Overview ¶
Package proto is a lib to encode/decode the data of the cdp protocol.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func GetType(methodName string) reflect.Type
- func ParseMethodName(method string) (domain, name string)
- func PatternToReg(pattern string) string
- type AccessibilityAXNode
- type AccessibilityAXNodeID
- type AccessibilityAXProperty
- type AccessibilityAXPropertyName
- type AccessibilityAXRelatedNode
- type AccessibilityAXValue
- type AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType
- type AccessibilityAXValueSource
- type AccessibilityAXValueSourceType
- type AccessibilityAXValueType
- type AccessibilityDisable
- type AccessibilityEnable
- type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors
- type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestorsResult
- type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes
- type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodesResult
- type AccessibilityGetFullAXTree
- type AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResult
- type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree
- type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeResult
- type AccessibilityGetRootAXNode
- type AccessibilityGetRootAXNodeResult
- type AccessibilityLoadComplete
- type AccessibilityNodesUpdated
- type AccessibilityQueryAXTree
- type AccessibilityQueryAXTreeResult
- type AnimationAnimation
- type AnimationAnimationCanceled
- type AnimationAnimationCreated
- type AnimationAnimationEffect
- type AnimationAnimationStarted
- type AnimationAnimationType
- type AnimationDisable
- type AnimationEnable
- type AnimationGetCurrentTime
- type AnimationGetCurrentTimeResult
- type AnimationGetPlaybackRate
- type AnimationGetPlaybackRateResult
- type AnimationKeyframeStyle
- type AnimationKeyframesRule
- type AnimationReleaseAnimations
- type AnimationResolveAnimation
- type AnimationResolveAnimationResult
- type AnimationSeekAnimations
- type AnimationSetPaused
- type AnimationSetPlaybackRate
- type AnimationSetTiming
- type AuditsAffectedCookie
- type AuditsAffectedFrame
- type AuditsAffectedRequest
- type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueDetails
- type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType
- type AuditsBlockedByResponseIssueDetails
- type AuditsBlockedByResponseReason
- type AuditsCheckContrast
- type AuditsClientHintIssueDetails
- type AuditsClientHintIssueReason
- type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
- type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType
- type AuditsCookieExclusionReason
- type AuditsCookieIssueDetails
- type AuditsCookieOperation
- type AuditsCookieWarningReason
- type AuditsCorsIssueDetails
- type AuditsDeprecationIssueDetails
- type AuditsDeprecationIssueType
- type AuditsDisable
- type AuditsEnable
- type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails
- type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason
- type AuditsGenericIssueDetails
- type AuditsGenericIssueErrorType
- type AuditsGetEncodedResponse
- type AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding
- type AuditsGetEncodedResponseResult
- type AuditsHeavyAdIssueDetails
- type AuditsHeavyAdReason
- type AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus
- type AuditsInspectorIssue
- type AuditsInspectorIssueCode
- type AuditsInspectorIssueDetails
- type AuditsIssueAdded
- type AuditsIssueID
- type AuditsLowTextContrastIssueDetails
- type AuditsMixedContentIssueDetails
- type AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus
- type AuditsMixedContentResourceType
- type AuditsNavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails
- type AuditsQuirksModeIssueDetails
- type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueDetails
- type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType
- type AuditsSourceCodeLocation
- type AuditsTrustedWebActivityIssueDetails
- type AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType
- type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEvent
- type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEventReceived
- type BackgroundServiceClearEvents
- type BackgroundServiceEventMetadata
- type BackgroundServiceRecordingStateChanged
- type BackgroundServiceServiceName
- type BackgroundServiceSetRecording
- type BackgroundServiceStartObserving
- type BackgroundServiceStopObserving
- type BrowserBounds
- type BrowserBrowserCommandID
- type BrowserBrowserContextID
- type BrowserBucket
- type BrowserCancelDownload
- type BrowserClose
- type BrowserCrash
- type BrowserCrashGpuProcess
- type BrowserDownloadProgress
- type BrowserDownloadProgressState
- type BrowserDownloadWillBegin
- type BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand
- type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine
- type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLineResult
- type BrowserGetHistogram
- type BrowserGetHistogramResult
- type BrowserGetHistograms
- type BrowserGetHistogramsResult
- type BrowserGetVersion
- type BrowserGetVersionResult
- type BrowserGetWindowBounds
- type BrowserGetWindowBoundsResult
- type BrowserGetWindowForTarget
- type BrowserGetWindowForTargetResult
- type BrowserGrantPermissions
- type BrowserHistogram
- type BrowserPermissionDescriptor
- type BrowserPermissionSetting
- type BrowserPermissionType
- type BrowserResetPermissions
- type BrowserSetDockTile
- type BrowserSetDownloadBehavior
- type BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior
- type BrowserSetPermission
- type BrowserSetWindowBounds
- type BrowserWindowID
- type BrowserWindowState
- type CSSAddRule
- type CSSAddRuleResult
- type CSSCSSComputedStyleProperty
- type CSSCSSContainerQuery
- type CSSCSSKeyframeRule
- type CSSCSSKeyframesRule
- type CSSCSSLayer
- type CSSCSSLayerData
- type CSSCSSMedia
- type CSSCSSMediaSource
- type CSSCSSProperty
- type CSSCSSRule
- type CSSCSSStyle
- type CSSCSSStyleSheetHeader
- type CSSCSSSupports
- type CSSCollectClassNames
- type CSSCollectClassNamesResult
- type CSSCreateStyleSheet
- type CSSCreateStyleSheetResult
- type CSSDisable
- type CSSEnable
- type CSSFontFace
- type CSSFontVariationAxis
- type CSSFontsUpdated
- type CSSForcePseudoState
- type CSSGetBackgroundColors
- type CSSGetBackgroundColorsResult
- type CSSGetComputedStyleForNode
- type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeResult
- type CSSGetInlineStylesForNode
- type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeResult
- type CSSGetLayersForNode
- type CSSGetLayersForNodeResult
- type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode
- type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeResult
- type CSSGetMediaQueries
- type CSSGetMediaQueriesResult
- type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode
- type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeResult
- type CSSGetStyleSheetText
- type CSSGetStyleSheetTextResult
- type CSSInheritedPseudoElementMatches
- type CSSInheritedStyleEntry
- type CSSMediaQuery
- type CSSMediaQueryExpression
- type CSSMediaQueryResultChanged
- type CSSPlatformFontUsage
- type CSSPseudoElementMatches
- type CSSRuleMatch
- type CSSRuleUsage
- type CSSSelectorList
- type CSSSetContainerQueryText
- type CSSSetContainerQueryTextResult
- type CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode
- type CSSSetKeyframeKey
- type CSSSetKeyframeKeyResult
- type CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled
- type CSSSetMediaText
- type CSSSetMediaTextResult
- type CSSSetRuleSelector
- type CSSSetRuleSelectorResult
- type CSSSetStyleSheetText
- type CSSSetStyleSheetTextResult
- type CSSSetStyleTexts
- type CSSSetStyleTextsResult
- type CSSSetSupportsText
- type CSSSetSupportsTextResult
- type CSSShorthandEntry
- type CSSSourceRange
- type CSSStartRuleUsageTracking
- type CSSStopRuleUsageTracking
- type CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingResult
- type CSSStyleDeclarationEdit
- type CSSStyleSheetAdded
- type CSSStyleSheetChanged
- type CSSStyleSheetID
- type CSSStyleSheetOrigin
- type CSSStyleSheetRemoved
- type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates
- type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdatesResult
- type CSSTakeCoverageDelta
- type CSSTakeCoverageDeltaResult
- type CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates
- type CSSValue
- type CacheStorageCache
- type CacheStorageCacheID
- type CacheStorageCachedResponse
- type CacheStorageCachedResponseType
- type CacheStorageDataEntry
- type CacheStorageDeleteCache
- type CacheStorageDeleteEntry
- type CacheStorageHeader
- type CacheStorageRequestCacheNames
- type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesResult
- type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse
- type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponseResult
- type CacheStorageRequestEntries
- type CacheStorageRequestEntriesResult
- type CastDisable
- type CastEnable
- type CastIssueUpdated
- type CastSetSinkToUse
- type CastSink
- type CastSinksUpdated
- type CastStartDesktopMirroring
- type CastStartTabMirroring
- type CastStopCasting
- type Client
- type ConsoleClearMessages
- type ConsoleConsoleMessage
- type ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel
- type ConsoleConsoleMessageSource
- type ConsoleDisable
- type ConsoleEnable
- type ConsoleMessageAdded
- type Contextable
- type DOMAttributeModified
- type DOMAttributeRemoved
- type DOMBackendNode
- type DOMBackendNodeID
- type DOMBoxModel
- type DOMCSSComputedStyleProperty
- type DOMCharacterDataModified
- type DOMChildNodeCountUpdated
- type DOMChildNodeInserted
- type DOMChildNodeRemoved
- type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree
- type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeResult
- type DOMCompatibilityMode
- type DOMCopyTo
- type DOMCopyToResult
- type DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType
- type DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType
- type DOMDebuggerEventListener
- type DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners
- type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersResult
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation
- type DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint
- type DOMDescribeNode
- type DOMDescribeNodeResult
- type DOMDisable
- type DOMDiscardSearchResults
- type DOMDistributedNodesUpdated
- type DOMDocumentUpdated
- type DOMEnable
- type DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace
- type DOMFocus
- type DOMGetAttributes
- type DOMGetAttributesResult
- type DOMGetBoxModel
- type DOMGetBoxModelResult
- type DOMGetContainerForNode
- type DOMGetContainerForNodeResult
- type DOMGetContentQuads
- type DOMGetContentQuadsResult
- type DOMGetDocument
- type DOMGetDocumentResult
- type DOMGetFileInfo
- type DOMGetFileInfoResult
- type DOMGetFlattenedDocument
- type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentResult
- type DOMGetFrameOwner
- type DOMGetFrameOwnerResult
- type DOMGetNodeForLocation
- type DOMGetNodeForLocationResult
- type DOMGetNodeStackTraces
- type DOMGetNodeStackTracesResult
- type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle
- type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyleResult
- type DOMGetOuterHTML
- type DOMGetOuterHTMLResult
- type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer
- type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainerResult
- type DOMGetRelayoutBoundary
- type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryResult
- type DOMGetSearchResults
- type DOMGetSearchResultsResult
- type DOMHideHighlight
- type DOMHighlightNode
- type DOMHighlightRect
- type DOMInlineStyleInvalidated
- type DOMMarkUndoableState
- type DOMMoveTo
- type DOMMoveToResult
- type DOMNode
- type DOMNodeID
- type DOMPerformSearch
- type DOMPerformSearchResult
- type DOMPseudoElementAdded
- type DOMPseudoElementRemoved
- type DOMPseudoType
- type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend
- type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendResult
- type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend
- type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendResult
- type DOMQuad
- type DOMQuerySelector
- type DOMQuerySelectorAll
- type DOMQuerySelectorAllResult
- type DOMQuerySelectorResult
- type DOMRGBA
- type DOMRect
- type DOMRedo
- type DOMRemoveAttribute
- type DOMRemoveNode
- type DOMRequestChildNodes
- type DOMRequestNode
- type DOMRequestNodeResult
- type DOMResolveNode
- type DOMResolveNodeResult
- type DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded
- type DOMSetAttributeValue
- type DOMSetAttributesAsText
- type DOMSetChildNodes
- type DOMSetFileInputFiles
- type DOMSetInspectedNode
- type DOMSetNodeName
- type DOMSetNodeNameResult
- type DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled
- type DOMSetNodeValue
- type DOMSetOuterHTML
- type DOMShadowRootPopped
- type DOMShadowRootPushed
- type DOMShadowRootType
- type DOMShapeOutsideInfo
- type DOMSnapshotArrayOfStrings
- type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshotResult
- type DOMSnapshotComputedStyle
- type DOMSnapshotDOMNode
- type DOMSnapshotDisable
- type DOMSnapshotDocumentSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotEnable
- type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotResult
- type DOMSnapshotInlineTextBox
- type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeNode
- type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotNameValue
- type DOMSnapshotNodeTreeSnapshot
- type DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData
- type DOMSnapshotRareIntegerData
- type DOMSnapshotRareStringData
- type DOMSnapshotRectangle
- type DOMSnapshotStringIndex
- type DOMSnapshotTextBoxSnapshot
- type DOMStorageClear
- type DOMStorageDisable
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated
- type DOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared
- type DOMStorageEnable
- type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems
- type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsResult
- type DOMStorageItem
- type DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem
- type DOMStorageSerializedStorageKey
- type DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem
- type DOMStorageStorageID
- type DOMUndo
- type DatabaseAddDatabase
- type DatabaseDatabase
- type DatabaseDatabaseID
- type DatabaseDisable
- type DatabaseEnable
- type DatabaseError
- type DatabaseExecuteSQL
- type DatabaseExecuteSQLResult
- type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames
- type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesResult
- type DebuggerBreakLocation
- type DebuggerBreakLocationType
- type DebuggerBreakpointID
- type DebuggerBreakpointResolved
- type DebuggerCallFrame
- type DebuggerCallFrameID
- type DebuggerContinueToLocation
- type DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames
- type DebuggerDebugSymbols
- type DebuggerDebugSymbolsType
- type DebuggerDisable
- type DebuggerEnable
- type DebuggerEnableResult
- type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame
- type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameResult
- type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints
- type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsResult
- type DebuggerGetScriptSource
- type DebuggerGetScriptSourceResult
- type DebuggerGetStackTrace
- type DebuggerGetStackTraceResult
- type DebuggerGetWasmBytecode
- type DebuggerGetWasmBytecodeResult
- type DebuggerLocation
- type DebuggerLocationRange
- type DebuggerPause
- type DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall
- type DebuggerPaused
- type DebuggerPausedReason
- type DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint
- type DebuggerRestartFrame
- type DebuggerRestartFrameMode
- type DebuggerRestartFrameResult
- type DebuggerResume
- type DebuggerResumed
- type DebuggerScope
- type DebuggerScopeType
- type DebuggerScriptFailedToParse
- type DebuggerScriptLanguage
- type DebuggerScriptParsed
- type DebuggerScriptPosition
- type DebuggerSearchInContent
- type DebuggerSearchInContentResult
- type DebuggerSearchMatch
- type DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth
- type DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns
- type DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges
- type DebuggerSetBreakpoint
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLResult
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCallResult
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointResult
- type DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive
- type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation
- type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointResult
- type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions
- type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState
- type DebuggerSetReturnValue
- type DebuggerSetScriptSource
- type DebuggerSetScriptSourceResult
- type DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses
- type DebuggerSetVariableValue
- type DebuggerStepInto
- type DebuggerStepOut
- type DebuggerStepOver
- type DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride
- type DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride
- type EmulationCanEmulate
- type EmulationCanEmulateResult
- type EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride
- type EmulationClearGeolocationOverride
- type EmulationClearIdleOverride
- type EmulationDisabledImageType
- type EmulationDisplayFeature
- type EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation
- type EmulationMediaFeature
- type EmulationResetPageScaleFactor
- type EmulationScreenOrientation
- type EmulationScreenOrientationType
- type EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride
- type EmulationSetAutomationOverride
- type EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate
- type EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride
- type EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride
- type EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes
- type EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled
- type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse
- type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration
- type EmulationSetEmulatedMedia
- type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency
- type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType
- type EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled
- type EmulationSetGeolocationOverride
- type EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride
- type EmulationSetIdleOverride
- type EmulationSetLocaleOverride
- type EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides
- type EmulationSetPageScaleFactor
- type EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled
- type EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden
- type EmulationSetTimezoneOverride
- type EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled
- type EmulationSetUserAgentOverride
- type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy
- type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyResult
- type EmulationSetVisibleSize
- type EmulationUserAgentBrandVersion
- type EmulationUserAgentMetadata
- type EmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired
- type EmulationVirtualTimePolicy
- type Event
- type EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint
- type FetchAuthChallenge
- type FetchAuthChallengeResponse
- type FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse
- type FetchAuthChallengeSource
- type FetchAuthRequired
- type FetchContinueRequest
- type FetchContinueResponse
- type FetchContinueWithAuth
- type FetchDisable
- type FetchEnable
- type FetchFailRequest
- type FetchFulfillRequest
- type FetchGetResponseBody
- type FetchGetResponseBodyResult
- type FetchHeaderEntry
- type FetchRequestID
- type FetchRequestPattern
- type FetchRequestPaused
- type FetchRequestStage
- type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream
- type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStreamResult
- type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame
- type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrameResult
- type HeadlessExperimentalDisable
- type HeadlessExperimentalEnable
- type HeadlessExperimentalNeedsBeginFramesChanged
- type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParams
- type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat
- type HeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk
- type HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject
- type HeapProfilerCollectGarbage
- type HeapProfilerDisable
- type HeapProfilerEnable
- type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID
- type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDResult
- type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID
- type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDResult
- type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile
- type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfileResult
- type HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID
- type HeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate
- type HeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID
- type HeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress
- type HeapProfilerResetProfiles
- type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile
- type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileNode
- type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileSample
- type HeapProfilerStartSampling
- type HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects
- type HeapProfilerStopSampling
- type HeapProfilerStopSamplingResult
- type HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects
- type HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot
- type IOClose
- type IORead
- type IOReadResult
- type IOResolveBlob
- type IOResolveBlobResult
- type IOStreamHandle
- type IndexedDBClearObjectStore
- type IndexedDBDataEntry
- type IndexedDBDatabaseWithObjectStores
- type IndexedDBDeleteDatabase
- type IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries
- type IndexedDBDisable
- type IndexedDBEnable
- type IndexedDBGetMetadata
- type IndexedDBGetMetadataResult
- type IndexedDBKey
- type IndexedDBKeyPath
- type IndexedDBKeyPathType
- type IndexedDBKeyRange
- type IndexedDBKeyType
- type IndexedDBObjectStore
- type IndexedDBObjectStoreIndex
- type IndexedDBRequestData
- type IndexedDBRequestDataResult
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabase
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesResult
- type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseResult
- type InputDispatchDragEvent
- type InputDispatchDragEventType
- type InputDispatchKeyEvent
- type InputDispatchKeyEventType
- type InputDispatchMouseEvent
- type InputDispatchMouseEventPointerType
- type InputDispatchMouseEventType
- type InputDispatchTouchEvent
- type InputDispatchTouchEventType
- type InputDragData
- type InputDragDataItem
- type InputDragIntercepted
- type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent
- type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType
- type InputGestureSourceType
- type InputImeSetComposition
- type InputInsertText
- type InputMouseButton
- type InputSetIgnoreInputEvents
- type InputSetInterceptDrags
- type InputSynthesizePinchGesture
- type InputSynthesizeScrollGesture
- type InputSynthesizeTapGesture
- type InputTouchPoint
- type InspectorDetached
- type InspectorDisable
- type InspectorEnable
- type InspectorTargetCrashed
- type InspectorTargetReloadedAfterCrash
- type LayerTreeCompositingReasons
- type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsResult
- type LayerTreeDisable
- type LayerTreeEnable
- type LayerTreeLayer
- type LayerTreeLayerID
- type LayerTreeLayerPainted
- type LayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange
- type LayerTreeLoadSnapshot
- type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotResult
- type LayerTreeMakeSnapshot
- type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotResult
- type LayerTreePaintProfile
- type LayerTreePictureTile
- type LayerTreeProfileSnapshot
- type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotResult
- type LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot
- type LayerTreeReplaySnapshot
- type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotResult
- type LayerTreeScrollRect
- type LayerTreeScrollRectType
- type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog
- type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogResult
- type LayerTreeSnapshotID
- type LayerTreeStickyPositionConstraint
- type LogClear
- type LogDisable
- type LogEnable
- type LogEntryAdded
- type LogLogEntry
- type LogLogEntryCategory
- type LogLogEntryLevel
- type LogLogEntrySource
- type LogStartViolationsReport
- type LogStopViolationsReport
- type LogViolationSetting
- type LogViolationSettingName
- type MediaDisable
- type MediaEnable
- type MediaPlayerError
- type MediaPlayerErrorSourceLocation
- type MediaPlayerErrorsRaised
- type MediaPlayerEvent
- type MediaPlayerEventsAdded
- type MediaPlayerID
- type MediaPlayerMessage
- type MediaPlayerMessageLevel
- type MediaPlayerMessagesLogged
- type MediaPlayerPropertiesChanged
- type MediaPlayerProperty
- type MediaPlayersCreated
- type MediaTimestamp
- type MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory
- type MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile
- type MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfileResult
- type MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile
- type MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfileResult
- type MemoryGetDOMCounters
- type MemoryGetDOMCountersResult
- type MemoryGetSamplingProfile
- type MemoryGetSamplingProfileResult
- type MemoryModule
- type MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection
- type MemoryPressureLevel
- type MemorySamplingProfile
- type MemorySamplingProfileNode
- type MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed
- type MemorySimulatePressureNotification
- type MemoryStartSampling
- type MemoryStopSampling
- type MonotonicTime
- type NetworkAuthChallenge
- type NetworkAuthChallengeResponse
- type NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse
- type NetworkAuthChallengeSource
- type NetworkBlockedCookieWithReason
- type NetworkBlockedReason
- type NetworkBlockedSetCookieWithReason
- type NetworkCachedResource
- type NetworkCanClearBrowserCache
- type NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheResult
- type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies
- type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesResult
- type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions
- type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsResult
- type NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance
- type NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride
- type NetworkClearBrowserCache
- type NetworkClearBrowserCookies
- type NetworkClientSecurityState
- type NetworkConnectTiming
- type NetworkConnectionType
- type NetworkContentEncoding
- type NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest
- type NetworkCookie
- type NetworkCookieBlockedReason
- type NetworkCookieParam
- type NetworkCookiePriority
- type NetworkCookieSameSite
- type NetworkCookieSourceScheme
- type NetworkCorsError
- type NetworkCorsErrorStatus
- type NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus
- type NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue
- type NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus
- type NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue
- type NetworkDataReceived
- type NetworkDeleteCookies
- type NetworkDisable
- type NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions
- type NetworkEnable
- type NetworkEnableReportingAPI
- type NetworkErrorReason
- type NetworkEventSourceMessageReceived
- type NetworkGetAllCookies
- type NetworkGetAllCookiesResult
- type NetworkGetCertificate
- type NetworkGetCertificateResult
- type NetworkGetCookies
- type NetworkGetCookiesResult
- type NetworkGetRequestPostData
- type NetworkGetRequestPostDataResult
- type NetworkGetResponseBody
- type NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception
- type NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterceptionResult
- type NetworkGetResponseBodyResult
- type NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus
- type NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatusResult
- type NetworkHeaders
- type NetworkIPAddressSpace
- type NetworkInitiator
- type NetworkInitiatorType
- type NetworkInterceptionID
- type NetworkInterceptionStage
- type NetworkLoadNetworkResource
- type NetworkLoadNetworkResourceOptions
- type NetworkLoadNetworkResourcePageResult
- type NetworkLoadNetworkResourceResult
- type NetworkLoaderID
- type NetworkLoadingFailed
- type NetworkLoadingFinished
- type NetworkPostDataEntry
- type NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy
- type NetworkReplayXHR
- type NetworkReportID
- type NetworkReportStatus
- type NetworkReportingAPIEndpoint
- type NetworkReportingAPIEndpointsChangedForOrigin
- type NetworkReportingAPIReport
- type NetworkReportingAPIReportAdded
- type NetworkReportingAPIReportUpdated
- type NetworkRequest
- type NetworkRequestID
- type NetworkRequestIntercepted
- type NetworkRequestPattern
- type NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy
- type NetworkRequestServedFromCache
- type NetworkRequestWillBeSent
- type NetworkRequestWillBeSentExtraInfo
- type NetworkResourceChangedPriority
- type NetworkResourcePriority
- type NetworkResourceTiming
- type NetworkResourceType
- type NetworkResponse
- type NetworkResponseReceived
- type NetworkResponseReceivedExtraInfo
- type NetworkSearchInResponseBody
- type NetworkSearchInResponseBodyResult
- type NetworkSecurityDetails
- type NetworkSecurityIsolationStatus
- type NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource
- type NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings
- type NetworkSetAttachDebugStack
- type NetworkSetBlockedURLs
- type NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker
- type NetworkSetCacheDisabled
- type NetworkSetCookie
- type NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason
- type NetworkSetCookieResult
- type NetworkSetCookies
- type NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders
- type NetworkSetRequestInterception
- type NetworkSetUserAgentOverride
- type NetworkSignedCertificateTimestamp
- type NetworkSignedExchangeError
- type NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField
- type NetworkSignedExchangeHeader
- type NetworkSignedExchangeInfo
- type NetworkSignedExchangeReceived
- type NetworkSignedExchangeSignature
- type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError
- type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed
- type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataError
- type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived
- type NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream
- type NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamResult
- type NetworkTrustTokenOperationDone
- type NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus
- type NetworkTrustTokenOperationType
- type NetworkTrustTokenParams
- type NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy
- type NetworkWebSocketClosed
- type NetworkWebSocketCreated
- type NetworkWebSocketFrame
- type NetworkWebSocketFrameError
- type NetworkWebSocketFrameReceived
- type NetworkWebSocketFrameSent
- type NetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived
- type NetworkWebSocketRequest
- type NetworkWebSocketResponse
- type NetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest
- type NetworkWebTransportClosed
- type NetworkWebTransportConnectionEstablished
- type NetworkWebTransportCreated
- type OverlayBoxStyle
- type OverlayColorFormat
- type OverlayContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
- type OverlayContainerQueryHighlightConfig
- type OverlayContrastAlgorithm
- type OverlayDisable
- type OverlayEnable
- type OverlayFlexContainerHighlightConfig
- type OverlayFlexItemHighlightConfig
- type OverlayFlexNodeHighlightConfig
- type OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest
- type OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTestResult
- type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest
- type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestResult
- type OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest
- type OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestResult
- type OverlayGridHighlightConfig
- type OverlayGridNodeHighlightConfig
- type OverlayHideHighlight
- type OverlayHighlightConfig
- type OverlayHighlightFrame
- type OverlayHighlightNode
- type OverlayHighlightQuad
- type OverlayHighlightRect
- type OverlayHighlightSourceOrder
- type OverlayHingeConfig
- type OverlayInspectMode
- type OverlayInspectModeCanceled
- type OverlayInspectNodeRequested
- type OverlayIsolatedElementHighlightConfig
- type OverlayIsolationModeHighlightConfig
- type OverlayLineStyle
- type OverlayLineStylePattern
- type OverlayNodeHighlightRequested
- type OverlayScreenshotRequested
- type OverlayScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig
- type OverlayScrollSnapHighlightConfig
- type OverlaySetInspectMode
- type OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage
- type OverlaySetShowAdHighlights
- type OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays
- type OverlaySetShowDebugBorders
- type OverlaySetShowFPSCounter
- type OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays
- type OverlaySetShowGridOverlays
- type OverlaySetShowHinge
- type OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders
- type OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements
- type OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions
- type OverlaySetShowPaintRects
- type OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects
- type OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays
- type OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize
- type OverlaySetShowWebVitals
- type OverlaySourceOrderConfig
- type PageAdFrameExplanation
- type PageAdFrameStatus
- type PageAdFrameType
- type PageAdScriptID
- type PageAddCompilationCache
- type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad
- type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadResult
- type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
- type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentResult
- type PageAppManifestError
- type PageAppManifestParsedProperties
- type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation
- type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree
- type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason
- type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType
- type PageBackForwardCacheNotUsed
- type PageBringToFront
- type PageCaptureScreenshot
- type PageCaptureScreenshotFormat
- type PageCaptureScreenshotResult
- type PageCaptureSnapshot
- type PageCaptureSnapshotFormat
- type PageCaptureSnapshotResult
- type PageClearCompilationCache
- type PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride
- type PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride
- type PageClearGeolocationOverride
- type PageClientNavigationDisposition
- type PageClientNavigationReason
- type PageClose
- type PageCompilationCacheParams
- type PageCompilationCacheProduced
- type PageCrash
- type PageCreateIsolatedWorld
- type PageCreateIsolatedWorldResult
- type PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType
- type PageDeleteCookie
- type PageDialogType
- type PageDisable
- type PageDocumentOpened
- type PageDomContentEventFired
- type PageDownloadProgress
- type PageDownloadProgressState
- type PageDownloadWillBegin
- type PageEnable
- type PageFileChooserOpened
- type PageFileChooserOpenedMode
- type PageFontFamilies
- type PageFontSizes
- type PageFrame
- type PageFrameAttached
- type PageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation
- type PageFrameDetached
- type PageFrameDetachedReason
- type PageFrameID
- type PageFrameNavigated
- type PageFrameRequestedNavigation
- type PageFrameResized
- type PageFrameResource
- type PageFrameResourceTree
- type PageFrameScheduledNavigation
- type PageFrameStartedLoading
- type PageFrameStoppedLoading
- type PageFrameTree
- type PageGatedAPIFeatures
- type PageGenerateTestReport
- type PageGetAppID
- type PageGetAppIDResult
- type PageGetAppManifest
- type PageGetAppManifestResult
- type PageGetCookies
- type PageGetCookiesResult
- type PageGetFrameTree
- type PageGetFrameTreeResult
- type PageGetInstallabilityErrors
- type PageGetInstallabilityErrorsResult
- type PageGetLayoutMetrics
- type PageGetLayoutMetricsResult
- type PageGetManifestIcons
- type PageGetManifestIconsResult
- type PageGetNavigationHistory
- type PageGetNavigationHistoryResult
- type PageGetOriginTrials
- type PageGetOriginTrialsResult
- type PageGetPermissionsPolicyState
- type PageGetPermissionsPolicyStateResult
- type PageGetResourceContent
- type PageGetResourceContentResult
- type PageGetResourceTree
- type PageGetResourceTreeResult
- type PageHandleJavaScriptDialog
- type PageInstallabilityError
- type PageInstallabilityErrorArgument
- type PageInterstitialHidden
- type PageInterstitialShown
- type PageJavascriptDialogClosed
- type PageJavascriptDialogOpening
- type PageLayoutViewport
- type PageLifecycleEvent
- type PageLifecycleEventName
- type PageLoadEventFired
- type PageNavigate
- type PageNavigateResult
- type PageNavigateToHistoryEntry
- type PageNavigatedWithinDocument
- type PageNavigationEntry
- type PageNavigationType
- type PageOriginTrial
- type PageOriginTrialStatus
- type PageOriginTrialToken
- type PageOriginTrialTokenStatus
- type PageOriginTrialTokenWithStatus
- type PageOriginTrialUsageRestriction
- type PagePermissionsPolicyBlockLocator
- type PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason
- type PagePermissionsPolicyFeature
- type PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureState
- type PagePrerenderAttemptCompleted
- type PagePrerenderFinalStatus
- type PagePrintToPDF
- type PagePrintToPDFResult
- type PagePrintToPDFTransferMode
- type PageProduceCompilationCache
- type PageReferrerPolicy
- type PageReload
- type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad
- type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument
- type PageResetNavigationHistory
- type PageScreencastFrame
- type PageScreencastFrameAck
- type PageScreencastFrameMetadata
- type PageScreencastVisibilityChanged
- type PageScriptFontFamilies
- type PageScriptIdentifier
- type PageSearchInResource
- type PageSearchInResourceResult
- type PageSecureContextType
- type PageSetAdBlockingEnabled
- type PageSetBypassCSP
- type PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride
- type PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride
- type PageSetDocumentContent
- type PageSetDownloadBehavior
- type PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior
- type PageSetFontFamilies
- type PageSetFontSizes
- type PageSetGeolocationOverride
- type PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog
- type PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled
- type PageSetSPCTransactionMode
- type PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode
- type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled
- type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfiguration
- type PageSetWebLifecycleState
- type PageSetWebLifecycleStateState
- type PageStartScreencast
- type PageStartScreencastFormat
- type PageStopLoading
- type PageStopScreencast
- type PageTransitionType
- type PageViewport
- type PageVisualViewport
- type PageWaitForDebugger
- type PageWindowOpen
- type PerformanceDisable
- type PerformanceEnable
- type PerformanceEnableTimeDomain
- type PerformanceGetMetrics
- type PerformanceGetMetricsResult
- type PerformanceMetric
- type PerformanceMetrics
- type PerformanceSetTimeDomain
- type PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomain
- type PerformanceTimelineEnable
- type PerformanceTimelineLargestContentfulPaint
- type PerformanceTimelineLayoutShift
- type PerformanceTimelineLayoutShiftAttribution
- type PerformanceTimelineTimelineEvent
- type PerformanceTimelineTimelineEventAdded
- type Point
- type ProfilerConsoleProfileFinished
- type ProfilerConsoleProfileStarted
- type ProfilerCoverageRange
- type ProfilerDisable
- type ProfilerEnable
- type ProfilerFunctionCoverage
- type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage
- type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageResult
- type ProfilerPositionTickInfo
- type ProfilerPreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate
- type ProfilerProfile
- type ProfilerProfileNode
- type ProfilerScriptCoverage
- type ProfilerScriptTypeProfile
- type ProfilerSetSamplingInterval
- type ProfilerStart
- type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage
- type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageResult
- type ProfilerStartTypeProfile
- type ProfilerStop
- type ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage
- type ProfilerStopResult
- type ProfilerStopTypeProfile
- type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage
- type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageResult
- type ProfilerTakeTypeProfile
- type ProfilerTakeTypeProfileResult
- type ProfilerTypeObject
- type ProfilerTypeProfileEntry
- type Request
- type RuntimeAddBinding
- type RuntimeAwaitPromise
- type RuntimeAwaitPromiseResult
- type RuntimeBindingCalled
- type RuntimeCallArgument
- type RuntimeCallFrame
- type RuntimeCallFunctionOn
- type RuntimeCallFunctionOnResult
- type RuntimeCompileScript
- type RuntimeCompileScriptResult
- type RuntimeConsoleAPICalled
- type RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType
- type RuntimeCustomPreview
- type RuntimeDisable
- type RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries
- type RuntimeEnable
- type RuntimeEntryPreview
- type RuntimeEvaluate
- type RuntimeEvaluateResult
- type RuntimeExceptionDetails
- type RuntimeExceptionRevoked
- type RuntimeExceptionThrown
- type RuntimeExecutionContextCreated
- type RuntimeExecutionContextDescription
- type RuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed
- type RuntimeExecutionContextID
- type RuntimeExecutionContextsCleared
- type RuntimeGetExceptionDetails
- type RuntimeGetExceptionDetailsResult
- type RuntimeGetHeapUsage
- type RuntimeGetHeapUsageResult
- type RuntimeGetIsolateID
- type RuntimeGetIsolateIDResult
- type RuntimeGetProperties
- type RuntimeGetPropertiesResult
- type RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames
- type RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNamesResult
- type RuntimeInspectRequested
- type RuntimeInternalPropertyDescriptor
- type RuntimeObjectPreview
- type RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype
- type RuntimeObjectPreviewType
- type RuntimePrivatePropertyDescriptor
- type RuntimePropertyDescriptor
- type RuntimePropertyPreview
- type RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype
- type RuntimePropertyPreviewType
- type RuntimeQueryObjects
- type RuntimeQueryObjectsResult
- type RuntimeReleaseObject
- type RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup
- type RuntimeRemoteObject
- type RuntimeRemoteObjectID
- type RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype
- type RuntimeRemoteObjectType
- type RuntimeRemoveBinding
- type RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger
- type RuntimeRunScript
- type RuntimeRunScriptResult
- type RuntimeScriptID
- type RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth
- type RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled
- type RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture
- type RuntimeStackTrace
- type RuntimeStackTraceID
- type RuntimeTerminateExecution
- type RuntimeTimeDelta
- type RuntimeTimestamp
- type RuntimeUniqueDebuggerID
- type RuntimeUnserializableValue
- type RuntimeWebDriverValue
- type RuntimeWebDriverValueType
- type SchemaDomain
- type SchemaGetDomains
- type SchemaGetDomainsResult
- type SecurityCertificateError
- type SecurityCertificateErrorAction
- type SecurityCertificateID
- type SecurityCertificateSecurityState
- type SecurityDisable
- type SecurityEnable
- type SecurityHandleCertificateError
- type SecurityInsecureContentStatus
- type SecurityMixedContentType
- type SecuritySafetyTipInfo
- type SecuritySafetyTipStatus
- type SecuritySecurityState
- type SecuritySecurityStateChanged
- type SecuritySecurityStateExplanation
- type SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors
- type SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors
- type SecurityVisibleSecurityState
- type SecurityVisibleSecurityStateChanged
- type ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage
- type ServiceWorkerDisable
- type ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent
- type ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent
- type ServiceWorkerEnable
- type ServiceWorkerInspectWorker
- type ServiceWorkerRegistrationID
- type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerErrorMessage
- type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerRegistration
- type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersion
- type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus
- type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus
- type ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad
- type ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting
- type ServiceWorkerStartWorker
- type ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers
- type ServiceWorkerStopWorker
- type ServiceWorkerUnregister
- type ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration
- type ServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported
- type ServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated
- type ServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated
- type Sessionable
- type Shape
- type StorageCacheStorageContentUpdated
- type StorageCacheStorageListUpdated
- type StorageClearCookies
- type StorageClearDataForOrigin
- type StorageClearTrustTokens
- type StorageClearTrustTokensResult
- type StorageGetCookies
- type StorageGetCookiesResult
- type StorageGetInterestGroupDetails
- type StorageGetInterestGroupDetailsResult
- type StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame
- type StorageGetStorageKeyForFrameResult
- type StorageGetTrustTokens
- type StorageGetTrustTokensResult
- type StorageGetUsageAndQuota
- type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaResult
- type StorageIndexedDBContentUpdated
- type StorageIndexedDBListUpdated
- type StorageInterestGroupAccessType
- type StorageInterestGroupAccessed
- type StorageInterestGroupAd
- type StorageInterestGroupDetails
- type StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin
- type StorageSerializedStorageKey
- type StorageSetCookies
- type StorageSetInterestGroupTracking
- type StorageStorageType
- type StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin
- type StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin
- type StorageTrustTokens
- type StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin
- type StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin
- type StorageUsageForType
- type SystemInfoGPUDevice
- type SystemInfoGPUInfo
- type SystemInfoGetInfo
- type SystemInfoGetInfoResult
- type SystemInfoGetProcessInfo
- type SystemInfoGetProcessInfoResult
- type SystemInfoImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability
- type SystemInfoImageType
- type SystemInfoProcessInfo
- type SystemInfoSize
- type SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat
- type SystemInfoVideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability
- type SystemInfoVideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability
- type TargetActivateTarget
- type TargetAttachToBrowserTarget
- type TargetAttachToBrowserTargetResult
- type TargetAttachToTarget
- type TargetAttachToTargetResult
- type TargetAttachedToTarget
- type TargetAutoAttachRelated
- type TargetCloseTarget
- type TargetCloseTargetResult
- type TargetCreateBrowserContext
- type TargetCreateBrowserContextResult
- type TargetCreateTarget
- type TargetCreateTargetResult
- type TargetDetachFromTarget
- type TargetDetachedFromTarget
- type TargetDisposeBrowserContext
- type TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol
- type TargetGetBrowserContexts
- type TargetGetBrowserContextsResult
- type TargetGetTargetInfo
- type TargetGetTargetInfoResult
- type TargetGetTargets
- type TargetGetTargetsResult
- type TargetReceivedMessageFromTarget
- type TargetRemoteLocation
- type TargetSendMessageToTarget
- type TargetSessionID
- type TargetSetAutoAttach
- type TargetSetDiscoverTargets
- type TargetSetRemoteLocations
- type TargetTargetCrashed
- type TargetTargetCreated
- type TargetTargetDestroyed
- type TargetTargetID
- type TargetTargetInfo
- type TargetTargetInfoChanged
- type TargetTargetInfoType
- type TetheringAccepted
- type TetheringBind
- type TetheringUnbind
- type TimeSinceEpoch
- type TracingBufferUsage
- type TracingDataCollected
- type TracingEnd
- type TracingGetCategories
- type TracingGetCategoriesResult
- type TracingMemoryDumpConfig
- type TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail
- type TracingRecordClockSyncMarker
- type TracingRequestMemoryDump
- type TracingRequestMemoryDumpResult
- type TracingStart
- type TracingStartTransferMode
- type TracingStreamCompression
- type TracingStreamFormat
- type TracingTraceConfig
- type TracingTraceConfigRecordMode
- type TracingTracingBackend
- type TracingTracingComplete
- type WebAudioAudioListener
- type WebAudioAudioListenerCreated
- type WebAudioAudioListenerWillBeDestroyed
- type WebAudioAudioNode
- type WebAudioAudioNodeCreated
- type WebAudioAudioNodeWillBeDestroyed
- type WebAudioAudioParam
- type WebAudioAudioParamCreated
- type WebAudioAudioParamWillBeDestroyed
- type WebAudioAutomationRate
- type WebAudioBaseAudioContext
- type WebAudioChannelCountMode
- type WebAudioChannelInterpretation
- type WebAudioContextChanged
- type WebAudioContextCreated
- type WebAudioContextRealtimeData
- type WebAudioContextState
- type WebAudioContextType
- type WebAudioContextWillBeDestroyed
- type WebAudioDisable
- type WebAudioEnable
- type WebAudioGetRealtimeData
- type WebAudioGetRealtimeDataResult
- type WebAudioGraphObjectID
- type WebAudioNodeParamConnected
- type WebAudioNodeParamDisconnected
- type WebAudioNodeType
- type WebAudioNodesConnected
- type WebAudioNodesDisconnected
- type WebAudioParamType
- type WebAuthnAddCredential
- type WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator
- type WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticatorResult
- type WebAuthnAuthenticatorID
- type WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocol
- type WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport
- type WebAuthnClearCredentials
- type WebAuthnCredential
- type WebAuthnCtap2Version
- type WebAuthnDisable
- type WebAuthnEnable
- type WebAuthnGetCredential
- type WebAuthnGetCredentialResult
- type WebAuthnGetCredentials
- type WebAuthnGetCredentialsResult
- type WebAuthnRemoveCredential
- type WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator
- type WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation
- type WebAuthnSetUserVerified
- type WebAuthnVirtualAuthenticatorOptions
Constants ¶
const Version = "v1.3"
Version of cdp protocol
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func GetType ¶
GetType from method name of this package, such as proto.GetType("Page.enable") will return the type of proto.PageEnable
func ParseMethodName ¶
ParseMethodName to domain and name
func PatternToReg ¶
PatternToReg FetchRequestPattern.URLPattern to regular expression
Types ¶
type AccessibilityAXNode ¶
type AccessibilityAXNode struct { // NodeID Unique identifier for this node. NodeID AccessibilityAXNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Ignored Whether this node is ignored for accessibility Ignored bool `json:"ignored"` // IgnoredReasons (optional) Collection of reasons why this node is hidden. IgnoredReasons []*AccessibilityAXProperty `json:"ignoredReasons,omitempty"` // Role (optional) This `Node`'s role, whether explicit or implicit. Role *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"role,omitempty"` // Name (optional) The accessible name for this `Node`. Name *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"name,omitempty"` // Description (optional) The accessible description for this `Node`. Description *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"description,omitempty"` // Value (optional) The value for this `Node`. Value *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"value,omitempty"` // Properties (optional) All other properties Properties []*AccessibilityAXProperty `json:"properties,omitempty"` // ParentID (optional) ID for this node's parent. ParentID AccessibilityAXNodeID `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // ChildIds (optional) IDs for each of this node's child nodes. ChildIds []AccessibilityAXNodeID `json:"childIds,omitempty"` // BackendDOMNodeID (optional) The backend ID for the associated DOM node, if any. BackendDOMNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendDOMNodeId,omitempty"` // FrameID (optional) The frame ID for the frame associated with this nodes document. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityAXNode A node in the accessibility tree.
type AccessibilityAXNodeID ¶
type AccessibilityAXNodeID string
AccessibilityAXNodeID Unique accessibility node identifier.
type AccessibilityAXProperty ¶
type AccessibilityAXProperty struct { // Name The name of this property. Name AccessibilityAXPropertyName `json:"name"` // Value The value of this property. Value *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"value"` }
AccessibilityAXProperty ...
type AccessibilityAXPropertyName ¶
type AccessibilityAXPropertyName string
AccessibilityAXPropertyName Values of AXProperty name: - from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node - from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions - from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets - from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets - from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.
const ( // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameBusy enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameBusy AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "busy" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameDisabled enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameDisabled AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "disabled" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameEditable enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameEditable AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "editable" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameFocusable enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameFocusable AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "focusable" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameFocused enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameFocused AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "focused" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameHidden enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameHidden AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "hidden" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameHiddenRoot enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameHiddenRoot AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "hiddenRoot" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameInvalid enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameInvalid AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "invalid" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameKeyshortcuts enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameKeyshortcuts AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "keyshortcuts" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameSettable enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameSettable AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "settable" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRoledescription enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRoledescription AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "roledescription" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameLive enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameLive AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "live" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameAtomic enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameAtomic AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "atomic" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRelevant enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRelevant AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "relevant" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRoot enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRoot AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "root" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameAutocomplete enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameAutocomplete AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "autocomplete" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameHasPopup enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameHasPopup AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "hasPopup" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameLevel enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameLevel AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "level" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameMultiselectable enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameMultiselectable AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "multiselectable" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameOrientation enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameOrientation AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "orientation" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameMultiline enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameMultiline AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "multiline" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameReadonly enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameReadonly AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "readonly" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRequired enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameRequired AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "required" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameValuemin enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameValuemin AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "valuemin" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameValuemax enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameValuemax AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "valuemax" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameValuetext enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameValuetext AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "valuetext" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameChecked enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameChecked AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "checked" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameExpanded enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameExpanded AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "expanded" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameModal enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameModal AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "modal" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNamePressed enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNamePressed AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "pressed" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameSelected enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameSelected AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "selected" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameActivedescendant enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameActivedescendant AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "activedescendant" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameControls enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameControls AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "controls" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameDescribedby enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameDescribedby AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "describedby" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameDetails enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameDetails AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "details" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameErrormessage enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameErrormessage AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "errormessage" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameFlowto enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameFlowto AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "flowto" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameLabelledby enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameLabelledby AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "labelledby" // AccessibilityAXPropertyNameOwns enum const AccessibilityAXPropertyNameOwns AccessibilityAXPropertyName = "owns" )
type AccessibilityAXRelatedNode ¶
type AccessibilityAXRelatedNode struct { // BackendDOMNodeID The BackendNodeId of the related DOM node. BackendDOMNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendDOMNodeId"` // Idref (optional) The IDRef value provided, if any. Idref string `json:"idref,omitempty"` // Text (optional) The text alternative of this node in the current context. Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityAXRelatedNode ...
type AccessibilityAXValue ¶
type AccessibilityAXValue struct { // Type The type of this value. Type AccessibilityAXValueType `json:"type"` // Value (optional) The computed value of this property. Value gson.JSON `json:"value,omitempty"` // RelatedNodes (optional) One or more related nodes, if applicable. RelatedNodes []*AccessibilityAXRelatedNode `json:"relatedNodes,omitempty"` // Sources (optional) The sources which contributed to the computation of this property. Sources []*AccessibilityAXValueSource `json:"sources,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityAXValue A single computed AX property.
type AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType ¶
type AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType string
AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType).
const ( // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeDescription enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeDescription AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "description" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeFigcaption enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeFigcaption AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "figcaption" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLabel enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLabel AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "label" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLabelfor enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLabelfor AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "labelfor" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLabelwrapped enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLabelwrapped AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "labelwrapped" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLegend enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeLegend AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "legend" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeRubyannotation enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeRubyannotation AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "rubyannotation" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeTablecaption enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeTablecaption AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "tablecaption" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeTitle enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeTitle AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "title" // AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeOther enum const AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceTypeOther AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType = "other" )
type AccessibilityAXValueSource ¶
type AccessibilityAXValueSource struct { // Type What type of source this is. Type AccessibilityAXValueSourceType `json:"type"` // Value (optional) The value of this property source. Value *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"value,omitempty"` // Attribute (optional) The name of the relevant attribute, if any. Attribute string `json:"attribute,omitempty"` // AttributeValue (optional) The value of the relevant attribute, if any. AttributeValue *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"attributeValue,omitempty"` // Superseded (optional) Whether this source is superseded by a higher priority source. Superseded bool `json:"superseded,omitempty"` // NativeSource (optional) The native markup source for this value, e.g. a <label> element. NativeSource AccessibilityAXValueNativeSourceType `json:"nativeSource,omitempty"` // NativeSourceValue (optional) The value, such as a node or node list, of the native source. NativeSourceValue *AccessibilityAXValue `json:"nativeSourceValue,omitempty"` // Invalid (optional) Whether the value for this property is invalid. Invalid bool `json:"invalid,omitempty"` // InvalidReason (optional) Reason for the value being invalid, if it is. InvalidReason string `json:"invalidReason,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityAXValueSource A single source for a computed AX property.
type AccessibilityAXValueSourceType ¶
type AccessibilityAXValueSourceType string
AccessibilityAXValueSourceType Enum of possible property sources.
const ( // AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeAttribute enum const AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeAttribute AccessibilityAXValueSourceType = "attribute" // AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeImplicit enum const AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeImplicit AccessibilityAXValueSourceType = "implicit" // AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeStyle enum const AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeStyle AccessibilityAXValueSourceType = "style" // AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeContents enum const AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeContents AccessibilityAXValueSourceType = "contents" // AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypePlaceholder enum const AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypePlaceholder AccessibilityAXValueSourceType = "placeholder" // AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeRelatedElement enum const AccessibilityAXValueSourceTypeRelatedElement AccessibilityAXValueSourceType = "relatedElement" )
type AccessibilityAXValueType ¶
type AccessibilityAXValueType string
AccessibilityAXValueType Enum of possible property types.
const ( // AccessibilityAXValueTypeBoolean enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeBoolean AccessibilityAXValueType = "boolean" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeTristate enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeTristate AccessibilityAXValueType = "tristate" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeBooleanOrUndefined enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeBooleanOrUndefined AccessibilityAXValueType = "booleanOrUndefined" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeIdref enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeIdref AccessibilityAXValueType = "idref" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeIdrefList enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeIdrefList AccessibilityAXValueType = "idrefList" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeInteger enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeInteger AccessibilityAXValueType = "integer" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeNode enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeNode AccessibilityAXValueType = "node" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeNodeList enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeNodeList AccessibilityAXValueType = "nodeList" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeNumber enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeNumber AccessibilityAXValueType = "number" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeString enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeString AccessibilityAXValueType = "string" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeComputedString enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeComputedString AccessibilityAXValueType = "computedString" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeToken enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeToken AccessibilityAXValueType = "token" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeTokenList enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeTokenList AccessibilityAXValueType = "tokenList" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeDomRelation enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeDomRelation AccessibilityAXValueType = "domRelation" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeRole enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeRole AccessibilityAXValueType = "role" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeInternalRole enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeInternalRole AccessibilityAXValueType = "internalRole" // AccessibilityAXValueTypeValueUndefined enum const AccessibilityAXValueTypeValueUndefined AccessibilityAXValueType = "valueUndefined" )
type AccessibilityDisable ¶
type AccessibilityDisable struct { }
AccessibilityDisable Disables the accessibility domain.
func (AccessibilityDisable) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (AccessibilityDisable) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AccessibilityDisable) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AccessibilityEnable ¶
type AccessibilityEnable struct { }
AccessibilityEnable Enables the accessibility domain which causes `AXNodeId`s to remain consistent between method calls. This turns on accessibility for the page, which can impact performance until accessibility is disabled.
func (AccessibilityEnable) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors ¶
type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node to get. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node to get. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper to get. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors (experimental) Fetches a node and all ancestors up to and including the root. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
func (AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors) Call(c Client) (*AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestorsResult, error)
Call the request
func (AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestors) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestorsResult ¶
type AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestorsResult struct { // Nodes ... Nodes []*AccessibilityAXNode `json:"nodes"` }
AccessibilityGetAXNodeAndAncestorsResult (experimental) ...
type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes ¶
type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes struct { // ID ... ID AccessibilityAXNodeID `json:"id"` // FrameID (optional) The frame in whose document the node resides. // If omitted, the root frame is used. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes (experimental) Fetches a particular accessibility node by AXNodeId. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
func (AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes) Call(c Client) (*AccessibilityGetChildAXNodesResult, error)
Call the request
func (AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetChildAXNodes) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodesResult ¶
type AccessibilityGetChildAXNodesResult struct { // Nodes ... Nodes []*AccessibilityAXNode `json:"nodes"` }
AccessibilityGetChildAXNodesResult (experimental) ...
type AccessibilityGetFullAXTree ¶
type AccessibilityGetFullAXTree struct { // Depth (optional) The maximum depth at which descendants of the root node should be retrieved. // If omitted, the full tree is returned. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // FrameID (optional) The frame for whose document the AX tree should be retrieved. // If omitted, the root frame is used. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityGetFullAXTree (experimental) Fetches the entire accessibility tree for the root Document
func (AccessibilityGetFullAXTree) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetFullAXTree) Call(c Client) (*AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResult, error)
Call the request
func (AccessibilityGetFullAXTree) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetFullAXTree) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResult ¶
type AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResult struct { // Nodes ... Nodes []*AccessibilityAXNode `json:"nodes"` }
AccessibilityGetFullAXTreeResult (experimental) ...
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree ¶
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node to get the partial accessibility tree for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node to get the partial accessibility tree for. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper to get the partial accessibility tree for. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // FetchRelatives (optional) Whether to fetch this nodes ancestors, siblings and children. Defaults to true. FetchRelatives bool `json:"fetchRelatives,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree (experimental) Fetches the accessibility node and partial accessibility tree for this DOM node, if it exists.
func (AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree) Call(c Client) (*AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeResult, error)
Call the request
func (AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetPartialAXTree) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeResult ¶
type AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeResult struct { // Nodes The `Accessibility.AXNode` for this DOM node, if it exists, plus its ancestors, siblings and // children, if requested. Nodes []*AccessibilityAXNode `json:"nodes"` }
AccessibilityGetPartialAXTreeResult (experimental) ...
type AccessibilityGetRootAXNode ¶
type AccessibilityGetRootAXNode struct { // FrameID (optional) The frame in whose document the node resides. // If omitted, the root frame is used. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityGetRootAXNode (experimental) Fetches the root node. Requires `enable()` to have been called previously.
func (AccessibilityGetRootAXNode) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetRootAXNode) Call(c Client) (*AccessibilityGetRootAXNodeResult, error)
Call the request
func (AccessibilityGetRootAXNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AccessibilityGetRootAXNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AccessibilityGetRootAXNodeResult ¶
type AccessibilityGetRootAXNodeResult struct { // Node ... Node *AccessibilityAXNode `json:"node"` }
AccessibilityGetRootAXNodeResult (experimental) ...
type AccessibilityLoadComplete ¶
type AccessibilityLoadComplete struct { // Root New document root node. Root *AccessibilityAXNode `json:"root"` }
AccessibilityLoadComplete (experimental) The loadComplete event mirrors the load complete event sent by the browser to assistive technology when the web page has finished loading.
func (AccessibilityLoadComplete) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt AccessibilityLoadComplete) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type AccessibilityNodesUpdated ¶
type AccessibilityNodesUpdated struct { // Nodes Updated node data. Nodes []*AccessibilityAXNode `json:"nodes"` }
AccessibilityNodesUpdated (experimental) The nodesUpdated event is sent every time a previously requested node has changed the in tree.
func (AccessibilityNodesUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt AccessibilityNodesUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type AccessibilityQueryAXTree ¶
type AccessibilityQueryAXTree struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node for the root to query. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node for the root to query. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper for the root to query. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // AccessibleName (optional) Find nodes with this computed name. AccessibleName string `json:"accessibleName,omitempty"` // Role (optional) Find nodes with this computed role. Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` }
AccessibilityQueryAXTree (experimental) Query a DOM node's accessibility subtree for accessible name and role. This command computes the name and role for all nodes in the subtree, including those that are ignored for accessibility, and returns those that mactch the specified name and role. If no DOM node is specified, or the DOM node does not exist, the command returns an error. If neither `accessibleName` or `role` is specified, it returns all the accessibility nodes in the subtree.
func (AccessibilityQueryAXTree) Call ¶
func (m AccessibilityQueryAXTree) Call(c Client) (*AccessibilityQueryAXTreeResult, error)
Call the request
func (AccessibilityQueryAXTree) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AccessibilityQueryAXTree) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AccessibilityQueryAXTreeResult ¶
type AccessibilityQueryAXTreeResult struct { // Nodes A list of `Accessibility.AXNode` matching the specified attributes, // including nodes that are ignored for accessibility. Nodes []*AccessibilityAXNode `json:"nodes"` }
AccessibilityQueryAXTreeResult (experimental) ...
type AnimationAnimation ¶
type AnimationAnimation struct { // ID `Animation`'s id. ID string `json:"id"` // Name `Animation`'s name. Name string `json:"name"` // PausedState `Animation`'s internal paused state. PausedState bool `json:"pausedState"` // PlayState `Animation`'s play state. PlayState string `json:"playState"` // PlaybackRate `Animation`'s playback rate. PlaybackRate float64 `json:"playbackRate"` // StartTime `Animation`'s start time. StartTime float64 `json:"startTime"` // CurrentTime `Animation`'s current time. CurrentTime float64 `json:"currentTime"` // Type Animation type of `Animation`. Type AnimationAnimationType `json:"type"` // Source (optional) `Animation`'s source animation node. Source *AnimationAnimationEffect `json:"source,omitempty"` // CSSID (optional) A unique ID for `Animation` representing the sources that triggered this CSS // animation/transition. CSSID string `json:"cssId,omitempty"` }
AnimationAnimation Animation instance.
type AnimationAnimationCanceled ¶
type AnimationAnimationCanceled struct { // ID Id of the animation that was cancelled. ID string `json:"id"` }
AnimationAnimationCanceled Event for when an animation has been cancelled.
func (AnimationAnimationCanceled) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt AnimationAnimationCanceled) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type AnimationAnimationCreated ¶
type AnimationAnimationCreated struct { // ID Id of the animation that was created. ID string `json:"id"` }
AnimationAnimationCreated Event for each animation that has been created.
func (AnimationAnimationCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt AnimationAnimationCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type AnimationAnimationEffect ¶
type AnimationAnimationEffect struct { // Delay `AnimationEffect`'s delay. Delay float64 `json:"delay"` // EndDelay `AnimationEffect`'s end delay. EndDelay float64 `json:"endDelay"` // IterationStart `AnimationEffect`'s iteration start. IterationStart float64 `json:"iterationStart"` // Iterations `AnimationEffect`'s iterations. Iterations float64 `json:"iterations"` // Duration `AnimationEffect`'s iteration duration. Duration float64 `json:"duration"` // Direction `AnimationEffect`'s playback direction. Direction string `json:"direction"` // Fill `AnimationEffect`'s fill mode. Fill string `json:"fill"` // BackendNodeID (optional) `AnimationEffect`'s target node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // KeyframesRule (optional) `AnimationEffect`'s keyframes. KeyframesRule *AnimationKeyframesRule `json:"keyframesRule,omitempty"` // Easing `AnimationEffect`'s timing function. Easing string `json:"easing"` }
AnimationAnimationEffect AnimationEffect instance
type AnimationAnimationStarted ¶
type AnimationAnimationStarted struct { // Animation Animation that was started. Animation *AnimationAnimation `json:"animation"` }
AnimationAnimationStarted Event for animation that has been started.
func (AnimationAnimationStarted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt AnimationAnimationStarted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type AnimationAnimationType ¶
type AnimationAnimationType string
AnimationAnimationType enum
const ( // AnimationAnimationTypeCSSTransition enum const AnimationAnimationTypeCSSTransition AnimationAnimationType = "CSSTransition" // AnimationAnimationTypeCSSAnimation enum const AnimationAnimationTypeCSSAnimation AnimationAnimationType = "CSSAnimation" // AnimationAnimationTypeWebAnimation enum const AnimationAnimationTypeWebAnimation AnimationAnimationType = "WebAnimation" )
type AnimationDisable ¶
type AnimationDisable struct { }
AnimationDisable Disables animation domain notifications.
func (AnimationDisable) Call ¶
func (m AnimationDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type AnimationEnable ¶
type AnimationEnable struct { }
AnimationEnable Enables animation domain notifications.
type AnimationGetCurrentTime ¶
type AnimationGetCurrentTime struct { // ID Id of animation. ID string `json:"id"` }
AnimationGetCurrentTime Returns the current time of the an animation.
func (AnimationGetCurrentTime) Call ¶
func (m AnimationGetCurrentTime) Call(c Client) (*AnimationGetCurrentTimeResult, error)
Call the request
func (AnimationGetCurrentTime) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AnimationGetCurrentTime) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AnimationGetCurrentTimeResult ¶
type AnimationGetCurrentTimeResult struct { // CurrentTime Current time of the page. CurrentTime float64 `json:"currentTime"` }
AnimationGetCurrentTimeResult ...
type AnimationGetPlaybackRate ¶
type AnimationGetPlaybackRate struct { }
AnimationGetPlaybackRate Gets the playback rate of the document timeline.
func (AnimationGetPlaybackRate) Call ¶
func (m AnimationGetPlaybackRate) Call(c Client) (*AnimationGetPlaybackRateResult, error)
Call the request
func (AnimationGetPlaybackRate) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AnimationGetPlaybackRate) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AnimationGetPlaybackRateResult ¶
type AnimationGetPlaybackRateResult struct { // PlaybackRate Playback rate for animations on page. PlaybackRate float64 `json:"playbackRate"` }
AnimationGetPlaybackRateResult ...
type AnimationKeyframeStyle ¶
type AnimationKeyframeStyle struct { // Offset Keyframe's time offset. Offset string `json:"offset"` // Easing `AnimationEffect`'s timing function. Easing string `json:"easing"` }
AnimationKeyframeStyle Keyframe Style
type AnimationKeyframesRule ¶
type AnimationKeyframesRule struct { // Name (optional) CSS keyframed animation's name. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Keyframes List of animation keyframes. Keyframes []*AnimationKeyframeStyle `json:"keyframes"` }
AnimationKeyframesRule Keyframes Rule
type AnimationReleaseAnimations ¶
type AnimationReleaseAnimations struct { // Animations List of animation ids to seek. Animations []string `json:"animations"` }
AnimationReleaseAnimations Releases a set of animations to no longer be manipulated.
func (AnimationReleaseAnimations) Call ¶
func (m AnimationReleaseAnimations) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (AnimationReleaseAnimations) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AnimationReleaseAnimations) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AnimationResolveAnimation ¶
type AnimationResolveAnimation struct { // AnimationID Animation id. AnimationID string `json:"animationId"` }
AnimationResolveAnimation Gets the remote object of the Animation.
func (AnimationResolveAnimation) Call ¶
func (m AnimationResolveAnimation) Call(c Client) (*AnimationResolveAnimationResult, error)
Call the request
func (AnimationResolveAnimation) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AnimationResolveAnimation) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AnimationResolveAnimationResult ¶
type AnimationResolveAnimationResult struct { // RemoteObject Corresponding remote object. RemoteObject *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"remoteObject"` }
AnimationResolveAnimationResult ...
type AnimationSeekAnimations ¶
type AnimationSeekAnimations struct { // Animations List of animation ids to seek. Animations []string `json:"animations"` // CurrentTime Set the current time of each animation. CurrentTime float64 `json:"currentTime"` }
AnimationSeekAnimations Seek a set of animations to a particular time within each animation.
func (AnimationSeekAnimations) Call ¶
func (m AnimationSeekAnimations) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (AnimationSeekAnimations) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AnimationSeekAnimations) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AnimationSetPaused ¶
type AnimationSetPaused struct { // Animations Animations to set the pause state of. Animations []string `json:"animations"` // Paused Paused state to set to. Paused bool `json:"paused"` }
AnimationSetPaused Sets the paused state of a set of animations.
func (AnimationSetPaused) Call ¶
func (m AnimationSetPaused) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type AnimationSetPlaybackRate ¶
type AnimationSetPlaybackRate struct { // PlaybackRate Playback rate for animations on page PlaybackRate float64 `json:"playbackRate"` }
AnimationSetPlaybackRate Sets the playback rate of the document timeline.
func (AnimationSetPlaybackRate) Call ¶
func (m AnimationSetPlaybackRate) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (AnimationSetPlaybackRate) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AnimationSetPlaybackRate) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AnimationSetTiming ¶
type AnimationSetTiming struct { // AnimationID Animation id. AnimationID string `json:"animationId"` // Duration Duration of the animation. Duration float64 `json:"duration"` // Delay Delay of the animation. Delay float64 `json:"delay"` }
AnimationSetTiming Sets the timing of an animation node.
func (AnimationSetTiming) Call ¶
func (m AnimationSetTiming) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type AuditsAffectedCookie ¶
type AuditsAffectedCookie struct { // Name The following three properties uniquely identify a cookie Name string `json:"name"` // Path ... Path string `json:"path"` // Domain ... Domain string `json:"domain"` }
AuditsAffectedCookie Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issue.
type AuditsAffectedFrame ¶
type AuditsAffectedFrame struct { // FrameID ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
AuditsAffectedFrame Information about the frame affected by an inspector issue.
type AuditsAffectedRequest ¶
type AuditsAffectedRequest struct { // RequestID The unique request id. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // URL (optional) ... URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` }
AuditsAffectedRequest Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issue.
type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueDetails struct { // ViolationType ... ViolationType AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType `json:"violationType"` // Frame (optional) ... Frame *AuditsAffectedFrame `json:"frame,omitempty"` // Request (optional) ... Request *AuditsAffectedRequest `json:"request,omitempty"` // ViolatingNodeID (optional) ... ViolatingNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"violatingNodeId,omitempty"` // InvalidParameter (optional) ... InvalidParameter string `json:"invalidParameter,omitempty"` }
AuditsAttributionReportingIssueDetails Details for issues around "Attribution Reporting API" usage. Explainer:
type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType ¶
type AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType string
AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType ...
const ( // AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypePermissionPolicyDisabled enum const AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypePermissionPolicyDisabled AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType = "PermissionPolicyDisabled" // AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypeAttributionSourceUntrustworthyOrigin enum const AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypeAttributionSourceUntrustworthyOrigin AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType = "AttributionSourceUntrustworthyOrigin" // AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypeAttributionUntrustworthyOrigin enum const AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypeAttributionUntrustworthyOrigin AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType = "AttributionUntrustworthyOrigin" // AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypeInvalidHeader enum const AuditsAttributionReportingIssueTypeInvalidHeader AuditsAttributionReportingIssueType = "InvalidHeader" )
type AuditsBlockedByResponseIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsBlockedByResponseIssueDetails struct { // Request ... Request *AuditsAffectedRequest `json:"request"` // ParentFrame (optional) ... ParentFrame *AuditsAffectedFrame `json:"parentFrame,omitempty"` // BlockedFrame (optional) ... BlockedFrame *AuditsAffectedFrame `json:"blockedFrame,omitempty"` // Reason ... Reason AuditsBlockedByResponseReason `json:"reason"` }
AuditsBlockedByResponseIssueDetails Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE code. Currently only used for COEP/COOP, but may be extended to include some CSP errors in the future.
type AuditsBlockedByResponseReason ¶
type AuditsBlockedByResponseReason string
AuditsBlockedByResponseReason Enum indicating the reason a response has been blocked. These reasons are refinements of the net error BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.
const ( // AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCoepFrameResourceNeedsCoepHeader enum const AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCoepFrameResourceNeedsCoepHeader AuditsBlockedByResponseReason = "CoepFrameResourceNeedsCoepHeader" AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCoopSandboxedIFrameCannotNavigateToCoopPage AuditsBlockedByResponseReason = "CoopSandboxedIFrameCannotNavigateToCoopPage" // AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCorpNotSameOrigin enum const AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCorpNotSameOrigin AuditsBlockedByResponseReason = "CorpNotSameOrigin" // AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCorpNotSameOriginAfterDefaultedToSameOriginByCoep enum const AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCorpNotSameOriginAfterDefaultedToSameOriginByCoep AuditsBlockedByResponseReason = "CorpNotSameOriginAfterDefaultedToSameOriginByCoep" // AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCorpNotSameSite enum const AuditsBlockedByResponseReasonCorpNotSameSite AuditsBlockedByResponseReason = "CorpNotSameSite" )
type AuditsCheckContrast ¶
type AuditsCheckContrast struct { // ReportAAA (optional) Whether to report WCAG AAA level issues. Default is false. ReportAAA bool `json:"reportAAA,omitempty"` }
AuditsCheckContrast Runs the contrast check for the target page. Found issues are reported using Audits.issueAdded event.
func (AuditsCheckContrast) Call ¶
func (m AuditsCheckContrast) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type AuditsClientHintIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsClientHintIssueDetails struct { // SourceCodeLocation ... SourceCodeLocation *AuditsSourceCodeLocation `json:"sourceCodeLocation"` // ClientHintIssueReason ... ClientHintIssueReason AuditsClientHintIssueReason `json:"clientHintIssueReason"` }
AuditsClientHintIssueDetails This issue tracks client hints related issues. It's used to deprecate old features, encourage the use of new ones, and provide general guidance.
type AuditsClientHintIssueReason ¶
type AuditsClientHintIssueReason string
AuditsClientHintIssueReason ...
const ( // AuditsClientHintIssueReasonMetaTagAllowListInvalidOrigin enum const AuditsClientHintIssueReasonMetaTagAllowListInvalidOrigin AuditsClientHintIssueReason = "MetaTagAllowListInvalidOrigin" // AuditsClientHintIssueReasonMetaTagModifiedHTML enum const AuditsClientHintIssueReasonMetaTagModifiedHTML AuditsClientHintIssueReason = "MetaTagModifiedHTML" )
type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails struct { // BlockedURL (optional) The url not included in allowed sources. BlockedURL string `json:"blockedURL,omitempty"` // ViolatedDirective Specific directive that is violated, causing the CSP issue. ViolatedDirective string `json:"violatedDirective"` // IsReportOnly ... IsReportOnly bool `json:"isReportOnly"` // ContentSecurityPolicyViolationType ... ContentSecurityPolicyViolationType AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType `json:"contentSecurityPolicyViolationType"` // FrameAncestor (optional) ... FrameAncestor *AuditsAffectedFrame `json:"frameAncestor,omitempty"` // SourceCodeLocation (optional) ... SourceCodeLocation *AuditsSourceCodeLocation `json:"sourceCodeLocation,omitempty"` // ViolatingNodeID (optional) ... ViolatingNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"violatingNodeId,omitempty"` }
AuditsContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails ...
type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType ¶
type AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType string
AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType ...
const ( // AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKInlineViolation enum const AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKInlineViolation AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType = "kInlineViolation" // AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKEvalViolation enum const AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKEvalViolation AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType = "kEvalViolation" // AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKURLViolation enum const AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKURLViolation AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType = "kURLViolation" // AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKTrustedTypesSinkViolation enum const AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKTrustedTypesSinkViolation AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType = "kTrustedTypesSinkViolation" // AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKTrustedTypesPolicyViolation enum const AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKTrustedTypesPolicyViolation AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType = "kTrustedTypesPolicyViolation" // AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKWasmEvalViolation enum const AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationTypeKWasmEvalViolation AuditsContentSecurityPolicyViolationType = "kWasmEvalViolation" )
type AuditsCookieExclusionReason ¶
type AuditsCookieExclusionReason string
AuditsCookieExclusionReason ...
const ( // AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax enum const AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax AuditsCookieExclusionReason = "ExcludeSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax" // AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteNoneInsecure enum const AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteNoneInsecure AuditsCookieExclusionReason = "ExcludeSameSiteNoneInsecure" // AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteLax enum const AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteLax AuditsCookieExclusionReason = "ExcludeSameSiteLax" // AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteStrict enum const AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSameSiteStrict AuditsCookieExclusionReason = "ExcludeSameSiteStrict" // AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeInvalidSameParty enum const AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeInvalidSameParty AuditsCookieExclusionReason = "ExcludeInvalidSameParty" // AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSamePartyCrossPartyContext enum const AuditsCookieExclusionReasonExcludeSamePartyCrossPartyContext AuditsCookieExclusionReason = "ExcludeSamePartyCrossPartyContext" )
type AuditsCookieIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsCookieIssueDetails struct { // Cookie (optional) If AffectedCookie is not set then rawCookieLine contains the raw // Set-Cookie header string. This hints at a problem where the // cookie line is syntactically or semantically malformed in a way // that no valid cookie could be created. Cookie *AuditsAffectedCookie `json:"cookie,omitempty"` // RawCookieLine (optional) ... RawCookieLine string `json:"rawCookieLine,omitempty"` // CookieWarningReasons ... CookieWarningReasons []AuditsCookieWarningReason `json:"cookieWarningReasons"` // CookieExclusionReasons ... CookieExclusionReasons []AuditsCookieExclusionReason `json:"cookieExclusionReasons"` // Operation Optionally identifies the site-for-cookies and the cookie url, which // may be used by the front-end as additional context. Operation AuditsCookieOperation `json:"operation"` // SiteForCookies (optional) ... SiteForCookies string `json:"siteForCookies,omitempty"` // CookieURL (optional) ... CookieURL string `json:"cookieUrl,omitempty"` // Request (optional) ... Request *AuditsAffectedRequest `json:"request,omitempty"` }
AuditsCookieIssueDetails This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult time finding a specific cookie. With this, we can convey specific error information without the cookie.
type AuditsCookieOperation ¶
type AuditsCookieOperation string
AuditsCookieOperation ...
const ( // AuditsCookieOperationSetCookie enum const AuditsCookieOperationSetCookie AuditsCookieOperation = "SetCookie" // AuditsCookieOperationReadCookie enum const AuditsCookieOperationReadCookie AuditsCookieOperation = "ReadCookie" )
type AuditsCookieWarningReason ¶
type AuditsCookieWarningReason string
AuditsCookieWarningReason ...
const ( // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteUnspecifiedCrossSiteContext enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteUnspecifiedCrossSiteContext AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteUnspecifiedCrossSiteContext" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteNoneInsecure enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteNoneInsecure AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteNoneInsecure" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteUnspecifiedLaxAllowUnsafe enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteUnspecifiedLaxAllowUnsafe AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteUnspecifiedLaxAllowUnsafe" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteStrictLaxDowngradeStrict enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteStrictLaxDowngradeStrict AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteStrictLaxDowngradeStrict" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeStrict enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeStrict AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeStrict" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeLax enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeLax AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteStrictCrossDowngradeLax" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeStrict enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeStrict AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeStrict" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeLax enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeLax AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnSameSiteLaxCrossDowngradeLax" // AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnAttributeValueExceedsMaxSize enum const AuditsCookieWarningReasonWarnAttributeValueExceedsMaxSize AuditsCookieWarningReason = "WarnAttributeValueExceedsMaxSize" )
type AuditsCorsIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsCorsIssueDetails struct { // CorsErrorStatus ... CorsErrorStatus *NetworkCorsErrorStatus `json:"corsErrorStatus"` // IsWarning ... IsWarning bool `json:"isWarning"` // Request ... Request *AuditsAffectedRequest `json:"request"` // Location (optional) ... Location *AuditsSourceCodeLocation `json:"location,omitempty"` // InitiatorOrigin (optional) ... InitiatorOrigin string `json:"initiatorOrigin,omitempty"` // ResourceIPAddressSpace (optional) ... ResourceIPAddressSpace NetworkIPAddressSpace `json:"resourceIPAddressSpace,omitempty"` // ClientSecurityState (optional) ... ClientSecurityState *NetworkClientSecurityState `json:"clientSecurityState,omitempty"` }
AuditsCorsIssueDetails Details for a CORS related issue, e.g. a warning or error related to CORS RFC1918 enforcement.
type AuditsDeprecationIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsDeprecationIssueDetails struct { // AffectedFrame (optional) ... AffectedFrame *AuditsAffectedFrame `json:"affectedFrame,omitempty"` // SourceCodeLocation ... SourceCodeLocation *AuditsSourceCodeLocation `json:"sourceCodeLocation"` // Type ... Type AuditsDeprecationIssueType `json:"type"` }
AuditsDeprecationIssueDetails This issue tracks information needed to print a deprecation message.
type AuditsDeprecationIssueType ¶
type AuditsDeprecationIssueType string
AuditsDeprecationIssueType ...
const ( // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeAuthorizationCoveredByWildcard enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeAuthorizationCoveredByWildcard AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "AuthorizationCoveredByWildcard" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCanRequestURLHTTPContainingNewline enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCanRequestURLHTTPContainingNewline AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "CanRequestURLHTTPContainingNewline" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeChromeLoadTimesConnectionInfo enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeChromeLoadTimesConnectionInfo AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "ChromeLoadTimesConnectionInfo" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeChromeLoadTimesFirstPaintAfterLoadTime enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeChromeLoadTimesFirstPaintAfterLoadTime AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "ChromeLoadTimesFirstPaintAfterLoadTime" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeChromeLoadTimesWasAlternateProtocolAvailable enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeChromeLoadTimesWasAlternateProtocolAvailable AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "ChromeLoadTimesWasAlternateProtocolAvailable" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCookieWithTruncatingChar enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCookieWithTruncatingChar AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "CookieWithTruncatingChar" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCrossOriginAccessBasedOnDocumentDomain enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCrossOriginAccessBasedOnDocumentDomain AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "CrossOriginAccessBasedOnDocumentDomain" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCrossOriginWindowAlert enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCrossOriginWindowAlert AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "CrossOriginWindowAlert" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCrossOriginWindowConfirm enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCrossOriginWindowConfirm AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "CrossOriginWindowConfirm" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCSSSelectorInternalMediaControlsOverlayCastButton enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeCSSSelectorInternalMediaControlsOverlayCastButton AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "CSSSelectorInternalMediaControlsOverlayCastButton" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeDeprecationExample enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeDeprecationExample AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "DeprecationExample" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeDocumentDomainSettingWithoutOriginAgentClusterHeader enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeDocumentDomainSettingWithoutOriginAgentClusterHeader AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "DocumentDomainSettingWithoutOriginAgentClusterHeader" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeEventPath enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeEventPath AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "EventPath" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeGeolocationInsecureOrigin enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeGeolocationInsecureOrigin AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "GeolocationInsecureOrigin" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeGeolocationInsecureOriginDeprecatedNotRemoved enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeGeolocationInsecureOriginDeprecatedNotRemoved AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "GeolocationInsecureOriginDeprecatedNotRemoved" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeGetUserMediaInsecureOrigin enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeGetUserMediaInsecureOrigin AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "GetUserMediaInsecureOrigin" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeHostCandidateAttributeGetter enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeHostCandidateAttributeGetter AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "HostCandidateAttributeGetter" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeInsecurePrivateNetworkSubresourceRequest enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeInsecurePrivateNetworkSubresourceRequest AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "InsecurePrivateNetworkSubresourceRequest" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeLegacyConstraintGoogIPv6 enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeLegacyConstraintGoogIPv6 AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "LegacyConstraintGoogIPv6" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeLocalCSSFileExtensionRejected enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeLocalCSSFileExtensionRejected AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "LocalCSSFileExtensionRejected" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeMediaSourceAbortRemove enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeMediaSourceAbortRemove AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "MediaSourceAbortRemove" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeMediaSourceDurationTruncatingBuffered enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeMediaSourceDurationTruncatingBuffered AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "MediaSourceDurationTruncatingBuffered" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeNoSysexWebMIDIWithoutPermission enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeNoSysexWebMIDIWithoutPermission AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "NoSysexWebMIDIWithoutPermission" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeNotificationInsecureOrigin enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeNotificationInsecureOrigin AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "NotificationInsecureOrigin" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeNotificationPermissionRequestedIframe enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeNotificationPermissionRequestedIframe AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "NotificationPermissionRequestedIframe" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeObsoleteWebRtcCipherSuite enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeObsoleteWebRtcCipherSuite AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "ObsoleteWebRtcCipherSuite" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePictureSourceSrc enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePictureSourceSrc AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PictureSourceSrc" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedCancelAnimationFrame enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedCancelAnimationFrame AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedCancelAnimationFrame" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedRequestAnimationFrame enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedRequestAnimationFrame AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedRequestAnimationFrame" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedStorageInfo enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedStorageInfo AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedStorageInfo" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoDisplayingFullscreen enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoDisplayingFullscreen AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedVideoDisplayingFullscreen" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoEnterFullscreen enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoEnterFullscreen AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedVideoEnterFullscreen" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoEnterFullScreen enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoEnterFullScreen AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedVideoEnterFullScreen" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoExitFullscreen enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoExitFullscreen AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedVideoExitFullscreen" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoExitFullScreen enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoExitFullScreen AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedVideoExitFullScreen" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoSupportsFullscreen enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypePrefixedVideoSupportsFullscreen AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "PrefixedVideoSupportsFullscreen" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRangeExpand enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRangeExpand AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "RangeExpand" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRequestedSubresourceWithEmbeddedCredentials enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRequestedSubresourceWithEmbeddedCredentials AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "RequestedSubresourceWithEmbeddedCredentials" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCConstraintEnableDtlsSrtpFalse enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCConstraintEnableDtlsSrtpFalse AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "RTCConstraintEnableDtlsSrtpFalse" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCConstraintEnableDtlsSrtpTrue enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCConstraintEnableDtlsSrtpTrue AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "RTCConstraintEnableDtlsSrtpTrue" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCPeerConnectionComplexPlanBSdpUsingDefaultSdpSemantics enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCPeerConnectionComplexPlanBSdpUsingDefaultSdpSemantics AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "RTCPeerConnectionComplexPlanBSdpUsingDefaultSdpSemantics" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCPeerConnectionSdpSemanticsPlanB enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRTCPeerConnectionSdpSemanticsPlanB AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "RTCPeerConnectionSdpSemanticsPlanB" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRtcpMuxPolicyNegotiate enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeRtcpMuxPolicyNegotiate AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "RtcpMuxPolicyNegotiate" AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeSharedArrayBufferConstructedWithoutIsolation AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "SharedArrayBufferConstructedWithoutIsolation" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeTextToSpeechDisallowedByAutoplay enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeTextToSpeechDisallowedByAutoplay AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "TextToSpeech_DisallowedByAutoplay" AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeV8SharedArrayBufferConstructedInExtensionWithoutIsolation AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "V8SharedArrayBufferConstructedInExtensionWithoutIsolation" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeXHRJSONEncodingDetection enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeXHRJSONEncodingDetection AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "XHRJSONEncodingDetection" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeXMLHTTPRequestSynchronousInNonWorkerOutsideBeforeUnload enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeXMLHTTPRequestSynchronousInNonWorkerOutsideBeforeUnload AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "XMLHttpRequestSynchronousInNonWorkerOutsideBeforeUnload" // AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeXRSupportsSession enum const AuditsDeprecationIssueTypeXRSupportsSession AuditsDeprecationIssueType = "XRSupportsSession" )
type AuditsDisable ¶
type AuditsDisable struct { }
AuditsDisable Disables issues domain, prevents further issues from being reported to the client.
type AuditsEnable ¶
type AuditsEnable struct { }
AuditsEnable Enables issues domain, sends the issues collected so far to the client by means of the `issueAdded` event.
type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails struct { // FederatedAuthRequestIssueReason ... FederatedAuthRequestIssueReason AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason `json:"federatedAuthRequestIssueReason"` }
AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails ...
type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason ¶
type AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason string
AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason Represents the failure reason when a federated authentication reason fails. Should be updated alongside RequestIdTokenStatus in third_party/blink/public/mojom/devtools/inspector_issue.mojom to include all cases except for success.
const ( // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonApprovalDeclined enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonApprovalDeclined AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ApprovalDeclined" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonTooManyRequests enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonTooManyRequests AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "TooManyRequests" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListHTTPNotFound enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListHTTPNotFound AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestListHttpNotFound" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListNoResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListNoResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestListNoResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListInvalidResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListInvalidResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestListInvalidResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestNotInManifestList enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestNotInManifestList AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestNotInManifestList" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListTooBig enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestListTooBig AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestListTooBig" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestHTTPNotFound enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestHTTPNotFound AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestHttpNotFound" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestNoResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestNoResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestNoResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestInvalidResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonManifestInvalidResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ManifestInvalidResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataHTTPNotFound enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataHTTPNotFound AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ClientMetadataHttpNotFound" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataNoResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataNoResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ClientMetadataNoResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataInvalidResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataInvalidResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ClientMetadataInvalidResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataMissingPrivacyPolicyURL enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonClientMetadataMissingPrivacyPolicyURL AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ClientMetadataMissingPrivacyPolicyUrl" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonDisabledInSettings enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonDisabledInSettings AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "DisabledInSettings" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonErrorFetchingSignin enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonErrorFetchingSignin AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ErrorFetchingSignin" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonInvalidSigninResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonInvalidSigninResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "InvalidSigninResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonAccountsHTTPNotFound enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonAccountsHTTPNotFound AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "AccountsHttpNotFound" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonAccountsNoResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonAccountsNoResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "AccountsNoResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonAccountsInvalidResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonAccountsInvalidResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "AccountsInvalidResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenHTTPNotFound enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenHTTPNotFound AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "IdTokenHttpNotFound" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenNoResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenNoResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "IdTokenNoResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenInvalidResponse enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenInvalidResponse AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "IdTokenInvalidResponse" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenInvalidRequest enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonIDTokenInvalidRequest AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "IdTokenInvalidRequest" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonErrorIDToken enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonErrorIDToken AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "ErrorIdToken" // AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonCanceled enum const AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReasonCanceled AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueReason = "Canceled" )
type AuditsGenericIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsGenericIssueDetails struct { // ErrorType Issues with the same errorType are aggregated in the frontend. ErrorType AuditsGenericIssueErrorType `json:"errorType"` // FrameID (optional) ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
AuditsGenericIssueDetails Depending on the concrete errorType, different properties are set.
type AuditsGenericIssueErrorType ¶
type AuditsGenericIssueErrorType string
AuditsGenericIssueErrorType ...
const ( // AuditsGenericIssueErrorTypeCrossOriginPortalPostMessageError enum const AuditsGenericIssueErrorTypeCrossOriginPortalPostMessageError AuditsGenericIssueErrorType = "CrossOriginPortalPostMessageError" )
type AuditsGetEncodedResponse ¶
type AuditsGetEncodedResponse struct { // RequestID Identifier of the network request to get content for. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Encoding The encoding to use. Encoding AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding `json:"encoding"` // Quality (optional) The quality of the encoding (0-1). (defaults to 1) Quality *float64 `json:"quality,omitempty"` // SizeOnly (optional) Whether to only return the size information (defaults to false). SizeOnly bool `json:"sizeOnly,omitempty"` }
AuditsGetEncodedResponse Returns the response body and size if it were re-encoded with the specified settings. Only applies to images.
func (AuditsGetEncodedResponse) Call ¶
func (m AuditsGetEncodedResponse) Call(c Client) (*AuditsGetEncodedResponseResult, error)
Call the request
func (AuditsGetEncodedResponse) ProtoReq ¶
func (m AuditsGetEncodedResponse) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding ¶
type AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding string
AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding enum
const ( // AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncodingWebp enum const AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncodingWebp AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding = "webp" // AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncodingJpeg enum const AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncodingJpeg AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding = "jpeg" // AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncodingPng enum const AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncodingPng AuditsGetEncodedResponseEncoding = "png" )
type AuditsGetEncodedResponseResult ¶
type AuditsGetEncodedResponseResult struct { // Body (optional) The encoded body as a base64 string. Omitted if sizeOnly is true. Body []byte `json:"body,omitempty"` // OriginalSize Size before re-encoding. OriginalSize int `json:"originalSize"` // EncodedSize Size after re-encoding. EncodedSize int `json:"encodedSize"` }
AuditsGetEncodedResponseResult ...
type AuditsHeavyAdIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsHeavyAdIssueDetails struct { // Resolution The resolution status, either blocking the content or warning. Resolution AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus `json:"resolution"` // Reason The reason the ad was blocked, total network or cpu or peak cpu. Reason AuditsHeavyAdReason `json:"reason"` // Frame The frame that was blocked. Frame *AuditsAffectedFrame `json:"frame"` }
AuditsHeavyAdIssueDetails ...
type AuditsHeavyAdReason ¶
type AuditsHeavyAdReason string
AuditsHeavyAdReason ...
const ( // AuditsHeavyAdReasonNetworkTotalLimit enum const AuditsHeavyAdReasonNetworkTotalLimit AuditsHeavyAdReason = "NetworkTotalLimit" // AuditsHeavyAdReasonCPUTotalLimit enum const AuditsHeavyAdReasonCPUTotalLimit AuditsHeavyAdReason = "CpuTotalLimit" // AuditsHeavyAdReasonCPUPeakLimit enum const AuditsHeavyAdReasonCPUPeakLimit AuditsHeavyAdReason = "CpuPeakLimit" )
type AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus ¶
type AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus string
AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus ...
const ( // AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatusHeavyAdBlocked enum const AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatusHeavyAdBlocked AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus = "HeavyAdBlocked" // AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatusHeavyAdWarning enum const AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatusHeavyAdWarning AuditsHeavyAdResolutionStatus = "HeavyAdWarning" )
type AuditsInspectorIssue ¶
type AuditsInspectorIssue struct { // Code ... Code AuditsInspectorIssueCode `json:"code"` // Details ... Details *AuditsInspectorIssueDetails `json:"details"` // IssueID (optional) A unique id for this issue. May be omitted if no other entity (e.g. // exception, CDP message, etc.) is referencing this issue. IssueID AuditsIssueID `json:"issueId,omitempty"` }
AuditsInspectorIssue An inspector issue reported from the back-end.
type AuditsInspectorIssueCode ¶
type AuditsInspectorIssueCode string
AuditsInspectorIssueCode A unique identifier for the type of issue. Each type may use one of the optional fields in InspectorIssueDetails to convey more specific information about the kind of issue.
const ( // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeCookieIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeCookieIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "CookieIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeMixedContentIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeMixedContentIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "MixedContentIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeBlockedByResponseIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeBlockedByResponseIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "BlockedByResponseIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeHeavyAdIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeHeavyAdIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "HeavyAdIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeContentSecurityPolicyIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeContentSecurityPolicyIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "ContentSecurityPolicyIssue" AuditsInspectorIssueCodeSharedArrayBufferIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "SharedArrayBufferIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeTrustedWebActivityIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeTrustedWebActivityIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "TrustedWebActivityIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeLowTextContrastIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeLowTextContrastIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "LowTextContrastIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeCorsIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeCorsIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "CorsIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeAttributionReportingIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeAttributionReportingIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "AttributionReportingIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeQuirksModeIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeQuirksModeIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "QuirksModeIssue" AuditsInspectorIssueCodeNavigatorUserAgentIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "NavigatorUserAgentIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeGenericIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeGenericIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "GenericIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeDeprecationIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeDeprecationIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "DeprecationIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeClientHintIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeClientHintIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "ClientHintIssue" // AuditsInspectorIssueCodeFederatedAuthRequestIssue enum const AuditsInspectorIssueCodeFederatedAuthRequestIssue AuditsInspectorIssueCode = "FederatedAuthRequestIssue" )
type AuditsInspectorIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsInspectorIssueDetails struct { // CookieIssueDetails (optional) ... CookieIssueDetails *AuditsCookieIssueDetails `json:"cookieIssueDetails,omitempty"` // MixedContentIssueDetails (optional) ... MixedContentIssueDetails *AuditsMixedContentIssueDetails `json:"mixedContentIssueDetails,omitempty"` // BlockedByResponseIssueDetails (optional) ... BlockedByResponseIssueDetails *AuditsBlockedByResponseIssueDetails `json:"blockedByResponseIssueDetails,omitempty"` // HeavyAdIssueDetails (optional) ... HeavyAdIssueDetails *AuditsHeavyAdIssueDetails `json:"heavyAdIssueDetails,omitempty"` // ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails (optional) ... ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails *AuditsContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails `json:"contentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails,omitempty"` SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails *AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueDetails `json:"sharedArrayBufferIssueDetails,omitempty"` // TwaQualityEnforcementDetails (optional) ... TwaQualityEnforcementDetails *AuditsTrustedWebActivityIssueDetails `json:"twaQualityEnforcementDetails,omitempty"` // LowTextContrastIssueDetails (optional) ... LowTextContrastIssueDetails *AuditsLowTextContrastIssueDetails `json:"lowTextContrastIssueDetails,omitempty"` // CorsIssueDetails (optional) ... CorsIssueDetails *AuditsCorsIssueDetails `json:"corsIssueDetails,omitempty"` // AttributionReportingIssueDetails (optional) ... AttributionReportingIssueDetails *AuditsAttributionReportingIssueDetails `json:"attributionReportingIssueDetails,omitempty"` // QuirksModeIssueDetails (optional) ... QuirksModeIssueDetails *AuditsQuirksModeIssueDetails `json:"quirksModeIssueDetails,omitempty"` NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails *AuditsNavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails `json:"navigatorUserAgentIssueDetails,omitempty"` // GenericIssueDetails (optional) ... GenericIssueDetails *AuditsGenericIssueDetails `json:"genericIssueDetails,omitempty"` // DeprecationIssueDetails (optional) ... DeprecationIssueDetails *AuditsDeprecationIssueDetails `json:"deprecationIssueDetails,omitempty"` // ClientHintIssueDetails (optional) ... ClientHintIssueDetails *AuditsClientHintIssueDetails `json:"clientHintIssueDetails,omitempty"` // FederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails (optional) ... FederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails *AuditsFederatedAuthRequestIssueDetails `json:"federatedAuthRequestIssueDetails,omitempty"` }
AuditsInspectorIssueDetails This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information specific to the kind of issue. When adding a new issue code, please also add a new optional field to this type.
type AuditsIssueAdded ¶
type AuditsIssueAdded struct { // Issue ... Issue *AuditsInspectorIssue `json:"issue"` }
AuditsIssueAdded ...
func (AuditsIssueAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt AuditsIssueAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type AuditsIssueID ¶
type AuditsIssueID string
AuditsIssueID A unique id for a DevTools inspector issue. Allows other entities (e.g. exceptions, CDP message, console messages, etc.) to reference an issue.
type AuditsLowTextContrastIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsLowTextContrastIssueDetails struct { // ViolatingNodeID ... ViolatingNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"violatingNodeId"` // ViolatingNodeSelector ... ViolatingNodeSelector string `json:"violatingNodeSelector"` // ContrastRatio ... ContrastRatio float64 `json:"contrastRatio"` // ThresholdAA ... ThresholdAA float64 `json:"thresholdAA"` // ThresholdAAA ... ThresholdAAA float64 `json:"thresholdAAA"` // FontSize ... FontSize string `json:"fontSize"` // FontWeight ... FontWeight string `json:"fontWeight"` }
AuditsLowTextContrastIssueDetails ...
type AuditsMixedContentIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsMixedContentIssueDetails struct { // ResourceType (optional) The type of resource causing the mixed content issue (css, js, iframe, // form,...). Marked as optional because it is mapped to from // blink::mojom::RequestContextType, which will be replaced // by network::mojom::RequestDestination ResourceType AuditsMixedContentResourceType `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` // ResolutionStatus The way the mixed content issue is being resolved. ResolutionStatus AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus `json:"resolutionStatus"` // InsecureURL The unsafe http url causing the mixed content issue. InsecureURL string `json:"insecureURL"` // MainResourceURL The url responsible for the call to an unsafe url. MainResourceURL string `json:"mainResourceURL"` // Request (optional) The mixed content request. // Does not always exist (e.g. for unsafe form submission urls). Request *AuditsAffectedRequest `json:"request,omitempty"` // Frame (optional) Optional because not every mixed content issue is necessarily linked to a frame. Frame *AuditsAffectedFrame `json:"frame,omitempty"` }
AuditsMixedContentIssueDetails ...
type AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus ¶
type AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus string
AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus ...
const ( // AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatusMixedContentBlocked enum const AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatusMixedContentBlocked AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus = "MixedContentBlocked" // AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatusMixedContentAutomaticallyUpgraded enum const AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatusMixedContentAutomaticallyUpgraded AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus = "MixedContentAutomaticallyUpgraded" // AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatusMixedContentWarning enum const AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatusMixedContentWarning AuditsMixedContentResolutionStatus = "MixedContentWarning" )
type AuditsMixedContentResourceType ¶
type AuditsMixedContentResourceType string
AuditsMixedContentResourceType ...
const ( // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeAttributionSrc enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeAttributionSrc AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "AttributionSrc" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeAudio enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeAudio AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Audio" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeBeacon enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeBeacon AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Beacon" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeCSPReport enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeCSPReport AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "CSPReport" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeDownload enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeDownload AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Download" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeEventSource enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeEventSource AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "EventSource" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeFavicon enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeFavicon AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Favicon" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeFont enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeFont AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Font" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeForm enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeForm AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Form" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeFrame enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeFrame AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Frame" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeImage enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeImage AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Image" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeImport enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeImport AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Import" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeManifest enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeManifest AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Manifest" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePing enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePing AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Ping" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePluginData enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePluginData AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "PluginData" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePluginResource enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePluginResource AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "PluginResource" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePrefetch enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypePrefetch AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Prefetch" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeResource enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeResource AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Resource" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeScript enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeScript AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Script" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeServiceWorker enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeServiceWorker AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "ServiceWorker" AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeSharedWorker AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "SharedWorker" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeStylesheet enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeStylesheet AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Stylesheet" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeTrack enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeTrack AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Track" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeVideo enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeVideo AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Video" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeWorker enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeWorker AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "Worker" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeXMLHTTPRequest enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeXMLHTTPRequest AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "XMLHttpRequest" // AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeXSLT enum const AuditsMixedContentResourceTypeXSLT AuditsMixedContentResourceType = "XSLT" )
type AuditsNavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsNavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails struct { string `json:"url"` Location *AuditsSourceCodeLocation `json:"location,omitempty"` }URL
AuditsNavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails ...
type AuditsQuirksModeIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsQuirksModeIssueDetails struct { // IsLimitedQuirksMode If false, it means the document's mode is "quirks" // instead of "limited-quirks". IsLimitedQuirksMode bool `json:"isLimitedQuirksMode"` // DocumentNodeID ... DocumentNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"documentNodeId"` // URL ... URL string `json:"url"` // FrameID ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // LoaderID ... LoaderID NetworkLoaderID `json:"loaderId"` }
AuditsQuirksModeIssueDetails Details for issues about documents in Quirks Mode or Limited Quirks Mode that affects page layouting.
type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueDetails struct { AuditsSourceCodeLocation `json:"sourceCodeLocation"` IsWarning bool `json:"isWarning"` Type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType `json:"type"` }SourceCodeLocation *
AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueDetails Details for a issue arising from an SAB being instantiated in, or transferred to a context that is not cross-origin isolated.
type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType ¶
type AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType string
AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType ...
const ( AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType = "TransferIssue" AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueTypeCreationIssue AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueType = "CreationIssue" )AuditsSharedArrayBufferIssueTypeTransferIssue
type AuditsSourceCodeLocation ¶
type AuditsSourceCodeLocation struct { // ScriptID (optional) ... ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId,omitempty"` // URL ... URL string `json:"url"` // LineNumber ... LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber ... ColumnNumber int `json:"columnNumber"` }
AuditsSourceCodeLocation ...
type AuditsTrustedWebActivityIssueDetails ¶
type AuditsTrustedWebActivityIssueDetails struct { // URL The url that triggers the violation. URL string `json:"url"` // ViolationType ... ViolationType AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType `json:"violationType"` // HTTPStatusCode (optional) ... HTTPStatusCode *int `json:"httpStatusCode,omitempty"` // PackageName (optional) The package name of the Trusted Web Activity client app. This field is // only used when violation type is kDigitalAssetLinks. PackageName string `json:"packageName,omitempty"` // Signature (optional) The signature of the Trusted Web Activity client app. This field is only // used when violation type is kDigitalAssetLinks. Signature string `json:"signature,omitempty"` }
AuditsTrustedWebActivityIssueDetails ...
type AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType ¶
type AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType string
AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType ...
const ( // AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationTypeKHTTPError enum const AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationTypeKHTTPError AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType = "kHttpError" AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationTypeKUnavailableOffline AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType = "kUnavailableOffline" // AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationTypeKDigitalAssetLinks enum const AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationTypeKDigitalAssetLinks AuditsTwaQualityEnforcementViolationType = "kDigitalAssetLinks" )
type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEvent ¶
type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEvent struct { // Timestamp Timestamp of the event (in seconds). Timestamp TimeSinceEpoch `json:"timestamp"` // Origin The origin this event belongs to. Origin string `json:"origin"` // ServiceWorkerRegistrationID The Service Worker ID that initiated the event. ServiceWorkerRegistrationID ServiceWorkerRegistrationID `json:"serviceWorkerRegistrationId"` // Service The Background Service this event belongs to. Service BackgroundServiceServiceName `json:"service"` // EventName A description of the event. EventName string `json:"eventName"` // InstanceID An identifier that groups related events together. InstanceID string `json:"instanceId"` // EventMetadata A list of event-specific information. EventMetadata []*BackgroundServiceEventMetadata `json:"eventMetadata"` }
BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEvent ...
type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEventReceived ¶
type BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEventReceived struct { // BackgroundServiceEvent ... BackgroundServiceEvent *BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEvent `json:"backgroundServiceEvent"` }
BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEventReceived Called with all existing backgroundServiceEvents when enabled, and all new events afterwards if enabled and recording.
func (BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEventReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt BackgroundServiceBackgroundServiceEventReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type BackgroundServiceClearEvents ¶
type BackgroundServiceClearEvents struct { // Service ... Service BackgroundServiceServiceName `json:"service"` }
BackgroundServiceClearEvents Clears all stored data for the service.
func (BackgroundServiceClearEvents) Call ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceClearEvents) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BackgroundServiceClearEvents) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceClearEvents) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BackgroundServiceEventMetadata ¶
type BackgroundServiceEventMetadata struct { // Key ... Key string `json:"key"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
BackgroundServiceEventMetadata A key-value pair for additional event information to pass along.
type BackgroundServiceRecordingStateChanged ¶
type BackgroundServiceRecordingStateChanged struct { // IsRecording ... IsRecording bool `json:"isRecording"` // Service ... Service BackgroundServiceServiceName `json:"service"` }
BackgroundServiceRecordingStateChanged Called when the recording state for the service has been updated.
func (BackgroundServiceRecordingStateChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt BackgroundServiceRecordingStateChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type BackgroundServiceServiceName ¶
type BackgroundServiceServiceName string
BackgroundServiceServiceName The Background Service that will be associated with the commands/events. Every Background Service operates independently, but they share the same API.
const ( // BackgroundServiceServiceNameBackgroundFetch enum const BackgroundServiceServiceNameBackgroundFetch BackgroundServiceServiceName = "backgroundFetch" // BackgroundServiceServiceNameBackgroundSync enum const BackgroundServiceServiceNameBackgroundSync BackgroundServiceServiceName = "backgroundSync" // BackgroundServiceServiceNamePushMessaging enum const BackgroundServiceServiceNamePushMessaging BackgroundServiceServiceName = "pushMessaging" // BackgroundServiceServiceNameNotifications enum const BackgroundServiceServiceNameNotifications BackgroundServiceServiceName = "notifications" // BackgroundServiceServiceNamePaymentHandler enum const BackgroundServiceServiceNamePaymentHandler BackgroundServiceServiceName = "paymentHandler" // BackgroundServiceServiceNamePeriodicBackgroundSync enum const BackgroundServiceServiceNamePeriodicBackgroundSync BackgroundServiceServiceName = "periodicBackgroundSync" )
type BackgroundServiceSetRecording ¶
type BackgroundServiceSetRecording struct { // ShouldRecord ... ShouldRecord bool `json:"shouldRecord"` // Service ... Service BackgroundServiceServiceName `json:"service"` }
BackgroundServiceSetRecording Set the recording state for the service.
func (BackgroundServiceSetRecording) Call ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceSetRecording) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BackgroundServiceSetRecording) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceSetRecording) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BackgroundServiceStartObserving ¶
type BackgroundServiceStartObserving struct { // Service ... Service BackgroundServiceServiceName `json:"service"` }
BackgroundServiceStartObserving Enables event updates for the service.
func (BackgroundServiceStartObserving) Call ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceStartObserving) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BackgroundServiceStartObserving) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceStartObserving) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BackgroundServiceStopObserving ¶
type BackgroundServiceStopObserving struct { // Service ... Service BackgroundServiceServiceName `json:"service"` }
BackgroundServiceStopObserving Disables event updates for the service.
func (BackgroundServiceStopObserving) Call ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceStopObserving) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BackgroundServiceStopObserving) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BackgroundServiceStopObserving) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserBounds ¶
type BrowserBounds struct { // Left (optional) The offset from the left edge of the screen to the window in pixels. Left *int `json:"left,omitempty"` // Top (optional) The offset from the top edge of the screen to the window in pixels. Top *int `json:"top,omitempty"` // Width (optional) The window width in pixels. Width *int `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height (optional) The window height in pixels. Height *int `json:"height,omitempty"` // WindowState (optional) The window state. Default to normal. WindowState BrowserWindowState `json:"windowState,omitempty"` }
BrowserBounds (experimental) Browser window bounds information
type BrowserBrowserCommandID ¶
type BrowserBrowserCommandID string
BrowserBrowserCommandID (experimental) Browser command ids used by executeBrowserCommand.
const ( // BrowserBrowserCommandIDOpenTabSearch enum const BrowserBrowserCommandIDOpenTabSearch BrowserBrowserCommandID = "openTabSearch" // BrowserBrowserCommandIDCloseTabSearch enum const BrowserBrowserCommandIDCloseTabSearch BrowserBrowserCommandID = "closeTabSearch" )
type BrowserBrowserContextID ¶
type BrowserBrowserContextID string
BrowserBrowserContextID (experimental) ...
type BrowserBucket ¶
type BrowserBucket struct { // Low Minimum value (inclusive). Low int `json:"low"` // High Maximum value (exclusive). High int `json:"high"` // Count Number of samples. Count int `json:"count"` }
BrowserBucket (experimental) Chrome histogram bucket.
type BrowserCancelDownload ¶
type BrowserCancelDownload struct { // GUID Global unique identifier of the download. GUID string `json:"guid"` // BrowserContextID (optional) BrowserContext to perform the action in. When omitted, default browser context is used. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
BrowserCancelDownload (experimental) Cancel a download if in progress
func (BrowserCancelDownload) Call ¶
func (m BrowserCancelDownload) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserCancelDownload) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserCancelDownload) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserCrash ¶
type BrowserCrash struct { }
BrowserCrash (experimental) Crashes browser on the main thread.
type BrowserCrashGpuProcess ¶
type BrowserCrashGpuProcess struct { }
BrowserCrashGpuProcess (experimental) Crashes GPU process.
func (BrowserCrashGpuProcess) Call ¶
func (m BrowserCrashGpuProcess) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserCrashGpuProcess) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserCrashGpuProcess) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserDownloadProgress ¶
type BrowserDownloadProgress struct { // GUID Global unique identifier of the download. GUID string `json:"guid"` // TotalBytes Total expected bytes to download. TotalBytes float64 `json:"totalBytes"` // ReceivedBytes Total bytes received. ReceivedBytes float64 `json:"receivedBytes"` // State Download status. State BrowserDownloadProgressState `json:"state"` }
BrowserDownloadProgress (experimental) Fired when download makes progress. Last call has |done| == true.
func (BrowserDownloadProgress) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt BrowserDownloadProgress) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type BrowserDownloadProgressState ¶
type BrowserDownloadProgressState string
BrowserDownloadProgressState enum
const ( // BrowserDownloadProgressStateInProgress enum const BrowserDownloadProgressStateInProgress BrowserDownloadProgressState = "inProgress" // BrowserDownloadProgressStateCompleted enum const BrowserDownloadProgressStateCompleted BrowserDownloadProgressState = "completed" // BrowserDownloadProgressStateCanceled enum const BrowserDownloadProgressStateCanceled BrowserDownloadProgressState = "canceled" )
type BrowserDownloadWillBegin ¶
type BrowserDownloadWillBegin struct { // FrameID Id of the frame that caused the download to begin. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // GUID Global unique identifier of the download. GUID string `json:"guid"` // URL URL of the resource being downloaded. URL string `json:"url"` // SuggestedFilename Suggested file name of the resource (the actual name of the file saved on disk may differ). SuggestedFilename string `json:"suggestedFilename"` }
BrowserDownloadWillBegin (experimental) Fired when page is about to start a download.
func (BrowserDownloadWillBegin) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt BrowserDownloadWillBegin) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand ¶
type BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand struct { // CommandID ... CommandID BrowserBrowserCommandID `json:"commandId"` }
BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand (experimental) Invoke custom browser commands used by telemetry.
func (BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand) Call ¶
func (m BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserExecuteBrowserCommand) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine ¶
type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine struct { }
BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine (experimental) Returns the command line switches for the browser process if, and only if --enable-automation is on the commandline.
func (BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine) Call ¶
func (m BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine) Call(c Client) (*BrowserGetBrowserCommandLineResult, error)
Call the request
func (BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserGetBrowserCommandLine) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLineResult ¶
type BrowserGetBrowserCommandLineResult struct { // Arguments Commandline parameters Arguments []string `json:"arguments"` }
BrowserGetBrowserCommandLineResult (experimental) ...
type BrowserGetHistogram ¶
type BrowserGetHistogram struct { // Name Requested histogram name. Name string `json:"name"` // Delta (optional) If true, retrieve delta since last call. Delta bool `json:"delta,omitempty"` }
BrowserGetHistogram (experimental) Get a Chrome histogram by name.
func (BrowserGetHistogram) Call ¶
func (m BrowserGetHistogram) Call(c Client) (*BrowserGetHistogramResult, error)
Call the request
type BrowserGetHistogramResult ¶
type BrowserGetHistogramResult struct { // Histogram Histogram. Histogram *BrowserHistogram `json:"histogram"` }
BrowserGetHistogramResult (experimental) ...
type BrowserGetHistograms ¶
type BrowserGetHistograms struct { // Query (optional) Requested substring in name. Only histograms which have query as a // substring in their name are extracted. An empty or absent query returns // all histograms. Query string `json:"query,omitempty"` // Delta (optional) If true, retrieve delta since last call. Delta bool `json:"delta,omitempty"` }
BrowserGetHistograms (experimental) Get Chrome histograms.
func (BrowserGetHistograms) Call ¶
func (m BrowserGetHistograms) Call(c Client) (*BrowserGetHistogramsResult, error)
Call the request
func (BrowserGetHistograms) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserGetHistograms) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserGetHistogramsResult ¶
type BrowserGetHistogramsResult struct { // Histograms Histograms. Histograms []*BrowserHistogram `json:"histograms"` }
BrowserGetHistogramsResult (experimental) ...
type BrowserGetVersion ¶
type BrowserGetVersion struct { }
BrowserGetVersion Returns version information.
func (BrowserGetVersion) Call ¶
func (m BrowserGetVersion) Call(c Client) (*BrowserGetVersionResult, error)
Call the request
type BrowserGetVersionResult ¶
type BrowserGetVersionResult struct { // ProtocolVersion Protocol version. ProtocolVersion string `json:"protocolVersion"` // Product Product name. Product string `json:"product"` // Revision Product revision. Revision string `json:"revision"` // UserAgent User-Agent. UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"` // JsVersion V8 version. JsVersion string `json:"jsVersion"` }
BrowserGetVersionResult ...
type BrowserGetWindowBounds ¶
type BrowserGetWindowBounds struct { // WindowID Browser window id. WindowID BrowserWindowID `json:"windowId"` }
BrowserGetWindowBounds (experimental) Get position and size of the browser window.
func (BrowserGetWindowBounds) Call ¶
func (m BrowserGetWindowBounds) Call(c Client) (*BrowserGetWindowBoundsResult, error)
Call the request
func (BrowserGetWindowBounds) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserGetWindowBounds) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserGetWindowBoundsResult ¶
type BrowserGetWindowBoundsResult struct { // Bounds Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window // position and size are returned. Bounds *BrowserBounds `json:"bounds"` }
BrowserGetWindowBoundsResult (experimental) ...
type BrowserGetWindowForTarget ¶
type BrowserGetWindowForTarget struct { // TargetID (optional) Devtools agent host id. If called as a part of the session, associated targetId is used. TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
BrowserGetWindowForTarget (experimental) Get the browser window that contains the devtools target.
func (BrowserGetWindowForTarget) Call ¶
func (m BrowserGetWindowForTarget) Call(c Client) (*BrowserGetWindowForTargetResult, error)
Call the request
func (BrowserGetWindowForTarget) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserGetWindowForTarget) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserGetWindowForTargetResult ¶
type BrowserGetWindowForTargetResult struct { // WindowID Browser window id. WindowID BrowserWindowID `json:"windowId"` // Bounds Bounds information of the window. When window state is 'minimized', the restored window // position and size are returned. Bounds *BrowserBounds `json:"bounds"` }
BrowserGetWindowForTargetResult (experimental) ...
type BrowserGrantPermissions ¶
type BrowserGrantPermissions struct { // Permissions ... Permissions []BrowserPermissionType `json:"permissions"` // Origin (optional) Origin the permission applies to, all origins if not specified. Origin string `json:"origin,omitempty"` // BrowserContextID (optional) BrowserContext to override permissions. When omitted, default browser context is used. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
BrowserGrantPermissions (experimental) Grant specific permissions to the given origin and reject all others.
func (BrowserGrantPermissions) Call ¶
func (m BrowserGrantPermissions) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserGrantPermissions) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserGrantPermissions) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserHistogram ¶
type BrowserHistogram struct { // Name Name. Name string `json:"name"` // Sum Sum of sample values. Sum int `json:"sum"` // Count Total number of samples. Count int `json:"count"` // Buckets Buckets. Buckets []*BrowserBucket `json:"buckets"` }
BrowserHistogram (experimental) Chrome histogram.
type BrowserPermissionDescriptor ¶
type BrowserPermissionDescriptor struct { // Name Name of permission. // See for valid permission names. Name string `json:"name"` // Sysex (optional) For "midi" permission, may also specify sysex control. Sysex bool `json:"sysex,omitempty"` // UserVisibleOnly (optional) For "push" permission, may specify userVisibleOnly. // Note that userVisibleOnly = true is the only currently supported type. UserVisibleOnly bool `json:"userVisibleOnly,omitempty"` // AllowWithoutSanitization (optional) For "clipboard" permission, may specify allowWithoutSanitization. AllowWithoutSanitization bool `json:"allowWithoutSanitization,omitempty"` // PanTiltZoom (optional) For "camera" permission, may specify panTiltZoom. PanTiltZoom bool `json:"panTiltZoom,omitempty"` }
BrowserPermissionDescriptor (experimental) Definition of PermissionDescriptor defined in the Permissions API:
type BrowserPermissionSetting ¶
type BrowserPermissionSetting string
BrowserPermissionSetting (experimental) ...
const ( // BrowserPermissionSettingGranted enum const BrowserPermissionSettingGranted BrowserPermissionSetting = "granted" // BrowserPermissionSettingDenied enum const BrowserPermissionSettingDenied BrowserPermissionSetting = "denied" // BrowserPermissionSettingPrompt enum const BrowserPermissionSettingPrompt BrowserPermissionSetting = "prompt" )
type BrowserPermissionType ¶
type BrowserPermissionType string
BrowserPermissionType (experimental) ...
const ( // BrowserPermissionTypeAccessibilityEvents enum const BrowserPermissionTypeAccessibilityEvents BrowserPermissionType = "accessibilityEvents" // BrowserPermissionTypeAudioCapture enum const BrowserPermissionTypeAudioCapture BrowserPermissionType = "audioCapture" // BrowserPermissionTypeBackgroundSync enum const BrowserPermissionTypeBackgroundSync BrowserPermissionType = "backgroundSync" // BrowserPermissionTypeBackgroundFetch enum const BrowserPermissionTypeBackgroundFetch BrowserPermissionType = "backgroundFetch" // BrowserPermissionTypeClipboardReadWrite enum const BrowserPermissionTypeClipboardReadWrite BrowserPermissionType = "clipboardReadWrite" // BrowserPermissionTypeClipboardSanitizedWrite enum const BrowserPermissionTypeClipboardSanitizedWrite BrowserPermissionType = "clipboardSanitizedWrite" // BrowserPermissionTypeDisplayCapture enum const BrowserPermissionTypeDisplayCapture BrowserPermissionType = "displayCapture" // BrowserPermissionTypeDurableStorage enum const BrowserPermissionTypeDurableStorage BrowserPermissionType = "durableStorage" // BrowserPermissionTypeFlash enum const BrowserPermissionTypeFlash BrowserPermissionType = "flash" // BrowserPermissionTypeGeolocation enum const BrowserPermissionTypeGeolocation BrowserPermissionType = "geolocation" // BrowserPermissionTypeMidi enum const BrowserPermissionTypeMidi BrowserPermissionType = "midi" // BrowserPermissionTypeMidiSysex enum const BrowserPermissionTypeMidiSysex BrowserPermissionType = "midiSysex" // BrowserPermissionTypeNfc enum const BrowserPermissionTypeNfc BrowserPermissionType = "nfc" // BrowserPermissionTypeNotifications enum const BrowserPermissionTypeNotifications BrowserPermissionType = "notifications" // BrowserPermissionTypePaymentHandler enum const BrowserPermissionTypePaymentHandler BrowserPermissionType = "paymentHandler" // BrowserPermissionTypePeriodicBackgroundSync enum const BrowserPermissionTypePeriodicBackgroundSync BrowserPermissionType = "periodicBackgroundSync" // BrowserPermissionTypeProtectedMediaIdentifier enum const BrowserPermissionTypeProtectedMediaIdentifier BrowserPermissionType = "protectedMediaIdentifier" // BrowserPermissionTypeSensors enum const BrowserPermissionTypeSensors BrowserPermissionType = "sensors" // BrowserPermissionTypeVideoCapture enum const BrowserPermissionTypeVideoCapture BrowserPermissionType = "videoCapture" // BrowserPermissionTypeVideoCapturePanTiltZoom enum const BrowserPermissionTypeVideoCapturePanTiltZoom BrowserPermissionType = "videoCapturePanTiltZoom" // BrowserPermissionTypeIdleDetection enum const BrowserPermissionTypeIdleDetection BrowserPermissionType = "idleDetection" // BrowserPermissionTypeWakeLockScreen enum const BrowserPermissionTypeWakeLockScreen BrowserPermissionType = "wakeLockScreen" // BrowserPermissionTypeWakeLockSystem enum const BrowserPermissionTypeWakeLockSystem BrowserPermissionType = "wakeLockSystem" )
type BrowserResetPermissions ¶
type BrowserResetPermissions struct { // BrowserContextID (optional) BrowserContext to reset permissions. When omitted, default browser context is used. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
BrowserResetPermissions (experimental) Reset all permission management for all origins.
func (BrowserResetPermissions) Call ¶
func (m BrowserResetPermissions) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserResetPermissions) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserResetPermissions) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserSetDockTile ¶
type BrowserSetDockTile struct { // BadgeLabel (optional) ... BadgeLabel string `json:"badgeLabel,omitempty"` // Image (optional) Png encoded image. Image []byte `json:"image,omitempty"` }
BrowserSetDockTile (experimental) Set dock tile details, platform-specific.
func (BrowserSetDockTile) Call ¶
func (m BrowserSetDockTile) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type BrowserSetDownloadBehavior ¶
type BrowserSetDownloadBehavior struct { // Behavior Whether to allow all or deny all download requests, or use default Chrome behavior if // available (otherwise deny). |allowAndName| allows download and names files according to // their dowmload guids. Behavior BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior `json:"behavior"` // BrowserContextID (optional) BrowserContext to set download behavior. When omitted, default browser context is used. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` // DownloadPath (optional) The default path to save downloaded files to. This is required if behavior is set to 'allow' // or 'allowAndName'. DownloadPath string `json:"downloadPath,omitempty"` // EventsEnabled (optional) Whether to emit download events (defaults to false). EventsEnabled bool `json:"eventsEnabled,omitempty"` }
BrowserSetDownloadBehavior (experimental) Set the behavior when downloading a file.
func (BrowserSetDownloadBehavior) Call ¶
func (m BrowserSetDownloadBehavior) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserSetDownloadBehavior) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserSetDownloadBehavior) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior ¶
type BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior string
BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior enum
const ( // BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDeny enum const BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDeny BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior = "deny" // BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorAllow enum const BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorAllow BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior = "allow" // BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorAllowAndName enum const BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorAllowAndName BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior = "allowAndName" // BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDefault enum const BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDefault BrowserSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior = "default" )
type BrowserSetPermission ¶
type BrowserSetPermission struct { // Permission Descriptor of permission to override. Permission *BrowserPermissionDescriptor `json:"permission"` // Setting Setting of the permission. Setting BrowserPermissionSetting `json:"setting"` // Origin (optional) Origin the permission applies to, all origins if not specified. Origin string `json:"origin,omitempty"` // BrowserContextID (optional) Context to override. When omitted, default browser context is used. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
BrowserSetPermission (experimental) Set permission settings for given origin.
func (BrowserSetPermission) Call ¶
func (m BrowserSetPermission) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserSetPermission) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserSetPermission) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserSetWindowBounds ¶
type BrowserSetWindowBounds struct { // WindowID Browser window id. WindowID BrowserWindowID `json:"windowId"` // Bounds New window bounds. The 'minimized', 'maximized' and 'fullscreen' states cannot be combined // with 'left', 'top', 'width' or 'height'. Leaves unspecified fields unchanged. Bounds *BrowserBounds `json:"bounds"` }
BrowserSetWindowBounds (experimental) Set position and/or size of the browser window.
func (BrowserSetWindowBounds) Call ¶
func (m BrowserSetWindowBounds) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (BrowserSetWindowBounds) ProtoReq ¶
func (m BrowserSetWindowBounds) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type BrowserWindowState ¶
type BrowserWindowState string
BrowserWindowState (experimental) The state of the browser window.
const ( // BrowserWindowStateNormal enum const BrowserWindowStateNormal BrowserWindowState = "normal" // BrowserWindowStateMinimized enum const BrowserWindowStateMinimized BrowserWindowState = "minimized" // BrowserWindowStateMaximized enum const BrowserWindowStateMaximized BrowserWindowState = "maximized" // BrowserWindowStateFullscreen enum const BrowserWindowStateFullscreen BrowserWindowState = "fullscreen" )
type CSSAddRule ¶
type CSSAddRule struct { // StyleSheetID The css style sheet identifier where a new rule should be inserted. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // RuleText The text of a new rule. RuleText string `json:"ruleText"` // Location Text position of a new rule in the target style sheet. Location *CSSSourceRange `json:"location"` }
CSSAddRule Inserts a new rule with the given `ruleText` in a stylesheet with given `styleSheetId`, at the position specified by `location`.
func (CSSAddRule) Call ¶
func (m CSSAddRule) Call(c Client) (*CSSAddRuleResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSAddRuleResult ¶
type CSSAddRuleResult struct { // Rule The newly created rule. Rule *CSSCSSRule `json:"rule"` }
CSSAddRuleResult ...
type CSSCSSComputedStyleProperty ¶
type CSSCSSComputedStyleProperty struct { // Name Computed style property name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Computed style property value. Value string `json:"value"` }
CSSCSSComputedStyleProperty ...
type CSSCSSContainerQuery ¶
type CSSCSSContainerQuery struct { // Text Container query text. Text string `json:"text"` // Range (optional) The associated rule header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if // available). Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // StyleSheetID (optional) Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists). StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // Name (optional) Optional name for the container. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
CSSCSSContainerQuery (experimental) CSS container query rule descriptor.
type CSSCSSKeyframeRule ¶
type CSSCSSKeyframeRule struct { // StyleSheetID (optional) The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified // stylesheet rules) this rule came from. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // Origin Parent stylesheet's origin. Origin CSSStyleSheetOrigin `json:"origin"` // KeyText Associated key text. KeyText *CSSValue `json:"keyText"` // Style Associated style declaration. Style *CSSCSSStyle `json:"style"` }
CSSCSSKeyframeRule CSS keyframe rule representation.
type CSSCSSKeyframesRule ¶
type CSSCSSKeyframesRule struct { // AnimationName Animation name. AnimationName *CSSValue `json:"animationName"` // Keyframes List of keyframes. Keyframes []*CSSCSSKeyframeRule `json:"keyframes"` }
CSSCSSKeyframesRule CSS keyframes rule representation.
type CSSCSSLayer ¶
type CSSCSSLayer struct { // Text Layer name. Text string `json:"text"` // Range (optional) The associated rule header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if // available). Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // StyleSheetID (optional) Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists). StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` }
CSSCSSLayer (experimental) CSS Layer at-rule descriptor.
type CSSCSSLayerData ¶
type CSSCSSLayerData struct { // Name Layer name. Name string `json:"name"` // SubLayers (optional) Direct sub-layers SubLayers []*CSSCSSLayerData `json:"subLayers,omitempty"` // Order Layer order. The order determines the order of the layer in the cascade order. // A higher number has higher priority in the cascade order. Order float64 `json:"order"` }
CSSCSSLayerData (experimental) CSS Layer data.
type CSSCSSMedia ¶
type CSSCSSMedia struct { // Text Media query text. Text string `json:"text"` // Source Source of the media query: "mediaRule" if specified by a @media rule, "importRule" if // specified by an @import rule, "linkedSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in a linked // stylesheet's LINK tag, "inlineSheet" if specified by a "media" attribute in an inline // stylesheet's STYLE tag. Source CSSCSSMediaSource `json:"source"` // SourceURL (optional) URL of the document containing the media query description. SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL,omitempty"` // Range (optional) The associated rule (@media or @import) header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if // available). Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // StyleSheetID (optional) Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists). StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // MediaList (optional) Array of media queries. MediaList []*CSSMediaQuery `json:"mediaList,omitempty"` }
CSSCSSMedia CSS media rule descriptor.
type CSSCSSMediaSource ¶
type CSSCSSMediaSource string
CSSCSSMediaSource enum
const ( // CSSCSSMediaSourceMediaRule enum const CSSCSSMediaSourceMediaRule CSSCSSMediaSource = "mediaRule" // CSSCSSMediaSourceImportRule enum const CSSCSSMediaSourceImportRule CSSCSSMediaSource = "importRule" // CSSCSSMediaSourceLinkedSheet enum const CSSCSSMediaSourceLinkedSheet CSSCSSMediaSource = "linkedSheet" // CSSCSSMediaSourceInlineSheet enum const CSSCSSMediaSourceInlineSheet CSSCSSMediaSource = "inlineSheet" )
type CSSCSSProperty ¶
type CSSCSSProperty struct { // Name The property name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value The property value. Value string `json:"value"` // Important (optional) Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies `false` if absent). Important bool `json:"important,omitempty"` // Implicit (optional) Whether the property is implicit (implies `false` if absent). Implicit bool `json:"implicit,omitempty"` // Text (optional) The full property text as specified in the style. Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` // ParsedOk (optional) Whether the property is understood by the browser (implies `true` if absent). ParsedOk bool `json:"parsedOk,omitempty"` // Disabled (optional) Whether the property is disabled by the user (present for source-based properties only). Disabled bool `json:"disabled,omitempty"` // Range (optional) The entire property range in the enclosing style declaration (if available). Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` }
CSSCSSProperty CSS property declaration data.
type CSSCSSRule ¶
type CSSCSSRule struct { // StyleSheetID (optional) The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified // stylesheet rules) this rule came from. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // SelectorList Rule selector data. SelectorList *CSSSelectorList `json:"selectorList"` // Origin Parent stylesheet's origin. Origin CSSStyleSheetOrigin `json:"origin"` // Style Associated style declaration. Style *CSSCSSStyle `json:"style"` // Media (optional) Media list array (for rules involving media queries). The array enumerates media queries // starting with the innermost one, going outwards. Media []*CSSCSSMedia `json:"media,omitempty"` // ContainerQueries (experimental) (optional) Container query list array (for rules involving container queries). // The array enumerates container queries starting with the innermost one, going outwards. ContainerQueries []*CSSCSSContainerQuery `json:"containerQueries,omitempty"` // Supports (experimental) (optional) @supports CSS at-rule array. // The array enumerates @supports at-rules starting with the innermost one, going outwards. Supports []*CSSCSSSupports `json:"supports,omitempty"` // Layers (experimental) (optional) Cascade layer array. Contains the layer hierarchy that this rule belongs to starting // with the innermost layer and going outwards. Layers []*CSSCSSLayer `json:"layers,omitempty"` }
CSSCSSRule CSS rule representation.
type CSSCSSStyle ¶
type CSSCSSStyle struct { // StyleSheetID (optional) The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified // stylesheet rules) this rule came from. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` // CSSProperties CSS properties in the style. CSSProperties []*CSSCSSProperty `json:"cssProperties"` // ShorthandEntries Computed values for all shorthands found in the style. ShorthandEntries []*CSSShorthandEntry `json:"shorthandEntries"` // CSSText (optional) Style declaration text (if available). CSSText string `json:"cssText,omitempty"` // Range (optional) Style declaration range in the enclosing stylesheet (if available). Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` }
CSSCSSStyle CSS style representation.
type CSSCSSStyleSheetHeader ¶
type CSSCSSStyleSheetHeader struct { // StyleSheetID The stylesheet identifier. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // FrameID Owner frame identifier. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // SourceURL Stylesheet resource URL. Empty if this is a constructed stylesheet created using // new CSSStyleSheet() (but non-empty if this is a constructed sylesheet imported // as a CSS module script). SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL"` // SourceMapURL (optional) URL of source map associated with the stylesheet (if any). SourceMapURL string `json:"sourceMapURL,omitempty"` // Origin Stylesheet origin. Origin CSSStyleSheetOrigin `json:"origin"` // Title Stylesheet title. Title string `json:"title"` // OwnerNode (optional) The backend id for the owner node of the stylesheet. OwnerNode DOMBackendNodeID `json:"ownerNode,omitempty"` // Disabled Denotes whether the stylesheet is disabled. Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` // HasSourceURL (optional) Whether the sourceURL field value comes from the sourceURL comment. HasSourceURL bool `json:"hasSourceURL,omitempty"` // IsInline Whether this stylesheet is created for STYLE tag by parser. This flag is not set for // document.written STYLE tags. IsInline bool `json:"isInline"` // IsMutable Whether this stylesheet is mutable. Inline stylesheets become mutable // after they have been modified via CSSOM API. // <link> element's stylesheets become mutable only if DevTools modifies them. // Constructed stylesheets (new CSSStyleSheet()) are mutable immediately after creation. IsMutable bool `json:"isMutable"` // IsConstructed True if this stylesheet is created through new CSSStyleSheet() or imported as a // CSS module script. IsConstructed bool `json:"isConstructed"` // StartLine Line offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based). StartLine float64 `json:"startLine"` // StartColumn Column offset of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based). StartColumn float64 `json:"startColumn"` // Length Size of the content (in characters). Length float64 `json:"length"` // EndLine Line offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based). EndLine float64 `json:"endLine"` // EndColumn Column offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based). EndColumn float64 `json:"endColumn"` }
CSSCSSStyleSheetHeader CSS stylesheet metainformation.
type CSSCSSSupports ¶
type CSSCSSSupports struct { // Text Supports rule text. Text string `json:"text"` // Active Whether the supports condition is satisfied. Active bool `json:"active"` // Range (optional) The associated rule header range in the enclosing stylesheet (if // available). Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` // StyleSheetID (optional) Identifier of the stylesheet containing this object (if exists). StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId,omitempty"` }
CSSCSSSupports (experimental) CSS Supports at-rule descriptor.
type CSSCollectClassNames ¶
type CSSCollectClassNames struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` }
CSSCollectClassNames Returns all class names from specified stylesheet.
func (CSSCollectClassNames) Call ¶
func (m CSSCollectClassNames) Call(c Client) (*CSSCollectClassNamesResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSCollectClassNames) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSCollectClassNames) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSCollectClassNamesResult ¶
type CSSCollectClassNamesResult struct { // ClassNames Class name list. ClassNames []string `json:"classNames"` }
CSSCollectClassNamesResult ...
type CSSCreateStyleSheet ¶
type CSSCreateStyleSheet struct { // FrameID Identifier of the frame where "via-inspector" stylesheet should be created. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
CSSCreateStyleSheet Creates a new special "via-inspector" stylesheet in the frame with given `frameId`.
func (CSSCreateStyleSheet) Call ¶
func (m CSSCreateStyleSheet) Call(c Client) (*CSSCreateStyleSheetResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSCreateStyleSheetResult ¶
type CSSCreateStyleSheetResult struct { // StyleSheetID Identifier of the created "via-inspector" stylesheet. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` }
CSSCreateStyleSheetResult ...
type CSSEnable ¶
type CSSEnable struct { }
CSSEnable Enables the CSS agent for the given page. Clients should not assume that the CSS agent has been enabled until the result of this command is received.
type CSSFontFace ¶
type CSSFontFace struct { // FontFamily The font-family. FontFamily string `json:"fontFamily"` // FontStyle The font-style. FontStyle string `json:"fontStyle"` // FontVariant The font-variant. FontVariant string `json:"fontVariant"` // FontWeight The font-weight. FontWeight string `json:"fontWeight"` // FontStretch The font-stretch. FontStretch string `json:"fontStretch"` // UnicodeRange The unicode-range. UnicodeRange string `json:"unicodeRange"` // Src The src. Src string `json:"src"` // PlatformFontFamily The resolved platform font family PlatformFontFamily string `json:"platformFontFamily"` // FontVariationAxes (optional) Available variation settings (a.k.a. "axes"). FontVariationAxes []*CSSFontVariationAxis `json:"fontVariationAxes,omitempty"` }
CSSFontFace Properties of a web font: and additional information such as platformFontFamily and fontVariationAxes.
type CSSFontVariationAxis ¶
type CSSFontVariationAxis struct { // Tag The font-variation-setting tag (a.k.a. "axis tag"). Tag string `json:"tag"` // Name Human-readable variation name in the default language (normally, "en"). Name string `json:"name"` // MinValue The minimum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag. MinValue float64 `json:"minValue"` // MaxValue The maximum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag. MaxValue float64 `json:"maxValue"` // DefaultValue The default value. DefaultValue float64 `json:"defaultValue"` }
CSSFontVariationAxis Information about font variation axes for variable fonts
type CSSFontsUpdated ¶
type CSSFontsUpdated struct { // Font (optional) The web font that has loaded. Font *CSSFontFace `json:"font,omitempty"` }
CSSFontsUpdated Fires whenever a web font is updated. A non-empty font parameter indicates a successfully loaded web font
type CSSForcePseudoState ¶
type CSSForcePseudoState struct { // NodeID The element id for which to force the pseudo state. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // ForcedPseudoClasses Element pseudo classes to force when computing the element's style. ForcedPseudoClasses []string `json:"forcedPseudoClasses"` }
CSSForcePseudoState Ensures that the given node will have specified pseudo-classes whenever its style is computed by the browser.
func (CSSForcePseudoState) Call ¶
func (m CSSForcePseudoState) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type CSSGetBackgroundColors ¶
type CSSGetBackgroundColors struct { // NodeID Id of the node to get background colors for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
CSSGetBackgroundColors ...
func (CSSGetBackgroundColors) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetBackgroundColors) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetBackgroundColorsResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSGetBackgroundColors) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSGetBackgroundColors) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSGetBackgroundColorsResult ¶
type CSSGetBackgroundColorsResult struct { // BackgroundColors (optional) The range of background colors behind this element, if it contains any visible text. If no // visible text is present, this will be undefined. In the case of a flat background color, // this will consist of simply that color. In the case of a gradient, this will consist of each // of the color stops. For anything more complicated, this will be an empty array. Images will // be ignored (as if the image had failed to load). BackgroundColors []string `json:"backgroundColors,omitempty"` // ComputedFontSize (optional) The computed font size for this node, as a CSS computed value string (e.g. '12px'). ComputedFontSize string `json:"computedFontSize,omitempty"` // ComputedFontWeight (optional) The computed font weight for this node, as a CSS computed value string (e.g. 'normal' or // '100'). ComputedFontWeight string `json:"computedFontWeight,omitempty"` }
CSSGetBackgroundColorsResult ...
type CSSGetComputedStyleForNode ¶
type CSSGetComputedStyleForNode struct { // NodeID ... NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
CSSGetComputedStyleForNode Returns the computed style for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
func (CSSGetComputedStyleForNode) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetComputedStyleForNode) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSGetComputedStyleForNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSGetComputedStyleForNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeResult ¶
type CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeResult struct { // ComputedStyle Computed style for the specified DOM node. ComputedStyle []*CSSCSSComputedStyleProperty `json:"computedStyle"` }
CSSGetComputedStyleForNodeResult ...
type CSSGetInlineStylesForNode ¶
type CSSGetInlineStylesForNode struct { // NodeID ... NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
CSSGetInlineStylesForNode Returns the styles defined inline (explicitly in the "style" attribute and implicitly, using DOM attributes) for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
func (CSSGetInlineStylesForNode) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetInlineStylesForNode) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSGetInlineStylesForNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSGetInlineStylesForNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeResult ¶
type CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeResult struct { // InlineStyle (optional) Inline style for the specified DOM node. InlineStyle *CSSCSSStyle `json:"inlineStyle,omitempty"` // AttributesStyle (optional) Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%"). AttributesStyle *CSSCSSStyle `json:"attributesStyle,omitempty"` }
CSSGetInlineStylesForNodeResult ...
type CSSGetLayersForNode ¶
type CSSGetLayersForNode struct { // NodeID ... NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
CSSGetLayersForNode (experimental) Returns all layers parsed by the rendering engine for the tree scope of a node. Given a DOM element identified by nodeId, getLayersForNode returns the root layer for the nearest ancestor document or shadow root. The layer root contains the full layer tree for the tree scope and their ordering.
func (CSSGetLayersForNode) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetLayersForNode) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetLayersForNodeResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSGetLayersForNodeResult ¶
type CSSGetLayersForNodeResult struct { // RootLayer ... RootLayer *CSSCSSLayerData `json:"rootLayer"` }
CSSGetLayersForNodeResult (experimental) ...
type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode ¶
type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode struct { // NodeID ... NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode Returns requested styles for a DOM node identified by `nodeId`.
func (CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSGetMatchedStylesForNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeResult ¶
type CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeResult struct { // InlineStyle (optional) Inline style for the specified DOM node. InlineStyle *CSSCSSStyle `json:"inlineStyle,omitempty"` // AttributesStyle (optional) Attribute-defined element style (e.g. resulting from "width=20 height=100%"). AttributesStyle *CSSCSSStyle `json:"attributesStyle,omitempty"` // MatchedCSSRules (optional) CSS rules matching this node, from all applicable stylesheets. MatchedCSSRules []*CSSRuleMatch `json:"matchedCSSRules,omitempty"` // PseudoElements (optional) Pseudo style matches for this node. PseudoElements []*CSSPseudoElementMatches `json:"pseudoElements,omitempty"` // Inherited (optional) A chain of inherited styles (from the immediate node parent up to the DOM tree root). Inherited []*CSSInheritedStyleEntry `json:"inherited,omitempty"` // InheritedPseudoElements (optional) A chain of inherited pseudo element styles (from the immediate node parent up to the DOM tree root). InheritedPseudoElements []*CSSInheritedPseudoElementMatches `json:"inheritedPseudoElements,omitempty"` // CSSKeyframesRules (optional) A list of CSS keyframed animations matching this node. CSSKeyframesRules []*CSSCSSKeyframesRule `json:"cssKeyframesRules,omitempty"` }
CSSGetMatchedStylesForNodeResult ...
type CSSGetMediaQueries ¶
type CSSGetMediaQueries struct { }
CSSGetMediaQueries Returns all media queries parsed by the rendering engine.
func (CSSGetMediaQueries) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetMediaQueries) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetMediaQueriesResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSGetMediaQueriesResult ¶
type CSSGetMediaQueriesResult struct { // Medias ... Medias []*CSSCSSMedia `json:"medias"` }
CSSGetMediaQueriesResult ...
type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode ¶
type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode struct { // NodeID ... NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode Requests information about platform fonts which we used to render child TextNodes in the given node.
func (CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSGetPlatformFontsForNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeResult ¶
type CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeResult struct { // Fonts Usage statistics for every employed platform font. Fonts []*CSSPlatformFontUsage `json:"fonts"` }
CSSGetPlatformFontsForNodeResult ...
type CSSGetStyleSheetText ¶
type CSSGetStyleSheetText struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` }
CSSGetStyleSheetText Returns the current textual content for a stylesheet.
func (CSSGetStyleSheetText) Call ¶
func (m CSSGetStyleSheetText) Call(c Client) (*CSSGetStyleSheetTextResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSGetStyleSheetText) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSGetStyleSheetText) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSGetStyleSheetTextResult ¶
type CSSGetStyleSheetTextResult struct { // Text The stylesheet text. Text string `json:"text"` }
CSSGetStyleSheetTextResult ...
type CSSInheritedPseudoElementMatches ¶
type CSSInheritedPseudoElementMatches struct { // PseudoElements Matches of pseudo styles from the pseudos of an ancestor node. PseudoElements []*CSSPseudoElementMatches `json:"pseudoElements"` }
CSSInheritedPseudoElementMatches Inherited pseudo element matches from pseudos of an ancestor node.
type CSSInheritedStyleEntry ¶
type CSSInheritedStyleEntry struct { // InlineStyle (optional) The ancestor node's inline style, if any, in the style inheritance chain. InlineStyle *CSSCSSStyle `json:"inlineStyle,omitempty"` // MatchedCSSRules Matches of CSS rules matching the ancestor node in the style inheritance chain. MatchedCSSRules []*CSSRuleMatch `json:"matchedCSSRules"` }
CSSInheritedStyleEntry Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.
type CSSMediaQuery ¶
type CSSMediaQuery struct { // Expressions Array of media query expressions. Expressions []*CSSMediaQueryExpression `json:"expressions"` // Active Whether the media query condition is satisfied. Active bool `json:"active"` }
CSSMediaQuery Media query descriptor.
type CSSMediaQueryExpression ¶
type CSSMediaQueryExpression struct { // Value Media query expression value. Value float64 `json:"value"` // Unit Media query expression units. Unit string `json:"unit"` // Feature Media query expression feature. Feature string `json:"feature"` // ValueRange (optional) The associated range of the value text in the enclosing stylesheet (if available). ValueRange *CSSSourceRange `json:"valueRange,omitempty"` // ComputedLength (optional) Computed length of media query expression (if applicable). ComputedLength *float64 `json:"computedLength,omitempty"` }
CSSMediaQueryExpression Media query expression descriptor.
type CSSMediaQueryResultChanged ¶
type CSSMediaQueryResultChanged struct { }
CSSMediaQueryResultChanged Fires whenever a MediaQuery result changes (for example, after a browser window has been resized.) The current implementation considers only viewport-dependent media features.
func (CSSMediaQueryResultChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt CSSMediaQueryResultChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type CSSPlatformFontUsage ¶
type CSSPlatformFontUsage struct { // FamilyName Font's family name reported by platform. FamilyName string `json:"familyName"` // IsCustomFont Indicates if the font was downloaded or resolved locally. IsCustomFont bool `json:"isCustomFont"` // GlyphCount Amount of glyphs that were rendered with this font. GlyphCount float64 `json:"glyphCount"` }
CSSPlatformFontUsage Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given font.
type CSSPseudoElementMatches ¶
type CSSPseudoElementMatches struct { // PseudoType Pseudo element type. PseudoType DOMPseudoType `json:"pseudoType"` // Matches Matches of CSS rules applicable to the pseudo style. Matches []*CSSRuleMatch `json:"matches"` }
CSSPseudoElementMatches CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.
type CSSRuleMatch ¶
type CSSRuleMatch struct { // Rule CSS rule in the match. Rule *CSSCSSRule `json:"rule"` // MatchingSelectors Matching selector indices in the rule's selectorList selectors (0-based). MatchingSelectors []int `json:"matchingSelectors"` }
CSSRuleMatch Match data for a CSS rule.
type CSSRuleUsage ¶
type CSSRuleUsage struct { // StyleSheetID The css style sheet identifier (absent for user agent stylesheet and user-specified // stylesheet rules) this rule came from. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // StartOffset Offset of the start of the rule (including selector) from the beginning of the stylesheet. StartOffset float64 `json:"startOffset"` // EndOffset Offset of the end of the rule body from the beginning of the stylesheet. EndOffset float64 `json:"endOffset"` // Used Indicates whether the rule was actually used by some element in the page. Used bool `json:"used"` }
CSSRuleUsage CSS coverage information.
type CSSSelectorList ¶
type CSSSelectorList struct { // Selectors Selectors in the list. Selectors []*CSSValue `json:"selectors"` // Text Rule selector text. Text string `json:"text"` }
CSSSelectorList Selector list data.
type CSSSetContainerQueryText ¶
type CSSSetContainerQueryText struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range ... Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // Text ... Text string `json:"text"` }
CSSSetContainerQueryText (experimental) Modifies the expression of a container query.
func (CSSSetContainerQueryText) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetContainerQueryText) Call(c Client) (*CSSSetContainerQueryTextResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSSetContainerQueryText) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSSetContainerQueryText) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSSetContainerQueryTextResult ¶
type CSSSetContainerQueryTextResult struct { // ContainerQuery The resulting CSS container query rule after modification. ContainerQuery *CSSCSSContainerQuery `json:"containerQuery"` }
CSSSetContainerQueryTextResult (experimental) ...
type CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode ¶
type CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode struct { // NodeID The element id for which to set property. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // PropertyName ... PropertyName string `json:"propertyName"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode Find a rule with the given active property for the given node and set the new value for this property
func (CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSSetEffectivePropertyValueForNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSSetKeyframeKey ¶
type CSSSetKeyframeKey struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range ... Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // KeyText ... KeyText string `json:"keyText"` }
CSSSetKeyframeKey Modifies the keyframe rule key text.
func (CSSSetKeyframeKey) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetKeyframeKey) Call(c Client) (*CSSSetKeyframeKeyResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSSetKeyframeKeyResult ¶
type CSSSetKeyframeKeyResult struct { // KeyText The resulting key text after modification. KeyText *CSSValue `json:"keyText"` }
CSSSetKeyframeKeyResult ...
type CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled ¶
type CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled struct { // Enabled Whether rendering of local fonts is enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled (experimental) Enables/disables rendering of local CSS fonts (enabled by default).
func (CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSSetLocalFontsEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSSetMediaText ¶
type CSSSetMediaText struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range ... Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // Text ... Text string `json:"text"` }
CSSSetMediaText Modifies the rule selector.
func (CSSSetMediaText) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetMediaText) Call(c Client) (*CSSSetMediaTextResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSSetMediaTextResult ¶
type CSSSetMediaTextResult struct { // Media The resulting CSS media rule after modification. Media *CSSCSSMedia `json:"media"` }
CSSSetMediaTextResult ...
type CSSSetRuleSelector ¶
type CSSSetRuleSelector struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range ... Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // Selector ... Selector string `json:"selector"` }
CSSSetRuleSelector Modifies the rule selector.
func (CSSSetRuleSelector) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetRuleSelector) Call(c Client) (*CSSSetRuleSelectorResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSSetRuleSelectorResult ¶
type CSSSetRuleSelectorResult struct { // SelectorList The resulting selector list after modification. SelectorList *CSSSelectorList `json:"selectorList"` }
CSSSetRuleSelectorResult ...
type CSSSetStyleSheetText ¶
type CSSSetStyleSheetText struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Text ... Text string `json:"text"` }
CSSSetStyleSheetText Sets the new stylesheet text.
func (CSSSetStyleSheetText) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetStyleSheetText) Call(c Client) (*CSSSetStyleSheetTextResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSSetStyleSheetText) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSSetStyleSheetText) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSSetStyleSheetTextResult ¶
type CSSSetStyleSheetTextResult struct { // SourceMapURL (optional) URL of source map associated with script (if any). SourceMapURL string `json:"sourceMapURL,omitempty"` }
CSSSetStyleSheetTextResult ...
type CSSSetStyleTexts ¶
type CSSSetStyleTexts struct { // Edits ... Edits []*CSSStyleDeclarationEdit `json:"edits"` }
CSSSetStyleTexts Applies specified style edits one after another in the given order.
func (CSSSetStyleTexts) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetStyleTexts) Call(c Client) (*CSSSetStyleTextsResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSSetStyleTextsResult ¶
type CSSSetStyleTextsResult struct { // Styles The resulting styles after modification. Styles []*CSSCSSStyle `json:"styles"` }
CSSSetStyleTextsResult ...
type CSSSetSupportsText ¶
type CSSSetSupportsText struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range ... Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // Text ... Text string `json:"text"` }
CSSSetSupportsText (experimental) Modifies the expression of a supports at-rule.
func (CSSSetSupportsText) Call ¶
func (m CSSSetSupportsText) Call(c Client) (*CSSSetSupportsTextResult, error)
Call the request
type CSSSetSupportsTextResult ¶
type CSSSetSupportsTextResult struct { // Supports The resulting CSS Supports rule after modification. Supports *CSSCSSSupports `json:"supports"` }
CSSSetSupportsTextResult (experimental) ...
type CSSShorthandEntry ¶
type CSSShorthandEntry struct { // Name Shorthand name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Shorthand value. Value string `json:"value"` // Important (optional) Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies `false` if absent). Important bool `json:"important,omitempty"` }
CSSShorthandEntry ...
type CSSSourceRange ¶
type CSSSourceRange struct { // StartLine Start line of range. StartLine int `json:"startLine"` // StartColumn Start column of range (inclusive). StartColumn int `json:"startColumn"` // EndLine End line of range EndLine int `json:"endLine"` // EndColumn End column of range (exclusive). EndColumn int `json:"endColumn"` }
CSSSourceRange Text range within a resource. All numbers are zero-based.
type CSSStartRuleUsageTracking ¶
type CSSStartRuleUsageTracking struct { }
CSSStartRuleUsageTracking Enables the selector recording.
func (CSSStartRuleUsageTracking) Call ¶
func (m CSSStartRuleUsageTracking) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CSSStartRuleUsageTracking) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSStartRuleUsageTracking) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSStopRuleUsageTracking ¶
type CSSStopRuleUsageTracking struct { }
CSSStopRuleUsageTracking Stop tracking rule usage and return the list of rules that were used since last call to `takeCoverageDelta` (or since start of coverage instrumentation)
func (CSSStopRuleUsageTracking) Call ¶
func (m CSSStopRuleUsageTracking) Call(c Client) (*CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSStopRuleUsageTracking) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSStopRuleUsageTracking) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingResult ¶
type CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingResult struct { // RuleUsage ... RuleUsage []*CSSRuleUsage `json:"ruleUsage"` }
CSSStopRuleUsageTrackingResult ...
type CSSStyleDeclarationEdit ¶
type CSSStyleDeclarationEdit struct { // StyleSheetID The css style sheet identifier. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` // Range The range of the style text in the enclosing stylesheet. Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range"` // Text New style text. Text string `json:"text"` }
CSSStyleDeclarationEdit A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration text.
type CSSStyleSheetAdded ¶
type CSSStyleSheetAdded struct { // Header Added stylesheet metainfo. Header *CSSCSSStyleSheetHeader `json:"header"` }
CSSStyleSheetAdded Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is added.
func (CSSStyleSheetAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt CSSStyleSheetAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type CSSStyleSheetChanged ¶
type CSSStyleSheetChanged struct { // StyleSheetID ... StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` }
CSSStyleSheetChanged Fired whenever a stylesheet is changed as a result of the client operation.
func (CSSStyleSheetChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt CSSStyleSheetChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type CSSStyleSheetOrigin ¶
type CSSStyleSheetOrigin string
CSSStyleSheetOrigin Stylesheet type: "injected" for stylesheets injected via extension, "user-agent" for user-agent stylesheets, "inspector" for stylesheets created by the inspector (i.e. those holding the "via inspector" rules), "regular" for regular stylesheets.
const ( // CSSStyleSheetOriginInjected enum const CSSStyleSheetOriginInjected CSSStyleSheetOrigin = "injected" // CSSStyleSheetOriginUserAgent enum const CSSStyleSheetOriginUserAgent CSSStyleSheetOrigin = "user-agent" // CSSStyleSheetOriginInspector enum const CSSStyleSheetOriginInspector CSSStyleSheetOrigin = "inspector" // CSSStyleSheetOriginRegular enum const CSSStyleSheetOriginRegular CSSStyleSheetOrigin = "regular" )
type CSSStyleSheetRemoved ¶
type CSSStyleSheetRemoved struct { // StyleSheetID Identifier of the removed stylesheet. StyleSheetID CSSStyleSheetID `json:"styleSheetId"` }
CSSStyleSheetRemoved Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is removed.
func (CSSStyleSheetRemoved) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt CSSStyleSheetRemoved) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates ¶
type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates struct { }
CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates (experimental) Polls the next batch of computed style updates.
func (CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates) Call ¶
func (m CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates) Call(c Client) (*CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdatesResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdates) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdatesResult ¶
type CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdatesResult struct { // NodeIds The list of node Ids that have their tracked computed styles updated NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
CSSTakeComputedStyleUpdatesResult (experimental) ...
type CSSTakeCoverageDelta ¶
type CSSTakeCoverageDelta struct { }
CSSTakeCoverageDelta Obtain list of rules that became used since last call to this method (or since start of coverage instrumentation)
func (CSSTakeCoverageDelta) Call ¶
func (m CSSTakeCoverageDelta) Call(c Client) (*CSSTakeCoverageDeltaResult, error)
Call the request
func (CSSTakeCoverageDelta) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSTakeCoverageDelta) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSTakeCoverageDeltaResult ¶
type CSSTakeCoverageDeltaResult struct { // Coverage ... Coverage []*CSSRuleUsage `json:"coverage"` // Timestamp Monotonically increasing time, in seconds. Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"` }
CSSTakeCoverageDeltaResult ...
type CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates ¶
type CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates struct { // PropertiesToTrack ... PropertiesToTrack []*CSSCSSComputedStyleProperty `json:"propertiesToTrack"` }
CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates (experimental) Starts tracking the given computed styles for updates. The specified array of properties replaces the one previously specified. Pass empty array to disable tracking. Use takeComputedStyleUpdates to retrieve the list of nodes that had properties modified. The changes to computed style properties are only tracked for nodes pushed to the front-end by the DOM agent. If no changes to the tracked properties occur after the node has been pushed to the front-end, no updates will be issued for the node.
func (CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates) Call ¶
func (m CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CSSTrackComputedStyleUpdates) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CSSValue ¶
type CSSValue struct { // Text Value text. Text string `json:"text"` // Range (optional) Value range in the underlying resource (if available). Range *CSSSourceRange `json:"range,omitempty"` }
CSSValue Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list).
type CacheStorageCache ¶
type CacheStorageCache struct { // CacheID An opaque unique id of the cache. CacheID CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` // SecurityOrigin Security origin of the cache. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // CacheName The name of the cache. CacheName string `json:"cacheName"` }
CacheStorageCache Cache identifier.
type CacheStorageCacheID ¶
type CacheStorageCacheID string
CacheStorageCacheID Unique identifier of the Cache object.
type CacheStorageCachedResponse ¶
type CacheStorageCachedResponse struct { // Body Entry content, base64-encoded. Body []byte `json:"body"` }
CacheStorageCachedResponse Cached response
type CacheStorageCachedResponseType ¶
type CacheStorageCachedResponseType string
CacheStorageCachedResponseType type of HTTP response cached
const ( // CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeBasic enum const CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeBasic CacheStorageCachedResponseType = "basic" // CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeCors enum const CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeCors CacheStorageCachedResponseType = "cors" // CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeDefault enum const CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeDefault CacheStorageCachedResponseType = "default" // CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeError enum const CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeError CacheStorageCachedResponseType = "error" // CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeOpaqueResponse enum const CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeOpaqueResponse CacheStorageCachedResponseType = "opaqueResponse" // CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeOpaqueRedirect enum const CacheStorageCachedResponseTypeOpaqueRedirect CacheStorageCachedResponseType = "opaqueRedirect" )
type CacheStorageDataEntry ¶
type CacheStorageDataEntry struct { // RequestURL Request URL. RequestURL string `json:"requestURL"` // RequestMethod Request method. RequestMethod string `json:"requestMethod"` // RequestHeaders Request headers RequestHeaders []*CacheStorageHeader `json:"requestHeaders"` // ResponseTime Number of seconds since epoch. ResponseTime float64 `json:"responseTime"` // ResponseStatus HTTP response status code. ResponseStatus int `json:"responseStatus"` // ResponseStatusText HTTP response status text. ResponseStatusText string `json:"responseStatusText"` // ResponseType HTTP response type ResponseType CacheStorageCachedResponseType `json:"responseType"` // ResponseHeaders Response headers ResponseHeaders []*CacheStorageHeader `json:"responseHeaders"` }
CacheStorageDataEntry Data entry.
type CacheStorageDeleteCache ¶
type CacheStorageDeleteCache struct { // CacheID Id of cache for deletion. CacheID CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` }
CacheStorageDeleteCache Deletes a cache.
func (CacheStorageDeleteCache) Call ¶
func (m CacheStorageDeleteCache) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CacheStorageDeleteCache) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CacheStorageDeleteCache) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CacheStorageDeleteEntry ¶
type CacheStorageDeleteEntry struct { // CacheID Id of cache where the entry will be deleted. CacheID CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` // Request URL spec of the request. Request string `json:"request"` }
CacheStorageDeleteEntry Deletes a cache entry.
func (CacheStorageDeleteEntry) Call ¶
func (m CacheStorageDeleteEntry) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CacheStorageDeleteEntry) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CacheStorageDeleteEntry) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CacheStorageHeader ¶
type CacheStorageHeader struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
CacheStorageHeader ...
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNames ¶
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNames struct { // SecurityOrigin Security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` }
CacheStorageRequestCacheNames Requests cache names.
func (CacheStorageRequestCacheNames) Call ¶
func (m CacheStorageRequestCacheNames) Call(c Client) (*CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesResult, error)
Call the request
func (CacheStorageRequestCacheNames) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CacheStorageRequestCacheNames) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesResult ¶
type CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesResult struct { // Caches Caches for the security origin. Caches []*CacheStorageCache `json:"caches"` }
CacheStorageRequestCacheNamesResult ...
type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse ¶
type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse struct { // CacheID Id of cache that contains the entry. CacheID CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` // RequestURL URL spec of the request. RequestURL string `json:"requestURL"` // RequestHeaders headers of the request. RequestHeaders []*CacheStorageHeader `json:"requestHeaders"` }
CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse Fetches cache entry.
func (CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse) Call ¶
func (m CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse) Call(c Client) (*CacheStorageRequestCachedResponseResult, error)
Call the request
func (CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CacheStorageRequestCachedResponse) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponseResult ¶
type CacheStorageRequestCachedResponseResult struct { // Response Response read from the cache. Response *CacheStorageCachedResponse `json:"response"` }
CacheStorageRequestCachedResponseResult ...
type CacheStorageRequestEntries ¶
type CacheStorageRequestEntries struct { // CacheID ID of cache to get entries from. CacheID CacheStorageCacheID `json:"cacheId"` // SkipCount (optional) Number of records to skip. SkipCount *int `json:"skipCount,omitempty"` // PageSize (optional) Number of records to fetch. PageSize *int `json:"pageSize,omitempty"` // PathFilter (optional) If present, only return the entries containing this substring in the path PathFilter string `json:"pathFilter,omitempty"` }
CacheStorageRequestEntries Requests data from cache.
func (CacheStorageRequestEntries) Call ¶
func (m CacheStorageRequestEntries) Call(c Client) (*CacheStorageRequestEntriesResult, error)
Call the request
func (CacheStorageRequestEntries) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CacheStorageRequestEntries) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CacheStorageRequestEntriesResult ¶
type CacheStorageRequestEntriesResult struct { // CacheDataEntries Array of object store data entries. CacheDataEntries []*CacheStorageDataEntry `json:"cacheDataEntries"` // ReturnCount Count of returned entries from this storage. If pathFilter is empty, it // is the count of all entries from this storage. ReturnCount float64 `json:"returnCount"` }
CacheStorageRequestEntriesResult ...
type CastEnable ¶
type CastEnable struct { // PresentationURL (optional) ... PresentationURL string `json:"presentationUrl,omitempty"` }
CastEnable Starts observing for sinks that can be used for tab mirroring, and if set, sinks compatible with |presentationUrl| as well. When sinks are found, a |sinksUpdated| event is fired. Also starts observing for issue messages. When an issue is added or removed, an |issueUpdated| event is fired.
type CastIssueUpdated ¶
type CastIssueUpdated struct { // IssueMessage ... IssueMessage string `json:"issueMessage"` }
CastIssueUpdated This is fired whenever the outstanding issue/error message changes. |issueMessage| is empty if there is no issue.
func (CastIssueUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt CastIssueUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type CastSetSinkToUse ¶
type CastSetSinkToUse struct { // SinkName ... SinkName string `json:"sinkName"` }
CastSetSinkToUse Sets a sink to be used when the web page requests the browser to choose a sink via Presentation API, Remote Playback API, or Cast SDK.
func (CastSetSinkToUse) Call ¶
func (m CastSetSinkToUse) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type CastSink ¶
type CastSink struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // ID ... ID string `json:"id"` // Session (optional) Text describing the current session. Present only if there is an active // session on the sink. Session string `json:"session,omitempty"` }
CastSink ...
type CastSinksUpdated ¶
type CastSinksUpdated struct { // Sinks ... Sinks []*CastSink `json:"sinks"` }
CastSinksUpdated This is fired whenever the list of available sinks changes. A sink is a device or a software surface that you can cast to.
func (CastSinksUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt CastSinksUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type CastStartDesktopMirroring ¶
type CastStartDesktopMirroring struct { // SinkName ... SinkName string `json:"sinkName"` }
CastStartDesktopMirroring Starts mirroring the desktop to the sink.
func (CastStartDesktopMirroring) Call ¶
func (m CastStartDesktopMirroring) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CastStartDesktopMirroring) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CastStartDesktopMirroring) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CastStartTabMirroring ¶
type CastStartTabMirroring struct { // SinkName ... SinkName string `json:"sinkName"` }
CastStartTabMirroring Starts mirroring the tab to the sink.
func (CastStartTabMirroring) Call ¶
func (m CastStartTabMirroring) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (CastStartTabMirroring) ProtoReq ¶
func (m CastStartTabMirroring) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type CastStopCasting ¶
type CastStopCasting struct { // SinkName ... SinkName string `json:"sinkName"` }
CastStopCasting Stops the active Cast session on the sink.
type Client ¶
type Client interface {
Call(ctx context.Context, sessionID, methodName string, params interface{}) (res []byte, err error)
Client interface to send the request. So that this lib doesn't handle anything has side effect.
type ConsoleClearMessages ¶
type ConsoleClearMessages struct { }
ConsoleClearMessages Does nothing.
func (ConsoleClearMessages) Call ¶
func (m ConsoleClearMessages) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ConsoleClearMessages) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ConsoleClearMessages) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ConsoleConsoleMessage ¶
type ConsoleConsoleMessage struct { // Source Message source. Source ConsoleConsoleMessageSource `json:"source"` // Level Message severity. Level ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel `json:"level"` // Text Message text. Text string `json:"text"` // URL (optional) URL of the message origin. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Line (optional) Line number in the resource that generated this message (1-based). Line *int `json:"line,omitempty"` // Column (optional) Column number in the resource that generated this message (1-based). Column *int `json:"column,omitempty"` }
ConsoleConsoleMessage Console message.
type ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel ¶
type ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel string
ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel enum
const ( // ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelLog enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelLog ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel = "log" // ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelWarning enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelWarning ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel = "warning" // ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelError enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelError ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel = "error" // ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelDebug enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelDebug ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel = "debug" // ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelInfo enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageLevelInfo ConsoleConsoleMessageLevel = "info" )
type ConsoleConsoleMessageSource ¶
type ConsoleConsoleMessageSource string
ConsoleConsoleMessageSource enum
const ( // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceXML enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceXML ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "xml" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceJavascript enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceJavascript ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "javascript" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceNetwork enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceNetwork ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "network" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceConsoleAPI enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceConsoleAPI ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "console-api" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceStorage enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceStorage ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "storage" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceAppcache enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceAppcache ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "appcache" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceRendering enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceRendering ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "rendering" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceSecurity enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceSecurity ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "security" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceOther enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceOther ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "other" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceDeprecation enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceDeprecation ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "deprecation" // ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceWorker enum const ConsoleConsoleMessageSourceWorker ConsoleConsoleMessageSource = "worker" )
type ConsoleDisable ¶
type ConsoleDisable struct { }
ConsoleDisable Disables console domain, prevents further console messages from being reported to the client.
type ConsoleEnable ¶
type ConsoleEnable struct { }
ConsoleEnable Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the client by means of the `messageAdded` notification.
type ConsoleMessageAdded ¶
type ConsoleMessageAdded struct { // Message Console message that has been added. Message *ConsoleConsoleMessage `json:"message"` }
ConsoleMessageAdded Issued when new console message is added.
func (ConsoleMessageAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt ConsoleMessageAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type Contextable ¶
Contextable type has a context.Context for its methods
type DOMAttributeModified ¶
type DOMAttributeModified struct { // NodeID Id of the node that has changed. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Name Attribute name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Attribute value. Value string `json:"value"` }
DOMAttributeModified Fired when `Element`'s attribute is modified.
func (DOMAttributeModified) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMAttributeModified) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMAttributeRemoved ¶
type DOMAttributeRemoved struct { // NodeID Id of the node that has changed. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Name A ttribute name. Name string `json:"name"` }
DOMAttributeRemoved Fired when `Element`'s attribute is removed.
func (DOMAttributeRemoved) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMAttributeRemoved) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMBackendNode ¶
type DOMBackendNode struct { // NodeType `Node`'s nodeType. NodeType int `json:"nodeType"` // NodeName `Node`'s nodeName. NodeName string `json:"nodeName"` // BackendNodeID ... BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId"` }
DOMBackendNode Backend node with a friendly name.
type DOMBackendNodeID ¶
type DOMBackendNodeID int
DOMBackendNodeID Unique DOM node identifier used to reference a node that may not have been pushed to the front-end.
type DOMBoxModel ¶
type DOMBoxModel struct { // Content Content box Content DOMQuad `json:"content"` // Padding Padding box Padding DOMQuad `json:"padding"` // Border Border box Border DOMQuad `json:"border"` // Margin Margin box Margin DOMQuad `json:"margin"` // Width Node width Width int `json:"width"` // Height Node height Height int `json:"height"` // ShapeOutside (optional) Shape outside coordinates ShapeOutside *DOMShapeOutsideInfo `json:"shapeOutside,omitempty"` }
DOMBoxModel Box model.
type DOMCSSComputedStyleProperty ¶
type DOMCSSComputedStyleProperty struct { // Name Computed style property name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Computed style property value. Value string `json:"value"` }
DOMCSSComputedStyleProperty ...
type DOMCharacterDataModified ¶
type DOMCharacterDataModified struct { // NodeID Id of the node that has changed. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // CharacterData New text value. CharacterData string `json:"characterData"` }
DOMCharacterDataModified Mirrors `DOMCharacterDataModified` event.
func (DOMCharacterDataModified) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMCharacterDataModified) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMChildNodeCountUpdated ¶
type DOMChildNodeCountUpdated struct { // NodeID Id of the node that has changed. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // ChildNodeCount New node count. ChildNodeCount int `json:"childNodeCount"` }
DOMChildNodeCountUpdated Fired when `Container`'s child node count has changed.
func (DOMChildNodeCountUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMChildNodeCountUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMChildNodeInserted ¶
type DOMChildNodeInserted struct { // ParentNodeID Id of the node that has changed. ParentNodeID DOMNodeID `json:"parentNodeId"` // PreviousNodeID If of the previous siblint. PreviousNodeID DOMNodeID `json:"previousNodeId"` // Node Inserted node data. Node *DOMNode `json:"node"` }
DOMChildNodeInserted Mirrors `DOMNodeInserted` event.
func (DOMChildNodeInserted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMChildNodeInserted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMChildNodeRemoved ¶
type DOMChildNodeRemoved struct { // ParentNodeID Parent id. ParentNodeID DOMNodeID `json:"parentNodeId"` // NodeID Id of the node that has been removed. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMChildNodeRemoved Mirrors `DOMNodeRemoved` event.
func (DOMChildNodeRemoved) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMChildNodeRemoved) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree ¶
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree struct { // NodeID Id of the node to collect class names. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree (experimental) Collects class names for the node with given id and all of it's child nodes.
func (DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree) Call ¶
func (m DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree) Call(c Client) (*DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtree) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeResult ¶
type DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeResult struct { // ClassNames Class name list. ClassNames []string `json:"classNames"` }
DOMCollectClassNamesFromSubtreeResult (experimental) ...
type DOMCompatibilityMode ¶
type DOMCompatibilityMode string
DOMCompatibilityMode Document compatibility mode.
const ( // DOMCompatibilityModeQuirksMode enum const DOMCompatibilityModeQuirksMode DOMCompatibilityMode = "QuirksMode" // DOMCompatibilityModeLimitedQuirksMode enum const DOMCompatibilityModeLimitedQuirksMode DOMCompatibilityMode = "LimitedQuirksMode" // DOMCompatibilityModeNoQuirksMode enum const DOMCompatibilityModeNoQuirksMode DOMCompatibilityMode = "NoQuirksMode" )
type DOMCopyTo ¶
type DOMCopyTo struct { // NodeID Id of the node to copy. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // TargetNodeID Id of the element to drop the copy into. TargetNodeID DOMNodeID `json:"targetNodeId"` // InsertBeforeNodeID (optional) Drop the copy before this node (if absent, the copy becomes the last child of // `targetNodeId`). InsertBeforeNodeID DOMNodeID `json:"insertBeforeNodeId,omitempty"` }
DOMCopyTo (experimental) Creates a deep copy of the specified node and places it into the target container before the given anchor.
type DOMCopyToResult ¶
type DOMCopyToResult struct { // NodeID Id of the node clone. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMCopyToResult (experimental) ...
type DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType ¶
type DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType string
DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType (experimental) CSP Violation type.
const ( // DOMDebuggerCSPViolationTypeTrustedtypeSinkViolation enum const DOMDebuggerCSPViolationTypeTrustedtypeSinkViolation DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType = "trustedtype-sink-violation" // DOMDebuggerCSPViolationTypeTrustedtypePolicyViolation enum const DOMDebuggerCSPViolationTypeTrustedtypePolicyViolation DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType = "trustedtype-policy-violation" )
type DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType ¶
type DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType string
DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType DOM breakpoint type.
const ( // DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointTypeSubtreeModified enum const DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointTypeSubtreeModified DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType = "subtree-modified" // DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointTypeAttributeModified enum const DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointTypeAttributeModified DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType = "attribute-modified" // DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointTypeNodeRemoved enum const DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointTypeNodeRemoved DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType = "node-removed" )
type DOMDebuggerEventListener ¶
type DOMDebuggerEventListener struct { // Type `EventListener`'s type. Type string `json:"type"` // UseCapture `EventListener`'s useCapture. UseCapture bool `json:"useCapture"` // Passive `EventListener`'s passive flag. Passive bool `json:"passive"` // Once `EventListener`'s once flag. Once bool `json:"once"` // ScriptID Script id of the handler code. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // LineNumber Line number in the script (0-based). LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber Column number in the script (0-based). ColumnNumber int `json:"columnNumber"` // Handler (optional) Event handler function value. Handler *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"handler,omitempty"` // OriginalHandler (optional) Event original handler function value. OriginalHandler *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"originalHandler,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Node the listener is added to (if any). BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` }
DOMDebuggerEventListener Object event listener.
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners ¶
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners struct { // ObjectID Identifier of the object to return listeners for. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // Depth (optional) The maximum depth at which Node children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the // entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // Pierce (optional) Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree // (default is false). Reports listeners for all contexts if pierce is enabled. Pierce bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` }
DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners Returns event listeners of the given object.
func (DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners) Call(c Client) (*DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerGetEventListeners) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersResult ¶
type DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersResult struct { // Listeners Array of relevant listeners. Listeners []*DOMDebuggerEventListener `json:"listeners"` }
DOMDebuggerGetEventListenersResult ...
type DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint struct { // NodeID Identifier of the node to remove breakpoint from. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Type Type of the breakpoint to remove. Type DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType `json:"type"` }
DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint Removes DOM breakpoint that was set using `setDOMBreakpoint`.
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveDOMBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint struct { // EventName Event name. EventName string `json:"eventName"` // TargetName (experimental) (optional) EventTarget interface name. TargetName string `json:"targetName,omitempty"` }
DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint Removes breakpoint on particular DOM event.
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveEventListenerBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint struct { // EventName Instrumentation name to stop on. EventName string `json:"eventName"` }
DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint (experimental) Removes breakpoint on particular native event.
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint struct { // URL Resource URL substring. URL string `json:"url"` }
DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint Removes breakpoint from XMLHttpRequest.
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerRemoveXHRBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation struct { // ViolationTypes CSP Violations to stop upon. ViolationTypes []DOMDebuggerCSPViolationType `json:"violationTypes"` }
DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation (experimental) Sets breakpoint on particular CSP violations.
func (DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetBreakOnCSPViolation) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint struct { // NodeID Identifier of the node to set breakpoint on. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Type Type of the operation to stop upon. Type DOMDebuggerDOMBreakpointType `json:"type"` }
DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint Sets breakpoint on particular operation with DOM.
func (DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetDOMBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint struct { // EventName DOM Event name to stop on (any DOM event will do). EventName string `json:"eventName"` // TargetName (experimental) (optional) EventTarget interface name to stop on. If equal to `"*"` or not provided, will stop on any // EventTarget. TargetName string `json:"targetName,omitempty"` }
DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint Sets breakpoint on particular DOM event.
func (DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetEventListenerBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint struct { // EventName Instrumentation name to stop on. EventName string `json:"eventName"` }
DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint (experimental) Sets breakpoint on particular native event.
func (DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint ¶
type DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint struct { // URL Resource URL substring. All XHRs having this substring in the URL will get stopped upon. URL string `json:"url"` }
DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint Sets breakpoint on XMLHttpRequest.
func (DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDebuggerSetXHRBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDescribeNode ¶
type DOMDescribeNode struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Depth (optional) The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the // entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // Pierce (optional) Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree // (default is false). Pierce bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` }
DOMDescribeNode Describes node given its id, does not require domain to be enabled. Does not start tracking any objects, can be used for automation.
func (DOMDescribeNode) Call ¶
func (m DOMDescribeNode) Call(c Client) (*DOMDescribeNodeResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMDescribeNodeResult ¶
type DOMDescribeNodeResult struct { // Node Node description. Node *DOMNode `json:"node"` }
DOMDescribeNodeResult ...
type DOMDiscardSearchResults ¶
type DOMDiscardSearchResults struct { // SearchID Unique search session identifier. SearchID string `json:"searchId"` }
DOMDiscardSearchResults (experimental) Discards search results from the session with the given id. `getSearchResults` should no longer be called for that search.
func (DOMDiscardSearchResults) Call ¶
func (m DOMDiscardSearchResults) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMDiscardSearchResults) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMDiscardSearchResults) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMDistributedNodesUpdated ¶
type DOMDistributedNodesUpdated struct { // InsertionPointID Insertion point where distributed nodes were updated. InsertionPointID DOMNodeID `json:"insertionPointId"` // DistributedNodes Distributed nodes for given insertion point. DistributedNodes []*DOMBackendNode `json:"distributedNodes"` }
DOMDistributedNodesUpdated (experimental) Called when distribution is changed.
func (DOMDistributedNodesUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMDistributedNodesUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMDocumentUpdated ¶
type DOMDocumentUpdated struct { }
DOMDocumentUpdated Fired when `Document` has been totally updated. Node ids are no longer valid.
func (DOMDocumentUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMDocumentUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMEnable ¶
type DOMEnable struct { // IncludeWhitespace (experimental) (optional) Whether to include whitespaces in the children array of returned Nodes. IncludeWhitespace DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace `json:"includeWhitespace,omitempty"` }
DOMEnable Enables DOM agent for the given page.
type DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace ¶
type DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace string
DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace enum
const ( // DOMEnableIncludeWhitespaceNone enum const DOMEnableIncludeWhitespaceNone DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace = "none" // DOMEnableIncludeWhitespaceAll enum const DOMEnableIncludeWhitespaceAll DOMEnableIncludeWhitespace = "all" )
type DOMFocus ¶
type DOMFocus struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
DOMFocus Focuses the given element.
type DOMGetAttributes ¶
type DOMGetAttributes struct { // NodeID Id of the node to retrieve attibutes for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMGetAttributes Returns attributes for the specified node.
func (DOMGetAttributes) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetAttributes) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetAttributesResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetAttributesResult ¶
type DOMGetAttributesResult struct { // Attributes An interleaved array of node attribute names and values. Attributes []string `json:"attributes"` }
DOMGetAttributesResult ...
type DOMGetBoxModel ¶
type DOMGetBoxModel struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
DOMGetBoxModel Returns boxes for the given node.
func (DOMGetBoxModel) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetBoxModel) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetBoxModelResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetBoxModelResult ¶
type DOMGetBoxModelResult struct { // Model Box model for the node. Model *DOMBoxModel `json:"model"` }
DOMGetBoxModelResult ...
type DOMGetContainerForNode ¶
type DOMGetContainerForNode struct { // NodeID ... NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // ContainerName (optional) ... ContainerName string `json:"containerName,omitempty"` }
DOMGetContainerForNode (experimental) Returns the container of the given node based on container query conditions. If containerName is given, it will find the nearest container with a matching name; otherwise it will find the nearest container regardless of its container name.
func (DOMGetContainerForNode) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetContainerForNode) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetContainerForNodeResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMGetContainerForNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMGetContainerForNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMGetContainerForNodeResult ¶
type DOMGetContainerForNodeResult struct { // NodeID (optional) The container node for the given node, or null if not found. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` }
DOMGetContainerForNodeResult (experimental) ...
type DOMGetContentQuads ¶
type DOMGetContentQuads struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
DOMGetContentQuads (experimental) Returns quads that describe node position on the page. This method might return multiple quads for inline nodes.
func (DOMGetContentQuads) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetContentQuads) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetContentQuadsResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetContentQuadsResult ¶
type DOMGetContentQuadsResult struct { // Quads Quads that describe node layout relative to viewport. Quads []DOMQuad `json:"quads"` }
DOMGetContentQuadsResult (experimental) ...
func (*DOMGetContentQuadsResult) Box ¶
func (res *DOMGetContentQuadsResult) Box() (box *DOMRect)
Box returns the smallest leveled rectangle that can cover the whole shape.
func (*DOMGetContentQuadsResult) OnePointInside ¶
func (res *DOMGetContentQuadsResult) OnePointInside() *Point
OnePointInside the shape
type DOMGetDocument ¶
type DOMGetDocument struct { // Depth (optional) The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the // entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // Pierce (optional) Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree // (default is false). Pierce bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` }
DOMGetDocument Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the caller.
func (DOMGetDocument) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetDocument) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetDocumentResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetDocumentResult ¶
type DOMGetDocumentResult struct { // Root Resulting node. Root *DOMNode `json:"root"` }
DOMGetDocumentResult ...
type DOMGetFileInfo ¶
type DOMGetFileInfo struct { // ObjectID JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` }
DOMGetFileInfo (experimental) Returns file information for the given File wrapper.
func (DOMGetFileInfo) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetFileInfo) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetFileInfoResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetFileInfoResult ¶
type DOMGetFileInfoResult struct { // Path ... Path string `json:"path"` }
DOMGetFileInfoResult (experimental) ...
type DOMGetFlattenedDocument ¶
type DOMGetFlattenedDocument struct { // Depth (optional) The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the // entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // Pierce (optional) Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the subtree // (default is false). Pierce bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` }
DOMGetFlattenedDocument (deprecated) Returns the root DOM node (and optionally the subtree) to the caller. Deprecated, as it is not designed to work well with the rest of the DOM agent. Use DOMSnapshot.captureSnapshot instead.
func (DOMGetFlattenedDocument) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetFlattenedDocument) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetFlattenedDocumentResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMGetFlattenedDocument) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMGetFlattenedDocument) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentResult ¶
type DOMGetFlattenedDocumentResult struct { // Nodes Resulting node. Nodes []*DOMNode `json:"nodes"` }
DOMGetFlattenedDocumentResult (deprecated) ...
type DOMGetFrameOwner ¶
type DOMGetFrameOwner struct { // FrameID ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
DOMGetFrameOwner (experimental) Returns iframe node that owns iframe with the given domain.
func (DOMGetFrameOwner) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetFrameOwner) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetFrameOwnerResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetFrameOwnerResult ¶
type DOMGetFrameOwnerResult struct { // BackendNodeID Resulting node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId"` // NodeID (optional) Id of the node at given coordinates, only when enabled and requested document. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` }
DOMGetFrameOwnerResult (experimental) ...
type DOMGetNodeForLocation ¶
type DOMGetNodeForLocation struct { // X X coordinate. X int `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate. Y int `json:"y"` // IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM (optional) False to skip to the nearest non-UA shadow root ancestor (default: false). IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM bool `json:"includeUserAgentShadowDOM,omitempty"` // IgnorePointerEventsNone (optional) Whether to ignore pointer-events: none on elements and hit test them. IgnorePointerEventsNone bool `json:"ignorePointerEventsNone,omitempty"` }
DOMGetNodeForLocation Returns node id at given location. Depending on whether DOM domain is enabled, nodeId is either returned or not.
func (DOMGetNodeForLocation) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetNodeForLocation) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetNodeForLocationResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMGetNodeForLocation) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMGetNodeForLocation) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMGetNodeForLocationResult ¶
type DOMGetNodeForLocationResult struct { // BackendNodeID Resulting node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId"` // FrameID Frame this node belongs to. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // NodeID (optional) Id of the node at given coordinates, only when enabled and requested document. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` }
DOMGetNodeForLocationResult ...
type DOMGetNodeStackTraces ¶
type DOMGetNodeStackTraces struct { // NodeID Id of the node to get stack traces for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMGetNodeStackTraces (experimental) Gets stack traces associated with a Node. As of now, only provides stack trace for Node creation.
func (DOMGetNodeStackTraces) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetNodeStackTraces) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetNodeStackTracesResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMGetNodeStackTraces) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMGetNodeStackTraces) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMGetNodeStackTracesResult ¶
type DOMGetNodeStackTracesResult struct { // Creation (optional) Creation stack trace, if available. Creation *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"creation,omitempty"` }
DOMGetNodeStackTracesResult (experimental) ...
type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle ¶
type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle struct { // NodeID Node ID pointing to the root of a subtree. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // ComputedStyles The style to filter nodes by (includes nodes if any of properties matches). ComputedStyles []*DOMCSSComputedStyleProperty `json:"computedStyles"` // Pierce (optional) Whether or not iframes and shadow roots in the same target should be traversed when returning the // results (default is false). Pierce bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` }
DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle (experimental) Finds nodes with a given computed style in a subtree.
func (DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyleResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyle) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyleResult ¶
type DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyleResult struct { // NodeIds Resulting nodes. NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
DOMGetNodesForSubtreeByStyleResult (experimental) ...
type DOMGetOuterHTML ¶
type DOMGetOuterHTML struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
DOMGetOuterHTML Returns node's HTML markup.
func (DOMGetOuterHTML) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetOuterHTML) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetOuterHTMLResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetOuterHTMLResult ¶
type DOMGetOuterHTMLResult struct { // OuterHTML Outer HTML markup. OuterHTML string `json:"outerHTML"` }
DOMGetOuterHTMLResult ...
type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer ¶
type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer struct { // NodeID Id of the container node to find querying descendants from. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer (experimental) Returns the descendants of a container query container that have container queries against this container.
func (DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainerResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainer) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainerResult ¶
type DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainerResult struct { // NodeIds Descendant nodes with container queries against the given container. NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
DOMGetQueryingDescendantsForContainerResult (experimental) ...
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundary ¶
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundary struct { // NodeID Id of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMGetRelayoutBoundary (experimental) Returns the id of the nearest ancestor that is a relayout boundary.
func (DOMGetRelayoutBoundary) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetRelayoutBoundary) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMGetRelayoutBoundary) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMGetRelayoutBoundary) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryResult ¶
type DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryResult struct { // NodeID Relayout boundary node id for the given node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMGetRelayoutBoundaryResult (experimental) ...
type DOMGetSearchResults ¶
type DOMGetSearchResults struct { // SearchID Unique search session identifier. SearchID string `json:"searchId"` // FromIndex Start index of the search result to be returned. FromIndex int `json:"fromIndex"` // ToIndex End index of the search result to be returned. ToIndex int `json:"toIndex"` }
DOMGetSearchResults (experimental) Returns search results from given `fromIndex` to given `toIndex` from the search with the given identifier.
func (DOMGetSearchResults) Call ¶
func (m DOMGetSearchResults) Call(c Client) (*DOMGetSearchResultsResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMGetSearchResultsResult ¶
type DOMGetSearchResultsResult struct { // NodeIds Ids of the search result nodes. NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
DOMGetSearchResultsResult (experimental) ...
type DOMHideHighlight ¶
type DOMHideHighlight struct { }
DOMHideHighlight Hides any highlight.
func (DOMHideHighlight) Call ¶
func (m DOMHideHighlight) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMHighlightNode ¶
type DOMHighlightNode struct { }
DOMHighlightNode Highlights DOM node.
func (DOMHighlightNode) Call ¶
func (m DOMHighlightNode) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMHighlightRect ¶
type DOMHighlightRect struct { }
DOMHighlightRect Highlights given rectangle.
func (DOMHighlightRect) Call ¶
func (m DOMHighlightRect) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMInlineStyleInvalidated ¶
type DOMInlineStyleInvalidated struct { // NodeIds Ids of the nodes for which the inline styles have been invalidated. NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
DOMInlineStyleInvalidated (experimental) Fired when `Element`'s inline style is modified via a CSS property modification.
func (DOMInlineStyleInvalidated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMInlineStyleInvalidated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMMarkUndoableState ¶
type DOMMarkUndoableState struct { }
DOMMarkUndoableState (experimental) Marks last undoable state.
func (DOMMarkUndoableState) Call ¶
func (m DOMMarkUndoableState) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMMarkUndoableState) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMMarkUndoableState) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMMoveTo ¶
type DOMMoveTo struct { // NodeID Id of the node to move. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // TargetNodeID Id of the element to drop the moved node into. TargetNodeID DOMNodeID `json:"targetNodeId"` // InsertBeforeNodeID (optional) Drop node before this one (if absent, the moved node becomes the last child of // `targetNodeId`). InsertBeforeNodeID DOMNodeID `json:"insertBeforeNodeId,omitempty"` }
DOMMoveTo Moves node into the new container, places it before the given anchor.
type DOMMoveToResult ¶
type DOMMoveToResult struct { // NodeID New id of the moved node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMMoveToResult ...
type DOMNode ¶
type DOMNode struct { // NodeID Node identifier that is passed into the rest of the DOM messages as the `nodeId`. Backend // will only push node with given `id` once. It is aware of all requested nodes and will only // fire DOM events for nodes known to the client. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // ParentID (optional) The id of the parent node if any. ParentID DOMNodeID `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID The BackendNodeId for this node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId"` // NodeType `Node`'s nodeType. NodeType int `json:"nodeType"` // NodeName `Node`'s nodeName. NodeName string `json:"nodeName"` // LocalName `Node`'s localName. LocalName string `json:"localName"` // NodeValue `Node`'s nodeValue. NodeValue string `json:"nodeValue"` // ChildNodeCount (optional) Child count for `Container` nodes. ChildNodeCount *int `json:"childNodeCount,omitempty"` // Children (optional) Child nodes of this node when requested with children. Children []*DOMNode `json:"children,omitempty"` // Attributes (optional) Attributes of the `Element` node in the form of flat array `[name1, value1, name2, value2]`. Attributes []string `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // DocumentURL (optional) Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to. DocumentURL string `json:"documentURL,omitempty"` // BaseURL (optional) Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion. BaseURL string `json:"baseURL,omitempty"` // PublicID (optional) `DocumentType`'s publicId. PublicID string `json:"publicId,omitempty"` // SystemID (optional) `DocumentType`'s systemId. SystemID string `json:"systemId,omitempty"` // InternalSubset (optional) `DocumentType`'s internalSubset. InternalSubset string `json:"internalSubset,omitempty"` // XMLVersion (optional) `Document`'s XML version in case of XML documents. XMLVersion string `json:"xmlVersion,omitempty"` // Name (optional) `Attr`'s name. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Value (optional) `Attr`'s value. Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` // PseudoType (optional) Pseudo element type for this node. PseudoType DOMPseudoType `json:"pseudoType,omitempty"` // ShadowRootType (optional) Shadow root type. ShadowRootType DOMShadowRootType `json:"shadowRootType,omitempty"` // FrameID (optional) Frame ID for frame owner elements. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` // ContentDocument (optional) Content document for frame owner elements. ContentDocument *DOMNode `json:"contentDocument,omitempty"` // ShadowRoots (optional) Shadow root list for given element host. ShadowRoots []*DOMNode `json:"shadowRoots,omitempty"` // TemplateContent (optional) Content document fragment for template elements. TemplateContent *DOMNode `json:"templateContent,omitempty"` // PseudoElements (optional) Pseudo elements associated with this node. PseudoElements []*DOMNode `json:"pseudoElements,omitempty"` // ImportedDocument (deprecated) (optional) Deprecated, as the HTML Imports API has been removed ( // This property used to return the imported document for the HTMLImport links. // The property is always undefined now. ImportedDocument *DOMNode `json:"importedDocument,omitempty"` // DistributedNodes (optional) Distributed nodes for given insertion point. DistributedNodes []*DOMBackendNode `json:"distributedNodes,omitempty"` // IsSVG (optional) Whether the node is SVG. IsSVG bool `json:"isSVG,omitempty"` // CompatibilityMode (optional) ... CompatibilityMode DOMCompatibilityMode `json:"compatibilityMode,omitempty"` // AssignedSlot (optional) ... AssignedSlot *DOMBackendNode `json:"assignedSlot,omitempty"` }
DOMNode DOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that represent the actual DOM nodes. DOMNode is a base node mirror type.
type DOMPerformSearch ¶
type DOMPerformSearch struct { // Query Plain text or query selector or XPath search query. Query string `json:"query"` // IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM (optional) True to search in user agent shadow DOM. IncludeUserAgentShadowDOM bool `json:"includeUserAgentShadowDOM,omitempty"` }
DOMPerformSearch (experimental) Searches for a given string in the DOM tree. Use `getSearchResults` to access search results or `cancelSearch` to end this search session.
func (DOMPerformSearch) Call ¶
func (m DOMPerformSearch) Call(c Client) (*DOMPerformSearchResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMPerformSearchResult ¶
type DOMPerformSearchResult struct { // SearchID Unique search session identifier. SearchID string `json:"searchId"` // ResultCount Number of search results. ResultCount int `json:"resultCount"` }
DOMPerformSearchResult (experimental) ...
type DOMPseudoElementAdded ¶
type DOMPseudoElementAdded struct { // ParentID Pseudo element's parent element id. ParentID DOMNodeID `json:"parentId"` // PseudoElement The added pseudo element. PseudoElement *DOMNode `json:"pseudoElement"` }
DOMPseudoElementAdded (experimental) Called when a pseudo element is added to an element.
func (DOMPseudoElementAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMPseudoElementAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMPseudoElementRemoved ¶
type DOMPseudoElementRemoved struct { // ParentID Pseudo element's parent element id. ParentID DOMNodeID `json:"parentId"` // PseudoElementID The removed pseudo element id. PseudoElementID DOMNodeID `json:"pseudoElementId"` }
DOMPseudoElementRemoved (experimental) Called when a pseudo element is removed from an element.
func (DOMPseudoElementRemoved) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMPseudoElementRemoved) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMPseudoType ¶
type DOMPseudoType string
DOMPseudoType Pseudo element type.
const ( // DOMPseudoTypeFirstLine enum const DOMPseudoTypeFirstLine DOMPseudoType = "first-line" // DOMPseudoTypeFirstLetter enum const DOMPseudoTypeFirstLetter DOMPseudoType = "first-letter" // DOMPseudoTypeBefore enum const DOMPseudoTypeBefore DOMPseudoType = "before" // DOMPseudoTypeAfter enum const DOMPseudoTypeAfter DOMPseudoType = "after" // DOMPseudoTypeMarker enum const DOMPseudoTypeMarker DOMPseudoType = "marker" // DOMPseudoTypeBackdrop enum const DOMPseudoTypeBackdrop DOMPseudoType = "backdrop" // DOMPseudoTypeSelection enum const DOMPseudoTypeSelection DOMPseudoType = "selection" // DOMPseudoTypeTargetText enum const DOMPseudoTypeTargetText DOMPseudoType = "target-text" // DOMPseudoTypeSpellingError enum const DOMPseudoTypeSpellingError DOMPseudoType = "spelling-error" // DOMPseudoTypeGrammarError enum const DOMPseudoTypeGrammarError DOMPseudoType = "grammar-error" // DOMPseudoTypeHighlight enum const DOMPseudoTypeHighlight DOMPseudoType = "highlight" // DOMPseudoTypeFirstLineInherited enum const DOMPseudoTypeFirstLineInherited DOMPseudoType = "first-line-inherited" // DOMPseudoTypeScrollbar enum const DOMPseudoTypeScrollbar DOMPseudoType = "scrollbar" // DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarThumb enum const DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarThumb DOMPseudoType = "scrollbar-thumb" // DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarButton enum const DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarButton DOMPseudoType = "scrollbar-button" // DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarTrack enum const DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarTrack DOMPseudoType = "scrollbar-track" // DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarTrackPiece enum const DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarTrackPiece DOMPseudoType = "scrollbar-track-piece" // DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarCorner enum const DOMPseudoTypeScrollbarCorner DOMPseudoType = "scrollbar-corner" // DOMPseudoTypeResizer enum const DOMPseudoTypeResizer DOMPseudoType = "resizer" // DOMPseudoTypeInputListButton enum const DOMPseudoTypeInputListButton DOMPseudoType = "input-list-button" // DOMPseudoTypePageTransition enum const DOMPseudoTypePageTransition DOMPseudoType = "page-transition" // DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionContainer enum const DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionContainer DOMPseudoType = "page-transition-container" // DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionImageWrapper enum const DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionImageWrapper DOMPseudoType = "page-transition-image-wrapper" // DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionOutgoingImage enum const DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionOutgoingImage DOMPseudoType = "page-transition-outgoing-image" // DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionIncomingImage enum const DOMPseudoTypePageTransitionIncomingImage DOMPseudoType = "page-transition-incoming-image" )
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend ¶
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend struct { // Path Path to node in the proprietary format. Path string `json:"path"` }
DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend (experimental) Requests that the node is sent to the caller given its path. // FIXME, use XPath
func (DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend) Call ¶
func (m DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend) Call(c Client) (*DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontend) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendResult ¶
type DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendResult struct { // NodeID Id of the node for given path. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMPushNodeByPathToFrontendResult (experimental) ...
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend ¶
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend struct { // BackendNodeIds The array of backend node ids. BackendNodeIds []DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeIds"` }
DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend (experimental) Requests that a batch of nodes is sent to the caller given their backend node ids.
func (DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend) Call ¶
func (m DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend) Call(c Client) (*DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontend) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendResult ¶
type DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendResult struct { // NodeIds The array of ids of pushed nodes that correspond to the backend ids specified in // backendNodeIds. NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
DOMPushNodesByBackendIdsToFrontendResult (experimental) ...
type DOMQuad ¶
type DOMQuad []float64
DOMQuad An array of quad vertices, x immediately followed by y for each point, points clock-wise.
func (DOMQuad) Area ¶
Area of the polygon
type DOMQuerySelector ¶
type DOMQuerySelector struct { // NodeID Id of the node to query upon. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Selector Selector string. Selector string `json:"selector"` }
DOMQuerySelector Executes `querySelector` on a given node.
func (DOMQuerySelector) Call ¶
func (m DOMQuerySelector) Call(c Client) (*DOMQuerySelectorResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMQuerySelectorAll ¶
type DOMQuerySelectorAll struct { // NodeID Id of the node to query upon. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Selector Selector string. Selector string `json:"selector"` }
DOMQuerySelectorAll Executes `querySelectorAll` on a given node.
func (DOMQuerySelectorAll) Call ¶
func (m DOMQuerySelectorAll) Call(c Client) (*DOMQuerySelectorAllResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMQuerySelectorAllResult ¶
type DOMQuerySelectorAllResult struct { // NodeIds Query selector result. NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
DOMQuerySelectorAllResult ...
type DOMQuerySelectorResult ¶
type DOMQuerySelectorResult struct { // NodeID Query selector result. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMQuerySelectorResult ...
type DOMRGBA ¶
type DOMRGBA struct { // R The red component, in the [0-255] range. R int `json:"r"` // G The green component, in the [0-255] range. G int `json:"g"` // B The blue component, in the [0-255] range. B int `json:"b"` // A (optional) The alpha component, in the [0-1] range (default: 1). A *float64 `json:"a,omitempty"` }
DOMRGBA A structure holding an RGBA color.
type DOMRect ¶
type DOMRect struct { // X X coordinate X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate Y float64 `json:"y"` // Width Rectangle width Width float64 `json:"width"` // Height Rectangle height Height float64 `json:"height"` }
DOMRect Rectangle.
type DOMRemoveAttribute ¶
type DOMRemoveAttribute struct { // NodeID Id of the element to remove attribute from. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Name Name of the attribute to remove. Name string `json:"name"` }
DOMRemoveAttribute Removes attribute with given name from an element with given id.
func (DOMRemoveAttribute) Call ¶
func (m DOMRemoveAttribute) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMRemoveNode ¶
type DOMRemoveNode struct { // NodeID Id of the node to remove. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMRemoveNode Removes node with given id.
type DOMRequestChildNodes ¶
type DOMRequestChildNodes struct { // NodeID Id of the node to get children for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Depth (optional) The maximum depth at which children should be retrieved, defaults to 1. Use -1 for the // entire subtree or provide an integer larger than 0. Depth *int `json:"depth,omitempty"` // Pierce (optional) Whether or not iframes and shadow roots should be traversed when returning the sub-tree // (default is false). Pierce bool `json:"pierce,omitempty"` }
DOMRequestChildNodes Requests that children of the node with given id are returned to the caller in form of `setChildNodes` events where not only immediate children are retrieved, but all children down to the specified depth.
func (DOMRequestChildNodes) Call ¶
func (m DOMRequestChildNodes) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMRequestChildNodes) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMRequestChildNodes) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMRequestNode ¶
type DOMRequestNode struct { // ObjectID JavaScript object id to convert into node. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` }
DOMRequestNode Requests that the node is sent to the caller given the JavaScript node object reference. All nodes that form the path from the node to the root are also sent to the client as a series of `setChildNodes` notifications.
func (DOMRequestNode) Call ¶
func (m DOMRequestNode) Call(c Client) (*DOMRequestNodeResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMRequestNodeResult ¶
type DOMRequestNodeResult struct { // NodeID Node id for given object. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMRequestNodeResult ...
type DOMResolveNode ¶
type DOMResolveNode struct { // NodeID (optional) Id of the node to resolve. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Backend identifier of the node to resolve. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectGroup (optional) Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // ExecutionContextID (optional) Execution context in which to resolve the node. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` }
DOMResolveNode Resolves the JavaScript node object for a given NodeId or BackendNodeId.
func (DOMResolveNode) Call ¶
func (m DOMResolveNode) Call(c Client) (*DOMResolveNodeResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMResolveNodeResult ¶
type DOMResolveNodeResult struct { // Object JavaScript object wrapper for given node. Object *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"object"` }
DOMResolveNodeResult ...
type DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded ¶
type DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded struct { // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Rect (optional) The rect to be scrolled into view, relative to the node's border box, in CSS pixels. // When omitted, center of the node will be used, similar to Element.scrollIntoView. Rect *DOMRect `json:"rect,omitempty"` }
DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded (experimental) Scrolls the specified rect of the given node into view if not already visible. Note: exactly one between nodeId, backendNodeId and objectId should be passed to identify the node.
func (DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded) Call ¶
func (m DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMScrollIntoViewIfNeeded) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMSetAttributeValue ¶
type DOMSetAttributeValue struct { // NodeID Id of the element to set attribute for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Name Attribute name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Attribute value. Value string `json:"value"` }
DOMSetAttributeValue Sets attribute for an element with given id.
func (DOMSetAttributeValue) Call ¶
func (m DOMSetAttributeValue) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMSetAttributeValue) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMSetAttributeValue) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMSetAttributesAsText ¶
type DOMSetAttributesAsText struct { // NodeID Id of the element to set attributes for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Text Text with a number of attributes. Will parse this text using HTML parser. Text string `json:"text"` // Name (optional) Attribute name to replace with new attributes derived from text in case text parsed // successfully. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
DOMSetAttributesAsText Sets attributes on element with given id. This method is useful when user edits some existing attribute value and types in several attribute name/value pairs.
func (DOMSetAttributesAsText) Call ¶
func (m DOMSetAttributesAsText) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMSetAttributesAsText) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMSetAttributesAsText) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMSetChildNodes ¶
type DOMSetChildNodes struct { // ParentID Parent node id to populate with children. ParentID DOMNodeID `json:"parentId"` // Nodes Child nodes array. Nodes []*DOMNode `json:"nodes"` }
DOMSetChildNodes Fired when backend wants to provide client with the missing DOM structure. This happens upon most of the calls requesting node ids.
func (DOMSetChildNodes) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMSetChildNodes) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMSetFileInputFiles ¶
type DOMSetFileInputFiles struct { // Files Array of file paths to set. Files []string `json:"files"` // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
DOMSetFileInputFiles Sets files for the given file input element.
func (DOMSetFileInputFiles) Call ¶
func (m DOMSetFileInputFiles) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMSetFileInputFiles) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMSetFileInputFiles) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMSetInspectedNode ¶
type DOMSetInspectedNode struct { // NodeID DOM node id to be accessible by means of $x command line API. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMSetInspectedNode (experimental) Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details $x functions).
func (DOMSetInspectedNode) Call ¶
func (m DOMSetInspectedNode) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMSetNodeName ¶
type DOMSetNodeName struct { // NodeID Id of the node to set name for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Name New node's name. Name string `json:"name"` }
DOMSetNodeName Sets node name for a node with given id.
func (DOMSetNodeName) Call ¶
func (m DOMSetNodeName) Call(c Client) (*DOMSetNodeNameResult, error)
Call the request
type DOMSetNodeNameResult ¶
type DOMSetNodeNameResult struct { // NodeID New node's id. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
DOMSetNodeNameResult ...
type DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled ¶
type DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled struct { // Enable Enable or disable. Enable bool `json:"enable"` }
DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled (experimental) Sets if stack traces should be captured for Nodes. See `Node.getNodeStackTraces`. Default is disabled.
func (DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled) Call ¶
func (m DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMSetNodeStackTracesEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMSetNodeValue ¶
type DOMSetNodeValue struct { // NodeID Id of the node to set value for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // Value New node's value. Value string `json:"value"` }
DOMSetNodeValue Sets node value for a node with given id.
type DOMSetOuterHTML ¶
type DOMSetOuterHTML struct { // NodeID Id of the node to set markup for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // OuterHTML Outer HTML markup to set. OuterHTML string `json:"outerHTML"` }
DOMSetOuterHTML Sets node HTML markup, returns new node id.
type DOMShadowRootPopped ¶
type DOMShadowRootPopped struct { // HostID Host element id. HostID DOMNodeID `json:"hostId"` // RootID Shadow root id. RootID DOMNodeID `json:"rootId"` }
DOMShadowRootPopped (experimental) Called when shadow root is popped from the element.
func (DOMShadowRootPopped) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMShadowRootPopped) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMShadowRootPushed ¶
type DOMShadowRootPushed struct { // HostID Host element id. HostID DOMNodeID `json:"hostId"` // Root Shadow root. Root *DOMNode `json:"root"` }
DOMShadowRootPushed (experimental) Called when shadow root is pushed into the element.
func (DOMShadowRootPushed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMShadowRootPushed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMShadowRootType ¶
type DOMShadowRootType string
DOMShadowRootType Shadow root type.
const ( // DOMShadowRootTypeUserAgent enum const DOMShadowRootTypeUserAgent DOMShadowRootType = "user-agent" // DOMShadowRootTypeOpen enum const DOMShadowRootTypeOpen DOMShadowRootType = "open" // DOMShadowRootTypeClosed enum const DOMShadowRootTypeClosed DOMShadowRootType = "closed" )
type DOMShapeOutsideInfo ¶
type DOMShapeOutsideInfo struct { // Bounds Shape bounds Bounds DOMQuad `json:"bounds"` // Shape Shape coordinate details Shape []gson.JSON `json:"shape"` // MarginShape Margin shape bounds MarginShape []gson.JSON `json:"marginShape"` }
DOMShapeOutsideInfo CSS Shape Outside details.
type DOMSnapshotArrayOfStrings ¶
type DOMSnapshotArrayOfStrings []DOMSnapshotStringIndex
DOMSnapshotArrayOfStrings Index of the string in the strings table.
type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot ¶
type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot struct { // ComputedStyles Whitelist of computed styles to return. ComputedStyles []string `json:"computedStyles"` // IncludePaintOrder (optional) Whether to include layout object paint orders into the snapshot. IncludePaintOrder bool `json:"includePaintOrder,omitempty"` // IncludeDOMRects (optional) Whether to include DOM rectangles (offsetRects, clientRects, scrollRects) into the snapshot IncludeDOMRects bool `json:"includeDOMRects,omitempty"` // IncludeBlendedBackgroundColors (experimental) (optional) Whether to include blended background colors in the snapshot (default: false). // Blended background color is achieved by blending background colors of all elements // that overlap with the current element. IncludeBlendedBackgroundColors bool `json:"includeBlendedBackgroundColors,omitempty"` // IncludeTextColorOpacities (experimental) (optional) Whether to include text color opacity in the snapshot (default: false). // An element might have the opacity property set that affects the text color of the element. // The final text color opacity is computed based on the opacity of all overlapping elements. IncludeTextColorOpacities bool `json:"includeTextColorOpacities,omitempty"` }
DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the root node (including iframes, template contents, and imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and white-listed computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in the returned DOM tree is flattened.
func (DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot) Call(c Client) (*DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshotResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshotResult ¶
type DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshotResult struct { // Documents The nodes in the DOM tree. The DOMNode at index 0 corresponds to the root document. Documents []*DOMSnapshotDocumentSnapshot `json:"documents"` // Strings Shared string table that all string properties refer to with indexes. Strings []string `json:"strings"` }
DOMSnapshotCaptureSnapshotResult ...
type DOMSnapshotComputedStyle ¶
type DOMSnapshotComputedStyle struct { // Properties Name/value pairs of computed style properties. Properties []*DOMSnapshotNameValue `json:"properties"` }
DOMSnapshotComputedStyle A subset of the full ComputedStyle as defined by the request whitelist.
type DOMSnapshotDOMNode ¶
type DOMSnapshotDOMNode struct { // NodeType `Node`'s nodeType. NodeType int `json:"nodeType"` // NodeName `Node`'s nodeName. NodeName string `json:"nodeName"` // NodeValue `Node`'s nodeValue. NodeValue string `json:"nodeValue"` // TextValue (optional) Only set for textarea elements, contains the text value. TextValue string `json:"textValue,omitempty"` // InputValue (optional) Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value. InputValue string `json:"inputValue,omitempty"` // InputChecked (optional) Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked InputChecked bool `json:"inputChecked,omitempty"` // OptionSelected (optional) Only set for option elements, indicates if the element has been selected OptionSelected bool `json:"optionSelected,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID `Node`'s id, corresponds to DOM.Node.backendNodeId. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId"` // ChildNodeIndexes (optional) The indexes of the node's child nodes in the `domNodes` array returned by `getSnapshot`, if // any. ChildNodeIndexes []int `json:"childNodeIndexes,omitempty"` // Attributes (optional) Attributes of an `Element` node. Attributes []*DOMSnapshotNameValue `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // PseudoElementIndexes (optional) Indexes of pseudo elements associated with this node in the `domNodes` array returned by // `getSnapshot`, if any. PseudoElementIndexes []int `json:"pseudoElementIndexes,omitempty"` // LayoutNodeIndex (optional) The index of the node's related layout tree node in the `layoutTreeNodes` array returned by // `getSnapshot`, if any. LayoutNodeIndex *int `json:"layoutNodeIndex,omitempty"` // DocumentURL (optional) Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to. DocumentURL string `json:"documentURL,omitempty"` // BaseURL (optional) Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion. BaseURL string `json:"baseURL,omitempty"` // ContentLanguage (optional) Only set for documents, contains the document's content language. ContentLanguage string `json:"contentLanguage,omitempty"` // DocumentEncoding (optional) Only set for documents, contains the document's character set encoding. DocumentEncoding string `json:"documentEncoding,omitempty"` // PublicID (optional) `DocumentType` node's publicId. PublicID string `json:"publicId,omitempty"` // SystemID (optional) `DocumentType` node's systemId. SystemID string `json:"systemId,omitempty"` // FrameID (optional) Frame ID for frame owner elements and also for the document node. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` // ContentDocumentIndex (optional) The index of a frame owner element's content document in the `domNodes` array returned by // `getSnapshot`, if any. ContentDocumentIndex *int `json:"contentDocumentIndex,omitempty"` // PseudoType (optional) Type of a pseudo element node. PseudoType DOMPseudoType `json:"pseudoType,omitempty"` // ShadowRootType (optional) Shadow root type. ShadowRootType DOMShadowRootType `json:"shadowRootType,omitempty"` // IsClickable (optional) Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks. This includes nodes that have had click // event listeners attached via JavaScript as well as anchor tags that naturally navigate when // clicked. IsClickable bool `json:"isClickable,omitempty"` // EventListeners (optional) Details of the node's event listeners, if any. EventListeners []*DOMDebuggerEventListener `json:"eventListeners,omitempty"` // CurrentSourceURL (optional) The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute. CurrentSourceURL string `json:"currentSourceURL,omitempty"` // OriginURL (optional) The url of the script (if any) that generates this node. OriginURL string `json:"originURL,omitempty"` // ScrollOffsetX (optional) Scroll offsets, set when this node is a Document. ScrollOffsetX *float64 `json:"scrollOffsetX,omitempty"` // ScrollOffsetY (optional) ... ScrollOffsetY *float64 `json:"scrollOffsetY,omitempty"` }
DOMSnapshotDOMNode A Node in the DOM tree.
type DOMSnapshotDisable ¶
type DOMSnapshotDisable struct { }
DOMSnapshotDisable Disables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
func (DOMSnapshotDisable) Call ¶
func (m DOMSnapshotDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMSnapshotDocumentSnapshot ¶
type DOMSnapshotDocumentSnapshot struct { // DocumentURL Document URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node points to. DocumentURL DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"documentURL"` // Title Document title. Title DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"title"` // BaseURL Base URL that `Document` or `FrameOwner` node uses for URL completion. BaseURL DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"baseURL"` // ContentLanguage Contains the document's content language. ContentLanguage DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"contentLanguage"` // EncodingName Contains the document's character set encoding. EncodingName DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"encodingName"` // PublicID `DocumentType` node's publicId. PublicID DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"publicId"` // SystemID `DocumentType` node's systemId. SystemID DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"systemId"` // FrameID Frame ID for frame owner elements and also for the document node. FrameID DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"frameId"` // Nodes A table with dom nodes. Nodes *DOMSnapshotNodeTreeSnapshot `json:"nodes"` // Layout The nodes in the layout tree. Layout *DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeSnapshot `json:"layout"` // TextBoxes The post-layout inline text nodes. TextBoxes *DOMSnapshotTextBoxSnapshot `json:"textBoxes"` // ScrollOffsetX (optional) Horizontal scroll offset. ScrollOffsetX *float64 `json:"scrollOffsetX,omitempty"` // ScrollOffsetY (optional) Vertical scroll offset. ScrollOffsetY *float64 `json:"scrollOffsetY,omitempty"` // ContentWidth (optional) Document content width. ContentWidth *float64 `json:"contentWidth,omitempty"` // ContentHeight (optional) Document content height. ContentHeight *float64 `json:"contentHeight,omitempty"` }
DOMSnapshotDocumentSnapshot Document snapshot.
type DOMSnapshotEnable ¶
type DOMSnapshotEnable struct { }
DOMSnapshotEnable Enables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
func (DOMSnapshotEnable) Call ¶
func (m DOMSnapshotEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot ¶
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot struct { // ComputedStyleWhitelist Whitelist of computed styles to return. ComputedStyleWhitelist []string `json:"computedStyleWhitelist"` // IncludeEventListeners (optional) Whether or not to retrieve details of DOM listeners (default false). IncludeEventListeners bool `json:"includeEventListeners,omitempty"` // IncludePaintOrder (optional) Whether to determine and include the paint order index of LayoutTreeNodes (default false). IncludePaintOrder bool `json:"includePaintOrder,omitempty"` // IncludeUserAgentShadowTree (optional) Whether to include UA shadow tree in the snapshot (default false). IncludeUserAgentShadowTree bool `json:"includeUserAgentShadowTree,omitempty"` }
DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot (deprecated) Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the root node (including iframes, template contents, and imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and white-listed computed style information for the nodes. Shadow DOM in the returned DOM tree is flattened.
func (DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot) Call(c Client) (*DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMSnapshotGetSnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotResult ¶
type DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotResult struct { // DomNodes The nodes in the DOM tree. The DOMNode at index 0 corresponds to the root document. DomNodes []*DOMSnapshotDOMNode `json:"domNodes"` // LayoutTreeNodes The nodes in the layout tree. LayoutTreeNodes []*DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeNode `json:"layoutTreeNodes"` // ComputedStyles Whitelisted ComputedStyle properties for each node in the layout tree. ComputedStyles []*DOMSnapshotComputedStyle `json:"computedStyles"` }
DOMSnapshotGetSnapshotResult (deprecated) ...
type DOMSnapshotInlineTextBox ¶
type DOMSnapshotInlineTextBox struct { // BoundingBox The bounding box in document coordinates. Note that scroll offset of the document is ignored. BoundingBox *DOMRect `json:"boundingBox"` // StartCharacterIndex The starting index in characters, for this post layout textbox substring. Characters that // would be represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2. StartCharacterIndex int `json:"startCharacterIndex"` // NumCharacters The number of characters in this post layout textbox substring. Characters that would be // represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2. NumCharacters int `json:"numCharacters"` }
DOMSnapshotInlineTextBox Details of post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as stable and may change between versions.
type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeNode ¶
type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeNode struct { // DomNodeIndex The index of the related DOM node in the `domNodes` array returned by `getSnapshot`. DomNodeIndex int `json:"domNodeIndex"` // BoundingBox The bounding box in document coordinates. Note that scroll offset of the document is ignored. BoundingBox *DOMRect `json:"boundingBox"` // LayoutText (optional) Contents of the LayoutText, if any. LayoutText string `json:"layoutText,omitempty"` // InlineTextNodes (optional) The post-layout inline text nodes, if any. InlineTextNodes []*DOMSnapshotInlineTextBox `json:"inlineTextNodes,omitempty"` // StyleIndex (optional) Index into the `computedStyles` array returned by `getSnapshot`. StyleIndex *int `json:"styleIndex,omitempty"` // PaintOrder (optional) Global paint order index, which is determined by the stacking order of the nodes. Nodes // that are painted together will have the same index. Only provided if includePaintOrder in // getSnapshot was true. PaintOrder *int `json:"paintOrder,omitempty"` // IsStackingContext (optional) Set to true to indicate the element begins a new stacking context. IsStackingContext bool `json:"isStackingContext,omitempty"` }
DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeNode Details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeSnapshot ¶
type DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeSnapshot struct { // NodeIndex Index of the corresponding node in the `NodeTreeSnapshot` array returned by `captureSnapshot`. NodeIndex []int `json:"nodeIndex"` // Styles Array of indexes specifying computed style strings, filtered according to the `computedStyles` parameter passed to `captureSnapshot`. Styles []DOMSnapshotArrayOfStrings `json:"styles"` // Bounds The absolute position bounding box. Bounds []DOMSnapshotRectangle `json:"bounds"` // Text Contents of the LayoutText, if any. Text []DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"text"` // StackingContexts Stacking context information. StackingContexts *DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData `json:"stackingContexts"` // PaintOrders (optional) Global paint order index, which is determined by the stacking order of the nodes. Nodes // that are painted together will have the same index. Only provided if includePaintOrder in // captureSnapshot was true. PaintOrders []int `json:"paintOrders,omitempty"` // OffsetRects (optional) The offset rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true OffsetRects []DOMSnapshotRectangle `json:"offsetRects,omitempty"` // ScrollRects (optional) The scroll rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true ScrollRects []DOMSnapshotRectangle `json:"scrollRects,omitempty"` // ClientRects (optional) The client rect of nodes. Only available when includeDOMRects is set to true ClientRects []DOMSnapshotRectangle `json:"clientRects,omitempty"` // BlendedBackgroundColors (experimental) (optional) The list of background colors that are blended with colors of overlapping elements. BlendedBackgroundColors []DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"blendedBackgroundColors,omitempty"` // TextColorOpacities (experimental) (optional) The list of computed text opacities. TextColorOpacities []float64 `json:"textColorOpacities,omitempty"` }
DOMSnapshotLayoutTreeSnapshot Table of details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
type DOMSnapshotNameValue ¶
type DOMSnapshotNameValue struct { // Name Attribute/property name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Attribute/property value. Value string `json:"value"` }
DOMSnapshotNameValue A name/value pair.
type DOMSnapshotNodeTreeSnapshot ¶
type DOMSnapshotNodeTreeSnapshot struct { // ParentIndex (optional) Parent node index. ParentIndex []int `json:"parentIndex,omitempty"` // NodeType (optional) `Node`'s nodeType. NodeType []int `json:"nodeType,omitempty"` // ShadowRootType (optional) Type of the shadow root the `Node` is in. String values are equal to the `ShadowRootType` enum. ShadowRootType *DOMSnapshotRareStringData `json:"shadowRootType,omitempty"` // NodeName (optional) `Node`'s nodeName. NodeName []DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"nodeName,omitempty"` // NodeValue (optional) `Node`'s nodeValue. NodeValue []DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"nodeValue,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) `Node`'s id, corresponds to DOM.Node.backendNodeId. BackendNodeID []DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // Attributes (optional) Attributes of an `Element` node. Flatten name, value pairs. Attributes []DOMSnapshotArrayOfStrings `json:"attributes,omitempty"` // TextValue (optional) Only set for textarea elements, contains the text value. TextValue *DOMSnapshotRareStringData `json:"textValue,omitempty"` // InputValue (optional) Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value. InputValue *DOMSnapshotRareStringData `json:"inputValue,omitempty"` // InputChecked (optional) Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked InputChecked *DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData `json:"inputChecked,omitempty"` // OptionSelected (optional) Only set for option elements, indicates if the element has been selected OptionSelected *DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData `json:"optionSelected,omitempty"` // ContentDocumentIndex (optional) The index of the document in the list of the snapshot documents. ContentDocumentIndex *DOMSnapshotRareIntegerData `json:"contentDocumentIndex,omitempty"` // PseudoType (optional) Type of a pseudo element node. PseudoType *DOMSnapshotRareStringData `json:"pseudoType,omitempty"` // IsClickable (optional) Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks. This includes nodes that have had click // event listeners attached via JavaScript as well as anchor tags that naturally navigate when // clicked. IsClickable *DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData `json:"isClickable,omitempty"` // CurrentSourceURL (optional) The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute. CurrentSourceURL *DOMSnapshotRareStringData `json:"currentSourceURL,omitempty"` // OriginURL (optional) The url of the script (if any) that generates this node. OriginURL *DOMSnapshotRareStringData `json:"originURL,omitempty"` }
DOMSnapshotNodeTreeSnapshot Table containing nodes.
type DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData ¶
type DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData struct { // Index ... Index []int `json:"index"` }
DOMSnapshotRareBooleanData ...
type DOMSnapshotRareIntegerData ¶
type DOMSnapshotRareIntegerData struct { // Index ... Index []int `json:"index"` // Value ... Value []int `json:"value"` }
DOMSnapshotRareIntegerData ...
type DOMSnapshotRareStringData ¶
type DOMSnapshotRareStringData struct { // Index ... Index []int `json:"index"` // Value ... Value []DOMSnapshotStringIndex `json:"value"` }
DOMSnapshotRareStringData Data that is only present on rare nodes.
type DOMSnapshotStringIndex ¶
type DOMSnapshotStringIndex int
DOMSnapshotStringIndex Index of the string in the strings table.
type DOMSnapshotTextBoxSnapshot ¶
type DOMSnapshotTextBoxSnapshot struct { // LayoutIndex Index of the layout tree node that owns this box collection. LayoutIndex []int `json:"layoutIndex"` // Bounds The absolute position bounding box. Bounds []DOMSnapshotRectangle `json:"bounds"` // Start The starting index in characters, for this post layout textbox substring. Characters that // would be represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2. Start []int `json:"start"` // Length The number of characters in this post layout textbox substring. Characters that would be // represented as a surrogate pair in UTF-16 have length 2. Length []int `json:"length"` }
DOMSnapshotTextBoxSnapshot Table of details of the post layout rendered text positions. The exact layout should not be regarded as stable and may change between versions.
type DOMStorageClear ¶
type DOMStorageClear struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` }
DOMStorageClear ...
type DOMStorageDisable ¶
type DOMStorageDisable struct { }
DOMStorageDisable Disables storage tracking, prevents storage events from being sent to the client.
func (DOMStorageDisable) Call ¶
func (m DOMStorageDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded ¶
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` // Key ... Key string `json:"key"` // NewValue ... NewValue string `json:"newValue"` }
DOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded ...
func (DOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMStorageDomStorageItemAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved ¶
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` // Key ... Key string `json:"key"` }
DOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved ...
func (DOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMStorageDomStorageItemRemoved) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated ¶
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` // Key ... Key string `json:"key"` // OldValue ... OldValue string `json:"oldValue"` // NewValue ... NewValue string `json:"newValue"` }
DOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated ...
func (DOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMStorageDomStorageItemUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared ¶
type DOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` }
DOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared ...
func (DOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DOMStorageDomStorageItemsCleared) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DOMStorageEnable ¶
type DOMStorageEnable struct { }
DOMStorageEnable Enables storage tracking, storage events will now be delivered to the client.
func (DOMStorageEnable) Call ¶
func (m DOMStorageEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems ¶
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` }
DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems ...
func (DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems) Call ¶
func (m DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems) Call(c Client) (*DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsResult, error)
Call the request
func (DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItems) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsResult ¶
type DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsResult struct { // Entries ... Entries []DOMStorageItem `json:"entries"` }
DOMStorageGetDOMStorageItemsResult ...
type DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem ¶
type DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` // Key ... Key string `json:"key"` }
DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem ...
func (DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem) Call ¶
func (m DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMStorageRemoveDOMStorageItem) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMStorageSerializedStorageKey ¶
type DOMStorageSerializedStorageKey string
DOMStorageSerializedStorageKey ...
type DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem ¶
type DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem struct { // StorageID ... StorageID *DOMStorageStorageID `json:"storageId"` // Key ... Key string `json:"key"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem ...
func (DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem) Call ¶
func (m DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DOMStorageSetDOMStorageItem) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DOMStorageStorageID ¶
type DOMStorageStorageID struct { // SecurityOrigin (optional) Security origin for the storage. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin,omitempty"` // StorageKey (optional) Represents a key by which DOM Storage keys its CachedStorageAreas StorageKey DOMStorageSerializedStorageKey `json:"storageKey,omitempty"` // IsLocalStorage Whether the storage is local storage (not session storage). IsLocalStorage bool `json:"isLocalStorage"` }
DOMStorageStorageID DOM Storage identifier.
type DatabaseAddDatabase ¶
type DatabaseAddDatabase struct { // Database ... Database *DatabaseDatabase `json:"database"` }
DatabaseAddDatabase ...
func (DatabaseAddDatabase) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DatabaseAddDatabase) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DatabaseDatabase ¶
type DatabaseDatabase struct { // ID Database ID. ID DatabaseDatabaseID `json:"id"` // Domain Database domain. Domain string `json:"domain"` // Name Database name. Name string `json:"name"` // Version Database version. Version string `json:"version"` }
DatabaseDatabase Database object.
type DatabaseDatabaseID ¶
type DatabaseDatabaseID string
DatabaseDatabaseID Unique identifier of Database object.
type DatabaseDisable ¶
type DatabaseDisable struct { }
DatabaseDisable Disables database tracking, prevents database events from being sent to the client.
type DatabaseEnable ¶
type DatabaseEnable struct { }
DatabaseEnable Enables database tracking, database events will now be delivered to the client.
type DatabaseError ¶
type DatabaseError struct { // Message Error message. Message string `json:"message"` // Code Error code. Code int `json:"code"` }
DatabaseError Database error.
type DatabaseExecuteSQL ¶
type DatabaseExecuteSQL struct { // DatabaseID ... DatabaseID DatabaseDatabaseID `json:"databaseId"` // Query ... Query string `json:"query"` }
DatabaseExecuteSQL ...
func (DatabaseExecuteSQL) Call ¶
func (m DatabaseExecuteSQL) Call(c Client) (*DatabaseExecuteSQLResult, error)
Call the request
type DatabaseExecuteSQLResult ¶
type DatabaseExecuteSQLResult struct { // ColumnNames (optional) ... ColumnNames []string `json:"columnNames,omitempty"` // Values (optional) ... Values []gson.JSON `json:"values,omitempty"` // SQLError (optional) ... SQLError *DatabaseError `json:"sqlError,omitempty"` }
DatabaseExecuteSQLResult ...
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames ¶
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames struct { // DatabaseID ... DatabaseID DatabaseDatabaseID `json:"databaseId"` }
DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames ...
func (DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames) Call ¶
func (m DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames) Call(c Client) (*DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesResult, error)
Call the request
func (DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNames) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesResult ¶
type DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesResult struct { // TableNames ... TableNames []string `json:"tableNames"` }
DatabaseGetDatabaseTableNamesResult ...
type DebuggerBreakLocation ¶
type DebuggerBreakLocation struct { // ScriptID Script identifier as reported in the `Debugger.scriptParsed`. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // LineNumber Line number in the script (0-based). LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber (optional) Column number in the script (0-based). ColumnNumber *int `json:"columnNumber,omitempty"` // Type (optional) ... Type DebuggerBreakLocationType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
DebuggerBreakLocation ...
type DebuggerBreakLocationType ¶
type DebuggerBreakLocationType string
DebuggerBreakLocationType enum
const ( // DebuggerBreakLocationTypeDebuggerStatement enum const DebuggerBreakLocationTypeDebuggerStatement DebuggerBreakLocationType = "debuggerStatement" // DebuggerBreakLocationTypeCall enum const DebuggerBreakLocationTypeCall DebuggerBreakLocationType = "call" // DebuggerBreakLocationTypeReturn enum const DebuggerBreakLocationTypeReturn DebuggerBreakLocationType = "return" )
type DebuggerBreakpointID ¶
type DebuggerBreakpointID string
DebuggerBreakpointID Breakpoint identifier.
type DebuggerBreakpointResolved ¶
type DebuggerBreakpointResolved struct { // BreakpointID Breakpoint unique identifier. BreakpointID DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` // Location Actual breakpoint location. Location *DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` }
DebuggerBreakpointResolved Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.
func (DebuggerBreakpointResolved) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DebuggerBreakpointResolved) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DebuggerCallFrame ¶
type DebuggerCallFrame struct { // CallFrameID Call frame identifier. This identifier is only valid while the virtual machine is paused. CallFrameID DebuggerCallFrameID `json:"callFrameId"` // FunctionName Name of the JavaScript function called on this call frame. FunctionName string `json:"functionName"` // FunctionLocation (optional) Location in the source code. FunctionLocation *DebuggerLocation `json:"functionLocation,omitempty"` // Location Location in the source code. Location *DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` // URL (deprecated) JavaScript script name or url. // Deprecated in favor of using the `location.scriptId` to resolve the URL via a previously // sent `Debugger.scriptParsed` event. URL string `json:"url"` // ScopeChain Scope chain for this call frame. ScopeChain []*DebuggerScope `json:"scopeChain"` // This `this` object for this call frame. This *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"this"` // ReturnValue (optional) The value being returned, if the function is at return point. ReturnValue *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"returnValue,omitempty"` // CanBeRestarted (experimental) (optional) Valid only while the VM is paused and indicates whether this frame // can be restarted or not. Note that a `true` value here does not // guarantee that Debugger#restartFrame with this CallFrameId will be // successful, but it is very likely. CanBeRestarted bool `json:"canBeRestarted,omitempty"` }
DebuggerCallFrame JavaScript call frame. Array of call frames form the call stack.
type DebuggerCallFrameID ¶
type DebuggerCallFrameID string
DebuggerCallFrameID Call frame identifier.
type DebuggerContinueToLocation ¶
type DebuggerContinueToLocation struct { // Location Location to continue to. Location *DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` // TargetCallFrames (optional) ... TargetCallFrames DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames `json:"targetCallFrames,omitempty"` }
DebuggerContinueToLocation Continues execution until specific location is reached.
func (DebuggerContinueToLocation) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerContinueToLocation) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerContinueToLocation) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerContinueToLocation) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames ¶
type DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames string
DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames enum
const ( // DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFramesAny enum const DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFramesAny DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames = "any" // DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFramesCurrent enum const DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFramesCurrent DebuggerContinueToLocationTargetCallFrames = "current" )
type DebuggerDebugSymbols ¶
type DebuggerDebugSymbols struct { // Type Type of the debug symbols. Type DebuggerDebugSymbolsType `json:"type"` // ExternalURL (optional) URL of the external symbol source. ExternalURL string `json:"externalURL,omitempty"` }
DebuggerDebugSymbols Debug symbols available for a wasm script.
type DebuggerDebugSymbolsType ¶
type DebuggerDebugSymbolsType string
DebuggerDebugSymbolsType enum
const ( // DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeNone enum const DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeNone DebuggerDebugSymbolsType = "None" // DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeSourceMap enum const DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeSourceMap DebuggerDebugSymbolsType = "SourceMap" // DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeEmbeddedDWARF enum const DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeEmbeddedDWARF DebuggerDebugSymbolsType = "EmbeddedDWARF" // DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeExternalDWARF enum const DebuggerDebugSymbolsTypeExternalDWARF DebuggerDebugSymbolsType = "ExternalDWARF" )
type DebuggerDisable ¶
type DebuggerDisable struct { }
DebuggerDisable Disables debugger for given page.
type DebuggerEnable ¶
type DebuggerEnable struct { // MaxScriptsCacheSize (experimental) (optional) The maximum size in bytes of collected scripts (not referenced by other heap objects) // the debugger can hold. Puts no limit if parameter is omitted. MaxScriptsCacheSize *float64 `json:"maxScriptsCacheSize,omitempty"` }
DebuggerEnable Enables debugger for the given page. Clients should not assume that the debugging has been enabled until the result for this command is received.
func (DebuggerEnable) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerEnable) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerEnableResult, error)
Call the request
type DebuggerEnableResult ¶
type DebuggerEnableResult struct { // DebuggerID (experimental) Unique identifier of the debugger. DebuggerID RuntimeUniqueDebuggerID `json:"debuggerId"` }
DebuggerEnableResult ...
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame ¶
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame struct { // CallFrameID Call frame identifier to evaluate on. CallFrameID DebuggerCallFrameID `json:"callFrameId"` // Expression Expression to evaluate. Expression string `json:"expression"` // ObjectGroup (optional) String object group name to put result into (allows rapid releasing resulting object handles // using `releaseObjectGroup`). ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // IncludeCommandLineAPI (optional) Specifies whether command line API should be available to the evaluated expression, defaults // to false. IncludeCommandLineAPI bool `json:"includeCommandLineAPI,omitempty"` // Silent (optional) In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause // execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state. Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // ReturnByValue (optional) Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value. ReturnByValue bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // GeneratePreview (experimental) (optional) Whether preview should be generated for the result. GeneratePreview bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // ThrowOnSideEffect (optional) Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation. ThrowOnSideEffect bool `json:"throwOnSideEffect,omitempty"` // Timeout (experimental) (optional) Terminate execution after timing out (number of milliseconds). Timeout RuntimeTimeDelta `json:"timeout,omitempty"` }
DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame Evaluates expression on a given call frame.
func (DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrame) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameResult ¶
type DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameResult struct { // Result Object wrapper for the evaluation result. Result *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
DebuggerEvaluateOnCallFrameResult ...
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints ¶
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints struct { // Start Start of range to search possible breakpoint locations in. Start *DebuggerLocation `json:"start"` // End (optional) End of range to search possible breakpoint locations in (excluding). When not specified, end // of scripts is used as end of range. End *DebuggerLocation `json:"end,omitempty"` // RestrictToFunction (optional) Only consider locations which are in the same (non-nested) function as start. RestrictToFunction bool `json:"restrictToFunction,omitempty"` }
DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints Returns possible locations for breakpoint. scriptId in start and end range locations should be the same.
func (DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpoints) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsResult ¶
type DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsResult struct { // Locations List of the possible breakpoint locations. Locations []*DebuggerBreakLocation `json:"locations"` }
DebuggerGetPossibleBreakpointsResult ...
type DebuggerGetScriptSource ¶
type DebuggerGetScriptSource struct { // ScriptID Id of the script to get source for. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` }
DebuggerGetScriptSource Returns source for the script with given id.
func (DebuggerGetScriptSource) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerGetScriptSource) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerGetScriptSourceResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerGetScriptSource) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerGetScriptSource) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerGetScriptSourceResult ¶
type DebuggerGetScriptSourceResult struct { // ScriptSource Script source (empty in case of Wasm bytecode). ScriptSource string `json:"scriptSource"` // Bytecode (optional) Wasm bytecode. Bytecode []byte `json:"bytecode,omitempty"` }
DebuggerGetScriptSourceResult ...
type DebuggerGetStackTrace ¶
type DebuggerGetStackTrace struct { // StackTraceID ... StackTraceID *RuntimeStackTraceID `json:"stackTraceId"` }
DebuggerGetStackTrace (experimental) Returns stack trace with given `stackTraceId`.
func (DebuggerGetStackTrace) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerGetStackTrace) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerGetStackTraceResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerGetStackTrace) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerGetStackTrace) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerGetStackTraceResult ¶
type DebuggerGetStackTraceResult struct { // StackTrace ... StackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stackTrace"` }
DebuggerGetStackTraceResult (experimental) ...
type DebuggerGetWasmBytecode ¶
type DebuggerGetWasmBytecode struct { // ScriptID Id of the Wasm script to get source for. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` }
DebuggerGetWasmBytecode (deprecated) This command is deprecated. Use getScriptSource instead.
func (DebuggerGetWasmBytecode) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerGetWasmBytecode) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerGetWasmBytecodeResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerGetWasmBytecode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerGetWasmBytecode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerGetWasmBytecodeResult ¶
type DebuggerGetWasmBytecodeResult struct { // Bytecode Script source. Bytecode []byte `json:"bytecode"` }
DebuggerGetWasmBytecodeResult (deprecated) ...
type DebuggerLocation ¶
type DebuggerLocation struct { // ScriptID Script identifier as reported in the `Debugger.scriptParsed`. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // LineNumber Line number in the script (0-based). LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber (optional) Column number in the script (0-based). ColumnNumber *int `json:"columnNumber,omitempty"` }
DebuggerLocation Location in the source code.
type DebuggerLocationRange ¶
type DebuggerLocationRange struct { // ScriptID ... ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Start ... Start *DebuggerScriptPosition `json:"start"` // End ... End *DebuggerScriptPosition `json:"end"` }
DebuggerLocationRange (experimental) Location range within one script.
type DebuggerPause ¶
type DebuggerPause struct { }
DebuggerPause Stops on the next JavaScript statement.
type DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall ¶
type DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall struct { // ParentStackTraceID Debugger will pause when async call with given stack trace is started. ParentStackTraceID *RuntimeStackTraceID `json:"parentStackTraceId"` }
DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall (deprecated) (experimental) ...
func (DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerPauseOnAsyncCall) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerPaused ¶
type DebuggerPaused struct { // CallFrames Call stack the virtual machine stopped on. CallFrames []*DebuggerCallFrame `json:"callFrames"` // Reason Pause reason. Reason DebuggerPausedReason `json:"reason"` // Data (optional) Object containing break-specific auxiliary properties. Data map[string]gson.JSON `json:"data,omitempty"` // HitBreakpoints (optional) Hit breakpoints IDs HitBreakpoints []string `json:"hitBreakpoints,omitempty"` // AsyncStackTrace (optional) Async stack trace, if any. AsyncStackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"asyncStackTrace,omitempty"` // AsyncStackTraceID (experimental) (optional) Async stack trace, if any. AsyncStackTraceID *RuntimeStackTraceID `json:"asyncStackTraceId,omitempty"` // AsyncCallStackTraceID (deprecated) (experimental) (optional) Never present, will be removed. AsyncCallStackTraceID *RuntimeStackTraceID `json:"asyncCallStackTraceId,omitempty"` }
DebuggerPaused Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.
type DebuggerPausedReason ¶
type DebuggerPausedReason string
DebuggerPausedReason enum
const ( // DebuggerPausedReasonAmbiguous enum const DebuggerPausedReasonAmbiguous DebuggerPausedReason = "ambiguous" // DebuggerPausedReasonAssert enum const DebuggerPausedReasonAssert DebuggerPausedReason = "assert" // DebuggerPausedReasonCSPViolation enum const DebuggerPausedReasonCSPViolation DebuggerPausedReason = "CSPViolation" // DebuggerPausedReasonDebugCommand enum const DebuggerPausedReasonDebugCommand DebuggerPausedReason = "debugCommand" // DebuggerPausedReasonDOM enum const DebuggerPausedReasonDOM DebuggerPausedReason = "DOM" // DebuggerPausedReasonEventListener enum const DebuggerPausedReasonEventListener DebuggerPausedReason = "EventListener" // DebuggerPausedReasonException enum const DebuggerPausedReasonException DebuggerPausedReason = "exception" // DebuggerPausedReasonInstrumentation enum const DebuggerPausedReasonInstrumentation DebuggerPausedReason = "instrumentation" // DebuggerPausedReasonOOM enum const DebuggerPausedReasonOOM DebuggerPausedReason = "OOM" // DebuggerPausedReasonOther enum const DebuggerPausedReasonOther DebuggerPausedReason = "other" // DebuggerPausedReasonPromiseRejection enum const DebuggerPausedReasonPromiseRejection DebuggerPausedReason = "promiseRejection" // DebuggerPausedReasonXHR enum const DebuggerPausedReasonXHR DebuggerPausedReason = "XHR" )
type DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint ¶
type DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint struct { // BreakpointID ... BreakpointID DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` }
DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint Removes JavaScript breakpoint.
func (DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerRemoveBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerRestartFrame ¶
type DebuggerRestartFrame struct { // CallFrameID Call frame identifier to evaluate on. CallFrameID DebuggerCallFrameID `json:"callFrameId"` // Mode (experimental) (optional) The `mode` parameter must be present and set to 'StepInto', otherwise // `restartFrame` will error out. Mode DebuggerRestartFrameMode `json:"mode,omitempty"` }
DebuggerRestartFrame Restarts particular call frame from the beginning. The old, deprecated behavior of `restartFrame` is to stay paused and allow further CDP commands after a restart was scheduled. This can cause problems with restarting, so we now continue execution immediately after it has been scheduled until we reach the beginning of the restarted frame.
To stay back-wards compatible, `restartFrame` now expects a `mode` parameter to be present. If the `mode` parameter is missing, `restartFrame` errors out.
The various return values are deprecated and `callFrames` is always empty. Use the call frames from the `Debugger#paused` events instead, that fires once V8 pauses at the beginning of the restarted function.
func (DebuggerRestartFrame) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerRestartFrame) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerRestartFrameResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerRestartFrame) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerRestartFrame) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerRestartFrameMode ¶
type DebuggerRestartFrameMode string
DebuggerRestartFrameMode enum
const ( // DebuggerRestartFrameModeStepInto enum const DebuggerRestartFrameModeStepInto DebuggerRestartFrameMode = "StepInto" )
type DebuggerRestartFrameResult ¶
type DebuggerRestartFrameResult struct { // CallFrames (deprecated) New stack trace. CallFrames []*DebuggerCallFrame `json:"callFrames"` // AsyncStackTrace (deprecated) (optional) Async stack trace, if any. AsyncStackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"asyncStackTrace,omitempty"` // AsyncStackTraceID (deprecated) (optional) Async stack trace, if any. AsyncStackTraceID *RuntimeStackTraceID `json:"asyncStackTraceId,omitempty"` }
DebuggerRestartFrameResult ...
type DebuggerResume ¶
type DebuggerResume struct { // TerminateOnResume (optional) Set to true to terminate execution upon resuming execution. In contrast // to Runtime.terminateExecution, this will allows to execute further // JavaScript (i.e. via evaluation) until execution of the paused code // is actually resumed, at which point termination is triggered. // If execution is currently not paused, this parameter has no effect. TerminateOnResume bool `json:"terminateOnResume,omitempty"` }
DebuggerResume Resumes JavaScript execution.
type DebuggerResumed ¶
type DebuggerResumed struct { }
DebuggerResumed Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.
type DebuggerScope ¶
type DebuggerScope struct { // Type Scope type. Type DebuggerScopeType `json:"type"` // Object Object representing the scope. For `global` and `with` scopes it represents the actual // object; for the rest of the scopes, it is artificial transient object enumerating scope // variables as its properties. Object *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"object"` // Name (optional) ... Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // StartLocation (optional) Location in the source code where scope starts StartLocation *DebuggerLocation `json:"startLocation,omitempty"` // EndLocation (optional) Location in the source code where scope ends EndLocation *DebuggerLocation `json:"endLocation,omitempty"` }
DebuggerScope Scope description.
type DebuggerScopeType ¶
type DebuggerScopeType string
DebuggerScopeType enum
const ( // DebuggerScopeTypeGlobal enum const DebuggerScopeTypeGlobal DebuggerScopeType = "global" // DebuggerScopeTypeLocal enum const DebuggerScopeTypeLocal DebuggerScopeType = "local" // DebuggerScopeTypeWith enum const DebuggerScopeTypeWith DebuggerScopeType = "with" // DebuggerScopeTypeClosure enum const DebuggerScopeTypeClosure DebuggerScopeType = "closure" // DebuggerScopeTypeCatch enum const DebuggerScopeTypeCatch DebuggerScopeType = "catch" // DebuggerScopeTypeBlock enum const DebuggerScopeTypeBlock DebuggerScopeType = "block" // DebuggerScopeTypeScript enum const DebuggerScopeTypeScript DebuggerScopeType = "script" // DebuggerScopeTypeEval enum const DebuggerScopeTypeEval DebuggerScopeType = "eval" // DebuggerScopeTypeModule enum const DebuggerScopeTypeModule DebuggerScopeType = "module" // DebuggerScopeTypeWasmExpressionStack enum const DebuggerScopeTypeWasmExpressionStack DebuggerScopeType = "wasm-expression-stack" )
type DebuggerScriptFailedToParse ¶
type DebuggerScriptFailedToParse struct { // ScriptID Identifier of the script parsed. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // URL URL or name of the script parsed (if any). URL string `json:"url"` // StartLine Line offset of the script within the resource with given URL (for script tags). StartLine int `json:"startLine"` // StartColumn Column offset of the script within the resource with given URL. StartColumn int `json:"startColumn"` // EndLine Last line of the script. EndLine int `json:"endLine"` // EndColumn Length of the last line of the script. EndColumn int `json:"endColumn"` // ExecutionContextID Specifies script creation context. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId"` // Hash Content hash of the script, SHA-256. Hash string `json:"hash"` // ExecutionContextAuxData (optional) Embedder-specific auxiliary data. ExecutionContextAuxData map[string]gson.JSON `json:"executionContextAuxData,omitempty"` // SourceMapURL (optional) URL of source map associated with script (if any). SourceMapURL string `json:"sourceMapURL,omitempty"` // HasSourceURL (optional) True, if this script has sourceURL. HasSourceURL bool `json:"hasSourceURL,omitempty"` // IsModule (optional) True, if this script is ES6 module. IsModule bool `json:"isModule,omitempty"` // Length (optional) This script length. Length *int `json:"length,omitempty"` // StackTrace (experimental) (optional) JavaScript top stack frame of where the script parsed event was triggered if available. StackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` // CodeOffset (experimental) (optional) If the scriptLanguage is WebAssembly, the code section offset in the module. CodeOffset *int `json:"codeOffset,omitempty"` // ScriptLanguage (experimental) (optional) The language of the script. ScriptLanguage DebuggerScriptLanguage `json:"scriptLanguage,omitempty"` // EmbedderName (experimental) (optional) The name the embedder supplied for this script. EmbedderName string `json:"embedderName,omitempty"` }
DebuggerScriptFailedToParse Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.
func (DebuggerScriptFailedToParse) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DebuggerScriptFailedToParse) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DebuggerScriptLanguage ¶
type DebuggerScriptLanguage string
DebuggerScriptLanguage Enum of possible script languages.
const ( // DebuggerScriptLanguageJavaScript enum const DebuggerScriptLanguageJavaScript DebuggerScriptLanguage = "JavaScript" // DebuggerScriptLanguageWebAssembly enum const DebuggerScriptLanguageWebAssembly DebuggerScriptLanguage = "WebAssembly" )
type DebuggerScriptParsed ¶
type DebuggerScriptParsed struct { // ScriptID Identifier of the script parsed. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // URL URL or name of the script parsed (if any). URL string `json:"url"` // StartLine Line offset of the script within the resource with given URL (for script tags). StartLine int `json:"startLine"` // StartColumn Column offset of the script within the resource with given URL. StartColumn int `json:"startColumn"` // EndLine Last line of the script. EndLine int `json:"endLine"` // EndColumn Length of the last line of the script. EndColumn int `json:"endColumn"` // ExecutionContextID Specifies script creation context. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId"` // Hash Content hash of the script, SHA-256. Hash string `json:"hash"` // ExecutionContextAuxData (optional) Embedder-specific auxiliary data. ExecutionContextAuxData map[string]gson.JSON `json:"executionContextAuxData,omitempty"` // IsLiveEdit (experimental) (optional) True, if this script is generated as a result of the live edit operation. IsLiveEdit bool `json:"isLiveEdit,omitempty"` // SourceMapURL (optional) URL of source map associated with script (if any). SourceMapURL string `json:"sourceMapURL,omitempty"` // HasSourceURL (optional) True, if this script has sourceURL. HasSourceURL bool `json:"hasSourceURL,omitempty"` // IsModule (optional) True, if this script is ES6 module. IsModule bool `json:"isModule,omitempty"` // Length (optional) This script length. Length *int `json:"length,omitempty"` // StackTrace (experimental) (optional) JavaScript top stack frame of where the script parsed event was triggered if available. StackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` // CodeOffset (experimental) (optional) If the scriptLanguage is WebAssembly, the code section offset in the module. CodeOffset *int `json:"codeOffset,omitempty"` // ScriptLanguage (experimental) (optional) The language of the script. ScriptLanguage DebuggerScriptLanguage `json:"scriptLanguage,omitempty"` // DebugSymbols (experimental) (optional) If the scriptLanguage is WebASsembly, the source of debug symbols for the module. DebugSymbols *DebuggerDebugSymbols `json:"debugSymbols,omitempty"` // EmbedderName (experimental) (optional) The name the embedder supplied for this script. EmbedderName string `json:"embedderName,omitempty"` }
DebuggerScriptParsed Fired when virtual machine parses script. This event is also fired for all known and uncollected scripts upon enabling debugger.
func (DebuggerScriptParsed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt DebuggerScriptParsed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type DebuggerScriptPosition ¶
type DebuggerScriptPosition struct { // LineNumber ... LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber ... ColumnNumber int `json:"columnNumber"` }
DebuggerScriptPosition (experimental) Location in the source code.
type DebuggerSearchInContent ¶
type DebuggerSearchInContent struct { // ScriptID Id of the script to search in. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Query String to search for. Query string `json:"query"` // CaseSensitive (optional) If true, search is case sensitive. CaseSensitive bool `json:"caseSensitive,omitempty"` // IsRegex (optional) If true, treats string parameter as regex. IsRegex bool `json:"isRegex,omitempty"` }
DebuggerSearchInContent Searches for given string in script content.
func (DebuggerSearchInContent) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSearchInContent) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerSearchInContentResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerSearchInContent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSearchInContent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSearchInContentResult ¶
type DebuggerSearchInContentResult struct { // Result List of search matches. Result []*DebuggerSearchMatch `json:"result"` }
DebuggerSearchInContentResult ...
type DebuggerSearchMatch ¶
type DebuggerSearchMatch struct { // LineNumber Line number in resource content. LineNumber float64 `json:"lineNumber"` // LineContent Line with match content. LineContent string `json:"lineContent"` }
DebuggerSearchMatch Search match for resource.
type DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth ¶
type DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth struct { // MaxDepth Maximum depth of async call stacks. Setting to `0` will effectively disable collecting async // call stacks (default). MaxDepth int `json:"maxDepth"` }
DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.
func (DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetAsyncCallStackDepth) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns ¶
type DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns struct { // Patterns Array of regexps that will be used to check script url for blackbox state. Patterns []string `json:"patterns"` }
DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns (experimental) Replace previous blackbox patterns with passed ones. Forces backend to skip stepping/pausing in scripts with url matching one of the patterns. VM will try to leave blackboxed script by performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful.
func (DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBlackboxPatterns) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges ¶
type DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges struct { // ScriptID Id of the script. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // Positions ... Positions []*DebuggerScriptPosition `json:"positions"` }
DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges (experimental) Makes backend skip steps in the script in blackboxed ranges. VM will try leave blacklisted scripts by performing 'step in' several times, finally resorting to 'step out' if unsuccessful. Positions array contains positions where blackbox state is changed. First interval isn't blackboxed. Array should be sorted.
func (DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBlackboxedRanges) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetBreakpoint ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpoint struct { // Location Location to set breakpoint in. Location *DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` // Condition (optional) Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the // breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true. Condition string `json:"condition,omitempty"` }
DebuggerSetBreakpoint Sets JavaScript breakpoint at a given location.
func (DebuggerSetBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpoint) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerSetBreakpointResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerSetBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL struct { // LineNumber Line number to set breakpoint at. LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // URL (optional) URL of the resources to set breakpoint on. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // URLRegex (optional) Regex pattern for the URLs of the resources to set breakpoints on. Either `url` or // `urlRegex` must be specified. URLRegex string `json:"urlRegex,omitempty"` // ScriptHash (optional) Script hash of the resources to set breakpoint on. ScriptHash string `json:"scriptHash,omitempty"` // ColumnNumber (optional) Offset in the line to set breakpoint at. ColumnNumber *int `json:"columnNumber,omitempty"` // Condition (optional) Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will only stop on the // breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true. Condition string `json:"condition,omitempty"` }
DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL Sets JavaScript breakpoint at given location specified either by URL or URL regex. Once this command is issued, all existing parsed scripts will have breakpoints resolved and returned in `locations` property. Further matching script parsing will result in subsequent `breakpointResolved` events issued. This logical breakpoint will survive page reloads.
func (DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpointByURL) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLResult ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLResult struct { // BreakpointID Id of the created breakpoint for further reference. BreakpointID DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` // Locations List of the locations this breakpoint resolved into upon addition. Locations []*DebuggerLocation `json:"locations"` }
DebuggerSetBreakpointByURLResult ...
type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall struct { // ObjectID Function object id. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // Condition (optional) Expression to use as a breakpoint condition. When specified, debugger will // stop on the breakpoint if this expression evaluates to true. Condition string `json:"condition,omitempty"` }
DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall (experimental) Sets JavaScript breakpoint before each call to the given function. If another function was created from the same source as a given one, calling it will also trigger the breakpoint.
func (DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCallResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCall) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCallResult ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCallResult struct { // BreakpointID Id of the created breakpoint for further reference. BreakpointID DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` }
DebuggerSetBreakpointOnFunctionCallResult (experimental) ...
type DebuggerSetBreakpointResult ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointResult struct { // BreakpointID Id of the created breakpoint for further reference. BreakpointID DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` // ActualLocation Location this breakpoint resolved into. ActualLocation *DebuggerLocation `json:"actualLocation"` }
DebuggerSetBreakpointResult ...
type DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive ¶
type DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive struct { // Active New value for breakpoints active state. Active bool `json:"active"` }
DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive Activates / deactivates all breakpoints on the page.
func (DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetBreakpointsActive) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint ¶
type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint struct { // Instrumentation Instrumentation name. Instrumentation DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation `json:"instrumentation"` }
DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint Sets instrumentation breakpoint.
func (DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation ¶
type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation string
DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation enum
const ( // DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentationBeforeScriptExecution enum const DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentationBeforeScriptExecution DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation = "beforeScriptExecution" // DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentationBeforeScriptWithSourceMapExecution enum const DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentationBeforeScriptWithSourceMapExecution DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointInstrumentation = "beforeScriptWithSourceMapExecution" )
type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointResult ¶
type DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointResult struct { // BreakpointID Id of the created breakpoint for further reference. BreakpointID DebuggerBreakpointID `json:"breakpointId"` }
DebuggerSetInstrumentationBreakpointResult ...
type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions ¶
type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions struct { // State Pause on exceptions mode. State DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState `json:"state"` }
DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions Defines pause on exceptions state. Can be set to stop on all exceptions, uncaught exceptions or no exceptions. Initial pause on exceptions state is `none`.
func (DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptions) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState ¶
type DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState string
DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState enum
const ( // DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsStateNone enum const DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsStateNone DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState = "none" // DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsStateUncaught enum const DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsStateUncaught DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState = "uncaught" // DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsStateAll enum const DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsStateAll DebuggerSetPauseOnExceptionsState = "all" )
type DebuggerSetReturnValue ¶
type DebuggerSetReturnValue struct { // NewValue New return value. NewValue *RuntimeCallArgument `json:"newValue"` }
DebuggerSetReturnValue (experimental) Changes return value in top frame. Available only at return break position.
func (DebuggerSetReturnValue) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetReturnValue) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetReturnValue) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetReturnValue) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetScriptSource ¶
type DebuggerSetScriptSource struct { // ScriptID Id of the script to edit. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // ScriptSource New content of the script. ScriptSource string `json:"scriptSource"` // DryRun (optional) If true the change will not actually be applied. Dry run may be used to get result // description without actually modifying the code. DryRun bool `json:"dryRun,omitempty"` }
DebuggerSetScriptSource Edits JavaScript source live.
func (DebuggerSetScriptSource) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetScriptSource) Call(c Client) (*DebuggerSetScriptSourceResult, error)
Call the request
func (DebuggerSetScriptSource) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetScriptSource) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetScriptSourceResult ¶
type DebuggerSetScriptSourceResult struct { // CallFrames (optional) New stack trace in case editing has happened while VM was stopped. CallFrames []*DebuggerCallFrame `json:"callFrames,omitempty"` // StackChanged (optional) Whether current call stack was modified after applying the changes. StackChanged bool `json:"stackChanged,omitempty"` // AsyncStackTrace (optional) Async stack trace, if any. AsyncStackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"asyncStackTrace,omitempty"` // AsyncStackTraceID (experimental) (optional) Async stack trace, if any. AsyncStackTraceID *RuntimeStackTraceID `json:"asyncStackTraceId,omitempty"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details if any. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
DebuggerSetScriptSourceResult ...
type DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses ¶
type DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses struct { // Skip New value for skip pauses state. Skip bool `json:"skip"` }
DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses Makes page not interrupt on any pauses (breakpoint, exception, dom exception etc).
func (DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetSkipAllPauses) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerSetVariableValue ¶
type DebuggerSetVariableValue struct { // ScopeNumber 0-based number of scope as was listed in scope chain. Only 'local', 'closure' and 'catch' // scope types are allowed. Other scopes could be manipulated manually. ScopeNumber int `json:"scopeNumber"` // VariableName Variable name. VariableName string `json:"variableName"` // NewValue New variable value. NewValue *RuntimeCallArgument `json:"newValue"` // CallFrameID Id of callframe that holds variable. CallFrameID DebuggerCallFrameID `json:"callFrameId"` }
DebuggerSetVariableValue Changes value of variable in a callframe. Object-based scopes are not supported and must be mutated manually.
func (DebuggerSetVariableValue) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerSetVariableValue) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DebuggerSetVariableValue) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DebuggerSetVariableValue) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DebuggerStepInto ¶
type DebuggerStepInto struct { // BreakOnAsyncCall (experimental) (optional) Debugger will pause on the execution of the first async task which was scheduled // before next pause. BreakOnAsyncCall bool `json:"breakOnAsyncCall,omitempty"` // SkipList (experimental) (optional) The skipList specifies location ranges that should be skipped on step into. SkipList []*DebuggerLocationRange `json:"skipList,omitempty"` }
DebuggerStepInto Steps into the function call.
func (DebuggerStepInto) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerStepInto) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DebuggerStepOut ¶
type DebuggerStepOut struct { }
DebuggerStepOut Steps out of the function call.
type DebuggerStepOver ¶
type DebuggerStepOver struct { // SkipList (experimental) (optional) The skipList specifies location ranges that should be skipped on step over. SkipList []*DebuggerLocationRange `json:"skipList,omitempty"` }
DebuggerStepOver Steps over the statement.
func (DebuggerStepOver) Call ¶
func (m DebuggerStepOver) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride ¶
type DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride struct { }
DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
func (DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride) Call ¶
func (m DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DeviceOrientationClearDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride ¶
type DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride struct { // Alpha Mock alpha Alpha float64 `json:"alpha"` // Beta Mock beta Beta float64 `json:"beta"` // Gamma Mock gamma Gamma float64 `json:"gamma"` }
DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride Overrides the Device Orientation.
func (DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride) Call ¶
func (m DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m DeviceOrientationSetDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationCanEmulate ¶
type EmulationCanEmulate struct { }
EmulationCanEmulate Tells whether emulation is supported.
func (EmulationCanEmulate) Call ¶
func (m EmulationCanEmulate) Call(c Client) (*EmulationCanEmulateResult, error)
Call the request
type EmulationCanEmulateResult ¶
type EmulationCanEmulateResult struct { // Result True if emulation is supported. Result bool `json:"result"` }
EmulationCanEmulateResult ...
type EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride ¶
type EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride struct { }
EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride Clears the overridden device metrics.
func (EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationClearDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationClearGeolocationOverride ¶
type EmulationClearGeolocationOverride struct { }
EmulationClearGeolocationOverride Clears the overridden Geolocation Position and Error.
func (EmulationClearGeolocationOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationClearGeolocationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationClearGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationClearGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationClearIdleOverride ¶
type EmulationClearIdleOverride struct { }
EmulationClearIdleOverride (experimental) Clears Idle state overrides.
func (EmulationClearIdleOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationClearIdleOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationClearIdleOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationClearIdleOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationDisabledImageType ¶
type EmulationDisabledImageType string
EmulationDisabledImageType (experimental) Enum of image types that can be disabled.
const ( // EmulationDisabledImageTypeAvif enum const EmulationDisabledImageTypeAvif EmulationDisabledImageType = "avif" // EmulationDisabledImageTypeJxl enum const EmulationDisabledImageTypeJxl EmulationDisabledImageType = "jxl" // EmulationDisabledImageTypeWebp enum const EmulationDisabledImageTypeWebp EmulationDisabledImageType = "webp" )
type EmulationDisplayFeature ¶
type EmulationDisplayFeature struct { // Orientation Orientation of a display feature in relation to screen Orientation EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation `json:"orientation"` // Offset The offset from the screen origin in either the x (for vertical // orientation) or y (for horizontal orientation) direction. Offset int `json:"offset"` // MaskLength A display feature may mask content such that it is not physically // displayed - this length along with the offset describes this area. // A display feature that only splits content will have a 0 mask_length. MaskLength int `json:"maskLength"` }
EmulationDisplayFeature ...
type EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation ¶
type EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation string
EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation enum
const ( // EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientationVertical enum const EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientationVertical EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation = "vertical" // EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientationHorizontal enum const EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientationHorizontal EmulationDisplayFeatureOrientation = "horizontal" )
type EmulationMediaFeature ¶
type EmulationMediaFeature struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
EmulationMediaFeature ...
type EmulationResetPageScaleFactor ¶
type EmulationResetPageScaleFactor struct { }
EmulationResetPageScaleFactor (experimental) Requests that page scale factor is reset to initial values.
func (EmulationResetPageScaleFactor) Call ¶
func (m EmulationResetPageScaleFactor) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationResetPageScaleFactor) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationResetPageScaleFactor) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationScreenOrientation ¶
type EmulationScreenOrientation struct { // Type Orientation type. Type EmulationScreenOrientationType `json:"type"` // Angle Orientation angle. Angle int `json:"angle"` }
EmulationScreenOrientation Screen orientation.
type EmulationScreenOrientationType ¶
type EmulationScreenOrientationType string
EmulationScreenOrientationType enum
const ( // EmulationScreenOrientationTypePortraitPrimary enum const EmulationScreenOrientationTypePortraitPrimary EmulationScreenOrientationType = "portraitPrimary" // EmulationScreenOrientationTypePortraitSecondary enum const EmulationScreenOrientationTypePortraitSecondary EmulationScreenOrientationType = "portraitSecondary" // EmulationScreenOrientationTypeLandscapePrimary enum const EmulationScreenOrientationTypeLandscapePrimary EmulationScreenOrientationType = "landscapePrimary" // EmulationScreenOrientationTypeLandscapeSecondary enum const EmulationScreenOrientationTypeLandscapeSecondary EmulationScreenOrientationType = "landscapeSecondary" )
type EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride ¶
type EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride struct { // Enabled (optional) Whether to enable or disable automatic dark mode. // If not specified, any existing override will be cleared. Enabled bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride (experimental) Automatically render all web contents using a dark theme.
func (EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetAutoDarkModeOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetAutomationOverride ¶
type EmulationSetAutomationOverride struct { // Enabled Whether the override should be enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
EmulationSetAutomationOverride (experimental) Allows overriding the automation flag.
func (EmulationSetAutomationOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetAutomationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetAutomationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetAutomationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate ¶
type EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate struct { // Rate Throttling rate as a slowdown factor (1 is no throttle, 2 is 2x slowdown, etc). Rate float64 `json:"rate"` }
EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate (experimental) Enables CPU throttling to emulate slow CPUs.
func (EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetCPUThrottlingRate) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride ¶
type EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride struct { // Color (optional) RGBA of the default background color. If not specified, any existing override will be // cleared. Color *DOMRGBA `json:"color,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride Sets or clears an override of the default background color of the frame. This override is used if the content does not specify one.
func (EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetDefaultBackgroundColorOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride ¶
type EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride struct { // Width Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. Width int `json:"width"` // Height Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. Height int `json:"height"` // DeviceScaleFactor Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override. DeviceScaleFactor float64 `json:"deviceScaleFactor"` // Mobile Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text // autosizing and more. Mobile bool `json:"mobile"` // Scale (experimental) (optional) Scale to apply to resulting view image. Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` // ScreenWidth (experimental) (optional) Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). ScreenWidth *int `json:"screenWidth,omitempty"` // ScreenHeight (experimental) (optional) Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). ScreenHeight *int `json:"screenHeight,omitempty"` // PositionX (experimental) (optional) Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). PositionX *int `json:"positionX,omitempty"` // PositionY (experimental) (optional) Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). PositionY *int `json:"positionY,omitempty"` // DontSetVisibleSize (experimental) (optional) Do not set visible view size, rely upon explicit setVisibleSize call. DontSetVisibleSize bool `json:"dontSetVisibleSize,omitempty"` // ScreenOrientation (optional) Screen orientation override. ScreenOrientation *EmulationScreenOrientation `json:"screenOrientation,omitempty"` // Viewport (experimental) (optional) If set, the visible area of the page will be overridden to this viewport. This viewport // change is not observed by the page, e.g. viewport-relative elements do not change positions. Viewport *PageViewport `json:"viewport,omitempty"` // DisplayFeature (experimental) (optional) If set, the display feature of a multi-segment screen. If not set, multi-segment support // is turned-off. DisplayFeature *EmulationDisplayFeature `json:"displayFeature,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS media query results).
func (EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes ¶
type EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes struct { // ImageTypes Image types to disable. ImageTypes []EmulationDisabledImageType `json:"imageTypes"` }
EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes (experimental) ...
func (EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetDisabledImageTypes) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled ¶
type EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled struct { // Disabled Whether document.coookie API should be disabled. Disabled bool `json:"disabled"` }
EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled (experimental) ...
func (EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetDocumentCookieDisabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse ¶
type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse struct { // Enabled Whether touch emulation based on mouse input should be enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Configuration (optional) Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform. Configuration EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration `json:"configuration,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse (experimental) ...
func (EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouse) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration ¶
type EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration string
EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration enum
const ( // EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfigurationMobile enum const EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfigurationMobile EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration = "mobile" // EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfigurationDesktop enum const EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfigurationDesktop EmulationSetEmitTouchEventsForMouseConfiguration = "desktop" )
type EmulationSetEmulatedMedia ¶
type EmulationSetEmulatedMedia struct { // Media (optional) Media type to emulate. Empty string disables the override. Media string `json:"media,omitempty"` // Features (optional) Media features to emulate. Features []*EmulationMediaFeature `json:"features,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetEmulatedMedia Emulates the given media type or media feature for CSS media queries.
func (EmulationSetEmulatedMedia) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetEmulatedMedia) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetEmulatedMedia) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetEmulatedMedia) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency ¶
type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency struct { // Type Vision deficiency to emulate. Type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType `json:"type"` }
EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency (experimental) Emulates the given vision deficiency.
func (EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiency) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType ¶
type EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType string
EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType enum
const ( // EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeNone enum const EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeNone EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType = "none" // EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeAchromatopsia enum const EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeAchromatopsia EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType = "achromatopsia" // EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeBlurredVision enum const EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeBlurredVision EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType = "blurredVision" // EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeDeuteranopia enum const EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeDeuteranopia EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType = "deuteranopia" // EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeProtanopia enum const EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeProtanopia EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType = "protanopia" // EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeTritanopia enum const EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyTypeTritanopia EmulationSetEmulatedVisionDeficiencyType = "tritanopia" )
type EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled ¶
type EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled struct { // Enabled Whether to enable to disable focus emulation. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled (experimental) Enables or disables simulating a focused and active page.
func (EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetFocusEmulationEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetGeolocationOverride ¶
type EmulationSetGeolocationOverride struct { // Latitude (optional) Mock latitude Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // Longitude (optional) Mock longitude Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // Accuracy (optional) Mock accuracy Accuracy *float64 `json:"accuracy,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetGeolocationOverride Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position unavailable.
func (EmulationSetGeolocationOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetGeolocationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride ¶
type EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride struct { // HardwareConcurrency Hardware concurrency to report HardwareConcurrency int `json:"hardwareConcurrency"` }
EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride (experimental) ...
func (EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetHardwareConcurrencyOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetIdleOverride ¶
type EmulationSetIdleOverride struct { // IsUserActive Mock isUserActive IsUserActive bool `json:"isUserActive"` // IsScreenUnlocked Mock isScreenUnlocked IsScreenUnlocked bool `json:"isScreenUnlocked"` }
EmulationSetIdleOverride (experimental) Overrides the Idle state.
func (EmulationSetIdleOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetIdleOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetIdleOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetIdleOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetLocaleOverride ¶
type EmulationSetLocaleOverride struct { // Locale (optional) ICU style C locale (e.g. "en_US"). If not specified or empty, disables the override and // restores default host system locale. Locale string `json:"locale,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetLocaleOverride (experimental) Overrides default host system locale with the specified one.
func (EmulationSetLocaleOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetLocaleOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetLocaleOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetLocaleOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides ¶
type EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides struct { string `json:"platform"` }Platform
EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides (deprecated) (experimental) Overrides value returned by the javascript navigator object.
func (EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetNavigatorOverrides) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetPageScaleFactor ¶
type EmulationSetPageScaleFactor struct { // PageScaleFactor Page scale factor. PageScaleFactor float64 `json:"pageScaleFactor"` }
EmulationSetPageScaleFactor (experimental) Sets a specified page scale factor.
func (EmulationSetPageScaleFactor) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetPageScaleFactor) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetPageScaleFactor) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetPageScaleFactor) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled ¶
type EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled struct { // Value Whether script execution should be disabled in the page. Value bool `json:"value"` }
EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled Switches script execution in the page.
func (EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetScriptExecutionDisabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden ¶
type EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden struct { // Hidden Whether scrollbars should be always hidden. Hidden bool `json:"hidden"` }
EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden (experimental) ...
func (EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetScrollbarsHidden) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetTimezoneOverride ¶
type EmulationSetTimezoneOverride struct { // TimezoneID The timezone identifier. If empty, disables the override and // restores default host system timezone. TimezoneID string `json:"timezoneId"` }
EmulationSetTimezoneOverride (experimental) Overrides default host system timezone with the specified one.
func (EmulationSetTimezoneOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetTimezoneOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetTimezoneOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetTimezoneOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled ¶
type EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled struct { // Enabled Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // MaxTouchPoints (optional) Maximum touch points supported. Defaults to one. MaxTouchPoints *int `json:"maxTouchPoints,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled Enables touch on platforms which do not support them.
func (EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetTouchEmulationEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetUserAgentOverride ¶
type EmulationSetUserAgentOverride struct { // UserAgent User agent to use. UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"` // AcceptLanguage (optional) Browser langugage to emulate. AcceptLanguage string `json:"acceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Platform (optional) The platform navigator.platform should return. Platform string `json:"platform,omitempty"` // UserAgentMetadata (experimental) (optional) To be sent in Sec-CH-UA-* headers and returned in navigator.userAgentData UserAgentMetadata *EmulationUserAgentMetadata `json:"userAgentMetadata,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetUserAgentOverride Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
func (EmulationSetUserAgentOverride) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetUserAgentOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetUserAgentOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetUserAgentOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy ¶
type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy struct { // Policy ... Policy EmulationVirtualTimePolicy `json:"policy"` // Budget (optional) If set, after this many virtual milliseconds have elapsed virtual time will be paused and a // virtualTimeBudgetExpired event is sent. Budget *float64 `json:"budget,omitempty"` // MaxVirtualTimeTaskStarvationCount (optional) If set this specifies the maximum number of tasks that can be run before virtual is forced // forwards to prevent deadlock. MaxVirtualTimeTaskStarvationCount *int `json:"maxVirtualTimeTaskStarvationCount,omitempty"` // InitialVirtualTime (optional) If set, base::Time::Now will be overridden to initially return this value. InitialVirtualTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"initialVirtualTime,omitempty"` }
EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy (experimental) Turns on virtual time for all frames (replacing real-time with a synthetic time source) and sets the current virtual time policy. Note this supersedes any previous time budget.
func (EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy) Call(c Client) (*EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyResult, error)
Call the request
func (EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicy) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyResult ¶
type EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyResult struct { // VirtualTimeTicksBase Absolute timestamp at which virtual time was first enabled (up time in milliseconds). VirtualTimeTicksBase float64 `json:"virtualTimeTicksBase"` }
EmulationSetVirtualTimePolicyResult (experimental) ...
type EmulationSetVisibleSize ¶
type EmulationSetVisibleSize struct { // Width Frame width (DIP). Width int `json:"width"` // Height Frame height (DIP). Height int `json:"height"` }
EmulationSetVisibleSize (deprecated) (experimental) Resizes the frame/viewport of the page. Note that this does not affect the frame's container (e.g. browser window). Can be used to produce screenshots of the specified size. Not supported on Android.
func (EmulationSetVisibleSize) Call ¶
func (m EmulationSetVisibleSize) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EmulationSetVisibleSize) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EmulationSetVisibleSize) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EmulationUserAgentBrandVersion ¶
type EmulationUserAgentBrandVersion struct { // Brand ... Brand string `json:"brand"` // Version ... Version string `json:"version"` }
EmulationUserAgentBrandVersion (experimental) Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate. See
type EmulationUserAgentMetadata ¶
type EmulationUserAgentMetadata struct { // Brands (optional) ... Brands []*EmulationUserAgentBrandVersion `json:"brands,omitempty"` // FullVersionList (optional) ... FullVersionList []*EmulationUserAgentBrandVersion `json:"fullVersionList,omitempty"` // FullVersion (deprecated) (optional) ... FullVersion string `json:"fullVersion,omitempty"` // Platform ... Platform string `json:"platform"` // PlatformVersion ... PlatformVersion string `json:"platformVersion"` // Architecture ... Architecture string `json:"architecture"` // Model ... Model string `json:"model"` // Mobile ... Mobile bool `json:"mobile"` // Bitness (optional) ... Bitness string `json:"bitness,omitempty"` // Wow64 (optional) ... Wow64 bool `json:"wow64,omitempty"` }
EmulationUserAgentMetadata (experimental) Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate. See Missing optional values will be filled in by the target with what it would normally use.
type EmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired ¶
type EmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired struct { }
EmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired (experimental) Notification sent after the virtual time budget for the current VirtualTimePolicy has run out.
func (EmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt EmulationVirtualTimeBudgetExpired) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type EmulationVirtualTimePolicy ¶
type EmulationVirtualTimePolicy string
EmulationVirtualTimePolicy (experimental) advance: If the scheduler runs out of immediate work, the virtual time base may fast forward to allow the next delayed task (if any) to run; pause: The virtual time base may not advance; pauseIfNetworkFetchesPending: The virtual time base may not advance if there are any pending resource fetches.
const ( // EmulationVirtualTimePolicyAdvance enum const EmulationVirtualTimePolicyAdvance EmulationVirtualTimePolicy = "advance" // EmulationVirtualTimePolicyPause enum const EmulationVirtualTimePolicyPause EmulationVirtualTimePolicy = "pause" // EmulationVirtualTimePolicyPauseIfNetworkFetchesPending enum const EmulationVirtualTimePolicyPauseIfNetworkFetchesPending EmulationVirtualTimePolicy = "pauseIfNetworkFetchesPending" )
type Event ¶
type Event interface { // ProtoEvent returns the cdp.Event.Method ProtoEvent() string }
Event represents a cdp.Event.Params
type EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint ¶
type EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint struct { // EventName Instrumentation name to stop on. EventName string `json:"eventName"` }
EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint Removes breakpoint on particular native event.
func (EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EventBreakpointsRemoveInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint ¶
type EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint struct { // EventName Instrumentation name to stop on. EventName string `json:"eventName"` }
EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint Sets breakpoint on particular native event.
func (EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call ¶
func (m EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq ¶
func (m EventBreakpointsSetInstrumentationBreakpoint) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type FetchAuthChallenge ¶
type FetchAuthChallenge struct { // Source (optional) Source of the authentication challenge. Source FetchAuthChallengeSource `json:"source,omitempty"` // Origin Origin of the challenger. Origin string `json:"origin"` // Scheme The authentication scheme used, such as basic or digest Scheme string `json:"scheme"` // Realm The realm of the challenge. May be empty. Realm string `json:"realm"` }
FetchAuthChallenge Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
type FetchAuthChallengeResponse ¶
type FetchAuthChallengeResponse struct { // Response The decision on what to do in response to the authorization challenge. Default means // deferring to the default behavior of the net stack, which will likely either the Cancel // authentication or display a popup dialog box. Response FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse `json:"response"` // Username (optional) The username to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is // ProvideCredentials. Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Password (optional) The password to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is // ProvideCredentials. Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
FetchAuthChallengeResponse Response to an AuthChallenge.
type FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse ¶
type FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse string
FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse enum
const ( // FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponseDefault enum const FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponseDefault FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse = "Default" // FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponseCancelAuth enum const FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponseCancelAuth FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse = "CancelAuth" // FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponseProvideCredentials enum const FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponseProvideCredentials FetchAuthChallengeResponseResponse = "ProvideCredentials" )
type FetchAuthChallengeSource ¶
type FetchAuthChallengeSource string
FetchAuthChallengeSource enum
const ( // FetchAuthChallengeSourceServer enum const FetchAuthChallengeSourceServer FetchAuthChallengeSource = "Server" // FetchAuthChallengeSourceProxy enum const FetchAuthChallengeSourceProxy FetchAuthChallengeSource = "Proxy" )
type FetchAuthRequired ¶
type FetchAuthRequired struct { // RequestID Each request the page makes will have a unique id. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Request The details of the request. Request *NetworkRequest `json:"request"` // FrameID The id of the frame that initiated the request. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // ResourceType How the requested resource will be used. ResourceType NetworkResourceType `json:"resourceType"` // AuthChallenge Details of the Authorization Challenge encountered. // If this is set, client should respond with continueRequest that // contains AuthChallengeResponse. AuthChallenge *FetchAuthChallenge `json:"authChallenge"` }
FetchAuthRequired Issued when the domain is enabled with handleAuthRequests set to true. The request is paused until client responds with continueWithAuth.
func (FetchAuthRequired) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt FetchAuthRequired) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type FetchContinueRequest ¶
type FetchContinueRequest struct { // RequestID An id the client received in requestPaused event. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` // URL (optional) If set, the request url will be modified in a way that's not observable by page. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Method (optional) If set, the request method is overridden. Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` // PostData (optional) If set, overrides the post data in the request. PostData []byte `json:"postData,omitempty"` // Headers (optional) If set, overrides the request headers. Headers []*FetchHeaderEntry `json:"headers,omitempty"` // InterceptResponse (experimental) (optional) If set, overrides response interception behavior for this request. InterceptResponse bool `json:"interceptResponse,omitempty"` }
FetchContinueRequest Continues the request, optionally modifying some of its parameters.
func (FetchContinueRequest) Call ¶
func (m FetchContinueRequest) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (FetchContinueRequest) ProtoReq ¶
func (m FetchContinueRequest) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type FetchContinueResponse ¶
type FetchContinueResponse struct { // RequestID An id the client received in requestPaused event. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` // ResponseCode (optional) An HTTP response code. If absent, original response code will be used. ResponseCode *int `json:"responseCode,omitempty"` // ResponsePhrase (optional) A textual representation of responseCode. // If absent, a standard phrase matching responseCode is used. ResponsePhrase string `json:"responsePhrase,omitempty"` // ResponseHeaders (optional) Response headers. If absent, original response headers will be used. ResponseHeaders []*FetchHeaderEntry `json:"responseHeaders,omitempty"` // BinaryResponseHeaders (optional) Alternative way of specifying response headers as a \0-separated // series of name: value pairs. Prefer the above method unless you // need to represent some non-UTF8 values that can't be transmitted // over the protocol as text. BinaryResponseHeaders []byte `json:"binaryResponseHeaders,omitempty"` }
FetchContinueResponse (experimental) Continues loading of the paused response, optionally modifying the response headers. If either responseCode or headers are modified, all of them must be present.
func (FetchContinueResponse) Call ¶
func (m FetchContinueResponse) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (FetchContinueResponse) ProtoReq ¶
func (m FetchContinueResponse) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type FetchContinueWithAuth ¶
type FetchContinueWithAuth struct { // RequestID An id the client received in authRequired event. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` // AuthChallengeResponse Response to with an authChallenge. AuthChallengeResponse *FetchAuthChallengeResponse `json:"authChallengeResponse"` }
FetchContinueWithAuth Continues a request supplying authChallengeResponse following authRequired event.
func (FetchContinueWithAuth) Call ¶
func (m FetchContinueWithAuth) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (FetchContinueWithAuth) ProtoReq ¶
func (m FetchContinueWithAuth) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type FetchEnable ¶
type FetchEnable struct { // Patterns (optional) If specified, only requests matching any of these patterns will produce // fetchRequested event and will be paused until clients response. If not set, // all requests will be affected. Patterns []*FetchRequestPattern `json:"patterns,omitempty"` // HandleAuthRequests (optional) If true, authRequired events will be issued and requests will be paused // expecting a call to continueWithAuth. HandleAuthRequests bool `json:"handleAuthRequests,omitempty"` }
FetchEnable Enables issuing of requestPaused events. A request will be paused until client calls one of failRequest, fulfillRequest or continueRequest/continueWithAuth.
type FetchFailRequest ¶
type FetchFailRequest struct { // RequestID An id the client received in requestPaused event. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` // ErrorReason Causes the request to fail with the given reason. ErrorReason NetworkErrorReason `json:"errorReason"` }
FetchFailRequest Causes the request to fail with specified reason.
func (FetchFailRequest) Call ¶
func (m FetchFailRequest) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type FetchFulfillRequest ¶
type FetchFulfillRequest struct { // RequestID An id the client received in requestPaused event. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` // ResponseCode An HTTP response code. ResponseCode int `json:"responseCode"` // ResponseHeaders (optional) Response headers. ResponseHeaders []*FetchHeaderEntry `json:"responseHeaders,omitempty"` // BinaryResponseHeaders (optional) Alternative way of specifying response headers as a \0-separated // series of name: value pairs. Prefer the above method unless you // need to represent some non-UTF8 values that can't be transmitted // over the protocol as text. BinaryResponseHeaders []byte `json:"binaryResponseHeaders,omitempty"` // Body A response body. If absent, original response body will be used if // the request is intercepted at the response stage and empty body // will be used if the request is intercepted at the request stage. Body []byte `json:"body"` // ResponsePhrase (optional) A textual representation of responseCode. // If absent, a standard phrase matching responseCode is used. ResponsePhrase string `json:"responsePhrase,omitempty"` }
FetchFulfillRequest Provides response to the request.
func (FetchFulfillRequest) Call ¶
func (m FetchFulfillRequest) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type FetchGetResponseBody ¶
type FetchGetResponseBody struct { // RequestID Identifier for the intercepted request to get body for. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` }
FetchGetResponseBody Causes the body of the response to be received from the server and returned as a single string. May only be issued for a request that is paused in the Response stage and is mutually exclusive with takeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream. Calling other methods that affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received results in an undefined behavior.
func (FetchGetResponseBody) Call ¶
func (m FetchGetResponseBody) Call(c Client) (*FetchGetResponseBodyResult, error)
Call the request
func (FetchGetResponseBody) ProtoReq ¶
func (m FetchGetResponseBody) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type FetchGetResponseBodyResult ¶
type FetchGetResponseBodyResult struct { // Body Response body. Body string `json:"body"` // Base64Encoded True, if content was sent as base64. Base64Encoded bool `json:"base64Encoded"` }
FetchGetResponseBodyResult ...
type FetchHeaderEntry ¶
type FetchHeaderEntry struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
FetchHeaderEntry Response HTTP header entry
type FetchRequestPattern ¶
type FetchRequestPattern struct { // URLPattern (optional) Wildcards (`'*'` -> zero or more, `'?'` -> exactly one) are allowed. Escape character is // backslash. Omitting is equivalent to `"*"`. URLPattern string `json:"urlPattern,omitempty"` // ResourceType (optional) If set, only requests for matching resource types will be intercepted. ResourceType NetworkResourceType `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` // RequestStage (optional) Stage at which to begin intercepting requests. Default is Request. RequestStage FetchRequestStage `json:"requestStage,omitempty"` }
FetchRequestPattern ...
type FetchRequestPaused ¶
type FetchRequestPaused struct { // RequestID Each request the page makes will have a unique id. RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Request The details of the request. Request *NetworkRequest `json:"request"` // FrameID The id of the frame that initiated the request. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // ResourceType How the requested resource will be used. ResourceType NetworkResourceType `json:"resourceType"` // ResponseErrorReason (optional) Response error if intercepted at response stage. ResponseErrorReason NetworkErrorReason `json:"responseErrorReason,omitempty"` // ResponseStatusCode (optional) Response code if intercepted at response stage. ResponseStatusCode *int `json:"responseStatusCode,omitempty"` // ResponseStatusText (optional) Response status text if intercepted at response stage. ResponseStatusText string `json:"responseStatusText,omitempty"` // ResponseHeaders (optional) Response headers if intercepted at the response stage. ResponseHeaders []*FetchHeaderEntry `json:"responseHeaders,omitempty"` // NetworkID (optional) If the intercepted request had a corresponding Network.requestWillBeSent event fired for it, // then this networkId will be the same as the requestId present in the requestWillBeSent event. NetworkID FetchRequestID `json:"networkId,omitempty"` }
FetchRequestPaused Issued when the domain is enabled and the request URL matches the specified filter. The request is paused until the client responds with one of continueRequest, failRequest or fulfillRequest. The stage of the request can be determined by presence of responseErrorReason and responseStatusCode -- the request is at the response stage if either of these fields is present and in the request stage otherwise.
func (FetchRequestPaused) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt FetchRequestPaused) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type FetchRequestStage ¶
type FetchRequestStage string
FetchRequestStage Stages of the request to handle. Request will intercept before the request is sent. Response will intercept after the response is received (but before response body is received).
const ( // FetchRequestStageRequest enum const FetchRequestStageRequest FetchRequestStage = "Request" // FetchRequestStageResponse enum const FetchRequestStageResponse FetchRequestStage = "Response" )
type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream ¶
type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream struct { // RequestID ... RequestID FetchRequestID `json:"requestId"` }
FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. The request must be paused in the HeadersReceived stage. Note that after this command the request can't be continued as is -- client either needs to cancel it or to provide the response body. The stream only supports sequential read, will fail if the position is specified. This method is mutually exclusive with getResponseBody. Calling other methods that affect the request or disabling fetch domain before body is received results in an undefined behavior.
func (FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream) Call ¶
func (m FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream) Call(c Client) (*FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStreamResult, error)
Call the request
func (FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream) ProtoReq ¶
func (m FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStream) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStreamResult ¶
type FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStreamResult struct { // Stream ... Stream IOStreamHandle `json:"stream"` }
FetchTakeResponseBodyAsStreamResult ...
type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame ¶
type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame struct { // FrameTimeTicks (optional) Timestamp of this BeginFrame in Renderer TimeTicks (milliseconds of uptime). If not set, // the current time will be used. FrameTimeTicks *float64 `json:"frameTimeTicks,omitempty"` // Interval (optional) The interval between BeginFrames that is reported to the compositor, in milliseconds. // Defaults to a 60 frames/second interval, i.e. about 16.666 milliseconds. Interval *float64 `json:"interval,omitempty"` // NoDisplayUpdates (optional) Whether updates should not be committed and drawn onto the display. False by default. If // true, only side effects of the BeginFrame will be run, such as layout and animations, but // any visual updates may not be visible on the display or in screenshots. NoDisplayUpdates bool `json:"noDisplayUpdates,omitempty"` // Screenshot (optional) If set, a screenshot of the frame will be captured and returned in the response. Otherwise, // no screenshot will be captured. Note that capturing a screenshot can fail, for example, // during renderer initialization. In such a case, no screenshot data will be returned. Screenshot *HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParams `json:"screenshot,omitempty"` }
HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame Sends a BeginFrame to the target and returns when the frame was completed. Optionally captures a screenshot from the resulting frame. Requires that the target was created with enabled BeginFrameControl. Designed for use with --run-all-compositor-stages-before-draw, see also for more background.
func (HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame) Call ¶
func (m HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame) Call(c Client) (*HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrameResult, error)
Call the request
func (HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrame) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrameResult ¶
type HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrameResult struct { // HasDamage Whether the BeginFrame resulted in damage and, thus, a new frame was committed to the // display. Reported for diagnostic uses, may be removed in the future. HasDamage bool `json:"hasDamage"` // ScreenshotData (optional) Base64-encoded image data of the screenshot, if one was requested and successfully taken. ScreenshotData []byte `json:"screenshotData,omitempty"` }
HeadlessExperimentalBeginFrameResult ...
type HeadlessExperimentalDisable ¶
type HeadlessExperimentalDisable struct { }
HeadlessExperimentalDisable Disables headless events for the target.
func (HeadlessExperimentalDisable) Call ¶
func (m HeadlessExperimentalDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeadlessExperimentalDisable) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeadlessExperimentalDisable) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeadlessExperimentalEnable ¶
type HeadlessExperimentalEnable struct { }
HeadlessExperimentalEnable Enables headless events for the target.
func (HeadlessExperimentalEnable) Call ¶
func (m HeadlessExperimentalEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeadlessExperimentalEnable) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeadlessExperimentalEnable) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeadlessExperimentalNeedsBeginFramesChanged ¶
type HeadlessExperimentalNeedsBeginFramesChanged struct { // NeedsBeginFrames True if BeginFrames are needed, false otherwise. NeedsBeginFrames bool `json:"needsBeginFrames"` }
HeadlessExperimentalNeedsBeginFramesChanged (deprecated) Issued when the target starts or stops needing BeginFrames. Deprecated. Issue beginFrame unconditionally instead and use result from beginFrame to detect whether the frames were suppressed.
func (HeadlessExperimentalNeedsBeginFramesChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt HeadlessExperimentalNeedsBeginFramesChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParams ¶
type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParams struct { // Format (optional) Image compression format (defaults to png). Format HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` // Quality (optional) Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only). Quality *int `json:"quality,omitempty"` }
HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParams Encoding options for a screenshot.
type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat ¶
type HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat string
HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat enum
const ( // HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormatJpeg enum const HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormatJpeg HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat = "jpeg" // HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormatPng enum const HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormatPng HeadlessExperimentalScreenshotParamsFormat = "png" )
type HeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk ¶
type HeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk struct { // Chunk ... Chunk string `json:"chunk"` }
HeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk ...
func (HeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt HeapProfilerAddHeapSnapshotChunk) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject ¶
type HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject struct { // HeapObjectID Heap snapshot object id to be accessible by means of $x command line API. HeapObjectID HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID `json:"heapObjectId"` }
HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details $x functions).
func (HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerAddInspectedHeapObject) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerCollectGarbage ¶
type HeapProfilerCollectGarbage struct { }
HeapProfilerCollectGarbage ...
func (HeapProfilerCollectGarbage) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerCollectGarbage) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeapProfilerCollectGarbage) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerCollectGarbage) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerDisable ¶
type HeapProfilerDisable struct { }
HeapProfilerDisable ...
func (HeapProfilerDisable) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type HeapProfilerEnable ¶
type HeapProfilerEnable struct { }
HeapProfilerEnable ...
func (HeapProfilerEnable) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID ¶
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID struct { // ObjectID Identifier of the object to get heap object id for. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` }
HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID ...
func (HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID) Call(c Client) (*HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDResult, error)
Call the request
func (HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectID) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDResult ¶
type HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDResult struct { // HeapSnapshotObjectID Id of the heap snapshot object corresponding to the passed remote object id. HeapSnapshotObjectID HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID `json:"heapSnapshotObjectId"` }
HeapProfilerGetHeapObjectIDResult ...
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID ¶
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID struct { // ObjectID ... ObjectID HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID `json:"objectId"` // ObjectGroup (optional) Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` }
HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID ...
func (HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID) Call(c Client) (*HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDResult, error)
Call the request
func (HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectID) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDResult ¶
type HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDResult struct { // Result Evaluation result. Result *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` }
HeapProfilerGetObjectByHeapObjectIDResult ...
type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile ¶
type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile struct { }
HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile ...
func (HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile) Call(c Client) (*HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfileResult, error)
Call the request
func (HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfile) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfileResult ¶
type HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfileResult struct { // Profile Return the sampling profile being collected. Profile *HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile `json:"profile"` }
HeapProfilerGetSamplingProfileResult ...
type HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID ¶
type HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID string
HeapProfilerHeapSnapshotObjectID Heap snapshot object id.
type HeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate ¶
type HeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate struct { // StatsUpdate An array of triplets. Each triplet describes a fragment. The first integer is the fragment // index, the second integer is a total count of objects for the fragment, the third integer is // a total size of the objects for the fragment. StatsUpdate []int `json:"statsUpdate"` }
HeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments
func (HeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt HeapProfilerHeapStatsUpdate) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type HeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID ¶
type HeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID struct { // LastSeenObjectID ... LastSeenObjectID int `json:"lastSeenObjectId"` // Timestamp ... Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"` }
HeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestamp. If the were changes in the heap since last event then one or more heapStatsUpdate events will be sent before a new lastSeenObjectId event.
func (HeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt HeapProfilerLastSeenObjectID) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type HeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress ¶
type HeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress struct { // Done ... Done int `json:"done"` // Total ... Total int `json:"total"` // Finished (optional) ... Finished bool `json:"finished,omitempty"` }
HeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress ...
func (HeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt HeapProfilerReportHeapSnapshotProgress) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type HeapProfilerResetProfiles ¶
type HeapProfilerResetProfiles struct { }
HeapProfilerResetProfiles ...
func (HeapProfilerResetProfiles) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt HeapProfilerResetProfiles) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile ¶
type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile struct { // Head ... Head *HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileNode `json:"head"` // Samples ... Samples []*HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileSample `json:"samples"` }
HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile Sampling profile.
type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileNode ¶
type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileNode struct { // CallFrame Function location. CallFrame *RuntimeCallFrame `json:"callFrame"` // SelfSize Allocations size in bytes for the node excluding children. SelfSize float64 `json:"selfSize"` // ID Node id. Ids are unique across all profiles collected between startSampling and stopSampling. ID int `json:"id"` // Children Child nodes. Children []*HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileNode `json:"children"` }
HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileNode Sampling Heap Profile node. Holds callsite information, allocation statistics and child nodes.
type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileSample ¶
type HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileSample struct { // Size Allocation size in bytes attributed to the sample. Size float64 `json:"size"` // NodeID Id of the corresponding profile tree node. NodeID int `json:"nodeId"` // Ordinal Time-ordered sample ordinal number. It is unique across all profiles retrieved // between startSampling and stopSampling. Ordinal float64 `json:"ordinal"` }
HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfileSample A single sample from a sampling profile.
type HeapProfilerStartSampling ¶
type HeapProfilerStartSampling struct { // SamplingInterval (optional) Average sample interval in bytes. Poisson distribution is used for the intervals. The // default value is 32768 bytes. SamplingInterval *float64 `json:"samplingInterval,omitempty"` }
HeapProfilerStartSampling ...
func (HeapProfilerStartSampling) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStartSampling) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeapProfilerStartSampling) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStartSampling) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects ¶
type HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects struct { // TrackAllocations (optional) ... TrackAllocations bool `json:"trackAllocations,omitempty"` }
HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects ...
func (HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStartTrackingHeapObjects) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerStopSampling ¶
type HeapProfilerStopSampling struct { }
HeapProfilerStopSampling ...
func (HeapProfilerStopSampling) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStopSampling) Call(c Client) (*HeapProfilerStopSamplingResult, error)
Call the request
func (HeapProfilerStopSampling) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStopSampling) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerStopSamplingResult ¶
type HeapProfilerStopSamplingResult struct { // Profile Recorded sampling heap profile. Profile *HeapProfilerSamplingHeapProfile `json:"profile"` }
HeapProfilerStopSamplingResult ...
type HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects ¶
type HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects struct { // ReportProgress (optional) If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken // when the tracking is stopped. ReportProgress bool `json:"reportProgress,omitempty"` // TreatGlobalObjectsAsRoots (deprecated) (optional) Deprecated in favor of `exposeInternals`. TreatGlobalObjectsAsRoots bool `json:"treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots,omitempty"` // CaptureNumericValue (optional) If true, numerical values are included in the snapshot CaptureNumericValue bool `json:"captureNumericValue,omitempty"` // ExposeInternals (experimental) (optional) If true, exposes internals of the snapshot. ExposeInternals bool `json:"exposeInternals,omitempty"` }
HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects ...
func (HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerStopTrackingHeapObjects) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot ¶
type HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot struct { // ReportProgress (optional) If true 'reportHeapSnapshotProgress' events will be generated while snapshot is being taken. ReportProgress bool `json:"reportProgress,omitempty"` // TreatGlobalObjectsAsRoots (deprecated) (optional) If true, a raw snapshot without artificial roots will be generated. // Deprecated in favor of `exposeInternals`. TreatGlobalObjectsAsRoots bool `json:"treatGlobalObjectsAsRoots,omitempty"` // CaptureNumericValue (optional) If true, numerical values are included in the snapshot CaptureNumericValue bool `json:"captureNumericValue,omitempty"` // ExposeInternals (experimental) (optional) If true, exposes internals of the snapshot. ExposeInternals bool `json:"exposeInternals,omitempty"` }
HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot ...
func (HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m HeapProfilerTakeHeapSnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IOClose ¶
type IOClose struct { // Handle Handle of the stream to close. Handle IOStreamHandle `json:"handle"` }
IOClose Close the stream, discard any temporary backing storage.
type IORead ¶
type IORead struct { // Handle Handle of the stream to read. Handle IOStreamHandle `json:"handle"` // Offset (optional) Seek to the specified offset before reading (if not specificed, proceed with offset // following the last read). Some types of streams may only support sequential reads. Offset *int `json:"offset,omitempty"` // Size (optional) Maximum number of bytes to read (left upon the agent discretion if not specified). Size *int `json:"size,omitempty"` }
IORead Read a chunk of the stream
type IOReadResult ¶
type IOReadResult struct { // Base64Encoded (optional) Set if the data is base64-encoded Base64Encoded bool `json:"base64Encoded,omitempty"` // Data Data that were read. Data string `json:"data"` // EOF Set if the end-of-file condition occurred while reading. EOF bool `json:"eof"` }
IOReadResult ...
type IOResolveBlob ¶
type IOResolveBlob struct { // ObjectID Object id of a Blob object wrapper. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` }
IOResolveBlob Return UUID of Blob object specified by a remote object id.
func (IOResolveBlob) Call ¶
func (m IOResolveBlob) Call(c Client) (*IOResolveBlobResult, error)
Call the request
type IOResolveBlobResult ¶
type IOResolveBlobResult struct { // UUID UUID of the specified Blob. UUID string `json:"uuid"` }
IOResolveBlobResult ...
type IOStreamHandle ¶
type IOStreamHandle string
IOStreamHandle This is either obtained from another method or specified as `blob:<uuid>` where `<uuid>` is an UUID of a Blob.
type IndexedDBClearObjectStore ¶
type IndexedDBClearObjectStore struct { // SecurityOrigin Security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // DatabaseName Database name. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // ObjectStoreName Object store name. ObjectStoreName string `json:"objectStoreName"` }
IndexedDBClearObjectStore Clears all entries from an object store.
func (IndexedDBClearObjectStore) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBClearObjectStore) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (IndexedDBClearObjectStore) ProtoReq ¶
func (m IndexedDBClearObjectStore) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IndexedDBDataEntry ¶
type IndexedDBDataEntry struct { // Key Key object. Key *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"key"` // PrimaryKey Primary key object. PrimaryKey *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"primaryKey"` // Value Value object. Value *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"value"` }
IndexedDBDataEntry Data entry.
type IndexedDBDatabaseWithObjectStores ¶
type IndexedDBDatabaseWithObjectStores struct { // Name Database name. Name string `json:"name"` // Version Database version (type is not 'integer', as the standard // requires the version number to be 'unsigned long long') Version float64 `json:"version"` // ObjectStores Object stores in this database. ObjectStores []*IndexedDBObjectStore `json:"objectStores"` }
IndexedDBDatabaseWithObjectStores Database with an array of object stores.
type IndexedDBDeleteDatabase ¶
type IndexedDBDeleteDatabase struct { // SecurityOrigin Security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // DatabaseName Database name. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` }
IndexedDBDeleteDatabase Deletes a database.
func (IndexedDBDeleteDatabase) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBDeleteDatabase) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (IndexedDBDeleteDatabase) ProtoReq ¶
func (m IndexedDBDeleteDatabase) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries ¶
type IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries struct { // SecurityOrigin ... SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // DatabaseName ... DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // ObjectStoreName ... ObjectStoreName string `json:"objectStoreName"` // KeyRange Range of entry keys to delete KeyRange *IndexedDBKeyRange `json:"keyRange"` }
IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries Delete a range of entries from an object store
func (IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries) ProtoReq ¶
func (m IndexedDBDeleteObjectStoreEntries) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IndexedDBDisable ¶
type IndexedDBDisable struct { }
IndexedDBDisable Disables events from backend.
func (IndexedDBDisable) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type IndexedDBGetMetadata ¶
type IndexedDBGetMetadata struct { // SecurityOrigin Security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // DatabaseName Database name. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // ObjectStoreName Object store name. ObjectStoreName string `json:"objectStoreName"` }
IndexedDBGetMetadata Gets metadata of an object store
func (IndexedDBGetMetadata) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBGetMetadata) Call(c Client) (*IndexedDBGetMetadataResult, error)
Call the request
func (IndexedDBGetMetadata) ProtoReq ¶
func (m IndexedDBGetMetadata) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IndexedDBGetMetadataResult ¶
type IndexedDBGetMetadataResult struct { // EntriesCount the entries count EntriesCount float64 `json:"entriesCount"` // KeyGeneratorValue the current value of key generator, to become the next inserted // key into the object store. Valid if objectStore.autoIncrement // is true. KeyGeneratorValue float64 `json:"keyGeneratorValue"` }
IndexedDBGetMetadataResult ...
type IndexedDBKey ¶
type IndexedDBKey struct { // Type Key type. Type IndexedDBKeyType `json:"type"` // Number (optional) Number value. Number *float64 `json:"number,omitempty"` // String (optional) String value. String string `json:"string,omitempty"` // Date (optional) Date value. Date *float64 `json:"date,omitempty"` // Array (optional) Array value. Array []*IndexedDBKey `json:"array,omitempty"` }
IndexedDBKey Key.
type IndexedDBKeyPath ¶
type IndexedDBKeyPath struct { // Type Key path type. Type IndexedDBKeyPathType `json:"type"` // String (optional) String value. String string `json:"string,omitempty"` // Array (optional) Array value. Array []string `json:"array,omitempty"` }
IndexedDBKeyPath Key path.
type IndexedDBKeyPathType ¶
type IndexedDBKeyPathType string
IndexedDBKeyPathType enum
const ( // IndexedDBKeyPathTypeNull enum const IndexedDBKeyPathTypeNull IndexedDBKeyPathType = "null" // IndexedDBKeyPathTypeString enum const IndexedDBKeyPathTypeString IndexedDBKeyPathType = "string" // IndexedDBKeyPathTypeArray enum const IndexedDBKeyPathTypeArray IndexedDBKeyPathType = "array" )
type IndexedDBKeyRange ¶
type IndexedDBKeyRange struct { // Lower (optional) Lower bound. Lower *IndexedDBKey `json:"lower,omitempty"` // Upper (optional) Upper bound. Upper *IndexedDBKey `json:"upper,omitempty"` // LowerOpen If true lower bound is open. LowerOpen bool `json:"lowerOpen"` // UpperOpen If true upper bound is open. UpperOpen bool `json:"upperOpen"` }
IndexedDBKeyRange Key range.
type IndexedDBKeyType ¶
type IndexedDBKeyType string
IndexedDBKeyType enum
const ( // IndexedDBKeyTypeNumber enum const IndexedDBKeyTypeNumber IndexedDBKeyType = "number" // IndexedDBKeyTypeString enum const IndexedDBKeyTypeString IndexedDBKeyType = "string" // IndexedDBKeyTypeDate enum const IndexedDBKeyTypeDate IndexedDBKeyType = "date" // IndexedDBKeyTypeArray enum const IndexedDBKeyTypeArray IndexedDBKeyType = "array" )
type IndexedDBObjectStore ¶
type IndexedDBObjectStore struct { // Name Object store name. Name string `json:"name"` // KeyPath Object store key path. KeyPath *IndexedDBKeyPath `json:"keyPath"` // AutoIncrement If true, object store has auto increment flag set. AutoIncrement bool `json:"autoIncrement"` // Indexes Indexes in this object store. Indexes []*IndexedDBObjectStoreIndex `json:"indexes"` }
IndexedDBObjectStore Object store.
type IndexedDBObjectStoreIndex ¶
type IndexedDBObjectStoreIndex struct { // Name Index name. Name string `json:"name"` // KeyPath Index key path. KeyPath *IndexedDBKeyPath `json:"keyPath"` // Unique If true, index is unique. Unique bool `json:"unique"` // MultiEntry If true, index allows multiple entries for a key. MultiEntry bool `json:"multiEntry"` }
IndexedDBObjectStoreIndex Object store index.
type IndexedDBRequestData ¶
type IndexedDBRequestData struct { // SecurityOrigin Security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // DatabaseName Database name. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // ObjectStoreName Object store name. ObjectStoreName string `json:"objectStoreName"` // IndexName Index name, empty string for object store data requests. IndexName string `json:"indexName"` // SkipCount Number of records to skip. SkipCount int `json:"skipCount"` // PageSize Number of records to fetch. PageSize int `json:"pageSize"` // KeyRange (optional) Key range. KeyRange *IndexedDBKeyRange `json:"keyRange,omitempty"` }
IndexedDBRequestData Requests data from object store or index.
func (IndexedDBRequestData) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBRequestData) Call(c Client) (*IndexedDBRequestDataResult, error)
Call the request
func (IndexedDBRequestData) ProtoReq ¶
func (m IndexedDBRequestData) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IndexedDBRequestDataResult ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDataResult struct { // ObjectStoreDataEntries Array of object store data entries. ObjectStoreDataEntries []*IndexedDBDataEntry `json:"objectStoreDataEntries"` // HasMore If true, there are more entries to fetch in the given range. HasMore bool `json:"hasMore"` }
IndexedDBRequestDataResult ...
type IndexedDBRequestDatabase ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabase struct { // SecurityOrigin Security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // DatabaseName Database name. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` }
IndexedDBRequestDatabase Requests database with given name in given frame.
func (IndexedDBRequestDatabase) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBRequestDatabase) Call(c Client) (*IndexedDBRequestDatabaseResult, error)
Call the request
func (IndexedDBRequestDatabase) ProtoReq ¶
func (m IndexedDBRequestDatabase) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames struct { // SecurityOrigin Security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` }
IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames Requests database names for given security origin.
func (IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames) Call ¶
func (m IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames) Call(c Client) (*IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesResult, error)
Call the request
func (IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames) ProtoReq ¶
func (m IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNames) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesResult ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesResult struct { // DatabaseNames Database names for origin. DatabaseNames []string `json:"databaseNames"` }
IndexedDBRequestDatabaseNamesResult ...
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseResult ¶
type IndexedDBRequestDatabaseResult struct { // DatabaseWithObjectStores Database with an array of object stores. DatabaseWithObjectStores *IndexedDBDatabaseWithObjectStores `json:"databaseWithObjectStores"` }
IndexedDBRequestDatabaseResult ...
type InputDispatchDragEvent ¶
type InputDispatchDragEvent struct { // Type Type of the drag event. Type InputDispatchDragEventType `json:"type"` // X X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to // the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport. Y float64 `json:"y"` // Data ... Data *InputDragData `json:"data"` // Modifiers (optional) Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 // (default: 0). Modifiers int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` }
InputDispatchDragEvent (experimental) Dispatches a drag event into the page.
func (InputDispatchDragEvent) Call ¶
func (m InputDispatchDragEvent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputDispatchDragEvent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputDispatchDragEvent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputDispatchDragEventType ¶
type InputDispatchDragEventType string
InputDispatchDragEventType enum
const ( // InputDispatchDragEventTypeDragEnter enum const InputDispatchDragEventTypeDragEnter InputDispatchDragEventType = "dragEnter" // InputDispatchDragEventTypeDragOver enum const InputDispatchDragEventTypeDragOver InputDispatchDragEventType = "dragOver" // InputDispatchDragEventTypeDrop enum const InputDispatchDragEventTypeDrop InputDispatchDragEventType = "drop" // InputDispatchDragEventTypeDragCancel enum const InputDispatchDragEventTypeDragCancel InputDispatchDragEventType = "dragCancel" )
type InputDispatchKeyEvent ¶
type InputDispatchKeyEvent struct { // Type Type of the key event. Type InputDispatchKeyEventType `json:"type"` // Modifiers (optional) Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 // (default: 0). Modifiers int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // Timestamp (optional) Time at which the event occurred. Timestamp TimeSinceEpoch `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Text (optional) Text as generated by processing a virtual key code with a keyboard layout. Not needed for // for `keyUp` and `rawKeyDown` events (default: "") Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` // UnmodifiedText (optional) Text that would have been generated by the keyboard if no modifiers were pressed (except for // shift). Useful for shortcut (accelerator) key handling (default: ""). UnmodifiedText string `json:"unmodifiedText,omitempty"` // KeyIdentifier (optional) Unique key identifier (e.g., 'U+0041') (default: ""). KeyIdentifier string `json:"keyIdentifier,omitempty"` // Code (optional) Unique DOM defined string value for each physical key (e.g., 'KeyA') (default: ""). Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` // Key (optional) Unique DOM defined string value describing the meaning of the key in the context of active // modifiers, keyboard layout, etc (e.g., 'AltGr') (default: ""). Key string `json:"key,omitempty"` // WindowsVirtualKeyCode (optional) Windows virtual key code (default: 0). WindowsVirtualKeyCode int `json:"windowsVirtualKeyCode,omitempty"` // NativeVirtualKeyCode (optional) Native virtual key code (default: 0). NativeVirtualKeyCode int `json:"nativeVirtualKeyCode,omitempty"` // AutoRepeat (optional) Whether the event was generated from auto repeat (default: false). AutoRepeat bool `json:"autoRepeat,omitempty"` // IsKeypad (optional) Whether the event was generated from the keypad (default: false). IsKeypad bool `json:"isKeypad,omitempty"` // IsSystemKey (optional) Whether the event was a system key event (default: false). IsSystemKey bool `json:"isSystemKey,omitempty"` // Location (optional) Whether the event was from the left or right side of the keyboard. 1=Left, 2=Right (default: // 0). Location *int `json:"location,omitempty"` // Commands (experimental) (optional) Editing commands to send with the key event (e.g., 'selectAll') (default: []). // These are related to but not equal the command names used in `document.execCommand` and NSStandardKeyBindingResponding. // See for valid command names. Commands []string `json:"commands,omitempty"` }
InputDispatchKeyEvent Dispatches a key event to the page.
func (InputDispatchKeyEvent) Call ¶
func (m InputDispatchKeyEvent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputDispatchKeyEvent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputDispatchKeyEvent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputDispatchKeyEventType ¶
type InputDispatchKeyEventType string
InputDispatchKeyEventType enum
const ( // InputDispatchKeyEventTypeKeyDown enum const InputDispatchKeyEventTypeKeyDown InputDispatchKeyEventType = "keyDown" // InputDispatchKeyEventTypeKeyUp enum const InputDispatchKeyEventTypeKeyUp InputDispatchKeyEventType = "keyUp" // InputDispatchKeyEventTypeRawKeyDown enum const InputDispatchKeyEventTypeRawKeyDown InputDispatchKeyEventType = "rawKeyDown" // InputDispatchKeyEventTypeChar enum const InputDispatchKeyEventTypeChar InputDispatchKeyEventType = "char" )
type InputDispatchMouseEvent ¶
type InputDispatchMouseEvent struct { // Type Type of the mouse event. Type InputDispatchMouseEventType `json:"type"` // X X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to // the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport. Y float64 `json:"y"` // Modifiers (optional) Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 // (default: 0). Modifiers int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // Timestamp (optional) Time at which the event occurred. Timestamp TimeSinceEpoch `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // Button (optional) Mouse button (default: "none"). Button InputMouseButton `json:"button,omitempty"` // Buttons (optional) A number indicating which buttons are pressed on the mouse when a mouse event is triggered. // Left=1, Right=2, Middle=4, Back=8, Forward=16, None=0. Buttons *int `json:"buttons,omitempty"` // ClickCount (optional) Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0). ClickCount int `json:"clickCount,omitempty"` // Force (experimental) (optional) The normalized pressure, which has a range of [0,1] (default: 0). Force float64 `json:"force,omitempty"` // TangentialPressure (experimental) (optional) The normalized tangential pressure, which has a range of [-1,1] (default: 0). TangentialPressure float64 `json:"tangentialPressure,omitempty"` // TiltX (experimental) (optional) The plane angle between the Y-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the Y axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltX is to the right (default: 0). TiltX int `json:"tiltX,omitempty"` // TiltY (experimental) (optional) The plane angle between the X-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the X axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltY is towards the user (default: 0). TiltY int `json:"tiltY,omitempty"` // Twist (experimental) (optional) The clockwise rotation of a pen stylus around its own major axis, in degrees in the range [0,359] (default: 0). Twist int `json:"twist,omitempty"` // DeltaX X delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0). DeltaX float64 `json:"deltaX"` // DeltaY Y delta in CSS pixels for mouse wheel event (default: 0). DeltaY float64 `json:"deltaY"` // PointerType (optional) Pointer type (default: "mouse"). PointerType InputDispatchMouseEventPointerType `json:"pointerType,omitempty"` }
InputDispatchMouseEvent Dispatches a mouse event to the page.
func (InputDispatchMouseEvent) Call ¶
func (m InputDispatchMouseEvent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputDispatchMouseEvent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputDispatchMouseEvent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputDispatchMouseEventPointerType ¶
type InputDispatchMouseEventPointerType string
InputDispatchMouseEventPointerType enum
const ( // InputDispatchMouseEventPointerTypeMouse enum const InputDispatchMouseEventPointerTypeMouse InputDispatchMouseEventPointerType = "mouse" // InputDispatchMouseEventPointerTypePen enum const InputDispatchMouseEventPointerTypePen InputDispatchMouseEventPointerType = "pen" )
type InputDispatchMouseEventType ¶
type InputDispatchMouseEventType string
InputDispatchMouseEventType enum
const ( // InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMousePressed enum const InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMousePressed InputDispatchMouseEventType = "mousePressed" // InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMouseReleased enum const InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMouseReleased InputDispatchMouseEventType = "mouseReleased" // InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMouseMoved enum const InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMouseMoved InputDispatchMouseEventType = "mouseMoved" // InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMouseWheel enum const InputDispatchMouseEventTypeMouseWheel InputDispatchMouseEventType = "mouseWheel" )
type InputDispatchTouchEvent ¶
type InputDispatchTouchEvent struct { // Type Type of the touch event. TouchEnd and TouchCancel must not contain any touch points, while // TouchStart and TouchMove must contains at least one. Type InputDispatchTouchEventType `json:"type"` // TouchPoints Active touch points on the touch device. One event per any changed point (compared to // previous touch event in a sequence) is generated, emulating pressing/moving/releasing points // one by one. TouchPoints []*InputTouchPoint `json:"touchPoints"` // Modifiers (optional) Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 // (default: 0). Modifiers int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // Timestamp (optional) Time at which the event occurred. Timestamp TimeSinceEpoch `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
InputDispatchTouchEvent Dispatches a touch event to the page.
func (InputDispatchTouchEvent) Call ¶
func (m InputDispatchTouchEvent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputDispatchTouchEvent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputDispatchTouchEvent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputDispatchTouchEventType ¶
type InputDispatchTouchEventType string
InputDispatchTouchEventType enum
const ( // InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchStart enum const InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchStart InputDispatchTouchEventType = "touchStart" // InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchEnd enum const InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchEnd InputDispatchTouchEventType = "touchEnd" // InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchMove enum const InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchMove InputDispatchTouchEventType = "touchMove" // InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchCancel enum const InputDispatchTouchEventTypeTouchCancel InputDispatchTouchEventType = "touchCancel" )
type InputDragData ¶
type InputDragData struct { // Items ... Items []*InputDragDataItem `json:"items"` // Files (optional) List of filenames that should be included when dropping Files []string `json:"files,omitempty"` // DragOperationsMask Bit field representing allowed drag operations. Copy = 1, Link = 2, Move = 16 DragOperationsMask int `json:"dragOperationsMask"` }
InputDragData (experimental) ...
type InputDragDataItem ¶
type InputDragDataItem struct { // MIMEType Mime type of the dragged data. MIMEType string `json:"mimeType"` // Data Depending of the value of `mimeType`, it contains the dragged link, // text, HTML markup or any other data. Data string `json:"data"` // Title (optional) Title associated with a link. Only valid when `mimeType` == "text/uri-list". Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` // BaseURL (optional) Stores the base URL for the contained markup. Only valid when `mimeType` // == "text/html". BaseURL string `json:"baseURL,omitempty"` }
InputDragDataItem (experimental) ...
type InputDragIntercepted ¶
type InputDragIntercepted struct { // Data ... Data *InputDragData `json:"data"` }
InputDragIntercepted (experimental) Emitted only when `Input.setInterceptDrags` is enabled. Use this data with `Input.dispatchDragEvent` to restore normal drag and drop behavior.
func (InputDragIntercepted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt InputDragIntercepted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent ¶
type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent struct { // Type Type of the mouse event. Type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType `json:"type"` // X X coordinate of the mouse pointer in DIP. X int `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate of the mouse pointer in DIP. Y int `json:"y"` // Button Mouse button. Only "none", "left", "right" are supported. Button InputMouseButton `json:"button"` // Timestamp (optional) Time at which the event occurred (default: current time). Timestamp TimeSinceEpoch `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // DeltaX (optional) X delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0). DeltaX float64 `json:"deltaX,omitempty"` // DeltaY (optional) Y delta in DIP for mouse wheel event (default: 0). DeltaY float64 `json:"deltaY,omitempty"` // Modifiers (optional) Bit field representing pressed modifier keys. Alt=1, Ctrl=2, Meta/Command=4, Shift=8 // (default: 0). Modifiers int `json:"modifiers,omitempty"` // ClickCount (optional) Number of times the mouse button was clicked (default: 0). ClickCount int `json:"clickCount,omitempty"` }
InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent (experimental) Emulates touch event from the mouse event parameters.
func (InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent) Call ¶
func (m InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEvent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType ¶
type InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType string
InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType enum
const ( // InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMousePressed enum const InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMousePressed InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType = "mousePressed" // InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMouseReleased enum const InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMouseReleased InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType = "mouseReleased" // InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMouseMoved enum const InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMouseMoved InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType = "mouseMoved" // InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMouseWheel enum const InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventTypeMouseWheel InputEmulateTouchFromMouseEventType = "mouseWheel" )
type InputGestureSourceType ¶
type InputGestureSourceType string
InputGestureSourceType (experimental) ...
const ( // InputGestureSourceTypeDefault enum const InputGestureSourceTypeDefault InputGestureSourceType = "default" // InputGestureSourceTypeTouch enum const InputGestureSourceTypeTouch InputGestureSourceType = "touch" // InputGestureSourceTypeMouse enum const InputGestureSourceTypeMouse InputGestureSourceType = "mouse" )
type InputImeSetComposition ¶
type InputImeSetComposition struct { // Text The text to insert Text string `json:"text"` // SelectionStart selection start SelectionStart int `json:"selectionStart"` // SelectionEnd selection end SelectionEnd int `json:"selectionEnd"` // ReplacementStart (optional) replacement start ReplacementStart *int `json:"replacementStart,omitempty"` // ReplacementEnd (optional) replacement end ReplacementEnd *int `json:"replacementEnd,omitempty"` }
InputImeSetComposition (experimental) This method sets the current candidate text for ime. Use imeCommitComposition to commit the final text. Use imeSetComposition with empty string as text to cancel composition.
func (InputImeSetComposition) Call ¶
func (m InputImeSetComposition) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputImeSetComposition) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputImeSetComposition) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputInsertText ¶
type InputInsertText struct { // Text The text to insert. Text string `json:"text"` }
InputInsertText (experimental) This method emulates inserting text that doesn't come from a key press, for example an emoji keyboard or an IME.
type InputMouseButton ¶
type InputMouseButton string
InputMouseButton ...
const ( // InputMouseButtonNone enum const InputMouseButtonNone InputMouseButton = "none" // InputMouseButtonLeft enum const InputMouseButtonLeft InputMouseButton = "left" // InputMouseButtonMiddle enum const InputMouseButtonMiddle InputMouseButton = "middle" // InputMouseButtonRight enum const InputMouseButtonRight InputMouseButton = "right" // InputMouseButtonBack enum const InputMouseButtonBack InputMouseButton = "back" // InputMouseButtonForward enum const InputMouseButtonForward InputMouseButton = "forward" )
type InputSetIgnoreInputEvents ¶
type InputSetIgnoreInputEvents struct { // Ignore Ignores input events processing when set to true. Ignore bool `json:"ignore"` }
InputSetIgnoreInputEvents Ignores input events (useful while auditing page).
func (InputSetIgnoreInputEvents) Call ¶
func (m InputSetIgnoreInputEvents) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputSetIgnoreInputEvents) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputSetIgnoreInputEvents) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputSetInterceptDrags ¶
type InputSetInterceptDrags struct { // Enabled ... Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
InputSetInterceptDrags (experimental) Prevents default drag and drop behavior and instead emits `Input.dragIntercepted` events. Drag and drop behavior can be directly controlled via `Input.dispatchDragEvent`.
func (InputSetInterceptDrags) Call ¶
func (m InputSetInterceptDrags) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputSetInterceptDrags) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputSetInterceptDrags) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputSynthesizePinchGesture ¶
type InputSynthesizePinchGesture struct { // X X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. Y float64 `json:"y"` // ScaleFactor Relative scale factor after zooming (>1.0 zooms in, <1.0 zooms out). ScaleFactor float64 `json:"scaleFactor"` // RelativeSpeed (optional) Relative pointer speed in pixels per second (default: 800). RelativeSpeed *int `json:"relativeSpeed,omitempty"` // GestureSourceType (optional) Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform // for the preferred input type). GestureSourceType InputGestureSourceType `json:"gestureSourceType,omitempty"` }
InputSynthesizePinchGesture (experimental) Synthesizes a pinch gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate touch events.
func (InputSynthesizePinchGesture) Call ¶
func (m InputSynthesizePinchGesture) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputSynthesizePinchGesture) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputSynthesizePinchGesture) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputSynthesizeScrollGesture ¶
type InputSynthesizeScrollGesture struct { // X X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. Y float64 `json:"y"` // XDistance (optional) The distance to scroll along the X axis (positive to scroll left). XDistance *float64 `json:"xDistance,omitempty"` // YDistance (optional) The distance to scroll along the Y axis (positive to scroll up). YDistance *float64 `json:"yDistance,omitempty"` // XOverscroll (optional) The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the X axis, in addition to the given // distance. XOverscroll *float64 `json:"xOverscroll,omitempty"` // YOverscroll (optional) The number of additional pixels to scroll back along the Y axis, in addition to the given // distance. YOverscroll *float64 `json:"yOverscroll,omitempty"` // PreventFling (optional) Prevent fling (default: true). PreventFling bool `json:"preventFling,omitempty"` // Speed (optional) Swipe speed in pixels per second (default: 800). Speed *int `json:"speed,omitempty"` // GestureSourceType (optional) Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform // for the preferred input type). GestureSourceType InputGestureSourceType `json:"gestureSourceType,omitempty"` // RepeatCount (optional) The number of times to repeat the gesture (default: 0). RepeatCount int `json:"repeatCount,omitempty"` // RepeatDelayMs (optional) The number of milliseconds delay between each repeat. (default: 250). RepeatDelayMs *int `json:"repeatDelayMs,omitempty"` // InteractionMarkerName (optional) The name of the interaction markers to generate, if not empty (default: ""). InteractionMarkerName string `json:"interactionMarkerName,omitempty"` }
InputSynthesizeScrollGesture (experimental) Synthesizes a scroll gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate touch events.
func (InputSynthesizeScrollGesture) Call ¶
func (m InputSynthesizeScrollGesture) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputSynthesizeScrollGesture) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputSynthesizeScrollGesture) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputSynthesizeTapGesture ¶
type InputSynthesizeTapGesture struct { // X X coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate of the start of the gesture in CSS pixels. Y float64 `json:"y"` // Duration (optional) Duration between touchdown and touchup events in ms (default: 50). Duration *int `json:"duration,omitempty"` // TapCount (optional) Number of times to perform the tap (e.g. 2 for double tap, default: 1). TapCount *int `json:"tapCount,omitempty"` // GestureSourceType (optional) Which type of input events to be generated (default: 'default', which queries the platform // for the preferred input type). GestureSourceType InputGestureSourceType `json:"gestureSourceType,omitempty"` }
InputSynthesizeTapGesture (experimental) Synthesizes a tap gesture over a time period by issuing appropriate touch events.
func (InputSynthesizeTapGesture) Call ¶
func (m InputSynthesizeTapGesture) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (InputSynthesizeTapGesture) ProtoReq ¶
func (m InputSynthesizeTapGesture) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type InputTouchPoint ¶
type InputTouchPoint struct { // X X coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate of the event relative to the main frame's viewport in CSS pixels. 0 refers to // the top of the viewport and Y increases as it proceeds towards the bottom of the viewport. Y float64 `json:"y"` // RadiusX (optional) X radius of the touch area (default: 1.0). RadiusX *float64 `json:"radiusX,omitempty"` // RadiusY (optional) Y radius of the touch area (default: 1.0). RadiusY *float64 `json:"radiusY,omitempty"` // RotationAngle (optional) Rotation angle (default: 0.0). RotationAngle *float64 `json:"rotationAngle,omitempty"` // Force (optional) Force (default: 1.0). Force *float64 `json:"force,omitempty"` // TangentialPressure (experimental) (optional) The normalized tangential pressure, which has a range of [-1,1] (default: 0). TangentialPressure float64 `json:"tangentialPressure,omitempty"` // TiltX (experimental) (optional) The plane angle between the Y-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the Y axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltX is to the right (default: 0) TiltX int `json:"tiltX,omitempty"` // TiltY (experimental) (optional) The plane angle between the X-Z plane and the plane containing both the stylus axis and the X axis, in degrees of the range [-90,90], a positive tiltY is towards the user (default: 0). TiltY int `json:"tiltY,omitempty"` // Twist (experimental) (optional) The clockwise rotation of a pen stylus around its own major axis, in degrees in the range [0,359] (default: 0). Twist int `json:"twist,omitempty"` // ID (optional) Identifier used to track touch sources between events, must be unique within an event. ID *float64 `json:"id,omitempty"` }
InputTouchPoint ...
func (*InputTouchPoint) MoveTo ¶
func (p *InputTouchPoint) MoveTo(x, y float64)
MoveTo X and Y to x and y
type InspectorDetached ¶
type InspectorDetached struct { // Reason The reason why connection has been terminated. Reason string `json:"reason"` }
InspectorDetached Fired when remote debugging connection is about to be terminated. Contains detach reason.
func (InspectorDetached) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt InspectorDetached) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type InspectorDisable ¶
type InspectorDisable struct { }
InspectorDisable Disables inspector domain notifications.
func (InspectorDisable) Call ¶
func (m InspectorDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type InspectorEnable ¶
type InspectorEnable struct { }
InspectorEnable Enables inspector domain notifications.
type InspectorTargetCrashed ¶
type InspectorTargetCrashed struct { }
InspectorTargetCrashed Fired when debugging target has crashed
func (InspectorTargetCrashed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt InspectorTargetCrashed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type InspectorTargetReloadedAfterCrash ¶
type InspectorTargetReloadedAfterCrash struct { }
InspectorTargetReloadedAfterCrash Fired when debugging target has reloaded after crash
func (InspectorTargetReloadedAfterCrash) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt InspectorTargetReloadedAfterCrash) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type LayerTreeCompositingReasons ¶
type LayerTreeCompositingReasons struct { // LayerID The id of the layer for which we want to get the reasons it was composited. LayerID LayerTreeLayerID `json:"layerId"` }
LayerTreeCompositingReasons Provides the reasons why the given layer was composited.
func (LayerTreeCompositingReasons) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeCompositingReasons) Call(c Client) (*LayerTreeCompositingReasonsResult, error)
Call the request
func (LayerTreeCompositingReasons) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LayerTreeCompositingReasons) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsResult ¶
type LayerTreeCompositingReasonsResult struct { // CompositingReasons (deprecated) A list of strings specifying reasons for the given layer to become composited. CompositingReasons []string `json:"compositingReasons"` // CompositingReasonIds A list of strings specifying reason IDs for the given layer to become composited. CompositingReasonIds []string `json:"compositingReasonIds"` }
LayerTreeCompositingReasonsResult ...
type LayerTreeDisable ¶
type LayerTreeDisable struct { }
LayerTreeDisable Disables compositing tree inspection.
func (LayerTreeDisable) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type LayerTreeEnable ¶
type LayerTreeEnable struct { }
LayerTreeEnable Enables compositing tree inspection.
type LayerTreeLayer ¶
type LayerTreeLayer struct { // LayerID The unique id for this layer. LayerID LayerTreeLayerID `json:"layerId"` // ParentLayerID (optional) The id of parent (not present for root). ParentLayerID LayerTreeLayerID `json:"parentLayerId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) The backend id for the node associated with this layer. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // OffsetX Offset from parent layer, X coordinate. OffsetX float64 `json:"offsetX"` // OffsetY Offset from parent layer, Y coordinate. OffsetY float64 `json:"offsetY"` // Width Layer width. Width float64 `json:"width"` // Height Layer height. Height float64 `json:"height"` // Transform (optional) Transformation matrix for layer, default is identity matrix Transform []float64 `json:"transform,omitempty"` // AnchorX (optional) Transform anchor point X, absent if no transform specified AnchorX *float64 `json:"anchorX,omitempty"` // AnchorY (optional) Transform anchor point Y, absent if no transform specified AnchorY *float64 `json:"anchorY,omitempty"` // AnchorZ (optional) Transform anchor point Z, absent if no transform specified AnchorZ *float64 `json:"anchorZ,omitempty"` // PaintCount Indicates how many time this layer has painted. PaintCount int `json:"paintCount"` // DrawsContent Indicates whether this layer hosts any content, rather than being used for // transform/scrolling purposes only. DrawsContent bool `json:"drawsContent"` // Invisible (optional) Set if layer is not visible. Invisible bool `json:"invisible,omitempty"` // ScrollRects (optional) Rectangles scrolling on main thread only. ScrollRects []*LayerTreeScrollRect `json:"scrollRects,omitempty"` // StickyPositionConstraint (optional) Sticky position constraint information StickyPositionConstraint *LayerTreeStickyPositionConstraint `json:"stickyPositionConstraint,omitempty"` }
LayerTreeLayer Information about a compositing layer.
type LayerTreeLayerPainted ¶
type LayerTreeLayerPainted struct { // LayerID The id of the painted layer. LayerID LayerTreeLayerID `json:"layerId"` // Clip Clip rectangle. Clip *DOMRect `json:"clip"` }
LayerTreeLayerPainted ...
func (LayerTreeLayerPainted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt LayerTreeLayerPainted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type LayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange ¶
type LayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange struct { // Layers (optional) Layer tree, absent if not in the comspositing mode. Layers []*LayerTreeLayer `json:"layers,omitempty"` }
LayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange ...
func (LayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt LayerTreeLayerTreeDidChange) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshot ¶
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshot struct { // Tiles An array of tiles composing the snapshot. Tiles []*LayerTreePictureTile `json:"tiles"` }
LayerTreeLoadSnapshot Returns the snapshot identifier.
func (LayerTreeLoadSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeLoadSnapshot) Call(c Client) (*LayerTreeLoadSnapshotResult, error)
Call the request
func (LayerTreeLoadSnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LayerTreeLoadSnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotResult ¶
type LayerTreeLoadSnapshotResult struct { // SnapshotID The id of the snapshot. SnapshotID LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` }
LayerTreeLoadSnapshotResult ...
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshot ¶
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshot struct { // LayerID The id of the layer. LayerID LayerTreeLayerID `json:"layerId"` }
LayerTreeMakeSnapshot Returns the layer snapshot identifier.
func (LayerTreeMakeSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeMakeSnapshot) Call(c Client) (*LayerTreeMakeSnapshotResult, error)
Call the request
func (LayerTreeMakeSnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LayerTreeMakeSnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotResult ¶
type LayerTreeMakeSnapshotResult struct { // SnapshotID The id of the layer snapshot. SnapshotID LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` }
LayerTreeMakeSnapshotResult ...
type LayerTreePaintProfile ¶
type LayerTreePaintProfile []float64
LayerTreePaintProfile Array of timings, one per paint step.
type LayerTreePictureTile ¶
type LayerTreePictureTile struct { // X Offset from owning layer left boundary X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Offset from owning layer top boundary Y float64 `json:"y"` // Picture Base64-encoded snapshot data. Picture []byte `json:"picture"` }
LayerTreePictureTile Serialized fragment of layer picture along with its offset within the layer.
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshot ¶
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshot struct { // SnapshotID The id of the layer snapshot. SnapshotID LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // MinRepeatCount (optional) The maximum number of times to replay the snapshot (1, if not specified). MinRepeatCount *int `json:"minRepeatCount,omitempty"` // MinDuration (optional) The minimum duration (in seconds) to replay the snapshot. MinDuration *float64 `json:"minDuration,omitempty"` // ClipRect (optional) The clip rectangle to apply when replaying the snapshot. ClipRect *DOMRect `json:"clipRect,omitempty"` }
LayerTreeProfileSnapshot ...
func (LayerTreeProfileSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeProfileSnapshot) Call(c Client) (*LayerTreeProfileSnapshotResult, error)
Call the request
func (LayerTreeProfileSnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LayerTreeProfileSnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotResult ¶
type LayerTreeProfileSnapshotResult struct { // Timings The array of paint profiles, one per run. Timings []LayerTreePaintProfile `json:"timings"` }
LayerTreeProfileSnapshotResult ...
type LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot ¶
type LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot struct { // SnapshotID The id of the layer snapshot. SnapshotID LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` }
LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot Releases layer snapshot captured by the back-end.
func (LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LayerTreeReleaseSnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshot ¶
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshot struct { // SnapshotID The id of the layer snapshot. SnapshotID LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` // FromStep (optional) The first step to replay from (replay from the very start if not specified). FromStep *int `json:"fromStep,omitempty"` // ToStep (optional) The last step to replay to (replay till the end if not specified). ToStep *int `json:"toStep,omitempty"` // Scale (optional) The scale to apply while replaying (defaults to 1). Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` }
LayerTreeReplaySnapshot Replays the layer snapshot and returns the resulting bitmap.
func (LayerTreeReplaySnapshot) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeReplaySnapshot) Call(c Client) (*LayerTreeReplaySnapshotResult, error)
Call the request
func (LayerTreeReplaySnapshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LayerTreeReplaySnapshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotResult ¶
type LayerTreeReplaySnapshotResult struct { // DataURL A data: URL for resulting image. DataURL string `json:"dataURL"` }
LayerTreeReplaySnapshotResult ...
type LayerTreeScrollRect ¶
type LayerTreeScrollRect struct { // Rect Rectangle itself. Rect *DOMRect `json:"rect"` // Type Reason for rectangle to force scrolling on the main thread Type LayerTreeScrollRectType `json:"type"` }
LayerTreeScrollRect Rectangle where scrolling happens on the main thread.
type LayerTreeScrollRectType ¶
type LayerTreeScrollRectType string
LayerTreeScrollRectType enum
const ( // LayerTreeScrollRectTypeRepaintsOnScroll enum const LayerTreeScrollRectTypeRepaintsOnScroll LayerTreeScrollRectType = "RepaintsOnScroll" // LayerTreeScrollRectTypeTouchEventHandler enum const LayerTreeScrollRectTypeTouchEventHandler LayerTreeScrollRectType = "TouchEventHandler" // LayerTreeScrollRectTypeWheelEventHandler enum const LayerTreeScrollRectTypeWheelEventHandler LayerTreeScrollRectType = "WheelEventHandler" )
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog ¶
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog struct { // SnapshotID The id of the layer snapshot. SnapshotID LayerTreeSnapshotID `json:"snapshotId"` }
LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog Replays the layer snapshot and returns canvas log.
func (LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog) Call ¶
func (m LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog) Call(c Client) (*LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogResult, error)
Call the request
func (LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLog) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogResult ¶
type LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogResult struct { // CommandLog The array of canvas function calls. CommandLog []map[string]gson.JSON `json:"commandLog"` }
LayerTreeSnapshotCommandLogResult ...
type LayerTreeSnapshotID ¶
type LayerTreeSnapshotID string
LayerTreeSnapshotID Unique snapshot identifier.
type LayerTreeStickyPositionConstraint ¶
type LayerTreeStickyPositionConstraint struct { // StickyBoxRect Layout rectangle of the sticky element before being shifted StickyBoxRect *DOMRect `json:"stickyBoxRect"` // ContainingBlockRect Layout rectangle of the containing block of the sticky element ContainingBlockRect *DOMRect `json:"containingBlockRect"` // NearestLayerShiftingStickyBox (optional) The nearest sticky layer that shifts the sticky box NearestLayerShiftingStickyBox LayerTreeLayerID `json:"nearestLayerShiftingStickyBox,omitempty"` // NearestLayerShiftingContainingBlock (optional) The nearest sticky layer that shifts the containing block NearestLayerShiftingContainingBlock LayerTreeLayerID `json:"nearestLayerShiftingContainingBlock,omitempty"` }
LayerTreeStickyPositionConstraint Sticky position constraints.
type LogDisable ¶
type LogDisable struct { }
LogDisable Disables log domain, prevents further log entries from being reported to the client.
type LogEnable ¶
type LogEnable struct { }
LogEnable Enables log domain, sends the entries collected so far to the client by means of the `entryAdded` notification.
type LogEntryAdded ¶
type LogEntryAdded struct { // Entry The entry. Entry *LogLogEntry `json:"entry"` }
LogEntryAdded Issued when new message was logged.
type LogLogEntry ¶
type LogLogEntry struct { // Source Log entry source. Source LogLogEntrySource `json:"source"` // Level Log entry severity. Level LogLogEntryLevel `json:"level"` // Text Logged text. Text string `json:"text"` // Category (optional) ... Category LogLogEntryCategory `json:"category,omitempty"` // Timestamp Timestamp when this entry was added. Timestamp RuntimeTimestamp `json:"timestamp"` // URL (optional) URL of the resource if known. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // LineNumber (optional) Line number in the resource. LineNumber *int `json:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // StackTrace (optional) JavaScript stack trace. StackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` // NetworkRequestID (optional) Identifier of the network request associated with this entry. NetworkRequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"networkRequestId,omitempty"` // WorkerID (optional) Identifier of the worker associated with this entry. WorkerID string `json:"workerId,omitempty"` // Args (optional) Call arguments. Args []*RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"args,omitempty"` }
LogLogEntry Log entry.
type LogLogEntryCategory ¶
type LogLogEntryCategory string
LogLogEntryCategory enum
const ( // LogLogEntryCategoryCors enum const LogLogEntryCategoryCors LogLogEntryCategory = "cors" )
type LogLogEntryLevel ¶
type LogLogEntryLevel string
LogLogEntryLevel enum
const ( // LogLogEntryLevelVerbose enum const LogLogEntryLevelVerbose LogLogEntryLevel = "verbose" // LogLogEntryLevelInfo enum const LogLogEntryLevelInfo LogLogEntryLevel = "info" // LogLogEntryLevelWarning enum const LogLogEntryLevelWarning LogLogEntryLevel = "warning" // LogLogEntryLevelError enum const LogLogEntryLevelError LogLogEntryLevel = "error" )
type LogLogEntrySource ¶
type LogLogEntrySource string
LogLogEntrySource enum
const ( // LogLogEntrySourceXML enum const LogLogEntrySourceXML LogLogEntrySource = "xml" // LogLogEntrySourceJavascript enum const LogLogEntrySourceJavascript LogLogEntrySource = "javascript" // LogLogEntrySourceNetwork enum const LogLogEntrySourceNetwork LogLogEntrySource = "network" // LogLogEntrySourceStorage enum const LogLogEntrySourceStorage LogLogEntrySource = "storage" // LogLogEntrySourceAppcache enum const LogLogEntrySourceAppcache LogLogEntrySource = "appcache" // LogLogEntrySourceRendering enum const LogLogEntrySourceRendering LogLogEntrySource = "rendering" // LogLogEntrySourceSecurity enum const LogLogEntrySourceSecurity LogLogEntrySource = "security" // LogLogEntrySourceDeprecation enum const LogLogEntrySourceDeprecation LogLogEntrySource = "deprecation" // LogLogEntrySourceWorker enum const LogLogEntrySourceWorker LogLogEntrySource = "worker" // LogLogEntrySourceViolation enum const LogLogEntrySourceViolation LogLogEntrySource = "violation" // LogLogEntrySourceIntervention enum const LogLogEntrySourceIntervention LogLogEntrySource = "intervention" // LogLogEntrySourceRecommendation enum const LogLogEntrySourceRecommendation LogLogEntrySource = "recommendation" // LogLogEntrySourceOther enum const LogLogEntrySourceOther LogLogEntrySource = "other" )
type LogStartViolationsReport ¶
type LogStartViolationsReport struct { // Config Configuration for violations. Config []*LogViolationSetting `json:"config"` }
LogStartViolationsReport start violation reporting.
func (LogStartViolationsReport) Call ¶
func (m LogStartViolationsReport) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (LogStartViolationsReport) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LogStartViolationsReport) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LogStopViolationsReport ¶
type LogStopViolationsReport struct { }
LogStopViolationsReport Stop violation reporting.
func (LogStopViolationsReport) Call ¶
func (m LogStopViolationsReport) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (LogStopViolationsReport) ProtoReq ¶
func (m LogStopViolationsReport) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type LogViolationSetting ¶
type LogViolationSetting struct { // Name Violation type. Name LogViolationSettingName `json:"name"` // Threshold Time threshold to trigger upon. Threshold float64 `json:"threshold"` }
LogViolationSetting Violation configuration setting.
type LogViolationSettingName ¶
type LogViolationSettingName string
LogViolationSettingName enum
const ( // LogViolationSettingNameLongTask enum const LogViolationSettingNameLongTask LogViolationSettingName = "longTask" // LogViolationSettingNameLongLayout enum const LogViolationSettingNameLongLayout LogViolationSettingName = "longLayout" // LogViolationSettingNameBlockedEvent enum const LogViolationSettingNameBlockedEvent LogViolationSettingName = "blockedEvent" // LogViolationSettingNameBlockedParser enum const LogViolationSettingNameBlockedParser LogViolationSettingName = "blockedParser" // LogViolationSettingNameDiscouragedAPIUse enum const LogViolationSettingNameDiscouragedAPIUse LogViolationSettingName = "discouragedAPIUse" // LogViolationSettingNameHandler enum const LogViolationSettingNameHandler LogViolationSettingName = "handler" // LogViolationSettingNameRecurringHandler enum const LogViolationSettingNameRecurringHandler LogViolationSettingName = "recurringHandler" )
type MediaPlayerError ¶
type MediaPlayerError struct { // ErrorType ... ErrorType string `json:"errorType"` // Code Code is the numeric enum entry for a specific set of error codes, such // as PipelineStatusCodes in media/base/pipeline_status.h Code int `json:"code"` // Stack A trace of where this error was caused / where it passed through. Stack []*MediaPlayerErrorSourceLocation `json:"stack"` // Cause Errors potentially have a root cause error, ie, a DecoderError might be // caused by an WindowsError Cause []*MediaPlayerError `json:"cause"` // Data Extra data attached to an error, such as an HRESULT, Video Codec, etc. Data map[string]gson.JSON `json:"data"` }
MediaPlayerError Corresponds to kMediaError
type MediaPlayerErrorSourceLocation ¶
type MediaPlayerErrorSourceLocation struct { // File ... File string `json:"file"` // Line ... Line int `json:"line"` }
MediaPlayerErrorSourceLocation Represents logged source line numbers reported in an error. NOTE: file and line are from chromium c++ implementation code, not js.
type MediaPlayerErrorsRaised ¶
type MediaPlayerErrorsRaised struct { // PlayerID ... PlayerID MediaPlayerID `json:"playerId"` // Errors ... Errors []*MediaPlayerError `json:"errors"` }
MediaPlayerErrorsRaised Send a list of any errors that need to be delivered.
func (MediaPlayerErrorsRaised) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt MediaPlayerErrorsRaised) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type MediaPlayerEvent ¶
type MediaPlayerEvent struct { // Timestamp ... Timestamp MediaTimestamp `json:"timestamp"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
MediaPlayerEvent Corresponds to kMediaEventTriggered
type MediaPlayerEventsAdded ¶
type MediaPlayerEventsAdded struct { // PlayerID ... PlayerID MediaPlayerID `json:"playerId"` // Events ... Events []*MediaPlayerEvent `json:"events"` }
MediaPlayerEventsAdded Send events as a list, allowing them to be batched on the browser for less congestion. If batched, events must ALWAYS be in chronological order.
func (MediaPlayerEventsAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt MediaPlayerEventsAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type MediaPlayerID ¶
type MediaPlayerID string
MediaPlayerID Players will get an ID that is unique within the agent context.
type MediaPlayerMessage ¶
type MediaPlayerMessage struct { // Level Keep in sync with MediaLogMessageLevel // We are currently keeping the message level 'error' separate from the // PlayerError type because right now they represent different things, // this one being a DVLOG(ERROR) style log message that gets printed // based on what log level is selected in the UI, and the other is a // representation of a media::PipelineStatus object. Soon however we're // going to be moving away from using PipelineStatus for errors and // introducing a new error type which should hopefully let us integrate // the error log level into the PlayerError type. Level MediaPlayerMessageLevel `json:"level"` // Message ... Message string `json:"message"` }
MediaPlayerMessage Have one type per entry in MediaLogRecord::Type Corresponds to kMessage
type MediaPlayerMessageLevel ¶
type MediaPlayerMessageLevel string
MediaPlayerMessageLevel enum
const ( // MediaPlayerMessageLevelError enum const MediaPlayerMessageLevelError MediaPlayerMessageLevel = "error" // MediaPlayerMessageLevelWarning enum const MediaPlayerMessageLevelWarning MediaPlayerMessageLevel = "warning" // MediaPlayerMessageLevelInfo enum const MediaPlayerMessageLevelInfo MediaPlayerMessageLevel = "info" // MediaPlayerMessageLevelDebug enum const MediaPlayerMessageLevelDebug MediaPlayerMessageLevel = "debug" )
type MediaPlayerMessagesLogged ¶
type MediaPlayerMessagesLogged struct { // PlayerID ... PlayerID MediaPlayerID `json:"playerId"` // Messages ... Messages []*MediaPlayerMessage `json:"messages"` }
MediaPlayerMessagesLogged Send a list of any messages that need to be delivered.
func (MediaPlayerMessagesLogged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt MediaPlayerMessagesLogged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type MediaPlayerPropertiesChanged ¶
type MediaPlayerPropertiesChanged struct { // PlayerID ... PlayerID MediaPlayerID `json:"playerId"` // Properties ... Properties []*MediaPlayerProperty `json:"properties"` }
MediaPlayerPropertiesChanged This can be called multiple times, and can be used to set / override / remove player properties. A null propValue indicates removal.
func (MediaPlayerPropertiesChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt MediaPlayerPropertiesChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type MediaPlayerProperty ¶
type MediaPlayerProperty struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // Value ... Value string `json:"value"` }
MediaPlayerProperty Corresponds to kMediaPropertyChange
type MediaPlayersCreated ¶
type MediaPlayersCreated struct { // Players ... Players []MediaPlayerID `json:"players"` }
MediaPlayersCreated Called whenever a player is created, or when a new agent joins and receives a list of active players. If an agent is restored, it will receive the full list of player ids and all events again.
func (MediaPlayersCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt MediaPlayersCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory ¶
type MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory struct { }
MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory Simulate OomIntervention by purging V8 memory.
func (MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory) Call ¶
func (m MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemoryForciblyPurgeJavaScriptMemory) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile ¶
type MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile struct { }
MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile Retrieve native memory allocations profile collected since renderer process startup.
func (MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile) Call ¶
func (m MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile) Call(c Client) (*MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfileResult, error)
Call the request
func (MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfile) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfileResult ¶
type MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfileResult struct { // Profile ... Profile *MemorySamplingProfile `json:"profile"` }
MemoryGetAllTimeSamplingProfileResult ...
type MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile ¶
type MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile struct { }
MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile Retrieve native memory allocations profile collected since browser process startup.
func (MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile) Call ¶
func (m MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile) Call(c Client) (*MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfileResult, error)
Call the request
func (MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfile) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfileResult ¶
type MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfileResult struct { // Profile ... Profile *MemorySamplingProfile `json:"profile"` }
MemoryGetBrowserSamplingProfileResult ...
type MemoryGetDOMCounters ¶
type MemoryGetDOMCounters struct { }
MemoryGetDOMCounters ...
func (MemoryGetDOMCounters) Call ¶
func (m MemoryGetDOMCounters) Call(c Client) (*MemoryGetDOMCountersResult, error)
Call the request
func (MemoryGetDOMCounters) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemoryGetDOMCounters) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemoryGetDOMCountersResult ¶
type MemoryGetDOMCountersResult struct { // Documents ... Documents int `json:"documents"` // Nodes ... Nodes int `json:"nodes"` // JsEventListeners ... JsEventListeners int `json:"jsEventListeners"` }
MemoryGetDOMCountersResult ...
type MemoryGetSamplingProfile ¶
type MemoryGetSamplingProfile struct { }
MemoryGetSamplingProfile Retrieve native memory allocations profile collected since last `startSampling` call.
func (MemoryGetSamplingProfile) Call ¶
func (m MemoryGetSamplingProfile) Call(c Client) (*MemoryGetSamplingProfileResult, error)
Call the request
func (MemoryGetSamplingProfile) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemoryGetSamplingProfile) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemoryGetSamplingProfileResult ¶
type MemoryGetSamplingProfileResult struct { // Profile ... Profile *MemorySamplingProfile `json:"profile"` }
MemoryGetSamplingProfileResult ...
type MemoryModule ¶
type MemoryModule struct { // Name Name of the module. Name string `json:"name"` // UUID UUID of the module. UUID string `json:"uuid"` // BaseAddress Base address where the module is loaded into memory. Encoded as a decimal // or hexadecimal (0x prefixed) string. BaseAddress string `json:"baseAddress"` // Size Size of the module in bytes. Size float64 `json:"size"` }
MemoryModule Executable module information
type MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection ¶
type MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection struct { }
MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection ...
func (MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection) Call ¶
func (m MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemoryPrepareForLeakDetection) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemoryPressureLevel ¶
type MemoryPressureLevel string
MemoryPressureLevel Memory pressure level.
const ( // MemoryPressureLevelModerate enum const MemoryPressureLevelModerate MemoryPressureLevel = "moderate" // MemoryPressureLevelCritical enum const MemoryPressureLevelCritical MemoryPressureLevel = "critical" )
type MemorySamplingProfile ¶
type MemorySamplingProfile struct { // Samples ... Samples []*MemorySamplingProfileNode `json:"samples"` // Modules ... Modules []*MemoryModule `json:"modules"` }
MemorySamplingProfile Array of heap profile samples.
type MemorySamplingProfileNode ¶
type MemorySamplingProfileNode struct { // Size Size of the sampled allocation. Size float64 `json:"size"` // Total Total bytes attributed to this sample. Total float64 `json:"total"` // Stack Execution stack at the point of allocation. Stack []string `json:"stack"` }
MemorySamplingProfileNode Heap profile sample.
type MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed ¶
type MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed struct { // Suppressed If true, memory pressure notifications will be suppressed. Suppressed bool `json:"suppressed"` }
MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed Enable/disable suppressing memory pressure notifications in all processes.
func (MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed) Call ¶
func (m MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemorySetPressureNotificationsSuppressed) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemorySimulatePressureNotification ¶
type MemorySimulatePressureNotification struct { // Level Memory pressure level of the notification. Level MemoryPressureLevel `json:"level"` }
MemorySimulatePressureNotification Simulate a memory pressure notification in all processes.
func (MemorySimulatePressureNotification) Call ¶
func (m MemorySimulatePressureNotification) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (MemorySimulatePressureNotification) ProtoReq ¶
func (m MemorySimulatePressureNotification) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type MemoryStartSampling ¶
type MemoryStartSampling struct { // SamplingInterval (optional) Average number of bytes between samples. SamplingInterval *int `json:"samplingInterval,omitempty"` // SuppressRandomness (optional) Do not randomize intervals between samples. SuppressRandomness bool `json:"suppressRandomness,omitempty"` }
MemoryStartSampling Start collecting native memory profile.
func (MemoryStartSampling) Call ¶
func (m MemoryStartSampling) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type MemoryStopSampling ¶
type MemoryStopSampling struct { }
MemoryStopSampling Stop collecting native memory profile.
func (MemoryStopSampling) Call ¶
func (m MemoryStopSampling) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type MonotonicTime ¶
type MonotonicTime float64
MonotonicTime Monotonically increasing time in seconds since an arbitrary point in the past.
type NetworkAuthChallenge ¶
type NetworkAuthChallenge struct { // Source (optional) Source of the authentication challenge. Source NetworkAuthChallengeSource `json:"source,omitempty"` // Origin Origin of the challenger. Origin string `json:"origin"` // Scheme The authentication scheme used, such as basic or digest Scheme string `json:"scheme"` // Realm The realm of the challenge. May be empty. Realm string `json:"realm"` }
NetworkAuthChallenge (experimental) Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
type NetworkAuthChallengeResponse ¶
type NetworkAuthChallengeResponse struct { // Response The decision on what to do in response to the authorization challenge. Default means // deferring to the default behavior of the net stack, which will likely either the Cancel // authentication or display a popup dialog box. Response NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse `json:"response"` // Username (optional) The username to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is // ProvideCredentials. Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` // Password (optional) The password to provide, possibly empty. Should only be set if response is // ProvideCredentials. Password string `json:"password,omitempty"` }
NetworkAuthChallengeResponse (experimental) Response to an AuthChallenge.
type NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse ¶
type NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse string
NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse enum
const ( // NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponseDefault enum const NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponseDefault NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse = "Default" // NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponseCancelAuth enum const NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponseCancelAuth NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse = "CancelAuth" // NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponseProvideCredentials enum const NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponseProvideCredentials NetworkAuthChallengeResponseResponse = "ProvideCredentials" )
type NetworkAuthChallengeSource ¶
type NetworkAuthChallengeSource string
NetworkAuthChallengeSource enum
const ( // NetworkAuthChallengeSourceServer enum const NetworkAuthChallengeSourceServer NetworkAuthChallengeSource = "Server" // NetworkAuthChallengeSourceProxy enum const NetworkAuthChallengeSourceProxy NetworkAuthChallengeSource = "Proxy" )
type NetworkBlockedCookieWithReason ¶
type NetworkBlockedCookieWithReason struct { // BlockedReasons The reason(s) the cookie was blocked. BlockedReasons []NetworkCookieBlockedReason `json:"blockedReasons"` // Cookie The cookie object representing the cookie which was not sent. Cookie *NetworkCookie `json:"cookie"` }
NetworkBlockedCookieWithReason (experimental) A cookie with was not sent with a request with the corresponding reason.
type NetworkBlockedReason ¶
type NetworkBlockedReason string
NetworkBlockedReason The reason why request was blocked.
const ( // NetworkBlockedReasonOther enum const NetworkBlockedReasonOther NetworkBlockedReason = "other" // NetworkBlockedReasonCsp enum const NetworkBlockedReasonCsp NetworkBlockedReason = "csp" // NetworkBlockedReasonMixedContent enum const NetworkBlockedReasonMixedContent NetworkBlockedReason = "mixed-content" // NetworkBlockedReasonOrigin enum const NetworkBlockedReasonOrigin NetworkBlockedReason = "origin" // NetworkBlockedReasonInspector enum const NetworkBlockedReasonInspector NetworkBlockedReason = "inspector" // NetworkBlockedReasonSubresourceFilter enum const NetworkBlockedReasonSubresourceFilter NetworkBlockedReason = "subresource-filter" // NetworkBlockedReasonContentType enum const NetworkBlockedReasonContentType NetworkBlockedReason = "content-type" // NetworkBlockedReasonCoepFrameResourceNeedsCoepHeader enum const NetworkBlockedReasonCoepFrameResourceNeedsCoepHeader NetworkBlockedReason = "coep-frame-resource-needs-coep-header" NetworkBlockedReasonCoopSandboxedIframeCannotNavigateToCoopPage NetworkBlockedReason = "coop-sandboxed-iframe-cannot-navigate-to-coop-page" // NetworkBlockedReasonCorpNotSameOrigin enum const NetworkBlockedReasonCorpNotSameOrigin NetworkBlockedReason = "corp-not-same-origin" // NetworkBlockedReasonCorpNotSameOriginAfterDefaultedToSameOriginByCoep enum const NetworkBlockedReasonCorpNotSameOriginAfterDefaultedToSameOriginByCoep NetworkBlockedReason = "corp-not-same-origin-after-defaulted-to-same-origin-by-coep" // NetworkBlockedReasonCorpNotSameSite enum const NetworkBlockedReasonCorpNotSameSite NetworkBlockedReason = "corp-not-same-site" )
type NetworkBlockedSetCookieWithReason ¶
type NetworkBlockedSetCookieWithReason struct { // BlockedReasons The reason(s) this cookie was blocked. BlockedReasons []NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason `json:"blockedReasons"` // CookieLine The string representing this individual cookie as it would appear in the header. // This is not the entire "cookie" or "set-cookie" header which could have multiple cookies. CookieLine string `json:"cookieLine"` // Cookie (optional) The cookie object which represents the cookie which was not stored. It is optional because // sometimes complete cookie information is not available, such as in the case of parsing // errors. Cookie *NetworkCookie `json:"cookie,omitempty"` }
NetworkBlockedSetCookieWithReason (experimental) A cookie which was not stored from a response with the corresponding reason.
type NetworkCachedResource ¶
type NetworkCachedResource struct { // URL Resource URL. This is the url of the original network request. URL string `json:"url"` // Type Type of this resource. Type NetworkResourceType `json:"type"` // Response (optional) Cached response data. Response *NetworkResponse `json:"response,omitempty"` // BodySize Cached response body size. BodySize float64 `json:"bodySize"` }
NetworkCachedResource Information about the cached resource.
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCache ¶
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCache struct { }
NetworkCanClearBrowserCache (deprecated) Tells whether clearing browser cache is supported.
func (NetworkCanClearBrowserCache) Call ¶
func (m NetworkCanClearBrowserCache) Call(c Client) (*NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkCanClearBrowserCache) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkCanClearBrowserCache) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheResult ¶
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheResult struct { // Result True if browser cache can be cleared. Result bool `json:"result"` }
NetworkCanClearBrowserCacheResult (deprecated) ...
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies ¶
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies struct { }
NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies (deprecated) Tells whether clearing browser cookies is supported.
func (NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies) Call ¶
func (m NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies) Call(c Client) (*NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkCanClearBrowserCookies) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesResult ¶
type NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesResult struct { // Result True if browser cookies can be cleared. Result bool `json:"result"` }
NetworkCanClearBrowserCookiesResult (deprecated) ...
type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions ¶
type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions struct { }
NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions (deprecated) Tells whether emulation of network conditions is supported.
func (NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions) Call ¶
func (m NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions) Call(c Client) (*NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditions) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsResult ¶
type NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsResult struct { // Result True if emulation of network conditions is supported. Result bool `json:"result"` }
NetworkCanEmulateNetworkConditionsResult (deprecated) ...
type NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance ¶
type NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance string
NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy.
const ( // NetworkCertificateTransparencyComplianceUnknown enum const NetworkCertificateTransparencyComplianceUnknown NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance = "unknown" // NetworkCertificateTransparencyComplianceNotCompliant enum const NetworkCertificateTransparencyComplianceNotCompliant NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance = "not-compliant" // NetworkCertificateTransparencyComplianceCompliant enum const NetworkCertificateTransparencyComplianceCompliant NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance = "compliant" )
type NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride ¶
type NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride struct { }
NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride (experimental) Clears accepted encodings set by setAcceptedEncodings
func (NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride) Call ¶
func (m NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkClearAcceptedEncodingsOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkClearBrowserCache ¶
type NetworkClearBrowserCache struct { }
NetworkClearBrowserCache Clears browser cache.
func (NetworkClearBrowserCache) Call ¶
func (m NetworkClearBrowserCache) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkClearBrowserCache) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkClearBrowserCache) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkClearBrowserCookies ¶
type NetworkClearBrowserCookies struct { }
NetworkClearBrowserCookies Clears browser cookies.
func (NetworkClearBrowserCookies) Call ¶
func (m NetworkClearBrowserCookies) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkClearBrowserCookies) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkClearBrowserCookies) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkClientSecurityState ¶
type NetworkClientSecurityState struct { // InitiatorIsSecureContext ... InitiatorIsSecureContext bool `json:"initiatorIsSecureContext"` // InitiatorIPAddressSpace ... InitiatorIPAddressSpace NetworkIPAddressSpace `json:"initiatorIPAddressSpace"` // PrivateNetworkRequestPolicy ... PrivateNetworkRequestPolicy NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy `json:"privateNetworkRequestPolicy"` }
NetworkClientSecurityState (experimental) ...
type NetworkConnectTiming ¶
type NetworkConnectTiming struct { // RequestTime Timing's requestTime is a baseline in seconds, while the other numbers are ticks in // milliseconds relatively to this requestTime. Matches ResourceTiming's requestTime for // the same request (but not for redirected requests). RequestTime float64 `json:"requestTime"` }
NetworkConnectTiming (experimental) ...
type NetworkConnectionType ¶
type NetworkConnectionType string
NetworkConnectionType The underlying connection technology that the browser is supposedly using.
const ( // NetworkConnectionTypeNone enum const NetworkConnectionTypeNone NetworkConnectionType = "none" // NetworkConnectionTypeCellular2g enum const NetworkConnectionTypeCellular2g NetworkConnectionType = "cellular2g" // NetworkConnectionTypeCellular3g enum const NetworkConnectionTypeCellular3g NetworkConnectionType = "cellular3g" // NetworkConnectionTypeCellular4g enum const NetworkConnectionTypeCellular4g NetworkConnectionType = "cellular4g" // NetworkConnectionTypeBluetooth enum const NetworkConnectionTypeBluetooth NetworkConnectionType = "bluetooth" // NetworkConnectionTypeEthernet enum const NetworkConnectionTypeEthernet NetworkConnectionType = "ethernet" // NetworkConnectionTypeWifi enum const NetworkConnectionTypeWifi NetworkConnectionType = "wifi" // NetworkConnectionTypeWimax enum const NetworkConnectionTypeWimax NetworkConnectionType = "wimax" // NetworkConnectionTypeOther enum const NetworkConnectionTypeOther NetworkConnectionType = "other" )
type NetworkContentEncoding ¶
type NetworkContentEncoding string
NetworkContentEncoding (experimental) List of content encodings supported by the backend.
const ( // NetworkContentEncodingDeflate enum const NetworkContentEncodingDeflate NetworkContentEncoding = "deflate" // NetworkContentEncodingGzip enum const NetworkContentEncodingGzip NetworkContentEncoding = "gzip" // NetworkContentEncodingBr enum const NetworkContentEncodingBr NetworkContentEncoding = "br" )
type NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest ¶
type NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest struct { // InterceptionID ... InterceptionID NetworkInterceptionID `json:"interceptionId"` // ErrorReason (optional) If set this causes the request to fail with the given reason. Passing `Aborted` for requests // marked with `isNavigationRequest` also cancels the navigation. Must not be set in response // to an authChallenge. ErrorReason NetworkErrorReason `json:"errorReason,omitempty"` // RawResponse (optional) If set the requests completes using with the provided base64 encoded raw response, including // HTTP status line and headers etc... Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. RawResponse []byte `json:"rawResponse,omitempty"` // URL (optional) If set the request url will be modified in a way that's not observable by page. Must not be // set in response to an authChallenge. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Method (optional) If set this allows the request method to be overridden. Must not be set in response to an // authChallenge. Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` // PostData (optional) If set this allows postData to be set. Must not be set in response to an authChallenge. PostData string `json:"postData,omitempty"` // Headers (optional) If set this allows the request headers to be changed. Must not be set in response to an // authChallenge. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers,omitempty"` // AuthChallengeResponse (optional) Response to a requestIntercepted with an authChallenge. Must not be set otherwise. AuthChallengeResponse *NetworkAuthChallengeResponse `json:"authChallengeResponse,omitempty"` }
NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest (deprecated) (experimental) Response to Network.requestIntercepted which either modifies the request to continue with any modifications, or blocks it, or completes it with the provided response bytes. If a network fetch occurs as a result which encounters a redirect an additional Network.requestIntercepted event will be sent with the same InterceptionId. Deprecated, use Fetch.continueRequest, Fetch.fulfillRequest and Fetch.failRequest instead.
func (NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest) Call ¶
func (m NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkContinueInterceptedRequest) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkCookie ¶
type NetworkCookie struct { // Name Cookie name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Cookie value. Value string `json:"value"` // Domain Cookie domain. Domain string `json:"domain"` // Path Cookie path. Path string `json:"path"` // Expires Cookie expiration date Expires TimeSinceEpoch `json:"expires"` // Size Cookie size. Size int `json:"size"` // HTTPOnly True if cookie is http-only. HTTPOnly bool `json:"httpOnly"` // Secure True if cookie is secure. Secure bool `json:"secure"` // Session True in case of session cookie. Session bool `json:"session"` // SameSite (optional) Cookie SameSite type. SameSite NetworkCookieSameSite `json:"sameSite,omitempty"` // Priority (experimental) Cookie Priority Priority NetworkCookiePriority `json:"priority"` // SameParty (experimental) True if cookie is SameParty. SameParty bool `json:"sameParty"` // SourceScheme (experimental) Cookie source scheme type. SourceScheme NetworkCookieSourceScheme `json:"sourceScheme"` // SourcePort (experimental) Cookie source port. Valid values are {-1, [1, 65535]}, -1 indicates an unspecified port. // An unspecified port value allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the port. // This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future. SourcePort int `json:"sourcePort"` // PartitionKey (experimental) (optional) Cookie partition key. The site of the top-level URL the browser was visiting at the start // of the request to the endpoint that set the cookie. PartitionKey string `json:"partitionKey,omitempty"` // PartitionKeyOpaque (experimental) (optional) True if cookie partition key is opaque. PartitionKeyOpaque bool `json:"partitionKeyOpaque,omitempty"` }
NetworkCookie Cookie object
type NetworkCookieBlockedReason ¶
type NetworkCookieBlockedReason string
NetworkCookieBlockedReason (experimental) Types of reasons why a cookie may not be sent with a request.
const ( // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSecureOnly enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSecureOnly NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SecureOnly" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonNotOnPath enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonNotOnPath NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "NotOnPath" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonDomainMismatch enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonDomainMismatch NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "DomainMismatch" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteStrict enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteStrict NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteStrict" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteLax enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteLax NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteLax" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteNoneInsecure enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteNoneInsecure NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteNoneInsecure" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonUserPreferences enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonUserPreferences NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "UserPreferences" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonUnknownError enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonUnknownError NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "UnknownError" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteStrict enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteStrict NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SchemefulSameSiteStrict" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteLax enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteLax NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SchemefulSameSiteLax" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSamePartyFromCrossPartyContext enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonSamePartyFromCrossPartyContext NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "SamePartyFromCrossPartyContext" // NetworkCookieBlockedReasonNameValuePairExceedsMaxSize enum const NetworkCookieBlockedReasonNameValuePairExceedsMaxSize NetworkCookieBlockedReason = "NameValuePairExceedsMaxSize" )
type NetworkCookieParam ¶
type NetworkCookieParam struct { // Name Cookie name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Cookie value. Value string `json:"value"` // URL (optional) The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect the // default domain, path, source port, and source scheme values of the created cookie. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Domain (optional) Cookie domain. Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // Path (optional) Cookie path. Path string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Secure (optional) True if cookie is secure. Secure bool `json:"secure,omitempty"` // HTTPOnly (optional) True if cookie is http-only. HTTPOnly bool `json:"httpOnly,omitempty"` // SameSite (optional) Cookie SameSite type. SameSite NetworkCookieSameSite `json:"sameSite,omitempty"` // Expires (optional) Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set Expires TimeSinceEpoch `json:"expires,omitempty"` // Priority (experimental) (optional) Cookie Priority. Priority NetworkCookiePriority `json:"priority,omitempty"` // SameParty (experimental) (optional) True if cookie is SameParty. SameParty bool `json:"sameParty,omitempty"` // SourceScheme (experimental) (optional) Cookie source scheme type. SourceScheme NetworkCookieSourceScheme `json:"sourceScheme,omitempty"` // SourcePort (experimental) (optional) Cookie source port. Valid values are {-1, [1, 65535]}, -1 indicates an unspecified port. // An unspecified port value allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the port. // This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future. SourcePort *int `json:"sourcePort,omitempty"` // PartitionKey (experimental) (optional) Cookie partition key. The site of the top-level URL the browser was visiting at the start // of the request to the endpoint that set the cookie. // If not set, the cookie will be set as not partitioned. PartitionKey string `json:"partitionKey,omitempty"` }
NetworkCookieParam Cookie parameter object
func CookiesToParams ¶
func CookiesToParams(cookies []*NetworkCookie) []*NetworkCookieParam
CookiesToParams converts Cookies list to NetworkCookieParam list
type NetworkCookiePriority ¶
type NetworkCookiePriority string
NetworkCookiePriority (experimental) Represents the cookie's 'Priority' status:
const ( // NetworkCookiePriorityLow enum const NetworkCookiePriorityLow NetworkCookiePriority = "Low" // NetworkCookiePriorityMedium enum const NetworkCookiePriorityMedium NetworkCookiePriority = "Medium" // NetworkCookiePriorityHigh enum const NetworkCookiePriorityHigh NetworkCookiePriority = "High" )
type NetworkCookieSameSite ¶
type NetworkCookieSameSite string
NetworkCookieSameSite Represents the cookie's 'SameSite' status:
const ( // NetworkCookieSameSiteStrict enum const NetworkCookieSameSiteStrict NetworkCookieSameSite = "Strict" // NetworkCookieSameSiteLax enum const NetworkCookieSameSiteLax NetworkCookieSameSite = "Lax" // NetworkCookieSameSiteNone enum const NetworkCookieSameSiteNone NetworkCookieSameSite = "None" )
type NetworkCookieSourceScheme ¶
type NetworkCookieSourceScheme string
NetworkCookieSourceScheme (experimental) Represents the source scheme of the origin that originally set the cookie. A value of "Unset" allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the scheme. This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future.
const ( // NetworkCookieSourceSchemeUnset enum const NetworkCookieSourceSchemeUnset NetworkCookieSourceScheme = "Unset" // NetworkCookieSourceSchemeNonSecure enum const NetworkCookieSourceSchemeNonSecure NetworkCookieSourceScheme = "NonSecure" // NetworkCookieSourceSchemeSecure enum const NetworkCookieSourceSchemeSecure NetworkCookieSourceScheme = "Secure" )
type NetworkCorsError ¶
type NetworkCorsError string
NetworkCorsError The reason why request was blocked.
const ( // NetworkCorsErrorDisallowedByMode enum const NetworkCorsErrorDisallowedByMode NetworkCorsError = "DisallowedByMode" // NetworkCorsErrorInvalidResponse enum const NetworkCorsErrorInvalidResponse NetworkCorsError = "InvalidResponse" // NetworkCorsErrorWildcardOriginNotAllowed enum const NetworkCorsErrorWildcardOriginNotAllowed NetworkCorsError = "WildcardOriginNotAllowed" // NetworkCorsErrorMissingAllowOriginHeader enum const NetworkCorsErrorMissingAllowOriginHeader NetworkCorsError = "MissingAllowOriginHeader" // NetworkCorsErrorMultipleAllowOriginValues enum const NetworkCorsErrorMultipleAllowOriginValues NetworkCorsError = "MultipleAllowOriginValues" // NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowOriginValue enum const NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowOriginValue NetworkCorsError = "InvalidAllowOriginValue" // NetworkCorsErrorAllowOriginMismatch enum const NetworkCorsErrorAllowOriginMismatch NetworkCorsError = "AllowOriginMismatch" // NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowCredentials enum const NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowCredentials NetworkCorsError = "InvalidAllowCredentials" // NetworkCorsErrorCorsDisabledScheme enum const NetworkCorsErrorCorsDisabledScheme NetworkCorsError = "CorsDisabledScheme" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidStatus enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidStatus NetworkCorsError = "PreflightInvalidStatus" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightDisallowedRedirect enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightDisallowedRedirect NetworkCorsError = "PreflightDisallowedRedirect" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightWildcardOriginNotAllowed enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightWildcardOriginNotAllowed NetworkCorsError = "PreflightWildcardOriginNotAllowed" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMissingAllowOriginHeader enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMissingAllowOriginHeader NetworkCorsError = "PreflightMissingAllowOriginHeader" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMultipleAllowOriginValues enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMultipleAllowOriginValues NetworkCorsError = "PreflightMultipleAllowOriginValues" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowOriginValue enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowOriginValue NetworkCorsError = "PreflightInvalidAllowOriginValue" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightAllowOriginMismatch enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightAllowOriginMismatch NetworkCorsError = "PreflightAllowOriginMismatch" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowCredentials enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowCredentials NetworkCorsError = "PreflightInvalidAllowCredentials" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMissingAllowExternal enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMissingAllowExternal NetworkCorsError = "PreflightMissingAllowExternal" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowExternal enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowExternal NetworkCorsError = "PreflightInvalidAllowExternal" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMissingAllowPrivateNetwork enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightMissingAllowPrivateNetwork NetworkCorsError = "PreflightMissingAllowPrivateNetwork" // NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowPrivateNetwork enum const NetworkCorsErrorPreflightInvalidAllowPrivateNetwork NetworkCorsError = "PreflightInvalidAllowPrivateNetwork" // NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowMethodsPreflightResponse enum const NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowMethodsPreflightResponse NetworkCorsError = "InvalidAllowMethodsPreflightResponse" // NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowHeadersPreflightResponse enum const NetworkCorsErrorInvalidAllowHeadersPreflightResponse NetworkCorsError = "InvalidAllowHeadersPreflightResponse" // NetworkCorsErrorMethodDisallowedByPreflightResponse enum const NetworkCorsErrorMethodDisallowedByPreflightResponse NetworkCorsError = "MethodDisallowedByPreflightResponse" // NetworkCorsErrorHeaderDisallowedByPreflightResponse enum const NetworkCorsErrorHeaderDisallowedByPreflightResponse NetworkCorsError = "HeaderDisallowedByPreflightResponse" // NetworkCorsErrorRedirectContainsCredentials enum const NetworkCorsErrorRedirectContainsCredentials NetworkCorsError = "RedirectContainsCredentials" // NetworkCorsErrorInsecurePrivateNetwork enum const NetworkCorsErrorInsecurePrivateNetwork NetworkCorsError = "InsecurePrivateNetwork" // NetworkCorsErrorInvalidPrivateNetworkAccess enum const NetworkCorsErrorInvalidPrivateNetworkAccess NetworkCorsError = "InvalidPrivateNetworkAccess" // NetworkCorsErrorUnexpectedPrivateNetworkAccess enum const NetworkCorsErrorUnexpectedPrivateNetworkAccess NetworkCorsError = "UnexpectedPrivateNetworkAccess" // NetworkCorsErrorNoCorsRedirectModeNotFollow enum const NetworkCorsErrorNoCorsRedirectModeNotFollow NetworkCorsError = "NoCorsRedirectModeNotFollow" )
type NetworkCorsErrorStatus ¶
type NetworkCorsErrorStatus struct { // CorsError ... CorsError NetworkCorsError `json:"corsError"` // FailedParameter ... FailedParameter string `json:"failedParameter"` }
NetworkCorsErrorStatus ...
type NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus ¶
type NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus struct { // Value ... Value NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue `json:"value"` // ReportOnlyValue ... ReportOnlyValue NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue `json:"reportOnlyValue"` // ReportingEndpoint (optional) ... ReportingEndpoint string `json:"reportingEndpoint,omitempty"` // ReportOnlyReportingEndpoint (optional) ... ReportOnlyReportingEndpoint string `json:"reportOnlyReportingEndpoint,omitempty"` }
NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus (experimental) ...
type NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue ¶
type NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue string
NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue (experimental) ...
const ( // NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValueNone enum const NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValueNone NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue = "None" // NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValueCredentialless enum const NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValueCredentialless NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue = "Credentialless" // NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValueRequireCorp enum const NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValueRequireCorp NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue = "RequireCorp" )
type NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus ¶
type NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus struct { // Value ... Value NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue `json:"value"` // ReportOnlyValue ... ReportOnlyValue NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue `json:"reportOnlyValue"` // ReportingEndpoint (optional) ... ReportingEndpoint string `json:"reportingEndpoint,omitempty"` // ReportOnlyReportingEndpoint (optional) ... ReportOnlyReportingEndpoint string `json:"reportOnlyReportingEndpoint,omitempty"` }
NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus (experimental) ...
type NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue ¶
type NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue string
NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue (experimental) ...
const ( // NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueSameOrigin enum const NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueSameOrigin NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue = "SameOrigin" // NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueSameOriginAllowPopups enum const NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueSameOriginAllowPopups NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue = "SameOriginAllowPopups" // NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueRestrictProperties enum const NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueRestrictProperties NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue = "RestrictProperties" // NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueUnsafeNone enum const NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueUnsafeNone NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue = "UnsafeNone" // NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueSameOriginPlusCoep enum const NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueSameOriginPlusCoep NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue = "SameOriginPlusCoep" // NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueRestrictPropertiesPlusCoep enum const NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValueRestrictPropertiesPlusCoep NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue = "RestrictPropertiesPlusCoep" )
type NetworkDataReceived ¶
type NetworkDataReceived struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // DataLength Data chunk length. DataLength int `json:"dataLength"` // EncodedDataLength Actual bytes received (might be less than dataLength for compressed encodings). EncodedDataLength int `json:"encodedDataLength"` }
NetworkDataReceived Fired when data chunk was received over the network.
func (NetworkDataReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkDataReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkDeleteCookies ¶
type NetworkDeleteCookies struct { // Name Name of the cookies to remove. Name string `json:"name"` // URL (optional) If specified, deletes all the cookies with the given name where domain and path match // provided URL. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Domain (optional) If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact domain. Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // Path (optional) If specified, deletes only cookies with the exact path. Path string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
NetworkDeleteCookies Deletes browser cookies with matching name and url or domain/path pair.
func (NetworkDeleteCookies) Call ¶
func (m NetworkDeleteCookies) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkDeleteCookies) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkDeleteCookies) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkDisable ¶
type NetworkDisable struct { }
NetworkDisable Disables network tracking, prevents network events from being sent to the client.
type NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions ¶
type NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions struct { // Offline True to emulate internet disconnection. Offline bool `json:"offline"` // Latency Minimum latency from request sent to response headers received (ms). Latency float64 `json:"latency"` // DownloadThroughput Maximal aggregated download throughput (bytes/sec). -1 disables download throttling. DownloadThroughput float64 `json:"downloadThroughput"` // UploadThroughput Maximal aggregated upload throughput (bytes/sec). -1 disables upload throttling. UploadThroughput float64 `json:"uploadThroughput"` // ConnectionType (optional) Connection type if known. ConnectionType NetworkConnectionType `json:"connectionType,omitempty"` }
NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions Activates emulation of network conditions.
func (NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions) Call ¶
func (m NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkEmulateNetworkConditions) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkEnable ¶
type NetworkEnable struct { // MaxTotalBufferSize (experimental) (optional) Buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc). MaxTotalBufferSize *int `json:"maxTotalBufferSize,omitempty"` // MaxResourceBufferSize (experimental) (optional) Per-resource buffer size in bytes to use when preserving network payloads (XHRs, etc). MaxResourceBufferSize *int `json:"maxResourceBufferSize,omitempty"` // MaxPostDataSize (optional) Longest post body size (in bytes) that would be included in requestWillBeSent notification MaxPostDataSize *int `json:"maxPostDataSize,omitempty"` }
NetworkEnable Enables network tracking, network events will now be delivered to the client.
type NetworkEnableReportingAPI ¶
type NetworkEnableReportingAPI struct { // Enable Whether to enable or disable events for the Reporting API Enable bool `json:"enable"` }
NetworkEnableReportingAPI (experimental) Enables tracking for the Reporting API, events generated by the Reporting API will now be delivered to the client. Enabling triggers 'reportingApiReportAdded' for all existing reports.
func (NetworkEnableReportingAPI) Call ¶
func (m NetworkEnableReportingAPI) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkEnableReportingAPI) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkEnableReportingAPI) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkErrorReason ¶
type NetworkErrorReason string
NetworkErrorReason Network level fetch failure reason.
const ( // NetworkErrorReasonFailed enum const NetworkErrorReasonFailed NetworkErrorReason = "Failed" // NetworkErrorReasonAborted enum const NetworkErrorReasonAborted NetworkErrorReason = "Aborted" // NetworkErrorReasonTimedOut enum const NetworkErrorReasonTimedOut NetworkErrorReason = "TimedOut" // NetworkErrorReasonAccessDenied enum const NetworkErrorReasonAccessDenied NetworkErrorReason = "AccessDenied" // NetworkErrorReasonConnectionClosed enum const NetworkErrorReasonConnectionClosed NetworkErrorReason = "ConnectionClosed" // NetworkErrorReasonConnectionReset enum const NetworkErrorReasonConnectionReset NetworkErrorReason = "ConnectionReset" // NetworkErrorReasonConnectionRefused enum const NetworkErrorReasonConnectionRefused NetworkErrorReason = "ConnectionRefused" // NetworkErrorReasonConnectionAborted enum const NetworkErrorReasonConnectionAborted NetworkErrorReason = "ConnectionAborted" // NetworkErrorReasonConnectionFailed enum const NetworkErrorReasonConnectionFailed NetworkErrorReason = "ConnectionFailed" // NetworkErrorReasonNameNotResolved enum const NetworkErrorReasonNameNotResolved NetworkErrorReason = "NameNotResolved" // NetworkErrorReasonInternetDisconnected enum const NetworkErrorReasonInternetDisconnected NetworkErrorReason = "InternetDisconnected" // NetworkErrorReasonAddressUnreachable enum const NetworkErrorReasonAddressUnreachable NetworkErrorReason = "AddressUnreachable" // NetworkErrorReasonBlockedByClient enum const NetworkErrorReasonBlockedByClient NetworkErrorReason = "BlockedByClient" // NetworkErrorReasonBlockedByResponse enum const NetworkErrorReasonBlockedByResponse NetworkErrorReason = "BlockedByResponse" )
type NetworkEventSourceMessageReceived ¶
type NetworkEventSourceMessageReceived struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // EventName Message type. EventName string `json:"eventName"` // EventID Message identifier. EventID string `json:"eventId"` // Data Message content. Data string `json:"data"` }
NetworkEventSourceMessageReceived Fired when EventSource message is received.
func (NetworkEventSourceMessageReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkEventSourceMessageReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkGetAllCookies ¶
type NetworkGetAllCookies struct { }
NetworkGetAllCookies Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the `cookies` field.
func (NetworkGetAllCookies) Call ¶
func (m NetworkGetAllCookies) Call(c Client) (*NetworkGetAllCookiesResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkGetAllCookies) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkGetAllCookies) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkGetAllCookiesResult ¶
type NetworkGetAllCookiesResult struct { // Cookies Array of cookie objects. Cookies []*NetworkCookie `json:"cookies"` }
NetworkGetAllCookiesResult ...
type NetworkGetCertificate ¶
type NetworkGetCertificate struct { // Origin Origin to get certificate for. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
NetworkGetCertificate (experimental) Returns the DER-encoded certificate.
func (NetworkGetCertificate) Call ¶
func (m NetworkGetCertificate) Call(c Client) (*NetworkGetCertificateResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkGetCertificate) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkGetCertificate) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkGetCertificateResult ¶
type NetworkGetCertificateResult struct { // TableNames ... TableNames []string `json:"tableNames"` }
NetworkGetCertificateResult (experimental) ...
type NetworkGetCookies ¶
type NetworkGetCookies struct { // Urls (optional) The list of URLs for which applicable cookies will be fetched. // If not specified, it's assumed to be set to the list containing // the URLs of the page and all of its subframes. Urls []string `json:"urls,omitempty"` }
NetworkGetCookies Returns all browser cookies for the current URL. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the `cookies` field.
func (NetworkGetCookies) Call ¶
func (m NetworkGetCookies) Call(c Client) (*NetworkGetCookiesResult, error)
Call the request
type NetworkGetCookiesResult ¶
type NetworkGetCookiesResult struct { // Cookies Array of cookie objects. Cookies []*NetworkCookie `json:"cookies"` }
NetworkGetCookiesResult ...
type NetworkGetRequestPostData ¶
type NetworkGetRequestPostData struct { // RequestID Identifier of the network request to get content for. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` }
NetworkGetRequestPostData Returns post data sent with the request. Returns an error when no data was sent with the request.
func (NetworkGetRequestPostData) Call ¶
func (m NetworkGetRequestPostData) Call(c Client) (*NetworkGetRequestPostDataResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkGetRequestPostData) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkGetRequestPostData) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkGetRequestPostDataResult ¶
type NetworkGetRequestPostDataResult struct { // PostData Request body string, omitting files from multipart requests PostData string `json:"postData"` }
NetworkGetRequestPostDataResult ...
type NetworkGetResponseBody ¶
type NetworkGetResponseBody struct { // RequestID Identifier of the network request to get content for. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` }
NetworkGetResponseBody Returns content served for the given request.
func (NetworkGetResponseBody) Call ¶
func (m NetworkGetResponseBody) Call(c Client) (*NetworkGetResponseBodyResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkGetResponseBody) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkGetResponseBody) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception ¶
type NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception struct { // InterceptionID Identifier for the intercepted request to get body for. InterceptionID NetworkInterceptionID `json:"interceptionId"` }
NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception (experimental) Returns content served for the given currently intercepted request.
func (NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception) Call ¶
func (m NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception) Call(c Client) (*NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterceptionResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterception) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterceptionResult ¶
type NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterceptionResult struct { // Body Response body. Body string `json:"body"` // Base64Encoded True, if content was sent as base64. Base64Encoded bool `json:"base64Encoded"` }
NetworkGetResponseBodyForInterceptionResult (experimental) ...
type NetworkGetResponseBodyResult ¶
type NetworkGetResponseBodyResult struct { // Body Response body. Body string `json:"body"` // Base64Encoded True, if content was sent as base64. Base64Encoded bool `json:"base64Encoded"` }
NetworkGetResponseBodyResult ...
type NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus ¶
type NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus struct { // FrameID (optional) If no frameId is provided, the status of the target is provided. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus (experimental) Returns information about the COEP/COOP isolation status.
func (NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus) Call ¶
func (m NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus) Call(c Client) (*NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatusResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatus) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatusResult ¶
type NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatusResult struct { // Status ... Status *NetworkSecurityIsolationStatus `json:"status"` }
NetworkGetSecurityIsolationStatusResult (experimental) ...
type NetworkHeaders ¶
NetworkHeaders Request / response headers as keys / values of JSON object.
type NetworkIPAddressSpace ¶
type NetworkIPAddressSpace string
NetworkIPAddressSpace (experimental) ...
const ( // NetworkIPAddressSpaceLocal enum const NetworkIPAddressSpaceLocal NetworkIPAddressSpace = "Local" // NetworkIPAddressSpacePrivate enum const NetworkIPAddressSpacePrivate NetworkIPAddressSpace = "Private" // NetworkIPAddressSpacePublic enum const NetworkIPAddressSpacePublic NetworkIPAddressSpace = "Public" // NetworkIPAddressSpaceUnknown enum const NetworkIPAddressSpaceUnknown NetworkIPAddressSpace = "Unknown" )
type NetworkInitiator ¶
type NetworkInitiator struct { // Type Type of this initiator. Type NetworkInitiatorType `json:"type"` // Stack (optional) Initiator JavaScript stack trace, set for Script only. Stack *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stack,omitempty"` // URL (optional) Initiator URL, set for Parser type or for Script type (when script is importing module) or for SignedExchange type. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // LineNumber (optional) Initiator line number, set for Parser type or for Script type (when script is importing // module) (0-based). LineNumber *float64 `json:"lineNumber,omitempty"` // ColumnNumber (optional) Initiator column number, set for Parser type or for Script type (when script is importing // module) (0-based). ColumnNumber *float64 `json:"columnNumber,omitempty"` // RequestID (optional) Set if another request triggered this request (e.g. preflight). RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId,omitempty"` }
NetworkInitiator Information about the request initiator.
type NetworkInitiatorType ¶
type NetworkInitiatorType string
NetworkInitiatorType enum
const ( // NetworkInitiatorTypeParser enum const NetworkInitiatorTypeParser NetworkInitiatorType = "parser" // NetworkInitiatorTypeScript enum const NetworkInitiatorTypeScript NetworkInitiatorType = "script" // NetworkInitiatorTypePreload enum const NetworkInitiatorTypePreload NetworkInitiatorType = "preload" // NetworkInitiatorTypeSignedExchange enum const NetworkInitiatorTypeSignedExchange NetworkInitiatorType = "SignedExchange" // NetworkInitiatorTypePreflight enum const NetworkInitiatorTypePreflight NetworkInitiatorType = "preflight" // NetworkInitiatorTypeOther enum const NetworkInitiatorTypeOther NetworkInitiatorType = "other" )
type NetworkInterceptionID ¶
type NetworkInterceptionID string
NetworkInterceptionID Unique intercepted request identifier.
type NetworkInterceptionStage ¶
type NetworkInterceptionStage string
NetworkInterceptionStage (experimental) Stages of the interception to begin intercepting. Request will intercept before the request is sent. Response will intercept after the response is received.
const ( // NetworkInterceptionStageRequest enum const NetworkInterceptionStageRequest NetworkInterceptionStage = "Request" // NetworkInterceptionStageHeadersReceived enum const NetworkInterceptionStageHeadersReceived NetworkInterceptionStage = "HeadersReceived" )
type NetworkLoadNetworkResource ¶
type NetworkLoadNetworkResource struct { // FrameID (optional) Frame id to get the resource for. Mandatory for frame targets, and // should be omitted for worker targets. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` // URL URL of the resource to get content for. URL string `json:"url"` // Options Options for the request. Options *NetworkLoadNetworkResourceOptions `json:"options"` }
NetworkLoadNetworkResource (experimental) Fetches the resource and returns the content.
func (NetworkLoadNetworkResource) Call ¶
func (m NetworkLoadNetworkResource) Call(c Client) (*NetworkLoadNetworkResourceResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkLoadNetworkResource) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkLoadNetworkResource) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkLoadNetworkResourceOptions ¶
type NetworkLoadNetworkResourceOptions struct { // DisableCache ... DisableCache bool `json:"disableCache"` // IncludeCredentials ... IncludeCredentials bool `json:"includeCredentials"` }
NetworkLoadNetworkResourceOptions (experimental) An options object that may be extended later to better support CORS, CORB and streaming.
type NetworkLoadNetworkResourcePageResult ¶
type NetworkLoadNetworkResourcePageResult struct { // Success ... Success bool `json:"success"` // NetError (optional) Optional values used for error reporting. NetError *float64 `json:"netError,omitempty"` // NetErrorName (optional) ... NetErrorName string `json:"netErrorName,omitempty"` // HTTPStatusCode (optional) ... HTTPStatusCode *float64 `json:"httpStatusCode,omitempty"` // Stream (optional) If successful, one of the following two fields holds the result. Stream IOStreamHandle `json:"stream,omitempty"` // Headers (optional) Response headers. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers,omitempty"` }
NetworkLoadNetworkResourcePageResult (experimental) An object providing the result of a network resource load.
type NetworkLoadNetworkResourceResult ¶
type NetworkLoadNetworkResourceResult struct { // Resource ... Resource *NetworkLoadNetworkResourcePageResult `json:"resource"` }
NetworkLoadNetworkResourceResult (experimental) ...
type NetworkLoadingFailed ¶
type NetworkLoadingFailed struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // Type Resource type. Type NetworkResourceType `json:"type"` // ErrorText User friendly error message. ErrorText string `json:"errorText"` // Canceled (optional) True if loading was canceled. Canceled bool `json:"canceled,omitempty"` // BlockedReason (optional) The reason why loading was blocked, if any. BlockedReason NetworkBlockedReason `json:"blockedReason,omitempty"` // CorsErrorStatus (optional) The reason why loading was blocked by CORS, if any. CorsErrorStatus *NetworkCorsErrorStatus `json:"corsErrorStatus,omitempty"` }
NetworkLoadingFailed Fired when HTTP request has failed to load.
func (NetworkLoadingFailed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkLoadingFailed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkLoadingFinished ¶
type NetworkLoadingFinished struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // EncodedDataLength Total number of bytes received for this request. EncodedDataLength float64 `json:"encodedDataLength"` // ShouldReportCorbBlocking (optional) Set when 1) response was blocked by Cross-Origin Read Blocking and also // 2) this needs to be reported to the DevTools console. ShouldReportCorbBlocking bool `json:"shouldReportCorbBlocking,omitempty"` }
NetworkLoadingFinished Fired when HTTP request has finished loading.
func (NetworkLoadingFinished) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkLoadingFinished) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkPostDataEntry ¶
type NetworkPostDataEntry struct { // Bytes (optional) ... Bytes []byte `json:"bytes,omitempty"` }
NetworkPostDataEntry Post data entry for HTTP request
type NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy ¶
type NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy string
NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy (experimental) ...
const ( // NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyAllow enum const NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyAllow NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy = "Allow" // NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyBlockFromInsecureToMorePrivate enum const NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyBlockFromInsecureToMorePrivate NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy = "BlockFromInsecureToMorePrivate" // NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyWarnFromInsecureToMorePrivate enum const NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyWarnFromInsecureToMorePrivate NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy = "WarnFromInsecureToMorePrivate" // NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyPreflightBlock enum const NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyPreflightBlock NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy = "PreflightBlock" // NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyPreflightWarn enum const NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicyPreflightWarn NetworkPrivateNetworkRequestPolicy = "PreflightWarn" )
type NetworkReplayXHR ¶
type NetworkReplayXHR struct { // RequestID Identifier of XHR to replay. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` }
NetworkReplayXHR (experimental) This method sends a new XMLHttpRequest which is identical to the original one. The following parameters should be identical: method, url, async, request body, extra headers, withCredentials attribute, user, password.
func (NetworkReplayXHR) Call ¶
func (m NetworkReplayXHR) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type NetworkReportStatus ¶
type NetworkReportStatus string
NetworkReportStatus (experimental) The status of a Reporting API report.
const ( // NetworkReportStatusQueued enum const NetworkReportStatusQueued NetworkReportStatus = "Queued" // NetworkReportStatusPending enum const NetworkReportStatusPending NetworkReportStatus = "Pending" // NetworkReportStatusMarkedForRemoval enum const NetworkReportStatusMarkedForRemoval NetworkReportStatus = "MarkedForRemoval" // NetworkReportStatusSuccess enum const NetworkReportStatusSuccess NetworkReportStatus = "Success" )
type NetworkReportingAPIEndpoint ¶
type NetworkReportingAPIEndpoint struct { // URL The URL of the endpoint to which reports may be delivered. URL string `json:"url"` // GroupName Name of the endpoint group. GroupName string `json:"groupName"` }
NetworkReportingAPIEndpoint (experimental) ...
type NetworkReportingAPIEndpointsChangedForOrigin ¶
type NetworkReportingAPIEndpointsChangedForOrigin struct { // Origin Origin of the document(s) which configured the endpoints. Origin string `json:"origin"` // Endpoints ... Endpoints []*NetworkReportingAPIEndpoint `json:"endpoints"` }
NetworkReportingAPIEndpointsChangedForOrigin (experimental) ...
func (NetworkReportingAPIEndpointsChangedForOrigin) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkReportingAPIEndpointsChangedForOrigin) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkReportingAPIReport ¶
type NetworkReportingAPIReport struct { // ID ... ID NetworkReportID `json:"id"` // InitiatorURL The URL of the document that triggered the report. InitiatorURL string `json:"initiatorUrl"` // Destination The name of the endpoint group that should be used to deliver the report. Destination string `json:"destination"` // Type The type of the report (specifies the set of data that is contained in the report body). Type string `json:"type"` // Timestamp When the report was generated. Timestamp TimeSinceEpoch `json:"timestamp"` // Depth How many uploads deep the related request was. Depth int `json:"depth"` // CompletedAttempts The number of delivery attempts made so far, not including an active attempt. CompletedAttempts int `json:"completedAttempts"` // Body ... Body map[string]gson.JSON `json:"body"` // Status ... Status NetworkReportStatus `json:"status"` }
NetworkReportingAPIReport (experimental) An object representing a report generated by the Reporting API.
type NetworkReportingAPIReportAdded ¶
type NetworkReportingAPIReportAdded struct { // Report ... Report *NetworkReportingAPIReport `json:"report"` }
NetworkReportingAPIReportAdded (experimental) Is sent whenever a new report is added. And after 'enableReportingApi' for all existing reports.
func (NetworkReportingAPIReportAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkReportingAPIReportAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkReportingAPIReportUpdated ¶
type NetworkReportingAPIReportUpdated struct { // Report ... Report *NetworkReportingAPIReport `json:"report"` }
NetworkReportingAPIReportUpdated (experimental) ...
func (NetworkReportingAPIReportUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkReportingAPIReportUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkRequest ¶
type NetworkRequest struct { // URL Request URL (without fragment). URL string `json:"url"` // URLFragment (optional) Fragment of the requested URL starting with hash, if present. URLFragment string `json:"urlFragment,omitempty"` // Method HTTP request method. Method string `json:"method"` // Headers HTTP request headers. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` // PostData (optional) HTTP POST request data. PostData string `json:"postData,omitempty"` // HasPostData (optional) True when the request has POST data. Note that postData might still be omitted when this flag is true when the data is too long. HasPostData bool `json:"hasPostData,omitempty"` // PostDataEntries (experimental) (optional) Request body elements. This will be converted from base64 to binary PostDataEntries []*NetworkPostDataEntry `json:"postDataEntries,omitempty"` // MixedContentType (optional) The mixed content type of the request. MixedContentType SecurityMixedContentType `json:"mixedContentType,omitempty"` // InitialPriority Priority of the resource request at the time request is sent. InitialPriority NetworkResourcePriority `json:"initialPriority"` // ReferrerPolicy The referrer policy of the request, as defined in ReferrerPolicy NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy `json:"referrerPolicy"` // IsLinkPreload (optional) Whether is loaded via link preload. IsLinkPreload bool `json:"isLinkPreload,omitempty"` // TrustTokenParams (experimental) (optional) Set for requests when the TrustToken API is used. Contains the parameters // passed by the developer (e.g. via "fetch") as understood by the backend. TrustTokenParams *NetworkTrustTokenParams `json:"trustTokenParams,omitempty"` // IsSameSite (experimental) (optional) True if this resource request is considered to be the 'same site' as the // request correspondinfg to the main frame. IsSameSite bool `json:"isSameSite,omitempty"` }
NetworkRequest HTTP request data.
type NetworkRequestIntercepted ¶
type NetworkRequestIntercepted struct { // InterceptionID Each request the page makes will have a unique id, however if any redirects are encountered // while processing that fetch, they will be reported with the same id as the original fetch. // Likewise if HTTP authentication is needed then the same fetch id will be used. InterceptionID NetworkInterceptionID `json:"interceptionId"` // Request ... Request *NetworkRequest `json:"request"` // FrameID The id of the frame that initiated the request. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // ResourceType How the requested resource will be used. ResourceType NetworkResourceType `json:"resourceType"` IsNavigationRequest bool `json:"isNavigationRequest"` // IsDownload (optional) Set if the request is a navigation that will result in a download. // Only present after response is received from the server (i.e. HeadersReceived stage). IsDownload bool `json:"isDownload,omitempty"` // RedirectURL (optional) Redirect location, only sent if a redirect was intercepted. RedirectURL string `json:"redirectUrl,omitempty"` // AuthChallenge (optional) Details of the Authorization Challenge encountered. If this is set then // continueInterceptedRequest must contain an authChallengeResponse. AuthChallenge *NetworkAuthChallenge `json:"authChallenge,omitempty"` // ResponseErrorReason (optional) Response error if intercepted at response stage or if redirect occurred while intercepting // request. ResponseErrorReason NetworkErrorReason `json:"responseErrorReason,omitempty"` // ResponseStatusCode (optional) Response code if intercepted at response stage or if redirect occurred while intercepting // request or auth retry occurred. ResponseStatusCode *int `json:"responseStatusCode,omitempty"` // ResponseHeaders (optional) Response headers if intercepted at the response stage or if redirect occurred while // intercepting request or auth retry occurred. ResponseHeaders NetworkHeaders `json:"responseHeaders,omitempty"` // RequestID (optional) If the intercepted request had a corresponding requestWillBeSent event fired for it, then // this requestId will be the same as the requestId present in the requestWillBeSent event. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId,omitempty"` }
NetworkRequestIntercepted (deprecated) (experimental) Details of an intercepted HTTP request, which must be either allowed, blocked, modified or mocked. Deprecated, use Fetch.requestPaused instead.
func (NetworkRequestIntercepted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkRequestIntercepted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkRequestPattern ¶
type NetworkRequestPattern struct { // URLPattern (optional) Wildcards (`'*'` -> zero or more, `'?'` -> exactly one) are allowed. Escape character is // backslash. Omitting is equivalent to `"*"`. URLPattern string `json:"urlPattern,omitempty"` // ResourceType (optional) If set, only requests for matching resource types will be intercepted. ResourceType NetworkResourceType `json:"resourceType,omitempty"` // InterceptionStage (optional) Stage at which to begin intercepting requests. Default is Request. InterceptionStage NetworkInterceptionStage `json:"interceptionStage,omitempty"` }
NetworkRequestPattern (experimental) Request pattern for interception.
type NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy ¶
type NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy string
NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy enum
const ( // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyUnsafeURL enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyUnsafeURL NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "unsafe-url" // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "no-referrer-when-downgrade" // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyNoReferrer enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyNoReferrer NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "no-referrer" // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyOrigin enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyOrigin NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "origin" // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyOriginWhenCrossOrigin enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyOriginWhenCrossOrigin NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "origin-when-cross-origin" // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicySameOrigin enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicySameOrigin NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "same-origin" // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyStrictOrigin enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyStrictOrigin NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "strict-origin" // NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyStrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin enum const NetworkRequestReferrerPolicyStrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin NetworkRequestReferrerPolicy = "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" )
type NetworkRequestServedFromCache ¶
type NetworkRequestServedFromCache struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` }
NetworkRequestServedFromCache Fired if request ended up loading from cache.
func (NetworkRequestServedFromCache) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkRequestServedFromCache) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkRequestWillBeSent ¶
type NetworkRequestWillBeSent struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // LoaderID Loader identifier. Empty string if the request is fetched from worker. LoaderID NetworkLoaderID `json:"loaderId"` // DocumentURL URL of the document this request is loaded for. DocumentURL string `json:"documentURL"` // Request Request data. Request *NetworkRequest `json:"request"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // WallTime Timestamp. WallTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"wallTime"` // Initiator Request initiator. Initiator *NetworkInitiator `json:"initiator"` // RedirectHasExtraInfo (experimental) In the case that redirectResponse is populated, this flag indicates whether // requestWillBeSentExtraInfo and responseReceivedExtraInfo events will be or were emitted // for the request which was just redirected. RedirectHasExtraInfo bool `json:"redirectHasExtraInfo"` // RedirectResponse (optional) Redirect response data. RedirectResponse *NetworkResponse `json:"redirectResponse,omitempty"` // Type (optional) Type of this resource. Type NetworkResourceType `json:"type,omitempty"` // FrameID (optional) Frame identifier. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` // HasUserGesture (optional) Whether the request is initiated by a user gesture. Defaults to false. HasUserGesture bool `json:"hasUserGesture,omitempty"` }
NetworkRequestWillBeSent Fired when page is about to send HTTP request.
func (NetworkRequestWillBeSent) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkRequestWillBeSent) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkRequestWillBeSentExtraInfo ¶
type NetworkRequestWillBeSentExtraInfo struct { // RequestID Request identifier. Used to match this information to an existing requestWillBeSent event. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // AssociatedCookies A list of cookies potentially associated to the requested URL. This includes both cookies sent with // the request and the ones not sent; the latter are distinguished by having blockedReason field set. AssociatedCookies []*NetworkBlockedCookieWithReason `json:"associatedCookies"` // Headers Raw request headers as they will be sent over the wire. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` // ConnectTiming (experimental) Connection timing information for the request. ConnectTiming *NetworkConnectTiming `json:"connectTiming"` // ClientSecurityState (optional) The client security state set for the request. ClientSecurityState *NetworkClientSecurityState `json:"clientSecurityState,omitempty"` }
NetworkRequestWillBeSentExtraInfo (experimental) Fired when additional information about a requestWillBeSent event is available from the network stack. Not every requestWillBeSent event will have an additional requestWillBeSentExtraInfo fired for it, and there is no guarantee whether requestWillBeSent or requestWillBeSentExtraInfo will be fired first for the same request.
func (NetworkRequestWillBeSentExtraInfo) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkRequestWillBeSentExtraInfo) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkResourceChangedPriority ¶
type NetworkResourceChangedPriority struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // NewPriority New priority NewPriority NetworkResourcePriority `json:"newPriority"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` }
NetworkResourceChangedPriority (experimental) Fired when resource loading priority is changed
func (NetworkResourceChangedPriority) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkResourceChangedPriority) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkResourcePriority ¶
type NetworkResourcePriority string
NetworkResourcePriority Loading priority of a resource request.
const ( // NetworkResourcePriorityVeryLow enum const NetworkResourcePriorityVeryLow NetworkResourcePriority = "VeryLow" // NetworkResourcePriorityLow enum const NetworkResourcePriorityLow NetworkResourcePriority = "Low" // NetworkResourcePriorityMedium enum const NetworkResourcePriorityMedium NetworkResourcePriority = "Medium" // NetworkResourcePriorityHigh enum const NetworkResourcePriorityHigh NetworkResourcePriority = "High" // NetworkResourcePriorityVeryHigh enum const NetworkResourcePriorityVeryHigh NetworkResourcePriority = "VeryHigh" )
type NetworkResourceTiming ¶
type NetworkResourceTiming struct { // RequestTime Timing's requestTime is a baseline in seconds, while the other numbers are ticks in // milliseconds relatively to this requestTime. RequestTime float64 `json:"requestTime"` // ProxyStart Started resolving proxy. ProxyStart float64 `json:"proxyStart"` // ProxyEnd Finished resolving proxy. ProxyEnd float64 `json:"proxyEnd"` // DNSStart Started DNS address resolve. DNSStart float64 `json:"dnsStart"` // DNSEnd Finished DNS address resolve. DNSEnd float64 `json:"dnsEnd"` // ConnectStart Started connecting to the remote host. ConnectStart float64 `json:"connectStart"` // ConnectEnd Connected to the remote host. ConnectEnd float64 `json:"connectEnd"` // SslStart Started SSL handshake. SslStart float64 `json:"sslStart"` // SslEnd Finished SSL handshake. SslEnd float64 `json:"sslEnd"` // WorkerStart (experimental) Started running ServiceWorker. WorkerStart float64 `json:"workerStart"` // WorkerReady (experimental) Finished Starting ServiceWorker. WorkerReady float64 `json:"workerReady"` // WorkerFetchStart (experimental) Started fetch event. WorkerFetchStart float64 `json:"workerFetchStart"` // WorkerRespondWithSettled (experimental) Settled fetch event respondWith promise. WorkerRespondWithSettled float64 `json:"workerRespondWithSettled"` // SendStart Started sending request. SendStart float64 `json:"sendStart"` // SendEnd Finished sending request. SendEnd float64 `json:"sendEnd"` // PushStart (experimental) Time the server started pushing request. PushStart float64 `json:"pushStart"` // PushEnd (experimental) Time the server finished pushing request. PushEnd float64 `json:"pushEnd"` // ReceiveHeadersEnd Finished receiving response headers. ReceiveHeadersEnd float64 `json:"receiveHeadersEnd"` }
NetworkResourceTiming Timing information for the request.
type NetworkResourceType ¶
type NetworkResourceType string
NetworkResourceType Resource type as it was perceived by the rendering engine.
const ( // NetworkResourceTypeDocument enum const NetworkResourceTypeDocument NetworkResourceType = "Document" // NetworkResourceTypeStylesheet enum const NetworkResourceTypeStylesheet NetworkResourceType = "Stylesheet" // NetworkResourceTypeImage enum const NetworkResourceTypeImage NetworkResourceType = "Image" // NetworkResourceTypeMedia enum const NetworkResourceTypeMedia NetworkResourceType = "Media" // NetworkResourceTypeFont enum const NetworkResourceTypeFont NetworkResourceType = "Font" // NetworkResourceTypeScript enum const NetworkResourceTypeScript NetworkResourceType = "Script" // NetworkResourceTypeTextTrack enum const NetworkResourceTypeTextTrack NetworkResourceType = "TextTrack" // NetworkResourceTypeXHR enum const NetworkResourceTypeXHR NetworkResourceType = "XHR" // NetworkResourceTypeFetch enum const NetworkResourceTypeFetch NetworkResourceType = "Fetch" // NetworkResourceTypeEventSource enum const NetworkResourceTypeEventSource NetworkResourceType = "EventSource" // NetworkResourceTypeWebSocket enum const NetworkResourceTypeWebSocket NetworkResourceType = "WebSocket" // NetworkResourceTypeManifest enum const NetworkResourceTypeManifest NetworkResourceType = "Manifest" // NetworkResourceTypeSignedExchange enum const NetworkResourceTypeSignedExchange NetworkResourceType = "SignedExchange" // NetworkResourceTypePing enum const NetworkResourceTypePing NetworkResourceType = "Ping" // NetworkResourceTypeCSPViolationReport enum const NetworkResourceTypeCSPViolationReport NetworkResourceType = "CSPViolationReport" // NetworkResourceTypePreflight enum const NetworkResourceTypePreflight NetworkResourceType = "Preflight" // NetworkResourceTypeOther enum const NetworkResourceTypeOther NetworkResourceType = "Other" )
type NetworkResponse ¶
type NetworkResponse struct { // URL Response URL. This URL can be different from CachedResource.url in case of redirect. URL string `json:"url"` // Status HTTP response status code. Status int `json:"status"` // StatusText HTTP response status text. StatusText string `json:"statusText"` // Headers HTTP response headers. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` // HeadersText (deprecated) (optional) HTTP response headers text. This has been replaced by the headers in Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo. HeadersText string `json:"headersText,omitempty"` // MIMEType Resource mimeType as determined by the browser. MIMEType string `json:"mimeType"` // RequestHeaders (optional) Refined HTTP request headers that were actually transmitted over the network. RequestHeaders NetworkHeaders `json:"requestHeaders,omitempty"` // RequestHeadersText (deprecated) (optional) HTTP request headers text. This has been replaced by the headers in Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo. RequestHeadersText string `json:"requestHeadersText,omitempty"` // ConnectionReused Specifies whether physical connection was actually reused for this request. ConnectionReused bool `json:"connectionReused"` // ConnectionID Physical connection id that was actually used for this request. ConnectionID float64 `json:"connectionId"` // RemoteIPAddress (optional) Remote IP address. RemoteIPAddress string `json:"remoteIPAddress,omitempty"` // RemotePort (optional) Remote port. RemotePort *int `json:"remotePort,omitempty"` // FromDiskCache (optional) Specifies that the request was served from the disk cache. FromDiskCache bool `json:"fromDiskCache,omitempty"` // FromServiceWorker (optional) Specifies that the request was served from the ServiceWorker. FromServiceWorker bool `json:"fromServiceWorker,omitempty"` // FromPrefetchCache (optional) Specifies that the request was served from the prefetch cache. FromPrefetchCache bool `json:"fromPrefetchCache,omitempty"` // EncodedDataLength Total number of bytes received for this request so far. EncodedDataLength float64 `json:"encodedDataLength"` // Timing (optional) Timing information for the given request. Timing *NetworkResourceTiming `json:"timing,omitempty"` // ServiceWorkerResponseSource (optional) Response source of response from ServiceWorker. ServiceWorkerResponseSource NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource `json:"serviceWorkerResponseSource,omitempty"` // ResponseTime (optional) The time at which the returned response was generated. ResponseTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"responseTime,omitempty"` // CacheStorageCacheName (optional) Cache Storage Cache Name. CacheStorageCacheName string `json:"cacheStorageCacheName,omitempty"` // Protocol (optional) Protocol used to fetch this request. Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"` // SecurityState Security state of the request resource. SecurityState SecuritySecurityState `json:"securityState"` // SecurityDetails (optional) Security details for the request. SecurityDetails *NetworkSecurityDetails `json:"securityDetails,omitempty"` }
NetworkResponse HTTP response data.
type NetworkResponseReceived ¶
type NetworkResponseReceived struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // LoaderID Loader identifier. Empty string if the request is fetched from worker. LoaderID NetworkLoaderID `json:"loaderId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // Type Resource type. Type NetworkResourceType `json:"type"` // Response Response data. Response *NetworkResponse `json:"response"` // HasExtraInfo (experimental) Indicates whether requestWillBeSentExtraInfo and responseReceivedExtraInfo events will be // or were emitted for this request. HasExtraInfo bool `json:"hasExtraInfo"` // FrameID (optional) Frame identifier. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` }
NetworkResponseReceived Fired when HTTP response is available.
func (NetworkResponseReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkResponseReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkResponseReceivedExtraInfo ¶
type NetworkResponseReceivedExtraInfo struct { // RequestID Request identifier. Used to match this information to another responseReceived event. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // BlockedCookies A list of cookies which were not stored from the response along with the corresponding // reasons for blocking. The cookies here may not be valid due to syntax errors, which // are represented by the invalid cookie line string instead of a proper cookie. BlockedCookies []*NetworkBlockedSetCookieWithReason `json:"blockedCookies"` // Headers Raw response headers as they were received over the wire. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` // ResourceIPAddressSpace The IP address space of the resource. The address space can only be determined once the transport // established the connection, so we can't send it in `requestWillBeSentExtraInfo`. ResourceIPAddressSpace NetworkIPAddressSpace `json:"resourceIPAddressSpace"` // StatusCode The status code of the response. This is useful in cases the request failed and no responseReceived // event is triggered, which is the case for, e.g., CORS errors. This is also the correct status code // for cached requests, where the status in responseReceived is a 200 and this will be 304. StatusCode int `json:"statusCode"` // HeadersText (optional) Raw response header text as it was received over the wire. The raw text may not always be // available, such as in the case of HTTP/2 or QUIC. HeadersText string `json:"headersText,omitempty"` }
NetworkResponseReceivedExtraInfo (experimental) Fired when additional information about a responseReceived event is available from the network stack. Not every responseReceived event will have an additional responseReceivedExtraInfo for it, and responseReceivedExtraInfo may be fired before or after responseReceived.
func (NetworkResponseReceivedExtraInfo) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkResponseReceivedExtraInfo) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkSearchInResponseBody ¶
type NetworkSearchInResponseBody struct { // RequestID Identifier of the network response to search. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Query String to search for. Query string `json:"query"` // CaseSensitive (optional) If true, search is case sensitive. CaseSensitive bool `json:"caseSensitive,omitempty"` // IsRegex (optional) If true, treats string parameter as regex. IsRegex bool `json:"isRegex,omitempty"` }
NetworkSearchInResponseBody (experimental) Searches for given string in response content.
func (NetworkSearchInResponseBody) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSearchInResponseBody) Call(c Client) (*NetworkSearchInResponseBodyResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkSearchInResponseBody) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSearchInResponseBody) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSearchInResponseBodyResult ¶
type NetworkSearchInResponseBodyResult struct { // Result List of search matches. Result []*DebuggerSearchMatch `json:"result"` }
NetworkSearchInResponseBodyResult (experimental) ...
type NetworkSecurityDetails ¶
type NetworkSecurityDetails struct { // Protocol Protocol name (e.g. "TLS 1.2" or "QUIC"). Protocol string `json:"protocol"` // KeyExchange Key Exchange used by the connection, or the empty string if not applicable. KeyExchange string `json:"keyExchange"` // KeyExchangeGroup (optional) (EC)DH group used by the connection, if applicable. KeyExchangeGroup string `json:"keyExchangeGroup,omitempty"` // Cipher Cipher name. Cipher string `json:"cipher"` // Mac (optional) TLS MAC. Note that AEAD ciphers do not have separate MACs. Mac string `json:"mac,omitempty"` // CertificateID Certificate ID value. CertificateID SecurityCertificateID `json:"certificateId"` // SubjectName Certificate subject name. SubjectName string `json:"subjectName"` // SanList Subject Alternative Name (SAN) DNS names and IP addresses. SanList []string `json:"sanList"` // Issuer Name of the issuing CA. Issuer string `json:"issuer"` // ValidFrom Certificate valid from date. ValidFrom TimeSinceEpoch `json:"validFrom"` // ValidTo Certificate valid to (expiration) date ValidTo TimeSinceEpoch `json:"validTo"` // SignedCertificateTimestampList List of signed certificate timestamps (SCTs). SignedCertificateTimestampList []*NetworkSignedCertificateTimestamp `json:"signedCertificateTimestampList"` // CertificateTransparencyCompliance Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy CertificateTransparencyCompliance NetworkCertificateTransparencyCompliance `json:"certificateTransparencyCompliance"` }
NetworkSecurityDetails Security details about a request.
type NetworkSecurityIsolationStatus ¶
type NetworkSecurityIsolationStatus struct { // Coop (optional) ... Coop *NetworkCrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus `json:"coop,omitempty"` // Coep (optional) ... Coep *NetworkCrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus `json:"coep,omitempty"` }
NetworkSecurityIsolationStatus (experimental) ...
type NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource ¶
type NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource string
NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource Source of serviceworker response.
const ( // NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceCacheStorage enum const NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceCacheStorage NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource = "cache-storage" // NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceHTTPCache enum const NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceHTTPCache NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource = "http-cache" // NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceFallbackCode enum const NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceFallbackCode NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource = "fallback-code" // NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceNetwork enum const NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSourceNetwork NetworkServiceWorkerResponseSource = "network" )
type NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings ¶
type NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings struct { // Encodings List of accepted content encodings. Encodings []NetworkContentEncoding `json:"encodings"` }
NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings (experimental) Sets a list of content encodings that will be accepted. Empty list means no encoding is accepted.
func (NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetAcceptedEncodings) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSetAttachDebugStack ¶
type NetworkSetAttachDebugStack struct { // Enabled Whether to attach a page script stack for debugging purpose. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
NetworkSetAttachDebugStack (experimental) Specifies whether to attach a page script stack id in requests
func (NetworkSetAttachDebugStack) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetAttachDebugStack) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetAttachDebugStack) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetAttachDebugStack) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSetBlockedURLs ¶
type NetworkSetBlockedURLs struct { // Urls URL patterns to block. Wildcards ('*') are allowed. Urls []string `json:"urls"` }
NetworkSetBlockedURLs (experimental) Blocks URLs from loading.
func (NetworkSetBlockedURLs) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetBlockedURLs) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetBlockedURLs) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetBlockedURLs) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker ¶
type NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker struct { // Bypass Bypass service worker and load from network. Bypass bool `json:"bypass"` }
NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker (experimental) Toggles ignoring of service worker for each request.
func (NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetBypassServiceWorker) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSetCacheDisabled ¶
type NetworkSetCacheDisabled struct { // CacheDisabled Cache disabled state. CacheDisabled bool `json:"cacheDisabled"` }
NetworkSetCacheDisabled Toggles ignoring cache for each request. If `true`, cache will not be used.
func (NetworkSetCacheDisabled) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetCacheDisabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetCacheDisabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetCacheDisabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSetCookie ¶
type NetworkSetCookie struct { // Name Cookie name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Cookie value. Value string `json:"value"` // URL (optional) The request-URI to associate with the setting of the cookie. This value can affect the // default domain, path, source port, and source scheme values of the created cookie. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // Domain (optional) Cookie domain. Domain string `json:"domain,omitempty"` // Path (optional) Cookie path. Path string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Secure (optional) True if cookie is secure. Secure bool `json:"secure,omitempty"` // HTTPOnly (optional) True if cookie is http-only. HTTPOnly bool `json:"httpOnly,omitempty"` // SameSite (optional) Cookie SameSite type. SameSite NetworkCookieSameSite `json:"sameSite,omitempty"` // Expires (optional) Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set Expires TimeSinceEpoch `json:"expires,omitempty"` // Priority (experimental) (optional) Cookie Priority type. Priority NetworkCookiePriority `json:"priority,omitempty"` // SameParty (experimental) (optional) True if cookie is SameParty. SameParty bool `json:"sameParty,omitempty"` // SourceScheme (experimental) (optional) Cookie source scheme type. SourceScheme NetworkCookieSourceScheme `json:"sourceScheme,omitempty"` // SourcePort (experimental) (optional) Cookie source port. Valid values are {-1, [1, 65535]}, -1 indicates an unspecified port. // An unspecified port value allows protocol clients to emulate legacy cookie scope for the port. // This is a temporary ability and it will be removed in the future. SourcePort *int `json:"sourcePort,omitempty"` // PartitionKey (experimental) (optional) Cookie partition key. The site of the top-level URL the browser was visiting at the start // of the request to the endpoint that set the cookie. // If not set, the cookie will be set as not partitioned. PartitionKey string `json:"partitionKey,omitempty"` }
NetworkSetCookie Sets a cookie with the given cookie data; may overwrite equivalent cookies if they exist.
func (NetworkSetCookie) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetCookie) Call(c Client) (*NetworkSetCookieResult, error)
Call the request
type NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason ¶
type NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason string
NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason (experimental) Types of reasons why a cookie may not be stored from a response.
const ( // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSecureOnly enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSecureOnly NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SecureOnly" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteStrict enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteStrict NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteStrict" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteLax enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteLax NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteLax" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteNoneInsecure enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSameSiteNoneInsecure NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SameSiteNoneInsecure" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonUserPreferences enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonUserPreferences NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "UserPreferences" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSyntaxError enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSyntaxError NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SyntaxError" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemeNotSupported enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemeNotSupported NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SchemeNotSupported" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonOverwriteSecure enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonOverwriteSecure NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "OverwriteSecure" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonInvalidDomain enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonInvalidDomain NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "InvalidDomain" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonInvalidPrefix enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonInvalidPrefix NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "InvalidPrefix" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonUnknownError enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonUnknownError NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "UnknownError" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteStrict enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteStrict NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SchemefulSameSiteStrict" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteLax enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteLax NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SchemefulSameSiteLax" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SchemefulSameSiteUnspecifiedTreatedAsLax" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSamePartyFromCrossPartyContext enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSamePartyFromCrossPartyContext NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SamePartyFromCrossPartyContext" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSamePartyConflictsWithOtherAttributes enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonSamePartyConflictsWithOtherAttributes NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "SamePartyConflictsWithOtherAttributes" // NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonNameValuePairExceedsMaxSize enum const NetworkSetCookieBlockedReasonNameValuePairExceedsMaxSize NetworkSetCookieBlockedReason = "NameValuePairExceedsMaxSize" )
type NetworkSetCookieResult ¶
type NetworkSetCookieResult struct { // Success (deprecated) Always set to true. If an error occurs, the response indicates protocol error. Success bool `json:"success"` }
NetworkSetCookieResult ...
type NetworkSetCookies ¶
type NetworkSetCookies struct { // Cookies Cookies to be set. Cookies []*NetworkCookieParam `json:"cookies"` }
NetworkSetCookies Sets given cookies.
func (NetworkSetCookies) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetCookies) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders ¶
type NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders struct { // Headers Map with extra HTTP headers. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` }
NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders Specifies whether to always send extra HTTP headers with the requests from this page.
func (NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetExtraHTTPHeaders) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSetRequestInterception ¶
type NetworkSetRequestInterception struct { // Patterns Requests matching any of these patterns will be forwarded and wait for the corresponding // continueInterceptedRequest call. Patterns []*NetworkRequestPattern `json:"patterns"` }
NetworkSetRequestInterception (deprecated) (experimental) Sets the requests to intercept that match the provided patterns and optionally resource types. Deprecated, please use Fetch.enable instead.
func (NetworkSetRequestInterception) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetRequestInterception) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetRequestInterception) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetRequestInterception) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSetUserAgentOverride ¶
type NetworkSetUserAgentOverride struct { // UserAgent User agent to use. UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"` // AcceptLanguage (optional) Browser langugage to emulate. AcceptLanguage string `json:"acceptLanguage,omitempty"` // Platform (optional) The platform navigator.platform should return. Platform string `json:"platform,omitempty"` // UserAgentMetadata (experimental) (optional) To be sent in Sec-CH-UA-* headers and returned in navigator.userAgentData UserAgentMetadata *EmulationUserAgentMetadata `json:"userAgentMetadata,omitempty"` }
NetworkSetUserAgentOverride Allows overriding user agent with the given string.
func (NetworkSetUserAgentOverride) Call ¶
func (m NetworkSetUserAgentOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (NetworkSetUserAgentOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkSetUserAgentOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkSignedCertificateTimestamp ¶
type NetworkSignedCertificateTimestamp struct { // Status Validation status. Status string `json:"status"` // Origin Origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` // LogDescription Log name / description. LogDescription string `json:"logDescription"` // LogID Log ID. LogID string `json:"logId"` // Timestamp Issuance date. Unlike TimeSinceEpoch, this contains the number of // milliseconds since January 1, 1970, UTC, not the number of seconds. Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"` // HashAlgorithm Hash algorithm. HashAlgorithm string `json:"hashAlgorithm"` // SignatureAlgorithm Signature algorithm. SignatureAlgorithm string `json:"signatureAlgorithm"` // SignatureData Signature data. SignatureData string `json:"signatureData"` }
NetworkSignedCertificateTimestamp Details of a signed certificate timestamp (SCT).
type NetworkSignedExchangeError ¶
type NetworkSignedExchangeError struct { // Message Error message. Message string `json:"message"` // SignatureIndex (optional) The index of the signature which caused the error. SignatureIndex *int `json:"signatureIndex,omitempty"` // ErrorField (optional) The field which caused the error. ErrorField NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField `json:"errorField,omitempty"` }
NetworkSignedExchangeError (experimental) Information about a signed exchange response.
type NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField ¶
type NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField string
NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField (experimental) Field type for a signed exchange related error.
const ( // NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureSig enum const NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureSig NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField = "signatureSig" // NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureIntegrity enum const NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureIntegrity NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField = "signatureIntegrity" // NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureCertURL enum const NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureCertURL NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField = "signatureCertUrl" // NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureCertSha256 enum const NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureCertSha256 NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField = "signatureCertSha256" // NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureValidityURL enum const NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureValidityURL NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField = "signatureValidityUrl" // NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureTimestamps enum const NetworkSignedExchangeErrorFieldSignatureTimestamps NetworkSignedExchangeErrorField = "signatureTimestamps" )
type NetworkSignedExchangeHeader ¶
type NetworkSignedExchangeHeader struct { // RequestURL Signed exchange request URL. RequestURL string `json:"requestUrl"` // ResponseCode Signed exchange response code. ResponseCode int `json:"responseCode"` // ResponseHeaders Signed exchange response headers. ResponseHeaders NetworkHeaders `json:"responseHeaders"` // Signatures Signed exchange response signature. Signatures []*NetworkSignedExchangeSignature `json:"signatures"` // HeaderIntegrity Signed exchange header integrity hash in the form of "sha256-<base64-hash-value>". HeaderIntegrity string `json:"headerIntegrity"` }
NetworkSignedExchangeHeader (experimental) Information about a signed exchange header.
type NetworkSignedExchangeInfo ¶
type NetworkSignedExchangeInfo struct { // OuterResponse The outer response of signed HTTP exchange which was received from network. OuterResponse *NetworkResponse `json:"outerResponse"` // Header (optional) Information about the signed exchange header. Header *NetworkSignedExchangeHeader `json:"header,omitempty"` // SecurityDetails (optional) Security details for the signed exchange header. SecurityDetails *NetworkSecurityDetails `json:"securityDetails,omitempty"` // Errors (optional) Errors occurred while handling the signed exchagne. Errors []*NetworkSignedExchangeError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
NetworkSignedExchangeInfo (experimental) Information about a signed exchange response.
type NetworkSignedExchangeReceived ¶
type NetworkSignedExchangeReceived struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Info Information about the signed exchange response. Info *NetworkSignedExchangeInfo `json:"info"` }
NetworkSignedExchangeReceived (experimental) Fired when a signed exchange was received over the network
func (NetworkSignedExchangeReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkSignedExchangeReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkSignedExchangeSignature ¶
type NetworkSignedExchangeSignature struct { // Label Signed exchange signature label. Label string `json:"label"` // Signature The hex string of signed exchange signature. Signature string `json:"signature"` // Integrity Signed exchange signature integrity. Integrity string `json:"integrity"` // CertURL (optional) Signed exchange signature cert Url. CertURL string `json:"certUrl,omitempty"` // CertSha256 (optional) The hex string of signed exchange signature cert sha256. CertSha256 string `json:"certSha256,omitempty"` // ValidityURL Signed exchange signature validity Url. ValidityURL string `json:"validityUrl"` // Date Signed exchange signature date. Date int `json:"date"` // Expires Signed exchange signature expires. Expires int `json:"expires"` // Certificates (optional) The encoded certificates. Certificates []string `json:"certificates,omitempty"` }
NetworkSignedExchangeSignature (experimental) Information about a signed exchange signature.
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError ¶
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError struct { // InnerRequestID Request identifier of the subresource request InnerRequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"innerRequestId"` // InnerRequestURL URL of the subresource resource. InnerRequestURL string `json:"innerRequestURL"` // ErrorMessage Error message ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage"` // BundleRequestID (optional) Bundle request identifier. Used to match this information to another event. // This made be absent in case when the instrumentation was enabled only // after webbundle was parsed. BundleRequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"bundleRequestId,omitempty"` }
NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError (experimental) Fired when request for resources within a .wbn file failed.
func (NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed ¶
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed struct { // InnerRequestID Request identifier of the subresource request InnerRequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"innerRequestId"` // InnerRequestURL URL of the subresource resource. InnerRequestURL string `json:"innerRequestURL"` // BundleRequestID (optional) Bundle request identifier. Used to match this information to another event. // This made be absent in case when the instrumentation was enabled only // after webbundle was parsed. BundleRequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"bundleRequestId,omitempty"` }
NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed (experimental) Fired when handling requests for resources within a .wbn file. Note: this will only be fired for resources that are requested by the webpage.
func (NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkSubresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataError ¶
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataError struct { // RequestID Request identifier. Used to match this information to another event. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // ErrorMessage Error message ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage"` }
NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataError (experimental) Fired once when parsing the .wbn file has failed.
func (NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataError) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataError) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived ¶
type NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived struct { // RequestID Request identifier. Used to match this information to another event. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Urls A list of URLs of resources in the subresource Web Bundle. Urls []string `json:"urls"` }
NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived (experimental) Fired once when parsing the .wbn file has succeeded. The event contains the information about the web bundle contents.
func (NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkSubresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream ¶
type NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream struct { // InterceptionID ... InterceptionID NetworkInterceptionID `json:"interceptionId"` }
NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream (experimental) Returns a handle to the stream representing the response body. Note that after this command, the intercepted request can't be continued as is -- you either need to cancel it or to provide the response body. The stream only supports sequential read, will fail if the position is specified.
func (NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream) Call ¶
func (m NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream) Call(c Client) (*NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamResult, error)
Call the request
func (NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream) ProtoReq ¶
func (m NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStream) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamResult ¶
type NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamResult struct { // Stream ... Stream IOStreamHandle `json:"stream"` }
NetworkTakeResponseBodyForInterceptionAsStreamResult (experimental) ...
type NetworkTrustTokenOperationDone ¶
type NetworkTrustTokenOperationDone struct { // Status Detailed success or error status of the operation. // 'AlreadyExists' also signifies a successful operation, as the result // of the operation already exists und thus, the operation was abort // preemptively (e.g. a cache hit). Status NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus `json:"status"` // Type ... Type NetworkTrustTokenOperationType `json:"type"` // RequestID ... RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // TopLevelOrigin (optional) Top level origin. The context in which the operation was attempted. TopLevelOrigin string `json:"topLevelOrigin,omitempty"` // IssuerOrigin (optional) Origin of the issuer in case of a "Issuance" or "Redemption" operation. IssuerOrigin string `json:"issuerOrigin,omitempty"` // IssuedTokenCount (optional) The number of obtained Trust Tokens on a successful "Issuance" operation. IssuedTokenCount *int `json:"issuedTokenCount,omitempty"` }
NetworkTrustTokenOperationDone (experimental) Fired exactly once for each Trust Token operation. Depending on the type of the operation and whether the operation succeeded or failed, the event is fired before the corresponding request was sent or after the response was received.
func (NetworkTrustTokenOperationDone) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkTrustTokenOperationDone) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus ¶
type NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus string
NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus enum
const ( // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusOk enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusOk NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "Ok" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusInvalidArgument enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusInvalidArgument NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "InvalidArgument" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusFailedPrecondition enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusFailedPrecondition NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "FailedPrecondition" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusResourceExhausted enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusResourceExhausted NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "ResourceExhausted" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusAlreadyExists enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusAlreadyExists NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "AlreadyExists" NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusUnavailable NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "Unavailable" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusBadResponse enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusBadResponse NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "BadResponse" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusInternalError enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusInternalError NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "InternalError" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusUnknownError enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusUnknownError NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "UnknownError" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusFulfilledLocally enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatusFulfilledLocally NetworkTrustTokenOperationDoneStatus = "FulfilledLocally" )
type NetworkTrustTokenOperationType ¶
type NetworkTrustTokenOperationType string
NetworkTrustTokenOperationType (experimental) ...
const ( // NetworkTrustTokenOperationTypeIssuance enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationTypeIssuance NetworkTrustTokenOperationType = "Issuance" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationTypeRedemption enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationTypeRedemption NetworkTrustTokenOperationType = "Redemption" // NetworkTrustTokenOperationTypeSigning enum const NetworkTrustTokenOperationTypeSigning NetworkTrustTokenOperationType = "Signing" )
type NetworkTrustTokenParams ¶
type NetworkTrustTokenParams struct { // Type ... Type NetworkTrustTokenOperationType `json:"type"` // RefreshPolicy Only set for "token-redemption" type and determine whether // to request a fresh SRR or use a still valid cached SRR. RefreshPolicy NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy `json:"refreshPolicy"` // Issuers (optional) Origins of issuers from whom to request tokens or redemption // records. Issuers []string `json:"issuers,omitempty"` }
NetworkTrustTokenParams (experimental) Determines what type of Trust Token operation is executed and depending on the type, some additional parameters. The values are specified in third_party/blink/renderer/core/fetch/trust_token.idl.
type NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy ¶
type NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy string
NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy enum
const ( // NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicyUseCached enum const NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicyUseCached NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy = "UseCached" // NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicyRefresh enum const NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicyRefresh NetworkTrustTokenParamsRefreshPolicy = "Refresh" )
type NetworkWebSocketClosed ¶
type NetworkWebSocketClosed struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` }
NetworkWebSocketClosed Fired when WebSocket is closed.
func (NetworkWebSocketClosed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebSocketClosed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebSocketCreated ¶
type NetworkWebSocketCreated struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // URL WebSocket request URL. URL string `json:"url"` // Initiator (optional) Request initiator. Initiator *NetworkInitiator `json:"initiator,omitempty"` }
NetworkWebSocketCreated Fired upon WebSocket creation.
func (NetworkWebSocketCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebSocketCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebSocketFrame ¶
type NetworkWebSocketFrame struct { // Opcode WebSocket message opcode. Opcode float64 `json:"opcode"` // Mask WebSocket message mask. Mask bool `json:"mask"` // PayloadData WebSocket message payload data. // If the opcode is 1, this is a text message and payloadData is a UTF-8 string. // If the opcode isn't 1, then payloadData is a base64 encoded string representing binary data. PayloadData string `json:"payloadData"` }
NetworkWebSocketFrame WebSocket message data. This represents an entire WebSocket message, not just a fragmented frame as the name suggests.
type NetworkWebSocketFrameError ¶
type NetworkWebSocketFrameError struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // ErrorMessage WebSocket error message. ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage"` }
NetworkWebSocketFrameError Fired when WebSocket message error occurs.
func (NetworkWebSocketFrameError) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebSocketFrameError) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebSocketFrameReceived ¶
type NetworkWebSocketFrameReceived struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // Response WebSocket response data. Response *NetworkWebSocketFrame `json:"response"` }
NetworkWebSocketFrameReceived Fired when WebSocket message is received.
func (NetworkWebSocketFrameReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebSocketFrameReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebSocketFrameSent ¶
type NetworkWebSocketFrameSent struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // Response WebSocket response data. Response *NetworkWebSocketFrame `json:"response"` }
NetworkWebSocketFrameSent Fired when WebSocket message is sent.
func (NetworkWebSocketFrameSent) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebSocketFrameSent) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived ¶
type NetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // Response WebSocket response data. Response *NetworkWebSocketResponse `json:"response"` }
NetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived Fired when WebSocket handshake response becomes available.
func (NetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebSocketHandshakeResponseReceived) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebSocketRequest ¶
type NetworkWebSocketRequest struct { // Headers HTTP request headers. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` }
NetworkWebSocketRequest WebSocket request data.
type NetworkWebSocketResponse ¶
type NetworkWebSocketResponse struct { // Status HTTP response status code. Status int `json:"status"` // StatusText HTTP response status text. StatusText string `json:"statusText"` // Headers HTTP response headers. Headers NetworkHeaders `json:"headers"` // HeadersText (optional) HTTP response headers text. HeadersText string `json:"headersText,omitempty"` // RequestHeaders (optional) HTTP request headers. RequestHeaders NetworkHeaders `json:"requestHeaders,omitempty"` // RequestHeadersText (optional) HTTP request headers text. RequestHeadersText string `json:"requestHeadersText,omitempty"` }
NetworkWebSocketResponse WebSocket response data.
type NetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest ¶
type NetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest struct { // RequestID Request identifier. RequestID NetworkRequestID `json:"requestId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // WallTime UTC Timestamp. WallTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"wallTime"` // Request WebSocket request data. Request *NetworkWebSocketRequest `json:"request"` }
NetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest Fired when WebSocket is about to initiate handshake.
func (NetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebTransportClosed ¶
type NetworkWebTransportClosed struct { // TransportID WebTransport identifier. TransportID NetworkRequestID `json:"transportId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` }
NetworkWebTransportClosed Fired when WebTransport is disposed.
func (NetworkWebTransportClosed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebTransportClosed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebTransportConnectionEstablished ¶
type NetworkWebTransportConnectionEstablished struct { // TransportID WebTransport identifier. TransportID NetworkRequestID `json:"transportId"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` }
NetworkWebTransportConnectionEstablished Fired when WebTransport handshake is finished.
func (NetworkWebTransportConnectionEstablished) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebTransportConnectionEstablished) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type NetworkWebTransportCreated ¶
type NetworkWebTransportCreated struct { // TransportID WebTransport identifier. TransportID NetworkRequestID `json:"transportId"` // URL WebTransport request URL. URL string `json:"url"` // Timestamp Timestamp. Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` // Initiator (optional) Request initiator. Initiator *NetworkInitiator `json:"initiator,omitempty"` }
NetworkWebTransportCreated Fired upon WebTransport creation.
func (NetworkWebTransportCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt NetworkWebTransportCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type OverlayBoxStyle ¶
type OverlayBoxStyle struct { // FillColor (optional) The background color for the box (default: transparent) FillColor *DOMRGBA `json:"fillColor,omitempty"` // HatchColor (optional) The hatching color for the box (default: transparent) HatchColor *DOMRGBA `json:"hatchColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayBoxStyle Style information for drawing a box.
type OverlayColorFormat ¶
type OverlayColorFormat string
OverlayColorFormat ...
const ( // OverlayColorFormatRgb enum const OverlayColorFormatRgb OverlayColorFormat = "rgb" // OverlayColorFormatHsl enum const OverlayColorFormatHsl OverlayColorFormat = "hsl" // OverlayColorFormatHwb enum const OverlayColorFormatHwb OverlayColorFormat = "hwb" // OverlayColorFormatHex enum const OverlayColorFormatHex OverlayColorFormat = "hex" )
type OverlayContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig struct { // ContainerBorder (optional) The style of the container border. ContainerBorder *OverlayLineStyle `json:"containerBorder,omitempty"` // DescendantBorder (optional) The style of the descendants' borders. DescendantBorder *OverlayLineStyle `json:"descendantBorder,omitempty"` }
OverlayContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig ...
type OverlayContainerQueryHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayContainerQueryHighlightConfig struct { // ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of container query containers. ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig *OverlayContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig `json:"containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig"` // NodeID Identifier of the container node to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
OverlayContainerQueryHighlightConfig ...
type OverlayContrastAlgorithm ¶
type OverlayContrastAlgorithm string
OverlayContrastAlgorithm ...
const ( // OverlayContrastAlgorithmAa enum const OverlayContrastAlgorithmAa OverlayContrastAlgorithm = "aa" // OverlayContrastAlgorithmAaa enum const OverlayContrastAlgorithmAaa OverlayContrastAlgorithm = "aaa" // OverlayContrastAlgorithmApca enum const OverlayContrastAlgorithmApca OverlayContrastAlgorithm = "apca" )
type OverlayFlexContainerHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayFlexContainerHighlightConfig struct { // ContainerBorder (optional) The style of the container border ContainerBorder *OverlayLineStyle `json:"containerBorder,omitempty"` // LineSeparator (optional) The style of the separator between lines LineSeparator *OverlayLineStyle `json:"lineSeparator,omitempty"` // ItemSeparator (optional) The style of the separator between items ItemSeparator *OverlayLineStyle `json:"itemSeparator,omitempty"` // MainDistributedSpace (optional) Style of content-distribution space on the main axis (justify-content). MainDistributedSpace *OverlayBoxStyle `json:"mainDistributedSpace,omitempty"` // CrossDistributedSpace (optional) Style of content-distribution space on the cross axis (align-content). CrossDistributedSpace *OverlayBoxStyle `json:"crossDistributedSpace,omitempty"` // RowGapSpace (optional) Style of empty space caused by row gaps (gap/row-gap). RowGapSpace *OverlayBoxStyle `json:"rowGapSpace,omitempty"` // ColumnGapSpace (optional) Style of empty space caused by columns gaps (gap/column-gap). ColumnGapSpace *OverlayBoxStyle `json:"columnGapSpace,omitempty"` // CrossAlignment (optional) Style of the self-alignment line (align-items). CrossAlignment *OverlayLineStyle `json:"crossAlignment,omitempty"` }
OverlayFlexContainerHighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex container elements.
type OverlayFlexItemHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayFlexItemHighlightConfig struct { // BaseSizeBox (optional) Style of the box representing the item's base size BaseSizeBox *OverlayBoxStyle `json:"baseSizeBox,omitempty"` // BaseSizeBorder (optional) Style of the border around the box representing the item's base size BaseSizeBorder *OverlayLineStyle `json:"baseSizeBorder,omitempty"` // FlexibilityArrow (optional) Style of the arrow representing if the item grew or shrank FlexibilityArrow *OverlayLineStyle `json:"flexibilityArrow,omitempty"` }
OverlayFlexItemHighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex item elements.
type OverlayFlexNodeHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayFlexNodeHighlightConfig struct { // FlexContainerHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of flex containers. FlexContainerHighlightConfig *OverlayFlexContainerHighlightConfig `json:"flexContainerHighlightConfig"` // NodeID Identifier of the node to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
OverlayFlexNodeHighlightConfig ...
type OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest ¶
type OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest struct { // NodeIds Ids of the node to get highlight object for. NodeIds []DOMNodeID `json:"nodeIds"` }
OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest For Persistent Grid testing.
func (OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest) Call ¶
func (m OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest) Call(c Client) (*OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTestResult, error)
Call the request
func (OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTest) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTestResult ¶
type OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTestResult struct { // Highlights Grid Highlight data for the node ids provided. Highlights map[string]gson.JSON `json:"highlights"` }
OverlayGetGridHighlightObjectsForTestResult ...
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest ¶
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest struct { // NodeID Id of the node to get highlight object for. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` // IncludeDistance (optional) Whether to include distance info. IncludeDistance bool `json:"includeDistance,omitempty"` // IncludeStyle (optional) Whether to include style info. IncludeStyle bool `json:"includeStyle,omitempty"` // ColorFormat (optional) The color format to get config with (default: hex). ColorFormat OverlayColorFormat `json:"colorFormat,omitempty"` // ShowAccessibilityInfo (optional) Whether to show accessibility info (default: true). ShowAccessibilityInfo bool `json:"showAccessibilityInfo,omitempty"` }
OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest For testing.
func (OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest) Call ¶
func (m OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest) Call(c Client) (*OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestResult, error)
Call the request
func (OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTest) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestResult ¶
type OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestResult struct { // Highlight Highlight data for the node. Highlight map[string]gson.JSON `json:"highlight"` }
OverlayGetHighlightObjectForTestResult ...
type OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest ¶
type OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest struct { // NodeID Id of the node to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest For Source Order Viewer testing.
func (OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest) Call ¶
func (m OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest) Call(c Client) (*OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestResult, error)
Call the request
func (OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestResult ¶
type OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestResult struct { // Highlight Source order highlight data for the node id provided. Highlight map[string]gson.JSON `json:"highlight"` }
OverlayGetSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTestResult ...
type OverlayGridHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayGridHighlightConfig struct { // ShowGridExtensionLines (optional) Whether the extension lines from grid cells to the rulers should be shown (default: false). ShowGridExtensionLines bool `json:"showGridExtensionLines,omitempty"` // ShowPositiveLineNumbers (optional) Show Positive line number labels (default: false). ShowPositiveLineNumbers bool `json:"showPositiveLineNumbers,omitempty"` // ShowNegativeLineNumbers (optional) Show Negative line number labels (default: false). ShowNegativeLineNumbers bool `json:"showNegativeLineNumbers,omitempty"` // ShowAreaNames (optional) Show area name labels (default: false). ShowAreaNames bool `json:"showAreaNames,omitempty"` // ShowLineNames (optional) Show line name labels (default: false). ShowLineNames bool `json:"showLineNames,omitempty"` // ShowTrackSizes (optional) Show track size labels (default: false). ShowTrackSizes bool `json:"showTrackSizes,omitempty"` // GridBorderColor (optional) The grid container border highlight color (default: transparent). GridBorderColor *DOMRGBA `json:"gridBorderColor,omitempty"` // CellBorderColor (deprecated) (optional) The cell border color (default: transparent). Deprecated, please use rowLineColor and columnLineColor instead. CellBorderColor *DOMRGBA `json:"cellBorderColor,omitempty"` // RowLineColor (optional) The row line color (default: transparent). RowLineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"rowLineColor,omitempty"` // ColumnLineColor (optional) The column line color (default: transparent). ColumnLineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"columnLineColor,omitempty"` // GridBorderDash (optional) Whether the grid border is dashed (default: false). GridBorderDash bool `json:"gridBorderDash,omitempty"` // CellBorderDash (deprecated) (optional) Whether the cell border is dashed (default: false). Deprecated, please us rowLineDash and columnLineDash instead. CellBorderDash bool `json:"cellBorderDash,omitempty"` // RowLineDash (optional) Whether row lines are dashed (default: false). RowLineDash bool `json:"rowLineDash,omitempty"` // ColumnLineDash (optional) Whether column lines are dashed (default: false). ColumnLineDash bool `json:"columnLineDash,omitempty"` // RowGapColor (optional) The row gap highlight fill color (default: transparent). RowGapColor *DOMRGBA `json:"rowGapColor,omitempty"` // RowHatchColor (optional) The row gap hatching fill color (default: transparent). RowHatchColor *DOMRGBA `json:"rowHatchColor,omitempty"` // ColumnGapColor (optional) The column gap highlight fill color (default: transparent). ColumnGapColor *DOMRGBA `json:"columnGapColor,omitempty"` // ColumnHatchColor (optional) The column gap hatching fill color (default: transparent). ColumnHatchColor *DOMRGBA `json:"columnHatchColor,omitempty"` // AreaBorderColor (optional) The named grid areas border color (Default: transparent). AreaBorderColor *DOMRGBA `json:"areaBorderColor,omitempty"` // GridBackgroundColor (optional) The grid container background color (Default: transparent). GridBackgroundColor *DOMRGBA `json:"gridBackgroundColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayGridHighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements.
type OverlayGridNodeHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayGridNodeHighlightConfig struct { // GridHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance. GridHighlightConfig *OverlayGridHighlightConfig `json:"gridHighlightConfig"` // NodeID Identifier of the node to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
OverlayGridNodeHighlightConfig Configurations for Persistent Grid Highlight
type OverlayHideHighlight ¶
type OverlayHideHighlight struct { }
OverlayHideHighlight Hides any highlight.
func (OverlayHideHighlight) Call ¶
func (m OverlayHideHighlight) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlayHideHighlight) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayHideHighlight) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayHighlightConfig struct { // ShowInfo (optional) Whether the node info tooltip should be shown (default: false). ShowInfo bool `json:"showInfo,omitempty"` // ShowStyles (optional) Whether the node styles in the tooltip (default: false). ShowStyles bool `json:"showStyles,omitempty"` // ShowRulers (optional) Whether the rulers should be shown (default: false). ShowRulers bool `json:"showRulers,omitempty"` // ShowAccessibilityInfo (optional) Whether the a11y info should be shown (default: true). ShowAccessibilityInfo bool `json:"showAccessibilityInfo,omitempty"` // ShowExtensionLines (optional) Whether the extension lines from node to the rulers should be shown (default: false). ShowExtensionLines bool `json:"showExtensionLines,omitempty"` // ContentColor (optional) The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent). ContentColor *DOMRGBA `json:"contentColor,omitempty"` // PaddingColor (optional) The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent). PaddingColor *DOMRGBA `json:"paddingColor,omitempty"` // BorderColor (optional) The border highlight fill color (default: transparent). BorderColor *DOMRGBA `json:"borderColor,omitempty"` // MarginColor (optional) The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent). MarginColor *DOMRGBA `json:"marginColor,omitempty"` // EventTargetColor (optional) The event target element highlight fill color (default: transparent). EventTargetColor *DOMRGBA `json:"eventTargetColor,omitempty"` // ShapeColor (optional) The shape outside fill color (default: transparent). ShapeColor *DOMRGBA `json:"shapeColor,omitempty"` // ShapeMarginColor (optional) The shape margin fill color (default: transparent). ShapeMarginColor *DOMRGBA `json:"shapeMarginColor,omitempty"` // CSSGridColor (optional) The grid layout color (default: transparent). CSSGridColor *DOMRGBA `json:"cssGridColor,omitempty"` // ColorFormat (optional) The color format used to format color styles (default: hex). ColorFormat OverlayColorFormat `json:"colorFormat,omitempty"` // GridHighlightConfig (optional) The grid layout highlight configuration (default: all transparent). GridHighlightConfig *OverlayGridHighlightConfig `json:"gridHighlightConfig,omitempty"` // FlexContainerHighlightConfig (optional) The flex container highlight configuration (default: all transparent). FlexContainerHighlightConfig *OverlayFlexContainerHighlightConfig `json:"flexContainerHighlightConfig,omitempty"` // FlexItemHighlightConfig (optional) The flex item highlight configuration (default: all transparent). FlexItemHighlightConfig *OverlayFlexItemHighlightConfig `json:"flexItemHighlightConfig,omitempty"` // ContrastAlgorithm (optional) The contrast algorithm to use for the contrast ratio (default: aa). ContrastAlgorithm OverlayContrastAlgorithm `json:"contrastAlgorithm,omitempty"` // ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig (optional) The container query container highlight configuration (default: all transparent). ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig *OverlayContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig `json:"containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig,omitempty"` }
OverlayHighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of page elements.
type OverlayHighlightFrame ¶
type OverlayHighlightFrame struct { // FrameID Identifier of the frame to highlight. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // ContentColor (optional) The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent). ContentColor *DOMRGBA `json:"contentColor,omitempty"` // ContentOutlineColor (optional) The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent). ContentOutlineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"contentOutlineColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayHighlightFrame (deprecated) Highlights owner element of the frame with given id. Deprecated: Doesn't work reliablity and cannot be fixed due to process separatation (the owner node might be in a different process). Determine the owner node in the client and use highlightNode.
func (OverlayHighlightFrame) Call ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightFrame) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlayHighlightFrame) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightFrame) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayHighlightNode ¶
type OverlayHighlightNode struct { // HighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance. HighlightConfig *OverlayHighlightConfig `json:"highlightConfig"` // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node to highlight. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Selector (optional) Selectors to highlight relevant nodes. Selector string `json:"selector,omitempty"` }
OverlayHighlightNode Highlights DOM node with given id or with the given JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or objectId must be specified.
func (OverlayHighlightNode) Call ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightNode) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlayHighlightNode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightNode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayHighlightQuad ¶
type OverlayHighlightQuad struct { // Quad Quad to highlight Quad DOMQuad `json:"quad"` // Color (optional) The highlight fill color (default: transparent). Color *DOMRGBA `json:"color,omitempty"` // OutlineColor (optional) The highlight outline color (default: transparent). OutlineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"outlineColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayHighlightQuad Highlights given quad. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
func (OverlayHighlightQuad) Call ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightQuad) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlayHighlightQuad) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightQuad) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayHighlightRect ¶
type OverlayHighlightRect struct { // X X coordinate X int `json:"x"` // Y Y coordinate Y int `json:"y"` // Width Rectangle width Width int `json:"width"` // Height Rectangle height Height int `json:"height"` // Color (optional) The highlight fill color (default: transparent). Color *DOMRGBA `json:"color,omitempty"` // OutlineColor (optional) The highlight outline color (default: transparent). OutlineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"outlineColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayHighlightRect Highlights given rectangle. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
func (OverlayHighlightRect) Call ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightRect) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlayHighlightRect) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightRect) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayHighlightSourceOrder ¶
type OverlayHighlightSourceOrder struct { // SourceOrderConfig A descriptor for the appearance of the overlay drawing. SourceOrderConfig *OverlaySourceOrderConfig `json:"sourceOrderConfig"` // NodeID (optional) Identifier of the node to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` // BackendNodeID (optional) Identifier of the backend node to highlight. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
OverlayHighlightSourceOrder Highlights the source order of the children of the DOM node with given id or with the given JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or objectId must be specified.
func (OverlayHighlightSourceOrder) Call ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightSourceOrder) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlayHighlightSourceOrder) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlayHighlightSourceOrder) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlayHingeConfig ¶
type OverlayHingeConfig struct { // Rect A rectangle represent hinge Rect *DOMRect `json:"rect"` // ContentColor (optional) The content box highlight fill color (default: a dark color). ContentColor *DOMRGBA `json:"contentColor,omitempty"` // OutlineColor (optional) The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent). OutlineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"outlineColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayHingeConfig Configuration for dual screen hinge
type OverlayInspectMode ¶
type OverlayInspectMode string
OverlayInspectMode ...
const ( // OverlayInspectModeSearchForNode enum const OverlayInspectModeSearchForNode OverlayInspectMode = "searchForNode" // OverlayInspectModeSearchForUAShadowDOM enum const OverlayInspectModeSearchForUAShadowDOM OverlayInspectMode = "searchForUAShadowDOM" // OverlayInspectModeCaptureAreaScreenshot enum const OverlayInspectModeCaptureAreaScreenshot OverlayInspectMode = "captureAreaScreenshot" // OverlayInspectModeShowDistances enum const OverlayInspectModeShowDistances OverlayInspectMode = "showDistances" // OverlayInspectModeNone enum const OverlayInspectModeNone OverlayInspectMode = "none" )
type OverlayInspectModeCanceled ¶
type OverlayInspectModeCanceled struct { }
OverlayInspectModeCanceled Fired when user cancels the inspect mode.
func (OverlayInspectModeCanceled) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt OverlayInspectModeCanceled) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type OverlayInspectNodeRequested ¶
type OverlayInspectNodeRequested struct { // BackendNodeID Id of the node to inspect. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId"` }
OverlayInspectNodeRequested Fired when the node should be inspected. This happens after call to `setInspectMode` or when user manually inspects an element.
func (OverlayInspectNodeRequested) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt OverlayInspectNodeRequested) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type OverlayIsolatedElementHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayIsolatedElementHighlightConfig struct { // IsolationModeHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of an element in isolation mode. IsolationModeHighlightConfig *OverlayIsolationModeHighlightConfig `json:"isolationModeHighlightConfig"` // NodeID Identifier of the isolated element to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
OverlayIsolatedElementHighlightConfig ...
type OverlayIsolationModeHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayIsolationModeHighlightConfig struct { // ResizerColor (optional) The fill color of the resizers (default: transparent). ResizerColor *DOMRGBA `json:"resizerColor,omitempty"` // ResizerHandleColor (optional) The fill color for resizer handles (default: transparent). ResizerHandleColor *DOMRGBA `json:"resizerHandleColor,omitempty"` // MaskColor (optional) The fill color for the mask covering non-isolated elements (default: transparent). MaskColor *DOMRGBA `json:"maskColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayIsolationModeHighlightConfig ...
type OverlayLineStyle ¶
type OverlayLineStyle struct { // Color (optional) The color of the line (default: transparent) Color *DOMRGBA `json:"color,omitempty"` // Pattern (optional) The line pattern (default: solid) Pattern OverlayLineStylePattern `json:"pattern,omitempty"` }
OverlayLineStyle Style information for drawing a line.
type OverlayLineStylePattern ¶
type OverlayLineStylePattern string
OverlayLineStylePattern enum
const ( // OverlayLineStylePatternDashed enum const OverlayLineStylePatternDashed OverlayLineStylePattern = "dashed" // OverlayLineStylePatternDotted enum const OverlayLineStylePatternDotted OverlayLineStylePattern = "dotted" )
type OverlayNodeHighlightRequested ¶
type OverlayNodeHighlightRequested struct { // NodeID ... NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
OverlayNodeHighlightRequested Fired when the node should be highlighted. This happens after call to `setInspectMode`.
func (OverlayNodeHighlightRequested) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt OverlayNodeHighlightRequested) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type OverlayScreenshotRequested ¶
type OverlayScreenshotRequested struct { // Viewport Viewport to capture, in device independent pixels (dip). Viewport *PageViewport `json:"viewport"` }
OverlayScreenshotRequested Fired when user asks to capture screenshot of some area on the page.
func (OverlayScreenshotRequested) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt OverlayScreenshotRequested) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type OverlayScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig struct { // SnapportBorder (optional) The style of the snapport border (default: transparent) SnapportBorder *OverlayLineStyle `json:"snapportBorder,omitempty"` // SnapAreaBorder (optional) The style of the snap area border (default: transparent) SnapAreaBorder *OverlayLineStyle `json:"snapAreaBorder,omitempty"` // ScrollMarginColor (optional) The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent). ScrollMarginColor *DOMRGBA `json:"scrollMarginColor,omitempty"` // ScrollPaddingColor (optional) The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent). ScrollPaddingColor *DOMRGBA `json:"scrollPaddingColor,omitempty"` }
OverlayScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig ...
type OverlayScrollSnapHighlightConfig ¶
type OverlayScrollSnapHighlightConfig struct { // ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of scroll snap containers. ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig *OverlayScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig `json:"scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig"` // NodeID Identifier of the node to highlight. NodeID DOMNodeID `json:"nodeId"` }
OverlayScrollSnapHighlightConfig ...
type OverlaySetInspectMode ¶
type OverlaySetInspectMode struct { // Mode Set an inspection mode. Mode OverlayInspectMode `json:"mode"` // HighlightConfig (optional) A descriptor for the highlight appearance of hovered-over nodes. May be omitted if `enabled // == false`. HighlightConfig *OverlayHighlightConfig `json:"highlightConfig,omitempty"` }
OverlaySetInspectMode Enters the 'inspect' mode. In this mode, elements that user is hovering over are highlighted. Backend then generates 'inspectNodeRequested' event upon element selection.
func (OverlaySetInspectMode) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetInspectMode) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetInspectMode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetInspectMode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage ¶
type OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage struct { // Message (optional) The message to display, also triggers resume and step over controls. Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` }
OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage ...
func (OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetPausedInDebuggerMessage) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowAdHighlights ¶
type OverlaySetShowAdHighlights struct { // Show True for showing ad highlights Show bool `json:"show"` }
OverlaySetShowAdHighlights Highlights owner element of all frames detected to be ads.
func (OverlaySetShowAdHighlights) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowAdHighlights) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowAdHighlights) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowAdHighlights) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays ¶
type OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays struct { // ContainerQueryHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance. ContainerQueryHighlightConfigs []*OverlayContainerQueryHighlightConfig `json:"containerQueryHighlightConfigs"` }
OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays ...
func (OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowContainerQueryOverlays) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowDebugBorders ¶
type OverlaySetShowDebugBorders struct { // Show True for showing debug borders Show bool `json:"show"` }
OverlaySetShowDebugBorders Requests that backend shows debug borders on layers
func (OverlaySetShowDebugBorders) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowDebugBorders) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowDebugBorders) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowDebugBorders) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowFPSCounter ¶
type OverlaySetShowFPSCounter struct { // Show True for showing the FPS counter Show bool `json:"show"` }
OverlaySetShowFPSCounter Requests that backend shows the FPS counter
func (OverlaySetShowFPSCounter) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowFPSCounter) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowFPSCounter) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowFPSCounter) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays ¶
type OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays struct { // FlexNodeHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance. FlexNodeHighlightConfigs []*OverlayFlexNodeHighlightConfig `json:"flexNodeHighlightConfigs"` }
OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays ...
func (OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowFlexOverlays) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowGridOverlays ¶
type OverlaySetShowGridOverlays struct { // GridNodeHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance. GridNodeHighlightConfigs []*OverlayGridNodeHighlightConfig `json:"gridNodeHighlightConfigs"` }
OverlaySetShowGridOverlays Highlight multiple elements with the CSS Grid overlay.
func (OverlaySetShowGridOverlays) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowGridOverlays) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowGridOverlays) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowGridOverlays) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowHinge ¶
type OverlaySetShowHinge struct { // HingeConfig (optional) hinge data, null means hideHinge HingeConfig *OverlayHingeConfig `json:"hingeConfig,omitempty"` }
OverlaySetShowHinge Add a dual screen device hinge
func (OverlaySetShowHinge) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowHinge) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders ¶
type OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders struct { // Show True for showing hit-test borders Show bool `json:"show"` }
OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders (deprecated) Deprecated, no longer has any effect.
func (OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowHitTestBorders) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements ¶
type OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements struct { // IsolatedElementHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance. IsolatedElementHighlightConfigs []*OverlayIsolatedElementHighlightConfig `json:"isolatedElementHighlightConfigs"` }
OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements Show elements in isolation mode with overlays.
func (OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowIsolatedElements) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions ¶
type OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions struct { // Result True for showing layout shift regions Result bool `json:"result"` }
OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions Requests that backend shows layout shift regions
func (OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowLayoutShiftRegions) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowPaintRects ¶
type OverlaySetShowPaintRects struct { // Result True for showing paint rectangles Result bool `json:"result"` }
OverlaySetShowPaintRects Requests that backend shows paint rectangles
func (OverlaySetShowPaintRects) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowPaintRects) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowPaintRects) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowPaintRects) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects ¶
type OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects struct { // Show True for showing scroll bottleneck rects Show bool `json:"show"` }
OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects Requests that backend shows scroll bottleneck rects
func (OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowScrollBottleneckRects) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays ¶
type OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays struct { // ScrollSnapHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance. ScrollSnapHighlightConfigs []*OverlayScrollSnapHighlightConfig `json:"scrollSnapHighlightConfigs"` }
OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays ...
func (OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowScrollSnapOverlays) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize ¶
type OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize struct { // Show Whether to paint size or not. Show bool `json:"show"` }
OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize Paints viewport size upon main frame resize.
func (OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowViewportSizeOnResize) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySetShowWebVitals ¶
type OverlaySetShowWebVitals struct { // Show ... Show bool `json:"show"` }
OverlaySetShowWebVitals Request that backend shows an overlay with web vital metrics.
func (OverlaySetShowWebVitals) Call ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowWebVitals) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (OverlaySetShowWebVitals) ProtoReq ¶
func (m OverlaySetShowWebVitals) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type OverlaySourceOrderConfig ¶
type OverlaySourceOrderConfig struct { // ParentOutlineColor the color to outline the givent element in. ParentOutlineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"parentOutlineColor"` // ChildOutlineColor the color to outline the child elements in. ChildOutlineColor *DOMRGBA `json:"childOutlineColor"` }
OverlaySourceOrderConfig Configuration data for drawing the source order of an elements children.
type PageAdFrameExplanation ¶
type PageAdFrameExplanation string
PageAdFrameExplanation (experimental) ...
const ( // PageAdFrameExplanationParentIsAd enum const PageAdFrameExplanationParentIsAd PageAdFrameExplanation = "ParentIsAd" // PageAdFrameExplanationCreatedByAdScript enum const PageAdFrameExplanationCreatedByAdScript PageAdFrameExplanation = "CreatedByAdScript" // PageAdFrameExplanationMatchedBlockingRule enum const PageAdFrameExplanationMatchedBlockingRule PageAdFrameExplanation = "MatchedBlockingRule" )
type PageAdFrameStatus ¶
type PageAdFrameStatus struct { // AdFrameType ... AdFrameType PageAdFrameType `json:"adFrameType"` // Explanations (optional) ... Explanations []PageAdFrameExplanation `json:"explanations,omitempty"` }
PageAdFrameStatus (experimental) Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad and why.
type PageAdFrameType ¶
type PageAdFrameType string
PageAdFrameType (experimental) Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad.
const ( // PageAdFrameTypeNone enum const PageAdFrameTypeNone PageAdFrameType = "none" // PageAdFrameTypeChild enum const PageAdFrameTypeChild PageAdFrameType = "child" // PageAdFrameTypeRoot enum const PageAdFrameTypeRoot PageAdFrameType = "root" )
type PageAdScriptID ¶
type PageAdScriptID struct { // ScriptID Script Id of the bottom-most script which caused the frame to be labelled // as an ad. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // DebuggerID Id of adScriptId's debugger. DebuggerID RuntimeUniqueDebuggerID `json:"debuggerId"` }
PageAdScriptID (experimental) Identifies the bottom-most script which caused the frame to be labelled as an ad.
type PageAddCompilationCache ¶
type PageAddCompilationCache struct { // URL ... URL string `json:"url"` // Data Base64-encoded data Data []byte `json:"data"` }
PageAddCompilationCache (experimental) Seeds compilation cache for given url. Compilation cache does not survive cross-process navigation.
func (PageAddCompilationCache) Call ¶
func (m PageAddCompilationCache) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageAddCompilationCache) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageAddCompilationCache) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad ¶
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad struct { // ScriptSource ... ScriptSource string `json:"scriptSource"` }
PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad (deprecated) (experimental) Deprecated, please use addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.
func (PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) Call ¶
func (m PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) Call(c Client) (*PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadResult ¶
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadResult struct { // Identifier Identifier of the added script. Identifier PageScriptIdentifier `json:"identifier"` }
PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnLoadResult (deprecated) (experimental) ...
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument ¶
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument struct { // Source ... Source string `json:"source"` // WorldName (experimental) (optional) If specified, creates an isolated world with the given name and evaluates given script in it. // This world name will be used as the ExecutionContextDescription::name when the corresponding // event is emitted. WorldName string `json:"worldName,omitempty"` // IncludeCommandLineAPI (experimental) (optional) Specifies whether command line API should be available to the script, defaults // to false. IncludeCommandLineAPI bool `json:"includeCommandLineAPI,omitempty"` }
PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading frame's scripts).
func (PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) Call ¶
func (m PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) Call(c Client) (*PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentResult ¶
type PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentResult struct { // Identifier Identifier of the added script. Identifier PageScriptIdentifier `json:"identifier"` }
PageAddScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocumentResult ...
type PageAppManifestError ¶
type PageAppManifestError struct { // Message Error message. Message string `json:"message"` // Critical If criticial, this is a non-recoverable parse error. Critical int `json:"critical"` // Line Error line. Line int `json:"line"` // Column Error column. Column int `json:"column"` }
PageAppManifestError Error while paring app manifest.
type PageAppManifestParsedProperties ¶
type PageAppManifestParsedProperties struct { // Scope Computed scope value Scope string `json:"scope"` }
PageAppManifestParsedProperties (experimental) Parsed app manifest properties.
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation ¶
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation struct { // Type Type of the reason Type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType `json:"type"` // Reason Not restored reason Reason PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason `json:"reason"` // Context (optional) Context associated with the reason. The meaning of this context is // dependent on the reason: // - EmbedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame: the extension ID. Context string `json:"context,omitempty"` }
PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation (experimental) ...
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree ¶
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree struct { // URL URL of each frame URL string `json:"url"` // Explanations Not restored reasons of each frame Explanations []*PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation `json:"explanations"` // Children Array of children frame Children []*PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree `json:"children"` }
PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree (experimental) ...
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason ¶
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason string
PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason (experimental) List of not restored reasons for back-forward cache.
const ( // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNotPrimaryMainFrame enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNotPrimaryMainFrame PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NotPrimaryMainFrame" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabled enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabled PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "BackForwardCacheDisabled" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRelatedActiveContentsExist enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRelatedActiveContentsExist PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RelatedActiveContentsExist" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonHTTPStatusNotOK enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonHTTPStatusNotOK PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "HTTPStatusNotOK" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSchemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSchemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SchemeNotHTTPOrHTTPS" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonLoading enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonLoading PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "Loading" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWasGrantedMediaAccess enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWasGrantedMediaAccess PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WasGrantedMediaAccess" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDisableForRenderFrameHostCalled enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDisableForRenderFrameHostCalled PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "DisableForRenderFrameHostCalled" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDomainNotAllowed enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDomainNotAllowed PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "DomainNotAllowed" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonHTTPMethodNotGET enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonHTTPMethodNotGET PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "HTTPMethodNotGET" PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSubframeIsNavigating PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SubframeIsNavigating" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTimeout enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTimeout PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "Timeout" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheLimit enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheLimit PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "CacheLimit" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonJavaScriptExecution enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonJavaScriptExecution PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "JavaScriptExecution" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRendererProcessKilled enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRendererProcessKilled PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RendererProcessKilled" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRendererProcessCrashed enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRendererProcessCrashed PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RendererProcessCrashed" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSchedulerTrackedFeatureUsed enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSchedulerTrackedFeatureUsed PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SchedulerTrackedFeatureUsed" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonConflictingBrowsingInstance enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonConflictingBrowsingInstance PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ConflictingBrowsingInstance" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheFlushed enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheFlushed PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "CacheFlushed" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerVersionActivation enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerVersionActivation PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ServiceWorkerVersionActivation" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSessionRestored enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSessionRestored PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SessionRestored" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerPostMessage enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerPostMessage PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ServiceWorkerPostMessage" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEnteredBackForwardCacheBeforeServiceWorkerHostAdded enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEnteredBackForwardCacheBeforeServiceWorkerHostAdded PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EnteredBackForwardCacheBeforeServiceWorkerHostAdded" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRenderFrameHostReusedSameSite enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRenderFrameHostReusedSameSite PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RenderFrameHostReused_SameSite" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRenderFrameHostReusedCrossSite enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRenderFrameHostReusedCrossSite PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RenderFrameHostReused_CrossSite" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerClaim enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerClaim PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ServiceWorkerClaim" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonIgnoreEventAndEvict enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonIgnoreEventAndEvict PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "IgnoreEventAndEvict" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonHaveInnerContents enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonHaveInnerContents PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "HaveInnerContents" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTimeoutPuttingInCache enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTimeoutPuttingInCache PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "TimeoutPuttingInCache" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "BackForwardCacheDisabledByLowMemory" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "BackForwardCacheDisabledByCommandLine" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkRequestDatapipeDrainedAsBytesConsumer enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkRequestDatapipeDrainedAsBytesConsumer PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NetworkRequestDatapipeDrainedAsBytesConsumer" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkRequestRedirected enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkRequestRedirected PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NetworkRequestRedirected" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkRequestTimeout enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkRequestTimeout PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NetworkRequestTimeout" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkExceedsBufferLimit enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNetworkExceedsBufferLimit PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NetworkExceedsBufferLimit" PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNavigationCancelledWhileRestoring PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NavigationCancelledWhileRestoring" PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNotMostRecentNavigationEntry PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NotMostRecentNavigationEntry" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "BackForwardCacheDisabledForPrerender" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUserAgentOverrideDiffers enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUserAgentOverrideDiffers PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "UserAgentOverrideDiffers" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonForegroundCacheLimit enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonForegroundCacheLimit PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ForegroundCacheLimit" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBrowsingInstanceNotSwapped enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBrowsingInstanceNotSwapped PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "BrowsingInstanceNotSwapped" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBackForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "BackForwardCacheDisabledForDelegate" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUnloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUnloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "UnloadHandlerExistsInMainFrame" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUnloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUnloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "UnloadHandlerExistsInSubFrame" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerUnregistration enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonServiceWorkerUnregistration PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ServiceWorkerUnregistration" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheControlNoStore enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheControlNoStore PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "CacheControlNoStore" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheControlNoStoreCookieModified enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheControlNoStoreCookieModified PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "CacheControlNoStoreCookieModified" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheControlNoStoreHTTPOnlyCookieModified enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonCacheControlNoStoreHTTPOnlyCookieModified PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "CacheControlNoStoreHTTPOnlyCookieModified" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNoResponseHead enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonNoResponseHead PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "NoResponseHead" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUnknown enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonUnknown PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "Unknown" PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonActivationNavigationsDisallowedForBug1234857 PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ActivationNavigationsDisallowedForBug1234857" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonErrorDocument enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonErrorDocument PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ErrorDocument" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonFencedFramesEmbedder enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonFencedFramesEmbedder PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "FencedFramesEmbedder" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebSocket enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebSocket PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebSocket" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebTransport enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebTransport PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebTransport" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebRTC enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebRTC PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebRTC" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonMainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonMainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "MainResourceHasCacheControlNoStore" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonMainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonMainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "MainResourceHasCacheControlNoCache" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSubresourceHasCacheControlNoStore enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSubresourceHasCacheControlNoStore PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SubresourceHasCacheControlNoStore" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSubresourceHasCacheControlNoCache enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSubresourceHasCacheControlNoCache PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SubresourceHasCacheControlNoCache" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContainsPlugins enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContainsPlugins PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContainsPlugins" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDocumentLoaded enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDocumentLoaded PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "DocumentLoaded" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDedicatedWorkerOrWorklet enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDedicatedWorkerOrWorklet PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "DedicatedWorkerOrWorklet" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestOthers enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestOthers PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "OutstandingNetworkRequestOthers" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingIndexedDBTransaction enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingIndexedDBTransaction PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "OutstandingIndexedDBTransaction" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedNotificationsPermission enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedNotificationsPermission PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RequestedNotificationsPermission" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedMIDIPermission enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedMIDIPermission PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RequestedMIDIPermission" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedAudioCapturePermission enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedAudioCapturePermission PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RequestedAudioCapturePermission" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedVideoCapturePermission enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedVideoCapturePermission PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RequestedVideoCapturePermission" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RequestedBackForwardCacheBlockedSensors" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedBackgroundWorkPermission enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedBackgroundWorkPermission PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RequestedBackgroundWorkPermission" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBroadcastChannel enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonBroadcastChannel PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "BroadcastChannel" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonIndexedDBConnection enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonIndexedDBConnection PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "IndexedDBConnection" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebXR enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebXR PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebXR" PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSharedWorker PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SharedWorker" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebLocks enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebLocks PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebLocks" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebHID enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebHID PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebHID" PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebShare PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebShare" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedStorageAccessGrant enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonRequestedStorageAccessGrant PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "RequestedStorageAccessGrant" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebNfc enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebNfc PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebNfc" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestFetch enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestFetch PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "OutstandingNetworkRequestFetch" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestXHR enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestXHR PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "OutstandingNetworkRequestXHR" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonAppBanner enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonAppBanner PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "AppBanner" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPrinting enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPrinting PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "Printing" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebDatabase enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebDatabase PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebDatabase" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPictureInPicture enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPictureInPicture PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "PictureInPicture" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPortal enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPortal PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "Portal" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSpeechRecognizer enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSpeechRecognizer PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SpeechRecognizer" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonIdleManager enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonIdleManager PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "IdleManager" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPaymentManager enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonPaymentManager PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "PaymentManager" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSpeechSynthesis enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonSpeechSynthesis PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "SpeechSynthesis" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonKeyboardLock enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonKeyboardLock PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "KeyboardLock" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebOTPService enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonWebOTPService PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "WebOTPService" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonOutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "OutstandingNetworkRequestDirectSocket" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonInjectedJavascript enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonInjectedJavascript PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "InjectedJavascript" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonInjectedStyleSheet enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonInjectedStyleSheet PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "InjectedStyleSheet" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDummy enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonDummy PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "Dummy" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentSecurityHandler enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentSecurityHandler PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentSecurityHandler" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentWebAuthenticationAPI enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentWebAuthenticationAPI PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentWebAuthenticationAPI" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentFileChooser enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentFileChooser PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentFileChooser" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentSerial enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentSerial PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentSerial" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentFileSystemAccess enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentFileSystemAccess PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentFileSystemAccess" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentMediaDevicesDispatcherHost enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentMediaDevicesDispatcherHost PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentMediaDevicesDispatcherHost" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentWebBluetooth enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentWebBluetooth PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentWebBluetooth" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentWebUSB enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentWebUSB PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentWebUSB" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentMediaSessionService enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentMediaSessionService PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentMediaSessionService" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentScreenReader enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonContentScreenReader PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "ContentScreenReader" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderPopupBlockerTabHelper enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderPopupBlockerTabHelper PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderPopupBlockerTabHelper" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderSafeBrowsingTriggeredPopupBlocker enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderSafeBrowsingTriggeredPopupBlocker PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderSafeBrowsingTriggeredPopupBlocker" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderSafeBrowsingThreatDetails" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderAppBannerManager enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderAppBannerManager PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderAppBannerManager" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderDomDistillerViewerSource enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderDomDistillerViewerSource PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderDomDistillerViewerSource" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderDomDistillerSelfDeletingRequestDelegate enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderDomDistillerSelfDeletingRequestDelegate PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderDomDistillerSelfDeletingRequestDelegate" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderOomInterventionTabHelper enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderOomInterventionTabHelper PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderOomInterventionTabHelper" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderOfflinePage enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderOfflinePage PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderOfflinePage" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderChromePasswordManagerClientBindCredentialManager enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderChromePasswordManagerClientBindCredentialManager PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderChromePasswordManagerClientBindCredentialManager" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderPermissionRequestManager enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderPermissionRequestManager PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderPermissionRequestManager" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderModalDialog enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderModalDialog PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderModalDialog" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensions enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensions PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderExtensions" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensionMessaging enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensionMessaging PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderExtensionMessaging" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensionMessagingForOpenPort enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensionMessagingForOpenPort PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderExtensionMessagingForOpenPort" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonEmbedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReason = "EmbedderExtensionSentMessageToCachedFrame" )
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType ¶
type PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType string
PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType (experimental) Types of not restored reasons for back-forward cache.
const ( // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTypeSupportPending enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTypeSupportPending PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType = "SupportPending" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTypePageSupportNeeded enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTypePageSupportNeeded PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType = "PageSupportNeeded" // PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTypeCircumstantial enum const PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonTypeCircumstantial PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredReasonType = "Circumstantial" )
type PageBackForwardCacheNotUsed ¶
type PageBackForwardCacheNotUsed struct { // LoaderID The loader id for the associated navgation. LoaderID NetworkLoaderID `json:"loaderId"` // FrameID The frame id of the associated frame. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // NotRestoredExplanations Array of reasons why the page could not be cached. This must not be empty. NotRestoredExplanations []*PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation `json:"notRestoredExplanations"` // NotRestoredExplanationsTree (optional) Tree structure of reasons why the page could not be cached for each frame. NotRestoredExplanationsTree *PageBackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanationTree `json:"notRestoredExplanationsTree,omitempty"` }
PageBackForwardCacheNotUsed (experimental) Fired for failed bfcache history navigations if BackForwardCache feature is enabled. Do not assume any ordering with the Page.frameNavigated event. This event is fired only for main-frame history navigation where the document changes (non-same-document navigations), when bfcache navigation fails.
func (PageBackForwardCacheNotUsed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageBackForwardCacheNotUsed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageBringToFront ¶
type PageBringToFront struct { }
PageBringToFront Brings page to front (activates tab).
func (PageBringToFront) Call ¶
func (m PageBringToFront) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageCaptureScreenshot ¶
type PageCaptureScreenshot struct { // Format (optional) Image compression format (defaults to png). Format PageCaptureScreenshotFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` // Quality (optional) Compression quality from range [0..100] (jpeg only). Quality *int `json:"quality,omitempty"` // Clip (optional) Capture the screenshot of a given region only. Clip *PageViewport `json:"clip,omitempty"` // FromSurface (experimental) (optional) Capture the screenshot from the surface, rather than the view. Defaults to true. FromSurface bool `json:"fromSurface,omitempty"` // CaptureBeyondViewport (experimental) (optional) Capture the screenshot beyond the viewport. Defaults to false. CaptureBeyondViewport bool `json:"captureBeyondViewport,omitempty"` }
PageCaptureScreenshot Capture page screenshot.
func (PageCaptureScreenshot) Call ¶
func (m PageCaptureScreenshot) Call(c Client) (*PageCaptureScreenshotResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageCaptureScreenshot) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageCaptureScreenshot) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageCaptureScreenshotFormat ¶
type PageCaptureScreenshotFormat string
PageCaptureScreenshotFormat enum
const ( // PageCaptureScreenshotFormatJpeg enum const PageCaptureScreenshotFormatJpeg PageCaptureScreenshotFormat = "jpeg" // PageCaptureScreenshotFormatPng enum const PageCaptureScreenshotFormatPng PageCaptureScreenshotFormat = "png" // PageCaptureScreenshotFormatWebp enum const PageCaptureScreenshotFormatWebp PageCaptureScreenshotFormat = "webp" )
type PageCaptureScreenshotResult ¶
type PageCaptureScreenshotResult struct { // Data Base64-encoded image data. Data []byte `json:"data"` }
PageCaptureScreenshotResult ...
type PageCaptureSnapshot ¶
type PageCaptureSnapshot struct { // Format (optional) Format (defaults to mhtml). Format PageCaptureSnapshotFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` }
PageCaptureSnapshot (experimental) Returns a snapshot of the page as a string. For MHTML format, the serialization includes iframes, shadow DOM, external resources, and element-inline styles.
func (PageCaptureSnapshot) Call ¶
func (m PageCaptureSnapshot) Call(c Client) (*PageCaptureSnapshotResult, error)
Call the request
type PageCaptureSnapshotFormat ¶
type PageCaptureSnapshotFormat string
PageCaptureSnapshotFormat enum
const ( // PageCaptureSnapshotFormatMhtml enum const PageCaptureSnapshotFormatMhtml PageCaptureSnapshotFormat = "mhtml" )
type PageCaptureSnapshotResult ¶
type PageCaptureSnapshotResult struct { // Data Serialized page data. Data string `json:"data"` }
PageCaptureSnapshotResult (experimental) ...
type PageClearCompilationCache ¶
type PageClearCompilationCache struct { }
PageClearCompilationCache (experimental) Clears seeded compilation cache.
func (PageClearCompilationCache) Call ¶
func (m PageClearCompilationCache) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageClearCompilationCache) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageClearCompilationCache) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride ¶
type PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride struct { }
PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride (deprecated) (experimental) Clears the overridden device metrics.
func (PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride) Call ¶
func (m PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageClearDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride ¶
type PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride struct { }
PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride (deprecated) (experimental) Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
func (PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride) Call ¶
func (m PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageClearDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageClearGeolocationOverride ¶
type PageClearGeolocationOverride struct { }
PageClearGeolocationOverride (deprecated) Clears the overridden Geolocation Position and Error.
func (PageClearGeolocationOverride) Call ¶
func (m PageClearGeolocationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageClearGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageClearGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageClientNavigationDisposition ¶
type PageClientNavigationDisposition string
PageClientNavigationDisposition (experimental) ...
const ( PageClientNavigationDisposition = "currentTab" PageClientNavigationDispositionNewTab PageClientNavigationDisposition = "newTab" PageClientNavigationDispositionNewWindow PageClientNavigationDisposition = "newWindow" PageClientNavigationDispositionDownload PageClientNavigationDisposition = "download" )PageClientNavigationDispositionCurrentTab
type PageClientNavigationReason ¶
type PageClientNavigationReason string
PageClientNavigationReason (experimental) ...
const ( PageClientNavigationReason = "formSubmissionGet" PageClientNavigationReasonFormSubmissionPost PageClientNavigationReason = "formSubmissionPost" PageClientNavigationReasonHTTPHeaderRefresh PageClientNavigationReason = "httpHeaderRefresh" PageClientNavigationReasonScriptInitiated PageClientNavigationReason = "scriptInitiated" PageClientNavigationReasonMetaTagRefresh PageClientNavigationReason = "metaTagRefresh" PageClientNavigationReasonPageBlockInterstitial PageClientNavigationReason = "pageBlockInterstitial" PageClientNavigationReasonReload PageClientNavigationReason = "reload" PageClientNavigationReasonAnchorClick PageClientNavigationReason = "anchorClick" )PageClientNavigationReasonFormSubmissionGet
type PageClose ¶
type PageClose struct { }
PageClose (experimental) Tries to close page, running its beforeunload hooks, if any.
type PageCompilationCacheParams ¶
type PageCompilationCacheParams struct { // URL The URL of the script to produce a compilation cache entry for. URL string `json:"url"` // Eager (optional) A hint to the backend whether eager compilation is recommended. // (the actual compilation mode used is upon backend discretion). Eager bool `json:"eager,omitempty"` }
PageCompilationCacheParams (experimental) Per-script compilation cache parameters for `Page.produceCompilationCache`
type PageCompilationCacheProduced ¶
type PageCompilationCacheProduced struct { // URL ... URL string `json:"url"` // Data Base64-encoded data Data []byte `json:"data"` }
PageCompilationCacheProduced (experimental) Issued for every compilation cache generated. Is only available if Page.setGenerateCompilationCache is enabled.
func (PageCompilationCacheProduced) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageCompilationCacheProduced) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageCrash ¶
type PageCrash struct { }
PageCrash (experimental) Crashes renderer on the IO thread, generates minidumps.
type PageCreateIsolatedWorld ¶
type PageCreateIsolatedWorld struct { // FrameID Id of the frame in which the isolated world should be created. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // WorldName (optional) An optional name which is reported in the Execution Context. WorldName string `json:"worldName,omitempty"` // GrantUniveralAccess (optional) Whether or not universal access should be granted to the isolated world. This is a powerful // option, use with caution. GrantUniveralAccess bool `json:"grantUniveralAccess,omitempty"` }
PageCreateIsolatedWorld Creates an isolated world for the given frame.
func (PageCreateIsolatedWorld) Call ¶
func (m PageCreateIsolatedWorld) Call(c Client) (*PageCreateIsolatedWorldResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageCreateIsolatedWorld) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageCreateIsolatedWorld) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageCreateIsolatedWorldResult ¶
type PageCreateIsolatedWorldResult struct { // ExecutionContextID Execution context of the isolated world. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId"` }
PageCreateIsolatedWorldResult ...
type PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType ¶
type PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType string
PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType (experimental) Indicates whether the frame is cross-origin isolated and why it is the case.
const ( // PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextTypeIsolated enum const PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextTypeIsolated PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType = "Isolated" // PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextTypeNotIsolated enum const PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextTypeNotIsolated PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType = "NotIsolated" // PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextTypeNotIsolatedFeatureDisabled enum const PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextTypeNotIsolatedFeatureDisabled PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType = "NotIsolatedFeatureDisabled" )
type PageDeleteCookie ¶
type PageDeleteCookie struct { // CookieName Name of the cookie to remove. CookieName string `json:"cookieName"` // URL URL to match cooke domain and path. URL string `json:"url"` }
PageDeleteCookie (deprecated) (experimental) Deletes browser cookie with given name, domain and path.
func (PageDeleteCookie) Call ¶
func (m PageDeleteCookie) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageDialogType ¶
type PageDialogType string
PageDialogType Javascript dialog type.
const ( // PageDialogTypeAlert enum const PageDialogTypeAlert PageDialogType = "alert" // PageDialogTypeConfirm enum const PageDialogTypeConfirm PageDialogType = "confirm" // PageDialogTypePrompt enum const PageDialogTypePrompt PageDialogType = "prompt" // PageDialogTypeBeforeunload enum const PageDialogTypeBeforeunload PageDialogType = "beforeunload" )
type PageDocumentOpened ¶
type PageDocumentOpened struct { // Frame Frame object. Frame *PageFrame `json:"frame"` }
PageDocumentOpened (experimental) Fired when opening document to write to.
func (PageDocumentOpened) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageDocumentOpened) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageDomContentEventFired ¶
type PageDomContentEventFired struct { // Timestamp ... Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` }
PageDomContentEventFired ...
func (PageDomContentEventFired) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageDomContentEventFired) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageDownloadProgress ¶
type PageDownloadProgress struct { // GUID Global unique identifier of the download. GUID string `json:"guid"` // TotalBytes Total expected bytes to download. TotalBytes float64 `json:"totalBytes"` // ReceivedBytes Total bytes received. ReceivedBytes float64 `json:"receivedBytes"` // State Download status. State PageDownloadProgressState `json:"state"` }
PageDownloadProgress (deprecated) (experimental) Fired when download makes progress. Last call has |done| == true. Deprecated. Use Browser.downloadProgress instead.
func (PageDownloadProgress) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageDownloadProgress) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageDownloadProgressState ¶
type PageDownloadProgressState string
PageDownloadProgressState enum
const ( // PageDownloadProgressStateInProgress enum const PageDownloadProgressStateInProgress PageDownloadProgressState = "inProgress" // PageDownloadProgressStateCompleted enum const PageDownloadProgressStateCompleted PageDownloadProgressState = "completed" // PageDownloadProgressStateCanceled enum const PageDownloadProgressStateCanceled PageDownloadProgressState = "canceled" )
type PageDownloadWillBegin ¶
type PageDownloadWillBegin struct { // FrameID Id of the frame that caused download to begin. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // GUID Global unique identifier of the download. GUID string `json:"guid"` // URL URL of the resource being downloaded. URL string `json:"url"` // SuggestedFilename Suggested file name of the resource (the actual name of the file saved on disk may differ). SuggestedFilename string `json:"suggestedFilename"` }
PageDownloadWillBegin (deprecated) (experimental) Fired when page is about to start a download. Deprecated. Use Browser.downloadWillBegin instead.
func (PageDownloadWillBegin) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageDownloadWillBegin) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFileChooserOpened ¶
type PageFileChooserOpened struct { // FrameID (experimental) Id of the frame containing input node. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // BackendNodeID (experimental) Input node id. BackendNodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"backendNodeId"` // Mode Input mode. Mode PageFileChooserOpenedMode `json:"mode"` }
PageFileChooserOpened Emitted only when `page.interceptFileChooser` is enabled.
func (PageFileChooserOpened) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFileChooserOpened) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFileChooserOpenedMode ¶
type PageFileChooserOpenedMode string
PageFileChooserOpenedMode enum
const ( // PageFileChooserOpenedModeSelectSingle enum const PageFileChooserOpenedModeSelectSingle PageFileChooserOpenedMode = "selectSingle" // PageFileChooserOpenedModeSelectMultiple enum const PageFileChooserOpenedModeSelectMultiple PageFileChooserOpenedMode = "selectMultiple" )
type PageFontFamilies ¶
type PageFontFamilies struct { // Standard (optional) The standard font-family. Standard string `json:"standard,omitempty"` // Fixed (optional) The fixed font-family. Fixed string `json:"fixed,omitempty"` // Serif (optional) The serif font-family. Serif string `json:"serif,omitempty"` // SansSerif (optional) The sansSerif font-family. SansSerif string `json:"sansSerif,omitempty"` // Cursive (optional) The cursive font-family. Cursive string `json:"cursive,omitempty"` // Fantasy (optional) The fantasy font-family. Fantasy string `json:"fantasy,omitempty"` // Math (optional) The math font-family. Math string `json:"math,omitempty"` }
PageFontFamilies (experimental) Generic font families collection.
type PageFontSizes ¶
type PageFontSizes struct { // Standard (optional) Default standard font size. Standard *int `json:"standard,omitempty"` // Fixed (optional) Default fixed font size. Fixed *int `json:"fixed,omitempty"` }
PageFontSizes (experimental) Default font sizes.
type PageFrame ¶
type PageFrame struct { // ID Frame unique identifier. ID PageFrameID `json:"id"` // ParentID (optional) Parent frame identifier. ParentID PageFrameID `json:"parentId,omitempty"` // LoaderID Identifier of the loader associated with this frame. LoaderID NetworkLoaderID `json:"loaderId"` // Name (optional) Frame's name as specified in the tag. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // URL Frame document's URL without fragment. URL string `json:"url"` // URLFragment (experimental) (optional) Frame document's URL fragment including the '#'. URLFragment string `json:"urlFragment,omitempty"` // DomainAndRegistry (experimental) Frame document's registered domain, taking the public suffixes list into account. // Extracted from the Frame's url. // Example URLs: -> "" // -> "" DomainAndRegistry string `json:"domainAndRegistry"` // SecurityOrigin Frame document's security origin. SecurityOrigin string `json:"securityOrigin"` // MIMEType Frame document's mimeType as determined by the browser. MIMEType string `json:"mimeType"` // UnreachableURL (experimental) (optional) If the frame failed to load, this contains the URL that could not be loaded. Note that unlike url above, this URL may contain a fragment. UnreachableURL string `json:"unreachableUrl,omitempty"` // AdFrameStatus (experimental) (optional) Indicates whether this frame was tagged as an ad and why. AdFrameStatus *PageAdFrameStatus `json:"adFrameStatus,omitempty"` // SecureContextType (experimental) Indicates whether the main document is a secure context and explains why that is the case. SecureContextType PageSecureContextType `json:"secureContextType"` // CrossOriginIsolatedContextType (experimental) Indicates whether this is a cross origin isolated context. CrossOriginIsolatedContextType PageCrossOriginIsolatedContextType `json:"crossOriginIsolatedContextType"` // GatedAPIFeatures (experimental) Indicated which gated APIs / features are available. GatedAPIFeatures []PageGatedAPIFeatures `json:"gatedAPIFeatures"` }
PageFrame Information about the Frame on the page.
type PageFrameAttached ¶
type PageFrameAttached struct { // FrameID Id of the frame that has been attached. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // ParentFrameID Parent frame identifier. ParentFrameID PageFrameID `json:"parentFrameId"` // Stack (optional) JavaScript stack trace of when frame was attached, only set if frame initiated from script. Stack *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stack,omitempty"` // AdScriptID (experimental) (optional) Identifies the bottom-most script which caused the frame to be labelled // as an ad. Only sent if frame is labelled as an ad and id is available. AdScriptID *PageAdScriptID `json:"adScriptId,omitempty"` }
PageFrameAttached Fired when frame has been attached to its parent.
func (PageFrameAttached) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameAttached) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation ¶
type PageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation struct { PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }FrameID
PageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation (deprecated) Fired when frame no longer has a scheduled navigation.
func (PageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameClearedScheduledNavigation) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameDetached ¶
type PageFrameDetached struct { // FrameID Id of the frame that has been detached. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Reason (experimental) ... Reason PageFrameDetachedReason `json:"reason"` }
PageFrameDetached Fired when frame has been detached from its parent.
func (PageFrameDetached) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameDetached) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameDetachedReason ¶
type PageFrameDetachedReason string
PageFrameDetachedReason enum
const ( // PageFrameDetachedReasonRemove enum const PageFrameDetachedReasonRemove PageFrameDetachedReason = "remove" // PageFrameDetachedReasonSwap enum const PageFrameDetachedReasonSwap PageFrameDetachedReason = "swap" )
type PageFrameNavigated ¶
type PageFrameNavigated struct { PageFrame `json:"frame"` Type PageNavigationType `json:"type"` }Frame *
PageFrameNavigated Fired once navigation of the frame has completed. Frame is now associated with the new loader.
func (PageFrameNavigated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameNavigated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameRequestedNavigation ¶
type PageFrameRequestedNavigation struct { PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` Reason PageClientNavigationReason `json:"reason"` URL string `json:"url"` Disposition PageClientNavigationDisposition `json:"disposition"` }FrameID
PageFrameRequestedNavigation (experimental) Fired when a renderer-initiated navigation is requested. Navigation may still be cancelled after the event is issued.
func (PageFrameRequestedNavigation) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameRequestedNavigation) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameResized ¶
type PageFrameResized struct { }
PageFrameResized (experimental) ...
func (PageFrameResized) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameResized) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameResource ¶
type PageFrameResource struct { // URL Resource URL. URL string `json:"url"` // Type Type of this resource. Type NetworkResourceType `json:"type"` // MIMEType Resource mimeType as determined by the browser. MIMEType string `json:"mimeType"` // LastModified (optional) last-modified timestamp as reported by server. LastModified TimeSinceEpoch `json:"lastModified,omitempty"` // ContentSize (optional) Resource content size. ContentSize *float64 `json:"contentSize,omitempty"` // Failed (optional) True if the resource failed to load. Failed bool `json:"failed,omitempty"` // Canceled (optional) True if the resource was canceled during loading. Canceled bool `json:"canceled,omitempty"` }
PageFrameResource (experimental) Information about the Resource on the page.
type PageFrameResourceTree ¶
type PageFrameResourceTree struct { // Frame Frame information for this tree item. Frame *PageFrame `json:"frame"` // ChildFrames (optional) Child frames. ChildFrames []*PageFrameResourceTree `json:"childFrames,omitempty"` // Resources Information about frame resources. Resources []*PageFrameResource `json:"resources"` }
PageFrameResourceTree (experimental) Information about the Frame hierarchy along with their cached resources.
type PageFrameScheduledNavigation ¶
type PageFrameScheduledNavigation struct { PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // guaranteed to start. Delay float64 `json:"delay"` Reason PageClientNavigationReason `json:"reason"` URL string `json:"url"` }FrameID
PageFrameScheduledNavigation (deprecated) Fired when frame schedules a potential navigation.
func (PageFrameScheduledNavigation) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameScheduledNavigation) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameStartedLoading ¶
type PageFrameStartedLoading struct { // FrameID Id of the frame that has started loading. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
PageFrameStartedLoading (experimental) Fired when frame has started loading.
func (PageFrameStartedLoading) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameStartedLoading) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameStoppedLoading ¶
type PageFrameStoppedLoading struct { // FrameID Id of the frame that has stopped loading. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
PageFrameStoppedLoading (experimental) Fired when frame has stopped loading.
func (PageFrameStoppedLoading) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageFrameStoppedLoading) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageFrameTree ¶
type PageFrameTree struct { // Frame Frame information for this tree item. Frame *PageFrame `json:"frame"` // ChildFrames (optional) Child frames. ChildFrames []*PageFrameTree `json:"childFrames,omitempty"` }
PageFrameTree Information about the Frame hierarchy.
type PageGatedAPIFeatures ¶
type PageGatedAPIFeatures string
PageGatedAPIFeatures (experimental) ...
const ( PageGatedAPIFeatures = "SharedArrayBuffers" PageGatedAPIFeaturesSharedArrayBuffersTransferAllowed PageGatedAPIFeatures = "SharedArrayBuffersTransferAllowed" // PageGatedAPIFeaturesPerformanceMeasureMemory enum const PageGatedAPIFeaturesPerformanceMeasureMemory PageGatedAPIFeatures = "PerformanceMeasureMemory" // PageGatedAPIFeaturesPerformanceProfile enum const PageGatedAPIFeaturesPerformanceProfile PageGatedAPIFeatures = "PerformanceProfile" )PageGatedAPIFeaturesSharedArrayBuffers
type PageGenerateTestReport ¶
type PageGenerateTestReport struct { // Message Message to be displayed in the report. Message string `json:"message"` // Group (optional) Specifies the endpoint group to deliver the report to. Group string `json:"group,omitempty"` }
PageGenerateTestReport (experimental) Generates a report for testing.
func (PageGenerateTestReport) Call ¶
func (m PageGenerateTestReport) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageGenerateTestReport) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageGenerateTestReport) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageGetAppID ¶
type PageGetAppID struct { }
PageGetAppID (experimental) Returns the unique (PWA) app id. Only returns values if the feature flag 'WebAppEnableManifestId' is enabled
func (PageGetAppID) Call ¶
func (m PageGetAppID) Call(c Client) (*PageGetAppIDResult, error)
Call the request
type PageGetAppIDResult ¶
type PageGetAppIDResult struct { // AppID (optional) App id, either from manifest's id attribute or computed from start_url AppID string `json:"appId,omitempty"` // RecommendedID (optional) Recommendation for manifest's id attribute to match current id computed from start_url RecommendedID string `json:"recommendedId,omitempty"` }
PageGetAppIDResult (experimental) ...
type PageGetAppManifest ¶
type PageGetAppManifest struct { }
PageGetAppManifest ...
func (PageGetAppManifest) Call ¶
func (m PageGetAppManifest) Call(c Client) (*PageGetAppManifestResult, error)
Call the request
type PageGetAppManifestResult ¶
type PageGetAppManifestResult struct { // URL Manifest location. URL string `json:"url"` // Errors ... Errors []*PageAppManifestError `json:"errors"` // Data (optional) Manifest content. Data string `json:"data,omitempty"` // Parsed (experimental) (optional) Parsed manifest properties Parsed *PageAppManifestParsedProperties `json:"parsed,omitempty"` }
PageGetAppManifestResult ...
type PageGetCookies ¶
type PageGetCookies struct { }
PageGetCookies (deprecated) (experimental) Returns all browser cookies. Depending on the backend support, will return detailed cookie information in the `cookies` field.
func (PageGetCookies) Call ¶
func (m PageGetCookies) Call(c Client) (*PageGetCookiesResult, error)
Call the request
type PageGetCookiesResult ¶
type PageGetCookiesResult struct { // Cookies Array of cookie objects. Cookies []*NetworkCookie `json:"cookies"` }
PageGetCookiesResult (deprecated) (experimental) ...
type PageGetFrameTree ¶
type PageGetFrameTree struct { }
PageGetFrameTree Returns present frame tree structure.
func (PageGetFrameTree) Call ¶
func (m PageGetFrameTree) Call(c Client) (*PageGetFrameTreeResult, error)
Call the request
type PageGetFrameTreeResult ¶
type PageGetFrameTreeResult struct { // FrameTree Present frame tree structure. FrameTree *PageFrameTree `json:"frameTree"` }
PageGetFrameTreeResult ...
type PageGetInstallabilityErrors ¶
type PageGetInstallabilityErrors struct { }
PageGetInstallabilityErrors (experimental) ...
func (PageGetInstallabilityErrors) Call ¶
func (m PageGetInstallabilityErrors) Call(c Client) (*PageGetInstallabilityErrorsResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageGetInstallabilityErrors) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageGetInstallabilityErrors) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageGetInstallabilityErrorsResult ¶
type PageGetInstallabilityErrorsResult struct { // InstallabilityErrors ... InstallabilityErrors []*PageInstallabilityError `json:"installabilityErrors"` }
PageGetInstallabilityErrorsResult (experimental) ...
type PageGetLayoutMetrics ¶
type PageGetLayoutMetrics struct { }
PageGetLayoutMetrics Returns metrics relating to the layouting of the page, such as viewport bounds/scale.
func (PageGetLayoutMetrics) Call ¶
func (m PageGetLayoutMetrics) Call(c Client) (*PageGetLayoutMetricsResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageGetLayoutMetrics) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageGetLayoutMetrics) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageGetLayoutMetricsResult ¶
type PageGetLayoutMetricsResult struct { // LayoutViewport (deprecated) Deprecated metrics relating to the layout viewport. Is in device pixels. Use `cssLayoutViewport` instead. LayoutViewport *PageLayoutViewport `json:"layoutViewport"` // VisualViewport (deprecated) Deprecated metrics relating to the visual viewport. Is in device pixels. Use `cssVisualViewport` instead. VisualViewport *PageVisualViewport `json:"visualViewport"` // ContentSize (deprecated) Deprecated size of scrollable area. Is in DP. Use `cssContentSize` instead. ContentSize *DOMRect `json:"contentSize"` // CSSLayoutViewport Metrics relating to the layout viewport in CSS pixels. CSSLayoutViewport *PageLayoutViewport `json:"cssLayoutViewport"` // CSSVisualViewport Metrics relating to the visual viewport in CSS pixels. CSSVisualViewport *PageVisualViewport `json:"cssVisualViewport"` // CSSContentSize Size of scrollable area in CSS pixels. CSSContentSize *DOMRect `json:"cssContentSize"` }
PageGetLayoutMetricsResult ...
type PageGetManifestIcons ¶
type PageGetManifestIcons struct { }
PageGetManifestIcons (experimental) ...
func (PageGetManifestIcons) Call ¶
func (m PageGetManifestIcons) Call(c Client) (*PageGetManifestIconsResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageGetManifestIcons) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageGetManifestIcons) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageGetManifestIconsResult ¶
type PageGetManifestIconsResult struct { // PrimaryIcon (optional) ... PrimaryIcon []byte `json:"primaryIcon,omitempty"` }
PageGetManifestIconsResult (experimental) ...
type PageGetNavigationHistory ¶
type PageGetNavigationHistory struct { }
PageGetNavigationHistory Returns navigation history for the current page.
func (PageGetNavigationHistory) Call ¶
func (m PageGetNavigationHistory) Call(c Client) (*PageGetNavigationHistoryResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageGetNavigationHistory) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageGetNavigationHistory) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageGetNavigationHistoryResult ¶
type PageGetNavigationHistoryResult struct { int `json:"currentIndex"` Entries []*PageNavigationEntry `json:"entries"` }CurrentIndex
PageGetNavigationHistoryResult ...
type PageGetOriginTrials ¶
type PageGetOriginTrials struct { // FrameID ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
PageGetOriginTrials (experimental) Get Origin Trials on given frame.
func (PageGetOriginTrials) Call ¶
func (m PageGetOriginTrials) Call(c Client) (*PageGetOriginTrialsResult, error)
Call the request
type PageGetOriginTrialsResult ¶
type PageGetOriginTrialsResult struct { // OriginTrials ... OriginTrials []*PageOriginTrial `json:"originTrials"` }
PageGetOriginTrialsResult (experimental) ...
type PageGetPermissionsPolicyState ¶
type PageGetPermissionsPolicyState struct { // FrameID ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
PageGetPermissionsPolicyState (experimental) Get Permissions Policy state on given frame.
func (PageGetPermissionsPolicyState) Call ¶
func (m PageGetPermissionsPolicyState) Call(c Client) (*PageGetPermissionsPolicyStateResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageGetPermissionsPolicyState) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageGetPermissionsPolicyState) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageGetPermissionsPolicyStateResult ¶
type PageGetPermissionsPolicyStateResult struct { // States ... States []*PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureState `json:"states"` }
PageGetPermissionsPolicyStateResult (experimental) ...
type PageGetResourceContent ¶
type PageGetResourceContent struct { // FrameID Frame id to get resource for. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // URL URL of the resource to get content for. URL string `json:"url"` }
PageGetResourceContent (experimental) Returns content of the given resource.
func (PageGetResourceContent) Call ¶
func (m PageGetResourceContent) Call(c Client) (*PageGetResourceContentResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageGetResourceContent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageGetResourceContent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageGetResourceContentResult ¶
type PageGetResourceContentResult struct { // Content Resource content. Content string `json:"content"` // Base64Encoded True, if content was served as base64. Base64Encoded bool `json:"base64Encoded"` }
PageGetResourceContentResult (experimental) ...
type PageGetResourceTree ¶
type PageGetResourceTree struct { }
PageGetResourceTree (experimental) Returns present frame / resource tree structure.
func (PageGetResourceTree) Call ¶
func (m PageGetResourceTree) Call(c Client) (*PageGetResourceTreeResult, error)
Call the request
type PageGetResourceTreeResult ¶
type PageGetResourceTreeResult struct { // FrameTree Present frame / resource tree structure. FrameTree *PageFrameResourceTree `json:"frameTree"` }
PageGetResourceTreeResult (experimental) ...
type PageHandleJavaScriptDialog ¶
type PageHandleJavaScriptDialog struct { // Accept Whether to accept or dismiss the dialog. Accept bool `json:"accept"` // PromptText (optional) The text to enter into the dialog prompt before accepting. Used only if this is a prompt // dialog. PromptText string `json:"promptText,omitempty"` }
PageHandleJavaScriptDialog Accepts or dismisses a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload).
func (PageHandleJavaScriptDialog) Call ¶
func (m PageHandleJavaScriptDialog) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageHandleJavaScriptDialog) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageHandleJavaScriptDialog) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageInstallabilityError ¶
type PageInstallabilityError struct { // ErrorID The error id (e.g. 'manifest-missing-suitable-icon'). ErrorID string `json:"errorId"` // ErrorArguments The list of error arguments (e.g. {name:'minimum-icon-size-in-pixels', value:'64'}). ErrorArguments []*PageInstallabilityErrorArgument `json:"errorArguments"` }
PageInstallabilityError (experimental) The installability error
type PageInstallabilityErrorArgument ¶
type PageInstallabilityErrorArgument struct { // Name Argument name (e.g. name:'minimum-icon-size-in-pixels'). Name string `json:"name"` // Value Argument value (e.g. value:'64'). Value string `json:"value"` }
PageInstallabilityErrorArgument (experimental) ...
type PageInterstitialHidden ¶
type PageInterstitialHidden struct { }
PageInterstitialHidden Fired when interstitial page was hidden
func (PageInterstitialHidden) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageInterstitialHidden) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageInterstitialShown ¶
type PageInterstitialShown struct { }
PageInterstitialShown Fired when interstitial page was shown
func (PageInterstitialShown) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageInterstitialShown) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageJavascriptDialogClosed ¶
type PageJavascriptDialogClosed struct { // Result Whether dialog was confirmed. Result bool `json:"result"` // UserInput User input in case of prompt. UserInput string `json:"userInput"` }
PageJavascriptDialogClosed Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) has been closed.
func (PageJavascriptDialogClosed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageJavascriptDialogClosed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageJavascriptDialogOpening ¶
type PageJavascriptDialogOpening struct { // URL Frame url. URL string `json:"url"` // Message Message that will be displayed by the dialog. Message string `json:"message"` // Type Dialog type. Type PageDialogType `json:"type"` // HasBrowserHandler True iff browser is capable showing or acting on the given dialog. When browser has no // dialog handler for given target, calling alert while Page domain is engaged will stall // the page execution. Execution can be resumed via calling Page.handleJavaScriptDialog. HasBrowserHandler bool `json:"hasBrowserHandler"` // DefaultPrompt (optional) Default dialog prompt. DefaultPrompt string `json:"defaultPrompt,omitempty"` }
PageJavascriptDialogOpening Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) is about to open.
func (PageJavascriptDialogOpening) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageJavascriptDialogOpening) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageLayoutViewport ¶
type PageLayoutViewport struct { // PageX Horizontal offset relative to the document (CSS pixels). PageX int `json:"pageX"` // PageY Vertical offset relative to the document (CSS pixels). PageY int `json:"pageY"` // ClientWidth Width (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present. ClientWidth int `json:"clientWidth"` // ClientHeight Height (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present. ClientHeight int `json:"clientHeight"` }
PageLayoutViewport Layout viewport position and dimensions.
type PageLifecycleEvent ¶
type PageLifecycleEvent struct { // FrameID Id of the frame. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // LoaderID Loader identifier. Empty string if the request is fetched from worker. LoaderID NetworkLoaderID `json:"loaderId"` // Name ... Name PageLifecycleEventName `json:"name"` // Timestamp ... Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` }
PageLifecycleEvent Fired for top level page lifecycle events such as navigation, load, paint, etc.
func (PageLifecycleEvent) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageLifecycleEvent) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageLifecycleEventName ¶
type PageLifecycleEventName string
PageLifecycleEventName enum
const ( // PageLifecycleEventNameInit enum const PageLifecycleEventNameInit PageLifecycleEventName = "init" // PageLifecycleEventNameFirstPaint enum const PageLifecycleEventNameFirstPaint PageLifecycleEventName = "firstPaint" // PageLifecycleEventNameFirstContentfulPaint enum const PageLifecycleEventNameFirstContentfulPaint PageLifecycleEventName = "firstContentfulPaint" // PageLifecycleEventNameFirstImagePaint enum const PageLifecycleEventNameFirstImagePaint PageLifecycleEventName = "firstImagePaint" // PageLifecycleEventNameFirstMeaningfulPaintCandidate enum const PageLifecycleEventNameFirstMeaningfulPaintCandidate PageLifecycleEventName = "firstMeaningfulPaintCandidate" // PageLifecycleEventNameDOMContentLoaded enum const PageLifecycleEventNameDOMContentLoaded PageLifecycleEventName = "DOMContentLoaded" // PageLifecycleEventNameLoad enum const PageLifecycleEventNameLoad PageLifecycleEventName = "load" // PageLifecycleEventNameNetworkAlmostIdle enum const PageLifecycleEventNameNetworkAlmostIdle PageLifecycleEventName = "networkAlmostIdle" // PageLifecycleEventNameFirstMeaningfulPaint enum const PageLifecycleEventNameFirstMeaningfulPaint PageLifecycleEventName = "firstMeaningfulPaint" // PageLifecycleEventNameNetworkIdle enum const PageLifecycleEventNameNetworkIdle PageLifecycleEventName = "networkIdle" )
type PageLoadEventFired ¶
type PageLoadEventFired struct { // Timestamp ... Timestamp MonotonicTime `json:"timestamp"` }
PageLoadEventFired ...
func (PageLoadEventFired) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageLoadEventFired) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageNavigate ¶
type PageNavigate struct { string `json:"url"` Referrer string `json:"referrer,omitempty"` TransitionType PageTransitionType `json:"transitionType,omitempty"` FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId,omitempty"` ReferrerPolicy PageReferrerPolicy `json:"referrerPolicy,omitempty"` }URL
PageNavigate Navigates current page to the given URL.
func (PageNavigate) Call ¶
func (m PageNavigate) Call(c Client) (*PageNavigateResult, error)
Call the request
type PageNavigateResult ¶
type PageNavigateResult struct { PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // as the previously committed loaderId would not change. LoaderID NetworkLoaderID `json:"loaderId,omitempty"` ErrorText string `json:"errorText,omitempty"` }FrameID
PageNavigateResult ...
type PageNavigateToHistoryEntry ¶
type PageNavigateToHistoryEntry struct { int `json:"entryId"` }EntryID
PageNavigateToHistoryEntry Navigates current page to the given history entry.
func (PageNavigateToHistoryEntry) Call ¶
func (m PageNavigateToHistoryEntry) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageNavigateToHistoryEntry) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageNavigateToHistoryEntry) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageNavigatedWithinDocument ¶
type PageNavigatedWithinDocument struct { PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` URL string `json:"url"` }FrameID
PageNavigatedWithinDocument (experimental) Fired when same-document navigation happens, e.g. due to history API usage or anchor navigation.
func (PageNavigatedWithinDocument) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageNavigatedWithinDocument) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageNavigationEntry ¶
type PageNavigationEntry struct { int `json:"id"` URL string `json:"url"` UserTypedURL string `json:"userTypedURL"` Title string `json:"title"` TransitionType PageTransitionType `json:"transitionType"` }ID
PageNavigationEntry Navigation history entry.
type PageNavigationType ¶
type PageNavigationType string
PageNavigationType (experimental) The type of a frameNavigated event.
const ( PageNavigationType = "Navigation" PageNavigationTypeBackForwardCacheRestore PageNavigationType = "BackForwardCacheRestore" )PageNavigationTypeNavigation
type PageOriginTrial ¶
type PageOriginTrial struct { // TrialName ... TrialName string `json:"trialName"` // Status ... Status PageOriginTrialStatus `json:"status"` // TokensWithStatus ... TokensWithStatus []*PageOriginTrialTokenWithStatus `json:"tokensWithStatus"` }
PageOriginTrial (experimental) ...
type PageOriginTrialStatus ¶
type PageOriginTrialStatus string
PageOriginTrialStatus (experimental) Status for an Origin Trial.
const ( // PageOriginTrialStatusEnabled enum const PageOriginTrialStatusEnabled PageOriginTrialStatus = "Enabled" // PageOriginTrialStatusValidTokenNotProvided enum const PageOriginTrialStatusValidTokenNotProvided PageOriginTrialStatus = "ValidTokenNotProvided" // PageOriginTrialStatusOSNotSupported enum const PageOriginTrialStatusOSNotSupported PageOriginTrialStatus = "OSNotSupported" // PageOriginTrialStatusTrialNotAllowed enum const PageOriginTrialStatusTrialNotAllowed PageOriginTrialStatus = "TrialNotAllowed" )
type PageOriginTrialToken ¶
type PageOriginTrialToken struct { // Origin ... Origin string `json:"origin"` // MatchSubDomains ... MatchSubDomains bool `json:"matchSubDomains"` // TrialName ... TrialName string `json:"trialName"` // ExpiryTime ... ExpiryTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"expiryTime"` // IsThirdParty ... IsThirdParty bool `json:"isThirdParty"` // UsageRestriction ... UsageRestriction PageOriginTrialUsageRestriction `json:"usageRestriction"` }
PageOriginTrialToken (experimental) ...
type PageOriginTrialTokenStatus ¶
type PageOriginTrialTokenStatus string
PageOriginTrialTokenStatus (experimental) Origin Trial( support. Status for an Origin Trial token.
const ( // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusSuccess enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusSuccess PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "Success" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusNotSupported enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusNotSupported PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "NotSupported" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusInsecure enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusInsecure PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "Insecure" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusExpired enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusExpired PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "Expired" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusWrongOrigin enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusWrongOrigin PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "WrongOrigin" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusInvalidSignature enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusInvalidSignature PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "InvalidSignature" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusMalformed enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusMalformed PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "Malformed" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusWrongVersion enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusWrongVersion PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "WrongVersion" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusFeatureDisabled enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusFeatureDisabled PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "FeatureDisabled" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusTokenDisabled enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusTokenDisabled PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "TokenDisabled" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusFeatureDisabledForUser enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusFeatureDisabledForUser PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "FeatureDisabledForUser" // PageOriginTrialTokenStatusUnknownTrial enum const PageOriginTrialTokenStatusUnknownTrial PageOriginTrialTokenStatus = "UnknownTrial" )
type PageOriginTrialTokenWithStatus ¶
type PageOriginTrialTokenWithStatus struct { // RawTokenText ... RawTokenText string `json:"rawTokenText"` // ParsedToken (optional) `parsedToken` is present only when the token is extractable and // parsable. ParsedToken *PageOriginTrialToken `json:"parsedToken,omitempty"` // Status ... Status PageOriginTrialTokenStatus `json:"status"` }
PageOriginTrialTokenWithStatus (experimental) ...
type PageOriginTrialUsageRestriction ¶
type PageOriginTrialUsageRestriction string
PageOriginTrialUsageRestriction (experimental) ...
const ( // PageOriginTrialUsageRestrictionNone enum const PageOriginTrialUsageRestrictionNone PageOriginTrialUsageRestriction = "None" // PageOriginTrialUsageRestrictionSubset enum const PageOriginTrialUsageRestrictionSubset PageOriginTrialUsageRestriction = "Subset" )
type PagePermissionsPolicyBlockLocator ¶
type PagePermissionsPolicyBlockLocator struct { // FrameID ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // BlockReason ... BlockReason PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason `json:"blockReason"` }
PagePermissionsPolicyBlockLocator (experimental) ...
type PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason ¶
type PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason string
PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason (experimental) Reason for a permissions policy feature to be disabled.
const ( // PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReasonHeader enum const PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReasonHeader PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason = "Header" // PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReasonIframeAttribute enum const PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReasonIframeAttribute PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason = "IframeAttribute" // PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReasonInFencedFrameTree enum const PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReasonInFencedFrameTree PagePermissionsPolicyBlockReason = "InFencedFrameTree" )
type PagePermissionsPolicyFeature ¶
type PagePermissionsPolicyFeature string
PagePermissionsPolicyFeature (experimental) All Permissions Policy features. This enum should match the one defined in third_party/blink/renderer/core/permissions_policy/permissions_policy_features.json5.
const ( // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAccelerometer enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAccelerometer PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "accelerometer" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAmbientLightSensor enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAmbientLightSensor PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ambient-light-sensor" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAttributionReporting enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAttributionReporting PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "attribution-reporting" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAutoplay enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureAutoplay PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "autoplay" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureBluetooth enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureBluetooth PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "bluetooth" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureBrowsingTopics enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureBrowsingTopics PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "browsing-topics" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureCamera enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureCamera PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "camera" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChDpr enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChDpr PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-dpr" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChDeviceMemory enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChDeviceMemory PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-device-memory" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChDownlink enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChDownlink PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-downlink" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChEct enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChEct PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-etc" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChPrefersColorScheme enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChPrefersColorScheme PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-prefers-color-scheme" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChRtt enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChRtt PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-rtt" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChSaveData enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChSaveData PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-save-data" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUa enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUa PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaArch enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaArch PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-arch" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaBitness enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaBitness PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-bitness" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaPlatform enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaPlatform PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-platform" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaModel enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaModel PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-model" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaMobile enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaMobile PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-mobile" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaFull enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaFull PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-full" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaFullVersion enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaFullVersion PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-full-version" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaFullVersionList enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaFullVersionList PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-full-version-list" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaPlatformVersion enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaPlatformVersion PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-platform-version" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaReduced enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaReduced PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-reduced" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaWow64 enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChUaWow64 PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-ua-wow64" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChViewportHeight enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChViewportHeight PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-viewport-height" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChViewportWidth enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChViewportWidth PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-viewport-width" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChWidth enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureChWidth PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "ch-width" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureClipboardRead enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureClipboardRead PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "clipboard-read" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureClipboardWrite enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureClipboardWrite PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "clipboard-write" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureCrossOriginIsolated enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureCrossOriginIsolated PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "cross-origin-isolated" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureDirectSockets enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureDirectSockets PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "direct-sockets" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureDisplayCapture enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureDisplayCapture PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "display-capture" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureDocumentDomain enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureDocumentDomain PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "document-domain" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureEncryptedMedia enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureEncryptedMedia PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "encrypted-media" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureExecutionWhileOutOfViewport enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureExecutionWhileOutOfViewport PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "execution-while-out-of-viewport" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureExecutionWhileNotRendered enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureExecutionWhileNotRendered PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "execution-while-not-rendered" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureFocusWithoutUserActivation enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureFocusWithoutUserActivation PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "focus-without-user-activation" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureFullscreen enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureFullscreen PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "fullscreen" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureFrobulate enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureFrobulate PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "frobulate" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureGamepad enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureGamepad PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "gamepad" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureGeolocation enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureGeolocation PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "geolocation" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureGyroscope enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureGyroscope PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "gyroscope" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureHid enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureHid PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "hid" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureIdleDetection enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureIdleDetection PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "idle-detection" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureInterestCohort enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureInterestCohort PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "interest-cohort" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureJoinAdInterestGroup enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureJoinAdInterestGroup PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "join-ad-interest-group" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureKeyboardMap enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureKeyboardMap PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "keyboard-map" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureLocalFonts enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureLocalFonts PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "local-fonts" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureMagnetometer enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureMagnetometer PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "magnetometer" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureMicrophone enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureMicrophone PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "microphone" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureMidi enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureMidi PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "midi" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureOtpCredentials enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureOtpCredentials PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "otp-credentials" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeaturePayment enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeaturePayment PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "payment" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeaturePictureInPicture enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeaturePictureInPicture PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "picture-in-picture" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeaturePublickeyCredentialsGet enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeaturePublickeyCredentialsGet PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "publickey-credentials-get" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureRunAdAuction enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureRunAdAuction PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "run-ad-auction" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureScreenWakeLock enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureScreenWakeLock PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "screen-wake-lock" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureSerial enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureSerial PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "serial" PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureSharedAutofill PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "shared-autofill" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureStorageAccessAPI enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureStorageAccessAPI PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "storage-access-api" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureSyncXhr enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureSyncXhr PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "sync-xhr" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureTrustTokenRedemption enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureTrustTokenRedemption PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "trust-token-redemption" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureUsb enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureUsb PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "usb" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureVerticalScroll enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureVerticalScroll PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "vertical-scroll" PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureWebShare PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "web-share" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureWindowPlacement enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureWindowPlacement PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "window-placement" // PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureXrSpatialTracking enum const PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureXrSpatialTracking PagePermissionsPolicyFeature = "xr-spatial-tracking" )
type PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureState ¶
type PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureState struct { // Feature ... Feature PagePermissionsPolicyFeature `json:"feature"` // Allowed ... Allowed bool `json:"allowed"` // Locator (optional) ... Locator *PagePermissionsPolicyBlockLocator `json:"locator,omitempty"` }
PagePermissionsPolicyFeatureState (experimental) ...
type PagePrerenderAttemptCompleted ¶
type PagePrerenderAttemptCompleted struct { // InitiatingFrameID The frame id of the frame initiating prerendering. InitiatingFrameID PageFrameID `json:"initiatingFrameId"` // PrerenderingURL ... PrerenderingURL string `json:"prerenderingUrl"` // FinalStatus ... FinalStatus PagePrerenderFinalStatus `json:"finalStatus"` }
PagePrerenderAttemptCompleted Fired when a prerender attempt is completed.
func (PagePrerenderAttemptCompleted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PagePrerenderAttemptCompleted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PagePrerenderFinalStatus ¶
type PagePrerenderFinalStatus string
PagePrerenderFinalStatus List of FinalStatus reasons for Prerender2.
const ( // PagePrerenderFinalStatusActivated enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusActivated PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "Activated" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusDestroyed enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusDestroyed PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "Destroyed" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusLowEndDevice enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusLowEndDevice PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "LowEndDevice" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusCrossOriginRedirect enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusCrossOriginRedirect PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "CrossOriginRedirect" PagePrerenderFinalStatusCrossOriginNavigation PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "CrossOriginNavigation" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusInvalidSchemeRedirect enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusInvalidSchemeRedirect PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "InvalidSchemeRedirect" PagePrerenderFinalStatusInvalidSchemeNavigation PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "InvalidSchemeNavigation" PagePrerenderFinalStatusInProgressNavigation PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "InProgressNavigation" PagePrerenderFinalStatusNavigationRequestBlockedByCsp PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "NavigationRequestBlockedByCsp" PagePrerenderFinalStatusMainFrameNavigation PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "MainFrameNavigation" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusMojoBinderPolicy enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusMojoBinderPolicy PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "MojoBinderPolicy" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusRendererProcessCrashed enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusRendererProcessCrashed PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "RendererProcessCrashed" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusRendererProcessKilled enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusRendererProcessKilled PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "RendererProcessKilled" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusDownload enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusDownload PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "Download" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusTriggerDestroyed enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusTriggerDestroyed PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "TriggerDestroyed" PagePrerenderFinalStatusNavigationNotCommitted PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "NavigationNotCommitted" PagePrerenderFinalStatusNavigationBadHTTPStatus PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "NavigationBadHttpStatus" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusClientCertRequested enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusClientCertRequested PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "ClientCertRequested" PagePrerenderFinalStatusNavigationRequestNetworkError PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "NavigationRequestNetworkError" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusMaxNumOfRunningPrerendersExceeded enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusMaxNumOfRunningPrerendersExceeded PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "MaxNumOfRunningPrerendersExceeded" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusCancelAllHostsForTesting enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusCancelAllHostsForTesting PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "CancelAllHostsForTesting" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusDidFailLoad enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusDidFailLoad PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "DidFailLoad" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusStop enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusStop PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "Stop" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusSslCertificateError enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusSslCertificateError PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "SslCertificateError" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusLoginAuthRequested enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusLoginAuthRequested PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "LoginAuthRequested" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusUaChangeRequiresReload enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusUaChangeRequiresReload PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "UaChangeRequiresReload" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusBlockedByClient enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusBlockedByClient PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "BlockedByClient" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusAudioOutputDeviceRequested enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusAudioOutputDeviceRequested PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "AudioOutputDeviceRequested" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusMixedContent enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusMixedContent PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "MixedContent" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusTriggerBackgrounded enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusTriggerBackgrounded PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "TriggerBackgrounded" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusEmbedderTriggeredAndSameOriginRedirected enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusEmbedderTriggeredAndSameOriginRedirected PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "EmbedderTriggeredAndSameOriginRedirected" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusEmbedderTriggeredAndCrossOriginRedirected enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusEmbedderTriggeredAndCrossOriginRedirected PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "EmbedderTriggeredAndCrossOriginRedirected" // PagePrerenderFinalStatusEmbedderTriggeredAndDestroyed enum const PagePrerenderFinalStatusEmbedderTriggeredAndDestroyed PagePrerenderFinalStatus = "EmbedderTriggeredAndDestroyed" )
type PagePrintToPDF ¶
type PagePrintToPDF struct { // Landscape (optional) Paper orientation. Defaults to false. Landscape bool `json:"landscape,omitempty"` DisplayHeaderFooter bool `json:"displayHeaderFooter,omitempty"` // PrintBackground (optional) Print background graphics. Defaults to false. PrintBackground bool `json:"printBackground,omitempty"` // Scale (optional) Scale of the webpage rendering. Defaults to 1. Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` // PaperWidth (optional) Paper width in inches. Defaults to 8.5 inches. PaperWidth *float64 `json:"paperWidth,omitempty"` // PaperHeight (optional) Paper height in inches. Defaults to 11 inches. PaperHeight *float64 `json:"paperHeight,omitempty"` // MarginTop (optional) Top margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). MarginTop *float64 `json:"marginTop,omitempty"` // MarginBottom (optional) Bottom margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). MarginBottom *float64 `json:"marginBottom,omitempty"` // MarginLeft (optional) Left margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). MarginLeft *float64 `json:"marginLeft,omitempty"` // MarginRight (optional) Right margin in inches. Defaults to 1cm (~0.4 inches). MarginRight *float64 `json:"marginRight,omitempty"` // PageRanges (optional) Paper ranges to print, one based, e.g., '1-5, 8, 11-13'. Pages are // printed in the document order, not in the order specified, and no // more than once. // Defaults to empty string, which implies the entire document is printed. // The page numbers are quietly capped to actual page count of the // document, and ranges beyond the end of the document are ignored. // If this results in no pages to print, an error is reported. // It is an error to specify a range with start greater than end. PageRanges string `json:"pageRanges,omitempty"` // HeaderTemplate (optional) HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following // classes used to inject printing values into them: // - `date`: formatted print date // - `title`: document title // - `url`: document location // - `pageNumber`: current page number // - `totalPages`: total pages in the document // // For example, `<span class=title></span>` would generate span containing the title. HeaderTemplate string `json:"headerTemplate,omitempty"` FooterTemplate string `json:"footerTemplate,omitempty"` // PreferCSSPageSize (optional) Whether or not to prefer page size as defined by css. Defaults to false, // in which case the content will be scaled to fit the paper size. PreferCSSPageSize bool `json:"preferCSSPageSize,omitempty"` // TransferMode (experimental) (optional) return as stream TransferMode PagePrintToPDFTransferMode `json:"transferMode,omitempty"` }
PagePrintToPDF Print page as PDF.
func (PagePrintToPDF) Call ¶
func (m PagePrintToPDF) Call(c Client) (*PagePrintToPDFResult, error)
Call the request
type PagePrintToPDFResult ¶
type PagePrintToPDFResult struct { // Data Base64-encoded pdf data. Empty if |returnAsStream| is specified. Data []byte `json:"data"` // Stream (experimental) (optional) A handle of the stream that holds resulting PDF data. Stream IOStreamHandle `json:"stream,omitempty"` }
PagePrintToPDFResult ...
type PagePrintToPDFTransferMode ¶
type PagePrintToPDFTransferMode string
PagePrintToPDFTransferMode enum
const ( // PagePrintToPDFTransferModeReturnAsBase64 enum const PagePrintToPDFTransferModeReturnAsBase64 PagePrintToPDFTransferMode = "ReturnAsBase64" // PagePrintToPDFTransferModeReturnAsStream enum const PagePrintToPDFTransferModeReturnAsStream PagePrintToPDFTransferMode = "ReturnAsStream" )
type PageProduceCompilationCache ¶
type PageProduceCompilationCache struct { // Scripts ... Scripts []*PageCompilationCacheParams `json:"scripts"` }
PageProduceCompilationCache (experimental) Requests backend to produce compilation cache for the specified scripts. `scripts` are appeneded to the list of scripts for which the cache would be produced. The list may be reset during page navigation. When script with a matching URL is encountered, the cache is optionally produced upon backend discretion, based on internal heuristics. See also: `Page.compilationCacheProduced`.
func (PageProduceCompilationCache) Call ¶
func (m PageProduceCompilationCache) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageProduceCompilationCache) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageProduceCompilationCache) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageReferrerPolicy ¶
type PageReferrerPolicy string
PageReferrerPolicy (experimental) The referring-policy used for the navigation.
const ( // PageReferrerPolicyNoReferrer enum const PageReferrerPolicyNoReferrer PageReferrerPolicy = "noReferrer" // PageReferrerPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade enum const PageReferrerPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade PageReferrerPolicy = "noReferrerWhenDowngrade" // PageReferrerPolicyOrigin enum const PageReferrerPolicyOrigin PageReferrerPolicy = "origin" // PageReferrerPolicyOriginWhenCrossOrigin enum const PageReferrerPolicyOriginWhenCrossOrigin PageReferrerPolicy = "originWhenCrossOrigin" // PageReferrerPolicySameOrigin enum const PageReferrerPolicySameOrigin PageReferrerPolicy = "sameOrigin" // PageReferrerPolicyStrictOrigin enum const PageReferrerPolicyStrictOrigin PageReferrerPolicy = "strictOrigin" // PageReferrerPolicyStrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin enum const PageReferrerPolicyStrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin PageReferrerPolicy = "strictOriginWhenCrossOrigin" // PageReferrerPolicyUnsafeURL enum const PageReferrerPolicyUnsafeURL PageReferrerPolicy = "unsafeUrl" )
type PageReload ¶
type PageReload struct { // IgnoreCache (optional) If true, browser cache is ignored (as if the user pressed Shift+refresh). IgnoreCache bool `json:"ignoreCache,omitempty"` // ScriptToEvaluateOnLoad (optional) If set, the script will be injected into all frames of the inspected page after reload. // Argument will be ignored if reloading dataURL origin. ScriptToEvaluateOnLoad string `json:"scriptToEvaluateOnLoad,omitempty"` }
PageReload Reloads given page optionally ignoring the cache.
type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad ¶
type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad struct { // Identifier ... Identifier PageScriptIdentifier `json:"identifier"` }
PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad (deprecated) (experimental) Deprecated, please use removeScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.
func (PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) Call ¶
func (m PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnLoad) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument ¶
type PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument struct { // Identifier ... Identifier PageScriptIdentifier `json:"identifier"` }
PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument Removes given script from the list.
func (PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) Call ¶
func (m PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageRemoveScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageResetNavigationHistory ¶
type PageResetNavigationHistory struct { }
PageResetNavigationHistory Resets navigation history for the current page.
func (PageResetNavigationHistory) Call ¶
func (m PageResetNavigationHistory) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageResetNavigationHistory) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageResetNavigationHistory) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageScreencastFrame ¶
type PageScreencastFrame struct { // Data Base64-encoded compressed image. Data []byte `json:"data"` // Metadata Screencast frame metadata. Metadata *PageScreencastFrameMetadata `json:"metadata"` // SessionID Frame number. SessionID int `json:"sessionId"` }
PageScreencastFrame (experimental) Compressed image data requested by the `startScreencast`.
func (PageScreencastFrame) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageScreencastFrame) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageScreencastFrameAck ¶
type PageScreencastFrameAck struct { // SessionID Frame number. SessionID int `json:"sessionId"` }
PageScreencastFrameAck (experimental) Acknowledges that a screencast frame has been received by the frontend.
func (PageScreencastFrameAck) Call ¶
func (m PageScreencastFrameAck) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageScreencastFrameAck) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageScreencastFrameAck) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageScreencastFrameMetadata ¶
type PageScreencastFrameMetadata struct { // OffsetTop Top offset in DIP. OffsetTop float64 `json:"offsetTop"` // PageScaleFactor Page scale factor. PageScaleFactor float64 `json:"pageScaleFactor"` // DeviceWidth Device screen width in DIP. DeviceWidth float64 `json:"deviceWidth"` // DeviceHeight Device screen height in DIP. DeviceHeight float64 `json:"deviceHeight"` // ScrollOffsetX Position of horizontal scroll in CSS pixels. ScrollOffsetX float64 `json:"scrollOffsetX"` // ScrollOffsetY Position of vertical scroll in CSS pixels. ScrollOffsetY float64 `json:"scrollOffsetY"` // Timestamp (optional) Frame swap timestamp. Timestamp TimeSinceEpoch `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
PageScreencastFrameMetadata (experimental) Screencast frame metadata.
type PageScreencastVisibilityChanged ¶
type PageScreencastVisibilityChanged struct { // Visible True if the page is visible. Visible bool `json:"visible"` }
PageScreencastVisibilityChanged (experimental) Fired when the page with currently enabled screencast was shown or hidden `.
func (PageScreencastVisibilityChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PageScreencastVisibilityChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PageScriptFontFamilies ¶
type PageScriptFontFamilies struct { // Script Name of the script which these font families are defined for. Script string `json:"script"` // FontFamilies Generic font families collection for the script. FontFamilies *PageFontFamilies `json:"fontFamilies"` }
PageScriptFontFamilies (experimental) Font families collection for a script.
type PageScriptIdentifier ¶
type PageScriptIdentifier string
PageScriptIdentifier Unique script identifier.
type PageSearchInResource ¶
type PageSearchInResource struct { // FrameID Frame id for resource to search in. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // URL URL of the resource to search in. URL string `json:"url"` // Query String to search for. Query string `json:"query"` // CaseSensitive (optional) If true, search is case sensitive. CaseSensitive bool `json:"caseSensitive,omitempty"` // IsRegex (optional) If true, treats string parameter as regex. IsRegex bool `json:"isRegex,omitempty"` }
PageSearchInResource (experimental) Searches for given string in resource content.
func (PageSearchInResource) Call ¶
func (m PageSearchInResource) Call(c Client) (*PageSearchInResourceResult, error)
Call the request
func (PageSearchInResource) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSearchInResource) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSearchInResourceResult ¶
type PageSearchInResourceResult struct { // Result List of search matches. Result []*DebuggerSearchMatch `json:"result"` }
PageSearchInResourceResult (experimental) ...
type PageSecureContextType ¶
type PageSecureContextType string
PageSecureContextType (experimental) Indicates whether the frame is a secure context and why it is the case.
const ( // PageSecureContextTypeSecure enum const PageSecureContextTypeSecure PageSecureContextType = "Secure" // PageSecureContextTypeSecureLocalhost enum const PageSecureContextTypeSecureLocalhost PageSecureContextType = "SecureLocalhost" // PageSecureContextTypeInsecureScheme enum const PageSecureContextTypeInsecureScheme PageSecureContextType = "InsecureScheme" // PageSecureContextTypeInsecureAncestor enum const PageSecureContextTypeInsecureAncestor PageSecureContextType = "InsecureAncestor" )
type PageSetAdBlockingEnabled ¶
type PageSetAdBlockingEnabled struct { // Enabled Whether to block ads. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
PageSetAdBlockingEnabled (experimental) Enable Chrome's experimental ad filter on all sites.
func (PageSetAdBlockingEnabled) Call ¶
func (m PageSetAdBlockingEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetAdBlockingEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetAdBlockingEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetBypassCSP ¶
type PageSetBypassCSP struct { // Enabled Whether to bypass page CSP. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
PageSetBypassCSP (experimental) Enable page Content Security Policy by-passing.
func (PageSetBypassCSP) Call ¶
func (m PageSetBypassCSP) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride ¶
type PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride struct { // Width Overriding width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. Width int `json:"width"` // Height Overriding height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). 0 disables the override. Height int `json:"height"` // DeviceScaleFactor Overriding device scale factor value. 0 disables the override. DeviceScaleFactor float64 `json:"deviceScaleFactor"` // Mobile Whether to emulate mobile device. This includes viewport meta tag, overlay scrollbars, text // autosizing and more. Mobile bool `json:"mobile"` // Scale (optional) Scale to apply to resulting view image. Scale *float64 `json:"scale,omitempty"` // ScreenWidth (optional) Overriding screen width value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). ScreenWidth *int `json:"screenWidth,omitempty"` // ScreenHeight (optional) Overriding screen height value in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). ScreenHeight *int `json:"screenHeight,omitempty"` // PositionX (optional) Overriding view X position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). PositionX *int `json:"positionX,omitempty"` // PositionY (optional) Overriding view Y position on screen in pixels (minimum 0, maximum 10000000). PositionY *int `json:"positionY,omitempty"` // DontSetVisibleSize (optional) Do not set visible view size, rely upon explicit setVisibleSize call. DontSetVisibleSize bool `json:"dontSetVisibleSize,omitempty"` // ScreenOrientation (optional) Screen orientation override. ScreenOrientation *EmulationScreenOrientation `json:"screenOrientation,omitempty"` // Viewport (optional) The viewport dimensions and scale. If not set, the override is cleared. Viewport *PageViewport `json:"viewport,omitempty"` }
PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride (deprecated) (experimental) Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, and "device-width"/"device-height"-related CSS media query results).
func (PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride) Call ¶
func (m PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetDeviceMetricsOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride ¶
type PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride struct { // Alpha Mock alpha Alpha float64 `json:"alpha"` // Beta Mock beta Beta float64 `json:"beta"` // Gamma Mock gamma Gamma float64 `json:"gamma"` }
PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride (deprecated) (experimental) Overrides the Device Orientation.
func (PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride) Call ¶
func (m PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetDeviceOrientationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetDocumentContent ¶
type PageSetDocumentContent struct { // FrameID Frame id to set HTML for. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // HTML HTML content to set. HTML string `json:"html"` }
PageSetDocumentContent Sets given markup as the document's HTML.
func (PageSetDocumentContent) Call ¶
func (m PageSetDocumentContent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetDocumentContent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetDocumentContent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetDownloadBehavior ¶
type PageSetDownloadBehavior struct { // Behavior Whether to allow all or deny all download requests, or use default Chrome behavior if // available (otherwise deny). Behavior PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior `json:"behavior"` // DownloadPath (optional) The default path to save downloaded files to. This is required if behavior is set to 'allow' DownloadPath string `json:"downloadPath,omitempty"` }
PageSetDownloadBehavior (deprecated) (experimental) Set the behavior when downloading a file.
func (PageSetDownloadBehavior) Call ¶
func (m PageSetDownloadBehavior) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetDownloadBehavior) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetDownloadBehavior) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior ¶
type PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior string
PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior enum
const ( // PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDeny enum const PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDeny PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior = "deny" // PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorAllow enum const PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorAllow PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior = "allow" // PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDefault enum const PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehaviorDefault PageSetDownloadBehaviorBehavior = "default" )
type PageSetFontFamilies ¶
type PageSetFontFamilies struct { // FontFamilies Specifies font families to set. If a font family is not specified, it won't be changed. FontFamilies *PageFontFamilies `json:"fontFamilies"` // ForScripts (optional) Specifies font families to set for individual scripts. ForScripts []*PageScriptFontFamilies `json:"forScripts,omitempty"` }
PageSetFontFamilies (experimental) Set generic font families.
func (PageSetFontFamilies) Call ¶
func (m PageSetFontFamilies) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageSetFontSizes ¶
type PageSetFontSizes struct { // FontSizes Specifies font sizes to set. If a font size is not specified, it won't be changed. FontSizes *PageFontSizes `json:"fontSizes"` }
PageSetFontSizes (experimental) Set default font sizes.
func (PageSetFontSizes) Call ¶
func (m PageSetFontSizes) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageSetGeolocationOverride ¶
type PageSetGeolocationOverride struct { // Latitude (optional) Mock latitude Latitude *float64 `json:"latitude,omitempty"` // Longitude (optional) Mock longitude Longitude *float64 `json:"longitude,omitempty"` // Accuracy (optional) Mock accuracy Accuracy *float64 `json:"accuracy,omitempty"` }
PageSetGeolocationOverride (deprecated) Overrides the Geolocation Position or Error. Omitting any of the parameters emulates position unavailable.
func (PageSetGeolocationOverride) Call ¶
func (m PageSetGeolocationOverride) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetGeolocationOverride) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog ¶
type PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog struct { // Enabled ... Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog (experimental) Intercept file chooser requests and transfer control to protocol clients. When file chooser interception is enabled, native file chooser dialog is not shown. Instead, a protocol event `Page.fileChooserOpened` is emitted.
func (PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog) Call ¶
func (m PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetInterceptFileChooserDialog) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled ¶
type PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled struct { // Enabled If true, starts emitting lifecycle events. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled (experimental) Controls whether page will emit lifecycle events.
func (PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled) Call ¶
func (m PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetLifecycleEventsEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetSPCTransactionMode ¶
type PageSetSPCTransactionMode struct { // Mode ... Mode PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode `json:"mode"` }
PageSetSPCTransactionMode (experimental) Sets the Secure Payment Confirmation transaction mode.
func (PageSetSPCTransactionMode) Call ¶
func (m PageSetSPCTransactionMode) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetSPCTransactionMode) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetSPCTransactionMode) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode ¶
type PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode string
PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode enum
const ( // PageSetSPCTransactionModeModeNone enum const PageSetSPCTransactionModeModeNone PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode = "none" // PageSetSPCTransactionModeModeAutoaccept enum const PageSetSPCTransactionModeModeAutoaccept PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode = "autoaccept" // PageSetSPCTransactionModeModeAutoreject enum const PageSetSPCTransactionModeModeAutoreject PageSetSPCTransactionModeMode = "autoreject" )
type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled ¶
type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled struct { // Enabled Whether the touch event emulation should be enabled. Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` // Configuration (optional) Touch/gesture events configuration. Default: current platform. Configuration PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfiguration `json:"configuration,omitempty"` }
PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled (deprecated) (experimental) Toggles mouse event-based touch event emulation.
func (PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled) Call ¶
func (m PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetTouchEmulationEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfiguration ¶
type PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfiguration string
PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfiguration enum
const ( // PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfigurationMobile enum const PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfigurationMobile PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfiguration = "mobile" // PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfigurationDesktop enum const PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfigurationDesktop PageSetTouchEmulationEnabledConfiguration = "desktop" )
type PageSetWebLifecycleState ¶
type PageSetWebLifecycleState struct { // State Target lifecycle state State PageSetWebLifecycleStateState `json:"state"` }
PageSetWebLifecycleState (experimental) Tries to update the web lifecycle state of the page. It will transition the page to the given state according to:
func (PageSetWebLifecycleState) Call ¶
func (m PageSetWebLifecycleState) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PageSetWebLifecycleState) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PageSetWebLifecycleState) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PageSetWebLifecycleStateState ¶
type PageSetWebLifecycleStateState string
PageSetWebLifecycleStateState enum
const ( // PageSetWebLifecycleStateStateFrozen enum const PageSetWebLifecycleStateStateFrozen PageSetWebLifecycleStateState = "frozen" // PageSetWebLifecycleStateStateActive enum const PageSetWebLifecycleStateStateActive PageSetWebLifecycleStateState = "active" )
type PageStartScreencast ¶
type PageStartScreencast struct { // Format (optional) Image compression format. Format PageStartScreencastFormat `json:"format,omitempty"` // Quality (optional) Compression quality from range [0..100]. Quality *int `json:"quality,omitempty"` // MaxWidth (optional) Maximum screenshot width. MaxWidth *int `json:"maxWidth,omitempty"` // MaxHeight (optional) Maximum screenshot height. MaxHeight *int `json:"maxHeight,omitempty"` // EveryNthFrame (optional) Send every n-th frame. EveryNthFrame *int `json:"everyNthFrame,omitempty"` }
PageStartScreencast (experimental) Starts sending each frame using the `screencastFrame` event.
func (PageStartScreencast) Call ¶
func (m PageStartScreencast) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageStartScreencastFormat ¶
type PageStartScreencastFormat string
PageStartScreencastFormat enum
const ( // PageStartScreencastFormatJpeg enum const PageStartScreencastFormatJpeg PageStartScreencastFormat = "jpeg" // PageStartScreencastFormatPng enum const PageStartScreencastFormatPng PageStartScreencastFormat = "png" )
type PageStopLoading ¶
type PageStopLoading struct { }
PageStopLoading Force the page stop all navigations and pending resource fetches.
type PageStopScreencast ¶
type PageStopScreencast struct { }
PageStopScreencast (experimental) Stops sending each frame in the `screencastFrame`.
func (PageStopScreencast) Call ¶
func (m PageStopScreencast) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageTransitionType ¶
type PageTransitionType string
PageTransitionType Transition type.
const ( // PageTransitionTypeLink enum const PageTransitionTypeLink PageTransitionType = "link" // PageTransitionTypeTyped enum const PageTransitionTypeTyped PageTransitionType = "typed" // PageTransitionTypeAddressBar enum const PageTransitionTypeAddressBar PageTransitionType = "address_bar" // PageTransitionTypeAutoBookmark enum const PageTransitionTypeAutoBookmark PageTransitionType = "auto_bookmark" // PageTransitionTypeAutoSubframe enum const PageTransitionTypeAutoSubframe PageTransitionType = "auto_subframe" // PageTransitionTypeManualSubframe enum const PageTransitionTypeManualSubframe PageTransitionType = "manual_subframe" // PageTransitionTypeGenerated enum const PageTransitionTypeGenerated PageTransitionType = "generated" // PageTransitionTypeAutoToplevel enum const PageTransitionTypeAutoToplevel PageTransitionType = "auto_toplevel" // PageTransitionTypeFormSubmit enum const PageTransitionTypeFormSubmit PageTransitionType = "form_submit" // PageTransitionTypeReload enum const PageTransitionTypeReload PageTransitionType = "reload" // PageTransitionTypeKeyword enum const PageTransitionTypeKeyword PageTransitionType = "keyword" // PageTransitionTypeKeywordGenerated enum const PageTransitionTypeKeywordGenerated PageTransitionType = "keyword_generated" // PageTransitionTypeOther enum const PageTransitionTypeOther PageTransitionType = "other" )
type PageViewport ¶
type PageViewport struct { // X X offset in device independent pixels (dip). X float64 `json:"x"` // Y Y offset in device independent pixels (dip). Y float64 `json:"y"` // Width Rectangle width in device independent pixels (dip). Width float64 `json:"width"` // Height Rectangle height in device independent pixels (dip). Height float64 `json:"height"` // Scale Page scale factor. Scale float64 `json:"scale"` }
PageViewport Viewport for capturing screenshot.
type PageVisualViewport ¶
type PageVisualViewport struct { // OffsetX Horizontal offset relative to the layout viewport (CSS pixels). OffsetX float64 `json:"offsetX"` // OffsetY Vertical offset relative to the layout viewport (CSS pixels). OffsetY float64 `json:"offsetY"` // PageX Horizontal offset relative to the document (CSS pixels). PageX float64 `json:"pageX"` // PageY Vertical offset relative to the document (CSS pixels). PageY float64 `json:"pageY"` // ClientWidth Width (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present. ClientWidth float64 `json:"clientWidth"` // ClientHeight Height (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present. ClientHeight float64 `json:"clientHeight"` // Scale Scale relative to the ideal viewport (size at width=device-width). Scale float64 `json:"scale"` // Zoom (optional) Page zoom factor (CSS to device independent pixels ratio). Zoom *float64 `json:"zoom,omitempty"` }
PageVisualViewport Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scale.
type PageWaitForDebugger ¶
type PageWaitForDebugger struct { }
PageWaitForDebugger (experimental) Pauses page execution. Can be resumed using generic Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger.
func (PageWaitForDebugger) Call ¶
func (m PageWaitForDebugger) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PageWindowOpen ¶
type PageWindowOpen struct { // URL The URL for the new window. URL string `json:"url"` // WindowName Window name. WindowName string `json:"windowName"` // WindowFeatures An array of enabled window features. WindowFeatures []string `json:"windowFeatures"` // UserGesture Whether or not it was triggered by user gesture. UserGesture bool `json:"userGesture"` }
PageWindowOpen Fired when a new window is going to be opened, via, link click, form submission, etc.
type PerformanceDisable ¶
type PerformanceDisable struct { }
PerformanceDisable Disable collecting and reporting metrics.
func (PerformanceDisable) Call ¶
func (m PerformanceDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PerformanceEnable ¶
type PerformanceEnable struct { // TimeDomain (optional) Time domain to use for collecting and reporting duration metrics. TimeDomain PerformanceEnableTimeDomain `json:"timeDomain,omitempty"` }
PerformanceEnable Enable collecting and reporting metrics.
func (PerformanceEnable) Call ¶
func (m PerformanceEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type PerformanceEnableTimeDomain ¶
type PerformanceEnableTimeDomain string
PerformanceEnableTimeDomain enum
const ( // PerformanceEnableTimeDomainTimeTicks enum const PerformanceEnableTimeDomainTimeTicks PerformanceEnableTimeDomain = "timeTicks" // PerformanceEnableTimeDomainThreadTicks enum const PerformanceEnableTimeDomainThreadTicks PerformanceEnableTimeDomain = "threadTicks" )
type PerformanceGetMetrics ¶
type PerformanceGetMetrics struct { }
PerformanceGetMetrics Retrieve current values of run-time metrics.
func (PerformanceGetMetrics) Call ¶
func (m PerformanceGetMetrics) Call(c Client) (*PerformanceGetMetricsResult, error)
Call the request
func (PerformanceGetMetrics) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PerformanceGetMetrics) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PerformanceGetMetricsResult ¶
type PerformanceGetMetricsResult struct { // Metrics Current values for run-time metrics. Metrics []*PerformanceMetric `json:"metrics"` }
PerformanceGetMetricsResult ...
type PerformanceMetric ¶
type PerformanceMetric struct { // Name Metric name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value Metric value. Value float64 `json:"value"` }
PerformanceMetric Run-time execution metric.
type PerformanceMetrics ¶
type PerformanceMetrics struct { // Metrics Current values of the metrics. Metrics []*PerformanceMetric `json:"metrics"` // Title Timestamp title. Title string `json:"title"` }
PerformanceMetrics Current values of the metrics.
func (PerformanceMetrics) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PerformanceMetrics) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type PerformanceSetTimeDomain ¶
type PerformanceSetTimeDomain struct { // TimeDomain Time domain TimeDomain PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomain `json:"timeDomain"` }
PerformanceSetTimeDomain (deprecated) (experimental) Sets time domain to use for collecting and reporting duration metrics. Note that this must be called before enabling metrics collection. Calling this method while metrics collection is enabled returns an error.
func (PerformanceSetTimeDomain) Call ¶
func (m PerformanceSetTimeDomain) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PerformanceSetTimeDomain) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PerformanceSetTimeDomain) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomain ¶
type PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomain string
PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomain enum
const ( // PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomainTimeTicks enum const PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomainTimeTicks PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomain = "timeTicks" // PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomainThreadTicks enum const PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomainThreadTicks PerformanceSetTimeDomainTimeDomain = "threadTicks" )
type PerformanceTimelineEnable ¶
type PerformanceTimelineEnable struct { // EventTypes The types of event to report, as specified in // // The specified filter overrides any previous filters, passing empty // filter disables recording. // Note that not all types exposed to the web platform are currently supported. EventTypes []string `json:"eventTypes"` }
PerformanceTimelineEnable Previously buffered events would be reported before method returns. See also: timelineEventAdded
func (PerformanceTimelineEnable) Call ¶
func (m PerformanceTimelineEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (PerformanceTimelineEnable) ProtoReq ¶
func (m PerformanceTimelineEnable) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type PerformanceTimelineLargestContentfulPaint ¶
type PerformanceTimelineLargestContentfulPaint struct { // RenderTime ... RenderTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"renderTime"` // LoadTime ... LoadTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"loadTime"` // Size The number of pixels being painted. Size float64 `json:"size"` // ElementID (optional) The id attribute of the element, if available. ElementID string `json:"elementId,omitempty"` // URL (optional) The URL of the image (may be trimmed). URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // NodeID (optional) ... NodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` }
PerformanceTimelineLargestContentfulPaint See and largest_contentful_paint.idl
type PerformanceTimelineLayoutShift ¶
type PerformanceTimelineLayoutShift struct { // Value Score increment produced by this event. Value float64 `json:"value"` // HadRecentInput ... HadRecentInput bool `json:"hadRecentInput"` // LastInputTime ... LastInputTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"lastInputTime"` // Sources ... Sources []*PerformanceTimelineLayoutShiftAttribution `json:"sources"` }
PerformanceTimelineLayoutShift See and layout_shift.idl
type PerformanceTimelineLayoutShiftAttribution ¶
type PerformanceTimelineLayoutShiftAttribution struct { // PreviousRect ... PreviousRect *DOMRect `json:"previousRect"` // CurrentRect ... CurrentRect *DOMRect `json:"currentRect"` // NodeID (optional) ... NodeID DOMBackendNodeID `json:"nodeId,omitempty"` }
PerformanceTimelineLayoutShiftAttribution ...
type PerformanceTimelineTimelineEvent ¶
type PerformanceTimelineTimelineEvent struct { // FrameID Identifies the frame that this event is related to. Empty for non-frame targets. FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` // Type The event type, as specified in // This determines which of the optional "details" fiedls is present. Type string `json:"type"` // Name Name may be empty depending on the type. Name string `json:"name"` // Time Time in seconds since Epoch, monotonically increasing within document lifetime. Time TimeSinceEpoch `json:"time"` // Duration (optional) Event duration, if applicable. Duration *float64 `json:"duration,omitempty"` // LcpDetails (optional) ... LcpDetails *PerformanceTimelineLargestContentfulPaint `json:"lcpDetails,omitempty"` // LayoutShiftDetails (optional) ... LayoutShiftDetails *PerformanceTimelineLayoutShift `json:"layoutShiftDetails,omitempty"` }
PerformanceTimelineTimelineEvent ...
type PerformanceTimelineTimelineEventAdded ¶
type PerformanceTimelineTimelineEventAdded struct { // Event ... Event *PerformanceTimelineTimelineEvent `json:"event"` }
PerformanceTimelineTimelineEventAdded Sent when a performance timeline event is added. See reportPerformanceTimeline method.
func (PerformanceTimelineTimelineEventAdded) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt PerformanceTimelineTimelineEventAdded) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type ProfilerConsoleProfileFinished ¶
type ProfilerConsoleProfileFinished struct { // ID ... ID string `json:"id"` // Location Location of console.profileEnd(). Location *DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` // Profile ... Profile *ProfilerProfile `json:"profile"` // Title (optional) Profile title passed as an argument to console.profile(). Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
ProfilerConsoleProfileFinished ...
func (ProfilerConsoleProfileFinished) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt ProfilerConsoleProfileFinished) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type ProfilerConsoleProfileStarted ¶
type ProfilerConsoleProfileStarted struct { // ID ... ID string `json:"id"` // Location Location of console.profile(). Location *DebuggerLocation `json:"location"` // Title (optional) Profile title passed as an argument to console.profile(). Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` }
ProfilerConsoleProfileStarted Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.
func (ProfilerConsoleProfileStarted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt ProfilerConsoleProfileStarted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type ProfilerCoverageRange ¶
type ProfilerCoverageRange struct { // StartOffset JavaScript script source offset for the range start. StartOffset int `json:"startOffset"` // EndOffset JavaScript script source offset for the range end. EndOffset int `json:"endOffset"` // Count Collected execution count of the source range. Count int `json:"count"` }
ProfilerCoverageRange Coverage data for a source range.
type ProfilerFunctionCoverage ¶
type ProfilerFunctionCoverage struct { // FunctionName JavaScript function name. FunctionName string `json:"functionName"` // Ranges Source ranges inside the function with coverage data. Ranges []*ProfilerCoverageRange `json:"ranges"` // IsBlockCoverage Whether coverage data for this function has block granularity. IsBlockCoverage bool `json:"isBlockCoverage"` }
ProfilerFunctionCoverage Coverage data for a JavaScript function.
type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage ¶
type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage struct { }
ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage Collect coverage data for the current isolate. The coverage data may be incomplete due to garbage collection.
func (ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage) Call(c Client) (*ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageResult, error)
Call the request
func (ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverage) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageResult ¶
type ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageResult struct { // Result Coverage data for the current isolate. Result []*ProfilerScriptCoverage `json:"result"` }
ProfilerGetBestEffortCoverageResult ...
type ProfilerPositionTickInfo ¶
type ProfilerPositionTickInfo struct { // Line Source line number (1-based). Line int `json:"line"` // Ticks Number of samples attributed to the source line. Ticks int `json:"ticks"` }
ProfilerPositionTickInfo Specifies a number of samples attributed to a certain source position.
type ProfilerPreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate ¶
type ProfilerPreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate struct { // Timestamp Monotonically increasing time (in seconds) when the coverage update was taken in the backend. Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"` // Occasion Identifier for distinguishing coverage events. Occasion string `json:"occasion"` // Result Coverage data for the current isolate. Result []*ProfilerScriptCoverage `json:"result"` }
ProfilerPreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate (experimental) Reports coverage delta since the last poll (either from an event like this, or from `takePreciseCoverage` for the current isolate. May only be sent if precise code coverage has been started. This event can be trigged by the embedder to, for example, trigger collection of coverage data immediately at a certain point in time.
func (ProfilerPreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt ProfilerPreciseCoverageDeltaUpdate) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type ProfilerProfile ¶
type ProfilerProfile struct { // Nodes The list of profile nodes. First item is the root node. Nodes []*ProfilerProfileNode `json:"nodes"` // StartTime Profiling start timestamp in microseconds. StartTime float64 `json:"startTime"` // EndTime Profiling end timestamp in microseconds. EndTime float64 `json:"endTime"` // Samples (optional) Ids of samples top nodes. Samples []int `json:"samples,omitempty"` // TimeDeltas (optional) Time intervals between adjacent samples in microseconds. The first delta is relative to the // profile startTime. TimeDeltas []int `json:"timeDeltas,omitempty"` }
ProfilerProfile Profile.
type ProfilerProfileNode ¶
type ProfilerProfileNode struct { // ID Unique id of the node. ID int `json:"id"` // CallFrame Function location. CallFrame *RuntimeCallFrame `json:"callFrame"` // HitCount (optional) Number of samples where this node was on top of the call stack. HitCount *int `json:"hitCount,omitempty"` // Children (optional) Child node ids. Children []int `json:"children,omitempty"` // DeoptReason (optional) The reason of being not optimized. The function may be deoptimized or marked as don't // optimize. DeoptReason string `json:"deoptReason,omitempty"` // PositionTicks (optional) An array of source position ticks. PositionTicks []*ProfilerPositionTickInfo `json:"positionTicks,omitempty"` }
ProfilerProfileNode Profile node. Holds callsite information, execution statistics and child nodes.
type ProfilerScriptCoverage ¶
type ProfilerScriptCoverage struct { // ScriptID JavaScript script id. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // URL JavaScript script name or url. URL string `json:"url"` // Functions Functions contained in the script that has coverage data. Functions []*ProfilerFunctionCoverage `json:"functions"` }
ProfilerScriptCoverage Coverage data for a JavaScript script.
type ProfilerScriptTypeProfile ¶
type ProfilerScriptTypeProfile struct { // ScriptID JavaScript script id. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // URL JavaScript script name or url. URL string `json:"url"` // Entries Type profile entries for parameters and return values of the functions in the script. Entries []*ProfilerTypeProfileEntry `json:"entries"` }
ProfilerScriptTypeProfile (experimental) Type profile data collected during runtime for a JavaScript script.
type ProfilerSetSamplingInterval ¶
type ProfilerSetSamplingInterval struct { // Interval New sampling interval in microseconds. Interval int `json:"interval"` }
ProfilerSetSamplingInterval Changes CPU profiler sampling interval. Must be called before CPU profiles recording started.
func (ProfilerSetSamplingInterval) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerSetSamplingInterval) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ProfilerSetSamplingInterval) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerSetSamplingInterval) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage ¶
type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage struct { // CallCount (optional) Collect accurate call counts beyond simple 'covered' or 'not covered'. CallCount bool `json:"callCount,omitempty"` // Detailed (optional) Collect block-based coverage. Detailed bool `json:"detailed,omitempty"` // AllowTriggeredUpdates (optional) Allow the backend to send updates on its own initiative AllowTriggeredUpdates bool `json:"allowTriggeredUpdates,omitempty"` }
ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage Enable precise code coverage. Coverage data for JavaScript executed before enabling precise code coverage may be incomplete. Enabling prevents running optimized code and resets execution counters.
func (ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage) Call(c Client) (*ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageResult, error)
Call the request
func (ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerStartPreciseCoverage) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageResult ¶
type ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageResult struct { // Timestamp Monotonically increasing time (in seconds) when the coverage update was taken in the backend. Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"` }
ProfilerStartPreciseCoverageResult ...
type ProfilerStartTypeProfile ¶
type ProfilerStartTypeProfile struct { }
ProfilerStartTypeProfile (experimental) Enable type profile.
func (ProfilerStartTypeProfile) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerStartTypeProfile) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ProfilerStartTypeProfile) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerStartTypeProfile) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerStop ¶
type ProfilerStop struct { }
ProfilerStop ...
func (ProfilerStop) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerStop) Call(c Client) (*ProfilerStopResult, error)
Call the request
type ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage ¶
type ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage struct { }
ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage Disable precise code coverage. Disabling releases unnecessary execution count records and allows executing optimized code.
func (ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerStopPreciseCoverage) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerStopResult ¶
type ProfilerStopResult struct { // Profile Recorded profile. Profile *ProfilerProfile `json:"profile"` }
ProfilerStopResult ...
type ProfilerStopTypeProfile ¶
type ProfilerStopTypeProfile struct { }
ProfilerStopTypeProfile (experimental) Disable type profile. Disabling releases type profile data collected so far.
func (ProfilerStopTypeProfile) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerStopTypeProfile) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ProfilerStopTypeProfile) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerStopTypeProfile) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage ¶
type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage struct { }
ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage Collect coverage data for the current isolate, and resets execution counters. Precise code coverage needs to have started.
func (ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage) Call(c Client) (*ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageResult, error)
Call the request
func (ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerTakePreciseCoverage) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageResult ¶
type ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageResult struct { // Result Coverage data for the current isolate. Result []*ProfilerScriptCoverage `json:"result"` // Timestamp Monotonically increasing time (in seconds) when the coverage update was taken in the backend. Timestamp float64 `json:"timestamp"` }
ProfilerTakePreciseCoverageResult ...
type ProfilerTakeTypeProfile ¶
type ProfilerTakeTypeProfile struct { }
ProfilerTakeTypeProfile (experimental) Collect type profile.
func (ProfilerTakeTypeProfile) Call ¶
func (m ProfilerTakeTypeProfile) Call(c Client) (*ProfilerTakeTypeProfileResult, error)
Call the request
func (ProfilerTakeTypeProfile) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ProfilerTakeTypeProfile) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ProfilerTakeTypeProfileResult ¶
type ProfilerTakeTypeProfileResult struct { // Result Type profile for all scripts since startTypeProfile() was turned on. Result []*ProfilerScriptTypeProfile `json:"result"` }
ProfilerTakeTypeProfileResult (experimental) ...
type ProfilerTypeObject ¶
type ProfilerTypeObject struct { // Name Name of a type collected with type profiling. Name string `json:"name"` }
ProfilerTypeObject (experimental) Describes a type collected during runtime.
type ProfilerTypeProfileEntry ¶
type ProfilerTypeProfileEntry struct { // Offset Source offset of the parameter or end of function for return values. Offset int `json:"offset"` // Types The types for this parameter or return value. Types []*ProfilerTypeObject `json:"types"` }
ProfilerTypeProfileEntry (experimental) Source offset and types for a parameter or return value.
type Request ¶
type Request interface { // ProtoReq returns the cdp.Request.Method ProtoReq() string }
Request represents a cdp.Request.Method
type RuntimeAddBinding ¶
type RuntimeAddBinding struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // ExecutionContextID (deprecated) (optional) If specified, the binding would only be exposed to the specified // execution context. If omitted and `executionContextName` is not set, // the binding is exposed to all execution contexts of the target. // This parameter is mutually exclusive with `executionContextName`. // Deprecated in favor of `executionContextName` due to an unclear use case // and bugs in implementation ( `executionContextId` will be // removed in the future. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` // ExecutionContextName (experimental) (optional) If specified, the binding is exposed to the executionContext with // matching name, even for contexts created after the binding is added. // See also `` and `worldName` parameter to // `Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument`. // This parameter is mutually exclusive with `executionContextId`. ExecutionContextName string `json:"executionContextName,omitempty"` }
RuntimeAddBinding (experimental) If executionContextId is empty, adds binding with the given name on the global objects of all inspected contexts, including those created later, bindings survive reloads. Binding function takes exactly one argument, this argument should be string, in case of any other input, function throws an exception. Each binding function call produces Runtime.bindingCalled notification.
func (RuntimeAddBinding) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeAddBinding) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type RuntimeAwaitPromise ¶
type RuntimeAwaitPromise struct { // PromiseObjectID Identifier of the promise. PromiseObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"promiseObjectId"` // ReturnByValue (optional) Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value. ReturnByValue bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // GeneratePreview (optional) Whether preview should be generated for the result. GeneratePreview bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` }
RuntimeAwaitPromise Add handler to promise with given promise object id.
func (RuntimeAwaitPromise) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeAwaitPromise) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeAwaitPromiseResult, error)
Call the request
type RuntimeAwaitPromiseResult ¶
type RuntimeAwaitPromiseResult struct { // Result Promise result. Will contain rejected value if promise was rejected. Result *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details if stack strace is available. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
RuntimeAwaitPromiseResult ...
type RuntimeBindingCalled ¶
type RuntimeBindingCalled struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // Payload ... Payload string `json:"payload"` // ExecutionContextID Identifier of the context where the call was made. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId"` }
RuntimeBindingCalled (experimental) Notification is issued every time when binding is called.
func (RuntimeBindingCalled) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeBindingCalled) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeCallArgument ¶
type RuntimeCallArgument struct { // Value (optional) Primitive value or serializable javascript object. Value gson.JSON `json:"value,omitempty"` // UnserializableValue (optional) Primitive value which can not be JSON-stringified. UnserializableValue RuntimeUnserializableValue `json:"unserializableValue,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) Remote object handle. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeCallArgument Represents function call argument. Either remote object id `objectId`, primitive `value`, unserializable primitive value or neither of (for undefined) them should be specified.
type RuntimeCallFrame ¶
type RuntimeCallFrame struct { // FunctionName JavaScript function name. FunctionName string `json:"functionName"` // ScriptID JavaScript script id. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // URL JavaScript script name or url. URL string `json:"url"` // LineNumber JavaScript script line number (0-based). LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber JavaScript script column number (0-based). ColumnNumber int `json:"columnNumber"` }
RuntimeCallFrame Stack entry for runtime errors and assertions.
type RuntimeCallFunctionOn ¶
type RuntimeCallFunctionOn struct { // FunctionDeclaration Declaration of the function to call. FunctionDeclaration string `json:"functionDeclaration"` // ObjectID (optional) Identifier of the object to call function on. Either objectId or executionContextId should // be specified. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Arguments (optional) Call arguments. All call arguments must belong to the same JavaScript world as the target // object. Arguments []*RuntimeCallArgument `json:"arguments,omitempty"` // Silent (optional) In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause // execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state. Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // ReturnByValue (optional) Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value. ReturnByValue bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // GeneratePreview (experimental) (optional) Whether preview should be generated for the result. GeneratePreview bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // UserGesture (optional) Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI. UserGesture bool `json:"userGesture,omitempty"` // AwaitPromise (optional) Whether execution should `await` for resulting value and return once awaited promise is // resolved. AwaitPromise bool `json:"awaitPromise,omitempty"` // ExecutionContextID (optional) Specifies execution context which global object will be used to call function on. Either // executionContextId or objectId should be specified. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` // ObjectGroup (optional) Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. If objectGroup is not // specified and objectId is, objectGroup will be inherited from object. ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // ThrowOnSideEffect (experimental) (optional) Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation. ThrowOnSideEffect bool `json:"throwOnSideEffect,omitempty"` // GenerateWebDriverValue (experimental) (optional) Whether the result should contain `webDriverValue`, serialized according to // This is mutually exclusive with `returnByValue`, but // resulting `objectId` is still provided. GenerateWebDriverValue bool `json:"generateWebDriverValue,omitempty"` }
RuntimeCallFunctionOn Calls function with given declaration on the given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target object.
func (RuntimeCallFunctionOn) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeCallFunctionOn) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeCallFunctionOnResult, error)
Call the request
func (RuntimeCallFunctionOn) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeCallFunctionOn) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeCallFunctionOnResult ¶
type RuntimeCallFunctionOnResult struct { // Result Call result. Result *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
RuntimeCallFunctionOnResult ...
type RuntimeCompileScript ¶
type RuntimeCompileScript struct { // Expression Expression to compile. Expression string `json:"expression"` // SourceURL Source url to be set for the script. SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL"` // PersistScript Specifies whether the compiled script should be persisted. PersistScript bool `json:"persistScript"` // ExecutionContextID (optional) Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the // evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeCompileScript Compiles expression.
func (RuntimeCompileScript) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeCompileScript) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeCompileScriptResult, error)
Call the request
func (RuntimeCompileScript) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeCompileScript) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeCompileScriptResult ¶
type RuntimeCompileScriptResult struct { // ScriptID (optional) Id of the script. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId,omitempty"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
RuntimeCompileScriptResult ...
type RuntimeConsoleAPICalled ¶
type RuntimeConsoleAPICalled struct { // Type Type of the call. Type RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType `json:"type"` // Args Call arguments. Args []*RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"args"` // ExecutionContextID Identifier of the context where the call was made. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId"` // Timestamp Call timestamp. Timestamp RuntimeTimestamp `json:"timestamp"` // StackTrace (optional) Stack trace captured when the call was made. The async stack chain is automatically reported for // the following call types: `assert`, `error`, `trace`, `warning`. For other types the async call // chain can be retrieved using `Debugger.getStackTrace` and `stackTrace.parentId` field. StackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` // Context (experimental) (optional) Console context descriptor for calls on non-default console context (not console.*): // 'anonymous#unique-logger-id' for call on unnamed context, 'name#unique-logger-id' for call // on named context. Context string `json:"context,omitempty"` }
RuntimeConsoleAPICalled Issued when console API was called.
func (RuntimeConsoleAPICalled) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeConsoleAPICalled) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType ¶
type RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType string
RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType enum
const ( // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeLog enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeLog RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "log" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeDebug enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeDebug RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "debug" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeInfo enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeInfo RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "info" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeError enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeError RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "error" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeWarning enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeWarning RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "warning" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeDir enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeDir RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "dir" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeDirxml enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeDirxml RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "dirxml" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeTable enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeTable RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "table" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeTrace enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeTrace RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "trace" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeClear enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeClear RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "clear" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeStartGroup enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeStartGroup RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "startGroup" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeStartGroupCollapsed enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeStartGroupCollapsed RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "startGroupCollapsed" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeEndGroup enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeEndGroup RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "endGroup" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeAssert enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeAssert RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "assert" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeProfile enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeProfile RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "profile" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeProfileEnd enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeProfileEnd RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "profileEnd" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeCount enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeCount RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "count" // RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeTimeEnd enum const RuntimeConsoleAPICalledTypeTimeEnd RuntimeConsoleAPICalledType = "timeEnd" )
type RuntimeCustomPreview ¶
type RuntimeCustomPreview struct { // Header The JSON-stringified result of formatter.header(object, config) call. // It contains json ML array that represents RemoteObject. Header string `json:"header"` // BodyGetterID (optional) If formatter returns true as a result of formatter.hasBody call then bodyGetterId will // contain RemoteObjectId for the function that returns result of formatter.body(object, config) call. // The result value is json ML array. BodyGetterID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"bodyGetterId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeCustomPreview (experimental) ...
type RuntimeDisable ¶
type RuntimeDisable struct { }
RuntimeDisable Disables reporting of execution contexts creation.
type RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries ¶
type RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries struct { }
RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries Discards collected exceptions and console API calls.
func (RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeDiscardConsoleEntries) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeEnable ¶
type RuntimeEnable struct { }
RuntimeEnable Enables reporting of execution contexts creation by means of `executionContextCreated` event. When the reporting gets enabled the event will be sent immediately for each existing execution context.
type RuntimeEntryPreview ¶
type RuntimeEntryPreview struct { // Key (optional) Preview of the key. Specified for map-like collection entries. Key *RuntimeObjectPreview `json:"key,omitempty"` // Value Preview of the value. Value *RuntimeObjectPreview `json:"value"` }
RuntimeEntryPreview (experimental) ...
type RuntimeEvaluate ¶
type RuntimeEvaluate struct { // Expression Expression to evaluate. Expression string `json:"expression"` // ObjectGroup (optional) Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // IncludeCommandLineAPI (optional) Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation. IncludeCommandLineAPI bool `json:"includeCommandLineAPI,omitempty"` // Silent (optional) In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause // execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state. Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // ContextID (optional) Specifies in which execution context to perform evaluation. If the parameter is omitted the // evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page. // This is mutually exclusive with `uniqueContextId`, which offers an // alternative way to identify the execution context that is more reliable // in a multi-process environment. ContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"contextId,omitempty"` // ReturnByValue (optional) Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object that should be sent by value. ReturnByValue bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // GeneratePreview (experimental) (optional) Whether preview should be generated for the result. GeneratePreview bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // UserGesture (optional) Whether execution should be treated as initiated by user in the UI. UserGesture bool `json:"userGesture,omitempty"` // AwaitPromise (optional) Whether execution should `await` for resulting value and return once awaited promise is // resolved. AwaitPromise bool `json:"awaitPromise,omitempty"` // ThrowOnSideEffect (experimental) (optional) Whether to throw an exception if side effect cannot be ruled out during evaluation. // This implies `disableBreaks` below. ThrowOnSideEffect bool `json:"throwOnSideEffect,omitempty"` // Timeout (experimental) (optional) Terminate execution after timing out (number of milliseconds). Timeout RuntimeTimeDelta `json:"timeout,omitempty"` // DisableBreaks (experimental) (optional) Disable breakpoints during execution. DisableBreaks bool `json:"disableBreaks,omitempty"` // ReplMode (experimental) (optional) Setting this flag to true enables `let` re-declaration and top-level `await`. // Note that `let` variables can only be re-declared if they originate from // `replMode` themselves. ReplMode bool `json:"replMode,omitempty"` // AllowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP (experimental) (optional) The Content Security Policy (CSP) for the target might block 'unsafe-eval' // which includes eval(), Function(), setTimeout() and setInterval() // when called with non-callable arguments. This flag bypasses CSP for this // evaluation and allows unsafe-eval. Defaults to true. AllowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP bool `json:"allowUnsafeEvalBlockedByCSP,omitempty"` // UniqueContextID (experimental) (optional) An alternative way to specify the execution context to evaluate in. // Compared to contextId that may be reused across processes, this is guaranteed to be // system-unique, so it can be used to prevent accidental evaluation of the expression // in context different than intended (e.g. as a result of navigation across process // boundaries). // This is mutually exclusive with `contextId`. UniqueContextID string `json:"uniqueContextId,omitempty"` // GenerateWebDriverValue (experimental) (optional) Whether the result should be serialized according to GenerateWebDriverValue bool `json:"generateWebDriverValue,omitempty"` }
RuntimeEvaluate Evaluates expression on global object.
func (RuntimeEvaluate) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeEvaluate) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeEvaluateResult, error)
Call the request
type RuntimeEvaluateResult ¶
type RuntimeEvaluateResult struct { // Result Evaluation result. Result *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
RuntimeEvaluateResult ...
type RuntimeExceptionDetails ¶
type RuntimeExceptionDetails struct { // ExceptionID Exception id. ExceptionID int `json:"exceptionId"` // Text Exception text, which should be used together with exception object when available. Text string `json:"text"` // LineNumber Line number of the exception location (0-based). LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber Column number of the exception location (0-based). ColumnNumber int `json:"columnNumber"` // ScriptID (optional) Script ID of the exception location. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId,omitempty"` // URL (optional) URL of the exception location, to be used when the script was not reported. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // StackTrace (optional) JavaScript stack trace if available. StackTrace *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"stackTrace,omitempty"` // Exception (optional) Exception object if available. Exception *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"exception,omitempty"` // ExecutionContextID (optional) Identifier of the context where exception happened. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` // ExceptionMetaData (experimental) (optional) Dictionary with entries of meta data that the client associated // with this exception, such as information about associated network // requests, etc. ExceptionMetaData map[string]gson.JSON `json:"exceptionMetaData,omitempty"` }
RuntimeExceptionDetails Detailed information about exception (or error) that was thrown during script compilation or execution.
type RuntimeExceptionRevoked ¶
type RuntimeExceptionRevoked struct { // Reason Reason describing why exception was revoked. Reason string `json:"reason"` // ExceptionID The id of revoked exception, as reported in `exceptionThrown`. ExceptionID int `json:"exceptionId"` }
RuntimeExceptionRevoked Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.
func (RuntimeExceptionRevoked) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeExceptionRevoked) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeExceptionThrown ¶
type RuntimeExceptionThrown struct { // Timestamp Timestamp of the exception. Timestamp RuntimeTimestamp `json:"timestamp"` // ExceptionDetails ... ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails"` }
RuntimeExceptionThrown Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.
func (RuntimeExceptionThrown) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeExceptionThrown) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeExecutionContextCreated ¶
type RuntimeExecutionContextCreated struct { // Context A newly created execution context. Context *RuntimeExecutionContextDescription `json:"context"` }
RuntimeExecutionContextCreated Issued when new execution context is created.
func (RuntimeExecutionContextCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeExecutionContextCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeExecutionContextDescription ¶
type RuntimeExecutionContextDescription struct { // ID Unique id of the execution context. It can be used to specify in which execution context // script evaluation should be performed. ID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"id"` // Origin Execution context origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` // Name Human readable name describing given context. Name string `json:"name"` // UniqueID (experimental) A system-unique execution context identifier. Unlike the id, this is unique across // multiple processes, so can be reliably used to identify specific context while backend // performs a cross-process navigation. UniqueID string `json:"uniqueId"` // AuxData (optional) Embedder-specific auxiliary data. AuxData map[string]gson.JSON `json:"auxData,omitempty"` }
RuntimeExecutionContextDescription Description of an isolated world.
type RuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed ¶
type RuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed struct { // ExecutionContextID Id of the destroyed context ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId"` }
RuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed Issued when execution context is destroyed.
func (RuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeExecutionContextDestroyed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeExecutionContextID ¶
type RuntimeExecutionContextID int
RuntimeExecutionContextID Id of an execution context.
type RuntimeExecutionContextsCleared ¶
type RuntimeExecutionContextsCleared struct { }
RuntimeExecutionContextsCleared Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser
func (RuntimeExecutionContextsCleared) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeExecutionContextsCleared) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeGetExceptionDetails ¶
type RuntimeGetExceptionDetails struct { // ErrorObjectID The error object for which to resolve the exception details. ErrorObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"errorObjectId"` }
RuntimeGetExceptionDetails (experimental) This method tries to lookup and populate exception details for a JavaScript Error object. Note that the stackTrace portion of the resulting exceptionDetails will only be populated if the Runtime domain was enabled at the time when the Error was thrown.
func (RuntimeGetExceptionDetails) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeGetExceptionDetails) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeGetExceptionDetailsResult, error)
Call the request
func (RuntimeGetExceptionDetails) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeGetExceptionDetails) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeGetExceptionDetailsResult ¶
type RuntimeGetExceptionDetailsResult struct { // ExceptionDetails (optional) ... ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
RuntimeGetExceptionDetailsResult (experimental) ...
type RuntimeGetHeapUsage ¶
type RuntimeGetHeapUsage struct { }
RuntimeGetHeapUsage (experimental) Returns the JavaScript heap usage. It is the total usage of the corresponding isolate not scoped to a particular Runtime.
func (RuntimeGetHeapUsage) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeGetHeapUsage) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeGetHeapUsageResult, error)
Call the request
type RuntimeGetHeapUsageResult ¶
type RuntimeGetHeapUsageResult struct { // UsedSize Used heap size in bytes. UsedSize float64 `json:"usedSize"` // TotalSize Allocated heap size in bytes. TotalSize float64 `json:"totalSize"` }
RuntimeGetHeapUsageResult (experimental) ...
type RuntimeGetIsolateID ¶
type RuntimeGetIsolateID struct { }
RuntimeGetIsolateID (experimental) Returns the isolate id.
func (RuntimeGetIsolateID) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeGetIsolateID) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeGetIsolateIDResult, error)
Call the request
type RuntimeGetIsolateIDResult ¶
type RuntimeGetIsolateIDResult struct { // ID The isolate id. ID string `json:"id"` }
RuntimeGetIsolateIDResult (experimental) ...
type RuntimeGetProperties ¶
type RuntimeGetProperties struct { // ObjectID Identifier of the object to return properties for. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` // OwnProperties (optional) If true, returns properties belonging only to the element itself, not to its prototype // chain. OwnProperties bool `json:"ownProperties,omitempty"` // AccessorPropertiesOnly (experimental) (optional) If true, returns accessor properties (with getter/setter) only; internal properties are not // returned either. AccessorPropertiesOnly bool `json:"accessorPropertiesOnly,omitempty"` // GeneratePreview (experimental) (optional) Whether preview should be generated for the results. GeneratePreview bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // NonIndexedPropertiesOnly (experimental) (optional) If true, returns non-indexed properties only. NonIndexedPropertiesOnly bool `json:"nonIndexedPropertiesOnly,omitempty"` }
RuntimeGetProperties Returns properties of a given object. Object group of the result is inherited from the target object.
func (RuntimeGetProperties) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeGetProperties) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeGetPropertiesResult, error)
Call the request
func (RuntimeGetProperties) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeGetProperties) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeGetPropertiesResult ¶
type RuntimeGetPropertiesResult struct { // Result Object properties. Result []*RuntimePropertyDescriptor `json:"result"` // InternalProperties (optional) Internal object properties (only of the element itself). InternalProperties []*RuntimeInternalPropertyDescriptor `json:"internalProperties,omitempty"` // PrivateProperties (experimental) (optional) Object private properties. PrivateProperties []*RuntimePrivatePropertyDescriptor `json:"privateProperties,omitempty"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
RuntimeGetPropertiesResult ...
type RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames ¶
type RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames struct { // ExecutionContextID (optional) Specifies in which execution context to lookup global scope variables. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames Returns all let, const and class variables from global scope.
func (RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNamesResult, error)
Call the request
func (RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNames) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNamesResult ¶
type RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNamesResult struct { // Names ... Names []string `json:"names"` }
RuntimeGlobalLexicalScopeNamesResult ...
type RuntimeInspectRequested ¶
type RuntimeInspectRequested struct { // Object ... Object *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"object"` // Hints ... Hints map[string]gson.JSON `json:"hints"` // ExecutionContextID (experimental) (optional) Identifier of the context where the call was made. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeInspectRequested Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call).
func (RuntimeInspectRequested) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt RuntimeInspectRequested) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type RuntimeInternalPropertyDescriptor ¶
type RuntimeInternalPropertyDescriptor struct { // Name Conventional property name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value (optional) The value associated with the property. Value *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"value,omitempty"` }
RuntimeInternalPropertyDescriptor Object internal property descriptor. This property isn't normally visible in JavaScript code.
type RuntimeObjectPreview ¶
type RuntimeObjectPreview struct { // Type Object type. Type RuntimeObjectPreviewType `json:"type"` // Subtype (optional) Object subtype hint. Specified for `object` type values only. Subtype RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype `json:"subtype,omitempty"` // Description (optional) String representation of the object. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Overflow True iff some of the properties or entries of the original object did not fit. Overflow bool `json:"overflow"` // Properties List of the properties. Properties []*RuntimePropertyPreview `json:"properties"` // Entries (optional) List of the entries. Specified for `map` and `set` subtype values only. Entries []*RuntimeEntryPreview `json:"entries,omitempty"` }
RuntimeObjectPreview (experimental) Object containing abbreviated remote object value.
type RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype ¶
type RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype string
RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype enum
const ( // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeArray enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeArray RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "array" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeNull enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeNull RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "null" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeNode enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeNode RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "node" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeRegexp enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeRegexp RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "regexp" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeDate enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeDate RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "date" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeMap enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeMap RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "map" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeSet enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeSet RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "set" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWeakmap enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWeakmap RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "weakmap" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWeakset enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWeakset RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "weakset" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeIterator enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeIterator RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "iterator" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeGenerator enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeGenerator RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "generator" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeError enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeError RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "error" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeProxy enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeProxy RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "proxy" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypePromise enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypePromise RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "promise" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeTypedarray enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeTypedarray RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "typedarray" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeArraybuffer enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeArraybuffer RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "arraybuffer" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeDataview enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeDataview RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "dataview" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWebassemblymemory enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWebassemblymemory RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "webassemblymemory" // RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWasmvalue enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtypeWasmvalue RuntimeObjectPreviewSubtype = "wasmvalue" )
type RuntimeObjectPreviewType ¶
type RuntimeObjectPreviewType string
RuntimeObjectPreviewType enum
const ( // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeObject enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeObject RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "object" // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeFunction enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeFunction RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "function" // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeUndefined enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeUndefined RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "undefined" // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeString enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeString RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "string" // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeNumber enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeNumber RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "number" // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeBoolean enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeBoolean RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "boolean" // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeSymbol enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeSymbol RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "symbol" // RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeBigint enum const RuntimeObjectPreviewTypeBigint RuntimeObjectPreviewType = "bigint" )
type RuntimePrivatePropertyDescriptor ¶
type RuntimePrivatePropertyDescriptor struct { // Name Private property name. Name string `json:"name"` // Value (optional) The value associated with the private property. Value *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"value,omitempty"` // Get (optional) A function which serves as a getter for the private property, // or `undefined` if there is no getter (accessor descriptors only). Get *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"get,omitempty"` // Set (optional) A function which serves as a setter for the private property, // or `undefined` if there is no setter (accessor descriptors only). Set *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"set,omitempty"` }
RuntimePrivatePropertyDescriptor (experimental) Object private field descriptor.
type RuntimePropertyDescriptor ¶
type RuntimePropertyDescriptor struct { // Name Property name or symbol description. Name string `json:"name"` // Value (optional) The value associated with the property. Value *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"value,omitempty"` // Writable (optional) True if the value associated with the property may be changed (data descriptors only). Writable bool `json:"writable,omitempty"` // Get (optional) A function which serves as a getter for the property, or `undefined` if there is no getter // (accessor descriptors only). Get *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"get,omitempty"` // Set (optional) A function which serves as a setter for the property, or `undefined` if there is no setter // (accessor descriptors only). Set *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"set,omitempty"` // Configurable True if the type of this property descriptor may be changed and if the property may be // deleted from the corresponding object. Configurable bool `json:"configurable"` // Enumerable True if this property shows up during enumeration of the properties on the corresponding // object. Enumerable bool `json:"enumerable"` // WasThrown (optional) True if the result was thrown during the evaluation. WasThrown bool `json:"wasThrown,omitempty"` // IsOwn (optional) True if the property is owned for the object. IsOwn bool `json:"isOwn,omitempty"` // Symbol (optional) Property symbol object, if the property is of the `symbol` type. Symbol *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"symbol,omitempty"` }
RuntimePropertyDescriptor Object property descriptor.
type RuntimePropertyPreview ¶
type RuntimePropertyPreview struct { // Name Property name. Name string `json:"name"` // Type Object type. Accessor means that the property itself is an accessor property. Type RuntimePropertyPreviewType `json:"type"` // Value (optional) User-friendly property value string. Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` // ValuePreview (optional) Nested value preview. ValuePreview *RuntimeObjectPreview `json:"valuePreview,omitempty"` // Subtype (optional) Object subtype hint. Specified for `object` type values only. Subtype RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype `json:"subtype,omitempty"` }
RuntimePropertyPreview (experimental) ...
type RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype ¶
type RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype string
RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype enum
const ( // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeArray enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeArray RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "array" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeNull enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeNull RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "null" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeNode enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeNode RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "node" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeRegexp enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeRegexp RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "regexp" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeDate enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeDate RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "date" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeMap enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeMap RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "map" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeSet enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeSet RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "set" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWeakmap enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWeakmap RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "weakmap" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWeakset enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWeakset RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "weakset" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeIterator enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeIterator RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "iterator" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeGenerator enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeGenerator RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "generator" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeError enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeError RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "error" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeProxy enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeProxy RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "proxy" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypePromise enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypePromise RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "promise" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeTypedarray enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeTypedarray RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "typedarray" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeArraybuffer enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeArraybuffer RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "arraybuffer" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeDataview enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeDataview RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "dataview" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWebassemblymemory enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWebassemblymemory RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "webassemblymemory" // RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWasmvalue enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtypeWasmvalue RuntimePropertyPreviewSubtype = "wasmvalue" )
type RuntimePropertyPreviewType ¶
type RuntimePropertyPreviewType string
RuntimePropertyPreviewType enum
const ( // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeObject enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeObject RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "object" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeFunction enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeFunction RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "function" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeUndefined enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeUndefined RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "undefined" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeString enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeString RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "string" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeNumber enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeNumber RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "number" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeBoolean enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeBoolean RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "boolean" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeSymbol enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeSymbol RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "symbol" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeAccessor enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeAccessor RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "accessor" // RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeBigint enum const RuntimePropertyPreviewTypeBigint RuntimePropertyPreviewType = "bigint" )
type RuntimeQueryObjects ¶
type RuntimeQueryObjects struct { // PrototypeObjectID Identifier of the prototype to return objects for. PrototypeObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"prototypeObjectId"` // ObjectGroup (optional) Symbolic group name that can be used to release the results. ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` }
RuntimeQueryObjects ...
func (RuntimeQueryObjects) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeQueryObjects) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeQueryObjectsResult, error)
Call the request
type RuntimeQueryObjectsResult ¶
type RuntimeQueryObjectsResult struct { // Objects Array with objects. Objects *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"objects"` }
RuntimeQueryObjectsResult ...
type RuntimeReleaseObject ¶
type RuntimeReleaseObject struct { // ObjectID Identifier of the object to release. ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId"` }
RuntimeReleaseObject Releases remote object with given id.
func (RuntimeReleaseObject) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeReleaseObject) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeReleaseObject) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeReleaseObject) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup ¶
type RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup struct { // ObjectGroup Symbolic object group name. ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup"` }
RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup Releases all remote objects that belong to a given group.
func (RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeReleaseObjectGroup) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeRemoteObject ¶
type RuntimeRemoteObject struct { // Type Object type. Type RuntimeRemoteObjectType `json:"type"` // Subtype (optional) Object subtype hint. Specified for `object` type values only. // NOTE: If you change anything here, make sure to also update // `subtype` in `ObjectPreview` and `PropertyPreview` below. Subtype RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype `json:"subtype,omitempty"` // ClassName (optional) Object class (constructor) name. Specified for `object` type values only. ClassName string `json:"className,omitempty"` // Value (optional) Remote object value in case of primitive values or JSON values (if it was requested). Value gson.JSON `json:"value,omitempty"` // UnserializableValue (optional) Primitive value which can not be JSON-stringified does not have `value`, but gets this // property. UnserializableValue RuntimeUnserializableValue `json:"unserializableValue,omitempty"` // Description (optional) String representation of the object. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // WebDriverValue (experimental) (optional) WebDriver BiDi representation of the value. WebDriverValue *RuntimeWebDriverValue `json:"webDriverValue,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) Unique object identifier (for non-primitive values). ObjectID RuntimeRemoteObjectID `json:"objectId,omitempty"` // Preview (experimental) (optional) Preview containing abbreviated property values. Specified for `object` type values only. Preview *RuntimeObjectPreview `json:"preview,omitempty"` // CustomPreview (experimental) (optional) ... CustomPreview *RuntimeCustomPreview `json:"customPreview,omitempty"` }
RuntimeRemoteObject Mirror object referencing original JavaScript object.
type RuntimeRemoteObjectID ¶
type RuntimeRemoteObjectID string
RuntimeRemoteObjectID Unique object identifier.
type RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype ¶
type RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype string
RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype enum
const ( // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeArray enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeArray RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "array" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeNull enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeNull RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "null" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeNode enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeNode RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "node" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeRegexp enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeRegexp RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "regexp" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeDate enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeDate RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "date" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeMap enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeMap RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "map" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeSet enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeSet RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "set" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWeakmap enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWeakmap RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "weakmap" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWeakset enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWeakset RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "weakset" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeIterator enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeIterator RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "iterator" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeGenerator enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeGenerator RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "generator" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeError enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeError RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "error" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeProxy enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeProxy RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "proxy" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypePromise enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypePromise RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "promise" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeTypedarray enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeTypedarray RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "typedarray" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeArraybuffer enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeArraybuffer RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "arraybuffer" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeDataview enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeDataview RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "dataview" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWebassemblymemory enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWebassemblymemory RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "webassemblymemory" // RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWasmvalue enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtypeWasmvalue RuntimeRemoteObjectSubtype = "wasmvalue" )
type RuntimeRemoteObjectType ¶
type RuntimeRemoteObjectType string
RuntimeRemoteObjectType enum
const ( // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeObject enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeObject RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "object" // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeFunction enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeFunction RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "function" // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeUndefined enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeUndefined RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "undefined" // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeString enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeString RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "string" // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeNumber enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeNumber RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "number" // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeBoolean enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeBoolean RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "boolean" // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeSymbol enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeSymbol RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "symbol" // RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeBigint enum const RuntimeRemoteObjectTypeBigint RuntimeRemoteObjectType = "bigint" )
type RuntimeRemoveBinding ¶
type RuntimeRemoveBinding struct { // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` }
RuntimeRemoveBinding (experimental) This method does not remove binding function from global object but unsubscribes current runtime agent from Runtime.bindingCalled notifications.
func (RuntimeRemoveBinding) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeRemoveBinding) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeRemoveBinding) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeRemoveBinding) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger ¶
type RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger struct { }
RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger Tells inspected instance to run if it was waiting for debugger to attach.
func (RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeRunIfWaitingForDebugger) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeRunScript ¶
type RuntimeRunScript struct { // ScriptID Id of the script to run. ScriptID RuntimeScriptID `json:"scriptId"` // ExecutionContextID (optional) Specifies in which execution context to perform script run. If the parameter is omitted the // evaluation will be performed in the context of the inspected page. ExecutionContextID RuntimeExecutionContextID `json:"executionContextId,omitempty"` // ObjectGroup (optional) Symbolic group name that can be used to release multiple objects. ObjectGroup string `json:"objectGroup,omitempty"` // Silent (optional) In silent mode exceptions thrown during evaluation are not reported and do not pause // execution. Overrides `setPauseOnException` state. Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` // IncludeCommandLineAPI (optional) Determines whether Command Line API should be available during the evaluation. IncludeCommandLineAPI bool `json:"includeCommandLineAPI,omitempty"` // ReturnByValue (optional) Whether the result is expected to be a JSON object which should be sent by value. ReturnByValue bool `json:"returnByValue,omitempty"` // GeneratePreview (optional) Whether preview should be generated for the result. GeneratePreview bool `json:"generatePreview,omitempty"` // AwaitPromise (optional) Whether execution should `await` for resulting value and return once awaited promise is // resolved. AwaitPromise bool `json:"awaitPromise,omitempty"` }
RuntimeRunScript Runs script with given id in a given context.
func (RuntimeRunScript) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeRunScript) Call(c Client) (*RuntimeRunScriptResult, error)
Call the request
type RuntimeRunScriptResult ¶
type RuntimeRunScriptResult struct { // Result Run result. Result *RuntimeRemoteObject `json:"result"` // ExceptionDetails (optional) Exception details. ExceptionDetails *RuntimeExceptionDetails `json:"exceptionDetails,omitempty"` }
RuntimeRunScriptResult ...
type RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth ¶
type RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth struct { // MaxDepth Maximum depth of async call stacks. Setting to `0` will effectively disable collecting async // call stacks (default). MaxDepth int `json:"maxDepth"` }
RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth Enables or disables async call stacks tracking.
func (RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeSetAsyncCallStackDepth) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled ¶
type RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled struct { // Enabled ... Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled (experimental) ...
func (RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeSetCustomObjectFormatterEnabled) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture ¶
type RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture struct { // Size ... Size int `json:"size"` }
RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture (experimental) ...
func (RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeSetMaxCallStackSizeToCapture) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeStackTrace ¶
type RuntimeStackTrace struct { // Description (optional) String label of this stack trace. For async traces this may be a name of the function that // initiated the async call. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // CallFrames JavaScript function name. CallFrames []*RuntimeCallFrame `json:"callFrames"` // Parent (optional) Asynchronous JavaScript stack trace that preceded this stack, if available. Parent *RuntimeStackTrace `json:"parent,omitempty"` // ParentID (experimental) (optional) Asynchronous JavaScript stack trace that preceded this stack, if available. ParentID *RuntimeStackTraceID `json:"parentId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeStackTrace Call frames for assertions or error messages.
type RuntimeStackTraceID ¶
type RuntimeStackTraceID struct { // ID ... ID string `json:"id"` // DebuggerID (optional) ... DebuggerID RuntimeUniqueDebuggerID `json:"debuggerId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeStackTraceID (experimental) If `debuggerId` is set stack trace comes from another debugger and can be resolved there. This allows to track cross-debugger calls. See `Runtime.StackTrace` and `Debugger.paused` for usages.
type RuntimeTerminateExecution ¶
type RuntimeTerminateExecution struct { }
RuntimeTerminateExecution (experimental) Terminate current or next JavaScript execution. Will cancel the termination when the outer-most script execution ends.
func (RuntimeTerminateExecution) Call ¶
func (m RuntimeTerminateExecution) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (RuntimeTerminateExecution) ProtoReq ¶
func (m RuntimeTerminateExecution) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type RuntimeTimestamp ¶
type RuntimeTimestamp float64
RuntimeTimestamp Number of milliseconds since epoch.
type RuntimeUniqueDebuggerID ¶
type RuntimeUniqueDebuggerID string
RuntimeUniqueDebuggerID (experimental) Unique identifier of current debugger.
type RuntimeUnserializableValue ¶
type RuntimeUnserializableValue string
RuntimeUnserializableValue Primitive value which cannot be JSON-stringified. Includes values `-0`, `NaN`, `Infinity`, `-Infinity`, and bigint literals.
type RuntimeWebDriverValue ¶
type RuntimeWebDriverValue struct { // Type ... Type RuntimeWebDriverValueType `json:"type"` // Value (optional) ... Value gson.JSON `json:"value,omitempty"` // ObjectID (optional) ... ObjectID string `json:"objectId,omitempty"` }
RuntimeWebDriverValue Represents the value serialiazed by the WebDriver BiDi specification
type RuntimeWebDriverValueType ¶
type RuntimeWebDriverValueType string
RuntimeWebDriverValueType enum
const ( // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeUndefined enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeUndefined RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "undefined" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeNull enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeNull RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "null" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeString enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeString RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "string" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeNumber enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeNumber RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "number" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeBoolean enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeBoolean RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "boolean" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeBigint enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeBigint RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "bigint" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeRegexp enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeRegexp RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "regexp" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeDate enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeDate RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "date" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeSymbol enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeSymbol RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "symbol" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeArray enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeArray RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "array" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeObject enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeObject RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "object" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeFunction enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeFunction RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "function" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeMap enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeMap RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "map" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeSet enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeSet RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "set" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeWeakmap enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeWeakmap RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "weakmap" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeWeakset enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeWeakset RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "weakset" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeError enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeError RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "error" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeProxy enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeProxy RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "proxy" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypePromise enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypePromise RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "promise" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeTypedarray enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeTypedarray RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "typedarray" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeArraybuffer enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeArraybuffer RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "arraybuffer" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeNode enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeNode RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "node" // RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeWindow enum const RuntimeWebDriverValueTypeWindow RuntimeWebDriverValueType = "window" )
type SchemaDomain ¶
type SchemaDomain struct { // Name Domain name. Name string `json:"name"` // Version Domain version. Version string `json:"version"` }
SchemaDomain Description of the protocol domain.
type SchemaGetDomains ¶
type SchemaGetDomains struct { }
SchemaGetDomains Returns supported domains.
func (SchemaGetDomains) Call ¶
func (m SchemaGetDomains) Call(c Client) (*SchemaGetDomainsResult, error)
Call the request
type SchemaGetDomainsResult ¶
type SchemaGetDomainsResult struct { // Domains List of supported domains. Domains []*SchemaDomain `json:"domains"` }
SchemaGetDomainsResult ...
type SecurityCertificateError ¶
type SecurityCertificateError struct { // EventID The ID of the event. EventID int `json:"eventId"` // ErrorType The type of the error. ErrorType string `json:"errorType"` // RequestURL The url that was requested. RequestURL string `json:"requestURL"` }
SecurityCertificateError (deprecated) There is a certificate error. If overriding certificate errors is enabled, then it should be handled with the `handleCertificateError` command. Note: this event does not fire if the certificate error has been allowed internally. Only one client per target should override certificate errors at the same time.
func (SecurityCertificateError) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt SecurityCertificateError) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type SecurityCertificateErrorAction ¶
type SecurityCertificateErrorAction string
SecurityCertificateErrorAction The action to take when a certificate error occurs. continue will continue processing the request and cancel will cancel the request.
const ( // SecurityCertificateErrorActionContinue enum const SecurityCertificateErrorActionContinue SecurityCertificateErrorAction = "continue" // SecurityCertificateErrorActionCancel enum const SecurityCertificateErrorActionCancel SecurityCertificateErrorAction = "cancel" )
type SecurityCertificateID ¶
type SecurityCertificateID int
SecurityCertificateID An internal certificate ID value.
type SecurityCertificateSecurityState ¶
type SecurityCertificateSecurityState struct { // Protocol Protocol name (e.g. "TLS 1.2" or "QUIC"). Protocol string `json:"protocol"` // KeyExchange Key Exchange used by the connection, or the empty string if not applicable. KeyExchange string `json:"keyExchange"` // KeyExchangeGroup (optional) (EC)DH group used by the connection, if applicable. KeyExchangeGroup string `json:"keyExchangeGroup,omitempty"` // Cipher Cipher name. Cipher string `json:"cipher"` // Mac (optional) TLS MAC. Note that AEAD ciphers do not have separate MACs. Mac string `json:"mac,omitempty"` // Certificate Page certificate. Certificate []string `json:"certificate"` // SubjectName Certificate subject name. SubjectName string `json:"subjectName"` // Issuer Name of the issuing CA. Issuer string `json:"issuer"` // ValidFrom Certificate valid from date. ValidFrom TimeSinceEpoch `json:"validFrom"` // ValidTo Certificate valid to (expiration) date ValidTo TimeSinceEpoch `json:"validTo"` // CertificateNetworkError (optional) The highest priority network error code, if the certificate has an error. CertificateNetworkError string `json:"certificateNetworkError,omitempty"` // CertificateHasWeakSignature True if the certificate uses a weak signature aglorithm. CertificateHasWeakSignature bool `json:"certificateHasWeakSignature"` // CertificateHasSha1Signature True if the certificate has a SHA1 signature in the chain. CertificateHasSha1Signature bool `json:"certificateHasSha1Signature"` // ModernSSL True if modern SSL ModernSSL bool `json:"modernSSL"` // ObsoleteSslProtocol True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL protocol. ObsoleteSslProtocol bool `json:"obsoleteSslProtocol"` // ObsoleteSslKeyExchange True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL key exchange. ObsoleteSslKeyExchange bool `json:"obsoleteSslKeyExchange"` // ObsoleteSslCipher True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL cipher. ObsoleteSslCipher bool `json:"obsoleteSslCipher"` // ObsoleteSslSignature True if the connection is using an obsolete SSL signature. ObsoleteSslSignature bool `json:"obsoleteSslSignature"` }
SecurityCertificateSecurityState (experimental) Details about the security state of the page certificate.
type SecurityDisable ¶
type SecurityDisable struct { }
SecurityDisable Disables tracking security state changes.
type SecurityEnable ¶
type SecurityEnable struct { }
SecurityEnable Enables tracking security state changes.
type SecurityHandleCertificateError ¶
type SecurityHandleCertificateError struct { // EventID The ID of the event. EventID int `json:"eventId"` // Action The action to take on the certificate error. Action SecurityCertificateErrorAction `json:"action"` }
SecurityHandleCertificateError (deprecated) Handles a certificate error that fired a certificateError event.
func (SecurityHandleCertificateError) Call ¶
func (m SecurityHandleCertificateError) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (SecurityHandleCertificateError) ProtoReq ¶
func (m SecurityHandleCertificateError) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type SecurityInsecureContentStatus ¶
type SecurityInsecureContentStatus struct { // RanMixedContent Always false. RanMixedContent bool `json:"ranMixedContent"` // DisplayedMixedContent Always false. DisplayedMixedContent bool `json:"displayedMixedContent"` // ContainedMixedForm Always false. ContainedMixedForm bool `json:"containedMixedForm"` // RanContentWithCertErrors Always false. RanContentWithCertErrors bool `json:"ranContentWithCertErrors"` // DisplayedContentWithCertErrors Always false. DisplayedContentWithCertErrors bool `json:"displayedContentWithCertErrors"` // RanInsecureContentStyle Always set to unknown. RanInsecureContentStyle SecuritySecurityState `json:"ranInsecureContentStyle"` // DisplayedInsecureContentStyle Always set to unknown. DisplayedInsecureContentStyle SecuritySecurityState `json:"displayedInsecureContentStyle"` }
SecurityInsecureContentStatus (deprecated) Information about insecure content on the page.
type SecurityMixedContentType ¶
type SecurityMixedContentType string
SecurityMixedContentType A description of mixed content (HTTP resources on HTTPS pages), as defined by
const ( // SecurityMixedContentTypeBlockable enum const SecurityMixedContentTypeBlockable SecurityMixedContentType = "blockable" // SecurityMixedContentTypeOptionallyBlockable enum const SecurityMixedContentTypeOptionallyBlockable SecurityMixedContentType = "optionally-blockable" // SecurityMixedContentTypeNone enum const SecurityMixedContentTypeNone SecurityMixedContentType = "none" )
type SecuritySafetyTipInfo ¶
type SecuritySafetyTipInfo struct { // SafetyTipStatus Describes whether the page triggers any safety tips or reputation warnings. Default is unknown. SafetyTipStatus SecuritySafetyTipStatus `json:"safetyTipStatus"` // SafeURL (optional) The URL the safety tip suggested ("Did you mean?"). Only filled in for lookalike matches. SafeURL string `json:"safeUrl,omitempty"` }
SecuritySafetyTipInfo (experimental) ...
type SecuritySafetyTipStatus ¶
type SecuritySafetyTipStatus string
SecuritySafetyTipStatus (experimental) ...
const ( // SecuritySafetyTipStatusBadReputation enum const SecuritySafetyTipStatusBadReputation SecuritySafetyTipStatus = "badReputation" // SecuritySafetyTipStatusLookalike enum const SecuritySafetyTipStatusLookalike SecuritySafetyTipStatus = "lookalike" )
type SecuritySecurityState ¶
type SecuritySecurityState string
SecuritySecurityState The security level of a page or resource.
const ( // SecuritySecurityStateUnknown enum const SecuritySecurityStateUnknown SecuritySecurityState = "unknown" // SecuritySecurityStateNeutral enum const SecuritySecurityStateNeutral SecuritySecurityState = "neutral" // SecuritySecurityStateInsecure enum const SecuritySecurityStateInsecure SecuritySecurityState = "insecure" // SecuritySecurityStateSecure enum const SecuritySecurityStateSecure SecuritySecurityState = "secure" // SecuritySecurityStateInfo enum const SecuritySecurityStateInfo SecuritySecurityState = "info" // SecuritySecurityStateInsecureBroken enum const SecuritySecurityStateInsecureBroken SecuritySecurityState = "insecure-broken" )
type SecuritySecurityStateChanged ¶
type SecuritySecurityStateChanged struct { // SecurityState Security state. SecurityState SecuritySecurityState `json:"securityState"` // SchemeIsCryptographic (deprecated) True if the page was loaded over cryptographic transport such as HTTPS. SchemeIsCryptographic bool `json:"schemeIsCryptographic"` // Explanations (deprecated) Previously a list of explanations for the security state. Now always // empty. Explanations []*SecuritySecurityStateExplanation `json:"explanations"` // InsecureContentStatus (deprecated) Information about insecure content on the page. InsecureContentStatus *SecurityInsecureContentStatus `json:"insecureContentStatus"` // Summary (deprecated) (optional) Overrides user-visible description of the state. Always omitted. Summary string `json:"summary,omitempty"` }
SecuritySecurityStateChanged (deprecated) The security state of the page changed. No longer being sent.
func (SecuritySecurityStateChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt SecuritySecurityStateChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type SecuritySecurityStateExplanation ¶
type SecuritySecurityStateExplanation struct { // SecurityState Security state representing the severity of the factor being explained. SecurityState SecuritySecurityState `json:"securityState"` // Title Title describing the type of factor. Title string `json:"title"` // Summary Short phrase describing the type of factor. Summary string `json:"summary"` // Description Full text explanation of the factor. Description string `json:"description"` // MixedContentType The type of mixed content described by the explanation. MixedContentType SecurityMixedContentType `json:"mixedContentType"` // Certificate Page certificate. Certificate []string `json:"certificate"` // Recommendations (optional) Recommendations to fix any issues. Recommendations []string `json:"recommendations,omitempty"` }
SecuritySecurityStateExplanation An explanation of an factor contributing to the security state.
type SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors ¶
type SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors struct { // Ignore If true, all certificate errors will be ignored. Ignore bool `json:"ignore"` }
SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors (experimental) Enable/disable whether all certificate errors should be ignored.
func (SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors) Call ¶
func (m SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors) ProtoReq ¶
func (m SecuritySetIgnoreCertificateErrors) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors ¶
type SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors struct { // Override If true, certificate errors will be overridden. Override bool `json:"override"` }
SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors (deprecated) Enable/disable overriding certificate errors. If enabled, all certificate error events need to be handled by the DevTools client and should be answered with `handleCertificateError` commands.
func (SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors) Call ¶
func (m SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors) ProtoReq ¶
func (m SecuritySetOverrideCertificateErrors) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type SecurityVisibleSecurityState ¶
type SecurityVisibleSecurityState struct { // SecurityState The security level of the page. SecurityState SecuritySecurityState `json:"securityState"` // CertificateSecurityState (optional) Security state details about the page certificate. CertificateSecurityState *SecurityCertificateSecurityState `json:"certificateSecurityState,omitempty"` // SafetyTipInfo (optional) The type of Safety Tip triggered on the page. Note that this field will be set even if the Safety Tip UI was not actually shown. SafetyTipInfo *SecuritySafetyTipInfo `json:"safetyTipInfo,omitempty"` // SecurityStateIssueIds Array of security state issues ids. SecurityStateIssueIds []string `json:"securityStateIssueIds"` }
SecurityVisibleSecurityState (experimental) Security state information about the page.
type SecurityVisibleSecurityStateChanged ¶
type SecurityVisibleSecurityStateChanged struct { // VisibleSecurityState Security state information about the page. VisibleSecurityState *SecurityVisibleSecurityState `json:"visibleSecurityState"` }
SecurityVisibleSecurityStateChanged (experimental) The security state of the page changed.
func (SecurityVisibleSecurityStateChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt SecurityVisibleSecurityStateChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage ¶
type ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage struct { // Origin ... Origin string `json:"origin"` // RegistrationID ... RegistrationID ServiceWorkerRegistrationID `json:"registrationId"` // Data ... Data string `json:"data"` }
ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage ...
func (ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDeliverPushMessage) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerDisable ¶
type ServiceWorkerDisable struct { }
ServiceWorkerDisable ...
func (ServiceWorkerDisable) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDisable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerDisable) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDisable) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent ¶
type ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent struct { // Origin ... Origin string `json:"origin"` // RegistrationID ... RegistrationID ServiceWorkerRegistrationID `json:"registrationId"` // Tag ... Tag string `json:"tag"` }
ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent ...
func (ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDispatchPeriodicSyncEvent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent ¶
type ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent struct { // Origin ... Origin string `json:"origin"` // RegistrationID ... RegistrationID ServiceWorkerRegistrationID `json:"registrationId"` // Tag ... Tag string `json:"tag"` // LastChance ... LastChance bool `json:"lastChance"` }
ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent ...
func (ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerDispatchSyncEvent) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerEnable ¶
type ServiceWorkerEnable struct { }
ServiceWorkerEnable ...
func (ServiceWorkerEnable) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerEnable) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type ServiceWorkerInspectWorker ¶
type ServiceWorkerInspectWorker struct { // VersionID ... VersionID string `json:"versionId"` }
ServiceWorkerInspectWorker ...
func (ServiceWorkerInspectWorker) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerInspectWorker) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerInspectWorker) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerInspectWorker) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerRegistrationID ¶
type ServiceWorkerRegistrationID string
ServiceWorkerRegistrationID ...
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerErrorMessage ¶
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerErrorMessage struct { // ErrorMessage ... ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage"` // RegistrationID ... RegistrationID ServiceWorkerRegistrationID `json:"registrationId"` // VersionID ... VersionID string `json:"versionId"` // SourceURL ... SourceURL string `json:"sourceURL"` // LineNumber ... LineNumber int `json:"lineNumber"` // ColumnNumber ... ColumnNumber int `json:"columnNumber"` }
ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerErrorMessage ServiceWorker error message.
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerRegistration ¶
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerRegistration struct { // RegistrationID ... RegistrationID ServiceWorkerRegistrationID `json:"registrationId"` // ScopeURL ... ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` // IsDeleted ... IsDeleted bool `json:"isDeleted"` }
ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerRegistration ServiceWorker registration.
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersion ¶
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersion struct { // VersionID ... VersionID string `json:"versionId"` // RegistrationID ... RegistrationID ServiceWorkerRegistrationID `json:"registrationId"` // ScriptURL ... ScriptURL string `json:"scriptURL"` // RunningStatus ... RunningStatus ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus `json:"runningStatus"` // Status ... Status ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus `json:"status"` // ScriptLastModified (optional) The Last-Modified header value of the main script. ScriptLastModified *float64 `json:"scriptLastModified,omitempty"` // ScriptResponseTime (optional) The time at which the response headers of the main script were received from the server. // For cached script it is the last time the cache entry was validated. ScriptResponseTime *float64 `json:"scriptResponseTime,omitempty"` // ControlledClients (optional) ... ControlledClients []TargetTargetID `json:"controlledClients,omitempty"` // TargetID (optional) ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersion ServiceWorker version.
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus ¶
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus string
ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus ...
const ( // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusStopped enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusStopped ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus = "stopped" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusStarting enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusStarting ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus = "starting" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusRunning enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusRunning ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus = "running" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusStopping enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatusStopping ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionRunningStatus = "stopping" )
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus ¶
type ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus string
ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus ...
const ( // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusNew enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusNew ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus = "new" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusInstalling enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusInstalling ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus = "installing" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusInstalled enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusInstalled ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus = "installed" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusActivating enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusActivating ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus = "activating" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusActivated enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusActivated ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus = "activated" // ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusRedundant enum const ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatusRedundant ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersionStatus = "redundant" )
type ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad ¶
type ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad struct { // ForceUpdateOnPageLoad ... ForceUpdateOnPageLoad bool `json:"forceUpdateOnPageLoad"` }
ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad ...
func (ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerSetForceUpdateOnPageLoad) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting ¶
type ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting struct { // ScopeURL ... ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` }
ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting ...
func (ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerSkipWaiting) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerStartWorker ¶
type ServiceWorkerStartWorker struct { // ScopeURL ... ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` }
ServiceWorkerStartWorker ...
func (ServiceWorkerStartWorker) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerStartWorker) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerStartWorker) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerStartWorker) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers ¶
type ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers struct { }
ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers ...
func (ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerStopAllWorkers) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerStopWorker ¶
type ServiceWorkerStopWorker struct { // VersionID ... VersionID string `json:"versionId"` }
ServiceWorkerStopWorker ...
func (ServiceWorkerStopWorker) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerStopWorker) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerStopWorker) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerStopWorker) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerUnregister ¶
type ServiceWorkerUnregister struct { // ScopeURL ... ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` }
ServiceWorkerUnregister ...
func (ServiceWorkerUnregister) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerUnregister) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerUnregister) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerUnregister) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration ¶
type ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration struct { // ScopeURL ... ScopeURL string `json:"scopeURL"` }
ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration ...
func (ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration) Call ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration) ProtoReq ¶
func (m ServiceWorkerUpdateRegistration) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type ServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported ¶
type ServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported struct { // ErrorMessage ... ErrorMessage *ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerErrorMessage `json:"errorMessage"` }
ServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported ...
func (ServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt ServiceWorkerWorkerErrorReported) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type ServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated ¶
type ServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated struct { // Registrations ... Registrations []*ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerRegistration `json:"registrations"` }
ServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated ...
func (ServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt ServiceWorkerWorkerRegistrationUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type ServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated ¶
type ServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated struct { // Versions ... Versions []*ServiceWorkerServiceWorkerVersion `json:"versions"` }
ServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated ...
func (ServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt ServiceWorkerWorkerVersionUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type Sessionable ¶
type Sessionable interface {
GetSessionID() TargetSessionID
Sessionable type has a proto.TargetSessionID for its methods
type StorageCacheStorageContentUpdated ¶
type StorageCacheStorageContentUpdated struct { // Origin Origin to update. Origin string `json:"origin"` // CacheName Name of cache in origin. CacheName string `json:"cacheName"` }
StorageCacheStorageContentUpdated A cache's contents have been modified.
func (StorageCacheStorageContentUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt StorageCacheStorageContentUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type StorageCacheStorageListUpdated ¶
type StorageCacheStorageListUpdated struct { // Origin Origin to update. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
StorageCacheStorageListUpdated A cache has been added/deleted.
func (StorageCacheStorageListUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt StorageCacheStorageListUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type StorageClearCookies ¶
type StorageClearCookies struct { // BrowserContextID (optional) Browser context to use when called on the browser endpoint. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
StorageClearCookies Clears cookies.
func (StorageClearCookies) Call ¶
func (m StorageClearCookies) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type StorageClearDataForOrigin ¶
type StorageClearDataForOrigin struct { // Origin Security origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` // StorageTypes Comma separated list of StorageType to clear. StorageTypes string `json:"storageTypes"` }
StorageClearDataForOrigin Clears storage for origin.
func (StorageClearDataForOrigin) Call ¶
func (m StorageClearDataForOrigin) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (StorageClearDataForOrigin) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageClearDataForOrigin) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageClearTrustTokens ¶
type StorageClearTrustTokens struct { // IssuerOrigin ... IssuerOrigin string `json:"issuerOrigin"` }
StorageClearTrustTokens (experimental) Removes all Trust Tokens issued by the provided issuerOrigin. Leaves other stored data, including the issuer's Redemption Records, intact.
func (StorageClearTrustTokens) Call ¶
func (m StorageClearTrustTokens) Call(c Client) (*StorageClearTrustTokensResult, error)
Call the request
func (StorageClearTrustTokens) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageClearTrustTokens) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageClearTrustTokensResult ¶
type StorageClearTrustTokensResult struct { // DidDeleteTokens True if any tokens were deleted, false otherwise. DidDeleteTokens bool `json:"didDeleteTokens"` }
StorageClearTrustTokensResult (experimental) ...
type StorageGetCookies ¶
type StorageGetCookies struct { // BrowserContextID (optional) Browser context to use when called on the browser endpoint. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
StorageGetCookies Returns all browser cookies.
func (StorageGetCookies) Call ¶
func (m StorageGetCookies) Call(c Client) (*StorageGetCookiesResult, error)
Call the request
type StorageGetCookiesResult ¶
type StorageGetCookiesResult struct { // Cookies Array of cookie objects. Cookies []*NetworkCookie `json:"cookies"` }
StorageGetCookiesResult ...
type StorageGetInterestGroupDetails ¶
type StorageGetInterestGroupDetails struct { // OwnerOrigin ... OwnerOrigin string `json:"ownerOrigin"` // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` }
StorageGetInterestGroupDetails (experimental) Gets details for a named interest group.
func (StorageGetInterestGroupDetails) Call ¶
func (m StorageGetInterestGroupDetails) Call(c Client) (*StorageGetInterestGroupDetailsResult, error)
Call the request
func (StorageGetInterestGroupDetails) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageGetInterestGroupDetails) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageGetInterestGroupDetailsResult ¶
type StorageGetInterestGroupDetailsResult struct { // Details ... Details *StorageInterestGroupDetails `json:"details"` }
StorageGetInterestGroupDetailsResult (experimental) ...
type StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame ¶
type StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame struct { // FrameID ... FrameID PageFrameID `json:"frameId"` }
StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame Returns a storage key given a frame id.
func (StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame) Call ¶
func (m StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame) Call(c Client) (*StorageGetStorageKeyForFrameResult, error)
Call the request
func (StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageGetStorageKeyForFrame) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageGetStorageKeyForFrameResult ¶
type StorageGetStorageKeyForFrameResult struct { // StorageKey ... StorageKey StorageSerializedStorageKey `json:"storageKey"` }
StorageGetStorageKeyForFrameResult ...
type StorageGetTrustTokens ¶
type StorageGetTrustTokens struct { }
StorageGetTrustTokens (experimental) Returns the number of stored Trust Tokens per issuer for the current browsing context.
func (StorageGetTrustTokens) Call ¶
func (m StorageGetTrustTokens) Call(c Client) (*StorageGetTrustTokensResult, error)
Call the request
func (StorageGetTrustTokens) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageGetTrustTokens) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageGetTrustTokensResult ¶
type StorageGetTrustTokensResult struct { // Tokens ... Tokens []*StorageTrustTokens `json:"tokens"` }
StorageGetTrustTokensResult (experimental) ...
type StorageGetUsageAndQuota ¶
type StorageGetUsageAndQuota struct { // Origin Security origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
StorageGetUsageAndQuota Returns usage and quota in bytes.
func (StorageGetUsageAndQuota) Call ¶
func (m StorageGetUsageAndQuota) Call(c Client) (*StorageGetUsageAndQuotaResult, error)
Call the request
func (StorageGetUsageAndQuota) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageGetUsageAndQuota) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaResult ¶
type StorageGetUsageAndQuotaResult struct { // Usage Storage usage (bytes). Usage float64 `json:"usage"` // Quota Storage quota (bytes). Quota float64 `json:"quota"` // OverrideActive Whether or not the origin has an active storage quota override OverrideActive bool `json:"overrideActive"` // UsageBreakdown Storage usage per type (bytes). UsageBreakdown []*StorageUsageForType `json:"usageBreakdown"` }
StorageGetUsageAndQuotaResult ...
type StorageIndexedDBContentUpdated ¶
type StorageIndexedDBContentUpdated struct { // Origin Origin to update. Origin string `json:"origin"` // DatabaseName Database to update. DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"` // ObjectStoreName ObjectStore to update. ObjectStoreName string `json:"objectStoreName"` }
StorageIndexedDBContentUpdated The origin's IndexedDB object store has been modified.
func (StorageIndexedDBContentUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt StorageIndexedDBContentUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type StorageIndexedDBListUpdated ¶
type StorageIndexedDBListUpdated struct { // Origin Origin to update. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
StorageIndexedDBListUpdated The origin's IndexedDB database list has been modified.
func (StorageIndexedDBListUpdated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt StorageIndexedDBListUpdated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type StorageInterestGroupAccessType ¶
type StorageInterestGroupAccessType string
StorageInterestGroupAccessType Enum of interest group access types.
const ( // StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeJoin enum const StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeJoin StorageInterestGroupAccessType = "join" // StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeLeave enum const StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeLeave StorageInterestGroupAccessType = "leave" // StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeUpdate enum const StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeUpdate StorageInterestGroupAccessType = "update" // StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeBid enum const StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeBid StorageInterestGroupAccessType = "bid" // StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeWin enum const StorageInterestGroupAccessTypeWin StorageInterestGroupAccessType = "win" )
type StorageInterestGroupAccessed ¶
type StorageInterestGroupAccessed struct { // AccessTime ... AccessTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"accessTime"` // Type ... Type StorageInterestGroupAccessType `json:"type"` // OwnerOrigin ... OwnerOrigin string `json:"ownerOrigin"` // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` }
StorageInterestGroupAccessed One of the interest groups was accessed by the associated page.
func (StorageInterestGroupAccessed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt StorageInterestGroupAccessed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type StorageInterestGroupAd ¶
type StorageInterestGroupAd struct { // RenderURL ... RenderURL string `json:"renderUrl"` // Metadata (optional) ... Metadata string `json:"metadata,omitempty"` }
StorageInterestGroupAd Ad advertising element inside an interest group.
type StorageInterestGroupDetails ¶
type StorageInterestGroupDetails struct { // OwnerOrigin ... OwnerOrigin string `json:"ownerOrigin"` // Name ... Name string `json:"name"` // ExpirationTime ... ExpirationTime TimeSinceEpoch `json:"expirationTime"` // JoiningOrigin ... JoiningOrigin string `json:"joiningOrigin"` // BiddingURL (optional) ... BiddingURL string `json:"biddingUrl,omitempty"` // BiddingWasmHelperURL (optional) ... BiddingWasmHelperURL string `json:"biddingWasmHelperUrl,omitempty"` // UpdateURL (optional) ... UpdateURL string `json:"updateUrl,omitempty"` // TrustedBiddingSignalsURL (optional) ... TrustedBiddingSignalsURL string `json:"trustedBiddingSignalsUrl,omitempty"` // TrustedBiddingSignalsKeys ... TrustedBiddingSignalsKeys []string `json:"trustedBiddingSignalsKeys"` // UserBiddingSignals (optional) ... UserBiddingSignals string `json:"userBiddingSignals,omitempty"` // Ads ... Ads []*StorageInterestGroupAd `json:"ads"` // AdComponents ... AdComponents []*StorageInterestGroupAd `json:"adComponents"` }
StorageInterestGroupDetails The full details of an interest group.
type StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin ¶
type StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin struct { // Origin Security origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` // QuotaSize (optional) The quota size (in bytes) to override the original quota with. // If this is called multiple times, the overridden quota will be equal to // the quotaSize provided in the final call. If this is called without // specifying a quotaSize, the quota will be reset to the default value for // the specified origin. If this is called multiple times with different // origins, the override will be maintained for each origin until it is // disabled (called without a quotaSize). QuotaSize *float64 `json:"quotaSize,omitempty"` }
StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin (experimental) Override quota for the specified origin
func (StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin) Call ¶
func (m StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageOverrideQuotaForOrigin) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageSerializedStorageKey ¶
type StorageSerializedStorageKey string
StorageSerializedStorageKey ...
type StorageSetCookies ¶
type StorageSetCookies struct { // Cookies Cookies to be set. Cookies []*NetworkCookieParam `json:"cookies"` // BrowserContextID (optional) Browser context to use when called on the browser endpoint. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
StorageSetCookies Sets given cookies.
func (StorageSetCookies) Call ¶
func (m StorageSetCookies) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type StorageSetInterestGroupTracking ¶
type StorageSetInterestGroupTracking struct { // Enable ... Enable bool `json:"enable"` }
StorageSetInterestGroupTracking (experimental) Enables/Disables issuing of interestGroupAccessed events.
func (StorageSetInterestGroupTracking) Call ¶
func (m StorageSetInterestGroupTracking) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (StorageSetInterestGroupTracking) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageSetInterestGroupTracking) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageStorageType ¶
type StorageStorageType string
StorageStorageType Enum of possible storage types.
const ( // StorageStorageTypeAppcache enum const StorageStorageTypeAppcache StorageStorageType = "appcache" // StorageStorageTypeCookies enum const StorageStorageTypeCookies StorageStorageType = "cookies" // StorageStorageTypeFileSystems enum const StorageStorageTypeFileSystems StorageStorageType = "file_systems" // StorageStorageTypeIndexeddb enum const StorageStorageTypeIndexeddb StorageStorageType = "indexeddb" // StorageStorageTypeLocalStorage enum const StorageStorageTypeLocalStorage StorageStorageType = "local_storage" // StorageStorageTypeShaderCache enum const StorageStorageTypeShaderCache StorageStorageType = "shader_cache" // StorageStorageTypeWebsql enum const StorageStorageTypeWebsql StorageStorageType = "websql" // StorageStorageTypeServiceWorkers enum const StorageStorageTypeServiceWorkers StorageStorageType = "service_workers" // StorageStorageTypeCacheStorage enum const StorageStorageTypeCacheStorage StorageStorageType = "cache_storage" // StorageStorageTypeInterestGroups enum const StorageStorageTypeInterestGroups StorageStorageType = "interest_groups" // StorageStorageTypeAll enum const StorageStorageTypeAll StorageStorageType = "all" // StorageStorageTypeOther enum const StorageStorageTypeOther StorageStorageType = "other" )
type StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin ¶
type StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin struct { // Origin Security origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its cache storage list.
func (StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin) Call ¶
func (m StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageTrackCacheStorageForOrigin) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin ¶
type StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin struct { // Origin Security origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin Registers origin to be notified when an update occurs to its IndexedDB.
func (StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin) Call ¶
func (m StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageTrackIndexedDBForOrigin) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageTrustTokens ¶
type StorageTrustTokens struct { // IssuerOrigin ... IssuerOrigin string `json:"issuerOrigin"` // Count ... Count float64 `json:"count"` }
StorageTrustTokens (experimental) Pair of issuer origin and number of available (signed, but not used) Trust Tokens from that issuer.
type StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin ¶
type StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin struct { // Origin Security origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for cache storage.
func (StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin) Call ¶
func (m StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageUntrackCacheStorageForOrigin) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin ¶
type StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin struct { // Origin Security origin. Origin string `json:"origin"` }
StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin Unregisters origin from receiving notifications for IndexedDB.
func (StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin) Call ¶
func (m StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin) ProtoReq ¶
func (m StorageUntrackIndexedDBForOrigin) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type StorageUsageForType ¶
type StorageUsageForType struct { // StorageType Name of storage type. StorageType StorageStorageType `json:"storageType"` // Usage Storage usage (bytes). Usage float64 `json:"usage"` }
StorageUsageForType Usage for a storage type.
type SystemInfoGPUDevice ¶
type SystemInfoGPUDevice struct { // VendorID PCI ID of the GPU vendor, if available; 0 otherwise. VendorID float64 `json:"vendorId"` // DeviceID PCI ID of the GPU device, if available; 0 otherwise. DeviceID float64 `json:"deviceId"` // SubSysID (optional) Sub sys ID of the GPU, only available on Windows. SubSysID *float64 `json:"subSysId,omitempty"` // Revision (optional) Revision of the GPU, only available on Windows. Revision *float64 `json:"revision,omitempty"` // VendorString String description of the GPU vendor, if the PCI ID is not available. VendorString string `json:"vendorString"` // DeviceString String description of the GPU device, if the PCI ID is not available. DeviceString string `json:"deviceString"` // DriverVendor String description of the GPU driver vendor. DriverVendor string `json:"driverVendor"` // DriverVersion String description of the GPU driver version. DriverVersion string `json:"driverVersion"` }
SystemInfoGPUDevice Describes a single graphics processor (GPU).
type SystemInfoGPUInfo ¶
type SystemInfoGPUInfo struct { // Devices The graphics devices on the system. Element 0 is the primary GPU. Devices []*SystemInfoGPUDevice `json:"devices"` // AuxAttributes (optional) An optional dictionary of additional GPU related attributes. AuxAttributes map[string]gson.JSON `json:"auxAttributes,omitempty"` // FeatureStatus (optional) An optional dictionary of graphics features and their status. FeatureStatus map[string]gson.JSON `json:"featureStatus,omitempty"` // DriverBugWorkarounds An optional array of GPU driver bug workarounds. DriverBugWorkarounds []string `json:"driverBugWorkarounds"` // VideoDecoding Supported accelerated video decoding capabilities. VideoDecoding []*SystemInfoVideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability `json:"videoDecoding"` // VideoEncoding Supported accelerated video encoding capabilities. VideoEncoding []*SystemInfoVideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability `json:"videoEncoding"` // ImageDecoding Supported accelerated image decoding capabilities. ImageDecoding []*SystemInfoImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability `json:"imageDecoding"` }
SystemInfoGPUInfo Provides information about the GPU(s) on the system.
type SystemInfoGetInfo ¶
type SystemInfoGetInfo struct { }
SystemInfoGetInfo Returns information about the system.
func (SystemInfoGetInfo) Call ¶
func (m SystemInfoGetInfo) Call(c Client) (*SystemInfoGetInfoResult, error)
Call the request
type SystemInfoGetInfoResult ¶
type SystemInfoGetInfoResult struct { // Gpu Information about the GPUs on the system. Gpu *SystemInfoGPUInfo `json:"gpu"` // ModelName A platform-dependent description of the model of the machine. On Mac OS, this is, for // example, 'MacBookPro'. Will be the empty string if not supported. ModelName string `json:"modelName"` // ModelVersion A platform-dependent description of the version of the machine. On Mac OS, this is, for // example, '10.1'. Will be the empty string if not supported. ModelVersion string `json:"modelVersion"` // CommandLine The command line string used to launch the browser. Will be the empty string if not // supported. CommandLine string `json:"commandLine"` }
SystemInfoGetInfoResult ...
type SystemInfoGetProcessInfo ¶
type SystemInfoGetProcessInfo struct { }
SystemInfoGetProcessInfo Returns information about all running processes.
func (SystemInfoGetProcessInfo) Call ¶
func (m SystemInfoGetProcessInfo) Call(c Client) (*SystemInfoGetProcessInfoResult, error)
Call the request
func (SystemInfoGetProcessInfo) ProtoReq ¶
func (m SystemInfoGetProcessInfo) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type SystemInfoGetProcessInfoResult ¶
type SystemInfoGetProcessInfoResult struct { // ProcessInfo An array of process info blocks. ProcessInfo []*SystemInfoProcessInfo `json:"processInfo"` }
SystemInfoGetProcessInfoResult ...
type SystemInfoImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability ¶
type SystemInfoImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability struct { // ImageType Image coded, e.g. Jpeg. ImageType SystemInfoImageType `json:"imageType"` // MaxDimensions Maximum supported dimensions of the image in pixels. MaxDimensions *SystemInfoSize `json:"maxDimensions"` // MinDimensions Minimum supported dimensions of the image in pixels. MinDimensions *SystemInfoSize `json:"minDimensions"` // Subsamplings Optional array of supported subsampling formats, e.g. 4:2:0, if known. Subsamplings []SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat `json:"subsamplings"` }
SystemInfoImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability Describes a supported image decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutions and subsampling.
type SystemInfoImageType ¶
type SystemInfoImageType string
SystemInfoImageType Image format of a given image.
const ( // SystemInfoImageTypeJpeg enum const SystemInfoImageTypeJpeg SystemInfoImageType = "jpeg" // SystemInfoImageTypeWebp enum const SystemInfoImageTypeWebp SystemInfoImageType = "webp" // SystemInfoImageTypeUnknown enum const SystemInfoImageTypeUnknown SystemInfoImageType = "unknown" )
type SystemInfoProcessInfo ¶
type SystemInfoProcessInfo struct { // Type Specifies process type. Type string `json:"type"` // ID Specifies process id. ID int `json:"id"` // CPUTime Specifies cumulative CPU usage in seconds across all threads of the // process since the process start. CPUTime float64 `json:"cpuTime"` }
SystemInfoProcessInfo Represents process info.
type SystemInfoSize ¶
type SystemInfoSize struct { // Width Width in pixels. Width int `json:"width"` // Height Height in pixels. Height int `json:"height"` }
SystemInfoSize Describes the width and height dimensions of an entity.
type SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat ¶
type SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat string
SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat YUV subsampling type of the pixels of a given image.
const ( // SystemInfoSubsamplingFormatYuv420 enum const SystemInfoSubsamplingFormatYuv420 SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat = "yuv420" // SystemInfoSubsamplingFormatYuv422 enum const SystemInfoSubsamplingFormatYuv422 SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat = "yuv422" // SystemInfoSubsamplingFormatYuv444 enum const SystemInfoSubsamplingFormatYuv444 SystemInfoSubsamplingFormat = "yuv444" )
type SystemInfoVideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability ¶
type SystemInfoVideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability struct { // Profile Video codec profile that is supported, e.g. VP9 Profile 2. Profile string `json:"profile"` // MaxResolution Maximum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|. MaxResolution *SystemInfoSize `json:"maxResolution"` // MinResolution Minimum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|. MinResolution *SystemInfoSize `json:"minResolution"` }
SystemInfoVideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability Describes a supported video decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutions.
type SystemInfoVideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability ¶
type SystemInfoVideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability struct { // Profile Video codec profile that is supported, e.g H264 Main. Profile string `json:"profile"` // MaxResolution Maximum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|. MaxResolution *SystemInfoSize `json:"maxResolution"` // MaxFramerateNumerator Maximum encoding framerate in frames per second supported for this // |profile|, as fraction's numerator and denominator, e.g. 24/1 fps, // 24000/1001 fps, etc. MaxFramerateNumerator int `json:"maxFramerateNumerator"` // MaxFramerateDenominator ... MaxFramerateDenominator int `json:"maxFramerateDenominator"` }
SystemInfoVideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability Describes a supported video encoding profile with its associated maximum resolution and maximum framerate.
type TargetActivateTarget ¶
type TargetActivateTarget struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` }
TargetActivateTarget Activates (focuses) the target.
func (TargetActivateTarget) Call ¶
func (m TargetActivateTarget) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetActivateTarget) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetActivateTarget) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetAttachToBrowserTarget ¶
type TargetAttachToBrowserTarget struct { }
TargetAttachToBrowserTarget (experimental) Attaches to the browser target, only uses flat sessionId mode.
func (TargetAttachToBrowserTarget) Call ¶
func (m TargetAttachToBrowserTarget) Call(c Client) (*TargetAttachToBrowserTargetResult, error)
Call the request
func (TargetAttachToBrowserTarget) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetAttachToBrowserTarget) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetAttachToBrowserTargetResult ¶
type TargetAttachToBrowserTargetResult struct { // SessionID Id assigned to the session. SessionID TargetSessionID `json:"sessionId"` }
TargetAttachToBrowserTargetResult (experimental) ...
type TargetAttachToTarget ¶
type TargetAttachToTarget struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` // Flatten (optional) Enables "flat" access to the session via specifying sessionId attribute in the commands. // We plan to make this the default, deprecate non-flattened mode, // and eventually retire it. See Flatten bool `json:"flatten,omitempty"` }
TargetAttachToTarget Attaches to the target with given id.
func (TargetAttachToTarget) Call ¶
func (m TargetAttachToTarget) Call(c Client) (*TargetAttachToTargetResult, error)
Call the request
func (TargetAttachToTarget) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetAttachToTarget) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetAttachToTargetResult ¶
type TargetAttachToTargetResult struct { // SessionID Id assigned to the session. SessionID TargetSessionID `json:"sessionId"` }
TargetAttachToTargetResult ...
type TargetAttachedToTarget ¶
type TargetAttachedToTarget struct { // SessionID Identifier assigned to the session used to send/receive messages. SessionID TargetSessionID `json:"sessionId"` // TargetInfo ... TargetInfo *TargetTargetInfo `json:"targetInfo"` // WaitingForDebugger ... WaitingForDebugger bool `json:"waitingForDebugger"` }
TargetAttachedToTarget (experimental) Issued when attached to target because of auto-attach or `attachToTarget` command.
func (TargetAttachedToTarget) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TargetAttachedToTarget) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TargetAutoAttachRelated ¶
type TargetAutoAttachRelated struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` // WaitForDebuggerOnStart Whether to pause new targets when attaching to them. Use `Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger` // to run paused targets. WaitForDebuggerOnStart bool `json:"waitForDebuggerOnStart"` }
TargetAutoAttachRelated (experimental) Adds the specified target to the list of targets that will be monitored for any related target creation (such as child frames, child workers and new versions of service worker) and reported through `attachedToTarget`. The specified target is also auto-attached. This cancels the effect of any previous `setAutoAttach` and is also cancelled by subsequent `setAutoAttach`. Only available at the Browser target.
func (TargetAutoAttachRelated) Call ¶
func (m TargetAutoAttachRelated) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetAutoAttachRelated) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetAutoAttachRelated) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetCloseTarget ¶
type TargetCloseTarget struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` }
TargetCloseTarget Closes the target. If the target is a page that gets closed too.
func (TargetCloseTarget) Call ¶
func (m TargetCloseTarget) Call(c Client) (*TargetCloseTargetResult, error)
Call the request
type TargetCloseTargetResult ¶
type TargetCloseTargetResult struct { // Success (deprecated) Always set to true. If an error occurs, the response indicates protocol error. Success bool `json:"success"` }
TargetCloseTargetResult ...
type TargetCreateBrowserContext ¶
type TargetCreateBrowserContext struct { // DisposeOnDetach (optional) If specified, disposes this context when debugging session disconnects. DisposeOnDetach bool `json:"disposeOnDetach,omitempty"` // ProxyServer (optional) Proxy server, similar to the one passed to --proxy-server ProxyServer string `json:"proxyServer,omitempty"` // ProxyBypassList (optional) Proxy bypass list, similar to the one passed to --proxy-bypass-list ProxyBypassList string `json:"proxyBypassList,omitempty"` // OriginsWithUniversalNetworkAccess (optional) An optional list of origins to grant unlimited cross-origin access to. // Parts of the URL other than those constituting origin are ignored. OriginsWithUniversalNetworkAccess []string `json:"originsWithUniversalNetworkAccess,omitempty"` }
TargetCreateBrowserContext (experimental) Creates a new empty BrowserContext. Similar to an incognito profile but you can have more than one.
func (TargetCreateBrowserContext) Call ¶
func (m TargetCreateBrowserContext) Call(c Client) (*TargetCreateBrowserContextResult, error)
Call the request
func (TargetCreateBrowserContext) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetCreateBrowserContext) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetCreateBrowserContextResult ¶
type TargetCreateBrowserContextResult struct { // BrowserContextID The id of the context created. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId"` }
TargetCreateBrowserContextResult (experimental) ...
type TargetCreateTarget ¶
type TargetCreateTarget struct { // URL The initial URL the page will be navigated to. An empty string indicates about:blank. URL string `json:"url"` // Width (optional) Frame width in DIP (headless chrome only). Width *int `json:"width,omitempty"` // Height (optional) Frame height in DIP (headless chrome only). Height *int `json:"height,omitempty"` // BrowserContextID (experimental) (optional) The browser context to create the page in. BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` // EnableBeginFrameControl (experimental) (optional) Whether BeginFrames for this target will be controlled via DevTools (headless chrome only, // not supported on MacOS yet, false by default). EnableBeginFrameControl bool `json:"enableBeginFrameControl,omitempty"` // NewWindow (optional) Whether to create a new Window or Tab (chrome-only, false by default). NewWindow bool `json:"newWindow,omitempty"` // Background (optional) Whether to create the target in background or foreground (chrome-only, // false by default). Background bool `json:"background,omitempty"` }
TargetCreateTarget Creates a new page.
func (TargetCreateTarget) Call ¶
func (m TargetCreateTarget) Call(c Client) (*TargetCreateTargetResult, error)
Call the request
type TargetCreateTargetResult ¶
type TargetCreateTargetResult struct { // TargetID The id of the page opened. TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` }
TargetCreateTargetResult ...
type TargetDetachFromTarget ¶
type TargetDetachFromTarget struct { // SessionID (optional) Session to detach. SessionID TargetSessionID `json:"sessionId,omitempty"` // TargetID (deprecated) (optional) Deprecated. TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
TargetDetachFromTarget Detaches session with given id.
func (TargetDetachFromTarget) Call ¶
func (m TargetDetachFromTarget) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetDetachFromTarget) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetDetachFromTarget) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetDetachedFromTarget ¶
type TargetDetachedFromTarget struct { // SessionID Detached session identifier. SessionID TargetSessionID `json:"sessionId"` // TargetID (deprecated) (optional) Deprecated. TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
TargetDetachedFromTarget (experimental) Issued when detached from target for any reason (including `detachFromTarget` command). Can be issued multiple times per target if multiple sessions have been attached to it.
func (TargetDetachedFromTarget) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TargetDetachedFromTarget) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TargetDisposeBrowserContext ¶
type TargetDisposeBrowserContext struct { // BrowserContextID ... BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId"` }
TargetDisposeBrowserContext (experimental) Deletes a BrowserContext. All the belonging pages will be closed without calling their beforeunload hooks.
func (TargetDisposeBrowserContext) Call ¶
func (m TargetDisposeBrowserContext) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetDisposeBrowserContext) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetDisposeBrowserContext) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol ¶
type TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` // BindingName (optional) Binding name, 'cdp' if not specified. BindingName string `json:"bindingName,omitempty"` }
TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol (experimental) Inject object to the target's main frame that provides a communication channel with browser target.
Injected object will be available as `window[bindingName]`.
The object has the follwing API: - `binding.send(json)` - a method to send messages over the remote debugging protocol - `binding.onmessage = json => handleMessage(json)` - a callback that will be called for the protocol notifications and command responses.
func (TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol) Call ¶
func (m TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetExposeDevToolsProtocol) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetGetBrowserContexts ¶
type TargetGetBrowserContexts struct { }
TargetGetBrowserContexts (experimental) Returns all browser contexts created with `Target.createBrowserContext` method.
func (TargetGetBrowserContexts) Call ¶
func (m TargetGetBrowserContexts) Call(c Client) (*TargetGetBrowserContextsResult, error)
Call the request
func (TargetGetBrowserContexts) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetGetBrowserContexts) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetGetBrowserContextsResult ¶
type TargetGetBrowserContextsResult struct { // BrowserContextIds An array of browser context ids. BrowserContextIds []BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextIds"` }
TargetGetBrowserContextsResult (experimental) ...
type TargetGetTargetInfo ¶
type TargetGetTargetInfo struct { // TargetID (optional) ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
TargetGetTargetInfo (experimental) Returns information about a target.
func (TargetGetTargetInfo) Call ¶
func (m TargetGetTargetInfo) Call(c Client) (*TargetGetTargetInfoResult, error)
Call the request
type TargetGetTargetInfoResult ¶
type TargetGetTargetInfoResult struct { // TargetInfo ... TargetInfo *TargetTargetInfo `json:"targetInfo"` }
TargetGetTargetInfoResult (experimental) ...
type TargetGetTargets ¶
type TargetGetTargets struct { }
TargetGetTargets Retrieves a list of available targets.
func (TargetGetTargets) Call ¶
func (m TargetGetTargets) Call(c Client) (*TargetGetTargetsResult, error)
Call the request
type TargetGetTargetsResult ¶
type TargetGetTargetsResult struct { // TargetInfos The list of targets. TargetInfos []*TargetTargetInfo `json:"targetInfos"` }
TargetGetTargetsResult ...
type TargetReceivedMessageFromTarget ¶
type TargetReceivedMessageFromTarget struct { // SessionID Identifier of a session which sends a message. SessionID TargetSessionID `json:"sessionId"` // Message ... Message string `json:"message"` // TargetID (deprecated) (optional) Deprecated. TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
TargetReceivedMessageFromTarget Notifies about a new protocol message received from the session (as reported in `attachedToTarget` event).
func (TargetReceivedMessageFromTarget) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TargetReceivedMessageFromTarget) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TargetRemoteLocation ¶
type TargetRemoteLocation struct { // Host ... Host string `json:"host"` // Port ... Port int `json:"port"` }
TargetRemoteLocation (experimental) ...
type TargetSendMessageToTarget ¶
type TargetSendMessageToTarget struct { // Message ... Message string `json:"message"` // SessionID (optional) Identifier of the session. SessionID TargetSessionID `json:"sessionId,omitempty"` // TargetID (deprecated) (optional) Deprecated. TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId,omitempty"` }
TargetSendMessageToTarget (deprecated) Sends protocol message over session with given id. Consider using flat mode instead; see commands attachToTarget, setAutoAttach, and
func (TargetSendMessageToTarget) Call ¶
func (m TargetSendMessageToTarget) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetSendMessageToTarget) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetSendMessageToTarget) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetSessionID ¶
type TargetSessionID string
TargetSessionID Unique identifier of attached debugging session.
type TargetSetAutoAttach ¶
type TargetSetAutoAttach struct { // AutoAttach Whether to auto-attach to related targets. AutoAttach bool `json:"autoAttach"` // WaitForDebuggerOnStart Whether to pause new targets when attaching to them. Use `Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger` // to run paused targets. WaitForDebuggerOnStart bool `json:"waitForDebuggerOnStart"` // Flatten (optional) Enables "flat" access to the session via specifying sessionId attribute in the commands. // We plan to make this the default, deprecate non-flattened mode, // and eventually retire it. See Flatten bool `json:"flatten,omitempty"` }
TargetSetAutoAttach (experimental) Controls whether to automatically attach to new targets which are considered to be related to this one. When turned on, attaches to all existing related targets as well. When turned off, automatically detaches from all currently attached targets. This also clears all targets added by `autoAttachRelated` from the list of targets to watch for creation of related targets.
func (TargetSetAutoAttach) Call ¶
func (m TargetSetAutoAttach) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
type TargetSetDiscoverTargets ¶
type TargetSetDiscoverTargets struct { // Discover Whether to discover available targets. Discover bool `json:"discover"` }
TargetSetDiscoverTargets Controls whether to discover available targets and notify via `targetCreated/targetInfoChanged/targetDestroyed` events.
func (TargetSetDiscoverTargets) Call ¶
func (m TargetSetDiscoverTargets) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetSetDiscoverTargets) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetSetDiscoverTargets) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetSetRemoteLocations ¶
type TargetSetRemoteLocations struct { // Locations List of remote locations. Locations []*TargetRemoteLocation `json:"locations"` }
TargetSetRemoteLocations (experimental) Enables target discovery for the specified locations, when `setDiscoverTargets` was set to `true`.
func (TargetSetRemoteLocations) Call ¶
func (m TargetSetRemoteLocations) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TargetSetRemoteLocations) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TargetSetRemoteLocations) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TargetTargetCrashed ¶
type TargetTargetCrashed struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` // Status Termination status type. Status string `json:"status"` // ErrorCode Termination error code. ErrorCode int `json:"errorCode"` }
TargetTargetCrashed Issued when a target has crashed.
func (TargetTargetCrashed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TargetTargetCrashed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TargetTargetCreated ¶
type TargetTargetCreated struct { // TargetInfo ... TargetInfo *TargetTargetInfo `json:"targetInfo"` }
TargetTargetCreated Issued when a possible inspection target is created.
func (TargetTargetCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TargetTargetCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TargetTargetDestroyed ¶
type TargetTargetDestroyed struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` }
TargetTargetDestroyed Issued when a target is destroyed.
func (TargetTargetDestroyed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TargetTargetDestroyed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TargetTargetInfo ¶
type TargetTargetInfo struct { // TargetID ... TargetID TargetTargetID `json:"targetId"` // Type ... Type TargetTargetInfoType `json:"type"` // Title ... Title string `json:"title"` // URL ... URL string `json:"url"` // Attached Whether the target has an attached client. Attached bool `json:"attached"` // OpenerID (optional) Opener target Id OpenerID TargetTargetID `json:"openerId,omitempty"` // CanAccessOpener (experimental) Whether the target has access to the originating window. CanAccessOpener bool `json:"canAccessOpener"` // OpenerFrameID (experimental) (optional) Frame id of originating window (is only set if target has an opener). OpenerFrameID PageFrameID `json:"openerFrameId,omitempty"` // BrowserContextID (experimental) (optional) ... BrowserContextID BrowserBrowserContextID `json:"browserContextId,omitempty"` }
TargetTargetInfo ...
type TargetTargetInfoChanged ¶
type TargetTargetInfoChanged struct { // TargetInfo ... TargetInfo *TargetTargetInfo `json:"targetInfo"` }
TargetTargetInfoChanged Issued when some information about a target has changed. This only happens between `targetCreated` and `targetDestroyed`.
func (TargetTargetInfoChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TargetTargetInfoChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TargetTargetInfoType ¶
type TargetTargetInfoType string
TargetTargetInfoType enum
const ( // TargetTargetInfoTypePage enum const TargetTargetInfoTypePage TargetTargetInfoType = "page" // TargetTargetInfoTypeBackgroundPage enum const TargetTargetInfoTypeBackgroundPage TargetTargetInfoType = "background_page" // TargetTargetInfoTypeServiceWorker enum const TargetTargetInfoTypeServiceWorker TargetTargetInfoType = "service_worker" TargetTargetInfoTypeSharedWorker TargetTargetInfoType = "shared_worker" // TargetTargetInfoTypeBrowser enum const TargetTargetInfoTypeBrowser TargetTargetInfoType = "browser" // TargetTargetInfoTypeOther enum const TargetTargetInfoTypeOther TargetTargetInfoType = "other" )
type TetheringAccepted ¶
type TetheringAccepted struct { // Port Port number that was successfully bound. Port int `json:"port"` // ConnectionID Connection id to be used. ConnectionID string `json:"connectionId"` }
TetheringAccepted Informs that port was successfully bound and got a specified connection id.
func (TetheringAccepted) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TetheringAccepted) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TetheringBind ¶
type TetheringBind struct { // Port Port number to bind. Port int `json:"port"` }
TetheringBind Request browser port binding.
type TetheringUnbind ¶
type TetheringUnbind struct { // Port Port number to unbind. Port int `json:"port"` }
TetheringUnbind Request browser port unbinding.
type TimeSinceEpoch ¶
type TimeSinceEpoch float64
TimeSinceEpoch UTC time in seconds, counted from January 1, 1970. To convert a time.Time to TimeSinceEpoch, for example:
For session cookie, the value should be -1.
type TracingBufferUsage ¶
type TracingBufferUsage struct { // PercentFull (optional) A number in range [0..1] that indicates the used size of event buffer as a fraction of its // total size. PercentFull *float64 `json:"percentFull,omitempty"` // EventCount (optional) An approximate number of events in the trace log. EventCount *float64 `json:"eventCount,omitempty"` // Value (optional) A number in range [0..1] that indicates the used size of event buffer as a fraction of its // total size. Value *float64 `json:"value,omitempty"` }
TracingBufferUsage ...
func (TracingBufferUsage) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TracingBufferUsage) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TracingDataCollected ¶
TracingDataCollected Contains an bucket of collected trace events. When tracing is stopped collected events will be send as a sequence of dataCollected events followed by tracingComplete event.
func (TracingDataCollected) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TracingDataCollected) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type TracingGetCategories ¶
type TracingGetCategories struct { }
TracingGetCategories Gets supported tracing categories.
func (TracingGetCategories) Call ¶
func (m TracingGetCategories) Call(c Client) (*TracingGetCategoriesResult, error)
Call the request
func (TracingGetCategories) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TracingGetCategories) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TracingGetCategoriesResult ¶
type TracingGetCategoriesResult struct { // Categories A list of supported tracing categories. Categories []string `json:"categories"` }
TracingGetCategoriesResult ...
type TracingMemoryDumpConfig ¶
TracingMemoryDumpConfig Configuration for memory dump. Used only when "memory-infra" category is enabled.
type TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail ¶
type TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail string
TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail Details exposed when memory request explicitly declared. Keep consistent with memory_dump_request_args.h and memory_instrumentation.mojom
const ( // TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetailBackground enum const TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetailBackground TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail = "background" // TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetailLight enum const TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetailLight TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail = "light" // TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetailDetailed enum const TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetailDetailed TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail = "detailed" )
type TracingRecordClockSyncMarker ¶
type TracingRecordClockSyncMarker struct { // SyncID The ID of this clock sync marker SyncID string `json:"syncId"` }
TracingRecordClockSyncMarker Record a clock sync marker in the trace.
func (TracingRecordClockSyncMarker) Call ¶
func (m TracingRecordClockSyncMarker) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (TracingRecordClockSyncMarker) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TracingRecordClockSyncMarker) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TracingRequestMemoryDump ¶
type TracingRequestMemoryDump struct { // Deterministic (optional) Enables more deterministic results by forcing garbage collection Deterministic bool `json:"deterministic,omitempty"` // LevelOfDetail (optional) Specifies level of details in memory dump. Defaults to "detailed". LevelOfDetail TracingMemoryDumpLevelOfDetail `json:"levelOfDetail,omitempty"` }
TracingRequestMemoryDump Request a global memory dump.
func (TracingRequestMemoryDump) Call ¶
func (m TracingRequestMemoryDump) Call(c Client) (*TracingRequestMemoryDumpResult, error)
Call the request
func (TracingRequestMemoryDump) ProtoReq ¶
func (m TracingRequestMemoryDump) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type TracingRequestMemoryDumpResult ¶
type TracingRequestMemoryDumpResult struct { // DumpGUID GUID of the resulting global memory dump. DumpGUID string `json:"dumpGuid"` // Success True iff the global memory dump succeeded. Success bool `json:"success"` }
TracingRequestMemoryDumpResult ...
type TracingStart ¶
type TracingStart struct { // Categories (deprecated) (optional) Category/tag filter Categories string `json:"categories,omitempty"` // Options (deprecated) (optional) Tracing options Options string `json:"options,omitempty"` // BufferUsageReportingInterval (optional) If set, the agent will issue bufferUsage events at this interval, specified in milliseconds BufferUsageReportingInterval *float64 `json:"bufferUsageReportingInterval,omitempty"` // TransferMode (optional) Whether to report trace events as series of dataCollected events or to save trace to a // stream (defaults to `ReportEvents`). TransferMode TracingStartTransferMode `json:"transferMode,omitempty"` // StreamFormat (optional) Trace data format to use. This only applies when using `ReturnAsStream` // transfer mode (defaults to `json`). StreamFormat TracingStreamFormat `json:"streamFormat,omitempty"` // StreamCompression (optional) Compression format to use. This only applies when using `ReturnAsStream` // transfer mode (defaults to `none`) StreamCompression TracingStreamCompression `json:"streamCompression,omitempty"` // TraceConfig (optional) ... TraceConfig *TracingTraceConfig `json:"traceConfig,omitempty"` // PerfettoConfig (optional) Base64-encoded serialized perfetto.protos.TraceConfig protobuf message // When specified, the parameters `categories`, `options`, `traceConfig` // are ignored. PerfettoConfig []byte `json:"perfettoConfig,omitempty"` // TracingBackend (optional) Backend type (defaults to `auto`) TracingBackend TracingTracingBackend `json:"tracingBackend,omitempty"` }
TracingStart Start trace events collection.
type TracingStartTransferMode ¶
type TracingStartTransferMode string
TracingStartTransferMode enum
const ( // TracingStartTransferModeReportEvents enum const TracingStartTransferModeReportEvents TracingStartTransferMode = "ReportEvents" // TracingStartTransferModeReturnAsStream enum const TracingStartTransferModeReturnAsStream TracingStartTransferMode = "ReturnAsStream" )
type TracingStreamCompression ¶
type TracingStreamCompression string
TracingStreamCompression Compression type to use for traces returned via streams.
const ( // TracingStreamCompressionNone enum const TracingStreamCompressionNone TracingStreamCompression = "none" // TracingStreamCompressionGzip enum const TracingStreamCompressionGzip TracingStreamCompression = "gzip" )
type TracingStreamFormat ¶
type TracingStreamFormat string
TracingStreamFormat Data format of a trace. Can be either the legacy JSON format or the protocol buffer format. Note that the JSON format will be deprecated soon.
const ( // TracingStreamFormatJSON enum const TracingStreamFormatJSON TracingStreamFormat = "json" // TracingStreamFormatProto enum const TracingStreamFormatProto TracingStreamFormat = "proto" )
type TracingTraceConfig ¶
type TracingTraceConfig struct { // RecordMode (optional) Controls how the trace buffer stores data. RecordMode TracingTraceConfigRecordMode `json:"recordMode,omitempty"` // EnableSampling (optional) Turns on JavaScript stack sampling. EnableSampling bool `json:"enableSampling,omitempty"` // EnableSystrace (optional) Turns on system tracing. EnableSystrace bool `json:"enableSystrace,omitempty"` // EnableArgumentFilter (optional) Turns on argument filter. EnableArgumentFilter bool `json:"enableArgumentFilter,omitempty"` // IncludedCategories (optional) Included category filters. IncludedCategories []string `json:"includedCategories,omitempty"` // ExcludedCategories (optional) Excluded category filters. ExcludedCategories []string `json:"excludedCategories,omitempty"` // SyntheticDelays (optional) Configuration to synthesize the delays in tracing. SyntheticDelays []string `json:"syntheticDelays,omitempty"` // MemoryDumpConfig (optional) Configuration for memory dump triggers. Used only when "memory-infra" category is enabled. MemoryDumpConfig TracingMemoryDumpConfig `json:"memoryDumpConfig,omitempty"` }
TracingTraceConfig ...
type TracingTraceConfigRecordMode ¶
type TracingTraceConfigRecordMode string
TracingTraceConfigRecordMode enum
const ( // TracingTraceConfigRecordModeRecordUntilFull enum const TracingTraceConfigRecordModeRecordUntilFull TracingTraceConfigRecordMode = "recordUntilFull" // TracingTraceConfigRecordModeRecordContinuously enum const TracingTraceConfigRecordModeRecordContinuously TracingTraceConfigRecordMode = "recordContinuously" // TracingTraceConfigRecordModeRecordAsMuchAsPossible enum const TracingTraceConfigRecordModeRecordAsMuchAsPossible TracingTraceConfigRecordMode = "recordAsMuchAsPossible" // TracingTraceConfigRecordModeEchoToConsole enum const TracingTraceConfigRecordModeEchoToConsole TracingTraceConfigRecordMode = "echoToConsole" )
type TracingTracingBackend ¶
type TracingTracingBackend string
TracingTracingBackend Backend type to use for tracing. `chrome` uses the Chrome-integrated tracing service and is supported on all platforms. `system` is only supported on Chrome OS and uses the Perfetto system tracing service. `auto` chooses `system` when the perfettoConfig provided to Tracing.start specifies at least one non-Chrome data source; otherwise uses `chrome`.
const ( // TracingTracingBackendAuto enum const TracingTracingBackendAuto TracingTracingBackend = "auto" // TracingTracingBackendChrome enum const TracingTracingBackendChrome TracingTracingBackend = "chrome" // TracingTracingBackendSystem enum const TracingTracingBackendSystem TracingTracingBackend = "system" )
type TracingTracingComplete ¶
type TracingTracingComplete struct { // DataLossOccurred Indicates whether some trace data is known to have been lost, e.g. because the trace ring // buffer wrapped around. DataLossOccurred bool `json:"dataLossOccurred"` // Stream (optional) A handle of the stream that holds resulting trace data. Stream IOStreamHandle `json:"stream,omitempty"` // TraceFormat (optional) Trace data format of returned stream. TraceFormat TracingStreamFormat `json:"traceFormat,omitempty"` // StreamCompression (optional) Compression format of returned stream. StreamCompression TracingStreamCompression `json:"streamCompression,omitempty"` }
TracingTracingComplete Signals that tracing is stopped and there is no trace buffers pending flush, all data were delivered via dataCollected events.
func (TracingTracingComplete) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt TracingTracingComplete) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioAudioListener ¶
type WebAudioAudioListener struct { // ListenerID ... ListenerID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"listenerId"` // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` }
WebAudioAudioListener Protocol object for AudioListener
type WebAudioAudioListenerCreated ¶
type WebAudioAudioListenerCreated struct { // Listener ... Listener *WebAudioAudioListener `json:"listener"` }
WebAudioAudioListenerCreated Notifies that the construction of an AudioListener has finished.
func (WebAudioAudioListenerCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioAudioListenerCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioAudioListenerWillBeDestroyed ¶
type WebAudioAudioListenerWillBeDestroyed struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // ListenerID ... ListenerID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"listenerId"` }
WebAudioAudioListenerWillBeDestroyed Notifies that a new AudioListener has been created.
func (WebAudioAudioListenerWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioAudioListenerWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioAudioNode ¶
type WebAudioAudioNode struct { // NodeID ... NodeID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"nodeId"` // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // NodeType ... NodeType WebAudioNodeType `json:"nodeType"` // NumberOfInputs ... NumberOfInputs float64 `json:"numberOfInputs"` // NumberOfOutputs ... NumberOfOutputs float64 `json:"numberOfOutputs"` // ChannelCount ... ChannelCount float64 `json:"channelCount"` // ChannelCountMode ... ChannelCountMode WebAudioChannelCountMode `json:"channelCountMode"` // ChannelInterpretation ... ChannelInterpretation WebAudioChannelInterpretation `json:"channelInterpretation"` }
WebAudioAudioNode Protocol object for AudioNode
type WebAudioAudioNodeCreated ¶
type WebAudioAudioNodeCreated struct { // Node ... Node *WebAudioAudioNode `json:"node"` }
WebAudioAudioNodeCreated Notifies that a new AudioNode has been created.
func (WebAudioAudioNodeCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioAudioNodeCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioAudioNodeWillBeDestroyed ¶
type WebAudioAudioNodeWillBeDestroyed struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // NodeID ... NodeID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"nodeId"` }
WebAudioAudioNodeWillBeDestroyed Notifies that an existing AudioNode has been destroyed.
func (WebAudioAudioNodeWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioAudioNodeWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioAudioParam ¶
type WebAudioAudioParam struct { // ParamID ... ParamID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"paramId"` // NodeID ... NodeID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"nodeId"` // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // ParamType ... ParamType WebAudioParamType `json:"paramType"` // Rate ... Rate WebAudioAutomationRate `json:"rate"` // DefaultValue ... DefaultValue float64 `json:"defaultValue"` // MinValue ... MinValue float64 `json:"minValue"` // MaxValue ... MaxValue float64 `json:"maxValue"` }
WebAudioAudioParam Protocol object for AudioParam
type WebAudioAudioParamCreated ¶
type WebAudioAudioParamCreated struct { // Param ... Param *WebAudioAudioParam `json:"param"` }
WebAudioAudioParamCreated Notifies that a new AudioParam has been created.
func (WebAudioAudioParamCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioAudioParamCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioAudioParamWillBeDestroyed ¶
type WebAudioAudioParamWillBeDestroyed struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // NodeID ... NodeID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"nodeId"` // ParamID ... ParamID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"paramId"` }
WebAudioAudioParamWillBeDestroyed Notifies that an existing AudioParam has been destroyed.
func (WebAudioAudioParamWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioAudioParamWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioAutomationRate ¶
type WebAudioAutomationRate string
WebAudioAutomationRate Enum of AudioParam::AutomationRate from the spec
const ( // WebAudioAutomationRateARate enum const WebAudioAutomationRateARate WebAudioAutomationRate = "a-rate" // WebAudioAutomationRateKRate enum const WebAudioAutomationRateKRate WebAudioAutomationRate = "k-rate" )
type WebAudioBaseAudioContext ¶
type WebAudioBaseAudioContext struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // ContextType ... ContextType WebAudioContextType `json:"contextType"` // ContextState ... ContextState WebAudioContextState `json:"contextState"` // RealtimeData (optional) ... RealtimeData *WebAudioContextRealtimeData `json:"realtimeData,omitempty"` // CallbackBufferSize Platform-dependent callback buffer size. CallbackBufferSize float64 `json:"callbackBufferSize"` // MaxOutputChannelCount Number of output channels supported by audio hardware in use. MaxOutputChannelCount float64 `json:"maxOutputChannelCount"` // SampleRate Context sample rate. SampleRate float64 `json:"sampleRate"` }
WebAudioBaseAudioContext Protocol object for BaseAudioContext
type WebAudioChannelCountMode ¶
type WebAudioChannelCountMode string
WebAudioChannelCountMode Enum of AudioNode::ChannelCountMode from the spec
const ( // WebAudioChannelCountModeClampedMax enum const WebAudioChannelCountModeClampedMax WebAudioChannelCountMode = "clamped-max" // WebAudioChannelCountModeExplicit enum const WebAudioChannelCountModeExplicit WebAudioChannelCountMode = "explicit" // WebAudioChannelCountModeMax enum const WebAudioChannelCountModeMax WebAudioChannelCountMode = "max" )
type WebAudioChannelInterpretation ¶
type WebAudioChannelInterpretation string
WebAudioChannelInterpretation Enum of AudioNode::ChannelInterpretation from the spec
const ( // WebAudioChannelInterpretationDiscrete enum const WebAudioChannelInterpretationDiscrete WebAudioChannelInterpretation = "discrete" // WebAudioChannelInterpretationSpeakers enum const WebAudioChannelInterpretationSpeakers WebAudioChannelInterpretation = "speakers" )
type WebAudioContextChanged ¶
type WebAudioContextChanged struct { // Context ... Context *WebAudioBaseAudioContext `json:"context"` }
WebAudioContextChanged Notifies that existing BaseAudioContext has changed some properties (id stays the same)..
func (WebAudioContextChanged) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioContextChanged) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioContextCreated ¶
type WebAudioContextCreated struct { // Context ... Context *WebAudioBaseAudioContext `json:"context"` }
WebAudioContextCreated Notifies that a new BaseAudioContext has been created.
func (WebAudioContextCreated) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioContextCreated) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioContextRealtimeData ¶
type WebAudioContextRealtimeData struct { // CurrentTime The current context time in second in BaseAudioContext. CurrentTime float64 `json:"currentTime"` // RenderCapacity The time spent on rendering graph divided by render quantum duration, // and multiplied by 100. 100 means the audio renderer reached the full // capacity and glitch may occur. RenderCapacity float64 `json:"renderCapacity"` // CallbackIntervalMean A running mean of callback interval. CallbackIntervalMean float64 `json:"callbackIntervalMean"` // CallbackIntervalVariance A running variance of callback interval. CallbackIntervalVariance float64 `json:"callbackIntervalVariance"` }
WebAudioContextRealtimeData Fields in AudioContext that change in real-time.
type WebAudioContextState ¶
type WebAudioContextState string
WebAudioContextState Enum of AudioContextState from the spec
const ( // WebAudioContextStateSuspended enum const WebAudioContextStateSuspended WebAudioContextState = "suspended" // WebAudioContextStateRunning enum const WebAudioContextStateRunning WebAudioContextState = "running" // WebAudioContextStateClosed enum const WebAudioContextStateClosed WebAudioContextState = "closed" )
type WebAudioContextType ¶
type WebAudioContextType string
WebAudioContextType Enum of BaseAudioContext types
const ( // WebAudioContextTypeRealtime enum const WebAudioContextTypeRealtime WebAudioContextType = "realtime" // WebAudioContextTypeOffline enum const WebAudioContextTypeOffline WebAudioContextType = "offline" )
type WebAudioContextWillBeDestroyed ¶
type WebAudioContextWillBeDestroyed struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` }
WebAudioContextWillBeDestroyed Notifies that an existing BaseAudioContext will be destroyed.
func (WebAudioContextWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioContextWillBeDestroyed) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioDisable ¶
type WebAudioDisable struct { }
WebAudioDisable Disables the WebAudio domain.
type WebAudioEnable ¶
type WebAudioEnable struct { }
WebAudioEnable Enables the WebAudio domain and starts sending context lifetime events.
type WebAudioGetRealtimeData ¶
type WebAudioGetRealtimeData struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` }
WebAudioGetRealtimeData Fetch the realtime data from the registered contexts.
func (WebAudioGetRealtimeData) Call ¶
func (m WebAudioGetRealtimeData) Call(c Client) (*WebAudioGetRealtimeDataResult, error)
Call the request
func (WebAudioGetRealtimeData) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAudioGetRealtimeData) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAudioGetRealtimeDataResult ¶
type WebAudioGetRealtimeDataResult struct { // RealtimeData ... RealtimeData *WebAudioContextRealtimeData `json:"realtimeData"` }
WebAudioGetRealtimeDataResult ...
type WebAudioGraphObjectID ¶
type WebAudioGraphObjectID string
WebAudioGraphObjectID An unique ID for a graph object (AudioContext, AudioNode, AudioParam) in Web Audio API
type WebAudioNodeParamConnected ¶
type WebAudioNodeParamConnected struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // SourceID ... SourceID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"sourceId"` // DestinationID ... DestinationID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"destinationId"` // SourceOutputIndex (optional) ... SourceOutputIndex *float64 `json:"sourceOutputIndex,omitempty"` }
WebAudioNodeParamConnected Notifies that an AudioNode is connected to an AudioParam.
func (WebAudioNodeParamConnected) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioNodeParamConnected) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioNodeParamDisconnected ¶
type WebAudioNodeParamDisconnected struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // SourceID ... SourceID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"sourceId"` // DestinationID ... DestinationID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"destinationId"` // SourceOutputIndex (optional) ... SourceOutputIndex *float64 `json:"sourceOutputIndex,omitempty"` }
WebAudioNodeParamDisconnected Notifies that an AudioNode is disconnected to an AudioParam.
func (WebAudioNodeParamDisconnected) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioNodeParamDisconnected) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioNodesConnected ¶
type WebAudioNodesConnected struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // SourceID ... SourceID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"sourceId"` // DestinationID ... DestinationID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"destinationId"` // SourceOutputIndex (optional) ... SourceOutputIndex *float64 `json:"sourceOutputIndex,omitempty"` // DestinationInputIndex (optional) ... DestinationInputIndex *float64 `json:"destinationInputIndex,omitempty"` }
WebAudioNodesConnected Notifies that two AudioNodes are connected.
func (WebAudioNodesConnected) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioNodesConnected) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAudioNodesDisconnected ¶
type WebAudioNodesDisconnected struct { // ContextID ... ContextID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"contextId"` // SourceID ... SourceID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"sourceId"` // DestinationID ... DestinationID WebAudioGraphObjectID `json:"destinationId"` // SourceOutputIndex (optional) ... SourceOutputIndex *float64 `json:"sourceOutputIndex,omitempty"` // DestinationInputIndex (optional) ... DestinationInputIndex *float64 `json:"destinationInputIndex,omitempty"` }
WebAudioNodesDisconnected Notifies that AudioNodes are disconnected. The destination can be null, and it means all the outgoing connections from the source are disconnected.
func (WebAudioNodesDisconnected) ProtoEvent ¶
func (evt WebAudioNodesDisconnected) ProtoEvent() string
ProtoEvent name
type WebAuthnAddCredential ¶
type WebAuthnAddCredential struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` // Credential ... Credential *WebAuthnCredential `json:"credential"` }
WebAuthnAddCredential Adds the credential to the specified authenticator.
func (WebAuthnAddCredential) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnAddCredential) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (WebAuthnAddCredential) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnAddCredential) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator ¶
type WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator struct { // Options ... Options *WebAuthnVirtualAuthenticatorOptions `json:"options"` }
WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator Creates and adds a virtual authenticator.
func (WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator) Call(c Client) (*WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticatorResult, error)
Call the request
func (WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticator) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticatorResult ¶
type WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticatorResult struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` }
WebAuthnAddVirtualAuthenticatorResult ...
type WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocol ¶
type WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocol string
WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocol ...
const ( // WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocolU2f enum const WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocolU2f WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocol = "u2f" // WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocolCtap2 enum const WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocolCtap2 WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocol = "ctap2" )
type WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport ¶
type WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport string
WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport ...
const ( // WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportUsb enum const WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportUsb WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport = "usb" // WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportNfc enum const WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportNfc WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport = "nfc" // WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportBle enum const WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportBle WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport = "ble" // WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportCable enum const WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportCable WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport = "cable" // WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportInternal enum const WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransportInternal WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport = "internal" )
type WebAuthnClearCredentials ¶
type WebAuthnClearCredentials struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` }
WebAuthnClearCredentials Clears all the credentials from the specified device.
func (WebAuthnClearCredentials) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnClearCredentials) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (WebAuthnClearCredentials) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnClearCredentials) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnCredential ¶
type WebAuthnCredential struct { // CredentialID ... CredentialID []byte `json:"credentialId"` // IsResidentCredential ... IsResidentCredential bool `json:"isResidentCredential"` // RpID (optional) Relying Party ID the credential is scoped to. Must be set when adding a // credential. RpID string `json:"rpId,omitempty"` // PrivateKey The ECDSA P-256 private key in PKCS#8 format. PrivateKey []byte `json:"privateKey"` // UserHandle (optional) An opaque byte sequence with a maximum size of 64 bytes mapping the // credential to a specific user. UserHandle []byte `json:"userHandle,omitempty"` // SignCount Signature counter. This is incremented by one for each successful // assertion. // See SignCount int `json:"signCount"` // LargeBlob (optional) The large blob associated with the credential. // See LargeBlob []byte `json:"largeBlob,omitempty"` }
WebAuthnCredential ...
type WebAuthnCtap2Version ¶
type WebAuthnCtap2Version string
WebAuthnCtap2Version ...
const ( // WebAuthnCtap2VersionCtap20 enum const WebAuthnCtap2VersionCtap20 WebAuthnCtap2Version = "ctap2_0" // WebAuthnCtap2VersionCtap21 enum const WebAuthnCtap2VersionCtap21 WebAuthnCtap2Version = "ctap2_1" )
type WebAuthnEnable ¶
type WebAuthnEnable struct { // EnableUI (optional) Whether to enable the WebAuthn user interface. Enabling the UI is // recommended for debugging and demo purposes, as it is closer to the real // experience. Disabling the UI is recommended for automated testing. // Supported at the embedder's discretion if UI is available. // Defaults to false. EnableUI bool `json:"enableUI,omitempty"` }
WebAuthnEnable Enable the WebAuthn domain and start intercepting credential storage and retrieval with a virtual authenticator.
type WebAuthnGetCredential ¶
type WebAuthnGetCredential struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` // CredentialID ... CredentialID []byte `json:"credentialId"` }
WebAuthnGetCredential Returns a single credential stored in the given virtual authenticator that matches the credential ID.
func (WebAuthnGetCredential) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnGetCredential) Call(c Client) (*WebAuthnGetCredentialResult, error)
Call the request
func (WebAuthnGetCredential) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnGetCredential) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnGetCredentialResult ¶
type WebAuthnGetCredentialResult struct { // Credential ... Credential *WebAuthnCredential `json:"credential"` }
WebAuthnGetCredentialResult ...
type WebAuthnGetCredentials ¶
type WebAuthnGetCredentials struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` }
WebAuthnGetCredentials Returns all the credentials stored in the given virtual authenticator.
func (WebAuthnGetCredentials) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnGetCredentials) Call(c Client) (*WebAuthnGetCredentialsResult, error)
Call the request
func (WebAuthnGetCredentials) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnGetCredentials) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnGetCredentialsResult ¶
type WebAuthnGetCredentialsResult struct { // Credentials ... Credentials []*WebAuthnCredential `json:"credentials"` }
WebAuthnGetCredentialsResult ...
type WebAuthnRemoveCredential ¶
type WebAuthnRemoveCredential struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` // CredentialID ... CredentialID []byte `json:"credentialId"` }
WebAuthnRemoveCredential Removes a credential from the authenticator.
func (WebAuthnRemoveCredential) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnRemoveCredential) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (WebAuthnRemoveCredential) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnRemoveCredential) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator ¶
type WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` }
WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator Removes the given authenticator.
func (WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnRemoveVirtualAuthenticator) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation ¶
type WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` // Enabled ... Enabled bool `json:"enabled"` }
WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation Sets whether tests of user presence will succeed immediately (if true) or fail to resolve (if false) for an authenticator. The default is true.
func (WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnSetAutomaticPresenceSimulation) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnSetUserVerified ¶
type WebAuthnSetUserVerified struct { // AuthenticatorID ... AuthenticatorID WebAuthnAuthenticatorID `json:"authenticatorId"` // IsUserVerified ... IsUserVerified bool `json:"isUserVerified"` }
WebAuthnSetUserVerified Sets whether User Verification succeeds or fails for an authenticator. The default is true.
func (WebAuthnSetUserVerified) Call ¶
func (m WebAuthnSetUserVerified) Call(c Client) error
Call sends the request
func (WebAuthnSetUserVerified) ProtoReq ¶
func (m WebAuthnSetUserVerified) ProtoReq() string
ProtoReq name
type WebAuthnVirtualAuthenticatorOptions ¶
type WebAuthnVirtualAuthenticatorOptions struct { // Protocol ... Protocol WebAuthnAuthenticatorProtocol `json:"protocol"` // Ctap2Version (optional) Defaults to ctap2_0. Ignored if |protocol| == u2f. Ctap2Version WebAuthnCtap2Version `json:"ctap2Version,omitempty"` // Transport ... Transport WebAuthnAuthenticatorTransport `json:"transport"` // HasResidentKey (optional) Defaults to false. HasResidentKey bool `json:"hasResidentKey,omitempty"` // HasUserVerification (optional) Defaults to false. HasUserVerification bool `json:"hasUserVerification,omitempty"` // HasLargeBlob (optional) If set to true, the authenticator will support the largeBlob extension. // // Defaults to false. HasLargeBlob bool `json:"hasLargeBlob,omitempty"` // HasCredBlob (optional) If set to true, the authenticator will support the credBlob extension. // // Defaults to false. HasCredBlob bool `json:"hasCredBlob,omitempty"` // HasMinPinLength (optional) If set to true, the authenticator will support the minPinLength extension. // // Defaults to false. HasMinPinLength bool `json:"hasMinPinLength,omitempty"` // AutomaticPresenceSimulation (optional) If set to true, tests of user presence will succeed immediately. // Otherwise, they will not be resolved. Defaults to true. AutomaticPresenceSimulation bool `json:"automaticPresenceSimulation,omitempty"` // IsUserVerified (optional) Sets whether User Verification succeeds or fails for an authenticator. // Defaults to false. IsUserVerified bool `json:"isUserVerified,omitempty"` }
WebAuthnVirtualAuthenticatorOptions ...
Source Files
- a_interface.go
- a_patch.go
- a_utils.go
- accessibility.go
- animation.go
- audits.go
- background_service.go
- browser.go
- cache_storage.go
- cast.go
- console.go
- css.go
- database.go
- debugger.go
- definitions.go
- device_orientation.go
- dom.go
- dom_debugger.go
- dom_snapshot.go
- dom_storage.go
- emulation.go
- event_breakpoints.go
- fetch.go
- headless_experimental.go
- heap_profiler.go
- indexed_db.go
- input.go
- inspector.go
- io.go
- layer_tree.go
- log.go
- media.go
- memory.go
- network.go
- overlay.go
- page.go
- performance.go
- performance_timeline.go
- profiler.go
- runtime.go
- schema.go
- security.go
- service_worker.go
- storage.go
- system_info.go
- target.go
- tethering.go
- tracing.go
- web_audio.go
- web_authn.go