
go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@latest
Enforce a stricter format than gofmt
, while being backwards compatible.
That is, gofumpt
is happy with a subset of the formats that gofmt
is happy with.
The tool is a fork of gofmt
as of Go 1.19, and requires Go 1.18 or later.
It can be used as a drop-in replacement to format your Go code,
and running gofmt
after gofumpt
should produce no changes.
For example:
gofumpt -l -w .
Some of the Go source files in this repository belong to the Go project.
The project includes copies of go/printer
and go/doc/comment
as of Go 1.19
to ensure consistent formatting independent of what Go version is being used.
The added formatting rules are implemented in the format
Note that vendor directories are skipped unless given as explicit arguments.
Similarly, the added rules do not apply to generated Go files unless they are
given as explicit arguments.
Finally, note that the -r
rewrite flag is removed in favor of gofmt -r
and the -s
flag is hidden as it is always enabled.
Added rules
No empty lines following an assignment operator
func foo() {
foo :=
func foo() {
foo := "bar"
No empty lines around function bodies
func foo() {
func foo() {
Functions should separate ) {
where the indentation helps readability
func foo(s string,
i int) {
// With an empty line it's slightly better, but still not great.
func bar(s string,
i int) {
func foo(s string,
i int,
) {
// With an empty line it's slightly better, but still not great.
func bar(s string,
i int,
) {
No empty lines around a lone statement (or comment) in a block
if err != nil {
return err
if err != nil {
return err
No empty lines before a simple error check
foo, err := processFoo()
if err != nil {
return err
foo, err := processFoo()
if err != nil {
return err
Composite literals should use newlines consistently
// A newline before or after an element requires newlines for the opening and
// closing braces.
var ints = []int{1, 2,
3, 4}
// A newline between consecutive elements requires a newline between all
// elements.
var matrix = [][]int{
{2}, {
var ints = []int{
1, 2,
3, 4,
var matrix = [][]int{
Empty field lists should use a single line
var V interface {
} = 3
type T struct {
func F(
var V interface{} = 3
type T struct{}
func F()
imports must be in a separate group at the top
import (
import (
Short case clauses should take a single line
switch c {
case 'a', 'b',
'c', 'd':
switch c {
case 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd':
Multiline top-level declarations must be separated by empty lines
func foo() {
println("multiline foo")
func bar() {
println("multiline bar")
func foo() {
println("multiline foo")
func bar() {
println("multiline bar")
Single var declarations should not be grouped with parentheses
var (
foo = "bar"
var foo = "bar"
Contiguous top-level declarations should be grouped together
var nicer = "x"
var with = "y"
var alignment = "z"
var (
nicer = "x"
with = "y"
alignment = "z"
Simple var-declaration statements should use short assignments
var s = "somestring"
s := "somestring"
The -s
code simplification flag is enabled by default
var _ = [][]int{[]int{1}}
var _ = [][]int{{1}}
Octal integer literals should use the 0o
prefix on modules using Go 1.13 and later
const perm = 0755
const perm = 0o755
Comments which aren't Go directives should start with a whitespace
//Foo is awesome.
func Foo() {}
// Foo is awesome.
func Foo() {}
Composite literals should not have leading or trailing empty lines
var _ = []string{
var _ = map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
var _ = []string{
var _ = map[string]string{
"foo": "bar",
Field lists should not have leading or trailing empty lines
type Person interface {
Name() string
Age() int
type ZeroFields struct {
// No fields are needed here.
type Person interface {
Name() string
Age() int
type ZeroFields struct {
// No fields are needed here.
Adjacent parameters with the same type should be grouped together
func Foo(bar string, baz string) {}
func Foo(bar, baz string) {}
is a replacement for gofmt
, so you can simply go install
it as
described at the top of this README and use it.
When using an IDE or editor with Go integration based on gopls
it's best to configure the editor to use the gofumpt
support built into gopls
The instructions below show how to set up gofumpt
for some of the
major editors out there.
Visual Studio Code
Enable the language server following the official docs,
and then enable gopls's gofumpt
option. Note that VS Code will complain about
the gopls
settings, but they will still work.
"go.useLanguageServer": true,
"gopls": {
"formatting.gofumpt": true,
GoLand doesn't use gopls
so it should be configured to use gofumpt
Once gofumpt
is installed, follow the steps below:
- Open Settings (File > Settings)
- Open the Tools section
- Find the File Watchers sub-section
- Click on the
on the right side to add a new file watcher
- Choose Custom Template
When a window asks for settings, you can enter the following:
- File Types: Select all .go files
- Scope: Project Files
- Program: Select your
- Arguments:
-w $FilePath$
- Output path to refresh:
- Working directory:
- Environment variables:
To avoid unnecessary runs, you should disable all checkboxes in the Advanced section.
The configuration depends on the plugin you are using: vim-go
or govim.
To configure gopls
to use gofumpt
let g:go_fmt_command="gopls"
let g:go_gopls_gofumpt=1
To configure gopls
to use gofumpt
call govim#config#Set("Gofumpt", 1)
When using lspconfig
, pass the gofumpt
setting to gopls
settings = {
gopls = {
gofumpt = true
For lsp-mode users on version 8.0.0 or higher:
(setq lsp-go-use-gofumpt t)
For users of lsp-mode
before 8.0.0
'(("gopls.gofumpt" t)))
For eglot users:
(setq-default eglot-workspace-configuration
'((:gopls . ((gofumpt . t)))))
When using the gopls
language server, modify the Go settings in ~/.config/helix/languages.toml
name = "go"
config = { "formatting.gofumpt" = true }
Sublime Text
With ST4, install the Sublime Text LSP extension according to the documentation,
and enable gopls
's gofumpt
option in the LSP package settings,
including setting lsp_format_on_save
to true
"lsp_format_on_save": true,
"enabled": true,
"initializationOptions": {
"gofumpt": true,
This tool is a place to experiment. In the long term, the features that work
well might be proposed for gofmt
The tool is also compatible with gofmt
and is aimed to be stable, so you can
rely on it for your code as long as you pin a version of it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why attempt to replace gofmt
instead of building on top of it?
Our design is to build on top of gofmt
, and we'll never add rules which
disagree with its formatting. So we extend gofmt
rather than compete with it.
The tool is a modified copy of gofmt
, for the purpose of allowing its use as a
drop-in replacement in editors and scripts.
Why are my module imports being grouped with standard library imports?
Any import paths that don't start with a domain name like foo.com
effectively reserved by the Go toolchain.
Third party modules should either start with a domain name,
even a local one like foo.local
, or use a reserved path prefix.
For backwards compatibility with modules set up before these rules were clear,
will treat any import path sharing a prefix with the current module
path as third party. For example, if the current module is mycorp/mod1
, then
all import paths in mycorp/...
will be considered third party.
How can I use gofumpt
if I already use goimports
to replace gofmt
Most editors have replaced the goimports
program with the same functionality
provided by a language server like gopls
. This mechanism is significantly
faster and more powerful, since the language server has more information that is
kept up to date, necessary to add missing imports.
As such, the general recommendation is to let your editor fix your imports -
either via gopls
, such as VSCode or vim-go, or via their own custom
implementation, such as GoLand. Then follow the install instructions above to
enable the use of gofumpt
instead of gofmt
If you want to avoid integrating with gopls
, and are OK with the overhead of
calling goimports
from scratch on each save, you should be able to call both
tools; for example, goimports file.go && gofumpt file.go
Issues and pull requests are welcome! Please open an issue to discuss a feature
before sending a pull request.
We also use the #gofumpt
channel over at the
Gophers Slack to chat.
When reporting a formatting bug, insert a //gofumpt:diagnose
The comment will be rewritten to include useful debugging information.
For instance:
$ cat f.go
package p
$ gofumpt f.go
package p
//gofumpt:diagnose v0.1.1-0.20211103104632-bdfa3b02e50a -lang=v1.16
Note that much of the code is copied from Go's gofmt
command. You can tell
which files originate from the Go repository from their copyright headers. Their
license file is LICENSE.google
's original source files are also under the 3-clause BSD license, with
the separate file LICENSE