
command module
v0.0.0-...-f13b95c Latest Latest

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Published: Sep 30, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 1 Imported by: 0



A basic but modular domain name server


This project explores domain-driven design (DDD) in Go, with a DNS application.

The application will contain a UDP transport (for anwering DNS questions) as well as a HTTP transport with endpoints for various purposes (CRUD operations against the DNS records store, enabling / disabling the UDP server, a health-check and status endpoint).

This allows working with a service layer composed of two (basic) elements, using a (records) store repository and a(n answering) DNS repository. The implmentations available are very simple, with the DNS server being based on github.com/miekg/dns and the records store a simple (in-memory) Go map, optionally wrapped with a writer that stores this data to a file. These implementations satisfy said store repository, DDD style.

To simplify spawning these components, there is also a factory implementation, to simplify some of the initialization process; as well as strong support for CLI / container env / file-based configuration, making it seamless to spawn a new instance of the app and keep it configured as such.



A Record will contain information about a DNS record, holding its record type, domain name and IP address.

type Record struct {
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Addr string `json:"address,omitempty"`

A RecordWithTarget will wrap a Record with a target domain name, used for updating a certain record.

type RecordWithTarget struct {
	Record `json:"record,omitempty"`
	Target string `json:"target,omitempty"`


Store Repository

A (DNS records) store repository defines the methods for accessing, registering and changing DNS records.

It exposes basic create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations, as well as specific filter methods to satisfy all needed queries.

type Repository interface {
	Create(context.Context, ...*Record) error
	List(context.Context) ([]*Record, error)
	FilterByTypeAndDomain(context.Context, string, string) (*Record, error)
	FilterByDomain(context.Context, string) ([]*Record, error)
	FilterByDest(context.Context, string) ([]*Record, error)
	Update(context.Context, string, *Record) error
	Delete(context.Context, *Record) error

A basic implementation of a store repository with a Go map grouping a set of record types to domain names to IP addresses. The access to the data is protected with a sync.RWMutex.

The reason for the order of the elements in the map (record types > domain names > IP addresses) is to favor DNS queries, that will ask for a certain record type and domain name. This is the most effective way to group this data for these kinds of queries; while sacrificing write operations with longer times.

type MemoryStore struct {
	// maps a set of record types to domain names to IPs
	Records map[string]map[string]string
	mtx     sync.RWMutex

A wrapper for memmap, this implementation will flush all records to a file in either JSON or YAML format, when any change is done.

As the struct implies, it will simply leverage the memmap implementation and call its methods (while writing the store contents to a file on any type of mutation).

type FileStore struct {
	Path  string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`
	store store.Repository
	enc   encoder.EncodeDecoder
	mtx   sync.RWMutex
DNS Repository

A DNS (answering service) repository will define the methods for replying to DNS questions for both stored domains as well as to fallback to a secondary DNS in case no records are found for a certain domain.

For the moment, as there are no other DNS implementations (the server logic), it strictly follows a model based on miekg/dns

type Repository interface {
	Answer(*store.Record, *dns.Msg)
	Fallback(*store.Record, *dns.Msg)

While its Answer method will simply pass the record type, domain name and IP address from the input *store.Record into the input *dns.Msg.Answer as a *dns.RR; the repository also handles a fallback scenario where the record is not found in the record store (for instance).

That is where its Fallback method kicks in, spawning a DNS client to forward the same question to each of the configured fallback DNS, until a valid answer is retrieved. Then, it is appended to *dns.Msg.Answer as in the Answer method, and the function ends.

type DNSCore struct {
	fallbackDNS []string
Health Repository

A Health repository will define methods for a health-check / status report on the application's running services.

This involves basic tests against the services to provide the user with a summary of the current status of the application.

type Repository interface {
	Store(int, time.Duration) *StoreReport
	DNS(address string, fallback string, records *store.Record) *DNSReport
	HTTP(port int) *HTTPReport
	Merge(*StoreReport, *DNSReport, *HTTPReport) *Report

While the service layer actually performs the calls to feed its methods, this implementation will generate a quick and simple report (with sane defaults) providing context on the status of the application.

Each of the probed services will be awarded a health.Status value, which will be determined from the input metadata.

When all three reports are generated, they can be fed into the Merge method which will merge all the data and also determining an overall status of the app.

type shealth struct{}


The service layer is what glues the different repositories for the different services, and allows them to interact with eachother.

Its interfaces are sharded into different scopes, with a general Service interface containing all functionalities. This allows contiguring (for instance), transport elements one level above with a more limited list of method it can access. This is evident in the UDP transport, where the UDP server only contains a service.Answering interface as one of its elements.

A service instance is spawned with a DNS Repository, a Store Repository, a Health Repository and a Config.

type Service interface {

type StoreService interface {
	AddRecord(ctx context.Context, r *store.Record) error
	AddRecords(ctx context.Context, rs ...*store.Record) error
	ListRecords(ctx context.Context) ([]*store.Record, error)
	GetRecordByTypeAndDomain(ctx context.Context, rtype, domain string) (*store.Record, error)
	GetRecordByAddress(ctx context.Context, address string) ([]*store.Record, error)
	UpdateRecord(ctx context.Context, domain string, r *store.Record) error
	DeleteRecord(ctx context.Context, r *store.Record) error

type DNSService interface {
	AnswerDNS(r *store.Record, m *dnsr.Msg)

type HealthService interface {
	StoreHealth() *health.StoreReport
	DNSHealth() *health.DNSReport
	HTTPHealth() *health.HTTPReport
	Health() *health.Report

type StoreWithHealth interface {

type Answering interface {
	GetRecordByTypeAndDomain(context.Context, string, string) (*store.Record, error)
	AnswerDNS(*store.Record, *dnsr.Msg)

The service layer exposes middleware too, which are none other than wrappers for the Service interface, to perform a certain set of actions before or after (or both) to Service method calls.

For the moment, a logger middleware is available in its own folder


The app works with two transport types, UDP for answering DNS questions and HTTP to expose certain endpoints, providing users with controls over the DNS records store, the DNS server, and health checks.


The UDP transport will listen on DNS queries, while interacting with the service, with its service.Answering interface.

type Server interface {
	Start() error
	Stop() error
	Running() bool

While there is only one implementation of udp.Server with miekg/dns, there is room to expand the app with a new implementation of the server.


This implementation leverages the miekg/dns library to serve as a DNS server. It's also configured with a service.Answering interface to interact with the DNS records store.

type udps struct {
	on   bool
	ans  service.Answering
	conf *udp.DNS
	srv  *dns.Server
	err  error

HTTP will expose endpoints to provide users with access to the DNS records store, the DNS server and health-checks.

type Server interface {
	Start() error
	Stop() error

type HTTPAPI interface {
	StartDNS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
	StopDNS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
	ReloadDNS(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

	AddRecord(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
	ListRecords(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
	GetRecordByDomain(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
	GetRecordByAddress(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
	UpdateRecord(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)
	DeleteRecord(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

	Health(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request)

The endpoints are configured with a standard-library HTTP server and muxer. Similarly, there isn't much complexity with the endpoints themselves, mostly based on GET / POST HTTP requests (without actually specifying any data in the URL path or parameters, at most as POST data).

The endpoints can be implemented with any HTTP library, provided they can satisfy the HTTPAPI interface (and the endpoints themselves are accessible).

Below is a list of all endpoints and their characteristics:

Endpoint Method Action Description Post Data
/dns/start GET StartDNS Starts the DNS server N/A
/dns/stop GET StopDNS Stops the DNS server N/A
/dns/reload GET ReloadDNS Stops and then starts the DNS server N/A
/records/add POST AddRecord Adds a new entry to the DNS records store {"name":"not.a.dom.ain","type":"A","address":""}
/records GET ListRecords Lists all DNS records in the store N/A
/records/getAddress POST GetRecordByDomain Gets the IP Address of a record, filtered by domain name and by record type {"name":"not.a.dom.ain","type":"A"}
/records/getDomains POST GetRecordByAddress Gets a list of record types and associated domains, filtered by IP address {"address":""}
/records/update POST UpdateRecord Updates a certain record by targetting its domain name {"target":"not.a.dom.ain","record":{"name":"really.not.a.dom.ain","type":"A","address":""}}
/records/delete POST DeleteRecord Removes a record from the store, by targetting its domain name and record type {"name":"really.not.a.dom.ain","type":"A"}
/health GET DeleteRecord Generates a health-check / status report on the app's services N/A


To make it easier to spawn each of these, be it a repository, service or anything else, there is a factory package available.

This package will simply do all the manual configuration work and spit out what you really need:

func StoreRepository(rtype string, path string) store.Repository
func DNSRepository(rtype string, fallbackDNS ...string) dns.Repository
func HealthRepository(rtype string) health.Repository
func Service(dnsRepo dns.Repository, storeRepo store.Repository, healthRepo health.Repository, conf *config.Config) service.Service
func UDPServer(stype, address, prefix, proto string, svc service.Service) udp.Server 
func Server(dnstype, dnsAddress, dnsPrefix, dnsProto string, httpPort int, svc service.Service) (httpapi.Server, udp.Server) 
func From(conf *config.Config) httpapi.Server

While most of these are granular enough to compose your configuration along the way, it is worth underlining that the most streamlined option is to leverage the From(*config.Config) httpapi.Server function, and in one-shot set up the app (from a configuration, even if default).


The command-line interface for this app is set up in cmd; who will also manage the configuration structures for the app.


For each service or major feature, there will be a dedicated data structure used to configure it.

Every single configuration struct will need to satisfy the ConfigOption interface, which only contains one method which applies said configuration to a pointer to a Config:

type ConfigOption interface {

The Config itself will be composed of many modules as pointed out above:

type Config struct {
	DNS       *DNSConfig       `json:"dns,omitempty" yaml:"dns,omitempty"`
	Store     *StoreConfig     `json:"store,omitempty" yaml:"store,omitempty"`
	HTTP      *HTTPConfig      `json:"http,omitempty" yaml:"http,omitempty"`
	Logger    *LoggerConfig    `json:"logger,omitempty" yaml:"logger,omitempty"`
	Autostart *AutostartConfig `json:"autostart,omitempty" yaml:"autostart,omitempty"`
	Health    *HealthConfig    `json:"health,omitempty" yaml:"health,omitempty"`
	Type      string           `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
	Path      string           `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`

type DNSConfig struct {
	Type        string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
	FallbackDNS string `json:"fallback,omitempty" yaml:"fallback,omitempty"`
	Address     string `json:"address,omitempty" yaml:"address,omitempty"`
	Prefix      string `json:"prefix,omitempty" yaml:"prefix,omitempty"`
	Proto       string `json:"proto,omitempty" yaml:"proto,omitempty"`

type StoreConfig struct {
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`

type HTTPConfig struct {
	Port int `json:"port,omitempty" yaml:"port,omitempty"`

type LoggerConfig struct {
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty" yaml:"path,omitempty"`
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`

type AutostartConfig struct {
	DNS bool `json:"dns,omitempty" yaml:"dns,omitempty"`

type HealthConfig struct {
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty" yaml:"type,omitempty"`

As it is ensured that using the config.New() or config.Default() functions will correctly initialize a Config (even ready for usage, if you wanted an in-memory store), the configuration struct will simply work with the target field. Any validation for the input is done on a separate function. Take as an example config.HTTPPort(p int) ConfigOption:

func HTTPPort(p int) ConfigOption {
	if p > 65535 || p == 0 {
		return nil
	return &httpPort{
		p: p,

type httpPort struct {
	p int

// Apply implements the ConfigOption interface
func (h *httpPort) Apply(c *Config) {
	c.HTTP.Port = h.p
CLI parameters

Below is a list of all CLI parameters (flags) you can pass when starting the app:

Flag Type Default Description
-dns-addr string :53 the address to listen to for DNS queries
-dns-fallback string use a secondary DNS to parse unsuccessful queries
-dns-prefix string . the prefix for DNS queries / answers. Usually it's a period (.)
-dns-proto string udp the protocol for the DNS server
-dns-type string miekgdns use a specific domain-name server implementation
-file string load a config from a file
-health-type string simplehealth the type of health / status report
-http-port int 8080 port to use for the HTTP API, defaults to :8080
-log-path string the log file's path, to register events
-log-type string text the type of formatter to use for the logger (text, json, yaml)
-start-dns bool true automatically start the DNS server
-store-path string the record store file path, if stored to a file
-store-type string memmap the record store implementation to use (memmap, yamlfile, jsonfile)
OS environment variables

Below is a list of all OS environment variables you can set before starting the app:

Variable name Type Description
DNS_ADDRESS string the address to listen to for DNS queries
DNS_FALLBACK string use a secondary DNS to parse unsuccessful queries
DNS_PREFIX string the prefix for DNS queries / answers. Usually it's a period (.)
DNS_PROTO string the protocol for the DNS server
DNS_TYPE string use a specific domain-name server implementation
DNS_CONFIG_PATH string load a config from a file
DNS_HEALTH_TYPE string the type of health / status report
DNS_API_PORT int port to use for the HTTP API, defaults to :8080
DNS_LOGGER_PATH string the log file's path, to register events
DNS_LOGGER_TYPE string the type of formatter to use for the logger (text, json, yaml)
DNS_AUTOSTART string automatically start the DNS server
DNS_STORE_PATH string the record store file path, if stored to a file
DNS_STORE_TYPE string the record store implementation to use (memmap, yamlfile, jsonfile)
From file

Below is the content of an example configuration file, in YAML format:

  type: miekgdns
  address: :53
  prefix: .
  proto: udp
  type: yamlfile
  path: /tmp/dns/dns.list
  port: 8080
  type: text
  path: /tmp/dns/dns.log
  dns: true
  type: simplehealth
type: yaml
path: /tmp/dns/dns.conf

Build / Test


Building - From the root of the repository, run:

go build -o dns .

This generates a binary you can execute directly.

Testing - From the root of the repository, run:

go test -v -timeout=0 ./...

Building - From the root of the repository, run:

bazel build //...

This builds a binary which you can use with Bazel (run, test, etc).

Testing - From the root of the repository, run:

bazel test //...

The app can be deployed to a container easily via the Dockerfile in the repository's root directory.

The Dockerfile will perform a multi-stage build with golang:alpine fetching the dependencies and building the binary -- which is then copied to the final alpine:edge container.

Building - From the root of the repository, run:

docker build -t dns:local .

To deploy the app (and also build+deploy) you can use the docker-compose.yaml file where you can launch the app with a certain configuration (and also in an isolated container).

While the default file configures the container with a network_mode: host setting, a setup that fits neatly in a home-based DNS deployment, you may prefer to set it up for an isolated network of containers -- for that you can comment-out the network_mode: host line and uncomment the privileged and ports elements.

Executing - From the root of the repository, run:

docker compose up -d dns


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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL