OpenCV Edge Detection
This example does edge detection using OpenCV. This is our canonical starter demo. If you haven't used Pachyderm before, start here. We'll get you started running Pachyderm locally in just a few minutes and processing sample log lines.
Open CV
Word Count (Map/Reduce)
Word count is basically the "hello world" of distributed computation. This example is great for benchmarking in distributed deployments on large swaths of text data.
Word Count
Machine Learning
Sentiment analysis with Neon
This example implements the machine learning template pipeline discussed in this blog post. It trains and utilizes a neural network (implemented in Python using Nervana Neon) to infer the sentiment of movie reviews based on data from IMDB.
Neon - Sentiment Analysis
pix2pix with TensorFlow
If you haven't seen pix2pix, check out this great demo (https://affinelayer.com/pixsrv/). In this example, we implement the training and image translation of the pix2pix model in Pachyderm, so you can generate cat images from edge drawings, day time photos from night time photos, etc.
TensorFlow - pix2pix