Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- func AlignTextToFramePadding()
- func ArrowButton(str_id string, dir Dir) bool
- func Begin(name string) bool
- func BeginChildFrame(id ID, size Vec2) bool
- func BeginChildFrameV(id ID, size Vec2, flags WindowFlags) bool
- func BeginChildID(id ID) bool
- func BeginChildIDV(id ID, size Vec2, border bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
- func BeginChildStr(str_id string) bool
- func BeginChildStrV(str_id string, size Vec2, border bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
- func BeginCombo(label string, preview_value string) bool
- func BeginComboV(label string, preview_value string, flags ComboFlags) bool
- func BeginDisabled()
- func BeginDisabledV(disabled bool)
- func BeginDragDropSource() bool
- func BeginDragDropSourceV(flags DragDropFlags) bool
- func BeginDragDropTarget() bool
- func BeginGroup()
- func BeginItemTooltip() bool
- func BeginListBox(label string) bool
- func BeginListBoxV(label string, size Vec2) bool
- func BeginMainMenuBar() bool
- func BeginMenu(label string) bool
- func BeginMenuBar() bool
- func BeginMenuV(label string, enabled bool) bool
- func BeginPopup(str_id string) bool
- func BeginPopupContextItem() bool
- func BeginPopupContextItemV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
- func BeginPopupContextVoid() bool
- func BeginPopupContextVoidV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
- func BeginPopupContextWindow() bool
- func BeginPopupContextWindowV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
- func BeginPopupModal(name string) bool
- func BeginPopupModalV(name string, p_open *bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
- func BeginPopupV(str_id string, flags WindowFlags) bool
- func BeginTabBar(str_id string) bool
- func BeginTabBarV(str_id string, flags TabBarFlags) bool
- func BeginTabItem(label string) bool
- func BeginTabItemV(label string, p_open *bool, flags TabItemFlags) bool
- func BeginTable(str_id string, column int32) bool
- func BeginTableV(str_id string, column int32, flags TableFlags, outer_size Vec2, ...) bool
- func BeginTooltip() bool
- func BeginV(name string, p_open *bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
- func Bullet()
- func BulletText(fmt string)
- func Button(label string) bool
- func ButtonV(label string, size Vec2) bool
- func CalcItemWidth() float32
- func CastBool(value bool) (cast int)
- func Checkbox(label string, v *bool) bool
- func CheckboxFlagsIntPtr(label string, flags *int32, flags_value int32) bool
- func CheckboxFlagsUintPtr(label string, flags *uint32, flags_value uint32) bool
- func ClipboardText() string
- func CloseCurrentPopup()
- func CollapsingHeaderBoolPtr(label string, p_visible *bool) bool
- func CollapsingHeaderBoolPtrV(label string, p_visible *bool, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
- func CollapsingHeaderTreeNodeFlags(label string) bool
- func CollapsingHeaderTreeNodeFlagsV(label string, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
- func ColorButton(desc_id string, col Vec4) bool
- func ColorButtonV(desc_id string, col Vec4, flags ColorEditFlags, size Vec2) bool
- func ColorConvertFloat4ToU32(in Vec4) uint32
- func ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(h float32, s float32, v float32, out_r *float32, out_g *float32, ...)
- func ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(r float32, g float32, b float32, out_h *float32, out_s *float32, ...)
- func ColorEdit3(label string, col *[3]float32) bool
- func ColorEdit3V(label string, col *[3]float32, flags ColorEditFlags) bool
- func ColorEdit4(label string, col *[4]float32) bool
- func ColorEdit4V(label string, col *[4]float32, flags ColorEditFlags) bool
- func ColorPicker3(label string, col *[3]float32) bool
- func ColorPicker3V(label string, col *[3]float32, flags ColorEditFlags) bool
- func ColorPicker4(label string, col *[4]float32) bool
- func ColorPicker4V(label string, col *[4]float32, flags ColorEditFlags, ref_col []float32) bool
- func ColorU32Col(idx Col) uint32
- func ColorU32ColV(idx Col, alpha_mul float32) uint32
- func ColorU32U32(col uint32) uint32
- func ColorU32Vec4(col Vec4) uint32
- func ColumnIndex() int32
- func ColumnOffset() float32
- func ColumnOffsetV(column_index int32) float32
- func ColumnWidth() float32
- func ColumnWidthV(column_index int32) float32
- func Columns()
- func ColumnsCount() int32
- func ColumnsV(count int32, id string, border bool)
- func ComboStr(label string, current_item *int32, items_separated_by_zeros string) bool
- func ComboStrV(label string, current_item *int32, items_separated_by_zeros string, ...) bool
- func ComboStrarr(label string, current_item *int32, items []string, items_count int32) bool
- func ComboStrarrV(label string, current_item *int32, items []string, items_count int32, ...) bool
- func CursorPosX() float32
- func CursorPosY() float32
- func DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str string, sz_io uint64, sz_style uint64, sz_vec2 uint64, ...) bool
- func DebugTextEncoding(text string)
- func DestroyContext()
- func DestroyContextV(ctx *Context)
- func DestroyPlatformWindows()
- func DragFloat(label string, v *float32) bool
- func DragFloat2(label string, v *[2]float32) bool
- func DragFloat2V(label string, v *[2]float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, ...) bool
- func DragFloat3(label string, v *[3]float32) bool
- func DragFloat3V(label string, v *[3]float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, ...) bool
- func DragFloat4(label string, v *[4]float32) bool
- func DragFloat4V(label string, v *[4]float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, ...) bool
- func DragFloatRange2(label string, v_current_min *float32, v_current_max *float32) bool
- func DragFloatRange2V(label string, v_current_min *float32, v_current_max *float32, v_speed float32, ...) bool
- func DragFloatV(label string, v *float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, ...) bool
- func DragInt(label string, v *int32) bool
- func DragInt2(label string, v *[2]int32) bool
- func DragInt2V(label string, v *[2]int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, ...) bool
- func DragInt3(label string, v *[3]int32) bool
- func DragInt3V(label string, v *[3]int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, ...) bool
- func DragInt4(label string, v *[4]int32) bool
- func DragInt4V(label string, v *[4]int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, ...) bool
- func DragIntRange2(label string, v_current_min *int32, v_current_max *int32) bool
- func DragIntRange2V(label string, v_current_min *int32, v_current_max *int32, v_speed float32, ...) bool
- func DragIntV(label string, v *int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, ...) bool
- func DragScalar(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer) bool
- func DragScalarN(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32) bool
- func DragScalarNV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32, ...) bool
- func DragScalarV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, v_speed float32, ...) bool
- func Dummy(size Vec2)
- func End()
- func EndChild()
- func EndChildFrame()
- func EndCombo()
- func EndDisabled()
- func EndDragDropSource()
- func EndDragDropTarget()
- func EndFrame()
- func EndGroup()
- func EndListBox()
- func EndMainMenuBar()
- func EndMenu()
- func EndMenuBar()
- func EndPopup()
- func EndTabBar()
- func EndTabItem()
- func EndTable()
- func EndTooltip()
- func FontSize() float32
- func FrameCount() int32
- func FrameHeight() float32
- func FrameHeightWithSpacing() float32
- func Image(user_texture_id TextureID, size Vec2)
- func ImageButton(str_id string, user_texture_id TextureID, size Vec2) bool
- func ImageButtonV(str_id string, user_texture_id TextureID, size Vec2, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, ...) bool
- func ImageToRgba(img image.Image) *image.RGBA
- func ImageV(user_texture_id TextureID, size Vec2, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, tint_col Vec4, ...)
- func Indent()
- func IndentV(indent_w float32)
- func IndexBufferLayout() (entrySize int)
- func InputDouble(label string, v *float64) bool
- func InputDoubleV(label string, v *float64, step float64, step_fast float64, format string, ...) bool
- func InputFloat(label string, v *float32) bool
- func InputFloat2(label string, v *[2]float32) bool
- func InputFloat2V(label string, v *[2]float32, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InputFloat3(label string, v *[3]float32) bool
- func InputFloat3V(label string, v *[3]float32, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InputFloat4(label string, v *[4]float32) bool
- func InputFloat4V(label string, v *[4]float32, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InputFloatV(label string, v *float32, step float32, step_fast float32, format string, ...) bool
- func InputInt(label string, v *int32) bool
- func InputInt2(label string, v *[2]int32) bool
- func InputInt2V(label string, v *[2]int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InputInt3(label string, v *[3]int32) bool
- func InputInt3V(label string, v *[3]int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InputInt4(label string, v *[4]int32) bool
- func InputInt4V(label string, v *[4]int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InputIntV(label string, v *int32, step int32, step_fast int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InputScalar(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer) bool
- func InputScalarN(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32) bool
- func InputScalarNV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32, ...) bool
- func InputScalarV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, p_step unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func InputTextMultiline(label string, buf *string, size Vec2, flags InputTextFlags, ...) bool
- func InputTextWithHint(label, hint string, buf *string, flags InputTextFlags, ...) bool
- func InternalActivateItemByID(id ID)
- func InternalAddSettingsHandler(handler *SettingsHandler)
- func InternalArrowButtonEx(str_id string, dir Dir, size_arg Vec2) bool
- func InternalArrowButtonExV(str_id string, dir Dir, size_arg Vec2, flags ButtonFlags) bool
- func InternalBeginChildEx(name string, id ID, size_arg Vec2, border bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
- func InternalBeginColumns(str_id string, count int32)
- func InternalBeginColumnsV(str_id string, count int32, flags OldColumnFlags)
- func InternalBeginComboPopup(popup_id ID, bb Rect, flags ComboFlags) bool
- func InternalBeginComboPreview() bool
- func InternalBeginDockableDragDropSource(window *Window)
- func InternalBeginDockableDragDropTarget(window *Window)
- func InternalBeginDocked(window *Window, p_open *bool)
- func InternalBeginDragDropTargetCustom(bb Rect, id ID) bool
- func InternalBeginMenuEx(label string, icon string) bool
- func InternalBeginMenuExV(label string, icon string, enabled bool) bool
- func InternalBeginPopupEx(id ID, extra_flags WindowFlags) bool
- func InternalBeginTabBarEx(tab_bar *TabBar, bb Rect, flags TabBarFlags) bool
- func InternalBeginTableEx(name string, id ID, columns_count int32) bool
- func InternalBeginTableExV(name string, id ID, columns_count int32, flags TableFlags, outer_size Vec2, ...) bool
- func InternalBeginTooltipEx(tooltip_flags TooltipFlags, extra_window_flags WindowFlags) bool
- func InternalBeginViewportSideBar(name string, viewport *Viewport, dir Dir, size float32, ...) bool
- func InternalBringWindowToDisplayBack(window *Window)
- func InternalBringWindowToDisplayBehind(window *Window, above_window *Window)
- func InternalBringWindowToDisplayFront(window *Window)
- func InternalBringWindowToFocusFront(window *Window)
- func InternalButtonBehavior(bb Rect, id ID, out_hovered *bool, out_held *bool) bool
- func InternalButtonBehaviorV(bb Rect, id ID, out_hovered *bool, out_held *bool, flags ButtonFlags) bool
- func InternalButtonEx(label string) bool
- func InternalButtonExV(label string, size_arg Vec2, flags ButtonFlags) bool
- func InternalCalcTypematicRepeatAmount(t0 float32, t1 float32, repeat_delay float32, repeat_rate float32) int32
- func InternalCalcWrapWidthForPos(pos Vec2, wrap_pos_x float32) float32
- func InternalCallContextHooks(context *Context, typeArg ContextHookType)
- func InternalCheckboxFlagsS64Ptr(label string, flags *int64, flags_value int64) bool
- func InternalCheckboxFlagsU64Ptr(label string, flags *[]uint64, flags_value uint64) bool
- func InternalClearActiveID()
- func InternalClearDragDrop()
- func InternalClearIniSettings()
- func InternalClearWindowSettings(name string)
- func InternalCloseButton(id ID, pos Vec2) bool
- func InternalClosePopupToLevel(remaining int32, restore_focus_to_window_under_popup bool)
- func InternalClosePopupsExceptModals()
- func InternalClosePopupsOverWindow(ref_window *Window, restore_focus_to_window_under_popup bool)
- func InternalCollapseButton(id ID, pos Vec2, dock_node *DockNode) bool
- func InternalColorEditOptionsPopup(col []float32, flags ColorEditFlags)
- func InternalColorPickerOptionsPopup(ref_col []float32, flags ColorEditFlags)
- func InternalColorTooltip(text string, col []float32, flags ColorEditFlags)
- func InternalColumnNormFromOffset(columns *OldColumns, offset float32) float32
- func InternalColumnOffsetFromNorm(columns *OldColumns, offset_norm float32) float32
- func InternalDataTypeApplyFromText(buf string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, format string) bool
- func InternalDataTypeApplyOp(data_type DataType, op int32, output unsafe.Pointer, arg_1 unsafe.Pointer, ...)
- func InternalDataTypeClamp(data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, p_min unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func InternalDataTypeCompare(data_type DataType, arg_1 unsafe.Pointer, arg_2 unsafe.Pointer) int32
- func InternalDataTypeFormatString(buf string, buf_size int32, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, ...) int32
- func InternalDebugDrawCursorPos()
- func InternalDebugDrawCursorPosV(col uint32)
- func InternalDebugDrawItemRect()
- func InternalDebugDrawItemRectV(col uint32)
- func InternalDebugDrawLineExtents()
- func InternalDebugDrawLineExtentsV(col uint32)
- func InternalDebugHookIdInfo(id ID, data_type DataType, data_id unsafe.Pointer, data_id_end unsafe.Pointer)
- func InternalDebugLocateItem(target_id ID)
- func InternalDebugLocateItemOnHover(target_id ID)
- func InternalDebugLocateItemResolveWithLastItem()
- func InternalDebugLog(fmt string)
- func InternalDebugNodeColumns(columns *OldColumns)
- func InternalDebugNodeDockNode(node *DockNode, label string)
- func InternalDebugNodeDrawCmdShowMeshAndBoundingBox(out_draw_list *DrawList, draw_list *DrawList, draw_cmd *DrawCmd, ...)
- func InternalDebugNodeDrawList(window *Window, viewport *ViewportP, draw_list *DrawList, label string)
- func InternalDebugNodeFont(font *Font)
- func InternalDebugNodeFontGlyph(font *Font, glyph *FontGlyph)
- func InternalDebugNodeInputTextState(state *InputTextState)
- func InternalDebugNodeStorage(storage *Storage, label string)
- func InternalDebugNodeTabBar(tab_bar *TabBar, label string)
- func InternalDebugNodeTable(table *Table)
- func InternalDebugNodeTableSettings(settings *TableSettings)
- func InternalDebugNodeTypingSelectState(state *TypingSelectState)
- func InternalDebugNodeViewport(viewport *ViewportP)
- func InternalDebugNodeWindow(window *Window, label string)
- func InternalDebugNodeWindowSettings(settings *WindowSettings)
- func InternalDebugRenderKeyboardPreview(draw_list *DrawList)
- func InternalDebugRenderViewportThumbnail(draw_list *DrawList, viewport *ViewportP, bb Rect)
- func InternalDebugStartItemPicker()
- func InternalDestroyPlatformWindow(viewport *ViewportP)
- func InternalDockBuilderCopyWindowSettings(src_name string, dst_name string)
- func InternalDockBuilderDockWindow(window_name string, node_id ID)
- func InternalDockBuilderFinish(node_id ID)
- func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNode(node_id ID)
- func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeChildNodes(node_id ID)
- func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindows(node_id ID)
- func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindowsV(node_id ID, clear_settings_refs bool)
- func InternalDockBuilderSetNodePos(node_id ID, pos Vec2)
- func InternalDockBuilderSetNodeSize(node_id ID, size Vec2)
- func InternalDockContextCalcDropPosForDocking(target *Window, target_node *DockNode, payload_window *Window, ...) bool
- func InternalDockContextClearNodes(ctx *Context, root_id ID, clear_settings_refs bool)
- func InternalDockContextEndFrame(ctx *Context)
- func InternalDockContextInitialize(ctx *Context)
- func InternalDockContextNewFrameUpdateDocking(ctx *Context)
- func InternalDockContextNewFrameUpdateUndocking(ctx *Context)
- func InternalDockContextProcessUndockNode(ctx *Context, node *DockNode)
- func InternalDockContextProcessUndockWindow(ctx *Context, window *Window)
- func InternalDockContextProcessUndockWindowV(ctx *Context, window *Window, clear_persistent_docking_ref bool)
- func InternalDockContextQueueDock(ctx *Context, target *Window, target_node *DockNode, payload *Window, ...)
- func InternalDockContextQueueUndockNode(ctx *Context, node *DockNode)
- func InternalDockContextQueueUndockWindow(ctx *Context, window *Window)
- func InternalDockContextRebuildNodes(ctx *Context)
- func InternalDockContextShutdown(ctx *Context)
- func InternalDockNodeBeginAmendTabBar(node *DockNode) bool
- func InternalDockNodeEndAmendTabBar()
- func InternalDockNodeGetDepth(node *DockNode) int32
- func InternalDockNodeIsInHierarchyOf(node *DockNode, parent *DockNode) bool
- func InternalDockNodeWindowMenuHandlerDefault(ctx *Context, node *DockNode, tab_bar *TabBar)
- func InternalDragBehavior(id ID, data_type DataType, p_v unsafe.Pointer, v_speed float32, ...) bool
- func InternalEndColumns()
- func InternalEndComboPreview()
- func InternalErrorCheckUsingSetCursorPosToExtendParentBoundaries()
- func InternalFindRenderedTextEnd(text string) string
- func InternalFindRenderedTextEndV(text string) string
- func InternalFindWindowDisplayIndex(window *Window) int32
- func InternalFocusItem()
- func InternalFocusTopMostWindowUnderOne(under_this_window *Window, ignore_window *Window, filter_viewport *Viewport, ...)
- func InternalFocusWindow(window *Window)
- func InternalFocusWindowV(window *Window, flags FocusRequestFlags)
- func InternalGcAwakeTransientWindowBuffers(window *Window)
- func InternalGcCompactTransientMiscBuffers()
- func InternalGcCompactTransientWindowBuffers(window *Window)
- func InternalImAbsDouble(x float64) float64
- func InternalImAbsFloat(x float32) float32
- func InternalImAbsInt(x int32) int32
- func InternalImAlphaBlendColors(col_a uint32, col_b uint32) uint32
- func InternalImBitArrayClearAllBits(arr *uint32, bitcount int32)
- func InternalImBitArrayClearBit(arr *uint32, n int32)
- func InternalImBitArrayGetStorageSizeInBytes(bitcount int32) uint64
- func InternalImBitArraySetBit(arr *uint32, n int32)
- func InternalImBitArraySetBitRange(arr *uint32, n int32, n2 int32)
- func InternalImBitArrayTestBit(arr *[]uint32, n int32) bool
- func InternalImCharIsBlankA(c rune) bool
- func InternalImCharIsBlankW(c uint32) bool
- func InternalImDot(a Vec2, b Vec2) float32
- func InternalImExponentialMovingAverage(avg float32, sample float32, n int32) float32
- func InternalImFileLoadToMemory(filename string, mode string) unsafe.Pointer
- func InternalImFileLoadToMemoryV(filename string, mode string, out_file_size *uint64, padding_bytes int32) unsafe.Pointer
- func InternalImFloorFloat(f float32) float32
- func InternalImFloorSignedFloat(f float32) float32
- func InternalImFontAtlasBuildFinish(atlas *FontAtlas)
- func InternalImFontAtlasBuildInit(atlas *FontAtlas)
- func InternalImFontAtlasBuildPackCustomRects(atlas *FontAtlas, stbrp_context_opaque unsafe.Pointer)
- func InternalImFontAtlasBuildRender32bppRectFromString(atlas *FontAtlas, x int32, y int32, w int32, h int32, in_str string, ...)
- func InternalImFontAtlasBuildRender8bppRectFromString(atlas *FontAtlas, x int32, y int32, w int32, h int32, in_str string, ...)
- func InternalImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont(atlas *FontAtlas, font *Font, font_config *FontConfig, ascent float32, ...)
- func InternalImFontAtlasUpdateConfigDataPointers(atlas *FontAtlas)
- func InternalImFormatString(buf string, buf_size uint64, fmt string) int32
- func InternalImFormatStringToTempBuffer(out_buf []string, out_buf_end []string, fmt string)
- func InternalImInvLength(lhs Vec2, fail_value float32) float32
- func InternalImIsFloatAboveGuaranteedIntegerPrecision(f float32) bool
- func InternalImIsPowerOfTwoInt(v int32) bool
- func InternalImIsPowerOfTwoU64(v uint64) bool
- func InternalImLengthSqrVec2(lhs Vec2) float32
- func InternalImLengthSqrVec4(lhs Vec4) float32
- func InternalImLinearSweep(current float32, target float32, speed float32) float32
- func InternalImLogDouble(x float64) float64
- func InternalImLogFloat(x float32) float32
- func InternalImModPositive(a int32, b int32) int32
- func InternalImParseFormatFindEnd(format string) string
- func InternalImParseFormatFindStart(format string) string
- func InternalImParseFormatPrecision(format string, default_value int32) int32
- func InternalImParseFormatSanitizeForPrinting(fmt_in string, fmt_out string, fmt_out_size uint64)
- func InternalImParseFormatSanitizeForScanning(fmt_in string, fmt_out string, fmt_out_size uint64) string
- func InternalImParseFormatTrimDecorations(format string, buf string, buf_size uint64) string
- func InternalImPowDouble(x float64, y float64) float64
- func InternalImPowFloat(x float32, y float32) float32
- func InternalImRsqrtDouble(x float64) float64
- func InternalImRsqrtFloat(x float32) float32
- func InternalImSaturate(f float32) float32
- func InternalImSignDouble(x float64) float64
- func InternalImSignFloat(x float32) float32
- func InternalImStrSkipBlank(str string) string
- func InternalImStrTrimBlanks(str string)
- func InternalImStrchrRange(str_begin string, str_end string, c rune) string
- func InternalImStrdup(str string) string
- func InternalImStrdupcpy(dst string, p_dst_size *uint64, str string) string
- func InternalImStreolRange(str string, str_end string) string
- func InternalImStricmp(str1 string, str2 string) int32
- func InternalImStristr(haystack string, haystack_end string, needle string, needle_end string) string
- func InternalImStrlenW(str *Wchar) int32
- func InternalImStrncpy(dst string, src string, count uint64)
- func InternalImStrnicmp(str1 string, str2 string, count uint64) int32
- func InternalImTextCharFromUtf8(out_char *uint32, in_text string, in_text_end string) int32
- func InternalImTextCharToUtf8(out_buf *[5]rune, c uint32) string
- func InternalImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(in_text string, in_text_end string) int32
- func InternalImTextCountUtf8BytesFromChar(in_text string, in_text_end string) int32
- func InternalImTextCountUtf8BytesFromStr(in_text *Wchar, in_text_end *Wchar) int32
- func InternalImTextFindPreviousUtf8Codepoint(in_text_start string, in_text_curr string) string
- func InternalImTextStrFromUtf8(out_buf *Wchar, out_buf_size int32, in_text string, in_text_end string) int32
- func InternalImTextStrFromUtf8V(out_buf *Wchar, out_buf_size int32, in_text string, in_text_end string, ...) int32
- func InternalImTextStrToUtf8(out_buf string, out_buf_size int32, in_text *Wchar, in_text_end *Wchar) int32
- func InternalImToUpper(c rune) rune
- func InternalImTriangleArea(a Vec2, b Vec2, c Vec2) float32
- func InternalImTriangleBarycentricCoords(a Vec2, b Vec2, c Vec2, p Vec2, out_u *float32, out_v *float32, out_w *float32)
- func InternalImTriangleContainsPoint(a Vec2, b Vec2, c Vec2, p Vec2) bool
- func InternalImUpperPowerOfTwo(v int32) int32
- func InternalImageButtonEx(id ID, texture_id TextureID, size Vec2, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, bg_col Vec4, ...) bool
- func InternalImageButtonExV(id ID, texture_id TextureID, size Vec2, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, bg_col Vec4, ...) bool
- func InternalInitialize()
- func InternalInputTextDeactivateHook(id ID)
- func InternalInputTextEx(label string, hint string, buf string, buf_size int32, size_arg Vec2, ...) bool
- func InternalIsActiveIdUsingNavDir(dir Dir) bool
- func InternalIsAliasKey(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsClippedEx(bb Rect, id ID) bool
- func InternalIsDragDropActive() bool
- func InternalIsDragDropPayloadBeingAccepted() bool
- func InternalIsGamepadKey(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsItemToggledSelection() bool
- func InternalIsKeyDownID(key Key, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalIsKeyPressedID(key Key, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalIsKeyPressedIDV(key Key, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
- func InternalIsKeyPressedMap(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsKeyPressedMapV(key Key, repeat bool) bool
- func InternalIsKeyReleasedID(key Key, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalIsKeyboardKey(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsLegacyKey(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsMouseClickedID(button MouseButton, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalIsMouseClickedIDV(button MouseButton, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
- func InternalIsMouseDownID(button MouseButton, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalIsMouseDragPastThreshold(button MouseButton) bool
- func InternalIsMouseDragPastThresholdV(button MouseButton, lock_threshold float32) bool
- func InternalIsMouseKey(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsMouseReleasedID(button MouseButton, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalIsNamedKey(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsNamedKeyOrModKey(key Key) bool
- func InternalIsPopupOpenID(id ID, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
- func InternalIsWindowAbove(potential_above *Window, potential_below *Window) bool
- func InternalIsWindowChildOf(window *Window, potential_parent *Window, popup_hierarchy bool, ...) bool
- func InternalIsWindowContentHoverable(window *Window) bool
- func InternalIsWindowContentHoverableV(window *Window, flags HoveredFlags) bool
- func InternalIsWindowNavFocusable(window *Window) bool
- func InternalIsWindowWithinBeginStackOf(window *Window, potential_parent *Window) bool
- func InternalItemAdd(bb Rect, id ID) bool
- func InternalItemAddV(bb Rect, id ID, nav_bb *Rect, extra_flags ItemFlags) bool
- func InternalItemHoverable(bb Rect, id ID, item_flags ItemFlags) bool
- func InternalItemSizeRect(bb Rect)
- func InternalItemSizeRectV(bb Rect, text_baseline_y float32)
- func InternalItemSizeVec2(size Vec2)
- func InternalItemSizeVec2V(size Vec2, text_baseline_y float32)
- func InternalKeepAliveID(id ID)
- func InternalKeyChordName(key_chord KeyChord, out_buf string, out_buf_size int32)
- func InternalLocalizeGetMsg(key LocKey) string
- func InternalLocalizeRegisterEntries(entries *LocEntry, count int32)
- func InternalLogBegin(typeArg LogType, auto_open_depth int32)
- func InternalLogRenderedText(ref_pos *Vec2, text string)
- func InternalLogRenderedTextV(ref_pos *Vec2, text string)
- func InternalLogSetNextTextDecoration(prefix string, suffix string)
- func InternalLogToBuffer()
- func InternalLogToBufferV(auto_open_depth int32)
- func InternalMarkIniSettingsDirtyNil()
- func InternalMarkIniSettingsDirtyWindowPtr(window *Window)
- func InternalMarkItemEdited(id ID)
- func InternalMenuItemEx(label string, icon string) bool
- func InternalMenuItemExV(label string, icon string, shortcut string, selected bool, enabled bool) bool
- func InternalNavClearPreferredPosForAxis(axis Axis)
- func InternalNavInitRequestApplyResult()
- func InternalNavInitWindow(window *Window, force_reinit bool)
- func InternalNavMoveRequestApplyResult()
- func InternalNavMoveRequestButNoResultYet() bool
- func InternalNavMoveRequestCancel()
- func InternalNavMoveRequestForward(move_dir Dir, clip_dir Dir, move_flags NavMoveFlags, scroll_flags ScrollFlags)
- func InternalNavMoveRequestResolveWithLastItem(result *NavItemData)
- func InternalNavMoveRequestResolveWithPastTreeNode(result *NavItemData, tree_node_data *NavTreeNodeData)
- func InternalNavMoveRequestSubmit(move_dir Dir, clip_dir Dir, move_flags NavMoveFlags, scroll_flags ScrollFlags)
- func InternalNavMoveRequestTryWrapping(window *Window, move_flags NavMoveFlags)
- func InternalNavRestoreHighlightAfterMove()
- func InternalNavTweakPressedAmount(axis Axis) float32
- func InternalNavUpdateCurrentWindowIsScrollPushableX()
- func InternalOpenPopupEx(id ID)
- func InternalOpenPopupExV(id ID, popup_flags PopupFlags)
- func InternalPopColumnsBackground()
- func InternalPopFocusScope()
- func InternalPopItemFlag()
- func InternalPushColumnClipRect(column_index int32)
- func InternalPushColumnsBackground()
- func InternalPushFocusScope(id ID)
- func InternalPushItemFlag(option ItemFlags, enabled bool)
- func InternalPushMultiItemsWidths(components int32, width_full float32)
- func InternalPushOverrideID(id ID)
- func InternalRemoveContextHook(context *Context, hook_to_remove ID)
- func InternalRemoveSettingsHandler(type_name string)
- func InternalRenderArrow(draw_list *DrawList, pos Vec2, col uint32, dir Dir)
- func InternalRenderArrowDockMenu(draw_list *DrawList, p_min Vec2, sz float32, col uint32)
- func InternalRenderArrowPointingAt(draw_list *DrawList, pos Vec2, half_sz Vec2, direction Dir, col uint32)
- func InternalRenderArrowV(draw_list *DrawList, pos Vec2, col uint32, dir Dir, scale float32)
- func InternalRenderBullet(draw_list *DrawList, pos Vec2, col uint32)
- func InternalRenderCheckMark(draw_list *DrawList, pos Vec2, col uint32, sz float32)
- func InternalRenderColorRectWithAlphaCheckerboard(draw_list *DrawList, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, fill_col uint32, ...)
- func InternalRenderColorRectWithAlphaCheckerboardV(draw_list *DrawList, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, fill_col uint32, ...)
- func InternalRenderDragDropTargetRect(bb Rect)
- func InternalRenderFrame(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, fill_col uint32)
- func InternalRenderFrameBorder(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2)
- func InternalRenderFrameBorderV(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, rounding float32)
- func InternalRenderFrameV(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, fill_col uint32, border bool, rounding float32)
- func InternalRenderMouseCursor(pos Vec2, scale float32, mouse_cursor MouseCursor, col_fill uint32, ...)
- func InternalRenderNavHighlight(bb Rect, id ID)
- func InternalRenderNavHighlightV(bb Rect, id ID, flags NavHighlightFlags)
- func InternalRenderRectFilledRangeH(draw_list *DrawList, rect Rect, col uint32, x_start_norm float32, ...)
- func InternalRenderRectFilledWithHole(draw_list *DrawList, outer Rect, inner Rect, col uint32, rounding float32)
- func InternalRenderText(pos Vec2, text string)
- func InternalRenderTextClipped(pos_min Vec2, pos_max Vec2, text string, text_size_if_known *Vec2)
- func InternalRenderTextClippedEx(draw_list *DrawList, pos_min Vec2, pos_max Vec2, text string, ...)
- func InternalRenderTextClippedExV(draw_list *DrawList, pos_min Vec2, pos_max Vec2, text string, ...)
- func InternalRenderTextClippedV(pos_min Vec2, pos_max Vec2, text string, text_size_if_known *Vec2, align Vec2, ...)
- func InternalRenderTextEllipsis(draw_list *DrawList, pos_min Vec2, pos_max Vec2, clip_max_x float32, ...)
- func InternalRenderTextV(pos Vec2, text string, hide_text_after_hash bool)
- func InternalRenderTextWrapped(pos Vec2, text string, wrap_width float32)
- func InternalScaleWindowsInViewport(viewport *ViewportP, scale float32)
- func InternalScrollToBringRectIntoView(window *Window, rect Rect)
- func InternalScrollToItem()
- func InternalScrollToItemV(flags ScrollFlags)
- func InternalScrollToRect(window *Window, rect Rect)
- func InternalScrollToRectV(window *Window, rect Rect, flags ScrollFlags)
- func InternalScrollbar(axis Axis)
- func InternalScrollbarEx(bb Rect, id ID, axis Axis, p_scroll_v *int64, avail_v int64, contents_v int64, ...) bool
- func InternalSeparatorEx(flags SeparatorFlags)
- func InternalSeparatorExV(flags SeparatorFlags, thickness float32)
- func InternalSeparatorTextEx(id ID, label string, label_end string, extra_width float32)
- func InternalSetActiveID(id ID, window *Window)
- func InternalSetActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys()
- func InternalSetCurrentFont(font *Font)
- func InternalSetCurrentViewport(window *Window, viewport *ViewportP)
- func InternalSetFocusID(id ID, window *Window)
- func InternalSetHoveredID(id ID)
- func InternalSetItemKeyOwner(key Key)
- func InternalSetItemKeyOwnerV(key Key, flags InputFlags)
- func InternalSetKeyOwner(key Key, owner_id ID)
- func InternalSetKeyOwnerV(key Key, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags)
- func InternalSetKeyOwnersForKeyChord(key KeyChord, owner_id ID)
- func InternalSetKeyOwnersForKeyChordV(key KeyChord, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags)
- func InternalSetLastItemData(item_id ID, in_flags ItemFlags, status_flags ItemStatusFlags, item_rect Rect)
- func InternalSetNavID(id ID, nav_layer NavLayer, focus_scope_id ID, rect_rel Rect)
- func InternalSetNavWindow(window *Window)
- func InternalSetScrollFromPosXWindowPtr(window *Window, local_x float32, center_x_ratio float32)
- func InternalSetScrollFromPosYWindowPtr(window *Window, local_y float32, center_y_ratio float32)
- func InternalSetScrollXWindowPtr(window *Window, scroll_x float32)
- func InternalSetScrollYWindowPtr(window *Window, scroll_y float32)
- func InternalSetShortcutRouting(key_chord KeyChord) bool
- func InternalSetShortcutRoutingV(key_chord KeyChord, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
- func InternalSetWindowClipRectBeforeSetChannel(window *Window, clip_rect Rect)
- func InternalSetWindowCollapsedWindowPtr(window *Window, collapsed bool)
- func InternalSetWindowCollapsedWindowPtrV(window *Window, collapsed bool, cond Cond)
- func InternalSetWindowDock(window *Window, dock_id ID, cond Cond)
- func InternalSetWindowHiddendAndSkipItemsForCurrentFrame(window *Window)
- func InternalSetWindowHitTestHole(window *Window, pos Vec2, size Vec2)
- func InternalSetWindowPosWindowPtr(window *Window, pos Vec2)
- func InternalSetWindowPosWindowPtrV(window *Window, pos Vec2, cond Cond)
- func InternalSetWindowSizeWindowPtr(window *Window, size Vec2)
- func InternalSetWindowSizeWindowPtrV(window *Window, size Vec2, cond Cond)
- func InternalSetWindowViewport(window *Window, viewport *ViewportP)
- func InternalShadeVertsLinearColorGradientKeepAlpha(draw_list *DrawList, vert_start_idx int32, vert_end_idx int32, ...)
- func InternalShadeVertsLinearUV(draw_list *DrawList, vert_start_idx int32, vert_end_idx int32, a Vec2, b Vec2, ...)
- func InternalShortcut(key_chord KeyChord) bool
- func InternalShortcutV(key_chord KeyChord, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
- func InternalShowFontAtlas(atlas *FontAtlas)
- func InternalShrinkWidths(items *ShrinkWidthItem, count int32, width_excess float32)
- func InternalShutdown()
- func InternalSliderBehavior(bb Rect, id ID, data_type DataType, p_v unsafe.Pointer, p_min unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func InternalSplitterBehavior(bb Rect, id ID, axis Axis, size1 *float32, size2 *float32, min_size1 float32, ...) bool
- func InternalSplitterBehaviorV(bb Rect, id ID, axis Axis, size1 *float32, size2 *float32, min_size1 float32, ...) bool
- func InternalStartMouseMovingWindow(window *Window)
- func InternalStartMouseMovingWindowOrNode(window *Window, node *DockNode, undock_floating_node bool)
- func InternalTabBarAddTab(tab_bar *TabBar, tab_flags TabItemFlags, window *Window)
- func InternalTabBarCloseTab(tab_bar *TabBar, tab *TabItem)
- func InternalTabBarGetTabName(tab_bar *TabBar, tab *TabItem) string
- func InternalTabBarGetTabOrder(tab_bar *TabBar, tab *TabItem) int32
- func InternalTabBarProcessReorder(tab_bar *TabBar) bool
- func InternalTabBarQueueFocus(tab_bar *TabBar, tab *TabItem)
- func InternalTabBarQueueReorder(tab_bar *TabBar, tab *TabItem, offset int32)
- func InternalTabBarQueueReorderFromMousePos(tab_bar *TabBar, tab *TabItem, mouse_pos Vec2)
- func InternalTabBarRemoveTab(tab_bar *TabBar, tab_id ID)
- func InternalTabItemBackground(draw_list *DrawList, bb Rect, flags TabItemFlags, col uint32)
- func InternalTabItemEx(tab_bar *TabBar, label string, p_open *bool, flags TabItemFlags, ...) bool
- func InternalTabItemLabelAndCloseButton(draw_list *DrawList, bb Rect, flags TabItemFlags, frame_padding Vec2, ...)
- func InternalTableBeginApplyRequests(table *Table)
- func InternalTableBeginCell(table *Table, column_n int32)
- func InternalTableBeginContextMenuPopup(table *Table) bool
- func InternalTableBeginInitMemory(table *Table, columns_count int32)
- func InternalTableBeginRow(table *Table)
- func InternalTableDrawBorders(table *Table)
- func InternalTableDrawContextMenu(table *Table)
- func InternalTableEndCell(table *Table)
- func InternalTableEndRow(table *Table)
- func InternalTableFixColumnSortDirection(table *Table, column *TableColumn)
- func InternalTableGcCompactSettings()
- func InternalTableGcCompactTransientBuffersTablePtr(table *Table)
- func InternalTableGcCompactTransientBuffersTableTempDataPtr(table *TableTempData)
- func InternalTableGetColumnNameTablePtr(table *Table, column_n int32) string
- func InternalTableGetColumnWidthAuto(table *Table, column *TableColumn) float32
- func InternalTableGetHeaderRowHeight() float32
- func InternalTableGetHoveredColumn() int32
- func InternalTableGetHoveredRow() int32
- func InternalTableGetMaxColumnWidth(table *Table, column_n int32) float32
- func InternalTableLoadSettings(table *Table)
- func InternalTableMergeDrawChannels(table *Table)
- func InternalTableOpenContextMenu()
- func InternalTableOpenContextMenuV(column_n int32)
- func InternalTablePopBackgroundChannel()
- func InternalTablePushBackgroundChannel()
- func InternalTableRemove(table *Table)
- func InternalTableResetSettings(table *Table)
- func InternalTableSaveSettings(table *Table)
- func InternalTableSetColumnSortDirection(column_n int32, sort_direction SortDirection, append_to_sort_specs bool)
- func InternalTableSetColumnWidth(column_n int32, width float32)
- func InternalTableSetColumnWidthAutoAll(table *Table)
- func InternalTableSetColumnWidthAutoSingle(table *Table, column_n int32)
- func InternalTableSettingsAddSettingsHandler()
- func InternalTableSetupDrawChannels(table *Table)
- func InternalTableSortSpecsBuild(table *Table)
- func InternalTableSortSpecsSanitize(table *Table)
- func InternalTableUpdateBorders(table *Table)
- func InternalTableUpdateColumnsWeightFromWidth(table *Table)
- func InternalTableUpdateLayout(table *Table)
- func InternalTeleportMousePos(pos Vec2)
- func InternalTempInputIsActive(id ID) bool
- func InternalTempInputScalar(bb Rect, id ID, label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func InternalTempInputScalarV(bb Rect, id ID, label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func InternalTempInputText(bb Rect, id ID, label string, buf string, buf_size int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
- func InternalTestKeyOwner(key Key, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalTestShortcutRouting(key_chord KeyChord, owner_id ID) bool
- func InternalTextEx(text string)
- func InternalTextExV(text string, flags TextFlags)
- func InternalTranslateWindowsInViewport(viewport *ViewportP, old_pos Vec2, new_pos Vec2)
- func InternalTreeNodeBehavior(id ID, flags TreeNodeFlags, label string) bool
- func InternalTreeNodeBehaviorV(id ID, flags TreeNodeFlags, label string, label_end string) bool
- func InternalTreeNodeSetOpen(id ID, open bool)
- func InternalTreeNodeUpdateNextOpen(id ID, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
- func InternalTreePushOverrideID(id ID)
- func InternalTypematicRepeatRate(flags InputFlags, repeat_delay *float32, repeat_rate *float32)
- func InternalUpdateHoveredWindowAndCaptureFlags()
- func InternalUpdateInputEvents(trickle_fast_inputs bool)
- func InternalUpdateMouseMovingWindowEndFrame()
- func InternalUpdateMouseMovingWindowNewFrame()
- func InternalUpdateWindowParentAndRootLinks(window *Window, flags WindowFlags, parent_window *Window)
- func InternalWindowAlwaysWantOwnTabBar(window *Window) bool
- func InvisibleButton(str_id string, size Vec2) bool
- func InvisibleButtonV(str_id string, size Vec2, flags ButtonFlags) bool
- func IsAnyItemActive() bool
- func IsAnyItemFocused() bool
- func IsAnyItemHovered() bool
- func IsAnyMouseDown() bool
- func IsCharInsideWord(c_ rune) bool
- func IsItemActivated() bool
- func IsItemActive() bool
- func IsItemClicked() bool
- func IsItemClickedV(mouse_button MouseButton) bool
- func IsItemDeactivated() bool
- func IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() bool
- func IsItemEdited() bool
- func IsItemFocused() bool
- func IsItemHovered() bool
- func IsItemHoveredV(flags HoveredFlags) bool
- func IsItemToggledOpen() bool
- func IsItemVisible() bool
- func IsKeyDownNil(key Key) bool
- func IsKeyPressedBool(key Key) bool
- func IsKeyPressedBoolV(key Key, repeat bool) bool
- func IsKeyReleasedNil(key Key) bool
- func IsMouseClickedBool(button MouseButton) bool
- func IsMouseClickedBoolV(button MouseButton, repeat bool) bool
- func IsMouseDoubleClicked(button MouseButton) bool
- func IsMouseDownNil(button MouseButton) bool
- func IsMouseDragging(button MouseButton) bool
- func IsMouseDraggingV(button MouseButton, lock_threshold float32) bool
- func IsMouseHoveringRect(r_min Vec2, r_max Vec2) bool
- func IsMouseHoveringRectV(r_min Vec2, r_max Vec2, clip bool) bool
- func IsMousePosValid() bool
- func IsMousePosValidV(mouse_pos *Vec2) bool
- func IsMouseReleasedNil(button MouseButton) bool
- func IsPopupOpenStr(str_id string) bool
- func IsPopupOpenStrV(str_id string, flags PopupFlags) bool
- func IsRectVisibleNil(size Vec2) bool
- func IsRectVisibleVec2(rect_min Vec2, rect_max Vec2) bool
- func IsWindowAppearing() bool
- func IsWindowCollapsed() bool
- func IsWindowDocked() bool
- func IsWindowFocused() bool
- func IsWindowFocusedV(flags FocusedFlags) bool
- func IsWindowHovered() bool
- func IsWindowHoveredV(flags HoveredFlags) bool
- func KeyName(key Key) string
- func KeyPressedAmount(key Key, repeat_delay float32, rate float32) int32
- func LabelText(label string, fmt string)
- func ListBoxStrarr(label string, current_item *int32, items []string, items_count int32) bool
- func ListBoxStrarrV(label string, current_item *int32, items []string, items_count int32, ...) bool
- func LoadImage(imgPath string) (*image.RGBA, error)
- func LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename string)
- func LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data string)
- func LoadIniSettingsFromMemoryV(ini_data string, ini_size uint64)
- func LogButtons()
- func LogFinish()
- func LogText(fmt string)
- func LogToClipboard()
- func LogToClipboardV(auto_open_depth int32)
- func LogToFile()
- func LogToFileV(auto_open_depth int32, filename string)
- func LogToTTY()
- func LogToTTYV(auto_open_depth int32)
- func Markdown(markdown_ string, markdownLength_ uint64, mdConfig_ MarkdownConfig)
- func MemAlloc(size uint64) unsafe.Pointer
- func MemFree(ptr unsafe.Pointer)
- func MenuItemBool(label string) bool
- func MenuItemBoolPtr(label string, shortcut string, p_selected *bool) bool
- func MenuItemBoolPtrV(label string, shortcut string, p_selected *bool, enabled bool) bool
- func MenuItemBoolV(label string, shortcut string, selected bool, enabled bool) bool
- func MouseClickedCount(button MouseButton) int32
- func NewFrame()
- func NewLine()
- func NextColumn()
- func OpenPopupID(id ID)
- func OpenPopupIDV(id ID, popup_flags PopupFlags)
- func OpenPopupOnItemClick()
- func OpenPopupOnItemClickV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags)
- func OpenPopupStr(str_id string)
- func OpenPopupStrV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags)
- func PlotAddTextCentered(DrawList *DrawList, top_center Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAddTextCenteredV(DrawList *DrawList, top_center Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAddTextVertical(DrawList *DrawList, pos Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAddTextVerticalV(DrawList *DrawList, pos Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAllAxesInputLocked(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotAnnotationBool(x float64, y float64, col Vec4, pix_offset Vec2, clamp bool)
- func PlotAnnotationBoolV(x float64, y float64, col Vec4, pix_offset Vec2, clamp bool, round bool)
- func PlotAnnotationStr(x float64, y float64, col Vec4, pix_offset Vec2, clamp bool, fmt string)
- func PlotAnyAxesHeld(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotAnyAxesHovered(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotAnyAxesInputLocked(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotBeginAlignedPlots(group_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginAlignedPlotsV(group_id string, vertical bool) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, flags DragDropFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItem(label_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV(label_id string, flags DragDropFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlot() bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV(flags DragDropFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropTargetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropTargetLegend() bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropTargetPlot() bool
- func PlotBeginItem(label_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginItemV(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags, recolor_from PlotCol) bool
- func PlotBeginLegendPopup(label_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginLegendPopupV(label_id string, mouse_button MouseButton) bool
- func PlotBeginPlot(title_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginPlotV(title_id string, size Vec2, flags PlotFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginSubplots(title_id string, rows int32, cols int32, size Vec2) bool
- func PlotBeginSubplotsV(title_id string, rows int32, cols int32, size Vec2, flags PlotSubplotFlags, ...) bool
- func PlotBustColorCache()
- func PlotBustColorCacheV(plot_title_id string)
- func PlotBustItemCache()
- func PlotBustPlotCache()
- func PlotCalcHoverColor(col uint32) uint32
- func PlotCalcTextColorU32(bg uint32) uint32
- func PlotCalcTextColorVec4(bg Vec4) uint32
- func PlotCalculateBinsFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsdoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCancelPlotSelection()
- func PlotClampLegendRect(legend_rect *Rect, outer_rect Rect, pad Vec2) bool
- func PlotColormapButton(label string) bool
- func PlotColormapButtonV(label string, size Vec2, cmap PlotColormap) bool
- func PlotColormapIcon(cmap PlotColormap)
- func PlotColormapScale(label string, scale_min float64, scale_max float64)
- func PlotColormapScaleV(label string, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, size Vec2, format string, ...)
- func PlotColormapSlider(label string, t *float32) bool
- func PlotColormapSliderV(label string, t *float32, out *Vec4, format string, cmap PlotColormap) bool
- func PlotDestroyContext()
- func PlotDestroyContextV(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotDragLineX(id int32, x *float64, col Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragLineXV(id int32, x *float64, col Vec4, thickness float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, ...) bool
- func PlotDragLineY(id int32, y *float64, col Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragLineYV(id int32, y *float64, col Vec4, thickness float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, ...) bool
- func PlotDragPoint(id int32, x *float64, y *float64, col Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragPointV(id int32, x *float64, y *float64, col Vec4, size float32, ...) bool
- func PlotDragRect(id int32, x1 *float64, y1 *float64, x2 *float64, y2 *float64, col Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragRectV(id int32, x1 *float64, y1 *float64, x2 *float64, y2 *float64, col Vec4, ...) bool
- func PlotEndAlignedPlots()
- func PlotEndDragDropSource()
- func PlotEndDragDropTarget()
- func PlotEndItem()
- func PlotEndLegendPopup()
- func PlotEndPlot()
- func PlotEndSubplots()
- func PlotFitPoint(p PlotPoint)
- func PlotFitPointX(x float64)
- func PlotFitPointY(y float64)
- func PlotFitThisFrame() bool
- func PlotFormatDate(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotDateFmt, use_iso_8601 bool) int32
- func PlotFormatDateTime(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotDateTimeSpec) int32
- func PlotFormatTime(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotTimeFmt, use_24_hr_clk bool) int32
- func PlotFormatterDefault(value float64, buff string, size int32, data unsafe.Pointer) int32
- func PlotFormatterLogit(value float64, buff string, size int32, noname1 unsafe.Pointer) int32
- func PlotFormatterTime(noname1 float64, buff string, size int32, data unsafe.Pointer) int32
- func PlotGetColormapColorU32(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
- func PlotGetColormapCount() int32
- func PlotGetColormapName(cmap PlotColormap) string
- func PlotGetColormapSize() int32
- func PlotGetColormapSizeV(cmap PlotColormap) int32
- func PlotGetDaysInMonth(year int32, month int32) int32
- func PlotGetMarkerName(idx PlotMarker) string
- func PlotGetStyleColorName(idx PlotCol) string
- func PlotGetStyleColorU32(idx PlotCol) uint32
- func PlotGetYear(t PlotTime) int32
- func PlotHideNextItem()
- func PlotHideNextItemV(hidden bool, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotHistogramFloatPtr(label string, values []float32, values_count int32)
- func PlotHistogramFloatPtrV(label string, values []float32, values_count int32, values_offset int32, ...)
- func PlotImAlmostEqual(v1 float64, v2 float64) bool
- func PlotImAlmostEqualV(v1 float64, v2 float64, ulp int32) bool
- func PlotImAlphaU32(col uint32, alpha float32) uint32
- func PlotImAsinhFloat(x float32) float32
- func PlotImAsinhdouble(x float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainInf(val float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainLog(val float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainNan(val float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainTime(val float64) float64
- func PlotImLerpU32(colors *[]uint32, size int32, t float32) uint32
- func PlotImLog10Float(x float32) float32
- func PlotImLog10double(x float64) float64
- func PlotImMaxArrayFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float32
- func PlotImMaxArrayS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) int
- func PlotImMaxArrayS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) int
- func PlotImMaxArrayS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) int64
- func PlotImMaxArrayS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) int
- func PlotImMaxArrayU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) uint16
- func PlotImMaxArrayU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) uint32
- func PlotImMaxArrayU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) uint64
- func PlotImMaxArrayU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) byte
- func PlotImMaxArraydoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeandoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMinArrayFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float32
- func PlotImMinArrayS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) int
- func PlotImMinArrayS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) int
- func PlotImMinArrayS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) int64
- func PlotImMinArrayS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) int
- func PlotImMinArrayU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) uint16
- func PlotImMinArrayU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) uint32
- func PlotImMinArrayU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) uint64
- func PlotImMinArrayU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) byte
- func PlotImMinArraydoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32, min_out *float32, max_out *float32)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32, min_out *[]int, max_out *[]int)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32, min_out *[]int32, max_out *[]int32)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32, min_out *int64, max_out *int64)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32, min_out *[]int8, max_out *[]int8)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32, min_out *uint16, max_out *uint16)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32, min_out *uint32, max_out *uint32)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32, min_out *[]uint64, max_out *[]uint64)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32, min_out *byte, max_out *byte)
- func PlotImMinMaxArraydoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32, min_out *float64, max_out *float64)
- func PlotImMixU32(a uint32, b uint32, s uint32) uint32
- func PlotImNan(val float64) bool
- func PlotImNanOrInf(val float64) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsFloat(min_a float32, max_a float32, min_b float32, max_b float32) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS16(min_a int, max_a int, min_b int, max_b int) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS32(min_a int, max_a int, min_b int, max_b int) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS64(min_a int64, max_a int64, min_b int64, max_b int64) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS8(min_a int, max_a int, min_b int, max_b int) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU16(min_a uint16, max_a uint16, min_b uint16, max_b uint16) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU32(min_a uint32, max_a uint32, min_b uint32, max_b uint32) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU64(min_a uint64, max_a uint64, min_b uint64, max_b uint64) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU8(min_a byte, max_a byte, min_b byte, max_b byte) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsdouble(min_a float64, max_a float64, min_b float64, max_b float64) bool
- func PlotImPosMod(l int32, r int32) int32
- func PlotImRemap01Float(x float32, x0 float32, x1 float32) float32
- func PlotImRemap01S16(x int, x0 int, x1 int) int
- func PlotImRemap01S32(x int, x0 int, x1 int) int
- func PlotImRemap01S64(x int64, x0 int64, x1 int64) int64
- func PlotImRemap01S8(x int, x0 int, x1 int) int
- func PlotImRemap01U16(x uint16, x0 uint16, x1 uint16) uint16
- func PlotImRemap01U32(x uint32, x0 uint32, x1 uint32) uint32
- func PlotImRemap01U64(x uint64, x0 uint64, x1 uint64) uint64
- func PlotImRemap01U8(x byte, x0 byte, x1 byte) byte
- func PlotImRemap01double(x float64, x0 float64, x1 float64) float64
- func PlotImRemapFloat(x float32, x0 float32, x1 float32, y0 float32, y1 float32) float32
- func PlotImRemapS16(x int, x0 int, x1 int, y0 int, y1 int) int
- func PlotImRemapS32(x int, x0 int, x1 int, y0 int, y1 int) int
- func PlotImRemapS64(x int64, x0 int64, x1 int64, y0 int64, y1 int64) int64
- func PlotImRemapS8(x int, x0 int, x1 int, y0 int, y1 int) int
- func PlotImRemapU16(x uint16, x0 uint16, x1 uint16, y0 uint16, y1 uint16) uint16
- func PlotImRemapU32(x uint32, x0 uint32, x1 uint32, y0 uint32, y1 uint32) uint32
- func PlotImRemapU64(x uint64, x0 uint64, x1 uint64, y0 uint64, y1 uint64) uint64
- func PlotImRemapU8(x byte, x0 byte, x1 byte, y0 byte, y1 byte) byte
- func PlotImRemapdouble(x float64, x0 float64, x1 float64, y0 float64, y1 float64) float64
- func PlotImSinhFloat(x float32) float32
- func PlotImSinhdouble(x float64) float64
- func PlotImStdDevFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevdoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImSumFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float32
- func PlotImSumS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) int
- func PlotImSumS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) int
- func PlotImSumS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) int64
- func PlotImSumS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) int
- func PlotImSumU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) uint16
- func PlotImSumU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) uint32
- func PlotImSumU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) uint64
- func PlotImSumU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) byte
- func PlotImSumdoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotInitialize(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotIsAxisHovered(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
- func PlotIsColorAutoPlotCol(idx PlotCol) bool
- func PlotIsColorAutoVec4(col Vec4) bool
- func PlotIsLeapYear(year int32) bool
- func PlotIsLegendEntryHovered(label_id string) bool
- func PlotIsPlotHovered() bool
- func PlotIsPlotSelected() bool
- func PlotIsSubplotsHovered() bool
- func PlotItemIconU32(col uint32)
- func PlotItemIconVec4(col Vec4)
- func PlotLabelAxisValue(axis PlotAxis, value float64, buff string, size int32)
- func PlotLabelAxisValueV(axis PlotAxis, value float64, buff string, size int32, round bool)
- func PlotLinesFloatPtr(label string, values []float32, values_count int32)
- func PlotLinesFloatPtrV(label string, values []float32, values_count int32, values_offset int32, ...)
- func PlotMapInputDefault()
- func PlotMapInputDefaultV(dst *PlotInputMap)
- func PlotMapInputReverse()
- func PlotMapInputReverseV(dst *PlotInputMap)
- func PlotNextColormapColorU32() uint32
- func PlotNiceNum(x float64, round bool) float64
- func PlotOrderOfMagnitude(val float64) int32
- func PlotOrderToPrecision(order int32) int32
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtr(label_ids []string, values []float32, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64Ptr(label_ids []string, values []int64, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64Ptr(label_ids []string, values []uint64, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtr(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDummy(label_id string)
- func PlotPlotDummyV(label_id string, flags PlotDummyFlags)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, neg []float32, pos []float32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, neg []float32, pos []float32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrInt(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, err []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, err []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, err *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, err *[]int, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, neg *[]int, pos *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, neg *[]int, pos *[]int, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, err *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, err *[]int32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, neg *[]int32, pos *[]int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, neg *[]int32, pos *[]int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, err []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, err []int64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, neg []int64, pos []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, neg []int64, pos []int64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, err *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, err *[]int8, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, neg *[]int8, pos *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, neg *[]int8, pos *[]int8, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, err *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, err *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, neg *[]uint16, pos *[]uint16, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, neg *[]uint16, pos *[]uint16, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, err *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, err *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, neg *[]uint32, pos *[]uint32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, neg *[]uint32, pos *[]uint32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, err []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, err []uint64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, neg []uint64, pos []uint64, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, neg []uint64, pos []uint64, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, err *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, err *[]byte, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, neg *[]byte, pos *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, neg *[]byte, pos *[]byte, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, err *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, err *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, neg *[]float64, pos *[]float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, neg *[]float64, pos *[]float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtr(label_id string, values []float32, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int32, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS64Ptr(label_id string, values []int64, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int8, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint16, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint32, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU64Ptr(label_id string, values []uint64, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]byte, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtr(label_id string, values *[]float64, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtr(label_id string, values []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS64Ptr(label_id string, values []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU64Ptr(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtr(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotImage(label_id string, user_texture_id TextureID, bounds_min PlotPoint, ...)
- func PlotPlotImageV(label_id string, user_texture_id TextureID, bounds_min PlotPoint, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtr(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS64Ptr(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU64Ptr(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtr(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtr(label_ids []string, values []float32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS16Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS32Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS64Ptr(label_ids []string, values []int64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS8Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU16Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU32Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU64Ptr(label_ids []string, values []uint64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU8Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtr(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys1 []float32, ys2 []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys1 []float32, ys2 []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrInt(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys1 *[]int, ys2 *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys1 *[]int, ys2 *[]int, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys1 *[]int32, ys2 *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys1 *[]int32, ys2 *[]int32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys1 []int64, ys2 []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys1 []int64, ys2 []int64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys1 *[]int8, ys2 *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys1 *[]int8, ys2 *[]int8, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys1 *[]uint16, ys2 *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys1 *[]uint16, ys2 *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys1 *[]uint32, ys2 *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys1 *[]uint32, ys2 *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys1 []uint64, ys2 []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys1 []uint64, ys2 []uint64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys1 *[]byte, ys2 *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys1 *[]byte, ys2 *[]byte, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys1 *[]float64, ys2 *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys1 *[]float64, ys2 *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotText(text string, x float64, y float64)
- func PlotPlotTextV(text string, x float64, y float64, pix_offset Vec2, flags PlotTextFlags)
- func PlotPopColormap()
- func PlotPopColormapV(count int32)
- func PlotPopPlotClipRect()
- func PlotPopStyleColor()
- func PlotPopStyleColorV(count int32)
- func PlotPopStyleVar()
- func PlotPopStyleVarV(count int32)
- func PlotPrecision(val float64) int32
- func PlotPushColormapPlotColormap(cmap PlotColormap)
- func PlotPushColormapStr(name string)
- func PlotPushPlotClipRect()
- func PlotPushPlotClipRectV(expand float32)
- func PlotPushStyleColorU32(idx PlotCol, col uint32)
- func PlotPushStyleColorVec4(idx PlotCol, col Vec4)
- func PlotPushStyleVarFloat(idx PlotStyleVar, val float32)
- func PlotPushStyleVarInt(idx PlotStyleVar, val int32)
- func PlotPushStyleVarVec2(idx PlotStyleVar, val Vec2)
- func PlotRangesOverlap(r1 PlotRange, r2 PlotRange) bool
- func PlotRenderColorBar(colors *[]uint32, size int32, DrawList *DrawList, bounds Rect, vert bool, ...)
- func PlotResetCtxForNextAlignedPlots(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotResetCtxForNextPlot(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotResetCtxForNextSubplot(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotRoundTo(val float64, prec int32) float64
- func PlotSampleColormapU32(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
- func PlotSetAxes(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetCurrentContext(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotSetImGuiContext(ctx *Context)
- func PlotSetNextAxesLimits(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64)
- func PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetNextAxesToFit()
- func PlotSetNextAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
- func PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetNextAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
- func PlotSetNextAxisToFit(axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyle()
- func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyleV(col Vec4, size float32, weight float32)
- func PlotSetNextFillStyle()
- func PlotSetNextFillStyleV(col Vec4, alpha_mod float32)
- func PlotSetNextLineStyle()
- func PlotSetNextLineStyleV(col Vec4, weight float32)
- func PlotSetNextMarkerStyle()
- func PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV(marker PlotMarker, size float32, fill Vec4, weight float32, outline Vec4)
- func PlotSetupAxes(x_label string, y_label string)
- func PlotSetupAxesLimits(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64)
- func PlotSetupAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetupAxesV(x_label string, y_label string, x_flags PlotAxisFlags, y_flags PlotAxisFlags)
- func PlotSetupAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetupAxisFormatStr(axis PlotAxisEnum, fmt string)
- func PlotSetupAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
- func PlotSetupAxisLimitsConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
- func PlotSetupAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetupAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
- func PlotSetupAxisScalePlotScale(axis PlotAxisEnum, scale PlotScale)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdouble(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtr(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32, labels []string, ...)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32, ...)
- func PlotSetupAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, label string, flags PlotAxisFlags)
- func PlotSetupAxisZoomConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, z_min float64, z_max float64)
- func PlotSetupFinish()
- func PlotSetupLegend(location PlotLocation)
- func PlotSetupLegendV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotLegendFlags)
- func PlotSetupLock()
- func PlotSetupMouseText(location PlotLocation)
- func PlotSetupMouseTextV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotMouseTextFlags)
- func PlotShowAltLegend(title_id string)
- func PlotShowAltLegendV(title_id string, vertical bool, size Vec2, interactable bool)
- func PlotShowAxisContextMenu(axis *PlotAxis, equal_axis *PlotAxis)
- func PlotShowAxisContextMenuV(axis *PlotAxis, equal_axis *PlotAxis, time_allowed bool)
- func PlotShowColormapSelector(label string) bool
- func PlotShowDatePicker(id string, level *int32, t *PlotTime) bool
- func PlotShowDatePickerV(id string, level *int32, t *PlotTime, t1 *PlotTime, t2 *PlotTime) bool
- func PlotShowDemoWindow()
- func PlotShowDemoWindowV(p_open *bool)
- func PlotShowInputMapSelector(label string) bool
- func PlotShowLegendContextMenu(legend *PlotLegend, visible bool) bool
- func PlotShowLegendEntries(items *PlotItemGroup, legend_bb Rect, interactable bool, pad Vec2, ...) bool
- func PlotShowMetricsWindow()
- func PlotShowMetricsWindowV(p_popen *bool)
- func PlotShowPlotContextMenu(plot *PlotPlot)
- func PlotShowStyleEditor()
- func PlotShowStyleEditorV(ref *PlotStyle)
- func PlotShowStyleSelector(label string) bool
- func PlotShowSubplotsContextMenu(subplot *PlotSubplot)
- func PlotShowTimePicker(id string, t *PlotTime) bool
- func PlotShowUserGuide()
- func PlotStyleColorsAuto()
- func PlotStyleColorsAutoV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotStyleColorsClassic()
- func PlotStyleColorsClassicV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotStyleColorsDark()
- func PlotStyleColorsDarkV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotStyleColorsLight()
- func PlotStyleColorsLightV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotSubplotNextCell()
- func PlotTagXBool(x float64, col Vec4)
- func PlotTagXBoolV(x float64, col Vec4, round bool)
- func PlotTagXStr(x float64, col Vec4, fmt string)
- func PlotTagYBool(y float64, col Vec4)
- func PlotTagYBoolV(y float64, col Vec4, round bool)
- func PlotTagYStr(y float64, col Vec4, fmt string)
- func PlotTransformForwardLog10(v float64, noname1 unsafe.Pointer) float64
- func PlotTransformForwardLogit(v float64, noname1 unsafe.Pointer) float64
- func PlotTransformForwardSymLog(v float64, noname1 unsafe.Pointer) float64
- func PlotTransformInverseLog10(v float64, noname1 unsafe.Pointer) float64
- func PlotTransformInverseLogit(v float64, noname1 unsafe.Pointer) float64
- func PlotTransformInverseSymLog(v float64, noname1 unsafe.Pointer) float64
- func PopButtonRepeat()
- func PopClipRect()
- func PopFont()
- func PopID()
- func PopItemWidth()
- func PopStyleColor()
- func PopStyleColorV(count int32)
- func PopStyleVar()
- func PopStyleVarV(count int32)
- func PopTabStop()
- func PopTextWrapPos()
- func ProgressBar(fraction float32)
- func ProgressBarV(fraction float32, size_arg Vec2, overlay string)
- func Ptr(data interface{}) unsafe.Pointer
- func PtrToByteSlice(p unsafe.Pointer) []byte
- func PtrToUint16Slice(p unsafe.Pointer) []uint16
- func PushButtonRepeat(repeat bool)
- func PushClipRect(clip_rect_min Vec2, clip_rect_max Vec2, intersect_with_current_clip_rect bool)
- func PushFont(font *Font)
- func PushIDInt(int_id int32)
- func PushIDPtr(ptr_id unsafe.Pointer)
- func PushIDStr(str_id string)
- func PushIDStrStr(str_id_begin string, str_id_end string)
- func PushItemWidth(item_width float32)
- func PushStyleColorU32(idx Col, col uint32)
- func PushStyleColorVec4(idx Col, col Vec4)
- func PushStyleVarFloat(idx StyleVar, val float32)
- func PushStyleVarVec2(idx StyleVar, val Vec2)
- func PushTabStop(tab_stop bool)
- func PushTextWrapPos()
- func PushTextWrapPosV(wrap_local_pos_x float32)
- func RadioButtonBool(label string, active bool) bool
- func RadioButtonIntPtr(label string, v *int32, v_button int32) bool
- func Render()
- func RenderLine(markdown_ string, line_ *Line, textRegion_ *TextRegion, ...)
- func RenderLinkText(self *TextRegion, text_ string, link_ Link, markdown_ string, ...) bool
- func RenderLinkTextWrapped(self *TextRegion, text_ string, link_ Link, markdown_ string, ...)
- func RenderLinkTextWrappedV(self *TextRegion, text_ string, link_ Link, markdown_ string, ...)
- func RenderListTextWrapped(self *TextRegion, text_ string)
- func RenderPlatformWindowsDefault()
- func RenderPlatformWindowsDefaultV(platform_render_arg unsafe.Pointer, renderer_render_arg unsafe.Pointer)
- func RenderTextWrapped(self *TextRegion, text_ string)
- func RenderTextWrappedV(self *TextRegion, text_ string, bIndentToHere_ bool)
- func ResetIndent(self *TextRegion)
- func ResetMouseDragDelta()
- func ResetMouseDragDeltaV(button MouseButton)
- func SameLine()
- func SameLineV(offset_from_start_x float32, spacing float32)
- func SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename string)
- func SaveIniSettingsToMemory() string
- func SaveIniSettingsToMemoryV(out_ini_size *uint64) string
- func ScrollMaxX() float32
- func ScrollMaxY() float32
- func ScrollX() float32
- func ScrollY() float32
- func SelectableBool(label string) bool
- func SelectableBoolPtr(label string, p_selected *bool) bool
- func SelectableBoolPtrV(label string, p_selected *bool, flags SelectableFlags, size Vec2) bool
- func SelectableBoolV(label string, selected bool, flags SelectableFlags, size Vec2) bool
- func Separator()
- func SeparatorText(label string)
- func SetClipboardText(text string)
- func SetColorEditOptions(flags ColorEditFlags)
- func SetColumnOffset(column_index int32, offset_x float32)
- func SetColumnWidth(column_index int32, width float32)
- func SetCurrentContext(ctx *Context)
- func SetCursorPos(local_pos Vec2)
- func SetCursorPosX(local_x float32)
- func SetCursorPosY(local_y float32)
- func SetCursorScreenPos(pos Vec2)
- func SetDragDropPayload(typeArg string, data unsafe.Pointer, sz uint64) bool
- func SetDragDropPayloadV(typeArg string, data unsafe.Pointer, sz uint64, cond Cond) bool
- func SetItemDefaultFocus()
- func SetItemTooltip(fmt string)
- func SetKeyboardFocusHere()
- func SetKeyboardFocusHereV(offset int32)
- func SetMouseCursor(cursor_type MouseCursor)
- func SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard bool)
- func SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse bool)
- func SetNextItemAllowOverlap()
- func SetNextItemOpen(is_open bool)
- func SetNextItemOpenV(is_open bool, cond Cond)
- func SetNextItemWidth(item_width float32)
- func SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha float32)
- func SetNextWindowClass(window_class *WindowClass)
- func SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed bool)
- func SetNextWindowCollapsedV(collapsed bool, cond Cond)
- func SetNextWindowContentSize(size Vec2)
- func SetNextWindowDockID(dock_id ID)
- func SetNextWindowDockIDV(dock_id ID, cond Cond)
- func SetNextWindowFocus()
- func SetNextWindowPos(pos Vec2)
- func SetNextWindowPosV(pos Vec2, cond Cond, pivot Vec2)
- func SetNextWindowScroll(scroll Vec2)
- func SetNextWindowSize(size Vec2)
- func SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(size_min Vec2, size_max Vec2)
- func SetNextWindowSizeV(size Vec2, cond Cond)
- func SetNextWindowViewport(viewport_id ID)
- func SetScrollFromPosXFloat(local_x float32)
- func SetScrollFromPosXFloatV(local_x float32, center_x_ratio float32)
- func SetScrollFromPosYFloat(local_y float32)
- func SetScrollFromPosYFloatV(local_y float32, center_y_ratio float32)
- func SetScrollHereX()
- func SetScrollHereXV(center_x_ratio float32)
- func SetScrollHereY()
- func SetScrollHereYV(center_y_ratio float32)
- func SetScrollXFloat(scroll_x float32)
- func SetScrollYFloat(scroll_y float32)
- func SetStateStorage(storage *Storage)
- func SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label string)
- func SetTooltip(fmt string)
- func SetWindowCollapsedBool(collapsed bool)
- func SetWindowCollapsedBoolV(collapsed bool, cond Cond)
- func SetWindowCollapsedStr(name string, collapsed bool)
- func SetWindowCollapsedStrV(name string, collapsed bool, cond Cond)
- func SetWindowFocusNil()
- func SetWindowFocusStr(name string)
- func SetWindowFontScale(scale float32)
- func SetWindowPosStr(name string, pos Vec2)
- func SetWindowPosStrV(name string, pos Vec2, cond Cond)
- func SetWindowPosVec2(pos Vec2)
- func SetWindowPosVec2V(pos Vec2, cond Cond)
- func SetWindowSizeStr(name string, size Vec2)
- func SetWindowSizeStrV(name string, size Vec2, cond Cond)
- func SetWindowSizeVec2(size Vec2)
- func SetWindowSizeVec2V(size Vec2, cond Cond)
- func ShowAboutWindow()
- func ShowAboutWindowV(p_open *bool)
- func ShowDebugLogWindow()
- func ShowDebugLogWindowV(p_open *bool)
- func ShowDemoWindow()
- func ShowDemoWindowV(p_open *bool)
- func ShowFontSelector(label string)
- func ShowMetricsWindow()
- func ShowMetricsWindowV(p_open *bool)
- func ShowStackToolWindow()
- func ShowStackToolWindowV(p_open *bool)
- func ShowStyleEditor()
- func ShowStyleEditorV(ref *Style)
- func ShowStyleSelector(label string) bool
- func ShowUserGuide()
- func SliceToPtr[T any](slice []T) *T
- func SliderAngle(label string, v_rad *float32) bool
- func SliderAngleV(label string, v_rad *float32, v_degrees_min float32, v_degrees_max float32, ...) bool
- func SliderFloat(label string, v *float32, v_min float32, v_max float32) bool
- func SliderFloat2(label string, v *[2]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32) bool
- func SliderFloat2V(label string, v *[2]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderFloat3(label string, v *[3]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32) bool
- func SliderFloat3V(label string, v *[3]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderFloat4(label string, v *[4]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32) bool
- func SliderFloat4V(label string, v *[4]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderFloatV(label string, v *float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderInt(label string, v *int32, v_min int32, v_max int32) bool
- func SliderInt2(label string, v *[2]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32) bool
- func SliderInt2V(label string, v *[2]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderInt3(label string, v *[3]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32) bool
- func SliderInt3V(label string, v *[3]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderInt4(label string, v *[4]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32) bool
- func SliderInt4V(label string, v *[4]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderIntV(label string, v *int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, ...) bool
- func SliderScalar(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, p_min unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func SliderScalarN(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32, ...) bool
- func SliderScalarNV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32, ...) bool
- func SliderScalarV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, p_min unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func SmallButton(label string) bool
- func Spacing()
- func StyleColorName(idx Col) string
- func StyleColorsClassic()
- func StyleColorsClassicV(dst *Style)
- func StyleColorsDark()
- func StyleColorsDarkV(dst *Style)
- func StyleColorsLight()
- func StyleColorsLightV(dst *Style)
- func TabItemButton(label string) bool
- func TabItemButtonV(label string, flags TabItemFlags) bool
- func TableGetColumnCount() int32
- func TableGetColumnIndex() int32
- func TableGetColumnNameInt() string
- func TableGetColumnNameIntV(column_n int32) string
- func TableGetRowIndex() int32
- func TableHeader(label string)
- func TableHeadersRow()
- func TableNextColumn() bool
- func TableNextRow()
- func TableNextRowV(row_flags TableRowFlags, min_row_height float32)
- func TableSetBgColor(target TableBgTarget, color uint32)
- func TableSetBgColorV(target TableBgTarget, color uint32, column_n int32)
- func TableSetColumnEnabled(column_n int32, v bool)
- func TableSetColumnIndex(column_n int32) bool
- func TableSetupColumn(label string)
- func TableSetupColumnV(label string, flags TableColumnFlags, init_width_or_weight float32, user_id ID)
- func TableSetupScrollFreeze(cols int32, rows int32)
- func Text(fmt string)
- func TextColored(col Vec4, fmt string)
- func TextDisabled(fmt string)
- func TextLineHeight() float32
- func TextLineHeightWithSpacing() float32
- func TextUnformatted(text string)
- func TextUnformattedV(text string)
- func TextWrapped(fmt string)
- func Time() float64
- func TreeNodeExPtr(ptr_id unsafe.Pointer, flags TreeNodeFlags, fmt string) bool
- func TreeNodeExStr(label string) bool
- func TreeNodeExStrStr(str_id string, flags TreeNodeFlags, fmt string) bool
- func TreeNodeExStrV(label string, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
- func TreeNodePtr(ptr_id unsafe.Pointer, fmt string) bool
- func TreeNodeStr(label string) bool
- func TreeNodeStrStr(str_id string, fmt string) bool
- func TreeNodeToLabelSpacing() float32
- func TreePop()
- func TreePushPtr(ptr_id unsafe.Pointer)
- func TreePushStr(str_id string)
- func Unindent()
- func UnindentV(indent_w float32)
- func UpdatePlatformWindows()
- func VSliderFloat(label string, size Vec2, v *float32, v_min float32, v_max float32) bool
- func VSliderFloatV(label string, size Vec2, v *float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, ...) bool
- func VSliderInt(label string, size Vec2, v *int32, v_min int32, v_max int32) bool
- func VSliderIntV(label string, size Vec2, v *int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, ...) bool
- func VSliderScalar(label string, size Vec2, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func VSliderScalarV(label string, size Vec2, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, ...) bool
- func ValueBool(prefix string, b bool)
- func ValueFloat(prefix string, v float32)
- func ValueFloatV(prefix string, v float32, float_format string)
- func ValueInt(prefix string, v int32)
- func ValueUint(prefix string, v uint32)
- func Version() string
- func VertexBufferLayout() (entrySize int, posOffset int, uvOffset int, colOffset int)
- func WindowDpiScale() float32
- func WindowHeight() float32
- func WindowWidth() float32
- func WrapBool(goValue *bool) (wrapped *C.bool, finisher func())
- func WrapNumberPtr[CTYPE Number, GOTYPE Number](goValue *GOTYPE) (wrapped *CTYPE, finisher func())
- func WrapString(value string) (wrapped *C.char, finisher func())
- func WrapStringList(value []string) (wrapped **C.char, finisher func())
- func WrapVoidPtr(value unsafe.Pointer) (wrapped unsafe.Pointer, finisher func())
- type ActivateFlags
- type Axis
- type Backend
- type BackendFlags
- type BitVector
- func (self *BitVector) InternalClear()
- func (self *BitVector) InternalClearBit(n int32)
- func (self *BitVector) InternalCreate(sz int32)
- func (self *BitVector) InternalSetBit(n int32)
- func (self *BitVector) InternalTestBit(n int32) bool
- func (self BitVector) SetStorage(v Vector[*uint32])
- func (self *BitVector) Storage() Vector[*uint32]
- type ButtonFlags
- type ButtonFlagsPrivate
- type ClipboardHandler
- type Col
- type Color
- type ColorEditFlags
- type ColorMod
- type ComboFlags
- type ComboFlagsPrivate
- type ComboPreviewData
- func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorMaxPos() Vec2
- func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorPos() Vec2
- func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorPosPrevLine() Vec2
- func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupLayout() LayoutType
- func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupPrevLineTextBaseOffset() float32
- func (self *ComboPreviewData) Destroy()
- func (self *ComboPreviewData) PreviewRect() Rect
- func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorMaxPos(v Vec2)
- func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorPos(v Vec2)
- func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorPosPrevLine(v Vec2)
- func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupLayout(v LayoutType)
- func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupPrevLineTextBaseOffset(v float32)
- func (self ComboPreviewData) SetPreviewRect(v Rect)
- type Cond
- type ConfigFlags
- type Context
- func (self *Context) ActiveId() ID
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdAllowOverlap() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdClickOffset() Vec2
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdHasBeenEditedBefore() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdHasBeenEditedThisFrame() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdHasBeenPressedBefore() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdIsAlive() ID
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdIsJustActivated() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdMouseButton() int32
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdNoClearOnFocusLoss() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrame() ID
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrameHasBeenEditedBefore() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrameWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdSource() InputSource
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys() bool
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdUsingNavDirMask() uint32
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdUsingNavInputMask() uint32
- func (self *Context) ActiveIdWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) BeginMenuCount() int32
- func (self *Context) BeginPopupStack() Vector[*PopupData]
- func (self *Context) ClipboardHandlerData() Vector[string]
- func (self *Context) ClipperTempData() Vector[*ListClipperData]
- func (self *Context) ClipperTempDataStacked() int32
- func (self *Context) ColorEditCurrentID() ID
- func (self *Context) ColorEditOptions() ColorEditFlags
- func (self *Context) ColorEditSavedColor() uint32
- func (self *Context) ColorEditSavedHue() float32
- func (self *Context) ColorEditSavedID() ID
- func (self *Context) ColorEditSavedSat() float32
- func (self *Context) ColorPickerRef() Vec4
- func (self *Context) ColorStack() Vector[*ColorMod]
- func (self *Context) ComboPreviewData() ComboPreviewData
- func (self *Context) ConfigFlagsCurrFrame() ConfigFlags
- func (self *Context) ConfigFlagsLastFrame() ConfigFlags
- func (self *Context) CurrentDpiScale() float32
- func (self *Context) CurrentFocusScopeId() ID
- func (self *Context) CurrentItemFlags() ItemFlags
- func (self *Context) CurrentTabBar() *TabBar
- func (self *Context) CurrentTabBarStack() Vector[*PtrOrIndex]
- func (self *Context) CurrentTable() *Table
- func (self *Context) CurrentViewport() *ViewportP
- func (self *Context) CurrentWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) CurrentWindowStack() Vector[*WindowStackData]
- func (self *Context) DebugBeginReturnValueCullDepth() int
- func (self *Context) DebugHookIdInfo() ID
- func (self *Context) DebugHoveredDockNode() *DockNode
- func (self *Context) DebugItemPickerActive() bool
- func (self *Context) DebugItemPickerBreakId() ID
- func (self *Context) DebugItemPickerMouseButton() byte
- func (self *Context) DebugLocateFrames() byte
- func (self *Context) DebugLocateId() ID
- func (self *Context) DebugLogBuf() TextBuffer
- func (self *Context) DebugLogClipperAutoDisableFrames() byte
- func (self *Context) DebugLogFlags() DebugLogFlags
- func (self *Context) DebugLogIndex() TextIndex
- func (self *Context) DebugMetricsConfig() MetricsConfig
- func (self *Context) DebugStackTool() StackTool
- func (self *Context) Destroy()
- func (self *Context) DimBgRatio() float32
- func (self *Context) DisabledAlphaBackup() float32
- func (self *Context) DisabledStackSize() int16
- func (self *Context) DockContext() DockContext
- func (self *Context) DragCurrentAccum() float32
- func (self *Context) DragCurrentAccumDirty() bool
- func (self *Context) DragDropAcceptFlags() DragDropFlags
- func (self *Context) DragDropAcceptFrameCount() int32
- func (self *Context) DragDropAcceptIdCurr() ID
- func (self *Context) DragDropAcceptIdCurrRectSurface() float32
- func (self *Context) DragDropAcceptIdPrev() ID
- func (self *Context) DragDropActive() bool
- func (self *Context) DragDropHoldJustPressedId() ID
- func (self *Context) DragDropMouseButton() int32
- func (self *Context) DragDropPayload() Payload
- func (self *Context) DragDropSourceFlags() DragDropFlags
- func (self *Context) DragDropSourceFrameCount() int32
- func (self *Context) DragDropTargetId() ID
- func (self *Context) DragDropTargetRect() Rect
- func (self *Context) DragDropWithinSource() bool
- func (self *Context) DragDropWithinTarget() bool
- func (self *Context) DragSpeedDefaultRatio() float32
- func (self *Context) DrawChannelsTempMergeBuffer() Vector[*DrawChannel]
- func (self *Context) DrawListSharedData() DrawListSharedData
- func (self *Context) FallbackMonitor() PlatformMonitor
- func (self *Context) Font() *Font
- func (self *Context) FontAtlasOwnedByContext() bool
- func (self *Context) FontBaseSize() float32
- func (self *Context) FontSize() float32
- func (self *Context) FrameCount() int32
- func (self *Context) FrameCountEnded() int32
- func (self *Context) FrameCountPlatformEnded() int32
- func (self *Context) FrameCountRendered() int32
- func (self *Context) FramerateSecPerFrameAccum() float32
- func (self *Context) FramerateSecPerFrameCount() int32
- func (self *Context) FramerateSecPerFrameIdx() int32
- func (self *Context) GcCompactAll() bool
- func (self *Context) GroupStack() Vector[*GroupData]
- func (self *Context) HookIdNext() ID
- func (self *Context) Hooks() Vector[*ContextHook]
- func (self *Context) HoverItemDelayClearTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) HoverItemDelayId() ID
- func (self *Context) HoverItemDelayIdPreviousFrame() ID
- func (self *Context) HoverItemDelayTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) HoverItemUnlockedStationaryId() ID
- func (self *Context) HoverWindowUnlockedStationaryId() ID
- func (self *Context) HoveredId() ID
- func (self *Context) HoveredIdAllowOverlap() bool
- func (self *Context) HoveredIdDisabled() bool
- func (self *Context) HoveredIdNotActiveTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) HoveredIdPreviousFrame() ID
- func (self *Context) HoveredIdTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) HoveredWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) HoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) IO() IO
- func (self *Context) Initialized() bool
- func (self *Context) InputEventsNextEventId() uint32
- func (self *Context) InputEventsNextMouseSource() MouseSource
- func (self *Context) InputEventsQueue() Vector[*InputEvent]
- func (self *Context) InputEventsTrail() Vector[*InputEvent]
- func (self *Context) InputTextDeactivatedState() InputTextDeactivatedState
- func (self *Context) InputTextPasswordFont() Font
- func (self *Context) InputTextState() InputTextState
- func (self *Context) ItemFlagsStack() Vector[*ItemFlags]
- func (self *Context) KeysRoutingTable() KeyRoutingTable
- func (self *Context) LastActiveId() ID
- func (self *Context) LastActiveIdTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) LastItemData() LastItemData
- func (self *Context) LockMarkEdited() int16
- func (self *Context) LogBuffer() TextBuffer
- func (self *Context) LogDepthRef() int32
- func (self *Context) LogDepthToExpand() int32
- func (self *Context) LogDepthToExpandDefault() int32
- func (self *Context) LogEnabled() bool
- func (self *Context) LogLineFirstItem() bool
- func (self *Context) LogLinePosY() float32
- func (self *Context) LogNextPrefix() string
- func (self *Context) LogNextSuffix() string
- func (self *Context) LogType() LogType
- func (self *Context) MouseCursor() MouseCursor
- func (self *Context) MouseLastHoveredViewport() *ViewportP
- func (self *Context) MouseLastValidPos() Vec2
- func (self *Context) MouseStationaryTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) MouseViewport() *ViewportP
- func (self *Context) MovingWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) NavActivateDownId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavActivateFlags() ActivateFlags
- func (self *Context) NavActivateId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavActivatePressedId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavAnyRequest() bool
- func (self *Context) NavDisableHighlight() bool
- func (self *Context) NavDisableMouseHover() bool
- func (self *Context) NavFocusScopeId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavIdIsAlive() bool
- func (self *Context) NavInitRequest() bool
- func (self *Context) NavInitRequestFromMove() bool
- func (self *Context) NavInitResult() NavItemData
- func (self *Context) NavInputSource() InputSource
- func (self *Context) NavJustMovedToFocusScopeId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavJustMovedToId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavLayer() NavLayer
- func (self *Context) NavMousePosDirty() bool
- func (self *Context) NavMoveClipDir() Dir
- func (self *Context) NavMoveDir() Dir
- func (self *Context) NavMoveDirForDebug() Dir
- func (self *Context) NavMoveFlags() NavMoveFlags
- func (self *Context) NavMoveForwardToNextFrame() bool
- func (self *Context) NavMoveResultLocal() NavItemData
- func (self *Context) NavMoveResultLocalVisible() NavItemData
- func (self *Context) NavMoveResultOther() NavItemData
- func (self *Context) NavMoveScoringItems() bool
- func (self *Context) NavMoveScrollFlags() ScrollFlags
- func (self *Context) NavMoveSubmitted() bool
- func (self *Context) NavNextActivateFlags() ActivateFlags
- func (self *Context) NavNextActivateId() ID
- func (self *Context) NavScoringDebugCount() int32
- func (self *Context) NavScoringNoClipRect() Rect
- func (self *Context) NavScoringRect() Rect
- func (self *Context) NavTabbingCounter() int32
- func (self *Context) NavTabbingDir() int32
- func (self *Context) NavTabbingResultFirst() NavItemData
- func (self *Context) NavTreeNodeStack() Vector[*NavTreeNodeData]
- func (self *Context) NavWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingAccumDeltaPos() Vec2
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingAccumDeltaSize() Vec2
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingHighlightAlpha() float32
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingListWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingTarget() *Window
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingTargetAnim() *Window
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) NavWindowingToggleLayer() bool
- func (self *Context) NextItemData() NextItemData
- func (self *Context) NextWindowData() NextWindowData
- func (self *Context) OpenPopupStack() Vector[*PopupData]
- func (self *Context) PlatformIO() PlatformIO
- func (self *Context) PlatformImeData() PlatformImeData
- func (self *Context) PlatformImeDataPrev() PlatformImeData
- func (self *Context) PlatformImeViewport() ID
- func (self *Context) PlatformLastFocusedViewportId() ID
- func (self *Context) PlatformWindowsCreatedCount() int32
- func (self *Context) ScrollbarClickDeltaToGrabCenter() float32
- func (self Context) SetActiveId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdAllowOverlap(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdClickOffset(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdHasBeenEditedBefore(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdHasBeenEditedThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdHasBeenPressedBefore(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdIsAlive(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdIsJustActivated(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdMouseButton(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdNoClearOnFocusLoss(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrame(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrameHasBeenEditedBefore(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrameWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdSource(v InputSource)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdUsingNavDirMask(v uint32)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdUsingNavInputMask(v uint32)
- func (self Context) SetActiveIdWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetBeginMenuCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetBeginPopupStack(v Vector[*PopupData])
- func (self Context) SetClipboardHandlerData(v Vector[string])
- func (self Context) SetClipperTempData(v Vector[*ListClipperData])
- func (self Context) SetClipperTempDataStacked(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetColorEditCurrentID(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetColorEditOptions(v ColorEditFlags)
- func (self Context) SetColorEditSavedColor(v uint32)
- func (self Context) SetColorEditSavedHue(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetColorEditSavedID(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetColorEditSavedSat(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetColorPickerRef(v Vec4)
- func (self Context) SetColorStack(v Vector[*ColorMod])
- func (self Context) SetComboPreviewData(v ComboPreviewData)
- func (self Context) SetConfigFlagsCurrFrame(v ConfigFlags)
- func (self Context) SetConfigFlagsLastFrame(v ConfigFlags)
- func (self Context) SetConfigNavWindowingKeyNext(v KeyChord)
- func (self Context) SetConfigNavWindowingKeyPrev(v KeyChord)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentDpiScale(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentFocusScopeId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentItemFlags(v ItemFlags)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentTabBar(v *TabBar)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentTabBarStack(v Vector[*PtrOrIndex])
- func (self Context) SetCurrentTable(v *Table)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentViewport(v *ViewportP)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetCurrentWindowStack(v Vector[*WindowStackData])
- func (self Context) SetDebugBeginReturnValueCullDepth(v int)
- func (self Context) SetDebugHookIdInfo(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetDebugHoveredDockNode(v *DockNode)
- func (self Context) SetDebugItemPickerActive(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetDebugItemPickerBreakId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetDebugItemPickerMouseButton(v byte)
- func (self Context) SetDebugLocateFrames(v byte)
- func (self Context) SetDebugLocateId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetDebugLogBuf(v TextBuffer)
- func (self Context) SetDebugLogClipperAutoDisableFrames(v byte)
- func (self Context) SetDebugLogFlags(v DebugLogFlags)
- func (self Context) SetDebugLogIndex(v TextIndex)
- func (self Context) SetDebugMetricsConfig(v MetricsConfig)
- func (self Context) SetDebugStackTool(v StackTool)
- func (self Context) SetDimBgRatio(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetDisabledAlphaBackup(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetDisabledStackSize(v int16)
- func (self Context) SetDockContext(v DockContext)
- func (self Context) SetDragCurrentAccum(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetDragCurrentAccumDirty(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropAcceptFlags(v DragDropFlags)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropAcceptFrameCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropAcceptIdCurr(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropAcceptIdCurrRectSurface(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropAcceptIdPrev(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropActive(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropHoldJustPressedId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropMouseButton(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropPayload(v Payload)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropSourceFlags(v DragDropFlags)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropSourceFrameCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropTargetId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropTargetRect(v Rect)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropWithinSource(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetDragDropWithinTarget(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetDragSpeedDefaultRatio(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetDrawChannelsTempMergeBuffer(v Vector[*DrawChannel])
- func (self Context) SetDrawListSharedData(v DrawListSharedData)
- func (self Context) SetFallbackMonitor(v PlatformMonitor)
- func (self Context) SetFocusScopeStack(v Vector[*ID])
- func (self Context) SetFont(v *Font)
- func (self Context) SetFontAtlasOwnedByContext(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetFontBaseSize(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetFontSize(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetFrameCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetFrameCountEnded(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetFrameCountPlatformEnded(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetFrameCountRendered(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetFramerateSecPerFrameAccum(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetFramerateSecPerFrameCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetFramerateSecPerFrameIdx(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetGcCompactAll(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetGroupStack(v Vector[*GroupData])
- func (self Context) SetHookIdNext(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetHooks(v Vector[*ContextHook])
- func (self Context) SetHoverItemDelayClearTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetHoverItemDelayId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetHoverItemDelayIdPreviousFrame(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetHoverItemDelayTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetHoverItemUnlockedStationaryId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetHoverWindowUnlockedStationaryId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredIdAllowOverlap(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredIdDisabled(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredIdNotActiveTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredIdPreviousFrame(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredIdTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetHoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetIO(v IO)
- func (self Context) SetInitialized(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetInputEventsNextEventId(v uint32)
- func (self Context) SetInputEventsNextMouseSource(v MouseSource)
- func (self Context) SetInputEventsQueue(v Vector[*InputEvent])
- func (self Context) SetInputEventsTrail(v Vector[*InputEvent])
- func (self Context) SetInputTextDeactivatedState(v InputTextDeactivatedState)
- func (self Context) SetInputTextPasswordFont(v Font)
- func (self Context) SetInputTextState(v InputTextState)
- func (self Context) SetKeysRoutingTable(v KeyRoutingTable)
- func (self Context) SetLastActiveId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetLastActiveIdTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetLastItemData(v LastItemData)
- func (self Context) SetLockMarkEdited(v int16)
- func (self Context) SetLogBuffer(v TextBuffer)
- func (self Context) SetLogDepthRef(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetLogDepthToExpand(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetLogDepthToExpandDefault(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetLogEnabled(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetLogLineFirstItem(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetLogLinePosY(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetLogNextPrefix(v string)
- func (self Context) SetLogNextSuffix(v string)
- func (self Context) SetLogType(v LogType)
- func (self Context) SetMenusIdSubmittedThisFrame(v Vector[*ID])
- func (self Context) SetMouseCursor(v MouseCursor)
- func (self Context) SetMouseLastHoveredViewport(v *ViewportP)
- func (self Context) SetMouseLastValidPos(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetMouseStationaryTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetMouseViewport(v *ViewportP)
- func (self Context) SetMovingWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetNavActivateDownId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavActivateFlags(v ActivateFlags)
- func (self Context) SetNavActivateId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavActivatePressedId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavAnyRequest(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavDisableHighlight(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavDisableMouseHover(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavFocusScopeId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavIdIsAlive(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavInitRequest(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavInitRequestFromMove(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavInitResult(v NavItemData)
- func (self Context) SetNavInputSource(v InputSource)
- func (self Context) SetNavJustMovedToFocusScopeId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavJustMovedToId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavJustMovedToKeyMods(v KeyChord)
- func (self Context) SetNavLayer(v NavLayer)
- func (self Context) SetNavMousePosDirty(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveClipDir(v Dir)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveDir(v Dir)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveDirForDebug(v Dir)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveFlags(v NavMoveFlags)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveForwardToNextFrame(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveKeyMods(v KeyChord)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveResultLocal(v NavItemData)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveResultLocalVisible(v NavItemData)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveResultOther(v NavItemData)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveScoringItems(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveScrollFlags(v ScrollFlags)
- func (self Context) SetNavMoveSubmitted(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNavNextActivateFlags(v ActivateFlags)
- func (self Context) SetNavNextActivateId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetNavScoringDebugCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetNavScoringNoClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self Context) SetNavScoringRect(v Rect)
- func (self Context) SetNavTabbingCounter(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetNavTabbingDir(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetNavTabbingResultFirst(v NavItemData)
- func (self Context) SetNavTreeNodeStack(v Vector[*NavTreeNodeData])
- func (self Context) SetNavWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingAccumDeltaPos(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingAccumDeltaSize(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingHighlightAlpha(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingListWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingTarget(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingTargetAnim(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetNavWindowingToggleLayer(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetNextItemData(v NextItemData)
- func (self Context) SetNextWindowData(v NextWindowData)
- func (self Context) SetOpenPopupStack(v Vector[*PopupData])
- func (self Context) SetPlatformIO(v PlatformIO)
- func (self Context) SetPlatformImeData(v PlatformImeData)
- func (self Context) SetPlatformImeDataPrev(v PlatformImeData)
- func (self Context) SetPlatformImeViewport(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetPlatformLastFocusedViewportId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetPlatformWindowsCreatedCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetScrollbarClickDeltaToGrabCenter(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetSettingsDirtyTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetSettingsHandlers(v Vector[*SettingsHandler])
- func (self Context) SetSettingsIniData(v TextBuffer)
- func (self Context) SetSettingsLoaded(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetShrinkWidthBuffer(v Vector[*ShrinkWidthItem])
- func (self Context) SetSliderCurrentAccum(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetSliderCurrentAccumDirty(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetSliderGrabClickOffset(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetStyle(v Style)
- func (self Context) SetStyleVarStack(v Vector[*StyleMod])
- func (self Context) SetTablesLastTimeActive(v Vector[*float32])
- func (self Context) SetTablesTempData(v Vector[*TableTempData])
- func (self Context) SetTablesTempDataStacked(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetTempBuffer(v Vector[string])
- func (self Context) SetTempInputId(v ID)
- func (self Context) SetTestEngine(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self Context) SetTestEngineHookItems(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetTime(v float64)
- func (self Context) SetTooltipOverrideCount(v int16)
- func (self Context) SetTypingSelectState(v TypingSelectState)
- func (self Context) SetViewportCreatedCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetViewportFocusedStampCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetWantCaptureKeyboardNextFrame(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetWantCaptureMouseNextFrame(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetWantTextInputNextFrame(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetWheelingAxisAvg(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetWheelingWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Context) SetWheelingWindowRefMousePos(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetWheelingWindowReleaseTimer(v float32)
- func (self Context) SetWheelingWindowStartFrame(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetWheelingWindowWheelRemainder(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetWindowsActiveCount(v int32)
- func (self Context) SetWindowsById(v Storage)
- func (self Context) SetWindowsHoverPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Context) SetWithinEndChild(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetWithinFrameScope(v bool)
- func (self Context) SetWithinFrameScopeWithImplicitWindow(v bool)
- func (self *Context) SettingsDirtyTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) SettingsHandlers() Vector[*SettingsHandler]
- func (self *Context) SettingsIniData() TextBuffer
- func (self *Context) SettingsLoaded() bool
- func (self *Context) ShrinkWidthBuffer() Vector[*ShrinkWidthItem]
- func (self *Context) SliderCurrentAccum() float32
- func (self *Context) SliderCurrentAccumDirty() bool
- func (self *Context) SliderGrabClickOffset() float32
- func (self *Context) Style() Style
- func (self *Context) StyleVarStack() Vector[*StyleMod]
- func (self *Context) TablesLastTimeActive() Vector[*float32]
- func (self *Context) TablesTempData() Vector[*TableTempData]
- func (self *Context) TablesTempDataStacked() int32
- func (self *Context) TempBuffer() Vector[string]
- func (self *Context) TempInputId() ID
- func (self *Context) TestEngine() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *Context) TestEngineHookItems() bool
- func (self *Context) Time() float64
- func (self *Context) TooltipOverrideCount() int16
- func (self *Context) TypingSelectState() TypingSelectState
- func (self *Context) ViewportCreatedCount() int32
- func (self *Context) ViewportFocusedStampCount() int32
- func (self *Context) WantCaptureKeyboardNextFrame() int32
- func (self *Context) WantCaptureMouseNextFrame() int32
- func (self *Context) WantTextInputNextFrame() int32
- func (self *Context) WheelingAxisAvg() Vec2
- func (self *Context) WheelingWindow() *Window
- func (self *Context) WheelingWindowRefMousePos() Vec2
- func (self *Context) WheelingWindowReleaseTimer() float32
- func (self *Context) WheelingWindowStartFrame() int32
- func (self *Context) WheelingWindowWheelRemainder() Vec2
- func (self *Context) WindowsActiveCount() int32
- func (self *Context) WindowsById() Storage
- func (self *Context) WindowsHoverPadding() Vec2
- func (self *Context) WithinEndChild() bool
- func (self *Context) WithinFrameScope() bool
- func (self *Context) WithinFrameScopeWithImplicitWindow() bool
- type ContextHook
- func (self *ContextHook) Destroy()
- func (self *ContextHook) HookId() ID
- func (self *ContextHook) Owner() ID
- func (self ContextHook) SetHookId(v ID)
- func (self ContextHook) SetOwner(v ID)
- func (self ContextHook) SetType(v ContextHookType)
- func (self ContextHook) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *ContextHook) Type() ContextHookType
- func (self *ContextHook) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
- type ContextHookType
- type DataAuthority
- type DataType
- type DataTypeInfo
- func (self *DataTypeInfo) Name() string
- func (self *DataTypeInfo) PrintFmt() string
- func (self *DataTypeInfo) ScanFmt() string
- func (self DataTypeInfo) SetName(v string)
- func (self DataTypeInfo) SetPrintFmt(v string)
- func (self DataTypeInfo) SetScanFmt(v string)
- func (self DataTypeInfo) SetSize(v uint64)
- func (self *DataTypeInfo) Size() uint64
- type DataTypePrivate
- type DataTypeTempStorage
- type DataVarInfo
- func (self *DataVarInfo) Count() uint32
- func (self *DataVarInfo) InternalVarPtr(parent unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *DataVarInfo) Offset() uint32
- func (self DataVarInfo) SetCount(v uint32)
- func (self DataVarInfo) SetOffset(v uint32)
- func (self DataVarInfo) SetType(v DataType)
- func (self *DataVarInfo) Type() DataType
- type DebugLogFlags
- type Dir
- type DockContext
- type DockNode
- func InternalDockBuilderGetCentralNode(node_id ID) *DockNode
- func InternalDockBuilderGetNode(node_id ID) *DockNode
- func InternalDockContextFindNodeByID(ctx *Context, id ID) *DockNode
- func InternalDockNodeGetRootNode(node *DockNode) *DockNode
- func InternalNewDockNode(id ID) *DockNode
- func InternalWindowDockNode() *DockNode
- func (self *DockNode) AuthorityForPos() DataAuthority
- func (self *DockNode) AuthorityForSize() DataAuthority
- func (self *DockNode) AuthorityForViewport() DataAuthority
- func (self *DockNode) CentralNode() *DockNode
- func (self *DockNode) CountNodeWithWindows() int32
- func (self *DockNode) HasCentralNodeChild() bool
- func (self *DockNode) HasCloseButton() bool
- func (self *DockNode) HasWindowMenuButton() bool
- func (self *DockNode) HostWindow() *Window
- func (self *DockNode) ID() ID
- func (self *DockNode) InternalDestroy()
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsCentralNode() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsDockSpace() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsEmpty() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsFloatingNode() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsHiddenTabBar() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsLeafNode() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsNoTabBar() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsRootNode() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalIsSplitNode() bool
- func (self *DockNode) InternalRect() Rect
- func (self *DockNode) InternalSetLocalFlags(flags DockNodeFlags)
- func (self *DockNode) InternalUpdateMergedFlags()
- func (self *DockNode) IsBgDrawnThisFrame() bool
- func (self *DockNode) IsFocused() bool
- func (self *DockNode) IsVisible() bool
- func (self *DockNode) LastBgColor() uint32
- func (self *DockNode) LastFocusedNodeId() ID
- func (self *DockNode) LastFrameActive() int32
- func (self *DockNode) LastFrameAlive() int32
- func (self *DockNode) LastFrameFocused() int32
- func (self *DockNode) LocalFlagsInWindows() DockNodeFlags
- func (self *DockNode) MergedFlags() DockNodeFlags
- func (self *DockNode) OnlyNodeWithWindows() *DockNode
- func (self *DockNode) ParentNode() *DockNode
- func (self *DockNode) Pos() Vec2
- func (self *DockNode) RefViewportId() ID
- func (self *DockNode) SelectedTabId() ID
- func (self DockNode) SetAuthorityForPos(v DataAuthority)
- func (self DockNode) SetAuthorityForSize(v DataAuthority)
- func (self DockNode) SetAuthorityForViewport(v DataAuthority)
- func (self DockNode) SetCentralNode(v *DockNode)
- func (self DockNode) SetCountNodeWithWindows(v int32)
- func (self DockNode) SetHasCentralNodeChild(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetHasCloseButton(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetHasWindowMenuButton(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetHostWindow(v *Window)
- func (self DockNode) SetID(v ID)
- func (self DockNode) SetIsBgDrawnThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetIsFocused(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetIsVisible(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetLastBgColor(v uint32)
- func (self DockNode) SetLastFocusedNodeId(v ID)
- func (self DockNode) SetLastFrameActive(v int32)
- func (self DockNode) SetLastFrameAlive(v int32)
- func (self DockNode) SetLastFrameFocused(v int32)
- func (self DockNode) SetLocalFlagsInWindows(v DockNodeFlags)
- func (self DockNode) SetMergedFlags(v DockNodeFlags)
- func (self DockNode) SetOnlyNodeWithWindows(v *DockNode)
- func (self DockNode) SetParentNode(v *DockNode)
- func (self DockNode) SetPos(v Vec2)
- func (self DockNode) SetRefViewportId(v ID)
- func (self DockNode) SetSelectedTabId(v ID)
- func (self DockNode) SetSharedFlags(v DockNodeFlags)
- func (self DockNode) SetSize(v Vec2)
- func (self DockNode) SetSizeRef(v Vec2)
- func (self DockNode) SetSplitAxis(v Axis)
- func (self DockNode) SetState(v DockNodeState)
- func (self DockNode) SetTabBar(v *TabBar)
- func (self DockNode) SetVisibleWindow(v *Window)
- func (self DockNode) SetWantCloseAll(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetWantCloseTabId(v ID)
- func (self DockNode) SetWantHiddenTabBarToggle(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetWantHiddenTabBarUpdate(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetWantLockSizeOnce(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetWantMouseMove(v bool)
- func (self DockNode) SetWindowClass(v WindowClass)
- func (self *DockNode) SharedFlags() DockNodeFlags
- func (self *DockNode) Size() Vec2
- func (self *DockNode) SizeRef() Vec2
- func (self *DockNode) SplitAxis() Axis
- func (self *DockNode) State() DockNodeState
- func (self *DockNode) TabBar() *TabBar
- func (self *DockNode) VisibleWindow() *Window
- func (self *DockNode) WantCloseAll() bool
- func (self *DockNode) WantCloseTabId() ID
- func (self *DockNode) WantHiddenTabBarToggle() bool
- func (self *DockNode) WantHiddenTabBarUpdate() bool
- func (self *DockNode) WantLockSizeOnce() bool
- func (self *DockNode) WantMouseMove() bool
- func (self *DockNode) WindowClass() WindowClass
- type DockNodeFlags
- type DockNodeFlagsPrivate
- type DockNodeState
- type DragDropFlags
- type DrawChannel
- type DrawCmd
- func (d DrawCmd) CallUserCallback(list DrawList)
- func (self *DrawCmd) ClipRect() Vec4
- func (self *DrawCmd) Destroy()
- func (self *DrawCmd) ElemCount() uint32
- func (d DrawCmd) HasUserCallback() bool
- func (self *DrawCmd) IdxOffset() uint32
- func (self DrawCmd) SetClipRect(v Vec4)
- func (self DrawCmd) SetElemCount(v uint32)
- func (self DrawCmd) SetIdxOffset(v uint32)
- func (self DrawCmd) SetTextureId(v TextureID)
- func (self DrawCmd) SetUserCallbackData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self DrawCmd) SetVtxOffset(v uint32)
- func (self *DrawCmd) TexID() TextureID
- func (self *DrawCmd) TextureId() TextureID
- func (self *DrawCmd) UserCallbackData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *DrawCmd) VtxOffset() uint32
- type DrawCmdHeader
- type DrawData
- func (self *DrawData) AddDrawList(draw_list *DrawList)
- func (self *DrawData) Clear()
- func (self *DrawData) CmdListsCount() int32
- func (d DrawData) CommandLists() []DrawList
- func (self *DrawData) DeIndexAllBuffers()
- func (self *DrawData) Destroy()
- func (self *DrawData) DisplayPos() Vec2
- func (self *DrawData) DisplaySize() Vec2
- func (self *DrawData) FramebufferScale() Vec2
- func (self *DrawData) OwnerViewport() *Viewport
- func (self *DrawData) ScaleClipRects(fb_scale Vec2)
- func (self DrawData) SetCmdListsCount(v int32)
- func (self DrawData) SetDisplayPos(v Vec2)
- func (self DrawData) SetDisplaySize(v Vec2)
- func (self DrawData) SetFramebufferScale(v Vec2)
- func (self DrawData) SetOwnerViewport(v *Viewport)
- func (self DrawData) SetTotalIdxCount(v int32)
- func (self DrawData) SetTotalVtxCount(v int32)
- func (self DrawData) SetValid(v bool)
- func (self *DrawData) TotalIdxCount() int32
- func (self *DrawData) TotalVtxCount() int32
- func (self *DrawData) Valid() bool
- type DrawDataBuilder
- type DrawFlags
- type DrawIdx
- type DrawList
- func BackgroundDrawListNil() *DrawList
- func BackgroundDrawListViewportPtr(viewport *Viewport) *DrawList
- func ForegroundDrawListNil() *DrawList
- func ForegroundDrawListViewportPtr(viewport *Viewport) *DrawList
- func InternalForegroundDrawListWindowPtr(window *Window) *DrawList
- func NewDrawList(shared_data *DrawListSharedData) *DrawList
- func PlotGetPlotDrawList() *DrawList
- func WindowDrawList() *DrawList
- func (self *DrawList) AddBezierCubic(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddBezierCubicV(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddBezierQuadratic(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddBezierQuadraticV(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddCircle(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddCircleFilled(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddCircleFilledV(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddCircleV(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32, num_segments int32, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddConvexPolyFilled(points *Vec2, num_points int32, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddDrawCmd()
- func (self *DrawList) AddEllipse(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddEllipseFilled(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddEllipseFilledV(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, col uint32, rot float32, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddEllipseV(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, col uint32, rot float32, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddImage(user_texture_id TextureID, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) AddImageQuad(user_texture_id TextureID, p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) AddImageQuadV(user_texture_id TextureID, p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddImageRounded(user_texture_id TextureID, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, uv_min Vec2, uv_max Vec2, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddImageRoundedV(user_texture_id TextureID, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, uv_min Vec2, uv_max Vec2, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddImageV(user_texture_id TextureID, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, uv_min Vec2, uv_max Vec2, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddLine(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddLineV(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddNgon(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddNgonFilled(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddNgonV(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32, num_segments int32, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddPolyline(points *Vec2, num_points int32, col uint32, flags DrawFlags, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddQuad(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddQuadFilled(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddQuadV(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddRect(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddRectFilled(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddRectFilledMultiColor(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, col_upr_left uint32, col_upr_right uint32, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddRectFilledV(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, col uint32, rounding float32, flags DrawFlags)
- func (self *DrawList) AddRectV(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, col uint32, rounding float32, flags DrawFlags, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddTextFontPtr(font *Font, font_size float32, pos Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func (self *DrawList) AddTextFontPtrV(font *Font, font_size float32, pos Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) AddTextVec2(pos Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func (self *DrawList) AddTextVec2V(pos Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func (self *DrawList) AddTriangle(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddTriangleFilled(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) AddTriangleV(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount(radius float32) int32
- func (self *DrawList) ChannelsMerge()
- func (self *DrawList) ChannelsSetCurrent(n int32)
- func (self *DrawList) ChannelsSplit(count int32)
- func (self *DrawList) ClearFreeMemory()
- func (self *DrawList) ClipRectMax() Vec2
- func (self *DrawList) ClipRectMin() Vec2
- func (self *DrawList) CloneOutput() *DrawList
- func (self *DrawList) CmdBuffer() Vector[*DrawCmd]
- func (self *DrawList) CmdHeader() DrawCmdHeader
- func (d DrawList) Commands() []DrawCmd
- func (self *DrawList) Data() *DrawListSharedData
- func (self *DrawList) Destroy()
- func (self *DrawList) Flags() DrawListFlags
- func (self *DrawList) FringeScale() float32
- func (d DrawList) GetIndexBuffer() (unsafe.Pointer, int)
- func (d DrawList) GetVertexBuffer() (unsafe.Pointer, int)
- func (self *DrawList) IdxBuffer() Vector[*DrawIdx]
- func (self *DrawList) IdxWritePtr() *DrawIdx
- func (self *DrawList) OnChangedClipRect()
- func (self *DrawList) OnChangedTextureID()
- func (self *DrawList) OnChangedVtxOffset()
- func (self *DrawList) OwnerName() string
- func (self *DrawList) PathArcTo(center Vec2, radius float32, a_min float32, a_max float32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathArcToFast(center Vec2, radius float32, a_min_of_12 int32, a_max_of_12 int32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathArcToFastEx(center Vec2, radius float32, a_min_sample int32, a_max_sample int32, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) PathArcToN(center Vec2, radius float32, a_min float32, a_max float32, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathArcToV(center Vec2, radius float32, a_min float32, a_max float32, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathBezierCubicCurveTo(p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) PathBezierCubicCurveToV(p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo(p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) PathBezierQuadraticCurveToV(p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, num_segments int32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathClear()
- func (self *DrawList) PathEllipticalArcTo(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, rot float32, a_min float32, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) PathEllipticalArcToV(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, rot float32, a_min float32, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) PathFillConvex(col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathLineTo(pos Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) PathLineToMergeDuplicate(pos Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) PathRect(rect_min Vec2, rect_max Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) PathRectV(rect_min Vec2, rect_max Vec2, rounding float32, flags DrawFlags)
- func (self *DrawList) PathStroke(col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) PathStrokeV(col uint32, flags DrawFlags, thickness float32)
- func (self *DrawList) PopClipRect()
- func (self *DrawList) PopTextureID()
- func (self *DrawList) PopUnusedDrawCmd()
- func (self *DrawList) PrimQuadUV(a Vec2, b Vec2, c Vec2, d Vec2, uv_a Vec2, uv_b Vec2, uv_c Vec2, uv_d Vec2, ...)
- func (self *DrawList) PrimRect(a Vec2, b Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) PrimRectUV(a Vec2, b Vec2, uv_a Vec2, uv_b Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) PrimReserve(idx_count int32, vtx_count int32)
- func (self *DrawList) PrimUnreserve(idx_count int32, vtx_count int32)
- func (self *DrawList) PrimVtx(pos Vec2, uv Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) PrimWriteIdx(idx DrawIdx)
- func (self *DrawList) PrimWriteVtx(pos Vec2, uv Vec2, col uint32)
- func (self *DrawList) PushClipRect(clip_rect_min Vec2, clip_rect_max Vec2)
- func (self *DrawList) PushClipRectFullScreen()
- func (self *DrawList) PushClipRectV(clip_rect_min Vec2, clip_rect_max Vec2, intersect_with_current_clip_rect bool)
- func (self *DrawList) PushTextureID(texture_id TextureID)
- func (self *DrawList) ResetForNewFrame()
- func (self DrawList) SetClipRectStack(v Vector[*Vec4])
- func (self DrawList) SetCmdBuffer(v Vector[*DrawCmd])
- func (self DrawList) SetCmdHeader(v DrawCmdHeader)
- func (self DrawList) SetData(v *DrawListSharedData)
- func (self DrawList) SetFlags(v DrawListFlags)
- func (self DrawList) SetFringeScale(v float32)
- func (self DrawList) SetIdxBuffer(v Vector[*DrawIdx])
- func (self DrawList) SetIdxWritePtr(v *DrawIdx)
- func (self DrawList) SetOwnerName(v string)
- func (self DrawList) SetPath(v Vector[*Vec2])
- func (self DrawList) SetSplitter(v DrawListSplitter)
- func (self DrawList) SetVtxBuffer(v Vector[*DrawVert])
- func (self DrawList) SetVtxCurrentIdx(v uint32)
- func (self DrawList) SetVtxWritePtr(v *DrawVert)
- func (self *DrawList) Splitter() DrawListSplitter
- func (self *DrawList) TryMergeDrawCmds()
- func (self *DrawList) VtxBuffer() Vector[*DrawVert]
- func (self *DrawList) VtxCurrentIdx() uint32
- func (self *DrawList) VtxWritePtr() *DrawVert
- type DrawListFlags
- type DrawListSharedData
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) ArcFastRadiusCutoff() float32
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) CircleSegmentMaxError() float32
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) ClipRectFullscreen() Vec4
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) CurveTessellationTol() float32
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) Destroy()
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) Font() *Font
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) FontSize() float32
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) InitialFlags() DrawListFlags
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) InternalSetCircleTessellationMaxError(max_error float32)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetArcFastRadiusCutoff(v float32)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetCircleSegmentMaxError(v float32)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetClipRectFullscreen(v Vec4)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetCurveTessellationTol(v float32)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetFont(v *Font)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetFontSize(v float32)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetInitialFlags(v DrawListFlags)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetTempBuffer(v Vector[*Vec2])
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetTexUvLines(v *Vec4)
- func (self DrawListSharedData) SetTexUvWhitePixel(v Vec2)
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) TexUvLines() *Vec4
- func (self *DrawListSharedData) TexUvWhitePixel() Vec2
- type DrawListSplitter
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) Channels() Vector[*DrawChannel]
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) Clear()
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) ClearFreeMemory()
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) Count() int32
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) Current() int32
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) Destroy()
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) Merge(draw_list *DrawList)
- func (self DrawListSplitter) SetChannels(v Vector[*DrawChannel])
- func (self DrawListSplitter) SetCount(v int32)
- func (self DrawListSplitter) SetCurrent(v int32)
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) SetCurrentChannel(draw_list *DrawList, channel_idx int32)
- func (self *DrawListSplitter) Split(draw_list *DrawList, count int32)
- type DrawVert
- type DropCallback
- type Emphasis
- type EmphasisState
- type EmulateThreeButtonMouse
- type FocusRequestFlags
- type FocusedFlags
- type Font
- func (self *Font) AddGlyph(src_cfg *FontConfig, c Wchar, x0 float32, y0 float32, x1 float32, y1 float32, ...)
- func (self *Font) AddRemapChar(dst Wchar, src Wchar)
- func (self *Font) AddRemapCharV(dst Wchar, src Wchar, overwrite_dst bool)
- func (self *Font) Ascent() float32
- func (self *Font) BuildLookupTable()
- func (self *Font) CalcTextSizeA(size float32, max_width float32, wrap_width float32, text_begin string) Vec2
- func (self *Font) CalcTextSizeAV(size float32, max_width float32, wrap_width float32, text_begin string, ...) Vec2
- func (self *Font) CalcWordWrapPositionA(scale float32, text string, wrap_width float32) string
- func (self *Font) CharAdvance(c Wchar) float32
- func (self *Font) ClearOutputData()
- func (self *Font) ConfigData() *FontConfig
- func (self *Font) ConfigDataCount() int16
- func (self *Font) ContainerAtlas() *FontAtlas
- func (self *Font) DebugName() string
- func (self *Font) Descent() float32
- func (self *Font) Destroy()
- func (self *Font) DirtyLookupTables() bool
- func (self *Font) EllipsisChar() Wchar
- func (self *Font) EllipsisCharCount() int16
- func (self *Font) EllipsisCharStep() float32
- func (self *Font) EllipsisWidth() float32
- func (self *Font) FallbackAdvanceX() float32
- func (self *Font) FallbackChar() Wchar
- func (self *Font) FallbackGlyph() *FontGlyph
- func (self *Font) FindGlyph(c Wchar) *FontGlyph
- func (self *Font) FindGlyphNoFallback(c Wchar) *FontGlyph
- func (self *Font) FontSize() float32
- func (self *Font) Glyphs() Vector[*FontGlyph]
- func (self *Font) GrowIndex(new_size int32)
- func (self *Font) IndexAdvanceX() Vector[*float32]
- func (self *Font) IndexLookup() Vector[(*Wchar)]
- func (self *Font) IsGlyphRangeUnused(c_begin uint32, c_last uint32) bool
- func (self *Font) IsLoaded() bool
- func (self *Font) MetricsTotalSurface() int32
- func (self *Font) RenderChar(draw_list *DrawList, size float32, pos Vec2, col uint32, c Wchar)
- func (self *Font) RenderText(draw_list *DrawList, size float32, pos Vec2, col uint32, clip_rect Vec4, ...)
- func (self *Font) RenderTextV(draw_list *DrawList, size float32, pos Vec2, col uint32, clip_rect Vec4, ...)
- func (self *Font) Scale() float32
- func (self Font) SetAscent(v float32)
- func (self Font) SetConfigData(v *FontConfig)
- func (self Font) SetConfigDataCount(v int16)
- func (self Font) SetContainerAtlas(v *FontAtlas)
- func (self Font) SetDescent(v float32)
- func (self Font) SetDirtyLookupTables(v bool)
- func (self Font) SetEllipsisChar(v Wchar)
- func (self Font) SetEllipsisCharCount(v int16)
- func (self Font) SetEllipsisCharStep(v float32)
- func (self Font) SetEllipsisWidth(v float32)
- func (self Font) SetFallbackAdvanceX(v float32)
- func (self Font) SetFallbackChar(v Wchar)
- func (self Font) SetFallbackGlyph(v *FontGlyph)
- func (self Font) SetFontSize(v float32)
- func (self *Font) SetGlyphVisible(c Wchar, visible bool)
- func (self Font) SetGlyphs(v Vector[*FontGlyph])
- func (self Font) SetIndexAdvanceX(v Vector[*float32])
- func (self Font) SetIndexLookup(v Vector[(*Wchar)])
- func (self Font) SetMetricsTotalSurface(v int32)
- func (self Font) SetScale(v float32)
- type FontAtlas
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddCustomRectFontGlyph(font *Font, id Wchar, width int32, height int32, advance_x float32) int32
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddCustomRectFontGlyphV(font *Font, id Wchar, width int32, height int32, advance_x float32, ...) int32
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddCustomRectRegular(width int32, height int32) int32
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFont(font_cfg *FontConfig) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontDefault() *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontDefaultV(font_cfg *FontConfig) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromFileTTF(filename string, size_pixels float32) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromFileTTFV(filename string, size_pixels float32, font_cfg *FontConfig, ...) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF(compressed_font_data_base85 string, size_pixels float32) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTFV(compressed_font_data_base85 string, size_pixels float32, font_cfg *FontConfig, ...) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF(compressed_font_data unsafe.Pointer, compressed_font_data_size int32, ...) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTFV(compressed_font_data unsafe.Pointer, compressed_font_data_size int32, ...) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryTTF(font_data unsafe.Pointer, font_data_size int32, size_pixels float32) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryTTFV(font_data unsafe.Pointer, font_data_size int32, size_pixels float32, ...) *Font
- func (self *FontAtlas) Build() bool
- func (self *FontAtlas) CalcCustomRectUV(rect *FontAtlasCustomRect, out_uv_min *Vec2, out_uv_max *Vec2)
- func (self *FontAtlas) Clear()
- func (self *FontAtlas) ClearFonts()
- func (self *FontAtlas) ClearInputData()
- func (self *FontAtlas) ClearTexData()
- func (self *FontAtlas) ConfigData() Vector[*FontConfig]
- func (self *FontAtlas) CustomRectByIndex(index int32) *FontAtlasCustomRect
- func (self *FontAtlas) CustomRects() Vector[*FontAtlasCustomRect]
- func (self *FontAtlas) Destroy()
- func (self *FontAtlas) Flags() FontAtlasFlags
- func (self *FontAtlas) FontBuilderFlags() uint32
- func (self *FontAtlas) FontBuilderIO() *FontBuilderIO
- func (fa FontAtlas) FontCount() int
- func (self FontAtlas) GetTextureDataAsRGBA32() (pixels unsafe.Pointer, width int32, height int32, outBytesPerPixel int32)
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesChineseFull() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesCyrillic() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesDefault() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesGreek() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesJapanese() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesKorean() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesThai() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) GlyphRangesVietnamese() *Wchar
- func (self *FontAtlas) IsBuilt() bool
- func (self *FontAtlas) Locked() bool
- func (self *FontAtlas) MouseCursorTexData(cursor MouseCursor, out_offset *Vec2, out_size *Vec2, out_uv_border [2]*Vec2, ...) bool
- func (self *FontAtlas) PackIdLines() int32
- func (self *FontAtlas) PackIdMouseCursors() int32
- func (self FontAtlas) SetConfigData(v Vector[*FontConfig])
- func (self FontAtlas) SetCustomRects(v Vector[*FontAtlasCustomRect])
- func (self FontAtlas) SetFlags(v FontAtlasFlags)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetFontBuilderFlags(v uint32)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetFontBuilderIO(v *FontBuilderIO)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetLocked(v bool)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetPackIdLines(v int32)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetPackIdMouseCursors(v int32)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexDesiredWidth(v int32)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexGlyphPadding(v int32)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexHeight(v int32)
- func (self *FontAtlas) SetTexID(id TextureID)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexPixelsAlpha8(v *uint)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexPixelsRGBA32(v *uint32)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexPixelsUseColors(v bool)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexReady(v bool)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexUvScale(v Vec2)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexUvWhitePixel(v Vec2)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetTexWidth(v int32)
- func (self FontAtlas) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexDesiredWidth() int32
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexGlyphPadding() int32
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexHeight() int32
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexPixelsAlpha8() *uint
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexPixelsRGBA32() *uint32
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexPixelsUseColors() bool
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexReady() bool
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexUvScale() Vec2
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexUvWhitePixel() Vec2
- func (self *FontAtlas) TexWidth() int32
- func (self FontAtlas) TextureDataAsAlpha8() (pixels unsafe.Pointer, width int32, height int32, outBytesPerPixel int32)
- func (self *FontAtlas) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
- type FontAtlasCustomRect
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Destroy()
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Font() *Font
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphAdvanceX() float32
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphID() uint32
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphOffset() Vec2
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Height() uint16
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) IsPacked() bool
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetFont(v *Font)
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphAdvanceX(v float32)
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphID(v uint32)
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphOffset(v Vec2)
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetHeight(v uint16)
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetWidth(v uint16)
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetX(v uint16)
- func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetY(v uint16)
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Width() uint16
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) X() uint16
- func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Y() uint16
- type FontAtlasFlags
- type FontBuilderIO
- type FontConfig
- func (self *FontConfig) Destroy()
- func (self *FontConfig) DstFont() *Font
- func (self *FontConfig) EllipsisChar() Wchar
- func (self *FontConfig) FontBuilderFlags() uint32
- func (self *FontConfig) FontData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *FontConfig) FontDataOwnedByAtlas() bool
- func (self *FontConfig) FontDataSize() int32
- func (self *FontConfig) FontNo() int32
- func (self *FontConfig) GlyphExtraSpacing() Vec2
- func (self *FontConfig) GlyphMaxAdvanceX() float32
- func (self *FontConfig) GlyphMinAdvanceX() float32
- func (self *FontConfig) GlyphOffset() Vec2
- func (self *FontConfig) GlyphRanges() *Wchar
- func (self *FontConfig) MergeMode() bool
- func (self *FontConfig) OversampleH() int32
- func (self *FontConfig) OversampleV() int32
- func (self *FontConfig) PixelSnapH() bool
- func (self *FontConfig) RasterizerMultiply() float32
- func (self FontConfig) SetDstFont(v *Font)
- func (self FontConfig) SetEllipsisChar(v Wchar)
- func (self FontConfig) SetFontBuilderFlags(v uint32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetFontData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self FontConfig) SetFontDataOwnedByAtlas(v bool)
- func (self FontConfig) SetFontDataSize(v int32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetFontNo(v int32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphExtraSpacing(v Vec2)
- func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphMaxAdvanceX(v float32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphMinAdvanceX(v float32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphOffset(v Vec2)
- func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphRanges(v *Wchar)
- func (self FontConfig) SetMergeMode(v bool)
- func (self FontConfig) SetOversampleH(v int32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetOversampleV(v int32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetPixelSnapH(v bool)
- func (self FontConfig) SetRasterizerMultiply(v float32)
- func (self FontConfig) SetSizePixels(v float32)
- func (self *FontConfig) SizePixels() float32
- type FontGlyph
- func (self *FontGlyph) AdvanceX() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) Codepoint() uint32
- func (self *FontGlyph) Colored() uint32
- func (self FontGlyph) SetAdvanceX(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetCodepoint(v uint32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetColored(v uint32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetU0(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetU1(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetV0(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetV1(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetVisible(v uint32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetX0(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetX1(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetY0(v float32)
- func (self FontGlyph) SetY1(v float32)
- func (self *FontGlyph) U0() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) U1() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) V0() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) V1() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) Visible() uint32
- func (self *FontGlyph) X0() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) X1() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) Y0() float32
- func (self *FontGlyph) Y1() float32
- type FontGlyphRangesBuilder
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddChar(c Wchar)
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddRanges(ranges *Wchar)
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddText(text string)
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddTextV(text string)
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Bit(n uint64) bool
- func (fa FontGlyphRangesBuilder) BuildRanges(ranges GlyphRange)
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Clear()
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Destroy()
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) SetBit(n uint64)
- func (self FontGlyphRangesBuilder) SetUsedChars(v Vector[*uint32])
- func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) UsedChars() Vector[*uint32]
- type FormatterTimeData
- type GLFWBackend
- func (b GLFWBackend) ContentScale() (width, height float32)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) CreateTexture(pixels unsafe.Pointer, width, height int) TextureID
- func (b *GLFWBackend) CreateTextureRgba(img *image.RGBA, width, height int) TextureID
- func (b *GLFWBackend) CreateWindow(title string, width, height int)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) DeleteTexture(id TextureID)
- func (b GLFWBackend) DisplaySize() (width int32, height int32)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) GetWindowPos() (x, y int32)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) Refresh()
- func (b *GLFWBackend) Run(loop func())
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetAfterCreateContextHook(hook func())
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetAfterRenderHook(hook func())
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetBeforeDestroyContextHook(hook func())
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetBeforeRenderHook(hook func())
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetBgColor(color Vec4)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetCloseCallback(cbfun WindowCloseCallback[GLFWWindowFlags])
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetDropCallback(cbfun DropCallback)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetIcons(images ...image.Image)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetKeyCallback(cbfun KeyCallback)
- func (b GLFWBackend) SetShouldClose(value bool)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetSizeChangeCallback(cbfun SizeChangeCallback)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetTargetFPS(fps uint)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowFlags(flag GLFWWindowFlags, value int)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowPos(x, y int)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowSize(width, height int)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowSizeLimits(minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight int)
- func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowTitle(title string)
- type GLFWKey
- type GLFWModifierKey
- type GLFWWindowFlags
- type GlyphRange
- type GroupData
- func (self *GroupData) BackupActiveIdIsAlive() ID
- func (self *GroupData) BackupActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive() bool
- func (self *GroupData) BackupCurrLineSize() Vec2
- func (self *GroupData) BackupCurrLineTextBaseOffset() float32
- func (self *GroupData) BackupCursorMaxPos() Vec2
- func (self *GroupData) BackupCursorPos() Vec2
- func (self *GroupData) BackupGroupOffset() Vec1
- func (self *GroupData) BackupHoveredIdIsAlive() bool
- func (self *GroupData) BackupIndent() Vec1
- func (self *GroupData) EmitItem() bool
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupActiveIdIsAlive(v ID)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive(v bool)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupCurrLineSize(v Vec2)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupCurrLineTextBaseOffset(v float32)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupCursorMaxPos(v Vec2)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupCursorPos(v Vec2)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupGroupOffset(v Vec1)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupHoveredIdIsAlive(v bool)
- func (self GroupData) SetBackupIndent(v Vec1)
- func (self GroupData) SetEmitItem(v bool)
- func (self GroupData) SetWindowID(v ID)
- func (self *GroupData) WindowID() ID
- type HoveredFlags
- type HoveredFlagsPrivate
- type ID
- func DockSpace(id ID) ID
- func DockSpaceOverViewport() ID
- func DockSpaceOverViewportV(viewport *Viewport, flags DockNodeFlags, window_class *WindowClass) ID
- func DockSpaceV(id ID, size Vec2, flags DockNodeFlags, window_class *WindowClass) ID
- func IDPtr(ptr_id unsafe.Pointer) ID
- func IDStr(str_id string) ID
- func IDStrStr(str_id_begin string, str_id_end string) ID
- func InternalActiveID() ID
- func InternalAddContextHook(context *Context, hook *ContextHook) ID
- func InternalColumnsID(str_id string, count int32) ID
- func InternalCurrentFocusScope() ID
- func InternalDockBuilderAddNode() ID
- func InternalDockBuilderAddNodeV(node_id ID, flags DockNodeFlags) ID
- func InternalDockBuilderSplitNode(node_id ID, split_dir Dir, size_ratio_for_node_at_dir float32, ...) ID
- func InternalDockContextGenNodeID(ctx *Context) ID
- func InternalDockNodeGetWindowMenuButtonId(node *DockNode) ID
- func InternalFocusID() ID
- func InternalHoveredID() ID
- func InternalIDWithSeedInt(n int32, seed ID) ID
- func InternalIDWithSeedStr(str_id_begin string, str_id_end string, seed ID) ID
- func InternalImHashData(data unsafe.Pointer, data_size uint64) ID
- func InternalImHashDataV(data unsafe.Pointer, data_size uint64, seed ID) ID
- func InternalImHashStr(data string) ID
- func InternalImHashStrV(data string, data_size uint64, seed ID) ID
- func InternalKeyOwner(key Key) ID
- func InternalTableGetColumnResizeID(table *Table, column_n int32) ID
- func InternalTableGetColumnResizeIDV(table *Table, column_n int32, instance_no int32) ID
- func InternalTableGetInstanceID(table *Table, instance_no int32) ID
- func InternalWindowResizeBorderID(window *Window, dir Dir) ID
- func InternalWindowResizeCornerID(window *Window, n int32) ID
- func InternalWindowScrollbarID(window *Window, axis Axis) ID
- func ItemID() ID
- func WindowDockID() ID
- type IO
- func (self *IO) AddFocusEvent(focused bool)
- func (self *IO) AddInputCharacter(c uint32)
- func (self *IO) AddInputCharacterUTF16(c uint16)
- func (self *IO) AddInputCharactersUTF8(str string)
- func (self *IO) AddKeyAnalogEvent(key Key, down bool, v float32)
- func (self *IO) AddKeyEvent(key Key, down bool)
- func (self *IO) AddMouseButtonEvent(button int32, down bool)
- func (self *IO) AddMousePosEvent(x float32, y float32)
- func (self *IO) AddMouseSourceEvent(source MouseSource)
- func (self *IO) AddMouseViewportEvent(id ID)
- func (io IO) AddMouseWheelDelta(horizontal, vertical float32)
- func (self *IO) AddMouseWheelEvent(wheel_x float32, wheel_y float32)
- func (self *IO) AppFocusLost() bool
- func (self *IO) BackendFlags() BackendFlags
- func (self *IO) BackendLanguageUserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *IO) BackendPlatformName() string
- func (self *IO) BackendPlatformUserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *IO) BackendRendererName() string
- func (self *IO) BackendRendererUserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *IO) BackendUsingLegacyKeyArrays() int
- func (self *IO) BackendUsingLegacyNavInputArray() bool
- func (self *IO) ClearEventsQueue()
- func (self *IO) ClearInputKeys()
- func (self *IO) ClipboardUserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *IO) ConfigDebugBeginReturnValueLoop() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDebugBeginReturnValueOnce() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDebugIgnoreFocusLoss() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDebugIniSettings() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDockingNoSplit() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDockingTransparentPayload() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDockingWithShift() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigDragClickToInputText() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigFlags() ConfigFlags
- func (self *IO) ConfigInputTextCursorBlink() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigInputTextEnterKeepActive() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigInputTrickleEventQueue() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigMacOSXBehaviors() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigMemoryCompactTimer() float32
- func (self *IO) ConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigViewportsNoDecoration() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigViewportsNoDefaultParent() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigViewportsNoTaskBarIcon() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly() bool
- func (self *IO) ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges() bool
- func (self *IO) Ctx() *Context
- func (self *IO) DeltaTime() float32
- func (self *IO) Destroy()
- func (self *IO) DisplayFramebufferScale() Vec2
- func (self *IO) DisplaySize() Vec2
- func (self *IO) FontAllowUserScaling() bool
- func (self *IO) FontDefault() *Font
- func (self *IO) FontGlobalScale() float32
- func (self *IO) Fonts() *FontAtlas
- func (self *IO) Framerate() float32
- func (self *IO) IniFilename() string
- func (self *IO) IniSavingRate() float32
- func (self *IO) InputQueueCharacters() Vector[(*Wchar)]
- func (self *IO) InputQueueSurrogate() uint16
- func (self *IO) KeyAlt() bool
- func (self *IO) KeyCtrl() bool
- func (self *IO) KeyRepeatDelay() float32
- func (self *IO) KeyRepeatRate() float32
- func (self *IO) KeyShift() bool
- func (self *IO) KeySuper() bool
- func (self *IO) LogFilename() string
- func (self *IO) MetricsActiveAllocations() int32
- func (self *IO) MetricsActiveWindows() int32
- func (self *IO) MetricsRenderIndices() int32
- func (self *IO) MetricsRenderVertices() int32
- func (self *IO) MetricsRenderWindows() int32
- func (self *IO) MouseDelta() Vec2
- func (self *IO) MouseDoubleClickMaxDist() float32
- func (self *IO) MouseDoubleClickTime() float32
- func (self *IO) MouseDragThreshold() float32
- func (self *IO) MouseDrawCursor() bool
- func (self *IO) MouseHoveredViewport() ID
- func (self *IO) MousePos() Vec2
- func (self *IO) MousePosPrev() Vec2
- func (self *IO) MouseSource() MouseSource
- func (self *IO) MouseWheel() float32
- func (self *IO) MouseWheelH() float32
- func (self *IO) MouseWheelRequestAxisSwap() bool
- func (self *IO) NavActive() bool
- func (self *IO) NavVisible() bool
- func (self *IO) PenPressure() float32
- func (self *IO) PlatformLocaleDecimalPoint() Wchar
- func (self *IO) SetAppAcceptingEvents(accepting_events bool)
- func (self IO) SetAppFocusLost(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetBackendFlags(v BackendFlags)
- func (self IO) SetBackendLanguageUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self IO) SetBackendPlatformName(v string)
- func (self IO) SetBackendPlatformUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self IO) SetBackendRendererName(v string)
- func (self IO) SetBackendRendererUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self IO) SetBackendUsingLegacyKeyArrays(v int)
- func (self IO) SetBackendUsingLegacyNavInputArray(v bool)
- func (io IO) SetClipboardHandler(handler ClipboardHandler)
- func (self IO) SetClipboardUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDebugBeginReturnValueLoop(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDebugBeginReturnValueOnce(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDebugIgnoreFocusLoss(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDebugIniSettings(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDockingNoSplit(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDockingTransparentPayload(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDockingWithShift(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigDragClickToInputText(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigFlags(v ConfigFlags)
- func (self IO) SetConfigInputTextCursorBlink(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigInputTextEnterKeepActive(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigInputTrickleEventQueue(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigMacOSXBehaviors(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigMemoryCompactTimer(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigViewportsNoDecoration(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigViewportsNoDefaultParent(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigViewportsNoTaskBarIcon(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetCtx(v *Context)
- func (self IO) SetDeltaTime(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetDisplayFramebufferScale(v Vec2)
- func (self IO) SetDisplaySize(v Vec2)
- func (self IO) SetFontAllowUserScaling(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetFontDefault(v *Font)
- func (self IO) SetFontGlobalScale(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetFonts(v *FontAtlas)
- func (self IO) SetFramerate(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetIniFilename(v string)
- func (self IO) SetIniSavingRate(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetInputQueueCharacters(v Vector[(*Wchar)])
- func (self IO) SetInputQueueSurrogate(v uint16)
- func (self IO) SetKeyAlt(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetKeyCtrl(v bool)
- func (self *IO) SetKeyEventNativeData(key Key, native_keycode int32, native_scancode int32)
- func (self *IO) SetKeyEventNativeDataV(key Key, native_keycode int32, native_scancode int32, ...)
- func (self IO) SetKeyMods(v KeyChord)
- func (self IO) SetKeyRepeatDelay(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetKeyRepeatRate(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetKeyShift(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetKeySuper(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetLogFilename(v string)
- func (self IO) SetMetricsActiveAllocations(v int32)
- func (self IO) SetMetricsActiveWindows(v int32)
- func (self IO) SetMetricsRenderIndices(v int32)
- func (self IO) SetMetricsRenderVertices(v int32)
- func (self IO) SetMetricsRenderWindows(v int32)
- func (io IO) SetMouseButtonDown(i int, down bool)
- func (self IO) SetMouseDelta(v Vec2)
- func (self IO) SetMouseDoubleClickMaxDist(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetMouseDoubleClickTime(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetMouseDragThreshold(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetMouseDrawCursor(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetMouseHoveredViewport(v ID)
- func (self IO) SetMousePos(v Vec2)
- func (self IO) SetMousePosPrev(v Vec2)
- func (self IO) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
- func (self IO) SetMouseWheel(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetMouseWheelH(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetMouseWheelRequestAxisSwap(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetNavActive(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetNavVisible(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetPenPressure(v float32)
- func (self IO) SetPlatformLocaleDecimalPoint(v Wchar)
- func (self IO) SetUnusedPadding(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self IO) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self IO) SetWantCaptureKeyboard(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetWantCaptureMouse(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetWantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetWantSaveIniSettings(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetWantSetMousePos(v bool)
- func (self IO) SetWantTextInput(v bool)
- func (self *IO) UnusedPadding() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *IO) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *IO) WantCaptureKeyboard() bool
- func (self *IO) WantCaptureMouse() bool
- func (self *IO) WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose() bool
- func (self *IO) WantSaveIniSettings() bool
- func (self *IO) WantSetMousePos() bool
- func (self *IO) WantTextInput() bool
- type InputEvent
- func (self *InputEvent) AddedByTestEngine() bool
- func (self *InputEvent) Destroy()
- func (self *InputEvent) EventId() uint32
- func (self InputEvent) SetAddedByTestEngine(v bool)
- func (self InputEvent) SetEventId(v uint32)
- func (self InputEvent) SetSource(v InputSource)
- func (self InputEvent) SetType(v InputEventType)
- func (self *InputEvent) Source() InputSource
- func (self *InputEvent) Type() InputEventType
- type InputEventAppFocused
- type InputEventKey
- type InputEventMouseButton
- func (self *InputEventMouseButton) Button() int32
- func (self *InputEventMouseButton) Down() bool
- func (self *InputEventMouseButton) MouseSource() MouseSource
- func (self InputEventMouseButton) SetButton(v int32)
- func (self InputEventMouseButton) SetDown(v bool)
- func (self InputEventMouseButton) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
- type InputEventMousePos
- func (self *InputEventMousePos) MouseSource() MouseSource
- func (self *InputEventMousePos) PosX() float32
- func (self *InputEventMousePos) PosY() float32
- func (self InputEventMousePos) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
- func (self InputEventMousePos) SetPosX(v float32)
- func (self InputEventMousePos) SetPosY(v float32)
- type InputEventMouseViewport
- type InputEventMouseWheel
- func (self *InputEventMouseWheel) MouseSource() MouseSource
- func (self InputEventMouseWheel) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
- func (self InputEventMouseWheel) SetWheelX(v float32)
- func (self InputEventMouseWheel) SetWheelY(v float32)
- func (self *InputEventMouseWheel) WheelX() float32
- func (self *InputEventMouseWheel) WheelY() float32
- type InputEventText
- type InputEventType
- type InputFlags
- type InputSource
- type InputTextCallback
- type InputTextCallbackData
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Buf() string
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) BufDirty() bool
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) BufSize() int32
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) BufTextLen() int32
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) ClearSelection()
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Ctx() *Context
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) CursorPos() int32
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) DeleteChars(pos int32, bytes_count int32)
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Destroy()
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) EventChar() Wchar
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) EventFlag() InputTextFlags
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) EventKey() Key
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Flags() InputTextFlags
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) HasSelection() bool
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) InsertChars(pos int32, text string)
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) InsertCharsV(pos int32, text string)
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) SelectAll()
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) SelectionEnd() int32
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) SelectionStart() int32
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBuf(v string)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBufDirty(v bool)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBufSize(v int32)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBufTextLen(v int32)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetCtx(v *Context)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetCursorPos(v int32)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetEventChar(v Wchar)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetEventFlag(v InputTextFlags)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetEventKey(v Key)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetFlags(v InputTextFlags)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetSelectionEnd(v int32)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetSelectionStart(v int32)
- func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *InputTextCallbackData) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
- type InputTextDeactivatedState
- func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) Destroy()
- func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) ID() ID
- func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) InternalClearFreeMemory()
- func (self InputTextDeactivatedState) SetID(v ID)
- func (self InputTextDeactivatedState) SetTextA(v Vector[string])
- func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) TextA() Vector[string]
- type InputTextFlags
- type InputTextFlagsPrivate
- type InputTextState
- func (self *InputTextState) BufCapacityA() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) Ctx() *Context
- func (self *InputTextState) CurLenA() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) CurLenW() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) CursorAnim() float32
- func (self *InputTextState) CursorFollow() bool
- func (self *InputTextState) Destroy()
- func (self *InputTextState) Edited() bool
- func (self *InputTextState) Flags() InputTextFlags
- func (self *InputTextState) ID() ID
- func (self *InputTextState) InitialTextA() Vector[string]
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalClearFreeMemory()
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalClearSelection()
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalClearText()
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalCursorAnimReset()
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalCursorClamp()
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalCursorPos() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalHasSelection() bool
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalOnKeyPressed(key int32)
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalRedoAvailCount() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalSelectAll()
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalSelectionEnd() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalSelectionStart() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) InternalUndoAvailCount() int32
- func (self *InputTextState) ScrollX() float32
- func (self *InputTextState) SelectedAllMouseLock() bool
- func (self InputTextState) SetBufCapacityA(v int32)
- func (self InputTextState) SetCtx(v *Context)
- func (self InputTextState) SetCurLenA(v int32)
- func (self InputTextState) SetCurLenW(v int32)
- func (self InputTextState) SetCursorAnim(v float32)
- func (self InputTextState) SetCursorFollow(v bool)
- func (self InputTextState) SetEdited(v bool)
- func (self InputTextState) SetFlags(v InputTextFlags)
- func (self InputTextState) SetID(v ID)
- func (self InputTextState) SetInitialTextA(v Vector[string])
- func (self InputTextState) SetScrollX(v float32)
- func (self InputTextState) SetSelectedAllMouseLock(v bool)
- func (self InputTextState) SetStb(v STBTexteditState)
- func (self InputTextState) SetTextA(v Vector[string])
- func (self InputTextState) SetTextAIsValid(v bool)
- func (self InputTextState) SetTextW(v Vector[(*Wchar)])
- func (self *InputTextState) Stb() STBTexteditState
- func (self *InputTextState) TextA() Vector[string]
- func (self *InputTextState) TextAIsValid() bool
- func (self *InputTextState) TextW() Vector[(*Wchar)]
- type ItemFlags
- type ItemStatusFlags
- type Key
- type KeyCallback
- type KeyChord
- type KeyData
- func (self *KeyData) AnalogValue() float32
- func (self *KeyData) Down() bool
- func (self *KeyData) DownDuration() float32
- func (self *KeyData) DownDurationPrev() float32
- func (self KeyData) SetAnalogValue(v float32)
- func (self KeyData) SetDown(v bool)
- func (self KeyData) SetDownDuration(v float32)
- func (self KeyData) SetDownDurationPrev(v float32)
- type KeyOwnerData
- func (self *KeyOwnerData) Destroy()
- func (self *KeyOwnerData) LockThisFrame() bool
- func (self *KeyOwnerData) LockUntilRelease() bool
- func (self *KeyOwnerData) OwnerCurr() ID
- func (self *KeyOwnerData) OwnerNext() ID
- func (self KeyOwnerData) SetLockThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self KeyOwnerData) SetLockUntilRelease(v bool)
- func (self KeyOwnerData) SetOwnerCurr(v ID)
- func (self KeyOwnerData) SetOwnerNext(v ID)
- type KeyRoutingData
- func (self *KeyRoutingData) Destroy()
- func (self *KeyRoutingData) Mods() uint16
- func (self *KeyRoutingData) RoutingCurr() ID
- func (self *KeyRoutingData) RoutingNext() ID
- func (self *KeyRoutingData) RoutingNextScore() byte
- func (self KeyRoutingData) SetMods(v uint16)
- func (self KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingCurr(v ID)
- func (self KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingNext(v ID)
- func (self KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingNextScore(v byte)
- type KeyRoutingTable
- func (self *KeyRoutingTable) Destroy()
- func (self *KeyRoutingTable) Entries() Vector[*KeyRoutingData]
- func (self *KeyRoutingTable) EntriesNext() Vector[*KeyRoutingData]
- func (self *KeyRoutingTable) InternalClear()
- func (self KeyRoutingTable) SetEntries(v Vector[*KeyRoutingData])
- func (self KeyRoutingTable) SetEntriesNext(v Vector[*KeyRoutingData])
- type LastItemData
- func (self *LastItemData) Destroy()
- func (self *LastItemData) DisplayRect() Rect
- func (self *LastItemData) ID() ID
- func (self *LastItemData) InFlags() ItemFlags
- func (self *LastItemData) NavRect() Rect
- func (self *LastItemData) Rect() Rect
- func (self LastItemData) SetDisplayRect(v Rect)
- func (self LastItemData) SetID(v ID)
- func (self LastItemData) SetInFlags(v ItemFlags)
- func (self LastItemData) SetNavRect(v Rect)
- func (self LastItemData) SetRect(v Rect)
- func (self LastItemData) SetStatusFlags(v ItemStatusFlags)
- func (self *LastItemData) StatusFlags() ItemStatusFlags
- type LayoutType
- type Line
- func (self *Line) EmphasisCount() int32
- func (self *Line) HeadingCount() int32
- func (self *Line) IsEmphasis() bool
- func (self *Line) IsHeading() bool
- func (self *Line) IsLeadingSpace() bool
- func (self *Line) IsUnorderedListStart() bool
- func (self *Line) LastRenderPosition() int32
- func (self *Line) LeadSpaceCount() int32
- func (self *Line) LineEnd() int32
- func (self *Line) LineStart() int32
- func (self Line) SetEmphasisCount(v int32)
- func (self Line) SetHeadingCount(v int32)
- func (self Line) SetIsEmphasis(v bool)
- func (self Line) SetIsHeading(v bool)
- func (self Line) SetIsLeadingSpace(v bool)
- func (self Line) SetIsUnorderedListStart(v bool)
- func (self Line) SetLastRenderPosition(v int32)
- func (self Line) SetLeadSpaceCount(v int32)
- func (self Line) SetLineEnd(v int32)
- func (self Line) SetLineStart(v int32)
- type Link
- func (self *Link) IsImage() bool
- func (self *Link) Numbracketsopen() int32
- func (self Link) SetIsImage(v bool)
- func (self Link) SetNumbracketsopen(v int32)
- func (self Link) SetState(v LinkState)
- func (self Link) SetText(v TextBlock)
- func (self Link) SetUrl(v TextBlock)
- func (self *Link) State() LinkState
- func (self *Link) Text() TextBlock
- func (self *Link) Url() TextBlock
- type LinkDetachWithModifierClick
- type LinkState
- type ListClipper
- func (self *ListClipper) Begin(items_count int32)
- func (self *ListClipper) BeginV(items_count int32, items_height float32)
- func (self *ListClipper) Ctx() *Context
- func (self *ListClipper) Destroy()
- func (self *ListClipper) DisplayEnd() int32
- func (self *ListClipper) DisplayStart() int32
- func (self *ListClipper) End()
- func (self *ListClipper) IncludeItemByIndex(item_index int32)
- func (self *ListClipper) IncludeItemsByIndex(item_begin int32, item_end int32)
- func (self *ListClipper) ItemsCount() int32
- func (self *ListClipper) ItemsHeight() float32
- func (self ListClipper) SetCtx(v *Context)
- func (self ListClipper) SetDisplayEnd(v int32)
- func (self ListClipper) SetDisplayStart(v int32)
- func (self ListClipper) SetItemsCount(v int32)
- func (self ListClipper) SetItemsHeight(v float32)
- func (self ListClipper) SetStartPosY(v float32)
- func (self ListClipper) SetTempData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *ListClipper) StartPosY() float32
- func (self *ListClipper) Step() bool
- func (self *ListClipper) TempData() unsafe.Pointer
- type ListClipperData
- func (self *ListClipperData) Destroy()
- func (self *ListClipperData) InternalReset(clipper *ListClipper)
- func (self *ListClipperData) ItemsFrozen() int32
- func (self *ListClipperData) ListClipper() *ListClipper
- func (self *ListClipperData) LossynessOffset() float32
- func (self *ListClipperData) Ranges() Vector[*ListClipperRange]
- func (self ListClipperData) SetItemsFrozen(v int32)
- func (self ListClipperData) SetListClipper(v *ListClipper)
- func (self ListClipperData) SetLossynessOffset(v float32)
- func (self ListClipperData) SetRanges(v Vector[*ListClipperRange])
- func (self ListClipperData) SetStepNo(v int32)
- func (self *ListClipperData) StepNo() int32
- type ListClipperRange
- func (self *ListClipperRange) Max() int32
- func (self *ListClipperRange) Min() int32
- func (self *ListClipperRange) PosToIndexConvert() bool
- func (self *ListClipperRange) PosToIndexOffsetMax() int
- func (self *ListClipperRange) PosToIndexOffsetMin() int
- func (self ListClipperRange) SetMax(v int32)
- func (self ListClipperRange) SetMin(v int32)
- func (self ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexConvert(v bool)
- func (self ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexOffsetMax(v int)
- func (self ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexOffsetMin(v int)
- type LocEntry
- type LocKey
- type LogType
- type MarkdownConfig
- type MarkdownFormatInfo
- func (self *MarkdownFormatInfo) Config() *MarkdownConfig
- func (self *MarkdownFormatInfo) ItemHovered() bool
- func (self MarkdownFormatInfo) SetConfig(v *MarkdownConfig)
- func (self MarkdownFormatInfo) SetItemHovered(v bool)
- func (self MarkdownFormatInfo) SetType(v MarkdownFormatType)
- func (self *MarkdownFormatInfo) Type() MarkdownFormatType
- type MarkdownFormatType
- type MarkdownHeadingFormat
- type MarkdownImageData
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) Bordercol() Vec4
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) IsValid() bool
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetBordercol(v Vec4)
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetIsValid(v bool)
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetSize(v Vec2)
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetTintcol(v Vec4)
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUseLinkCallback(v bool)
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUsertextureid(v TextureID)
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUv0(v Vec2)
- func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUv1(v Vec2)
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) Size() Vec2
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) Tintcol() Vec4
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) UseLinkCallback() bool
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) Usertextureid() TextureID
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) Uv0() Vec2
- func (self *MarkdownImageData) Uv1() Vec2
- type MarkdownLinkCallbackData
- func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) IsImage() bool
- func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) Link() string
- func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) LinkLength() int32
- func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetIsImage(v bool)
- func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetLink(v string)
- func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetLinkLength(v int32)
- func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetText(v string)
- func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetTextLength(v int32)
- func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) Text() string
- func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) TextLength() int32
- func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
- type MarkdownTooltipCallbackData
- type MenuColumns
- func (self *MenuColumns) Destroy()
- func (self *MenuColumns) InternalCalcNextTotalWidth(update_offsets bool)
- func (self *MenuColumns) InternalDeclColumns(w_icon float32, w_label float32, w_shortcut float32, w_mark float32) float32
- func (self *MenuColumns) InternalUpdate(spacing float32, window_reappearing bool)
- func (self *MenuColumns) NextTotalWidth() uint32
- func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetIcon() uint16
- func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetLabel() uint16
- func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetMark() uint16
- func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetShortcut() uint16
- func (self MenuColumns) SetNextTotalWidth(v uint32)
- func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetIcon(v uint16)
- func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetLabel(v uint16)
- func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetMark(v uint16)
- func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetShortcut(v uint16)
- func (self MenuColumns) SetSpacing(v uint16)
- func (self MenuColumns) SetTotalWidth(v uint32)
- func (self *MenuColumns) Spacing() uint16
- func (self *MenuColumns) TotalWidth() uint32
- type MetricsConfig
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowAtlasTintedWithTextColor(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDebugLog(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDockingNodes(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDrawCmdBoundingBoxes(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDrawCmdMesh(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowStackTool(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowTablesRects(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowTablesRectsType(v int32)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsBeginOrder(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsRects(v bool)
- func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsRectsType(v int32)
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowAtlasTintedWithTextColor() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDebugLog() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDockingNodes() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDrawCmdBoundingBoxes() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDrawCmdMesh() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowStackTool() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowTablesRects() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowTablesRectsType() int32
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsBeginOrder() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsRects() bool
- func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsRectsType() int32
- type MouseButton
- type MouseCursor
- type MouseSource
- type MultipleSelectModifier
- type NavHighlightFlags
- type NavInput
- type NavItemData
- func (self *NavItemData) Destroy()
- func (self *NavItemData) DistAxial() float32
- func (self *NavItemData) DistBox() float32
- func (self *NavItemData) DistCenter() float32
- func (self *NavItemData) FocusScopeId() ID
- func (self *NavItemData) ID() ID
- func (self *NavItemData) InFlags() ItemFlags
- func (self *NavItemData) InternalClear()
- func (self *NavItemData) RectRel() Rect
- func (self NavItemData) SetDistAxial(v float32)
- func (self NavItemData) SetDistBox(v float32)
- func (self NavItemData) SetDistCenter(v float32)
- func (self NavItemData) SetFocusScopeId(v ID)
- func (self NavItemData) SetID(v ID)
- func (self NavItemData) SetInFlags(v ItemFlags)
- func (self NavItemData) SetRectRel(v Rect)
- func (self NavItemData) SetWindow(v *Window)
- func (self *NavItemData) Window() *Window
- type NavLayer
- type NavMoveFlags
- type NavTreeNodeData
- type NextItemData
- func (self *NextItemData) Destroy()
- func (self *NextItemData) Flags() NextItemDataFlags
- func (self *NextItemData) InternalClearFlags()
- func (self *NextItemData) ItemFlags() ItemFlags
- func (self *NextItemData) OpenCond() Cond
- func (self *NextItemData) OpenVal() bool
- func (self NextItemData) SetFlags(v NextItemDataFlags)
- func (self NextItemData) SetItemFlags(v ItemFlags)
- func (self NextItemData) SetOpenCond(v Cond)
- func (self NextItemData) SetOpenVal(v bool)
- func (self NextItemData) SetWidth(v float32)
- func (self *NextItemData) Width() float32
- type NextItemDataFlags
- type NextWindowData
- func (self *NextWindowData) BgAlphaVal() float32
- func (self *NextWindowData) CollapsedCond() Cond
- func (self *NextWindowData) CollapsedVal() bool
- func (self *NextWindowData) ContentSizeVal() Vec2
- func (self *NextWindowData) Destroy()
- func (self *NextWindowData) DockCond() Cond
- func (self *NextWindowData) DockId() ID
- func (self *NextWindowData) Flags() NextWindowDataFlags
- func (self *NextWindowData) InternalClearFlags()
- func (self *NextWindowData) MenuBarOffsetMinVal() Vec2
- func (self *NextWindowData) PosCond() Cond
- func (self *NextWindowData) PosPivotVal() Vec2
- func (self *NextWindowData) PosUndock() bool
- func (self *NextWindowData) PosVal() Vec2
- func (self *NextWindowData) ScrollVal() Vec2
- func (self NextWindowData) SetBgAlphaVal(v float32)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetCollapsedCond(v Cond)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetCollapsedVal(v bool)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetContentSizeVal(v Vec2)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetDockCond(v Cond)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetDockId(v ID)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetFlags(v NextWindowDataFlags)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetMenuBarOffsetMinVal(v Vec2)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetPosCond(v Cond)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetPosPivotVal(v Vec2)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetPosUndock(v bool)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetPosVal(v Vec2)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetScrollVal(v Vec2)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeCallbackUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeCond(v Cond)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeConstraintRect(v Rect)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeVal(v Vec2)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetViewportId(v ID)
- func (self NextWindowData) SetWindowClass(v WindowClass)
- func (self *NextWindowData) SizeCallbackUserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *NextWindowData) SizeCond() Cond
- func (self *NextWindowData) SizeConstraintRect() Rect
- func (self *NextWindowData) SizeVal() Vec2
- func (self *NextWindowData) ViewportId() ID
- func (self *NextWindowData) WindowClass() WindowClass
- type NextWindowDataFlags
- type NodesAttributeFlags
- type NodesCol
- type NodesIO
- func (self *NodesIO) AltMouseButton() int32
- func (self *NodesIO) AutoPanningSpeed() float32
- func (self *NodesIO) Destroy()
- func (self *NodesIO) EmulateThreeButtonMouse() EmulateThreeButtonMouse
- func (self *NodesIO) LinkDetachWithModifierClick() LinkDetachWithModifierClick
- func (self *NodesIO) MultipleSelectModifier() MultipleSelectModifier
- func (self NodesIO) SetAltMouseButton(v int32)
- func (self NodesIO) SetAutoPanningSpeed(v float32)
- func (self NodesIO) SetEmulateThreeButtonMouse(v EmulateThreeButtonMouse)
- func (self NodesIO) SetLinkDetachWithModifierClick(v LinkDetachWithModifierClick)
- func (self NodesIO) SetMultipleSelectModifier(v MultipleSelectModifier)
- type NodesMiniMapLocation
- type NodesPinShape
- type NodesStyle
- func (self *NodesStyle) Destroy()
- func (self *NodesStyle) Flags() NodesStyleFlags
- func (self *NodesStyle) GridSpacing() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) LinkHoverDistance() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) LinkLineSegmentsPerLength() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) LinkThickness() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) MiniMapOffset() Vec2
- func (self *NodesStyle) MiniMapPadding() Vec2
- func (self *NodesStyle) NodeBorderThickness() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) NodeCornerRounding() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) NodePadding() Vec2
- func (self *NodesStyle) PinCircleRadius() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) PinHoverRadius() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) PinLineThickness() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) PinOffset() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) PinQuadSideLength() float32
- func (self *NodesStyle) PinTriangleSideLength() float32
- func (self NodesStyle) SetFlags(v NodesStyleFlags)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetGridSpacing(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetLinkHoverDistance(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetLinkLineSegmentsPerLength(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetLinkThickness(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetMiniMapOffset(v Vec2)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetMiniMapPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetNodeBorderThickness(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetNodeCornerRounding(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetNodePadding(v Vec2)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetPinCircleRadius(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetPinHoverRadius(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetPinLineThickness(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetPinOffset(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetPinQuadSideLength(v float32)
- func (self NodesStyle) SetPinTriangleSideLength(v float32)
- type NodesStyleFlags
- type NodesStyleVar
- type Number
- type OldColumnData
- func (self *OldColumnData) ClipRect() Rect
- func (self *OldColumnData) Destroy()
- func (self *OldColumnData) Flags() OldColumnFlags
- func (self *OldColumnData) OffsetNorm() float32
- func (self *OldColumnData) OffsetNormBeforeResize() float32
- func (self OldColumnData) SetClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self OldColumnData) SetFlags(v OldColumnFlags)
- func (self OldColumnData) SetOffsetNorm(v float32)
- func (self OldColumnData) SetOffsetNormBeforeResize(v float32)
- type OldColumnFlags
- type OldColumns
- func (self *OldColumns) Columns() Vector[*OldColumnData]
- func (self *OldColumns) Count() int32
- func (self *OldColumns) Current() int32
- func (self *OldColumns) Destroy()
- func (self *OldColumns) Flags() OldColumnFlags
- func (self *OldColumns) HostBackupClipRect() Rect
- func (self *OldColumns) HostBackupParentWorkRect() Rect
- func (self *OldColumns) HostCursorMaxPosX() float32
- func (self *OldColumns) HostCursorPosY() float32
- func (self *OldColumns) HostInitialClipRect() Rect
- func (self *OldColumns) ID() ID
- func (self *OldColumns) IsBeingResized() bool
- func (self *OldColumns) IsFirstFrame() bool
- func (self *OldColumns) LineMaxY() float32
- func (self *OldColumns) LineMinY() float32
- func (self *OldColumns) OffMaxX() float32
- func (self *OldColumns) OffMinX() float32
- func (self OldColumns) SetColumns(v Vector[*OldColumnData])
- func (self OldColumns) SetCount(v int32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetCurrent(v int32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetFlags(v OldColumnFlags)
- func (self OldColumns) SetHostBackupClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self OldColumns) SetHostBackupParentWorkRect(v Rect)
- func (self OldColumns) SetHostCursorMaxPosX(v float32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetHostCursorPosY(v float32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetHostInitialClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self OldColumns) SetID(v ID)
- func (self OldColumns) SetIsBeingResized(v bool)
- func (self OldColumns) SetIsFirstFrame(v bool)
- func (self OldColumns) SetLineMaxY(v float32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetLineMinY(v float32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetOffMaxX(v float32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetOffMinX(v float32)
- func (self OldColumns) SetSplitter(v DrawListSplitter)
- func (self *OldColumns) Splitter() DrawListSplitter
- type OnceUponAFrame
- type Payload
- func (self *Payload) Clear()
- func (self *Payload) Data() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *Payload) DataFrameCount() int32
- func (self *Payload) DataSize() int32
- func (self *Payload) Delivery() bool
- func (self *Payload) Destroy()
- func (self *Payload) IsDataType(typeArg string) bool
- func (self *Payload) IsDelivery() bool
- func (self *Payload) IsPreview() bool
- func (self *Payload) Preview() bool
- func (self Payload) SetData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self Payload) SetDataFrameCount(v int32)
- func (self Payload) SetDataSize(v int32)
- func (self Payload) SetDelivery(v bool)
- func (self Payload) SetPreview(v bool)
- func (self Payload) SetSourceId(v ID)
- func (self Payload) SetSourceParentId(v ID)
- func (self *Payload) SourceId() ID
- func (self *Payload) SourceParentId() ID
- type PlatformIO
- type PlatformImeData
- func (self *PlatformImeData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlatformImeData) InputLineHeight() float32
- func (self *PlatformImeData) InputPos() Vec2
- func (self PlatformImeData) SetInputLineHeight(v float32)
- func (self PlatformImeData) SetInputPos(v Vec2)
- func (self PlatformImeData) SetWantVisible(v bool)
- func (self *PlatformImeData) WantVisible() bool
- type PlatformMonitor
- func (self *PlatformMonitor) Destroy()
- func (self *PlatformMonitor) DpiScale() float32
- func (self *PlatformMonitor) MainPos() Vec2
- func (self *PlatformMonitor) MainSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlatformMonitor) PlatformHandle() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self PlatformMonitor) SetDpiScale(v float32)
- func (self PlatformMonitor) SetMainPos(v Vec2)
- func (self PlatformMonitor) SetMainSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlatformMonitor) SetPlatformHandle(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self PlatformMonitor) SetWorkPos(v Vec2)
- func (self PlatformMonitor) SetWorkSize(v Vec2)
- func (self *PlatformMonitor) WorkPos() Vec2
- func (self *PlatformMonitor) WorkSize() Vec2
- type PlotAlignmentData
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Begin()
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) End()
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadA() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadAMax() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadB() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadBMax() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Reset()
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadA(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadAMax(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadB(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadBMax(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetVertical(v bool)
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Update(pad_a *float32, pad_b *float32, delta_a *float32, delta_b *float32)
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Vertical() bool
- type PlotAnnotation
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Clamp() bool
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorBg() uint32
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorFg() uint32
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Offset() Vec2
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Pos() Vec2
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetClamp(v bool)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorBg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorFg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetOffset(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetPos(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetTextOffset(v int32)
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) TextOffset() int32
- type PlotAnnotationCollection
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Annotations() Vector[*PlotAnnotation]
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Append(pos Vec2, off Vec2, bg uint32, fg uint32, clamp bool, fmt string)
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Reset()
- func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetAnnotations(v Vector[*PlotAnnotation])
- func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetSize(v int32)
- func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Size() int32
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Text(idx int32) string
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
- type PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotAxis) ApplyFit(padding float32)
- func (self *PlotAxis) Aspect() float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) CanInitFit() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorAct() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorBg() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorHiLi() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorHov() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorMaj() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorMin() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorTick() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorTxt() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) Constrain()
- func (self *PlotAxis) ConstraintRange() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) ConstraintZoom() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) Datum1() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) Datum2() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Enabled() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) ExtendFit(v float64)
- func (self *PlotAxis) ExtendFitWith(alt *PlotAxis, v float64, v_alt float64)
- func (self *PlotAxis) FitExtents() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) FitThisFrame() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) Flags() PlotAxisFlags
- func (self *PlotAxis) FormatterData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasFormatSpec() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasGridLines() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasLabel() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasMenus() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasRange() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasTickLabels() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasTickMarks() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) Held() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HoverRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotAxis) Hovered() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) ID() ID
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsAutoFitting() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsForeground() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInputLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMax() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMin() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInverted() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsLockedMax() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsLockedMin() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsOpposite() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsPanLocked(increasing bool) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsRangeLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) LabelOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotAxis) LinkedMax() *float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) LinkedMin() *float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) OrthoAxis() *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotAxis) PickerLevel() int32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PickerTimeMax() PlotTime
- func (self *PlotAxis) PickerTimeMin() PlotTime
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelMax() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelMin() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelSize() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelsToPlot(pix float32) float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) PlotToPixels(plt float64) float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PreviousFlags() PlotAxisFlags
- func (self *PlotAxis) PullLinks()
- func (self *PlotAxis) PushLinks()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Range() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) RangeCond() PlotCond
- func (self *PlotAxis) Reset()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Scale() PlotScale
- func (self *PlotAxis) ScaleMax() float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) ScaleMin() float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) ScaleToPixel() float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetAspect(unit_per_pix float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorAct(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorBg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorHiLi(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorHov(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorMaj(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorMin(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorTick(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorTxt(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetConstraintRange(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetConstraintZoom(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetDatum1(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetDatum2(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetEnabled(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFitExtents(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFitThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFormatSpec(v *[16]rune)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFormatterData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHasFormatSpec(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHasRange(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHeld(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHoverRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetID(v ID)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetLabelOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetLinkedMax(v *float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetLinkedMin(v *float64)
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMax(_max float64) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMaxV(_max float64, force bool) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMin(_min float64) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMinV(_min float64, force bool) bool
- func (self PlotAxis) SetOrthoAxis(v *PlotAxis)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPickerLevel(v int32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMax(v PlotTime)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMin(v PlotTime)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPixelMax(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPixelMin(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetRange(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetRangeCond(v PlotCond)
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetRangePlotRange(rangeArg PlotRange)
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetRangedouble(v1 float64, v2 float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScale(v PlotScale)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScaleMax(v float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScaleMin(v float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScaleToPixel(v float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetShowDefaultTicks(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetTicker(v PlotTicker)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetTransformData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetVertical(v bool)
- func (self *PlotAxis) ShowDefaultTicks() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) Ticker() PlotTicker
- func (self *PlotAxis) TransformData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *PlotAxis) UpdateTransformCache()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Vertical() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) WillRender() bool
- type PlotAxisEnum
- type PlotAxisFlags
- type PlotBarGroupsFlags
- type PlotBarsFlags
- type PlotBin
- type PlotCol
- type PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapU32Ptr(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32) PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapU32PtrV(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32, qual bool) PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapVec4Ptr(name string, cols *Vec4, size int32) PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapVec4PtrV(name string, cols *Vec4, size int32, qual bool) PlotColormap
- func PlotGetColormapIndex(name string) PlotColormap
- type PlotColormapData
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Append(name string, keys *[]uint32, count int32, qual bool) int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) AppendTable(cmap PlotColormap)
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Count() int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Index(name string) PlotColormap
- func (self *PlotColormapData) IsQual(cmap PlotColormap) bool
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCount(cmap PlotColormap) int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCounts() Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyOffsets() Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) LerpTable(cmap PlotColormap, t float32) uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Map() Storage
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Name(cmap PlotColormap) string
- func (self *PlotColormapData) RebuildTables()
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetCount(v int32)
- func (self *PlotColormapData) SetKeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32, value uint32)
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyCounts(v Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyOffsets(v Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeys(v Vector[*uint32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetMap(v Storage)
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetQuals(v Vector[*bool])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableOffsets(v Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableSizes(v Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTables(v Vector[*uint32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetText(v TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTextOffsets(v Vector[*int32])
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableOffsets() Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSize(cmap PlotColormap) int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSizes() Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Tables() Vector[*uint32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Text() TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TextOffsets() Vector[*int32]
- type PlotColormapScaleFlags
- type PlotCond
- type PlotContext
- func (self *PlotContext) Annotations() PlotAnnotationCollection
- func (self *PlotContext) CTicker() PlotTicker
- func (self *PlotContext) ColorModifiers() Vector[*ColorMod]
- func (self *PlotContext) ColormapData() PlotColormapData
- func (self *PlotContext) ColormapModifiers() Vector[*PlotColormap]
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentH() *PlotAlignmentData
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentV() *PlotAlignmentData
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItem() *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItems() *PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentPlot() *PlotPlot
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentSubplot() *PlotSubplot
- func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotItemCnt() int32
- func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotContext) InputMap() PlotInputMap
- func (self *PlotContext) MousePosStringBuilder() TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotContext) NextItemData() PlotNextItemData
- func (self *PlotContext) NextPlotData() PlotNextPlotData
- func (self *PlotContext) OpenContextThisFrame() bool
- func (self *PlotContext) PreviousItem() *PlotItem
- func (self PlotContext) SetAnnotations(v PlotAnnotationCollection)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCTicker(v PlotTicker)
- func (self PlotContext) SetColorModifiers(v Vector[*ColorMod])
- func (self PlotContext) SetColormapData(v PlotColormapData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentH(v *PlotAlignmentData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentV(v *PlotAlignmentData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItem(v *PlotItem)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentPlot(v *PlotPlot)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentSubplot(v *PlotSubplot)
- func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotItemCnt(v int32)
- func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotContext) SetInputMap(v PlotInputMap)
- func (self PlotContext) SetMousePosStringBuilder(v TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotContext) SetNextItemData(v PlotNextItemData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetNextPlotData(v PlotNextPlotData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetOpenContextThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotContext) SetPreviousItem(v *PlotItem)
- func (self PlotContext) SetSortItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotContext) SetStyle(v PlotStyle)
- func (self PlotContext) SetStyleModifiers(v Vector[*StyleMod])
- func (self PlotContext) SetTags(v PlotTagCollection)
- func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble1(v Vector[*float64])
- func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble2(v Vector[*float64])
- func (self PlotContext) SetTempInt1(v Vector[*int32])
- func (self *PlotContext) SortItems() *PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotContext) Style() PlotStyle
- func (self *PlotContext) StyleModifiers() Vector[*StyleMod]
- func (self *PlotContext) Tags() PlotTagCollection
- func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble1() Vector[*float64]
- func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble2() Vector[*float64]
- func (self *PlotContext) TempInt1() Vector[*int32]
- type PlotDateFmt
- type PlotDateTimeSpec
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Date() PlotDateFmt
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Destroy()
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetDate(v PlotDateFmt)
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetTime(v PlotTimeFmt)
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUse24HourClock(v bool)
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUseISO8601(v bool)
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Time() PlotTimeFmt
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Use24HourClock() bool
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) UseISO8601() bool
- type PlotDigitalFlags
- type PlotDragToolFlags
- type PlotDummyFlags
- type PlotErrorBarsFlags
- type PlotFlags
- type PlotHeatmapFlags
- type PlotHistogramFlags
- type PlotImageFlags
- type PlotInfLinesFlags
- type PlotInputMap
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Fit() MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Menu() MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) OverrideMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Pan() MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) PanMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Select() MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectCancel() MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectHorzMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectVertMod() int32
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetFit(v MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetMenu(v MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetOverrideMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetPan(v MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetPanMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelect(v MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectCancel(v MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectHorzMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectVertMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomRate(v float32)
- func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomRate() float32
- type PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItem) Color() uint32
- func (self *PlotItem) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotItem) ID() ID
- func (self *PlotItem) LegendHoverRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotItem) LegendHovered() bool
- func (self *PlotItem) NameOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotItem) SeenThisFrame() bool
- func (self PlotItem) SetColor(v uint32)
- func (self PlotItem) SetID(v ID)
- func (self PlotItem) SetLegendHoverRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotItem) SetLegendHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotItem) SetNameOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotItem) SetSeenThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotItem) SetShow(v bool)
- func (self *PlotItem) Show() bool
- type PlotItemFlags
- type PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ColormapIdx() int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ID() ID
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemByID(id ID) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemByIndex(i int32) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemCount() int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemID(label_id string) ID
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemIndex(item *PlotItem) int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemStr(label_id string) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) Legend() PlotLegend
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendCount() int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendItem(i int32) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendLabel(i int32) string
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) OrAddItem(id ID) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) Reset()
- func (self PlotItemGroup) SetColormapIdx(v int32)
- func (self PlotItemGroup) SetID(v ID)
- func (self PlotItemGroup) SetLegend(v PlotLegend)
- type PlotLegend
- func (self *PlotLegend) CanGoInside() bool
- func (self *PlotLegend) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotLegend) Flags() PlotLegendFlags
- func (self *PlotLegend) Held() bool
- func (self *PlotLegend) Hovered() bool
- func (self *PlotLegend) Indices() Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotLegend) Labels() TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotLegend) Location() PlotLocation
- func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousFlags() PlotLegendFlags
- func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousLocation() PlotLocation
- func (self *PlotLegend) Rect() Rect
- func (self *PlotLegend) RectClamped() Rect
- func (self *PlotLegend) Reset()
- func (self *PlotLegend) Scroll() Vec2
- func (self PlotLegend) SetCanGoInside(v bool)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetHeld(v bool)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetIndices(v Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotLegend) SetLabels(v TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetLocation(v PlotLocation)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousLocation(v PlotLocation)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetRectClamped(v Rect)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetScroll(v Vec2)
- type PlotLegendFlags
- type PlotLineFlags
- type PlotLocation
- type PlotMarker
- type PlotMouseTextFlags
- type PlotNextItemData
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitGap() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitHeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarSize() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) FillAlpha() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) HasHidden() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Hidden() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) HiddenCond() PlotCond
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) LineWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Marker() PlotMarker
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerSize() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderFill() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderLine() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerFill() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerLine() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Reset()
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitGap(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitHeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetFillAlpha(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHasHidden(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHidden(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHiddenCond(v PlotCond)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetLineWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarker(v PlotMarker)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderFill(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderLine(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerFill(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerLine(v bool)
- type PlotNextPlotData
- type PlotPieChartFlags
- type PlotPlot
- func (self *PlotPlot) AxesRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) AxisLabel(axis PlotAxis) string
- func (self *PlotPlot) CanvasRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) ClearTextBuffer()
- func (self *PlotPlot) ContextLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentX() PlotAxisEnum
- func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentY() PlotAxisEnum
- func (self *PlotPlot) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotPlot) EnabledAxesX() int32
- func (self *PlotPlot) EnabledAxesY() int32
- func (self *PlotPlot) FitThisFrame() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Flags() PlotFlags
- func (self *PlotPlot) FrameRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) HasTitle() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Held() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Hovered() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) ID() ID
- func (self *PlotPlot) Initialized() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) IsInputLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Items() PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotPlot) JustCreated() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextFlags() PlotMouseTextFlags
- func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextLocation() PlotLocation
- func (self *PlotPlot) PlotRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) PreviousFlags() PlotFlags
- func (self *PlotPlot) SelectRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) SelectStart() Vec2
- func (self *PlotPlot) Selected() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Selecting() bool
- func (self PlotPlot) SetAxesRect(v Rect)
- func (self *PlotPlot) SetAxisLabel(axis *PlotAxis, label string)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetCanvasRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetContextLocked(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentX(v PlotAxisEnum)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentY(v PlotAxisEnum)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetFitThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetFlags(v PlotFlags)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetFrameRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetHeld(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetID(v ID)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetInitialized(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetJustCreated(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextFlags(v PlotMouseTextFlags)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextLocation(v PlotLocation)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetPlotRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotFlags)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelectRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelectStart(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelected(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelecting(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSetupLocked(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
- func (self *PlotPlot) SetTitle(title string)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetTitleOffset(v int32)
- func (self *PlotPlot) SetupLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotPlot) Title() string
- func (self *PlotPlot) TitleOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotPlot) XAxisNil(i int32) *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotPlot) XAxisconst(i int32) *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotPlot) YAxisNil(i int32) *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotPlot) YAxisconst(i int32) *PlotAxis
- type PlotPoint
- func NewPlotPoint(x, y float64) PlotPoint
- func PlotGetPlotMousePos() PlotPoint
- func PlotGetPlotMousePosV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotFloat(x float32, y float32) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV(x float32, y float32, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2(pix Vec2) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V(pix Vec2, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
- type PlotPointError
- func (self *PlotPointError) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotPointError) Neg() float64
- func (self *PlotPointError) Pos() float64
- func (self PlotPointError) SetNeg(v float64)
- func (self PlotPointError) SetPos(v float64)
- func (self PlotPointError) SetX(v float64)
- func (self PlotPointError) SetY(v float64)
- func (self *PlotPointError) X() float64
- func (self *PlotPointError) Y() float64
- type PlotRange
- func (self *PlotRange) Clamp(value float64) float64
- func (self *PlotRange) Contains(value float64) bool
- func (self *PlotRange) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotRange) Max() float64
- func (self *PlotRange) Min() float64
- func (self PlotRange) SetMax(v float64)
- func (self PlotRange) SetMin(v float64)
- func (self *PlotRange) Size() float64
- type PlotRect
- func NewPlotRectNil() *PlotRect
- func NewPlotRectdouble(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64) *PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotLimits() PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotLimitsV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotSelection() PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotSelectionV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
- func (self *PlotRect) ClampPlotPoInt(p PlotPoint) PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) Clampdouble(x float64, y float64) PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) ContainsPlotPoInt(p PlotPoint) bool
- func (self *PlotRect) Containsdouble(x float64, y float64) bool
- func (self *PlotRect) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotRect) Max() PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) Min() PlotPoint
- func (self PlotRect) SetX(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotRect) SetY(v PlotRange)
- func (self *PlotRect) Size() PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) X() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotRect) Y() PlotRange
- type PlotScale
- type PlotScatterFlags
- type PlotShadedFlags
- type PlotStairsFlags
- type PlotStemsFlags
- type PlotStyle
- func (self *PlotStyle) AnnotationPadding() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) Colormap() PlotColormap
- func (self *PlotStyle) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotStyle) DigitalBitGap() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) DigitalBitHeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) ErrorBarSize() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) ErrorBarWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) FillAlpha() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) FitPadding() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LabelPadding() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LegendInnerPadding() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LegendPadding() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LegendSpacing() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LineWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MajorGridSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MajorTickLen() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MajorTickSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) Marker() int32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MarkerSize() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MarkerWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorAlpha() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorGridSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorTickLen() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorTickSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MousePosPadding() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotBorderSize() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotDefaultSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotMinSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotPadding() Vec2
- func (self PlotStyle) SetAnnotationPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetColormap(v PlotColormap)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitGap(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitHeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetErrorBarSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetErrorBarWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetFillAlpha(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetFitPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLabelPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLegendInnerPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLegendPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLegendSpacing(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLineWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMajorGridSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMajorTickLen(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMajorTickSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMarker(v int32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMarkerSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMarkerWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorAlpha(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorGridSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorTickLen(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorTickSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMousePosPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotDefaultSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotMinSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetUse24HourClock(v bool)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetUseISO8601(v bool)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetUseLocalTime(v bool)
- func (self *PlotStyle) Use24HourClock() bool
- func (self *PlotStyle) UseISO8601() bool
- func (self *PlotStyle) UseLocalTime() bool
- type PlotStyleVar
- type PlotSubplot
- func (self *PlotSubplot) CellSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ColAlignmentData() Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ColLinkData() Vector[*PlotRange]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ColRatios() Vector[*float32]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Cols() int32
- func (self *PlotSubplot) CurrentIdx() int32
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Flags() PlotSubplotFlags
- func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameHovered() bool
- func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotSubplot) GridRect() Rect
- func (self *PlotSubplot) HasTitle() bool
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ID() ID
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Items() PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotSubplot) PreviousFlags() PlotSubplotFlags
- func (self *PlotSubplot) RowAlignmentData() Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) RowLinkData() Vector[*PlotRange]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) RowRatios() Vector[*float32]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Rows() int32
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetCellSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetColAlignmentData(v Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetColLinkData(v Vector[*PlotRange])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetColRatios(v Vector[*float32])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetCols(v int32)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetCurrentIdx(v int32)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetGridRect(v Rect)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetHasTitle(v bool)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetID(v ID)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowAlignmentData(v Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowLinkData(v Vector[*PlotRange])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowRatios(v Vector[*float32])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRows(v int32)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetTempSizes(v *[2]float32)
- type PlotSubplotFlags
- type PlotTag
- func (self *PlotTag) Axis() PlotAxisEnum
- func (self *PlotTag) ColorBg() uint32
- func (self *PlotTag) ColorFg() uint32
- func (self PlotTag) SetAxis(v PlotAxisEnum)
- func (self PlotTag) SetColorBg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotTag) SetColorFg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotTag) SetTextOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotTag) SetValue(v float64)
- func (self *PlotTag) TextOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotTag) Value() float64
- type PlotTagCollection
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Append(axis PlotAxisEnum, value float64, bg uint32, fg uint32, fmt string)
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Reset()
- func (self PlotTagCollection) SetSize(v int32)
- func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTags(v Vector[*PlotTag])
- func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Size() int32
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Tags() Vector[*PlotTag]
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Text(idx int32) string
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
- type PlotTextFlags
- type PlotTick
- func (self *PlotTick) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotTick) Idx() int32
- func (self *PlotTick) LabelSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotTick) Level() int32
- func (self *PlotTick) Major() bool
- func (self *PlotTick) PixelPos() float32
- func (self *PlotTick) PlotPos() float64
- func (self PlotTick) SetIdx(v int32)
- func (self PlotTick) SetLabelSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotTick) SetLevel(v int32)
- func (self PlotTick) SetMajor(v bool)
- func (self PlotTick) SetPixelPos(v float32)
- func (self PlotTick) SetPlotPos(v float64)
- func (self PlotTick) SetShowLabel(v bool)
- func (self PlotTick) SetTextOffset(v int32)
- func (self *PlotTick) ShowLabel() bool
- func (self *PlotTick) TextOffset() int32
- type PlotTicker
- func (self *PlotTicker) AddTickPlotTick(tick PlotTick) *PlotTick
- func (self *PlotTicker) AddTickdoubleStr(value float64, major bool, level int32, show_label bool, label string) *PlotTick
- func (self *PlotTicker) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotTicker) LateSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotTicker) Levels() int32
- func (self *PlotTicker) MaxSize() Vec2
- func (self *PlotTicker) OverrideSizeLate(size Vec2)
- func (self *PlotTicker) Reset()
- func (self PlotTicker) SetLateSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetLevels(v int32)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetMaxSize(v Vec2)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetTicks(v Vector[*PlotTick])
- func (self *PlotTicker) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotTicker) TextInt(idx int32) string
- func (self *PlotTicker) TextPlotTick(tick PlotTick) string
- func (self *PlotTicker) TickCount() int32
- func (self *PlotTicker) Ticks() Vector[*PlotTick]
- type PlotTime
- func NewPlotTime(t time.Time) PlotTime
- func PlotAddTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit, count int32) PlotTime
- func PlotCeilTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
- func PlotCombineDateTime(date_part PlotTime, time_part PlotTime) PlotTime
- func PlotFloorTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
- func PlotMakeTime(year int32) PlotTime
- func PlotMakeTimeV(year int32, month int32, day int32, hour int32, min int32, sec int32, us int32) PlotTime
- func PlotRoundTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
- func PlotTimeFromDouble(t float64) PlotTime
- type PlotTimeFmt
- type PlotTimeUnit
- type PlotType
- type PopupData
- func (self *PopupData) BackupNavWindow() *Window
- func (self *PopupData) Destroy()
- func (self *PopupData) OpenFrameCount() int32
- func (self *PopupData) OpenMousePos() Vec2
- func (self *PopupData) OpenParentId() ID
- func (self *PopupData) OpenPopupPos() Vec2
- func (self *PopupData) ParentNavLayer() int32
- func (self *PopupData) PopupId() ID
- func (self PopupData) SetBackupNavWindow(v *Window)
- func (self PopupData) SetOpenFrameCount(v int32)
- func (self PopupData) SetOpenMousePos(v Vec2)
- func (self PopupData) SetOpenParentId(v ID)
- func (self PopupData) SetOpenPopupPos(v Vec2)
- func (self PopupData) SetParentNavLayer(v int32)
- func (self PopupData) SetPopupId(v ID)
- func (self PopupData) SetWindow(v *Window)
- func (self *PopupData) Window() *Window
- type PopupFlags
- type PopupPositionPolicy
- type PtrOrIndex
- type Rect
- func InternalPopupAllowedExtentRect(window *Window) Rect
- func InternalTableGetCellBgRect(table *Table, column_n int32) Rect
- func InternalWindowRectAbsToRel(window *Window, r Rect) Rect
- func InternalWindowRectRelToAbs(window *Window, r Rect) Rect
- func InternalWindowScrollbarRect(window *Window, axis Axis) Rect
- func (self *Rect) Destroy()
- func (self *Rect) InternalAddRect(r Rect)
- func (self *Rect) InternalAddVec2(p Vec2)
- func (self *Rect) InternalArea() float32
- func (self *Rect) InternalBL() Vec2
- func (self *Rect) InternalBR() Vec2
- func (self *Rect) InternalCenter() Vec2
- func (self *Rect) InternalClipWith(r Rect)
- func (self *Rect) InternalClipWithFull(r Rect)
- func (self *Rect) InternalContainsRect(r Rect) bool
- func (self *Rect) InternalContainsVec2(p Vec2) bool
- func (self *Rect) InternalExpandFloat(amount float32)
- func (self *Rect) InternalExpandVec2(amount Vec2)
- func (self *Rect) InternalFloor()
- func (self *Rect) InternalHeight() float32
- func (self *Rect) InternalIsInverted() bool
- func (self *Rect) InternalOverlaps(r Rect) bool
- func (self *Rect) InternalSize() Vec2
- func (self *Rect) InternalTL() Vec2
- func (self *Rect) InternalTR() Vec2
- func (self *Rect) InternalToVec4() Vec4
- func (self *Rect) InternalTranslate(d Vec2)
- func (self *Rect) InternalTranslateX(dx float32)
- func (self *Rect) InternalTranslateY(dy float32)
- func (self *Rect) InternalWidth() float32
- type SDLBackend
- func (b *SDLBackend) ContentScale() (width, height float32)
- func (b *SDLBackend) CreateTexture(pixels unsafe.Pointer, width, height int) TextureID
- func (b *SDLBackend) CreateTextureRgba(img *image.RGBA, width, height int) TextureID
- func (b *SDLBackend) CreateWindow(title string, width, height int)
- func (b *SDLBackend) DeleteTexture(id TextureID)
- func (b *SDLBackend) DisplaySize() (width int32, height int32)
- func (b *SDLBackend) GetWindowPos() (x, y int32)
- func (b *SDLBackend) Refresh()
- func (b *SDLBackend) Run(loop func())
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetAfterCreateContextHook(hook func())
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetAfterRenderHook(hook func())
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetBeforeDestroyContextHook(hook func())
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetBeforeRenderHook(hook func())
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetBgColor(color Vec4)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetCloseCallback(cbfun WindowCloseCallback[SDLWindowFlags])
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetDropCallback(cbfun DropCallback)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetIcons(images ...image.Image)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetKeyCallback(cbfun KeyCallback)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetShouldClose(value bool)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetSizeChangeCallback(cbfun SizeChangeCallback)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetTargetFPS(fps uint)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowFlags(flag SDLWindowFlags, value int)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowPos(x, y int)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowSize(width, height int)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowSizeLimits(minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight int)
- func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowTitle(title string)
- type SDLWindowFlags
- type STBTexteditState
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetCursor() int32
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetCursoratendofline() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetHaspreferredx() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetInitialized() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetInsertmode() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding1() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding2() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding3() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPreferredx() float32
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetRowcountperpage() int32
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSelectend() int32
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSelectstart() int32
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSingleline() uint
- func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetUndostate() StbUndoState
- type ScrollFlags
- type SelectableFlags
- type SelectableFlagsPrivate
- type SeparatorFlags
- type SettingsHandler
- func (self *SettingsHandler) Destroy()
- func (self SettingsHandler) SetTypeHash(v ID)
- func (self SettingsHandler) SetTypeName(v string)
- func (self SettingsHandler) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *SettingsHandler) TypeHash() ID
- func (self *SettingsHandler) TypeName() string
- func (self *SettingsHandler) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
- type ShrinkWidthItem
- type SizeCallbackData
- func (self *SizeCallbackData) CurrentSize() Vec2
- func (self *SizeCallbackData) DesiredSize() Vec2
- func (self *SizeCallbackData) Pos() Vec2
- func (self SizeCallbackData) SetCurrentSize(v Vec2)
- func (self SizeCallbackData) SetDesiredSize(v Vec2)
- func (self SizeCallbackData) SetPos(v Vec2)
- func (self SizeCallbackData) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *SizeCallbackData) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
- type SizeChangeCallback
- type SliderFlags
- type SliderFlagsPrivate
- type SortDirection
- type StackLevelInfo
- func (self *StackLevelInfo) DataType() DataType
- func (self *StackLevelInfo) Destroy()
- func (self *StackLevelInfo) ID() ID
- func (self *StackLevelInfo) QueryFrameCount() int
- func (self *StackLevelInfo) QuerySuccess() bool
- func (self StackLevelInfo) SetDataType(v DataType)
- func (self StackLevelInfo) SetID(v ID)
- func (self StackLevelInfo) SetQueryFrameCount(v int)
- func (self StackLevelInfo) SetQuerySuccess(v bool)
- type StackSizes
- func (self *StackSizes) Destroy()
- func (self *StackSizes) InternalCompareWithContextState(ctx *Context)
- func (self *StackSizes) InternalSetToContextState(ctx *Context)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfBeginPopupStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfColorStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfDisabledStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfFocusScopeStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfFontStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfGroupStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfIDStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfItemFlagsStack(v int16)
- func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfStyleVarStack(v int16)
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfBeginPopupStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfColorStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfDisabledStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfFocusScopeStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfFontStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfGroupStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfIDStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfItemFlagsStack() int16
- func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfStyleVarStack() int16
- type StackTool
- func (self *StackTool) CopyToClipboardLastTime() float32
- func (self *StackTool) CopyToClipboardOnCtrlC() bool
- func (self *StackTool) Destroy()
- func (self *StackTool) LastActiveFrame() int32
- func (self *StackTool) QueryId() ID
- func (self *StackTool) Results() Vector[*StackLevelInfo]
- func (self StackTool) SetCopyToClipboardLastTime(v float32)
- func (self StackTool) SetCopyToClipboardOnCtrlC(v bool)
- func (self StackTool) SetLastActiveFrame(v int32)
- func (self StackTool) SetQueryId(v ID)
- func (self StackTool) SetResults(v Vector[*StackLevelInfo])
- func (self StackTool) SetStackLevel(v int32)
- func (self *StackTool) StackLevel() int32
- type StbTexteditRow
- func (self *StbTexteditRow) Baselineydelta() float32
- func (self *StbTexteditRow) Numchars() int32
- func (self StbTexteditRow) SetBaselineydelta(v float32)
- func (self StbTexteditRow) SetNumchars(v int32)
- func (self StbTexteditRow) SetX0(v float32)
- func (self StbTexteditRow) SetX1(v float32)
- func (self StbTexteditRow) SetYmax(v float32)
- func (self StbTexteditRow) SetYmin(v float32)
- func (self *StbTexteditRow) X0() float32
- func (self *StbTexteditRow) X1() float32
- func (self *StbTexteditRow) Ymax() float32
- func (self *StbTexteditRow) Ymin() float32
- type StbUndoRecord
- func (self *StbUndoRecord) Charstorage() int32
- func (self *StbUndoRecord) Deletelength() int32
- func (self *StbUndoRecord) Insertlength() int32
- func (self StbUndoRecord) SetCharstorage(v int32)
- func (self StbUndoRecord) SetDeletelength(v int32)
- func (self StbUndoRecord) SetInsertlength(v int32)
- func (self StbUndoRecord) SetWhere(v int32)
- func (self *StbUndoRecord) Where() int32
- type StbUndoState
- func (self *StbUndoState) Redocharpoint() int32
- func (self *StbUndoState) Redopoint() int16
- func (self StbUndoState) SetRedocharpoint(v int32)
- func (self StbUndoState) SetRedopoint(v int16)
- func (self StbUndoState) SetUndocharpoint(v int32)
- func (self StbUndoState) SetUndopoint(v int16)
- func (self *StbUndoState) Undocharpoint() int32
- func (self *StbUndoState) Undopoint() int16
- type Storage
- func (self *Storage) Bool(key ID) bool
- func (self *Storage) BoolV(key ID, default_val bool) bool
- func (self *Storage) BuildSortByKey()
- func (self *Storage) Clear()
- func (self *Storage) Data() Vector[*StoragePair]
- func (self *Storage) Float(key ID) float32
- func (self *Storage) FloatRef(key ID) *float32
- func (self *Storage) FloatRefV(key ID, default_val float32) *float32
- func (self *Storage) FloatV(key ID, default_val float32) float32
- func (self *Storage) Int(key ID) int32
- func (self *Storage) IntRef(key ID) *int32
- func (self *Storage) IntRefV(key ID, default_val int32) *int32
- func (self *Storage) IntV(key ID, default_val int32) int32
- func (self *Storage) SetAllInt(val int32)
- func (self *Storage) SetBool(key ID, val bool)
- func (self Storage) SetData(v Vector[*StoragePair])
- func (self *Storage) SetFloat(key ID, val float32)
- func (self *Storage) SetInt(key ID, val int32)
- func (self *Storage) SetVoidPtr(key ID, val unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self *Storage) VoidPtr(key ID) unsafe.Pointer
- type StoragePair
- type StringBuffer
- type Style
- func (self *Style) Alpha() float32
- func (self *Style) AntiAliasedFill() bool
- func (self *Style) AntiAliasedLines() bool
- func (self *Style) AntiAliasedLinesUseTex() bool
- func (self *Style) ButtonTextAlign() Vec2
- func (self *Style) CellPadding() Vec2
- func (self *Style) ChildBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Style) ChildRounding() float32
- func (self *Style) CircleTessellationMaxError() float32
- func (self *Style) ColorButtonPosition() Dir
- func (self *Style) ColumnsMinSpacing() float32
- func (self *Style) CurveTessellationTol() float32
- func (self *Style) Destroy()
- func (self *Style) DisabledAlpha() float32
- func (self *Style) DisplaySafeAreaPadding() Vec2
- func (self *Style) DisplayWindowPadding() Vec2
- func (self *Style) DockingSeparatorSize() float32
- func (self *Style) FrameBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Style) FramePadding() Vec2
- func (self *Style) FrameRounding() float32
- func (self *Style) GrabMinSize() float32
- func (self *Style) GrabRounding() float32
- func (self *Style) HoverDelayNormal() float32
- func (self *Style) HoverDelayShort() float32
- func (self *Style) HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse() HoveredFlags
- func (self *Style) HoverFlagsForTooltipNav() HoveredFlags
- func (self *Style) HoverStationaryDelay() float32
- func (self *Style) IndentSpacing() float32
- func (self *Style) ItemInnerSpacing() Vec2
- func (self *Style) ItemSpacing() Vec2
- func (self *Style) LogSliderDeadzone() float32
- func (self *Style) MouseCursorScale() float32
- func (self *Style) PopupBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Style) PopupRounding() float32
- func (self *Style) ScaleAllSizes(scale_factor float32)
- func (self *Style) ScrollbarRounding() float32
- func (self *Style) ScrollbarSize() float32
- func (self *Style) SelectableTextAlign() Vec2
- func (self *Style) SeparatorTextAlign() Vec2
- func (self *Style) SeparatorTextBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Style) SeparatorTextPadding() Vec2
- func (self Style) SetAlpha(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetAntiAliasedFill(v bool)
- func (self Style) SetAntiAliasedLines(v bool)
- func (self Style) SetAntiAliasedLinesUseTex(v bool)
- func (self Style) SetButtonTextAlign(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetCellPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetChildBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetChildRounding(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetCircleTessellationMaxError(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetColorButtonPosition(v Dir)
- func (self Style) SetColumnsMinSpacing(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetCurveTessellationTol(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetDisabledAlpha(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetDisplaySafeAreaPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetDisplayWindowPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetDockingSeparatorSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetFrameBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetFramePadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetFrameRounding(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetGrabMinSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetGrabRounding(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetHoverDelayNormal(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetHoverDelayShort(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetHoverFlagsForTooltipMouse(v HoveredFlags)
- func (self Style) SetHoverFlagsForTooltipNav(v HoveredFlags)
- func (self Style) SetHoverStationaryDelay(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetIndentSpacing(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetItemInnerSpacing(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetItemSpacing(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetLogSliderDeadzone(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetMouseCursorScale(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetPopupBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetPopupRounding(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetScrollbarRounding(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetScrollbarSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetSelectableTextAlign(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetSeparatorTextAlign(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetSeparatorTextBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetSeparatorTextPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetTabBarBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetTabBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetTabMinWidthForCloseButton(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetTabRounding(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetTouchExtraPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetWindowBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetWindowMenuButtonPosition(v Dir)
- func (self Style) SetWindowMinSize(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetWindowPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self Style) SetWindowRounding(v float32)
- func (self Style) SetWindowTitleAlign(v Vec2)
- func (self *Style) TabBarBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Style) TabBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Style) TabMinWidthForCloseButton() float32
- func (self *Style) TabRounding() float32
- func (self *Style) TouchExtraPadding() Vec2
- func (self *Style) WindowBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Style) WindowMenuButtonPosition() Dir
- func (self *Style) WindowMinSize() Vec2
- func (self *Style) WindowPadding() Vec2
- func (self *Style) WindowRounding() float32
- func (self *Style) WindowTitleAlign() Vec2
- type StyleMod
- type StyleVar
- type TabBar
- func (self *TabBar) BackupCursorPos() Vec2
- func (self *TabBar) BarRect() Rect
- func (self *TabBar) BeginCount() int
- func (self *TabBar) CurrFrameVisible() int32
- func (self *TabBar) CurrTabsContentsHeight() float32
- func (self *TabBar) Destroy()
- func (self *TabBar) Flags() TabBarFlags
- func (self *TabBar) FramePadding() Vec2
- func (self *TabBar) ID() ID
- func (self *TabBar) ItemSpacingY() float32
- func (self *TabBar) LastTabItemIdx() int
- func (self *TabBar) NextSelectedTabId() ID
- func (self *TabBar) PrevFrameVisible() int32
- func (self *TabBar) PrevTabsContentsHeight() float32
- func (self *TabBar) ReorderRequestOffset() int
- func (self *TabBar) ReorderRequestTabId() ID
- func (self *TabBar) ScrollingAnim() float32
- func (self *TabBar) ScrollingRectMaxX() float32
- func (self *TabBar) ScrollingRectMinX() float32
- func (self *TabBar) ScrollingSpeed() float32
- func (self *TabBar) ScrollingTarget() float32
- func (self *TabBar) ScrollingTargetDistToVisibility() float32
- func (self *TabBar) SelectedTabId() ID
- func (self *TabBar) SeparatorMaxX() float32
- func (self *TabBar) SeparatorMinX() float32
- func (self TabBar) SetBackupCursorPos(v Vec2)
- func (self TabBar) SetBarRect(v Rect)
- func (self TabBar) SetBeginCount(v int)
- func (self TabBar) SetCurrFrameVisible(v int32)
- func (self TabBar) SetCurrTabsContentsHeight(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetFlags(v TabBarFlags)
- func (self TabBar) SetFramePadding(v Vec2)
- func (self TabBar) SetID(v ID)
- func (self TabBar) SetItemSpacingY(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetLastTabItemIdx(v int)
- func (self TabBar) SetNextSelectedTabId(v ID)
- func (self TabBar) SetPrevFrameVisible(v int32)
- func (self TabBar) SetPrevTabsContentsHeight(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetReorderRequestOffset(v int)
- func (self TabBar) SetReorderRequestTabId(v ID)
- func (self TabBar) SetScrollingAnim(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetScrollingRectMaxX(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetScrollingRectMinX(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetScrollingSpeed(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetScrollingTarget(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetScrollingTargetDistToVisibility(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetSelectedTabId(v ID)
- func (self TabBar) SetSeparatorMaxX(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetSeparatorMinX(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetTabs(v Vector[*TabItem])
- func (self TabBar) SetTabsActiveCount(v int)
- func (self TabBar) SetTabsAddedNew(v bool)
- func (self TabBar) SetTabsNames(v TextBuffer)
- func (self TabBar) SetVisibleTabId(v ID)
- func (self TabBar) SetVisibleTabWasSubmitted(v bool)
- func (self TabBar) SetWantLayout(v bool)
- func (self TabBar) SetWidthAllTabs(v float32)
- func (self TabBar) SetWidthAllTabsIdeal(v float32)
- func (self *TabBar) Tabs() Vector[*TabItem]
- func (self *TabBar) TabsActiveCount() int
- func (self *TabBar) TabsAddedNew() bool
- func (self *TabBar) TabsNames() TextBuffer
- func (self *TabBar) VisibleTabId() ID
- func (self *TabBar) VisibleTabWasSubmitted() bool
- func (self *TabBar) WantLayout() bool
- func (self *TabBar) WidthAllTabs() float32
- func (self *TabBar) WidthAllTabsIdeal() float32
- type TabBarFlags
- type TabBarFlagsPrivate
- type TabItem
- func InternalNewTabItem() *TabItem
- func InternalTabBarFindMostRecentlySelectedTabForActiveWindow(tab_bar *TabBar) *TabItem
- func InternalTabBarFindTabByID(tab_bar *TabBar, tab_id ID) *TabItem
- func InternalTabBarFindTabByOrder(tab_bar *TabBar, order int32) *TabItem
- func InternalTabBarGetCurrentTab(tab_bar *TabBar) *TabItem
- func (self *TabItem) BeginOrder() int
- func (self *TabItem) ContentWidth() float32
- func (self *TabItem) Destroy()
- func (self *TabItem) Flags() TabItemFlags
- func (self *TabItem) ID() ID
- func (self *TabItem) IndexDuringLayout() int
- func (self *TabItem) LastFrameSelected() int32
- func (self *TabItem) LastFrameVisible() int32
- func (self *TabItem) NameOffset() int
- func (self *TabItem) Offset() float32
- func (self *TabItem) RequestedWidth() float32
- func (self TabItem) SetBeginOrder(v int)
- func (self TabItem) SetContentWidth(v float32)
- func (self TabItem) SetFlags(v TabItemFlags)
- func (self TabItem) SetID(v ID)
- func (self TabItem) SetIndexDuringLayout(v int)
- func (self TabItem) SetLastFrameSelected(v int32)
- func (self TabItem) SetLastFrameVisible(v int32)
- func (self TabItem) SetNameOffset(v int)
- func (self TabItem) SetOffset(v float32)
- func (self TabItem) SetRequestedWidth(v float32)
- func (self TabItem) SetWantClose(v bool)
- func (self TabItem) SetWidth(v float32)
- func (self TabItem) SetWindow(v *Window)
- func (self *TabItem) WantClose() bool
- func (self *TabItem) Width() float32
- func (self *TabItem) Window() *Window
- type TabItemFlags
- type TabItemFlagsPrivate
- type Table
- func (self *Table) AutoFitSingleColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) Bg0ClipRectForDrawCmd() Rect
- func (self *Table) Bg2ClipRectForDrawCmd() Rect
- func (self *Table) Bg2DrawChannelCurrent() TableDrawChannelIdx
- func (self *Table) Bg2DrawChannelUnfrozen() TableDrawChannelIdx
- func (self *Table) BgClipRect() Rect
- func (self *Table) BorderColorLight() uint32
- func (self *Table) BorderColorStrong() uint32
- func (self *Table) BorderX1() float32
- func (self *Table) BorderX2() float32
- func (self *Table) CellPaddingX() float32
- func (self *Table) CellSpacingX1() float32
- func (self *Table) CellSpacingX2() float32
- func (self *Table) ColumnsAutoFitWidth() float32
- func (self *Table) ColumnsCount() int32
- func (self *Table) ColumnsEnabledCount() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) ColumnsEnabledFixedCount() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) ColumnsGivenWidth() float32
- func (self *Table) ColumnsNames() TextBuffer
- func (self *Table) ColumnsStretchSumWeights() float32
- func (self *Table) ContextPopupColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) CurrentColumn() int32
- func (self *Table) CurrentRow() int32
- func (self *Table) DeclColumnsCount() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) DrawSplitter() *DrawListSplitter
- func (self *Table) DummyDrawChannel() TableDrawChannelIdx
- func (self *Table) Flags() TableFlags
- func (self *Table) FreezeColumnsCount() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) FreezeColumnsRequest() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) FreezeRowsCount() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) FreezeRowsRequest() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) HasScrollbarYCurr() bool
- func (self *Table) HasScrollbarYPrev() bool
- func (self *Table) HeldHeaderColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) HostBackupInnerClipRect() Rect
- func (self *Table) HostClipRect() Rect
- func (self *Table) HostIndentX() float32
- func (self *Table) HostSkipItems() bool
- func (self *Table) HoveredColumnBody() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) HoveredColumnBorder() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) ID() ID
- func (self *Table) InnerClipRect() Rect
- func (self *Table) InnerRect() Rect
- func (self *Table) InnerWidth() float32
- func (self *Table) InnerWindow() *Window
- func (self *Table) InstanceCurrent() int
- func (self *Table) InstanceDataExtra() Vector[*TableInstanceData]
- func (self *Table) InstanceDataFirst() TableInstanceData
- func (self *Table) InstanceInteracted() int
- func (self *Table) InternalDestroy()
- func (self *Table) IsContextPopupOpen() bool
- func (self *Table) IsDefaultDisplayOrder() bool
- func (self *Table) IsDefaultSizingPolicy() bool
- func (self *Table) IsInitializing() bool
- func (self *Table) IsInsideRow() bool
- func (self *Table) IsLayoutLocked() bool
- func (self *Table) IsResetAllRequest() bool
- func (self *Table) IsResetDisplayOrderRequest() bool
- func (self *Table) IsSettingsDirty() bool
- func (self *Table) IsSettingsRequestLoad() bool
- func (self *Table) IsSortSpecsDirty() bool
- func (self *Table) IsUnfrozenRows() bool
- func (self *Table) IsUsingHeaders() bool
- func (self *Table) LastFrameActive() int32
- func (self *Table) LastResizedColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) LastRowFlags() TableRowFlags
- func (self *Table) LeftMostEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) LeftMostStretchedColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) MemoryCompacted() bool
- func (self *Table) MinColumnWidth() float32
- func (self *Table) OuterPaddingX() float32
- func (self *Table) OuterRect() Rect
- func (self *Table) OuterWindow() *Window
- func (self *Table) RawData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *Table) RefScale() float32
- func (self *Table) ReorderColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) ReorderColumnDir() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) ResizeLockMinContentsX2() float32
- func (self *Table) ResizedColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) ResizedColumnNextWidth() float32
- func (self *Table) RightMostEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) RightMostStretchedColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) RowBgColorCounter() int32
- func (self *Table) RowCellDataCurrent() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) RowCellPaddingY() float32
- func (self *Table) RowFlags() TableRowFlags
- func (self *Table) RowIndentOffsetX() float32
- func (self *Table) RowMinHeight() float32
- func (self *Table) RowPosY1() float32
- func (self *Table) RowPosY2() float32
- func (self *Table) RowTextBaseline() float32
- func (self Table) SetAutoFitSingleColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetBg0ClipRectForDrawCmd(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetBg2ClipRectForDrawCmd(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetBg2DrawChannelCurrent(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
- func (self Table) SetBg2DrawChannelUnfrozen(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
- func (self Table) SetBgClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetBorderColorLight(v uint32)
- func (self Table) SetBorderColorStrong(v uint32)
- func (self Table) SetBorderX1(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetBorderX2(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetCellPaddingX(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetCellSpacingX1(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetCellSpacingX2(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetColumnsAutoFitWidth(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetColumnsCount(v int32)
- func (self Table) SetColumnsEnabledCount(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetColumnsEnabledFixedCount(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetColumnsGivenWidth(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetColumnsNames(v TextBuffer)
- func (self Table) SetColumnsStretchSumWeights(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetContextPopupColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetCurrentColumn(v int32)
- func (self Table) SetCurrentRow(v int32)
- func (self Table) SetDeclColumnsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetDrawSplitter(v *DrawListSplitter)
- func (self Table) SetDummyDrawChannel(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
- func (self Table) SetFlags(v TableFlags)
- func (self Table) SetFreezeColumnsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetFreezeColumnsRequest(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetFreezeRowsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetFreezeRowsRequest(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetHasScrollbarYCurr(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetHasScrollbarYPrev(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetHeldHeaderColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetHostBackupInnerClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetHostClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetHostIndentX(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetHostSkipItems(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetHoveredColumnBody(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetHoveredColumnBorder(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetID(v ID)
- func (self Table) SetInnerClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetInnerRect(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetInnerWidth(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetInnerWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Table) SetInstanceCurrent(v int)
- func (self Table) SetInstanceDataExtra(v Vector[*TableInstanceData])
- func (self Table) SetInstanceDataFirst(v TableInstanceData)
- func (self Table) SetInstanceInteracted(v int)
- func (self Table) SetIsContextPopupOpen(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsDefaultDisplayOrder(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsDefaultSizingPolicy(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsInitializing(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsInsideRow(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsLayoutLocked(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsResetAllRequest(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsResetDisplayOrderRequest(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsSettingsDirty(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsSettingsRequestLoad(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsSortSpecsDirty(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsUnfrozenRows(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetIsUsingHeaders(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetLastFrameActive(v int32)
- func (self Table) SetLastResizedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetLastRowFlags(v TableRowFlags)
- func (self Table) SetLeftMostEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetLeftMostStretchedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetMemoryCompacted(v bool)
- func (self Table) SetMinColumnWidth(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetOuterPaddingX(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetOuterRect(v Rect)
- func (self Table) SetOuterWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Table) SetRawData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self Table) SetRefScale(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetReorderColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetReorderColumnDir(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetResizeLockMinContentsX2(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetResizedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetResizedColumnNextWidth(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetRightMostEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetRightMostStretchedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetRowBgColorCounter(v int32)
- func (self Table) SetRowCellDataCurrent(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetRowCellPaddingY(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetRowFlags(v TableRowFlags)
- func (self Table) SetRowIndentOffsetX(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetRowMinHeight(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetRowPosY1(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetRowPosY2(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetRowTextBaseline(v float32)
- func (self Table) SetSettingsLoadedFlags(v TableFlags)
- func (self Table) SetSettingsOffset(v int32)
- func (self Table) SetSortSpecs(v TableSortSpecs)
- func (self Table) SetSortSpecsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self Table) SetSortSpecsMulti(v Vector[*TableColumnSortSpecs])
- func (self Table) SetSortSpecsSingle(v TableColumnSortSpecs)
- func (self Table) SetTempData(v *TableTempData)
- func (self Table) SetWorkRect(v Rect)
- func (self *Table) SettingsLoadedFlags() TableFlags
- func (self *Table) SettingsOffset() int32
- func (self *Table) SortSpecs() TableSortSpecs
- func (self *Table) SortSpecsCount() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *Table) SortSpecsMulti() Vector[*TableColumnSortSpecs]
- func (self *Table) SortSpecsSingle() TableColumnSortSpecs
- func (self *Table) TempData() *TableTempData
- func (self *Table) WorkRect() Rect
- type TableBgTarget
- type TableCellData
- type TableColumn
- func (self *TableColumn) AutoFitQueue() byte
- func (self *TableColumn) CannotSkipItemsQueue() byte
- func (self *TableColumn) ClipRect() Rect
- func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXFrozen() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXHeadersIdeal() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXHeadersUsed() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXUnfrozen() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) Destroy()
- func (self *TableColumn) DisplayOrder() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableColumn) DrawChannelCurrent() TableDrawChannelIdx
- func (self *TableColumn) DrawChannelFrozen() TableDrawChannelIdx
- func (self *TableColumn) DrawChannelUnfrozen() TableDrawChannelIdx
- func (self *TableColumn) Flags() TableColumnFlags
- func (self *TableColumn) IndexWithinEnabledSet() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableColumn) InitStretchWeightOrWidth() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) IsEnabled() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) IsPreserveWidthAuto() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) IsRequestOutput() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) IsSkipItems() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) IsUserEnabled() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) IsUserEnabledNextFrame() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) IsVisibleX() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) IsVisibleY() bool
- func (self *TableColumn) ItemWidth() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) MaxX() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) MinX() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) NameOffset() int
- func (self *TableColumn) NavLayerCurrent() int
- func (self *TableColumn) NextEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableColumn) PrevEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
- func (self TableColumn) SetAutoFitQueue(v byte)
- func (self TableColumn) SetCannotSkipItemsQueue(v byte)
- func (self TableColumn) SetClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXFrozen(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXHeadersIdeal(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXHeadersUsed(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXUnfrozen(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetDisplayOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetDrawChannelCurrent(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetDrawChannelFrozen(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetDrawChannelUnfrozen(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetFlags(v TableColumnFlags)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIndexWithinEnabledSet(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetInitStretchWeightOrWidth(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsEnabled(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsPreserveWidthAuto(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsRequestOutput(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsSkipItems(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsUserEnabled(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsUserEnabledNextFrame(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsVisibleX(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetIsVisibleY(v bool)
- func (self TableColumn) SetItemWidth(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetMaxX(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetMinX(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetNameOffset(v int)
- func (self TableColumn) SetNavLayerCurrent(v int)
- func (self TableColumn) SetNextEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetPrevEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirection(v byte)
- func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailCount(v byte)
- func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailList(v byte)
- func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailMask(v byte)
- func (self TableColumn) SetSortOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumn) SetStretchWeight(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetUserID(v ID)
- func (self TableColumn) SetWidthAuto(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetWidthGiven(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetWidthRequest(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetWorkMaxX(v float32)
- func (self TableColumn) SetWorkMinX(v float32)
- func (self *TableColumn) SortDirection() byte
- func (self *TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailCount() byte
- func (self *TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailList() byte
- func (self *TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailMask() byte
- func (self *TableColumn) SortOrder() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableColumn) StretchWeight() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) UserID() ID
- func (self *TableColumn) WidthAuto() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) WidthGiven() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) WidthRequest() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) WorkMaxX() float32
- func (self *TableColumn) WorkMinX() float32
- type TableColumnFlags
- type TableColumnIdx
- type TableColumnSettings
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) Destroy()
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) DisplayOrder() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) Index() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) IsEnabled() byte
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) IsStretch() byte
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetDisplayOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetIndex(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetIsEnabled(v byte)
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetIsStretch(v byte)
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetSortDirection(v byte)
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetSortOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetUserID(v ID)
- func (self TableColumnSettings) SetWidthOrWeight(v float32)
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) SortDirection() byte
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) SortOrder() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) UserID() ID
- func (self *TableColumnSettings) WidthOrWeight() float32
- type TableColumnSortSpecs
- func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) ColumnIndex() int
- func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) ColumnUserID() ID
- func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) Destroy()
- func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetColumnIndex(v int)
- func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetColumnUserID(v ID)
- func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetSortDirection(v SortDirection)
- func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetSortOrder(v int)
- func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) SortDirection() SortDirection
- func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) SortOrder() int
- type TableDrawChannelIdx
- type TableFlags
- type TableInstanceData
- func (self *TableInstanceData) Destroy()
- func (self *TableInstanceData) HoveredRowLast() int32
- func (self *TableInstanceData) HoveredRowNext() int32
- func (self *TableInstanceData) LastFirstRowHeight() float32
- func (self *TableInstanceData) LastFrozenHeight() float32
- func (self *TableInstanceData) LastOuterHeight() float32
- func (self TableInstanceData) SetHoveredRowLast(v int32)
- func (self TableInstanceData) SetHoveredRowNext(v int32)
- func (self TableInstanceData) SetLastFirstRowHeight(v float32)
- func (self TableInstanceData) SetLastFrozenHeight(v float32)
- func (self TableInstanceData) SetLastOuterHeight(v float32)
- func (self TableInstanceData) SetTableInstanceID(v ID)
- func (self *TableInstanceData) TableInstanceID() ID
- type TableRowFlags
- type TableSettings
- func (self *TableSettings) ColumnsCount() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableSettings) ColumnsCountMax() TableColumnIdx
- func (self *TableSettings) Destroy()
- func (self *TableSettings) ID() ID
- func (self *TableSettings) InternalColumnSettings() *TableColumnSettings
- func (self *TableSettings) RefScale() float32
- func (self *TableSettings) SaveFlags() TableFlags
- func (self TableSettings) SetColumnsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableSettings) SetColumnsCountMax(v TableColumnIdx)
- func (self TableSettings) SetID(v ID)
- func (self TableSettings) SetRefScale(v float32)
- func (self TableSettings) SetSaveFlags(v TableFlags)
- func (self TableSettings) SetWantApply(v bool)
- func (self *TableSettings) WantApply() bool
- type TableSortSpecs
- func (self *TableSortSpecs) Destroy()
- func (self TableSortSpecs) SetSpecs(v *TableColumnSortSpecs)
- func (self TableSortSpecs) SetSpecsCount(v int32)
- func (self TableSortSpecs) SetSpecsDirty(v bool)
- func (self *TableSortSpecs) Specs() *TableColumnSortSpecs
- func (self *TableSortSpecs) SpecsCount() int32
- func (self *TableSortSpecs) SpecsDirty() bool
- type TableTempData
- func (self *TableTempData) Destroy()
- func (self *TableTempData) DrawSplitter() DrawListSplitter
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupColumnsOffset() Vec1
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupCurrLineSize() Vec2
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupCursorMaxPos() Vec2
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupItemWidth() float32
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupItemWidthStackSize() int32
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupParentWorkRect() Rect
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupPrevLineSize() Vec2
- func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupWorkRect() Rect
- func (self *TableTempData) LastTimeActive() float32
- func (self TableTempData) SetDrawSplitter(v DrawListSplitter)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupColumnsOffset(v Vec1)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupCurrLineSize(v Vec2)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupCursorMaxPos(v Vec2)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupItemWidth(v float32)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupItemWidthStackSize(v int32)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupParentWorkRect(v Rect)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupPrevLineSize(v Vec2)
- func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupWorkRect(v Rect)
- func (self TableTempData) SetLastTimeActive(v float32)
- func (self TableTempData) SetTableIndex(v int32)
- func (self TableTempData) SetUserOuterSize(v Vec2)
- func (self *TableTempData) TableIndex() int32
- func (self *TableTempData) UserOuterSize() Vec2
- type TextBlock
- type TextBuffer
- func (self *TextBuffer) Append(str string)
- func (self *TextBuffer) AppendV(str string, str_end string)
- func (self *TextBuffer) Appendf(fmt string)
- func (self *TextBuffer) Begin() string
- func (self *TextBuffer) Buf() Vector[string]
- func (self *TextBuffer) Clear()
- func (self *TextBuffer) Destroy()
- func (self *TextBuffer) Empty() bool
- func (self *TextBuffer) End() string
- func (self *TextBuffer) Reserve(capacity int32)
- func (self TextBuffer) SetBuf(v Vector[string])
- func (self *TextBuffer) Size() int32
- type TextFilter
- func (self *TextFilter) Build()
- func (self *TextFilter) Clear()
- func (self *TextFilter) CountGrep() int32
- func (self *TextFilter) Destroy()
- func (self *TextFilter) Draw() bool
- func (self *TextFilter) DrawV(label string, width float32) bool
- func (self *TextFilter) Filters() Vector[*TextRange]
- func (self *TextFilter) IsActive() bool
- func (self *TextFilter) PassFilter(text string) bool
- func (self *TextFilter) PassFilterV(text string) bool
- func (self TextFilter) SetCountGrep(v int32)
- func (self TextFilter) SetFilters(v Vector[*TextRange])
- type TextFlags
- type TextIndex
- func (self *TextIndex) EndOffset() int32
- func (self *TextIndex) InternalAppend(base string, old_size int32, new_size int32)
- func (self *TextIndex) InternalClear()
- func (self *TextIndex) InternalSize() int32
- func (self *TextIndex) Internalgetlinebegin(base string, n int32) string
- func (self *TextIndex) Internalgetlineend(base string, n int32) string
- func (self *TextIndex) LineOffsets() Vector[*int32]
- func (self TextIndex) SetEndOffset(v int32)
- func (self TextIndex) SetLineOffsets(v Vector[*int32])
- type TextRange
- type TextRegion
- type Texture
- type TextureID
- type TextureManager
- type TooltipFlags
- type TreeNodeFlags
- type TreeNodeFlagsPrivate
- type TypingSelectFlags
- type TypingSelectRequest
- func (self *TypingSelectRequest) Flags() TypingSelectFlags
- func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SearchBuffer() string
- func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SearchBufferLen() int32
- func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SelectRequest() bool
- func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetFlags(v TypingSelectFlags)
- func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSearchBuffer(v string)
- func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSearchBufferLen(v int32)
- func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSelectRequest(v bool)
- func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSingleCharMode(v bool)
- func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSingleCharSize(v int)
- func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SingleCharMode() bool
- func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SingleCharSize() int
- type TypingSelectState
- func (self *TypingSelectState) Destroy()
- func (self *TypingSelectState) FocusScope() ID
- func (self *TypingSelectState) InternalClear()
- func (self *TypingSelectState) LastRequestFrame() int32
- func (self *TypingSelectState) LastRequestTime() float32
- func (self *TypingSelectState) Request() TypingSelectRequest
- func (self TypingSelectState) SetFocusScope(v ID)
- func (self TypingSelectState) SetLastRequestFrame(v int32)
- func (self TypingSelectState) SetLastRequestTime(v float32)
- func (self TypingSelectState) SetRequest(v TypingSelectRequest)
- func (self TypingSelectState) SetSingleCharModeLock(v bool)
- func (self *TypingSelectState) SingleCharModeLock() bool
- type Vec1
- type Vec2
- func CalcTextSize(text string) Vec2
- func CalcTextSizeV(text string, hide_text_after_double_hash bool, wrap_width float32) Vec2
- func ContentRegionAvail() Vec2
- func ContentRegionMax() Vec2
- func CursorPos() Vec2
- func CursorScreenPos() Vec2
- func CursorStartPos() Vec2
- func FontTexUvWhitePixel() Vec2
- func InternalCalcItemSize(size Vec2, default_w float32, default_h float32) Vec2
- func InternalCalcWindowNextAutoFitSize(window *Window) Vec2
- func InternalContentRegionMaxAbs() Vec2
- func InternalFindBestWindowPosForPopup(window *Window) Vec2
- func InternalImBezierCubicCalc(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, t float32) Vec2
- func InternalImBezierCubicClosestPoint(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, p Vec2, num_segments int32) Vec2
- func InternalImBezierCubicClosestPointCasteljau(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, p Vec2, tess_tol float32) Vec2
- func InternalImBezierQuadraticCalc(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, t float32) Vec2
- func InternalImClamp(v Vec2, mn Vec2, mx Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImFloorSignedVec2(v Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImFloorVec2(v Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImLerpVec2Float(a Vec2, b Vec2, t float32) Vec2
- func InternalImLerpVec2Vec2(a Vec2, b Vec2, t Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImLineClosestPoint(a Vec2, b Vec2, p Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImMax(lhs Vec2, rhs Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImMin(lhs Vec2, rhs Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImMul(lhs Vec2, rhs Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalImRotate(v Vec2, cos_a float32, sin_a float32) Vec2
- func InternalImTriangleClosestPoint(a Vec2, b Vec2, c Vec2, p Vec2) Vec2
- func InternalKeyMagnitude2d(key_left Key, key_right Key, key_up Key, key_down Key) Vec2
- func InternalScrollToRectEx(window *Window, rect Rect) Vec2
- func InternalScrollToRectExV(window *Window, rect Rect, flags ScrollFlags) Vec2
- func InternalTabItemCalcSizeStr(label string, has_close_button_or_unsaved_marker bool) Vec2
- func InternalTabItemCalcSizeWindowPtr(window *Window) Vec2
- func InternalWindowPosRelToAbs(window *Window, p Vec2) Vec2
- func ItemRectMax() Vec2
- func ItemRectMin() Vec2
- func ItemRectSize() Vec2
- func MouseDragDelta() Vec2
- func MouseDragDeltaV(button MouseButton, lock_threshold float32) Vec2
- func MousePos() Vec2
- func MousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() Vec2
- func NewVec2(x, y float32) Vec2
- func PlotCalcLegendSize(items *PlotItemGroup, pad Vec2, spacing Vec2, vertical bool) Vec2
- func PlotCalcTextSizeVertical(text string) Vec2
- func PlotClampLabelPos(pos Vec2, size Vec2, Min Vec2, Max Vec2) Vec2
- func PlotGetLocationPos(outer_rect Rect, inner_size Vec2, location PlotLocation) Vec2
- func PlotGetLocationPosV(outer_rect Rect, inner_size Vec2, location PlotLocation, pad Vec2) Vec2
- func PlotGetPlotPos() Vec2
- func PlotGetPlotSize() Vec2
- func PlotIntersection(a1 Vec2, a2 Vec2, b1 Vec2, b2 Vec2) Vec2
- func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoInt(plt PlotPoint) Vec2
- func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV(plt PlotPoint, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) Vec2
- func PlotPlotToPixelsdouble(x float64, y float64) Vec2
- func PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV(x float64, y float64, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) Vec2
- func WindowContentRegionMax() Vec2
- func WindowContentRegionMin() Vec2
- func WindowPos() Vec2
- func WindowSize() Vec2
- type Vec4
- func ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(in uint32) Vec4
- func InternalImLerpVec4(a Vec4, b Vec4, t float32) Vec4
- func NewVec4(r, g, b, a float32) Vec4
- func PlotGetAutoColor(idx PlotCol) Vec4
- func PlotGetColormapColor(idx int32) Vec4
- func PlotGetColormapColorV(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) Vec4
- func PlotGetLastItemColor() Vec4
- func PlotGetStyleColorVec4(idx PlotCol) Vec4
- func PlotNextColormapColor() Vec4
- func PlotSampleColormap(t float32) Vec4
- func PlotSampleColormapV(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) Vec4
- func StyleColorVec4(idx Col) *Vec4
- type Vector
- type Viewport
- func (self *Viewport) Center() Vec2
- func (self *Viewport) Destroy()
- func (self *Viewport) DpiScale() float32
- func (self *Viewport) DrawData() *DrawData
- func (self *Viewport) Flags() ViewportFlags
- func (self *Viewport) ID() ID
- func (self *Viewport) ParentViewportId() ID
- func (self *Viewport) PlatformHandle() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *Viewport) PlatformHandleRaw() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *Viewport) PlatformRequestClose() bool
- func (self *Viewport) PlatformRequestMove() bool
- func (self *Viewport) PlatformRequestResize() bool
- func (self *Viewport) PlatformUserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self *Viewport) PlatformWindowCreated() bool
- func (self *Viewport) Pos() Vec2
- func (self *Viewport) RendererUserData() unsafe.Pointer
- func (self Viewport) SetDpiScale(v float32)
- func (self Viewport) SetDrawData(v *DrawData)
- func (self Viewport) SetFlags(v ViewportFlags)
- func (self Viewport) SetID(v ID)
- func (self Viewport) SetParentViewportId(v ID)
- func (self Viewport) SetPlatformHandle(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self Viewport) SetPlatformHandleRaw(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self Viewport) SetPlatformRequestClose(v bool)
- func (self Viewport) SetPlatformRequestMove(v bool)
- func (self Viewport) SetPlatformRequestResize(v bool)
- func (self Viewport) SetPlatformUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self Viewport) SetPlatformWindowCreated(v bool)
- func (self Viewport) SetPos(v Vec2)
- func (self Viewport) SetRendererUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
- func (self Viewport) SetSize(v Vec2)
- func (self Viewport) SetWorkPos(v Vec2)
- func (self Viewport) SetWorkSize(v Vec2)
- func (self *Viewport) Size() Vec2
- func (self *Viewport) WorkCenter() Vec2
- func (self *Viewport) WorkPos() Vec2
- func (self *Viewport) WorkSize() Vec2
- type ViewportFlags
- type ViewportP
- func (self *ViewportP) Alpha() float32
- func (self *ViewportP) BuildWorkOffsetMax() Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) BuildWorkOffsetMin() Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) DrawDataBuilder() DrawDataBuilder
- func (self *ViewportP) DrawDataP() DrawData
- func (self *ViewportP) Idx() int32
- func (self *ViewportP) ImGuiViewport() Viewport
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalBuildWorkRect() Rect
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalCalcWorkRectPos(off_min Vec2) Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalCalcWorkRectSize(off_min Vec2, off_max Vec2) Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalClearRequestFlags()
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalDestroy()
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalMainRect() Rect
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalUpdateWorkRect()
- func (self *ViewportP) InternalWorkRect() Rect
- func (self *ViewportP) LastAlpha() float32
- func (self *ViewportP) LastFocusedHadNavWindow() bool
- func (self *ViewportP) LastFocusedStampCount() int32
- func (self *ViewportP) LastFrameActive() int32
- func (self *ViewportP) LastNameHash() ID
- func (self *ViewportP) LastPlatformPos() Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) LastPlatformSize() Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) LastPos() Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) LastRendererSize() Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) PlatformMonitor() int16
- func (self ViewportP) SetAlpha(v float32)
- func (self ViewportP) SetBgFgDrawListsLastFrame(v *[2]int32)
- func (self ViewportP) SetBuildWorkOffsetMax(v Vec2)
- func (self ViewportP) SetBuildWorkOffsetMin(v Vec2)
- func (self ViewportP) SetDrawDataBuilder(v DrawDataBuilder)
- func (self ViewportP) SetDrawDataP(v DrawData)
- func (self ViewportP) SetIdx(v int32)
- func (self ViewportP) SetImGuiViewport(v Viewport)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastAlpha(v float32)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastFocusedHadNavWindow(v bool)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastFocusedStampCount(v int32)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastFrameActive(v int32)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastNameHash(v ID)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastPlatformPos(v Vec2)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastPlatformSize(v Vec2)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastPos(v Vec2)
- func (self ViewportP) SetLastRendererSize(v Vec2)
- func (self ViewportP) SetPlatformMonitor(v int16)
- func (self ViewportP) SetWindow(v *Window)
- func (self ViewportP) SetWorkOffsetMax(v Vec2)
- func (self ViewportP) SetWorkOffsetMin(v Vec2)
- func (self *ViewportP) Window() *Window
- func (self *ViewportP) WorkOffsetMax() Vec2
- func (self *ViewportP) WorkOffsetMin() Vec2
- type Wchar
- type Window
- func InternalCurrentWindow() *Window
- func InternalCurrentWindowRead() *Window
- func InternalFindBlockingModal(window *Window) *Window
- func InternalFindBottomMostVisibleWindowWithinBeginStack(window *Window) *Window
- func InternalFindWindowByID(id ID) *Window
- func InternalFindWindowByName(name string) *Window
- func InternalNewWindow(context *Context, name string) *Window
- func InternalTopMostAndVisiblePopupModal() *Window
- func InternalTopMostPopupModal() *Window
- func (self *Window) Active() bool
- func (self *Window) Appearing() bool
- func (self *Window) AutoFitChildAxises() int
- func (self *Window) AutoFitFramesX() int
- func (self *Window) AutoFitFramesY() int
- func (self *Window) AutoFitOnlyGrows() bool
- func (self *Window) AutoPosLastDirection() Dir
- func (self *Window) BeginCount() int16
- func (self *Window) BeginCountPreviousFrame() int16
- func (self *Window) BeginOrderWithinContext() int16
- func (self *Window) BeginOrderWithinParent() int16
- func (self *Window) ChildId() ID
- func (self *Window) ClipRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) Collapsed() bool
- func (self *Window) ColumnsStorage() Vector[*OldColumns]
- func (self *Window) ContentRegionRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) ContentSize() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ContentSizeExplicit() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ContentSizeIdeal() Vec2
- func (self *Window) Ctx() *Context
- func (self *Window) DC() WindowTempData
- func (self *Window) DecoInnerSizeX1() float32
- func (self *Window) DecoInnerSizeY1() float32
- func (self *Window) DecoOuterSizeX1() float32
- func (self *Window) DecoOuterSizeX2() float32
- func (self *Window) DecoOuterSizeY1() float32
- func (self *Window) DecoOuterSizeY2() float32
- func (self *Window) DisableInputsFrames() int
- func (self *Window) DockId() ID
- func (self *Window) DockIsActive() bool
- func (self *Window) DockNode() *DockNode
- func (self *Window) DockNodeAsHost() *DockNode
- func (self *Window) DockNodeIsVisible() bool
- func (self *Window) DockOrder() int16
- func (self *Window) DockStyle() WindowDockStyle
- func (self *Window) DockTabIsVisible() bool
- func (self *Window) DockTabItemRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) DockTabItemStatusFlags() ItemStatusFlags
- func (self *Window) DockTabWantClose() bool
- func (self *Window) DrawList() *DrawList
- func (self *Window) DrawListInst() DrawList
- func (self *Window) Flags() WindowFlags
- func (self *Window) FlagsPreviousFrame() WindowFlags
- func (self *Window) FocusOrder() int16
- func (self *Window) FontDpiScale() float32
- func (self *Window) FontWindowScale() float32
- func (self *Window) HasCloseButton() bool
- func (self *Window) Hidden() bool
- func (self *Window) HiddenFramesCanSkipItems() int
- func (self *Window) HiddenFramesCannotSkipItems() int
- func (self *Window) HiddenFramesForRenderOnly() int
- func (self *Window) ID() ID
- func (self *Window) InnerClipRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) InnerRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) InternalCalcFontSize() float32
- func (self *Window) InternalDestroy()
- func (self *Window) InternalIDFromRectangle(r_abs Rect) ID
- func (self *Window) InternalIDInt(n int32) ID
- func (self *Window) InternalIDPtr(ptr unsafe.Pointer) ID
- func (self *Window) InternalIDStr(str string) ID
- func (self *Window) InternalIDStrV(str string, str_end string) ID
- func (self *Window) InternalMenuBarHeight() float32
- func (self *Window) InternalMenuBarRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) InternalRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) InternalTitleBarHeight() float32
- func (self *Window) InternalTitleBarRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) IsExplicitChild() bool
- func (self *Window) IsFallbackWindow() bool
- func (self *Window) ItemWidthDefault() float32
- func (self *Window) LastFrameActive() int32
- func (self *Window) LastFrameJustFocused() int32
- func (self *Window) LastTimeActive() float32
- func (self *Window) MemoryCompacted() bool
- func (self *Window) MemoryDrawListIdxCapacity() int32
- func (self *Window) MemoryDrawListVtxCapacity() int32
- func (self *Window) MoveId() ID
- func (self *Window) Name() string
- func (self *Window) NameBufLen() int32
- func (self *Window) NavLastChildNavWindow() *Window
- func (self *Window) NavRootFocusScopeId() ID
- func (self *Window) OuterRectClipped() Rect
- func (self *Window) ParentWindow() *Window
- func (self *Window) ParentWindowInBeginStack() *Window
- func (self *Window) ParentWorkRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) PopupId() ID
- func (self *Window) Pos() Vec2
- func (self *Window) RootWindow() *Window
- func (self *Window) RootWindowDockTree() *Window
- func (self *Window) RootWindowForNav() *Window
- func (self *Window) RootWindowForTitleBarHighlight() *Window
- func (self *Window) RootWindowPopupTree() *Window
- func (self *Window) Scroll() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ScrollMax() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ScrollTarget() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ScrollTargetCenterRatio() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ScrollTargetEdgeSnapDist() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ScrollbarSizes() Vec2
- func (self *Window) ScrollbarX() bool
- func (self *Window) ScrollbarY() bool
- func (self Window) SetActive(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetAppearing(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetAutoFitChildAxises(v int)
- func (self Window) SetAutoFitFramesX(v int)
- func (self Window) SetAutoFitFramesY(v int)
- func (self Window) SetAutoFitOnlyGrows(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetAutoPosLastDirection(v Dir)
- func (self Window) SetBeginCount(v int16)
- func (self Window) SetBeginCountPreviousFrame(v int16)
- func (self Window) SetBeginOrderWithinContext(v int16)
- func (self Window) SetBeginOrderWithinParent(v int16)
- func (self Window) SetChildId(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetCollapsed(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetColumnsStorage(v Vector[*OldColumns])
- func (self Window) SetContentRegionRect(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetContentSize(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetContentSizeExplicit(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetContentSizeIdeal(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetCtx(v *Context)
- func (self Window) SetDC(v WindowTempData)
- func (self Window) SetDecoInnerSizeX1(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetDecoInnerSizeY1(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetDecoOuterSizeX1(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetDecoOuterSizeX2(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetDecoOuterSizeY1(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetDecoOuterSizeY2(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetDisableInputsFrames(v int)
- func (self Window) SetDockId(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetDockIsActive(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetDockNode(v *DockNode)
- func (self Window) SetDockNodeAsHost(v *DockNode)
- func (self Window) SetDockNodeIsVisible(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetDockOrder(v int16)
- func (self Window) SetDockStyle(v WindowDockStyle)
- func (self Window) SetDockTabIsVisible(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetDockTabItemRect(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetDockTabItemStatusFlags(v ItemStatusFlags)
- func (self Window) SetDockTabWantClose(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetDrawList(v *DrawList)
- func (self Window) SetDrawListInst(v DrawList)
- func (self Window) SetFlags(v WindowFlags)
- func (self Window) SetFlagsPreviousFrame(v WindowFlags)
- func (self Window) SetFocusOrder(v int16)
- func (self Window) SetFontDpiScale(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetFontWindowScale(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetHasCloseButton(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetHidden(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetHiddenFramesCanSkipItems(v int)
- func (self Window) SetHiddenFramesCannotSkipItems(v int)
- func (self Window) SetHiddenFramesForRenderOnly(v int)
- func (self Window) SetID(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetIDStack(v Vector[*ID])
- func (self Window) SetInnerClipRect(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetInnerRect(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetIsExplicitChild(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetIsFallbackWindow(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetItemWidthDefault(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetLastFrameActive(v int32)
- func (self Window) SetLastFrameJustFocused(v int32)
- func (self Window) SetLastTimeActive(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetMemoryCompacted(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetMemoryDrawListIdxCapacity(v int32)
- func (self Window) SetMemoryDrawListVtxCapacity(v int32)
- func (self Window) SetMoveId(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetName(v string)
- func (self Window) SetNameBufLen(v int32)
- func (self Window) SetNavLastChildNavWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetNavPreferredScoringPosRel(v [2]*Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetNavRootFocusScopeId(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetOuterRectClipped(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetParentWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetParentWindowInBeginStack(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetParentWorkRect(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetPopupId(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetPos(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetRootWindow(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetRootWindowDockTree(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetRootWindowForNav(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetRootWindowForTitleBarHighlight(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetRootWindowPopupTree(v *Window)
- func (self Window) SetScroll(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetScrollMax(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetScrollTarget(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetScrollTargetCenterRatio(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetScrollTargetEdgeSnapDist(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetScrollbarSizes(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetScrollbarX(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetScrollbarY(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetSetWindowCollapsedAllowFlags(v Cond)
- func (self Window) SetSetWindowDockAllowFlags(v Cond)
- func (self Window) SetSetWindowPosAllowFlags(v Cond)
- func (self Window) SetSetWindowPosPivot(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetSetWindowPosVal(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetSetWindowSizeAllowFlags(v Cond)
- func (self Window) SetSettingsOffset(v int32)
- func (self Window) SetSize(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetSizeFull(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetSkipItems(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetStateStorage(v Storage)
- func (self Window) SetTabId(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetViewport(v *ViewportP)
- func (self Window) SetViewportAllowPlatformMonitorExtend(v int32)
- func (self Window) SetViewportId(v ID)
- func (self Window) SetViewportOwned(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetViewportPos(v Vec2)
- func (self Window) SetWantCollapseToggle(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetWasActive(v bool)
- func (self Window) SetWindowBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self Window) SetWindowClass(v WindowClass)
- func (self *Window) SetWindowCollapsedAllowFlags() Cond
- func (self *Window) SetWindowDockAllowFlags() Cond
- func (self Window) SetWindowPadding(v Vec2)
- func (self *Window) SetWindowPosAllowFlags() Cond
- func (self *Window) SetWindowPosPivot() Vec2
- func (self *Window) SetWindowPosVal() Vec2
- func (self Window) SetWindowRounding(v float32)
- func (self *Window) SetWindowSizeAllowFlags() Cond
- func (self Window) SetWorkRect(v Rect)
- func (self Window) SetWriteAccessed(v bool)
- func (self *Window) SettingsOffset() int32
- func (self *Window) Size() Vec2
- func (self *Window) SizeFull() Vec2
- func (self *Window) SkipItems() bool
- func (self *Window) StateStorage() Storage
- func (self *Window) TabId() ID
- func (self *Window) Viewport() *ViewportP
- func (self *Window) ViewportAllowPlatformMonitorExtend() int32
- func (self *Window) ViewportId() ID
- func (self *Window) ViewportOwned() bool
- func (self *Window) ViewportPos() Vec2
- func (self *Window) WantCollapseToggle() bool
- func (self *Window) WasActive() bool
- func (self *Window) WindowBorderSize() float32
- func (self *Window) WindowClass() WindowClass
- func (self *Window) WindowPadding() Vec2
- func (self *Window) WindowRounding() float32
- func (self *Window) WorkRect() Rect
- func (self *Window) WriteAccessed() bool
- type WindowClass
- func (self *WindowClass) ClassId() ID
- func (self *WindowClass) Destroy()
- func (self *WindowClass) DockNodeFlagsOverrideSet() DockNodeFlags
- func (self *WindowClass) DockingAllowUnclassed() bool
- func (self *WindowClass) DockingAlwaysTabBar() bool
- func (self *WindowClass) ParentViewportId() ID
- func (self WindowClass) SetClassId(v ID)
- func (self WindowClass) SetDockNodeFlagsOverrideSet(v DockNodeFlags)
- func (self WindowClass) SetDockingAllowUnclassed(v bool)
- func (self WindowClass) SetDockingAlwaysTabBar(v bool)
- func (self WindowClass) SetParentViewportId(v ID)
- func (self WindowClass) SetTabItemFlagsOverrideSet(v TabItemFlags)
- func (self WindowClass) SetViewportFlagsOverrideClear(v ViewportFlags)
- func (self WindowClass) SetViewportFlagsOverrideSet(v ViewportFlags)
- func (self *WindowClass) TabItemFlagsOverrideSet() TabItemFlags
- func (self *WindowClass) ViewportFlagsOverrideClear() ViewportFlags
- func (self *WindowClass) ViewportFlagsOverrideSet() ViewportFlags
- type WindowCloseCallback
- type WindowDockStyle
- type WindowDockStyleCol
- type WindowFlags
- type WindowSettings
- func (self *WindowSettings) ClassId() ID
- func (self *WindowSettings) Collapsed() bool
- func (self *WindowSettings) Destroy()
- func (self *WindowSettings) DockId() ID
- func (self *WindowSettings) DockOrder() int16
- func (self *WindowSettings) ID() ID
- func (self *WindowSettings) InternalName() string
- func (self WindowSettings) SetClassId(v ID)
- func (self WindowSettings) SetCollapsed(v bool)
- func (self WindowSettings) SetDockId(v ID)
- func (self WindowSettings) SetDockOrder(v int16)
- func (self WindowSettings) SetID(v ID)
- func (self WindowSettings) SetViewportId(v ID)
- func (self WindowSettings) SetWantApply(v bool)
- func (self WindowSettings) SetWantDelete(v bool)
- func (self *WindowSettings) ViewportId() ID
- func (self *WindowSettings) WantApply() bool
- func (self *WindowSettings) WantDelete() bool
- type WindowStackData
- func (self *WindowStackData) ParentLastItemDataBackup() LastItemData
- func (self WindowStackData) SetParentLastItemDataBackup(v LastItemData)
- func (self WindowStackData) SetStackSizesOnBegin(v StackSizes)
- func (self WindowStackData) SetWindow(v *Window)
- func (self *WindowStackData) StackSizesOnBegin() StackSizes
- func (self *WindowStackData) Window() *Window
- type WindowTempData
- func (self *WindowTempData) ColumnsOffset() Vec1
- func (self *WindowTempData) CurrLineSize() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) CurrLineTextBaseOffset() float32
- func (self *WindowTempData) CurrentColumns() *OldColumns
- func (self *WindowTempData) CurrentTableIdx() int32
- func (self *WindowTempData) CursorMaxPos() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) CursorPos() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) CursorPosPrevLine() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) CursorStartPos() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) CursorStartPosLossyness() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) GroupOffset() Vec1
- func (self *WindowTempData) IdealMaxPos() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) Indent() Vec1
- func (self *WindowTempData) IsSameLine() bool
- func (self *WindowTempData) IsSetPos() bool
- func (self *WindowTempData) ItemWidth() float32
- func (self *WindowTempData) ItemWidthStack() Vector[*float32]
- func (self *WindowTempData) LayoutType() LayoutType
- func (self *WindowTempData) MenuBarAppending() bool
- func (self *WindowTempData) MenuBarOffset() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) MenuColumns() MenuColumns
- func (self *WindowTempData) NavHideHighlightOneFrame() bool
- func (self *WindowTempData) NavIsScrollPushableX() bool
- func (self *WindowTempData) NavLayerCurrent() NavLayer
- func (self *WindowTempData) NavLayersActiveMask() int16
- func (self *WindowTempData) NavLayersActiveMaskNext() int16
- func (self *WindowTempData) NavWindowHasScrollY() bool
- func (self *WindowTempData) ParentLayoutType() LayoutType
- func (self *WindowTempData) PrevLineSize() Vec2
- func (self *WindowTempData) PrevLineTextBaseOffset() float32
- func (self WindowTempData) SetColumnsOffset(v Vec1)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrLineSize(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrLineTextBaseOffset(v float32)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrentColumns(v *OldColumns)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrentTableIdx(v int32)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorMaxPos(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorPos(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorPosPrevLine(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorStartPos(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorStartPosLossyness(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetGroupOffset(v Vec1)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetIdealMaxPos(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetIndent(v Vec1)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetIsSameLine(v bool)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetIsSetPos(v bool)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetItemWidth(v float32)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetItemWidthStack(v Vector[*float32])
- func (self WindowTempData) SetLayoutType(v LayoutType)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetMenuBarAppending(v bool)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetMenuBarOffset(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetMenuColumns(v MenuColumns)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetNavHideHighlightOneFrame(v bool)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetNavIsScrollPushableX(v bool)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetNavLayerCurrent(v NavLayer)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetNavLayersActiveMask(v int16)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetNavLayersActiveMaskNext(v int16)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetNavWindowHasScrollY(v bool)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetParentLayoutType(v LayoutType)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetPrevLineSize(v Vec2)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetPrevLineTextBaseOffset(v float32)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetStateStorage(v *Storage)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetTextWrapPos(v float32)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetTextWrapPosStack(v Vector[*float32])
- func (self WindowTempData) SetTreeDepth(v int32)
- func (self WindowTempData) SetTreeJumpToParentOnPopMask(v uint32)
- func (self *WindowTempData) StateStorage() *Storage
- func (self *WindowTempData) TextWrapPos() float32
- func (self *WindowTempData) TextWrapPosStack() Vector[*float32]
- func (self *WindowTempData) TreeDepth() int32
- func (self *WindowTempData) TreeJumpToParentOnPopMask() uint32
Constants ¶
const ( DrawFlagsNone = 0 // PathStroke(), AddPolyline(): specify that shape should be closed (Important: this is always == 1 for legacy reason) DrawFlagsClosed = 1 // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding top-left corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Was 0x01. DrawFlagsRoundCornersTopLeft = 16 // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding top-right corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Was 0x02. DrawFlagsRoundCornersTopRight = 32 // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding bottom-left corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Was 0x04. DrawFlagsRoundCornersBottomLeft = 64 // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): enable rounding bottom-right corner only (when rounding > 0.0f, we default to all corners). Wax 0x08. DrawFlagsRoundCornersBottomRight = 128 // AddRect(), AddRectFilled(), PathRect(): disable rounding on all corners (when rounding > 0.0f). This is NOT zero, NOT an implicit flag! DrawFlagsRoundCornersNone = 256 DrawFlagsRoundCornersTop = 48 DrawFlagsRoundCornersBottom = 192 DrawFlagsRoundCornersLeft = 80 DrawFlagsRoundCornersRight = 160 DrawFlagsRoundCornersAll = 240 // Default to ALL corners if none of the _RoundCornersXX flags are specified. DrawFlagsRoundCornersDefault = 240 DrawFlagsRoundCornersMask = 496 )
const ( DrawListFlagsNone = 0 // Enable anti-aliased lines/borders (*2 the number of triangles for 1.0f wide line or lines thin enough to be drawn using textures, otherwise *3 the number of triangles) DrawListFlagsAntiAliasedLines = 1 // Enable anti-aliased lines/borders using textures when possible. Require backend to render with bilinear filtering (NOT point/nearest filtering). DrawListFlagsAntiAliasedLinesUseTex = 2 // Enable anti-aliased edge around filled shapes (rounded rectangles, circles). DrawListFlagsAntiAliasedFill = 4 // Can emit 'VtxOffset > 0' to allow large meshes. Set when 'ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset' is enabled. DrawListFlagsAllowVtxOffset = 8 )
const ( FontAtlasFlagsNone = 0 // Don't round the height to next power of two FontAtlasFlagsNoPowerOfTwoHeight = 1 // Don't build software mouse cursors into the atlas (save a little texture memory) FontAtlasFlagsNoMouseCursors = 2 // Don't build thick line textures into the atlas (save a little texture memory, allow support for point/nearest filtering). The AntiAliasedLinesUseTex features uses them, otherwise they will be rendered using polygons (more expensive for CPU/GPU). FontAtlasFlagsNoBakedLines = 4 )
const ( ActivateFlagsNone = 0 // Favor activation that requires keyboard text input (e.g. for Slider/Drag). Default for Enter key. ActivateFlagsPreferInput = 1 // Favor activation for tweaking with arrows or gamepad (e.g. for Slider/Drag). Default for Space key and if keyboard is not used. ActivateFlagsPreferTweak = 2 // Request widget to preserve state if it can (e.g. InputText will try to preserve cursor/selection) ActivateFlagsTryToPreserveState = 4 )
const ( AxisNone = -1 AxisX = 0 AxisY = 1 )
const ( BackendFlagsNone = 0 // Backend Platform supports gamepad and currently has one connected. BackendFlagsHasGamepad = 1 // Backend Platform supports honoring GetMouseCursor() value to change the OS cursor shape. BackendFlagsHasMouseCursors = 2 // Backend Platform supports io.WantSetMousePos requests to reposition the OS mouse position (only used if ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableSetMousePos is set). BackendFlagsHasSetMousePos = 4 // Backend Renderer supports ImDrawCmd::VtxOffset. This enables output of large meshes (64K+ vertices) while still using 16-bit indices. BackendFlagsRendererHasVtxOffset = 8 // Backend Platform supports multiple viewports. BackendFlagsPlatformHasViewports = 1024 // Backend Platform supports calling io.AddMouseViewportEvent() with the viewport under the mouse. IF POSSIBLE, ignore viewports with the ImGuiViewportFlags_NoInputs flag (Win32 backend, GLFW 3.30+ backend can do this, SDL backend cannot). If this cannot be done, Dear ImGui needs to use a flawed heuristic to find the viewport under. BackendFlagsHasMouseHoveredViewport = 2048 // Backend Renderer supports multiple viewports. BackendFlagsRendererHasViewports = 4096 )
const ( // return true on click (mouse down event) ButtonFlagsPressedOnClick = 16 // [Default] return true on click + release on same item <-- this is what the majority of Button are using ButtonFlagsPressedOnClickRelease = 32 // return true on click + release even if the release event is not done while hovering the item ButtonFlagsPressedOnClickReleaseAnywhere = 64 // return true on release (default requires click+release) ButtonFlagsPressedOnRelease = 128 // return true on double-click (default requires click+release) ButtonFlagsPressedOnDoubleClick = 256 // return true when held into while we are drag and dropping another item (used by e.g. tree nodes, collapsing headers) ButtonFlagsPressedOnDragDropHold = 512 // hold to repeat ButtonFlagsRepeat = 1024 // allow interactions even if a child window is overlapping ButtonFlagsFlattenChildren = 2048 // require previous frame HoveredId to either match id or be null before being usable. ButtonFlagsAllowOverlap = 4096 // disable automatically closing parent popup on press // [UNUSED] ButtonFlagsDontClosePopups = 8192 // vertically align button to match text baseline - ButtonEx() only // FIXME: Should be removed and handled by SmallButton(), not possible currently because of DC.CursorPosPrevLine ButtonFlagsAlignTextBaseLine = 32768 // disable mouse interaction if a key modifier is held ButtonFlagsNoKeyModifiers = 65536 // don't set ActiveId while holding the mouse (ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClick only) ButtonFlagsNoHoldingActiveId = 131072 ButtonFlagsNoNavFocus = 262144 // don't report as hovered when nav focus is on this item ButtonFlagsNoHoveredOnFocus = 524288 // don't set key/input owner on the initial click (note: mouse buttons are keys! often, the key in question will be ImGuiKey_MouseLeft!) ButtonFlagsNoSetKeyOwner = 1048576 // don't test key/input owner when polling the key (note: mouse buttons are keys! often, the key in question will be ImGuiKey_MouseLeft!) ButtonFlagsNoTestKeyOwner = 2097152 ButtonFlagsPressedOnMask = 1008 ButtonFlagsPressedOnDefault = 32 )
const ( ButtonFlagsNone = 0 // React on left mouse button (default) ButtonFlagsMouseButtonLeft = 1 // React on right mouse button ButtonFlagsMouseButtonRight = 2 // React on center mouse button ButtonFlagsMouseButtonMiddle = 4 ButtonFlagsMouseButtonMask = 7 ButtonFlagsMouseButtonDefault = 1 )
const ( ColText = 0 ColTextDisabled = 1 // Background of normal windows ColWindowBg = 2 // Background of child windows ColChildBg = 3 // Background of popups, menus, tooltips windows ColPopupBg = 4 ColBorder = 5 ColBorderShadow = 6 // Background of checkbox, radio button, plot, slider, text input ColFrameBg = 7 ColFrameBgHovered = 8 ColFrameBgActive = 9 ColTitleBg = 10 ColTitleBgActive = 11 ColTitleBgCollapsed = 12 ColMenuBarBg = 13 ColScrollbarBg = 14 ColScrollbarGrab = 15 ColScrollbarGrabHovered = 16 ColScrollbarGrabActive = 17 ColCheckMark = 18 ColSliderGrab = 19 ColSliderGrabActive = 20 ColButton = 21 ColButtonHovered = 22 ColButtonActive = 23 // Header* colors are used for CollapsingHeader, TreeNode, Selectable, MenuItem ColHeader = 24 ColHeaderHovered = 25 ColHeaderActive = 26 ColSeparator = 27 ColSeparatorHovered = 28 ColSeparatorActive = 29 // Resize grip in lower-right and lower-left corners of windows. ColResizeGrip = 30 ColResizeGripHovered = 31 ColResizeGripActive = 32 // TabItem in a TabBar ColTab = 33 ColTabHovered = 34 ColTabActive = 35 ColTabUnfocused = 36 ColTabUnfocusedActive = 37 // Preview overlay color when about to docking something ColDockingPreview = 38 // Background color for empty node (e.g. CentralNode with no window docked into it) ColDockingEmptyBg = 39 ColPlotLines = 40 ColPlotLinesHovered = 41 ColPlotHistogram = 42 ColPlotHistogramHovered = 43 // Table header background ColTableHeaderBg = 44 // Table outer and header borders (prefer using Alpha=1.0 here) ColTableBorderStrong = 45 // Table inner borders (prefer using Alpha=1.0 here) ColTableBorderLight = 46 // Table row background (even rows) ColTableRowBg = 47 // Table row background (odd rows) ColTableRowBgAlt = 48 ColTextSelectedBg = 49 // Rectangle highlighting a drop target ColDragDropTarget = 50 ColNavHighlight = 51 ColNavWindowingHighlight = 52 ColNavWindowingDimBg = 53 // Darken/colorize entire screen behind a modal window, when one is active ColModalWindowDimBg = 54 ColCOUNT = 55 )
const ( ColorEditFlagsNone = 0 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: ignore Alpha component (will only read 3 components from the input pointer). ColorEditFlagsNoAlpha = 2 // // ColorEdit: disable picker when clicking on color square. ColorEditFlagsNoPicker = 4 // // ColorEdit: disable toggling options menu when right-clicking on inputs/small preview. ColorEditFlagsNoOptions = 8 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: disable color square preview next to the inputs. (e.g. to show only the inputs) ColorEditFlagsNoSmallPreview = 16 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: disable inputs sliders/text widgets (e.g. to show only the small preview color square). ColorEditFlagsNoInputs = 32 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: disable tooltip when hovering the preview. ColorEditFlagsNoTooltip = 64 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: disable display of inline text label (the label is still forwarded to the tooltip and picker). ColorEditFlagsNoLabel = 128 // // ColorPicker: disable bigger color preview on right side of the picker, use small color square preview instead. ColorEditFlagsNoSidePreview = 256 // // ColorEdit: disable drag and drop target. ColorButton: disable drag and drop source. ColorEditFlagsNoDragDrop = 512 // // ColorButton: disable border (which is enforced by default) ColorEditFlagsNoBorder = 1024 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: show vertical alpha bar/gradient in picker. ColorEditFlagsAlphaBar = 65536 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: display preview as a transparent color over a checkerboard, instead of opaque. ColorEditFlagsAlphaPreview = 131072 // // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: display half opaque / half checkerboard, instead of opaque. ColorEditFlagsAlphaPreviewHalf = 262144 // // (WIP) ColorEdit: Currently only disable 0.0f..1.0f limits in RGBA edition (note: you probably want to use ImGuiColorEditFlags_Float flag as well). ColorEditFlagsHDR = 524288 // [Display] // ColorEdit: override _display_ type among RGB/HSV/Hex. ColorPicker: select any combination using one or more of RGB/HSV/Hex. ColorEditFlagsDisplayRGB = 1048576 // [Display] // " ColorEditFlagsDisplayHSV = 2097152 // [Display] // " ColorEditFlagsDisplayHex = 4194304 // [DataType] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: _display_ values formatted as 0..255. ColorEditFlagsUint8 = 8388608 // [DataType] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker, ColorButton: _display_ values formatted as 0.0f..1.0f floats instead of 0..255 integers. No round-trip of value via integers. ColorEditFlagsFloat = 16777216 // [Picker] // ColorPicker: bar for Hue, rectangle for Sat/Value. ColorEditFlagsPickerHueBar = 33554432 // [Picker] // ColorPicker: wheel for Hue, triangle for Sat/Value. ColorEditFlagsPickerHueWheel = 67108864 // [Input] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: input and output data in RGB format. ColorEditFlagsInputRGB = 134217728 // [Input] // ColorEdit, ColorPicker: input and output data in HSV format. ColorEditFlagsInputHSV = 268435456 ColorEditFlagsDefaultOptions = 177209344 ColorEditFlagsDisplayMask = 7340032 ColorEditFlagsDataTypeMask = 25165824 ColorEditFlagsPickerMask = 100663296 ColorEditFlagsInputMask = 402653184 )
const ( ComboFlagsNone = 0 // Align the popup toward the left by default ComboFlagsPopupAlignLeft = 1 // Max ~4 items visible. Tip: If you want your combo popup to be a specific size you can use SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() prior to calling BeginCombo() ComboFlagsHeightSmall = 2 // Max ~8 items visible (default) ComboFlagsHeightRegular = 4 // Max ~20 items visible ComboFlagsHeightLarge = 8 // As many fitting items as possible ComboFlagsHeightLargest = 16 // Display on the preview box without the square arrow button ComboFlagsNoArrowButton = 32 // Display only a square arrow button ComboFlagsNoPreview = 64 ComboFlagsHeightMask = 30 )
const ( // No condition (always set the variable), same as _Always CondNone = 0 // No condition (always set the variable), same as _None CondAlways = 1 // Set the variable once per runtime session (only the first call will succeed) CondOnce = 2 // Set the variable if the object/window has no persistently saved data (no entry in .ini file) CondFirstUseEver = 4 // Set the variable if the object/window is appearing after being hidden/inactive (or the first time) CondAppearing = 8 )
const ( ConfigFlagsNone = 0 ConfigFlagsNavEnableKeyboard = 1 ConfigFlagsNavEnableGamepad = 2 ConfigFlagsNavEnableSetMousePos = 4 ConfigFlagsNavNoCaptureKeyboard = 8 // Instruct imgui to clear mouse position/buttons in NewFrame(). This allows ignoring the mouse information set by the backend. ConfigFlagsNoMouse = 16 // Instruct backend to not alter mouse cursor shape and visibility. Use if the backend cursor changes are interfering with yours and you don't want to use SetMouseCursor() to change mouse cursor. You may want to honor requests from imgui by reading GetMouseCursor() yourself instead. ConfigFlagsNoMouseCursorChange = 32 // Docking enable flags. ConfigFlagsDockingEnable = 64 // Viewport enable flags (require both ImGuiBackendFlags_PlatformHasViewports + ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasViewports set by the respective backends) ConfigFlagsViewportsEnable = 1024 // [BETA: Don't use] FIXME-DPI: Reposition and resize imgui windows when the DpiScale of a viewport changed (mostly useful for the main viewport hosting other window). Note that resizing the main window itself is up to your application. ConfigFlagsDpiEnableScaleViewports = 16384 // [BETA: Don't use] FIXME-DPI: Request bitmap-scaled fonts to match DpiScale. This is a very low-quality workaround. The correct way to handle DPI is _currently_ to replace the atlas and/or fonts in the Platform_OnChangedViewport callback, but this is all early work in progress. ConfigFlagsDpiEnableScaleFonts = 32768 // Application is SRGB-aware. ConfigFlagsIsSRGB = 1048576 // Application is using a touch screen instead of a mouse. ConfigFlagsIsTouchScreen = 2097152 )
const ( ContextHookTypeNewFramePre = 0 ContextHookTypeNewFramePost = 1 ContextHookTypeEndFramePre = 2 ContextHookTypeEndFramePost = 3 ContextHookTypeRenderPre = 4 ContextHookTypeRenderPost = 5 ContextHookTypeShutdown = 6 ContextHookTypePendingRemoval = 7 )
const ( DataAuthorityAuto = 0 DataAuthorityDockNode = 1 DataAuthorityWindow = 2 )
const ( DataTypeString = 11 DataTypePointer = 12 DataTypeID = 13 )
const ( // signed char / char (with sensible compilers) DataTypeS8 = 0 // unsigned char DataTypeU8 = 1 // short DataTypeS16 = 2 // unsigned short DataTypeU16 = 3 // int DataTypeS32 = 4 // unsigned int DataTypeU32 = 5 // long long / __int64 DataTypeS64 = 6 // unsigned long long / unsigned __int64 DataTypeU64 = 7 // float DataTypeFloat = 8 // double DataTypeDouble = 9 DataTypeCOUNT = 10 )
const ( DebugLogFlagsNone = 0 DebugLogFlagsEventActiveId = 1 DebugLogFlagsEventFocus = 2 DebugLogFlagsEventPopup = 4 DebugLogFlagsEventClipper = 16 DebugLogFlagsEventSelection = 32 DebugLogFlagsEventIO = 64 DebugLogFlagsEventDocking = 128 DebugLogFlagsEventViewport = 256 DebugLogFlagsEventMask = 511 // Also send output to TTY DebugLogFlagsOutputToTTY = 1024 // Also send output to Test Engine DebugLogFlagsOutputToTestEngine = 2048 )
const ( DirNone = -1 DirLeft = 0 DirRight = 1 DirUp = 2 DirDown = 3 DirCOUNT = 4 )
const ( // Saved // A dockspace is a node that occupy space within an existing user window. Otherwise the node is floating and create its own window. DockNodeFlagsDockSpace = 1024 // Saved // The central node has 2 main properties: stay visible when empty, only use "remaining" spaces from its neighbor. DockNodeFlagsCentralNode = 2048 // Saved // Tab bar is completely unavailable. No triangle in the corner to enable it back. DockNodeFlagsNoTabBar = 4096 // Saved // Tab bar is hidden, with a triangle in the corner to show it again (NB: actual tab-bar instance may be destroyed as this is only used for single-window tab bar) DockNodeFlagsHiddenTabBar = 8192 // Saved // Disable window/docking menu (that one that appears instead of the collapse button) DockNodeFlagsNoWindowMenuButton = 16384 // Saved // Disable close button DockNodeFlagsNoCloseButton = 32768 // // DockNodeFlagsNoResizeX = 65536 // // DockNodeFlagsNoResizeY = 131072 // // Disable this node from splitting other windows/nodes. DockNodeFlagsNoDockingSplitOther = 524288 // // Disable other windows/nodes from being docked over this node. DockNodeFlagsNoDockingOverMe = 1048576 // // Disable this node from being docked over another window or non-empty node. DockNodeFlagsNoDockingOverOther = 2097152 // // Disable this node from being docked over an empty node (e.g. DockSpace with no other windows) DockNodeFlagsNoDockingOverEmpty = 4194304 DockNodeFlagsNoDocking = 7864336 DockNodeFlagsNoResizeFlagsMask = 196640 DockNodeFlagsLocalFlagsTransferMask = 260208 DockNodeFlagsSavedFlagsMask = 261152 )
const ( DockNodeFlagsNone = 0 // // Don't display the dockspace node but keep it alive. Windows docked into this dockspace node won't be undocked. DockNodeFlagsKeepAliveOnly = 1 // // Disable docking over the Central Node, which will be always kept empty. DockNodeFlagsNoDockingOverCentralNode = 4 // // Enable passthru dockspace: 1) DockSpace() will render a ImGuiCol_WindowBg background covering everything excepted the Central Node when empty. Meaning the host window should probably use SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f) prior to Begin() when using this. 2) When Central Node is empty: let inputs pass-through + won't display a DockingEmptyBg background. See demo for details. DockNodeFlagsPassthruCentralNode = 8 // // Disable other windows/nodes from splitting this node. DockNodeFlagsNoDockingSplit = 16 // Saved // Disable resizing node using the splitter/separators. Useful with programmatically setup dockspaces. DockNodeFlagsNoResize = 32 // // Tab bar will automatically hide when there is a single window in the dock node. DockNodeFlagsAutoHideTabBar = 64 // // Disable undocking this node. DockNodeFlagsNoUndocking = 128 )
const ( DockNodeStateUnknown = 0 DockNodeStateHostWindowHiddenBecauseSingleWindow = 1 DockNodeStateHostWindowHiddenBecauseWindowsAreResizing = 2 DockNodeStateHostWindowVisible = 3 )
const ( DragDropFlagsNone = 0 // Disable preview tooltip. By default, a successful call to BeginDragDropSource opens a tooltip so you can display a preview or description of the source contents. This flag disables this behavior. DragDropFlagsSourceNoPreviewTooltip = 1 // By default, when dragging we clear data so that IsItemHovered() will return false, to avoid subsequent user code submitting tooltips. This flag disables this behavior so you can still call IsItemHovered() on the source item. DragDropFlagsSourceNoDisableHover = 2 // Disable the behavior that allows to open tree nodes and collapsing header by holding over them while dragging a source item. DragDropFlagsSourceNoHoldToOpenOthers = 4 // Allow items such as Text(), Image() that have no unique identifier to be used as drag source, by manufacturing a temporary identifier based on their window-relative position. This is extremely unusual within the dear imgui ecosystem and so we made it explicit. DragDropFlagsSourceAllowNullID = 8 // External source (from outside of dear imgui), won't attempt to read current item/window info. Will always return true. Only one Extern source can be active simultaneously. DragDropFlagsSourceExtern = 16 // Automatically expire the payload if the source cease to be submitted (otherwise payloads are persisting while being dragged) DragDropFlagsSourceAutoExpirePayload = 32 // AcceptDragDropPayload() will returns true even before the mouse button is released. You can then call IsDelivery() to test if the payload needs to be delivered. DragDropFlagsAcceptBeforeDelivery = 1024 // Do not draw the default highlight rectangle when hovering over target. DragDropFlagsAcceptNoDrawDefaultRect = 2048 // Request hiding the BeginDragDropSource tooltip from the BeginDragDropTarget site. DragDropFlagsAcceptNoPreviewTooltip = 4096 // For peeking ahead and inspecting the payload before delivery. DragDropFlagsAcceptPeekOnly = 3072 )
const ( FocusRequestFlagsNone = 0 // Find last focused child (if any) and focus it instead. FocusRequestFlagsRestoreFocusedChild = 1 // Do not set focus if the window is below a modal. FocusRequestFlagsUnlessBelowModal = 2 )
const ( FocusedFlagsNone = 0 // Return true if any children of the window is focused FocusedFlagsChildWindows = 1 // Test from root window (top most parent of the current hierarchy) FocusedFlagsRootWindow = 2 // Return true if any window is focused. Important: If you are trying to tell how to dispatch your low-level inputs, do NOT use this. Use 'io.WantCaptureMouse' instead! Please read the FAQ! FocusedFlagsAnyWindow = 4 // Do not consider popup hierarchy (do not treat popup emitter as parent of popup) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow) FocusedFlagsNoPopupHierarchy = 8 // Consider docking hierarchy (treat dockspace host as parent of docked window) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow) FocusedFlagsDockHierarchy = 16 FocusedFlagsRootAndChildWindows = 3 )
const ( HoveredFlagsDelayMask = 245760 HoveredFlagsAllowedMaskForIsWindowHovered = 12479 HoveredFlagsAllowedMaskForIsItemHovered = 262048 )
const ( // Return true if directly over the item/window, not obstructed by another window, not obstructed by an active popup or modal blocking inputs under them. HoveredFlagsNone = 0 // IsWindowHovered() only: Return true if any children of the window is hovered HoveredFlagsChildWindows = 1 // IsWindowHovered() only: Test from root window (top most parent of the current hierarchy) HoveredFlagsRootWindow = 2 // IsWindowHovered() only: Return true if any window is hovered HoveredFlagsAnyWindow = 4 // IsWindowHovered() only: Do not consider popup hierarchy (do not treat popup emitter as parent of popup) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow) HoveredFlagsNoPopupHierarchy = 8 // IsWindowHovered() only: Consider docking hierarchy (treat dockspace host as parent of docked window) (when used with _ChildWindows or _RootWindow) HoveredFlagsDockHierarchy = 16 // Return true even if a popup window is normally blocking access to this item/window HoveredFlagsAllowWhenBlockedByPopup = 32 // Return true even if an active item is blocking access to this item/window. Useful for Drag and Drop patterns. HoveredFlagsAllowWhenBlockedByActiveItem = 128 // IsItemHovered() only: Return true even if the item uses AllowOverlap mode and is overlapped by another hoverable item. HoveredFlagsAllowWhenOverlappedByItem = 256 // IsItemHovered() only: Return true even if the position is obstructed or overlapped by another window. HoveredFlagsAllowWhenOverlappedByWindow = 512 // IsItemHovered() only: Return true even if the item is disabled HoveredFlagsAllowWhenDisabled = 1024 // IsItemHovered() only: Disable using gamepad/keyboard navigation state when active, always query mouse HoveredFlagsAllowWhenOverlapped = 768 HoveredFlagsRectOnly = 928 HoveredFlagsRootAndChildWindows = 3 // Shortcut for standard flags when using IsItemHovered() + SetTooltip() sequence. HoveredFlagsForTooltip = 4096 // Require mouse to be stationary for style.HoverStationaryDelay (~0.15 sec) _at least one time_. After this, can move on same item/window. Using the stationary test tends to reduces the need for a long delay. HoveredFlagsStationary = 8192 // IsItemHovered() only: Return true immediately (default). As this is the default you generally ignore this. HoveredFlagsDelayNone = 16384 // IsItemHovered() only: Return true after style.HoverDelayShort elapsed (~0.15 sec) (shared between items) + requires mouse to be stationary for style.HoverStationaryDelay (once per item). HoveredFlagsDelayShort = 32768 // IsItemHovered() only: Return true after style.HoverDelayNormal elapsed (~0.40 sec) (shared between items) + requires mouse to be stationary for style.HoverStationaryDelay (once per item). HoveredFlagsDelayNormal = 65536 HoveredFlagsNoSharedDelay = 131072 )
const ( InputEventTypeNone = 0 InputEventTypeMousePos = 1 InputEventTypeMouseWheel = 2 InputEventTypeMouseButton = 3 InputEventTypeMouseViewport = 4 InputEventTypeKey = 5 InputEventTypeText = 6 InputEventTypeFocus = 7 InputEventTypeCOUNT = 8 )
const ( InputFlagsNone = 0 // Return true on successive repeats. Default for legacy IsKeyPressed(). NOT Default for legacy IsMouseClicked(). MUST BE == 1. InputFlagsRepeat = 1 // Repeat rate: Regular (default) InputFlagsRepeatRateDefault = 2 InputFlagsRepeatRateNavMove = 4 // Repeat rate: Faster InputFlagsRepeatRateMask = 14 // Only set if item is hovered (default to both) InputFlagsCondHovered = 16 // Only set if item is active (default to both) InputFlagsCondActive = 32 InputFlagsCondDefault = 48 InputFlagsCondMask = 48 // Access to key data will require EXPLICIT owner ID (ImGuiKeyOwner_Any/0 will NOT accepted for polling). Cleared at end of frame. This is useful to make input-owner-aware code steal keys from non-input-owner-aware code. InputFlagsLockThisFrame = 64 // Access to key data will require EXPLICIT owner ID (ImGuiKeyOwner_Any/0 will NOT accepted for polling). Cleared when the key is released or at end of each frame if key is released. This is useful to make input-owner-aware code steal keys from non-input-owner-aware code. InputFlagsLockUntilRelease = 128 // (Default) Register focused route: Accept inputs if window is in focus stack. Deep-most focused window takes inputs. ActiveId takes inputs over deep-most focused window. InputFlagsRouteFocused = 256 // Register route globally (lowest priority: unless a focused window or active item registered the route) -> recommended Global priority. InputFlagsRouteGlobalLow = 512 // Register route globally (medium priority: unless an active item registered the route, e.g. CTRL+A registered by InputText). InputFlagsRouteGlobal = 1024 // Register route globally (highest priority: unlikely you need to use that: will interfere with every active items) InputFlagsRouteGlobalHigh = 2048 // _Always not part of this! InputFlagsRouteMask = 3840 // Do not register route, poll keys directly. InputFlagsRouteAlways = 4096 // Global routes will not be applied if underlying background/void is focused (== no Dear ImGui windows are focused). Useful for overlay applications. InputFlagsRouteUnlessBgFocused = 8192 InputFlagsRouteExtraMask = 12288 InputFlagsSupportedByIsKeyPressed = 15 InputFlagsSupportedByShortcut = 16143 InputFlagsSupportedBySetKeyOwner = 192 InputFlagsSupportedBySetItemKeyOwner = 240 )
const ( InputSourceNone = 0 // Note: may be Mouse or TouchScreen or Pen. See io.MouseSource to distinguish them. InputSourceMouse = 1 InputSourceKeyboard = 2 InputSourceGamepad = 3 // Currently only used by InputText() InputSourceClipboard = 4 InputSourceCOUNT = 5 )
const ( // For internal use by InputTextMultiline() InputTextFlagsMultiline = 67108864 // For internal use by functions using InputText() before reformatting data InputTextFlagsNoMarkEdited = 134217728 // For internal use by TempInputText(), will skip calling ItemAdd(). Require bounding-box to strictly match. InputTextFlagsMergedItem = 268435456 )
const ( InputTextFlagsNone = 0 // Allow 0123456789.+-*/ InputTextFlagsCharsDecimal = 1 // Allow 0123456789ABCDEFabcdef InputTextFlagsCharsHexadecimal = 2 // Turn a..z into A..Z InputTextFlagsCharsUppercase = 4 // Filter out spaces, tabs InputTextFlagsCharsNoBlank = 8 // Select entire text when first taking mouse focus InputTextFlagsAutoSelectAll = 16 // Return 'true' when Enter is pressed (as opposed to every time the value was modified). Consider looking at the IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() function. InputTextFlagsEnterReturnsTrue = 32 // Callback on pressing TAB (for completion handling) InputTextFlagsCallbackCompletion = 64 // Callback on pressing Up/Down arrows (for history handling) InputTextFlagsCallbackHistory = 128 // Callback on each iteration. User code may query cursor position, modify text buffer. InputTextFlagsCallbackAlways = 256 // Callback on character inputs to replace or discard them. Modify 'EventChar' to replace or discard, or return 1 in callback to discard. InputTextFlagsCallbackCharFilter = 512 // Pressing TAB input a '\t' character into the text field InputTextFlagsAllowTabInput = 1024 // In multi-line mode, unfocus with Enter, add new line with Ctrl+Enter (default is opposite: unfocus with Ctrl+Enter, add line with Enter). InputTextFlagsCtrlEnterForNewLine = 2048 // Disable following the cursor horizontally InputTextFlagsNoHorizontalScroll = 4096 // Overwrite mode InputTextFlagsAlwaysOverwrite = 8192 // Read-only mode InputTextFlagsReadOnly = 16384 // Password mode, display all characters as '*' InputTextFlagsPassword = 32768 // Disable undo/redo. Note that input text owns the text data while active, if you want to provide your own undo/redo stack you need e.g. to call ClearActiveID(). InputTextFlagsNoUndoRedo = 65536 // Allow 0123456789.+-*/eE (Scientific notation input) InputTextFlagsCharsScientific = 131072 // Callback on buffer capacity changes request (beyond 'buf_size' parameter value), allowing the string to grow. Notify when the string wants to be resized (for string types which hold a cache of their Size). You will be provided a new BufSize in the callback and NEED to honor it. (see misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h for an example of using this) InputTextFlagsCallbackResize = 262144 // Callback on any edit (note that InputText() already returns true on edit, the callback is useful mainly to manipulate the underlying buffer while focus is active) InputTextFlagsCallbackEdit = 524288 // Escape key clears content if not empty, and deactivate otherwise (contrast to default behavior of Escape to revert) InputTextFlagsEscapeClearsAll = 1048576 )
const ( ItemFlagsNone = 0 // false // Disable keyboard tabbing. This is a "lighter" version of ImGuiItemFlags_NoNav. ItemFlagsNoTabStop = 1 // false // Button() will return true multiple times based on io.KeyRepeatDelay and io.KeyRepeatRate settings. ItemFlagsButtonRepeat = 2 // false // Disable interactions but doesn't affect visuals. See BeginDisabled()/EndDisabled(). See ItemFlagsDisabled = 4 ItemFlagsNoNav = 8 ItemFlagsNoNavDefaultFocus = 16 // false // Disable MenuItem/Selectable() automatically closing their popup window ItemFlagsSelectableDontClosePopup = 32 // false // [BETA] Represent a mixed/indeterminate value, generally multi-selection where values differ. Currently only supported by Checkbox() (later should support all sorts of widgets) ItemFlagsMixedValue = 64 // false // [ALPHA] Allow hovering interactions but underlying value is not changed. ItemFlagsReadOnly = 128 // false // Disable hoverable check in ItemHoverable() ItemFlagsNoWindowHoverableCheck = 256 // false // Allow being overlapped by another widget. Not-hovered to Hovered transition deferred by a frame. ItemFlagsAllowOverlap = 512 // false // [WIP] Auto-activate input mode when tab focused. Currently only used and supported by a few items before it becomes a generic feature. ItemFlagsInputable = 1024 // false // Set by SetNextItemSelectionUserData() ItemFlagsHasSelectionUserData = 2048 )
const ( ItemStatusFlagsNone = 0 // Mouse position is within item rectangle (does NOT mean that the window is in correct z-order and can be hovered!, this is only one part of the most-common IsItemHovered test) ItemStatusFlagsHoveredRect = 1 // g.LastItemData.DisplayRect is valid ItemStatusFlagsHasDisplayRect = 2 // Value exposed by item was edited in the current frame (should match the bool return value of most widgets) ItemStatusFlagsEdited = 4 // Set when Selectable(), TreeNode() reports toggling a selection. We can't report "Selected", only state changes, in order to easily handle clipping with less issues. ItemStatusFlagsToggledSelection = 8 // Set when TreeNode() reports toggling their open state. ItemStatusFlagsToggledOpen = 16 // Set if the widget/group is able to provide data for the ImGuiItemStatusFlags_Deactivated flag. ItemStatusFlagsHasDeactivated = 32 // Only valid if ImGuiItemStatusFlags_HasDeactivated is set. ItemStatusFlagsDeactivated = 64 // Override the HoveredWindow test to allow cross-window hover testing. ItemStatusFlagsHoveredWindow = 128 // Set when the Focusable item just got focused by Tabbing (FIXME: to be removed soon) ItemStatusFlagsFocusedByTabbing = 256 // [WIP] Set when item is overlapping the current clipping rectangle (Used internally. Please don't use yet: API/system will change as we refactor Itemadd()). ItemStatusFlagsVisible = 512 )
const ( KeyNone = 0 // == ImGuiKey_NamedKey_BEGIN KeyTab = 512 KeyLeftArrow = 513 KeyRightArrow = 514 KeyUpArrow = 515 KeyDownArrow = 516 KeyPageUp = 517 KeyPageDown = 518 KeyHome = 519 KeyEnd = 520 KeyInsert = 521 KeyDelete = 522 KeyBackspace = 523 KeySpace = 524 KeyEnter = 525 KeyEscape = 526 KeyLeftCtrl = 527 KeyLeftShift = 528 KeyLeftAlt = 529 KeyLeftSuper = 530 KeyRightCtrl = 531 KeyRightShift = 532 KeyRightAlt = 533 KeyRightSuper = 534 KeyMenu = 535 Key0 = 536 Key1 = 537 Key2 = 538 Key3 = 539 Key4 = 540 Key5 = 541 Key6 = 542 Key7 = 543 Key8 = 544 Key9 = 545 KeyA = 546 KeyB = 547 KeyC = 548 KeyD = 549 KeyE = 550 KeyF = 551 KeyG = 552 KeyH = 553 KeyI = 554 KeyJ = 555 KeyK = 556 KeyL = 557 KeyM = 558 KeyN = 559 KeyO = 560 KeyP = 561 KeyQ = 562 KeyR = 563 KeyS = 564 KeyT = 565 KeyU = 566 KeyV = 567 KeyW = 568 KeyX = 569 KeyY = 570 KeyZ = 571 KeyF1 = 572 KeyF2 = 573 KeyF3 = 574 KeyF4 = 575 KeyF5 = 576 KeyF6 = 577 KeyF7 = 578 KeyF8 = 579 KeyF9 = 580 KeyF10 = 581 KeyF11 = 582 KeyF12 = 583 // ' KeyApostrophe = 584 // , KeyComma = 585 // - KeyMinus = 586 // . KeyPeriod = 587 // / KeySlash = 588 // ; KeySemicolon = 589 // = KeyEqual = 590 // [ KeyLeftBracket = 591 // \ (this text inhibit multiline comment caused by backslash) KeyBackslash = 592 // ] KeyRightBracket = 593 // ` KeyGraveAccent = 594 KeyCapsLock = 595 KeyScrollLock = 596 KeyNumLock = 597 KeyPrintScreen = 598 KeyPause = 599 KeyKeypad0 = 600 KeyKeypad1 = 601 KeyKeypad2 = 602 KeyKeypad3 = 603 KeyKeypad4 = 604 KeyKeypad5 = 605 KeyKeypad6 = 606 KeyKeypad7 = 607 KeyKeypad8 = 608 KeyKeypad9 = 609 KeyKeypadDecimal = 610 KeyKeypadDivide = 611 KeyKeypadMultiply = 612 KeyKeypadSubtract = 613 KeyKeypadAdd = 614 KeyKeypadEnter = 615 KeyKeypadEqual = 616 // Menu (Xbox) + (Switch) Start/Options (PS) KeyGamepadStart = 617 // View (Xbox) - (Switch) Share (PS) KeyGamepadBack = 618 // X (Xbox) Y (Switch) Square (PS) // Tap: Toggle Menu. Hold: Windowing mode (Focus/Move/Resize windows) KeyGamepadFaceLeft = 619 // B (Xbox) A (Switch) Circle (PS) // Cancel / Close / Exit KeyGamepadFaceRight = 620 // Y (Xbox) X (Switch) Triangle (PS) // Text Input / On-screen Keyboard KeyGamepadFaceUp = 621 // A (Xbox) B (Switch) Cross (PS) // Activate / Open / Toggle / Tweak KeyGamepadFaceDown = 622 // D-pad Left // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadDpadLeft = 623 // D-pad Right // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadDpadRight = 624 // D-pad Up // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadDpadUp = 625 // D-pad Down // Move / Tweak / Resize Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadDpadDown = 626 // L Bumper (Xbox) L (Switch) L1 (PS) // Tweak Slower / Focus Previous (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadL1 = 627 // R Bumper (Xbox) R (Switch) R1 (PS) // Tweak Faster / Focus Next (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadR1 = 628 // L Trig. (Xbox) ZL (Switch) L2 (PS) [Analog] KeyGamepadL2 = 629 // R Trig. (Xbox) ZR (Switch) R2 (PS) [Analog] KeyGamepadR2 = 630 // L Stick (Xbox) L3 (Switch) L3 (PS) KeyGamepadL3 = 631 // R Stick (Xbox) R3 (Switch) R3 (PS) KeyGamepadR3 = 632 // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadLStickLeft = 633 // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadLStickRight = 634 // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadLStickUp = 635 // [Analog] // Move Window (in Windowing mode) KeyGamepadLStickDown = 636 // [Analog] KeyGamepadRStickLeft = 637 // [Analog] KeyGamepadRStickRight = 638 // [Analog] KeyGamepadRStickUp = 639 // [Analog] KeyGamepadRStickDown = 640 KeyMouseLeft = 641 KeyMouseRight = 642 KeyMouseMiddle = 643 KeyMouseX1 = 644 KeyMouseX2 = 645 KeyMouseWheelX = 646 KeyMouseWheelY = 647 KeyReservedForModCtrl = 648 KeyReservedForModShift = 649 KeyReservedForModAlt = 650 KeyReservedForModSuper = 651 KeyCOUNT = 652 ModNone = 0 // Ctrl ModCtrl = 4096 // Shift ModShift = 8192 // Option/Menu ModAlt = 16384 // Cmd/Super/Windows ModSuper = 32768 // Alias for Ctrl (non-macOS) _or_ Super (macOS). ModShortcut = 2048 // 5-bits ModMask = 63488 KeyNamedKeyBEGIN = 512 KeyNamedKeyEND = 652 KeyNamedKeyCOUNT = 140 // Size of KeysData[]: hold legacy 0..512 keycodes + named keys KeyKeysDataSIZE = 652 // Accesses to io.KeysData[] must use (key - ImGuiKey_KeysData_OFFSET) index. KeyKeysDataOFFSET = 0 )
const ( LayoutTypeHorizontal = 0 LayoutTypeVertical = 1 )
const ( LocKeyVersionStr = 0 LocKeyTableSizeOne = 1 LocKeyTableSizeAllFit = 2 LocKeyTableSizeAllDefault = 3 LocKeyTableResetOrder = 4 LocKeyWindowingMainMenuBar = 5 LocKeyWindowingPopup = 6 LocKeyWindowingUntitled = 7 LocKeyDockingHideTabBar = 8 LocKeyDockingHoldShiftToDock = 9 LocKeyCOUNT = 10 )
const ( LogTypeNone = 0 LogTypeTTY = 1 LogTypeFile = 2 LogTypeBuffer = 3 LogTypeClipboard = 4 )
const ( MouseButtonLeft = 0 MouseButtonRight = 1 MouseButtonMiddle = 2 MouseButtonCOUNT = 5 )
const ( MouseCursorNone = -1 MouseCursorArrow = 0 // When hovering over InputText, etc. MouseCursorTextInput = 1 // (Unused by Dear ImGui functions) MouseCursorResizeAll = 2 // When hovering over a horizontal border MouseCursorResizeNS = 3 // When hovering over a vertical border or a column MouseCursorResizeEW = 4 // When hovering over the bottom-left corner of a window MouseCursorResizeNESW = 5 // When hovering over the bottom-right corner of a window MouseCursorResizeNWSE = 6 // (Unused by Dear ImGui functions. Use for e.g. hyperlinks) MouseCursorHand = 7 // When hovering something with disallowed interaction. Usually a crossed circle. MouseCursorNotAllowed = 8 MouseCursorCOUNT = 9 )
const ( // Input is coming from an actual mouse. MouseSourceMouse = 0 // Input is coming from a touch screen (no hovering prior to initial press, less precise initial press aiming, dual-axis wheeling possible). MouseSourceTouchScreen = 1 // Input is coming from a pressure/magnetic pen (often used in conjunction with high-sampling rates). MouseSourcePen = 2 MouseSourceCOUNT = 3 )
const ( // Draw rectangular highlight if (g.NavId == id) _even_ when using the mouse. )
const ()
const ( // Menu layer (access with Alt) )NavLayerMain = 0
const ( // On failed request, restart from opposite side NavMoveFlagsWrapX = 4 // This is not super useful but provided for completeness NavMoveFlagsAllowCurrentNavId = 16 NavMoveFlagsAlsoScoreVisibleSet = 32 // Force scrolling to min/max (used by Home/End) // FIXME-NAV: Aim to remove or reword, probably unnecessary NavMoveFlagsDebugNoResult = 256 NavMoveFlagsFocusApi = 512 NavMoveFlagsIsTabbing = 1024 NavMoveFlagsIsPageMove = 2048 NavMoveFlagsActivate = 4096 NavMoveFlagsNoSelect = 8192 NavMoveFlagsNoSetNavHighlight = 16384 )
const ( NextItemDataFlagsNone = 0 NextItemDataFlagsHasWidth = 1 NextItemDataFlagsHasOpen = 2 )
const ( NextWindowDataFlagsNone = 0 NextWindowDataFlagsHasPos = 1 NextWindowDataFlagsHasSize = 2 NextWindowDataFlagsHasContentSize = 4 NextWindowDataFlagsHasCollapsed = 8 NextWindowDataFlagsHasSizeConstraint = 16 NextWindowDataFlagsHasFocus = 32 NextWindowDataFlagsHasBgAlpha = 64 NextWindowDataFlagsHasScroll = 128 NextWindowDataFlagsHasViewport = 256 NextWindowDataFlagsHasDock = 512 NextWindowDataFlagsHasWindowClass = 1024 )
const ( OldColumnFlagsNone = 0 // Disable column dividers OldColumnFlagsNoBorder = 1 // Disable resizing columns when clicking on the dividers OldColumnFlagsNoResize = 2 // Disable column width preservation when adjusting columns OldColumnFlagsNoPreserveWidths = 4 // Disable forcing columns to fit within window OldColumnFlagsNoForceWithinWindow = 8 // (WIP) Restore pre-1.51 behavior of extending the parent window contents size but _without affecting the columns width at all_. Will eventually remove. OldColumnFlagsGrowParentContentsSize = 16 )
const ( PlotTypeLines = 0 PlotTypeHistogram = 1 )
const ( PopupFlagsNone = 0 // For BeginPopupContext*(): open on Left Mouse release. Guaranteed to always be == 0 (same as ImGuiMouseButton_Left) PopupFlagsMouseButtonLeft = 0 // For BeginPopupContext*(): open on Right Mouse release. Guaranteed to always be == 1 (same as ImGuiMouseButton_Right) PopupFlagsMouseButtonRight = 1 // For BeginPopupContext*(): open on Middle Mouse release. Guaranteed to always be == 2 (same as ImGuiMouseButton_Middle) PopupFlagsMouseButtonMiddle = 2 PopupFlagsMouseButtonMask = 31 PopupFlagsMouseButtonDefault = 1 // For OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(): don't open if there's already a popup at the same level of the popup stack PopupFlagsNoOpenOverExistingPopup = 32 // For BeginPopupContextWindow(): don't return true when hovering items, only when hovering empty space PopupFlagsNoOpenOverItems = 64 // For IsPopupOpen(): ignore the ImGuiID parameter and test for any popup. PopupFlagsAnyPopupId = 128 // For IsPopupOpen(): search/test at any level of the popup stack (default test in the current level) PopupFlagsAnyPopupLevel = 256 PopupFlagsAnyPopup = 384 )
const ( PopupPositionPolicyDefault = 0 PopupPositionPolicyComboBox = 1 PopupPositionPolicyTooltip = 2 )
const ( ScrollFlagsNone = 0 // If item is not visible: scroll as little as possible on X axis to bring item back into view [default for X axis] ScrollFlagsKeepVisibleEdgeX = 1 // If item is not visible: scroll as little as possible on Y axis to bring item back into view [default for Y axis for windows that are already visible] ScrollFlagsKeepVisibleEdgeY = 2 // If item is not visible: scroll to make the item centered on X axis [rarely used] ScrollFlagsKeepVisibleCenterX = 4 // If item is not visible: scroll to make the item centered on Y axis ScrollFlagsKeepVisibleCenterY = 8 // Always center the result item on X axis [rarely used] ScrollFlagsAlwaysCenterX = 16 // Always center the result item on Y axis [default for Y axis for appearing window) ScrollFlagsAlwaysCenterY = 32 // Disable forwarding scrolling to parent window if required to keep item/rect visible (only scroll window the function was applied to). ScrollFlagsNoScrollParent = 64 ScrollFlagsMaskX = 21 ScrollFlagsMaskY = 42 )
const ( SelectableFlagsNoHoldingActiveID = 1048576 SelectableFlagsSelectOnNav = 2097152 // Override button behavior to react on Click (default is Click+Release) SelectableFlagsSelectOnClick = 4194304 // Override button behavior to react on Release (default is Click+Release) SelectableFlagsSelectOnRelease = 8388608 // Span all avail width even if we declared less for layout purpose. FIXME: We may be able to remove this (added in 6251d379, 2bcafc86 for menus) SelectableFlagsSpanAvailWidth = 16777216 SelectableFlagsSetNavIdOnHover = 33554432 // Disable padding each side with ItemSpacing * 0.5f SelectableFlagsNoPadWithHalfSpacing = 67108864 // Don't set key/input owner on the initial click (note: mouse buttons are keys! often, the key in question will be ImGuiKey_MouseLeft!) SelectableFlagsNoSetKeyOwner = 134217728 )
const ( SelectableFlagsNone = 0 // Clicking this doesn't close parent popup window SelectableFlagsDontClosePopups = 1 // Selectable frame can span all columns (text will still fit in current column) SelectableFlagsSpanAllColumns = 2 // Generate press events on double clicks too SelectableFlagsAllowDoubleClick = 4 // Cannot be selected, display grayed out text SelectableFlagsDisabled = 8 // (WIP) Hit testing to allow subsequent widgets to overlap this one SelectableFlagsAllowOverlap = 16 )
const ( SeparatorFlagsNone = 0 // Axis default to current layout type, so generally Horizontal unless e.g. in a menu bar SeparatorFlagsHorizontal = 1 SeparatorFlagsVertical = 2 // Make separator cover all columns of a legacy Columns() set. SeparatorFlagsSpanAllColumns = 4 )
const ( // Should this slider be orientated vertically? SliderFlagsVertical = 1048576 // Consider using g.NextItemData.ItemFlags |= ImGuiItemFlags_ReadOnly instead. SliderFlagsReadOnly = 2097152 )
const ( SliderFlagsNone = 0 // Clamp value to min/max bounds when input manually with CTRL+Click. By default CTRL+Click allows going out of bounds. SliderFlagsAlwaysClamp = 16 // Make the widget logarithmic (linear otherwise). Consider using ImGuiSliderFlags_NoRoundToFormat with this if using a format-string with small amount of digits. SliderFlagsLogarithmic = 32 // Disable rounding underlying value to match precision of the display format string (e.g. %.3f values are rounded to those 3 digits) SliderFlagsNoRoundToFormat = 64 // Disable CTRL+Click or Enter key allowing to input text directly into the widget SliderFlagsNoInput = 128 // [Internal] We treat using those bits as being potentially a 'float power' argument from the previous API that has got miscast to this enum, and will trigger an assert if needed. SliderFlagsInvalidMask = 1879048207 )
const ( SortDirectionNone = 0 // Ascending = 0->9, A->Z etc. SortDirectionAscending = 1 // Descending = 9->0, Z->A etc. SortDirectionDescending = 2 )
const ( // float Alpha StyleVarAlpha = 0 // float DisabledAlpha StyleVarDisabledAlpha = 1 // ImVec2 WindowPadding StyleVarWindowPadding = 2 // float WindowRounding StyleVarWindowRounding = 3 // float WindowBorderSize StyleVarWindowBorderSize = 4 // ImVec2 WindowMinSize StyleVarWindowMinSize = 5 // ImVec2 WindowTitleAlign StyleVarWindowTitleAlign = 6 // float ChildRounding StyleVarChildRounding = 7 // float ChildBorderSize StyleVarChildBorderSize = 8 // float PopupRounding StyleVarPopupRounding = 9 // float PopupBorderSize StyleVarPopupBorderSize = 10 // ImVec2 FramePadding StyleVarFramePadding = 11 // float FrameRounding StyleVarFrameRounding = 12 // float FrameBorderSize StyleVarFrameBorderSize = 13 // ImVec2 ItemSpacing StyleVarItemSpacing = 14 // ImVec2 ItemInnerSpacing StyleVarItemInnerSpacing = 15 // float IndentSpacing StyleVarIndentSpacing = 16 // ImVec2 CellPadding StyleVarCellPadding = 17 // float ScrollbarSize StyleVarScrollbarSize = 18 // float ScrollbarRounding StyleVarScrollbarRounding = 19 // float GrabMinSize StyleVarGrabMinSize = 20 // float GrabRounding StyleVarGrabRounding = 21 // float TabRounding StyleVarTabRounding = 22 // float TabBarBorderSize StyleVarTabBarBorderSize = 23 // ImVec2 ButtonTextAlign StyleVarButtonTextAlign = 24 // ImVec2 SelectableTextAlign StyleVarSelectableTextAlign = 25 // float SeparatorTextBorderSize StyleVarSeparatorTextBorderSize = 26 // ImVec2 SeparatorTextAlign StyleVarSeparatorTextAlign = 27 // ImVec2 SeparatorTextPadding StyleVarSeparatorTextPadding = 28 // float DockingSeparatorSize StyleVarDockingSeparatorSize = 29 StyleVarCOUNT = 30 )
const ( // Part of a dock node [we don't use this in the master branch but it facilitate branch syncing to keep this around] TabBarFlagsDockNode = 1048576 TabBarFlagsIsFocused = 2097152 // FIXME: Settings are handled by the docking system, this only request the tab bar to mark settings dirty when reordering tabs TabBarFlagsSaveSettings = 4194304 )
const ( TabBarFlagsNone = 0 // Allow manually dragging tabs to re-order them + New tabs are appended at the end of list TabBarFlagsReorderable = 1 // Automatically select new tabs when they appear TabBarFlagsAutoSelectNewTabs = 2 // Disable buttons to open the tab list popup TabBarFlagsTabListPopupButton = 4 // Disable behavior of closing tabs (that are submitted with p_open != NULL) with middle mouse button. You can still repro this behavior on user's side with if (IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(2)) *p_open = false. TabBarFlagsNoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton = 8 // Disable scrolling buttons (apply when fitting policy is ImGuiTabBarFlags_FittingPolicyScroll) TabBarFlagsNoTabListScrollingButtons = 16 // Disable tooltips when hovering a tab TabBarFlagsNoTooltip = 32 // Resize tabs when they don't fit TabBarFlagsFittingPolicyResizeDown = 64 // Add scroll buttons when tabs don't fit TabBarFlagsFittingPolicyScroll = 128 TabBarFlagsFittingPolicyMask = 192 TabBarFlagsFittingPolicyDefault = 64 )
const ( TabItemFlagsSectionMask = 192 // Track whether p_open was set or not (we'll need this info on the next frame to recompute ContentWidth during layout) TabItemFlagsNoCloseButton = 1048576 // Used by TabItemButton, change the tab item behavior to mimic a button TabItemFlagsButton = 2097152 // [Docking] Trailing tabs with the _Unsorted flag will be sorted based on the DockOrder of their Window. TabItemFlagsUnsorted = 4194304 )
const ( TabItemFlagsNone = 0 // Display a dot next to the title + tab is selected when clicking the X + closure is not assumed (will wait for user to stop submitting the tab). Otherwise closure is assumed when pressing the X, so if you keep submitting the tab may reappear at end of tab bar. TabItemFlagsUnsavedDocument = 1 // Trigger flag to programmatically make the tab selected when calling BeginTabItem() TabItemFlagsSetSelected = 2 // Disable behavior of closing tabs (that are submitted with p_open != NULL) with middle mouse button. You can still repro this behavior on user's side with if (IsItemHovered() && IsMouseClicked(2)) *p_open = false. TabItemFlagsNoCloseWithMiddleMouseButton = 4 // Don't call PushID(tab->ID)/PopID() on BeginTabItem()/EndTabItem() TabItemFlagsNoPushId = 8 // Disable tooltip for the given tab TabItemFlagsNoTooltip = 16 // Disable reordering this tab or having another tab cross over this tab TabItemFlagsNoReorder = 32 // Enforce the tab position to the left of the tab bar (after the tab list popup button) TabItemFlagsLeading = 64 // Enforce the tab position to the right of the tab bar (before the scrolling buttons) TabItemFlagsTrailing = 128 )
const ( TableBgTargetNone = 0 // Set row background color 0 (generally used for background, automatically set when ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg is used) TableBgTargetRowBg0 = 1 // Set row background color 1 (generally used for selection marking) TableBgTargetRowBg1 = 2 // Set cell background color (top-most color) TableBgTargetCellBg = 3 )
const ( TableColumnFlagsNone = 0 // Overriding/master disable flag: hide column, won't show in context menu (unlike calling TableSetColumnEnabled() which manipulates the user accessible state) TableColumnFlagsDisabled = 1 // Default as a hidden/disabled column. TableColumnFlagsDefaultHide = 2 // Default as a sorting column. TableColumnFlagsDefaultSort = 4 // Column will stretch. Preferable with horizontal scrolling disabled (default if table sizing policy is _SizingStretchSame or _SizingStretchProp). TableColumnFlagsWidthStretch = 8 // Column will not stretch. Preferable with horizontal scrolling enabled (default if table sizing policy is _SizingFixedFit and table is resizable). TableColumnFlagsWidthFixed = 16 // Disable manual resizing. TableColumnFlagsNoResize = 32 // Disable manual reordering this column, this will also prevent other columns from crossing over this column. TableColumnFlagsNoReorder = 64 // Disable ability to hide/disable this column. TableColumnFlagsNoHide = 128 // Disable clipping for this column (all NoClip columns will render in a same draw command). TableColumnFlagsNoClip = 256 // Disable ability to sort on this field (even if ImGuiTableFlags_Sortable is set on the table). TableColumnFlagsNoSort = 512 // Disable ability to sort in the ascending direction. TableColumnFlagsNoSortAscending = 1024 // Disable ability to sort in the descending direction. TableColumnFlagsNoSortDescending = 2048 // TableHeadersRow() will not submit label for this column. Convenient for some small columns. Name will still appear in context menu. TableColumnFlagsNoHeaderLabel = 4096 // Disable header text width contribution to automatic column width. TableColumnFlagsNoHeaderWidth = 8192 // Make the initial sort direction Ascending when first sorting on this column (default). TableColumnFlagsPreferSortAscending = 16384 // Make the initial sort direction Descending when first sorting on this column. TableColumnFlagsPreferSortDescending = 32768 // Use current Indent value when entering cell (default for column 0). TableColumnFlagsIndentEnable = 65536 // Ignore current Indent value when entering cell (default for columns > 0). Indentation changes _within_ the cell will still be honored. TableColumnFlagsIndentDisable = 131072 // Status: is enabled == not hidden by user/api (referred to as "Hide" in _DefaultHide and _NoHide) flags. TableColumnFlagsIsEnabled = 16777216 // Status: is visible == is enabled AND not clipped by scrolling. TableColumnFlagsIsVisible = 33554432 // Status: is currently part of the sort specs TableColumnFlagsIsSorted = 67108864 // Status: is hovered by mouse TableColumnFlagsIsHovered = 134217728 TableColumnFlagsWidthMask = 24 TableColumnFlagsIndentMask = 196608 TableColumnFlagsStatusMask = 251658240 // [Internal] Disable user resizing this column directly (it may however we resized indirectly from its left edge) TableColumnFlagsNoDirectResize = 1073741824 )
const ( TableFlagsNone = 0 // Enable resizing columns. TableFlagsResizable = 1 // Enable reordering columns in header row (need calling TableSetupColumn() + TableHeadersRow() to display headers) TableFlagsReorderable = 2 // Enable hiding/disabling columns in context menu. TableFlagsHideable = 4 // Enable sorting. Call TableGetSortSpecs() to obtain sort specs. Also see ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti and ImGuiTableFlags_SortTristate. TableFlagsSortable = 8 // Disable persisting columns order, width and sort settings in the .ini file. TableFlagsNoSavedSettings = 16 // Right-click on columns body/contents will display table context menu. By default it is available in TableHeadersRow(). TableFlagsContextMenuInBody = 32 // Set each RowBg color with ImGuiCol_TableRowBg or ImGuiCol_TableRowBgAlt (equivalent of calling TableSetBgColor with ImGuiTableBgFlags_RowBg0 on each row manually) TableFlagsRowBg = 64 // Draw horizontal borders between rows. TableFlagsBordersInnerH = 128 // Draw horizontal borders at the top and bottom. TableFlagsBordersOuterH = 256 // Draw vertical borders between columns. TableFlagsBordersInnerV = 512 // Draw vertical borders on the left and right sides. TableFlagsBordersOuterV = 1024 // Draw horizontal borders. TableFlagsBordersH = 384 // Draw vertical borders. TableFlagsBordersV = 1536 // Draw inner borders. TableFlagsBordersInner = 640 // Draw outer borders. TableFlagsBordersOuter = 1280 // Draw all borders. TableFlagsBorders = 1920 // [ALPHA] Disable vertical borders in columns Body (borders will always appear in Headers). -> May move to style TableFlagsNoBordersInBody = 2048 // [ALPHA] Disable vertical borders in columns Body until hovered for resize (borders will always appear in Headers). -> May move to style TableFlagsNoBordersInBodyUntilResize = 4096 // Columns default to _WidthFixed or _WidthAuto (if resizable or not resizable), matching contents width. TableFlagsSizingFixedFit = 8192 // Columns default to _WidthFixed or _WidthAuto (if resizable or not resizable), matching the maximum contents width of all columns. Implicitly enable ImGuiTableFlags_NoKeepColumnsVisible. TableFlagsSizingFixedSame = 16384 // Columns default to _WidthStretch with default weights proportional to each columns contents widths. TableFlagsSizingStretchProp = 24576 // Columns default to _WidthStretch with default weights all equal, unless overridden by TableSetupColumn(). TableFlagsSizingStretchSame = 32768 // Make outer width auto-fit to columns, overriding outer_size.x value. Only available when ScrollX/ScrollY are disabled and Stretch columns are not used. TableFlagsNoHostExtendX = 65536 // Make outer height stop exactly at outer_size.y (prevent auto-extending table past the limit). Only available when ScrollX/ScrollY are disabled. Data below the limit will be clipped and not visible. TableFlagsNoHostExtendY = 131072 // Disable keeping column always minimally visible when ScrollX is off and table gets too small. Not recommended if columns are resizable. TableFlagsNoKeepColumnsVisible = 262144 // Disable distributing remainder width to stretched columns (width allocation on a 100-wide table with 3 columns: Without this flag: 33,33,34. With this flag: 33,33,33). With larger number of columns, resizing will appear to be less smooth. TableFlagsPreciseWidths = 524288 // Disable clipping rectangle for every individual columns (reduce draw command count, items will be able to overflow into other columns). Generally incompatible with TableSetupScrollFreeze(). TableFlagsNoClip = 1048576 // Default if BordersOuterV is on. Enable outermost padding. Generally desirable if you have headers. TableFlagsPadOuterX = 2097152 // Default if BordersOuterV is off. Disable outermost padding. TableFlagsNoPadOuterX = 4194304 // Disable inner padding between columns (double inner padding if BordersOuterV is on, single inner padding if BordersOuterV is off). TableFlagsNoPadInnerX = 8388608 // Enable horizontal scrolling. Require 'outer_size' parameter of BeginTable() to specify the container size. Changes default sizing policy. Because this creates a child window, ScrollY is currently generally recommended when using ScrollX. TableFlagsScrollX = 16777216 // Enable vertical scrolling. Require 'outer_size' parameter of BeginTable() to specify the container size. TableFlagsScrollY = 33554432 // Hold shift when clicking headers to sort on multiple column. TableGetSortSpecs() may return specs where (SpecsCount > 1). TableFlagsSortMulti = 67108864 // Allow no sorting, disable default sorting. TableGetSortSpecs() may return specs where (SpecsCount == 0). TableFlagsSortTristate = 134217728 TableFlagsSizingMask = 57344 )
const ( TableRowFlagsNone = 0 // Identify header row (set default background color + width of its contents accounted differently for auto column width) TableRowFlagsHeaders = 1 )
const ( TextFlagsNone = 0 TextFlagsNoWidthForLargeClippedText = 1 )
const ( TooltipFlagsNone = 0 // Clear/ignore previously submitted tooltip (defaults to append) TooltipFlagsOverridePrevious = 2 )
const ( TreeNodeFlagsClipLabelForTrailingButton = 1048576 // (FIXME-WIP) Turn Down arrow into an Up arrow, but reversed trees (#6517) TreeNodeFlagsUpsideDownArrow = 2097152 )
const ( TreeNodeFlagsNone = 0 // Draw as selected TreeNodeFlagsSelected = 1 // Draw frame with background (e.g. for CollapsingHeader) TreeNodeFlagsFramed = 2 // Hit testing to allow subsequent widgets to overlap this one TreeNodeFlagsAllowOverlap = 4 // Don't do a TreePush() when open (e.g. for CollapsingHeader) = no extra indent nor pushing on ID stack TreeNodeFlagsNoTreePushOnOpen = 8 // Don't automatically and temporarily open node when Logging is active (by default logging will automatically open tree nodes) TreeNodeFlagsNoAutoOpenOnLog = 16 // Default node to be open TreeNodeFlagsDefaultOpen = 32 // Need double-click to open node TreeNodeFlagsOpenOnDoubleClick = 64 // Only open when clicking on the arrow part. If ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick is also set, single-click arrow or double-click all box to open. TreeNodeFlagsOpenOnArrow = 128 // No collapsing, no arrow (use as a convenience for leaf nodes). TreeNodeFlagsLeaf = 256 // Display a bullet instead of arrow. IMPORTANT: node can still be marked open/close if you don't set the _Leaf flag! TreeNodeFlagsBullet = 512 // Use FramePadding (even for an unframed text node) to vertically align text baseline to regular widget height. Equivalent to calling AlignTextToFramePadding(). TreeNodeFlagsFramePadding = 1024 // Extend hit box to the right-most edge, even if not framed. This is not the default in order to allow adding other items on the same line. In the future we may refactor the hit system to be front-to-back, allowing natural overlaps and then this can become the default. TreeNodeFlagsSpanAvailWidth = 2048 // Extend hit box to the left-most and right-most edges (bypass the indented area). TreeNodeFlagsSpanFullWidth = 4096 // (WIP) Nav: left direction may move to this TreeNode() from any of its child (items submitted between TreeNode and TreePop) TreeNodeFlagsCollapsingHeader = 26 )
const ( TypingSelectFlagsNone = 0 // Backspace to delete character inputs. If using: ensure GetTypingSelectRequest() is not called more than once per frame (filter by e.g. focus state) TypingSelectFlagsAllowBackspace = 1 // Allow "single char" search mode which is activated when pressing the same character multiple times. TypingSelectFlagsAllowSingleCharMode = 2 )
const ( ViewportFlagsNone = 0 // Represent a Platform Window ViewportFlagsIsPlatformWindow = 1 // Represent a Platform Monitor (unused yet) ViewportFlagsIsPlatformMonitor = 2 // Platform Window: Was created/managed by the user application? (rather than our backend) ViewportFlagsOwnedByApp = 4 // Platform Window: Disable platform decorations: title bar, borders, etc. (generally set all windows, but if ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsDecoration is set we only set this on popups/tooltips) ViewportFlagsNoDecoration = 8 // Platform Window: Disable platform task bar icon (generally set on popups/tooltips, or all windows if ImGuiConfigFlags_ViewportsNoTaskBarIcon is set) ViewportFlagsNoTaskBarIcon = 16 // Platform Window: Don't take focus when created. ViewportFlagsNoFocusOnAppearing = 32 // Platform Window: Don't take focus when clicked on. ViewportFlagsNoFocusOnClick = 64 // Platform Window: Make mouse pass through so we can drag this window while peaking behind it. ViewportFlagsNoInputs = 128 // Platform Window: Renderer doesn't need to clear the framebuffer ahead (because we will fill it entirely). ViewportFlagsNoRendererClear = 256 // Platform Window: Avoid merging this window into another host window. This can only be set via ImGuiWindowClass viewport flags override (because we need to now ahead if we are going to create a viewport in the first place!). ViewportFlagsNoAutoMerge = 512 // Platform Window: Display on top (for tooltips only). ViewportFlagsTopMost = 1024 // Viewport can host multiple imgui windows (secondary viewports are associated to a single window). // FIXME: In practice there's still probably code making the assumption that this is always and only on the MainViewport. Will fix once we add support for "no main viewport". ViewportFlagsCanHostOtherWindows = 2048 // Platform Window: Window is minimized, can skip render. When minimized we tend to avoid using the viewport pos/size for clipping window or testing if they are contained in the viewport. ViewportFlagsIsMinimized = 4096 // Platform Window: Window is focused (last call to Platform_GetWindowFocus() returned true) ViewportFlagsIsFocused = 8192 )
const ( WindowDockStyleColText = 0 WindowDockStyleColTab = 1 WindowDockStyleColTabHovered = 2 WindowDockStyleColTabActive = 3 WindowDockStyleColTabUnfocused = 4 WindowDockStyleColTabUnfocusedActive = 5 WindowDockStyleColCOUNT = 6 )
const ( WindowFlagsNone = 0 // Disable title-bar WindowFlagsNoTitleBar = 1 // Disable user resizing with the lower-right grip WindowFlagsNoResize = 2 // Disable user moving the window WindowFlagsNoMove = 4 // Disable scrollbars (window can still scroll with mouse or programmatically) WindowFlagsNoScrollbar = 8 // Disable user vertically scrolling with mouse wheel. On child window, mouse wheel will be forwarded to the parent unless NoScrollbar is also set. WindowFlagsNoScrollWithMouse = 16 // Disable user collapsing window by double-clicking on it. Also referred to as Window Menu Button (e.g. within a docking node). WindowFlagsNoCollapse = 32 // Resize every window to its content every frame WindowFlagsAlwaysAutoResize = 64 // Disable drawing background color (WindowBg, etc.) and outside border. Similar as using SetNextWindowBgAlpha(0.0f). WindowFlagsNoBackground = 128 // Never load/save settings in .ini file WindowFlagsNoSavedSettings = 256 // Disable catching mouse, hovering test with pass through. WindowFlagsNoMouseInputs = 512 // Has a menu-bar WindowFlagsMenuBar = 1024 // Allow horizontal scrollbar to appear (off by default). You may use SetNextWindowContentSize(ImVec2(width,0.0f)); prior to calling Begin() to specify width. Read code in imgui_demo in the "Horizontal Scrolling" section. WindowFlagsHorizontalScrollbar = 2048 // Disable taking focus when transitioning from hidden to visible state WindowFlagsNoFocusOnAppearing = 4096 // Disable bringing window to front when taking focus (e.g. clicking on it or programmatically giving it focus) WindowFlagsNoBringToFrontOnFocus = 8192 // Always show vertical scrollbar (even if ContentSize.y < Size.y) WindowFlagsAlwaysVerticalScrollbar = 16384 // Always show horizontal scrollbar (even if ContentSize.x < Size.x) WindowFlagsAlwaysHorizontalScrollbar = 32768 // Ensure child windows without border uses style.WindowPadding (ignored by default for non-bordered child windows, because more convenient) WindowFlagsAlwaysUseWindowPadding = 65536 WindowFlagsNoNavInputs = 262144 WindowFlagsNoNavFocus = 524288 // Display a dot next to the title. When used in a tab/docking context, tab is selected when clicking the X + closure is not assumed (will wait for user to stop submitting the tab). Otherwise closure is assumed when pressing the X, so if you keep submitting the tab may reappear at end of tab bar. WindowFlagsUnsavedDocument = 1048576 // Disable docking of this window WindowFlagsNoDocking = 2097152 WindowFlagsNoDecoration = 43 WindowFlagsNoInputs = 786944 WindowFlagsNavFlattened = 8388608 // Don't use! For internal use by BeginChild() WindowFlagsChildWindow = 16777216 // Don't use! For internal use by BeginTooltip() WindowFlagsTooltip = 33554432 // Don't use! For internal use by BeginPopup() WindowFlagsPopup = 67108864 // Don't use! For internal use by BeginPopupModal() WindowFlagsModal = 134217728 // Don't use! For internal use by BeginMenu() WindowFlagsChildMenu = 268435456 // Don't use! For internal use by Begin()/NewFrame() WindowFlagsDockNodeHost = 536870912 )
const ( NONE = 0 LEFT = 1 MIDDLE = 2 RIGHT = 3 )
const ( NodesAttributeFlagsNone = 0 NodesAttributeFlagsEnableLinkDetachWithDragClick = 1 NodesAttributeFlagsEnableLinkCreationOnSnap = 2 )
const ( NodesColNodeBackground = 0 NodesColNodeBackgroundHovered = 1 NodesColNodeBackgroundSelected = 2 NodesColNodeOutline = 3 NodesColTitleBar = 4 NodesColTitleBarHovered = 5 NodesColTitleBarSelected = 6 NodesColLink = 7 NodesColLinkHovered = 8 NodesColLinkSelected = 9 NodesColPin = 10 NodesColPinHovered = 11 NodesColBoxSelector = 12 NodesColBoxSelectorOutline = 13 NodesColGridBackground = 14 NodesColGridLine = 15 NodesColGridLinePrimary = 16 NodesColMiniMapBackground = 17 NodesColMiniMapBackgroundHovered = 18 NodesColMiniMapOutline = 19 NodesColMiniMapOutlineHovered = 20 NodesColMiniMapNodeBackground = 21 NodesColMiniMapNodeBackgroundHovered = 22 NodesColMiniMapNodeBackgroundSelected = 23 NodesColMiniMapNodeOutline = 24 NodesColMiniMapLink = 25 NodesColMiniMapLinkSelected = 26 NodesColMiniMapCanvas = 27 NodesColMiniMapCanvasOutline = 28 NodesColCOUNT = 29 )
const ( NodesMiniMapLocationBottomLeft = 0 NodesMiniMapLocationBottomRight = 1 NodesMiniMapLocationTopLeft = 2 NodesMiniMapLocationTopRight = 3 )
const ( NodesPinShapeCircle = 0 NodesPinShapeCircleFilled = 1 NodesPinShapeTriangle = 2 NodesPinShapeTriangleFilled = 3 NodesPinShapeQuad = 4 NodesPinShapeQuadFilled = 5 )
const ( NodesStyleFlagsNone = 0 NodesStyleFlagsNodeOutline = 1 NodesStyleFlagsGridLines = 4 NodesStyleFlagsGridLinesPrimary = 8 NodesStyleFlagsGridSnapping = 16 )
const ( NodesStyleVarGridSpacing = 0 NodesStyleVarNodeCornerRounding = 1 NodesStyleVarNodePadding = 2 NodesStyleVarNodeBorderThickness = 3 NodesStyleVarLinkThickness = 4 NodesStyleVarLinkLineSegmentsPerLength = 5 NodesStyleVarLinkHoverDistance = 6 NodesStyleVarPinCircleRadius = 7 NodesStyleVarPinQuadSideLength = 8 NodesStyleVarPinTriangleSideLength = 9 NodesStyleVarPinLineThickness = 10 NodesStyleVarPinHoverRadius = 11 NodesStyleVarPinOffset = 12 NodesStyleVarMiniMapPadding = 13 NodesStyleVarMiniMapOffset = 14 NodesStyleVarCOUNT = 15 )
const ( AxisX1 = 0 AxisX2 = 1 AxisX3 = 2 AxisY1 = 3 AxisY2 = 4 AxisY3 = 5 AxisCOUNT = 6 )
const ( PlotAxisFlagsNone = 0 PlotAxisFlagsNoLabel = 1 PlotAxisFlagsNoGridLines = 2 PlotAxisFlagsNoTickMarks = 4 PlotAxisFlagsNoTickLabels = 8 PlotAxisFlagsNoInitialFit = 16 PlotAxisFlagsNoMenus = 32 PlotAxisFlagsNoSideSwitch = 64 PlotAxisFlagsNoHighlight = 128 PlotAxisFlagsOpposite = 256 PlotAxisFlagsForeground = 512 PlotAxisFlagsInvert = 1024 PlotAxisFlagsAutoFit = 2048 PlotAxisFlagsRangeFit = 4096 PlotAxisFlagsPanStretch = 8192 PlotAxisFlagsLockMin = 16384 PlotAxisFlagsLockMax = 32768 PlotAxisFlagsLock = 49152 PlotAxisFlagsNoDecorations = 15 PlotAxisFlagsAuxDefault = 258 )
const ( PlotBarGroupsFlagsNone = 0 PlotBarGroupsFlagsHorizontal = 1024 PlotBarGroupsFlagsStacked = 2048 )
const ( PlotBarsFlagsNone = 0 PlotBarsFlagsHorizontal = 1024 )
const ( PlotBinSqrt = -1 PlotBinSturges = -2 PlotBinRice = -3 PlotBinScott = -4 )
const ( PlotColLine = 0 PlotColFill = 1 PlotColMarkerOutline = 2 PlotColMarkerFill = 3 PlotColErrorBar = 4 PlotColFrameBg = 5 PlotColPlotBg = 6 PlotColPlotBorder = 7 PlotColLegendBg = 8 PlotColLegendBorder = 9 PlotColLegendText = 10 PlotColTitleText = 11 PlotColInlayText = 12 PlotColAxisText = 13 PlotColAxisGrid = 14 PlotColAxisTick = 15 PlotColAxisBg = 16 PlotColAxisBgHovered = 17 PlotColAxisBgActive = 18 PlotColSelection = 19 PlotColCrosshairs = 20 PlotColCOUNT = 21 )
const ( PlotColormapScaleFlagsNone = 0 PlotColormapScaleFlagsNoLabel = 1 PlotColormapScaleFlagsOpposite = 2 PlotColormapScaleFlagsInvert = 4 )
const ( PlotColormapDeep = 0 PlotColormapDark = 1 PlotColormapPastel = 2 PlotColormapPaired = 3 PlotColormapViridis = 4 PlotColormapPlasma = 5 PlotColormapHot = 6 PlotColormapCool = 7 PlotColormapPink = 8 PlotColormapJet = 9 PlotColormapTwilight = 10 PlotColormapRdBu = 11 PlotColormapBrBG = 12 PlotColormapPiYG = 13 PlotColormapSpectral = 14 PlotColormapGreys = 15 )
const ( PlotCondNone = 0 PlotCondAlways = 1 PlotCondOnce = 2 )
const ( PlotDateFmtNone = 0 PlotDateFmtDayMo = 1 PlotDateFmtDayMoYr = 2 PlotDateFmtMoYr = 3 PlotDateFmtMo = 4 PlotDateFmtYr = 5 )
const ( PlotDragToolFlagsNone = 0 PlotDragToolFlagsNoCursors = 1 PlotDragToolFlagsNoFit = 2 PlotDragToolFlagsNoInputs = 4 PlotDragToolFlagsDelayed = 8 )
const ( PlotErrorBarsFlagsNone = 0 PlotErrorBarsFlagsHorizontal = 1024 )
const ( PlotFlagsNone = 0 PlotFlagsNoTitle = 1 PlotFlagsNoLegend = 2 PlotFlagsNoMouseText = 4 PlotFlagsNoInputs = 8 PlotFlagsNoMenus = 16 PlotFlagsNoBoxSelect = 32 PlotFlagsNoFrame = 64 PlotFlagsEqual = 128 PlotFlagsCrosshairs = 256 PlotFlagsCanvasOnly = 55 )
const ( PlotHeatmapFlagsNone = 0 PlotHeatmapFlagsColMajor = 1024 )
const ( PlotHistogramFlagsNone = 0 PlotHistogramFlagsHorizontal = 1024 PlotHistogramFlagsCumulative = 2048 PlotHistogramFlagsDensity = 4096 PlotHistogramFlagsNoOutliers = 8192 PlotHistogramFlagsColMajor = 16384 )
const ( PlotInfLinesFlagsNone = 0 PlotInfLinesFlagsHorizontal = 1024 )
const ( PlotItemFlagsNone = 0 PlotItemFlagsNoLegend = 1 PlotItemFlagsNoFit = 2 )
const ( PlotLegendFlagsNone = 0 PlotLegendFlagsNoButtons = 1 PlotLegendFlagsNoHighlightItem = 2 PlotLegendFlagsNoHighlightAxis = 4 PlotLegendFlagsNoMenus = 8 PlotLegendFlagsOutside = 16 PlotLegendFlagsHorizontal = 32 PlotLegendFlagsSort = 64 )
const ( PlotLineFlagsNone = 0 PlotLineFlagsSegments = 1024 PlotLineFlagsLoop = 2048 PlotLineFlagsSkipNaN = 4096 PlotLineFlagsNoClip = 8192 PlotLineFlagsShaded = 16384 )
const ( PlotLocationCenter = 0 PlotLocationNorth = 1 PlotLocationSouth = 2 PlotLocationWest = 4 PlotLocationEast = 8 PlotLocationNorthWest = 5 PlotLocationNorthEast = 9 PlotLocationSouthWest = 6 PlotLocationSouthEast = 10 )
const ( PlotMarkerNone = -1 PlotMarkerCircle = 0 PlotMarkerSquare = 1 PlotMarkerDiamond = 2 PlotMarkerUp = 3 PlotMarkerDown = 4 PlotMarkerLeft = 5 PlotMarkerRight = 6 PlotMarkerCross = 7 PlotMarkerPlus = 8 PlotMarkerAsterisk = 9 PlotMarkerCOUNT = 10 )
const ( PlotMouseTextFlagsNone = 0 PlotMouseTextFlagsNoAuxAxes = 1 PlotMouseTextFlagsNoFormat = 2 PlotMouseTextFlagsShowAlways = 4 )
const ( PlotPieChartFlagsNone = 0 PlotPieChartFlagsNormalize = 1024 )
const ( PlotScaleLinear = 0 PlotScaleTime = 1 PlotScaleLog10 = 2 PlotScaleSymLog = 3 )
const ( PlotScatterFlagsNone = 0 PlotScatterFlagsNoClip = 1024 )
const ( PlotStairsFlagsNone = 0 PlotStairsFlagsPreStep = 1024 PlotStairsFlagsShaded = 2048 )
const ( PlotStemsFlagsNone = 0 PlotStemsFlagsHorizontal = 1024 )
const ( PlotStyleVarLineWeight = 0 PlotStyleVarMarker = 1 PlotStyleVarMarkerSize = 2 PlotStyleVarMarkerWeight = 3 PlotStyleVarFillAlpha = 4 PlotStyleVarErrorBarSize = 5 PlotStyleVarErrorBarWeight = 6 PlotStyleVarDigitalBitHeight = 7 PlotStyleVarDigitalBitGap = 8 PlotStyleVarPlotBorderSize = 9 PlotStyleVarMinorAlpha = 10 PlotStyleVarMajorTickLen = 11 PlotStyleVarMinorTickLen = 12 PlotStyleVarMajorTickSize = 13 PlotStyleVarMinorTickSize = 14 PlotStyleVarMajorGridSize = 15 PlotStyleVarMinorGridSize = 16 PlotStyleVarPlotPadding = 17 PlotStyleVarLabelPadding = 18 PlotStyleVarLegendPadding = 19 PlotStyleVarLegendInnerPadding = 20 PlotStyleVarLegendSpacing = 21 PlotStyleVarMousePosPadding = 22 PlotStyleVarAnnotationPadding = 23 PlotStyleVarFitPadding = 24 PlotStyleVarPlotDefaultSize = 25 PlotStyleVarPlotMinSize = 26 PlotStyleVarCOUNT = 27 )
const ( PlotSubplotFlagsNone = 0 PlotSubplotFlagsNoTitle = 1 PlotSubplotFlagsNoLegend = 2 PlotSubplotFlagsNoMenus = 4 PlotSubplotFlagsNoResize = 8 PlotSubplotFlagsNoAlign = 16 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkRows = 64 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkCols = 128 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkAllX = 256 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkAllY = 512 PlotSubplotFlagsColMajor = 1024 )
const ( PlotTextFlagsNone = 0 PlotTextFlagsVertical = 1024 )
const ( PlotTimeFmtNone = 0 PlotTimeFmtUs = 1 PlotTimeFmtSUs = 2 PlotTimeFmtSMs = 3 PlotTimeFmtS = 4 PlotTimeFmtMinSMs = 5 PlotTimeFmtHrMinSMs = 6 PlotTimeFmtHrMinS = 7 PlotTimeFmtHrMin = 8 PlotTimeFmtHr = 9 )
const ( PlotTimeUnitUs = 0 PlotTimeUnitMs = 1 PlotTimeUnitS = 2 PlotTimeUnitMin = 3 PlotTimeUnitHr = 4 PlotTimeUnitDay = 5 PlotTimeUnitMo = 6 PlotTimeUnitYr = 7 PlotTimeUnitCOUNT = 8 )
const ( GLFWWindowFlagsNone = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowNone) GLFWWindowFlagsResizable = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowResizable) GLFWWindowFlagsMaximized = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowMaximized) GLFWWindowFlagsDecorated = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowDecorated) GLFWWindowFlagsTransparent = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowTransparentFramebuffer) GLFWWindowFlagsVisible = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowVisible) GLFWWindowFlagsFloating = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowFloating) GLFWWindowFlagsFocused = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowFocused) GLFWWindowFlagsIconified = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowIconified) GLFWWindowFlagsAutoIconify = GLFWWindowFlags(C.GLFWWindowAutoIconify) )
const ( GLFWKeySpace = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeySpace) GLFWKeyApostrophe = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyApostrophe) GLFWKeyComma = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyComma) GLFWKeyMinus = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyMinus) GLFWKeyPeriod = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyPeriod) GLFWKeySlash = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeySlash) GLFWKey0 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey0) GLFWKey1 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey1) GLFWKey2 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey2) GLFWKey3 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey3) GLFWKey4 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey4) GLFWKey5 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey5) GLFWKey6 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey6) GLFWKey7 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey7) GLFWKey8 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey8) GLFWKey9 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKey9) GLFWKeySemicolon = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeySemicolon) GLFWKeyEqual = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyEqual) GLFWKeyA = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyA) GLFWKeyB = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyB) GLFWKeyC = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyC) GLFWKeyD = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyD) GLFWKeyE = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyE) GLFWKeyF = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF) GLFWKeyG = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyG) GLFWKeyH = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyH) GLFWKeyI = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyI) GLFWKeyJ = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyJ) GLFWKeyK = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyK) GLFWKeyL = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyL) GLFWKeyM = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyM) GLFWKeyN = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyN) GLFWKeyO = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyO) GLFWKeyP = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyP) GLFWKeyQ = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyQ) GLFWKeyR = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyR) GLFWKeyS = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyS) GLFWKeyT = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyT) GLFWKeyU = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyU) GLFWKeyV = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyV) GLFWKeyW = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyW) GLFWKeyX = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyX) GLFWKeyY = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyY) GLFWKeyZ = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyZ) GLFWKeyLeftBracket = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyLeftBracket) GLFWKeyBackslash = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyBackslash) GLFWKeyRightBracket = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyRightBracket) GLFWKeyGraveAccent = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyGraveAccent) GLFWKeyWorld1 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyWorld1) GLFWKeyWorld2 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyWorld2) /* Function keys */ GLFWKeyEscape = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyEscape) GLFWKeyEnter = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyEnter) GLFWKeyTab = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyTab) GLFWKeyBackspace = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyBackspace) GLFWKeyInsert = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyInsert) GLFWKeyDelete = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyDelete) GLFWKeyRight = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyRight) GLFWKeyLeft = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyLeft) GLFWKeyDown = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyDown) GLFWKeyUp = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyUp) GLFWKeyPageUp = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyPageUp) GLFWKeyPageDown = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyPageDown) GLFWKeyHome = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyHome) GLFWKeyEnd = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyEnd) GLFWKeyCapsLock = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyCapsLock) GLFWKeyScrollLock = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyScrollLock) GLFWKeyNumLock = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyNumLock) GLFWKeyPrintScreen = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyPrintScreen) GLFWKeyPause = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyPause) GLFWKeyF1 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF1) GLFWKeyF2 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF2) GLFWKeyF3 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF3) GLFWKeyF4 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF4) GLFWKeyF5 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF5) GLFWKeyF6 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF6) GLFWKeyF7 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF7) GLFWKeyF8 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF8) GLFWKeyF9 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF9) GLFWKeyF10 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF10) GLFWKeyF11 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF11) GLFWKeyF12 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF12) GLFWKeyF13 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF13) GLFWKeyF14 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF14) GLFWKeyF15 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF15) GLFWKeyF16 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF16) GLFWKeyF17 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF17) GLFWKeyF18 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF18) GLFWKeyF19 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF19) GLFWKeyF20 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF20) GLFWKeyF21 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF21) GLFWKeyF22 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF22) GLFWKeyF23 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF23) GLFWKeyF24 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF24) GLFWKeyF25 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyF25) GLFWKeyKp0 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp0) GLFWKeyKp1 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp1) GLFWKeyKp2 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp2) GLFWKeyKp3 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp3) GLFWKeyKp4 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp4) GLFWKeyKp5 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp5) GLFWKeyKp6 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp6) GLFWKeyKp7 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp7) GLFWKeyKp8 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp8) GLFWKeyKp9 = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKp9) GLFWKeyKpDecimal = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKpDecimal) GLFWKeyKpDivide = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKpDivide) GLFWKeyKpMultiply = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKpMultiply) GLFWKeyKpSubtract = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKpSubtract) GLFWKeyKpAdd = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKpAdd) GLFWKeyKpEnter = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKpEnter) GLFWKeyKpEqual = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyKpEqual) GLFWKeyLeftShift = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyLeftShift) GLFWKeyLeftControl = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyLeftControl) GLFWKeyLeftAlt = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyLeftAlt) GLFWKeyLeftSuper = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyLeftSuper) GLFWKeyRightShift = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyRightShift) GLFWKeyRightControl = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyRightControl) GLFWKeyRightAlt = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyRightAlt) GLFWKeyRightSuper = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyRightSuper) GLFWKeyMenu = GLFWKey(C.GLFWKeyMenu) )
const ( GLFWModShift = GLFWModifierKey(C.GLFWModShift) GLFWModControl = GLFWModifierKey(C.GLFWModControl) GLFWModAlt = GLFWModifierKey(C.GLFWModAlt) GLFWModSuper = GLFWModifierKey(C.GLFWModSuper) GLFWModCapsLock = GLFWModifierKey(C.GLFWModCapsLock) GLFWModNumLock = GLFWModifierKey(C.GLFWModNumLock) )
const (
// enable BeginComboPreview()
ComboFlagsCustomPreview = 1048576
const (
PlotDigitalFlagsNone = 0
const (
PlotDummyFlagsNone = 0
const (
PlotImageFlagsNone = 0
const (
PlotShadedFlagsNone = 0
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AlignTextToFramePadding ¶
func AlignTextToFramePadding()
vertically align upcoming text baseline to FramePadding.y so that it will align properly to regularly framed items (call if you have text on a line before a framed item)
func BeginChildFrame ¶
func BeginChildFrameV ¶
func BeginChildFrameV(id ID, size Vec2, flags WindowFlags) bool
helper to create a child window / scrolling region that looks like a normal widget frame BeginChildFrameV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func BeginChildID ¶
func BeginChildIDV ¶
func BeginChildIDV(id ID, size Vec2, border bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
BeginChildIDV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0) border: false flags: 0
func BeginChildStr ¶
func BeginChildStrV ¶
func BeginChildStrV(str_id string, size Vec2, border bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
BeginChildStrV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0) border: false flags: 0
func BeginCombo ¶
func BeginComboV ¶
func BeginComboV(label string, preview_value string, flags ComboFlags) bool
BeginComboV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func BeginDisabled ¶
func BeginDisabled()
func BeginDisabledV ¶
func BeginDisabledV(disabled bool)
BeginDisabledV parameter default value hint: disabled: true
func BeginDragDropSource ¶
func BeginDragDropSource() bool
func BeginDragDropSourceV ¶
func BeginDragDropSourceV(flags DragDropFlags) bool
call after submitting an item which may be dragged. when this return true, you can call SetDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropSource() BeginDragDropSourceV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func BeginDragDropTarget ¶
func BeginDragDropTarget() bool
call after submitting an item that may receive a payload. If this returns true, you can call AcceptDragDropPayload() + EndDragDropTarget()
func BeginItemTooltip ¶
func BeginItemTooltip() bool
begin/append a tooltip window if preceding item was hovered.
func BeginListBox ¶
func BeginListBoxV ¶
open a framed scrolling region BeginListBoxV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0)
func BeginMenuBar ¶
func BeginMenuBar() bool
append to menu-bar of current window (requires ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar flag set on parent window).
func BeginMenuV ¶
create a sub-menu entry. only call EndMenu() if this returns true! BeginMenuV parameter default value hint: enabled: true
func BeginPopup ¶
func BeginPopupContextItem ¶
func BeginPopupContextItem() bool
func BeginPopupContextItemV ¶
func BeginPopupContextItemV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
open+begin popup when clicked on last item. Use str_id==NULL to associate the popup to previous item. If you want to use that on a non-interactive item such as Text() you need to pass in an explicit ID here. read comments in .cpp! BeginPopupContextItemV parameter default value hint: str_id: NULL popup_flags: 1
func BeginPopupContextVoid ¶
func BeginPopupContextVoid() bool
func BeginPopupContextVoidV ¶
func BeginPopupContextVoidV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
open+begin popup when clicked in void (where there are no windows). BeginPopupContextVoidV parameter default value hint: str_id: NULL popup_flags: 1
func BeginPopupContextWindow ¶
func BeginPopupContextWindow() bool
func BeginPopupContextWindowV ¶
func BeginPopupContextWindowV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
open+begin popup when clicked on current window. BeginPopupContextWindowV parameter default value hint: str_id: NULL popup_flags: 1
func BeginPopupModal ¶
func BeginPopupModalV ¶
func BeginPopupModalV(name string, p_open *bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
return true if the modal is open, and you can start outputting to it. BeginPopupModalV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL flags: 0
func BeginPopupV ¶
func BeginPopupV(str_id string, flags WindowFlags) bool
return true if the popup is open, and you can start outputting to it. BeginPopupV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func BeginTabBar ¶
func BeginTabBarV ¶
func BeginTabBarV(str_id string, flags TabBarFlags) bool
create and append into a TabBar BeginTabBarV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func BeginTabItem ¶
func BeginTabItemV ¶
func BeginTabItemV(label string, p_open *bool, flags TabItemFlags) bool
create a Tab. Returns true if the Tab is selected. BeginTabItemV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL flags: 0
func BeginTable ¶
func BeginTableV ¶
func BeginTableV(str_id string, column int32, flags TableFlags, outer_size Vec2, inner_width float32) bool
BeginTableV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 outer_size: ImVec2(0.0f,0.0f) inner_width: 0.0f
func BeginV ¶
func BeginV(name string, p_open *bool, flags WindowFlags) bool
BeginV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL flags: 0
func Bullet ¶
func Bullet()
draw a small circle + keep the cursor on the same line. advance cursor x position by GetTreeNodeToLabelSpacing(), same distance that TreeNode() uses
func CalcItemWidth ¶
func CalcItemWidth() float32
width of item given pushed settings and current cursor position. NOT necessarily the width of last item unlike most 'Item' functions.
func CheckboxFlagsIntPtr ¶
func CheckboxFlagsUintPtr ¶
func ClipboardText ¶
func ClipboardText() string
func CollapsingHeaderBoolPtr ¶
func CollapsingHeaderBoolPtrV ¶
func CollapsingHeaderBoolPtrV(label string, p_visible *bool, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
when 'p_visible != NULL': if '*p_visible==true' display an additional small close button on upper right of the header which will set the bool to false when clicked, if '*p_visible==false' don't display the header. CollapsingHeaderBoolPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func CollapsingHeaderTreeNodeFlagsV ¶
func CollapsingHeaderTreeNodeFlagsV(label string, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
if returning 'true' the header is open. doesn't indent nor push on ID stack. user doesn't have to call TreePop(). CollapsingHeaderTreeNodeFlagsV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func ColorButton ¶
func ColorButtonV ¶
func ColorButtonV(desc_id string, col Vec4, flags ColorEditFlags, size Vec2) bool
display a color square/button, hover for details, return true when pressed. ColorButtonV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 size: ImVec2(0,0)
func ColorConvertFloat4ToU32 ¶
func ColorConvertHSVtoRGB ¶
func ColorConvertRGBtoHSV ¶
func ColorEdit3 ¶
func ColorEdit3V ¶
func ColorEdit3V(label string, col *[3]float32, flags ColorEditFlags) bool
ColorEdit3V parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func ColorEdit4 ¶
func ColorEdit4V ¶
func ColorEdit4V(label string, col *[4]float32, flags ColorEditFlags) bool
ColorEdit4V parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func ColorPicker3 ¶
func ColorPicker3V ¶
func ColorPicker3V(label string, col *[3]float32, flags ColorEditFlags) bool
ColorPicker3V parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func ColorPicker4 ¶
func ColorPicker4V ¶
func ColorPicker4V(label string, col *[4]float32, flags ColorEditFlags, ref_col []float32) bool
ColorPicker4V parameter default value hint: flags: 0 ref_col: NULL
func ColorU32Col ¶
func ColorU32ColV ¶
retrieve given style color with style alpha applied and optional extra alpha multiplier, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList ColorU32ColV parameter default value hint: alpha_mul: 1.0f
func ColorU32U32 ¶
retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList
func ColorU32Vec4 ¶
retrieve given color with style alpha applied, packed as a 32-bit value suitable for ImDrawList
func ColumnOffset ¶
func ColumnOffset() float32
func ColumnOffsetV ¶
get position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column, otherwise 0..GetColumnsCount() inclusive. column 0 is typically 0.0f ColumnOffsetV parameter default value hint: column_index: -1
func ColumnWidth ¶
func ColumnWidth() float32
func ColumnWidthV ¶
get column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column ColumnWidthV parameter default value hint: column_index: -1
func ColumnsCount ¶
func ColumnsCount() int32
func ComboStrV ¶
func ComboStrV(label string, current_item *int32, items_separated_by_zeros string, popup_max_height_in_items int32) bool
Separate items with \0 within a string, end item-list with \0\0. e.g. "One\0Two\0Three\0" ComboStrV parameter default value hint: popup_max_height_in_items: -1
func ComboStrarr ¶
func ComboStrarrV ¶
func ComboStrarrV(label string, current_item *int32, items []string, items_count int32, popup_max_height_in_items int32) bool
ComboStrarrV parameter default value hint: popup_max_height_in_items: -1
func CursorPosX ¶
func CursorPosX() float32
(some functions are using window-relative coordinates, such as: GetCursorPos, GetCursorStartPos, GetContentRegionMax, GetWindowContentRegion* etc.
func CursorPosY ¶
func CursorPosY() float32
other functions such as GetCursorScreenPos or everything in ImDrawList::
func DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout ¶
func DebugCheckVersionAndDataLayout(version_str string, sz_io uint64, sz_style uint64, sz_vec2 uint64, sz_vec4 uint64, sz_drawvert uint64, sz_drawidx uint64) bool
This is called by IMGUI_CHECKVERSION() macro.
func DebugTextEncoding ¶
func DebugTextEncoding(text string)
func DestroyContext ¶
func DestroyContext()
func DestroyContextV ¶
func DestroyContextV(ctx *Context)
NULL = destroy current context DestroyContextV parameter default value hint: ctx: NULL
func DestroyPlatformWindows ¶
func DestroyPlatformWindows()
call DestroyWindow platform functions for all viewports. call from backend Shutdown() if you need to close platform windows before imgui shutdown. otherwise will be called by DestroyContext().
func DragFloat2 ¶
func DragFloat2V ¶
func DragFloat2V(label string, v *[2]float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragFloat2V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0.0f v_max: 0.0f format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func DragFloat3 ¶
func DragFloat3V ¶
func DragFloat3V(label string, v *[3]float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragFloat3V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0.0f v_max: 0.0f format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func DragFloat4 ¶
func DragFloat4V ¶
func DragFloat4V(label string, v *[4]float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragFloat4V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0.0f v_max: 0.0f format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func DragFloatRange2 ¶
func DragFloatRange2V ¶
func DragFloatRange2V(label string, v_current_min *float32, v_current_max *float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, format_max string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragFloatRange2V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0.0f v_max: 0.0f format: "%.3f" format_max: NULL flags: 0
func DragFloatV ¶
func DragFloatV(label string, v *float32, v_speed float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
If v_min >= v_max we have no bound DragFloatV parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0.0f v_max: 0.0f format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func DragInt2V ¶
func DragInt2V(label string, v *[2]int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragInt2V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0 v_max: 0 format: "%d" flags: 0
func DragInt3V ¶
func DragInt3V(label string, v *[3]int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragInt3V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0 v_max: 0 format: "%d" flags: 0
func DragInt4V ¶
func DragInt4V(label string, v *[4]int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragInt4V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0 v_max: 0 format: "%d" flags: 0
func DragIntRange2 ¶
func DragIntRange2V ¶
func DragIntRange2V(label string, v_current_min *int32, v_current_max *int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, format_max string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragIntRange2V parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0 v_max: 0 format: "%d" format_max: NULL flags: 0
func DragIntV ¶
func DragIntV(label string, v *int32, v_speed float32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
If v_min >= v_max we have no bound DragIntV parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f v_min: 0 v_max: 0 format: "%d" flags: 0
func DragScalarN ¶
func DragScalarNV ¶
func DragScalarNV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32, v_speed float32, p_min unsafe.Pointer, p_max unsafe.Pointer, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragScalarNV parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f p_min: NULL p_max: NULL format: NULL flags: 0
func DragScalarV ¶
func DragScalarV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, v_speed float32, p_min unsafe.Pointer, p_max unsafe.Pointer, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
DragScalarV parameter default value hint: v_speed: 1.0f p_min: NULL p_max: NULL format: NULL flags: 0
func Dummy ¶
func Dummy(size Vec2)
add a dummy item of given size. unlike InvisibleButton(), Dummy() won't take the mouse click or be navigable into.
func EndChildFrame ¶
func EndChildFrame()
always call EndChildFrame() regardless of BeginChildFrame() return values (which indicates a collapsed/clipped window)
func EndDisabled ¶
func EndDisabled()
func EndDragDropSource ¶
func EndDragDropSource()
only call EndDragDropSource() if BeginDragDropSource() returns true!
func EndDragDropTarget ¶
func EndDragDropTarget()
only call EndDragDropTarget() if BeginDragDropTarget() returns true!
func EndFrame ¶
func EndFrame()
ends the Dear ImGui frame. automatically called by Render(). If you don't need to render data (skipping rendering) you may call EndFrame() without Render()... but you'll have wasted CPU already! If you don't need to render, better to not create any windows and not call NewFrame() at all!
func EndGroup ¶
func EndGroup()
unlock horizontal starting position + capture the whole group bounding box into one "item" (so you can use IsItemHovered() or layout primitives such as SameLine() on whole group, etc.)
func EndMainMenuBar ¶
func EndMainMenuBar()
only call EndMainMenuBar() if BeginMainMenuBar() returns true!
func EndTooltip ¶
func EndTooltip()
only call EndTooltip() if BeginTooltip()/BeginItemTooltip() returns true!
func FontSize ¶
func FontSize() float32
get current font size (= height in pixels) of current font with current scale applied
func FrameCount ¶
func FrameCount() int32
get global imgui frame count. incremented by 1 every frame.
func FrameHeightWithSpacing ¶
func FrameHeightWithSpacing() float32
~ FontSize + style.FramePadding.y * 2 + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of framed widgets)
func ImageButtonV ¶
func ImageButtonV(str_id string, user_texture_id TextureID, size Vec2, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, bg_col Vec4, tint_col Vec4) bool
ImageButtonV parameter default value hint: uv0: ImVec2(0,0) uv1: ImVec2(1,1) bg_col: ImVec4(0,0,0,0) tint_col: ImVec4(1,1,1,1)
func ImageToRgba ¶
ImageToRgba converts image.Image to *image.RGBA.
func ImageV ¶
func ImageV(user_texture_id TextureID, size Vec2, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, tint_col Vec4, border_col Vec4)
ImageV parameter default value hint: uv0: ImVec2(0,0) uv1: ImVec2(1,1) tint_col: ImVec4(1,1,1,1) border_col: ImVec4(0,0,0,0)
func IndentV ¶
func IndentV(indent_w float32)
move content position toward the right, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0 IndentV parameter default value hint: indent_w: 0.0f
func IndexBufferLayout ¶
func IndexBufferLayout() (entrySize int)
IndexBufferLayout returns the byte size necessary to select fields in an index buffer of DrawList.
func InputDouble ¶
func InputDoubleV ¶
func InputDoubleV(label string, v *float64, step float64, step_fast float64, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputDoubleV parameter default value hint: step: 0.0 step_fast: 0.0 format: "%.6f" flags: 0
func InputFloat ¶
func InputFloat2 ¶
func InputFloat2V ¶
func InputFloat2V(label string, v *[2]float32, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputFloat2V parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func InputFloat3 ¶
func InputFloat3V ¶
func InputFloat3V(label string, v *[3]float32, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputFloat3V parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func InputFloat4 ¶
func InputFloat4V ¶
func InputFloat4V(label string, v *[4]float32, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputFloat4V parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func InputFloatV ¶
func InputFloatV(label string, v *float32, step float32, step_fast float32, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputFloatV parameter default value hint: step: 0.0f step_fast: 0.0f format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func InputInt2V ¶
func InputInt2V(label string, v *[2]int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputInt2V parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InputInt3V ¶
func InputInt3V(label string, v *[3]int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputInt3V parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InputInt4V ¶
func InputInt4V(label string, v *[4]int32, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputInt4V parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InputScalarN ¶
func InputScalarNV ¶
func InputScalarNV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32, p_step unsafe.Pointer, p_step_fast unsafe.Pointer, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputScalarNV parameter default value hint: p_step: NULL p_step_fast: NULL format: NULL flags: 0
func InputScalarV ¶
func InputScalarV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, p_step unsafe.Pointer, p_step_fast unsafe.Pointer, format string, flags InputTextFlags) bool
InputScalarV parameter default value hint: p_step: NULL p_step_fast: NULL format: NULL flags: 0
func InputTextMultiline ¶
func InputTextMultiline(label string, buf *string, size Vec2, flags InputTextFlags, callback InputTextCallback) bool
func InputTextWithHint ¶
func InputTextWithHint(label, hint string, buf *string, flags InputTextFlags, callback InputTextCallback) bool
func InternalActivateItemByID ¶
func InternalActivateItemByID(id ID)
Activate an item by ID (button, checkbox, tree node etc.). Activation is queued and processed on the next frame when the item is encountered again.
func InternalAddSettingsHandler ¶
func InternalAddSettingsHandler(handler *SettingsHandler)
func InternalArrowButtonExV ¶
func InternalArrowButtonExV(str_id string, dir Dir, size_arg Vec2, flags ButtonFlags) bool
InternalArrowButtonExV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalBeginChildEx ¶
func InternalBeginColumns ¶
func InternalBeginColumnsV ¶
func InternalBeginColumnsV(str_id string, count int32, flags OldColumnFlags)
setup number of columns. use an identifier to distinguish multiple column sets. close with EndColumns(). InternalBeginColumnsV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalBeginComboPopup ¶
func InternalBeginComboPopup(popup_id ID, bb Rect, flags ComboFlags) bool
func InternalBeginComboPreview ¶
func InternalBeginComboPreview() bool
func InternalBeginDockableDragDropSource ¶
func InternalBeginDockableDragDropSource(window *Window)
func InternalBeginDockableDragDropTarget ¶
func InternalBeginDockableDragDropTarget(window *Window)
func InternalBeginDocked ¶
func InternalBeginMenuEx ¶
func InternalBeginMenuExV ¶
InternalBeginMenuExV parameter default value hint: enabled: true
func InternalBeginPopupEx ¶
func InternalBeginPopupEx(id ID, extra_flags WindowFlags) bool
func InternalBeginTabBarEx ¶
func InternalBeginTabBarEx(tab_bar *TabBar, bb Rect, flags TabBarFlags) bool
func InternalBeginTableExV ¶
func InternalBeginTableExV(name string, id ID, columns_count int32, flags TableFlags, outer_size Vec2, inner_width float32) bool
InternalBeginTableExV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 outer_size: ImVec2(0,0) inner_width: 0.0f
func InternalBeginTooltipEx ¶
func InternalBeginTooltipEx(tooltip_flags TooltipFlags, extra_window_flags WindowFlags) bool
func InternalBringWindowToDisplayBack ¶
func InternalBringWindowToDisplayBack(window *Window)
func InternalBringWindowToDisplayFront ¶
func InternalBringWindowToDisplayFront(window *Window)
func InternalBringWindowToFocusFront ¶
func InternalBringWindowToFocusFront(window *Window)
func InternalButtonBehavior ¶
func InternalButtonBehaviorV ¶
func InternalButtonBehaviorV(bb Rect, id ID, out_hovered *bool, out_held *bool, flags ButtonFlags) bool
InternalButtonBehaviorV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalButtonEx ¶
func InternalButtonExV ¶
func InternalButtonExV(label string, size_arg Vec2, flags ButtonFlags) bool
InternalButtonExV parameter default value hint: size_arg: ImVec2(0,0) flags: 0
func InternalCallContextHooks ¶
func InternalCallContextHooks(context *Context, typeArg ContextHookType)
func InternalClearActiveID ¶
func InternalClearActiveID()
func InternalClearDragDrop ¶
func InternalClearDragDrop()
func InternalClearIniSettings ¶
func InternalClearIniSettings()
func InternalClearWindowSettings ¶
func InternalClearWindowSettings(name string)
func InternalCloseButton ¶
func InternalClosePopupsExceptModals ¶
func InternalClosePopupsExceptModals()
func InternalCollapseButton ¶
func InternalColorEditOptionsPopup ¶
func InternalColorEditOptionsPopup(col []float32, flags ColorEditFlags)
func InternalColorPickerOptionsPopup ¶
func InternalColorPickerOptionsPopup(ref_col []float32, flags ColorEditFlags)
func InternalColorTooltip ¶
func InternalColorTooltip(text string, col []float32, flags ColorEditFlags)
func InternalColumnNormFromOffset ¶
func InternalColumnNormFromOffset(columns *OldColumns, offset float32) float32
func InternalColumnOffsetFromNorm ¶
func InternalColumnOffsetFromNorm(columns *OldColumns, offset_norm float32) float32
func InternalDataTypeApplyOp ¶
func InternalDataTypeClamp ¶
func InternalDataTypeCompare ¶
func InternalDebugDrawCursorPos ¶
func InternalDebugDrawCursorPos()
func InternalDebugDrawCursorPosV ¶
func InternalDebugDrawCursorPosV(col uint32)
InternalDebugDrawCursorPosV parameter default value hint: col: 4278190335
func InternalDebugDrawItemRect ¶
func InternalDebugDrawItemRect()
func InternalDebugDrawItemRectV ¶
func InternalDebugDrawItemRectV(col uint32)
InternalDebugDrawItemRectV parameter default value hint: col: 4278190335
func InternalDebugDrawLineExtents ¶
func InternalDebugDrawLineExtents()
func InternalDebugDrawLineExtentsV ¶
func InternalDebugDrawLineExtentsV(col uint32)
InternalDebugDrawLineExtentsV parameter default value hint: col: 4278190335
func InternalDebugHookIdInfo ¶
func InternalDebugLocateItem ¶
func InternalDebugLocateItem(target_id ID)
Call sparingly: only 1 at the same time!
func InternalDebugLocateItemOnHover ¶
func InternalDebugLocateItemOnHover(target_id ID)
Only call on reaction to a mouse Hover: because only 1 at the same time!
func InternalDebugLocateItemResolveWithLastItem ¶
func InternalDebugLocateItemResolveWithLastItem()
func InternalDebugLog ¶
func InternalDebugLog(fmt string)
func InternalDebugNodeColumns ¶
func InternalDebugNodeColumns(columns *OldColumns)
func InternalDebugNodeFont ¶
func InternalDebugNodeFont(font *Font)
func InternalDebugNodeInputTextState ¶
func InternalDebugNodeInputTextState(state *InputTextState)
func InternalDebugNodeTabBar ¶
func InternalDebugNodeTable ¶
func InternalDebugNodeTable(table *Table)
func InternalDebugNodeTableSettings ¶
func InternalDebugNodeTableSettings(settings *TableSettings)
func InternalDebugNodeTypingSelectState ¶
func InternalDebugNodeTypingSelectState(state *TypingSelectState)
func InternalDebugNodeViewport ¶
func InternalDebugNodeViewport(viewport *ViewportP)
func InternalDebugNodeWindow ¶
func InternalDebugNodeWindowSettings ¶
func InternalDebugNodeWindowSettings(settings *WindowSettings)
func InternalDebugRenderKeyboardPreview ¶
func InternalDebugRenderKeyboardPreview(draw_list *DrawList)
func InternalDebugStartItemPicker ¶
func InternalDebugStartItemPicker()
func InternalDestroyPlatformWindow ¶
func InternalDestroyPlatformWindow(viewport *ViewportP)
func InternalDockBuilderFinish ¶
func InternalDockBuilderFinish(node_id ID)
func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNode ¶
func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNode(node_id ID)
Remove node and all its child, undock all windows
func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeChildNodes ¶
func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeChildNodes(node_id ID)
Remove all split/hierarchy. All remaining docked windows will be re-docked to the remaining root node (node_id).
func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindows ¶
func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindows(node_id ID)
func InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindowsV ¶
InternalDockBuilderRemoveNodeDockedWindowsV parameter default value hint: clear_settings_refs: true
func InternalDockContextClearNodes ¶
Use root_id==0 to clear all
func InternalDockContextEndFrame ¶
func InternalDockContextEndFrame(ctx *Context)
func InternalDockContextInitialize ¶
func InternalDockContextInitialize(ctx *Context)
func InternalDockContextNewFrameUpdateDocking ¶
func InternalDockContextNewFrameUpdateDocking(ctx *Context)
func InternalDockContextNewFrameUpdateUndocking ¶
func InternalDockContextNewFrameUpdateUndocking(ctx *Context)
func InternalDockContextProcessUndockWindowV ¶
func InternalDockContextProcessUndockWindowV(ctx *Context, window *Window, clear_persistent_docking_ref bool)
InternalDockContextProcessUndockWindowV parameter default value hint: clear_persistent_docking_ref: true
func InternalDockContextRebuildNodes ¶
func InternalDockContextRebuildNodes(ctx *Context)
func InternalDockContextShutdown ¶
func InternalDockContextShutdown(ctx *Context)
func InternalDockNodeEndAmendTabBar ¶
func InternalDockNodeEndAmendTabBar()
func InternalDragBehavior ¶
func InternalEndComboPreview ¶
func InternalEndComboPreview()
func InternalErrorCheckUsingSetCursorPosToExtendParentBoundaries ¶
func InternalErrorCheckUsingSetCursorPosToExtendParentBoundaries()
func InternalFindRenderedTextEndV ¶
Find the optional ## from which we stop displaying text. InternalFindRenderedTextEndV parameter default value hint:
func InternalFocusTopMostWindowUnderOne ¶
func InternalFocusTopMostWindowUnderOne(under_this_window *Window, ignore_window *Window, filter_viewport *Viewport, flags FocusRequestFlags)
func InternalFocusWindow ¶
func InternalFocusWindow(window *Window)
func InternalFocusWindowV ¶
func InternalFocusWindowV(window *Window, flags FocusRequestFlags)
InternalFocusWindowV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalGcAwakeTransientWindowBuffers ¶
func InternalGcAwakeTransientWindowBuffers(window *Window)
func InternalGcCompactTransientMiscBuffers ¶
func InternalGcCompactTransientMiscBuffers()
func InternalGcCompactTransientWindowBuffers ¶
func InternalGcCompactTransientWindowBuffers(window *Window)
func InternalImAbsDouble ¶
func InternalImAbsFloat ¶
func InternalImAbsInt ¶
func InternalImCharIsBlankA ¶
func InternalImCharIsBlankW ¶
func InternalImDot ¶
func InternalImFileLoadToMemoryV ¶
func InternalImFileLoadToMemoryV(filename string, mode string, out_file_size *uint64, padding_bytes int32) unsafe.Pointer
InternalImFileLoadToMemoryV parameter default value hint: out_file_size: NULL padding_bytes: 0
func InternalImFloorFloat ¶
func InternalImFloorSignedFloat ¶
Decent replacement for floorf()
func InternalImFontAtlasBuildFinish ¶
func InternalImFontAtlasBuildFinish(atlas *FontAtlas)
func InternalImFontAtlasBuildInit ¶
func InternalImFontAtlasBuildInit(atlas *FontAtlas)
func InternalImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont ¶
func InternalImFontAtlasBuildSetupFont(atlas *FontAtlas, font *Font, font_config *FontConfig, ascent float32, descent float32)
func InternalImFontAtlasUpdateConfigDataPointers ¶
func InternalImFontAtlasUpdateConfigDataPointers(atlas *FontAtlas)
func InternalImFormatString ¶
func InternalImInvLength ¶
func InternalImLengthSqrVec2 ¶
func InternalImLengthSqrVec4 ¶
func InternalImLinearSweep ¶
func InternalImLogDouble ¶
func InternalImLogFloat ¶
DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImLog with either float/double and need the precision
func InternalImModPositive ¶
func InternalImPowDouble ¶
func InternalImPowFloat ¶
DragBehaviorT/SliderBehaviorT uses ImPow with either float/double and need the precision
func InternalImRsqrtDouble ¶
func InternalImRsqrtFloat ¶
func InternalImSaturate ¶
func InternalImSignDouble ¶
func InternalImSignFloat ¶
Sign operator - returns -1, 0 or 1 based on sign of argument
func InternalImStrSkipBlank ¶
Find first non-blank character.
func InternalImStrTrimBlanks ¶
func InternalImStrTrimBlanks(str string)
Remove leading and trailing blanks from a buffer.
func InternalImStrchrRange ¶
Find first occurrence of 'c' in string range.
func InternalImStrdupcpy ¶
Copy in provided buffer, recreate buffer if needed.
func InternalImStreolRange ¶
End end-of-line
func InternalImStricmp ¶
Case insensitive compare.
func InternalImStristr ¶
func InternalImStristr(haystack string, haystack_end string, needle string, needle_end string) string
Find a substring in a string range.
func InternalImStrlenW ¶
Computer string length (ImWchar string)
func InternalImStrncpy ¶
Copy to a certain count and always zero terminate (strncpy doesn't).
func InternalImStrnicmp ¶
Case insensitive compare to a certain count.
func InternalImTextCharFromUtf8 ¶
read one character. return input UTF-8 bytes count
func InternalImTextCharToUtf8 ¶
return out_buf
func InternalImTextCountCharsFromUtf8 ¶
return number of UTF-8 code-points (NOT bytes count)
func InternalImTextCountUtf8BytesFromChar ¶
return number of bytes to express one char in UTF-8
func InternalImTextCountUtf8BytesFromStr ¶
return number of bytes to express string in UTF-8
func InternalImTextFindPreviousUtf8Codepoint ¶
return previous UTF-8 code-point.
func InternalImTextStrFromUtf8V ¶
func InternalImTextStrFromUtf8V(out_buf *Wchar, out_buf_size int32, in_text string, in_text_end string, in_remaining []string) int32
return input UTF-8 bytes count InternalImTextStrFromUtf8V parameter default value hint: in_remaining: NULL
func InternalImTextStrToUtf8 ¶
func InternalImTextStrToUtf8(out_buf string, out_buf_size int32, in_text *Wchar, in_text_end *Wchar) int32
return output UTF-8 bytes count
func InternalImToUpper ¶
func InternalImageButtonEx ¶
func InternalImageButtonExV ¶
func InternalImageButtonExV(id ID, texture_id TextureID, size Vec2, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, bg_col Vec4, tint_col Vec4, flags ButtonFlags) bool
InternalImageButtonExV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalInitialize ¶
func InternalInitialize()
func InternalInputTextDeactivateHook ¶
func InternalInputTextDeactivateHook(id ID)
func InternalInputTextEx ¶
func InternalIsAliasKey ¶
func InternalIsClippedEx ¶
func InternalIsDragDropActive ¶
func InternalIsDragDropActive() bool
func InternalIsDragDropPayloadBeingAccepted ¶
func InternalIsDragDropPayloadBeingAccepted() bool
func InternalIsGamepadKey ¶
func InternalIsItemToggledSelection ¶
func InternalIsItemToggledSelection() bool
Was the last item selection toggled? (after Selectable(), TreeNode() etc. We only returns toggle _event_ in order to handle clipping correctly)
func InternalIsKeyDownID ¶
func InternalIsKeyPressedID ¶
func InternalIsKeyPressedIDV ¶
func InternalIsKeyPressedIDV(key Key, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
Important: when transitioning from old to new IsKeyPressed(): old API has "bool repeat = true", so would default to repeat. New API requiress explicit ImGuiInputFlags_Repeat. InternalIsKeyPressedIDV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalIsKeyPressedMap ¶
func InternalIsKeyPressedMapV ¶
Removed in 1.87: Mapping from named key is always identity! InternalIsKeyPressedMapV parameter default value hint: repeat: true
func InternalIsKeyReleasedID ¶
func InternalIsKeyboardKey ¶
func InternalIsLegacyKey ¶
func InternalIsMouseClickedID ¶
func InternalIsMouseClickedID(button MouseButton, owner_id ID) bool
func InternalIsMouseClickedIDV ¶
func InternalIsMouseClickedIDV(button MouseButton, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
InternalIsMouseClickedIDV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalIsMouseDownID ¶
func InternalIsMouseDownID(button MouseButton, owner_id ID) bool
func InternalIsMouseDragPastThreshold ¶
func InternalIsMouseDragPastThreshold(button MouseButton) bool
func InternalIsMouseDragPastThresholdV ¶
func InternalIsMouseDragPastThresholdV(button MouseButton, lock_threshold float32) bool
InternalIsMouseDragPastThresholdV parameter default value hint: lock_threshold: -1.0f
func InternalIsMouseKey ¶
func InternalIsMouseReleasedID ¶
func InternalIsMouseReleasedID(button MouseButton, owner_id ID) bool
func InternalIsNamedKey ¶
func InternalIsPopupOpenID ¶
func InternalIsPopupOpenID(id ID, popup_flags PopupFlags) bool
func InternalIsWindowAbove ¶
func InternalIsWindowChildOf ¶
func InternalIsWindowContentHoverableV ¶
func InternalIsWindowContentHoverableV(window *Window, flags HoveredFlags) bool
InternalIsWindowContentHoverableV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalItemAdd ¶
func InternalItemAddV ¶
InternalItemAddV parameter default value hint: nav_bb: NULL extra_flags: 0
func InternalItemSizeRect ¶
func InternalItemSizeRect(bb Rect)
func InternalItemSizeRectV ¶
FIXME: This is a misleading API since we expect CursorPos to be bb.Min. InternalItemSizeRectV parameter default value hint: text_baseline_y: -1.0f
func InternalItemSizeVec2 ¶
func InternalItemSizeVec2(size Vec2)
func InternalItemSizeVec2V ¶
InternalItemSizeVec2V parameter default value hint: text_baseline_y: -1.0f
func InternalKeepAliveID ¶
func InternalKeepAliveID(id ID)
func InternalKeyChordName ¶
func InternalLocalizeGetMsg ¶
func InternalLogBegin ¶
-> BeginCapture() when we design v2 api, for now stay under the radar by using the old name.
func InternalLogRenderedText ¶
func InternalLogRenderedTextV ¶
InternalLogRenderedTextV parameter default value hint:
func InternalLogToBuffer ¶
func InternalLogToBuffer()
func InternalLogToBufferV ¶
func InternalLogToBufferV(auto_open_depth int32)
Start logging/capturing to internal buffer InternalLogToBufferV parameter default value hint: auto_open_depth: -1
func InternalMarkIniSettingsDirtyNil ¶
func InternalMarkIniSettingsDirtyNil()
func InternalMarkIniSettingsDirtyWindowPtr ¶
func InternalMarkIniSettingsDirtyWindowPtr(window *Window)
func InternalMarkItemEdited ¶
func InternalMarkItemEdited(id ID)
Mark data associated to given item as "edited", used by IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() function.
func InternalMenuItemEx ¶
func InternalMenuItemExV ¶
func InternalMenuItemExV(label string, icon string, shortcut string, selected bool, enabled bool) bool
InternalMenuItemExV parameter default value hint: shortcut: NULL selected: false enabled: true
func InternalNavClearPreferredPosForAxis ¶
func InternalNavClearPreferredPosForAxis(axis Axis)
func InternalNavInitRequestApplyResult ¶
func InternalNavInitRequestApplyResult()
func InternalNavInitWindow ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestApplyResult ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestApplyResult()
func InternalNavMoveRequestButNoResultYet ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestButNoResultYet() bool
func InternalNavMoveRequestCancel ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestCancel()
func InternalNavMoveRequestForward ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestForward(move_dir Dir, clip_dir Dir, move_flags NavMoveFlags, scroll_flags ScrollFlags)
func InternalNavMoveRequestResolveWithLastItem ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestResolveWithLastItem(result *NavItemData)
func InternalNavMoveRequestResolveWithPastTreeNode ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestResolveWithPastTreeNode(result *NavItemData, tree_node_data *NavTreeNodeData)
func InternalNavMoveRequestSubmit ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestSubmit(move_dir Dir, clip_dir Dir, move_flags NavMoveFlags, scroll_flags ScrollFlags)
func InternalNavMoveRequestTryWrapping ¶
func InternalNavMoveRequestTryWrapping(window *Window, move_flags NavMoveFlags)
func InternalNavRestoreHighlightAfterMove ¶
func InternalNavRestoreHighlightAfterMove()
func InternalNavUpdateCurrentWindowIsScrollPushableX ¶
func InternalNavUpdateCurrentWindowIsScrollPushableX()
func InternalOpenPopupEx ¶
func InternalOpenPopupEx(id ID)
func InternalOpenPopupExV ¶
func InternalOpenPopupExV(id ID, popup_flags PopupFlags)
InternalOpenPopupExV parameter default value hint: popup_flags: ImGuiPopupFlags_None
func InternalPopColumnsBackground ¶
func InternalPopColumnsBackground()
func InternalPopFocusScope ¶
func InternalPopFocusScope()
func InternalPopItemFlag ¶
func InternalPopItemFlag()
func InternalPushColumnClipRect ¶
func InternalPushColumnClipRect(column_index int32)
func InternalPushColumnsBackground ¶
func InternalPushColumnsBackground()
func InternalPushFocusScope ¶
func InternalPushFocusScope(id ID)
func InternalPushItemFlag ¶
func InternalPushOverrideID ¶
func InternalPushOverrideID(id ID)
Push given value as-is at the top of the ID stack (whereas PushID combines old and new hashes)
func InternalRemoveSettingsHandler ¶
func InternalRemoveSettingsHandler(type_name string)
func InternalRenderArrow ¶
func InternalRenderArrowV ¶
InternalRenderArrowV parameter default value hint: scale: 1.0f
func InternalRenderBullet ¶
func InternalRenderCheckMark ¶
func InternalRenderColorRectWithAlphaCheckerboardV ¶
func InternalRenderColorRectWithAlphaCheckerboardV(draw_list *DrawList, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, fill_col uint32, grid_step float32, grid_off Vec2, rounding float32, flags DrawFlags)
InternalRenderColorRectWithAlphaCheckerboardV parameter default value hint: rounding: 0.0f flags: 0
func InternalRenderDragDropTargetRect ¶
func InternalRenderDragDropTargetRect(bb Rect)
func InternalRenderFrame ¶
func InternalRenderFrameBorderV ¶
InternalRenderFrameBorderV parameter default value hint: rounding: 0.0f
func InternalRenderFrameV ¶
InternalRenderFrameV parameter default value hint: border: true rounding: 0.0f
func InternalRenderNavHighlightV ¶
func InternalRenderNavHighlightV(bb Rect, id ID, flags NavHighlightFlags)
Navigation highlight InternalRenderNavHighlightV parameter default value hint: flags: ImGuiNavHighlightFlags_TypeDefault
func InternalRenderText ¶
func InternalRenderTextClippedExV ¶
func InternalRenderTextClippedExV(draw_list *DrawList, pos_min Vec2, pos_max Vec2, text string, text_size_if_known *Vec2, align Vec2, clip_rect *Rect)
InternalRenderTextClippedExV parameter default value hint: align: ImVec2(0,0) clip_rect: NULL
func InternalRenderTextClippedV ¶
func InternalRenderTextClippedV(pos_min Vec2, pos_max Vec2, text string, text_size_if_known *Vec2, align Vec2, clip_rect *Rect)
InternalRenderTextClippedV parameter default value hint: align: ImVec2(0,0) clip_rect: NULL
func InternalRenderTextV ¶
InternalRenderTextV parameter default value hint: hide_text_after_hash: true
func InternalScrollToItem ¶
func InternalScrollToItem()
func InternalScrollToItemV ¶
func InternalScrollToItemV(flags ScrollFlags)
InternalScrollToItemV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalScrollToRect ¶
func InternalScrollToRectV ¶
func InternalScrollToRectV(window *Window, rect Rect, flags ScrollFlags)
InternalScrollToRectV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalScrollbar ¶
func InternalScrollbar(axis Axis)
func InternalScrollbarEx ¶
func InternalSeparatorEx ¶
func InternalSeparatorEx(flags SeparatorFlags)
func InternalSeparatorExV ¶
func InternalSeparatorExV(flags SeparatorFlags, thickness float32)
InternalSeparatorExV parameter default value hint: thickness: 1.0f
func InternalSeparatorTextEx ¶
func InternalSetActiveID ¶
func InternalSetActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys ¶
func InternalSetActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys()
func InternalSetCurrentFont ¶
func InternalSetCurrentFont(font *Font)
func InternalSetFocusID ¶
func InternalSetHoveredID ¶
func InternalSetHoveredID(id ID)
func InternalSetItemKeyOwner ¶
func InternalSetItemKeyOwner(key Key)
func InternalSetItemKeyOwnerV ¶
func InternalSetItemKeyOwnerV(key Key, flags InputFlags)
Set key owner to last item if it is hovered or active. Equivalent to 'if (IsItemHovered() || IsItemActive()) SetKeyOwner(key, GetItemID());'. InternalSetItemKeyOwnerV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalSetKeyOwner ¶
func InternalSetKeyOwnerV ¶
func InternalSetKeyOwnerV(key Key, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags)
InternalSetKeyOwnerV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalSetKeyOwnersForKeyChordV ¶
func InternalSetKeyOwnersForKeyChordV(key KeyChord, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags)
InternalSetKeyOwnersForKeyChordV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalSetLastItemData ¶
func InternalSetLastItemData(item_id ID, in_flags ItemFlags, status_flags ItemStatusFlags, item_rect Rect)
func InternalSetNavID ¶
func InternalSetNavWindow ¶
func InternalSetNavWindow(window *Window)
func InternalSetShortcutRoutingV ¶
func InternalSetShortcutRoutingV(key_chord KeyChord, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
InternalSetShortcutRoutingV parameter default value hint: owner_id: 0 flags: 0
func InternalSetWindowCollapsedWindowPtrV ¶
InternalSetWindowCollapsedWindowPtrV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func InternalSetWindowDock ¶
func InternalSetWindowHiddendAndSkipItemsForCurrentFrame ¶
func InternalSetWindowHiddendAndSkipItemsForCurrentFrame(window *Window)
func InternalSetWindowPosWindowPtrV ¶
InternalSetWindowPosWindowPtrV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func InternalSetWindowSizeWindowPtrV ¶
InternalSetWindowSizeWindowPtrV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func InternalShortcut ¶
func InternalShortcutV ¶
func InternalShortcutV(key_chord KeyChord, owner_id ID, flags InputFlags) bool
InternalShortcutV parameter default value hint: owner_id: 0 flags: 0
func InternalShowFontAtlas ¶
func InternalShowFontAtlas(atlas *FontAtlas)
func InternalShrinkWidths ¶
func InternalShrinkWidths(items *ShrinkWidthItem, count int32, width_excess float32)
func InternalShutdown ¶
func InternalShutdown()
Since 1.60 this is a _private_ function. You can call DestroyContext() to destroy the context created by CreateContext().
func InternalSliderBehavior ¶
func InternalSplitterBehaviorV ¶
func InternalSplitterBehaviorV(bb Rect, id ID, axis Axis, size1 *float32, size2 *float32, min_size1 float32, min_size2 float32, hover_extend float32, hover_visibility_delay float32, bg_col uint32) bool
InternalSplitterBehaviorV parameter default value hint: hover_extend: 0.0f hover_visibility_delay: 0.0f bg_col: 0
func InternalStartMouseMovingWindow ¶
func InternalStartMouseMovingWindow(window *Window)
func InternalTabBarAddTab ¶
func InternalTabBarAddTab(tab_bar *TabBar, tab_flags TabItemFlags, window *Window)
func InternalTabBarCloseTab ¶
func InternalTabBarRemoveTab ¶
func InternalTabItemBackground ¶
func InternalTabItemBackground(draw_list *DrawList, bb Rect, flags TabItemFlags, col uint32)
func InternalTabItemEx ¶
func InternalTableBeginApplyRequests ¶
func InternalTableBeginApplyRequests(table *Table)
func InternalTableBeginCell ¶
func InternalTableBeginRow ¶
func InternalTableBeginRow(table *Table)
func InternalTableDrawBorders ¶
func InternalTableDrawBorders(table *Table)
func InternalTableDrawContextMenu ¶
func InternalTableDrawContextMenu(table *Table)
func InternalTableEndCell ¶
func InternalTableEndCell(table *Table)
func InternalTableEndRow ¶
func InternalTableEndRow(table *Table)
func InternalTableFixColumnSortDirection ¶
func InternalTableFixColumnSortDirection(table *Table, column *TableColumn)
func InternalTableGcCompactSettings ¶
func InternalTableGcCompactSettings()
func InternalTableGcCompactTransientBuffersTablePtr ¶
func InternalTableGcCompactTransientBuffersTablePtr(table *Table)
func InternalTableGcCompactTransientBuffersTableTempDataPtr ¶
func InternalTableGcCompactTransientBuffersTableTempDataPtr(table *TableTempData)
func InternalTableGetColumnWidthAuto ¶
func InternalTableGetColumnWidthAuto(table *Table, column *TableColumn) float32
func InternalTableGetHeaderRowHeight ¶
func InternalTableGetHeaderRowHeight() float32
func InternalTableGetHoveredColumn ¶
func InternalTableGetHoveredColumn() int32
May use (TableGetColumnFlags() & ImGuiTableColumnFlags_IsHovered) instead. Return hovered column. return -1 when table is not hovered. return columns_count if the unused space at the right of visible columns is hovered.
func InternalTableGetHoveredRow ¶
func InternalTableGetHoveredRow() int32
Retrieve *PREVIOUS FRAME* hovered row. This difference with TableGetHoveredColumn() is the reason why this is not public yet.
func InternalTableLoadSettings ¶
func InternalTableLoadSettings(table *Table)
func InternalTableMergeDrawChannels ¶
func InternalTableMergeDrawChannels(table *Table)
func InternalTableOpenContextMenu ¶
func InternalTableOpenContextMenu()
func InternalTableOpenContextMenuV ¶
func InternalTableOpenContextMenuV(column_n int32)
InternalTableOpenContextMenuV parameter default value hint: column_n: -1
func InternalTablePopBackgroundChannel ¶
func InternalTablePopBackgroundChannel()
func InternalTablePushBackgroundChannel ¶
func InternalTablePushBackgroundChannel()
func InternalTableRemove ¶
func InternalTableRemove(table *Table)
func InternalTableResetSettings ¶
func InternalTableResetSettings(table *Table)
func InternalTableSaveSettings ¶
func InternalTableSaveSettings(table *Table)
func InternalTableSetColumnSortDirection ¶
func InternalTableSetColumnSortDirection(column_n int32, sort_direction SortDirection, append_to_sort_specs bool)
func InternalTableSetColumnWidthAutoAll ¶
func InternalTableSetColumnWidthAutoAll(table *Table)
func InternalTableSettingsAddSettingsHandler ¶
func InternalTableSettingsAddSettingsHandler()
func InternalTableSetupDrawChannels ¶
func InternalTableSetupDrawChannels(table *Table)
func InternalTableSortSpecsBuild ¶
func InternalTableSortSpecsBuild(table *Table)
func InternalTableSortSpecsSanitize ¶
func InternalTableSortSpecsSanitize(table *Table)
func InternalTableUpdateBorders ¶
func InternalTableUpdateBorders(table *Table)
func InternalTableUpdateColumnsWeightFromWidth ¶
func InternalTableUpdateColumnsWeightFromWidth(table *Table)
func InternalTableUpdateLayout ¶
func InternalTableUpdateLayout(table *Table)
func InternalTeleportMousePos ¶
func InternalTeleportMousePos(pos Vec2)
func InternalTempInputScalar ¶
func InternalTempInputScalarV ¶
func InternalTempInputScalarV(bb Rect, id ID, label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, format string, p_clamp_min unsafe.Pointer, p_clamp_max unsafe.Pointer) bool
InternalTempInputScalarV parameter default value hint: p_clamp_min: NULL p_clamp_max: NULL
func InternalTempInputText ¶
func InternalTestKeyOwner ¶
Test that key is either not owned, either owned by 'owner_id'
func InternalTextEx ¶
func InternalTextEx(text string)
func InternalTextExV ¶
InternalTextExV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func InternalTreeNodeBehavior ¶
func InternalTreeNodeBehavior(id ID, flags TreeNodeFlags, label string) bool
func InternalTreeNodeBehaviorV ¶
func InternalTreeNodeBehaviorV(id ID, flags TreeNodeFlags, label string, label_end string) bool
InternalTreeNodeBehaviorV parameter default value hint: label_end: NULL
func InternalTreeNodeSetOpen ¶
func InternalTreeNodeUpdateNextOpen ¶
func InternalTreeNodeUpdateNextOpen(id ID, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
Return open state. Consume previous SetNextItemOpen() data, if any. May return true when logging.
func InternalTreePushOverrideID ¶
func InternalTreePushOverrideID(id ID)
func InternalTypematicRepeatRate ¶
func InternalTypematicRepeatRate(flags InputFlags, repeat_delay *float32, repeat_rate *float32)
func InternalUpdateHoveredWindowAndCaptureFlags ¶
func InternalUpdateHoveredWindowAndCaptureFlags()
func InternalUpdateInputEvents ¶
func InternalUpdateInputEvents(trickle_fast_inputs bool)
func InternalUpdateMouseMovingWindowEndFrame ¶
func InternalUpdateMouseMovingWindowEndFrame()
func InternalUpdateMouseMovingWindowNewFrame ¶
func InternalUpdateMouseMovingWindowNewFrame()
func InternalUpdateWindowParentAndRootLinks ¶
func InternalUpdateWindowParentAndRootLinks(window *Window, flags WindowFlags, parent_window *Window)
func InvisibleButton ¶
func InvisibleButtonV ¶
func InvisibleButtonV(str_id string, size Vec2, flags ButtonFlags) bool
flexible button behavior without the visuals, frequently useful to build custom behaviors using the public api (along with IsItemActive, IsItemHovered, etc.) InvisibleButtonV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func IsAnyMouseDown ¶
func IsAnyMouseDown() bool
[WILL OBSOLETE] is any mouse button held? This was designed for backends, but prefer having backend maintain a mask of held mouse buttons, because upcoming input queue system will make this invalid.
func IsCharInsideWord ¶
func IsItemActivated ¶
func IsItemActivated() bool
was the last item just made active (item was previously inactive).
func IsItemActive ¶
func IsItemActive() bool
is the last item active? (e.g. button being held, text field being edited. This will continuously return true while holding mouse button on an item. Items that don't interact will always return false)
func IsItemClicked ¶
func IsItemClicked() bool
func IsItemClickedV ¶
func IsItemClickedV(mouse_button MouseButton) bool
is the last item hovered and mouse clicked on? (**) == IsMouseClicked(mouse_button) && IsItemHovered()Important. (**) this is NOT equivalent to the behavior of e.g. Button(). Read comments in function definition. IsItemClickedV parameter default value hint: mouse_button: 0
func IsItemDeactivated ¶
func IsItemDeactivated() bool
was the last item just made inactive (item was previously active). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing.
func IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit ¶
func IsItemDeactivatedAfterEdit() bool
was the last item just made inactive and made a value change when it was active? (e.g. Slider/Drag moved). Useful for Undo/Redo patterns with widgets that require continuous editing. Note that you may get false positives (some widgets such as Combo()/ListBox()/Selectable() will return true even when clicking an already selected item).
func IsItemEdited ¶
func IsItemEdited() bool
did the last item modify its underlying value this frame? or was pressed? This is generally the same as the "bool" return value of many widgets.
func IsItemFocused ¶
func IsItemFocused() bool
is the last item focused for keyboard/gamepad navigation?
func IsItemHovered ¶
func IsItemHovered() bool
func IsItemHoveredV ¶
func IsItemHoveredV(flags HoveredFlags) bool
is the last item hovered? (and usable, aka not blocked by a popup, etc.). See ImGuiHoveredFlags for more options. IsItemHoveredV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func IsItemToggledOpen ¶
func IsItemToggledOpen() bool
was the last item open state toggled? set by TreeNode().
func IsItemVisible ¶
func IsItemVisible() bool
is the last item visible? (items may be out of sight because of clipping/scrolling)
func IsKeyPressedBool ¶
func IsKeyPressedBoolV ¶
was key pressed (went from !Down to Down)? if repeat=true, uses io.KeyRepeatDelay / KeyRepeatRate IsKeyPressedBoolV parameter default value hint: repeat: true
func IsKeyReleasedNil ¶
was key released (went from Down to !Down)?
func IsMouseClickedBool ¶
func IsMouseClickedBool(button MouseButton) bool
func IsMouseClickedBoolV ¶
func IsMouseClickedBoolV(button MouseButton, repeat bool) bool
did mouse button clicked? (went from !Down to Down). Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 1. IsMouseClickedBoolV parameter default value hint: repeat: false
func IsMouseDoubleClicked ¶
func IsMouseDoubleClicked(button MouseButton) bool
did mouse button double-clicked? Same as GetMouseClickedCount() == 2. (note that a double-click will also report IsMouseClicked() == true)
func IsMouseDragging ¶
func IsMouseDragging(button MouseButton) bool
func IsMouseDraggingV ¶
func IsMouseDraggingV(button MouseButton, lock_threshold float32) bool
is mouse dragging? (if lock_threshold < -1.0f, uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold) IsMouseDraggingV parameter default value hint: lock_threshold: -1.0f
func IsMouseHoveringRect ¶
func IsMouseHoveringRectV ¶
is mouse hovering given bounding rect (in screen space). clipped by current clipping settings, but disregarding of other consideration of focus/window ordering/popup-block. IsMouseHoveringRectV parameter default value hint: clip: true
func IsMousePosValid ¶
func IsMousePosValid() bool
func IsMousePosValidV ¶
by convention we use (-FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX) to denote that there is no mouse available IsMousePosValidV parameter default value hint: mouse_pos: NULL
func IsMouseReleasedNil ¶
func IsMouseReleasedNil(button MouseButton) bool
did mouse button released? (went from Down to !Down)
func IsPopupOpenStr ¶
func IsPopupOpenStrV ¶
func IsPopupOpenStrV(str_id string, flags PopupFlags) bool
return true if the popup is open. IsPopupOpenStrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func IsRectVisibleNil ¶
test if rectangle (of given size, starting from cursor position) is visible / not clipped.
func IsRectVisibleVec2 ¶
test if rectangle (in screen space) is visible / not clipped. to perform coarse clipping on user's side.
func IsWindowAppearing ¶
func IsWindowAppearing() bool
func IsWindowCollapsed ¶
func IsWindowCollapsed() bool
func IsWindowFocused ¶
func IsWindowFocused() bool
func IsWindowFocusedV ¶
func IsWindowFocusedV(flags FocusedFlags) bool
is current window focused? or its root/child, depending on flags. see flags for options. IsWindowFocusedV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func IsWindowHovered ¶
func IsWindowHovered() bool
func IsWindowHoveredV ¶
func IsWindowHoveredV(flags HoveredFlags) bool
is current window hovered (and typically: not blocked by a popup/modal)? see flags for options. NB: If you are trying to check whether your mouse should be dispatched to imgui or to your app, you should use the 'io.WantCaptureMouse' boolean for that! Please read the FAQ! IsWindowHoveredV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func KeyName ¶
[DEBUG] returns English name of the key. Those names a provided for debugging purpose and are not meant to be saved persistently not compared.
func KeyPressedAmount ¶
uses provided repeat rate/delay. return a count, most often 0 or 1 but might be >1 if RepeatRate is small enough that DeltaTime > RepeatRate
func ListBoxStrarr ¶
func ListBoxStrarrV ¶
func ListBoxStrarrV(label string, current_item *int32, items []string, items_count int32, height_in_items int32) bool
ListBoxStrarrV parameter default value hint: height_in_items: -1
func LoadIniSettingsFromDisk ¶
func LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(ini_filename string)
call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame(). NewFrame() automatically calls LoadIniSettingsFromDisk(io.IniFilename).
func LoadIniSettingsFromMemory ¶
func LoadIniSettingsFromMemory(ini_data string)
func LoadIniSettingsFromMemoryV ¶
call after CreateContext() and before the first call to NewFrame() to provide .ini data from your own data source. LoadIniSettingsFromMemoryV parameter default value hint: ini_size: 0
func LogToClipboard ¶
func LogToClipboard()
func LogToClipboardV ¶
func LogToClipboardV(auto_open_depth int32)
start logging to OS clipboard LogToClipboardV parameter default value hint: auto_open_depth: -1
func LogToFileV ¶
start logging to file LogToFileV parameter default value hint: auto_open_depth: -1 filename: NULL
func LogToTTYV ¶
func LogToTTYV(auto_open_depth int32)
start logging to tty (stdout) LogToTTYV parameter default value hint: auto_open_depth: -1
func Markdown ¶
func Markdown(markdown_ string, markdownLength_ uint64, mdConfig_ MarkdownConfig)
func MenuItemBool ¶
func MenuItemBoolPtrV ¶
return true when activated + toggle (*p_selected) if p_selected != NULL MenuItemBoolPtrV parameter default value hint: enabled: true
func MenuItemBoolV ¶
return true when activated. MenuItemBoolV parameter default value hint: shortcut: NULL selected: false enabled: true
func MouseClickedCount ¶
func MouseClickedCount(button MouseButton) int32
return the number of successive mouse-clicks at the time where a click happen (otherwise 0).
func NewFrame ¶
func NewFrame()
start a new Dear ImGui frame, you can submit any command from this point until Render()/EndFrame().
func NewLine ¶
func NewLine()
undo a SameLine() or force a new line when in a horizontal-layout context.
func NextColumn ¶
func NextColumn()
next column, defaults to current row or next row if the current row is finished
func OpenPopupID ¶
func OpenPopupID(id ID)
func OpenPopupIDV ¶
func OpenPopupIDV(id ID, popup_flags PopupFlags)
id overload to facilitate calling from nested stacks OpenPopupIDV parameter default value hint: popup_flags: 0
func OpenPopupOnItemClick ¶
func OpenPopupOnItemClick()
func OpenPopupOnItemClickV ¶
func OpenPopupOnItemClickV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags)
helper to open popup when clicked on last item. Default to ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight == 1. (note: actually triggers on the mouse _released_ event to be consistent with popup behaviors) OpenPopupOnItemClickV parameter default value hint: str_id: NULL popup_flags: 1
func OpenPopupStr ¶
func OpenPopupStr(str_id string)
func OpenPopupStrV ¶
func OpenPopupStrV(str_id string, popup_flags PopupFlags)
call to mark popup as open (don't call every frame!). OpenPopupStrV parameter default value hint: popup_flags: 0
func PlotAddTextCentered ¶
func PlotAddTextCenteredV ¶
PlotAddTextCenteredV parameter default value hint:
func PlotAddTextVertical ¶
func PlotAddTextVerticalV ¶
PlotAddTextVerticalV parameter default value hint:
func PlotAllAxesInputLocked ¶
func PlotAnnotationBool ¶
func PlotAnnotationBoolV ¶
PlotAnnotationBoolV parameter default value hint: round: false
func PlotAnnotationStr ¶
func PlotAnyAxesHeld ¶
func PlotAnyAxesHovered ¶
func PlotAnyAxesInputLocked ¶
func PlotBeginAlignedPlots ¶
func PlotBeginAlignedPlotsV ¶
PlotBeginAlignedPlotsV parameter default value hint: vertical: true
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxis ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, flags DragDropFlags) bool
PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV(label_id string, flags DragDropFlags) bool
PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlot ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlot() bool
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV(flags DragDropFlags) bool
PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetAxis ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetLegend ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetLegend() bool
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetPlot ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetPlot() bool
func PlotBeginItem ¶
func PlotBeginItemV ¶
func PlotBeginItemV(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags, recolor_from PlotCol) bool
PlotBeginItemV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 recolor_from: -1
func PlotBeginLegendPopup ¶
func PlotBeginLegendPopupV ¶
func PlotBeginLegendPopupV(label_id string, mouse_button MouseButton) bool
PlotBeginLegendPopupV parameter default value hint: mouse_button: 1
func PlotBeginPlot ¶
func PlotBeginPlotV ¶
PlotBeginPlotV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(-1,0) flags: 0
func PlotBeginSubplots ¶
func PlotBeginSubplotsV ¶
func PlotBeginSubplotsV(title_id string, rows int32, cols int32, size Vec2, flags PlotSubplotFlags, row_ratios *float32, col_ratios *float32) bool
PlotBeginSubplotsV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 row_ratios: nullptr col_ratios: nullptr
func PlotBustColorCache ¶
func PlotBustColorCache()
func PlotBustColorCacheV ¶
func PlotBustColorCacheV(plot_title_id string)
PlotBustColorCacheV parameter default value hint: plot_title_id: nullptr
func PlotBustItemCache ¶
func PlotBustItemCache()
func PlotBustPlotCache ¶
func PlotBustPlotCache()
func PlotCalcHoverColor ¶
func PlotCalcTextColorU32 ¶
func PlotCalcTextColorVec4 ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS16Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS32Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS64Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS8Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU16Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU32Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU64Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU8Ptr ¶
func PlotCancelPlotSelection ¶
func PlotCancelPlotSelection()
func PlotClampLegendRect ¶
func PlotColormapButton ¶
func PlotColormapButtonV ¶
func PlotColormapButtonV(label string, size Vec2, cmap PlotColormap) bool
PlotColormapButtonV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0) cmap: -1
func PlotColormapIcon ¶
func PlotColormapIcon(cmap PlotColormap)
func PlotColormapScale ¶
func PlotColormapScaleV ¶
func PlotColormapScaleV(label string, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, size Vec2, format string, flags PlotColormapScaleFlags, cmap PlotColormap)
PlotColormapScaleV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0) format: "%g" flags: 0 cmap: -1
func PlotColormapSlider ¶
func PlotColormapSliderV ¶
func PlotColormapSliderV(label string, t *float32, out *Vec4, format string, cmap PlotColormap) bool
PlotColormapSliderV parameter default value hint: out: nullptr format: "" cmap: -1
func PlotDestroyContext ¶
func PlotDestroyContext()
func PlotDestroyContextV ¶
func PlotDestroyContextV(ctx *PlotContext)
PlotDestroyContextV parameter default value hint: ctx: nullptr
func PlotDragLineXV ¶
func PlotDragLineXV(id int32, x *float64, col Vec4, thickness float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragLineXV parameter default value hint: thickness: 1 flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotDragLineYV ¶
func PlotDragLineYV(id int32, y *float64, col Vec4, thickness float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragLineYV parameter default value hint: thickness: 1 flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotDragPointV ¶
func PlotDragPointV(id int32, x *float64, y *float64, col Vec4, size float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragPointV parameter default value hint: size: 4 flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotDragRect ¶
func PlotDragRectV ¶
func PlotDragRectV(id int32, x1 *float64, y1 *float64, x2 *float64, y2 *float64, col Vec4, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragRectV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotEndAlignedPlots ¶
func PlotEndAlignedPlots()
func PlotEndDragDropSource ¶
func PlotEndDragDropSource()
func PlotEndDragDropTarget ¶
func PlotEndDragDropTarget()
func PlotEndItem ¶
func PlotEndItem()
func PlotEndLegendPopup ¶
func PlotEndLegendPopup()
func PlotEndPlot ¶
func PlotEndPlot()
func PlotEndSubplots ¶
func PlotEndSubplots()
func PlotFitPoint ¶
func PlotFitPoint(p PlotPoint)
func PlotFitPointX ¶
func PlotFitPointX(x float64)
func PlotFitPointY ¶
func PlotFitPointY(y float64)
func PlotFitThisFrame ¶
func PlotFitThisFrame() bool
func PlotFormatDate ¶
func PlotFormatDateTime ¶
func PlotFormatDateTime(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotDateTimeSpec) int32
func PlotFormatTime ¶
func PlotFormatterDefault ¶
func PlotFormatterLogit ¶
func PlotFormatterTime ¶
func PlotGetColormapColorU32 ¶
func PlotGetColormapColorU32(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
func PlotGetColormapCount ¶
func PlotGetColormapCount() int32
func PlotGetColormapName ¶
func PlotGetColormapName(cmap PlotColormap) string
func PlotGetColormapSize ¶
func PlotGetColormapSize() int32
func PlotGetColormapSizeV ¶
func PlotGetColormapSizeV(cmap PlotColormap) int32
PlotGetColormapSizeV parameter default value hint: cmap: -1
func PlotGetDaysInMonth ¶
func PlotGetMarkerName ¶
func PlotGetMarkerName(idx PlotMarker) string
func PlotGetStyleColorName ¶
func PlotGetStyleColorU32 ¶
func PlotGetYear ¶
func PlotHideNextItem ¶
func PlotHideNextItem()
func PlotHideNextItemV ¶
PlotHideNextItemV parameter default value hint: hidden: true cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotHistogramFloatPtr ¶
func PlotHistogramFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotHistogramFloatPtrV(label string, values []float32, values_count int32, values_offset int32, overlay_text string, scale_min float32, scale_max float32, graph_size Vec2, stride int32)
PlotHistogramFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: values_offset: 0 overlay_text: NULL scale_min: FLT_MAX scale_max: FLT_MAX graph_size: ImVec2(0,0) stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotImAlmostEqual ¶
func PlotImAlmostEqualV ¶
PlotImAlmostEqualV parameter default value hint: ulp: 2
func PlotImAlphaU32 ¶
func PlotImAsinhFloat ¶
func PlotImAsinhdouble ¶
func PlotImConstrainInf ¶
func PlotImConstrainLog ¶
func PlotImConstrainNan ¶
func PlotImConstrainTime ¶
func PlotImLog10Float ¶
func PlotImLog10double ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArraydoublePtr ¶
func PlotImMeanFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImMeanS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeandoublePtr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArraydoublePtr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImNanOrInf ¶
func PlotImOverlapsFloat ¶
func PlotImOverlapsS64 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsU16 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsU32 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsU64 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsdouble ¶
func PlotImPosMod ¶
func PlotImRemapFloat ¶
func PlotImRemapU16 ¶
func PlotImRemapU32 ¶
func PlotImRemapU64 ¶
func PlotImRemapdouble ¶
func PlotImSinhFloat ¶
func PlotImSinhdouble ¶
func PlotImStdDevFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevdoublePtr ¶
func PlotImSumFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImSumS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumdoublePtr ¶
func PlotInitialize ¶
func PlotInitialize(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotIsAxisHovered ¶
func PlotIsAxisHovered(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
func PlotIsColorAutoPlotCol ¶
func PlotIsColorAutoVec4 ¶
func PlotIsLeapYear ¶
func PlotIsPlotHovered ¶
func PlotIsPlotHovered() bool
func PlotIsPlotSelected ¶
func PlotIsPlotSelected() bool
func PlotIsSubplotsHovered ¶
func PlotIsSubplotsHovered() bool
func PlotItemIconU32 ¶
func PlotItemIconU32(col uint32)
func PlotItemIconVec4 ¶
func PlotItemIconVec4(col Vec4)
func PlotLabelAxisValue ¶
func PlotLabelAxisValueV ¶
PlotLabelAxisValueV parameter default value hint: round: false
func PlotLinesFloatPtr ¶
func PlotLinesFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotLinesFloatPtrV(label string, values []float32, values_count int32, values_offset int32, overlay_text string, scale_min float32, scale_max float32, graph_size Vec2, stride int32)
PlotLinesFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: values_offset: 0 overlay_text: NULL scale_min: FLT_MAX scale_max: FLT_MAX graph_size: ImVec2(0,0) stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotMapInputDefault ¶
func PlotMapInputDefault()
func PlotMapInputDefaultV ¶
func PlotMapInputDefaultV(dst *PlotInputMap)
PlotMapInputDefaultV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotMapInputReverse ¶
func PlotMapInputReverse()
func PlotMapInputReverseV ¶
func PlotMapInputReverseV(dst *PlotInputMap)
PlotMapInputReverseV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotNextColormapColorU32 ¶
func PlotNextColormapColorU32() uint32
func PlotNiceNum ¶
func PlotOrderOfMagnitude ¶
func PlotOrderToPrecision ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotDigitalS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotDigitalS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotDigitalS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotDigitalS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotDigitalU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotDigitalU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotDigitalU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotDigitalU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotDummy ¶
func PlotPlotDummy(label_id string)
func PlotPlotDummyV ¶
func PlotPlotDummyV(label_id string, flags PlotDummyFlags)
PlotPlotDummyV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, neg []float32, pos []float32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, err []float32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, err *[]int, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, neg *[]int, pos *[]int, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, err *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, neg *[]int32, pos *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, err []int64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, neg []int64, pos []int64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, err *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, neg *[]int8, pos *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, err *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, neg *[]uint16, pos *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, err *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, neg *[]uint32, pos *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, err []uint64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, neg []uint64, pos []uint64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, err *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, neg *[]byte, pos *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, err *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, neg *[]float64, pos *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotImage ¶
func PlotPlotImageV ¶
func PlotPlotImageV(label_id string, user_texture_id TextureID, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, uv0 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, tint_col Vec4, flags PlotImageFlags)
PlotPlotImageV parameter default value hint: uv0: ImVec2(0,0) uv1: ImVec2(1,1) tint_col: ImVec4(1,1,1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys1 []float32, ys2 []float32, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys1 *[]int, ys2 *[]int, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys1 *[]int32, ys2 *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys1 []int64, ys2 []int64, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys1 *[]int8, ys2 *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys1 *[]uint16, ys2 *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys1 *[]uint32, ys2 *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys1 []uint64, ys2 []uint64, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys1 *[]byte, ys2 *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys1 *[]float64, ys2 *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotText ¶
func PlotPlotTextV ¶
func PlotPlotTextV(text string, x float64, y float64, pix_offset Vec2, flags PlotTextFlags)
PlotPlotTextV parameter default value hint: pix_offset: ImVec2(0,0) flags: 0
func PlotPopColormap ¶
func PlotPopColormap()
func PlotPopColormapV ¶
func PlotPopColormapV(count int32)
PlotPopColormapV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PlotPopPlotClipRect ¶
func PlotPopPlotClipRect()
func PlotPopStyleColor ¶
func PlotPopStyleColor()
func PlotPopStyleColorV ¶
func PlotPopStyleColorV(count int32)
PlotPopStyleColorV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PlotPopStyleVar ¶
func PlotPopStyleVar()
func PlotPopStyleVarV ¶
func PlotPopStyleVarV(count int32)
PlotPopStyleVarV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PlotPrecision ¶
func PlotPushColormapPlotColormap ¶
func PlotPushColormapPlotColormap(cmap PlotColormap)
func PlotPushColormapStr ¶
func PlotPushColormapStr(name string)
func PlotPushPlotClipRect ¶
func PlotPushPlotClipRect()
func PlotPushPlotClipRectV ¶
func PlotPushPlotClipRectV(expand float32)
PlotPushPlotClipRectV parameter default value hint: expand: 0
func PlotPushStyleColorU32 ¶
func PlotPushStyleColorVec4 ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarFloat ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarFloat(idx PlotStyleVar, val float32)
func PlotPushStyleVarInt ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarInt(idx PlotStyleVar, val int32)
func PlotPushStyleVarVec2 ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarVec2(idx PlotStyleVar, val Vec2)
func PlotRangesOverlap ¶
func PlotRenderColorBar ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextAlignedPlots ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextAlignedPlots(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotResetCtxForNextPlot ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextPlot(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotResetCtxForNextSubplot ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextSubplot(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotRoundTo ¶
func PlotSampleColormapU32 ¶
func PlotSampleColormapU32(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
func PlotSetAxes ¶
func PlotSetAxes(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetAxis ¶
func PlotSetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetCurrentContext ¶
func PlotSetCurrentContext(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotSetImGuiContext ¶
func PlotSetImGuiContext(ctx *Context)
func PlotSetNextAxesLimits ¶
func PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetNextAxesToFit ¶
func PlotSetNextAxesToFit()
func PlotSetNextAxisLimits ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
func PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetNextAxisLinks ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
func PlotSetNextAxisToFit ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisToFit(axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyle()
func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyleV ¶
PlotSetNextErrorBarStyleV parameter default value hint: col: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) size: -1 weight: -1
func PlotSetNextFillStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextFillStyle()
func PlotSetNextFillStyleV ¶
PlotSetNextFillStyleV parameter default value hint: col: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) alpha_mod: -1
func PlotSetNextLineStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextLineStyle()
func PlotSetNextLineStyleV ¶
PlotSetNextLineStyleV parameter default value hint: col: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) weight: -1
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyle()
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV ¶
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV(marker PlotMarker, size float32, fill Vec4, weight float32, outline Vec4)
PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV parameter default value hint: marker: -1 size: -1 fill: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) weight: -1 outline: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1)
func PlotSetupAxes ¶
func PlotSetupAxesLimits ¶
func PlotSetupAxesLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetupAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetupAxesLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetupAxesV ¶
func PlotSetupAxesV(x_label string, y_label string, x_flags PlotAxisFlags, y_flags PlotAxisFlags)
PlotSetupAxesV parameter default value hint: x_flags: 0 y_flags: 0
func PlotSetupAxis ¶
func PlotSetupAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetupAxisFormatStr ¶
func PlotSetupAxisFormatStr(axis PlotAxisEnum, fmt string)
func PlotSetupAxisLimits ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsConstraints ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetupAxisLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetupAxisLinks ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
func PlotSetupAxisScalePlotScale ¶
func PlotSetupAxisScalePlotScale(axis PlotAxisEnum, scale PlotScale)
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdouble ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdouble(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32)
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtr ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtr(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32)
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32, labels []string, keep_default bool)
PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: labels: nullptr keep_default: false
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32, labels []string, keep_default bool)
PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV parameter default value hint: labels: nullptr keep_default: false
func PlotSetupAxisV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, label string, flags PlotAxisFlags)
PlotSetupAxisV parameter default value hint: label: nullptr flags: 0
func PlotSetupAxisZoomConstraints ¶
func PlotSetupAxisZoomConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, z_min float64, z_max float64)
func PlotSetupFinish ¶
func PlotSetupFinish()
func PlotSetupLegend ¶
func PlotSetupLegend(location PlotLocation)
func PlotSetupLegendV ¶
func PlotSetupLegendV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotLegendFlags)
PlotSetupLegendV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotSetupLock ¶
func PlotSetupLock()
func PlotSetupMouseText ¶
func PlotSetupMouseText(location PlotLocation)
func PlotSetupMouseTextV ¶
func PlotSetupMouseTextV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotMouseTextFlags)
PlotSetupMouseTextV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotShowAltLegend ¶
func PlotShowAltLegend(title_id string)
func PlotShowAltLegendV ¶
PlotShowAltLegendV parameter default value hint: vertical: true size: ImVec2(0,0) interactable: true
func PlotShowAxisContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowAxisContextMenuV ¶
PlotShowAxisContextMenuV parameter default value hint: time_allowed: false
func PlotShowDatePickerV ¶
PlotShowDatePickerV parameter default value hint: t1: nullptr t2: nullptr
func PlotShowDemoWindow ¶
func PlotShowDemoWindow()
func PlotShowDemoWindowV ¶
func PlotShowDemoWindowV(p_open *bool)
PlotShowDemoWindowV parameter default value hint: p_open: nullptr
func PlotShowLegendContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowLegendContextMenu(legend *PlotLegend, visible bool) bool
func PlotShowLegendEntries ¶
func PlotShowMetricsWindow ¶
func PlotShowMetricsWindow()
func PlotShowMetricsWindowV ¶
func PlotShowMetricsWindowV(p_popen *bool)
PlotShowMetricsWindowV parameter default value hint: p_popen: nullptr
func PlotShowPlotContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowPlotContextMenu(plot *PlotPlot)
func PlotShowStyleEditor ¶
func PlotShowStyleEditor()
func PlotShowStyleEditorV ¶
func PlotShowStyleEditorV(ref *PlotStyle)
PlotShowStyleEditorV parameter default value hint: ref: nullptr
func PlotShowStyleSelector ¶
func PlotShowSubplotsContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowSubplotsContextMenu(subplot *PlotSubplot)
func PlotShowTimePicker ¶
func PlotShowUserGuide ¶
func PlotShowUserGuide()
func PlotStyleColorsAuto ¶
func PlotStyleColorsAuto()
func PlotStyleColorsAutoV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsAutoV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsAutoV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotStyleColorsClassic ¶
func PlotStyleColorsClassic()
func PlotStyleColorsClassicV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsClassicV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsClassicV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotStyleColorsDark ¶
func PlotStyleColorsDark()
func PlotStyleColorsDarkV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsDarkV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsDarkV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotStyleColorsLight ¶
func PlotStyleColorsLight()
func PlotStyleColorsLightV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsLightV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsLightV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotSubplotNextCell ¶
func PlotSubplotNextCell()
func PlotTagXBool ¶
func PlotTagXBoolV ¶
PlotTagXBoolV parameter default value hint: round: false
func PlotTagXStr ¶
func PlotTagYBool ¶
func PlotTagYBoolV ¶
PlotTagYBoolV parameter default value hint: round: false
func PlotTagYStr ¶
func PopButtonRepeat ¶
func PopButtonRepeat()
func PopClipRect ¶
func PopClipRect()
func PopItemWidth ¶
func PopItemWidth()
func PopStyleColor ¶
func PopStyleColor()
func PopStyleColorV ¶
func PopStyleColorV(count int32)
PopStyleColorV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PopStyleVar ¶
func PopStyleVar()
func PopStyleVarV ¶
func PopStyleVarV(count int32)
PopStyleVarV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PopTabStop ¶
func PopTabStop()
func PopTextWrapPos ¶
func PopTextWrapPos()
func ProgressBar ¶
func ProgressBar(fraction float32)
func ProgressBarV ¶
ProgressBarV parameter default value hint: size_arg: ImVec2(-FLT_MIN,0) overlay: NULL
func Ptr ¶
Ptr takes a slice or pointer (to a singular scalar value or the first element of an array or slice) and returns its GL-compatible address.
For example:
var data []uint8 ... gl.TexImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, ..., gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, gl.Ptr(&data[0]))
func PtrToByteSlice ¶
func PtrToUint16Slice ¶
func PushButtonRepeat ¶
func PushButtonRepeat(repeat bool)
in 'repeat' mode, Button*() functions return repeated true in a typematic manner (using io.KeyRepeatDelay/io.KeyRepeatRate setting). Note that you can call IsItemActive() after any Button() to tell if the button is held in the current frame.
func PushClipRect ¶
func PushIDStrStr ¶
push string into the ID stack (will hash string).
func PushItemWidth ¶
func PushItemWidth(item_width float32)
push width of items for common large "item+label" widgets. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side).
func PushStyleColorU32 ¶
modify a style color. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
func PushStyleColorVec4 ¶
func PushStyleVarFloat ¶
modify a style float variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
func PushStyleVarVec2 ¶
modify a style ImVec2 variable. always use this if you modify the style after NewFrame().
func PushTabStop ¶
func PushTabStop(tab_stop bool)
== tab stop enable. Allow focusing using TAB/Shift-TAB, enabled by default but you can disable it for certain widgets
func PushTextWrapPos ¶
func PushTextWrapPos()
func PushTextWrapPosV ¶
func PushTextWrapPosV(wrap_local_pos_x float32)
push word-wrapping position for Text*() commands. < 0.0f: no wrapping; 0.0f: wrap to end of window (or column); > 0.0f: wrap at 'wrap_pos_x' position in window local space PushTextWrapPosV parameter default value hint: wrap_local_pos_x: 0.0f
func RadioButtonBool ¶
use with e.g. if (RadioButton("one", my_value==1)) my_value = 1;
func RadioButtonIntPtr ¶
shortcut to handle the above pattern when value is an integer
func Render ¶
func Render()
ends the Dear ImGui frame, finalize the draw data. You can then get call GetDrawData().
func RenderLine ¶
func RenderLine(markdown_ string, line_ *Line, textRegion_ *TextRegion, mdConfig_ MarkdownConfig)
func RenderLinkText ¶
func RenderLinkText(self *TextRegion, text_ string, link_ Link, markdown_ string, mdConfig_ MarkdownConfig, linkHoverStart_ []string) bool
func RenderLinkTextWrapped ¶
func RenderLinkTextWrapped(self *TextRegion, text_ string, link_ Link, markdown_ string, mdConfig_ MarkdownConfig, linkHoverStart_ []string)
func RenderLinkTextWrappedV ¶
func RenderLinkTextWrappedV(self *TextRegion, text_ string, link_ Link, markdown_ string, mdConfig_ MarkdownConfig, linkHoverStart_ []string, bIndentToHere_ bool)
RenderLinkTextWrappedV parameter default value hint: bIndentToHere_: false
func RenderListTextWrapped ¶
func RenderListTextWrapped(self *TextRegion, text_ string)
func RenderPlatformWindowsDefault ¶
func RenderPlatformWindowsDefault()
func RenderPlatformWindowsDefaultV ¶
func RenderPlatformWindowsDefaultV(platform_render_arg unsafe.Pointer, renderer_render_arg unsafe.Pointer)
call in main loop. will call RenderWindow/SwapBuffers platform functions for each secondary viewport which doesn't have the ImGuiViewportFlags_Minimized flag set. May be reimplemented by user for custom rendering needs. RenderPlatformWindowsDefaultV parameter default value hint: platform_render_arg: NULL renderer_render_arg: NULL
func RenderTextWrapped ¶
func RenderTextWrapped(self *TextRegion, text_ string)
func RenderTextWrappedV ¶
func RenderTextWrappedV(self *TextRegion, text_ string, bIndentToHere_ bool)
RenderTextWrappedV parameter default value hint: bIndentToHere_: false
func ResetIndent ¶
func ResetIndent(self *TextRegion)
func ResetMouseDragDelta ¶
func ResetMouseDragDelta()
func ResetMouseDragDeltaV ¶
func ResetMouseDragDeltaV(button MouseButton)
ResetMouseDragDeltaV parameter default value hint: button: 0
func SameLineV ¶
call between widgets or groups to layout them horizontally. X position given in window coordinates. SameLineV parameter default value hint: offset_from_start_x: 0.0f spacing: -1.0f
func SaveIniSettingsToDisk ¶
func SaveIniSettingsToDisk(ini_filename string)
this is automatically called (if io.IniFilename is not empty) a few seconds after any modification that should be reflected in the .ini file (and also by DestroyContext).
func SaveIniSettingsToMemory ¶
func SaveIniSettingsToMemory() string
func SaveIniSettingsToMemoryV ¶
return a zero-terminated string with the .ini data which you can save by your own mean. call when io.WantSaveIniSettings is set, then save data by your own mean and clear io.WantSaveIniSettings. SaveIniSettingsToMemoryV parameter default value hint: out_ini_size: NULL
func ScrollMaxX ¶
func ScrollMaxX() float32
get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.x - WindowSize.x - DecorationsSize.x
func ScrollMaxY ¶
func ScrollMaxY() float32
get maximum scrolling amount ~~ ContentSize.y - WindowSize.y - DecorationsSize.y
func SelectableBool ¶
func SelectableBoolPtr ¶
func SelectableBoolPtrV ¶
func SelectableBoolPtrV(label string, p_selected *bool, flags SelectableFlags, size Vec2) bool
"bool* p_selected" point to the selection state (read-write), as a convenient helper. SelectableBoolPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 size: ImVec2(0,0)
func SelectableBoolV ¶
func SelectableBoolV(label string, selected bool, flags SelectableFlags, size Vec2) bool
"bool selected" carry the selection state (read-only). Selectable() is clicked is returns true so you can modify your selection state. size.x==0.0: use remaining width, size.x>0.0: specify width. size.y==0.0: use label height, size.y>0.0: specify height SelectableBoolV parameter default value hint: selected: false flags: 0 size: ImVec2(0,0)
func Separator ¶
func Separator()
separator, generally horizontal. inside a menu bar or in horizontal layout mode, this becomes a vertical separator.
func SeparatorText ¶
func SeparatorText(label string)
currently: formatted text with an horizontal line
func SetClipboardText ¶
func SetClipboardText(text string)
func SetColorEditOptions ¶
func SetColorEditOptions(flags ColorEditFlags)
initialize current options (generally on application startup) if you want to select a default format, picker type, etc. User will be able to change many settings, unless you pass the _NoOptions flag to your calls.
func SetColumnOffset ¶
set position of column line (in pixels, from the left side of the contents region). pass -1 to use current column
func SetColumnWidth ¶
set column width (in pixels). pass -1 to use current column
func SetCurrentContext ¶
func SetCurrentContext(ctx *Context)
func SetCursorPos ¶
func SetCursorPos(local_pos Vec2)
are using the main, absolute coordinate system.
func SetCursorPosX ¶
func SetCursorPosX(local_x float32)
GetWindowPos() + GetCursorPos() == GetCursorScreenPos() etc.)
func SetCursorPosY ¶
func SetCursorPosY(local_y float32)
func SetDragDropPayload ¶
func SetDragDropPayloadV ¶
type is a user defined string of maximum 32 characters. Strings starting with '_' are reserved for dear imgui internal types. Data is copied and held by imgui. Return true when payload has been accepted. SetDragDropPayloadV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetItemDefaultFocus ¶
func SetItemDefaultFocus()
make last item the default focused item of a window.
func SetItemTooltip ¶
func SetItemTooltip(fmt string)
set a text-only tooltip if preceeding item was hovered. override any previous call to SetTooltip().
func SetKeyboardFocusHere ¶
func SetKeyboardFocusHere()
func SetKeyboardFocusHereV ¶
func SetKeyboardFocusHereV(offset int32)
focus keyboard on the next widget. Use positive 'offset' to access sub components of a multiple component widget. Use -1 to access previous widget. SetKeyboardFocusHereV parameter default value hint: offset: 0
func SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard ¶
func SetNextFrameWantCaptureKeyboard(want_capture_keyboard bool)
Override io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typically when true it instructs your app to ignore inputs). e.g. force capture keyboard when your widget is being hovered. This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureKeyboard = want_capture_keyboard"; after the next NewFrame() call.
func SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse ¶
func SetNextFrameWantCaptureMouse(want_capture_mouse bool)
Override io.WantCaptureMouse flag next frame (said flag is left for your application to handle, typical when true it instucts your app to ignore inputs). This is equivalent to setting "io.WantCaptureMouse = want_capture_mouse;" after the next NewFrame() call.
func SetNextItemAllowOverlap ¶
func SetNextItemAllowOverlap()
allow next item to be overlapped by a subsequent item. Useful with invisible buttons, selectable, treenode covering an area where subsequent items may need to be added. Note that both Selectable() and TreeNode() have dedicated flags doing this.
func SetNextItemOpen ¶
func SetNextItemOpen(is_open bool)
func SetNextItemOpenV ¶
set next TreeNode/CollapsingHeader open state. SetNextItemOpenV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetNextItemWidth ¶
func SetNextItemWidth(item_width float32)
set width of the _next_ common large "item+label" widget. >0.0f: width in pixels, <0.0f align xx pixels to the right of window (so -FLT_MIN always align width to the right side)
func SetNextWindowBgAlpha ¶
func SetNextWindowBgAlpha(alpha float32)
set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of ImGuiCol_WindowBg/ChildBg/PopupBg. you may also use ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground.
func SetNextWindowClass ¶
func SetNextWindowClass(window_class *WindowClass)
set next window class (control docking compatibility + provide hints to platform backend via custom viewport flags and platform parent/child relationship)
func SetNextWindowCollapsed ¶
func SetNextWindowCollapsed(collapsed bool)
func SetNextWindowCollapsedV ¶
set next window collapsed state. call before Begin() SetNextWindowCollapsedV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetNextWindowContentSize ¶
func SetNextWindowContentSize(size Vec2)
set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. set an axis to 0.0f to leave it automatic. call before Begin()
func SetNextWindowDockID ¶
func SetNextWindowDockID(dock_id ID)
func SetNextWindowDockIDV ¶
set next window dock id SetNextWindowDockIDV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetNextWindowFocus ¶
func SetNextWindowFocus()
set next window to be focused / top-most. call before Begin()
func SetNextWindowPos ¶
func SetNextWindowPos(pos Vec2)
func SetNextWindowPosV ¶
set next window position. call before Begin(). use pivot=(0.5f,0.5f) to center on given point, etc. SetNextWindowPosV parameter default value hint: cond: 0 pivot: ImVec2(0,0)
func SetNextWindowScroll ¶
func SetNextWindowScroll(scroll Vec2)
set next window scrolling value (use < 0.0f to not affect a given axis).
func SetNextWindowSize ¶
func SetNextWindowSize(size Vec2)
func SetNextWindowSizeV ¶
set next window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis. call before Begin() SetNextWindowSizeV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetScrollFromPosXFloat ¶
func SetScrollFromPosXFloat(local_x float32)
func SetScrollFromPosXFloatV ¶
adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position. SetScrollFromPosXFloatV parameter default value hint: center_x_ratio: 0.5f
func SetScrollFromPosYFloat ¶
func SetScrollFromPosYFloat(local_y float32)
func SetScrollFromPosYFloatV ¶
adjust scrolling amount to make given position visible. Generally GetCursorStartPos() + offset to compute a valid position. SetScrollFromPosYFloatV parameter default value hint: center_y_ratio: 0.5f
func SetScrollHereX ¶
func SetScrollHereX()
func SetScrollHereXV ¶
func SetScrollHereXV(center_x_ratio float32)
adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. center_x_ratio=0.0: left, 0.5: center, 1.0: right. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead. SetScrollHereXV parameter default value hint: center_x_ratio: 0.5f
func SetScrollHereY ¶
func SetScrollHereY()
func SetScrollHereYV ¶
func SetScrollHereYV(center_y_ratio float32)
adjust scrolling amount to make current cursor position visible. center_y_ratio=0.0: top, 0.5: center, 1.0: bottom. When using to make a "default/current item" visible, consider using SetItemDefaultFocus() instead. SetScrollHereYV parameter default value hint: center_y_ratio: 0.5f
func SetScrollXFloat ¶
func SetScrollXFloat(scroll_x float32)
set scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxX()]
func SetScrollYFloat ¶
func SetScrollYFloat(scroll_y float32)
set scrolling amount [0 .. GetScrollMaxY()]
func SetStateStorage ¶
func SetStateStorage(storage *Storage)
replace current window storage with our own (if you want to manipulate it yourself, typically clear subsection of it)
func SetTabItemClosed ¶
func SetTabItemClosed(tab_or_docked_window_label string)
notify TabBar or Docking system of a closed tab/window ahead (useful to reduce visual flicker on reorderable tab bars). For tab-bar: call after BeginTabBar() and before Tab submissions. Otherwise call with a window name.
func SetTooltip ¶
func SetTooltip(fmt string)
set a text-only tooltip. Often used after a ImGui::IsItemHovered() check. Override any previous call to SetTooltip().
func SetWindowCollapsedBool ¶
func SetWindowCollapsedBool(collapsed bool)
func SetWindowCollapsedBoolV ¶
(not recommended) set current window collapsed state. prefer using SetNextWindowCollapsed(). SetWindowCollapsedBoolV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetWindowCollapsedStr ¶
func SetWindowCollapsedStrV ¶
set named window collapsed state SetWindowCollapsedStrV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetWindowFocusNil ¶
func SetWindowFocusNil()
(not recommended) set current window to be focused / top-most. prefer using SetNextWindowFocus().
func SetWindowFocusStr ¶
func SetWindowFocusStr(name string)
set named window to be focused / top-most. use NULL to remove focus.
func SetWindowFontScale ¶
func SetWindowFontScale(scale float32)
[OBSOLETE] set font scale. Adjust IO.FontGlobalScale if you want to scale all windows. This is an old API! For correct scaling, prefer to reload font + rebuild ImFontAtlas + call style.ScaleAllSizes().
func SetWindowPosStr ¶
func SetWindowPosStrV ¶
set named window position. SetWindowPosStrV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetWindowPosVec2 ¶
func SetWindowPosVec2(pos Vec2)
func SetWindowPosVec2V ¶
(not recommended) set current window position - call within Begin()/End(). prefer using SetNextWindowPos(), as this may incur tearing and side-effects. SetWindowPosVec2V parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetWindowSizeStr ¶
func SetWindowSizeStrV ¶
set named window size. set axis to 0.0f to force an auto-fit on this axis. SetWindowSizeStrV parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func SetWindowSizeVec2 ¶
func SetWindowSizeVec2(size Vec2)
func SetWindowSizeVec2V ¶
(not recommended) set current window size - call within Begin()/End(). set to ImVec2(0, 0) to force an auto-fit. prefer using SetNextWindowSize(), as this may incur tearing and minor side-effects. SetWindowSizeVec2V parameter default value hint: cond: 0
func ShowAboutWindow ¶
func ShowAboutWindow()
func ShowAboutWindowV ¶
func ShowAboutWindowV(p_open *bool)
create About window. display Dear ImGui version, credits and build/system information. ShowAboutWindowV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL
func ShowDebugLogWindow ¶
func ShowDebugLogWindow()
func ShowDebugLogWindowV ¶
func ShowDebugLogWindowV(p_open *bool)
create Debug Log window. display a simplified log of important dear imgui events. ShowDebugLogWindowV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL
func ShowDemoWindow ¶
func ShowDemoWindow()
func ShowDemoWindowV ¶
func ShowDemoWindowV(p_open *bool)
create Demo window. demonstrate most ImGui features. call this to learn about the library! try to make it always available in your application! ShowDemoWindowV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL
func ShowFontSelector ¶
func ShowFontSelector(label string)
add font selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the loaded fonts.
func ShowMetricsWindow ¶
func ShowMetricsWindow()
func ShowMetricsWindowV ¶
func ShowMetricsWindowV(p_open *bool)
create Metrics/Debugger window. display Dear ImGui internals: windows, draw commands, various internal state, etc. ShowMetricsWindowV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL
func ShowStackToolWindow ¶
func ShowStackToolWindow()
func ShowStackToolWindowV ¶
func ShowStackToolWindowV(p_open *bool)
create Stack Tool window. hover items with mouse to query information about the source of their unique ID. ShowStackToolWindowV parameter default value hint: p_open: NULL
func ShowStyleEditor ¶
func ShowStyleEditor()
func ShowStyleEditorV ¶
func ShowStyleEditorV(ref *Style)
add style editor block (not a window). you can pass in a reference ImGuiStyle structure to compare to, revert to and save to (else it uses the default style) ShowStyleEditorV parameter default value hint: ref: NULL
func ShowStyleSelector ¶
add style selector block (not a window), essentially a combo listing the default styles.
func ShowUserGuide ¶
func ShowUserGuide()
add basic help/info block (not a window): how to manipulate ImGui as an end-user (mouse/keyboard controls).
func SliceToPtr ¶
func SliceToPtr[T any](slice []T) *T
func SliderAngle ¶
func SliderAngleV ¶
func SliderAngleV(label string, v_rad *float32, v_degrees_min float32, v_degrees_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderAngleV parameter default value hint: v_degrees_min: -360.0f v_degrees_max: +360.0f format: "%.0f deg" flags: 0
func SliderFloat2 ¶
func SliderFloat2V ¶
func SliderFloat2V(label string, v *[2]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderFloat2V parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func SliderFloat3 ¶
func SliderFloat3V ¶
func SliderFloat3V(label string, v *[3]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderFloat3V parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func SliderFloat4 ¶
func SliderFloat4V ¶
func SliderFloat4V(label string, v *[4]float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderFloat4V parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func SliderFloatV ¶
func SliderFloatV(label string, v *float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
adjust format to decorate the value with a prefix or a suffix for in-slider labels or unit display. SliderFloatV parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func SliderInt2V ¶
func SliderInt2V(label string, v *[2]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderInt2V parameter default value hint: format: "%d" flags: 0
func SliderInt3V ¶
func SliderInt3V(label string, v *[3]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderInt3V parameter default value hint: format: "%d" flags: 0
func SliderInt4V ¶
func SliderInt4V(label string, v *[4]int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderInt4V parameter default value hint: format: "%d" flags: 0
func SliderIntV ¶
func SliderIntV(label string, v *int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderIntV parameter default value hint: format: "%d" flags: 0
func SliderScalar ¶
func SliderScalarN ¶
func SliderScalarNV ¶
func SliderScalarNV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, components int32, p_min unsafe.Pointer, p_max unsafe.Pointer, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderScalarNV parameter default value hint: format: NULL flags: 0
func SliderScalarV ¶
func SliderScalarV(label string, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, p_min unsafe.Pointer, p_max unsafe.Pointer, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
SliderScalarV parameter default value hint: format: NULL flags: 0
func SmallButton ¶
button with FramePadding=(0,0) to easily embed within text
func StyleColorName ¶
get a string corresponding to the enum value (for display, saving, etc.).
func StyleColorsClassic ¶
func StyleColorsClassic()
func StyleColorsClassicV ¶
func StyleColorsClassicV(dst *Style)
classic imgui style StyleColorsClassicV parameter default value hint: dst: NULL
func StyleColorsDark ¶
func StyleColorsDark()
func StyleColorsDarkV ¶
func StyleColorsDarkV(dst *Style)
new, recommended style (default) StyleColorsDarkV parameter default value hint: dst: NULL
func StyleColorsLight ¶
func StyleColorsLight()
func StyleColorsLightV ¶
func StyleColorsLightV(dst *Style)
best used with borders and a custom, thicker font StyleColorsLightV parameter default value hint: dst: NULL
func TabItemButton ¶
func TabItemButtonV ¶
func TabItemButtonV(label string, flags TabItemFlags) bool
create a Tab behaving like a button. return true when clicked. cannot be selected in the tab bar. TabItemButtonV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func TableGetColumnCount ¶
func TableGetColumnCount() int32
return number of columns (value passed to BeginTable)
func TableGetColumnNameInt ¶
func TableGetColumnNameInt() string
func TableGetColumnNameIntV ¶
return "" if column didn't have a name declared by TableSetupColumn(). Pass -1 to use current column. TableGetColumnNameIntV parameter default value hint: column_n: -1
func TableHeadersRow ¶
func TableHeadersRow()
submit all headers cells based on data provided to TableSetupColumn() + submit context menu
func TableNextColumn ¶
func TableNextColumn() bool
append into the next column (or first column of next row if currently in last column). Return true when column is visible.
func TableNextRow ¶
func TableNextRow()
func TableNextRowV ¶
func TableNextRowV(row_flags TableRowFlags, min_row_height float32)
append into the first cell of a new row. TableNextRowV parameter default value hint: row_flags: 0 min_row_height: 0.0f
func TableSetBgColor ¶
func TableSetBgColor(target TableBgTarget, color uint32)
func TableSetBgColorV ¶
func TableSetBgColorV(target TableBgTarget, color uint32, column_n int32)
change the color of a cell, row, or column. See ImGuiTableBgTarget_ flags for details. TableSetBgColorV parameter default value hint: column_n: -1
func TableSetColumnEnabled ¶
change user accessible enabled/disabled state of a column. Set to false to hide the column. User can use the context menu to change this themselves (right-click in headers, or right-click in columns body with ImGuiTableFlags_ContextMenuInBody)
func TableSetColumnIndex ¶
append into the specified column. Return true when column is visible.
func TableSetupColumn ¶
func TableSetupColumn(label string)
func TableSetupColumnV ¶
func TableSetupColumnV(label string, flags TableColumnFlags, init_width_or_weight float32, user_id ID)
TableSetupColumnV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 init_width_or_weight: 0.0f user_id: 0
func TableSetupScrollFreeze ¶
lock columns/rows so they stay visible when scrolled.
func TextColored ¶
shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, col); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();
func TextDisabled ¶
func TextDisabled(fmt string)
shortcut for PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_Text, style.Colors[ImGuiCol_TextDisabled]); Text(fmt, ...); PopStyleColor();
func TextLineHeightWithSpacing ¶
func TextLineHeightWithSpacing() float32
~ FontSize + style.ItemSpacing.y (distance in pixels between 2 consecutive lines of text)
func TextUnformatted ¶
func TextUnformatted(text string)
func TextUnformattedV ¶
func TextUnformattedV(text string)
raw text without formatting. Roughly equivalent to Text("TextUnformattedV", text) but: A) doesn't require null terminated string if 'text_end' is specified, B) it's faster, no memory copy is done, no buffer size limits, recommended for long chunks of text. %s parameter default value hint:
func TextWrapped ¶
func TextWrapped(fmt string)
shortcut for PushTextWrapPos(0.0f); Text(fmt, ...); PopTextWrapPos();. Note that this won't work on an auto-resizing window if there's no other widgets to extend the window width, yoy may need to set a size using SetNextWindowSize().
func TreeNodeExPtr ¶
func TreeNodeExPtr(ptr_id unsafe.Pointer, flags TreeNodeFlags, fmt string) bool
func TreeNodeExStr ¶
func TreeNodeExStrStr ¶
func TreeNodeExStrStr(str_id string, flags TreeNodeFlags, fmt string) bool
func TreeNodeExStrV ¶
func TreeNodeExStrV(label string, flags TreeNodeFlags) bool
TreeNodeExStrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func TreeNodeStr ¶
func TreeNodeStrStr ¶
helper variation to easily decorelate the id from the displayed string. Read the FAQ about why and how to use ID. to align arbitrary text at the same level as a TreeNode() you can use Bullet().
func TreeNodeToLabelSpacing ¶
func TreeNodeToLabelSpacing() float32
horizontal distance preceding label when using TreeNode*() or Bullet() == (g.FontSize + style.FramePadding.x*2) for a regular unframed TreeNode
func TreePushStr ¶
func TreePushStr(str_id string)
~ Indent()+PushId(). Already called by TreeNode() when returning true, but you can call TreePush/TreePop yourself if desired.
func UnindentV ¶
func UnindentV(indent_w float32)
move content position back to the left, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0 UnindentV parameter default value hint: indent_w: 0.0f
func UpdatePlatformWindows ¶
func UpdatePlatformWindows()
call in main loop. will call CreateWindow/ResizeWindow/etc. platform functions for each secondary viewport, and DestroyWindow for each inactive viewport.
func VSliderFloat ¶
func VSliderFloatV ¶
func VSliderFloatV(label string, size Vec2, v *float32, v_min float32, v_max float32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
VSliderFloatV parameter default value hint: format: "%.3f" flags: 0
func VSliderIntV ¶
func VSliderIntV(label string, size Vec2, v *int32, v_min int32, v_max int32, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
VSliderIntV parameter default value hint: format: "%d" flags: 0
func VSliderScalar ¶
func VSliderScalarV ¶
func VSliderScalarV(label string, size Vec2, data_type DataType, p_data unsafe.Pointer, p_min unsafe.Pointer, p_max unsafe.Pointer, format string, flags SliderFlags) bool
VSliderScalarV parameter default value hint: format: NULL flags: 0
func ValueFloat ¶
func ValueFloatV ¶
ValueFloatV parameter default value hint: float_format: NULL
func Version ¶
func Version() string
get the compiled version string e.g. "1.80 WIP" (essentially the value for IMGUI_VERSION from the compiled version of imgui.cpp)
func VertexBufferLayout ¶
VertexBufferLayout returns the byte sizes necessary to select fields in a vertex buffer of a DrawList.
func WindowDpiScale ¶
func WindowDpiScale() float32
get DPI scale currently associated to the current window's viewport.
func WindowHeight ¶
func WindowHeight() float32
get current window height (shortcut for GetWindowSize().y)
func WindowWidth ¶
func WindowWidth() float32
get current window width (shortcut for GetWindowSize().x)
func WrapNumberPtr ¶
WrapNumberPtr is a generic method to convert GOTYPE (int32/float32 e.t.c.) into CTYPE (c_int/c_float e.t.c.)
func WrapString ¶
func WrapStringList ¶
Types ¶
type Axis ¶
type Axis int32
X/Y enums are fixed to 0/1 so they may be used to index ImVec2 original name: ImGuiAxis
type Backend ¶
type Backend[BackendFlagsT ~int] interface { SetAfterCreateContextHook(func()) SetBeforeDestroyContextHook(func()) SetBeforeRenderHook(func()) SetAfterRenderHook(func()) SetBgColor(color Vec4) Run(func()) Refresh() SetWindowPos(x, y int) GetWindowPos() (x, y int32) SetWindowSize(width, height int) SetWindowSizeLimits(minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight int) SetWindowTitle(title string) DisplaySize() (width, height int32) SetShouldClose(bool) ContentScale() (xScale, yScale float32) SetTargetFPS(fps uint) SetDropCallback(DropCallback) SetCloseCallback(WindowCloseCallback[BackendFlagsT]) SetKeyCallback(KeyCallback) SetSizeChangeCallback(SizeChangeCallback) // SetWindowFlags selected hint to specified value. // ATTENTION: This method is able to set only one flag per call. SetWindowFlags(flag BackendFlagsT, value int) SetIcons(icons ...image.Image) CreateWindow(title string, width, height int) TextureManager // contains filtered or unexported methods }
Backend is a special interface that implements all methods required to render imgui application.
func CreateBackend ¶
type BackendFlags ¶
type BackendFlags int32
Backend capabilities flags stored in io.BackendFlags. Set by imgui_impl_xxx or custom backend. original name: ImGuiBackendFlags_
type BitVector ¶
Helper: ImBitVector Store 1-bit per value.
func (*BitVector) InternalClear ¶
func (self *BitVector) InternalClear()
func (*BitVector) InternalClearBit ¶
func (*BitVector) InternalCreate ¶
func (*BitVector) InternalSetBit ¶
func (*BitVector) InternalTestBit ¶
func (BitVector) SetStorage ¶
type ButtonFlags ¶
type ButtonFlags int32
Flags for InvisibleButton() [extended in imgui_internal.h] original name: ImGuiButtonFlags_
type ButtonFlagsPrivate ¶
type ButtonFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiButtonFlags_ original name: ImGuiButtonFlagsPrivate_
type ClipboardHandler ¶
type ClipboardHandler interface { // GetClipboard should return the current contents of the platform clipboard GetClipboard() string // SetClipboard should replace the contents of the platform clipboard SetClipboard(s string) }
ClipboardHandler interfaces between imgui and the platforms clipboard
type Col ¶
type Col int32
Enumeration for PushStyleColor() / PopStyleColor() original name: ImGuiCol_
type Color ¶
type Color struct {
FieldValue Vec4
func NewColorFromColor ¶
func NewColorFromPacked ¶
type ColorEditFlags ¶
type ColorEditFlags int32
Flags for ColorEdit3() / ColorEdit4() / ColorPicker3() / ColorPicker4() / ColorButton() original name: ImGuiColorEditFlags_
type ColorMod ¶
Stacked color modifier, backup of modified data so we can restore it
func (*ColorMod) BackupValue ¶
func (ColorMod) SetBackupValue ¶
type ComboFlags ¶
type ComboFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::BeginCombo() original name: ImGuiComboFlags_
type ComboFlagsPrivate ¶
type ComboFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiComboFlags_ original name: ImGuiComboFlagsPrivate_
type ComboPreviewData ¶
type ComboPreviewData struct { FieldPreviewRect Rect FieldBackupCursorPos Vec2 FieldBackupCursorMaxPos Vec2 FieldBackupCursorPosPrevLine Vec2 FieldBackupPrevLineTextBaseOffset float32 FieldBackupLayout LayoutType }
Storage data for BeginComboPreview()/EndComboPreview()
func InternalNewComboPreviewData ¶
func InternalNewComboPreviewData() *ComboPreviewData
func (*ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorMaxPos ¶
func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorMaxPos() Vec2
func (*ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorPos ¶
func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorPos() Vec2
func (*ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorPosPrevLine ¶
func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupCursorPosPrevLine() Vec2
func (*ComboPreviewData) BackupLayout ¶
func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupLayout() LayoutType
func (*ComboPreviewData) BackupPrevLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (self *ComboPreviewData) BackupPrevLineTextBaseOffset() float32
func (*ComboPreviewData) Destroy ¶
func (self *ComboPreviewData) Destroy()
func (*ComboPreviewData) PreviewRect ¶
func (self *ComboPreviewData) PreviewRect() Rect
func (ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorMaxPos ¶
func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorMaxPos(v Vec2)
func (ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorPos ¶
func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorPos(v Vec2)
func (ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorPosPrevLine ¶
func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupCursorPosPrevLine(v Vec2)
func (ComboPreviewData) SetBackupLayout ¶
func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupLayout(v LayoutType)
func (ComboPreviewData) SetBackupPrevLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (self ComboPreviewData) SetBackupPrevLineTextBaseOffset(v float32)
func (ComboPreviewData) SetPreviewRect ¶
func (self ComboPreviewData) SetPreviewRect(v Rect)
type Cond ¶
type Cond int32
Enumeration for ImGui::SetWindow***(), SetNextWindow***(), SetNextItem***() functions Represent a condition. Important: Treat as a regular enum! Do NOT combine multiple values using binary operators! All the functions above treat 0 as a shortcut to ImGuiCond_Always. original name: ImGuiCond_
type ConfigFlags ¶
type ConfigFlags int32
Configuration flags stored in io.ConfigFlags. Set by user/application. original name: ImGuiConfigFlags_
type Context ¶
type Context struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateContext ¶
func CreateContext() *Context
func CreateContextV ¶
CreateContextV parameter default value hint: shared_font_atlas: NULL
func CurrentContext ¶
func CurrentContext() *Context
func InternalNewContext ¶
// Different to ensure initial submission
PlatformImeViewport = 0; DockNodeWindowMenuHandler = ((void *)0) ; SettingsLoaded = false; SettingsDirtyTimer = 0.0f; HookIdNext = 0; memset(LocalizationTable, 0, sizeof(LocalizationTable)); LogEnabled = false; LogType = ImGuiLogType_None; LogNextPrefix = LogNextSuffix = ((void *)0) ; LogFile = ((void *)0) ; LogLinePosY = 3.40282346638528859811704183484516925e+38F ; LogLineFirstItem = false; LogDepthRef = 0; LogDepthToExpand = LogDepthToExpandDefault = 2; DebugLogFlags = ImGuiDebugLogFlags_OutputToTTY; DebugLocateId = 0; DebugLogClipperAutoDisableFrames = 0; DebugLocateFrames = 0; DebugBeginReturnValueCullDepth = -1; DebugItemPickerActive = false; DebugItemPickerMouseButton = ImGuiMouseButton_Left; DebugItemPickerBreakId = 0; DebugHoveredDockNode = ((void *)0) ; memset(FramerateSecPerFrame, 0, sizeof(FramerateSecPerFrame)); FramerateSecPerFrameIdx = FramerateSecPerFrameCount = 0; FramerateSecPerFrameAccum = 0.0f; WantCaptureMouseNextFrame = WantCaptureKeyboardNextFrame = WantTextInputNextFrame = -1; }
func (*Context) ActiveIdAllowOverlap ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdClickOffset ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdHasBeenEditedBefore ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdHasBeenEditedThisFrame ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdHasBeenPressedBefore ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdIsAlive ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdIsJustActivated ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdMouseButton ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdNoClearOnFocusLoss ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrame ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrameHasBeenEditedBefore ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdPreviousFrameWindow ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdSource ¶
func (self *Context) ActiveIdSource() InputSource
func (*Context) ActiveIdTimer ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdUsingNavDirMask ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdUsingNavInputMask ¶
func (*Context) ActiveIdWindow ¶
func (*Context) BeginMenuCount ¶
func (*Context) BeginPopupStack ¶
func (*Context) ClipboardHandlerData ¶
func (*Context) ClipperTempData ¶
func (self *Context) ClipperTempData() Vector[*ListClipperData]
func (*Context) ClipperTempDataStacked ¶
func (*Context) ColorEditCurrentID ¶
func (*Context) ColorEditOptions ¶
func (self *Context) ColorEditOptions() ColorEditFlags
func (*Context) ColorEditSavedColor ¶
func (*Context) ColorEditSavedHue ¶
func (*Context) ColorEditSavedID ¶
func (*Context) ColorEditSavedSat ¶
func (*Context) ColorPickerRef ¶
func (*Context) ColorStack ¶
func (*Context) ComboPreviewData ¶
func (self *Context) ComboPreviewData() ComboPreviewData
func (*Context) ConfigFlagsCurrFrame ¶
func (self *Context) ConfigFlagsCurrFrame() ConfigFlags
func (*Context) ConfigFlagsLastFrame ¶
func (self *Context) ConfigFlagsLastFrame() ConfigFlags
func (*Context) CurrentDpiScale ¶
func (*Context) CurrentFocusScopeId ¶
func (*Context) CurrentItemFlags ¶
func (*Context) CurrentTabBar ¶
func (*Context) CurrentTabBarStack ¶
func (self *Context) CurrentTabBarStack() Vector[*PtrOrIndex]
func (*Context) CurrentTable ¶
func (*Context) CurrentViewport ¶
func (*Context) CurrentWindow ¶
func (*Context) CurrentWindowStack ¶
func (self *Context) CurrentWindowStack() Vector[*WindowStackData]
func (*Context) DebugBeginReturnValueCullDepth ¶
func (*Context) DebugHookIdInfo ¶
func (*Context) DebugHoveredDockNode ¶
func (*Context) DebugItemPickerActive ¶
func (*Context) DebugItemPickerBreakId ¶
func (*Context) DebugItemPickerMouseButton ¶
func (*Context) DebugLocateFrames ¶
func (*Context) DebugLocateId ¶
func (*Context) DebugLogBuf ¶
func (self *Context) DebugLogBuf() TextBuffer
func (*Context) DebugLogClipperAutoDisableFrames ¶
func (*Context) DebugLogFlags ¶
func (self *Context) DebugLogFlags() DebugLogFlags
func (*Context) DebugLogIndex ¶
func (*Context) DebugMetricsConfig ¶
func (self *Context) DebugMetricsConfig() MetricsConfig
func (*Context) DebugStackTool ¶
func (*Context) DimBgRatio ¶
func (*Context) DisabledAlphaBackup ¶
func (*Context) DisabledStackSize ¶
func (*Context) DockContext ¶
func (self *Context) DockContext() DockContext
func (*Context) DragCurrentAccum ¶
func (*Context) DragCurrentAccumDirty ¶
func (*Context) DragDropAcceptFlags ¶
func (self *Context) DragDropAcceptFlags() DragDropFlags
func (*Context) DragDropAcceptFrameCount ¶
func (*Context) DragDropAcceptIdCurr ¶
func (*Context) DragDropAcceptIdCurrRectSurface ¶
func (*Context) DragDropAcceptIdPrev ¶
func (*Context) DragDropActive ¶
func (*Context) DragDropHoldJustPressedId ¶
func (*Context) DragDropMouseButton ¶
func (*Context) DragDropPayload ¶
func (*Context) DragDropSourceFlags ¶
func (self *Context) DragDropSourceFlags() DragDropFlags
func (*Context) DragDropSourceFrameCount ¶
func (*Context) DragDropTargetId ¶
func (*Context) DragDropTargetRect ¶
func (*Context) DragDropWithinSource ¶
func (*Context) DragDropWithinTarget ¶
func (*Context) DragSpeedDefaultRatio ¶
func (*Context) DrawChannelsTempMergeBuffer ¶
func (self *Context) DrawChannelsTempMergeBuffer() Vector[*DrawChannel]
func (*Context) DrawListSharedData ¶
func (self *Context) DrawListSharedData() DrawListSharedData
func (*Context) FallbackMonitor ¶
func (self *Context) FallbackMonitor() PlatformMonitor
func (*Context) FontAtlasOwnedByContext ¶
func (*Context) FontBaseSize ¶
func (*Context) FrameCount ¶
func (*Context) FrameCountEnded ¶
func (*Context) FrameCountPlatformEnded ¶
func (*Context) FrameCountRendered ¶
func (*Context) FramerateSecPerFrameAccum ¶
func (*Context) FramerateSecPerFrameCount ¶
func (*Context) FramerateSecPerFrameIdx ¶
func (*Context) GcCompactAll ¶
func (*Context) GroupStack ¶
func (*Context) HookIdNext ¶
func (*Context) Hooks ¶
func (self *Context) Hooks() Vector[*ContextHook]
func (*Context) HoverItemDelayClearTimer ¶
func (*Context) HoverItemDelayId ¶
func (*Context) HoverItemDelayIdPreviousFrame ¶
func (*Context) HoverItemDelayTimer ¶
func (*Context) HoverItemUnlockedStationaryId ¶
func (*Context) HoverWindowUnlockedStationaryId ¶
func (*Context) HoveredIdAllowOverlap ¶
func (*Context) HoveredIdDisabled ¶
func (*Context) HoveredIdNotActiveTimer ¶
func (*Context) HoveredIdPreviousFrame ¶
func (*Context) HoveredIdTimer ¶
func (*Context) HoveredWindow ¶
func (*Context) HoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow ¶
func (*Context) Initialized ¶
func (*Context) InputEventsNextEventId ¶
func (*Context) InputEventsNextMouseSource ¶
func (self *Context) InputEventsNextMouseSource() MouseSource
func (*Context) InputEventsQueue ¶
func (self *Context) InputEventsQueue() Vector[*InputEvent]
func (*Context) InputEventsTrail ¶
func (self *Context) InputEventsTrail() Vector[*InputEvent]
func (*Context) InputTextDeactivatedState ¶
func (self *Context) InputTextDeactivatedState() InputTextDeactivatedState
func (*Context) InputTextPasswordFont ¶
func (*Context) InputTextState ¶
func (self *Context) InputTextState() InputTextState
func (*Context) ItemFlagsStack ¶
func (*Context) KeysRoutingTable ¶
func (self *Context) KeysRoutingTable() KeyRoutingTable
func (*Context) LastActiveId ¶
func (*Context) LastActiveIdTimer ¶
func (*Context) LastItemData ¶
func (self *Context) LastItemData() LastItemData
func (*Context) LockMarkEdited ¶
func (*Context) LogBuffer ¶
func (self *Context) LogBuffer() TextBuffer
func (*Context) LogDepthRef ¶
func (*Context) LogDepthToExpand ¶
func (*Context) LogDepthToExpandDefault ¶
func (*Context) LogEnabled ¶
func (*Context) LogLineFirstItem ¶
func (*Context) LogLinePosY ¶
func (*Context) LogNextPrefix ¶
func (*Context) LogNextSuffix ¶
func (*Context) MouseCursor ¶
func (self *Context) MouseCursor() MouseCursor
func (*Context) MouseLastHoveredViewport ¶
func (*Context) MouseLastValidPos ¶
func (*Context) MouseStationaryTimer ¶
func (*Context) MouseViewport ¶
func (*Context) MovingWindow ¶
func (*Context) NavActivateDownId ¶
func (*Context) NavActivateFlags ¶
func (self *Context) NavActivateFlags() ActivateFlags
func (*Context) NavActivateId ¶
func (*Context) NavActivatePressedId ¶
func (*Context) NavAnyRequest ¶
func (*Context) NavDisableHighlight ¶
func (*Context) NavDisableMouseHover ¶
func (*Context) NavFocusScopeId ¶
func (*Context) NavIdIsAlive ¶
func (*Context) NavInitRequest ¶
func (*Context) NavInitRequestFromMove ¶
func (*Context) NavInitResult ¶
func (self *Context) NavInitResult() NavItemData
func (*Context) NavInputSource ¶
func (self *Context) NavInputSource() InputSource
func (*Context) NavJustMovedToFocusScopeId ¶
func (*Context) NavJustMovedToId ¶
func (*Context) NavMousePosDirty ¶
func (*Context) NavMoveClipDir ¶
func (*Context) NavMoveDir ¶
func (*Context) NavMoveDirForDebug ¶
func (*Context) NavMoveFlags ¶
func (self *Context) NavMoveFlags() NavMoveFlags
func (*Context) NavMoveForwardToNextFrame ¶
func (*Context) NavMoveResultLocal ¶
func (self *Context) NavMoveResultLocal() NavItemData
func (*Context) NavMoveResultLocalVisible ¶
func (self *Context) NavMoveResultLocalVisible() NavItemData
func (*Context) NavMoveResultOther ¶
func (self *Context) NavMoveResultOther() NavItemData
func (*Context) NavMoveScoringItems ¶
func (*Context) NavMoveScrollFlags ¶
func (self *Context) NavMoveScrollFlags() ScrollFlags
func (*Context) NavMoveSubmitted ¶
func (*Context) NavNextActivateFlags ¶
func (self *Context) NavNextActivateFlags() ActivateFlags
func (*Context) NavNextActivateId ¶
func (*Context) NavScoringDebugCount ¶
func (*Context) NavScoringNoClipRect ¶
func (*Context) NavScoringRect ¶
func (*Context) NavTabbingCounter ¶
func (*Context) NavTabbingDir ¶
func (*Context) NavTabbingResultFirst ¶
func (self *Context) NavTabbingResultFirst() NavItemData
func (*Context) NavTreeNodeStack ¶
func (self *Context) NavTreeNodeStack() Vector[*NavTreeNodeData]
func (*Context) NavWindowingAccumDeltaPos ¶
func (*Context) NavWindowingAccumDeltaSize ¶
func (*Context) NavWindowingHighlightAlpha ¶
func (*Context) NavWindowingListWindow ¶
func (*Context) NavWindowingTarget ¶
func (*Context) NavWindowingTargetAnim ¶
func (*Context) NavWindowingTimer ¶
func (*Context) NavWindowingToggleLayer ¶
func (*Context) NextItemData ¶
func (self *Context) NextItemData() NextItemData
func (*Context) NextWindowData ¶
func (self *Context) NextWindowData() NextWindowData
func (*Context) OpenPopupStack ¶
func (*Context) PlatformIO ¶
func (self *Context) PlatformIO() PlatformIO
func (*Context) PlatformImeData ¶
func (self *Context) PlatformImeData() PlatformImeData
func (*Context) PlatformImeDataPrev ¶
func (self *Context) PlatformImeDataPrev() PlatformImeData
func (*Context) PlatformImeViewport ¶
func (*Context) PlatformLastFocusedViewportId ¶
func (*Context) PlatformWindowsCreatedCount ¶
func (*Context) ScrollbarClickDeltaToGrabCenter ¶
func (Context) SetActiveId ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdAllowOverlap ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdClickOffset ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdHasBeenEditedBefore ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdHasBeenEditedThisFrame ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdHasBeenPressedBefore ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdIsAlive ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdIsJustActivated ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdMouseButton ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdNoClearOnFocusLoss ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrame ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrameHasBeenEditedBefore ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdPreviousFrameWindow ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdSource ¶
func (self Context) SetActiveIdSource(v InputSource)
func (Context) SetActiveIdTimer ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdUsingAllKeyboardKeys ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdUsingNavDirMask ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdUsingNavInputMask ¶
func (Context) SetActiveIdWindow ¶
func (Context) SetBeginMenuCount ¶
func (Context) SetBeginPopupStack ¶
func (Context) SetClipboardHandlerData ¶
func (Context) SetClipperTempData ¶
func (self Context) SetClipperTempData(v Vector[*ListClipperData])
func (Context) SetClipperTempDataStacked ¶
func (Context) SetColorEditCurrentID ¶
func (Context) SetColorEditOptions ¶
func (self Context) SetColorEditOptions(v ColorEditFlags)
func (Context) SetColorEditSavedColor ¶
func (Context) SetColorEditSavedHue ¶
func (Context) SetColorEditSavedID ¶
func (Context) SetColorEditSavedSat ¶
func (Context) SetColorPickerRef ¶
func (Context) SetColorStack ¶
func (Context) SetComboPreviewData ¶
func (self Context) SetComboPreviewData(v ComboPreviewData)
func (Context) SetConfigFlagsCurrFrame ¶
func (self Context) SetConfigFlagsCurrFrame(v ConfigFlags)
func (Context) SetConfigFlagsLastFrame ¶
func (self Context) SetConfigFlagsLastFrame(v ConfigFlags)
func (Context) SetConfigNavWindowingKeyNext ¶
func (Context) SetConfigNavWindowingKeyPrev ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentDpiScale ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentFocusScopeId ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentItemFlags ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentTabBar ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentTabBarStack ¶
func (self Context) SetCurrentTabBarStack(v Vector[*PtrOrIndex])
func (Context) SetCurrentTable ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentViewport ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentWindow ¶
func (Context) SetCurrentWindowStack ¶
func (self Context) SetCurrentWindowStack(v Vector[*WindowStackData])
func (Context) SetDebugBeginReturnValueCullDepth ¶
func (Context) SetDebugHookIdInfo ¶
func (Context) SetDebugHoveredDockNode ¶
func (Context) SetDebugItemPickerActive ¶
func (Context) SetDebugItemPickerBreakId ¶
func (Context) SetDebugItemPickerMouseButton ¶
func (Context) SetDebugLocateFrames ¶
func (Context) SetDebugLocateId ¶
func (Context) SetDebugLogBuf ¶
func (self Context) SetDebugLogBuf(v TextBuffer)
func (Context) SetDebugLogClipperAutoDisableFrames ¶
func (Context) SetDebugLogFlags ¶
func (self Context) SetDebugLogFlags(v DebugLogFlags)
func (Context) SetDebugLogIndex ¶
func (Context) SetDebugMetricsConfig ¶
func (self Context) SetDebugMetricsConfig(v MetricsConfig)
func (Context) SetDebugStackTool ¶
func (Context) SetDimBgRatio ¶
func (Context) SetDisabledAlphaBackup ¶
func (Context) SetDisabledStackSize ¶
func (Context) SetDockContext ¶
func (self Context) SetDockContext(v DockContext)
func (Context) SetDragCurrentAccum ¶
func (Context) SetDragCurrentAccumDirty ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropAcceptFlags ¶
func (self Context) SetDragDropAcceptFlags(v DragDropFlags)
func (Context) SetDragDropAcceptFrameCount ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropAcceptIdCurr ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropAcceptIdCurrRectSurface ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropAcceptIdPrev ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropActive ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropHoldJustPressedId ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropMouseButton ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropPayload ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropSourceFlags ¶
func (self Context) SetDragDropSourceFlags(v DragDropFlags)
func (Context) SetDragDropSourceFrameCount ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropTargetId ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropTargetRect ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropWithinSource ¶
func (Context) SetDragDropWithinTarget ¶
func (Context) SetDragSpeedDefaultRatio ¶
func (Context) SetDrawChannelsTempMergeBuffer ¶
func (self Context) SetDrawChannelsTempMergeBuffer(v Vector[*DrawChannel])
func (Context) SetDrawListSharedData ¶
func (self Context) SetDrawListSharedData(v DrawListSharedData)
func (Context) SetFallbackMonitor ¶
func (self Context) SetFallbackMonitor(v PlatformMonitor)
func (Context) SetFocusScopeStack ¶
func (Context) SetFontAtlasOwnedByContext ¶
func (Context) SetFontBaseSize ¶
func (Context) SetFontSize ¶
func (Context) SetFrameCount ¶
func (Context) SetFrameCountEnded ¶
func (Context) SetFrameCountPlatformEnded ¶
func (Context) SetFrameCountRendered ¶
func (Context) SetFramerateSecPerFrameAccum ¶
func (Context) SetFramerateSecPerFrameCount ¶
func (Context) SetFramerateSecPerFrameIdx ¶
func (Context) SetGcCompactAll ¶
func (Context) SetGroupStack ¶
func (Context) SetHookIdNext ¶
func (Context) SetHooks ¶
func (self Context) SetHooks(v Vector[*ContextHook])
func (Context) SetHoverItemDelayClearTimer ¶
func (Context) SetHoverItemDelayId ¶
func (Context) SetHoverItemDelayIdPreviousFrame ¶
func (Context) SetHoverItemDelayTimer ¶
func (Context) SetHoverItemUnlockedStationaryId ¶
func (Context) SetHoverWindowUnlockedStationaryId ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredId ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredIdAllowOverlap ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredIdDisabled ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredIdNotActiveTimer ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredIdPreviousFrame ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredIdTimer ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredWindow ¶
func (Context) SetHoveredWindowUnderMovingWindow ¶
func (Context) SetInitialized ¶
func (Context) SetInputEventsNextEventId ¶
func (Context) SetInputEventsNextMouseSource ¶
func (self Context) SetInputEventsNextMouseSource(v MouseSource)
func (Context) SetInputEventsQueue ¶
func (self Context) SetInputEventsQueue(v Vector[*InputEvent])
func (Context) SetInputEventsTrail ¶
func (self Context) SetInputEventsTrail(v Vector[*InputEvent])
func (Context) SetInputTextDeactivatedState ¶
func (self Context) SetInputTextDeactivatedState(v InputTextDeactivatedState)
func (Context) SetInputTextPasswordFont ¶
func (Context) SetInputTextState ¶
func (self Context) SetInputTextState(v InputTextState)
func (Context) SetKeysRoutingTable ¶
func (self Context) SetKeysRoutingTable(v KeyRoutingTable)
func (Context) SetLastActiveId ¶
func (Context) SetLastActiveIdTimer ¶
func (Context) SetLastItemData ¶
func (self Context) SetLastItemData(v LastItemData)
func (Context) SetLockMarkEdited ¶
func (Context) SetLogBuffer ¶
func (self Context) SetLogBuffer(v TextBuffer)
func (Context) SetLogDepthRef ¶
func (Context) SetLogDepthToExpand ¶
func (Context) SetLogDepthToExpandDefault ¶
func (Context) SetLogEnabled ¶
func (Context) SetLogLineFirstItem ¶
func (Context) SetLogLinePosY ¶
func (Context) SetLogNextPrefix ¶
func (Context) SetLogNextSuffix ¶
func (Context) SetLogType ¶
func (Context) SetMenusIdSubmittedThisFrame ¶
func (Context) SetMouseCursor ¶
func (self Context) SetMouseCursor(v MouseCursor)
func (Context) SetMouseLastHoveredViewport ¶
func (Context) SetMouseLastValidPos ¶
func (Context) SetMouseStationaryTimer ¶
func (Context) SetMouseViewport ¶
func (Context) SetMovingWindow ¶
func (Context) SetNavActivateDownId ¶
func (Context) SetNavActivateFlags ¶
func (self Context) SetNavActivateFlags(v ActivateFlags)
func (Context) SetNavActivateId ¶
func (Context) SetNavActivatePressedId ¶
func (Context) SetNavAnyRequest ¶
func (Context) SetNavDisableHighlight ¶
func (Context) SetNavDisableMouseHover ¶
func (Context) SetNavFocusScopeId ¶
func (Context) SetNavIdIsAlive ¶
func (Context) SetNavInitRequest ¶
func (Context) SetNavInitRequestFromMove ¶
func (Context) SetNavInitResult ¶
func (self Context) SetNavInitResult(v NavItemData)
func (Context) SetNavInputSource ¶
func (self Context) SetNavInputSource(v InputSource)
func (Context) SetNavJustMovedToFocusScopeId ¶
func (Context) SetNavJustMovedToId ¶
func (Context) SetNavJustMovedToKeyMods ¶
func (Context) SetNavLayer ¶
func (Context) SetNavMousePosDirty ¶
func (Context) SetNavMoveClipDir ¶
func (Context) SetNavMoveDir ¶
func (Context) SetNavMoveDirForDebug ¶
func (Context) SetNavMoveFlags ¶
func (self Context) SetNavMoveFlags(v NavMoveFlags)
func (Context) SetNavMoveForwardToNextFrame ¶
func (Context) SetNavMoveKeyMods ¶
func (Context) SetNavMoveResultLocal ¶
func (self Context) SetNavMoveResultLocal(v NavItemData)
func (Context) SetNavMoveResultLocalVisible ¶
func (self Context) SetNavMoveResultLocalVisible(v NavItemData)
func (Context) SetNavMoveResultOther ¶
func (self Context) SetNavMoveResultOther(v NavItemData)
func (Context) SetNavMoveScoringItems ¶
func (Context) SetNavMoveScrollFlags ¶
func (self Context) SetNavMoveScrollFlags(v ScrollFlags)
func (Context) SetNavMoveSubmitted ¶
func (Context) SetNavNextActivateFlags ¶
func (self Context) SetNavNextActivateFlags(v ActivateFlags)
func (Context) SetNavNextActivateId ¶
func (Context) SetNavScoringDebugCount ¶
func (Context) SetNavScoringNoClipRect ¶
func (Context) SetNavScoringRect ¶
func (Context) SetNavTabbingCounter ¶
func (Context) SetNavTabbingDir ¶
func (Context) SetNavTabbingResultFirst ¶
func (self Context) SetNavTabbingResultFirst(v NavItemData)
func (Context) SetNavTreeNodeStack ¶
func (self Context) SetNavTreeNodeStack(v Vector[*NavTreeNodeData])
func (Context) SetNavWindow ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingAccumDeltaPos ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingAccumDeltaSize ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingHighlightAlpha ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingListWindow ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingTarget ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingTargetAnim ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingTimer ¶
func (Context) SetNavWindowingToggleLayer ¶
func (Context) SetNextItemData ¶
func (self Context) SetNextItemData(v NextItemData)
func (Context) SetNextWindowData ¶
func (self Context) SetNextWindowData(v NextWindowData)
func (Context) SetOpenPopupStack ¶
func (Context) SetPlatformIO ¶
func (self Context) SetPlatformIO(v PlatformIO)
func (Context) SetPlatformImeData ¶
func (self Context) SetPlatformImeData(v PlatformImeData)
func (Context) SetPlatformImeDataPrev ¶
func (self Context) SetPlatformImeDataPrev(v PlatformImeData)
func (Context) SetPlatformImeViewport ¶
func (Context) SetPlatformLastFocusedViewportId ¶
func (Context) SetPlatformWindowsCreatedCount ¶
func (Context) SetScrollbarClickDeltaToGrabCenter ¶
func (Context) SetSettingsDirtyTimer ¶
func (Context) SetSettingsHandlers ¶
func (self Context) SetSettingsHandlers(v Vector[*SettingsHandler])
func (Context) SetSettingsIniData ¶
func (self Context) SetSettingsIniData(v TextBuffer)
func (Context) SetSettingsLoaded ¶
func (Context) SetShrinkWidthBuffer ¶
func (self Context) SetShrinkWidthBuffer(v Vector[*ShrinkWidthItem])
func (Context) SetSliderCurrentAccum ¶
func (Context) SetSliderCurrentAccumDirty ¶
func (Context) SetSliderGrabClickOffset ¶
func (Context) SetStyleVarStack ¶
func (Context) SetTablesLastTimeActive ¶
func (Context) SetTablesTempData ¶
func (self Context) SetTablesTempData(v Vector[*TableTempData])
func (Context) SetTablesTempDataStacked ¶
func (Context) SetTempBuffer ¶
func (Context) SetTempInputId ¶
func (Context) SetTestEngine ¶
func (Context) SetTestEngineHookItems ¶
func (Context) SetTooltipOverrideCount ¶
func (Context) SetTypingSelectState ¶
func (self Context) SetTypingSelectState(v TypingSelectState)
func (Context) SetViewportCreatedCount ¶
func (Context) SetViewportFocusedStampCount ¶
func (Context) SetWantCaptureKeyboardNextFrame ¶
func (Context) SetWantCaptureMouseNextFrame ¶
func (Context) SetWantTextInputNextFrame ¶
func (Context) SetWheelingAxisAvg ¶
func (Context) SetWheelingWindow ¶
func (Context) SetWheelingWindowRefMousePos ¶
func (Context) SetWheelingWindowReleaseTimer ¶
func (Context) SetWheelingWindowStartFrame ¶
func (Context) SetWheelingWindowWheelRemainder ¶
func (Context) SetWindowsActiveCount ¶
func (Context) SetWindowsById ¶
func (Context) SetWindowsHoverPadding ¶
func (Context) SetWithinEndChild ¶
func (Context) SetWithinFrameScope ¶
func (Context) SetWithinFrameScopeWithImplicitWindow ¶
func (*Context) SettingsDirtyTimer ¶
func (*Context) SettingsHandlers ¶
func (self *Context) SettingsHandlers() Vector[*SettingsHandler]
func (*Context) SettingsIniData ¶
func (self *Context) SettingsIniData() TextBuffer
func (*Context) SettingsLoaded ¶
func (*Context) ShrinkWidthBuffer ¶
func (self *Context) ShrinkWidthBuffer() Vector[*ShrinkWidthItem]
func (*Context) SliderCurrentAccum ¶
func (*Context) SliderCurrentAccumDirty ¶
func (*Context) SliderGrabClickOffset ¶
func (*Context) StyleVarStack ¶
func (*Context) TablesLastTimeActive ¶
func (*Context) TablesTempData ¶
func (self *Context) TablesTempData() Vector[*TableTempData]
func (*Context) TablesTempDataStacked ¶
func (*Context) TempBuffer ¶
func (*Context) TempInputId ¶
func (*Context) TestEngine ¶
func (*Context) TestEngineHookItems ¶
func (*Context) TooltipOverrideCount ¶
func (*Context) TypingSelectState ¶
func (self *Context) TypingSelectState() TypingSelectState
func (*Context) ViewportCreatedCount ¶
func (*Context) ViewportFocusedStampCount ¶
func (*Context) WantCaptureKeyboardNextFrame ¶
func (*Context) WantCaptureMouseNextFrame ¶
func (*Context) WantTextInputNextFrame ¶
func (*Context) WheelingAxisAvg ¶
func (*Context) WheelingWindow ¶
func (*Context) WheelingWindowRefMousePos ¶
func (*Context) WheelingWindowReleaseTimer ¶
func (*Context) WheelingWindowStartFrame ¶
func (*Context) WheelingWindowWheelRemainder ¶
func (*Context) WindowsActiveCount ¶
func (*Context) WindowsById ¶
func (*Context) WindowsHoverPadding ¶
func (*Context) WithinEndChild ¶
func (*Context) WithinFrameScope ¶
func (*Context) WithinFrameScopeWithImplicitWindow ¶
type ContextHook ¶
type ContextHook struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalNewContextHook ¶
func InternalNewContextHook() *ContextHook
func (*ContextHook) Destroy ¶
func (self *ContextHook) Destroy()
func (*ContextHook) HookId ¶
func (self *ContextHook) HookId() ID
func (*ContextHook) Owner ¶
func (self *ContextHook) Owner() ID
func (ContextHook) SetHookId ¶
func (self ContextHook) SetHookId(v ID)
func (ContextHook) SetOwner ¶
func (self ContextHook) SetOwner(v ID)
func (ContextHook) SetType ¶
func (self ContextHook) SetType(v ContextHookType)
func (ContextHook) SetUserData ¶
func (self ContextHook) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*ContextHook) Type ¶
func (self *ContextHook) Type() ContextHookType
func (*ContextHook) UserData ¶
func (self *ContextHook) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
type DataAuthority ¶
type DataAuthority int32
Store the source authority (dock node vs window) of a field original name: ImGuiDataAuthority_
type DataTypeInfo ¶
type DataTypeInfo struct { FieldSize uint64 // Size in bytes FieldName string // Short descriptive name for the type, for debugging FieldPrintFmt string // Default printf format for the type FieldScanFmt string // Default scanf format for the type }
Type information associated to one ImGuiDataType. Retrieve with DataTypeGetInfo().
func InternalDataTypeGetInfo ¶
func InternalDataTypeGetInfo(data_type DataType) *DataTypeInfo
func (*DataTypeInfo) Name ¶
func (self *DataTypeInfo) Name() string
func (*DataTypeInfo) PrintFmt ¶
func (self *DataTypeInfo) PrintFmt() string
func (*DataTypeInfo) ScanFmt ¶
func (self *DataTypeInfo) ScanFmt() string
func (DataTypeInfo) SetName ¶
func (self DataTypeInfo) SetName(v string)
func (DataTypeInfo) SetPrintFmt ¶
func (self DataTypeInfo) SetPrintFmt(v string)
func (DataTypeInfo) SetScanFmt ¶
func (self DataTypeInfo) SetScanFmt(v string)
func (DataTypeInfo) SetSize ¶
func (self DataTypeInfo) SetSize(v uint64)
func (*DataTypeInfo) Size ¶
func (self *DataTypeInfo) Size() uint64
type DataTypePrivate ¶
type DataTypePrivate int32
Extend ImGuiDataType_ original name: ImGuiDataTypePrivate_
type DataTypeTempStorage ¶
type DataTypeTempStorage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type DataVarInfo ¶
type DataVarInfo struct { FieldType DataType FieldCount uint32 // 1+ FieldOffset uint32 // Offset in parent structure }
func InternalStyleVarInfo ¶
func InternalStyleVarInfo(idx StyleVar) *DataVarInfo
func (*DataVarInfo) Count ¶
func (self *DataVarInfo) Count() uint32
func (*DataVarInfo) InternalVarPtr ¶
func (self *DataVarInfo) InternalVarPtr(parent unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer
func (*DataVarInfo) Offset ¶
func (self *DataVarInfo) Offset() uint32
func (DataVarInfo) SetCount ¶
func (self DataVarInfo) SetCount(v uint32)
func (DataVarInfo) SetOffset ¶
func (self DataVarInfo) SetOffset(v uint32)
func (DataVarInfo) SetType ¶
func (self DataVarInfo) SetType(v DataType)
func (*DataVarInfo) Type ¶
func (self *DataVarInfo) Type() DataType
type DockContext ¶
type DockContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalNewDockContext ¶
func InternalNewDockContext() *DockContext
func (*DockContext) Destroy ¶
func (self *DockContext) Destroy()
func (*DockContext) Nodes ¶
func (self *DockContext) Nodes() Storage
func (DockContext) SetNodes ¶
func (self DockContext) SetNodes(v Storage)
func (DockContext) SetWantFullRebuild ¶
func (self DockContext) SetWantFullRebuild(v bool)
func (*DockContext) WantFullRebuild ¶
func (self *DockContext) WantFullRebuild() bool
type DockNode ¶
type DockNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
sizeof() 156~192
func InternalNewDockNode ¶
func InternalWindowDockNode ¶
func InternalWindowDockNode() *DockNode
func (*DockNode) AuthorityForPos ¶
func (self *DockNode) AuthorityForPos() DataAuthority
func (*DockNode) AuthorityForSize ¶
func (self *DockNode) AuthorityForSize() DataAuthority
func (*DockNode) AuthorityForViewport ¶
func (self *DockNode) AuthorityForViewport() DataAuthority
func (*DockNode) CentralNode ¶
func (*DockNode) CountNodeWithWindows ¶
func (*DockNode) HasCentralNodeChild ¶
func (*DockNode) HasCloseButton ¶
func (*DockNode) HasWindowMenuButton ¶
func (*DockNode) HostWindow ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalDestroy ¶
func (self *DockNode) InternalDestroy()
func (*DockNode) InternalIsCentralNode ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalIsDockSpace ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalIsEmpty ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalIsFloatingNode ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalIsHiddenTabBar ¶
Hidden tab bar can be shown back by clicking the small triangle
func (*DockNode) InternalIsLeafNode ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalIsNoTabBar ¶
Never show a tab bar
func (*DockNode) InternalIsRootNode ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalIsSplitNode ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalRect ¶
func (*DockNode) InternalSetLocalFlags ¶
func (self *DockNode) InternalSetLocalFlags(flags DockNodeFlags)
func (*DockNode) InternalUpdateMergedFlags ¶
func (self *DockNode) InternalUpdateMergedFlags()
func (*DockNode) IsBgDrawnThisFrame ¶
func (*DockNode) LastBgColor ¶
func (*DockNode) LastFocusedNodeId ¶
func (*DockNode) LastFrameActive ¶
func (*DockNode) LastFrameAlive ¶
func (*DockNode) LastFrameFocused ¶
func (*DockNode) LocalFlagsInWindows ¶
func (self *DockNode) LocalFlagsInWindows() DockNodeFlags
func (*DockNode) MergedFlags ¶
func (self *DockNode) MergedFlags() DockNodeFlags
func (*DockNode) OnlyNodeWithWindows ¶
func (*DockNode) ParentNode ¶
func (*DockNode) RefViewportId ¶
func (*DockNode) SelectedTabId ¶
func (DockNode) SetAuthorityForPos ¶
func (self DockNode) SetAuthorityForPos(v DataAuthority)
func (DockNode) SetAuthorityForSize ¶
func (self DockNode) SetAuthorityForSize(v DataAuthority)
func (DockNode) SetAuthorityForViewport ¶
func (self DockNode) SetAuthorityForViewport(v DataAuthority)
func (DockNode) SetCentralNode ¶
func (DockNode) SetCountNodeWithWindows ¶
func (DockNode) SetHasCentralNodeChild ¶
func (DockNode) SetHasCloseButton ¶
func (DockNode) SetHasWindowMenuButton ¶
func (DockNode) SetHostWindow ¶
func (DockNode) SetIsBgDrawnThisFrame ¶
func (DockNode) SetIsFocused ¶
func (DockNode) SetIsVisible ¶
func (DockNode) SetLastBgColor ¶
func (DockNode) SetLastFocusedNodeId ¶
func (DockNode) SetLastFrameActive ¶
func (DockNode) SetLastFrameAlive ¶
func (DockNode) SetLastFrameFocused ¶
func (DockNode) SetLocalFlagsInWindows ¶
func (self DockNode) SetLocalFlagsInWindows(v DockNodeFlags)
func (DockNode) SetMergedFlags ¶
func (self DockNode) SetMergedFlags(v DockNodeFlags)
func (DockNode) SetOnlyNodeWithWindows ¶
func (DockNode) SetParentNode ¶
func (DockNode) SetRefViewportId ¶
func (DockNode) SetSelectedTabId ¶
func (DockNode) SetSharedFlags ¶
func (self DockNode) SetSharedFlags(v DockNodeFlags)
func (DockNode) SetSizeRef ¶
func (DockNode) SetSplitAxis ¶
func (DockNode) SetState ¶
func (self DockNode) SetState(v DockNodeState)
func (DockNode) SetVisibleWindow ¶
func (DockNode) SetWantCloseAll ¶
func (DockNode) SetWantCloseTabId ¶
func (DockNode) SetWantHiddenTabBarToggle ¶
func (DockNode) SetWantHiddenTabBarUpdate ¶
func (DockNode) SetWantLockSizeOnce ¶
func (DockNode) SetWantMouseMove ¶
func (DockNode) SetWindowClass ¶
func (self DockNode) SetWindowClass(v WindowClass)
func (*DockNode) SharedFlags ¶
func (self *DockNode) SharedFlags() DockNodeFlags
func (*DockNode) State ¶
func (self *DockNode) State() DockNodeState
func (*DockNode) VisibleWindow ¶
func (*DockNode) WantCloseAll ¶
func (*DockNode) WantCloseTabId ¶
func (*DockNode) WantHiddenTabBarToggle ¶
func (*DockNode) WantHiddenTabBarUpdate ¶
func (*DockNode) WantLockSizeOnce ¶
func (*DockNode) WantMouseMove ¶
func (*DockNode) WindowClass ¶
func (self *DockNode) WindowClass() WindowClass
type DockNodeFlags ¶
type DockNodeFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::DockSpace(), shared/inherited by child nodes. (Some flags can be applied to individual nodes directly) FIXME-DOCK: Also see ImGuiDockNodeFlagsPrivate_ which may involve using the WIP and internal DockBuilder api. original name: ImGuiDockNodeFlags_
type DockNodeFlagsPrivate ¶
type DockNodeFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiDockNodeFlags_ original name: ImGuiDockNodeFlagsPrivate_
type DragDropFlags ¶
type DragDropFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::BeginDragDropSource(), ImGui::AcceptDragDropPayload() original name: ImGuiDragDropFlags_
type DrawChannel ¶
[Internal] For use by ImDrawListSplitter
func (*DrawChannel) CmdBuffer ¶
func (self *DrawChannel) CmdBuffer() Vector[*DrawCmd]
func (*DrawChannel) IdxBuffer ¶
func (self *DrawChannel) IdxBuffer() Vector[*DrawIdx]
func (DrawChannel) SetCmdBuffer ¶
func (self DrawChannel) SetCmdBuffer(v Vector[*DrawCmd])
func (DrawChannel) SetIdxBuffer ¶
func (self DrawChannel) SetIdxBuffer(v Vector[*DrawIdx])
type DrawCmd ¶
type DrawCmd struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Typically, 1 command = 1 GPU draw call (unless command is a callback)
- VtxOffset: When 'io.BackendFlags & ImGuiBackendFlags_RendererHasVtxOffset' is enabled, this fields allow us to render meshes larger than 64K vertices while keeping 16-bit indices. Backends made for <1.71. will typically ignore the VtxOffset fields.
- The ClipRect/TextureId/VtxOffset fields must be contiguous as we memcmp() them together (this is asserted for).
func (DrawCmd) CallUserCallback ¶
func (DrawCmd) HasUserCallback ¶
func (DrawCmd) SetClipRect ¶
func (DrawCmd) SetElemCount ¶
func (DrawCmd) SetIdxOffset ¶
func (DrawCmd) SetTextureId ¶
func (DrawCmd) SetUserCallbackData ¶
func (DrawCmd) SetVtxOffset ¶
func (*DrawCmd) UserCallbackData ¶
type DrawCmdHeader ¶
[Internal] For use by ImDrawList
func (*DrawCmdHeader) ClipRect ¶
func (self *DrawCmdHeader) ClipRect() Vec4
func (DrawCmdHeader) SetClipRect ¶
func (self DrawCmdHeader) SetClipRect(v Vec4)
func (DrawCmdHeader) SetTextureId ¶
func (self DrawCmdHeader) SetTextureId(v TextureID)
func (DrawCmdHeader) SetVtxOffset ¶
func (self DrawCmdHeader) SetVtxOffset(v uint32)
func (*DrawCmdHeader) TextureId ¶
func (self *DrawCmdHeader) TextureId() TextureID
func (*DrawCmdHeader) VtxOffset ¶
func (self *DrawCmdHeader) VtxOffset() uint32
type DrawData ¶
type DrawData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
All draw data to render a Dear ImGui frame (NB: the style and the naming convention here is a little inconsistent, we currently preserve them for backward compatibility purpose, as this is one of the oldest structure exposed by the library! Basically, ImDrawList == CmdList)
func CurrentDrawData ¶
func CurrentDrawData() *DrawData
valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). this is what you have to render.
func NewDrawData ¶
func NewDrawData() *DrawData
func (*DrawData) AddDrawList ¶
Helper to add an external draw list into an existing ImDrawData.
func (*DrawData) CmdListsCount ¶
func (DrawData) CommandLists ¶
Commands returns the list of draw commands. Typically 1 command = 1 GPU draw call, unless the command is a callback.
func (*DrawData) DeIndexAllBuffers ¶
func (self *DrawData) DeIndexAllBuffers()
Helper to convert all buffers from indexed to non-indexed, in case you cannot render indexed. Note: this is slow and most likely a waste of resources. Always prefer indexed rendering!
func (*DrawData) DisplayPos ¶
func (*DrawData) DisplaySize ¶
func (*DrawData) FramebufferScale ¶
func (*DrawData) OwnerViewport ¶
func (*DrawData) ScaleClipRects ¶
Helper to scale the ClipRect field of each ImDrawCmd. Use if your final output buffer is at a different scale than Dear ImGui expects, or if there is a difference between your window resolution and framebuffer resolution.
func (DrawData) SetCmdListsCount ¶
func (DrawData) SetDisplayPos ¶
func (DrawData) SetDisplaySize ¶
func (DrawData) SetFramebufferScale ¶
func (DrawData) SetOwnerViewport ¶
func (DrawData) SetTotalIdxCount ¶
func (DrawData) SetTotalVtxCount ¶
func (*DrawData) TotalIdxCount ¶
func (*DrawData) TotalVtxCount ¶
type DrawDataBuilder ¶
type DrawDataBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalNewDrawDataBuilder ¶
func InternalNewDrawDataBuilder() *DrawDataBuilder
func (*DrawDataBuilder) Destroy ¶
func (self *DrawDataBuilder) Destroy()
type DrawFlags ¶
type DrawFlags int32
Flags for ImDrawList functions (Legacy: bit 0 must always correspond to ImDrawFlags_Closed to be backward compatible with old API using a bool. Bits 1..3 must be unused) original name: ImDrawFlags_
type DrawList ¶
type DrawList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Draw command list This is the low-level list of polygons that ImGui:: functions are filling. At the end of the frame, all command lists are passed to your ImGuiIO::RenderDrawListFn function for rendering. Each dear imgui window contains its own ImDrawList. You can use ImGui::GetWindowDrawList() to access the current window draw list and draw custom primitives. You can interleave normal ImGui:: calls and adding primitives to the current draw list. In single viewport mode, top-left is == GetMainViewport()->Pos (generally 0,0), bottom-right is == GetMainViewport()->Pos+Size (generally io.DisplaySize). You are totally free to apply whatever transformation matrix to want to the data (depending on the use of the transformation you may want to apply it to ClipRect as well!) Important: Primitives are always added to the list and not culled (culling is done at higher-level by ImGui:: functions), if you use this API a lot consider coarse culling your drawn objects.
func BackgroundDrawListNil ¶
func BackgroundDrawListNil() *DrawList
get background draw list for the viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the first rendering one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text behind dear imgui contents.
func BackgroundDrawListViewportPtr ¶
get background draw list for the given viewport. this draw list will be the first rendering one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text behind dear imgui contents.
func ForegroundDrawListNil ¶
func ForegroundDrawListNil() *DrawList
get foreground draw list for the viewport associated to the current window. this draw list will be the last rendered one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text over dear imgui contents.
func ForegroundDrawListViewportPtr ¶
get foreground draw list for the given viewport. this draw list will be the last rendered one. Useful to quickly draw shapes/text over dear imgui contents.
func NewDrawList ¶
func NewDrawList(shared_data *DrawListSharedData) *DrawList
func PlotGetPlotDrawList ¶
func PlotGetPlotDrawList() *DrawList
func WindowDrawList ¶
func WindowDrawList() *DrawList
get draw list associated to the current window, to append your own drawing primitives
func (*DrawList) AddBezierCubic ¶
func (*DrawList) AddBezierCubicV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddBezierCubicV(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32, num_segments int32)
Cubic Bezier (4 control points) AddBezierCubicV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) AddBezierQuadratic ¶
func (*DrawList) AddBezierQuadraticV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddBezierQuadraticV(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, col uint32, thickness float32, num_segments int32)
Quadratic Bezier (3 control points) AddBezierQuadraticV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) AddCircleFilled ¶
func (*DrawList) AddCircleFilledV ¶
AddCircleFilledV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) AddCircleV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddCircleV(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32, num_segments int32, thickness float32)
AddCircleV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0 thickness: 1.0f
func (*DrawList) AddConvexPolyFilled ¶
func (*DrawList) AddDrawCmd ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddDrawCmd()
This is useful if you need to forcefully create a new draw call (to allow for dependent rendering / blending). Otherwise primitives are merged into the same draw-call as much as possible
func (*DrawList) AddEllipse ¶
func (*DrawList) AddEllipseFilled ¶
func (*DrawList) AddEllipseFilledV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddEllipseFilledV(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, col uint32, rot float32, num_segments int32)
AddEllipseFilledV parameter default value hint: rot: 0.0f num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) AddEllipseV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddEllipseV(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, col uint32, rot float32, num_segments int32, thickness float32)
AddEllipseV parameter default value hint: rot: 0.0f num_segments: 0 thickness: 1.0f
func (*DrawList) AddImageQuad ¶
func (*DrawList) AddImageQuadV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddImageQuadV(user_texture_id TextureID, p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, uv1 Vec2, uv2 Vec2, uv3 Vec2, uv4 Vec2, col uint32)
AddImageQuadV parameter default value hint: uv1: ImVec2(0,0) uv2: ImVec2(1,0) uv3: ImVec2(1,1) uv4: ImVec2(0,1) col: 4294967295
func (*DrawList) AddImageRounded ¶
func (*DrawList) AddImageRoundedV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddImageRoundedV(user_texture_id TextureID, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, uv_min Vec2, uv_max Vec2, col uint32, rounding float32, flags DrawFlags)
AddImageRoundedV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func (*DrawList) AddImageV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddImageV(user_texture_id TextureID, p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, uv_min Vec2, uv_max Vec2, col uint32)
AddImageV parameter default value hint: uv_min: ImVec2(0,0) uv_max: ImVec2(1,1) col: 4294967295
func (*DrawList) AddNgonFilled ¶
func (*DrawList) AddNgonV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddNgonV(center Vec2, radius float32, col uint32, num_segments int32, thickness float32)
AddNgonV parameter default value hint: thickness: 1.0f
func (*DrawList) AddPolyline ¶
func (*DrawList) AddQuadFilled ¶
func (*DrawList) AddRectFilled ¶
func (*DrawList) AddRectFilledMultiColor ¶
func (*DrawList) AddRectFilledV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddRectFilledV(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, col uint32, rounding float32, flags DrawFlags)
a: upper-left, b: lower-right (== upper-left + size) AddRectFilledV parameter default value hint: rounding: 0.0f flags: 0
func (*DrawList) AddRectV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddRectV(p_min Vec2, p_max Vec2, col uint32, rounding float32, flags DrawFlags, thickness float32)
a: upper-left, b: lower-right (== upper-left + size) AddRectV parameter default value hint: rounding: 0.0f flags: 0 thickness: 1.0f
func (*DrawList) AddTextFontPtr ¶
func (*DrawList) AddTextFontPtrV ¶
func (self *DrawList) AddTextFontPtrV(font *Font, font_size float32, pos Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string, wrap_width float32, cpu_fine_clip_rect *Vec4)
AddTextFontPtrV parameter default value hint: wrap_width: 0.0f cpu_fine_clip_rect: NULL
func (*DrawList) AddTextVec2 ¶
func (*DrawList) AddTextVec2V ¶
AddTextVec2V parameter default value hint:
func (*DrawList) AddTriangle ¶
func (*DrawList) AddTriangleFilled ¶
func (*DrawList) AddTriangleV ¶
AddTriangleV parameter default value hint: thickness: 1.0f
func (*DrawList) CalcCircleAutoSegmentCount ¶
func (*DrawList) ChannelsMerge ¶
func (self *DrawList) ChannelsMerge()
func (*DrawList) ChannelsSetCurrent ¶
func (*DrawList) ChannelsSplit ¶
func (*DrawList) ClearFreeMemory ¶
func (self *DrawList) ClearFreeMemory()
func (*DrawList) ClipRectMax ¶
func (*DrawList) ClipRectMin ¶
func (*DrawList) CloneOutput ¶
Create a clone of the CmdBuffer/IdxBuffer/VtxBuffer.
func (*DrawList) CmdHeader ¶
func (self *DrawList) CmdHeader() DrawCmdHeader
func (*DrawList) Data ¶
func (self *DrawList) Data() *DrawListSharedData
func (*DrawList) Flags ¶
func (self *DrawList) Flags() DrawListFlags
func (*DrawList) FringeScale ¶
func (*DrawList) IdxWritePtr ¶
func (*DrawList) OnChangedClipRect ¶
func (self *DrawList) OnChangedClipRect()
func (*DrawList) OnChangedTextureID ¶
func (self *DrawList) OnChangedTextureID()
func (*DrawList) OnChangedVtxOffset ¶
func (self *DrawList) OnChangedVtxOffset()
func (*DrawList) PathArcToFast ¶
func (self *DrawList) PathArcToFast(center Vec2, radius float32, a_min_of_12 int32, a_max_of_12 int32)
Use precomputed angles for a 12 steps circle
func (*DrawList) PathArcToFastEx ¶
func (*DrawList) PathArcToN ¶
func (*DrawList) PathArcToV ¶
func (self *DrawList) PathArcToV(center Vec2, radius float32, a_min float32, a_max float32, num_segments int32)
PathArcToV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) PathBezierCubicCurveTo ¶
func (*DrawList) PathBezierCubicCurveToV ¶
Cubic Bezier (4 control points) PathBezierCubicCurveToV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) PathBezierQuadraticCurveTo ¶
func (*DrawList) PathBezierQuadraticCurveToV ¶
Quadratic Bezier (3 control points) PathBezierQuadraticCurveToV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) PathEllipticalArcTo ¶
func (*DrawList) PathEllipticalArcToV ¶
func (self *DrawList) PathEllipticalArcToV(center Vec2, radius_x float32, radius_y float32, rot float32, a_min float32, a_max float32, num_segments int32)
Ellipse PathEllipticalArcToV parameter default value hint: num_segments: 0
func (*DrawList) PathFillConvex ¶
func (*DrawList) PathLineTo ¶
func (*DrawList) PathLineToMergeDuplicate ¶
func (*DrawList) PathStroke ¶
func (*DrawList) PathStrokeV ¶
PathStrokeV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 thickness: 1.0f
func (*DrawList) PopClipRect ¶
func (self *DrawList) PopClipRect()
func (*DrawList) PopTextureID ¶
func (self *DrawList) PopTextureID()
func (*DrawList) PopUnusedDrawCmd ¶
func (self *DrawList) PopUnusedDrawCmd()
func (*DrawList) PrimQuadUV ¶
func (*DrawList) PrimRectUV ¶
func (*DrawList) PrimReserve ¶
func (*DrawList) PrimUnreserve ¶
func (*DrawList) PrimWriteIdx ¶
func (*DrawList) PushClipRect ¶
func (*DrawList) PushClipRectFullScreen ¶
func (self *DrawList) PushClipRectFullScreen()
func (*DrawList) PushClipRectV ¶
func (self *DrawList) PushClipRectV(clip_rect_min Vec2, clip_rect_max Vec2, intersect_with_current_clip_rect bool)
Render-level scissoring. This is passed down to your render function but not used for CPU-side coarse clipping. Prefer using higher-level ImGui::PushClipRect() to affect logic (hit-testing and widget culling) PushClipRectV parameter default value hint: intersect_with_current_clip_rect: false
func (*DrawList) PushTextureID ¶
func (*DrawList) ResetForNewFrame ¶
func (self *DrawList) ResetForNewFrame()
func (DrawList) SetClipRectStack ¶
func (DrawList) SetCmdBuffer ¶
func (DrawList) SetCmdHeader ¶
func (self DrawList) SetCmdHeader(v DrawCmdHeader)
func (DrawList) SetData ¶
func (self DrawList) SetData(v *DrawListSharedData)
func (DrawList) SetFlags ¶
func (self DrawList) SetFlags(v DrawListFlags)
func (DrawList) SetFringeScale ¶
func (DrawList) SetIdxBuffer ¶
func (DrawList) SetIdxWritePtr ¶
func (DrawList) SetOwnerName ¶
func (DrawList) SetSplitter ¶
func (self DrawList) SetSplitter(v DrawListSplitter)
func (DrawList) SetVtxBuffer ¶
func (DrawList) SetVtxCurrentIdx ¶
func (DrawList) SetVtxWritePtr ¶
func (*DrawList) Splitter ¶
func (self *DrawList) Splitter() DrawListSplitter
func (*DrawList) TryMergeDrawCmds ¶
func (self *DrawList) TryMergeDrawCmds()
func (*DrawList) VtxCurrentIdx ¶
func (*DrawList) VtxWritePtr ¶
type DrawListFlags ¶
type DrawListFlags int32
Flags for ImDrawList instance. Those are set automatically by ImGui:: functions from ImGuiIO settings, and generally not manipulated directly. It is however possible to temporarily alter flags between calls to ImDrawList:: functions. original name: ImDrawListFlags_
type DrawListSharedData ¶
type DrawListSharedData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Data shared between all ImDrawList instances You may want to create your own instance of this if you want to use ImDrawList completely without ImGui. In that case, watch out for future changes to this structure.
func CurrentDrawListSharedData ¶
func CurrentDrawListSharedData() *DrawListSharedData
you may use this when creating your own ImDrawList instances.
func InternalNewDrawListSharedData ¶
func InternalNewDrawListSharedData() *DrawListSharedData
func (*DrawListSharedData) ArcFastRadiusCutoff ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) ArcFastRadiusCutoff() float32
func (*DrawListSharedData) CircleSegmentMaxError ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) CircleSegmentMaxError() float32
func (*DrawListSharedData) ClipRectFullscreen ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) ClipRectFullscreen() Vec4
func (*DrawListSharedData) CurveTessellationTol ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) CurveTessellationTol() float32
func (*DrawListSharedData) Destroy ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) Destroy()
func (*DrawListSharedData) Font ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) Font() *Font
func (*DrawListSharedData) FontSize ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) FontSize() float32
func (*DrawListSharedData) InitialFlags ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) InitialFlags() DrawListFlags
func (*DrawListSharedData) InternalSetCircleTessellationMaxError ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) InternalSetCircleTessellationMaxError(max_error float32)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetArcFastRadiusCutoff ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetArcFastRadiusCutoff(v float32)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetCircleSegmentMaxError ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetCircleSegmentMaxError(v float32)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetClipRectFullscreen ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetClipRectFullscreen(v Vec4)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetCurveTessellationTol ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetCurveTessellationTol(v float32)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetFont ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetFont(v *Font)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetFontSize ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetFontSize(v float32)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetInitialFlags ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetInitialFlags(v DrawListFlags)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetTempBuffer ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetTempBuffer(v Vector[*Vec2])
func (DrawListSharedData) SetTexUvLines ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetTexUvLines(v *Vec4)
func (DrawListSharedData) SetTexUvWhitePixel ¶
func (self DrawListSharedData) SetTexUvWhitePixel(v Vec2)
func (*DrawListSharedData) TexUvLines ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) TexUvLines() *Vec4
func (*DrawListSharedData) TexUvWhitePixel ¶
func (self *DrawListSharedData) TexUvWhitePixel() Vec2
type DrawListSplitter ¶
type DrawListSplitter struct { FieldCurrent int32 // Current channel number (0) FieldCount int32 // Number of active channels (1+) FieldChannels Vector[*DrawChannel] // Draw channels (not resized down so _Count might be < Channels.Size) }
Split/Merge functions are used to split the draw list into different layers which can be drawn into out of order. This is used by the Columns/Tables API, so items of each column can be batched together in a same draw call.
func NewDrawListSplitter ¶
func NewDrawListSplitter() *DrawListSplitter
func (*DrawListSplitter) Channels ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) Channels() Vector[*DrawChannel]
func (*DrawListSplitter) Clear ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) Clear()
Do not clear Channels[] so our allocations are reused next frame
func (*DrawListSplitter) ClearFreeMemory ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) ClearFreeMemory()
func (*DrawListSplitter) Count ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) Count() int32
func (*DrawListSplitter) Current ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) Current() int32
func (*DrawListSplitter) Destroy ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) Destroy()
func (*DrawListSplitter) Merge ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) Merge(draw_list *DrawList)
func (DrawListSplitter) SetChannels ¶
func (self DrawListSplitter) SetChannels(v Vector[*DrawChannel])
func (DrawListSplitter) SetCount ¶
func (self DrawListSplitter) SetCount(v int32)
func (DrawListSplitter) SetCurrent ¶
func (self DrawListSplitter) SetCurrent(v int32)
func (*DrawListSplitter) SetCurrentChannel ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) SetCurrentChannel(draw_list *DrawList, channel_idx int32)
func (*DrawListSplitter) Split ¶
func (self *DrawListSplitter) Split(draw_list *DrawList, count int32)
type DropCallback ¶
type DropCallback func([]string)
type Emphasis ¶
type Emphasis struct { FieldState EmphasisState FieldText TextBlock FieldSym rune }
func (Emphasis) SetState ¶
func (self Emphasis) SetState(v EmphasisState)
func (*Emphasis) State ¶
func (self *Emphasis) State() EmphasisState
type EmulateThreeButtonMouse ¶
type EmulateThreeButtonMouse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEmulateThreeButtonMouse ¶
func NewEmulateThreeButtonMouse() *EmulateThreeButtonMouse
func (*EmulateThreeButtonMouse) Destroy ¶
func (self *EmulateThreeButtonMouse) Destroy()
type FocusRequestFlags ¶
type FocusRequestFlags int32
Flags for FocusWindow(). This is not called ImGuiFocusFlags to avoid confusion with public-facing ImGuiFocusedFlags. FIXME: Once we finishing replacing more uses of GetTopMostPopupModal()+IsWindowWithinBeginStackOf() and FindBlockingModal() with this, we may want to change the flag to be opt-out instead of opt-in. original name: ImGuiFocusRequestFlags_
type FocusedFlags ¶
type FocusedFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::IsWindowFocused() original name: ImGuiFocusedFlags_
type Font ¶
type Font struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Font runtime data and rendering ImFontAtlas automatically loads a default embedded font for you when you call GetTexDataAsAlpha8() or GetTexDataAsRGBA32().
func InternalDefaultFont ¶
func InternalDefaultFont() *Font
func (*Font) AddRemapChar ¶
func (*Font) AddRemapCharV ¶
Makes 'dst' character/glyph points to 'src' character/glyph. Currently needs to be called AFTER fonts have been built. AddRemapCharV parameter default value hint: overwrite_dst: true
func (*Font) BuildLookupTable ¶
func (self *Font) BuildLookupTable()
func (*Font) CalcTextSizeA ¶
func (*Font) CalcTextSizeAV ¶
func (self *Font) CalcTextSizeAV(size float32, max_width float32, wrap_width float32, text_begin string, remaining []string) Vec2
utf8 CalcTextSizeAV parameter default value hint: remaining: NULL
func (*Font) CalcWordWrapPositionA ¶
func (*Font) CharAdvance ¶
func (*Font) ClearOutputData ¶
func (self *Font) ClearOutputData()
func (*Font) ConfigData ¶
func (self *Font) ConfigData() *FontConfig
func (*Font) ConfigDataCount ¶
func (*Font) ContainerAtlas ¶
func (*Font) DirtyLookupTables ¶
func (*Font) EllipsisChar ¶
func (*Font) EllipsisCharCount ¶
func (*Font) EllipsisCharStep ¶
func (*Font) EllipsisWidth ¶
func (*Font) FallbackAdvanceX ¶
func (*Font) FallbackChar ¶
func (*Font) FallbackGlyph ¶
func (*Font) FindGlyphNoFallback ¶
func (*Font) IndexAdvanceX ¶
func (*Font) IndexLookup ¶
func (*Font) IsGlyphRangeUnused ¶
func (*Font) MetricsTotalSurface ¶
func (*Font) RenderChar ¶
func (*Font) RenderText ¶
func (*Font) RenderTextV ¶
func (self *Font) RenderTextV(draw_list *DrawList, size float32, pos Vec2, col uint32, clip_rect Vec4, text_begin string, wrap_width float32, cpu_fine_clip bool)
RenderTextV parameter default value hint: wrap_width: 0.0f cpu_fine_clip: false
func (Font) SetConfigData ¶
func (self Font) SetConfigData(v *FontConfig)
func (Font) SetConfigDataCount ¶
func (Font) SetContainerAtlas ¶
func (Font) SetDescent ¶
func (Font) SetDirtyLookupTables ¶
func (Font) SetEllipsisChar ¶
func (Font) SetEllipsisCharCount ¶
func (Font) SetEllipsisCharStep ¶
func (Font) SetEllipsisWidth ¶
func (Font) SetFallbackAdvanceX ¶
func (Font) SetFallbackChar ¶
func (Font) SetFallbackGlyph ¶
func (Font) SetFontSize ¶
func (*Font) SetGlyphVisible ¶
func (Font) SetIndexAdvanceX ¶
func (Font) SetIndexLookup ¶
func (Font) SetMetricsTotalSurface ¶
type FontAtlas ¶
type FontAtlas struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Load and rasterize multiple TTF/OTF fonts into a same texture. The font atlas will build a single texture holding:
- One or more fonts.
- Custom graphics data needed to render the shapes needed by Dear ImGui.
- Mouse cursor shapes for software cursor rendering (unless setting 'Flags |= ImFontAtlasFlags_NoMouseCursors' in the font atlas).
It is the user-code responsibility to setup/build the atlas, then upload the pixel data into a texture accessible by your graphics api.
- Optionally, call any of the AddFont*** functions. If you don't call any, the default font embedded in the code will be loaded for you.
- Call GetTexDataAsAlpha8() or GetTexDataAsRGBA32() to build and retrieve pixels data.
- Upload the pixels data into a texture within your graphics system (see imgui_impl_xxxx.cpp examples)
- Call SetTexID(my_tex_id); and pass the pointer/identifier to your texture in a format natural to your graphics API. This value will be passed back to you during rendering to identify the texture. Read FAQ entry about ImTextureID for more details.
Common pitfalls:
- If you pass a 'glyph_ranges' array to AddFont*** functions, you need to make sure that your array persist up until the atlas is build (when calling GetTexData*** or Build()). We only copy the pointer, not the data.
- Important: By default, AddFontFromMemoryTTF() takes ownership of the data. Even though we are not writing to it, we will free the pointer on destruction. You can set font_cfg->FontDataOwnedByAtlas=false to keep ownership of your data and it won't be freed,
- Even though many functions are suffixed with "TTF", OTF data is supported just as well.
- This is an old API and it is currently awkward for those and various other reasons! We will address them in the future!
func NewFontAtlas ¶
func NewFontAtlas() *FontAtlas
func (*FontAtlas) AddCustomRectFontGlyph ¶
func (*FontAtlas) AddCustomRectFontGlyphV ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) AddCustomRectFontGlyphV(font *Font, id Wchar, width int32, height int32, advance_x float32, offset Vec2) int32
AddCustomRectFontGlyphV parameter default value hint: offset: ImVec2(0,0)
func (*FontAtlas) AddCustomRectRegular ¶
func (*FontAtlas) AddFont ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) AddFont(font_cfg *FontConfig) *Font
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontDefault ¶
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontDefaultV ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontDefaultV(font_cfg *FontConfig) *Font
AddFontDefaultV parameter default value hint: font_cfg: NULL
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromFileTTF ¶
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromFileTTFV ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromFileTTFV(filename string, size_pixels float32, font_cfg *FontConfig, glyph_ranges *Wchar) *Font
AddFontFromFileTTFV parameter default value hint: font_cfg: NULL glyph_ranges: NULL
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTF ¶
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTFV ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTFV(compressed_font_data_base85 string, size_pixels float32, font_cfg *FontConfig, glyph_ranges *Wchar) *Font
'compressed_font_data_base85' still owned by caller. Compress with binary_to_compressed_c.cpp with -base85 parameter. AddFontFromMemoryCompressedBase85TTFV parameter default value hint: font_cfg: NULL glyph_ranges: NULL
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTF ¶
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTFV ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTFV(compressed_font_data unsafe.Pointer, compressed_font_data_size int32, size_pixels float32, font_cfg *FontConfig, glyph_ranges *Wchar) *Font
'compressed_font_data' still owned by caller. Compress with binary_to_compressed_c.cpp. AddFontFromMemoryCompressedTTFV parameter default value hint: font_cfg: NULL glyph_ranges: NULL
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryTTF ¶
func (*FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryTTFV ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) AddFontFromMemoryTTFV(font_data unsafe.Pointer, font_data_size int32, size_pixels float32, font_cfg *FontConfig, glyph_ranges *Wchar) *Font
Note: Transfer ownership of 'ttf_data' to ImFontAtlas! Will be deleted after destruction of the atlas. Set font_cfg->FontDataOwnedByAtlas=false to keep ownership of your data and it won't be freed. AddFontFromMemoryTTFV parameter default value hint: font_cfg: NULL glyph_ranges: NULL
func (*FontAtlas) Build ¶
Build pixels data. This is called automatically for you by the GetTexData*** functions.
func (*FontAtlas) CalcCustomRectUV ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) CalcCustomRectUV(rect *FontAtlasCustomRect, out_uv_min *Vec2, out_uv_max *Vec2)
func (*FontAtlas) ClearFonts ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) ClearFonts()
Clear output font data (glyphs storage, UV coordinates).
func (*FontAtlas) ClearInputData ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) ClearInputData()
Clear input data (all ImFontConfig structures including sizes, TTF data, glyph ranges, etc.) = all the data used to build the texture and fonts.
func (*FontAtlas) ClearTexData ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) ClearTexData()
Clear output texture data (CPU side). Saves RAM once the texture has been copied to graphics memory.
func (*FontAtlas) ConfigData ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) ConfigData() Vector[*FontConfig]
func (*FontAtlas) CustomRectByIndex ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) CustomRectByIndex(index int32) *FontAtlasCustomRect
func (*FontAtlas) CustomRects ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) CustomRects() Vector[*FontAtlasCustomRect]
func (*FontAtlas) Flags ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) Flags() FontAtlasFlags
func (*FontAtlas) FontBuilderFlags ¶
func (*FontAtlas) FontBuilderIO ¶
func (self *FontAtlas) FontBuilderIO() *FontBuilderIO
func (FontAtlas) GetTextureDataAsRGBA32 ¶
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesChineseFull ¶
Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + full set of about 21000 CJK Unified Ideographs
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesChineseSimplifiedCommon ¶
Default + Half-Width + Japanese Hiragana/Katakana + set of 2500 CJK Unified Ideographs for common simplified Chinese
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesCyrillic ¶
Default + about 400 Cyrillic characters
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesDefault ¶
Basic Latin, Extended Latin
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesGreek ¶
Default + Greek and Coptic
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesJapanese ¶
Default + Hiragana, Katakana, Half-Width, Selection of 2999 Ideographs
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesKorean ¶
Default + Korean characters
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesThai ¶
Default + Thai characters
func (*FontAtlas) GlyphRangesVietnamese ¶
Default + Vietnamese characters
func (*FontAtlas) IsBuilt ¶
Bit ambiguous: used to detect when user didn't build texture but effectively we should check TexID != 0 except that would be backend dependent...
func (*FontAtlas) MouseCursorTexData ¶
func (*FontAtlas) PackIdLines ¶
func (*FontAtlas) PackIdMouseCursors ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetConfigData ¶
func (self FontAtlas) SetConfigData(v Vector[*FontConfig])
func (FontAtlas) SetCustomRects ¶
func (self FontAtlas) SetCustomRects(v Vector[*FontAtlasCustomRect])
func (FontAtlas) SetFlags ¶
func (self FontAtlas) SetFlags(v FontAtlasFlags)
func (FontAtlas) SetFontBuilderFlags ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetFontBuilderIO ¶
func (self FontAtlas) SetFontBuilderIO(v *FontBuilderIO)
func (FontAtlas) SetPackIdLines ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetPackIdMouseCursors ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexDesiredWidth ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexGlyphPadding ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexHeight ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexPixelsAlpha8 ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexPixelsRGBA32 ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexPixelsUseColors ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexReady ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexUvScale ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexUvWhitePixel ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetTexWidth ¶
func (FontAtlas) SetUserData ¶
func (*FontAtlas) TexDesiredWidth ¶
func (*FontAtlas) TexGlyphPadding ¶
func (*FontAtlas) TexPixelsAlpha8 ¶
func (*FontAtlas) TexPixelsRGBA32 ¶
func (*FontAtlas) TexPixelsUseColors ¶
func (*FontAtlas) TexUvScale ¶
func (*FontAtlas) TexUvWhitePixel ¶
func (FontAtlas) TextureDataAsAlpha8 ¶
type FontAtlasCustomRect ¶
type FontAtlasCustomRect struct { FieldWidth uint16 // Input // Desired rectangle dimension FieldHeight uint16 // Input // Desired rectangle dimension FieldX uint16 // Output // Packed position in Atlas FieldY uint16 // Output // Packed position in Atlas FieldGlyphID uint32 // Input // For custom font glyphs only (ID < 0x110000) FieldGlyphAdvanceX float32 // Input // For custom font glyphs only: glyph xadvance FieldGlyphOffset Vec2 // Input // For custom font glyphs only: glyph display offset FieldFont *Font // Input // For custom font glyphs only: target font }
See ImFontAtlas::AddCustomRectXXX functions.
func NewFontAtlasCustomRect ¶
func NewFontAtlasCustomRect() *FontAtlasCustomRect
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) Destroy ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Destroy()
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) Font ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Font() *Font
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphAdvanceX ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphAdvanceX() float32
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphID ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphID() uint32
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphOffset ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) GlyphOffset() Vec2
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) Height ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Height() uint16
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) IsPacked ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) IsPacked() bool
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetFont ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetFont(v *Font)
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphAdvanceX ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphAdvanceX(v float32)
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphID ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphID(v uint32)
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphOffset ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetGlyphOffset(v Vec2)
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetHeight ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetHeight(v uint16)
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetWidth ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetWidth(v uint16)
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetX ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetX(v uint16)
func (FontAtlasCustomRect) SetY ¶
func (self FontAtlasCustomRect) SetY(v uint16)
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) Width ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Width() uint16
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) X ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) X() uint16
func (*FontAtlasCustomRect) Y ¶
func (self *FontAtlasCustomRect) Y() uint16
type FontAtlasFlags ¶
type FontAtlasFlags int32
Flags for ImFontAtlas build original name: ImFontAtlasFlags_
type FontBuilderIO ¶
type FontBuilderIO struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
This structure is likely to evolve as we add support for incremental atlas updates
func InternalImFontAtlasGetBuilderForStbTruetype ¶
func InternalImFontAtlasGetBuilderForStbTruetype() *FontBuilderIO
type FontConfig ¶
type FontConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFontConfig ¶
func NewFontConfig() *FontConfig
func (*FontConfig) Destroy ¶
func (self *FontConfig) Destroy()
func (*FontConfig) DstFont ¶
func (self *FontConfig) DstFont() *Font
func (*FontConfig) EllipsisChar ¶
func (self *FontConfig) EllipsisChar() Wchar
func (*FontConfig) FontBuilderFlags ¶
func (self *FontConfig) FontBuilderFlags() uint32
func (*FontConfig) FontData ¶
func (self *FontConfig) FontData() unsafe.Pointer
func (*FontConfig) FontDataOwnedByAtlas ¶
func (self *FontConfig) FontDataOwnedByAtlas() bool
func (*FontConfig) FontDataSize ¶
func (self *FontConfig) FontDataSize() int32
func (*FontConfig) FontNo ¶
func (self *FontConfig) FontNo() int32
func (*FontConfig) GlyphExtraSpacing ¶
func (self *FontConfig) GlyphExtraSpacing() Vec2
func (*FontConfig) GlyphMaxAdvanceX ¶
func (self *FontConfig) GlyphMaxAdvanceX() float32
func (*FontConfig) GlyphMinAdvanceX ¶
func (self *FontConfig) GlyphMinAdvanceX() float32
func (*FontConfig) GlyphOffset ¶
func (self *FontConfig) GlyphOffset() Vec2
func (*FontConfig) GlyphRanges ¶
func (self *FontConfig) GlyphRanges() *Wchar
func (*FontConfig) MergeMode ¶
func (self *FontConfig) MergeMode() bool
func (*FontConfig) OversampleH ¶
func (self *FontConfig) OversampleH() int32
func (*FontConfig) OversampleV ¶
func (self *FontConfig) OversampleV() int32
func (*FontConfig) PixelSnapH ¶
func (self *FontConfig) PixelSnapH() bool
func (*FontConfig) RasterizerMultiply ¶
func (self *FontConfig) RasterizerMultiply() float32
func (FontConfig) SetDstFont ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetDstFont(v *Font)
func (FontConfig) SetEllipsisChar ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetEllipsisChar(v Wchar)
func (FontConfig) SetFontBuilderFlags ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetFontBuilderFlags(v uint32)
func (FontConfig) SetFontData ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetFontData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (FontConfig) SetFontDataOwnedByAtlas ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetFontDataOwnedByAtlas(v bool)
func (FontConfig) SetFontDataSize ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetFontDataSize(v int32)
func (FontConfig) SetFontNo ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetFontNo(v int32)
func (FontConfig) SetGlyphExtraSpacing ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphExtraSpacing(v Vec2)
func (FontConfig) SetGlyphMaxAdvanceX ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphMaxAdvanceX(v float32)
func (FontConfig) SetGlyphMinAdvanceX ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphMinAdvanceX(v float32)
func (FontConfig) SetGlyphOffset ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphOffset(v Vec2)
func (FontConfig) SetGlyphRanges ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetGlyphRanges(v *Wchar)
func (FontConfig) SetMergeMode ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetMergeMode(v bool)
func (FontConfig) SetOversampleH ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetOversampleH(v int32)
func (FontConfig) SetOversampleV ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetOversampleV(v int32)
func (FontConfig) SetPixelSnapH ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetPixelSnapH(v bool)
func (FontConfig) SetRasterizerMultiply ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetRasterizerMultiply(v float32)
func (FontConfig) SetSizePixels ¶
func (self FontConfig) SetSizePixels(v float32)
func (*FontConfig) SizePixels ¶
func (self *FontConfig) SizePixels() float32
type FontGlyph ¶
type FontGlyph struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Hold rendering data for one glyph. (Note: some language parsers may fail to convert the 31+1 bitfield members, in this case maybe drop store a single u32 or we can rework this)
func (FontGlyph) SetAdvanceX ¶
func (FontGlyph) SetCodepoint ¶
func (FontGlyph) SetColored ¶
func (FontGlyph) SetVisible ¶
type FontGlyphRangesBuilder ¶
type FontGlyphRangesBuilder struct {
FieldUsedChars Vector[*uint32] // Store 1-bit per Unicode code point (0=unused, 1=used)
Helper to build glyph ranges from text/string data. Feed your application strings/characters to it then call BuildRanges(). This is essentially a tightly packed of vector of 64k booleans = 8KB storage.
func NewFontGlyphRangesBuilder ¶
func NewFontGlyphRangesBuilder() *FontGlyphRangesBuilder
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddChar ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddChar(c Wchar)
Add character
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddRanges ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddRanges(ranges *Wchar)
Add ranges, e.g. builder.AddRanges(ImFontAtlas::GetGlyphRangesDefault()) to force add all of ASCII/Latin+Ext
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddText ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddText(text string)
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddTextV ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) AddTextV(text string)
Add string (each character of the UTF-8 string are added) AddTextV parameter default value hint:
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Bit ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Bit(n uint64) bool
Get bit n in the array
func (FontGlyphRangesBuilder) BuildRanges ¶
func (fa FontGlyphRangesBuilder) BuildRanges(ranges GlyphRange)
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Clear ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Clear()
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Destroy ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) Destroy()
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) SetBit ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) SetBit(n uint64)
Set bit n in the array
func (FontGlyphRangesBuilder) SetUsedChars ¶
func (self FontGlyphRangesBuilder) SetUsedChars(v Vector[*uint32])
func (*FontGlyphRangesBuilder) UsedChars ¶
func (self *FontGlyphRangesBuilder) UsedChars() Vector[*uint32]
type FormatterTimeData ¶
type FormatterTimeData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetSpec ¶
func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetSpec() PlotDateTimeSpec
func (*FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetTime ¶
func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetTime() PlotTime
func (*FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetUserFormatterData ¶
func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetUserFormatterData() unsafe.Pointer
type GLFWBackend ¶
type GLFWBackend struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewGLFWBackend ¶
func NewGLFWBackend() *GLFWBackend
func (GLFWBackend) ContentScale ¶
func (b GLFWBackend) ContentScale() (width, height float32)
func (*GLFWBackend) CreateTexture ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) CreateTexture(pixels unsafe.Pointer, width, height int) TextureID
func (*GLFWBackend) CreateTextureRgba ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) CreateTextureRgba(img *image.RGBA, width, height int) TextureID
func (*GLFWBackend) CreateWindow ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) CreateWindow(title string, width, height int)
func (*GLFWBackend) DeleteTexture ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) DeleteTexture(id TextureID)
func (GLFWBackend) DisplaySize ¶
func (b GLFWBackend) DisplaySize() (width int32, height int32)
func (*GLFWBackend) GetWindowPos ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) GetWindowPos() (x, y int32)
func (*GLFWBackend) Refresh ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) Refresh()
func (*GLFWBackend) Run ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) Run(loop func())
func (*GLFWBackend) SetAfterCreateContextHook ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetAfterCreateContextHook(hook func())
func (*GLFWBackend) SetAfterRenderHook ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetAfterRenderHook(hook func())
func (*GLFWBackend) SetBeforeDestroyContextHook ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetBeforeDestroyContextHook(hook func())
func (*GLFWBackend) SetBeforeRenderHook ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetBeforeRenderHook(hook func())
func (*GLFWBackend) SetBgColor ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetBgColor(color Vec4)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetCloseCallback ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetCloseCallback(cbfun WindowCloseCallback[GLFWWindowFlags])
func (*GLFWBackend) SetDropCallback ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetDropCallback(cbfun DropCallback)
SetDropCallback sets the drop callback which is called when an object is dropped over the window.
func (*GLFWBackend) SetIcons ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetIcons(images ...image.Image)
SetIcons sets icons for the window. THIS CODE COMES FROM (BSD-3 clause) - Copyright (c) 2012 The glfw3-go Authors. All rights reserved.
func (*GLFWBackend) SetKeyCallback ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetKeyCallback(cbfun KeyCallback)
func (GLFWBackend) SetShouldClose ¶
func (b GLFWBackend) SetShouldClose(value bool)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetSizeChangeCallback ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetSizeChangeCallback(cbfun SizeChangeCallback)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetTargetFPS ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetTargetFPS(fps uint)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetWindowFlags ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowFlags(flag GLFWWindowFlags, value int)
SetWindowHint applies to next CreateWindow call so use it before CreateWindow call ;-)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetWindowPos ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowPos(x, y int)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetWindowSize ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowSize(width, height int)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetWindowSizeLimits ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowSizeLimits(minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight int)
The minimum and maximum size of the content area of a windowed mode window. To specify only a minimum size or only a maximum one, set the other pair to -1 e.g. SetWindowSizeLimits(640, 480, -1, -1)
func (*GLFWBackend) SetWindowTitle ¶
func (b *GLFWBackend) SetWindowTitle(title string)
type GLFWModifierKey ¶
type GLFWModifierKey int
type GLFWWindowFlags ¶
type GLFWWindowFlags int
type GlyphRange ¶
type GlyphRange uintptr
func NewGlyphRange ¶
func NewGlyphRange() GlyphRange
func (GlyphRange) Data ¶
func (gr GlyphRange) Data() *Wchar
func (GlyphRange) Destroy ¶
func (gr GlyphRange) Destroy()
type GroupData ¶
type GroupData struct { FieldWindowID ID FieldBackupCursorPos Vec2 FieldBackupCursorMaxPos Vec2 FieldBackupIndent Vec1 FieldBackupGroupOffset Vec1 FieldBackupCurrLineSize Vec2 FieldBackupCurrLineTextBaseOffset float32 FieldBackupActiveIdIsAlive ID FieldBackupActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive bool FieldBackupHoveredIdIsAlive bool FieldEmitItem bool }
Stacked storage data for BeginGroup()/EndGroup()
func (*GroupData) BackupActiveIdIsAlive ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupCurrLineSize ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupCurrLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupCursorMaxPos ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupCursorPos ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupGroupOffset ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupHoveredIdIsAlive ¶
func (*GroupData) BackupIndent ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupActiveIdIsAlive ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupActiveIdPreviousFrameIsAlive ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupCurrLineSize ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupCurrLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupCursorMaxPos ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupCursorPos ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupGroupOffset ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupHoveredIdIsAlive ¶
func (GroupData) SetBackupIndent ¶
func (GroupData) SetEmitItem ¶
func (GroupData) SetWindowID ¶
type HoveredFlags ¶
type HoveredFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::IsItemHovered(), ImGui::IsWindowHovered() Note: if you are trying to check whether your mouse should be dispatched to Dear ImGui or to your app, you should use 'io.WantCaptureMouse' instead! Please read the FAQ! Note: windows with the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs flag are ignored by IsWindowHovered() calls. original name: ImGuiHoveredFlags_
type HoveredFlagsPrivate ¶
type HoveredFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiHoveredFlags_ original name: ImGuiHoveredFlagsPrivate_
type ID ¶
func DockSpaceOverViewport ¶
func DockSpaceOverViewport() ID
func DockSpaceOverViewportV ¶
func DockSpaceOverViewportV(viewport *Viewport, flags DockNodeFlags, window_class *WindowClass) ID
DockSpaceOverViewportV parameter default value hint: viewport: NULL flags: 0 window_class: NULL
func DockSpaceV ¶
func DockSpaceV(id ID, size Vec2, flags DockNodeFlags, window_class *WindowClass) ID
DockSpaceV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0) flags: 0 window_class: NULL
func IDStr ¶
calculate unique ID (hash of whole ID stack + given parameter). e.g. if you want to query into ImGuiStorage yourself
func InternalActiveID ¶
func InternalActiveID() ID
func InternalAddContextHook ¶
func InternalAddContextHook(context *Context, hook *ContextHook) ID
func InternalColumnsID ¶
func InternalCurrentFocusScope ¶
func InternalCurrentFocusScope() ID
Focus scope we are outputting into, set by PushFocusScope()
func InternalDockBuilderAddNode ¶
func InternalDockBuilderAddNode() ID
func InternalDockBuilderAddNodeV ¶
func InternalDockBuilderAddNodeV(node_id ID, flags DockNodeFlags) ID
InternalDockBuilderAddNodeV parameter default value hint: node_id: 0 flags: 0
func InternalDockBuilderSplitNode ¶
func InternalDockBuilderSplitNode(node_id ID, split_dir Dir, size_ratio_for_node_at_dir float32, out_id_at_dir *ID, out_id_at_opposite_dir *ID) ID
Create 2 child nodes in this parent node.
func InternalFocusID ¶
func InternalFocusID() ID
func InternalHoveredID ¶
func InternalHoveredID() ID
func InternalIDWithSeedInt ¶
func InternalIDWithSeedStr ¶
func InternalImHashDataV ¶
InternalImHashDataV parameter default value hint: seed: 0
func InternalImHashStr ¶
func InternalImHashStrV ¶
InternalImHashStrV parameter default value hint: data_size: 0 seed: 0
func InternalKeyOwner ¶
func InternalTableGetColumnResizeIDV ¶
InternalTableGetColumnResizeIDV parameter default value hint: instance_no: 0
func InternalWindowResizeCornerID ¶
0..3: corners
func WindowDockID ¶
func WindowDockID() ID
type IO ¶
type IO struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CurrentIO ¶
func CurrentIO() *IO
access the IO structure (mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs, time, various configuration options/flags)
func (*IO) AddFocusEvent ¶
Queue a gain/loss of focus for the application (generally based on OS/platform focus of your window)
func (*IO) AddInputCharacter ¶
Queue a new character input
func (*IO) AddInputCharacterUTF16 ¶
Queue a new character input from a UTF-16 character, it can be a surrogate
func (*IO) AddInputCharactersUTF8 ¶
Queue a new characters input from a UTF-8 string
func (*IO) AddKeyAnalogEvent ¶
Queue a new key down/up event for analog values (e.g. ImGuiKey_Gamepad_ values). Dead-zones should be handled by the backend.
func (*IO) AddKeyEvent ¶
Queue a new key down/up event. Key should be "translated" (as in, generally ImGuiKey_A matches the key end-user would use to emit an 'A' character)
func (*IO) AddMouseButtonEvent ¶
Queue a mouse button change
func (*IO) AddMousePosEvent ¶
Queue a mouse position update. Use -FLT_MAX,-FLT_MAX to signify no mouse (e.g. app not focused and not hovered)
func (*IO) AddMouseSourceEvent ¶
func (self *IO) AddMouseSourceEvent(source MouseSource)
Queue a mouse source change (Mouse/TouchScreen/Pen)
func (*IO) AddMouseViewportEvent ¶
Queue a mouse hovered viewport. Requires backend to set ImGuiBackendFlags_HasMouseHoveredViewport to call this (for multi-viewport support).
func (IO) AddMouseWheelDelta ¶
func (*IO) AddMouseWheelEvent ¶
Queue a mouse wheel update. wheel_y<0: scroll down, wheel_y>0: scroll up, wheel_x<0: scroll right, wheel_x>0: scroll left.
func (*IO) AppFocusLost ¶
func (*IO) BackendFlags ¶
func (self *IO) BackendFlags() BackendFlags
func (*IO) BackendLanguageUserData ¶
func (*IO) BackendPlatformName ¶
func (*IO) BackendPlatformUserData ¶
func (*IO) BackendRendererName ¶
func (*IO) BackendRendererUserData ¶
func (*IO) BackendUsingLegacyKeyArrays ¶
func (*IO) BackendUsingLegacyNavInputArray ¶
func (*IO) ClearInputKeys ¶
func (self *IO) ClearInputKeys()
Clear current keyboard/mouse/gamepad state + current frame text input buffer. Equivalent to releasing all keys/buttons.
func (*IO) ClipboardUserData ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDebugBeginReturnValueLoop ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDebugBeginReturnValueOnce ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDebugIgnoreFocusLoss ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDebugIniSettings ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDockingNoSplit ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDockingTransparentPayload ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDockingWithShift ¶
func (*IO) ConfigDragClickToInputText ¶
func (*IO) ConfigFlags ¶
func (self *IO) ConfigFlags() ConfigFlags
func (*IO) ConfigInputTextCursorBlink ¶
func (*IO) ConfigInputTextEnterKeepActive ¶
func (*IO) ConfigInputTrickleEventQueue ¶
func (*IO) ConfigMacOSXBehaviors ¶
func (*IO) ConfigMemoryCompactTimer ¶
func (*IO) ConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge ¶
func (*IO) ConfigViewportsNoDecoration ¶
func (*IO) ConfigViewportsNoDefaultParent ¶
func (*IO) ConfigViewportsNoTaskBarIcon ¶
func (*IO) ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly ¶
func (*IO) ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges ¶
func (*IO) DisplayFramebufferScale ¶
func (*IO) DisplaySize ¶
func (*IO) FontAllowUserScaling ¶
func (*IO) FontDefault ¶
func (*IO) FontGlobalScale ¶
func (*IO) IniFilename ¶
func (*IO) IniSavingRate ¶
func (*IO) InputQueueCharacters ¶
func (*IO) InputQueueSurrogate ¶
func (*IO) KeyRepeatDelay ¶
func (*IO) KeyRepeatRate ¶
func (*IO) LogFilename ¶
func (*IO) MetricsActiveAllocations ¶
func (*IO) MetricsActiveWindows ¶
func (*IO) MetricsRenderIndices ¶
func (*IO) MetricsRenderVertices ¶
func (*IO) MetricsRenderWindows ¶
func (*IO) MouseDelta ¶
func (*IO) MouseDoubleClickMaxDist ¶
func (*IO) MouseDoubleClickTime ¶
func (*IO) MouseDragThreshold ¶
func (*IO) MouseDrawCursor ¶
func (*IO) MouseHoveredViewport ¶
func (*IO) MousePosPrev ¶
func (*IO) MouseSource ¶
func (self *IO) MouseSource() MouseSource
func (*IO) MouseWheel ¶
func (*IO) MouseWheelH ¶
func (*IO) MouseWheelRequestAxisSwap ¶
func (*IO) NavVisible ¶
func (*IO) PenPressure ¶
func (*IO) PlatformLocaleDecimalPoint ¶
func (*IO) SetAppAcceptingEvents ¶
Set master flag for accepting key/mouse/text events (default to true). Useful if you have native dialog boxes that are interrupting your application loop/refresh, and you want to disable events being queued while your app is frozen.
func (IO) SetAppFocusLost ¶
func (IO) SetBackendFlags ¶
func (self IO) SetBackendFlags(v BackendFlags)
func (IO) SetBackendLanguageUserData ¶
func (IO) SetBackendPlatformName ¶
func (IO) SetBackendPlatformUserData ¶
func (IO) SetBackendRendererName ¶
func (IO) SetBackendRendererUserData ¶
func (IO) SetBackendUsingLegacyKeyArrays ¶
func (IO) SetBackendUsingLegacyNavInputArray ¶
func (IO) SetClipboardHandler ¶
func (io IO) SetClipboardHandler(handler ClipboardHandler)
func (IO) SetClipboardUserData ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDebugBeginReturnValueLoop ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDebugBeginReturnValueOnce ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDebugIgnoreFocusLoss ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDebugIniSettings ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDockingNoSplit ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDockingTransparentPayload ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDockingWithShift ¶
func (IO) SetConfigDragClickToInputText ¶
func (IO) SetConfigFlags ¶
func (self IO) SetConfigFlags(v ConfigFlags)
func (IO) SetConfigInputTextCursorBlink ¶
func (IO) SetConfigInputTextEnterKeepActive ¶
func (IO) SetConfigInputTrickleEventQueue ¶
func (IO) SetConfigMacOSXBehaviors ¶
func (IO) SetConfigMemoryCompactTimer ¶
func (IO) SetConfigViewportsNoAutoMerge ¶
func (IO) SetConfigViewportsNoDecoration ¶
func (IO) SetConfigViewportsNoDefaultParent ¶
func (IO) SetConfigViewportsNoTaskBarIcon ¶
func (IO) SetConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly ¶
func (IO) SetConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges ¶
func (IO) SetDeltaTime ¶
func (IO) SetDisplayFramebufferScale ¶
func (IO) SetDisplaySize ¶
func (IO) SetFontAllowUserScaling ¶
func (IO) SetFontDefault ¶
func (IO) SetFontGlobalScale ¶
func (IO) SetFramerate ¶
func (IO) SetIniFilename ¶
func (IO) SetIniSavingRate ¶
func (IO) SetInputQueueCharacters ¶
func (IO) SetInputQueueSurrogate ¶
func (IO) SetKeyCtrl ¶
func (*IO) SetKeyEventNativeData ¶
func (*IO) SetKeyEventNativeDataV ¶
func (self *IO) SetKeyEventNativeDataV(key Key, native_keycode int32, native_scancode int32, native_legacy_index int32)
[Optional] Specify index for legacy <1.87 IsKeyXXX() functions with native indices + specify native keycode, scancode. SetKeyEventNativeDataV parameter default value hint: native_legacy_index: -1
func (IO) SetKeyMods ¶
func (IO) SetKeyRepeatDelay ¶
func (IO) SetKeyRepeatRate ¶
func (IO) SetKeyShift ¶
func (IO) SetKeySuper ¶
func (IO) SetLogFilename ¶
func (IO) SetMetricsActiveAllocations ¶
func (IO) SetMetricsActiveWindows ¶
func (IO) SetMetricsRenderIndices ¶
func (IO) SetMetricsRenderVertices ¶
func (IO) SetMetricsRenderWindows ¶
func (IO) SetMouseButtonDown ¶
func (IO) SetMouseDelta ¶
func (IO) SetMouseDoubleClickMaxDist ¶
func (IO) SetMouseDoubleClickTime ¶
func (IO) SetMouseDragThreshold ¶
func (IO) SetMouseDrawCursor ¶
func (IO) SetMouseHoveredViewport ¶
func (IO) SetMousePos ¶
func (IO) SetMousePosPrev ¶
func (IO) SetMouseSource ¶
func (self IO) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
func (IO) SetMouseWheel ¶
func (IO) SetMouseWheelH ¶
func (IO) SetMouseWheelRequestAxisSwap ¶
func (IO) SetNavActive ¶
func (IO) SetNavVisible ¶
func (IO) SetPenPressure ¶
func (IO) SetPlatformLocaleDecimalPoint ¶
func (IO) SetUnusedPadding ¶
func (IO) SetUserData ¶
func (IO) SetWantCaptureKeyboard ¶
func (IO) SetWantCaptureMouse ¶
func (IO) SetWantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose ¶
func (IO) SetWantSaveIniSettings ¶
func (IO) SetWantSetMousePos ¶
func (IO) SetWantTextInput ¶
func (*IO) UnusedPadding ¶
func (*IO) WantCaptureKeyboard ¶
func (*IO) WantCaptureMouse ¶
func (*IO) WantCaptureMouseUnlessPopupClose ¶
func (*IO) WantSaveIniSettings ¶
func (*IO) WantSetMousePos ¶
func (*IO) WantTextInput ¶
type InputEvent ¶
type InputEvent struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalNewInputEvent ¶
func InternalNewInputEvent() *InputEvent
func (*InputEvent) AddedByTestEngine ¶
func (self *InputEvent) AddedByTestEngine() bool
func (*InputEvent) Destroy ¶
func (self *InputEvent) Destroy()
func (*InputEvent) EventId ¶
func (self *InputEvent) EventId() uint32
func (InputEvent) SetAddedByTestEngine ¶
func (self InputEvent) SetAddedByTestEngine(v bool)
func (InputEvent) SetEventId ¶
func (self InputEvent) SetEventId(v uint32)
func (InputEvent) SetSource ¶
func (self InputEvent) SetSource(v InputSource)
func (InputEvent) SetType ¶
func (self InputEvent) SetType(v InputEventType)
func (*InputEvent) Source ¶
func (self *InputEvent) Source() InputSource
func (*InputEvent) Type ¶
func (self *InputEvent) Type() InputEventType
type InputEventAppFocused ¶
type InputEventAppFocused struct {
FieldFocused bool
func (*InputEventAppFocused) Focused ¶
func (self *InputEventAppFocused) Focused() bool
func (InputEventAppFocused) SetFocused ¶
func (self InputEventAppFocused) SetFocused(v bool)
type InputEventKey ¶
func (*InputEventKey) AnalogValue ¶
func (self *InputEventKey) AnalogValue() float32
func (*InputEventKey) Down ¶
func (self *InputEventKey) Down() bool
func (*InputEventKey) Key ¶
func (self *InputEventKey) Key() Key
func (InputEventKey) SetAnalogValue ¶
func (self InputEventKey) SetAnalogValue(v float32)
func (InputEventKey) SetDown ¶
func (self InputEventKey) SetDown(v bool)
func (InputEventKey) SetKey ¶
func (self InputEventKey) SetKey(v Key)
type InputEventMouseButton ¶
type InputEventMouseButton struct { FieldButton int32 FieldDown bool FieldMouseSource MouseSource }
func (*InputEventMouseButton) Button ¶
func (self *InputEventMouseButton) Button() int32
func (*InputEventMouseButton) Down ¶
func (self *InputEventMouseButton) Down() bool
func (*InputEventMouseButton) MouseSource ¶
func (self *InputEventMouseButton) MouseSource() MouseSource
func (InputEventMouseButton) SetButton ¶
func (self InputEventMouseButton) SetButton(v int32)
func (InputEventMouseButton) SetDown ¶
func (self InputEventMouseButton) SetDown(v bool)
func (InputEventMouseButton) SetMouseSource ¶
func (self InputEventMouseButton) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
type InputEventMousePos ¶
type InputEventMousePos struct { FieldPosX float32 FieldPosY float32 FieldMouseSource MouseSource }
FIXME: Structures in the union below need to be declared as anonymous unions appears to be an extension? Using ImVec2() would fail on Clang 'union member 'MousePos' has a non-trivial default constructor'
func (*InputEventMousePos) MouseSource ¶
func (self *InputEventMousePos) MouseSource() MouseSource
func (*InputEventMousePos) PosX ¶
func (self *InputEventMousePos) PosX() float32
func (*InputEventMousePos) PosY ¶
func (self *InputEventMousePos) PosY() float32
func (InputEventMousePos) SetMouseSource ¶
func (self InputEventMousePos) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
func (InputEventMousePos) SetPosX ¶
func (self InputEventMousePos) SetPosX(v float32)
func (InputEventMousePos) SetPosY ¶
func (self InputEventMousePos) SetPosY(v float32)
type InputEventMouseViewport ¶
type InputEventMouseViewport struct {
FieldHoveredViewportID ID
func (*InputEventMouseViewport) HoveredViewportID ¶
func (self *InputEventMouseViewport) HoveredViewportID() ID
func (InputEventMouseViewport) SetHoveredViewportID ¶
func (self InputEventMouseViewport) SetHoveredViewportID(v ID)
type InputEventMouseWheel ¶
type InputEventMouseWheel struct { FieldWheelX float32 FieldWheelY float32 FieldMouseSource MouseSource }
func (*InputEventMouseWheel) MouseSource ¶
func (self *InputEventMouseWheel) MouseSource() MouseSource
func (InputEventMouseWheel) SetMouseSource ¶
func (self InputEventMouseWheel) SetMouseSource(v MouseSource)
func (InputEventMouseWheel) SetWheelX ¶
func (self InputEventMouseWheel) SetWheelX(v float32)
func (InputEventMouseWheel) SetWheelY ¶
func (self InputEventMouseWheel) SetWheelY(v float32)
func (*InputEventMouseWheel) WheelX ¶
func (self *InputEventMouseWheel) WheelX() float32
func (*InputEventMouseWheel) WheelY ¶
func (self *InputEventMouseWheel) WheelY() float32
type InputEventText ¶
type InputEventText struct {
FieldChar uint32
func (*InputEventText) Char ¶
func (self *InputEventText) Char() uint32
func (InputEventText) SetChar ¶
func (self InputEventText) SetChar(v uint32)
type InputEventType ¶
type InputEventType int32
[Internal] Key ranges [Internal] Named shortcuts for Navigation original name: ImGuiInputEventType
type InputFlags ¶
type InputFlags int32
Flags for extended versions of IsKeyPressed(), IsMouseClicked(), Shortcut(), SetKeyOwner(), SetItemKeyOwner() Don't mistake with ImGuiInputTextFlags! (for ImGui::InputText() function) original name: ImGuiInputFlags_
type InputTextCallback ¶
type InputTextCallback func(data InputTextCallbackData) int
type InputTextCallbackData ¶
type InputTextCallbackData struct { FieldCtx *Context // Parent UI context FieldEventFlag InputTextFlags // One ImGuiInputTextFlags_Callback* // Read-only FieldFlags InputTextFlags // What user passed to InputText() // Read-only FieldUserData unsafe.Pointer // What user passed to InputText() // Read-only // Arguments for the different callback events // - To modify the text buffer in a callback, prefer using the InsertChars() / DeleteChars() function. InsertChars() will take care of calling the resize callback if necessary. // - If you know your edits are not going to resize the underlying buffer allocation, you may modify the contents of 'Buf[]' directly. You need to update 'BufTextLen' accordingly (0 <= BufTextLen < BufSize) and set 'BufDirty” to true so InputText can update its internal state. FieldEventChar Wchar // Character input // Read-write // [CharFilter] Replace character with another one, or set to zero to drop. return 1 is equivalent to setting EventChar=0; FieldEventKey Key // Key pressed (Up/Down/TAB) // Read-only // [Completion,History] FieldBuf string // Text buffer // Read-write // [Resize] Can replace pointer / [Completion,History,Always] Only write to pointed data, don't replace the actual pointer! FieldBufTextLen int32 // Text length (in bytes) // Read-write // [Resize,Completion,History,Always] Exclude zero-terminator storage. In C land: == strlen(some_text), in C++ land: string.length() FieldBufSize int32 // Buffer size (in bytes) = capacity+1 // Read-only // [Resize,Completion,History,Always] Include zero-terminator storage. In C land == ARRAYSIZE(my_char_array), in C++ land: string.capacity()+1 FieldBufDirty bool // Set if you modify Buf/BufTextLen! // Write // [Completion,History,Always] FieldCursorPos int32 // // Read-write // [Completion,History,Always] FieldSelectionStart int32 // // Read-write // [Completion,History,Always] == to SelectionEnd when no selection) FieldSelectionEnd int32 // // Read-write // [Completion,History,Always] }
Shared state of InputText(), passed as an argument to your callback when a ImGuiInputTextFlags_Callback* flag is used. The callback function should return 0 by default. Callbacks (follow a flag name and see comments in ImGuiInputTextFlags_ declarations for more details) - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackEdit: Callback on buffer edit (note that InputText() already returns true on edit, the callback is useful mainly to manipulate the underlying buffer while focus is active) - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackAlways: Callback on each iteration - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCompletion: Callback on pressing TAB - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackHistory: Callback on pressing Up/Down arrows - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackCharFilter: Callback on character inputs to replace or discard them. Modify 'EventChar' to replace or discard, or return 1 in callback to discard. - ImGuiInputTextFlags_CallbackResize: Callback on buffer capacity changes request (beyond 'buf_size' parameter value), allowing the string to grow.
func NewInputTextCallbackData ¶
func NewInputTextCallbackData() *InputTextCallbackData
func (*InputTextCallbackData) Buf ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Buf() string
func (*InputTextCallbackData) BufDirty ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) BufDirty() bool
func (*InputTextCallbackData) BufSize ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) BufSize() int32
func (*InputTextCallbackData) BufTextLen ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) BufTextLen() int32
func (*InputTextCallbackData) ClearSelection ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) ClearSelection()
func (*InputTextCallbackData) Ctx ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Ctx() *Context
func (*InputTextCallbackData) CursorPos ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) CursorPos() int32
func (*InputTextCallbackData) DeleteChars ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) DeleteChars(pos int32, bytes_count int32)
func (*InputTextCallbackData) Destroy ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Destroy()
func (*InputTextCallbackData) EventChar ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) EventChar() Wchar
func (*InputTextCallbackData) EventFlag ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) EventFlag() InputTextFlags
func (*InputTextCallbackData) EventKey ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) EventKey() Key
func (*InputTextCallbackData) Flags ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) Flags() InputTextFlags
func (*InputTextCallbackData) HasSelection ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) HasSelection() bool
func (*InputTextCallbackData) InsertChars ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) InsertChars(pos int32, text string)
func (*InputTextCallbackData) InsertCharsV ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) InsertCharsV(pos int32, text string)
InsertCharsV parameter default value hint:
func (*InputTextCallbackData) SelectAll ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) SelectAll()
func (*InputTextCallbackData) SelectionEnd ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) SelectionEnd() int32
func (*InputTextCallbackData) SelectionStart ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) SelectionStart() int32
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetBuf ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBuf(v string)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetBufDirty ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBufDirty(v bool)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetBufSize ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBufSize(v int32)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetBufTextLen ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetBufTextLen(v int32)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetCtx ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetCtx(v *Context)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetCursorPos ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetCursorPos(v int32)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetEventChar ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetEventChar(v Wchar)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetEventFlag ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetEventFlag(v InputTextFlags)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetEventKey ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetEventKey(v Key)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetFlags ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetFlags(v InputTextFlags)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetSelectionEnd ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetSelectionEnd(v int32)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetSelectionStart ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetSelectionStart(v int32)
func (InputTextCallbackData) SetUserData ¶
func (self InputTextCallbackData) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*InputTextCallbackData) UserData ¶
func (self *InputTextCallbackData) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
type InputTextDeactivatedState ¶
type InputTextDeactivatedState struct { FieldID ID // widget id owning the text state (which just got deactivated) FieldTextA Vector[string] // text buffer }
Internal temporary state for deactivating InputText() instances.
func InternalNewInputTextDeactivatedState ¶
func InternalNewInputTextDeactivatedState() *InputTextDeactivatedState
func (*InputTextDeactivatedState) Destroy ¶
func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) Destroy()
func (*InputTextDeactivatedState) ID ¶
func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) ID() ID
func (*InputTextDeactivatedState) InternalClearFreeMemory ¶
func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) InternalClearFreeMemory()
func (InputTextDeactivatedState) SetID ¶
func (self InputTextDeactivatedState) SetID(v ID)
func (InputTextDeactivatedState) SetTextA ¶
func (self InputTextDeactivatedState) SetTextA(v Vector[string])
func (*InputTextDeactivatedState) TextA ¶
func (self *InputTextDeactivatedState) TextA() Vector[string]
type InputTextFlags ¶
type InputTextFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::InputText() (Those are per-item flags. There are shared flags in ImGuiIO: io.ConfigInputTextCursorBlink and io.ConfigInputTextEnterKeepActive) original name: ImGuiInputTextFlags_
type InputTextFlagsPrivate ¶
type InputTextFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiInputTextFlags_ original name: ImGuiInputTextFlagsPrivate_
type InputTextState ¶
type InputTextState struct { FieldCtx *Context // parent UI context (needs to be set explicitly by parent). FieldID ID // widget id owning the text state FieldCurLenW int32 // we need to maintain our buffer length in both UTF-8 and wchar format. UTF-8 length is valid even if TextA is not. FieldCurLenA int32 // we need to maintain our buffer length in both UTF-8 and wchar format. UTF-8 length is valid even if TextA is not. FieldTextW Vector[(*Wchar)] // edit buffer, we need to persist but can't guarantee the persistence of the user-provided buffer. so we copy into own buffer. FieldTextA Vector[string] // temporary UTF8 buffer for callbacks and other operations. this is not updated in every code-path! size=capacity. FieldInitialTextA Vector[string] // backup of end-user buffer at the time of focus (in UTF-8, unaltered) FieldTextAIsValid bool // temporary UTF8 buffer is not initially valid before we make the widget active (until then we pull the data from user argument) FieldBufCapacityA int32 // end-user buffer capacity FieldScrollX float32 // horizontal scrolling/offset FieldStb STBTexteditState // state for stb_textedit.h FieldCursorAnim float32 // timer for cursor blink, reset on every user action so the cursor reappears immediately FieldCursorFollow bool // set when we want scrolling to follow the current cursor position (not always!) FieldSelectedAllMouseLock bool // after a double-click to select all, we ignore further mouse drags to update selection FieldEdited bool // edited this frame FieldFlags InputTextFlags // copy of InputText() flags. may be used to check if e.g. ImGuiInputTextFlags_Password is set. }
Internal state of the currently focused/edited text input box For a given item ID, access with ImGui::GetInputTextState()
func InternalInputTextState ¶
func InternalInputTextState(id ID) *InputTextState
Get input text state if active
func InternalNewInputTextState ¶
func InternalNewInputTextState() *InputTextState
func (*InputTextState) BufCapacityA ¶
func (self *InputTextState) BufCapacityA() int32
func (*InputTextState) Ctx ¶
func (self *InputTextState) Ctx() *Context
func (*InputTextState) CurLenA ¶
func (self *InputTextState) CurLenA() int32
func (*InputTextState) CurLenW ¶
func (self *InputTextState) CurLenW() int32
func (*InputTextState) CursorAnim ¶
func (self *InputTextState) CursorAnim() float32
func (*InputTextState) CursorFollow ¶
func (self *InputTextState) CursorFollow() bool
func (*InputTextState) Destroy ¶
func (self *InputTextState) Destroy()
func (*InputTextState) Edited ¶
func (self *InputTextState) Edited() bool
func (*InputTextState) Flags ¶
func (self *InputTextState) Flags() InputTextFlags
func (*InputTextState) ID ¶
func (self *InputTextState) ID() ID
func (*InputTextState) InitialTextA ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InitialTextA() Vector[string]
func (*InputTextState) InternalClearFreeMemory ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalClearFreeMemory()
func (*InputTextState) InternalClearSelection ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalClearSelection()
func (*InputTextState) InternalClearText ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalClearText()
func (*InputTextState) InternalCursorAnimReset ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalCursorAnimReset()
After a user-input the cursor stays on for a while without blinking
func (*InputTextState) InternalCursorClamp ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalCursorClamp()
func (*InputTextState) InternalCursorPos ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalCursorPos() int32
func (*InputTextState) InternalHasSelection ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalHasSelection() bool
func (*InputTextState) InternalOnKeyPressed ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalOnKeyPressed(key int32)
Cannot be inline because we call in code in stb_textedit.h implementation
func (*InputTextState) InternalRedoAvailCount ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalRedoAvailCount() int32
func (*InputTextState) InternalSelectAll ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalSelectAll()
func (*InputTextState) InternalSelectionEnd ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalSelectionEnd() int32
func (*InputTextState) InternalSelectionStart ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalSelectionStart() int32
func (*InputTextState) InternalUndoAvailCount ¶
func (self *InputTextState) InternalUndoAvailCount() int32
func (*InputTextState) ScrollX ¶
func (self *InputTextState) ScrollX() float32
func (*InputTextState) SelectedAllMouseLock ¶
func (self *InputTextState) SelectedAllMouseLock() bool
func (InputTextState) SetBufCapacityA ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetBufCapacityA(v int32)
func (InputTextState) SetCtx ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetCtx(v *Context)
func (InputTextState) SetCurLenA ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetCurLenA(v int32)
func (InputTextState) SetCurLenW ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetCurLenW(v int32)
func (InputTextState) SetCursorAnim ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetCursorAnim(v float32)
func (InputTextState) SetCursorFollow ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetCursorFollow(v bool)
func (InputTextState) SetEdited ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetEdited(v bool)
func (InputTextState) SetFlags ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetFlags(v InputTextFlags)
func (InputTextState) SetID ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetID(v ID)
func (InputTextState) SetInitialTextA ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetInitialTextA(v Vector[string])
func (InputTextState) SetScrollX ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetScrollX(v float32)
func (InputTextState) SetSelectedAllMouseLock ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetSelectedAllMouseLock(v bool)
func (InputTextState) SetStb ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetStb(v STBTexteditState)
func (InputTextState) SetTextA ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetTextA(v Vector[string])
func (InputTextState) SetTextAIsValid ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetTextAIsValid(v bool)
func (InputTextState) SetTextW ¶
func (self InputTextState) SetTextW(v Vector[(*Wchar)])
func (*InputTextState) Stb ¶
func (self *InputTextState) Stb() STBTexteditState
func (*InputTextState) TextA ¶
func (self *InputTextState) TextA() Vector[string]
func (*InputTextState) TextAIsValid ¶
func (self *InputTextState) TextAIsValid() bool
func (*InputTextState) TextW ¶
func (self *InputTextState) TextW() Vector[(*Wchar)]
type ItemFlags ¶
type ItemFlags int32
Flags used by upcoming items - input: PushItemFlag() manipulates g.CurrentItemFlags, ItemAdd() calls may add extra flags. - output: stored in g.LastItemData.InFlags Current window shared by all windows. This is going to be exposed in imgui.h when stabilized enough. original name: ImGuiItemFlags_
func InternalItemFlags ¶
func InternalItemFlags() ItemFlags
type ItemStatusFlags ¶
type ItemStatusFlags int32
Status flags for an already submitted item - output: stored in g.LastItemData.StatusFlags original name: ImGuiItemStatusFlags_
func InternalItemStatusFlags ¶
func InternalItemStatusFlags() ItemStatusFlags
type Key ¶
type Key int32
A key identifier (ImGuiKey_XXX or ImGuiMod_XXX value): can represent Keyboard, Mouse and Gamepad values. All our named keys are >= 512. Keys value 0 to 511 are left unused as legacy native/opaque key values (< 1.87). Since >= 1.89 we increased typing (went from int to enum), some legacy code may need a cast to ImGuiKey. Read details about the 1.87 and 1.89 transition : Note that "Keys" related to physical keys and are not the same concept as input "Characters", the later are submitted via io.AddInputCharacter(). original name: ImGuiKey
func InternalMouseButtonToKey ¶
func InternalMouseButtonToKey(button MouseButton) Key
type KeyCallback ¶
type KeyCallback func(key, scanCode, action, mods int)
type KeyChord ¶
type KeyChord C.ImGuiKeyChord
type KeyData ¶
type KeyData struct { FieldDown bool // True for if key is down FieldDownDuration float32 // Duration the key has been down (<0.0f: not pressed, 0.0f: just pressed, >0.0f: time held) FieldDownDurationPrev float32 // Last frame duration the key has been down FieldAnalogValue float32 // 0.0f..1.0f for gamepad values }
[Internal] Storage used by IsKeyDown(), IsKeyPressed() etc functions. If prior to 1.87 you used io.KeysDownDuration[] (which was marked as internal), you should use GetKeyData(key)->DownDuration and *NOT* io.KeysData[key]->DownDuration.
func InternalKeyDataKey ¶
func (*KeyData) AnalogValue ¶
func (*KeyData) DownDuration ¶
func (*KeyData) DownDurationPrev ¶
func (KeyData) SetAnalogValue ¶
func (KeyData) SetDownDuration ¶
func (KeyData) SetDownDurationPrev ¶
type KeyOwnerData ¶
type KeyOwnerData struct { FieldOwnerCurr ID FieldOwnerNext ID FieldLockThisFrame bool // Reading this key requires explicit owner id (until end of frame). Set by ImGuiInputFlags_LockThisFrame. FieldLockUntilRelease bool // Reading this key requires explicit owner id (until key is released). Set by ImGuiInputFlags_LockUntilRelease. When this is true LockThisFrame is always true as well. }
This extends ImGuiKeyData but only for named keys (legacy keys don't support the new features) Stored in main context (1 per named key). In the future it might be merged into ImGuiKeyData.
func InternalKeyOwnerData ¶
func InternalKeyOwnerData(ctx *Context, key Key) *KeyOwnerData
func InternalNewKeyOwnerData ¶
func InternalNewKeyOwnerData() *KeyOwnerData
func (*KeyOwnerData) Destroy ¶
func (self *KeyOwnerData) Destroy()
func (*KeyOwnerData) LockThisFrame ¶
func (self *KeyOwnerData) LockThisFrame() bool
func (*KeyOwnerData) LockUntilRelease ¶
func (self *KeyOwnerData) LockUntilRelease() bool
func (*KeyOwnerData) OwnerCurr ¶
func (self *KeyOwnerData) OwnerCurr() ID
func (*KeyOwnerData) OwnerNext ¶
func (self *KeyOwnerData) OwnerNext() ID
func (KeyOwnerData) SetLockThisFrame ¶
func (self KeyOwnerData) SetLockThisFrame(v bool)
func (KeyOwnerData) SetLockUntilRelease ¶
func (self KeyOwnerData) SetLockUntilRelease(v bool)
func (KeyOwnerData) SetOwnerCurr ¶
func (self KeyOwnerData) SetOwnerCurr(v ID)
func (KeyOwnerData) SetOwnerNext ¶
func (self KeyOwnerData) SetOwnerNext(v ID)
type KeyRoutingData ¶
type KeyRoutingData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Routing table entry (sizeof() == 16 bytes)
func InternalNewKeyRoutingData ¶
func InternalNewKeyRoutingData() *KeyRoutingData
func InternalShortcutRoutingData ¶
func InternalShortcutRoutingData(key_chord KeyChord) *KeyRoutingData
func (*KeyRoutingData) Destroy ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingData) Destroy()
func (*KeyRoutingData) Mods ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingData) Mods() uint16
func (*KeyRoutingData) RoutingCurr ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingData) RoutingCurr() ID
func (*KeyRoutingData) RoutingNext ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingData) RoutingNext() ID
func (*KeyRoutingData) RoutingNextScore ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingData) RoutingNextScore() byte
func (KeyRoutingData) SetMods ¶
func (self KeyRoutingData) SetMods(v uint16)
func (KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingCurr ¶
func (self KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingCurr(v ID)
func (KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingNext ¶
func (self KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingNext(v ID)
func (KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingNextScore ¶
func (self KeyRoutingData) SetRoutingNextScore(v byte)
type KeyRoutingTable ¶
type KeyRoutingTable struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Routing table: maintain a desired owner for each possible key-chord (key + mods), and setup owner in NewFrame() when mods are matching. Stored in main context (1 instance)
func InternalNewKeyRoutingTable ¶
func InternalNewKeyRoutingTable() *KeyRoutingTable
func (*KeyRoutingTable) Destroy ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingTable) Destroy()
func (*KeyRoutingTable) Entries ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingTable) Entries() Vector[*KeyRoutingData]
func (*KeyRoutingTable) EntriesNext ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingTable) EntriesNext() Vector[*KeyRoutingData]
func (*KeyRoutingTable) InternalClear ¶
func (self *KeyRoutingTable) InternalClear()
func (KeyRoutingTable) SetEntries ¶
func (self KeyRoutingTable) SetEntries(v Vector[*KeyRoutingData])
func (KeyRoutingTable) SetEntriesNext ¶
func (self KeyRoutingTable) SetEntriesNext(v Vector[*KeyRoutingData])
type LastItemData ¶
type LastItemData struct { FieldID ID FieldInFlags ItemFlags // See ImGuiItemFlags_ FieldStatusFlags ItemStatusFlags // See ImGuiItemStatusFlags_ FieldRect Rect // Full rectangle FieldDisplayRect Rect // Display rectangle (only if ImGuiItemStatusFlags_HasDisplayRect is set) }
Status storage for the last submitted item
func InternalNewLastItemData ¶
func InternalNewLastItemData() *LastItemData
func (*LastItemData) Destroy ¶
func (self *LastItemData) Destroy()
func (*LastItemData) DisplayRect ¶
func (self *LastItemData) DisplayRect() Rect
func (*LastItemData) ID ¶
func (self *LastItemData) ID() ID
func (*LastItemData) InFlags ¶
func (self *LastItemData) InFlags() ItemFlags
func (*LastItemData) NavRect ¶
func (self *LastItemData) NavRect() Rect
func (*LastItemData) Rect ¶
func (self *LastItemData) Rect() Rect
func (LastItemData) SetDisplayRect ¶
func (self LastItemData) SetDisplayRect(v Rect)
func (LastItemData) SetID ¶
func (self LastItemData) SetID(v ID)
func (LastItemData) SetInFlags ¶
func (self LastItemData) SetInFlags(v ItemFlags)
func (LastItemData) SetNavRect ¶
func (self LastItemData) SetNavRect(v Rect)
func (LastItemData) SetRect ¶
func (self LastItemData) SetRect(v Rect)
func (LastItemData) SetStatusFlags ¶
func (self LastItemData) SetStatusFlags(v ItemStatusFlags)
func (*LastItemData) StatusFlags ¶
func (self *LastItemData) StatusFlags() ItemStatusFlags
type LayoutType ¶
type LayoutType int32
FIXME: this is in development, not exposed/functional as a generic feature yet. Horizontal/Vertical enums are fixed to 0/1 so they may be used to index ImVec2 original name: ImGuiLayoutType_
type Line ¶
type Line struct { FieldIsHeading bool FieldIsEmphasis bool FieldIsUnorderedListStart bool FieldIsLeadingSpace bool FieldLeadSpaceCount int32 FieldHeadingCount int32 FieldEmphasisCount int32 FieldLineStart int32 FieldLineEnd int32 FieldLastRenderPosition int32 }
func (*Line) EmphasisCount ¶
func (*Line) HeadingCount ¶
func (*Line) IsEmphasis ¶
func (*Line) IsLeadingSpace ¶
func (*Line) IsUnorderedListStart ¶
func (*Line) LastRenderPosition ¶
func (*Line) LeadSpaceCount ¶
func (Line) SetEmphasisCount ¶
func (Line) SetHeadingCount ¶
func (Line) SetIsEmphasis ¶
func (Line) SetIsHeading ¶
func (Line) SetIsLeadingSpace ¶
func (Line) SetIsUnorderedListStart ¶
func (Line) SetLastRenderPosition ¶
func (Line) SetLeadSpaceCount ¶
func (Line) SetLineEnd ¶
func (Line) SetLineStart ¶
type Link ¶
type Link struct { FieldState LinkState FieldText TextBlock FieldUrl TextBlock FieldIsImage bool FieldNum_brackets_open int32 }
func (*Link) Numbracketsopen ¶
func (Link) SetIsImage ¶
func (Link) SetNumbracketsopen ¶
type LinkDetachWithModifierClick ¶
type LinkDetachWithModifierClick struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLinkDetachWithModifierClick ¶
func NewLinkDetachWithModifierClick() *LinkDetachWithModifierClick
func (*LinkDetachWithModifierClick) Destroy ¶
func (self *LinkDetachWithModifierClick) Destroy()
type ListClipper ¶
type ListClipper struct { FieldCtx *Context // Parent UI context FieldDisplayStart int32 // First item to display, updated by each call to Step() FieldDisplayEnd int32 // End of items to display (exclusive) FieldItemsCount int32 // [Internal] Number of items FieldItemsHeight float32 // [Internal] Height of item after a first step and item submission can calculate it FieldStartPosY float32 // [Internal] Cursor position at the time of Begin() or after table frozen rows are all processed FieldTempData unsafe.Pointer // [Internal] Internal data }
Helper: Manually clip large list of items. If you have lots evenly spaced items and you have random access to the list, you can perform coarse clipping based on visibility to only submit items that are in view. The clipper calculates the range of visible items and advance the cursor to compensate for the non-visible items we have skipped. (Dear ImGui already clip items based on their bounds but: it needs to first layout the item to do so, and generally
fetching/submitting your own data incurs additional cost. Coarse clipping using ImGuiListClipper allows you to easily scale using lists with tens of thousands of items without a problem)
ImGuiListClipper clipper; clipper.Begin(1000); // We have 1000 elements, evenly spaced. while (clipper.Step()) for (int i = clipper.DisplayStart; i < clipper.DisplayEnd; i++) ImGui::Text("line number %d", i);
Generally what happens is: - Clipper lets you process the first element (DisplayStart = 0, DisplayEnd = 1) regardless of it being visible or not. - User code submit that one element. - Clipper can measure the height of the first element - Clipper calculate the actual range of elements to display based on the current clipping rectangle, position the cursor before the first visible element. - User code submit visible elements. - The clipper also handles various subtleties related to keyboard/gamepad navigation, wrapping etc.
func NewListClipper ¶
func NewListClipper() *ListClipper
func (*ListClipper) Begin ¶
func (self *ListClipper) Begin(items_count int32)
func (*ListClipper) BeginV ¶
func (self *ListClipper) BeginV(items_count int32, items_height float32)
BeginV parameter default value hint: items_height: -1.0f
func (*ListClipper) Ctx ¶
func (self *ListClipper) Ctx() *Context
func (*ListClipper) Destroy ¶
func (self *ListClipper) Destroy()
func (*ListClipper) DisplayEnd ¶
func (self *ListClipper) DisplayEnd() int32
func (*ListClipper) DisplayStart ¶
func (self *ListClipper) DisplayStart() int32
func (*ListClipper) End ¶
func (self *ListClipper) End()
Automatically called on the last call of Step() that returns false.
func (*ListClipper) IncludeItemByIndex ¶
func (self *ListClipper) IncludeItemByIndex(item_index int32)
func (*ListClipper) IncludeItemsByIndex ¶
func (self *ListClipper) IncludeItemsByIndex(item_begin int32, item_end int32)
item_end is exclusive e.g. use (42, 42+1) to make item 42 never clipped.
func (*ListClipper) ItemsCount ¶
func (self *ListClipper) ItemsCount() int32
func (*ListClipper) ItemsHeight ¶
func (self *ListClipper) ItemsHeight() float32
func (ListClipper) SetCtx ¶
func (self ListClipper) SetCtx(v *Context)
func (ListClipper) SetDisplayEnd ¶
func (self ListClipper) SetDisplayEnd(v int32)
func (ListClipper) SetDisplayStart ¶
func (self ListClipper) SetDisplayStart(v int32)
func (ListClipper) SetItemsCount ¶
func (self ListClipper) SetItemsCount(v int32)
func (ListClipper) SetItemsHeight ¶
func (self ListClipper) SetItemsHeight(v float32)
func (ListClipper) SetStartPosY ¶
func (self ListClipper) SetStartPosY(v float32)
func (ListClipper) SetTempData ¶
func (self ListClipper) SetTempData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*ListClipper) StartPosY ¶
func (self *ListClipper) StartPosY() float32
func (*ListClipper) Step ¶
func (self *ListClipper) Step() bool
Call until it returns false. The DisplayStart/DisplayEnd fields will be set and you can process/draw those items.
func (*ListClipper) TempData ¶
func (self *ListClipper) TempData() unsafe.Pointer
type ListClipperData ¶
type ListClipperData struct { FieldListClipper *ListClipper FieldLossynessOffset float32 FieldStepNo int32 FieldItemsFrozen int32 FieldRanges Vector[*ListClipperRange] }
Temporary clipper data, buffers shared/reused between instances
func InternalNewListClipperData ¶
func InternalNewListClipperData() *ListClipperData
func (*ListClipperData) Destroy ¶
func (self *ListClipperData) Destroy()
func (*ListClipperData) InternalReset ¶
func (self *ListClipperData) InternalReset(clipper *ListClipper)
func (*ListClipperData) ItemsFrozen ¶
func (self *ListClipperData) ItemsFrozen() int32
func (*ListClipperData) ListClipper ¶
func (self *ListClipperData) ListClipper() *ListClipper
func (*ListClipperData) LossynessOffset ¶
func (self *ListClipperData) LossynessOffset() float32
func (*ListClipperData) Ranges ¶
func (self *ListClipperData) Ranges() Vector[*ListClipperRange]
func (ListClipperData) SetItemsFrozen ¶
func (self ListClipperData) SetItemsFrozen(v int32)
func (ListClipperData) SetListClipper ¶
func (self ListClipperData) SetListClipper(v *ListClipper)
func (ListClipperData) SetLossynessOffset ¶
func (self ListClipperData) SetLossynessOffset(v float32)
func (ListClipperData) SetRanges ¶
func (self ListClipperData) SetRanges(v Vector[*ListClipperRange])
func (ListClipperData) SetStepNo ¶
func (self ListClipperData) SetStepNo(v int32)
func (*ListClipperData) StepNo ¶
func (self *ListClipperData) StepNo() int32
type ListClipperRange ¶
type ListClipperRange struct { FieldMin int32 FieldMax int32 FieldPosToIndexConvert bool // Begin/End are absolute position (will be converted to indices later) FieldPosToIndexOffsetMin int // Add to Min after converting to indices FieldPosToIndexOffsetMax int // Add to Min after converting to indices }
Note that Max is exclusive, so perhaps should be using a Begin/End convention.
func InternalListClipperRangeFromIndices ¶
func InternalListClipperRangeFromIndices(min int32, max int32) ListClipperRange
func InternalListClipperRangeFromPositions ¶
func InternalListClipperRangeFromPositions(y1 float32, y2 float32, off_min int32, off_max int32) ListClipperRange
func (*ListClipperRange) Max ¶
func (self *ListClipperRange) Max() int32
func (*ListClipperRange) Min ¶
func (self *ListClipperRange) Min() int32
func (*ListClipperRange) PosToIndexConvert ¶
func (self *ListClipperRange) PosToIndexConvert() bool
func (*ListClipperRange) PosToIndexOffsetMax ¶
func (self *ListClipperRange) PosToIndexOffsetMax() int
func (*ListClipperRange) PosToIndexOffsetMin ¶
func (self *ListClipperRange) PosToIndexOffsetMin() int
func (ListClipperRange) SetMax ¶
func (self ListClipperRange) SetMax(v int32)
func (ListClipperRange) SetMin ¶
func (self ListClipperRange) SetMin(v int32)
func (ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexConvert ¶
func (self ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexConvert(v bool)
func (ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexOffsetMax ¶
func (self ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexOffsetMax(v int)
func (ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexOffsetMin ¶
func (self ListClipperRange) SetPosToIndexOffsetMin(v int)
type LocKey ¶
type LocKey int32
This is experimental and not officially supported, it'll probably fall short of features, if/when it does we may backtrack. original name: ImGuiLocKey
type MarkdownConfig ¶
type MarkdownConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MarkdownConfig) LinkIcon ¶
func (self *MarkdownConfig) LinkIcon() string
func (MarkdownConfig) SetLinkIcon ¶
func (self MarkdownConfig) SetLinkIcon(v string)
func (MarkdownConfig) SetUserData ¶
func (self MarkdownConfig) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*MarkdownConfig) UserData ¶
func (self *MarkdownConfig) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
type MarkdownFormatInfo ¶
type MarkdownFormatInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*MarkdownFormatInfo) Config ¶
func (self *MarkdownFormatInfo) Config() *MarkdownConfig
func (*MarkdownFormatInfo) ItemHovered ¶
func (self *MarkdownFormatInfo) ItemHovered() bool
func (MarkdownFormatInfo) SetConfig ¶
func (self MarkdownFormatInfo) SetConfig(v *MarkdownConfig)
func (MarkdownFormatInfo) SetItemHovered ¶
func (self MarkdownFormatInfo) SetItemHovered(v bool)
func (MarkdownFormatInfo) SetType ¶
func (self MarkdownFormatInfo) SetType(v MarkdownFormatType)
func (*MarkdownFormatInfo) Type ¶
func (self *MarkdownFormatInfo) Type() MarkdownFormatType
type MarkdownHeadingFormat ¶
func (*MarkdownHeadingFormat) Font ¶
func (self *MarkdownHeadingFormat) Font() *Font
func (*MarkdownHeadingFormat) Separator ¶
func (self *MarkdownHeadingFormat) Separator() bool
func (MarkdownHeadingFormat) SetFont ¶
func (self MarkdownHeadingFormat) SetFont(v *Font)
func (MarkdownHeadingFormat) SetSeparator ¶
func (self MarkdownHeadingFormat) SetSeparator(v bool)
type MarkdownImageData ¶
type MarkdownImageData struct { FieldIsValid bool FieldUseLinkCallback bool FieldUser_texture_id TextureID FieldSize Vec2 FieldUv0 Vec2 FieldUv1 Vec2 FieldTint_col Vec4 FieldBorder_col Vec4 }
func (*MarkdownImageData) Bordercol ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) Bordercol() Vec4
func (*MarkdownImageData) IsValid ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) IsValid() bool
func (MarkdownImageData) SetBordercol ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetBordercol(v Vec4)
func (MarkdownImageData) SetIsValid ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetIsValid(v bool)
func (MarkdownImageData) SetSize ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetSize(v Vec2)
func (MarkdownImageData) SetTintcol ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetTintcol(v Vec4)
func (MarkdownImageData) SetUseLinkCallback ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUseLinkCallback(v bool)
func (MarkdownImageData) SetUsertextureid ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUsertextureid(v TextureID)
func (MarkdownImageData) SetUv0 ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUv0(v Vec2)
func (MarkdownImageData) SetUv1 ¶
func (self MarkdownImageData) SetUv1(v Vec2)
func (*MarkdownImageData) Size ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) Size() Vec2
func (*MarkdownImageData) Tintcol ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) Tintcol() Vec4
func (*MarkdownImageData) UseLinkCallback ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) UseLinkCallback() bool
func (*MarkdownImageData) Usertextureid ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) Usertextureid() TextureID
func (*MarkdownImageData) Uv0 ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) Uv0() Vec2
func (*MarkdownImageData) Uv1 ¶
func (self *MarkdownImageData) Uv1() Vec2
type MarkdownLinkCallbackData ¶
type MarkdownLinkCallbackData struct { FieldText string FieldTextLength int32 FieldLink string FieldLinkLength int32 FieldUserData unsafe.Pointer FieldIsImage bool }
func (*MarkdownLinkCallbackData) IsImage ¶
func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) IsImage() bool
func (*MarkdownLinkCallbackData) Link ¶
func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) Link() string
func (*MarkdownLinkCallbackData) LinkLength ¶
func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) LinkLength() int32
func (MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetIsImage ¶
func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetIsImage(v bool)
func (MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetLink ¶
func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetLink(v string)
func (MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetLinkLength ¶
func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetLinkLength(v int32)
func (MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetText ¶
func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetText(v string)
func (MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetTextLength ¶
func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetTextLength(v int32)
func (MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetUserData ¶
func (self MarkdownLinkCallbackData) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*MarkdownLinkCallbackData) Text ¶
func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) Text() string
func (*MarkdownLinkCallbackData) TextLength ¶
func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) TextLength() int32
func (*MarkdownLinkCallbackData) UserData ¶
func (self *MarkdownLinkCallbackData) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
type MarkdownTooltipCallbackData ¶
type MarkdownTooltipCallbackData struct { FieldLinkData MarkdownLinkCallbackData FieldLinkIcon string }
func (*MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) LinkData ¶
func (self *MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) LinkData() MarkdownLinkCallbackData
func (*MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) LinkIcon ¶
func (self *MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) LinkIcon() string
func (MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) SetLinkData ¶
func (self MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) SetLinkData(v MarkdownLinkCallbackData)
func (MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) SetLinkIcon ¶
func (self MarkdownTooltipCallbackData) SetLinkIcon(v string)
type MenuColumns ¶
type MenuColumns struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Simple column measurement, currently used for MenuItem() only.. This is very short-sighted/throw-away code and NOT a generic helper.
func InternalNewMenuColumns ¶
func InternalNewMenuColumns() *MenuColumns
func (*MenuColumns) Destroy ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) Destroy()
func (*MenuColumns) InternalCalcNextTotalWidth ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) InternalCalcNextTotalWidth(update_offsets bool)
func (*MenuColumns) InternalDeclColumns ¶
func (*MenuColumns) InternalUpdate ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) InternalUpdate(spacing float32, window_reappearing bool)
func (*MenuColumns) NextTotalWidth ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) NextTotalWidth() uint32
func (*MenuColumns) OffsetIcon ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetIcon() uint16
func (*MenuColumns) OffsetLabel ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetLabel() uint16
func (*MenuColumns) OffsetMark ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetMark() uint16
func (*MenuColumns) OffsetShortcut ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) OffsetShortcut() uint16
func (MenuColumns) SetNextTotalWidth ¶
func (self MenuColumns) SetNextTotalWidth(v uint32)
func (MenuColumns) SetOffsetIcon ¶
func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetIcon(v uint16)
func (MenuColumns) SetOffsetLabel ¶
func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetLabel(v uint16)
func (MenuColumns) SetOffsetMark ¶
func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetMark(v uint16)
func (MenuColumns) SetOffsetShortcut ¶
func (self MenuColumns) SetOffsetShortcut(v uint16)
func (MenuColumns) SetSpacing ¶
func (self MenuColumns) SetSpacing(v uint16)
func (MenuColumns) SetTotalWidth ¶
func (self MenuColumns) SetTotalWidth(v uint32)
func (*MenuColumns) Spacing ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) Spacing() uint16
func (*MenuColumns) TotalWidth ¶
func (self *MenuColumns) TotalWidth() uint32
type MetricsConfig ¶
type MetricsConfig struct { FieldShowDebugLog bool FieldShowStackTool bool FieldShowWindowsRects bool FieldShowWindowsBeginOrder bool FieldShowTablesRects bool FieldShowDrawCmdMesh bool FieldShowDrawCmdBoundingBoxes bool FieldShowAtlasTintedWithTextColor bool FieldShowDockingNodes bool FieldShowWindowsRectsType int32 FieldShowTablesRectsType int32 }
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowAtlasTintedWithTextColor ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowAtlasTintedWithTextColor(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowDebugLog ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDebugLog(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowDockingNodes ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDockingNodes(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowDrawCmdBoundingBoxes ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDrawCmdBoundingBoxes(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowDrawCmdMesh ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowDrawCmdMesh(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowStackTool ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowStackTool(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowTablesRects ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowTablesRects(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowTablesRectsType ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowTablesRectsType(v int32)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsBeginOrder ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsBeginOrder(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsRects ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsRects(v bool)
func (MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsRectsType ¶
func (self MetricsConfig) SetShowWindowsRectsType(v int32)
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowAtlasTintedWithTextColor ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowAtlasTintedWithTextColor() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowDebugLog ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDebugLog() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowDockingNodes ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDockingNodes() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowDrawCmdBoundingBoxes ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDrawCmdBoundingBoxes() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowDrawCmdMesh ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowDrawCmdMesh() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowStackTool ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowStackTool() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowTablesRects ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowTablesRects() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowTablesRectsType ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowTablesRectsType() int32
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsBeginOrder ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsBeginOrder() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsRects ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsRects() bool
func (*MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsRectsType ¶
func (self *MetricsConfig) ShowWindowsRectsType() int32
type MouseButton ¶
type MouseButton int32
Identify a mouse button. Those values are guaranteed to be stable and we frequently use 0/1 directly. Named enums provided for convenience. original name: ImGuiMouseButton_
type MouseCursor ¶
type MouseCursor int32
Enumeration for GetMouseCursor() User code may request backend to display given cursor by calling SetMouseCursor(), which is why we have some cursors that are marked unused here original name: ImGuiMouseCursor_
func CurrentMouseCursor ¶
func CurrentMouseCursor() MouseCursor
get desired mouse cursor shape. Important: reset in ImGui::NewFrame(), this is updated during the frame. valid before Render(). If you use software rendering by setting io.MouseDrawCursor ImGui will render those for you
type MouseSource ¶
type MouseSource int32
Enumeration for AddMouseSourceEvent() actual source of Mouse Input data. Historically we use "Mouse" terminology everywhere to indicate pointer data, e.g. MousePos, IsMousePressed(), io.AddMousePosEvent() But that "Mouse" data can come from different source which occasionally may be useful for application to know about. You can submit a change of pointer type using io.AddMouseSourceEvent(). original name: ImGuiMouseSource
type MultipleSelectModifier ¶
type MultipleSelectModifier struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMultipleSelectModifier ¶
func NewMultipleSelectModifier() *MultipleSelectModifier
func (*MultipleSelectModifier) Destroy ¶
func (self *MultipleSelectModifier) Destroy()
type NavInput ¶
type NavInput int32
OBSOLETED in 1.88 (from July 2022): ImGuiNavInput and io.NavInputs[]. Official backends between 1.60 and 1.86: will keep working and feed gamepad inputs as long as IMGUI_DISABLE_OBSOLETE_KEYIO is not set. Custom backends: feed gamepad inputs via io.AddKeyEvent() and ImGuiKey_GamepadXXX enums. original name: ImGuiNavInput
type NavItemData ¶
type NavItemData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalNewNavItemData ¶
func InternalNewNavItemData() *NavItemData
func (*NavItemData) Destroy ¶
func (self *NavItemData) Destroy()
func (*NavItemData) DistAxial ¶
func (self *NavItemData) DistAxial() float32
func (*NavItemData) DistBox ¶
func (self *NavItemData) DistBox() float32
func (*NavItemData) DistCenter ¶
func (self *NavItemData) DistCenter() float32
func (*NavItemData) FocusScopeId ¶
func (self *NavItemData) FocusScopeId() ID
func (*NavItemData) ID ¶
func (self *NavItemData) ID() ID
func (*NavItemData) InFlags ¶
func (self *NavItemData) InFlags() ItemFlags
func (*NavItemData) InternalClear ¶
func (self *NavItemData) InternalClear()
func (*NavItemData) RectRel ¶
func (self *NavItemData) RectRel() Rect
func (NavItemData) SetDistAxial ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetDistAxial(v float32)
func (NavItemData) SetDistBox ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetDistBox(v float32)
func (NavItemData) SetDistCenter ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetDistCenter(v float32)
func (NavItemData) SetFocusScopeId ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetFocusScopeId(v ID)
func (NavItemData) SetID ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetID(v ID)
func (NavItemData) SetInFlags ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetInFlags(v ItemFlags)
func (NavItemData) SetRectRel ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetRectRel(v Rect)
func (NavItemData) SetWindow ¶
func (self NavItemData) SetWindow(v *Window)
func (*NavItemData) Window ¶
func (self *NavItemData) Window() *Window
type NavTreeNodeData ¶
type NavTreeNodeData struct {}
Store data emitted by TreeNode() for usage by TreePop() to implement ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NavLeftJumpsBackHere. This is the minimum amount of data that we need to perform the equivalent of NavApplyItemToResult() and which we can't infer in TreePop() Only stored when the node is a potential candidate for landing on a Left arrow jump.
func (*NavTreeNodeData) ID ¶
func (self *NavTreeNodeData) ID() ID
func (*NavTreeNodeData) InFlags ¶
func (self *NavTreeNodeData) InFlags() ItemFlags
func (*NavTreeNodeData) NavRect ¶
func (self *NavTreeNodeData) NavRect() Rect
func (NavTreeNodeData) SetID ¶
func (self NavTreeNodeData) SetID(v ID)
func (NavTreeNodeData) SetInFlags ¶
func (self NavTreeNodeData) SetInFlags(v ItemFlags)
func (NavTreeNodeData) SetNavRect ¶
func (self NavTreeNodeData) SetNavRect(v Rect)
type NextItemData ¶
type NextItemData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalNewNextItemData ¶
func InternalNewNextItemData() *NextItemData
func (*NextItemData) Destroy ¶
func (self *NextItemData) Destroy()
func (*NextItemData) Flags ¶
func (self *NextItemData) Flags() NextItemDataFlags
func (*NextItemData) InternalClearFlags ¶
func (self *NextItemData) InternalClearFlags()
Also cleared manually by ItemAdd()!
func (*NextItemData) ItemFlags ¶
func (self *NextItemData) ItemFlags() ItemFlags
func (*NextItemData) OpenCond ¶
func (self *NextItemData) OpenCond() Cond
func (*NextItemData) OpenVal ¶
func (self *NextItemData) OpenVal() bool
func (NextItemData) SetFlags ¶
func (self NextItemData) SetFlags(v NextItemDataFlags)
func (NextItemData) SetItemFlags ¶
func (self NextItemData) SetItemFlags(v ItemFlags)
func (NextItemData) SetOpenCond ¶
func (self NextItemData) SetOpenCond(v Cond)
func (NextItemData) SetOpenVal ¶
func (self NextItemData) SetOpenVal(v bool)
func (NextItemData) SetWidth ¶
func (self NextItemData) SetWidth(v float32)
func (*NextItemData) Width ¶
func (self *NextItemData) Width() float32
type NextWindowData ¶
type NextWindowData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Storage for SetNexWindow** functions
func InternalNewNextWindowData ¶
func InternalNewNextWindowData() *NextWindowData
func (*NextWindowData) BgAlphaVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) BgAlphaVal() float32
func (*NextWindowData) CollapsedCond ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) CollapsedCond() Cond
func (*NextWindowData) CollapsedVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) CollapsedVal() bool
func (*NextWindowData) ContentSizeVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) ContentSizeVal() Vec2
func (*NextWindowData) Destroy ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) Destroy()
func (*NextWindowData) DockCond ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) DockCond() Cond
func (*NextWindowData) DockId ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) DockId() ID
func (*NextWindowData) Flags ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) Flags() NextWindowDataFlags
func (*NextWindowData) InternalClearFlags ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) InternalClearFlags()
func (*NextWindowData) MenuBarOffsetMinVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) MenuBarOffsetMinVal() Vec2
func (*NextWindowData) PosCond ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) PosCond() Cond
func (*NextWindowData) PosPivotVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) PosPivotVal() Vec2
func (*NextWindowData) PosUndock ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) PosUndock() bool
func (*NextWindowData) PosVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) PosVal() Vec2
func (*NextWindowData) ScrollVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) ScrollVal() Vec2
func (NextWindowData) SetBgAlphaVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetBgAlphaVal(v float32)
func (NextWindowData) SetCollapsedCond ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetCollapsedCond(v Cond)
func (NextWindowData) SetCollapsedVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetCollapsedVal(v bool)
func (NextWindowData) SetContentSizeVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetContentSizeVal(v Vec2)
func (NextWindowData) SetDockCond ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetDockCond(v Cond)
func (NextWindowData) SetDockId ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetDockId(v ID)
func (NextWindowData) SetFlags ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetFlags(v NextWindowDataFlags)
func (NextWindowData) SetMenuBarOffsetMinVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetMenuBarOffsetMinVal(v Vec2)
func (NextWindowData) SetPosCond ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetPosCond(v Cond)
func (NextWindowData) SetPosPivotVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetPosPivotVal(v Vec2)
func (NextWindowData) SetPosUndock ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetPosUndock(v bool)
func (NextWindowData) SetPosVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetPosVal(v Vec2)
func (NextWindowData) SetScrollVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetScrollVal(v Vec2)
func (NextWindowData) SetSizeCallbackUserData ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeCallbackUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (NextWindowData) SetSizeCond ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeCond(v Cond)
func (NextWindowData) SetSizeConstraintRect ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeConstraintRect(v Rect)
func (NextWindowData) SetSizeVal ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetSizeVal(v Vec2)
func (NextWindowData) SetViewportId ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetViewportId(v ID)
func (NextWindowData) SetWindowClass ¶
func (self NextWindowData) SetWindowClass(v WindowClass)
func (*NextWindowData) SizeCallbackUserData ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) SizeCallbackUserData() unsafe.Pointer
func (*NextWindowData) SizeCond ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) SizeCond() Cond
func (*NextWindowData) SizeConstraintRect ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) SizeConstraintRect() Rect
func (*NextWindowData) SizeVal ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) SizeVal() Vec2
func (*NextWindowData) ViewportId ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) ViewportId() ID
func (*NextWindowData) WindowClass ¶
func (self *NextWindowData) WindowClass() WindowClass
type NodesIO ¶
type NodesIO struct { FieldEmulateThreeButtonMouse EmulateThreeButtonMouse FieldLinkDetachWithModifierClick LinkDetachWithModifierClick FieldMultipleSelectModifier MultipleSelectModifier FieldAltMouseButton int32 FieldAutoPanningSpeed float32 }
func NewNodesIO ¶
func NewNodesIO() *NodesIO
func (*NodesIO) AltMouseButton ¶
func (*NodesIO) AutoPanningSpeed ¶
func (*NodesIO) EmulateThreeButtonMouse ¶
func (self *NodesIO) EmulateThreeButtonMouse() EmulateThreeButtonMouse
func (*NodesIO) LinkDetachWithModifierClick ¶
func (self *NodesIO) LinkDetachWithModifierClick() LinkDetachWithModifierClick
func (*NodesIO) MultipleSelectModifier ¶
func (self *NodesIO) MultipleSelectModifier() MultipleSelectModifier
func (NodesIO) SetAltMouseButton ¶
func (NodesIO) SetAutoPanningSpeed ¶
func (NodesIO) SetEmulateThreeButtonMouse ¶
func (self NodesIO) SetEmulateThreeButtonMouse(v EmulateThreeButtonMouse)
func (NodesIO) SetLinkDetachWithModifierClick ¶
func (self NodesIO) SetLinkDetachWithModifierClick(v LinkDetachWithModifierClick)
func (NodesIO) SetMultipleSelectModifier ¶
func (self NodesIO) SetMultipleSelectModifier(v MultipleSelectModifier)
type NodesStyle ¶
type NodesStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNodesStyle ¶
func NewNodesStyle() *NodesStyle
func (*NodesStyle) Destroy ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) Destroy()
func (*NodesStyle) Flags ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) Flags() NodesStyleFlags
func (*NodesStyle) GridSpacing ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) GridSpacing() float32
func (*NodesStyle) LinkHoverDistance ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) LinkHoverDistance() float32
func (*NodesStyle) LinkLineSegmentsPerLength ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) LinkLineSegmentsPerLength() float32
func (*NodesStyle) LinkThickness ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) LinkThickness() float32
func (*NodesStyle) MiniMapOffset ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) MiniMapOffset() Vec2
func (*NodesStyle) MiniMapPadding ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) MiniMapPadding() Vec2
func (*NodesStyle) NodeBorderThickness ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) NodeBorderThickness() float32
func (*NodesStyle) NodeCornerRounding ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) NodeCornerRounding() float32
func (*NodesStyle) NodePadding ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) NodePadding() Vec2
func (*NodesStyle) PinCircleRadius ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) PinCircleRadius() float32
func (*NodesStyle) PinHoverRadius ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) PinHoverRadius() float32
func (*NodesStyle) PinLineThickness ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) PinLineThickness() float32
func (*NodesStyle) PinOffset ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) PinOffset() float32
func (*NodesStyle) PinQuadSideLength ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) PinQuadSideLength() float32
func (*NodesStyle) PinTriangleSideLength ¶
func (self *NodesStyle) PinTriangleSideLength() float32
func (NodesStyle) SetFlags ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetFlags(v NodesStyleFlags)
func (NodesStyle) SetGridSpacing ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetGridSpacing(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetLinkHoverDistance ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetLinkHoverDistance(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetLinkLineSegmentsPerLength ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetLinkLineSegmentsPerLength(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetLinkThickness ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetLinkThickness(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetMiniMapOffset ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetMiniMapOffset(v Vec2)
func (NodesStyle) SetMiniMapPadding ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetMiniMapPadding(v Vec2)
func (NodesStyle) SetNodeBorderThickness ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetNodeBorderThickness(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetNodeCornerRounding ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetNodeCornerRounding(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetNodePadding ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetNodePadding(v Vec2)
func (NodesStyle) SetPinCircleRadius ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetPinCircleRadius(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetPinHoverRadius ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetPinHoverRadius(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetPinLineThickness ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetPinLineThickness(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetPinOffset ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetPinOffset(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetPinQuadSideLength ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetPinQuadSideLength(v float32)
func (NodesStyle) SetPinTriangleSideLength ¶
func (self NodesStyle) SetPinTriangleSideLength(v float32)
type Number ¶
type Number interface { ~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64 | ~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 | ~float32 | ~float64 }
Number is a generic type for Go/C types that can be used as a number. It could be anything that you can convert to that type (e.g. is a Number, because it can be directly converted to int)
type OldColumnData ¶
type OldColumnData struct { FieldOffsetNorm float32 // Column start offset, normalized 0.0 (far left) -> 1.0 (far right) FieldOffsetNormBeforeResize float32 FieldFlags OldColumnFlags // Not exposed FieldClipRect Rect }
func InternalNewOldColumnData ¶
func InternalNewOldColumnData() *OldColumnData
func (*OldColumnData) ClipRect ¶
func (self *OldColumnData) ClipRect() Rect
func (*OldColumnData) Destroy ¶
func (self *OldColumnData) Destroy()
func (*OldColumnData) Flags ¶
func (self *OldColumnData) Flags() OldColumnFlags
func (*OldColumnData) OffsetNorm ¶
func (self *OldColumnData) OffsetNorm() float32
func (*OldColumnData) OffsetNormBeforeResize ¶
func (self *OldColumnData) OffsetNormBeforeResize() float32
func (OldColumnData) SetClipRect ¶
func (self OldColumnData) SetClipRect(v Rect)
func (OldColumnData) SetFlags ¶
func (self OldColumnData) SetFlags(v OldColumnFlags)
func (OldColumnData) SetOffsetNorm ¶
func (self OldColumnData) SetOffsetNorm(v float32)
func (OldColumnData) SetOffsetNormBeforeResize ¶
func (self OldColumnData) SetOffsetNormBeforeResize(v float32)
type OldColumnFlags ¶
type OldColumnFlags int32
Flags for internal's BeginColumns(). Prefix using BeginTable() nowadays! original name: ImGuiOldColumnFlags_
type OldColumns ¶
type OldColumns struct { FieldID ID FieldFlags OldColumnFlags FieldIsFirstFrame bool FieldIsBeingResized bool FieldCurrent int32 FieldCount int32 FieldOffMinX float32 // Offsets from HostWorkRect.Min.x FieldOffMaxX float32 // Offsets from HostWorkRect.Min.x FieldLineMinY float32 FieldLineMaxY float32 FieldHostCursorPosY float32 // Backup of CursorPos at the time of BeginColumns() FieldHostCursorMaxPosX float32 // Backup of CursorMaxPos at the time of BeginColumns() FieldHostInitialClipRect Rect // Backup of ClipRect at the time of BeginColumns() FieldHostBackupClipRect Rect // Backup of ClipRect during PushColumnsBackground()/PopColumnsBackground() FieldHostBackupParentWorkRect Rect // Backup of WorkRect at the time of BeginColumns() FieldColumns Vector[*OldColumnData] FieldSplitter DrawListSplitter }
func InternalFindOrCreateColumns ¶
func InternalFindOrCreateColumns(window *Window, id ID) *OldColumns
func InternalNewOldColumns ¶
func InternalNewOldColumns() *OldColumns
func (*OldColumns) Columns ¶
func (self *OldColumns) Columns() Vector[*OldColumnData]
func (*OldColumns) Count ¶
func (self *OldColumns) Count() int32
func (*OldColumns) Current ¶
func (self *OldColumns) Current() int32
func (*OldColumns) Destroy ¶
func (self *OldColumns) Destroy()
func (*OldColumns) Flags ¶
func (self *OldColumns) Flags() OldColumnFlags
func (*OldColumns) HostBackupClipRect ¶
func (self *OldColumns) HostBackupClipRect() Rect
func (*OldColumns) HostBackupParentWorkRect ¶
func (self *OldColumns) HostBackupParentWorkRect() Rect
func (*OldColumns) HostCursorMaxPosX ¶
func (self *OldColumns) HostCursorMaxPosX() float32
func (*OldColumns) HostCursorPosY ¶
func (self *OldColumns) HostCursorPosY() float32
func (*OldColumns) HostInitialClipRect ¶
func (self *OldColumns) HostInitialClipRect() Rect
func (*OldColumns) ID ¶
func (self *OldColumns) ID() ID
func (*OldColumns) IsBeingResized ¶
func (self *OldColumns) IsBeingResized() bool
func (*OldColumns) IsFirstFrame ¶
func (self *OldColumns) IsFirstFrame() bool
func (*OldColumns) LineMaxY ¶
func (self *OldColumns) LineMaxY() float32
func (*OldColumns) LineMinY ¶
func (self *OldColumns) LineMinY() float32
func (*OldColumns) OffMaxX ¶
func (self *OldColumns) OffMaxX() float32
func (*OldColumns) OffMinX ¶
func (self *OldColumns) OffMinX() float32
func (OldColumns) SetColumns ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetColumns(v Vector[*OldColumnData])
func (OldColumns) SetCount ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetCount(v int32)
func (OldColumns) SetCurrent ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetCurrent(v int32)
func (OldColumns) SetFlags ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetFlags(v OldColumnFlags)
func (OldColumns) SetHostBackupClipRect ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetHostBackupClipRect(v Rect)
func (OldColumns) SetHostBackupParentWorkRect ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetHostBackupParentWorkRect(v Rect)
func (OldColumns) SetHostCursorMaxPosX ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetHostCursorMaxPosX(v float32)
func (OldColumns) SetHostCursorPosY ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetHostCursorPosY(v float32)
func (OldColumns) SetHostInitialClipRect ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetHostInitialClipRect(v Rect)
func (OldColumns) SetID ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetID(v ID)
func (OldColumns) SetIsBeingResized ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetIsBeingResized(v bool)
func (OldColumns) SetIsFirstFrame ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetIsFirstFrame(v bool)
func (OldColumns) SetLineMaxY ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetLineMaxY(v float32)
func (OldColumns) SetLineMinY ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetLineMinY(v float32)
func (OldColumns) SetOffMaxX ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetOffMaxX(v float32)
func (OldColumns) SetOffMinX ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetOffMinX(v float32)
func (OldColumns) SetSplitter ¶
func (self OldColumns) SetSplitter(v DrawListSplitter)
func (*OldColumns) Splitter ¶
func (self *OldColumns) Splitter() DrawListSplitter
type OnceUponAFrame ¶
type OnceUponAFrame struct {
FieldRefFrame int32
Helper: Execute a block of code at maximum once a frame. Convenient if you want to quickly create a UI within deep-nested code that runs multiple times every frame. Usage: static ImGuiOnceUponAFrame oaf; if (oaf) ImGui::Text("This will be called only once per frame");
func NewOnceUponAFrame ¶
func NewOnceUponAFrame() *OnceUponAFrame
func (*OnceUponAFrame) Destroy ¶
func (self *OnceUponAFrame) Destroy()
func (*OnceUponAFrame) RefFrame ¶
func (self *OnceUponAFrame) RefFrame() int32
func (OnceUponAFrame) SetRefFrame ¶
func (self OnceUponAFrame) SetRefFrame(v int32)
type Payload ¶
type Payload struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Data payload for Drag and Drop operations: AcceptDragDropPayload(), GetDragDropPayload()
func AcceptDragDropPayload ¶
func AcceptDragDropPayloadV ¶
func AcceptDragDropPayloadV(typeArg string, flags DragDropFlags) *Payload
accept contents of a given type. If ImGuiDragDropFlags_AcceptBeforeDelivery is set you can peek into the payload before the mouse button is released. AcceptDragDropPayloadV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func DragDropPayload ¶
func DragDropPayload() *Payload
peek directly into the current payload from anywhere. may return NULL. use ImGuiPayload::IsDataType() to test for the payload type.
func NewPayload ¶
func NewPayload() *Payload
func (*Payload) DataFrameCount ¶
func (*Payload) IsDataType ¶
func (*Payload) IsDelivery ¶
func (Payload) SetDataFrameCount ¶
func (Payload) SetDataSize ¶
func (Payload) SetDelivery ¶
func (Payload) SetPreview ¶
func (Payload) SetSourceId ¶
func (Payload) SetSourceParentId ¶
func (*Payload) SourceParentId ¶
type PlatformIO ¶
type PlatformIO struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
(Optional) Access via ImGui::GetPlatformIO()
func CurrentPlatformIO ¶
func CurrentPlatformIO() *PlatformIO
platform/renderer functions, for backend to setup + viewports list.
func (*PlatformIO) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlatformIO) Destroy()
func (*PlatformIO) Monitors ¶
func (self *PlatformIO) Monitors() Vector[*PlatformMonitor]
func (PlatformIO) SetMonitors ¶
func (self PlatformIO) SetMonitors(v Vector[*PlatformMonitor])
type PlatformImeData ¶
type PlatformImeData struct { FieldWantVisible bool // A widget wants the IME to be visible FieldInputPos Vec2 // Position of the input cursor FieldInputLineHeight float32 // Line height }
(Optional) Support for IME (Input Method Editor) via the io.SetPlatformImeDataFn() function.
func NewPlatformImeData ¶
func NewPlatformImeData() *PlatformImeData
func (*PlatformImeData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlatformImeData) Destroy()
func (*PlatformImeData) InputLineHeight ¶
func (self *PlatformImeData) InputLineHeight() float32
func (*PlatformImeData) InputPos ¶
func (self *PlatformImeData) InputPos() Vec2
func (PlatformImeData) SetInputLineHeight ¶
func (self PlatformImeData) SetInputLineHeight(v float32)
func (PlatformImeData) SetInputPos ¶
func (self PlatformImeData) SetInputPos(v Vec2)
func (PlatformImeData) SetWantVisible ¶
func (self PlatformImeData) SetWantVisible(v bool)
func (*PlatformImeData) WantVisible ¶
func (self *PlatformImeData) WantVisible() bool
type PlatformMonitor ¶
type PlatformMonitor struct { FieldMainPos Vec2 // Coordinates of the area displayed on this monitor (Min = upper left, Max = bottom right) FieldMainSize Vec2 // Coordinates of the area displayed on this monitor (Min = upper left, Max = bottom right) FieldWorkPos Vec2 // Coordinates without task bars / side bars / menu bars. Used to avoid positioning popups/tooltips inside this region. If you don't have this info, please copy the value for MainPos/MainSize. FieldWorkSize Vec2 // Coordinates without task bars / side bars / menu bars. Used to avoid positioning popups/tooltips inside this region. If you don't have this info, please copy the value for MainPos/MainSize. FieldDpiScale float32 // 1.0f = 96 DPI FieldPlatformHandle unsafe.Pointer // Backend dependant data (e.g. HMONITOR, GLFWmonitor*, SDL Display Index, NSScreen*) }
(Optional) This is required when enabling multi-viewport. Represent the bounds of each connected monitor/display and their DPI. We use this information for multiple DPI support + clamping the position of popups and tooltips so they don't straddle multiple monitors.
func InternalViewportPlatformMonitor ¶
func InternalViewportPlatformMonitor(viewport *Viewport) *PlatformMonitor
func NewPlatformMonitor ¶
func NewPlatformMonitor() *PlatformMonitor
func (*PlatformMonitor) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlatformMonitor) Destroy()
func (*PlatformMonitor) DpiScale ¶
func (self *PlatformMonitor) DpiScale() float32
func (*PlatformMonitor) MainPos ¶
func (self *PlatformMonitor) MainPos() Vec2
func (*PlatformMonitor) MainSize ¶
func (self *PlatformMonitor) MainSize() Vec2
func (*PlatformMonitor) PlatformHandle ¶
func (self *PlatformMonitor) PlatformHandle() unsafe.Pointer
func (PlatformMonitor) SetDpiScale ¶
func (self PlatformMonitor) SetDpiScale(v float32)
func (PlatformMonitor) SetMainPos ¶
func (self PlatformMonitor) SetMainPos(v Vec2)
func (PlatformMonitor) SetMainSize ¶
func (self PlatformMonitor) SetMainSize(v Vec2)
func (PlatformMonitor) SetPlatformHandle ¶
func (self PlatformMonitor) SetPlatformHandle(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (PlatformMonitor) SetWorkPos ¶
func (self PlatformMonitor) SetWorkPos(v Vec2)
func (PlatformMonitor) SetWorkSize ¶
func (self PlatformMonitor) SetWorkSize(v Vec2)
func (*PlatformMonitor) WorkPos ¶
func (self *PlatformMonitor) WorkPos() Vec2
func (*PlatformMonitor) WorkSize ¶
func (self *PlatformMonitor) WorkSize() Vec2
type PlotAlignmentData ¶
type PlotAlignmentData struct { FieldVertical bool FieldPadA float32 FieldPadB float32 FieldPadAMax float32 FieldPadBMax float32 }
func NewPlotAlignmentData ¶
func NewPlotAlignmentData() *PlotAlignmentData
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Begin ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Begin()
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Destroy()
func (*PlotAlignmentData) End ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) End()
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadA ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadA() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadAMax ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadAMax() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadB ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadB() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadBMax ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadBMax() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Reset()
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadA ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadA(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadAMax ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadAMax(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadB ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadB(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadBMax ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadBMax(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetVertical ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetVertical(v bool)
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Update ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Update(pad_a *float32, pad_b *float32, delta_a *float32, delta_b *float32)
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Vertical ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Vertical() bool
type PlotAnnotation ¶
type PlotAnnotation struct { FieldPos Vec2 FieldOffset Vec2 FieldColorBg uint32 FieldColorFg uint32 FieldTextOffset int32 FieldClamp bool }
func NewPlotAnnotation ¶
func NewPlotAnnotation() *PlotAnnotation
func (*PlotAnnotation) Clamp ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Clamp() bool
func (*PlotAnnotation) ColorBg ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorBg() uint32
func (*PlotAnnotation) ColorFg ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorFg() uint32
func (*PlotAnnotation) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Destroy()
func (*PlotAnnotation) Offset ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Offset() Vec2
func (*PlotAnnotation) Pos ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Pos() Vec2
func (PlotAnnotation) SetClamp ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetClamp(v bool)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetColorBg ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorBg(v uint32)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetColorFg ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorFg(v uint32)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetOffset ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetOffset(v Vec2)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetPos ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetPos(v Vec2)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetTextOffset ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetTextOffset(v int32)
func (*PlotAnnotation) TextOffset ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) TextOffset() int32
type PlotAnnotationCollection ¶
type PlotAnnotationCollection struct { FieldAnnotations Vector[*PlotAnnotation] FieldTextBuffer TextBuffer FieldSize int32 }
func NewPlotAnnotationCollection ¶
func NewPlotAnnotationCollection() *PlotAnnotationCollection
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Annotations ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Annotations() Vector[*PlotAnnotation]
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Destroy()
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Reset()
func (PlotAnnotationCollection) SetAnnotations ¶
func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetAnnotations(v Vector[*PlotAnnotation])
func (PlotAnnotationCollection) SetSize ¶
func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetSize(v int32)
func (PlotAnnotationCollection) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Size ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Size() int32
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Text ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Text(idx int32) string
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
type PlotAxis ¶
type PlotAxis struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotAxis ¶
func NewPlotAxis() *PlotAxis
func (*PlotAxis) CanInitFit ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ConstraintRange ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ConstraintZoom ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ExtendFitWith ¶
func (*PlotAxis) FitExtents ¶
func (*PlotAxis) FitThisFrame ¶
func (*PlotAxis) Flags ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) Flags() PlotAxisFlags
func (*PlotAxis) FormatterData ¶
func (*PlotAxis) HasFormatSpec ¶
func (*PlotAxis) HasGridLines ¶
func (*PlotAxis) HasTickLabels ¶
func (*PlotAxis) HasTickMarks ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsAutoFitting ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsForeground ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInputLocked ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMax ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMin ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInverted ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsLockedMax ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsLockedMin ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsOpposite ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsPanLocked ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsRangeLocked ¶
func (*PlotAxis) LabelOffset ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PickerLevel ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PickerTimeMax ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PickerTimeMin ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PixelsToPlot ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PlotToPixels ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PreviousFlags ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) PreviousFlags() PlotAxisFlags
func (*PlotAxis) ScaleToPixel ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorAct ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorBg ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorHiLi ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorHov ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorMaj ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorTick ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorTxt ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetConstraintRange ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetConstraintZoom ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetEnabled ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFitExtents ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFitThisFrame ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFlags ¶
func (self PlotAxis) SetFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
func (PlotAxis) SetFormatSpec ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFormatterData ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHasFormatSpec ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHasRange ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHoverRect ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHovered ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetLabelOffset ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetLinkedMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetLinkedMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetOrthoAxis ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPickerLevel ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPixelMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPixelMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (self PlotAxis) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
func (PlotAxis) SetRangeCond ¶
func (*PlotAxis) SetRangePlotRange ¶
func (*PlotAxis) SetRangedouble ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetScaleMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetScaleMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetScaleToPixel ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetShowDefaultTicks ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetTicker ¶
func (self PlotAxis) SetTicker(v PlotTicker)
func (PlotAxis) SetTransformData ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetVertical ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ShowDefaultTicks ¶
func (*PlotAxis) Ticker ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) Ticker() PlotTicker
func (*PlotAxis) TransformData ¶
func (*PlotAxis) UpdateTransformCache ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) UpdateTransformCache()
func (*PlotAxis) WillRender ¶
type PlotColormap ¶
type PlotColormap int32
original name: ImPlotColormap_
func PlotAddColormapU32Ptr ¶
func PlotAddColormapU32Ptr(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32) PlotColormap
func PlotAddColormapU32PtrV ¶
func PlotAddColormapU32PtrV(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32, qual bool) PlotColormap
PlotAddColormapU32PtrV parameter default value hint: qual: true
func PlotAddColormapVec4Ptr ¶
func PlotAddColormapVec4Ptr(name string, cols *Vec4, size int32) PlotColormap
func PlotAddColormapVec4PtrV ¶
func PlotAddColormapVec4PtrV(name string, cols *Vec4, size int32, qual bool) PlotColormap
PlotAddColormapVec4PtrV parameter default value hint: qual: true
func PlotGetColormapIndex ¶
func PlotGetColormapIndex(name string) PlotColormap
type PlotColormapData ¶
type PlotColormapData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotColormapData ¶
func NewPlotColormapData() *PlotColormapData
func (*PlotColormapData) AppendTable ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) AppendTable(cmap PlotColormap)
func (*PlotColormapData) Count ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Count() int32
func (*PlotColormapData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Destroy()
func (*PlotColormapData) Index ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Index(name string) PlotColormap
func (*PlotColormapData) IsQual ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) IsQual(cmap PlotColormap) bool
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyColor ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyCount ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCount(cmap PlotColormap) int32
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyCounts ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCounts() Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyOffsets ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyOffsets() Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) LerpTable ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) LerpTable(cmap PlotColormap, t float32) uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) Map ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Map() Storage
func (*PlotColormapData) Name ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Name(cmap PlotColormap) string
func (*PlotColormapData) RebuildTables ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) RebuildTables()
func (PlotColormapData) SetCount ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetCount(v int32)
func (*PlotColormapData) SetKeyColor ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) SetKeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32, value uint32)
func (PlotColormapData) SetKeyCounts ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyCounts(v Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetKeyOffsets ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyOffsets(v Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetKeys ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeys(v Vector[*uint32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetMap ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetMap(v Storage)
func (PlotColormapData) SetQuals ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetQuals(v Vector[*bool])
func (PlotColormapData) SetTableOffsets ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableOffsets(v Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetTableSizes ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableSizes(v Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetTables ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTables(v Vector[*uint32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetText ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetText(v TextBuffer)
func (PlotColormapData) SetTextOffsets ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTextOffsets(v Vector[*int32])
func (*PlotColormapData) TableColor ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) TableOffsets ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableOffsets() Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) TableSize ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSize(cmap PlotColormap) int32
func (*PlotColormapData) TableSizes ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSizes() Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) Tables ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Tables() Vector[*uint32]
func (*PlotColormapData) Text ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Text() TextBuffer
func (*PlotColormapData) TextOffsets ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TextOffsets() Vector[*int32]
type PlotColormapScaleFlags ¶
type PlotColormapScaleFlags int32
original name: ImPlotColormapScaleFlags_
type PlotContext ¶
type PlotContext struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func PlotCreateContext ¶
func PlotCreateContext() *PlotContext
func PlotGetCurrentContext ¶
func PlotGetCurrentContext() *PlotContext
func (*PlotContext) Annotations ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Annotations() PlotAnnotationCollection
func (*PlotContext) CTicker ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CTicker() PlotTicker
func (*PlotContext) ColorModifiers ¶
func (self *PlotContext) ColorModifiers() Vector[*ColorMod]
func (*PlotContext) ColormapData ¶
func (self *PlotContext) ColormapData() PlotColormapData
func (*PlotContext) ColormapModifiers ¶
func (self *PlotContext) ColormapModifiers() Vector[*PlotColormap]
func (*PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentH ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentH() *PlotAlignmentData
func (*PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentV ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentV() *PlotAlignmentData
func (*PlotContext) CurrentItem ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItem() *PlotItem
func (*PlotContext) CurrentItems ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItems() *PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotContext) CurrentPlot ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentPlot() *PlotPlot
func (*PlotContext) CurrentSubplot ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentSubplot() *PlotSubplot
func (*PlotContext) DigitalPlotItemCnt ¶
func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotItemCnt() int32
func (*PlotContext) DigitalPlotOffset ¶
func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotOffset() int32
func (*PlotContext) InputMap ¶
func (self *PlotContext) InputMap() PlotInputMap
func (*PlotContext) MousePosStringBuilder ¶
func (self *PlotContext) MousePosStringBuilder() TextBuffer
func (*PlotContext) NextItemData ¶
func (self *PlotContext) NextItemData() PlotNextItemData
func (*PlotContext) NextPlotData ¶
func (self *PlotContext) NextPlotData() PlotNextPlotData
func (*PlotContext) OpenContextThisFrame ¶
func (self *PlotContext) OpenContextThisFrame() bool
func (*PlotContext) PreviousItem ¶
func (self *PlotContext) PreviousItem() *PlotItem
func (PlotContext) SetAnnotations ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetAnnotations(v PlotAnnotationCollection)
func (PlotContext) SetCTicker ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCTicker(v PlotTicker)
func (PlotContext) SetColorModifiers ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetColorModifiers(v Vector[*ColorMod])
func (PlotContext) SetColormapData ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetColormapData(v PlotColormapData)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentH ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentH(v *PlotAlignmentData)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentV ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentV(v *PlotAlignmentData)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentItem ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItem(v *PlotItem)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentItems ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentPlot ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentPlot(v *PlotPlot)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentSubplot ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentSubplot(v *PlotSubplot)
func (PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotItemCnt ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotItemCnt(v int32)
func (PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotOffset ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotOffset(v int32)
func (PlotContext) SetInputMap ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetInputMap(v PlotInputMap)
func (PlotContext) SetMousePosStringBuilder ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetMousePosStringBuilder(v TextBuffer)
func (PlotContext) SetNextItemData ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetNextItemData(v PlotNextItemData)
func (PlotContext) SetNextPlotData ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetNextPlotData(v PlotNextPlotData)
func (PlotContext) SetOpenContextThisFrame ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetOpenContextThisFrame(v bool)
func (PlotContext) SetPreviousItem ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetPreviousItem(v *PlotItem)
func (PlotContext) SetSortItems ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetSortItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotContext) SetStyle ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetStyle(v PlotStyle)
func (PlotContext) SetStyleModifiers ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetStyleModifiers(v Vector[*StyleMod])
func (PlotContext) SetTags ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTags(v PlotTagCollection)
func (PlotContext) SetTempDouble1 ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble1(v Vector[*float64])
func (PlotContext) SetTempDouble2 ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble2(v Vector[*float64])
func (PlotContext) SetTempInt1 ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTempInt1(v Vector[*int32])
func (*PlotContext) SortItems ¶
func (self *PlotContext) SortItems() *PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotContext) Style ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Style() PlotStyle
func (*PlotContext) StyleModifiers ¶
func (self *PlotContext) StyleModifiers() Vector[*StyleMod]
func (*PlotContext) Tags ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Tags() PlotTagCollection
func (*PlotContext) TempDouble1 ¶
func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble1() Vector[*float64]
func (*PlotContext) TempDouble2 ¶
func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble2() Vector[*float64]
func (*PlotContext) TempInt1 ¶
func (self *PlotContext) TempInt1() Vector[*int32]
type PlotDateTimeSpec ¶
type PlotDateTimeSpec struct { FieldDate PlotDateFmt FieldTime PlotTimeFmt FieldUseISO8601 bool FieldUse24HourClock bool }
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecNil ¶
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecNil() *PlotDateTimeSpec
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecPlotDateFmt ¶
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecPlotDateFmt(date_fmt PlotDateFmt, time_fmt PlotTimeFmt, use_24_hr_clk bool, use_iso_8601 bool) *PlotDateTimeSpec
NewPlotDateTimeSpecPlotDateFmt parameter default value hint: use_24_hr_clk: false use_iso_8601: false
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Date ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Date() PlotDateFmt
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Destroy()
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetDate ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetDate(v PlotDateFmt)
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetTime ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetTime(v PlotTimeFmt)
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUse24HourClock ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUse24HourClock(v bool)
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUseISO8601 ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUseISO8601(v bool)
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Time ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Time() PlotTimeFmt
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Use24HourClock ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Use24HourClock() bool
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) UseISO8601 ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) UseISO8601() bool
type PlotInputMap ¶
type PlotInputMap struct { FieldPan MouseButton FieldPanMod int32 FieldFit MouseButton FieldSelect MouseButton FieldSelectCancel MouseButton FieldSelectMod int32 FieldSelectHorzMod int32 FieldSelectVertMod int32 FieldMenu MouseButton FieldOverrideMod int32 FieldZoomMod int32 FieldZoomRate float32 }
func NewPlotInputMap ¶
func NewPlotInputMap() *PlotInputMap
func PlotGetInputMap ¶
func PlotGetInputMap() *PlotInputMap
func (*PlotInputMap) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Destroy()
func (*PlotInputMap) Fit ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Fit() MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) Menu ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Menu() MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) OverrideMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) OverrideMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) Pan ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Pan() MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) PanMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) PanMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) Select ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Select() MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectCancel ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectCancel() MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectHorzMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectHorzMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectVertMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectVertMod() int32
func (PlotInputMap) SetFit ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetFit(v MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetMenu ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetMenu(v MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetOverrideMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetOverrideMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetPan ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetPan(v MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetPanMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetPanMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelect ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelect(v MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectCancel ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectCancel(v MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectHorzMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectHorzMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectVertMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectVertMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetZoomMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetZoomRate ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomRate(v float32)
func (*PlotInputMap) ZoomMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) ZoomRate ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomRate() float32
type PlotItem ¶
type PlotItem struct { FieldID ID FieldColor uint32 FieldLegendHoverRect Rect FieldNameOffset int32 FieldShow bool FieldLegendHovered bool FieldSeenThisFrame bool }
func NewPlotItem ¶
func NewPlotItem() *PlotItem
func PlotGetCurrentItem ¶
func PlotGetCurrentItem() *PlotItem
func PlotGetItem ¶
func PlotRegisterOrGetItem ¶
func PlotRegisterOrGetItem(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags) *PlotItem
func PlotRegisterOrGetItemV ¶
func PlotRegisterOrGetItemV(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags, just_created *bool) *PlotItem
PlotRegisterOrGetItemV parameter default value hint: just_created: nullptr
func (*PlotItem) LegendHoverRect ¶
func (*PlotItem) LegendHovered ¶
func (*PlotItem) NameOffset ¶
func (*PlotItem) SeenThisFrame ¶
func (PlotItem) SetLegendHoverRect ¶
func (PlotItem) SetLegendHovered ¶
func (PlotItem) SetNameOffset ¶
func (PlotItem) SetSeenThisFrame ¶
type PlotItemGroup ¶
type PlotItemGroup struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotItemGroup ¶
func NewPlotItemGroup() *PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotItemGroup) ColormapIdx ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ColormapIdx() int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) Destroy()
func (*PlotItemGroup) ID ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ID() ID
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemByID ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemByID(id ID) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemByIndex ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemByIndex(i int32) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemCount ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemCount() int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemID ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemID(label_id string) ID
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemIndex ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemIndex(item *PlotItem) int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemStr ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemStr(label_id string) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) Legend ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) Legend() PlotLegend
func (*PlotItemGroup) LegendCount ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendCount() int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) LegendItem ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendItem(i int32) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) LegendLabel ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendLabel(i int32) string
func (*PlotItemGroup) OrAddItem ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) OrAddItem(id ID) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) Reset()
func (PlotItemGroup) SetColormapIdx ¶
func (self PlotItemGroup) SetColormapIdx(v int32)
func (PlotItemGroup) SetID ¶
func (self PlotItemGroup) SetID(v ID)
func (PlotItemGroup) SetLegend ¶
func (self PlotItemGroup) SetLegend(v PlotLegend)
type PlotLegend ¶
type PlotLegend struct { FieldFlags PlotLegendFlags FieldPreviousFlags PlotLegendFlags FieldLocation PlotLocation FieldPreviousLocation PlotLocation FieldScroll Vec2 FieldIndices Vector[*int32] FieldLabels TextBuffer FieldRect Rect FieldRectClamped Rect FieldHovered bool FieldHeld bool FieldCanGoInside bool }
func NewPlotLegend ¶
func NewPlotLegend() *PlotLegend
func (*PlotLegend) CanGoInside ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) CanGoInside() bool
func (*PlotLegend) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Destroy()
func (*PlotLegend) Flags ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Flags() PlotLegendFlags
func (*PlotLegend) Held ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Held() bool
func (*PlotLegend) Hovered ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Hovered() bool
func (*PlotLegend) Indices ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Indices() Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotLegend) Labels ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Labels() TextBuffer
func (*PlotLegend) Location ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Location() PlotLocation
func (*PlotLegend) PreviousFlags ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousFlags() PlotLegendFlags
func (*PlotLegend) PreviousLocation ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousLocation() PlotLocation
func (*PlotLegend) Rect ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Rect() Rect
func (*PlotLegend) RectClamped ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) RectClamped() Rect
func (*PlotLegend) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Reset()
func (*PlotLegend) Scroll ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Scroll() Vec2
func (PlotLegend) SetCanGoInside ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetCanGoInside(v bool)
func (PlotLegend) SetFlags ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
func (PlotLegend) SetHeld ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetHeld(v bool)
func (PlotLegend) SetHovered ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetHovered(v bool)
func (PlotLegend) SetIndices ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetIndices(v Vector[*int32])
func (PlotLegend) SetLabels ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetLabels(v TextBuffer)
func (PlotLegend) SetLocation ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetLocation(v PlotLocation)
func (PlotLegend) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
func (PlotLegend) SetPreviousLocation ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousLocation(v PlotLocation)
func (PlotLegend) SetRect ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetRect(v Rect)
func (PlotLegend) SetRectClamped ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetRectClamped(v Rect)
func (PlotLegend) SetScroll ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetScroll(v Vec2)
type PlotNextItemData ¶
type PlotNextItemData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotNextItemData ¶
func NewPlotNextItemData() *PlotNextItemData
func PlotGetItemData ¶
func PlotGetItemData() *PlotNextItemData
func (*PlotNextItemData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Destroy()
func (*PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitGap ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitGap() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitHeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitHeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarSize ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarSize() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarWeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarWeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) FillAlpha ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) FillAlpha() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) HasHidden ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) HasHidden() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) Hidden ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Hidden() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) HiddenCond ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) HiddenCond() PlotCond
func (*PlotNextItemData) LineWeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) LineWeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) Marker ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Marker() PlotMarker
func (*PlotNextItemData) MarkerSize ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerSize() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) MarkerWeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerWeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderFill ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderFill() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderLine ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderLine() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerFill ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerFill() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerLine ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerLine() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Reset()
func (PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitGap ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitGap(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitHeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitHeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarSize ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarSize(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarWeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarWeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetFillAlpha ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetFillAlpha(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetHasHidden ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHasHidden(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetHidden ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHidden(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetHiddenCond ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHiddenCond(v PlotCond)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetLineWeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetLineWeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetMarker ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarker(v PlotMarker)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerSize ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerSize(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerWeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerWeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderFill ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderFill(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderLine ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderLine(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerFill ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerFill(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerLine ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerLine(v bool)
type PlotNextPlotData ¶
type PlotNextPlotData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotNextPlotData ¶
func NewPlotNextPlotData() *PlotNextPlotData
func (*PlotNextPlotData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Destroy()
func (*PlotNextPlotData) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Reset()
type PlotPlot ¶
type PlotPlot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotPlot ¶
func NewPlotPlot() *PlotPlot
func PlotGetCurrentPlot ¶
func PlotGetCurrentPlot() *PlotPlot
func PlotGetPlot ¶
func (*PlotPlot) CanvasRect ¶
func (*PlotPlot) ClearTextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) ClearTextBuffer()
func (*PlotPlot) ContextLocked ¶
func (*PlotPlot) CurrentX ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentX() PlotAxisEnum
func (*PlotPlot) CurrentY ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentY() PlotAxisEnum
func (*PlotPlot) EnabledAxesX ¶
func (*PlotPlot) EnabledAxesY ¶
func (*PlotPlot) FitThisFrame ¶
func (*PlotPlot) Initialized ¶
func (*PlotPlot) IsInputLocked ¶
func (*PlotPlot) Items ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) Items() PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotPlot) JustCreated ¶
func (*PlotPlot) MouseTextFlags ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextFlags() PlotMouseTextFlags
func (*PlotPlot) MouseTextLocation ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextLocation() PlotLocation
func (*PlotPlot) PreviousFlags ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SelectRect ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SelectStart ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetAxesRect ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SetAxisLabel ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetCanvasRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetContextLocked ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetCurrentX ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentX(v PlotAxisEnum)
func (PlotPlot) SetCurrentY ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentY(v PlotAxisEnum)
func (PlotPlot) SetFitThisFrame ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetFrameRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetHovered ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetInitialized ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetItems ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotPlot) SetJustCreated ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetMouseTextFlags ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextFlags(v PlotMouseTextFlags)
func (PlotPlot) SetMouseTextLocation ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextLocation(v PlotLocation)
func (PlotPlot) SetPlotRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelectRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelectStart ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelected ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelecting ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSetupLocked ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
func (PlotPlot) SetTitleOffset ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SetupLocked ¶
func (*PlotPlot) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
func (*PlotPlot) TitleOffset ¶
func (*PlotPlot) XAxisconst ¶
func (*PlotPlot) YAxisconst ¶
type PlotPoint ¶
func NewPlotPoint ¶
func PlotGetPlotMousePos ¶
func PlotGetPlotMousePos() PlotPoint
func PlotGetPlotMousePosV ¶
func PlotGetPlotMousePosV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
PlotGetPlotMousePosV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotPixelsToPlotFloat ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV(x float32, y float32, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2 ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V(pix Vec2, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
type PlotPointError ¶
func NewPlotPointError ¶
func NewPlotPointError(x float64, y float64, neg float64, pos float64) *PlotPointError
func (*PlotPointError) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Destroy()
func (*PlotPointError) Neg ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Neg() float64
func (*PlotPointError) Pos ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Pos() float64
func (PlotPointError) SetNeg ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetNeg(v float64)
func (PlotPointError) SetPos ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetPos(v float64)
func (PlotPointError) SetX ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetX(v float64)
func (PlotPointError) SetY ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetY(v float64)
func (*PlotPointError) X ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) X() float64
func (*PlotPointError) Y ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Y() float64
type PlotRect ¶
func NewPlotRectNil ¶
func NewPlotRectNil() *PlotRect
func NewPlotRectdouble ¶
func PlotGetPlotLimits ¶
func PlotGetPlotLimits() PlotRect
func PlotGetPlotLimitsV ¶
func PlotGetPlotLimitsV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
PlotGetPlotLimitsV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotGetPlotSelection ¶
func PlotGetPlotSelection() PlotRect
func PlotGetPlotSelectionV ¶
func PlotGetPlotSelectionV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
PlotGetPlotSelectionV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func (*PlotRect) ClampPlotPoInt ¶
func (*PlotRect) ContainsPlotPoInt ¶
type PlotStyle ¶
type PlotStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotStyle ¶
func NewPlotStyle() *PlotStyle
func PlotGetStyle ¶
func PlotGetStyle() *PlotStyle
func (*PlotStyle) AnnotationPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) Colormap ¶
func (self *PlotStyle) Colormap() PlotColormap
func (*PlotStyle) DigitalBitGap ¶
func (*PlotStyle) DigitalBitHeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) ErrorBarSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) ErrorBarWeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) FitPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LabelPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LegendInnerPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LegendPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LegendSpacing ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LineWeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MajorGridSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MajorTickLen ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MajorTickSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MarkerSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MarkerWeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorAlpha ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorGridSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorTickLen ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorTickSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MousePosPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotBorderSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotDefaultSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotMinSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetAnnotationPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetColormap ¶
func (self PlotStyle) SetColormap(v PlotColormap)
func (PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitGap ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitHeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetErrorBarSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetErrorBarWeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetFillAlpha ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetFitPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLabelPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLegendInnerPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLegendPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLegendSpacing ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLineWeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMajorGridSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMajorTickLen ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMajorTickSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMarkerSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMarkerWeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorAlpha ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorGridSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorTickLen ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorTickSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMousePosPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotBorderSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotDefaultSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotMinSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetUse24HourClock ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetUseISO8601 ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetUseLocalTime ¶
func (*PlotStyle) Use24HourClock ¶
func (*PlotStyle) UseISO8601 ¶
func (*PlotStyle) UseLocalTime ¶
type PlotSubplot ¶
type PlotSubplot struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPlotSubplot ¶
func NewPlotSubplot() *PlotSubplot
func (*PlotSubplot) CellSize ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) CellSize() Vec2
func (*PlotSubplot) ColAlignmentData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) ColAlignmentData() Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
func (*PlotSubplot) ColLinkData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) ColLinkData() Vector[*PlotRange]
func (*PlotSubplot) ColRatios ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) ColRatios() Vector[*float32]
func (*PlotSubplot) Cols ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Cols() int32
func (*PlotSubplot) CurrentIdx ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) CurrentIdx() int32
func (*PlotSubplot) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Destroy()
func (*PlotSubplot) Flags ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Flags() PlotSubplotFlags
func (*PlotSubplot) FrameHovered ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameHovered() bool
func (*PlotSubplot) FrameRect ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameRect() Rect
func (*PlotSubplot) GridRect ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) GridRect() Rect
func (*PlotSubplot) HasTitle ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) HasTitle() bool
func (*PlotSubplot) ID ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) ID() ID
func (*PlotSubplot) Items ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Items() PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotSubplot) PreviousFlags ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) PreviousFlags() PlotSubplotFlags
func (*PlotSubplot) RowAlignmentData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) RowAlignmentData() Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
func (*PlotSubplot) RowLinkData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) RowLinkData() Vector[*PlotRange]
func (*PlotSubplot) RowRatios ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) RowRatios() Vector[*float32]
func (*PlotSubplot) Rows ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Rows() int32
func (PlotSubplot) SetCellSize ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetCellSize(v Vec2)
func (PlotSubplot) SetColAlignmentData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetColAlignmentData(v Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
func (PlotSubplot) SetColLinkData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetColLinkData(v Vector[*PlotRange])
func (PlotSubplot) SetColRatios ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetColRatios(v Vector[*float32])
func (PlotSubplot) SetCols ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetCols(v int32)
func (PlotSubplot) SetCurrentIdx ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetCurrentIdx(v int32)
func (PlotSubplot) SetFlags ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
func (PlotSubplot) SetFrameHovered ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameHovered(v bool)
func (PlotSubplot) SetFrameRect ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameRect(v Rect)
func (PlotSubplot) SetGridRect ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetGridRect(v Rect)
func (PlotSubplot) SetHasTitle ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetHasTitle(v bool)
func (PlotSubplot) SetID ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetID(v ID)
func (PlotSubplot) SetItems ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotSubplot) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
func (PlotSubplot) SetRowAlignmentData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowAlignmentData(v Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
func (PlotSubplot) SetRowLinkData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowLinkData(v Vector[*PlotRange])
func (PlotSubplot) SetRowRatios ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowRatios(v Vector[*float32])
func (PlotSubplot) SetRows ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRows(v int32)
func (PlotSubplot) SetTempSizes ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetTempSizes(v *[2]float32)
type PlotTag ¶
type PlotTag struct { FieldAxis PlotAxisEnum FieldValue float64 FieldColorBg uint32 FieldColorFg uint32 FieldTextOffset int32 }
func (*PlotTag) Axis ¶
func (self *PlotTag) Axis() PlotAxisEnum
func (PlotTag) SetAxis ¶
func (self PlotTag) SetAxis(v PlotAxisEnum)
func (PlotTag) SetColorBg ¶
func (PlotTag) SetColorFg ¶
func (PlotTag) SetTextOffset ¶
func (*PlotTag) TextOffset ¶
type PlotTagCollection ¶
type PlotTagCollection struct { FieldTags Vector[*PlotTag] FieldTextBuffer TextBuffer FieldSize int32 }
func NewPlotTagCollection ¶
func NewPlotTagCollection() *PlotTagCollection
func (*PlotTagCollection) Append ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Append(axis PlotAxisEnum, value float64, bg uint32, fg uint32, fmt string)
func (*PlotTagCollection) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Destroy()
func (*PlotTagCollection) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Reset()
func (PlotTagCollection) SetSize ¶
func (self PlotTagCollection) SetSize(v int32)
func (PlotTagCollection) SetTags ¶
func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTags(v Vector[*PlotTag])
func (PlotTagCollection) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
func (*PlotTagCollection) Size ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Size() int32
func (*PlotTagCollection) Tags ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Tags() Vector[*PlotTag]
func (*PlotTagCollection) Text ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Text(idx int32) string
func (*PlotTagCollection) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
type PlotTick ¶
type PlotTick struct { FieldPlotPos float64 FieldPixelPos float32 FieldLabelSize Vec2 FieldTextOffset int32 FieldMajor bool FieldShowLabel bool FieldLevel int32 FieldIdx int32 }
func NewPlotTick ¶
func (PlotTick) SetLabelSize ¶
func (PlotTick) SetPixelPos ¶
func (PlotTick) SetPlotPos ¶
func (PlotTick) SetShowLabel ¶
func (PlotTick) SetTextOffset ¶
func (*PlotTick) TextOffset ¶
type PlotTicker ¶
type PlotTicker struct { FieldTicks Vector[*PlotTick] FieldTextBuffer TextBuffer FieldMaxSize Vec2 FieldLateSize Vec2 FieldLevels int32 }
func NewPlotTicker ¶
func NewPlotTicker() *PlotTicker
func (*PlotTicker) AddTickPlotTick ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) AddTickPlotTick(tick PlotTick) *PlotTick
func (*PlotTicker) AddTickdoubleStr ¶
func (*PlotTicker) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Destroy()
func (*PlotTicker) LateSize ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) LateSize() Vec2
func (*PlotTicker) Levels ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Levels() int32
func (*PlotTicker) MaxSize ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) MaxSize() Vec2
func (*PlotTicker) OverrideSizeLate ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) OverrideSizeLate(size Vec2)
func (*PlotTicker) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Reset()
func (PlotTicker) SetLateSize ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetLateSize(v Vec2)
func (PlotTicker) SetLevels ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetLevels(v int32)
func (PlotTicker) SetMaxSize ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetMaxSize(v Vec2)
func (PlotTicker) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetTextBuffer(v TextBuffer)
func (PlotTicker) SetTicks ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetTicks(v Vector[*PlotTick])
func (*PlotTicker) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TextBuffer() TextBuffer
func (*PlotTicker) TextInt ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TextInt(idx int32) string
func (*PlotTicker) TextPlotTick ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TextPlotTick(tick PlotTick) string
func (*PlotTicker) TickCount ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TickCount() int32
func (*PlotTicker) Ticks ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Ticks() Vector[*PlotTick]
type PlotTime ¶
func NewPlotTime ¶
func PlotAddTime ¶
func PlotAddTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit, count int32) PlotTime
func PlotCeilTime ¶
func PlotCeilTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
func PlotCombineDateTime ¶
func PlotFloorTime ¶
func PlotFloorTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
func PlotMakeTime ¶
func PlotMakeTimeV ¶
func PlotMakeTimeV(year int32, month int32, day int32, hour int32, min int32, sec int32, us int32) PlotTime
PlotMakeTimeV parameter default value hint: month: 0 day: 1 hour: 0 min: 0 sec: 0 us: 0
func PlotRoundTime ¶
func PlotRoundTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
func PlotTimeFromDouble ¶
type PopupData ¶
type PopupData struct { FieldPopupId ID // Set on OpenPopup() FieldWindow *Window // Resolved on BeginPopup() - may stay unresolved if user never calls OpenPopup() FieldOpenFrameCount int32 // Set on OpenPopup() FieldOpenParentId ID // Set on OpenPopup(), we need this to differentiate multiple menu sets from each others (e.g. inside menu bar vs loose menu items) FieldOpenPopupPos Vec2 // Set on OpenPopup(), preferred popup position (typically == OpenMousePos when using mouse) FieldOpenMousePos Vec2 // Set on OpenPopup(), copy of mouse position at the time of opening popup }
Storage for current popup stack
func InternalNewPopupData ¶
func InternalNewPopupData() *PopupData
func (*PopupData) BackupNavWindow ¶
func (*PopupData) OpenFrameCount ¶
func (*PopupData) OpenMousePos ¶
func (*PopupData) OpenParentId ¶
func (*PopupData) OpenPopupPos ¶
func (*PopupData) ParentNavLayer ¶
func (PopupData) SetBackupNavWindow ¶
func (PopupData) SetOpenFrameCount ¶
func (PopupData) SetOpenMousePos ¶
func (PopupData) SetOpenParentId ¶
func (PopupData) SetOpenPopupPos ¶
func (PopupData) SetParentNavLayer ¶
func (PopupData) SetPopupId ¶
type PopupFlags ¶
type PopupFlags int32
Flags for OpenPopup*(), BeginPopupContext*(), IsPopupOpen() functions.
- To be backward compatible with older API which took an 'int mouse_button = 1' argument, we need to treat small flags values as a mouse button index, so we encode the mouse button in the first few bits of the flags. It is therefore guaranteed to be legal to pass a mouse button index in ImGuiPopupFlags.
- For the same reason, we exceptionally default the ImGuiPopupFlags argument of BeginPopupContextXXX functions to 1 instead of 0. IMPORTANT: because the default parameter is 1 (==ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight), if you rely on the default parameter and want to use another flag, you need to pass in the ImGuiPopupFlags_MouseButtonRight flag explicitly.
- Multiple buttons currently cannot be combined/or-ed in those functions (we could allow it later).
original name: ImGuiPopupFlags_
type PtrOrIndex ¶
type PtrOrIndex struct { FieldPtr unsafe.Pointer // Either field can be set, not both. e.g. Dock node tab bars are loose while BeginTabBar() ones are in a pool. FieldIndex int32 // Usually index in a main pool. }
func InternalNewPtrOrIndexInt ¶
func InternalNewPtrOrIndexInt(index int32) *PtrOrIndex
func InternalNewPtrOrIndexPtr ¶
func InternalNewPtrOrIndexPtr(ptr unsafe.Pointer) *PtrOrIndex
func (*PtrOrIndex) Destroy ¶
func (self *PtrOrIndex) Destroy()
func (*PtrOrIndex) Index ¶
func (self *PtrOrIndex) Index() int32
func (*PtrOrIndex) Ptr ¶
func (self *PtrOrIndex) Ptr() unsafe.Pointer
func (PtrOrIndex) SetIndex ¶
func (self PtrOrIndex) SetIndex(v int32)
func (PtrOrIndex) SetPtr ¶
func (self PtrOrIndex) SetPtr(v unsafe.Pointer)
type Rect ¶
func (*Rect) InternalAddRect ¶
func (*Rect) InternalAddVec2 ¶
func (*Rect) InternalArea ¶
func (*Rect) InternalCenter ¶
func (*Rect) InternalClipWith ¶
Simple version, may lead to an inverted rectangle, which is fine for Contains/Overlaps test but not for display.
func (*Rect) InternalClipWithFull ¶
Full version, ensure both points are fully clipped.
func (*Rect) InternalContainsRect ¶
func (*Rect) InternalContainsVec2 ¶
func (*Rect) InternalExpandFloat ¶
func (*Rect) InternalExpandVec2 ¶
func (*Rect) InternalFloor ¶
func (self *Rect) InternalFloor()
func (*Rect) InternalHeight ¶
func (*Rect) InternalIsInverted ¶
func (*Rect) InternalOverlaps ¶
func (*Rect) InternalSize ¶
func (*Rect) InternalToVec4 ¶
func (*Rect) InternalTranslate ¶
func (*Rect) InternalTranslateX ¶
func (*Rect) InternalTranslateY ¶
func (*Rect) InternalWidth ¶
type SDLBackend ¶
type SDLBackend struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSDLBackend ¶
func NewSDLBackend() *SDLBackend
func (*SDLBackend) ContentScale ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) ContentScale() (width, height float32)
func (*SDLBackend) CreateTexture ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) CreateTexture(pixels unsafe.Pointer, width, height int) TextureID
func (*SDLBackend) CreateTextureRgba ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) CreateTextureRgba(img *image.RGBA, width, height int) TextureID
func (*SDLBackend) CreateWindow ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) CreateWindow(title string, width, height int)
func (*SDLBackend) DeleteTexture ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) DeleteTexture(id TextureID)
func (*SDLBackend) DisplaySize ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) DisplaySize() (width int32, height int32)
func (*SDLBackend) GetWindowPos ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) GetWindowPos() (x, y int32)
func (*SDLBackend) Refresh ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) Refresh()
func (*SDLBackend) Run ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) Run(loop func())
func (*SDLBackend) SetAfterCreateContextHook ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetAfterCreateContextHook(hook func())
func (*SDLBackend) SetAfterRenderHook ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetAfterRenderHook(hook func())
func (*SDLBackend) SetBeforeDestroyContextHook ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetBeforeDestroyContextHook(hook func())
func (*SDLBackend) SetBeforeRenderHook ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetBeforeRenderHook(hook func())
func (*SDLBackend) SetBgColor ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetBgColor(color Vec4)
func (*SDLBackend) SetCloseCallback ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetCloseCallback(cbfun WindowCloseCallback[SDLWindowFlags])
func (*SDLBackend) SetDropCallback ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetDropCallback(cbfun DropCallback)
SetDropCallback sets the drop callback which is called when an object is dropped over the window.
func (*SDLBackend) SetIcons ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetIcons(images ...image.Image)
SetIcons sets icons for the window. THIS CODE COMES FROM (BSD-3 clause) - Copyright (c) 2012 The glfw3-go Authors. All rights reserved.
func (*SDLBackend) SetKeyCallback ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetKeyCallback(cbfun KeyCallback)
func (*SDLBackend) SetShouldClose ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetShouldClose(value bool)
func (*SDLBackend) SetSizeChangeCallback ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetSizeChangeCallback(cbfun SizeChangeCallback)
func (*SDLBackend) SetTargetFPS ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetTargetFPS(fps uint)
func (*SDLBackend) SetWindowFlags ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowFlags(flag SDLWindowFlags, value int)
SetWindowHint applies to next CreateWindow call so use it before CreateWindow call ;-)
func (*SDLBackend) SetWindowPos ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowPos(x, y int)
func (*SDLBackend) SetWindowSize ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowSize(width, height int)
func (*SDLBackend) SetWindowSizeLimits ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowSizeLimits(minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight int)
The minimum and maximum size of the content area of a windowed mode window. To specify only a minimum size or only a maximum one, set the other pair to -1 e.g. SetWindowSizeLimits(640, 480, -1, -1)
func (*SDLBackend) SetWindowTitle ¶
func (b *SDLBackend) SetWindowTitle(title string)
type SDLWindowFlags ¶
type SDLWindowFlags int
type STBTexteditState ¶
type STBTexteditState struct { FieldCursor int32 FieldSelect_start int32 // selection start point FieldSelect_end int32 FieldInsert_mode uint FieldRow_count_per_page int32 ///////////////////// // // private data // FieldCursor_at_end_of_line uint // not implemented yet FieldInitialized uint FieldHas_preferred_x uint FieldSingle_line uint FieldPadding1 uint FieldPadding2 uint FieldPadding3 uint FieldPreferred_x float32 // this determines where the cursor up/down tries to seek to along x FieldUndostate StbUndoState }
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetCursor ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetCursor() int32
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetCursoratendofline ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetCursoratendofline() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetHaspreferredx ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetHaspreferredx() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetInitialized ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetInitialized() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetInsertmode ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetInsertmode() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding1 ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding1() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding2 ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding2() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding3 ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPadding3() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPreferredx ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetPreferredx() float32
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetRowcountperpage ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetRowcountperpage() int32
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSelectend ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSelectend() int32
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSelectstart ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSelectstart() int32
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSingleline ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetSingleline() uint
func (*STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetUndostate ¶
func (self *STBTexteditState) TexteditStateGetUndostate() StbUndoState
type ScrollFlags ¶
type ScrollFlags int32
Early work-in-progress API for ScrollToItem() original name: ImGuiScrollFlags_
type SelectableFlags ¶
type SelectableFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::Selectable() original name: ImGuiSelectableFlags_
type SelectableFlagsPrivate ¶
type SelectableFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiSelectableFlags_ original name: ImGuiSelectableFlagsPrivate_
type SettingsHandler ¶
type SettingsHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalFindSettingsHandler ¶
func InternalFindSettingsHandler(type_name string) *SettingsHandler
func InternalNewSettingsHandler ¶
func InternalNewSettingsHandler() *SettingsHandler
func (*SettingsHandler) Destroy ¶
func (self *SettingsHandler) Destroy()
func (SettingsHandler) SetTypeHash ¶
func (self SettingsHandler) SetTypeHash(v ID)
func (SettingsHandler) SetTypeName ¶
func (self SettingsHandler) SetTypeName(v string)
func (SettingsHandler) SetUserData ¶
func (self SettingsHandler) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*SettingsHandler) TypeHash ¶
func (self *SettingsHandler) TypeHash() ID
func (*SettingsHandler) TypeName ¶
func (self *SettingsHandler) TypeName() string
func (*SettingsHandler) UserData ¶
func (self *SettingsHandler) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
type ShrinkWidthItem ¶
func (*ShrinkWidthItem) Index ¶
func (self *ShrinkWidthItem) Index() int32
func (*ShrinkWidthItem) InitialWidth ¶
func (self *ShrinkWidthItem) InitialWidth() float32
func (ShrinkWidthItem) SetIndex ¶
func (self ShrinkWidthItem) SetIndex(v int32)
func (ShrinkWidthItem) SetInitialWidth ¶
func (self ShrinkWidthItem) SetInitialWidth(v float32)
func (ShrinkWidthItem) SetWidth ¶
func (self ShrinkWidthItem) SetWidth(v float32)
func (*ShrinkWidthItem) Width ¶
func (self *ShrinkWidthItem) Width() float32
type SizeCallbackData ¶
type SizeCallbackData struct { FieldUserData unsafe.Pointer // Read-only. What user passed to SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(). Generally store an integer or float in here (need reinterpret_cast<>). FieldPos Vec2 // Read-only. Window position, for reference. FieldCurrentSize Vec2 // Read-only. Current window size. FieldDesiredSize Vec2 // Read-write. Desired size, based on user's mouse position. Write to this field to restrain resizing. }
Resizing callback data to apply custom constraint. As enabled by SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(). Callback is called during the next Begin(). NB: For basic min/max size constraint on each axis you don't need to use the callback! The SetNextWindowSizeConstraints() parameters are enough.
func (*SizeCallbackData) CurrentSize ¶
func (self *SizeCallbackData) CurrentSize() Vec2
func (*SizeCallbackData) DesiredSize ¶
func (self *SizeCallbackData) DesiredSize() Vec2
func (*SizeCallbackData) Pos ¶
func (self *SizeCallbackData) Pos() Vec2
func (SizeCallbackData) SetCurrentSize ¶
func (self SizeCallbackData) SetCurrentSize(v Vec2)
func (SizeCallbackData) SetDesiredSize ¶
func (self SizeCallbackData) SetDesiredSize(v Vec2)
func (SizeCallbackData) SetPos ¶
func (self SizeCallbackData) SetPos(v Vec2)
func (SizeCallbackData) SetUserData ¶
func (self SizeCallbackData) SetUserData(v unsafe.Pointer)
func (*SizeCallbackData) UserData ¶
func (self *SizeCallbackData) UserData() unsafe.Pointer
type SizeChangeCallback ¶
type SizeChangeCallback func(w, h int)
type SliderFlags ¶
type SliderFlags int32
Flags for DragFloat(), DragInt(), SliderFloat(), SliderInt() etc. We use the same sets of flags for DragXXX() and SliderXXX() functions as the features are the same and it makes it easier to swap them. (Those are per-item flags. There are shared flags in ImGuiIO: io.ConfigDragClickToInputText) original name: ImGuiSliderFlags_
type SliderFlagsPrivate ¶
type SliderFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiSliderFlags_ original name: ImGuiSliderFlagsPrivate_
type SortDirection ¶
type SortDirection int32
A sorting direction original name: ImGuiSortDirection_
func InternalTableGetColumnNextSortDirection ¶
func InternalTableGetColumnNextSortDirection(column *TableColumn) SortDirection
type StackLevelInfo ¶
type StackLevelInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func InternalNewStackLevelInfo ¶
func InternalNewStackLevelInfo() *StackLevelInfo
func (*StackLevelInfo) DataType ¶
func (self *StackLevelInfo) DataType() DataType
func (*StackLevelInfo) Destroy ¶
func (self *StackLevelInfo) Destroy()
func (*StackLevelInfo) ID ¶
func (self *StackLevelInfo) ID() ID
func (*StackLevelInfo) QueryFrameCount ¶
func (self *StackLevelInfo) QueryFrameCount() int
func (*StackLevelInfo) QuerySuccess ¶
func (self *StackLevelInfo) QuerySuccess() bool
func (StackLevelInfo) SetDataType ¶
func (self StackLevelInfo) SetDataType(v DataType)
func (StackLevelInfo) SetID ¶
func (self StackLevelInfo) SetID(v ID)
func (StackLevelInfo) SetQueryFrameCount ¶
func (self StackLevelInfo) SetQueryFrameCount(v int)
func (StackLevelInfo) SetQuerySuccess ¶
func (self StackLevelInfo) SetQuerySuccess(v bool)
type StackSizes ¶
type StackSizes struct { FieldSizeOfIDStack int16 FieldSizeOfColorStack int16 FieldSizeOfStyleVarStack int16 FieldSizeOfFontStack int16 FieldSizeOfFocusScopeStack int16 FieldSizeOfGroupStack int16 FieldSizeOfItemFlagsStack int16 FieldSizeOfBeginPopupStack int16 FieldSizeOfDisabledStack int16 }
func InternalNewStackSizes ¶
func InternalNewStackSizes() *StackSizes
func (*StackSizes) Destroy ¶
func (self *StackSizes) Destroy()
func (*StackSizes) InternalCompareWithContextState ¶
func (self *StackSizes) InternalCompareWithContextState(ctx *Context)
func (*StackSizes) InternalSetToContextState ¶
func (self *StackSizes) InternalSetToContextState(ctx *Context)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfBeginPopupStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfBeginPopupStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfColorStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfColorStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfDisabledStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfDisabledStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfFocusScopeStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfFocusScopeStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfFontStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfFontStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfGroupStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfGroupStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfIDStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfIDStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfItemFlagsStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfItemFlagsStack(v int16)
func (StackSizes) SetSizeOfStyleVarStack ¶
func (self StackSizes) SetSizeOfStyleVarStack(v int16)
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfBeginPopupStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfBeginPopupStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfColorStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfColorStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfDisabledStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfDisabledStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfFocusScopeStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfFocusScopeStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfFontStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfFontStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfGroupStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfGroupStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfIDStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfIDStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfItemFlagsStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfItemFlagsStack() int16
func (*StackSizes) SizeOfStyleVarStack ¶
func (self *StackSizes) SizeOfStyleVarStack() int16
type StackTool ¶
type StackTool struct { FieldLastActiveFrame int32 FieldStackLevel int32 // -1: query stack and resize Results, >= 0: individual stack level FieldQueryId ID // ID to query details for FieldResults Vector[*StackLevelInfo] FieldCopyToClipboardOnCtrlC bool FieldCopyToClipboardLastTime float32 }
State for Stack tool queries
func InternalNewStackTool ¶
func InternalNewStackTool() *StackTool
func (*StackTool) CopyToClipboardLastTime ¶
func (*StackTool) CopyToClipboardOnCtrlC ¶
func (*StackTool) LastActiveFrame ¶
func (*StackTool) Results ¶
func (self *StackTool) Results() Vector[*StackLevelInfo]
func (StackTool) SetCopyToClipboardLastTime ¶
func (StackTool) SetCopyToClipboardOnCtrlC ¶
func (StackTool) SetLastActiveFrame ¶
func (StackTool) SetQueryId ¶
func (StackTool) SetResults ¶
func (self StackTool) SetResults(v Vector[*StackLevelInfo])
func (StackTool) SetStackLevel ¶
func (*StackTool) StackLevel ¶
type StbTexteditRow ¶
type StbTexteditRow struct { FieldX0 float32 // starting x location, end x location (allows for align=right, etc) FieldX1 float32 // starting x location, end x location (allows for align=right, etc) FieldBaseline_y_delta float32 // position of baseline relative to previous row's baseline FieldYmin float32 // height of row above and below baseline FieldYmax float32 // height of row above and below baseline FieldNum_chars int32 }
result of layout query
func (*StbTexteditRow) Baselineydelta ¶
func (self *StbTexteditRow) Baselineydelta() float32
func (*StbTexteditRow) Numchars ¶
func (self *StbTexteditRow) Numchars() int32
func (StbTexteditRow) SetBaselineydelta ¶
func (self StbTexteditRow) SetBaselineydelta(v float32)
func (StbTexteditRow) SetNumchars ¶
func (self StbTexteditRow) SetNumchars(v int32)
func (StbTexteditRow) SetX0 ¶
func (self StbTexteditRow) SetX0(v float32)
func (StbTexteditRow) SetX1 ¶
func (self StbTexteditRow) SetX1(v float32)
func (StbTexteditRow) SetYmax ¶
func (self StbTexteditRow) SetYmax(v float32)
func (StbTexteditRow) SetYmin ¶
func (self StbTexteditRow) SetYmin(v float32)
func (*StbTexteditRow) X0 ¶
func (self *StbTexteditRow) X0() float32
func (*StbTexteditRow) X1 ¶
func (self *StbTexteditRow) X1() float32
func (*StbTexteditRow) Ymax ¶
func (self *StbTexteditRow) Ymax() float32
func (*StbTexteditRow) Ymin ¶
func (self *StbTexteditRow) Ymin() float32
type StbUndoRecord ¶
type StbUndoRecord struct { // private data FieldWhere int32 FieldInsert_length int32 FieldDelete_length int32 FieldChar_storage int32 }
Definition of STB_TexteditState which you should store per-textfield; it includes cursor position, selection state, and undo state.
func (*StbUndoRecord) Charstorage ¶
func (self *StbUndoRecord) Charstorage() int32
func (*StbUndoRecord) Deletelength ¶
func (self *StbUndoRecord) Deletelength() int32
func (*StbUndoRecord) Insertlength ¶
func (self *StbUndoRecord) Insertlength() int32
func (StbUndoRecord) SetCharstorage ¶
func (self StbUndoRecord) SetCharstorage(v int32)
func (StbUndoRecord) SetDeletelength ¶
func (self StbUndoRecord) SetDeletelength(v int32)
func (StbUndoRecord) SetInsertlength ¶
func (self StbUndoRecord) SetInsertlength(v int32)
func (StbUndoRecord) SetWhere ¶
func (self StbUndoRecord) SetWhere(v int32)
func (*StbUndoRecord) Where ¶
func (self *StbUndoRecord) Where() int32
type StbUndoState ¶
type StbUndoState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*StbUndoState) Redocharpoint ¶
func (self *StbUndoState) Redocharpoint() int32
func (*StbUndoState) Redopoint ¶
func (self *StbUndoState) Redopoint() int16
func (StbUndoState) SetRedocharpoint ¶
func (self StbUndoState) SetRedocharpoint(v int32)
func (StbUndoState) SetRedopoint ¶
func (self StbUndoState) SetRedopoint(v int16)
func (StbUndoState) SetUndocharpoint ¶
func (self StbUndoState) SetUndocharpoint(v int32)
func (StbUndoState) SetUndopoint ¶
func (self StbUndoState) SetUndopoint(v int16)
func (*StbUndoState) Undocharpoint ¶
func (self *StbUndoState) Undocharpoint() int32
func (*StbUndoState) Undopoint ¶
func (self *StbUndoState) Undopoint() int16
type Storage ¶
type Storage struct {
FieldData Vector[*StoragePair]
Helper: Key->Value storage Typically you don't have to worry about this since a storage is held within each Window. We use it to e.g. store collapse state for a tree (Int 0/1) This is optimized for efficient lookup (dichotomy into a contiguous buffer) and rare insertion (typically tied to user interactions aka max once a frame) You can use it as custom user storage for temporary values. Declare your own storage if, for example: - You want to manipulate the open/close state of a particular sub-tree in your interface (tree node uses Int 0/1 to store their state). - You want to store custom debug data easily without adding or editing structures in your code (probably not efficient, but convenient) Types are NOT stored, so it is up to you to make sure your Key don't collide with different types.
func StateStorage ¶
func StateStorage() *Storage
func (*Storage) BuildSortByKey ¶
func (self *Storage) BuildSortByKey()
func (*Storage) Data ¶
func (self *Storage) Data() Vector[*StoragePair]
func (Storage) SetData ¶
func (self Storage) SetData(v Vector[*StoragePair])
type StoragePair ¶
type StoragePair struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStoragePairFloat ¶
func NewStoragePairFloat(_key ID, _val_f float32) *StoragePair
func NewStoragePairInt ¶
func NewStoragePairInt(_key ID, _val_i int32) *StoragePair
func NewStoragePairPtr ¶
func NewStoragePairPtr(_key ID, _val_p unsafe.Pointer) *StoragePair
func (*StoragePair) Destroy ¶
func (self *StoragePair) Destroy()
func (*StoragePair) Key ¶
func (self *StoragePair) Key() ID
func (StoragePair) SetKey ¶
func (self StoragePair) SetKey(v ID)
type StringBuffer ¶
type StringBuffer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewStringBuffer ¶
func NewStringBuffer(initialValue string) *StringBuffer
func (*StringBuffer) Free ¶
func (buf *StringBuffer) Free()
func (*StringBuffer) ResizeTo ¶
func (buf *StringBuffer) ResizeTo(requestedSize int)
func (*StringBuffer) ToGo ¶
func (buf *StringBuffer) ToGo() string
type Style ¶
type Style struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CurrentStyle ¶
func CurrentStyle() *Style
access the Style structure (colors, sizes). Always use PushStyleCol(), PushStyleVar() to modify style mid-frame!
func (*Style) AntiAliasedFill ¶
func (*Style) AntiAliasedLines ¶
func (*Style) AntiAliasedLinesUseTex ¶
func (*Style) ButtonTextAlign ¶
func (*Style) CellPadding ¶
func (*Style) ChildBorderSize ¶
func (*Style) ChildRounding ¶
func (*Style) CircleTessellationMaxError ¶
func (*Style) ColorButtonPosition ¶
func (*Style) ColumnsMinSpacing ¶
func (*Style) CurveTessellationTol ¶
func (*Style) DisabledAlpha ¶
func (*Style) DisplaySafeAreaPadding ¶
func (*Style) DisplayWindowPadding ¶
func (*Style) DockingSeparatorSize ¶
func (*Style) FrameBorderSize ¶
func (*Style) FramePadding ¶
func (*Style) FrameRounding ¶
func (*Style) GrabMinSize ¶
func (*Style) GrabRounding ¶
func (*Style) HoverDelayNormal ¶
func (*Style) HoverDelayShort ¶
func (*Style) HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse ¶
func (self *Style) HoverFlagsForTooltipMouse() HoveredFlags
func (*Style) HoverFlagsForTooltipNav ¶
func (self *Style) HoverFlagsForTooltipNav() HoveredFlags
func (*Style) HoverStationaryDelay ¶
func (*Style) IndentSpacing ¶
func (*Style) ItemInnerSpacing ¶
func (*Style) ItemSpacing ¶
func (*Style) LogSliderDeadzone ¶
func (*Style) MouseCursorScale ¶
func (*Style) PopupBorderSize ¶
func (*Style) PopupRounding ¶
func (*Style) ScaleAllSizes ¶
func (*Style) ScrollbarRounding ¶
func (*Style) ScrollbarSize ¶
func (*Style) SelectableTextAlign ¶
func (*Style) SeparatorTextAlign ¶
func (*Style) SeparatorTextBorderSize ¶
func (*Style) SeparatorTextPadding ¶
func (Style) SetAntiAliasedFill ¶
func (Style) SetAntiAliasedLines ¶
func (Style) SetAntiAliasedLinesUseTex ¶
func (Style) SetButtonTextAlign ¶
func (Style) SetCellPadding ¶
func (Style) SetChildBorderSize ¶
func (Style) SetChildRounding ¶
func (Style) SetCircleTessellationMaxError ¶
func (Style) SetColorButtonPosition ¶
func (Style) SetColumnsMinSpacing ¶
func (Style) SetCurveTessellationTol ¶
func (Style) SetDisabledAlpha ¶
func (Style) SetDisplaySafeAreaPadding ¶
func (Style) SetDisplayWindowPadding ¶
func (Style) SetDockingSeparatorSize ¶
func (Style) SetFrameBorderSize ¶
func (Style) SetFramePadding ¶
func (Style) SetFrameRounding ¶
func (Style) SetGrabMinSize ¶
func (Style) SetGrabRounding ¶
func (Style) SetHoverDelayNormal ¶
func (Style) SetHoverDelayShort ¶
func (Style) SetHoverFlagsForTooltipMouse ¶
func (self Style) SetHoverFlagsForTooltipMouse(v HoveredFlags)
func (Style) SetHoverFlagsForTooltipNav ¶
func (self Style) SetHoverFlagsForTooltipNav(v HoveredFlags)
func (Style) SetHoverStationaryDelay ¶
func (Style) SetIndentSpacing ¶
func (Style) SetItemInnerSpacing ¶
func (Style) SetItemSpacing ¶
func (Style) SetLogSliderDeadzone ¶
func (Style) SetMouseCursorScale ¶
func (Style) SetPopupBorderSize ¶
func (Style) SetPopupRounding ¶
func (Style) SetScrollbarRounding ¶
func (Style) SetScrollbarSize ¶
func (Style) SetSelectableTextAlign ¶
func (Style) SetSeparatorTextAlign ¶
func (Style) SetSeparatorTextBorderSize ¶
func (Style) SetSeparatorTextPadding ¶
func (Style) SetTabBarBorderSize ¶
func (Style) SetTabBorderSize ¶
func (Style) SetTabMinWidthForCloseButton ¶
func (Style) SetTabRounding ¶
func (Style) SetTouchExtraPadding ¶
func (Style) SetWindowBorderSize ¶
func (Style) SetWindowMenuButtonPosition ¶
func (Style) SetWindowMinSize ¶
func (Style) SetWindowPadding ¶
func (Style) SetWindowRounding ¶
func (Style) SetWindowTitleAlign ¶
func (*Style) TabBarBorderSize ¶
func (*Style) TabBorderSize ¶
func (*Style) TabMinWidthForCloseButton ¶
func (*Style) TabRounding ¶
func (*Style) TouchExtraPadding ¶
func (*Style) WindowBorderSize ¶
func (*Style) WindowMenuButtonPosition ¶
func (*Style) WindowMinSize ¶
func (*Style) WindowPadding ¶
func (*Style) WindowRounding ¶
func (*Style) WindowTitleAlign ¶
type StyleMod ¶
type StyleMod struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Stacked style modifier, backup of modified data so we can restore it. Data type inferred from the variable.
func InternalNewStyleModInt ¶
func InternalNewStyleModVec2 ¶
type StyleVar ¶
type StyleVar int32
Enumeration for PushStyleVar() / PopStyleVar() to temporarily modify the ImGuiStyle structure.
- The enum only refers to fields of ImGuiStyle which makes sense to be pushed/popped inside UI code. During initialization or between frames, feel free to just poke into ImGuiStyle directly.
- Tip: Use your programming IDE navigation facilities on the names in the _second column_ below to find the actual members and their description. In Visual Studio IDE: CTRL+comma ("Edit.GoToAll") can follow symbols in comments, whereas CTRL+F12 ("Edit.GoToImplementation") cannot. With Visual Assist installed: ALT+G ("VAssistX.GoToImplementation") can also follow symbols in comments.
- When changing this enum, you need to update the associated internal table GStyleVarInfo[] accordingly. This is where we link enum values to members offset/type.
original name: ImGuiStyleVar_
type TabBar ¶
type TabBar struct { FieldTabs Vector[*TabItem] FieldFlags TabBarFlags FieldID ID // Zero for tab-bars used by docking FieldSelectedTabId ID // Selected tab/window FieldNextSelectedTabId ID // Next selected tab/window. Will also trigger a scrolling animation FieldVisibleTabId ID // Can occasionally be != SelectedTabId (e.g. when previewing contents for CTRL+TAB preview) FieldCurrFrameVisible int32 FieldPrevFrameVisible int32 FieldBarRect Rect FieldCurrTabsContentsHeight float32 FieldPrevTabsContentsHeight float32 // Record the height of contents submitted below the tab bar FieldWidthAllTabs float32 // Actual width of all tabs (locked during layout) FieldWidthAllTabsIdeal float32 // Ideal width if all tabs were visible and not clipped FieldScrollingAnim float32 FieldScrollingTarget float32 FieldScrollingTargetDistToVisibility float32 FieldScrollingSpeed float32 FieldScrollingRectMinX float32 FieldScrollingRectMaxX float32 FieldSeparatorMinX float32 FieldSeparatorMaxX float32 FieldReorderRequestTabId ID FieldReorderRequestOffset int FieldBeginCount int FieldWantLayout bool FieldVisibleTabWasSubmitted bool FieldTabsAddedNew bool // Set to true when a new tab item or button has been added to the tab bar during last frame FieldTabsActiveCount int // Number of tabs submitted this frame. FieldLastTabItemIdx int // Index of last BeginTabItem() tab for use by EndTabItem() FieldItemSpacingY float32 FieldFramePadding Vec2 // style.FramePadding locked at the time of BeginTabBar() FieldBackupCursorPos Vec2 FieldTabsNames TextBuffer // For non-docking tab bar we re-append names in a contiguous buffer. }
Storage for a tab bar (sizeof() 152 bytes)
func InternalCurrentTabBar ¶
func InternalCurrentTabBar() *TabBar
func InternalNewTabBar ¶
func InternalNewTabBar() *TabBar
func (*TabBar) BackupCursorPos ¶
func (*TabBar) BeginCount ¶
func (*TabBar) CurrFrameVisible ¶
func (*TabBar) CurrTabsContentsHeight ¶
func (*TabBar) Flags ¶
func (self *TabBar) Flags() TabBarFlags
func (*TabBar) FramePadding ¶
func (*TabBar) ItemSpacingY ¶
func (*TabBar) LastTabItemIdx ¶
func (*TabBar) NextSelectedTabId ¶
func (*TabBar) PrevFrameVisible ¶
func (*TabBar) PrevTabsContentsHeight ¶
func (*TabBar) ReorderRequestOffset ¶
func (*TabBar) ReorderRequestTabId ¶
func (*TabBar) ScrollingAnim ¶
func (*TabBar) ScrollingRectMaxX ¶
func (*TabBar) ScrollingRectMinX ¶
func (*TabBar) ScrollingSpeed ¶
func (*TabBar) ScrollingTarget ¶
func (*TabBar) ScrollingTargetDistToVisibility ¶
func (*TabBar) SelectedTabId ¶
func (*TabBar) SeparatorMaxX ¶
func (*TabBar) SeparatorMinX ¶
func (TabBar) SetBackupCursorPos ¶
func (TabBar) SetBarRect ¶
func (TabBar) SetBeginCount ¶
func (TabBar) SetCurrFrameVisible ¶
func (TabBar) SetCurrTabsContentsHeight ¶
func (TabBar) SetFlags ¶
func (self TabBar) SetFlags(v TabBarFlags)
func (TabBar) SetFramePadding ¶
func (TabBar) SetItemSpacingY ¶
func (TabBar) SetLastTabItemIdx ¶
func (TabBar) SetNextSelectedTabId ¶
func (TabBar) SetPrevFrameVisible ¶
func (TabBar) SetPrevTabsContentsHeight ¶
func (TabBar) SetReorderRequestOffset ¶
func (TabBar) SetReorderRequestTabId ¶
func (TabBar) SetScrollingAnim ¶
func (TabBar) SetScrollingRectMaxX ¶
func (TabBar) SetScrollingRectMinX ¶
func (TabBar) SetScrollingSpeed ¶
func (TabBar) SetScrollingTarget ¶
func (TabBar) SetScrollingTargetDistToVisibility ¶
func (TabBar) SetSelectedTabId ¶
func (TabBar) SetSeparatorMaxX ¶
func (TabBar) SetSeparatorMinX ¶
func (TabBar) SetTabsActiveCount ¶
func (TabBar) SetTabsAddedNew ¶
func (TabBar) SetTabsNames ¶
func (self TabBar) SetTabsNames(v TextBuffer)
func (TabBar) SetVisibleTabId ¶
func (TabBar) SetVisibleTabWasSubmitted ¶
func (TabBar) SetWantLayout ¶
func (TabBar) SetWidthAllTabs ¶
func (TabBar) SetWidthAllTabsIdeal ¶
func (*TabBar) TabsActiveCount ¶
func (*TabBar) TabsAddedNew ¶
func (*TabBar) TabsNames ¶
func (self *TabBar) TabsNames() TextBuffer
func (*TabBar) VisibleTabId ¶
func (*TabBar) VisibleTabWasSubmitted ¶
func (*TabBar) WantLayout ¶
func (*TabBar) WidthAllTabs ¶
func (*TabBar) WidthAllTabsIdeal ¶
type TabBarFlags ¶
type TabBarFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::BeginTabBar() original name: ImGuiTabBarFlags_
type TabBarFlagsPrivate ¶
type TabBarFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiTabBarFlags_ original name: ImGuiTabBarFlagsPrivate_
type TabItem ¶
type TabItem struct { FieldID ID FieldFlags TabItemFlags FieldWindow *Window // When TabItem is part of a DockNode's TabBar, we hold on to a window. FieldLastFrameVisible int32 FieldLastFrameSelected int32 // This allows us to infer an ordered list of the last activated tabs with little maintenance FieldOffset float32 // Position relative to beginning of tab FieldWidth float32 // Width currently displayed FieldContentWidth float32 // Width of label, stored during BeginTabItem() call FieldRequestedWidth float32 // Width optionally requested by caller, -1.0f is unused FieldNameOffset int // When Window==NULL, offset to name within parent ImGuiTabBar::TabsNames FieldBeginOrder int // BeginTabItem() order, used to re-order tabs after toggling ImGuiTabBarFlags_Reorderable FieldIndexDuringLayout int // Index only used during TabBarLayout(). Tabs gets reordered so 'Tabs[n].IndexDuringLayout == n' but may mismatch during additions. FieldWantClose bool // Marked as closed by SetTabItemClosed() }
Storage for one active tab item (sizeof() 48 bytes)
func InternalNewTabItem ¶
func InternalNewTabItem() *TabItem
func (*TabItem) BeginOrder ¶
func (*TabItem) ContentWidth ¶
func (*TabItem) Flags ¶
func (self *TabItem) Flags() TabItemFlags
func (*TabItem) IndexDuringLayout ¶
func (*TabItem) LastFrameSelected ¶
func (*TabItem) LastFrameVisible ¶
func (*TabItem) NameOffset ¶
func (*TabItem) RequestedWidth ¶
func (TabItem) SetBeginOrder ¶
func (TabItem) SetContentWidth ¶
func (TabItem) SetFlags ¶
func (self TabItem) SetFlags(v TabItemFlags)
func (TabItem) SetIndexDuringLayout ¶
func (TabItem) SetLastFrameSelected ¶
func (TabItem) SetLastFrameVisible ¶
func (TabItem) SetNameOffset ¶
func (TabItem) SetRequestedWidth ¶
func (TabItem) SetWantClose ¶
type TabItemFlags ¶
type TabItemFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::BeginTabItem() original name: ImGuiTabItemFlags_
type TabItemFlagsPrivate ¶
type TabItemFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiTabItemFlags_ original name: ImGuiTabItemFlagsPrivate_
type Table ¶
type Table struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
FIXME-TABLE: more transient data could be stored in a stacked ImGuiTableTempData: e.g. SortSpecs, incoming RowData sizeof() ~ 580 bytes + heap allocs described in TableBeginInitMemory()
func InternalCurrentTable ¶
func InternalCurrentTable() *Table
func InternalNewTable ¶
func InternalNewTable() *Table
func InternalTableFindByID ¶
func (*Table) AutoFitSingleColumn ¶
func (self *Table) AutoFitSingleColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) Bg0ClipRectForDrawCmd ¶
func (*Table) Bg2ClipRectForDrawCmd ¶
func (*Table) Bg2DrawChannelCurrent ¶
func (self *Table) Bg2DrawChannelCurrent() TableDrawChannelIdx
func (*Table) Bg2DrawChannelUnfrozen ¶
func (self *Table) Bg2DrawChannelUnfrozen() TableDrawChannelIdx
func (*Table) BgClipRect ¶
func (*Table) BorderColorLight ¶
func (*Table) BorderColorStrong ¶
func (*Table) CellPaddingX ¶
func (*Table) CellSpacingX1 ¶
func (*Table) CellSpacingX2 ¶
func (*Table) ColumnsAutoFitWidth ¶
func (*Table) ColumnsCount ¶
func (*Table) ColumnsEnabledCount ¶
func (self *Table) ColumnsEnabledCount() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) ColumnsEnabledFixedCount ¶
func (self *Table) ColumnsEnabledFixedCount() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) ColumnsGivenWidth ¶
func (*Table) ColumnsNames ¶
func (self *Table) ColumnsNames() TextBuffer
func (*Table) ColumnsStretchSumWeights ¶
func (*Table) ContextPopupColumn ¶
func (self *Table) ContextPopupColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) CurrentColumn ¶
func (*Table) CurrentRow ¶
func (*Table) DeclColumnsCount ¶
func (self *Table) DeclColumnsCount() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) DrawSplitter ¶
func (self *Table) DrawSplitter() *DrawListSplitter
func (*Table) DummyDrawChannel ¶
func (self *Table) DummyDrawChannel() TableDrawChannelIdx
func (*Table) Flags ¶
func (self *Table) Flags() TableFlags
func (*Table) FreezeColumnsCount ¶
func (self *Table) FreezeColumnsCount() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) FreezeColumnsRequest ¶
func (self *Table) FreezeColumnsRequest() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) FreezeRowsCount ¶
func (self *Table) FreezeRowsCount() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) FreezeRowsRequest ¶
func (self *Table) FreezeRowsRequest() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) HasScrollbarYCurr ¶
func (*Table) HasScrollbarYPrev ¶
func (*Table) HeldHeaderColumn ¶
func (self *Table) HeldHeaderColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) HostBackupInnerClipRect ¶
func (*Table) HostClipRect ¶
func (*Table) HostIndentX ¶
func (*Table) HostSkipItems ¶
func (*Table) HoveredColumnBody ¶
func (self *Table) HoveredColumnBody() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) HoveredColumnBorder ¶
func (self *Table) HoveredColumnBorder() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) InnerClipRect ¶
func (*Table) InnerWidth ¶
func (*Table) InnerWindow ¶
func (*Table) InstanceCurrent ¶
func (*Table) InstanceDataExtra ¶
func (self *Table) InstanceDataExtra() Vector[*TableInstanceData]
func (*Table) InstanceDataFirst ¶
func (self *Table) InstanceDataFirst() TableInstanceData
func (*Table) InstanceInteracted ¶
func (*Table) InternalDestroy ¶
func (self *Table) InternalDestroy()
func (*Table) IsContextPopupOpen ¶
func (*Table) IsDefaultDisplayOrder ¶
func (*Table) IsDefaultSizingPolicy ¶
func (*Table) IsInitializing ¶
func (*Table) IsInsideRow ¶
func (*Table) IsLayoutLocked ¶
func (*Table) IsResetAllRequest ¶
func (*Table) IsResetDisplayOrderRequest ¶
func (*Table) IsSettingsDirty ¶
func (*Table) IsSettingsRequestLoad ¶
func (*Table) IsSortSpecsDirty ¶
func (*Table) IsUnfrozenRows ¶
func (*Table) IsUsingHeaders ¶
func (*Table) LastFrameActive ¶
func (*Table) LastResizedColumn ¶
func (self *Table) LastResizedColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) LastRowFlags ¶
func (self *Table) LastRowFlags() TableRowFlags
func (*Table) LeftMostEnabledColumn ¶
func (self *Table) LeftMostEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) LeftMostStretchedColumn ¶
func (self *Table) LeftMostStretchedColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) MemoryCompacted ¶
func (*Table) MinColumnWidth ¶
func (*Table) OuterPaddingX ¶
func (*Table) OuterWindow ¶
func (*Table) ReorderColumn ¶
func (self *Table) ReorderColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) ReorderColumnDir ¶
func (self *Table) ReorderColumnDir() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) ResizeLockMinContentsX2 ¶
func (*Table) ResizedColumn ¶
func (self *Table) ResizedColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) ResizedColumnNextWidth ¶
func (*Table) RightMostEnabledColumn ¶
func (self *Table) RightMostEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) RightMostStretchedColumn ¶
func (self *Table) RightMostStretchedColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) RowBgColorCounter ¶
func (*Table) RowCellDataCurrent ¶
func (self *Table) RowCellDataCurrent() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) RowCellPaddingY ¶
func (*Table) RowFlags ¶
func (self *Table) RowFlags() TableRowFlags
func (*Table) RowIndentOffsetX ¶
func (*Table) RowMinHeight ¶
func (*Table) RowTextBaseline ¶
func (Table) SetAutoFitSingleColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetAutoFitSingleColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetBg0ClipRectForDrawCmd ¶
func (Table) SetBg2ClipRectForDrawCmd ¶
func (Table) SetBg2DrawChannelCurrent ¶
func (self Table) SetBg2DrawChannelCurrent(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
func (Table) SetBg2DrawChannelUnfrozen ¶
func (self Table) SetBg2DrawChannelUnfrozen(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
func (Table) SetBgClipRect ¶
func (Table) SetBorderColorLight ¶
func (Table) SetBorderColorStrong ¶
func (Table) SetBorderX1 ¶
func (Table) SetBorderX2 ¶
func (Table) SetCellPaddingX ¶
func (Table) SetCellSpacingX1 ¶
func (Table) SetCellSpacingX2 ¶
func (Table) SetColumnsAutoFitWidth ¶
func (Table) SetColumnsCount ¶
func (Table) SetColumnsEnabledCount ¶
func (self Table) SetColumnsEnabledCount(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetColumnsEnabledFixedCount ¶
func (self Table) SetColumnsEnabledFixedCount(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetColumnsGivenWidth ¶
func (Table) SetColumnsNames ¶
func (self Table) SetColumnsNames(v TextBuffer)
func (Table) SetColumnsStretchSumWeights ¶
func (Table) SetContextPopupColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetContextPopupColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetCurrentColumn ¶
func (Table) SetCurrentRow ¶
func (Table) SetDeclColumnsCount ¶
func (self Table) SetDeclColumnsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetDrawSplitter ¶
func (self Table) SetDrawSplitter(v *DrawListSplitter)
func (Table) SetDummyDrawChannel ¶
func (self Table) SetDummyDrawChannel(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
func (Table) SetFlags ¶
func (self Table) SetFlags(v TableFlags)
func (Table) SetFreezeColumnsCount ¶
func (self Table) SetFreezeColumnsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetFreezeColumnsRequest ¶
func (self Table) SetFreezeColumnsRequest(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetFreezeRowsCount ¶
func (self Table) SetFreezeRowsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetFreezeRowsRequest ¶
func (self Table) SetFreezeRowsRequest(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetHasScrollbarYCurr ¶
func (Table) SetHasScrollbarYPrev ¶
func (Table) SetHeldHeaderColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetHeldHeaderColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetHostBackupInnerClipRect ¶
func (Table) SetHostClipRect ¶
func (Table) SetHostIndentX ¶
func (Table) SetHostSkipItems ¶
func (Table) SetHoveredColumnBody ¶
func (self Table) SetHoveredColumnBody(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetHoveredColumnBorder ¶
func (self Table) SetHoveredColumnBorder(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetInnerClipRect ¶
func (Table) SetInnerRect ¶
func (Table) SetInnerWidth ¶
func (Table) SetInnerWindow ¶
func (Table) SetInstanceCurrent ¶
func (Table) SetInstanceDataExtra ¶
func (self Table) SetInstanceDataExtra(v Vector[*TableInstanceData])
func (Table) SetInstanceDataFirst ¶
func (self Table) SetInstanceDataFirst(v TableInstanceData)
func (Table) SetInstanceInteracted ¶
func (Table) SetIsContextPopupOpen ¶
func (Table) SetIsDefaultDisplayOrder ¶
func (Table) SetIsDefaultSizingPolicy ¶
func (Table) SetIsInitializing ¶
func (Table) SetIsInsideRow ¶
func (Table) SetIsLayoutLocked ¶
func (Table) SetIsResetAllRequest ¶
func (Table) SetIsResetDisplayOrderRequest ¶
func (Table) SetIsSettingsDirty ¶
func (Table) SetIsSettingsRequestLoad ¶
func (Table) SetIsSortSpecsDirty ¶
func (Table) SetIsUnfrozenRows ¶
func (Table) SetIsUsingHeaders ¶
func (Table) SetLastFrameActive ¶
func (Table) SetLastResizedColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetLastResizedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetLastRowFlags ¶
func (self Table) SetLastRowFlags(v TableRowFlags)
func (Table) SetLeftMostEnabledColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetLeftMostEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetLeftMostStretchedColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetLeftMostStretchedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetMemoryCompacted ¶
func (Table) SetMinColumnWidth ¶
func (Table) SetOuterPaddingX ¶
func (Table) SetOuterRect ¶
func (Table) SetOuterWindow ¶
func (Table) SetRawData ¶
func (Table) SetRefScale ¶
func (Table) SetReorderColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetReorderColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetReorderColumnDir ¶
func (self Table) SetReorderColumnDir(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetResizeLockMinContentsX2 ¶
func (Table) SetResizedColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetResizedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetResizedColumnNextWidth ¶
func (Table) SetRightMostEnabledColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetRightMostEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetRightMostStretchedColumn ¶
func (self Table) SetRightMostStretchedColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetRowBgColorCounter ¶
func (Table) SetRowCellDataCurrent ¶
func (self Table) SetRowCellDataCurrent(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetRowCellPaddingY ¶
func (Table) SetRowFlags ¶
func (self Table) SetRowFlags(v TableRowFlags)
func (Table) SetRowIndentOffsetX ¶
func (Table) SetRowMinHeight ¶
func (Table) SetRowPosY1 ¶
func (Table) SetRowPosY2 ¶
func (Table) SetRowTextBaseline ¶
func (Table) SetSettingsLoadedFlags ¶
func (self Table) SetSettingsLoadedFlags(v TableFlags)
func (Table) SetSettingsOffset ¶
func (Table) SetSortSpecs ¶
func (self Table) SetSortSpecs(v TableSortSpecs)
func (Table) SetSortSpecsCount ¶
func (self Table) SetSortSpecsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
func (Table) SetSortSpecsMulti ¶
func (self Table) SetSortSpecsMulti(v Vector[*TableColumnSortSpecs])
func (Table) SetSortSpecsSingle ¶
func (self Table) SetSortSpecsSingle(v TableColumnSortSpecs)
func (Table) SetTempData ¶
func (self Table) SetTempData(v *TableTempData)
func (Table) SetWorkRect ¶
func (*Table) SettingsLoadedFlags ¶
func (self *Table) SettingsLoadedFlags() TableFlags
func (*Table) SettingsOffset ¶
func (*Table) SortSpecs ¶
func (self *Table) SortSpecs() TableSortSpecs
func (*Table) SortSpecsCount ¶
func (self *Table) SortSpecsCount() TableColumnIdx
func (*Table) SortSpecsMulti ¶
func (self *Table) SortSpecsMulti() Vector[*TableColumnSortSpecs]
func (*Table) SortSpecsSingle ¶
func (self *Table) SortSpecsSingle() TableColumnSortSpecs
func (*Table) TempData ¶
func (self *Table) TempData() *TableTempData
type TableBgTarget ¶
type TableBgTarget int32
Enum for ImGui::TableSetBgColor() Background colors are rendering in 3 layers:
- Layer 0: draw with RowBg0 color if set, otherwise draw with ColumnBg0 if set.
- Layer 1: draw with RowBg1 color if set, otherwise draw with ColumnBg1 if set.
- Layer 2: draw with CellBg color if set.
The purpose of the two row/columns layers is to let you decide if a background color change should override or blend with the existing color. When using ImGuiTableFlags_RowBg on the table, each row has the RowBg0 color automatically set for odd/even rows. If you set the color of RowBg0 target, your color will override the existing RowBg0 color. If you set the color of RowBg1 or ColumnBg1 target, your color will blend over the RowBg0 color. original name: ImGuiTableBgTarget_
type TableCellData ¶
type TableCellData struct { FieldBgColor uint32 // Actual color FieldColumn TableColumnIdx // Column number }
Transient cell data stored per row. sizeof() ~ 6
func (*TableCellData) BgColor ¶
func (self *TableCellData) BgColor() uint32
func (*TableCellData) Column ¶
func (self *TableCellData) Column() TableColumnIdx
func (TableCellData) SetBgColor ¶
func (self TableCellData) SetBgColor(v uint32)
func (TableCellData) SetColumn ¶
func (self TableCellData) SetColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
type TableColumn ¶
type TableColumn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
[Internal] sizeof() ~ 112 We use the terminology "Enabled" to refer to a column that is not Hidden by user/api. We use the terminology "Clipped" to refer to a column that is out of sight because of scrolling/clipping. This is in contrast with some user-facing api such as IsItemVisible() / IsRectVisible() which use "Visible" to mean "not clipped".
func InternalNewTableColumn ¶
func InternalNewTableColumn() *TableColumn
func (*TableColumn) AutoFitQueue ¶
func (self *TableColumn) AutoFitQueue() byte
func (*TableColumn) CannotSkipItemsQueue ¶
func (self *TableColumn) CannotSkipItemsQueue() byte
func (*TableColumn) ClipRect ¶
func (self *TableColumn) ClipRect() Rect
func (*TableColumn) ContentMaxXFrozen ¶
func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXFrozen() float32
func (*TableColumn) ContentMaxXHeadersIdeal ¶
func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXHeadersIdeal() float32
func (*TableColumn) ContentMaxXHeadersUsed ¶
func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXHeadersUsed() float32
func (*TableColumn) ContentMaxXUnfrozen ¶
func (self *TableColumn) ContentMaxXUnfrozen() float32
func (*TableColumn) Destroy ¶
func (self *TableColumn) Destroy()
func (*TableColumn) DisplayOrder ¶
func (self *TableColumn) DisplayOrder() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableColumn) DrawChannelCurrent ¶
func (self *TableColumn) DrawChannelCurrent() TableDrawChannelIdx
func (*TableColumn) DrawChannelFrozen ¶
func (self *TableColumn) DrawChannelFrozen() TableDrawChannelIdx
func (*TableColumn) DrawChannelUnfrozen ¶
func (self *TableColumn) DrawChannelUnfrozen() TableDrawChannelIdx
func (*TableColumn) Flags ¶
func (self *TableColumn) Flags() TableColumnFlags
func (*TableColumn) IndexWithinEnabledSet ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IndexWithinEnabledSet() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableColumn) InitStretchWeightOrWidth ¶
func (self *TableColumn) InitStretchWeightOrWidth() float32
func (*TableColumn) IsEnabled ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsEnabled() bool
func (*TableColumn) IsPreserveWidthAuto ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsPreserveWidthAuto() bool
func (*TableColumn) IsRequestOutput ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsRequestOutput() bool
func (*TableColumn) IsSkipItems ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsSkipItems() bool
func (*TableColumn) IsUserEnabled ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsUserEnabled() bool
func (*TableColumn) IsUserEnabledNextFrame ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsUserEnabledNextFrame() bool
func (*TableColumn) IsVisibleX ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsVisibleX() bool
func (*TableColumn) IsVisibleY ¶
func (self *TableColumn) IsVisibleY() bool
func (*TableColumn) ItemWidth ¶
func (self *TableColumn) ItemWidth() float32
func (*TableColumn) MaxX ¶
func (self *TableColumn) MaxX() float32
func (*TableColumn) MinX ¶
func (self *TableColumn) MinX() float32
func (*TableColumn) NameOffset ¶
func (self *TableColumn) NameOffset() int
func (*TableColumn) NavLayerCurrent ¶
func (self *TableColumn) NavLayerCurrent() int
func (*TableColumn) NextEnabledColumn ¶
func (self *TableColumn) NextEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableColumn) PrevEnabledColumn ¶
func (self *TableColumn) PrevEnabledColumn() TableColumnIdx
func (TableColumn) SetAutoFitQueue ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetAutoFitQueue(v byte)
func (TableColumn) SetCannotSkipItemsQueue ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetCannotSkipItemsQueue(v byte)
func (TableColumn) SetClipRect ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetClipRect(v Rect)
func (TableColumn) SetContentMaxXFrozen ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXFrozen(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetContentMaxXHeadersIdeal ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXHeadersIdeal(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetContentMaxXHeadersUsed ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXHeadersUsed(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetContentMaxXUnfrozen ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetContentMaxXUnfrozen(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetDisplayOrder ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetDisplayOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetDrawChannelCurrent ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetDrawChannelCurrent(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetDrawChannelFrozen ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetDrawChannelFrozen(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetDrawChannelUnfrozen ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetDrawChannelUnfrozen(v TableDrawChannelIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetFlags ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetFlags(v TableColumnFlags)
func (TableColumn) SetIndexWithinEnabledSet ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIndexWithinEnabledSet(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetInitStretchWeightOrWidth ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetInitStretchWeightOrWidth(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetIsEnabled ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsEnabled(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetIsPreserveWidthAuto ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsPreserveWidthAuto(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetIsRequestOutput ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsRequestOutput(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetIsSkipItems ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsSkipItems(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetIsUserEnabled ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsUserEnabled(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetIsUserEnabledNextFrame ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsUserEnabledNextFrame(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetIsVisibleX ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsVisibleX(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetIsVisibleY ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetIsVisibleY(v bool)
func (TableColumn) SetItemWidth ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetItemWidth(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetMaxX ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetMaxX(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetMinX ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetMinX(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetNameOffset ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetNameOffset(v int)
func (TableColumn) SetNavLayerCurrent ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetNavLayerCurrent(v int)
func (TableColumn) SetNextEnabledColumn ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetNextEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetPrevEnabledColumn ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetPrevEnabledColumn(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetSortDirection ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirection(v byte)
func (TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailCount ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailCount(v byte)
func (TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailList ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailList(v byte)
func (TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailMask ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetSortDirectionsAvailMask(v byte)
func (TableColumn) SetSortOrder ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetSortOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumn) SetStretchWeight ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetStretchWeight(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetUserID ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetUserID(v ID)
func (TableColumn) SetWidthAuto ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetWidthAuto(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetWidthGiven ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetWidthGiven(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetWidthRequest ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetWidthRequest(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetWorkMaxX ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetWorkMaxX(v float32)
func (TableColumn) SetWorkMinX ¶
func (self TableColumn) SetWorkMinX(v float32)
func (*TableColumn) SortDirection ¶
func (self *TableColumn) SortDirection() byte
func (*TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailCount ¶
func (self *TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailCount() byte
func (*TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailList ¶
func (self *TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailList() byte
func (*TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailMask ¶
func (self *TableColumn) SortDirectionsAvailMask() byte
func (*TableColumn) SortOrder ¶
func (self *TableColumn) SortOrder() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableColumn) StretchWeight ¶
func (self *TableColumn) StretchWeight() float32
func (*TableColumn) UserID ¶
func (self *TableColumn) UserID() ID
func (*TableColumn) WidthAuto ¶
func (self *TableColumn) WidthAuto() float32
func (*TableColumn) WidthGiven ¶
func (self *TableColumn) WidthGiven() float32
func (*TableColumn) WidthRequest ¶
func (self *TableColumn) WidthRequest() float32
func (*TableColumn) WorkMaxX ¶
func (self *TableColumn) WorkMaxX() float32
func (*TableColumn) WorkMinX ¶
func (self *TableColumn) WorkMinX() float32
type TableColumnFlags ¶
type TableColumnFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::TableSetupColumn() original name: ImGuiTableColumnFlags_
func TableGetColumnFlags ¶
func TableGetColumnFlags() TableColumnFlags
func TableGetColumnFlagsV ¶
func TableGetColumnFlagsV(column_n int32) TableColumnFlags
return column flags so you can query their Enabled/Visible/Sorted/Hovered status flags. Pass -1 to use current column. TableGetColumnFlagsV parameter default value hint: column_n: -1
type TableColumnIdx ¶
type TableColumnIdx C.ImGuiTableColumnIdx
type TableColumnSettings ¶
type TableColumnSettings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
sizeof() ~ 12
func InternalNewTableColumnSettings ¶
func InternalNewTableColumnSettings() *TableColumnSettings
func (*TableColumnSettings) Destroy ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) Destroy()
func (*TableColumnSettings) DisplayOrder ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) DisplayOrder() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableColumnSettings) Index ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) Index() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableColumnSettings) IsEnabled ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) IsEnabled() byte
func (*TableColumnSettings) IsStretch ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) IsStretch() byte
func (TableColumnSettings) SetDisplayOrder ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetDisplayOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumnSettings) SetIndex ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetIndex(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumnSettings) SetIsEnabled ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetIsEnabled(v byte)
func (TableColumnSettings) SetIsStretch ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetIsStretch(v byte)
func (TableColumnSettings) SetSortDirection ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetSortDirection(v byte)
func (TableColumnSettings) SetSortOrder ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetSortOrder(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableColumnSettings) SetUserID ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetUserID(v ID)
func (TableColumnSettings) SetWidthOrWeight ¶
func (self TableColumnSettings) SetWidthOrWeight(v float32)
func (*TableColumnSettings) SortDirection ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) SortDirection() byte
func (*TableColumnSettings) SortOrder ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) SortOrder() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableColumnSettings) UserID ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) UserID() ID
func (*TableColumnSettings) WidthOrWeight ¶
func (self *TableColumnSettings) WidthOrWeight() float32
type TableColumnSortSpecs ¶
type TableColumnSortSpecs struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Sorting specification for one column of a table (sizeof == 12 bytes)
func NewTableColumnSortSpecs ¶
func NewTableColumnSortSpecs() *TableColumnSortSpecs
func (*TableColumnSortSpecs) ColumnIndex ¶
func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) ColumnIndex() int
func (*TableColumnSortSpecs) ColumnUserID ¶
func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) ColumnUserID() ID
func (*TableColumnSortSpecs) Destroy ¶
func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) Destroy()
func (TableColumnSortSpecs) SetColumnIndex ¶
func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetColumnIndex(v int)
func (TableColumnSortSpecs) SetColumnUserID ¶
func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetColumnUserID(v ID)
func (TableColumnSortSpecs) SetSortDirection ¶
func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetSortDirection(v SortDirection)
func (TableColumnSortSpecs) SetSortOrder ¶
func (self TableColumnSortSpecs) SetSortOrder(v int)
func (*TableColumnSortSpecs) SortDirection ¶
func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) SortDirection() SortDirection
func (*TableColumnSortSpecs) SortOrder ¶
func (self *TableColumnSortSpecs) SortOrder() int
type TableDrawChannelIdx ¶
type TableDrawChannelIdx C.ImGuiTableDrawChannelIdx
type TableFlags ¶
type TableFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::BeginTable()
- Important! Sizing policies have complex and subtle side effects, much more so than you would expect. Read comments/demos carefully + experiment with live demos to get acquainted with them.
- The DEFAULT sizing policies are:
- Default to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit if ScrollX is on, or if host window has ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize.
- Default to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchSame if ScrollX is off.
- When ScrollX is off:
- Table defaults to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingStretchSame -> all Columns defaults to ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthStretch with same weight.
- Columns sizing policy allowed: Stretch (default), Fixed/Auto.
- Fixed Columns (if any) will generally obtain their requested width (unless the table cannot fit them all).
- Stretch Columns will share the remaining width according to their respective weight.
- Mixed Fixed/Stretch columns is possible but has various side-effects on resizing behaviors. The typical use of mixing sizing policies is: any number of LEADING Fixed columns, followed by one or two TRAILING Stretch columns. (this is because the visible order of columns have subtle but necessary effects on how they react to manual resizing).
- When ScrollX is on:
- Table defaults to ImGuiTableFlags_SizingFixedFit -> all Columns defaults to ImGuiTableColumnFlags_WidthFixed
- Columns sizing policy allowed: Fixed/Auto mostly.
- Fixed Columns can be enlarged as needed. Table will show a horizontal scrollbar if needed.
- When using auto-resizing (non-resizable) fixed columns, querying the content width to use item right-alignment e.g. SetNextItemWidth(-FLT_MIN) doesn't make sense, would create a feedback loop.
- Using Stretch columns OFTEN DOES NOT MAKE SENSE if ScrollX is on, UNLESS you have specified a value for 'inner_width' in BeginTable(). If you specify a value for 'inner_width' then effectively the scrolling space is known and Stretch or mixed Fixed/Stretch columns become meaningful again.
- Read on documentation at the top of imgui_tables.cpp for details.
original name: ImGuiTableFlags_
type TableInstanceData ¶
type TableInstanceData struct { FieldTableInstanceID ID FieldLastOuterHeight float32 // Outer height from last frame FieldLastFirstRowHeight float32 // Height of first row from last frame (FIXME: this is used as "header height" and may be reworked) FieldLastFrozenHeight float32 // Height of frozen section from last frame FieldHoveredRowLast int32 // Index of row which was hovered last frame. FieldHoveredRowNext int32 // Index of row hovered this frame, set after encountering it. }
Per-instance data that needs preserving across frames (seemingly most others do not need to be preserved aside from debug needs. Does that means they could be moved to ImGuiTableTempData?)
func InternalNewTableInstanceData ¶
func InternalNewTableInstanceData() *TableInstanceData
func InternalTableGetInstanceData ¶
func InternalTableGetInstanceData(table *Table, instance_no int32) *TableInstanceData
func (*TableInstanceData) Destroy ¶
func (self *TableInstanceData) Destroy()
func (*TableInstanceData) HoveredRowLast ¶
func (self *TableInstanceData) HoveredRowLast() int32
func (*TableInstanceData) HoveredRowNext ¶
func (self *TableInstanceData) HoveredRowNext() int32
func (*TableInstanceData) LastFirstRowHeight ¶
func (self *TableInstanceData) LastFirstRowHeight() float32
func (*TableInstanceData) LastFrozenHeight ¶
func (self *TableInstanceData) LastFrozenHeight() float32
func (*TableInstanceData) LastOuterHeight ¶
func (self *TableInstanceData) LastOuterHeight() float32
func (TableInstanceData) SetHoveredRowLast ¶
func (self TableInstanceData) SetHoveredRowLast(v int32)
func (TableInstanceData) SetHoveredRowNext ¶
func (self TableInstanceData) SetHoveredRowNext(v int32)
func (TableInstanceData) SetLastFirstRowHeight ¶
func (self TableInstanceData) SetLastFirstRowHeight(v float32)
func (TableInstanceData) SetLastFrozenHeight ¶
func (self TableInstanceData) SetLastFrozenHeight(v float32)
func (TableInstanceData) SetLastOuterHeight ¶
func (self TableInstanceData) SetLastOuterHeight(v float32)
func (TableInstanceData) SetTableInstanceID ¶
func (self TableInstanceData) SetTableInstanceID(v ID)
func (*TableInstanceData) TableInstanceID ¶
func (self *TableInstanceData) TableInstanceID() ID
type TableRowFlags ¶
type TableRowFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::TableNextRow() original name: ImGuiTableRowFlags_
type TableSettings ¶
type TableSettings struct { FieldID ID // Set to 0 to invalidate/delete the setting FieldSaveFlags TableFlags // Indicate data we want to save using the Resizable/Reorderable/Sortable/Hideable flags (could be using its own flags..) FieldRefScale float32 // Reference scale to be able to rescale columns on font/dpi changes. FieldColumnsCount TableColumnIdx FieldColumnsCountMax TableColumnIdx // Maximum number of columns this settings instance can store, we can recycle a settings instance with lower number of columns but not higher FieldWantApply bool // Set when loaded from .ini data (to enable merging/loading .ini data into an already running context) }
This is designed to be stored in a single ImChunkStream (1 header followed by N ImGuiTableColumnSettings, etc.)
func InternalNewTableSettings ¶
func InternalNewTableSettings() *TableSettings
func InternalTableGetBoundSettings ¶
func InternalTableGetBoundSettings(table *Table) *TableSettings
func InternalTableSettingsCreate ¶
func InternalTableSettingsCreate(id ID, columns_count int32) *TableSettings
func InternalTableSettingsFindByID ¶
func InternalTableSettingsFindByID(id ID) *TableSettings
func (*TableSettings) ColumnsCount ¶
func (self *TableSettings) ColumnsCount() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableSettings) ColumnsCountMax ¶
func (self *TableSettings) ColumnsCountMax() TableColumnIdx
func (*TableSettings) Destroy ¶
func (self *TableSettings) Destroy()
func (*TableSettings) ID ¶
func (self *TableSettings) ID() ID
func (*TableSettings) InternalColumnSettings ¶
func (self *TableSettings) InternalColumnSettings() *TableColumnSettings
func (*TableSettings) RefScale ¶
func (self *TableSettings) RefScale() float32
func (*TableSettings) SaveFlags ¶
func (self *TableSettings) SaveFlags() TableFlags
func (TableSettings) SetColumnsCount ¶
func (self TableSettings) SetColumnsCount(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableSettings) SetColumnsCountMax ¶
func (self TableSettings) SetColumnsCountMax(v TableColumnIdx)
func (TableSettings) SetID ¶
func (self TableSettings) SetID(v ID)
func (TableSettings) SetRefScale ¶
func (self TableSettings) SetRefScale(v float32)
func (TableSettings) SetSaveFlags ¶
func (self TableSettings) SetSaveFlags(v TableFlags)
func (TableSettings) SetWantApply ¶
func (self TableSettings) SetWantApply(v bool)
func (*TableSettings) WantApply ¶
func (self *TableSettings) WantApply() bool
type TableSortSpecs ¶
type TableSortSpecs struct { FieldSpecs *TableColumnSortSpecs // Pointer to sort spec array. FieldSpecsCount int32 // Sort spec count. Most often 1. May be > 1 when ImGuiTableFlags_SortMulti is enabled. May be == 0 when ImGuiTableFlags_SortTristate is enabled. FieldSpecsDirty bool // Set to true when specs have changed since last time! Use this to sort again, then clear the flag. }
Sorting specifications for a table (often handling sort specs for a single column, occasionally more) Obtained by calling TableGetSortSpecs(). When 'SpecsDirty == true' you can sort your data. It will be true with sorting specs have changed since last call, or the first time. Make sure to set 'SpecsDirty = false' after sorting, else you may wastefully sort your data every frame!
func NewTableSortSpecs ¶
func NewTableSortSpecs() *TableSortSpecs
func TableGetSortSpecs ¶
func TableGetSortSpecs() *TableSortSpecs
get latest sort specs for the table (NULL if not sorting). Lifetime: don't hold on this pointer over multiple frames or past any subsequent call to BeginTable().
func (*TableSortSpecs) Destroy ¶
func (self *TableSortSpecs) Destroy()
func (TableSortSpecs) SetSpecs ¶
func (self TableSortSpecs) SetSpecs(v *TableColumnSortSpecs)
func (TableSortSpecs) SetSpecsCount ¶
func (self TableSortSpecs) SetSpecsCount(v int32)
func (TableSortSpecs) SetSpecsDirty ¶
func (self TableSortSpecs) SetSpecsDirty(v bool)
func (*TableSortSpecs) Specs ¶
func (self *TableSortSpecs) Specs() *TableColumnSortSpecs
func (*TableSortSpecs) SpecsCount ¶
func (self *TableSortSpecs) SpecsCount() int32
func (*TableSortSpecs) SpecsDirty ¶
func (self *TableSortSpecs) SpecsDirty() bool
type TableTempData ¶
type TableTempData struct { FieldTableIndex int32 // Index in g.Tables.Buf[] pool FieldLastTimeActive float32 // Last timestamp this structure was used FieldUserOuterSize Vec2 // outer_size.x passed to BeginTable() FieldDrawSplitter DrawListSplitter FieldHostBackupWorkRect Rect // Backup of InnerWindow->WorkRect at the end of BeginTable() FieldHostBackupParentWorkRect Rect // Backup of InnerWindow->ParentWorkRect at the end of BeginTable() FieldHostBackupPrevLineSize Vec2 // Backup of InnerWindow->DC.PrevLineSize at the end of BeginTable() FieldHostBackupCurrLineSize Vec2 // Backup of InnerWindow->DC.CurrLineSize at the end of BeginTable() FieldHostBackupCursorMaxPos Vec2 // Backup of InnerWindow->DC.CursorMaxPos at the end of BeginTable() FieldHostBackupColumnsOffset Vec1 // Backup of OuterWindow->DC.ColumnsOffset at the end of BeginTable() FieldHostBackupItemWidth float32 // Backup of OuterWindow->DC.ItemWidth at the end of BeginTable() FieldHostBackupItemWidthStackSize int32 // Backup of OuterWindow->DC.ItemWidthStack.Size at the end of BeginTable() }
Transient data that are only needed between BeginTable() and EndTable(), those buffers are shared (1 per level of stacked table). - Accessing those requires chasing an extra pointer so for very frequently used data we leave them in the main table structure. - We also leave out of this structure data that tend to be particularly useful for debugging/metrics. sizeof() ~ 112 bytes.
func InternalNewTableTempData ¶
func InternalNewTableTempData() *TableTempData
func (*TableTempData) Destroy ¶
func (self *TableTempData) Destroy()
func (*TableTempData) DrawSplitter ¶
func (self *TableTempData) DrawSplitter() DrawListSplitter
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupColumnsOffset ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupColumnsOffset() Vec1
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupCurrLineSize ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupCurrLineSize() Vec2
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupCursorMaxPos ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupCursorMaxPos() Vec2
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupItemWidth ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupItemWidth() float32
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupItemWidthStackSize ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupItemWidthStackSize() int32
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupParentWorkRect ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupParentWorkRect() Rect
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupPrevLineSize ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupPrevLineSize() Vec2
func (*TableTempData) HostBackupWorkRect ¶
func (self *TableTempData) HostBackupWorkRect() Rect
func (*TableTempData) LastTimeActive ¶
func (self *TableTempData) LastTimeActive() float32
func (TableTempData) SetDrawSplitter ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetDrawSplitter(v DrawListSplitter)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupColumnsOffset ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupColumnsOffset(v Vec1)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupCurrLineSize ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupCurrLineSize(v Vec2)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupCursorMaxPos ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupCursorMaxPos(v Vec2)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupItemWidth ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupItemWidth(v float32)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupItemWidthStackSize ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupItemWidthStackSize(v int32)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupParentWorkRect ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupParentWorkRect(v Rect)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupPrevLineSize ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupPrevLineSize(v Vec2)
func (TableTempData) SetHostBackupWorkRect ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetHostBackupWorkRect(v Rect)
func (TableTempData) SetLastTimeActive ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetLastTimeActive(v float32)
func (TableTempData) SetTableIndex ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetTableIndex(v int32)
func (TableTempData) SetUserOuterSize ¶
func (self TableTempData) SetUserOuterSize(v Vec2)
func (*TableTempData) TableIndex ¶
func (self *TableTempData) TableIndex() int32
func (*TableTempData) UserOuterSize ¶
func (self *TableTempData) UserOuterSize() Vec2
type TextBuffer ¶
Helper: Growable text buffer for logging/accumulating text (this could be called 'ImGuiTextBuilder' / 'ImGuiStringBuilder')
func NewTextBuffer ¶
func NewTextBuffer() *TextBuffer
func (*TextBuffer) Append ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Append(str string)
func (*TextBuffer) AppendV ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) AppendV(str string, str_end string)
AppendV parameter default value hint: str_end: NULL
func (*TextBuffer) Appendf ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Appendf(fmt string)
func (*TextBuffer) Begin ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Begin() string
func (*TextBuffer) Buf ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Buf() Vector[string]
func (*TextBuffer) Clear ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Clear()
func (*TextBuffer) Destroy ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Destroy()
func (*TextBuffer) Empty ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Empty() bool
func (*TextBuffer) End ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) End() string
Buf is zero-terminated, so end() will point on the zero-terminator
func (*TextBuffer) Reserve ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Reserve(capacity int32)
func (TextBuffer) SetBuf ¶
func (self TextBuffer) SetBuf(v Vector[string])
func (*TextBuffer) Size ¶
func (self *TextBuffer) Size() int32
type TextFilter ¶
type TextFilter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Helper: Parse and apply text filters. In format "aaaaa[,bbbb][,ccccc]"
func NewTextFilter ¶
func NewTextFilter(default_filter string) *TextFilter
NewTextFilter parameter default value hint: default_filter: ""
func (*TextFilter) Build ¶
func (self *TextFilter) Build()
func (*TextFilter) Clear ¶
func (self *TextFilter) Clear()
func (*TextFilter) CountGrep ¶
func (self *TextFilter) CountGrep() int32
func (*TextFilter) Destroy ¶
func (self *TextFilter) Destroy()
func (*TextFilter) Draw ¶
func (self *TextFilter) Draw() bool
func (*TextFilter) DrawV ¶
func (self *TextFilter) DrawV(label string, width float32) bool
Helper calling InputText+Build DrawV parameter default value hint: label: "Filter(inc,-exc)" width: 0.0f
func (*TextFilter) Filters ¶
func (self *TextFilter) Filters() Vector[*TextRange]
func (*TextFilter) IsActive ¶
func (self *TextFilter) IsActive() bool
func (*TextFilter) PassFilter ¶
func (self *TextFilter) PassFilter(text string) bool
func (*TextFilter) PassFilterV ¶
func (self *TextFilter) PassFilterV(text string) bool
PassFilterV parameter default value hint:
func (TextFilter) SetCountGrep ¶
func (self TextFilter) SetCountGrep(v int32)
func (TextFilter) SetFilters ¶
func (self TextFilter) SetFilters(v Vector[*TextRange])
type TextIndex ¶
type TextIndex struct { FieldLineOffsets Vector[*int32] FieldEndOffset int32 // Because we don't own text buffer we need to maintain EndOffset (may bake in LineOffsets?) }
Helper: ImGuiTextIndex<> Maintain a line index for a text buffer. This is a strong candidate to be moved into the public API.
func (*TextIndex) InternalAppend ¶
func (*TextIndex) InternalClear ¶
func (self *TextIndex) InternalClear()
func (*TextIndex) InternalSize ¶
func (*TextIndex) Internalgetlinebegin ¶
func (*TextIndex) Internalgetlineend ¶
func (*TextIndex) LineOffsets ¶
func (TextIndex) SetEndOffset ¶
func (TextIndex) SetLineOffsets ¶
type TextRange ¶
func NewTextRangeNil ¶
func NewTextRangeNil() *TextRange
func NewTextRangeStr ¶
type TextRegion ¶
type TextRegion struct{}
func NewTextRegion ¶
func NewTextRegion() *TextRegion
func (*TextRegion) Destroy ¶
func (self *TextRegion) Destroy()
type Texture ¶
func NewTextureFromRgba ¶
type TextureID ¶
type TextureID C.ImTextureID
type TextureManager ¶
type TextureManager interface { CreateTexture(pixels unsafe.Pointer, width, Height int) TextureID CreateTextureRgba(img *image.RGBA, width, height int) TextureID DeleteTexture(id TextureID) }
TextureManager is a part of Backend.
Why I separate it? Current impl of local texture.go needs to store this somewhere, and I don't want to make Texture relate on BackendFlagsT.
type TreeNodeFlags ¶
type TreeNodeFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::TreeNodeEx(), ImGui::CollapsingHeader*() original name: ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_
type TreeNodeFlagsPrivate ¶
type TreeNodeFlagsPrivate int32
Extend ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_ original name: ImGuiTreeNodeFlagsPrivate_
type TypingSelectFlags ¶
type TypingSelectFlags int32
Flags for GetTypingSelectRequest() original name: ImGuiTypingSelectFlags_
type TypingSelectRequest ¶
type TypingSelectRequest struct { FieldFlags TypingSelectFlags // Flags passed to GetTypingSelectRequest() FieldSearchBufferLen int32 FieldSearchBuffer string // Search buffer contents (use full string. unless SingleCharMode is set, in which case use SingleCharSize). FieldSelectRequest bool // Set when buffer was modified this frame, requesting a selection. FieldSingleCharMode bool // Notify when buffer contains same character repeated, to implement special mode. In this situation it preferred to not display any on-screen search indication. FieldSingleCharSize int // Length in bytes of first letter codepoint (1 for ascii, 2-4 for UTF-8). If (SearchBufferLen==RepeatCharSize) only 1 letter has been input. }
Returned by GetTypingSelectRequest(), designed to eventually be public.
func InternalTypingSelectRequest ¶
func InternalTypingSelectRequest() *TypingSelectRequest
func InternalTypingSelectRequestV ¶
func InternalTypingSelectRequestV(flags TypingSelectFlags) *TypingSelectRequest
InternalTypingSelectRequestV parameter default value hint: flags: ImGuiTypingSelectFlags_None
func (*TypingSelectRequest) Flags ¶
func (self *TypingSelectRequest) Flags() TypingSelectFlags
func (*TypingSelectRequest) SearchBuffer ¶
func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SearchBuffer() string
func (*TypingSelectRequest) SearchBufferLen ¶
func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SearchBufferLen() int32
func (*TypingSelectRequest) SelectRequest ¶
func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SelectRequest() bool
func (TypingSelectRequest) SetFlags ¶
func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetFlags(v TypingSelectFlags)
func (TypingSelectRequest) SetSearchBuffer ¶
func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSearchBuffer(v string)
func (TypingSelectRequest) SetSearchBufferLen ¶
func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSearchBufferLen(v int32)
func (TypingSelectRequest) SetSelectRequest ¶
func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSelectRequest(v bool)
func (TypingSelectRequest) SetSingleCharMode ¶
func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSingleCharMode(v bool)
func (TypingSelectRequest) SetSingleCharSize ¶
func (self TypingSelectRequest) SetSingleCharSize(v int)
func (*TypingSelectRequest) SingleCharMode ¶
func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SingleCharMode() bool
func (*TypingSelectRequest) SingleCharSize ¶
func (self *TypingSelectRequest) SingleCharSize() int
type TypingSelectState ¶
type TypingSelectState struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Storage for GetTypingSelectRequest()
func InternalNewTypingSelectState ¶
func InternalNewTypingSelectState() *TypingSelectState
func (*TypingSelectState) Destroy ¶
func (self *TypingSelectState) Destroy()
func (*TypingSelectState) FocusScope ¶
func (self *TypingSelectState) FocusScope() ID
func (*TypingSelectState) InternalClear ¶
func (self *TypingSelectState) InternalClear()
We preserve remaining data for easier debugging
func (*TypingSelectState) LastRequestFrame ¶
func (self *TypingSelectState) LastRequestFrame() int32
func (*TypingSelectState) LastRequestTime ¶
func (self *TypingSelectState) LastRequestTime() float32
func (*TypingSelectState) Request ¶
func (self *TypingSelectState) Request() TypingSelectRequest
func (TypingSelectState) SetFocusScope ¶
func (self TypingSelectState) SetFocusScope(v ID)
func (TypingSelectState) SetLastRequestFrame ¶
func (self TypingSelectState) SetLastRequestFrame(v int32)
func (TypingSelectState) SetLastRequestTime ¶
func (self TypingSelectState) SetLastRequestTime(v float32)
func (TypingSelectState) SetRequest ¶
func (self TypingSelectState) SetRequest(v TypingSelectRequest)
func (TypingSelectState) SetSingleCharModeLock ¶
func (self TypingSelectState) SetSingleCharModeLock(v bool)
func (*TypingSelectState) SingleCharModeLock ¶
func (self *TypingSelectState) SingleCharModeLock() bool
type Vec1 ¶
type Vec1 struct {
FieldX float32
func InternalNewVec1Float ¶
func InternalNewVec1Nil ¶
func InternalNewVec1Nil() *Vec1
type Vec2 ¶
func CalcTextSize ¶
func CalcTextSizeV ¶
CalcTextSizeV parameter default value hint: hide_text_after_double_hash: false wrap_width: -1.0f
func ContentRegionMax ¶
func ContentRegionMax() Vec2
current content boundaries (typically window boundaries including scrolling, or current column boundaries), in windows coordinates
func CursorPos ¶
func CursorPos() Vec2
cursor position in window coordinates (relative to window position)
func CursorScreenPos ¶
func CursorScreenPos() Vec2
cursor position in absolute coordinates (useful to work with ImDrawList API). generally top-left == GetMainViewport()->Pos == (0,0) in single viewport mode, and bottom-right == GetMainViewport()->Pos+Size == io.DisplaySize in single-viewport mode.
func FontTexUvWhitePixel ¶
func FontTexUvWhitePixel() Vec2
get UV coordinate for a while pixel, useful to draw custom shapes via the ImDrawList API
func InternalCalcItemSize ¶
func InternalContentRegionMaxAbs ¶
func InternalContentRegionMaxAbs() Vec2
func InternalImBezierCubicClosestPoint ¶
func InternalImBezierCubicClosestPoint(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, p Vec2, num_segments int32) Vec2
For curves with explicit number of segments
func InternalImBezierCubicClosestPointCasteljau ¶
func InternalImBezierCubicClosestPointCasteljau(p1 Vec2, p2 Vec2, p3 Vec2, p4 Vec2, p Vec2, tess_tol float32) Vec2
For auto-tessellated curves you can use tess_tol = style.CurveTessellationTol
func InternalImFloorVec2 ¶
func InternalImMax ¶
func InternalImMin ¶
func InternalImMul ¶
func InternalKeyMagnitude2d ¶
func InternalScrollToRectEx ¶
func InternalScrollToRectExV ¶
func InternalScrollToRectExV(window *Window, rect Rect, flags ScrollFlags) Vec2
InternalScrollToRectExV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func ItemRectMax ¶
func ItemRectMax() Vec2
get lower-right bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space)
func ItemRectMin ¶
func ItemRectMin() Vec2
get upper-left bounding rectangle of the last item (screen space)
func MouseDragDelta ¶
func MouseDragDelta() Vec2
func MouseDragDeltaV ¶
func MouseDragDeltaV(button MouseButton, lock_threshold float32) Vec2
return the delta from the initial clicking position while the mouse button is pressed or was just released. This is locked and return 0.0f until the mouse moves past a distance threshold at least once (if lock_threshold < -1.0f, uses io.MouseDraggingThreshold) MouseDragDeltaV parameter default value hint: button: 0 lock_threshold: -1.0f
func MousePos ¶
func MousePos() Vec2
shortcut to ImGui::GetIO().MousePos provided by user, to be consistent with other calls
func MousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup ¶
func MousePosOnOpeningCurrentPopup() Vec2
retrieve mouse position at the time of opening popup we have BeginPopup() into (helper to avoid user backing that value themselves)
func PlotCalcLegendSize ¶
func PlotCalcLegendSize(items *PlotItemGroup, pad Vec2, spacing Vec2, vertical bool) Vec2
func PlotGetLocationPos ¶
func PlotGetLocationPos(outer_rect Rect, inner_size Vec2, location PlotLocation) Vec2
func PlotGetLocationPosV ¶
func PlotGetLocationPosV(outer_rect Rect, inner_size Vec2, location PlotLocation, pad Vec2) Vec2
PlotGetLocationPosV parameter default value hint: pad: ImVec2(0,0)
func PlotGetPlotPos ¶
func PlotGetPlotPos() Vec2
func PlotGetPlotSize ¶
func PlotGetPlotSize() Vec2
func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV ¶
func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV(plt PlotPoint, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) Vec2
PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotPlotToPixelsdouble ¶
func PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV ¶
func PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV(x float64, y float64, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) Vec2
PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func WindowContentRegionMax ¶
func WindowContentRegionMax() Vec2
content boundaries max for the full window (roughly (0,0)+Size-Scroll) where Size can be overridden with SetNextWindowContentSize(), in window coordinates
func WindowContentRegionMin ¶
func WindowContentRegionMin() Vec2
content boundaries min for the full window (roughly (0,0)-Scroll), in window coordinates
func WindowPos ¶
func WindowPos() Vec2
get current window position in screen space (note: it is unlikely you need to use this. Consider using current layout pos instead, GetScreenCursorPos())
func WindowSize ¶
func WindowSize() Vec2
get current window size (note: it is unlikely you need to use this. Consider using GetScreenCursorPos() and e.g. GetContentRegionAvail() instead)
type Vec4 ¶
func ColorConvertU32ToFloat4 ¶
func PlotGetAutoColor ¶
func PlotGetColormapColor ¶
func PlotGetColormapColorV ¶
func PlotGetColormapColorV(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) Vec4
PlotGetColormapColorV parameter default value hint: cmap: -1
func PlotGetLastItemColor ¶
func PlotGetLastItemColor() Vec4
func PlotGetStyleColorVec4 ¶
func PlotNextColormapColor ¶
func PlotNextColormapColor() Vec4
func PlotSampleColormap ¶
func PlotSampleColormapV ¶
func PlotSampleColormapV(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) Vec4
PlotSampleColormapV parameter default value hint: cmap: -1
func StyleColorVec4 ¶
retrieve style color as stored in ImGuiStyle structure. use to feed back into PushStyleColor(), otherwise use GetColorU32() to get style color with style alpha baked in.
type Viewport ¶
type Viewport struct { FieldID ID // Unique identifier for the viewport FieldFlags ViewportFlags // See ImGuiViewportFlags_ FieldPos Vec2 // Main Area: Position of the viewport (Dear ImGui coordinates are the same as OS desktop/native coordinates) FieldSize Vec2 // Main Area: Size of the viewport. FieldWorkPos Vec2 // Work Area: Position of the viewport minus task bars, menus bars, status bars (>= Pos) FieldWorkSize Vec2 // Work Area: Size of the viewport minus task bars, menu bars, status bars (<= Size) FieldDpiScale float32 // 1.0f = 96 DPI = No extra scale. FieldParentViewportId ID // (Advanced) 0: no parent. Instruct the platform backend to setup a parent/child relationship between platform windows. FieldDrawData *DrawData // The ImDrawData corresponding to this viewport. Valid after Render() and until the next call to NewFrame(). // Platform/Backend Dependent Data // Our design separate the Renderer and Platform backends to facilitate combining default backends with each others. // When our create your own backend for a custom engine, it is possible that both Renderer and Platform will be handled // by the same system and you may not need to use all the UserData/Handle fields. // The library never uses those fields, they are merely storage to facilitate backend implementation. FieldRendererUserData unsafe.Pointer // void* to hold custom data structure for the renderer (e.g. swap chain, framebuffers etc.). generally set by your Renderer_CreateWindow function. FieldPlatformUserData unsafe.Pointer // void* to hold custom data structure for the OS / platform (e.g. windowing info, render context). generally set by your Platform_CreateWindow function. FieldPlatformHandle unsafe.Pointer // void* for FindViewportByPlatformHandle(). (e.g. suggested to use natural platform handle such as HWND, GLFWWindow*, SDL_Window*) FieldPlatformHandleRaw unsafe.Pointer // void* to hold lower-level, platform-native window handle (under Win32 this is expected to be a HWND, unused for other platforms), when using an abstraction layer like GLFW or SDL (where PlatformHandle would be a SDL_Window*) FieldPlatformWindowCreated bool // Platform window has been created (Platform_CreateWindow() has been called). This is false during the first frame where a viewport is being created. FieldPlatformRequestMove bool // Platform window requested move (e.g. window was moved by the OS / host window manager, authoritative position will be OS window position) FieldPlatformRequestResize bool // Platform window requested resize (e.g. window was resized by the OS / host window manager, authoritative size will be OS window size) FieldPlatformRequestClose bool // Platform window requested closure (e.g. window was moved by the OS / host window manager, e.g. pressing ALT-F4) }
- Currently represents the Platform Window created by the application which is hosting our Dear ImGui windows. - With multi-viewport enabled, we extend this concept to have multiple active viewports. - In the future we will extend this concept further to also represent Platform Monitor and support a "no main platform window" operation mode. - About Main Area vs Work Area:
- Main Area = entire viewport.
- Work Area = entire viewport minus sections used by main menu bars (for platform windows), or by task bar (for platform monitor).
- Windows are generally trying to stay within the Work Area of their host viewport.
func FindViewportByPlatformHandle ¶
this is a helper for backends. the type platform_handle is decided by the backend (e.g. HWND, MyWindow*, GLFWwindow* etc.)
func MainViewport ¶
func MainViewport() *Viewport
return primary/default viewport. This can never be NULL.
func NewViewport ¶
func NewViewport() *Viewport
func WindowViewport ¶
func WindowViewport() *Viewport
get viewport currently associated to the current window.
func (*Viewport) Flags ¶
func (self *Viewport) Flags() ViewportFlags
func (*Viewport) ParentViewportId ¶
func (*Viewport) PlatformHandle ¶
func (*Viewport) PlatformHandleRaw ¶
func (*Viewport) PlatformRequestClose ¶
func (*Viewport) PlatformRequestMove ¶
func (*Viewport) PlatformRequestResize ¶
func (*Viewport) PlatformUserData ¶
func (*Viewport) PlatformWindowCreated ¶
func (*Viewport) RendererUserData ¶
func (Viewport) SetDpiScale ¶
func (Viewport) SetDrawData ¶
func (Viewport) SetFlags ¶
func (self Viewport) SetFlags(v ViewportFlags)
func (Viewport) SetParentViewportId ¶
func (Viewport) SetPlatformHandle ¶
func (Viewport) SetPlatformHandleRaw ¶
func (Viewport) SetPlatformRequestClose ¶
func (Viewport) SetPlatformRequestMove ¶
func (Viewport) SetPlatformRequestResize ¶
func (Viewport) SetPlatformUserData ¶
func (Viewport) SetPlatformWindowCreated ¶
func (Viewport) SetRendererUserData ¶
func (Viewport) SetWorkPos ¶
func (Viewport) SetWorkSize ¶
func (*Viewport) WorkCenter ¶
type ViewportFlags ¶
type ViewportFlags int32
Flags stored in ImGuiViewport::Flags, giving indications to the platform backends. original name: ImGuiViewportFlags_
type ViewportP ¶
type ViewportP struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ImGuiViewport Private/Internals fields (cardinal sin: we are using inheritance!) Every instance of ImGuiViewport is in fact a ImGuiViewportP.
func InternalNewViewportP ¶
func InternalNewViewportP() *ViewportP
func (*ViewportP) BuildWorkOffsetMax ¶
func (*ViewportP) BuildWorkOffsetMin ¶
func (*ViewportP) DrawDataBuilder ¶
func (self *ViewportP) DrawDataBuilder() DrawDataBuilder
func (*ViewportP) ImGuiViewport ¶
func (*ViewportP) InternalBuildWorkRect ¶
func (*ViewportP) InternalCalcWorkRectPos ¶
func (*ViewportP) InternalCalcWorkRectSize ¶
func (*ViewportP) InternalClearRequestFlags ¶
func (self *ViewportP) InternalClearRequestFlags()
func (*ViewportP) InternalDestroy ¶
func (self *ViewportP) InternalDestroy()
func (*ViewportP) InternalMainRect ¶
func (*ViewportP) InternalUpdateWorkRect ¶
func (self *ViewportP) InternalUpdateWorkRect()
Update public fields
func (*ViewportP) InternalWorkRect ¶
func (*ViewportP) LastFocusedHadNavWindow ¶
func (*ViewportP) LastFocusedStampCount ¶
func (*ViewportP) LastFrameActive ¶
func (*ViewportP) LastNameHash ¶
func (*ViewportP) LastPlatformPos ¶
func (*ViewportP) LastPlatformSize ¶
func (*ViewportP) LastRendererSize ¶
func (*ViewportP) PlatformMonitor ¶
func (ViewportP) SetBgFgDrawListsLastFrame ¶
func (ViewportP) SetBuildWorkOffsetMax ¶
func (ViewportP) SetBuildWorkOffsetMin ¶
func (ViewportP) SetDrawDataBuilder ¶
func (self ViewportP) SetDrawDataBuilder(v DrawDataBuilder)
func (ViewportP) SetDrawDataP ¶
func (ViewportP) SetImGuiViewport ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastAlpha ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastFocusedHadNavWindow ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastFocusedStampCount ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastFrameActive ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastNameHash ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastPlatformPos ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastPlatformSize ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastPos ¶
func (ViewportP) SetLastRendererSize ¶
func (ViewportP) SetPlatformMonitor ¶
func (ViewportP) SetWorkOffsetMax ¶
func (ViewportP) SetWorkOffsetMin ¶
func (*ViewportP) WorkOffsetMax ¶
func (*ViewportP) WorkOffsetMin ¶
type Wchar ¶
func InternalImStrbolW ¶
Find beginning-of-line (ImWchar string)
type Window ¶
type Window struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Storage for one window
func InternalCurrentWindow ¶
func InternalCurrentWindow() *Window
func InternalCurrentWindowRead ¶
func InternalCurrentWindowRead() *Window
func InternalFindWindowByID ¶
func InternalNewWindow ¶
func InternalTopMostAndVisiblePopupModal ¶
func InternalTopMostAndVisiblePopupModal() *Window
func InternalTopMostPopupModal ¶
func InternalTopMostPopupModal() *Window
func (*Window) AutoFitChildAxises ¶
func (*Window) AutoFitFramesX ¶
func (*Window) AutoFitFramesY ¶
func (*Window) AutoFitOnlyGrows ¶
func (*Window) AutoPosLastDirection ¶
func (*Window) BeginCount ¶
func (*Window) BeginCountPreviousFrame ¶
func (*Window) BeginOrderWithinContext ¶
func (*Window) BeginOrderWithinParent ¶
func (*Window) ColumnsStorage ¶
func (self *Window) ColumnsStorage() Vector[*OldColumns]
func (*Window) ContentRegionRect ¶
func (*Window) ContentSize ¶
func (*Window) ContentSizeExplicit ¶
func (*Window) ContentSizeIdeal ¶
func (*Window) DC ¶
func (self *Window) DC() WindowTempData
func (*Window) DecoInnerSizeX1 ¶
func (*Window) DecoInnerSizeY1 ¶
func (*Window) DecoOuterSizeX1 ¶
func (*Window) DecoOuterSizeX2 ¶
func (*Window) DecoOuterSizeY1 ¶
func (*Window) DecoOuterSizeY2 ¶
func (*Window) DisableInputsFrames ¶
func (*Window) DockIsActive ¶
func (*Window) DockNodeAsHost ¶
func (*Window) DockNodeIsVisible ¶
func (*Window) DockStyle ¶
func (self *Window) DockStyle() WindowDockStyle
func (*Window) DockTabIsVisible ¶
func (*Window) DockTabItemRect ¶
func (*Window) DockTabItemStatusFlags ¶
func (self *Window) DockTabItemStatusFlags() ItemStatusFlags
func (*Window) DockTabWantClose ¶
func (*Window) DrawListInst ¶
func (*Window) Flags ¶
func (self *Window) Flags() WindowFlags
func (*Window) FlagsPreviousFrame ¶
func (self *Window) FlagsPreviousFrame() WindowFlags
func (*Window) FocusOrder ¶
func (*Window) FontDpiScale ¶
func (*Window) FontWindowScale ¶
func (*Window) HasCloseButton ¶
func (*Window) HiddenFramesCanSkipItems ¶
func (*Window) HiddenFramesCannotSkipItems ¶
func (*Window) HiddenFramesForRenderOnly ¶
func (*Window) InnerClipRect ¶
func (*Window) InternalCalcFontSize ¶
func (*Window) InternalDestroy ¶
func (self *Window) InternalDestroy()
func (*Window) InternalIDFromRectangle ¶
func (*Window) InternalIDInt ¶
func (*Window) InternalIDStr ¶
func (*Window) InternalIDStrV ¶
InternalIDStrV parameter default value hint: str_end: NULL
func (*Window) InternalMenuBarHeight ¶
func (*Window) InternalMenuBarRect ¶
func (*Window) InternalRect ¶
func (*Window) InternalTitleBarHeight ¶
func (*Window) InternalTitleBarRect ¶
func (*Window) IsExplicitChild ¶
func (*Window) IsFallbackWindow ¶
func (*Window) ItemWidthDefault ¶
func (*Window) LastFrameActive ¶
func (*Window) LastFrameJustFocused ¶
func (*Window) LastTimeActive ¶
func (*Window) MemoryCompacted ¶
func (*Window) MemoryDrawListIdxCapacity ¶
func (*Window) MemoryDrawListVtxCapacity ¶
func (*Window) NameBufLen ¶
func (*Window) NavLastChildNavWindow ¶
func (*Window) NavRootFocusScopeId ¶
func (*Window) OuterRectClipped ¶
func (*Window) ParentWindow ¶
func (*Window) ParentWindowInBeginStack ¶
func (*Window) ParentWorkRect ¶
func (*Window) RootWindow ¶
func (*Window) RootWindowDockTree ¶
func (*Window) RootWindowForNav ¶
func (*Window) RootWindowForTitleBarHighlight ¶
func (*Window) RootWindowPopupTree ¶
func (*Window) ScrollTarget ¶
func (*Window) ScrollTargetCenterRatio ¶
func (*Window) ScrollTargetEdgeSnapDist ¶
func (*Window) ScrollbarSizes ¶
func (*Window) ScrollbarX ¶
func (*Window) ScrollbarY ¶
func (Window) SetAppearing ¶
func (Window) SetAutoFitChildAxises ¶
func (Window) SetAutoFitFramesX ¶
func (Window) SetAutoFitFramesY ¶
func (Window) SetAutoFitOnlyGrows ¶
func (Window) SetAutoPosLastDirection ¶
func (Window) SetBeginCount ¶
func (Window) SetBeginCountPreviousFrame ¶
func (Window) SetBeginOrderWithinContext ¶
func (Window) SetBeginOrderWithinParent ¶
func (Window) SetChildId ¶
func (Window) SetClipRect ¶
func (Window) SetCollapsed ¶
func (Window) SetColumnsStorage ¶
func (self Window) SetColumnsStorage(v Vector[*OldColumns])
func (Window) SetContentRegionRect ¶
func (Window) SetContentSize ¶
func (Window) SetContentSizeExplicit ¶
func (Window) SetContentSizeIdeal ¶
func (Window) SetDC ¶
func (self Window) SetDC(v WindowTempData)
func (Window) SetDecoInnerSizeX1 ¶
func (Window) SetDecoInnerSizeY1 ¶
func (Window) SetDecoOuterSizeX1 ¶
func (Window) SetDecoOuterSizeX2 ¶
func (Window) SetDecoOuterSizeY1 ¶
func (Window) SetDecoOuterSizeY2 ¶
func (Window) SetDisableInputsFrames ¶
func (Window) SetDockIsActive ¶
func (Window) SetDockNode ¶
func (Window) SetDockNodeAsHost ¶
func (Window) SetDockNodeIsVisible ¶
func (Window) SetDockOrder ¶
func (Window) SetDockStyle ¶
func (self Window) SetDockStyle(v WindowDockStyle)
func (Window) SetDockTabIsVisible ¶
func (Window) SetDockTabItemRect ¶
func (Window) SetDockTabItemStatusFlags ¶
func (self Window) SetDockTabItemStatusFlags(v ItemStatusFlags)
func (Window) SetDockTabWantClose ¶
func (Window) SetDrawList ¶
func (Window) SetDrawListInst ¶
func (Window) SetFlags ¶
func (self Window) SetFlags(v WindowFlags)
func (Window) SetFlagsPreviousFrame ¶
func (self Window) SetFlagsPreviousFrame(v WindowFlags)
func (Window) SetFocusOrder ¶
func (Window) SetFontDpiScale ¶
func (Window) SetFontWindowScale ¶
func (Window) SetHasCloseButton ¶
func (Window) SetHiddenFramesCanSkipItems ¶
func (Window) SetHiddenFramesCannotSkipItems ¶
func (Window) SetHiddenFramesForRenderOnly ¶
func (Window) SetIDStack ¶
func (Window) SetInnerClipRect ¶
func (Window) SetInnerRect ¶
func (Window) SetIsExplicitChild ¶
func (Window) SetIsFallbackWindow ¶
func (Window) SetItemWidthDefault ¶
func (Window) SetLastFrameActive ¶
func (Window) SetLastFrameJustFocused ¶
func (Window) SetLastTimeActive ¶
func (Window) SetMemoryCompacted ¶
func (Window) SetMemoryDrawListIdxCapacity ¶
func (Window) SetMemoryDrawListVtxCapacity ¶
func (Window) SetNameBufLen ¶
func (Window) SetNavLastChildNavWindow ¶
func (Window) SetNavPreferredScoringPosRel ¶
func (Window) SetNavRootFocusScopeId ¶
func (Window) SetOuterRectClipped ¶
func (Window) SetParentWindow ¶
func (Window) SetParentWindowInBeginStack ¶
func (Window) SetParentWorkRect ¶
func (Window) SetPopupId ¶
func (Window) SetRootWindow ¶
func (Window) SetRootWindowDockTree ¶
func (Window) SetRootWindowForNav ¶
func (Window) SetRootWindowForTitleBarHighlight ¶
func (Window) SetRootWindowPopupTree ¶
func (Window) SetScrollMax ¶
func (Window) SetScrollTarget ¶
func (Window) SetScrollTargetCenterRatio ¶
func (Window) SetScrollTargetEdgeSnapDist ¶
func (Window) SetScrollbarSizes ¶
func (Window) SetScrollbarX ¶
func (Window) SetScrollbarY ¶
func (Window) SetSetWindowCollapsedAllowFlags ¶
func (Window) SetSetWindowDockAllowFlags ¶
func (Window) SetSetWindowPosAllowFlags ¶
func (Window) SetSetWindowPosPivot ¶
func (Window) SetSetWindowPosVal ¶
func (Window) SetSetWindowSizeAllowFlags ¶
func (Window) SetSettingsOffset ¶
func (Window) SetSizeFull ¶
func (Window) SetSkipItems ¶
func (Window) SetStateStorage ¶
func (Window) SetViewport ¶
func (Window) SetViewportAllowPlatformMonitorExtend ¶
func (Window) SetViewportId ¶
func (Window) SetViewportOwned ¶
func (Window) SetViewportPos ¶
func (Window) SetWantCollapseToggle ¶
func (Window) SetWasActive ¶
func (Window) SetWindowBorderSize ¶
func (Window) SetWindowClass ¶
func (self Window) SetWindowClass(v WindowClass)
func (*Window) SetWindowCollapsedAllowFlags ¶
func (*Window) SetWindowDockAllowFlags ¶
func (Window) SetWindowPadding ¶
func (*Window) SetWindowPosAllowFlags ¶
func (*Window) SetWindowPosPivot ¶
func (*Window) SetWindowPosVal ¶
func (Window) SetWindowRounding ¶
func (*Window) SetWindowSizeAllowFlags ¶
func (Window) SetWorkRect ¶
func (Window) SetWriteAccessed ¶
func (*Window) SettingsOffset ¶
func (*Window) StateStorage ¶
func (*Window) ViewportAllowPlatformMonitorExtend ¶
func (*Window) ViewportId ¶
func (*Window) ViewportOwned ¶
func (*Window) ViewportPos ¶
func (*Window) WantCollapseToggle ¶
func (*Window) WindowBorderSize ¶
func (*Window) WindowClass ¶
func (self *Window) WindowClass() WindowClass
func (*Window) WindowPadding ¶
func (*Window) WindowRounding ¶
func (*Window) WriteAccessed ¶
type WindowClass ¶
type WindowClass struct { FieldClassId ID // User data. 0 = Default class (unclassed). Windows of different classes cannot be docked with each others. FieldParentViewportId ID // Hint for the platform backend. -1: use default. 0: request platform backend to not parent the platform. != 0: request platform backend to create a parent<>child relationship between the platform windows. Not conforming backends are free to e.g. parent every viewport to the main viewport or not. FieldViewportFlagsOverrideSet ViewportFlags // Viewport flags to set when a window of this class owns a viewport. This allows you to enforce OS decoration or task bar icon, override the defaults on a per-window basis. FieldViewportFlagsOverrideClear ViewportFlags // Viewport flags to clear when a window of this class owns a viewport. This allows you to enforce OS decoration or task bar icon, override the defaults on a per-window basis. FieldTabItemFlagsOverrideSet TabItemFlags // [EXPERIMENTAL] TabItem flags to set when a window of this class gets submitted into a dock node tab bar. May use with ImGuiTabItemFlags_Leading or ImGuiTabItemFlags_Trailing. FieldDockNodeFlagsOverrideSet DockNodeFlags // [EXPERIMENTAL] Dock node flags to set when a window of this class is hosted by a dock node (it doesn't have to be selected!) FieldDockingAlwaysTabBar bool // Set to true to enforce single floating windows of this class always having their own docking node (equivalent of setting the global io.ConfigDockingAlwaysTabBar) FieldDockingAllowUnclassed bool // Set to true to allow windows of this class to be docked/merged with an unclassed window. // FIXME-DOCK: Move to DockNodeFlags override? }
[ALPHA] Rarely used / very advanced uses only. Use with SetNextWindowClass() and DockSpace() functions. Important: the content of this class is still highly WIP and likely to change and be refactored before we stabilize Docking features. Please be mindful if using this. Provide hints: - To the platform backend via altered viewport flags (enable/disable OS decoration, OS task bar icons, etc.) - To the platform backend for OS level parent/child relationships of viewport. - To the docking system for various options and filtering.
func NewWindowClass ¶
func NewWindowClass() *WindowClass
func (*WindowClass) ClassId ¶
func (self *WindowClass) ClassId() ID
func (*WindowClass) Destroy ¶
func (self *WindowClass) Destroy()
func (*WindowClass) DockNodeFlagsOverrideSet ¶
func (self *WindowClass) DockNodeFlagsOverrideSet() DockNodeFlags
func (*WindowClass) DockingAllowUnclassed ¶
func (self *WindowClass) DockingAllowUnclassed() bool
func (*WindowClass) DockingAlwaysTabBar ¶
func (self *WindowClass) DockingAlwaysTabBar() bool
func (*WindowClass) ParentViewportId ¶
func (self *WindowClass) ParentViewportId() ID
func (WindowClass) SetClassId ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetClassId(v ID)
func (WindowClass) SetDockNodeFlagsOverrideSet ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetDockNodeFlagsOverrideSet(v DockNodeFlags)
func (WindowClass) SetDockingAllowUnclassed ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetDockingAllowUnclassed(v bool)
func (WindowClass) SetDockingAlwaysTabBar ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetDockingAlwaysTabBar(v bool)
func (WindowClass) SetParentViewportId ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetParentViewportId(v ID)
func (WindowClass) SetTabItemFlagsOverrideSet ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetTabItemFlagsOverrideSet(v TabItemFlags)
func (WindowClass) SetViewportFlagsOverrideClear ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetViewportFlagsOverrideClear(v ViewportFlags)
func (WindowClass) SetViewportFlagsOverrideSet ¶
func (self WindowClass) SetViewportFlagsOverrideSet(v ViewportFlags)
func (*WindowClass) TabItemFlagsOverrideSet ¶
func (self *WindowClass) TabItemFlagsOverrideSet() TabItemFlags
func (*WindowClass) ViewportFlagsOverrideClear ¶
func (self *WindowClass) ViewportFlagsOverrideClear() ViewportFlags
func (*WindowClass) ViewportFlagsOverrideSet ¶
func (self *WindowClass) ViewportFlagsOverrideSet() ViewportFlags
type WindowCloseCallback ¶
type WindowDockStyle ¶
type WindowDockStyle struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type WindowDockStyleCol ¶
type WindowDockStyleCol int32
List of colors that are stored at the time of Begin() into Docked Windows. We currently store the packed colors in a simple array window->DockStyle.Colors[]. A better solution may involve appending into a log of colors in ImGuiContext + store offsets into those arrays in ImGuiWindow, but it would be more complex as we'd need to double-buffer both as e.g. drop target may refer to window from last frame. original name: ImGuiWindowDockStyleCol
type WindowFlags ¶
type WindowFlags int32
Flags for ImGui::Begin() (Those are per-window flags. There are shared flags in ImGuiIO: io.ConfigWindowsResizeFromEdges and io.ConfigWindowsMoveFromTitleBarOnly) original name: ImGuiWindowFlags_
type WindowSettings ¶
type WindowSettings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Windows data saved in imgui.ini file Because we never destroy or rename ImGuiWindowSettings, we can store the names in a separate buffer easily. (this is designed to be stored in a ImChunkStream buffer, with the variable-length Name following our structure)
func InternalCreateNewWindowSettings ¶
func InternalCreateNewWindowSettings(name string) *WindowSettings
func InternalFindWindowSettingsByID ¶
func InternalFindWindowSettingsByID(id ID) *WindowSettings
func InternalFindWindowSettingsByWindow ¶
func InternalFindWindowSettingsByWindow(window *Window) *WindowSettings
func InternalNewWindowSettings ¶
func InternalNewWindowSettings() *WindowSettings
func (*WindowSettings) ClassId ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) ClassId() ID
func (*WindowSettings) Collapsed ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) Collapsed() bool
func (*WindowSettings) Destroy ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) Destroy()
func (*WindowSettings) DockId ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) DockId() ID
func (*WindowSettings) DockOrder ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) DockOrder() int16
func (*WindowSettings) ID ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) ID() ID
func (*WindowSettings) InternalName ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) InternalName() string
func (WindowSettings) SetClassId ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetClassId(v ID)
func (WindowSettings) SetCollapsed ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetCollapsed(v bool)
func (WindowSettings) SetDockId ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetDockId(v ID)
func (WindowSettings) SetDockOrder ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetDockOrder(v int16)
func (WindowSettings) SetID ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetID(v ID)
func (WindowSettings) SetViewportId ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetViewportId(v ID)
func (WindowSettings) SetWantApply ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetWantApply(v bool)
func (WindowSettings) SetWantDelete ¶
func (self WindowSettings) SetWantDelete(v bool)
func (*WindowSettings) ViewportId ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) ViewportId() ID
func (*WindowSettings) WantApply ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) WantApply() bool
func (*WindowSettings) WantDelete ¶
func (self *WindowSettings) WantDelete() bool
type WindowStackData ¶
type WindowStackData struct { FieldWindow *Window FieldParentLastItemDataBackup LastItemData FieldStackSizesOnBegin StackSizes // Store size of various stacks for asserting }
Data saved for each window pushed into the stack
func (*WindowStackData) ParentLastItemDataBackup ¶
func (self *WindowStackData) ParentLastItemDataBackup() LastItemData
func (WindowStackData) SetParentLastItemDataBackup ¶
func (self WindowStackData) SetParentLastItemDataBackup(v LastItemData)
func (WindowStackData) SetStackSizesOnBegin ¶
func (self WindowStackData) SetStackSizesOnBegin(v StackSizes)
func (WindowStackData) SetWindow ¶
func (self WindowStackData) SetWindow(v *Window)
func (*WindowStackData) StackSizesOnBegin ¶
func (self *WindowStackData) StackSizesOnBegin() StackSizes
func (*WindowStackData) Window ¶
func (self *WindowStackData) Window() *Window
type WindowTempData ¶
type WindowTempData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Transient per-window data, reset at the beginning of the frame. This used to be called ImGuiDrawContext, hence the DC variable name in ImGuiWindow. (That's theory, in practice the delimitation between ImGuiWindow and ImGuiWindowTempData is quite tenuous and could be reconsidered..) (This doesn't need a constructor because we zero-clear it as part of ImGuiWindow and all frame-temporary data are setup on Begin)
func (*WindowTempData) ColumnsOffset ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) ColumnsOffset() Vec1
func (*WindowTempData) CurrLineSize ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CurrLineSize() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) CurrLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CurrLineTextBaseOffset() float32
func (*WindowTempData) CurrentColumns ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CurrentColumns() *OldColumns
func (*WindowTempData) CurrentTableIdx ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CurrentTableIdx() int32
func (*WindowTempData) CursorMaxPos ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CursorMaxPos() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) CursorPos ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CursorPos() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) CursorPosPrevLine ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CursorPosPrevLine() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) CursorStartPos ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CursorStartPos() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) CursorStartPosLossyness ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) CursorStartPosLossyness() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) GroupOffset ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) GroupOffset() Vec1
func (*WindowTempData) IdealMaxPos ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) IdealMaxPos() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) Indent ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) Indent() Vec1
func (*WindowTempData) IsSameLine ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) IsSameLine() bool
func (*WindowTempData) IsSetPos ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) IsSetPos() bool
func (*WindowTempData) ItemWidth ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) ItemWidth() float32
func (*WindowTempData) ItemWidthStack ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) ItemWidthStack() Vector[*float32]
func (*WindowTempData) LayoutType ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) LayoutType() LayoutType
func (*WindowTempData) MenuBarAppending ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) MenuBarAppending() bool
func (*WindowTempData) MenuBarOffset ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) MenuBarOffset() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) MenuColumns ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) MenuColumns() MenuColumns
func (*WindowTempData) NavHideHighlightOneFrame ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) NavHideHighlightOneFrame() bool
func (*WindowTempData) NavIsScrollPushableX ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) NavIsScrollPushableX() bool
func (*WindowTempData) NavLayerCurrent ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) NavLayerCurrent() NavLayer
func (*WindowTempData) NavLayersActiveMask ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) NavLayersActiveMask() int16
func (*WindowTempData) NavLayersActiveMaskNext ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) NavLayersActiveMaskNext() int16
func (*WindowTempData) NavWindowHasScrollY ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) NavWindowHasScrollY() bool
func (*WindowTempData) ParentLayoutType ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) ParentLayoutType() LayoutType
func (*WindowTempData) PrevLineSize ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) PrevLineSize() Vec2
func (*WindowTempData) PrevLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) PrevLineTextBaseOffset() float32
func (WindowTempData) SetColumnsOffset ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetColumnsOffset(v Vec1)
func (WindowTempData) SetCurrLineSize ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrLineSize(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetCurrLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrLineTextBaseOffset(v float32)
func (WindowTempData) SetCurrentColumns ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrentColumns(v *OldColumns)
func (WindowTempData) SetCurrentTableIdx ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCurrentTableIdx(v int32)
func (WindowTempData) SetCursorMaxPos ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorMaxPos(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetCursorPos ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorPos(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetCursorPosPrevLine ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorPosPrevLine(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetCursorStartPos ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorStartPos(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetCursorStartPosLossyness ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetCursorStartPosLossyness(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetGroupOffset ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetGroupOffset(v Vec1)
func (WindowTempData) SetIdealMaxPos ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetIdealMaxPos(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetIndent ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetIndent(v Vec1)
func (WindowTempData) SetIsSameLine ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetIsSameLine(v bool)
func (WindowTempData) SetIsSetPos ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetIsSetPos(v bool)
func (WindowTempData) SetItemWidth ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetItemWidth(v float32)
func (WindowTempData) SetItemWidthStack ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetItemWidthStack(v Vector[*float32])
func (WindowTempData) SetLayoutType ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetLayoutType(v LayoutType)
func (WindowTempData) SetMenuBarAppending ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetMenuBarAppending(v bool)
func (WindowTempData) SetMenuBarOffset ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetMenuBarOffset(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetMenuColumns ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetMenuColumns(v MenuColumns)
func (WindowTempData) SetNavHideHighlightOneFrame ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetNavHideHighlightOneFrame(v bool)
func (WindowTempData) SetNavIsScrollPushableX ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetNavIsScrollPushableX(v bool)
func (WindowTempData) SetNavLayerCurrent ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetNavLayerCurrent(v NavLayer)
func (WindowTempData) SetNavLayersActiveMask ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetNavLayersActiveMask(v int16)
func (WindowTempData) SetNavLayersActiveMaskNext ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetNavLayersActiveMaskNext(v int16)
func (WindowTempData) SetNavWindowHasScrollY ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetNavWindowHasScrollY(v bool)
func (WindowTempData) SetParentLayoutType ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetParentLayoutType(v LayoutType)
func (WindowTempData) SetPrevLineSize ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetPrevLineSize(v Vec2)
func (WindowTempData) SetPrevLineTextBaseOffset ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetPrevLineTextBaseOffset(v float32)
func (WindowTempData) SetStateStorage ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetStateStorage(v *Storage)
func (WindowTempData) SetTextWrapPos ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetTextWrapPos(v float32)
func (WindowTempData) SetTextWrapPosStack ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetTextWrapPosStack(v Vector[*float32])
func (WindowTempData) SetTreeDepth ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetTreeDepth(v int32)
func (WindowTempData) SetTreeJumpToParentOnPopMask ¶
func (self WindowTempData) SetTreeJumpToParentOnPopMask(v uint32)
func (*WindowTempData) StateStorage ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) StateStorage() *Storage
func (*WindowTempData) TextWrapPos ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) TextWrapPos() float32
func (*WindowTempData) TextWrapPosStack ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) TextWrapPosStack() Vector[*float32]
func (*WindowTempData) TreeDepth ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) TreeDepth() int32
func (*WindowTempData) TreeJumpToParentOnPopMask ¶
func (self *WindowTempData) TreeJumpToParentOnPopMask() uint32
Source Files ¶
- backend.go
- cimgui.go
- cimgui_enums.go
- cimgui_funcs.go
- cimgui_structs.go
- cimmarkdown_enums.go
- cimmarkdown_funcs.go
- cimmarkdown_structs.go
- cimnodes_enums.go
- cimnodes_funcs.go
- cimnodes_structs.go
- cimplot_enums.go
- cimplot_funcs.go
- cimplot_structs.go
- clipboard.go
- extra_types.go
- glfw_backend.go
- helpers.go
- input_text.go
- sdl_backend.go
- texture.go
- type_accessor.go
- type_wrapper.go
- util.go
- vector_helpers.go