An Apple Music JWT generator.

Before you can generate a JWT, you'll need a key id, team id, and private key file.
Rather than re-explaining that process, he's Apples docs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/applemusicapi/getting_keys_and_creating_tokens
Once you have those ready, you can use amjwt
to generate the JWT.
As a CLI
can be used as a CLI. You can provide the key and team IDs via the -k
and -t
flags respectively. -f
can be used to specify the path to the private key file.
amjwt -k <key-id> -t <team-id> -f ./MyPrivateKey.p8
You can also pipe the private key in if necessary:
cat ./MyPrivateKey.p8 | amjwt -k <key-id> -t <team-id>
As a Package
You can also import amjwt as a go package:
import "github.com/yukitsune/amjwt"
keyId := "foo"
teamId := "bar"
privateKeyBytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile("./somewhere/MyPrivateKey.p8")
jwtString, err := amjwt.CreateJwt(keyId, teamId, expiryDays, privateKeyBytes)
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But... Why?
Because for some reason, Apple wants you to hand craft the JWT to authenticate with the Apple Music API.
This is much easier than hand crafting it every time.