A cloud-native data change stream service for TiDB Cloud. See design for more details.
Dispatchers read tenants' raft log/watermarks changes files(S3) and dispatcher to corresponding remote sorter.
Remote Sorters sort committed transaction changes and flush into commited data pool(S3).
Remote Sorters support persistent unflushed data to S3.
Meta Server manage and store tenants' data changes stream tasks into backend RDS.
Meta Server campaign leader.
Schema Registry support MVCC schema storage.
API sever supports APIs to pull committed data in order.
Upstream TiDB cluster push full snapshot data.
Balance tasks dynamically across dispatchers and sorters according to workload.
Dispatchers and sorters failover.
Tenant level data througput metering.
Security: tenant level CMEK.
Integrate with CDC.
Code Structure
docs/design: feature or architecture design docs.
pkg/codec: encoding and decoding of different type of data files
pkg/dispatcher: remote data dispatcher workers, dispatch upstream changes to corresponding sorters.
pkg/remotesorter: remote sorter workers, organize upstream data changes in commit-ts order and flush them as incremental data change files.
pkg/schemaregistry: upstream clusters/tenants' table schema registry, contains all upstream table schema history for last n days where n is configurable.
pkg/metaserver: meta server is responsible for cluster health monitoring, tasks persistent, workload balancing, etc.
pkg/apiserver: providing api for downstream system to query and subscribe database or table's data changes stream.