
v0.6.0-quicknode Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 23, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0




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type APIConfig

type APIConfig struct {
	IPCDisable            bool          `long:"ipcdisable" description:"Disable the IPC-RPC server"`
	IPCPath               string        `long:"ipcpath" description:"Filename for IPC socket/pipe within the datadir (explicit paths escape it)"`
	HTTP                  bool          `long:"http" description:"Enable the HTTP-RPC server"`
	HTTPAddr              string        `long:"http.addr" default:"localhost" description:"HTTP-RPC server listening interface"`
	HTTPPort              int           `long:"http.port" default:"8545" description:"HTTP-RPC server listening port"`
	HTTPApi               string        `long:"http.api" description:"API's offered over the HTTP-RPC interface"`
	HTTPRPCPrefix         string        `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */
	HTTPCorsDomain        []string      `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	HTTPVHosts            []string      `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */
	WS                    bool          `long:"ws" description:"Enable the WS-RPC server"`
	WSAddr                string        `long:"ws.addr" default:"localhost" description:"WS-RPC server listening interface"`
	WSPort                int           `long:"ws.port" default:"8546" description:"WS-RPC server listening port"`
	WSApi                 string        `long:"ws.api" description:"API's offered over the WS-RPC interface"`
	WSRPCPrefix           string        `long:"ws.rpcprefix" default:"/" description:"HTTP path prefix on which JSON-RPC is served. Use '/' to serve on all paths."`
	WSOrigins             []string      `long:"" description:"Origins from which to accept websockets requests"`
	AuthRPCJWTSecret      string        `long:"authrpc.jwtsecret" description:"Path to a JWT secret to use for authenticated RPC endpoints"`
	AuthRPCAddr           string        `long:"authrpc.addr" default:"localhost" description:"Listening address for authenticated APIs"`
	AuthRPCPort           int           `long:"authrpc.port" default:"8551" description:"Listening port for authenticated APIs"`
	AuthRPCVHosts         string        `` /* 168-byte string literal not displayed */
	GraphQL               bool          `` /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */
	GraphQLCorsDomain     []string      `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */
	GraphQLVHosts         []string      `` /* 168-byte string literal not displayed */
	RPCGasCap             uint64        `long:"rpc.gascap" default:"50000000" description:"Sets a cap on gas that can be used in eth_call/estimateGas (0=infinite)"`
	RPCEVMTimeout         time.Duration `long:"rpc.evmtimeout" default:"5s" description:"Sets a timeout used for eth_call (0=infinite)"`
	RPCTxFeeCap           float64       `` /* 133-byte string literal not displayed */
	RPCAllowUnprotectedTX bool          `long:"rpc.allow-unprotected-txs" description:"Allow for unprotected (non EIP155 signed) transactions to be submitted via RPC"`
	JSPath                string        `long:"jspath" default:"." description:"JavaScript root path for loadScript"`
	Exec                  string        `long:"exec" description:"Execute JavaScript statement"`
	Preload               []string      `long:"preload" description:"Comma separated list of JavaScript files to preload into the console"`

APIConfig holds the configuration options for the api CLI commands.

func (*APIConfig) BuildCliCmd

func (a *APIConfig) BuildCliCmd() string

type AccountOptions

type AccountOptions struct {
	Unlock      []string `long:"unlock" default:"" description:"Comma separated list of accounts to unlock"`
	Password    string   `long:"password" default:"" description:"Password file to use for non-interactive password input"`
	Signer      string   `long:"signer" default:"" description:"External signer (url or path to ipc file)"`
	AllowUnlock bool     `` /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */

func (*AccountOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (ao *AccountOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type EthereumOptions

type EthereumOptions struct {
	Config             string   `long:"config" description:"TOML configuration file"`
	DatadirMinFreeDisk int      `` /* 161-byte string literal not displayed */
	Keystore           string   `long:"keystore" description:"Directory for the keystore (default = inside the datadir)"`
	USB                bool     `long:"usb" description:"Enable monitoring and management of USB hardware wallets"`
	PCSCDPath          string   `long:"pcscdpath" description:"Path to the smartcard daemon (pcscd) socket file"`
	NetworkID          int      `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	SyncMode           string   `long:"syncmode" description:"Blockchain sync mode ('snap', 'full' or 'light') (default: snap)"`
	ExitWhenSynced     bool     `long:"exitwhensynced" description:"Exits after block synchronisation completes"`
	GCMode             string   `long:"gcmode" description:"Blockchain garbage collection mode ('full', 'archive') (default: 'full')"`
	TxLookupLimit      int      `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */
	Ethstats           string   `long:"ethstats" description:"Reporting URL of a ethstats service (nodename:secret@host:port)"`
	Identity           string   `long:"identity" description:"Custom node name"`
	LightKDF           bool     `long:"lightkdf" description:"Reduce key-derivation RAM & CPU usage at some expense of KDF strength"`
	EthRequiredBlocks  []string `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	Mainnet            bool     `long:"mainnet" description:"Ethereum mainnet"`
	Goerli             bool     `long:"goerli" description:"Görli network: pre-configured proof-of-authority test network"`
	Sepolia            bool     `long:"sepolia" description:"Sepolia network: pre-configured proof-of-work test network"`
	Datadir            string   `long:"datadir" description:"Data directory for the databases and keystore (default: '~/.ethereum')"`
	DatadirAncient     string   `long:"datadir.ancient" description:"Data directory for ancient chain segments (default = inside chaindata)"`
	RemoteDB           string   `long:"remotedb" description:"URL for remote database"`

func (*EthereumOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (eo *EthereumOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type GasPriceOracleOptions

type GasPriceOracleOptions struct {
	Blocks      int `long:"gpo.blocks" default:"20" description:"Number of recent blocks to check for gas prices"`
	Percentile  int `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxPrice    int `` /* 147-byte string literal not displayed */
	IgnorePrice int `long:"gpo.ignoreprice" default:"2" description:"Gas price below which gpo will ignore transactions"`

func (*GasPriceOracleOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (gpo *GasPriceOracleOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type LightClientOptions

type LightClientOptions struct {
	Serve           int      `` /* 156-byte string literal not displayed */
	Ingress         int      `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */
	Egress          int      `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */
	MaxPeers        int      `long:"light.maxpeers" description:"Maximum number of light clients to serve, or light servers to attach to (default: 100)"`
	ULCServers      []string `long:"ulc.servers" description:"List of trusted ultra-light servers"`
	ULCFraction     int      `long:"ulc.fraction" description:"Minimum % of trusted ultra-light servers required to announce a new head (default: 75)"`
	ULCOnlyAnnounce bool     `long:"ulc.onlyannounce" description:"Ultra light server sends announcements only"`
	NoPruning       bool     `long:"light.nopruning" description:"Disable ancient light chain data pruning"`
	NoSyncServe     bool     `long:"light.nosyncserve" description:"Enables serving light clients before syncing"`

func (*LightClientOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (lco *LightClientOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type LoggingOptions

type LoggingOptions struct {
	FakePow          bool `long:"fakepow" default:"false" description:"Disables proof-of-work verification"`
	NoCompaction     bool `long:"nocompaction" default:"false" description:"Disables db compaction after import"`
	VerbosityEnabled bool
	Verbosity        int    `long:"verbosity" default:"3" description:"Logging verbosity: 0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=detail"`
	VModule          string `long:"vmodule" default:"" description:"Per-module verbosity: comma-separated list of <pattern>=<level> (e.g. eth/*=5,p2p=4)"`
	JSON             bool   `long:"log.json" default:"false" description:"Format logs with JSON"`
	Backtrace        string `long:"log.backtrace" default:"" description:"Request a stack trace at a specific logging statement (e.g. \"block.go:271\")"`
	Debug            bool   `long:"log.debug" default:"false" description:"Prepends log messages with call-site location (file and line number)"`
	Pprof            bool   `long:"pprof" default:"false" description:"Enable the pprof HTTP server"`
	PprofAddr        string `long:"pprof.addr" default:"" description:"pprof HTTP server listening interface"`
	PprofPort        int    `long:"pprof.port" default:"6060" description:"pprof HTTP server listening port"`
	MemProfileRate   int    `long:"pprof.memprofilerate" default:"524288" description:"Turn on memory profiling with the given rate"`
	BlockProfileRate int    `long:"pprof.blockprofilerate" default:"0" description:"Turn on block profiling with the given rate"`
	CPUProfile       string `long:"pprof.cpuprofile" default:"" description:"Write CPU profile to the given file"`
	Trace            string `long:"trace" default:"" description:"Write execution trace to the given file"`

func (*LoggingOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (lo *LoggingOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type MetricsOptions

type MetricsOptions struct {
	Enabled          bool   `long:"metrics" description:"Enable metrics collection and reporting"`
	Expensive        bool   `long:"metrics.expensive" description:"Enable expensive metrics collection and reporting"`
	Addr             string `long:"metrics.addr" description:"Enable stand-alone metrics HTTP server listening interface" default:""`
	Port             int    `long:"metrics.port" description:"Metrics HTTP server listening port" default:"6060"`
	InfluxDB         bool   `long:"metrics.influxdb" description:"Enable metrics export/push to an external InfluxDB database"`
	InfluxDBEndpoint string `long:"metrics.influxdb.endpoint" description:"InfluxDB API endpoint to report metrics to" default:"http://localhost:8086"`
	InfluxDBDatabase string `long:"metrics.influxdb.database" description:"InfluxDB database name to push reported metrics to" default:"geth"`
	InfluxDBUsername string `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	InfluxDBPassword string `` /* 130-byte string literal not displayed */
	InfluxDBTags     string `` /* 139-byte string literal not displayed */
	InfluxDBv2       bool   `long:"metrics.influxdbv2" description:"Enable metrics export/push to an external InfluxDB v2 database"`
	InfluxDBv2Token  string `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	Token            string `` /* 137-byte string literal not displayed */
	Bucket           string `long:"metrics.influxdb.bucket" description:"InfluxDB bucket name to push reported metrics to (v2 only) (default: 'geth')"`
	Organization     string `long:"metrics.influxdb.organization" description:"InfluxDB organization name (v2 only) (default: 'geth')"`

func (*MetricsOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (mo *MetricsOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type NetworkingOptions

type NetworkingOptions struct {
	BootNodes    []string `long:"bootnodes" default:"" description:"Comma separated enode URLs for P2P discovery bootstrap"`
	DNS          []string `long:"discovery.dns" default:"" description:"Sets DNS discovery entry points (use \"\" to disable DNS)"`
	Port         int      `long:"port" default:"30303" description:"Network listening port"`
	MaxPeers     int      `long:"maxpeers" default:"50" description:"Maximum number of network peers (network disabled if set to 0)"`
	MaxPendPeers int      `long:"maxpendpeers" default:"0" description:"Maximum number of pending connection attempts (defaults used if set to 0)"`
	NAT          string   `long:"nat" default:"any" description:"NAT port mapping mechanism (any|none|upnp|pmp|extip:<IP>)"`
	NoDiscover   bool     `long:"nodiscover" default:"false" description:"Disables the peer discovery mechanism (manual peer addition)"`
	V5Disc       bool     `long:"v5disc" default:"false" description:"Enables the experimental RLPx V5 (Topic Discovery) mechanism"`
	NetRestrict  []string `long:"netrestrict" default:"" description:"Restricts network communication to the given IP networks (CIDR masks)"`
	NodeKey      string   `long:"nodekey" default:"" description:"P2P node key file"`
	NodeKeyHex   string   `long:"nodekeyhex" default:"" description:"P2P node key as hex (for testing)"`

func (*NetworkingOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (no *NetworkingOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type Options

type Options struct {
	Snapshot            bool `long:"snapshot"`
	BloomFilterSize     int  `long:"bloomfilter.size" default:"2048"`
	IgnoreLegacyReceipt bool `long:"ignore-legacy-receipts"`

func (*Options) BuildCliCmd

func (o *Options) BuildCliCmd() string

type PerformanceTuningOptions

type PerformanceTuningOptions struct {
	Cache         int            `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */
	Database      int            `long:"cache.database" default:"50" description:"Percentage of cache memory allowance to use for database io"`
	Trie          int            `` /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */
	TrieJournal   string         `long:"cache.trie.journal" default:"triecache" description:"Disk journal directory for trie cache to survive node restarts"`
	TrieRejournal *time.Duration `long:"cache.trie.rejournal" default:"1h0m0s" description:"Time interval to regenerate the trie cache journal"`
	GC            int            `` /* 146-byte string literal not displayed */
	Snapshot      int            `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */
	NoPrefetch    bool           `` /* 157-byte string literal not displayed */
	Preimages     bool           `long:"cache.preimages" default:"false" description:"Enable recording the SHA3/keccak preimages of trie keys"`
	FDLimit       int            `long:"fdlimit" default:"0" description:"Raise the open file descriptor resource limit (default = system fd limit)"`

func (*PerformanceTuningOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (pto *PerformanceTuningOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

type TransactionPoolOptions

type TransactionPoolOptions struct {
	Locals       []string      `long:"txpool.locals" default:"" description:"Comma separated accounts to treat as locals (no flush, priority inclusion)"`
	NoLocals     bool          `long:"txpool.nolocals" default:"false" description:"Disables price exemptions for locally submitted transactions"`
	Journal      string        `long:"txpool.journal" default:"transactions.rlp" description:"Disk journal for local transaction to survive node restarts"`
	Rejournal    time.Duration `long:"txpool.rejournal" default:"1h0m0s" description:"Time interval to regenerate the local transaction journal"`
	PriceLimit   int           `long:"txpool.pricelimit" default:"1" description:"Minimum gas price limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool"`
	PriceBump    int           `long:"txpool.pricebump" default:"10" description:"Price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction"`
	AccountSlots int           `long:"txpool.accountslots" default:"16" description:"Minimum number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account"`
	GlobalSlots  int           `long:"txpool.globalslots" default:"5120" description:"Maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts"`
	AccountQueue int           `` /* 126-byte string literal not displayed */
	GlobalQueue  int           `long:"txpool.globalqueue" default:"1024" description:"Maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts"`
	Lifetime     time.Duration `long:"txpool.lifetime" default:"3h0m0s" description:"Maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued"`

func (*TransactionPoolOptions) BuildCliCmd

func (tpo *TransactionPoolOptions) BuildCliCmd() string

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