Go-rent Golang
Vehicle-Rent RESTfull API With Gorilla/mux, Gorm
More about Golang
๐ Description
This Backend Application is used for vehicle rental systems such as car rental, motorbikes, and bicycles. In the application, users can add, change, delete, and read the data of the vehicle they want to rent. In addition, users can also see the rental history. This application was built using the Golang programming language with the Gorilla / Mux Framework and uses GORM, a Database that is used using PostgreSQL.
๐ ๏ธ Installation Steps
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/zazhedho/gorental.git
- Install dependencies
go get -u ./...
# or
go mod tidy
- Run the app
go run main.go server
- Add Env
APP_PORT= Your Port
JWT_KEYS= Your Secret Keys
DB_USER = Your DB User
DB_HOST = Your DB Host
DB_NAME = Your DB Name
DB_PASS = Your DB Password
CLOUD_NAME = Your Cloudinary Name
CLOUD_KEY = Your Cloudinary Key
CLOUD_SEC = Your Cloudinary Secret
- Database Migration and Rollback
go run main.go migrate --up //for database migration
# or
go run main.go migrate --down //for rollback
๐ป Built with
Frontend Repository
Frontend : react-VehicleRental here
๐ About Me