
- LimeSurvey for Go lovers
- Creating and serving questionnaires
- Precise layout - no HTML fumble
- Support for mobile devices
Version 2.0
Productive use at our research institute.
Go Version 1.16
Non-technical properties
Any number of surveys via single server - any path
Secure login URLs < 65 characters in size
Anonymous logins example.com/a
Shortcut logins example.com/d/A5FE3P
Automatic smartphone version
Simple design of new questionnaires
Layout freedom - without HTML fumbling
Support for any number of languages - Polish, Russian, Chinese
Text blocks, support pages in several languages - written in simple markdown
Dynamic question texts based on login profile
- Dynamic textblocks
depending Euro membership, or industry sector
or based on previous answers
- Based on function map
Dynamic page structures based on page
- Standard methods
, AddInput
- Structure dynamic
- Based on function map
Page structure dynamic
- Show or suppress any page dynamically
- Based on function map
Free HTML questions
- function map
allows groups
to render custom HTML form elements
- Most ugly from the architectural perspective,
but supports totally free HTML
Customization for each wave
- Reference interest rates in question text
Order of questions randomizable, but constant for each participant
Easy changes during survey time; i.e. typos or question rewording
Universal CSV export directly available to the researcher running the survey
Open source license
Published on github.com
Partly technical properties
Ready for deployment on Google App Engine
by using gocloud blob for local file system and google buckets.
technology for easy installation on any cloud server
Builtin https
self configuration
and XSS
hack defense
Consistence check for questionnaires - no duplicate field names, no missing translations
Server self test - checks correctness of participant data entry for each questionnaire
All content and all results are driven
by JSON files.
No database required.
Data thrift: Surveys contain no personal data - only a participant ID, the questions and the answers.
Stress test - 60 participants at once
Boring properties
Server side validation
For example must ; inRange20
or only inRange100
or only must
Server side validation
complex rules via custom validation funcs
which can access the entire questionnaire;
i.e. comprehensionPOP2
If the researcher needs instant feedback
on user input, inclusion of page-wise JavaScript
files possible
Technical properties
performs 60 concurrent requests 1.41 seconds - on 2018 Lenovo Notebook.
Server self test via codecov.io
; see build logs for details.
See github
- actions
- workflow runs
for details.
The transferrer
pulls in the responses from an internet server. Once inside your organization, the results are fed into any CSV or JSON reading application.

Install and setup golang
cd $HOME/go/src/github.com/zew
go get -u github.com/zew/go-questionnaire
cd go-questionnaire
mv config-example.json config.json # adapt to your purposes
mv logins-example.json logins.json # dito
go build
./go-questionnaire # under windows: go-questionnaire.exe
More info in deploy on linux/unix
Create new questionnaire myquest
Copy generators/example
to generators/myquest
Open generators/myquest/main.go
and change package name: package myquest
Add your new questionnaire to generators/registry.go
"myquest": myquest.Create,
In generators/myquest/main.go
under page := q.AddPage()
you can add
additonal pages
, groups
and inputs
Additional groups are to change column layout within a page. Details below.
- your classic text input
- number input - mobile browsers show the numbers keyboard
- multi line text input
- list of fixed choices
- yes/no input
- grouped by name - differentiated by ValueRadio
- block of text without input
- submit button
- DynamicFunc="ResponseStatistics..."
dynamic text blocks
- runtime executed, dynamic fragment, multiple inputs and text; dyn-composite-scalar
is a list of inputs contained in dyn-composite
Each input can have a multi-language label, -description, a multi-language suffix and a validation function.
Each input has a span. Its label and form element each have a sub-span.
Dynamic content
and CompositeFuncT
can be used to render real timy dynamic content
and question blocks.
Create survey JSON file and login URLs
If you have created your survey myquest
you need to restart the application.

Participant login and reset
Participants can now use these login links to access the questionnaire
Once logged in, they can re-access the questionnaire
For testing purposes, you may reset the questionnaire
URL parameters for testing
=[0-9] - jump to page x
- show q.Version - setting the version at login. Later requests have no effect.
and LoginByHash()
pass the value of this param on
and store it into LogintT.Attrs["version"]
example kneb1/main.go
- show q.Version
- compute dynamic content for all pages
and save as [user-id]-all-dynamic-content.json;
saving not only the answers but the full scaffold to file
Persisted to session:
- switch off mandatory validation
- ignore questionnaire deadline and closure by user
- shows a javascript console output
Deploy to appengine
gcloud config set project "financial-literacy-test"
gcloud app deploy
Read the logs
gcloud app logs tail -s default
Open in browser
gcloud app browse
SET GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=c:\Users\pbu\.ssh\google-cloud-rentomat-creds.json
dev_appserver.py app.yaml
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\platform\bundledpython\python.exe" "c:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\google-cloud-sdk\bin\dev_appserver.py" app.yaml
Package qst
contains generic functions to create questionnaires.
Common proof functions in qst
prevent duplicate question keys
or missing translations.
Package generators
uses qst for creating specific questionnaires.
Package lgn
contains three authentication schemes for participants.
- Regular login via username and password.
- Login via URL parameters for user ID, survey ID, wave ID and profile ID plus hash.
- Login via hash ID with above parameters configured in
- Login via anonymous ID (example) -
with above parameters configured in directLoginRanges
The anonymous ID is converted into an integer, which is encoded as a hash ID.
QR code example.
- Login without link (lgn.LoginWithoutID)
via URL domain
Profiles are configured key-value sets who are copied into the logged-in user's attributes.
This way any number of user properties can be specified, while the login URL remains short or ultra short.
Package /cms/server
serves questionnaires via http(s).
with configurable Lets encrypt
certification (auto self-renewal).
Directory app-bucket/responses
stores indididual answers
(and initial questionnaire templates).
contains the type multi-language string
a global hyphenizations map for mobile layout.
contains universal multi-language strings.
Each questionnaire
contains specific multi-language strings.
contains double sets of CSS styles for desktop
and mobile
takes precedence.
Package cloudio is a convenience wrapper around Gocloud blob
The entire persistence layer is moved from io... to cloudio...
Thus the application can be hosted by cloud providers with buckets or on classical webservers.
Survey results are pulled in by the transferrer
aggregating responses into a CSV file.
logic is agnostic to questionnaire structure.
See ./pkg/tf/config-transferrer.go
for details.
The updater
subpackage automates in-flight changes to the questionnaire.
No need for database "schema" artistry.
Page navigation sequence - special pages
- Automatic navigation buttons and progress bar are provided for desktop and mobile layout.
In addition:
Pages can be navigated by page number sequence using http params previous
and next
Pages can be navigated using page
= [0,1,...] parameter
Page property NoNavigation
decouples the page from the navigational sequence.
They are exempt from previous
and next
Such pages can be reached by setting submit buttons to their index value.
Useful for greeting- and goodbye-pages.
Defining questionnaires by code or by JSON file
At inception we envisioned a JSON schema validator
and questionnaire creation by directly editing of JSON files
but that remains as elusive as it did with XML.
Layout concept
In Version 1.x, we used fixed table
; float-left
and inline-block
were rejected.
Inline block suffers from the disadvantage,
that the white space between inline block elements subtracts from the total width.
The column width computation must be based on a compromise slack of i.e. 97.5 percent.
Stacking cells wit float:left
takes away the nice vertical middle alignment of the cells.
Since Version 2, layout is based on the CSS grid
CSS grid documentation and concepts are directly applicable.
Responsive CSS styles can be set directly in Go code,
or can be reusably composed by Go functions.
No more editing CSS classes on global, mobile and questionnaire specific level in tandem with developing rendering logic.
Useful defaults and helper classes dramatically reduce CSS styling hell.
Chrome's or Firefox's debugging tools assist in fiddling without recompiling every iota.
Each group has its number of columns.
Every input has its span.
Every label and form element have their span inside the input.

Group.Style, Input.Style, Input.StyleLbl and Input.StyleCtl can be used
to change CSS grid container and -item styles.
The same properties also contain CSS box and CSS text styles.
Each style can be set for desktop
and or mobile
for responsive design.
CSS styles and classes are rendered automatically
Default is CSS grid direction row
for every group and for every input,
as indicated in above picture.
Also as default, a grid-template-column
style is rendered,
based on the the group.Cols and input.ColSpan, and input.ColSpanLabel and -.ColSpanControl
Style helper funcs
CSS styles can be configured with every possible complexity.
We can change the Group.Style, Input.Style, Input.StyleLbl and InputStyleCtl.
Styles can be influenced for grid-container
, grid-item
, box
and text
for desktop
and or mobile
Certain repeating desigsn are captured in reusable functions.

Default alignment for pages is centered
// WidthDefault is called for every page - setting auto margins
func (p *pageT) WidthDefault() {
p.Style = css.NewStylesResponsive(p.Style)
if p.Style.Desktop.StyleBox.Margin == "" && p.Style.Mobile.StyleBox.Margin == "" {
p.Style.Desktop.StyleBox.Margin = "1.2rem auto 0 auto"
p.Style.Mobile.StyleBox.Margin = "0.8rem auto 0 auto"
Each page element can be individually capped in width.
For instance, we want a max width for the page in desktop view.
The page should remain horizontally centered.
Mobile view width should remain at maximum 100% with 0.6rem hori borders.
css.DesktopWidthMaxForPages(page.Style, "36rem")
func DesktopWidthMaxForPages(sr *StylesResponsive, s string) *StylesResponsive {
sr = NewStylesResponsive(sr)
sr.Desktop.StyleBox.WidthMax = s // your max width
sr.Mobile.StyleBox.WidthMax = "calc(100% - 1.2rem)" // 0.6rem margin-left and -right in mobile view
return sr
The vertical margin below each group can be directly set via BottomVSpacers
default is 3, amounting to 1.5 lines.
Default alignment for groups is left
can be adjusted in similar fashion.

Group retains 100% width in mobile view.
MobileVertical() for inputs
MobileVertical() makes inputs rendered horizontally in desktop view,
but vertically in mobile view.

inp.Style = css.MobileVertical(inp.Style)
func MobileVertical(sr *StylesResponsive) *StylesResponsive {
sr = NewStylesResponsive(sr)
sr.Mobile.StyleGridContainer.AutoFlow = "column"
sr.Mobile.StyleGridContainer.TemplateColumns = "none " // reset
sr.Mobile.StyleGridContainer.TemplateRows = "0.9fr 1fr" // must be more than one
return sr
(inp *inputT).ControlFirst() - Labels after control
Usually the label comes first and the input second.
This can be easily reversed:
myInput.StyleLbl.Desktop.StyleGridItem.Order = 2 // input first in desktop view
Notice, that desktop styles trickle down to mobile view,
unless a mobile style is set
myInput.StyleLbl.Mobile.StyleGridItem.Order = 1 // label first in mobile view
(gr *groupT) Vertical()
Vertical flow, instead of default - horizontal flow.
Free use of CSS styling
Set vertical or horizontal alignment distinct from the default stretch
myInput.StyleCtl.Desktop.StyleGridItem.JustifySelf = "end"
Text and box styling
myInput.StyleLbl.Desktop.StyleText.AlignHorizontal = "left"
myInput.StyleLbl.Desktop.StyleBox.Padding = "0 0 0 1rem"
myInput.StyleLbl.Mobile.StyleBox.Padding = "0 0 0 2rem"
defines the number of columns of the group grid.
defines the span of each input.
and input.ColSpanControl
define the span of each input's component.

- Use
and <br>
in labels and suffixes to fine-tune horizontal space.
You can use qst.GridBuilder
to create of matrix of inputs
with column and or row "labels" (textblock
) and any type of
input in any cell.
See generators.fmt.main.go
for an example.
CSS style debugging
The rendered CSS class for some group may look like the following:
/* styles without comment are defaults */
.computed-classname-group-1 {
display: grid;
grid-auto-flow: row;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr; /* based on group.Cols = 4 */
grid-column-gap: 0.4rem;
grid-row-gap: 0.8rem;
.computed-classname-group-2 {
display: grid;
grid-auto-flow: row;
grid-template-columns: 3fr 1fr 1fr 1.4fr; /* set by group.Style....TemplateColumns */
grid-column-gap: 0.4rem;
grid-row-gap: 0.8rem;
Style debugging can be done via ordinary web browser tools:

Other styling
Group property OddRowsColoring
to activate alternating background has no effect version 2.
We are contemplating, whether this styling is still useful.

Mobile layout
go-questionnaire Version 1 had a separate set of layout files for mobile clients
based user_agent
header, computed by package detect
Version 2 abandons this technique, moving to CSS media queries.
Each css.Style
is rendered into classes with two media queries.
styles are default, and are overwritten by Mobile
Soft hyphenization remains crucial to maintaining layout on narrow displays.
Package trl
contains a map hyph
containing manually hyphenized strings.
These are applied to all strings of any questionnaire at JSON creation time.
There are JavaScript
libraries containing hyphenization libraries.
This software still relies on manual adding hyphenization to package trl
Randomization for scientific studies I - RandomizationGroup
The order of groups on pages can be randomized (shuffled).
Only groups with groupT.RandomizationGroup
> 0 are shuffled.
Shuffling is random, but deterministically reproducible for user ID and page number.
Questionnaire property ShufflingsMax
sets the number of distinct shufflings.
For example, if ShufflingsMax==2
, even and odd user IDs get the same
ordering when on same page.
must be greater one, otherwise shuffling does not take place.
should be set to the maximum number of inputs across pages.
Shufflings can be exported for use in related applications
Randomization for scientific studies II - VersionEffective
, AssignVersion
, VersionEffective
provide a second orthogonal randomization function.
Randomization by VersionEffective
can be used in
, CompositeFuncT
, validatorT
, in custom code.
can be configured to be derived form UserID or
from global application counter upon initial login.
About go-app-tpl - extremely technical properties
It features
Http router with safe settings and optional https encryption
Session package by Alex Edwards
Configurable url prefix for running multiple instances on same server:port
Middleware for logging, access restrictions etc.
Middleware catches request handler panics
Multi language strings
Static file handlers
Markdown file handler, rewriting image links
Multi language markdown files
JSON config file with reloadable settings
JSON logins file, also reloadable
Handlers for login, changing password, login by hash ID
Package https://github.com/pbberlin/struc2frm is used
to generate HTML forms alone from structs with comments;
all admin forms are created using struc2frm
Also standardizes server side parsing and validation.
CSRF and XSS defence via struc2frm
Server side HTML and CSS templates
having access to session and request
Stack of dynamic subtemplate calls
Template pre-parsing (bootstrap
configurable for development or production
from CDN cache with fallback to localhost.
All jQuery
was deprecated in 2019 - retaining only generic JavaScript
is used as little as possible;
logic should be kept on one environment only
either server side or client side;
this is a server side framework
is used for some menu effects wizardry
for some convenience keyboard helpers
and for focussing.
per page custom funcs have been used
for validation in the pat
and fmt
sources under /app-bucket/templates/js/
contains code for
sophisticated client side JS validation.
Playground (local)
Playground (live)
Presentation (in German)
This is developed to provide instant feedback on complicated
compound form validation rules.
It is not production tested.
config file to control application under Linux
Up until 2018, the included init.d
shell script was used
Dockerfile to deploy on modern cloud servers
Package cloudio
wraps all io operations into Gocloud blob functionality.
Thus the application can be hosted by cloud providers with buckets or on servers with plain old hard disks.
Package sessx
can store sessions in a Redis server, keeping sessions sticky on autoscaling app engine deployments, otherwise fallback to local memory store.
Package stream
serves huge files without memory consumption in a protected way.
Package detect
discovers mobile clients
Package graph
creates interactive SVG graphs
Technical design guidelines
Subpackaging is done by concern, neither too amorphous nor too atomic.
go-app-tpl has no "hooks" or interfaces for isolation of "framework" code.
Clone it and add your handlers.
Future updates will be merged.
Orthogonal sub application: Registration for a survey - FMT
Register in German or English:
Download results:
Login: https://survey2.zew.de/login-primitive
Language |
files |
blank |
comment |
code |
Go generic |
51 |
1313 |
1267 |
6860 |
Go questionnaires |
12 |
602 |
273 |
5281 |
12 |
261 |
144 |
713 |
Markdown |
27 |
485 |
0 |
727 |
6 |
96 |
31 |
319 |
Python |
1 |
31 |
16 |
94 |
Bourne |
Shell |
3 |
17 |
19 |
These numbers are meanwhile shown by github.com
Low prio features in consideration
The transferrer could truncate the pages from the online JSON files
leaving only user ID, completion time and survey data.
The generators could be compiled into independent executables.
They could then be executed on the command line with the parameters as JSON file.
Make HTML autocapitalize
and inputmode
available to inputs
Revolving and compressing logfiles
// possible solution
import "gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2"
MaxSize: 500, // MB
MaxBackups: 3,
MaxAge: 28, //days
Compress: true, // disabled by default
We are relucatant to incorporate logging logic into the application, since systemd
provides good integration with linux journal.
Open / todo
Height of the menu in level 2 in mobile view is dependent on nav-min-height
config.json and logins.json
might be loaded from a configuration service.
Or at least from another GC/S3 bucket.
CSS funcs are dispersed. Generic funcs are in the css
and inputT
have specialized methods.