
v0.1.18 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 4, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 2



* Inc. * Copyright (c) 2014-2023 All Rights Reserved.



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const (
	APIVersion = "2022-11-20"
	SERVICE    = "bmc"
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const (

	// Invalid hostname length. The specified hostname exceeds the maximum length.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_HOSTNAME_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Hostname.Exceed"

	// Invalid hostname format.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_HOSTNAME_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Hostname.Malformed"

	// Invalid instance name length. The specified instance name exceeds the maximum length.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_NAME_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Instance.Name.Exceed"

	// Network billing method not supported in current zone.
	OPERATION_FILED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Filed.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support"

	// Image not found.
	INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Image.Not.Found"

	// Zone does not exist.
	INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

	// Instance model not found.
	INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Not.Found"

	// Custom partition are only supported for specific operating system.
	INVALID_PARTITION_IMAGE_NOT_SET = "Invalid.Partition.Image.Not.Set"

	// You are trying to create more instances than your remaining quota allows.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_QUOTA_EXCEED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Quota.Exceed"

	// Bandwidth exceeds the maximum limit.
	INVALID_BANDWIDTH_VALUE_EXCEED_MAXIMUM = "Invalid.Bandwidth.Value.Exceed.MaxImum"

	// Invalid password.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_PASSWORD_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Password.Malformed"

	// Password login and SSH key login cannot be specified at the same time.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_LOGIN_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Parameter.Instance.Login.Conflict"

	// Invalid SSH key format. Usually start with rsa.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SSH_KEY_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Ssh.Key.Malformed"

	// Custom RAID and rapid RAID cannot be specified at the same time.
	INVALID_RAID_CONFIG_FAST_CUSTOM_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Raid.Config.Fast.Custom.Conflict"

	// RAID level not supported for current instance model.
	INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_RAID_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Raid.Not.Support"

	// Public NIC name and private NIC name cannot be the same.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_NIC_NAME_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Parameter.Nic.Name.Conflict"

	// Invalid public or private NIC name.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_NIC_NAME_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Nic.Name.Malformed"

	// Invalid partition size. Does not reach the specified capacity.
	INVALID_PARTITION_SIZE_NOT_FULL = "Invalid.Partition.Size.Not.Full"

	// Duplicated file path or drive letters of the partition.
	INVALID_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILE_PATH = "Invalid.Partition.Duplicate.File.Path"

	// File path (drive letter) is needed.
	// "c" must be included for Windows, and "/" must be included for Linux.
	INVALID_PARTITION_MISSING_REQUIRED_FILE_PATH = "Invalid.Partition.Missing.Required.File.Path"

	// Invalid file type or path format.
	INVALID_PARTITION_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Partition.Malformed"

	// Invalid file type.
	INVALID_PARTITION_NO_TYPE = "Invalid.Partition.No.Type"

	// Drive letters must be filled in alphabetical order, such as CDEFG for Windows.
	INVALID_PARTITION_INVALID_ORDER = "Invalid.Partition.Invalid.Order"

	// Disk quantity does not meet the RAID level requirement in custom RAID configuration.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_MISMATCH = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Mismatch"

	// Serial numbers of disks must be filled in order, such as [1,2,3], in custom RAID configuration.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_DISORDER = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Disorder"

	// Duplicated disk serial numbers in custom RAID configuration.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_SEQUENCE_DUPLICATE = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Sequence.Duplicate"

	// Disk serial number exceeds disk quantity in custom RAID configuration.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_SEQUENCE_RANGE = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Sequence.Range"

	// Resources not for sale.
	RESOURCE_INSUFFICIENT_PRODUCT_SOLD_OUT = "Resource.Insufficient.Product.Sold.out"

	// Pricing model not supported in current zone.
	OPERATION_DENIED_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Charge.Type.Not.Support"

	// Instance models sold out.
	RESOURCES_SOLDOUT_INSTANCE_TYPE = "Resource.Soldout.Instance.type"

	// Pricing model not supported. If necessary, please contact Zenlayer Support.
	INVALID_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Charge.Type.Not.Support"

	// Subnet not found.
	INVALID_SUBNET_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Subnet.Not.Found"

	// Insufficient private IPs in subnet to assign to created instances.
	INVALID_SUBNET_PRIVATE_IP_INSUFFICIENT = "Invalid.Subnet.Private.Ip.Insufficient"

	// Subnet not in the current zone.
	INVALID_SUBNET_ZONE_MISMATCH = "Invalid.Subnet.Zone.Mismatch"

	// Invalid SSH key. Duplicated values.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SSH_KEY_DUPLICATE = "Invalid.Parameter.Ssh.Key.Duplicate"

	// Instance does not exist.
	INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found"

	// Operations on instances in recycle bin are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Recycled"

	// Only operations on instances in STOPPED status are supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_STOPPED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Stopped"

	// Only operations on instances in RUNNING status are supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Running"

	// Only operations on instances in STOPPED or RUNNING status are supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_STATUS = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Status"

	// Operations on instances in CREATING status are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_CREATING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Creating"

	// Operations on instances in INSTALLING status are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_STATUS_INSTALLING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Status.Installing"

	// Operations on subscription instances are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Subscription"

	// Operations failed. Resources in commitment period.
	OPERATION_DENIED_POSTPAID_PROMISE = "Operation.Denied.Postpaid.Promise"

	// Only operations on instances in recycle bin are supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Recycled"

	// Resource group does not exist.
	OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Group.Not.Found"

	// Resources do not exist.
	OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Not.Found"

	// Instance model not for sale in the zone.
	INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Zone.No.Sell"

	// Public network billing method not supported in the zone.
	INVALID_INSTANCE_BANDWIDTH_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Instance.Bandwidth.Zone.No.Sell"

	// Bandwidth exceeds upper limit.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_BANDWIDTH_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Bandwidth.Exceed"

	// Bandwidth is being modified.
	OPERATION_FAILED_INSTANCE_BANDWIDTH_PROCESSING = "Operation.Failed.Instance.Bandwidth.Processing"

	// InternetChargeType is not ByBandwidth.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support"

	// No bandwidth downgrade order exists.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DOWNGRADE_NOT_EXIST = "Operation.Denied.Downgrade.Not.Exist"

	// Traffic package is being modified.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_PROCESSING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Traffic.Package.Processing"

	// Traffic package parameter validation error.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_ERROR = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Error"

	// No traffic package exists.
	OPERATION_FILED_INSTANCE_NOT_EXIST_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE = "Operation.Filed.Instance.Not.Exist.Traffic.Package"

	// Scheduled downgrade order exists.
	OPERATION_FAILED_INSTANCE_EXIST_PLAN_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE = "Operation.Failed.Instance.Exist.Plan.Traffic.Package"

	// Traffic package parameter needs to be greater than or equal to the default value.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_LESS = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Less"

	// Traffic package parameter exceeds upper limit.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Exceed"

	// Elastic IPs not available for sale in zone.
	INVALID_EIP_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Eip.Type.Zone.No.Sell"

	// The parameter is empty.
	MISSING_PARAMETER = "Missing.Parameter"

	// Instances of ESXi operating system are not supported.
	INVALID_ESXI_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Esxi.Not.Support"

	// Elastic IP does not exist.
	INVALID_EIP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Eip.Not.Found"

	// Operations on a subscription elastic IP are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Subscription"

	// Operations on an elastic IP in recycle bin are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Recycled"

	// Elastic IP not in recycle bin.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Not.Recycled"

	// Elastic IP and instance should be in the same zone.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_ZONE_NOT_SAME = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Zone.Not.Same"

	// Elastic IP is in recycle bin.
	FAILED_OPERATION_FOR_RECYCLE_RESOURCE = "Failed.Operation.For.Recycle.Resource"

	// Elastic IP status not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Status.Not.Available"

	// Instance of ESXi operating system cannot bind an elastic IP.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_ESXI_INSTANCE_ASSIGN = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Esxi.Instance.Assign"

	// Number of elastic IPs bound to an instance exceeds the limit.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_INSTANCE_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Instance.Exceed.Limit"

	// Elastic IP status not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Status.Not.Support"

	// DDoS protected IPs not available for sale in zone.
	INVALID_DDOS_IP_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Type.Zone.No.Sell"

	// DDoS protected IP does not exist.
	INVALID_DDOS_IP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Not.Found"

	// Operations on a subscription DDoS protected IP are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Subscription"

	// Operations on a DDoS protected IP in recycle bin are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Recycled"

	// DDoS protected IP not in recycle bin.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Not.Recycled"

	// DDoS protected IP and instance should be in the same zone.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_ZONE_NOT_SAME = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Zone.Not.Same"

	// DDoS protected IP status not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Status.Not.Available"

	// Instance of ESXi operating system cannot bind a DDoS protected IP.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_ESXI_INSTANCE_ASSIGN = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Esxi.Instance.Assign"

	// DDoS protected IP status not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Status.Not.Support"

	// Availability region not found.
	INVALID_VPC_REGION_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Vpc.Region.Not.Found"

	// Quantity of VPCs exceeds the limit of the availability region.
	OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_REGION_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Region.Exceed.Limit"

	// Invalid netmask of CIDR block.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_LAN_IP_NETMASK = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Lan.Ip.Netmask"

	// Invalid CIDR block.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_CIDR_BLOCK = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Cidr.Block"

	// Only CIDR block with private IP range is supported.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_LAN_IP = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Lan.Ip"

	// Only operations on VPCs in the status of AVAILABLE or CREATE_FAILED are supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Status.Not.Support"

	// Operations on VPCs with subnets in it are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_EXIST_SUBNET_ASSIGN = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Exist.Subnet.Assign"

	// Operations on VPCs with instances in it are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_EXIST_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Exist.Instance"

	// Subnet not supported in the zone.
	OPERATION_DENIED_ZONE_NOT_SUPPORT_SUBNET = "Operation.Denied.Zone.Not.Support.Subnet"

	// VPC not found.
	INVALID_VPC_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Vpc.Not.Found"

	// Invalid availability region ID of VPC.
	OPERATION_DENIED_NO_AVAILABLE_VPC_REGION = "Operation.Denied.No.Available.Vpc.Region"

	// Zone does not belong to the availability region of VPC.
	OPERATION_DENIED_ZONE_NOT_BELONG_VPC = "Operation.Denied.Zone.Not.Belong.Vpc"

	// Invalid CIDR block.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_CIDR_BLOCK = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Cidr.Block"

	// Invalid netmask of CIDR block.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_LAN_IP_NETMASK = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Lan.Ip.Netmask"

	// Only CIDR block with private IP range is supported.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_LAN_IP = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Lan.Ip"

	// Quantity of subnets exceeds the limit of the zone.
	OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Exceed.Limit"

	// Quantity of subnets exceeds the limit of the availability region of VPC.
	OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_ZONE_SUBNET_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Zone.Subnet.Exceed.Limit"

	// Overlapped CIDR blocks of subnets in VPC.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_SUBNET_OVER_LAP = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Subnet.Over.Lan"

	// CIDR block of subnet not in the IP range of VPC.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_CIDR_NOT_BELONG_VPC = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Cidr.Not.Belong.Vpc"

	// Operations on subnets with instances in it are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_EXIST_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Exist.Instance"

	// Subnet status not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Status.Not.Support"

	// Instance is being removed.
	OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_ASSOCIATING_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Associating.Instance"

	// Operations on adding the instance into a subnet not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_SUPPORT_SUBNET = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Support.Subnet"

	// Instances can only be added into the subnet in the same zone.
	OPERATION_DENIED_DIFFERENT_ZONE = "Operation.Denied.Different.Zone"

	// Duplicated private IPs assigned to instances.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_DUPLICATE_LAN_IP = "Invalid.Parameter.Duplicate.Lan.Ip"

	// Private IP ended with .1 cannot be assigned.
	INVALID_PARAMETER_LAN_IP_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Parameter.Lan.Ip.Not.Support"

	// Unavailable private IP. This has already been assigned to an instance.
	OPERATION_DENIED_IP_ASSOCIATED_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Ip.Associated.Instance"

	// Duplicated instances in the subnet.
	OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_NOT_REPEAT_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Not.Repeat.Instance"

	// Subnet is in other VPC.
	OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_ASSOCIATED_OTHER_VPC = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Associated.Other.Vpc"

	// Unavailable netmask.
	OPERATION_DENIED_UNAVAILABLE_NETMASK = "Operation.Denied.Unavailable.Netmask"

	// Netmask out of stock.
	OPERATION_DENIED_NETMASK_OUT_OF_STOCK = "Operation.Denied.Netmask.Out.Of.Stock"

	// Renewal not supported for this type of CIDR block.
	OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Type.Not.Support"

	// Return on prepaid CIDR blocks not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Subscription"

	// Return on CIDR blocks with instances assigned not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_EXIST = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Exist"

	// Only operations on IPv4 CIDR blocks in recycle bin are supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Not.Recycled"

	// CIDR block not found.
	INVALID_CIDRBLOCK_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.CidrBlock.Not.Found"

	// Operations on CIDR block in recycle bin are not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Recycled"

	// Number of IPs assigned to an instance exceeds the limit.
	OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_IP_COUNT_REACH_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Ip.Count.Reach.Limit"

	// IP to be unassigned does not belong to the CIDR block.
	OPERATION_DENIED_IP_NOT_BELONG = "Operation.Denied.Ip.Not.Belong"

	// IP status not supported.
	OPERATION_DENIED_INVALID_STATUS = "Operation.Denied.Invalid.Status"


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AllocateDdosIpAddressesRequest

type AllocateDdosIpAddressesRequest struct {

	// DDoS protected IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	DdosIpChargeType string `json:"ddosIpChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the ddosIpChargeType is PREPAID.
	DdosIpChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"ddosIpChargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the DDoS protected IPs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID
	// If the value is not passed in, the DDoS protected IP will be put into the default resource group. If no authorized default resource group found, the request will fail.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of DDoS protected IPs.
	// Value range: 1-100.
	// Default value: 1.
	Amount int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

func NewAllocateDdosIpAddressesRequest

func NewAllocateDdosIpAddressesRequest() (request *AllocateDdosIpAddressesRequest)

type AllocateDdosIpAddressesResponse

type AllocateDdosIpAddressesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *AllocateDdosIpAddressesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewAllocateDdosIpAddressesResponse

func NewAllocateDdosIpAddressesResponse() (response *AllocateDdosIpAddressesResponse)

type AllocateDdosIpAddressesResponseParams

type AllocateDdosIpAddressesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// ID list of DDoS protected IPs.
	// The returned ID list does not mean the creation has been completed. You can call DescribeDdosIpAddresses to query the status of the DDoS protected IPs. If the status changes from Creating to Available, it means that the DDoS protected IPs have been created successfully.
	DdosIdSet []*string `json:"ddosIdSet,omitempty"`

	// Number of order.
	// This parameter returns when ddosIpChargeType is PREPAID.
	OrderNumber *string `json:"orderNumber,omitempty"`

type AllocateEipAddressesRequest

type AllocateEipAddressesRequest struct {

	// Elastic IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	EipChargeType string `json:"eipChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the eipChargeType is PREPAID.
	EipChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"eipChargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the elastic IPs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID
	// If the value is not passed in, the elastic IP will be put into the default resource group. If no authorized default resource group found, the request will fail.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of elastic IPs.
	// Value range: 1-100.
	// Default value: 1.
	Amount int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

func NewAllocateEipAddressesRequest

func NewAllocateEipAddressesRequest() (request *AllocateEipAddressesRequest)

type AllocateEipAddressesResponse

type AllocateEipAddressesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *AllocateEipAddressesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewAllocateEipAddressesResponse

func NewAllocateEipAddressesResponse() (response *AllocateEipAddressesResponse)

type AllocateEipAddressesResponseParams

type AllocateEipAddressesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// ID list of elastic IPs.
	// The returned ID list does not mean the creation has been completed. You can call DescribeEipAddresses to query the status of the elastic IPs. If the status changes from Creating to Available, it means that the elastic IPs have been created successfully.
	EipIdSet []*string `json:"eipIdSet,omitempty"`

	// Number of order.
	// This parameter returns when eipChargeType is PREPAID.
	OrderNumber *string `json:"orderNumber,omitempty"`

type AssociateDdosIpAddressRequest

type AssociateDdosIpAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of a DDoS protected IP.
	// To obtain the DDoS protected IP ID, you can call DescribeDdosIpAddresses and look for ddosIpId in the response.
	DdosIpId string `json:"ddosIpId,omitempty"`

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewAssociateDdosIpAddressRequest

func NewAssociateDdosIpAddressRequest() (request *AssociateDdosIpAddressRequest)

type AssociateDdosIpAddressResponse

type AssociateDdosIpAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewAssociateDdosIpAddressResponse

func NewAssociateDdosIpAddressResponse() (response *AssociateDdosIpAddressResponse)

type AssociateEipAddressRequest

type AssociateEipAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of an elastic IP.
	// To obtain the elastic IP ID, you can call DescribeEipAddresses and look for eipId in the response.
	EipId string `json:"eipId,omitempty"`

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewAssociateEipAddressRequest

func NewAssociateEipAddressRequest() (request *AssociateEipAddressRequest)

type AssociateEipAddressResponse

type AssociateEipAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewAssociateEipAddressResponse

func NewAssociateEipAddressResponse() (response *AssociateEipAddressResponse)

type AssociateSubnetInstanceIpAddress

type AssociateSubnetInstanceIpAddress struct {
	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Private IPv4 address.
	// The value should be in the range of subnet CIDR block. If the value is not passed in, any available private IP addresses will be assigned to the instance randomly.
	PrivateIpAddress string `json:"privateIpAddress,omitempty"`

type AssociateSubnetInstancesRequest

type AssociateSubnetInstancesRequest struct {

	// Subnet ID.
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

	// List of instances.
	SubnetInstanceList []*AssociateSubnetInstanceIpAddress `json:"subnetInstanceList,omitempty"`

func NewAssociateSubnetInstancesRequest

func NewAssociateSubnetInstancesRequest() (request *AssociateSubnetInstancesRequest)

type AssociateSubnetInstancesResponse

type AssociateSubnetInstancesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewAssociateSubnetInstancesResponse

func NewAssociateSubnetInstancesResponse() (response *AssociateSubnetInstancesResponse)

type AssociateVpcSubnetRequest added in v0.1.1

type AssociateVpcSubnetRequest struct {

	// Subnet ID.
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

	// VPC ID.
	VpcId string `json:"vpcId,omitempty"`

func NewAssociateVpcSubnetRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewAssociateVpcSubnetRequest() (request *AssociateVpcSubnetRequest)

type AssociateVpcSubnetResponse added in v0.1.1

type AssociateVpcSubnetResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewAssociateVpcSubnetResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewAssociateVpcSubnetResponse() (response *AssociateVpcSubnetResponse)

type AvailableResource

type AvailableResource struct {
	// Zone ID
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Status for sale.
	// SELL: available for sale, stock > 10.
	// SELL_SHORTAGE: available for sale, stock < 10.
	// SOLD_OUT: sold out.
	SellStatus string `json:"sellStatus,omitempty"`

	// Network pricing model.
	// See InternetChargeType for details.
	InternetChargeTypes []string `json:"internetChargeTypes,omitempty"`

	// ID of the instance model.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

	// Public outbound bandwidth cap.
	// Unit: Mbps.
	MaximumBandwidthOut int `json:"maximumBandwidthOut,omitempty"`

	// Default free public bandwidth for the pricing model of flat rate.
	// Unit: GB.
	DefaultBandwidthOut int `json:"defaultBandwidthOut,omitempty"`

	// Default free traffic package for the pricing model of data transfer.
	// Unit: TB.
	DefaultTrafficPackageSize float64 `json:"defaultTrafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

	// The inventory quantity.
	Qty int `json:"qty"`

type BindCidrBlockIpsRequest added in v0.1.1

type BindCidrBlockIpsRequest struct {

	// ID of the CIDR block.
	// You can find the cidrBlockId in the response by calling DescribeCidrBlocks.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

	// List of IPs to be assigned.
	IpBindList []*IpBindParam `json:"ipBindList,omitempty"`

func NewBindCidrBlockIpsRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewBindCidrBlockIpsRequest() (request *BindCidrBlockIpsRequest)

type BindCidrBlockIpsResponse added in v0.1.1

type BindCidrBlockIpsResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewBindCidrBlockIpsResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewBindCidrBlockIpsResponse() (response *BindCidrBlockIpsResponse)

type CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeRequest

type CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewCancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeRequest

func NewCancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeRequest() (request *CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeRequest)

type CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeResponse

type CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewCancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeResponse

func NewCancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeResponse() (response *CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeResponse)

type CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeRequest

type CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewCancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeRequest

func NewCancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeRequest() (request *CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeRequest)

type CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeResponse

type CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewCancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeResponse

func NewCancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeResponse() (response *CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeResponse)

type ChargePrepaid

type ChargePrepaid struct {
	// Period of subscription.
	// Unit: month.
	Period int `json:"period,omitempty"`

type CidrBlockInfo added in v0.1.1

type CidrBlockInfo struct {
	// ID of CIDR block.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

	// Type of CIDR block. The optional values are as follows:
	// IPv4
	// IPv6
	CidrBlockType string `json:"cidrBlockType,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block name.
	CidrBlockName string `json:"cidrBlockName,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR block belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Gateway address.
	Gateway string `json:"gateway,omitempty"`

	// Available IP starts.
	AvailableIpStart string `json:"availableIpStart,omitempty"`

	// Available IP ends.
	AvailableIpEnd string `json:"availableIpEnd,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of available IPs.
	AvailableIpCount int `json:"availableIpCount,omitempty"`

	// List of instance IDs.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

	// Status of CIDR block.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

	// Pricing model.
	// PREPAID: monthly subscription.
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go.
	ChargeType string `json:"chargeType,omitempty"`

	// Creation time.
	// Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	CreateTime string `json:"createTime,omitempty"`

	// Expiration time.
	// Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	ExpireTime *string `json:"expireTime,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group name.
	ResourceGroupName string `json:"resourceGroupName,omitempty"`

type Client

type Client struct {

func NewClient

func NewClient(config *common.Config, secretKeyId, secretKeyPassword string) (client *Client, err error)

func NewClientWithSecretKey

func NewClientWithSecretKey(secretKeyId, secretKeyPassword string) (client *Client, err error)

func (*Client) AllocateDdosIpAddresses

func (c *Client) AllocateDdosIpAddresses(request *AllocateDdosIpAddressesRequest) (response *AllocateDdosIpAddressesResponse, err error)

AllocateDdosIpAddresses This API is used to apply for one or multiple DDoS protected IPs.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_DDOS_IP_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Type.Zone.No.Sell" MISSING_PARAMETER = "Missing.Parameter"

func (*Client) AllocateEipAddresses

func (c *Client) AllocateEipAddresses(request *AllocateEipAddressesRequest) (response *AllocateEipAddressesResponse, err error)

AllocateEipAddresses This API is used to apply for one or multiple elastic IPs.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_EIP_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Eip.Type.Zone.No.Sell" MISSING_PARAMETER = "Missing.Parameter"

func (*Client) AssociateDdosIpAddress

func (c *Client) AssociateDdosIpAddress(request *AssociateDdosIpAddressRequest) (response *AssociateDdosIpAddressResponse, err error)

AssociateDdosIpAddress This API is used to bind a DDoS protected IP to an instance in the same zone.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_DDOS_IP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Not.Found" INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Recycled" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Running" OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_ZONE_NOT_SAME = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Zone.Not.Same" FAILED_OPERATION_FOR_RECYCLE_RESOURCE = "Failed.Operation.For.Recycle.Resource" OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Status.Not.Available" OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_ESXI_INSTANCE_ASSIGN = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Esxi.Instance.Assign"

func (*Client) AssociateEipAddress

func (c *Client) AssociateEipAddress(request *AssociateEipAddressRequest) (response *AssociateEipAddressResponse, err error)

AssociateEipAddress This API is used to bind an elastic IP to an instance in the same zone.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_EIP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Eip.Not.Found" INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Recycled" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Running" OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_ZONE_NOT_SAME = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Zone.Not.Same" FAILED_OPERATION_FOR_RECYCLE_RESOURCE = "Failed.Operation.For.Recycle.Resource" OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_STATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Status.Not.Available" OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_ESXI_INSTANCE_ASSIGN = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Esxi.Instance.Assign" OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_INSTANCE_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Instance.Exceed.Limit"

func (*Client) AssociateSubnetInstances

func (c *Client) AssociateSubnetInstances(request *AssociateSubnetInstancesRequest) (response *AssociateSubnetInstancesResponse, err error)

AssociateSubnetInstances This API is used to add one or more instances into a subnet and assign private IPs to instances.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_SUPPORT_SUBNET = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Support.Subnet" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Running" INVALID_SUBNET_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Subnet.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Status.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_DIFFERENT_ZONE = "Operation.Denied.Different.Zone" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_EXIST_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Exist.Instance" INVALID_PARAMETER_DUPLICATE_LAN_IP = "Invalid.Parameter.Duplicate.Lan.Ip" INVALID_PARAMETER_LAN_IP_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Parameter.Lan.Ip.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_IP_ASSOCIATED_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Ip.Associated.Instance" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_NOT_REPEAT_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Not.Repeat.Instance"

func (*Client) AssociateVpcSubnet added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) AssociateVpcSubnet(request *AssociateVpcSubnetRequest) (response *AssociateVpcSubnetResponse, err error)

AssociateVpcSubnet This API is used to add a subnet into a VPC.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_VPC_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Vpc.Not.Found" INVALID_SUBNET_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Subnet.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Status.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_ASSOCIATED_OTHER_VPC = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Associated.Other.Vpc" OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Status.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_NO_AVAILABLE_VPC_REGION = "Operation.Denied.No.Available.Vpc.Region" OPERATION_DENIED_ZONE_NOT_BELONG_VPC = "Operation.Denied.Zone.Not.Belong.Vpc" OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_ZONE_SUBNET_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Zone.Subnet.Exceed.Limit" INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_SUBNET_OVER_LAP = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Subnet.Over.Lan"

func (*Client) BindCidrBlockIps added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) BindCidrBlockIps(request *BindCidrBlockIpsRequest) (response *BindCidrBlockIpsResponse, err error)

BindCidrBlockIps This API is used to bind one or more CIDR block IPs to instances.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_CIDRBLOCK_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.CidrBlock.Not.Found" INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Running" OPERATION_DENIED_DIFFERENT_ZONE = "Operation.Denied.Different.Zone" OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Recycled" OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_IP_COUNT_REACH_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Ip.Count.Reach.Limit"

func (*Client) CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngrade

func (c *Client) CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngrade(request *CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeRequest) (response *CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngradeResponse, err error)

CancelInstanceBandwidthDowngrade The API is used to cancel bandwidth downgrade order.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_DOWNGRADE_NOT_EXIST = "Operation.Denied.Downgrade.Not.Exist"

func (*Client) CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngrade

func (c *Client) CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngrade(request *CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeRequest) (response *CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngradeResponse, err error)

CancelInstanceTrafficPackageDowngrade The API is used to cancel traffic package downgrade order.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_DOWNGRADE_NOT_EXIST = "Operation.Denied.Downgrade.Not.Exist"

func (*Client) CreateInstances

func (c *Client) CreateInstances(request *CreateInstancesRequest) (response *CreateInstancesResponse, err error)

CreateInstances This API is used to create one or more instances with a specified configuration.

 Possible error codes to return:
	INVALID_PARAMETER_HOSTNAME_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Hostname.Exceed"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_HOSTNAME_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Hostname.Malformed"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_NAME_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Instance.Name.Exceed"
	OPERATION_FILED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Filed.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support"
	INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Image.Not.Found"
	INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"
	INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Not.Found"
	INVALID_PARTITION_IMAGE_NOT_SET = "Invalid.Partition.Image.Not.Set"
	OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_QUOTA_EXCEED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Quota.Exceed"
	INVALID_BANDWIDTH_VALUE_EXCEED_MAXIMUM = "Invalid.Bandwidth.Value.Exceed.MaxImum"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_PASSWORD_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Password.Malformed"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_LOGIN_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Parameter.Instance.Login.Conflict"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SSH_KEY_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Ssh.Key.Malformed"
	INVALID_RAID_CONFIG_FAST_CUSTOM_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Raid.Config.Fast.Custom.Conflict"
	INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_RAID_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Raid.Not.Support"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_NIC_NAME_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Parameter.Nic.Name.Conflict"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_NIC_NAME_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Nic.Name.Malformed"
	INVALID_PARTITION_SIZE_NOT_FULL = "Invalid.Partition.Size.Not.Full"
	INVALID_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILE_PATH = "Invalid.Partition.Duplicate.File.Path"
	INVALID_PARTITION_MISSING_REQUIRED_FILE_PATH = "Invalid.Partition.Missing.Required.File.Path"
	INVALID_PARTITION_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Partition.Malformed"
	INVALID_PARTITION_NO_TYPE = "Invalid.Partition.No.Type"
	INVALID_PARTITION_INVALID_ORDER = "Invalid.Partition.Invalid.Order"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_MISMATCH = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Mismatch"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_DISORDER = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Disorder"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_SEQUENCE_DUPLICATE = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Sequence.Duplicate"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_SEQUENCE_RANGE = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Sequence.Range"
	RESOURCE_INSUFFICIENT_PRODUCT_SOLD_OUT = "Resource.Insufficient.Product.Sold.out"
	OPERATION_DENIED_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Charge.Type.Not.Support"
	RESOURCES_SOLDOUT_INSTANCE_TYPE = "Resource.Soldout.Instance.type"
	INVALID_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Charge.Type.Not.Support"
	INVALID_SUBNET_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Subnet.Not.Found"
	INVALID_SUBNET_PRIVATE_IP_INSUFFICIENT = "Invalid.Subnet.Private.Ip.Insufficient"
	INVALID_SUBNET_ZONE_MISMATCH = "Invalid.Subnet.Zone.Mismatch"
	INVALID_PARAMETER_SSH_KEY_DUPLICATE = "Invalid.Parameter.Ssh.Key.Duplicate"

func (*Client) CreateIpv4Block added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) CreateIpv4Block(request *CreateIpv4BlockRequest) (response *CreateIpv4BlockResponse, err error)

CreateIpv4Block This API is used to create one or more IPv4 CIDR blocks.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_NETMASK_OUT_OF_STOCK = "Operation.Denied.Netmask.Out.Of.Stock" RESOURCE_INSUFFICIENT_PRODUCT_SOLD_OUT = "Resource.Insufficient.Product.Sold.out"

func (*Client) CreateIpv6Block added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) CreateIpv6Block(request *CreateIpv6BlockRequest) (response *CreateIpv6BlockResponse, err error)

CreateIpv6Block This API is used to create one or more IPv6 CIDR blocks.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" RESOURCE_INSUFFICIENT_PRODUCT_SOLD_OUT = "Resource.Insufficient.Product.Sold.out"

func (*Client) CreateSubnet

func (c *Client) CreateSubnet(request *CreateSubnetRequest) (response *CreateSubnetResponse, err error)

CreateSubnet This API is used to create a subnet.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_ZONE_NOT_SUPPORT_SUBNET = "Operation.Denied.Zone.Not.Support.Subnet" INVALID_VPC_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Vpc.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Status.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_NO_AVAILABLE_VPC_REGION = "Operation.Denied.No.Available.Vpc.Region" OPERATION_DENIED_ZONE_NOT_BELONG_VPC = "Operation.Denied.Zone.Not.Belong.Vpc" INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_CIDR_BLOCK = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Cidr.Block" INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_LAN_IP_NETMASK = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Lan.Ip.Netmask" INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_LAN_IP = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Lan.Ip" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Exceed.Limit" OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_ZONE_SUBNET_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Zone.Subnet.Exceed.Limit" INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_SUBNET_OVER_LAP = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Subnet.Over.Lan" INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_PARAMETER_SUBNET_CIDR_NOT_BELONG_VPC = "Invalid.Parameter.Subnet.Cidr.Not.Belong.Vpc"

func (*Client) CreateVpc

func (c *Client) CreateVpc(request *CreateVpcRequest) (response *CreateVpcResponse, err error)

CreateVpc This API is used to create a VPC.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_VPC_REGION_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Vpc.Region.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_REGION_EXCEED_LIMIT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Region.Exceed.Limit" INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_LAN_IP_NETMASK = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Lan.Ip.Netmask" INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_CIDR_BLOCK = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Cidr.Block" INVALID_PARAMETER_VPC_LAN_IP = "Invalid.Parameter.Vpc.Lan.Ip"

func (*Client) DeleteSubnet

func (c *Client) DeleteSubnet(request *DeleteSubnetRequest) (response *DeleteSubnetResponse, err error)

DeleteSubnet This API is used to delete a subnet.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_EXIST_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Exist.Instance" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Status.Not.Support"

func (*Client) DeleteVpc

func (c *Client) DeleteVpc(request *DeleteVpcRequest) (response *DeleteVpcResponse, err error)

DeleteVpc This API is used to delete a VPC.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Status.Not.Support" OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_EXIST_SUBNET_ASSIGN = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Exist.Subnet.Assign" OPERATION_DENIED_VPC_EXIST_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Vpc.Exist.Instance"

func (*Client) DescribeAvailableIpv4Resources added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeAvailableIpv4Resources(request *DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeAvailableIpv4Resources This API is used to query available IPv4 CIDR blocks.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeAvailableIpv6Resources added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeAvailableIpv6Resources(request *DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeAvailableIpv6Resources This API is used to query available IPv6 CIDR blocks.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeAvailableResources

func (c *Client) DescribeAvailableResources(request *DescribeAvailableResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeAvailableResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeAvailableResources This API is used to describe the status of available resources.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Charge.Type.Not.Support"

func (*Client) DescribeCidrBlockIps added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeCidrBlockIps(request *DescribeCidrBlockIpsRequest) (response *DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponse, err error)

DescribeCidrBlockIps This API is used to query the IPs of a CIDR block.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeCidrBlocks added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeCidrBlocks(request *DescribeCidrBlocksRequest) (response *DescribeCidrBlocksResponse, err error)

DescribeCidrBlocks This API is used to query the details of CIDR blocks.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeDdosAvailableResources

func (c *Client) DescribeDdosAvailableResources(request *DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeDdosAvailableResources This API is used to query DDoS protected IP resources for sale in the zone.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeDdosIpAddresses

func (c *Client) DescribeDdosIpAddresses(request *DescribeDdosIpAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeDdosIpAddressesResponse, err error)

DescribeDdosIpAddresses This API is used to query the list of DDoS protected IPs. You can query information on DDoS protected IPs according to ID or IP of the DDoS protected IP, and the pricing model.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeEipAddresses

func (c *Client) DescribeEipAddresses(request *DescribeEipAddressesRequest) (response *DescribeEipAddressesResponse, err error)

DescribeEipAddresses This API is used to query the list of elastic IPs. You can query information on elastic IPs according to ID or IP of the elastic IP, and the pricing model.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeEipAvailableResources

func (c *Client) DescribeEipAvailableResources(request *DescribeEipAvailableResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeEipAvailableResources This API is used to query elastic IP resources for sale in the zone.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeImages

func (c *Client) DescribeImages(request *DescribeImagesRequest) (response *DescribeImagesResponse, err error)

DescribeImages This API is used to view the list of images.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlock added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlock(request *DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponse, err error)

DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlock This API is used to query available CIDR blocks for the instance.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResources added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResources(request *DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResources This API is used to query list of DDoS protected IPs that can be bound to an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ESXI_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Esxi.Not.Support"

func (*Client) DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResources added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResources(request *DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResources This API is used to query list of elastic IPs that can be bound to an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ESXI_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Esxi.Not.Support"

func (*Client) DescribeInstanceInternetStatus

func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceInternetStatus(request *DescribeInstanceInternetStatusRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceInternetStatusResponse, err error)

DescribeInstanceInternetStatus This API is used to query the bandwidth and traffic package status of an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeInstanceTraffic added in v0.1.3

func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceTraffic(request *DescribeInstanceTrafficRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceTrafficResponse, err error)


func (*Client) DescribeInstanceTypes

func (c *Client) DescribeInstanceTypes(request *DescribeInstanceTypesRequest) (response *DescribeInstanceTypesResponse, err error)

DescribeInstanceTypes This API is used to query the model configuration of an instance.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeInstances

func (c *Client) DescribeInstances(request *DescribeInstancesRequest) (response *DescribeInstancesResponse, err error)

DescribeInstances This API is used to query the details of instances. You can filter the query results with the instance ID, name, or billing method.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Image.Not.Found" INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeInstancesMonitorHealth added in v0.1.9

func (c *Client) DescribeInstancesMonitorHealth(request *DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthRequest) (response *DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponse, err error)

DescribeInstancesMonitorHealth The API is used to cancel traffic package downgrade order.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeSubnetAvailableResources added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) DescribeSubnetAvailableResources(request *DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesRequest) (response *DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponse, err error)

DescribeSubnetAvailableResources This API is used to query information about zones for subnets.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeSubnets

func (c *Client) DescribeSubnets(request *DescribeSubnetsRequest) (response *DescribeSubnetsResponse, err error)

DescribeSubnets This API is used to query the details of one or more subnets. You can filter the query results with the subnet ID, VPC ID, zone ID and subnet name.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeVpcAvailableRegions

func (c *Client) DescribeVpcAvailableRegions(request *DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsRequest) (response *DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponse, err error)

DescribeVpcAvailableRegions This API is used to query information about availability regions for VPCs.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found"

func (*Client) DescribeVpcs

func (c *Client) DescribeVpcs(request *DescribeVpcsRequest) (response *DescribeVpcsResponse, err error)

DescribeVpcs This API is used to query the details of one or more VPCs. You can filter the query results with the VPC ID, VPC name, subnet ID and availability region ID.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) DescribeZones

func (c *Client) DescribeZones(request *DescribeZonesRequest) (response *DescribeZonesResponse, err error)

DescribeZones This API is used to query zones available.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddress

func (c *Client) InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddress(request *InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressRequest) (response *InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponse, err error)

InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddress This API is used to query the price of creating DDoS protected IP.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_DDOS_IP_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Type.Zone.No.Sell" MISSING_PARAMETER = "Missing.Parameter"

func (*Client) InquiryPriceCreateEipAddress

func (c *Client) InquiryPriceCreateEipAddress(request *InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressRequest) (response *InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponse, err error)

InquiryPriceCreateEipAddress This API is used to query the price of creating elastic IP.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_EIP_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Eip.Type.Zone.No.Sell" MISSING_PARAMETER = "Missing.Parameter"

func (*Client) InquiryPriceCreateInstance

func (c *Client) InquiryPriceCreateInstance(request *InquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequest) (response *InquiryPriceCreateInstanceResponse, err error)

InquiryPriceCreateInstance This API is used to query the price of creating instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Not.Found" INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Zone.No.Sell" INVALID_INSTANCE_BANDWIDTH_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Instance.Bandwidth.Zone.No.Sell" INVALID_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Charge.Type.Not.Support"

func (*Client) InquiryPriceCreateIpv4Block added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) InquiryPriceCreateIpv4Block(request *InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockRequest) (response *InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponse, err error)

InquiryPriceCreateIpv4Block This API is used to query the price of creating IPv4 CIDR blocks.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_ZONE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Zone.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_UNAVAILABLE_NETMASK = "Operation.Denied.Unavailable.Netmask"

func (*Client) InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidth added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidth(request *InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthRequest) (response *InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponse, err error)

InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidth This API is used to query the price of modified instance bandwidth.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support" INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Zone.No.Sell"

func (*Client) InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackage added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackage(request *InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageRequest) (response *InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponse, err error)

InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackage This API is used to query the price of modified instance traffic package.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support" INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_ZONE_NO_SELL = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Zone.No.Sell" INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Exceed" INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_ERROR = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Error"

func (*Client) ModifyCidrBlocksAttribute added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) ModifyCidrBlocksAttribute(request *ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeResponse, err error)

ModifyCidrBlocksAttribute The API is used to modify the attributes of one or more CIDR blocks. Only the CIDR block name to be displayed can be modified for now.

Possible error codes to return:

func (*Client) ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroup

func (c *Client) ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroup(request *ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupRequest) (response *ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupResponse, err error)

ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroup This API is used to modify the resource group to which the DDoS IP belong.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Group.Not.Found" OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Not.Found"

func (*Client) ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroup

func (c *Client) ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroup(request *ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupRequest) (response *ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupResponse, err error)

ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroup This API is used to modify the resource group to which the EIP belong.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Group.Not.Found" OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Not.Found"

func (*Client) ModifyInstanceBandwidth

func (c *Client) ModifyInstanceBandwidth(request *ModifyInstanceBandwidthRequest) (response *ModifyInstanceBandwidthResponse, err error)

ModifyInstanceBandwidth The API is used to modify the bandwidth of an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Running" INVALID_PARAMETER_BANDWIDTH_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Bandwidth.Exceed" OPERATION_FAILED_INSTANCE_BANDWIDTH_PROCESSING = "Operation.Failed.Instance.Bandwidth.Processing"

func (*Client) ModifyInstanceTrafficPackage

func (c *Client) ModifyInstanceTrafficPackage(request *ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageRequest) (response *ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageResponse, err error)

ModifyInstanceTrafficPackage The API is used to modify the traffic package of an instance.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_PROCESSING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Traffic.Package.Processing" OPERATION_DENIED_INTERNET_CHARGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Internet.Charge.Type.Not.Support" INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_ERROR = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Error" OPERATION_FILED_INSTANCE_NOT_EXIST_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE = "Operation.Filed.Instance.Not.Exist.Traffic.Package" OPERATION_FAILED_INSTANCE_EXIST_PLAN_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE = "Operation.Failed.Instance.Exist.Plan.Traffic.Package" INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_LESS = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Less" INVALID_PARAMETER_TRAFFIC_PACKAGE_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Traffic.Package.Exceed" INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found"

func (*Client) ModifyInstancesAttribute

func (c *Client) ModifyInstancesAttribute(request *ModifyInstancesAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyInstancesAttributeResponse, err error)

ModifyInstancesAttribute The API is used to modify the attributes of one or more instances. Only the instance name to be displayed can be modified for now.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found"

func (*Client) ModifyInstancesResourceGroup

func (c *Client) ModifyInstancesResourceGroup(request *ModifyInstancesResourceGroupRequest) (response *ModifyInstancesResourceGroupResponse, err error)

ModifyInstancesResourceGroup This API is used to modify the resource group to which the instances belong.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Group.Not.Found" OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Not.Found"

func (*Client) ModifySubnetsAttribute

func (c *Client) ModifySubnetsAttribute(request *ModifySubnetsAttributeRequest) (response *ModifySubnetsAttributeResponse, err error)

ModifySubnetsAttribute The API is used to modify the attributes of one or more subnets. Only the subnet name to be displayed can be modified for now.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Not.Found"

func (*Client) ModifySubnetsResourceGroup

func (c *Client) ModifySubnetsResourceGroup(request *ModifySubnetsResourceGroupRequest) (response *ModifySubnetsResourceGroupResponse, err error)

func (*Client) ModifyVpcsAttribute

func (c *Client) ModifyVpcsAttribute(request *ModifyVpcsAttributeRequest) (response *ModifyVpcsAttributeResponse, err error)

ModifyVpcsAttribute The API is used to modify the attributes of one or more VPCs. Only the VPC name to be displayed can be modified for now.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_FAILED_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = "Operation.Failed.Resource.Not.Found"

func (*Client) ModifyVpcsResourceGroup

func (c *Client) ModifyVpcsResourceGroup(request *ModifyVpcsResourceGroupRequest) (response *ModifyVpcsResourceGroupResponse, err error)

func (*Client) RebootInstances

func (c *Client) RebootInstances(request *RebootInstancesRequest) (response *RebootInstancesResponse, err error)

RebootInstances This API is used to restart instances.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Recycled" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_STATUS = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Status"

func (*Client) ReinstallInstance

func (c *Client) ReinstallInstance(request *ReinstallInstanceRequest) (response *ReInstallInstanceResponse, err error)

ReinstallInstance This API is used to reinstall the operating system of the specified instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_PARAMETER_HOSTNAME_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Hostname.Exceed" INVALID_PARAMETER_HOSTNAME_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Hostname.Malformed" INVALID_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_NAME_EXCEED = "Invalid.Parameter.Instance.Name.Exceed" INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Image.Not.Found" INVALID_PARTITION_IMAGE_NOT_SET = "Invalid.Partition.Image.Not.Set" INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_PASSWORD_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Password.Malformed" INVALID_PARAMETER_INSTANCE_LOGIN_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Parameter.Instance.Login.Conflict" INVALID_PARAMETER_SSH_KEY_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Ssh.Key.Malformed" INVALID_RAID_CONFIG_FAST_CUSTOM_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Raid.Config.Fast.Custom.Conflict" INVALID_INSTANCE_TYPE_RAID_NOT_SUPPORT = "Invalid.Instance.Type.Raid.Not.Support" INVALID_PARAMETER_NIC_NAME_CONFLICT = "Invalid.Parameter.Nic.Name.Conflict" INVALID_PARAMETER_NIC_NAME_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Parameter.Nic.Name.Malformed" INVALID_PARTITION_SIZE_NOT_FULL = "Invalid.Partition.Size.Not.Full" INVALID_PARTITION_DUPLICATE_FILE_PATH = "Invalid.Partition.Duplicate.File.Path" INVALID_PARTITION_MISSING_REQUIRED_FILE_PATH = "Invalid.Partition.Missing.Required.File.Path" INVALID_PARTITION_MALFORMED = "Invalid.Partition.Malformed" INVALID_PARTITION_NO_TYPE = "Invalid.Partition.No.Type" INVALID_PARTITION_INVALID_ORDER = "Invalid.Partition.Invalid.Order" INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_MISMATCH = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Mismatch" INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE_RAID_DISK_DISORDER = "Invalid.Parameter.Value.Raid.Disk.Disorder"

func (*Client) ReleaseCidrBlocks added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) ReleaseCidrBlocks(request *ReleaseCidrBlocksRequest) (response *ReleaseCidrBlocksResponse, err error)

ReleaseCidrBlocks This API is used to release one or more IPv4 CIDR blocks.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Not.Recycled"

func (*Client) ReleaseDdosIpAddresses added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) ReleaseDdosIpAddresses(request *ReleaseDdosIpAddressesRequest) (response *ReleaseDdosIpAddressesResponse, err error)

ReleaseDdosIpAddresses This API is used to release one or multiple DDoS protected IPs.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Not.Recycled"

func (*Client) ReleaseEipAddresses

func (c *Client) ReleaseEipAddresses(request *ReleaseEipAddressesRequest) (response *ReleaseEipAddressesResponse, err error)

ReleaseEipAddresses This API is used to release one or multiple elastic IPs.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Not.Recycled"

func (*Client) ReleaseInstances

func (c *Client) ReleaseInstances(request *ReleaseInstancesRequest) (response *ReleaseInstancesResponse, err error)

ReleaseInstances This API is used to release instances.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Recycled"

func (*Client) RenewCidrBlock added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) RenewCidrBlock(request *RenewCidrBlockRequest) (response *RenewCidrBlockResponse, err error)

RenewCidrBlock This API is used to renew a CIDR block.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Type.Not.Support"

func (*Client) RenewDdosIpAddress

func (c *Client) RenewDdosIpAddress(request *RenewDdosIpAddressRequest) (response *RenewDdosIpAddressResponse, err error)

RenewDdosIpAddress This API is used to renew a DDoS protected IP.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_DDOS_IP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Not.Found"

func (*Client) RenewEipAddress

func (c *Client) RenewEipAddress(request *RenewEipAddressRequest) (response *RenewEipAddressResponse, err error)

RenewEipAddress This API is used to renew an elastic IP.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_EIP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Eip.Not.Found"

func (*Client) RenewInstance

func (c *Client) RenewInstance(request *RenewInstanceRequest) (response *RenewInstanceResponse, err error)

RenewInstance This API is used to renew an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found"

func (*Client) StartInstances

func (c *Client) StartInstances(request *StartInstancesRequest) (response *StartInstancesResponse, err error)

StartInstances This API is used to start instances.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Recycled" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_STOPPED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Stopped"

func (*Client) StopInstances

func (c *Client) StopInstances(request *StopInstancesRequest) (response *StopInstancesResponse, err error)

StopInstances This API is used to shut down instances.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Recycled" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_NOT_RUNNING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Not.Running"

func (*Client) TerminateCidrBlock added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) TerminateCidrBlock(request *TerminateCidrBlockRequest) (response *TerminateCidrBlockResponse, err error)

TerminateCidrBlock This API is used to return a CIDR block.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Subscription" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_EXIST = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Exist"

func (*Client) TerminateDdosIpAddress

func (c *Client) TerminateDdosIpAddress(request *TerminateDdosIpAddressRequest) (response *TerminateDdosIpAddressResponse, err error)

TerminateDdosIpAddress This API is used to return a DDoS protected IP.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_DDOS_IP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Subscription" OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Recycled"

func (*Client) TerminateEipAddress

func (c *Client) TerminateEipAddress(request *TerminateEipAddressRequest) (response *TerminateEipAddressResponse, err error)

TerminateEipAddress This API is used to return an elastic IP.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_EIP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Eip.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Subscription" OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Recycled"

func (*Client) TerminateInstance

func (c *Client) TerminateInstance(request *TerminateInstanceRequest) (response *TerminateInstanceResponse, err error)

TerminateInstance This API is used to return an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Instance.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Recycled" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_CREATING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Creating" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_STATUS_INSTALLING = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Status.Installing" OPERATION_DENIED_INSTANCE_SUBSCRIPTION = "Operation.Denied.Instance.Subscription" OPERATION_DENIED_POSTPAID_PROMISE = "Operation.Denied.Postpaid.Promise"

func (*Client) UnAssociateSubnetInstance

func (c *Client) UnAssociateSubnetInstance(request *UnAssociateSubnetInstanceRequest) (response *UnAssociateSubnetInstanceResponse, err error)

UnAssociateSubnetInstance This API is used to remove an instance from a subnet.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_SUBNET_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Subnet.Not.Found" OPERATION_DENIED_SUBNET_ASSOCIATING_INSTANCE = "Operation.Denied.Subnet.Associating.Instance"

func (*Client) UnassociateDdosIpAddress

func (c *Client) UnassociateDdosIpAddress(request *UnassociateDdosIpAddressRequest) (response *UnassociateDdosIpAddressResponse, err error)

UnassociateDdosIpAddress This API is used to unbind a DDoS protected IP from an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_DDOS_IP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Ddos.Ip.Not.Found" FAILED_OPERATION_FOR_RECYCLE_RESOURCE = "Failed.Operation.For.Recycle.Resource" OPERATION_DENIED_DDOS_IP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Ddos.Ip.Status.Not.Support"

func (*Client) UnassociateEipAddress

func (c *Client) UnassociateEipAddress(request *UnassociateEipAddressRequest) (response *UnassociateEipAddressResponse, err error)

UnassociateEipAddress This API is used to unbind an elastic IP from an instance.

Possible error codes to return: INVALID_EIP_NOT_FOUND = "Invalid.Eip.Not.Found" FAILED_OPERATION_FOR_RECYCLE_RESOURCE = "Failed.Operation.For.Recycle.Resource" OPERATION_DENIED_EIP_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORT = "Operation.Denied.Eip.Status.Not.Support"

func (*Client) UnbindCidrBlockIps added in v0.1.1

func (c *Client) UnbindCidrBlockIps(request *UnbindCidrBlockIpsRequest) (response *UnbindCidrBlockIpsResponse, err error)

UnbindCidrBlockIps This API is used to unbind one or more CIDR block IPs from instances.

Possible error codes to return: OPERATION_DENIED_IP_NOT_BELONG = "Operation.Denied.Ip.Not.Belong" OPERATION_DENIED_INVALID_STATUS = "Operation.Denied.Invalid.Status" OPERATION_DENIED_CIDRBLOCK_RECYCLED = "Operation.Denied.CidrBlock.Recycled"

type CreateInstanceResponseParams

type CreateInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId *string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of instance IDs.
	// The returned instance ID list does not mean the creation has been completed. The status of the instance will be PENDING or CREATING during the creation. You can call DescribeInstances to query the status of the instance according to dataSet. If the status changes from PENDING or Creating to Running, it means that the instance has been created successfully; CREATE_FAILED means the instance has been created failed.
	InstanceIdSet []*string `json:"instanceIdSet,omitempty"`

	// Number of order.
	OrderNumber *string `json:"orderNumber,omitempty"`

type CreateInstancesRequest

type CreateInstancesRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the instances belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Instance pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	InstanceChargeType string `json:"instanceChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the instanceChargeType is PREPAID.
	InstanceChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"instanceChargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Instance model ID.
	// To view specific values, you can call DescribeInstanceTypes.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

	// Valid image ID.
	// To obtain valid image ID, you can call DescribeImages , pass in instanceTypeId to retrieve the list of images supported by the current model, and then find the imageId in the response.
	ImageId string `json:"imageId,omitempty"`

	// IpxeUrl
	IpxeUrl string `json:"ipxeUrl,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID where the instances reside
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Instance name to be displayed.
	// Default value: instance.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	// If you purchase multiple instances at the same time, you can specify a pattern string [begin_number,bits].
	// begin_number: the starting value of an ordered number, value range: [0,99999], default value: 0.
	// bits: the number of digits occupied by an ordered value, value range: [1,6], default value: 6.
	// For example, if you purchase 1 instance and the instance name body is server_[3,3], the instance name will be server003; if you purchase 2 instances, the instance names will be server003, server004.
	// Note:
	// Spaces are not supported in the pattern string.
	// Multiple pattern strings are supported, such as server_[3,3]_[1,1].
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

	// Instance hostname.
	// Default value: hostname.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 . characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	// If you purchase multiple instances at the same time, you can specify a pattern string [begin_number,bits].
	// begin_number: the starting value of an ordered number, value range: [0,99999], default value: 0.
	// bits: the number of digits occupied by an ordered value, value range: [1,6], default value: 6.
	// For example, if you purchase 1 instance and the instance name body is server_[3,3], the instance name will be server003; if you purchase 2 instances, the instance names will be server003, server004.
	// Note:
	// Spaces are not supported in the pattern string.
	// Multiple pattern strings are supported, such as server_[3,3]_[1,1].
	Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`

	// The number of instances to be purchased.
	// Value range: [1,100]. Default value: 1.
	Amount int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

	// Instance password.
	// The parameter must be 8-16 characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters like 1~!@$^*-_=+. This password is also used as the password for IPMI login. Please keep it safe.
	// You must and can only pass the value of either password or sshKeys.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

	// List of SSH keys.
	// sshKeys and password cannot be specified at the same time. If an SSH key is used to log in, password login will be disabled. Up to 5 keys are supported.
	// Note:
	// For instances of Windows and EXSi operating systems, ignore this parameter. Default value is empty. Even if this parameter is filled in, only the value of password will be passed in.
	// If imageId is not specified, then sshKeys will be ignored.
	SshKeys []string `json:"sshKeys,omitempty"`

	// Network pricing model.
	// See InternetChargeType for details.
	InternetChargeType string `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Public network bandwidth cap (Mbps).
	// Default value: 1 Mbps.
	// The parameter value differs with different instance models. See bandwidth configuration for details.
	InternetMaxBandwidthOut int `json:"internetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty"`

	// Traffic package size (TB).
	// The parameter is valid only when internetChargeType is ByTrafficPackage.
	// If not passed in, the default value will be the size of the free traffic package.
	TrafficPackageSize float64 `json:"trafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

	// Subnet ID.
	// Call DescribeVpcSubnets to check information on subnets created.
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

	// Disk RAID configuration, including custom RAID settings.
	RaidConfig *RaidConfig `json:"raidConfig,omitempty"`

	// Disk partition configuration.
	// If the operating system is not installed, the partition cannot be set.
	Partitions []*Partition `json:"partitions,omitempty"`

	// NIC configuration.
	Nic *Nic `json:"nic,omitempty"`

func NewCreateInstancesRequest

func NewCreateInstancesRequest() (request *CreateInstancesRequest)

type CreateInstancesResponse

type CreateInstancesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *CreateInstanceResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewCreateInstancesResponse

func NewCreateInstancesResponse() (response *CreateInstancesResponse)

type CreateIpv4BlockRequest added in v0.1.1

type CreateIpv4BlockRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR blocks belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	ChargeType string `json:"chargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the chargeType is PREPAID.
	ChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"chargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Netmasks you want to purchase.
	// Value range: [1,32].
	// You can find the available netmasks in the response by calling DescribeAvailableIpv4Resource.
	Netmask int `json:"netmask,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of IPv4 CIDR blocks you want to purchase.
	// Default value: 1.
	Amount *int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID where the CIDR blocks reside.
	// If an available VLAN exists in the specified zone, this parameter will be ignored. The created CIDR blocks will be added to the resource group of the VLAN.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

func NewCreateIpv4BlockRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewCreateIpv4BlockRequest() (request *CreateIpv4BlockRequest)

type CreateIpv4BlockResponse added in v0.1.1

type CreateIpv4BlockResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *CreateIpv4BlockResponseParam `json:"response"`

func NewCreateIpv4BlockResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewCreateIpv4BlockResponse() (response *CreateIpv4BlockResponse)

type CreateIpv4BlockResponseParam added in v0.1.1

type CreateIpv4BlockResponseParam struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Number of order.
	OrderNumber string `json:"orderNumber,omitempty"`

	// List of CIDR block IDs.
	CidrBlockIds []string `json:"cidrBlockIds,omitempty"`

type CreateIpv6BlockRequest added in v0.1.1

type CreateIpv6BlockRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR blocks belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of IPv6 CIDR blocks you want to purchase.
	// Default value: 1.
	Amount *int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID where the CIDR blocks reside.
	// If an available VLAN exists in the specified zone, this parameter will be ignored. The created CIDR blocks will be added to the resource group of the VLAN.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

func NewCreateIpv6BlockRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewCreateIpv6BlockRequest() (request *CreateIpv6BlockRequest)

type CreateIpv6BlockResponse added in v0.1.1

type CreateIpv6BlockResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *CreateIpv6BlockResponseParam `json:"response"`

func NewCreateIpv6BlockResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewCreateIpv6BlockResponse() (response *CreateIpv6BlockResponse)

type CreateIpv6BlockResponseParam added in v0.1.1

type CreateIpv6BlockResponseParam struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	CidrBlockIds []string `json:"cidrBlockIds,omitempty"`

type CreateSubnetRequest

type CreateSubnetRequest struct {

	// CIDR block of the subnet. The optional values are as follows:
	//,, and their subsets.
	// If the subnet is going to be added into a VPC, the value should be in the range of VPC CIDR block and not overlap with IP ranges of other subnets in this VPC.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the subnet belongs.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	// If the value is not passed in, the subnet will be put into the default resource group. If no authorized default resource group found, the request will fail.
	// If the subnet is going to be added into a VPC, this parameter will be ignored. The created subnet will be added into the resource group of the VPC.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Subnet name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	SubnetName string `json:"subnetName,omitempty"`

	// VPC ID.
	VpcId string `json:"vpcId,omitempty"`

func NewCreateSubnetRequest

func NewCreateSubnetRequest() (request *CreateSubnetRequest)

type CreateSubnetResponse

type CreateSubnetResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *CreateSubnetResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewCreateSubnetResponse

func NewCreateSubnetResponse() (response *CreateSubnetResponse)

type CreateSubnetResponseParams

type CreateSubnetResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Subnet的ID。
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

type CreateVpcRequest

type CreateVpcRequest struct {

	// CIDR block of VPC.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Availability region ID of VPC.
	VpcRegionId string `json:"vpcRegionId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	// If the value is not passed in, the VPC will be put into the default resource group. If no authorized default resource group found, the request will fail.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// VPC name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	VpcName string `json:"vpcName,omitempty"`

func NewCreateVpcRequest

func NewCreateVpcRequest() (request *CreateVpcRequest)

type CreateVpcResponse

type CreateVpcResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *CreateVpcResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewCreateVpcResponse

func NewCreateVpcResponse() (response *CreateVpcResponse)

type CreateVpcResponseParams

type CreateVpcResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// VPC ID.
	VpcId string `json:"vpcId,omitempty"`

type CustomRaid

type CustomRaid struct {
	// RAID levels.
	// Value possible: 0, 1, 5, 10.
	RaidType *int `json:"raidType,omitempty"`

	// Serial number of the disk
	// Numbered sequentially starting from 1. Multiple disk serial numbers should be consecutive.
	DiskSequence []int `json:"diskSequence,omitempty"`

type DdosIpAddress

type DdosIpAddress struct {
	// ID of the DDoS protected IP.
	DdosIpId string `json:"ddosIpId,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the DDoS protected IPs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// IP address.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`

	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Instance name.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

	// Pricing model.
	// PREPAID: monthly subscription.
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go.
	DdosIpChargeType string `json:"ddosIpChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Period of DDoS protected IP subscription.
	// Unit: month.
	// The value is empty for pay-as-you-go DDoS protected IPs.
	Period *int `json:"period,omitempty"`

	// Creation time.
	// Use UTC time according to the ISO8601 standard. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	CreateTime string `json:"createTime,omitempty"`

	// Expiration time.
	// Use UTC time according to the ISO8601 standard. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	// Note:
	// The value is empty for pay-as-you-go resources.
	ExpiredTime string `json:"expiredTime,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group name.
	ResourceGroupName string `json:"resourceGroupName,omitempty"`

	// Status of DDoS protected IP.
	DdosIpStatus string `json:"ddosIpStatus,omitempty"`

type DdosIpAvailableResource

type DdosIpAvailableResource struct {
	// Zone ID to which the DDoS protected IPs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Status for sale.
	// SELL: available for sale, stock > 10.
	// SELL_SHORTAGE: available for sale, stock < 10.
	// SOLD_OUT: sold out.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

type DeleteSubnetRequest

type DeleteSubnetRequest struct {

	// Subnet ID.
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

func NewDeleteSubnetRequest

func NewDeleteSubnetRequest() (request *DeleteSubnetRequest)

type DeleteSubnetResponse

type DeleteSubnetResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDeleteSubnetResponse

func NewDeleteSubnetResponse() (response *DeleteSubnetResponse)

type DeleteVpcRequest

type DeleteVpcRequest struct {

	// VPC ID.
	VpcId string `json:"vpcId,omitempty"`

func NewDeleteVpcRequest

func NewDeleteVpcRequest() (request *DeleteVpcRequest)

type DeleteVpcResponse

type DeleteVpcResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDeleteVpcResponse

func NewDeleteVpcResponse() (response *DeleteVpcResponse)

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesRequest struct {

	// CIDR block pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	ChargeType string `json:"chargeType,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR blocks belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesRequest)

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponse)

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponseParam added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponseParam struct {
	// Zone ID to which the CIDR block belongs.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Netmask.
	Netmask int `json:"netmask,omitempty"`

	// Status for sale.
	// SELL: available for sale, stock > 10.
	// SELL_SHORTAGE: available for sale, stock < 10.
	// SOLD_OUT: sold out.
	SellStatus string `json:"sellStatus,omitempty"`

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of available IPv4 CIDR blocks.
	AvailableIpv4Resources []*DescribeAvailableIpv4ResourcesResponseParam `json:"availableIpv4Resources,omitempty"`

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR blocks belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesRequest)

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponse)

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponseParam added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponseParam struct {
	// Zone ID to which the CIDR block belongs.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Status for sale.
	// SELL: available for sale, stock > 10.
	// SELL_SHORTAGE: available for sale, stock < 10.
	// SOLD_OUT: sold out.
	SellStatus string `json:"sellStatus,omitempty"`

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of available IPv6 CIDR blocks.
	AvailableIpv6Resources []*DescribeAvailableIpv6ResourcesResponseParam `json:"availableIpv6Resources,omitempty"`

type DescribeAvailableResourcesRequest

type DescribeAvailableResourcesRequest struct {

	// Instance model ID.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

	// Instance pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	InstanceChargeType string `json:"instanceChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Status of sale.
	// SELL: available for sale, stock > 10.
	// SELL_SHORTAGE: available for sale, stock < 10.
	// SOLD_OUT: sold out.
	SellStatus string `json:"sellStatus,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeAvailableResourcesRequest

func NewDescribeAvailableResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeAvailableResourcesRequest)

type DescribeAvailableResourcesResponse

type DescribeAvailableResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeAvailableResourcesResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeAvailableResourcesResponse

func NewDescribeAvailableResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeAvailableResourcesResponse)

type DescribeAvailableResourcesResponseParams

type DescribeAvailableResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Status of available resources.
	AvailableResources []*AvailableResource `json:"availableResources,omitempty"`

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsRequest struct {

	// ID of the CIDR block.
	// You can find the cidrBlockId in the response by calling DescribeCidrBlocks.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

	// ID of the instance.
	// You can find the instanceId in the response by calling DescribeInstances.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// IP address.
	Ip string `json:"ip,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeCidrBlockIpsRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeCidrBlockIpsRequest() (request *DescribeCidrBlockIpsRequest)

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeCidrBlockIpsResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeCidrBlockIpsResponse() (response *DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponse)

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponseParam added in v0.1.1

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponseParam struct {
	// ID of CIDR block.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

	// Type of CIDR block. The optional values are as follows:
	// IPv4
	// IPv6
	CidrBlockType string `json:"cidrBlockType,omitempty"`

	// IP address.
	Ip string `json:"ip,omitempty"`

	// List of instance IDs.
	InstanceId *string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Status of IPs.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// IPs of the CIDR block.
	CidrBlockIps []*DescribeCidrBlockIpsResponseParam `json:"CidrBlockIps,omitempty"`

type DescribeCidrBlocksRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeCidrBlocksRequest struct {

	// IDs of the CIDR blocks.
	// You can query up to 100 CIDR blocks in each request.
	CidrBlockIds []string `json:"cidrBlockIds,omitempty"`

	// IP range of CIDR block.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Name of CIDR block.
	CidrBlockName string `json:"cidrBlockName,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR blocks belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Type of CIDR block. The optional values are as follows:
	// IPv4
	// IPv6
	CidrBlockType string `json:"cidrBlockType,omitempty"`

	// IP address of the gateway.
	Gateway string `json:"gateway,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	ChargeType string `json:"chargeType,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	// If the value is null, then return all the CIDR blocks in the authorized resource groups.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Number of pages returned.
	// Default value: 1.
	PageNum int `json:"pageNum,omitempty"`

	// Number of items in the current page result.
	// Default value: 20;
	// Maximum value: 1000.
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeCidrBlocksRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeCidrBlocksRequest() (request *DescribeCidrBlocksRequest)

type DescribeCidrBlocksResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeCidrBlocksResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId"`

	Response *DescribeCidrBlocksResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeCidrBlocksResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeCidrBlocksResponse() (response *DescribeCidrBlocksResponse)

type DescribeCidrBlocksResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeCidrBlocksResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Number of CIDR blocks meeting the filtering conditions.
	TotalCount int `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

	// Information on a CIDR block.
	DataSet []*CidrBlockInfo `json:"dataSet,omitempty"`

type DescribeDdosIpAddressesRequest

type DescribeDdosIpAddressesRequest struct {

	// ID list of DDoS protected IPs.
	// The maximum number of DDoS protected IPs in each request is 100.
	DdosIpIds []string `json:"ddosIpIds,omitempty"`

	// DDoS protected IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	DdosIpChargeType string `json:"ddosIpChargeType,omitempty"`

	// IP address.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the DDoS protected IPs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	// If this parameter is not passed in, all the DDoS protected IPs in authorized resource group return.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Status of DDoS protected IP.
	DdosIpStatus string `json:"ddosIpStatus,omitempty"`

	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Instance name.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

	// Number of items in the current page result.
	// Default value: 20
	// Maximum value: 1000
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

	// Number of pages returned.
	// Default value: 1
	PageNum int `json:"pageNum,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeDdosIpAddressesRequest

func NewDescribeDdosIpAddressesRequest() (request *DescribeDdosIpAddressesRequest)

type DescribeDdosIpAddressesResponse

type DescribeDdosIpAddressesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeDdosIpAddressesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeDdosIpAddressesResponse

func NewDescribeDdosIpAddressesResponse() (response *DescribeDdosIpAddressesResponse)

type DescribeDdosIpAddressesResponseParams

type DescribeDdosIpAddressesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of DDoS protected IPs.
	DataSet []*DdosIpAddress `json:"dataSet,omitempty"`

	// The total number of DDoS protected IPs.
	TotalCount int `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

type DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesRequest

type DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesRequest struct {

	// DDoS protected IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	DdosIpChargeType string `json:"ddosIpChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the DDoS protected IPs belong.
	// If this parameter is not passed in, the DDoS protected IPs in all zones return.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeDdosAvailableResourcesRequest

func NewDescribeDdosAvailableResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesRequest)

type DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesResponse

type DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeDdosAvailableResourcesResponse

func NewDescribeDdosAvailableResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesResponse)

type DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesResponseParams

type DescribeDdosIpAvailableResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Zone list of available DDoS protected IPs.
	DdosIpResources []*DdosIpAvailableResource `json:"ddosIpResources,omitempty"`

type DescribeEipAddressesRequest

type DescribeEipAddressesRequest struct {

	// ID list of elastic IPs.
	// The maximum number of elastic IPs in each request is 100.
	EipIds []string `json:"eipIds,omitempty"`

	// Elastic IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	EipChargeType string `json:"eipChargeType,omitempty"`

	// IP address.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the elastic IPs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	// If this parameter is not passed in, all the elastic IPs in authorized resource group return.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Status of elastic IPs.
	EipStatus string `json:"eipStatus,omitempty"`

	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Instance name.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

	// Number of items in the current page result.
	// Default value: 20
	// Maximum value: 1000
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

	// Number of pages returned.
	// Default value: 1
	PageNum int `json:"pageNum,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeEipAddressesRequest

func NewDescribeEipAddressesRequest() (request *DescribeEipAddressesRequest)

type DescribeEipAddressesResponse

type DescribeEipAddressesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeEipAddressesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeEipAddressesResponse

func NewDescribeEipAddressesResponse() (response *DescribeEipAddressesResponse)

type DescribeEipAddressesResponseParams

type DescribeEipAddressesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of elastic IPs.
	DataSet []*EipAddress `json:"dataSet,omitempty"`

	// The total number of elastic IPs.
	TotalCount int `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

type DescribeEipAvailableResourcesRequest

type DescribeEipAvailableResourcesRequest struct {

	// Elastic IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	EipChargeType string `json:"eipChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the elastic IPs belong.
	// If this parameter is not passed in, the elastic IPs in all zones return.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeEipAvailableResourcesRequest

func NewDescribeEipAvailableResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeEipAvailableResourcesRequest)

type DescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponse

type DescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponse

func NewDescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponse)

type DescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponseParams

type DescribeEipAvailableResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Zone list of available elastic IPs.
	EipResources []*EipAvailableResource `json:"eipResources,omitempty"`

type DescribeImagesRequest

type DescribeImagesRequest struct {

	// List of image IDs.
	ImageIds []string `json:"imageIds,omitempty"`

	// Image name.
	ImageName string `json:"imageName,omitempty"`

	// Image catalog. The optional values are as follows:
	// CentOS
	// Windows
	// Ubuntu
	// Debian
	// ESXi
	Catalog string `json:"catalog,omitempty"`

	// Image type. The optional values are as follows:
	// PUBLIC_IMAGE: public images
	// CUSTOM_IMAGE: custom images
	// You cannot create a custom image by yourself currently. If necessary, please submit a ticket.
	ImageType string `json:"imageType,omitempty"`

	// Operating system type. The optional values are as follows:
	// Windows
	// Linux
	OsType string `json:"osType,omitempty"`

	// Supported instance model ID.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeImagesRequest

func NewDescribeImagesRequest() (request *DescribeImagesRequest)

type DescribeImagesResponse

type DescribeImagesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeImagesResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeImagesResponse

func NewDescribeImagesResponse() (response *DescribeImagesResponse)

type DescribeImagesResponseParams

type DescribeImagesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Information on images.
	Images []*ImageInfo `json:"images,omitempty"`

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockRequest struct {

	// ID of the instance.
	// You can find the instanceId in the response by calling DescribeInstances.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Type of CIDR block. The optional values are as follows:
	// IPv4
	// IPv6
	CidrBlockType string `json:"cidrBlockType,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockRequest)

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponse)

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponseParam added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponseParam struct {
	// ID of CIDR block.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR block belongs.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Type of CIDR block. The optional values are as follows:
	// IPv4
	// IPv6
	CidrBlockType string `json:"cidrBlockType,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// List of available IPs.
	AvailableIps []string `json:"availableIps,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of available IPs.
	AvailableIpCount int `json:"availableIpCount,omitempty"`

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of available CIDR blocks for the instance.
	InstanceAvailableCidrBlocks []*DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlockResponseParam `json:"instanceAvailableCidrBlocks,omitempty"`

type DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesRequest)

type DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponse)

type DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableDdosResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of available DDoS protected IPs that can be bound to an instance.
	InstanceDdosIpResources []*InstanceAvailableDdosIpResource `json:"instanceDdosIpResources,omitempty"`

type DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesRequest)

type DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponse)

type DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeInstanceAvailableEipResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// List of available elastic IPs that can be bound to an instance.
	InstanceEipResources []*InstanceAvailableEipResource `json:"instanceEipResources,omitempty"`

type DescribeInstanceInternetStatusRequest

type DescribeInstanceInternetStatusRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceInternetStatusRequest

func NewDescribeInstanceInternetStatusRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceInternetStatusRequest)

type DescribeInstanceInternetStatusResponse

type DescribeInstanceInternetStatusResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InstanceInternetStatus `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeInstanceInternetStatusResponse

func NewDescribeInstanceInternetStatusResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceInternetStatusResponse)

type DescribeInstanceTrafficRequest added in v0.1.3

type DescribeInstanceTrafficRequest struct {

	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	StartTime string `json:"startTime,omitempty"`

	EndTime string `json:"endTime,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceTrafficRequest added in v0.1.3

func NewDescribeInstanceTrafficRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceTrafficRequest)

type DescribeInstanceTrafficResponse added in v0.1.3

type DescribeInstanceTrafficResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InstanceTrafficDataResponse `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeInstanceTrafficResponse added in v0.1.3

func NewDescribeInstanceTrafficResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceTrafficResponse)

type DescribeInstanceTypesRequest

type DescribeInstanceTypesRequest struct {

	// Instance models that support specified image.
	ImageId string `json:"imageId,omitempty"`

	// Instance model ID.
	// Maximum number: 100
	InstanceTypeIds []string `json:"instanceTypeIds,omitempty"`

	// Desired minimum number of CPU cores.
	// Value range: positive integer.
	MinimumCpuCoreCount *int `json:"minimumCpuCoreCount,omitempty"`

	// Desired maximum number of CPU cores.
	// Value range: positive integer.
	MaximumCpuCoreCount *int `json:"maximumCpuCoreCount,omitempty"`

	// Desired minimum memory size.
	// Value range: positive integer.
	// Unit: GB.
	MinimumMemorySize *int `json:"minimumMemorySize,omitempty"`

	// Desired maximum memory size.
	// Value range: positive integer.
	// Unit: GB.
	MaximumMemorySize *int `json:"maximumMemorySize,omitempty"`

	// Desired minimum public inbound bandwidth cap.
	// Unit: Mbps.
	MinimumBandwidth *int `json:"minimumBandwidth,omitempty"`

	// Supported RAID levels.
	// Value range: 0, 1, 5, 10.
	SupportRaids []int `json:"supportRaids,omitempty"`

	// Subnet supported or not.
	SupportSubnet *bool `json:"supportSubnet,omitempty"`

	// Desired minimum disk size.
	// Value range: positive integer.
	// Unit: GB.
	MinimumDiskSize *int `json:"minimumDiskSize,omitempty"`

	// Desired maximum memory size.
	// Value range: positive integer.
	// Unit: GB.
	MaximumDiskSize *int `json:"maximumDiskSize,omitempty"`

	// High availability supported or not.
	IsHA *bool `json:"isHA,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstanceTypesRequest

func NewDescribeInstanceTypesRequest() (request *DescribeInstanceTypesRequest)

type DescribeInstanceTypesResponse

type DescribeInstanceTypesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeInstanceTypesResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeInstanceTypesResponse

func NewDescribeInstanceTypesResponse() (response *DescribeInstanceTypesResponse)

type DescribeInstanceTypesResponseParams

type DescribeInstanceTypesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Information on instance model.
	InstanceTypes []*InstanceType `json:"instanceTypes,omitempty"`

type DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthRequest added in v0.1.9

type DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstancesMonitorHealthRequest added in v0.1.9

func NewDescribeInstancesMonitorHealthRequest() (request *DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthRequest)

type DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponse added in v0.1.9

type DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponse added in v0.1.9

func NewDescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponse() (response *DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponse)

type DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponseParams added in v0.1.9

type DescribeInstancesMonitorHealthResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Price of traffic package.
	// Kinds of prices may exist. For example, traffic package billing method may contain the package price and overage price.
	MonitorHealthList []*InstanceHealth `json:"monitorHealthList,omitempty"`

type DescribeInstancesRequest

type DescribeInstancesRequest struct {
	// Instance IDs.
	// You can query up to 100 instances in each request.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the instances belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	// If the value is null, then return all the instances in the authorized resource groups.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Instance model ID.
	// You can call DescribeInstanceTypes to obtain the latest specification.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

	// Network pricing model.
	// See InternetChargeType for details.
	InternetChargeType string `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Image ID.
	ImageId string `json:"imageId,omitempty"`

	// Subnet ID.
	// You can call DescribeVpcSubnets to query information on subnet.
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

	// Instance status.
	// See InstanceStatus for details.
	InstanceStatus string `json:"instanceStatus,omitempty"`

	// Instance name.
	// If the value ends with *, a fuzzy match will be performed on instanceName, otherwise an exact match will be performed.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

	// Instance hostname.
	// If the value ends with *, a fuzzy match will be performed on hostname, otherwise an exact match will be performed.
	Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`

	// List of public IPs of the instance.
	PublicIpAddresses []string `json:"publicIpAddresses,omitempty"`

	// List of private IPs of the instance.
	PrivateIpAddresses []string `json:"privateIpAddresses,omitempty"`

	// Number of pages returned.
	// Default value: 1
	PageNum int `json:"pageNum,omitempty"`

	// Number of items in the current page result.
	// Default value: 20
	// Maximum value: 1000
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeInstancesRequest

func NewDescribeInstancesRequest() (request *DescribeInstancesRequest)

type DescribeInstancesResponse

type DescribeInstancesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeInstancesResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeInstancesResponse

func NewDescribeInstancesResponse() (response *DescribeInstancesResponse)

type DescribeInstancesResponseParams

type DescribeInstancesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Number of instances meeting the filtering conditions.
	TotalCount int `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

	// Information on an instance.
	DataSet []*InstanceInfo `json:"dataSet,omitempty"`

type DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

type DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesRequest struct {

	// Zone ID.
	// If the value is empty, return information about all the zones available for subnet.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesRequest() (request *DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesRequest)

type DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

type DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewDescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponse() (response *DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponse)

type DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type DescribeSubnetAvailableResourcesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Information about zones available.
	ZoneIdSet []string `json:"zoneIdSet,omitempty"`

type DescribeSubnetsRequest

type DescribeSubnetsRequest struct {

	// Subnet ID(s).
	// The maximum number of subnets in each request is 100.
	SubnetIds []string `json:"subnetIds,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block of subnet.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which subnets belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Name of subnet.
	SubnetName string `json:"subnetName,omitempty"`

	// VPC ID.
	VpcId string `json:"vpcId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Status of subnet.
	SubnetStatus string `json:"subnetStatus,omitempty"`

	// Number of items in the current page result.
	// Default value: 20;
	// Maximum value: 1000.
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

	// Number of pages returned.
	// Default value: 1.
	PageNum int `json:"pageNum,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeSubnetsRequest

func NewDescribeSubnetsRequest() (request *DescribeSubnetsRequest)

type DescribeSubnetsResponse

type DescribeSubnetsResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeSubnetsResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeSubnetsResponse

func NewDescribeSubnetsResponse() (response *DescribeSubnetsResponse)

type DescribeSubnetsResponseParams

type DescribeSubnetsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Information on subnets.
	DataSet []*Subnet `json:"dataSet,omitempty"`

	// Number of subnets meeting the filtering conditions.
	TotalCount int `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

type DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsRequest

type DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the VPCs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// IDs of availability regions for VPCs.
	VpcRegionId string `json:"vpcRegionId,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeVpcAvailableRegionsRequest

func NewDescribeVpcAvailableRegionsRequest() (request *DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsRequest)

type DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponse

type DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponse

func NewDescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponse() (response *DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponse)

type DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponseParams

type DescribeVpcAvailableRegionsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Information on availability regions for VPCs.
	VpcRegionSet []*VpcRegion `json:"vpcRegionSet,omitempty"`

type DescribeVpcsRequest

type DescribeVpcsRequest struct {

	// VPC ID(s).
	// The maximum number of VPCs in each request is 100.
	VpcIds []string `json:"vpcIds,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block of VPC.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Status of VPC.
	VpcStatus string `json:"vpcStatus,omitempty"`

	// Name of VPC.
	VpcName string `json:"vpcName,omitempty"`

	// Availability region ID of VPC.
	VpcRegionId string `json:"vpcRegionId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	// If the value is null, then return all the VPCs in the authorized resource groups.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Number of items in the current page result.
	// Default value: 20;
	// Maximum value: 1000.
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"`

	// Number of pages returned.
	// Default value: 1.
	PageNum int `json:"pageNum,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeVpcsRequest

func NewDescribeVpcsRequest() (request *DescribeVpcsRequest)

type DescribeVpcsResponse

type DescribeVpcsResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeVpcsResponseParams `json:"response,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeVpcsResponse

func NewDescribeVpcsResponse() (response *DescribeVpcsResponse)

type DescribeVpcsResponseParams

type DescribeVpcsResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Number of VPCs meeting the filtering conditions.
	TotalCount int `json:"totalCount,omitempty"`

	// Information on VPCs.
	DataSet []*VpcInfo `json:"dataSet,omitempty"`

type DescribeZonesRequest

type DescribeZonesRequest struct {

	// The languages of zones available. The optional values are as follows:
	// zh-CN: Chinese
	// en-US: English
	// Default value: en-US.
	AcceptLanguage string `json:"acceptLanguage,omitempty"`

func NewDescribeZonesRequest

func NewDescribeZonesRequest() (request *DescribeZonesRequest)

type DescribeZonesResponse

type DescribeZonesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *DescribeZonesResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewDescribeZonesResponse

func NewDescribeZonesResponse() (response *DescribeZonesResponse)

type DescribeZonesResponseParams

type DescribeZonesResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// The list of zones available.
	ZoneSet []*ZoneInfo `json:"zoneSet,omitempty"`

type Disk

type Disk struct {
	// Disk size.
	// Unit: GB.
	DiskSize int `json:"diskSize,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of disks of the size.
	DiskCount int `json:"diskCount,omitempty"`

type EipAddress

type EipAddress struct {
	EipId             string `json:"eipId,omitempty"`
	ZoneId            string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`
	IpAddress         string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`
	InstanceId        string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`
	InstanceName      string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`
	EipChargeType     string `json:"eipChargeType,omitempty"`
	Period            *int   `json:"period,omitempty"`
	CreateTime        string `json:"createTime,omitempty"`
	ExpiredTime       string `json:"expiredTime,omitempty"`
	ResourceGroupId   string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`
	ResourceGroupName string `json:"resourceGroupName,omitempty"`
	EipStatus         string `json:"eipStatus,omitempty"`

type EipAvailableResource

type EipAvailableResource struct {
	// Zone ID to which the elastic IPs belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Status for sale.
	// SELL: available for sale, stock > 10.
	// SELL_SHORTAGE: available for sale, stock < 10.
	// SOLD_OUT: sold out.
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

type ImageInfo

type ImageInfo struct {
	// Image ID.
	ImageId string `json:"imageId,omitempty"`

	// Image name.
	ImageName string `json:"imageName,omitempty"`

	// Image catalog.
	// The optional values are as follows:
	// CentOS
	// Windows
	// Ubuntu
	// Debian
	// ESXi
	Catalog string `json:"catalog,omitempty"`

	// Image type.
	// The optional values are as follows:
	// PUBLIC_IMAGE: public image.
	// CUSTOM_IMAGE: custom image.
	// You cannot create a custom image by yourself currently. If necessary, please submit a ticket.
	ImageType string `json:"imageType,omitempty"`

	// Operating system type.
	// The optional values are as follows:
	// Windows
	// Linux
	OsType string `json:"osType,omitempty"`

type InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressRequest

type InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the DDoS protected IP belongs.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// DDoS protected IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	DdosIpChargeType string `json:"ddosIpChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the ddosIpChargeType is PREPAID.
	DdosIpChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"ddosIpChargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of DDoS protected IPs.
	// Value range: 1-100.
	// Default value: 1.
	Amount int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressRequest

func NewInquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressRequest() (request *InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressRequest)

type InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponse

type InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponse

func NewInquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponse() (response *InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponse)

type InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponseParams

type InquiryPriceCreateDdosIpAddressResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Price of the DDoS protected IP.
	DdosIpPrice *Price `json:"ddosIpPrice,omitempty"`

type InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressRequest

type InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the elastic IP belongs.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Elastic IP pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	EipChargeType string `json:"eipChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the eipChargeType is PREPAID.
	EipChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"eipChargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of elastic IPs.
	// Value range: 1-100.
	// Default value: 1.
	Amount int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateEipAddressRequest

func NewInquiryPriceCreateEipAddressRequest() (request *InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressRequest)

type InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponse

type InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponse

func NewInquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponse() (response *InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponse)

type InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponseParams

type InquiryPriceCreateEipAddressResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Price of the elastic IP.
	EipPrice *Price `json:"eipPrice,omitempty"`

type InquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequest

type InquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequest struct {

	// Zone ID of the instance.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Instance model ID.
	// To view specific values, you can call DescribeInstanceTypes.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

	// Instance pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	InstanceChargeType string `json:"instanceChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the instanceChargeType is PREPAID.
	InstanceChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"instanceChargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Traffic package size (TB).
	// The parameter is valid only when internetChargeType is ByTrafficPackage.
	// If not passed in, the default value will be the size of the free traffic package.
	TrafficPackageSize float64 `json:"trafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

	// Public network bandwidth cap (Mbps).
	// Default value: 1 Mbps.
	// The parameter value differs by different instance models. See bandwidth configuration for details.
	InternetMaxBandwidthOut int `json:"internetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty"`

	// Network pricing model.
	// See InternetChargeType for details.
	InternetChargeType string `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequest

func NewInquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequest() (request *InquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequest)

type InquiryPriceCreateInstanceResponse

type InquiryPriceCreateInstanceResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InquiryPriceCreateInstanceResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequestResponse

func NewInquiryPriceCreateInstanceRequestResponse() (response *InquiryPriceCreateInstanceResponse)

type InquiryPriceCreateInstanceResponseParams

type InquiryPriceCreateInstanceResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Price of the instance.
	InstancePrice *Price `json:"instancePrice,omitempty"`

	// Price of public bandwidth.
	// Kinds of prices may exist. For example, traffic package billing method may contain the package price and overage price.
	BandwidthPrice []*Price `json:"bandwidthPrice,omitempty"`

type InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockRequest added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockRequest struct {

	// Zone ID to which the CIDR blocks belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block pricing model.
	// PREPAID: subscription
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go
	ChargeType string `json:"chargeType,omitempty"`

	// Details of the monthly subscription, including the purchase period, auto-renewal. It is required if the chargeType is PREPAID.
	ChargePrepaid *ChargePrepaid `json:"chargePrepaid,omitempty"`

	// Netmasks you want to purchase.
	// Value range: [1,32].
	// You can find the available netmasks in the response by calling DescribeAvailableIpv4Resource.
	Netmask int `json:"netmask,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of IPv4 CIDR blocks you want to purchase.
	// Default value: 1.
	Amount *int `json:"amount,omitempty"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewInquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockRequest() (request *InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockRequest)

type InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponse added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponseParam `json:"response"`

func NewInquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewInquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponse() (response *InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponse)

type InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponseParam added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceCreateIpv4BlockResponseParam struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Price of IPv4 CIDR blocks.
	Price *Price `json:"price,omitempty"`

type InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthRequest added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Bandwidth size.
	BandwidthOutMbps int `json:"bandwidthOutMbps,omitempty"`

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthRequest() (request *InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthRequest)

type InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponse added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponse struct {

	// // The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponse() (response *InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponse)

type InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceInstanceBandwidthResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Price of public bandwidth.
	// Kinds of prices may exist. For example, traffic package billing method may contain the package price and overage price.
	BandwidthPrice []*Price `json:"bandwidthPrice,omitempty"`

type InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageRequest added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Traffic package size.
	TrafficPackageSize float64 `json:"trafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageRequest() (request *InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageRequest)

type InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponse added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewInquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponse() (response *InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponse)

type InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponseParams added in v0.1.1

type InquiryPriceInstanceTrafficPackageResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Price of traffic package.
	// Kinds of prices may exist. For example, traffic package billing method may contain the package price and overage price.
	TrafficPackagePrice []*Price `json:"trafficPackagePrice,omitempty"`

type InstanceAvailableDdosIpResource added in v0.1.1

type InstanceAvailableDdosIpResource struct {
	// ID of a DDoS protected IP.
	// To obtain the DDoS protected IP ID, you can call DescribeDdosIpAddresses and look for ddosIpId in the response.
	DdosIpId string `json:"ddosIpId,omitempty"`

	// IP address.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`

type InstanceAvailableEipResource added in v0.1.1

type InstanceAvailableEipResource struct {
	// ID of an elastic IP.
	// To obtain the elastic IP ID, you can call DescribeEipAddresses and look for eipId in the response.
	EipId string `json:"eipId,omitempty"`

	// IP address.
	IpAddress string `json:"ipAddress,omitempty"`

type InstanceDiskInfo

type InstanceDiskInfo struct {
	// Total disk size.
	// Unit: GB.
	// The available storage space is relatively less than the total disk size to create partitions successfully. What remains actually will be added to the last partition.
	TotalDiskSize int `json:"totalDiskSize,omitempty"`

	// Description of the disks.
	DiskDescription string `json:"diskDescription,omitempty"`

	// Disk information available for RAID and partition.
	// Numbered sequentially. For example, for 880 x 2 and 220 x 2, the disk serial numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively correspond to disk sizes of 880 GB, 880 GB, 220 GB, and 220 GB.
	Disks []*Disk `json:"disks,omitempty"`

type InstanceHealth added in v0.1.9

type InstanceHealth struct {
	// 实例ID。
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// CPU状态。
	CpuStatus string `json:"cpuStatus,omitempty"`

	// Disk状态。
	DiskStatus string `json:"diskStatus,omitempty"`

	// Ipmi IP状态。
	IpmiPing string `json:"ipmiPing,omitempty"`

	// Ipmi状态。
	IpmiStatus string `json:"ipmiStatus,omitempty"`

	// Memory状态。
	MemoryStatus string `json:"memoryStatus,omitempty"`

	// Power Supply状态。
	PsuStatus string `json:"psuStatus,omitempty"`

	// 服务器公网口连接的交换机端口的状态。
	WanPortStatus string `json:"wanPortStatus,omitempty"`

	// 风扇状态。
	FanStatus string `json:"fanStatus,omitempty"`

	// 服务器供应商品牌。
	ServerBrand string `json:"serverBrand,omitempty"`

	// 服务器供应商型号。
	ServerModel string `json:"serverModel,omitempty"`

	// 超微 Supermicro 对于刀片机单 CPU 的温度。
	CpuTemp int `json:"cpuTemp,omitempty"`

	// CPU 的温度。
	Cpu0Temp int `json:"cpu0Temp,omitempty"`

	Cpu1Temp int `json:"cpu1Temp,omitempty"`

	Cpu2Temp int `json:"cpu2Temp,omitempty"`

	// 服务器在机房的温度。
	InletTemp int `json:"inletTemp,omitempty"`

	// 温度单位。
	TempUnit string `json:"tempUnit,omitempty"`

type InstanceInfo

type InstanceInfo struct {
	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the instances belong.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Instance name to be displayed.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

	// Instance hostname.
	Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`

	// Instance model ID.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

	// Instance model information.
	InstanceType *InstanceType `json:"instanceType,omitempty"`

	// Image ID.
	ImageId *string `json:"imageId,omitempty"`

	// Image name.
	ImageName string `json:"imageName,omitempty"`

	// IpxeUrl.
	IpxeUrl string `json:"ipxeUrl,omitempty"`

	// Instance pricing model.
	// PREPAID: monthly subscription.
	// POSTPAID: pay-as-you-go.
	InstanceChargeType string `json:"instanceChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Public outbound bandwidth.
	// Unit: Mbps.
	// Value 0 means no limit, but not exceeds the upper limit of the instance model supported.
	BandwidthOutMbps *int `json:"bandwidthOutMbps,omitempty"`

	// Traffic package size purchased.
	// Unit: TB.
	TrafficPackageSize *float64 `json:"trafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

	// Network pricing model.
	// See InternetChargeType for details.
	InternetChargeType string `json:"internetChargeType,omitempty"`

	// Period of instance subscription.
	// Unit: month.
	// For postpaid instances, the value is empty.
	Period *int `json:"period,omitempty"`

	// Instance primary IP.
	PrimaryPublicIpAddress *string `json:"primaryPublicIpAddress,omitempty"`

	// List of public IPv4 addresses.
	// If the instance primary IP is not added to the public network interface, the primary IP will not be available., and its value will not be returned.
	PublicIpAddresses []string `json:"publicIpAddresses,omitempty"`

	// List of private IPv4 addresses.
	PrivateIpAddresses []string `json:"privateIpAddresses,omitempty"`

	// Instance IPv6 addresses.
	// The value may be empty, which means no available IPv6 address exists.
	Ipv6Addresses []string `json:"ipv6Addresses,omitempty"`

	// List of subnet IDs.
	SubnetIds []string `json:"subnetIds,omitempty"`

	// Creation time.
	// Use UTC time according to the ISO8601 standard. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	CreateTime string `json:"createTime,omitempty"`

	// Expiration time.
	// Use UTC time according to the ISO8601 standard. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	ExpiredTime *string `json:"expiredTime,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID to which instances belong.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group name to which instances belong.
	ResourceGroupName string `json:"resourceGroupName,omitempty"`

	// Status of instances.
	// See InstanceStatus for details.
	InstanceStatus string `json:"instanceStatus,omitempty"`

	// Partition configuration.
	Partitions []*Partition `json:"partitions,omitempty"`

	// Disk array configuration.
	RaidConfig *RaidConfig `json:"raidConfig,omitempty"`

	// NIC configuration.
	Nic *Nic `json:"nic,omitempty"`

	// 是否自动续费.
	AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew,omitempty"`

type InstanceInternetStatus

type InstanceInternetStatus struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Instance name.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

	// Current instance bandwidth.
	InternetMaxBandwidthOut *int `json:"internetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty"`

	// Modified instance bandwidth.
	ModifiedInternetMaxBandwidthOut *int `json:"modifiedInternetMaxBandwidthOut,omitempty"`

	// Status of instance bandwidth.
	// Processing: modifying.
	// Enable: effective now.
	// WaitToEnable: effective in next billing cycle.
	ModifiedBandwidthStatus string `json:"modifiedBandwidthStatus,omitempty"`

	// Current instance traffic package
	TrafficPackageSize *float64 `json:"trafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

	// Modified instance traffic package
	ModifiedTrafficPackageSize *float64 `json:"modifiedTrafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

	// Status of instance traffic package
	// Processing: modifying.
	// Enable: effective now.
	// WaitToEnable: effective in next billing cycle.
	ModifiedTrafficPackageStatus string `json:"modifiedTrafficPackageStatus,omitempty"`

type InstanceTrafficData added in v0.1.3

type InstanceTrafficData struct {
	InternetRX int64 `json:"internetRX,omitempty"`

	InternetTX int64 `json:"internetTX,omitempty"`

	Time string `json:"time,omitempty"`

type InstanceTrafficDataResponse added in v0.1.3

type InstanceTrafficDataResponse struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	DataList []*InstanceTrafficData `json:"dataList,omitempty"`

	In95 int64 `json:"in95,omitempty"`

	In95Time string `json:"in95Time,omitempty"`

	InAvg int64 `json:"inAvg,omitempty"`

	InMax int64 `json:"inMax,omitempty"`

	InMin int64 `json:"inMin,omitempty"`

	InTotal int64 `json:"inTotal,omitempty"`

	MaxBandwidth95ValueMbps float64 `json:"maxBandwidth95ValueMbps,omitempty"`

	Out95 int64 `json:"out95,omitempty"`

	Out95Time string `json:"out95Time,omitempty"`

	OutAvg int64 `json:"outAvg,omitempty"`

	OutMax int64 `json:"outMax,omitempty"`

	OutMin int64 `json:"outMin,omitempty"`

	OutTotal int64 `json:"outTotal,omitempty"`

	TotalUnit string `json:"totalUnit,omitempty"`

	Unit string `json:"unit,omitempty"`

type InstanceType

type InstanceType struct {
	// Image ID supported. Hint: only accessible in DescribeInstanceType
	ImageIds []string `json:"imageIds,omitempty"`

	// Instance model ID.
	InstanceTypeId string `json:"instanceTypeId,omitempty"`

	// Model description, including memory size, disk, etc.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// Quantity of CPU cores.
	CpuCoreCount int `json:"cpuCoreCount,omitempty"`

	// Memory size.
	// Unit: GB.
	MemorySize int `json:"memorySize,omitempty"`

	// Outbound bandwidth cap.
	// Unit: Mbps.
	MaximumBandwidth int `json:"maximumBandwidth,omitempty"`

	// RAID level supported.
	SupportRaids []int `json:"supportRaids,omitempty"`

	// Subnet supported or not.
	SupportSubnet bool `json:"supportSubnet,omitempty"`

	// High availability supported or not.
	IsHA bool `json:"isHA,omitempty"`

	// Disk size.
	// Unit: GB.
	DiskInfo *InstanceDiskInfo `json:"diskInfo,omitempty"`

type IpBindParam added in v0.1.1

type IpBindParam struct {
	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block IP.
	// To obtain the CIDR block IP, you can call DescribeInstanceAvailableCidrBlock and look for availableIps in the response.
	Ip string `json:"ip,omitempty"`

type ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeRequest added in v0.1.1

type ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeRequest struct {

	// CIDR block ID(s).
	// To obtain the CIDR block IDs, you can call DescribeCidrBlocks and look for cidrBlockId in the response.
	// The maximum number of CIDR blocks in each request is 100.
	CidrBlockIds []string `json:"cidrBlockIds,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

func NewModifyCidrBlocksAttributeRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewModifyCidrBlocksAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeRequest)

type ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeResponse added in v0.1.1

type ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifyCidrBlocksAttributeResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewModifyCidrBlocksAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyCidrBlocksAttributeResponse)

type ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupRequest

type ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupRequest struct {

	// List of DDoS IP IDs.
	// The maximum number of DDoS IP in each request is 100.
	DdosIpIds []string `json:"ddosIpIds,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

func NewModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupRequest

func NewModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupRequest() (request *ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupRequest)

type ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupResponse

type ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupResponse

func NewModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupResponse() (response *ModifyDdosIpAddressesResourceGroupResponse)

type ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupRequest

type ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupRequest struct {

	// List of EIP IDs.
	// The maximum number of eip in each request is 100.
	EipIds []string `json:"eipIds,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

func NewModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupRequest

func NewModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupRequest() (request *ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupRequest)

type ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupResponse

type ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupResponse

func NewModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupResponse() (response *ModifyEipAddressesResourceGroupResponse)

type ModifyInstanceBandwidthRequest

type ModifyInstanceBandwidthRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Bandwidth.
	// Value range: from 1 to maximum supported for the instance model.
	BandwidthOutMbps *int `json:"bandwidthOutMbps,omitempty"`

func NewModifyInstanceBandwidthRequest

func NewModifyInstanceBandwidthRequest() (request *ModifyInstanceBandwidthRequest)

type ModifyInstanceBandwidthResponse

type ModifyInstanceBandwidthResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *ModifyInstanceBandwidthResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewModifyInstanceBandwidthResponse

func NewModifyInstanceBandwidthResponse() (response *ModifyInstanceBandwidthResponse)

type ModifyInstanceBandwidthResponseParams

type ModifyInstanceBandwidthResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Number of order.
	OrderNumber string `json:"orderNumber,omitempty"`

type ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageRequest

type ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Traffic package size.
	TrafficPackageSize *float64 `json:"trafficPackageSize,omitempty"`

func NewModifyInstanceTrafficPackageRequest

func NewModifyInstanceTrafficPackageRequest() (request *ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageRequest)

type ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageResponse

type ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response *ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageSizeResponseParams `json:"response"`

func NewModifyInstanceTrafficPackageResponse

func NewModifyInstanceTrafficPackageResponse() (response *ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageResponse)

type ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageSizeResponseParams

type ModifyInstanceTrafficPackageSizeResponseParams struct {
	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	// Number of order.
	OrderNumber string `json:"orderNumber,omitempty"`

type ModifyInstancesAttributeRequest

type ModifyInstancesAttributeRequest struct {

	// Instance ID(s).
	// To obtain the instance IDs, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response. The maximum number of instances in each request is 100.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

	// Instance name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName,omitempty"`

func NewModifyInstancesAttributeRequest

func NewModifyInstancesAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyInstancesAttributeRequest)

type ModifyInstancesAttributeResponse

type ModifyInstancesAttributeResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifyInstancesAttributeResponse

func NewModifyInstancesAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyInstancesAttributeResponse)

type ModifyInstancesResourceGroupRequest

type ModifyInstancesResourceGroupRequest struct {

	// List of instance IDs.
	// The maximum number of instances in each request is 100.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

func NewModifyInstancesResourceGroupRequest

func NewModifyInstancesResourceGroupRequest() (request *ModifyInstancesResourceGroupRequest)

type ModifyInstancesResourceGroupResponse

type ModifyInstancesResourceGroupResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifyInstancesResourceGroupResponse

func NewModifyInstancesResourceGroupResponse() (response *ModifyInstancesResourceGroupResponse)

type ModifySubnetsAttributeRequest

type ModifySubnetsAttributeRequest struct {

	// Subnet ID(s).
	// To obtain the subnet IDs, you can call DescribeSubnets and look for subnetId in the response.
	// The maximum number of subnets in each request is 100.
	SubnetIds []string `json:"subnetIds,omitempty"`

	// Subnet name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	SubnetName string `json:"subnetName,omitempty"`

func NewModifySubnetsAttributeRequest

func NewModifySubnetsAttributeRequest() (request *ModifySubnetsAttributeRequest)

type ModifySubnetsAttributeResponse

type ModifySubnetsAttributeResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifySubnetsAttributeResponse

func NewModifySubnetsAttributeResponse() (response *ModifySubnetsAttributeResponse)

type ModifySubnetsResourceGroupRequest

type ModifySubnetsResourceGroupRequest struct {
	SubnetIds       []string `json:"subnetIds,omitempty"`
	ResourceGroupId string   `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

func NewModifySubnetsResourceGroupRequest

func NewModifySubnetsResourceGroupRequest() (request *ModifySubnetsResourceGroupRequest)

type ModifySubnetsResourceGroupResponse

type ModifySubnetsResourceGroupResponse struct {
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	Response  struct {
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifySubnetsResourceGroupResponse

func NewModifySubnetsResourceGroupResponse() (response *ModifySubnetsResourceGroupResponse)

type ModifyVpcsAttributeRequest

type ModifyVpcsAttributeRequest struct {

	// VPC ID(s).
	// To obtain the VPC IDs, you can call DescribeVpcs and look for vpcId in the response.
	// The maximum number of VPCs in each request is 100.
	VpcIds []string `json:"vpcIds,omitempty"`

	// VPC name to be displayed.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	VpcName string `json:"vpcName,omitempty"`

func NewModifyVpcsAttributeRequest

func NewModifyVpcsAttributeRequest() (request *ModifyVpcsAttributeRequest)

type ModifyVpcsAttributeResponse

type ModifyVpcsAttributeResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifyVpcsAttributeResponse

func NewModifyVpcsAttributeResponse() (response *ModifyVpcsAttributeResponse)

type ModifyVpcsResourceGroupRequest

type ModifyVpcsResourceGroupRequest struct {
	VpcIds          []string `json:"vpcIds,omitempty"`
	ResourceGroupId string   `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

func NewModifyVpcsResourceGroupRequest

func NewModifyVpcsResourceGroupRequest() (request *ModifyVpcsResourceGroupRequest)

type ModifyVpcsResourceGroupResponse

type ModifyVpcsResourceGroupResponse struct {
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	Response  struct {
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewModifyVpcsResourceGroupResponse

func NewModifyVpcsResourceGroupResponse() (response *ModifyVpcsResourceGroupResponse)

type Nic

type Nic struct {
	// Public NIC name.
	// Only numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters are allowed, starting with a letter with a length limit of 4 to 10 characters.
	// For non-high-availability models, the default public NIC name is wan0. It cannot start with lan.
	// For high-availability models, the default public NIC name is bond0.
	// Public and private NIC names cannot be the same.
	WanName string `json:"wanName,omitempty"`

	// Private NIC name.
	// Only numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters are allowed, starting with a letter with a length limit of 4 to 10 characters.
	// For non-high-availability models, the default private NIC name is lan0. It cannot start with wan.
	// For high-availability models, the default private NIC name is bond1.
	// Public and private NIC names cannot be the same.
	LanName string `json:"lanName,omitempty"`

type Partition

type Partition struct {
	// Partition letter.
	// Linux: must start with "/", and the first system partition must be "/".
	// Windows: support C~H, the first system partition must be designated as "C".
	FsPath string `json:"fsPath,omitempty"`

	// File type of partition.
	// Linux: ext2, ext3, ext4, ext type is needed.
	// Windows: NTFS.
	FsType string `json:"fsType,omitempty"`

	// Partition size.
	// Unit: GB.
	Size int `json:"size,omitempty"`

type Price

type Price struct {
	// Discount.
	// For example, 80.0 means 20% off.
	Discount *float64 `json:"discount,omitempty"`

	// Discount price of prepaid resources.
	// Only used in subscription model. For pay-as-you-go model, the value is empty.
	DiscountPrice *float64 `json:"discountPrice,omitempty"`

	// Original price of prepaid resources.
	// Only used in subscription model. For pay-as-you-go model, the value is empty.
	OriginalPrice *float64 `json:"originalPrice,omitempty"`

	// Original unit price of postpaid resources.
	// Only used in pay-as-you-go model. For tiered billing, the value is empty.
	UnitPrice *float64 `json:"unitPrice,omitempty"`

	// Discount unit price of postpaid resources.
	// Only used in pay-as-you-go model. For tiered billing, the value is empty.
	DiscountUnitPrice *float64 `json:"discountUnitPrice,omitempty"`

	// Unit of postpaid billing.
	// Only used in pay-as-you-go model.
	// Value range:
	// HOUR: you will be billed by hour.
	// DAY: you will be billed by day.
	// MONTH: you will be billed by month. For example, the burstable 95th pricing model.
	ChargeUnit *string `json:"chargeUnit,omitempty"`

	// Tiered price of postpaid billing.
	// Only used in pay-as-you-go model. If it is not tiered price, the value is empty.
	StepPrices []*StepPrice `json:"stepPrices,omitempty"`

type RaidConfig

type RaidConfig struct {
	// RAID levels for rapid RAID settings.
	// Value possible: 0, 1, 5, 10.
	// Only one of raidType and customRaids can be specified.
	RaidType *int `json:"raidType,omitempty"`

	// RAID levels for custom RAID settings.
	// Only one of raidType and customRaids can be specified.
	CustomRaids []*CustomRaid `json:"customRaids,omitempty"`

type ReInstallInstanceResponse

type ReInstallInstanceResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewReinstallInstanceResponse

func NewReinstallInstanceResponse() (response *ReInstallInstanceResponse)

type RebootInstancesRequest

type RebootInstancesRequest struct {

	// Instance ID(s).
	// To obtain the instance IDs, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response. The maximum number of instances in each request is 100.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

func NewRebootInstancesRequest

func NewRebootInstancesRequest() (request *RebootInstancesRequest)

type RebootInstancesResponse

type RebootInstancesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewRebootInstancesResponse

func NewRebootInstancesResponse() (response *RebootInstancesResponse)

type ReinstallInstanceRequest

type ReinstallInstanceRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Valid image ID.
	// To obtain valid image ID, you can call DescribeImages , pass in instanceTypeId to retrieve the list of images supported by the current model, and then find the imageId in the response.
	ImageId string `json:"imageId,omitempty"`

	// IpxeUrl。
	IpxeUrl string `json:"ipxeUrl,omitempty"`

	// Instance hostname.
	// Default value: hostname.
	// This parameter can contain up to 64 . characters. Only letters, numbers, - and periods (.) are supported.
	Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`

	// Instance password.
	// The parameter must be 8-16 characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters like 1~!@$^*-_=+. This password is also used as the password for IPMI login. Please keep it safe.
	// You must and can only pass the value of either password or sshKeys.
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

	// List of SSH keys.
	// sshKeys and password cannot be specified at the same time. If an SSH key is used to log in, password login will be disabled. Up to 5 keys are supported.
	// Note:
	// For instances of Windows and EXSi operating systems, ignore this parameter. Default value is empty. Even if this parameter is filled in, only the value of password will be passed in.
	// If imageId is not specified, then sshKeys will be ignored.
	SshKeys []string `json:"sshKeys,omitempty"`

	// Disk array configuration.
	RaidConfig *RaidConfig `json:"raidConfig,omitempty"`

	// Disk partition configuration.
	// If the operating system is not installed, the partition cannot be set.
	Partitions []*Partition `json:"partitions,omitempty"`

	// NIC configuration.
	Nic *Nic `json:"nic,omitempty"`

func NewReinstallInstanceRequest

func NewReinstallInstanceRequest() (request *ReinstallInstanceRequest)

type ReleaseCidrBlocksRequest added in v0.1.1

type ReleaseCidrBlocksRequest struct {

	// CIDR block ID(s).
	// To obtain the CIDR block IDs, you can call DescribeCidrBlocks and look for cidrBlockId in the response.
	// The maximum number of CIDR blocks in each request is 100.
	CidrBlockIds []string `json:"cidrBlockIds,omitempty"`

func NewReleaseCidrBlocksRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewReleaseCidrBlocksRequest() (request *ReleaseCidrBlocksRequest)

type ReleaseCidrBlocksResponse added in v0.1.1

type ReleaseCidrBlocksResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewReleaseCidrBlocksResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewReleaseCidrBlocksResponse() (response *ReleaseCidrBlocksResponse)

type ReleaseDdosIpAddressesRequest added in v0.1.1

type ReleaseDdosIpAddressesRequest struct {

	// IDs of DDoS protected IPs.
	// To obtain IDs of the DDoS protected IPs, you can call DescribeDdosIpAddresses and look for ddosIpId in the response.
	DdosIpIds []string `json:"ddosIpIds,omitempty"`

func NewReleaseDdosIpAddressesRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewReleaseDdosIpAddressesRequest() (request *ReleaseDdosIpAddressesRequest)

type ReleaseDdosIpAddressesResponse added in v0.1.1

type ReleaseDdosIpAddressesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewReleaseDdosIpAddressesResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewReleaseDdosIpAddressesResponse() (response *ReleaseDdosIpAddressesResponse)

type ReleaseEipAddressesRequest

type ReleaseEipAddressesRequest struct {

	// IDs of elastic IPs.
	// To obtain IDs of the elastic IPs, you can call DescribeEipAddresses and look for eipId in the response.
	EipIds []string `json:"eipIds,omitempty"`

func NewReleaseEipAddressesRequest

func NewReleaseEipAddressesRequest() (request *ReleaseEipAddressesRequest)

type ReleaseEipAddressesResponse

type ReleaseEipAddressesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewReleaseEipAddressesResponse

func NewReleaseEipAddressesResponse() (response *ReleaseEipAddressesResponse)

type ReleaseInstancesRequest

type ReleaseInstancesRequest struct {

	// Instance ID(s).
	// To obtain the instance IDs, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response. The maximum number of instances in each request is 100.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

func NewReleaseInstancesRequest

func NewReleaseInstancesRequest() (request *ReleaseInstancesRequest)

type ReleaseInstancesResponse

type ReleaseInstancesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewReleaseInstancesResponse

func NewReleaseInstancesResponse() (response *ReleaseInstancesResponse)

type RenewCidrBlockRequest added in v0.1.1

type RenewCidrBlockRequest struct {

	// ID of the CIDR block.
	// You can find the cidrBlockId in the response by calling DescribeCidrBlocks.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

func NewRenewCidrBlockRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewRenewCidrBlockRequest() (request *RenewCidrBlockRequest)

type RenewCidrBlockResponse added in v0.1.1

type RenewCidrBlockResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewRenewCidrBlockResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewRenewCidrBlockResponse() (response *RenewCidrBlockResponse)

type RenewDdosIpAddressRequest

type RenewDdosIpAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of a DDoS protected IP.
	// To obtain the DDoS protected IP ID, you can call DescribeDdosIpAddresses and look for ddosIpId in the response.
	DdosIpId string `json:"ddosIpId,omitempty"`

func NewRenewDdosIpAddressRequest

func NewRenewDdosIpAddressRequest() (request *RenewDdosIpAddressRequest)

type RenewDdosIpAddressResponse

type RenewDdosIpAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewRenewDdosIpAddressResponse

func NewRenewDdosIpAddressResponse() (response *RenewDdosIpAddressResponse)

type RenewEipAddressRequest

type RenewEipAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of an elastic IP.
	// To obtain the elastic IP ID, you can call DescribeEipAddresses and look for eipId in the response.
	EipId string `json:"eipId,omitempty"`

func NewRenewEipAddressRequest

func NewRenewEipAddressRequest() (request *RenewEipAddressRequest)

type RenewEipAddressResponse

type RenewEipAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewRenewEipAddressResponse

func NewRenewEipAddressResponse() (response *RenewEipAddressResponse)

type RenewInstanceRequest

type RenewInstanceRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewRenewInstanceRequest

func NewRenewInstanceRequest() (request *RenewInstanceRequest)

type RenewInstanceResponse

type RenewInstanceResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewRenewInstanceResponse

func NewRenewInstanceResponse() (response *RenewInstanceResponse)

type StartInstancesRequest

type StartInstancesRequest struct {

	// Instance ID(s).
	// To obtain the instance IDs, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response. The maximum number of instances in each request is 100.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

func NewStartInstancesRequest

func NewStartInstancesRequest() (request *StartInstancesRequest)

type StartInstancesResponse

type StartInstancesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewStartInstancesResponse

func NewStartInstancesResponse() (response *StartInstancesResponse)

type StepPrice

type StepPrice struct {
	// First price range of a tiered price.
	StepStart *float64 `json:"stepStart,omitempty"`

	// Last price range of a tiered price.
	StepEnd *float64 `json:"stepEnd,omitempty"`

	// Original unit price of current price range.
	// Only used in pay-as-you-go model.
	UnitPrice *float64 `json:"unitPrice,omitempty"`

	// Discount unit price of current price range.
	// Only used in pay-as-you-go model.
	DiscountUnitPrice *float64 `json:"discountUnitPrice,omitempty"`

type StopInstancesRequest

type StopInstancesRequest struct {

	// Instance ID(s).
	// To obtain the instance IDs, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response. The maximum number of instances in each request is 100.
	InstanceIds []string `json:"instanceIds,omitempty"`

func NewStopInstancesRequest

func NewStopInstancesRequest() (request *StopInstancesRequest)

type StopInstancesResponse

type StopInstancesResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewStopInstancesResponse

func NewStopInstancesResponse() (response *StopInstancesResponse)

type Subnet

type Subnet struct {
	// Subnet ID.
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

	// Zone ID to which the subnet belongs.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Subnet name.
	SubnetName string `json:"subnetName,omitempty"`

	// VPC ID.
	VpcId string `json:"vpcId,omitempty"`

	// VPC name.
	VpcName string `json:"vpcName,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block of subnet.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Creation time.
	// Use UTC time according to the ISO8601 standard. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	CreateTime string `json:"createTime,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group name.
	ResourceGroupName string `json:"resourceGroupName,omitempty"`

	// Status of subnet.
	SubnetStatus string `json:"subnetStatus,omitempty"`

	// Information about instances in the subnet.
	SubnetInstanceSet []*SubnetAssociateInstance `json:"subnetInstanceSet,omitempty"`

type SubnetAssociateInstance

type SubnetAssociateInstance struct {
	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

	// Private IP address.
	PrivateIpAddress string `json:"privateIpAddress,omitempty"`

	// Status of private IP address.
	PrivateIpStatus string `json:"privateIpStatus,omitempty"`

type TerminateCidrBlockRequest added in v0.1.1

type TerminateCidrBlockRequest struct {

	// ID of the CIDR block.
	// You can find the cidrBlockId in the response by calling DescribeCidrBlocks.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

func NewTerminateCidrBlockRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewTerminateCidrBlockRequest() (request *TerminateCidrBlockRequest)

type TerminateCidrBlockResponse added in v0.1.1

type TerminateCidrBlockResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewTerminateCidrBlockResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewTerminateCidrBlockResponse() (response *TerminateCidrBlockResponse)

type TerminateDdosIpAddressRequest

type TerminateDdosIpAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of a DDoS protected IP.
	// To obtain the DDoS protected IP ID, you can call DescribeDdosIpAddresses and look for ddosIpId in the response.
	DdosIpId string `json:"ddosIpId,omitempty"`

func NewTerminateDdosIpAddressRequest

func NewTerminateDdosIpAddressRequest() (request *TerminateDdosIpAddressRequest)

type TerminateDdosIpAddressResponse

type TerminateDdosIpAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewTerminateDdosIpAddressResponse

func NewTerminateDdosIpAddressResponse() (response *TerminateDdosIpAddressResponse)

type TerminateEipAddressRequest

type TerminateEipAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of an elastic IP.
	// To obtain the elastic IP ID, you can call DescribeEipAddresses and look for eipId in the response.
	EipId string `json:"eipId,omitempty"`

func NewTerminateEipAddressRequest

func NewTerminateEipAddressRequest() (request *TerminateEipAddressRequest)

type TerminateEipAddressResponse

type TerminateEipAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewTerminateEipAddressResponse

func NewTerminateEipAddressResponse() (response *TerminateEipAddressResponse)

type TerminateInstanceRequest

type TerminateInstanceRequest struct {

	// Instance ID.
	// To obtain the instance ID, you can call DescribeInstances and look for instanceId in the response.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewTerminateInstanceRequest

func NewTerminateInstanceRequest() (request *TerminateInstanceRequest)

type TerminateInstanceResponse

type TerminateInstanceResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewTerminateInstanceResponse

func NewTerminateInstanceResponse() (response *TerminateInstanceResponse)

type UnAssociateSubnetInstanceRequest

type UnAssociateSubnetInstanceRequest struct {

	// Subnet ID.
	SubnetId string `json:"subnetId,omitempty"`

	// Instance ID.
	InstanceId string `json:"instanceId,omitempty"`

func NewUnAssociateSubnetInstanceRequest

func NewUnAssociateSubnetInstanceRequest() (request *UnAssociateSubnetInstanceRequest)

type UnAssociateSubnetInstanceResponse

type UnAssociateSubnetInstanceResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewUnAssociateSubnetInstanceResponse

func NewUnAssociateSubnetInstanceResponse() (response *UnAssociateSubnetInstanceResponse)

type UnassociateDdosIpAddressRequest

type UnassociateDdosIpAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of a DDoS protected IP.
	// To obtain the DDoS protected IP ID, you can call DescribeDdosIpAddresses and look for ddosIpId in the response.
	DdosIpId string `json:"ddosIpId,omitempty"`

func NewUnassociateDdosIpAddressRequest

func NewUnassociateDdosIpAddressRequest() (request *UnassociateDdosIpAddressRequest)

type UnassociateDdosIpAddressResponse

type UnassociateDdosIpAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewUnassociateDdosIpAddressResponse

func NewUnassociateDdosIpAddressResponse() (response *UnassociateDdosIpAddressResponse)

type UnassociateEipAddressRequest

type UnassociateEipAddressRequest struct {

	// ID of an elastic IP.
	// To obtain the elastic IP ID, you can call DescribeEipAddresses and look for eipId in the response.
	EipId string `json:"eipId,omitempty"`

func NewUnassociateEipAddressRequest

func NewUnassociateEipAddressRequest() (request *UnassociateEipAddressRequest)

type UnassociateEipAddressResponse

type UnassociateEipAddressResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewUnassociateEipAddressResponse

func NewUnassociateEipAddressResponse() (response *UnassociateEipAddressResponse)

type UnbindCidrBlockIpsRequest added in v0.1.1

type UnbindCidrBlockIpsRequest struct {

	// ID of the CIDR block.
	// You can find the cidrBlockId in the response by calling DescribeCidrBlocks.
	CidrBlockId string `json:"cidrBlockId,omitempty"`

	// List of IPs to be unassigned.
	IpList []string `json:"ipList,omitempty"`

func NewUnbindCidrBlockIpsRequest added in v0.1.1

func NewUnbindCidrBlockIpsRequest() (request *UnbindCidrBlockIpsRequest)

type UnbindCidrBlockIpsResponse added in v0.1.1

type UnbindCidrBlockIpsResponse struct {

	// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
	RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`

	Response struct {
		// The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.
		RequestId string `json:"requestId,omitempty"`
	} `json:"response"`

func NewUnbindCidrBlockIpsResponse added in v0.1.1

func NewUnbindCidrBlockIpsResponse() (response *UnbindCidrBlockIpsResponse)

type VpcInfo

type VpcInfo struct {
	// VPC ID.
	VpcId string `json:"vpcId,omitempty"`

	// Availability region ID of VPC.
	VpcRegionId string `json:"vpcRegionId,omitempty"`

	// Availability region name of VPC.
	VpcRegionName string `json:"vpcRegionName,omitempty"`

	// VPC name.
	VpcName string `json:"vpcName,omitempty"`

	// CIDR block of VPC.
	CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock,omitempty"`

	// Resource group ID.
	ResourceGroupId string `json:"resourceGroupId,omitempty"`

	// Resource group name.
	ResourceGroupName string `json:"resourceGroupName,omitempty"`

	// Creation time.
	// Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ.
	CreateTime string `json:"createTime,omitempty"`

	// Status of VPC.
	VpcStatus string `json:"vpcStatus,omitempty"`

type VpcRegion

type VpcRegion struct {
	// Availability region ID of VPC.
	VpcRegionId string `json:"vpcRegionId,omitempty"`

	// Availability region name of VPC.
	VpcRegionName string `json:"vpcRegionName,omitempty"`

	// List if zone IDs.
	ZoneIds []string `json:"zoneIds,omitempty"`

type ZoneInfo added in v0.1.1

type ZoneInfo struct {
	// Zone ID. For example, SEL-A.
	ZoneId string `json:"zoneId,omitempty"`

	// Zone name.
	ZoneName string `json:"zoneName,omitempty"`

	// City name of the zone.
	CityName string `json:"cityName,omitempty"`

	// Region name of the zone.
	AreaName string `json:"areaName,omitempty"`

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