TFBuddy allows Terraform Cloud users to get apply-before-merge workflows in their Pull Requests.
Terraform Cloud (TFC) has a native VCS integration that can trigger plans and applies based for repositories, however it
requires a merge after apply workflow that may not be desirable in some cases. This tool has been developed to enable a
apply-before-merge workflow.
How it works
This tool provides a server function that processes webhooks from Gitlab/Github, triggers a Run in TFC for Merge/Pull Requests
and then passes status updates of those Runs back to the Merge/Pull Request in the form of comments.
TFBuddy consists of the webhook handler and a NATS cluster.

See Installation Docs
The contributing has everything you need to start working on TFBuddy.
To learn more about TF Buddy go to the complete documentation.
Made by SRE Team @