine *Engine) Routes() (routes RoutesInfo)

Routes returns a slice of registered routes, including some useful information, such as: the http method, path and the handler name.

func (*Engine) SecureJsonPrefix

func (engine *Engine) SecureJsonPrefix(prefix string) *Engine

SecureJsonPrefix sets the secureJSONPrefix used in Context.SecureJSON.

func (*Engine) SetFuncMap

func (engine *Engine) SetFuncMap(funcMap template.FuncMap)

SetFuncMap sets the FuncMap used for template.FuncMap.

func (*Engine) SetHTMLTemplate

func (engine *Engine) SetHTMLTemplate(templ *template.Template)

SetHTMLTemplate associate a template with HTML renderer.

func (*Engine) SetTrustedProxies

func (engine *Engine) SetTrustedProxies(trustedProxies []string) error

SetTrustedProxies set a list of network origins (IPv4 addresses, IPv4 CIDRs, IPv6 addresses or IPv6 CIDRs) from which to trust request's headers that contain alternative client IP when `(*gin.Engine).ForwardedByClientIP` is `true`. `TrustedProxies` feature is enabled by default, and it also trusts all proxies by default. If you want to disable this feature, use Engine.SetTrustedProxies(nil), then Context.ClientIP() will return the remote address directly.

func (*Engine) Use

func (engine *Engine) Use(middleware ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

Use attaches a global middleware to the router. i.e. the middleware attached through Use() will be included in the handlers chain for every single request. Even 404, 405, static files... For example, this is the right place for a logger or error management middleware.

type Error

type Error struct {
	Err  error
	Type ErrorType
	Meta interface{}

Error represents a error's specification.

func (Error) Error

func (msg Error) Error() string

Error implements the error interface.

func (*Error) IsType

func (msg *Error) IsType(flags ErrorType) bool

IsType judges one error.

func (*Error) JSON

func (msg *Error) JSON() interface{}

JSON creates a properly formatted JSON

func (*Error) MarshalJSON

func (msg *Error) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaller interface.

func (*Error) SetMeta

func (msg *Error) SetMeta(data interface{}) *Error

SetMeta sets the error's meta data.

func (*Error) SetType

func (msg *Error) SetType(flags ErrorType) *Error

SetType sets the error's type.

func (*Error) Unwrap

func (msg *Error) Unwrap() error

Unwrap returns the wrapped error, to allow interoperability with errors.Is(), errors.As() and errors.Unwrap()

type ErrorType

type ErrorType uint64

ErrorType is an unsigned 64-bit error code as defined in the gin spec.

const (
	// ErrorTypeBind is used when Context.Bind() fails.
	ErrorTypeBind ErrorType = 1 << 63
	// ErrorTypeRender is used when Context.Render() fails.
	ErrorTypeRender ErrorType = 1 << 62
	// ErrorTypePrivate indicates a private error.
	ErrorTypePrivate ErrorType = 1 << 0
	// ErrorTypePublic indicates a public error.
	ErrorTypePublic ErrorType = 1 << 1
	// ErrorTypeAny indicates any other error.
	ErrorTypeAny ErrorType = 1<<64 - 1
	// ErrorTypeNu indicates any other error.
	ErrorTypeNu = 2

type H

type H map[string]interface{}

H is a shortcut for map[string]interface{}

func (H) MarshalXML

func (h H) MarshalXML(e *xml.Encoder, start xml.StartElement) error

MarshalXML allows type H to be used with xml.Marshal.

type HandlerFunc

type HandlerFunc func(*Context)

HandlerFunc defines the handler used by gin middleware as return value.

type HandlersChain

type HandlersChain []HandlerFunc

HandlersChain defines a HandlerFunc slice.

func (HandlersChain) Last

func (c HandlersChain) Last() HandlerFunc

Last returns the last handler in the chain. i.e. the last handler is the main one.

type IRequest

type IRequest interface {
	Context() context.Context
	GetName() string
	//GetService() string
	GetURL() *url.URL
	GetMethod() string
	Params() map[string]string
	GetHeader() map[string]string
	Body() []byte
	GetRemoteAddr() string

type IRouter

type IRouter interface {
	Group(string, ...HandlerFunc) *RouterGroup

IRouter defines all router handle interface includes single and group router.

type IRoutes

type IRoutes interface {
	Use(...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

	Handle(string, string, ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes
	Any(string, ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes
	GET(string, ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes
	POST(string, ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

IRoutes defines all router handle interface.

type JSONRender

type JSONRender struct {
	Data interface{}

JSON contains the given interface object.

func (JSONRender) Render

func (r JSONRender) Render(w ResponseWriter) (err error)

Render (JSON) writes data with custom ContentType.

func (JSONRender) WriteContentType

func (r JSONRender) WriteContentType(w ResponseWriter)

WriteContentType (JSON) writes JSON ContentType.

type Param

type Param struct {
	Key   string
	Value string

Param is a single URL parameter, consisting of a key and a value.

type Params

type Params []Param

Params is a Param-slice, as returned by the router. The slice is ordered, the first URL parameter is also the first slice value. It is therefore safe to read values by the index.

func (Params) ByName

func (ps Params) ByName(name string) (va string)

ByName returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name. If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned.

func (Params) Get

func (ps Params) Get(name string) (string, bool)

Get returns the value of the first Param which key matches the given name and a boolean true. If no matching Param is found, an empty string is returned and a boolean false .

type Render

type Render interface {
	// Render writes data with custom ContentType.
	Render(ResponseWriter) error
	// WriteContentType writes custom ContentType.
	WriteContentType(w ResponseWriter)

Render interface is to be implemented by JSON, XML, HTML, YAML and so on.

type ResponseWriter

type ResponseWriter interface {
	// Returns the HTTP response status code of the current request.
	Status() int

	// Returns the number of bytes already written into the response http body.
	// See Written()
	Size() int

	// Returns true if the response body was already written.
	Written() bool

	WriteHeader(code int)
	Header() xtypes.SMap
	Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
	// Writes the string into the response body.
	WriteString(string) (int, error)
	Flush() error

ResponseWriter ...

type RouteInfo

type RouteInfo struct {
	Method      string
	Path        string
	Handler     string
	HandlerFunc HandlerFunc

RouteInfo represents a request route's specification which contains method and path and its handler.

type RouterGroup

type RouterGroup struct {
	Handlers HandlersChain
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RouterGroup is used internally to configure router, a RouterGroup is associated with a prefix and an array of handlers (middleware).

func (*RouterGroup) Any

func (group *RouterGroup) Any(relativePath string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

Any registers a route that matches all the HTTP methods. GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, HEAD, OPTIONS, DELETE, CONNECT, TRACE.

func (*RouterGroup) BasePath

func (group *RouterGroup) BasePath() string

BasePath returns the base path of router group. For example, if v := router.Group("/rest/n/v1/api"), v.BasePath() is "/rest/n/v1/api".

func (*RouterGroup) GET

func (group *RouterGroup) GET(relativePath string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

GET is a shortcut for router.Handle("GET", path, handle).

func (*RouterGroup) Group

func (group *RouterGroup) Group(relativePath string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) *RouterGroup

Group creates a new router group. You should add all the routes that have common middlewares or the same path prefix. For example, all the routes that use a common middleware for authorization could be grouped.

func (*RouterGroup) Handle

func (group *RouterGroup) Handle(httpMethod, relativePath string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

Handle registers a new request handle and middleware with the given path and method. The last handler should be the real handler, the other ones should be middleware that can and should be shared among different routes. See the example code in GitHub.

For GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests the respective shortcut functions can be used.

This function is intended for bulk loading and to allow the usage of less frequently used, non-standardized or custom methods (e.g. for internal communication with a proxy).

func (*RouterGroup) POST

func (group *RouterGroup) POST(relativePath string, handlers ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

POST is a shortcut for router.Handle("POST", path, handle).

func (*RouterGroup) Use

func (group *RouterGroup) Use(middleware ...HandlerFunc) IRoutes

Use adds middleware to the group, see example code in GitHub.

type RoutesInfo

type RoutesInfo []RouteInfo

RoutesInfo defines a RouteInfo slice.

type StringRender

type StringRender struct {
	Format string
	Data   []interface{}

String contains the given interface object slice and its format.

func (StringRender) Render

func (r StringRender) Render(w ResponseWriter) error

Render (String) writes data with custom ContentType.

func (StringRender) WriteContentType

func (r StringRender) WriteContentType(w ResponseWriter)

WriteContentType (String) writes Plain ContentType.

type XMLRender

type XMLRender struct {
	Data interface{}

XML contains the given interface object.

func (XMLRender) Render

func (r XMLRender) Render(w ResponseWriter) error

Render (XML) encodes the given interface object and writes data with custom ContentType.

func (XMLRender) WriteContentType

func (r XMLRender) WriteContentType(w ResponseWriter)

WriteContentType (XML) writes XML ContentType for response.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL