
v1.0.10 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 27, 2023 License: MIT Imports: 2 Imported by: 1




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const (
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const (
	COIN_TYPE_SILVER = "silver"
	COIN_TYPE_GOLD   = "gold"


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var ErrDanmakuRawDataIsNotArray error = errors.New("danmaku raw data is not array")


This section is empty.


type AnchorLotAward

type AnchorLotAward struct {
	ID         int64                `json:"id"`
	AwardImage string               `json:"award_image"`
	AwardName  string               `json:"award_name"`
	AwardNum   int                  `json:"award_num"`
	AwardUsers []AnchorLotAwardUser `json:"award_users"`
	LotStatus  int                  `json:"lot_status"` // 2 might be lottery end
	Url        string               `json:"url"`
	WebUrl     string               `json:"web_url"`

func (*AnchorLotAward) Decode

func (i *AnchorLotAward) Decode(data []byte) error

type AnchorLotAwardUser

type AnchorLotAwardUser struct {
	UID      int64  `json:"uid"`
	Name     string `json:"uname"`
	FaceIcon string `json:"face"`
	Level    int    `json:"level"`
	Color    int64  `json:"color"`

type AnchorLotCheckStatus

type AnchorLotCheckStatus struct {
	ID           int64  `json:"id"`
	Status       int    `json:"status"`
	AnchorUID    int64  `json:"uid"`
	RejectReason string `json:"reject_reason"`

func (*AnchorLotCheckStatus) Decode

func (i *AnchorLotCheckStatus) Decode(data []byte) error

type AnchorLotEnd

type AnchorLotEnd struct {
	ID int64 `json:"id"`

func (*AnchorLotEnd) Decode

func (i *AnchorLotEnd) Decode(data []byte) error

type AnchorLotStart

type AnchorLotStart struct {
	ID             int64  `json:"id"`
	AssetIcon      string `json:"asset_icon"`
	AwardImage     string `json:"award_image"`
	AwardName      string `json:"award_name"`
	AwardNum       int    `json:"award_num"`
	CurGiftNum     int    `json:"cur_gift_num"`
	CurrentTime    int64  `json:"current_time"` // unix timestamp
	Danmaku        string `json:"danmu"`
	GiftID         int64  `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName       string `json:"gift_name"`
	GiftNum        int    `json:"gift_num"`
	GiftPrice      int64  `json:"gift_price"`  // 单位:金瓜子
	GoAwayTime     int    `json:"goaway_time"` // in seconds
	GoodsID        int64  `json:"goods_id"`
	IsBroadcast    int    `json:"is_broadcast"`
	JoinType       int    `json:"join_type"`
	LotStatus      int    `json:"lot_status"`
	MaxTime        int    `json:"max_time"` // in seconds
	RequireText    string `json:"require_text"`
	RequireType    int    `json:"require_type"` // 2 means anchor medal level reach $require_value
	RequireValue   int64  `json:"require_value"`
	RoomID         int    `json:"room_id"`
	SendGiftEnsure int    `json:"send_gift_ensure"`
	ShowPanel      int    `json:"show_panel"`
	Status         int    `json:"status"`
	RemainTime     int    `json:"time"` // in seconds
	Url            string `json:"url"`
	WebUrl         string `json:"web_url"`

func (*AnchorLotStart) Decode

func (i *AnchorLotStart) Decode(data []byte) error

type BlindGift added in v1.0.6

type BlindGift struct {
	ConfigID         int    `json:"blind_gift_config_id"`
	From             int    `json:"from"`
	GiftAction       string `json:"gift_action"` // “爆出”
	OriginalGiftID   int    `json:"original_gift_id"`
	OriginalGiftName string `json:"original_gift_name"` // 白银宝盒

type ComboSend

type ComboSend struct {
	Action           string      `json:"action"`
	BatchComboID     string      `json:"batch_combo_id"`
	BatchComboNum    int         `json:"batch_combo_num"`
	ComboID          string      `json:"combo_id"`
	ComboNum         int         `json:"combo_num"`
	ComboTotalCoin   int64       `json:"combo_total_coin"`
	DMScore          int64       `json:"dmscore"`
	GiftID           int64       `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName         string      `json:"gift_name"`
	GiftNum          int         `json:"gift_num"`
	IsShow           int         `json:"is_show"`
	Medal            MedalInfo   `json:"medal_info"`
	NameColor        string      `json:"name_color"`
	RecieverUserName string      `json:"r_uname"`
	RecieverUID      int64       `json:"ruid"`
	SendMaster       interface{} `json:"send_master"`
	TotalNum         int         `json:"total_num"`
	UID              int64       `json:"uid"`
	UserName         string      `json:"uname"`

func (*ComboSend) Decode

func (i *ComboSend) Decode(data []byte) error

type DanmakuMsg

type DanmakuMsg struct {
	Style   DanmakuMsgStyle
	Content string
	Sender  DanmakuMsgSender

func (*DanmakuMsg) Decode

func (i *DanmakuMsg) Decode(data []byte) error

type DanmakuMsgSender

type DanmakuMsgSender struct {
	UID                 int64
	UserName            string
	IsAdmin             int // 是否是房管
	IsVIP               int
	IsSVIP              int
	UserRank            int
	MobilePhoneVerified int
	UserNameColor       string
	Medal               MedalInfo
	UserLevel           int
	UserColor           interface{}
	UserLevelRank       interface{}
	OldTitle            string
	Title               string
	GuardLevel          int

type DanmakuMsgStyle

type DanmakuMsgStyle struct {
	DisplayMode int // 弹幕显示模式(滚动、顶部、底部)
	FontSize    int
	Color       int64
	Timestamp   int64
	Rnd         int64
	CRC32       string
	MsgType     int // 是否礼物弹幕(节奏风暴)
	Bubble      int
	IsEmotion   bool // 是否是表情图片弹幕
	Emotion     struct {
		BulgeDisplay  int    `json:"bulge_display"`
		EmotionUnique string `json:"emoticon_unique"` // 表情ID
		Height        int    `json:"height"`          // 单位:像素
		InPlayerArea  int    `json:"in_player_area"`
		IsDynamic     int    `json:"is_dynamic"`
		Url           string `json:"url"`   // 表情图片URL
		Width         int    `json:"width"` // 单位:像素
	Extra struct {
		Mode           int    `json:"mode"`
		ShowPlayerType int    `json:"show_player_type"`
		Extra          string `json:"extra"` // json string

type EntryEffect

type EntryEffect struct {
	ID               int64   `json:"id"`
	UID              int64   `json:"uid"`
	TargetID         int64   `json:"target_id"` // 直播间主播UID
	MockEffect       int     `json:"mock_effect"`
	Face             string  `json:"face"`
	PrivilegeType    int     `json:"privilege_type"`
	CopyWritting     string  `json:"copy_writing"` // 欢迎舰长XXX进入直播间
	CopyColor        string  `json:"copy_color"`
	HighlightColor   string  `json:"highlight_color"`
	Priority         int     `json:"priority"`
	BasemapUrl       string  `json:"basemap_url"`
	ShowAvatar       int     `json:"show_avatar"`
	EffectiveTime    int     `json:"effective_time"`
	WebBasemapUrl    string  `json:"web_basemap_url"`
	WebEffectiveTime int     `json:"web_effective_time"`
	WebEffectClose   int     `json:"web_effect_close"`
	WebCloseTime     int     `json:"web_close_time"`
	Business         int     `json:"business"`
	CopyWrittingV2   string  `json:"copy_writing_v2"`
	IconList         []int64 `json:"icon_list"`
	MaxDelayTime     int     `json:"max_delay_time"`
	TriggerTime      int64   `json:"trigger_time"` // 单位:纳秒
	Identities       int     `json:"identities"`

func (*EntryEffect) Decode

func (i *EntryEffect) Decode(data []byte) error

type GuardBuy

type GuardBuy struct {
	UID        int64  `json:"uid"`
	UserName   string `json:"username"`
	GuardLevel int    `json:"guard_level"`
	Num        int    `json:"num"`
	Price      int64  `json:"price"` // 单位:金瓜子
	GiftID     int64  `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName   string `json:"gift_name"`  // 舰长、提督、总督
	StartTime  int64  `json:"start_time"` // unix timestamp
	EndTime    int64  `json:"end_time"`

func (*GuardBuy) Decode

func (i *GuardBuy) Decode(data []byte) error

type HotRankChanged

type HotRankChanged struct {
	Rank        int    `json:"rank"`
	Trend       int    `json:"trend"`
	CountDown   int    `json:"countdown"`
	Timestamp   int64  `json:"timestamp"`
	WebUrl      string `json:"web_url"`
	LiveUrl     string `json:"live_url"`
	BlinkUrl    string `json:"blink_url"`
	LiveLinkUrl string `json:"live_link_url"`
	PcLinkUrl   string `json:"pc_link_url"`
	Icon        string `json:"icon"`
	AreaName    string `json:"area_name"`
	RankDesc    string `json:"rank_desc"`

func (*HotRankChanged) Decode

func (i *HotRankChanged) Decode(data []byte) error

type HotRankSettlement

type HotRankSettlement struct {
	AreaName  string `json:"area_name"`
	CacheKey  string `json:"cache_key"`
	DMMsg     string `json:"dm_msg"`
	DMScore   int64  `json:"dmscore"`
	Face      string `json:"face"`
	Icon      string `json:"icon"`
	Rank      int    `json:"rank"`
	Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"`
	UserName  string `json:"uname"`
	Url       string `json:"url"`

func (*HotRankSettlement) Decode

func (i *HotRankSettlement) Decode(data []byte) error

type InteractWord

type InteractWord struct {
	Contribution struct {
		Grade int `json:"grade"`
	} `json:"contribution"`
	DMScore       int64     `json:"dmscore"`
	Medal         MedalInfo `json:"fans_medal"`
	Indentities   []int     `json:"identities"`
	IsSpread      int       `json:"is_spread"`
	MsgType       int       `json:"msg_type"`
	RoomID        int       `json:"roomid"`
	Score         int64     `json:"score"`
	SpreadDesc    string    `json:"spread_desc"`
	SpreadInfo    string    `json:"spread_info"`
	TallIcon      int       `json:"tail_icon"`
	Timestamp     int64     `json:"timestamp"`
	TriggerTime   int64     `json:"trigger_time"` // 单位:纳秒
	UID           int64     `json:"uid"`
	UserName      string    `json:"uname"`
	UserNameColor string    `json:"uname_color"`

func (*InteractWord) Decode

func (i *InteractWord) Decode(data []byte) error

type LiveInteractiveGame

type LiveInteractiveGame struct {
	Type           int         `json:"type"`
	UID            int64       `json:"uid"`
	UserName       string      `json:"uname"`
	UserFace       string      `json:"uface"`
	GiftID         int64       `json:"gift_id"`
	GiftName       string      `json:"gift_name"`
	GiftNum        int         `json:"gift_num"`
	Price          int64       `json:"price"` // 单位:金瓜子
	Paid           bool        `json:"paid"`
	Msg            string      `json:"msg"`
	FansMedalLevel int         `json:"fans_medal_level"`
	GuardLevel     int         `json:"guard_level"`
	Timestamp      int64       `json:"timestamp"`
	AnchorLottery  interface{} `json:"anchor_lottery"`
	PKInfo         interface{} `json:"pk_info"`
	AnchorInfo     struct {
		UID      int64  `json:"uid"`
		UserName string `json:"uname"`
		UserFace string `json:"uface"`
	} `json:"anchor_info"`

func (*LiveInteractiveGame) Decode

func (i *LiveInteractiveGame) Decode(data []byte) error

type MedalInfo

type MedalInfo struct {
	AnchorRoomID     int         `json:"anchor_roomid"`
	AnchorName       string      `json:"anchor_uname"`
	GuardLevel       int         `json:"guard_level"` // 1-总督 2-提督 3-舰长
	IconID           int64       `json:"icon_id"`
	IsLighted        int         `json:"is_lighted"`
	MedalColor       interface{} `json:"medal_color"` // maybe float64(integer) or string(in SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE) <- Fxxk bulibuli
	MedalColorBorder int64       `json:"medal_color_border"`
	MedalColorEnd    int64       `json:"medal_color_end"`
	MedalColorStart  int64       `json:"medal_color_start"`
	MedalLevel       int         `json:"medal_level"`
	MedalName        string      `json:"medal_name"`
	Special          string      `json:"special"`
	TargetID         int64       `json:"target_id"` // 主播UID
	Score            int         `json:"score"`

type OnlineRankCount

type OnlineRankCount struct {
	Count int `json:"count"`

func (*OnlineRankCount) Decode

func (i *OnlineRankCount) Decode(data []byte) error

type RoomRealtimeMessageUpdate

type RoomRealtimeMessageUpdate struct {
	RoomID    int `json:"roomid"`
	Fans      int `json:"fans"`
	RedNotice int `json:"red_notice"`
	FansClub  int `json:"fans_club"`

func (*RoomRealtimeMessageUpdate) Decode

func (i *RoomRealtimeMessageUpdate) Decode(data []byte) error

type SendGift

type SendGift struct {
	Action         string `json:"action"`
	BatchComboID   string `json:"batch_combo_id"`
	BatchComboSend *struct {
		Action        string      `json:"action"`
		BatchComboID  string      `json:"batch_combo_id"`
		BatchComboNum int         `json:"batch_combo_num"`
		BlindGift     *BlindGift  `json:"blind_gift"`
		GiftID        int64       `json:"gift_id"`
		GiftName      string      `json:"gift_name"`
		GiftNum       int         `json:"gift_num"`
		SendMaster    interface{} `json:"send_master"`
		UID           int64       `json:"uid"`
		UserName      string      `json:"uname"`
	} `json:"batch_combo_send"`
	BeatID          string     `json:"beatId"`
	BizSource       string     `json:"biz_source"`
	BlindGift       *BlindGift `json:"blind_gift"`
	BroadcastID     int64      `json:"broadcast_id"`
	CoinType        string     `json:"coin_type"` // silver or gold
	ComboResourceID int64      `json:"combo_resources_id"`
	ComboSend       *struct {
		Action     string      `json:"action"`
		ComboID    string      `json:"combo_id"`
		ComboNum   int         `json:"combo_num"`
		GiftID     int64       `json:"gift_id"`
		GiftName   string      `json:"gift_name"`
		GiftNum    int         `json:"gift_num"`
		SendMaster interface{} `json:"send_master"`
		UID        int64       `json:"uid"`
		UserName   string      `json:"uname"`
	} `json:"combo_send"`
	ComboStayTime     int         `json:"combo_stay_time"`
	ComboTotalCoin    int64       `json:"combo_total_coin"`
	CritProb          int         `json:"crit_prob"`
	Demarcation       int         `json:"demarcation"`
	DiscountPrice     int64       `json:"discount_price"`
	DMScore           int64       `json:"dmscore"`
	Draw              int         `json:"draw"`
	Effect            int         `json:"effect"`
	EffectBlock       int         `json:"effect_block"`
	Face              string      `json:"face"`
	FloatSCResourceID int64       `json:"float_sc_resource_id"`
	GiftID            int64       `json:"giftId"`
	GiftName          string      `json:"giftName"`
	GiftType          int         `json:"giftType"`
	Gold              int64       `json:"gold"`
	GuardLevel        int         `json:"guard_level"`
	IsFirst           bool        `json:"is_first"`
	IsSpecialbatch    int         `json:"is_special_batch"`
	Magnification     int         `json:"magnification"`
	Medal             MedalInfo   `json:"medal_info"`
	NameColor         string      `json:"name_color"`
	Num               int         `json:"num"`
	OriginalGiftName  string      `json:"original_gift_name"`
	Price             int64       `json:"price"`
	RCost             int64       `json:"rcost"`
	Remain            int         `json:"remain"`
	Rnd               string      `json:"rnd"`
	SendMaster        interface{} `json:"send_master"`
	Silver            int         `json:"silver"`
	Super             int         `json:"super"`
	SuperBatchGiftNum int         `json:"super_batch_gift_num"`
	SuperGiftNum      int         `json:"super_gift_num"`
	SvgaBlock         int         `json:"svga_block"`
	TagImage          string      `json:"tag_image"`
	Tid               string      `json:"tid"`
	Timestamp         int64       `json:"timestamp"`
	TopList           interface{} `json:"top_list"`
	TotalCoin         int64       `json:"total_coin"`
	UID               int64       `json:"uid"`
	UserName          string      `json:"uname"`

func (*SendGift) Decode

func (i *SendGift) Decode(data []byte) error

type StopLiveRoomList

type StopLiveRoomList struct {
	RoomIDList []int `json:"room_id_list"`

func (*StopLiveRoomList) Decode

func (i *StopLiveRoomList) Decode(data []byte) error

type SuperChatMessage

type SuperChatMessage struct {
	ID                    int64   `json:"id"`
	BackgroundBottomColor string  `json:"background_bottom_color"`
	BackgroundColor       string  `json:"background_color"`
	BackgroundColorEnd    string  `json:"background_color_end"`
	BackgroundColorStart  string  `json:"background_color_start"`
	BackgroundIcon        string  `json:"background_icon"`
	BackgroundImage       string  `json:"background_image"`
	BackgroundPriceColor  string  `json:"background_price_color"`
	ColorPoint            float64 `json:"color_point"`
	DMScore               int64   `json:"dmscore"`
	Time                  int     `json:"time"` // 持续秒数
	StartTime             int64   `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime               int64   `json:"end_time"`
	Gift                  struct {
		GiftID   int64  `json:"gift_id"`
		GiftName string `json:"gift_name"`
		Num      int    `json:"num"`
	} `json:"gift"`
	IsRanked         int       `json:"is_ranked"`
	IsSendAudit      int       `json:"is_send_audit"`
	Medal            MedalInfo `json:"medal_info"`
	Message          string    `json:"message"`
	MessageFontColor string    `json:"message_font_color"`
	MessageTrans     string    `json:"message_trans"`
	Price            int       `json:"price"` // 单位:人民币
	Rate             int       `json:"rate"`
	Token            string    `json:"token"`
	TransMark        int       `json:"trans_mark"`
	Timestamp        int64     `json:"ts"`
	UID              int64     `json:"uid"`
	User             UserInfo  `json:"user_info"`

func (*SuperChatMessage) Decode

func (i *SuperChatMessage) Decode(data []byte) error

type SuperChatMessageDelete

type SuperChatMessageDelete struct {
	Ids []int64 `json:"ids"`

func (*SuperChatMessageDelete) Decode

func (i *SuperChatMessageDelete) Decode(data []byte) error

type SuperChatMessageJpn

type SuperChatMessageJpn struct {
	ID                    string    `json:"id"`
	UID                   string    `json:"uid"`
	Price                 int       `json:"price"` // 单位:人民币
	Rate                  int       `json:"rate"`
	Message               string    `json:"message"`
	MessageJpn            string    `json:"message_jpn"`
	IsRanked              int       `json:"is_ranked"`
	BackgroundImage       string    `json:"background_image"`
	BackgroundColor       string    `json:"background_color"`
	BackgroundIcon        string    `json:"background_icon"`
	BackgroundPriceColor  string    `json:"background_price_color"`
	BackgroundBottomColor string    `json:"background_bottom_color"`
	Timestamp             int64     `json:"ts"`
	Token                 string    `json:"token"`
	Medal                 MedalInfo `json:"medal_info"`
	User                  UserInfo  `json:"user_info"`
	Time                  int       `json:"time"` // 持续秒数
	StartTime             int64     `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime               int64     `json:"end_time"`
	Gift                  struct {
		GiftID   int64  `json:"gift_id"`
		GiftName string `json:"gift_name"`
		Num      int    `json:"num"`
	} `json:"gift"`

func (*SuperChatMessageJpn) Decode

func (i *SuperChatMessageJpn) Decode(data []byte) error

type UserInfo

type UserInfo struct {
	UserName   string `json:"uname"`
	Face       string `json:"face"`
	FaceFrame  string `json:"face_frame"`
	GuardLevel int    `json:"guard_level"`
	UserLevel  int    `json:"user_level"`
	LevelColor string `json:"level_color"`
	IsVIP      int    `json:"is_vip"`
	IsSVIP     int    `json:"is_svip"`
	IsMainVIP  int    `json:"is_main_vip"`
	Title      string `json:"title"`
	Manager    int    `json:"manager"`
	NameColor  string `json:"name_color"`

type UserToastMsg

type UserToastMsg struct {
	AnchorShow       bool   `json:"anchor_show"`
	Color            string `json:"color"`
	DMScore          int64  `json:"dmscore"`
	StartTime        int64  `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime          int64  `json:"end_time"`
	GuardLevel       int    `json:"guard_level"`
	IsShow           int    `json:"is_show"`
	Num              int    `json:"num"`
	OpType           int    `json:"op_type"`
	PayFlowID        string `json:"payflow_id"`
	Price            int64  `json:"price"`     // 单位:金瓜子
	RoleName         string `json:"role_name"` // 舰长
	SvgaBlock        int    `json:"svga_block"`
	TargetGuardCount int    `json:"target_guard_count"`
	ToastMsg         string `json:"toast_msg"` // XXX自动续费了舰长
	UID              int64  `json:"uid"`
	Unit             string `json:"unit"` // “月”
	UserShow         bool   `json:"user_show"`
	UserName         string `json:"username"`

func (*UserToastMsg) Decode

func (i *UserToastMsg) Decode(data []byte) error

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