Simple INternal TLS
This projects has a goal to provide let's encrypt x509 certificates to
hosts not reachable from the internet, with limited internet access.
SinTLS has two parts, both using Lego:
- Server (Handle DNS updates and ACME-DNS)
- Client (Asks and manage certificates)
Supported DNS providers:
# Install PostgreSQL database
apt install postgresql-14
# Create postgresql credentials
sudo -Hu postgres createuser sintls
sudo -Hu postgres createdb sintls -O sintls
# Install sintls-server
dpkg -i sintls-server*.deb
RFC 2136 (bind RNDC)
On the bind server
rndc-confgen -b 256 -k sintls
# Then adapt your bind configuration and reload bind9 service
On the SinTLS server, adjust /etc/sintls/sintls-server.conf. All paramters must match (including the key-name)
OVH DNS provider
Setup OVH API access credentials, This setup is for "" domain
curl -XPOST \
-H"X-Ovh-Application: ***********" \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-d @- << EOF
{"accessRules": [
{"method": "POST", "path": "/domain/zone/*"},
{"method": "GET", "path": "/domain/zone/*" },
{"method": "DELETE", "path": "/domain/zone/*"},
{"method": "POST", "path": "/domain/zone/"},
{"method": "POST", "path": "/domain/zone/"},
{"method": "GET", "path": "/domain/zone/"}
Validate the credentials on the web interface as this command tells you.
Copy your API informations to /etc/sintls/sintls-server.conf
Run SinTLS server
Start sintls socket listener using SystemD
systemctl enable sintls-server.socket
Create a new user
sudo -Hu sintls sintls-server adduser
Sintls-server is configured to listen on port 443, using systemd socket activation.
If SINTLS_ENABLETLS is set in /etc/sintls/sintls-server.conf, then golang's
acme/autocert is used to retrieve a valid TLS certificate on first request.
dpkg -i sintls-client*.deb
# Use your credentials to get a new certificate
SINTLS_USERNAME=**** SINTLS_PASSWORD=**** sintls-client --email -d *** \
--ca-server \
--target-a run
# use the renew command to renew instead of create
# Your certificates are stored in ~/.config/sintls/certificates/
| subdomain | credentials |
+-----------+ | | abocred |
| PostgreSQL| ----> | | |
+-----+-----+ +--------------------------+-------------+
+----------------+ <--- Lego / ACME-httpreq ---> +--+-------------+ <--- Lego / ACME auth ---> +--------------+
|internal server | || | DNS provider |
+----------------+ +--- Ask CERTIFICAT ---> +----------------+ +--- Create A records ---> +--------------+