Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CopyFileForHardLink(src, dst string) error
- func EnableForTest()
- func EnableSnapForTest(transfer bool, save bool, apply bool, restore bool)
- func GetHashedPartitionID(pk []byte, pnum int) int
- func GetLogLatencyStats() (*common.WriteStats, *common.WriteStats)
- func GetPerfLevel() int
- func GetSyncedOnlyChangedTs() int64
- func GetValidBackupInfo(machineConfig MachineConfig, clusterInfo common.IClusterInfo, fullNS string, ...) (string, string)
- func IsPerfEnabled() bool
- func IsSyncerOnly() bool
- func NewConflictRouter() *conflictRouter
- func NewKVStoreSM(opts *KVOptions, machineConfig MachineConfig, localID uint64, ns string, ...) (*kvStoreSM, error)
- func NewLogSyncerSM(opts *KVOptions, machineConfig MachineConfig, localID uint64, fullNS string, ...) (*logSyncerSM, error)
- func SetLogLevel(level int)
- func SetLogger(level int32, logger common.Logger)
- func SetPerfLevel(level int)
- func SetSyncerNormalInit()
- func SetSyncerOnly(enable bool)
- type BatchInternalRaftRequest
- func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)
- func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Reset()
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Size() (n int)
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) String() string
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type ConflictCheckFunc
- type ConflictState
- type DataStorage
- type DeleteTableRange
- type FutureRsp
- type HindexSearchResults
- type IBatchOperator
- type IRaftPersistStorage
- type InternalRaftRequest
- func (*InternalRaftRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)
- func (*InternalRaftRequest) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Reset()
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Size() (n int)
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) String() string
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type KVNode
- func (nd *KVNode) ApplyRemoteSnapshot(skip bool, name string, term uint64, index uint64) error
- func (nd *KVNode) BackupDB()
- func (nd *KVNode) BeginTransferRemoteSnap(name string, term uint64, index uint64, syncAddr string, syncPath string) error
- func (nd *KVNode) CheckLocalBackup(snapData []byte) (bool, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) CleanData() error
- func (nd *KVNode) CustomPropose(buf []byte) (interface{}, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) DeleteRange(drange DeleteTableRange) error
- func (nd *KVNode) FillMyMemberInfo(m *common.MemberInfo)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetAppliedIndex() uint64
- func (nd *KVNode) GetApplyRemoteSnapStatus(name string) (*SnapApplyStatus, bool)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetDBInternalStats() string
- func (nd *KVNode) GetHandler(cmd string) (common.CommandFunc, bool)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetIndexSchema(table string) (map[string]*common.IndexSchema, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetLastLeaderChangedTime() int64
- func (nd *KVNode) GetLeadMember() *common.MemberInfo
- func (nd *KVNode) GetLearners() []*common.MemberInfo
- func (nd *KVNode) GetLocalMemberInfo() *common.MemberInfo
- func (nd *KVNode) GetLogSyncStatsInSyncLearner() (*common.LogSyncStats, *common.LogSyncStats)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetMembers() []*common.MemberInfo
- func (nd *KVNode) GetMergeHandler(cmd string) (common.MergeCommandFunc, bool, bool)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetRaftStatus() raft.Status
- func (nd *KVNode) GetRemoteClusterSyncedRaft(name string) (uint64, uint64, int64)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetSnapshot(term uint64, index uint64) (Snapshot, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) GetStats(table string) common.NamespaceStats
- func (nd *KVNode) GetWALDBInternalStats() map[string]interface{}
- func (nd *KVNode) GetWriteHandler(cmd string) (common.WriteCommandFunc, bool)
- func (nd *KVNode) IsLead() bool
- func (nd *KVNode) IsPeerRemoved(peerID uint64) bool
- func (nd *KVNode) IsRaftSynced(checkCommitIndex bool) bool
- func (nd *KVNode) IsReplicaRaftReady(raftID uint64) bool
- func (nd *KVNode) IsStopping() bool
- func (nd *KVNode) IsWriteReady() bool
- func (nd *KVNode) Lookup(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) OnRaftLeaderChanged()
- func (nd *KVNode) OptimizeDB(table string)
- func (nd *KVNode) PrepareSnapshot(raftSnapshot raftpb.Snapshot) error
- func (nd *KVNode) Process(ctx context.Context, m raftpb.Message) error
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeAddLearner(m common.MemberInfo) error
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeAddMember(m common.MemberInfo) error
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeChangeTableSchema(table string, sc *SchemaChange) error
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeInternal(ctx context.Context, irr InternalRaftRequest, cancel context.CancelFunc, ...) (*waitReqHeaders, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeRawAndWaitFromSyncer(reqList *BatchInternalRaftRequest, term uint64, index uint64, raftTs int64) error
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeRawAsyncFromSyncer(buffer []byte, reqList *BatchInternalRaftRequest, term uint64, index uint64, ...) (*FutureRsp, *BatchInternalRaftRequest, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeRemoveMember(m common.MemberInfo) error
- func (nd *KVNode) ProposeUpdateMember(m common.MemberInfo) error
- func (nd *KVNode) RedisPropose(buf []byte) (interface{}, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) RedisProposeAsync(buf []byte) (*FutureRsp, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) RedisV2ProposeAsync(buf []byte) (*FutureRsp, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) ReportMeLeaderToCluster()
- func (nd *KVNode) ReportSnapshot(id uint64, gp raftpb.Group, status raft.SnapshotStatus)
- func (nd *KVNode) ReportUnreachable(id uint64, group raftpb.Group)
- func (nd *KVNode) RestoreFromSnapshot(raftSnapshot raftpb.Snapshot) error
- func (nd *KVNode) SaveDBFrom(r io.Reader, msg raftpb.Message) (int64, error)
- func (nd *KVNode) SetAppliedIndex(ci uint64)
- func (nd *KVNode) SetDynamicInfo(dync NamespaceDynamicConf)
- func (nd *KVNode) SetMaxBackgroundOptions(maxCompact int, maxBackJobs int) error
- func (nd *KVNode) SetRemoteClusterSyncedRaft(name string, term uint64, index uint64, ts int64)
- func (nd *KVNode) Start(standalone bool) error
- func (nd *KVNode) Stop()
- func (nd *KVNode) StopRaft()
- func (nd *KVNode) Tick()
- func (nd *KVNode) UpdateSnapshotState(term uint64, index uint64)
- func (nd *KVNode) UpdateWriteStats(vSize int64, latencyUs int64)
- type KVOptions
- type KVSnapInfo
- type KVStore
- func (s *KVStore) BeginBatchWrite() error
- func (s *KVStore) CleanData() error
- func (s *KVStore) CommitBatchWrite() error
- func (s *KVStore) Destroy() error
- func (s *KVStore) IsBatchableWrite(cmdName string) bool
- func (s *KVStore) LocalDelete(key []byte) (int64, error)
- func (s *KVStore) LocalLookup(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (s *KVStore) LocalPut(ts int64, key []byte, value []byte) error
- func (s *KVStore) LocalWriteBatch(cmd ...common.WriteCmd) error
- type MachineConfig
- type NamespaceConfig
- type NamespaceDynamicConf
- type NamespaceMeta
- type NamespaceMgr
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) BackupDB(ns string)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) CheckMagicCode(ns string, magic int64, fix bool) error
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) DeleteRange(ns string, dtr DeleteTableRange) error
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetDBStats(leaderOnly bool) map[string]string
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetLogSyncStats(leaderOnly bool, srcClusterName string) []common.LogSyncStats
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetLogSyncStatsInSyncer() ([]common.LogSyncStats, []common.LogSyncStats)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNode(ns string) *NamespaceNode
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeFromGID(gid uint64) *NamespaceNode
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeWithPrimaryKey(nsBaseName string, pk []byte) (*NamespaceNode, error)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeWithPrimaryKeySum(nsBaseName string, pk []byte, pkSum int) (*NamespaceNode, error)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodes(nsBaseName string, leaderOnly bool) (map[string]*NamespaceNode, error)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaces() map[string]*NamespaceNode
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetStats(leaderOnly bool, table string) []common.NamespaceStats
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetWALDBStats(leaderOnly bool) map[string]map[string]interface{}
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) InitNamespaceNode(conf *NamespaceConfig, raftID uint64, join bool) (*NamespaceNode, error)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) IsAllRecoveryDone() bool
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) LoadMachineRegID() (uint64, error)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) OptimizeDB(ns string, table string)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SaveMachineRegID(regID uint64) error
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetDBOptions(key string, value string) error
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetIClusterInfo(clusterInfo common.IClusterInfo)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetMaxBackgroundOptions(maxCompact int, maxBackJobs int) error
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetNamespaceMagicCode(node *NamespaceNode, magic int64) error
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetRateLimiterBytesPerSec(bytesPerSec int64)
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) Start()
- func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) Stop()
- type NamespaceNode
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) CheckRaftConf(raftID uint64, conf *NamespaceConfig) error
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) Close()
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) Destroy() error
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) FullName() string
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetLastLeaderChangedTime() int64
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetLearners() []*common.MemberInfo
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetMembers() []*common.MemberInfo
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetRaftID() uint64
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) IsDataNeedFix() bool
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) IsNsNodeFullReady(checkCommitIndex bool) bool
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) IsReady() bool
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) SetDataFixState(needFix bool)
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) SetDynamicInfo(dync NamespaceDynamicConf)
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) SetMagicCode(magic int64) error
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) Start(forceStandaloneCluster bool) error
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) SwitchForLearnerLeader(isLearnerLeader bool)
- func (nn *NamespaceNode) TransferMyLeader(to uint64, toRaftID uint64) error
- type RaftConfig
- type RaftGroupConfig
- type RaftRpcFunc
- type RemoteLogSender
- type ReplicaInfo
- type ReqSourceType
- type RequestHeader
- func (*RequestHeader) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *RequestHeader) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
- func (m *RequestHeader) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)
- func (*RequestHeader) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *RequestHeader) Reset()
- func (m *RequestHeader) Size() (n int)
- func (m *RequestHeader) String() string
- func (m *RequestHeader) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
- func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type RequestResultCode
- type SchemaChange
- func (*SchemaChange) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
- func (m *SchemaChange) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
- func (m *SchemaChange) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)
- func (*SchemaChange) ProtoMessage()
- func (m *SchemaChange) Reset()
- func (m *SchemaChange) Size() (n int)
- func (m *SchemaChange) String() string
- func (m *SchemaChange) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
- func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
- func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
- func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Size() int
- func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
- type SchemaChangeType
- type SnapApplyStatus
- type Snapshot
- type StateMachine
- type SyncedState
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( NoConflict = iota MaybeConflict Conflict )
View Source
const ( RADIUS_COORDS searchType = iota RADIUS_MEMBER )
View Source
const ( SORT_NONE sortType = iota SORT_ASC SORT_DESC )
View Source
const ( RedisReq int8 = 0 CustomReq int8 = 1 SchemaChangeReq int8 = 2 RedisV2Req int8 = 3 )
View Source
const ( ProposeOp_Backup int = 1 ProposeOp_TransferRemoteSnap int = 2 ProposeOp_ApplyRemoteSnap int = 3 ProposeOp_RemoteConfChange int = 4 ProposeOp_ApplySkippedRemoteSnap int = 5 ProposeOp_DeleteTable int = 6 )
View Source
const ( ApplySnapUnknown int = iota ApplySnapBegin ApplySnapTransferring ApplySnapTransferred ApplySnapApplying ApplySnapDone ApplySnapFailed )
Variables ¶
View Source
var ( ErrNamespaceAlreadyExist = errors.New("namespace already exist") ErrNamespaceAlreadyStarting = errors.New("namespace is starting") ErrRaftIDMismatch = errors.New("raft id mismatch") ErrRaftConfMismatch = errors.New("raft config mismatch") ErrNamespaceNotFound = errors.New("ERR_CLUSTER_CHANGED: namespace is not found") ErrNamespacePartitionNotFound = errors.New("ERR_CLUSTER_CHANGED: partition of the namespace is not found") ErrNamespaceNotLeader = errors.New("ERR_CLUSTER_CHANGED: partition of the namespace is not leader on the node") ErrNodeNoLeader = errors.New("ERR_CLUSTER_CHANGED: partition of the node has no leader") ErrRaftGroupNotReady = errors.New("ERR_CLUSTER_CHANGED: raft group not ready") ErrProposalCanceled = errors.New("ERR_CLUSTER_CHANGED: raft proposal " + context.Canceled.Error()) )
View Source
var ( // DefaultSnapCount is the count for trigger snapshot DefaultSnapCount = int(settings.Soft.DefaultSnapCount) // HealthInterval is the minimum time the cluster should be healthy // before accepting add member requests. HealthInterval = time.Duration(settings.Soft.HealthIntervalSec) * time.Second )
View Source
var ( ErrInvalidLengthRaftInternal = fmt.Errorf("proto: negative length found during unmarshaling") ErrIntOverflowRaftInternal = fmt.Errorf("proto: integer overflow") )
View Source
var (
ErrExpiredBatchedBuffFull = errors.New("the expired data batched buffer is full now")
View Source
var (
ErrReadIndexTimeout = errors.New("wait read index timeout")
View Source
var ReqSourceType_name = map[int32]string{
0: "FromAPI",
1: "FromClusterSyncer",
View Source
var ReqSourceType_value = map[string]int32{
"FromAPI": 0,
"FromClusterSyncer": 1,
View Source
var SchemaChangeType_name = map[int32]string{
0: "SchemaChangeAddHsetIndex",
1: "SchemaChangeUpdateHsetIndex",
2: "SchemaChangeDeleteHsetIndex",
View Source
var SchemaChangeType_value = map[string]int32{
"SchemaChangeAddHsetIndex": 0,
"SchemaChangeUpdateHsetIndex": 1,
"SchemaChangeDeleteHsetIndex": 2,
View Source
var UseRedisV2 = false
Functions ¶
func CopyFileForHardLink ¶ added in v0.7.1
func EnableForTest ¶
func EnableForTest()
func EnableSnapForTest ¶ added in v0.6.3
func GetHashedPartitionID ¶
func GetLogLatencyStats ¶ added in v0.4.0
func GetLogLatencyStats() (*common.WriteStats, *common.WriteStats)
func GetPerfLevel ¶ added in v0.3.2
func GetPerfLevel() int
func GetSyncedOnlyChangedTs ¶ added in v0.4.3
func GetSyncedOnlyChangedTs() int64
func GetValidBackupInfo ¶
func IsPerfEnabled ¶ added in v0.3.2
func IsPerfEnabled() bool
func IsSyncerOnly ¶
func IsSyncerOnly() bool
func NewConflictRouter ¶
func NewConflictRouter() *conflictRouter
func NewKVStoreSM ¶
func NewKVStoreSM(opts *KVOptions, machineConfig MachineConfig, localID uint64, ns string, clusterInfo common.IClusterInfo) (*kvStoreSM, error)
func NewLogSyncerSM ¶
func NewLogSyncerSM(opts *KVOptions, machineConfig MachineConfig, localID uint64, fullNS string, clusterInfo common.IClusterInfo) (*logSyncerSM, error)
func SetLogLevel ¶
func SetLogLevel(level int)
func SetPerfLevel ¶ added in v0.3.2
func SetPerfLevel(level int)
func SetSyncerNormalInit ¶
func SetSyncerNormalInit()
func SetSyncerOnly ¶
func SetSyncerOnly(enable bool)
Types ¶
type BatchInternalRaftRequest ¶
type BatchInternalRaftRequest struct { ReqNum int32 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=req_num,json=reqNum,proto3" json:"req_num,omitempty"` Reqs []InternalRaftRequest `protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=reqs,proto3" json:"reqs"` Timestamp int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=timestamp,proto3" json:"timestamp,omitempty"` Type ReqSourceType `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=type,proto3,enum=node.ReqSourceType" json:"type,omitempty"` ReqId uint64 `protobuf:"varint,5,opt,name=req_id,json=reqId,proto3" json:"req_id,omitempty"` // used for cluster log syncer OrigTerm uint64 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=orig_term,json=origTerm,proto3" json:"orig_term,omitempty"` OrigIndex uint64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=orig_index,json=origIndex,proto3" json:"orig_index,omitempty"` OrigCluster string `protobuf:"bytes,8,opt,name=orig_cluster,json=origCluster,proto3" json:"orig_cluster,omitempty"` }
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) Descriptor ¶
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) Marshal ¶
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) MarshalTo ¶
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) Reset ¶
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Reset()
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) Size ¶
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Size() (n int)
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) String ¶
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) String() string
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) Unmarshal ¶
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Marshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Merge ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Size ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Size() int
func (*BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Unmarshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *BatchInternalRaftRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
type ConflictCheckFunc ¶
type ConflictCheckFunc func(redcon.Command, int64) ConflictState
type ConflictState ¶ added in v0.5.2
type ConflictState int
type DataStorage ¶
type DeleteTableRange ¶ added in v0.3.2
type DeleteTableRange struct { Table string `json:"table,omitempty"` StartFrom []byte `json:"start_from,omitempty"` EndTo []byte `json:"end_to,omitempty"` // to avoid drop all table data, this is needed to delete all data in table DeleteAll bool `json:"delete_all,omitempty"` Dryrun bool `json:"dryrun,omitempty"` }
func (DeleteTableRange) CheckValid ¶ added in v0.3.2
func (dtr DeleteTableRange) CheckValid() error
type FutureRsp ¶ added in v0.8.0
type FutureRsp struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type HindexSearchResults ¶
type HindexSearchResults struct { Table string Rets []common.HIndexRespWithValues }
type IBatchOperator ¶ added in v0.7.0
type IRaftPersistStorage ¶
type IRaftPersistStorage interface { // Save function saves ents and state to the underlying stable storage. // Save MUST block until st and ents are on stable storage. Save(st raftpb.HardState, ents []raftpb.Entry) error // SaveSnap function saves snapshot to the underlying stable storage. SaveSnap(snap raftpb.Snapshot) error Load() (*raftpb.Snapshot, string, error) // Close closes the Storage and performs finalization. Close() error }
func NewRaftPersistStorage ¶
func NewRaftPersistStorage(w *wal.WAL, s *snap.Snapshotter) IRaftPersistStorage
type InternalRaftRequest ¶
type InternalRaftRequest struct { Header RequestHeader `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=header,proto3" json:"header"` Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` }
func (*InternalRaftRequest) Descriptor ¶
func (*InternalRaftRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (*InternalRaftRequest) Marshal ¶
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
func (*InternalRaftRequest) MarshalTo ¶
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) MarshalTo(dAtA []byte) (int, error)
func (*InternalRaftRequest) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*InternalRaftRequest) ProtoMessage()
func (*InternalRaftRequest) Reset ¶
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Reset()
func (*InternalRaftRequest) Size ¶
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Size() (n int)
func (*InternalRaftRequest) String ¶
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) String() string
func (*InternalRaftRequest) Unmarshal ¶
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
func (*InternalRaftRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Marshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
func (*InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Merge ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
func (*InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Size ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Size() int
func (*InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Unmarshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *InternalRaftRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
type KVNode ¶
type KVNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
a key-value node backed by raft
func NewKVNode ¶
func NewKVNode(kvopts *KVOptions, config *RaftConfig, transport *rafthttp.Transport, join bool, deleteCb func(), clusterInfo common.IClusterInfo, newLeaderChan chan string) (*KVNode, error)
func (*KVNode) ApplyRemoteSnapshot ¶
func (*KVNode) BeginTransferRemoteSnap ¶
func (*KVNode) CustomPropose ¶
func (*KVNode) DeleteRange ¶ added in v0.3.2
func (nd *KVNode) DeleteRange(drange DeleteTableRange) error
func (*KVNode) FillMyMemberInfo ¶
func (nd *KVNode) FillMyMemberInfo(m *common.MemberInfo)
func (*KVNode) GetAppliedIndex ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (*KVNode) GetApplyRemoteSnapStatus ¶
func (nd *KVNode) GetApplyRemoteSnapStatus(name string) (*SnapApplyStatus, bool)
func (*KVNode) GetDBInternalStats ¶
func (*KVNode) GetHandler ¶
func (nd *KVNode) GetHandler(cmd string) (common.CommandFunc, bool)
func (*KVNode) GetIndexSchema ¶
func (*KVNode) GetLastLeaderChangedTime ¶
func (*KVNode) GetLeadMember ¶
func (nd *KVNode) GetLeadMember() *common.MemberInfo
func (*KVNode) GetLearners ¶
func (nd *KVNode) GetLearners() []*common.MemberInfo
func (*KVNode) GetLocalMemberInfo ¶
func (nd *KVNode) GetLocalMemberInfo() *common.MemberInfo
func (*KVNode) GetLogSyncStatsInSyncLearner ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (nd *KVNode) GetLogSyncStatsInSyncLearner() (*common.LogSyncStats, *common.LogSyncStats)
func (*KVNode) GetMembers ¶
func (nd *KVNode) GetMembers() []*common.MemberInfo
func (*KVNode) GetMergeHandler ¶
func (*KVNode) GetRaftStatus ¶
func (*KVNode) GetRemoteClusterSyncedRaft ¶
func (*KVNode) GetSnapshot ¶
func (*KVNode) GetWALDBInternalStats ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (*KVNode) GetWriteHandler ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (nd *KVNode) GetWriteHandler(cmd string) (common.WriteCommandFunc, bool)
func (*KVNode) IsPeerRemoved ¶
func (*KVNode) IsRaftSynced ¶
func (*KVNode) IsReplicaRaftReady ¶
this is used for leader to determine whether a follower is up to date.
func (*KVNode) IsStopping ¶ added in v0.6.2
func (*KVNode) IsWriteReady ¶
func (*KVNode) OnRaftLeaderChanged ¶
func (nd *KVNode) OnRaftLeaderChanged()
should not block long in this
func (*KVNode) OptimizeDB ¶
func (*KVNode) PrepareSnapshot ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (*KVNode) ProposeAddLearner ¶
func (nd *KVNode) ProposeAddLearner(m common.MemberInfo) error
func (*KVNode) ProposeAddMember ¶
func (nd *KVNode) ProposeAddMember(m common.MemberInfo) error
func (*KVNode) ProposeChangeTableSchema ¶
func (nd *KVNode) ProposeChangeTableSchema(table string, sc *SchemaChange) error
func (*KVNode) ProposeInternal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (nd *KVNode) ProposeInternal(ctx context.Context, irr InternalRaftRequest, cancel context.CancelFunc, start time.Time) (*waitReqHeaders, error)
func (*KVNode) ProposeRawAndWaitFromSyncer ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*KVNode) ProposeRawAsyncFromSyncer ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (nd *KVNode) ProposeRawAsyncFromSyncer(buffer []byte, reqList *BatchInternalRaftRequest, term uint64, index uint64, raftTs int64) (*FutureRsp, *BatchInternalRaftRequest, error)
func (*KVNode) ProposeRemoveMember ¶
func (nd *KVNode) ProposeRemoveMember(m common.MemberInfo) error
func (*KVNode) ProposeUpdateMember ¶
func (nd *KVNode) ProposeUpdateMember(m common.MemberInfo) error
func (*KVNode) RedisPropose ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*KVNode) RedisProposeAsync ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*KVNode) RedisV2ProposeAsync ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*KVNode) ReportMeLeaderToCluster ¶
func (nd *KVNode) ReportMeLeaderToCluster()
func (*KVNode) ReportSnapshot ¶
func (*KVNode) ReportUnreachable ¶
func (*KVNode) RestoreFromSnapshot ¶
func (*KVNode) SaveDBFrom ¶
func (*KVNode) SetAppliedIndex ¶ added in v0.6.3
func (*KVNode) SetDynamicInfo ¶ added in v0.6.2
func (nd *KVNode) SetDynamicInfo(dync NamespaceDynamicConf)
func (*KVNode) SetMaxBackgroundOptions ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (*KVNode) SetRemoteClusterSyncedRaft ¶
func (*KVNode) UpdateSnapshotState ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (*KVNode) UpdateWriteStats ¶ added in v0.8.0
type KVOptions ¶
type KVOptions struct { DataDir string KeepBackup int EngType string ExpirationPolicy common.ExpirationPolicy DataVersion common.DataVersionT RockOpts engine.RockOptions }
type KVSnapInfo ¶
type KVSnapInfo struct { *rockredis.BackupInfo Ver int `json:"version"` BackupMeta []byte `json:"backup_meta"` LeaderInfo *common.MemberInfo `json:"leader_info"` Members []*common.MemberInfo `json:"members"` Learners []*common.MemberInfo `json:"learners"` RemoteSyncedStates map[string]SyncedState `json:"remote_synced_states"` }
func (*KVSnapInfo) GetData ¶
func (si *KVSnapInfo) GetData() ([]byte, error)
type KVStore ¶
a key-value store
func NewKVStore ¶
func (*KVStore) BeginBatchWrite ¶
func (*KVStore) CommitBatchWrite ¶
func (*KVStore) Destroy ¶
the caller should make sure call this after close/stop finished. and no any more operation on this store during and after the destroy
func (*KVStore) IsBatchableWrite ¶
type MachineConfig ¶
type MachineConfig struct { // server node id NodeID uint64 `json:"node_id"` BroadcastAddr string `json:"broadcast_addr"` HttpAPIPort int `json:"http_api_port"` LocalRaftAddr string `json:"local_raft_addr"` DataRootDir string `json:"data_root_dir"` ElectionTick int `json:"election_tick"` TickMs int `json:"tick_ms"` KeepBackup int `json:"keep_backup"` KeepWAL int `json:"keep_wal"` UseRocksWAL bool `json:"use_rocks_wal"` LearnerRole string `json:"learner_role"` RemoteSyncCluster string `json:"remote_sync_cluster"` StateMachineType string `json:"state_machine_type"` RocksDBOpts engine.RockOptions `json:"rocksdb_opts"` WALRocksDBOpts engine.RockOptions `json:"wal_rocksdb_opts"` }
type NamespaceConfig ¶
type NamespaceConfig struct { // namespace full name with partition Name string `json:"name"` // namespace name without partition BaseName string `json:"base_name"` EngType string `json:"eng_type"` PartitionNum int `json:"partition_num"` SnapCount int `json:"snap_count"` SnapCatchup int `json:"snap_catchup"` Replicator int `json:"replicator"` OptimizedFsync bool `json:"optimized_fsync"` RaftGroupConf RaftGroupConfig `json:"raft_group_conf"` ExpirationPolicy string `json:"expiration_policy"` DataVersion string `json:"data_version"` }
func NewNSConfig ¶
func NewNSConfig() *NamespaceConfig
type NamespaceDynamicConf ¶
type NamespaceDynamicConf struct {
Replicator int
type NamespaceMeta ¶
type NamespaceMeta struct { PartitionNum int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type NamespaceMgr ¶
type NamespaceMgr struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNamespaceMgr ¶
func NewNamespaceMgr(transport *rafthttp.Transport, conf *MachineConfig) *NamespaceMgr
func (*NamespaceMgr) BackupDB ¶ added in v0.5.2
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) BackupDB(ns string)
func (*NamespaceMgr) CheckMagicCode ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) CheckMagicCode(ns string, magic int64, fix bool) error
func (*NamespaceMgr) DeleteRange ¶ added in v0.3.2
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) DeleteRange(ns string, dtr DeleteTableRange) error
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetDBStats ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetDBStats(leaderOnly bool) map[string]string
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetLogSyncStats ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetLogSyncStats(leaderOnly bool, srcClusterName string) []common.LogSyncStats
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetLogSyncStatsInSyncer ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetLogSyncStatsInSyncer() ([]common.LogSyncStats, []common.LogSyncStats)
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNode ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNode(ns string) *NamespaceNode
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeFromGID ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeFromGID(gid uint64) *NamespaceNode
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeWithPrimaryKey ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeWithPrimaryKey(nsBaseName string, pk []byte) (*NamespaceNode, error)
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeWithPrimaryKeySum ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodeWithPrimaryKeySum(nsBaseName string, pk []byte, pkSum int) (*NamespaceNode, error)
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodes ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaceNodes(nsBaseName string, leaderOnly bool) (map[string]*NamespaceNode, error)
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaces ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetNamespaces() map[string]*NamespaceNode
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetStats ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetStats(leaderOnly bool, table string) []common.NamespaceStats
func (*NamespaceMgr) GetWALDBStats ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) GetWALDBStats(leaderOnly bool) map[string]map[string]interface{}
func (*NamespaceMgr) InitNamespaceNode ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) InitNamespaceNode(conf *NamespaceConfig, raftID uint64, join bool) (*NamespaceNode, error)
func (*NamespaceMgr) IsAllRecoveryDone ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) IsAllRecoveryDone() bool
func (*NamespaceMgr) LoadMachineRegID ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) LoadMachineRegID() (uint64, error)
func (*NamespaceMgr) OptimizeDB ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) OptimizeDB(ns string, table string)
func (*NamespaceMgr) SaveMachineRegID ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SaveMachineRegID(regID uint64) error
func (*NamespaceMgr) SetDBOptions ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetDBOptions(key string, value string) error
func (*NamespaceMgr) SetIClusterInfo ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetIClusterInfo(clusterInfo common.IClusterInfo)
func (*NamespaceMgr) SetMaxBackgroundOptions ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetMaxBackgroundOptions(maxCompact int, maxBackJobs int) error
func (*NamespaceMgr) SetNamespaceMagicCode ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetNamespaceMagicCode(node *NamespaceNode, magic int64) error
func (*NamespaceMgr) SetRateLimiterBytesPerSec ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) SetRateLimiterBytesPerSec(bytesPerSec int64)
func (*NamespaceMgr) Start ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) Start()
func (*NamespaceMgr) Stop ¶
func (nsm *NamespaceMgr) Stop()
type NamespaceNode ¶
type NamespaceNode struct { Node *KVNode // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*NamespaceNode) CheckRaftConf ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) CheckRaftConf(raftID uint64, conf *NamespaceConfig) error
func (*NamespaceNode) Close ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) Close()
func (*NamespaceNode) Destroy ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) Destroy() error
func (*NamespaceNode) FullName ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) FullName() string
func (*NamespaceNode) GetLastLeaderChangedTime ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetLastLeaderChangedTime() int64
func (*NamespaceNode) GetLearners ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetLearners() []*common.MemberInfo
func (*NamespaceNode) GetMembers ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetMembers() []*common.MemberInfo
func (*NamespaceNode) GetRaftID ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) GetRaftID() uint64
func (*NamespaceNode) IsDataNeedFix ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) IsDataNeedFix() bool
func (*NamespaceNode) IsNsNodeFullReady ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) IsNsNodeFullReady(checkCommitIndex bool) bool
full ready node means: all local commit log replay done and we are aware of leader and maybe we have done all the newest commit log in state machine.
func (*NamespaceNode) IsReady ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) IsReady() bool
func (*NamespaceNode) SetDataFixState ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) SetDataFixState(needFix bool)
func (*NamespaceNode) SetDynamicInfo ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) SetDynamicInfo(dync NamespaceDynamicConf)
func (*NamespaceNode) SetMagicCode ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) SetMagicCode(magic int64) error
func (*NamespaceNode) Start ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) Start(forceStandaloneCluster bool) error
func (*NamespaceNode) SwitchForLearnerLeader ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) SwitchForLearnerLeader(isLearnerLeader bool)
func (*NamespaceNode) TransferMyLeader ¶
func (nn *NamespaceNode) TransferMyLeader(to uint64, toRaftID uint64) error
type RaftConfig ¶
type RaftConfig struct { GroupID uint64 `json:"group_id"` // group name is combined namespace-partition string GroupName string `json:"group_name"` // this is replica id ID uint64 `json:"id"` // local server transport address, it // can be used by several raft group RaftAddr string `json:"raft_addr"` DataDir string `json:"data_dir"` WALDir string `json:"wal_dir"` SnapDir string `json:"snap_dir"` RaftStorageDir string `json:"raft_storage_dir"` RaftPeers map[uint64]ReplicaInfo `json:"raft_peers"` SnapCount int `json:"snap_count"` SnapCatchup int `json:"snap_catchup"` Replicator int32 `json:"replicator"` OptimizedFsync bool `json:"optimized_fsync"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RaftConfig) SetEng ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (rc *RaftConfig) SetEng(eng *engine.RockEng)
type RaftGroupConfig ¶
type RaftGroupConfig struct { GroupID uint64 `json:"group_id"` SeedNodes []ReplicaInfo `json:"seed_nodes"` }
type RaftRpcFunc ¶
type RaftRpcFunc func() error
type RemoteLogSender ¶
type RemoteLogSender struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RemoteLogSender is the raft log sender. It will send all the raft logs to the remote cluster using grpc service.
func NewRemoteLogSender ¶
func NewRemoteLogSender(localCluster string, fullName string, remoteCluster string) (*RemoteLogSender, error)
func (*RemoteLogSender) GetStats ¶
func (s *RemoteLogSender) GetStats() interface{}
func (*RemoteLogSender) Stop ¶
func (s *RemoteLogSender) Stop()
type ReplicaInfo ¶
type ReqSourceType ¶
type ReqSourceType int32
const ( FromAPI ReqSourceType = 0 FromClusterSyncer ReqSourceType = 1 )
func (ReqSourceType) EnumDescriptor ¶
func (ReqSourceType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (ReqSourceType) String ¶
func (x ReqSourceType) String() string
type RequestHeader ¶
type RequestHeader struct { ID uint64 `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=ID,proto3" json:"ID,omitempty"` DataType int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=data_type,json=dataType,proto3" json:"data_type,omitempty"` Timestamp int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=timestamp,proto3" json:"timestamp,omitempty"` }
func (*RequestHeader) Descriptor ¶
func (*RequestHeader) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (*RequestHeader) Marshal ¶
func (m *RequestHeader) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
func (*RequestHeader) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*RequestHeader) ProtoMessage()
func (*RequestHeader) Reset ¶
func (m *RequestHeader) Reset()
func (*RequestHeader) Size ¶
func (m *RequestHeader) Size() (n int)
func (*RequestHeader) String ¶
func (m *RequestHeader) String() string
func (*RequestHeader) Unmarshal ¶
func (m *RequestHeader) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
func (*RequestHeader) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*RequestHeader) XXX_Marshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
func (*RequestHeader) XXX_Merge ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
func (*RequestHeader) XXX_Size ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Size() int
func (*RequestHeader) XXX_Unmarshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *RequestHeader) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
type RequestResultCode ¶ added in v0.7.0
type RequestResultCode int
const ( ReqComplete RequestResultCode = iota ReqCancelled ReqTimeouted )
type SchemaChange ¶
type SchemaChange struct { Type SchemaChangeType `protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=Type,proto3,enum=node.SchemaChangeType" json:"Type,omitempty"` Table string `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=Table,proto3" json:"Table,omitempty"` SchemaData []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=SchemaData,proto3" json:"SchemaData,omitempty"` }
func (*SchemaChange) Descriptor ¶
func (*SchemaChange) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (*SchemaChange) Marshal ¶
func (m *SchemaChange) Marshal() (dAtA []byte, err error)
func (*SchemaChange) ProtoMessage ¶
func (*SchemaChange) ProtoMessage()
func (*SchemaChange) Reset ¶
func (m *SchemaChange) Reset()
func (*SchemaChange) Size ¶
func (m *SchemaChange) Size() (n int)
func (*SchemaChange) String ¶
func (m *SchemaChange) String() string
func (*SchemaChange) Unmarshal ¶
func (m *SchemaChange) Unmarshal(dAtA []byte) error
func (*SchemaChange) XXX_DiscardUnknown ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_DiscardUnknown()
func (*SchemaChange) XXX_Marshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error)
func (*SchemaChange) XXX_Merge ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message)
func (*SchemaChange) XXX_Size ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Size() int
func (*SchemaChange) XXX_Unmarshal ¶ added in v0.7.1
func (m *SchemaChange) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error
type SchemaChangeType ¶
type SchemaChangeType int32
const ( SchemaChangeAddHsetIndex SchemaChangeType = 0 SchemaChangeUpdateHsetIndex SchemaChangeType = 1 SchemaChangeDeleteHsetIndex SchemaChangeType = 2 )
func (SchemaChangeType) EnumDescriptor ¶
func (SchemaChangeType) EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int)
func (SchemaChangeType) String ¶
func (x SchemaChangeType) String() string
type SnapApplyStatus ¶
type SnapApplyStatus struct { SS SyncedState StatusCode int Status string UpdatedTime time.Time }
type StateMachine ¶
type StateMachine interface { ApplyRaftRequest(isReplaying bool, b IBatchOperator, req BatchInternalRaftRequest, term uint64, index uint64, stop chan struct{}) (bool, error) ApplyRaftConfRequest(req raftpb.ConfChange, term uint64, index uint64, stop chan struct{}) error GetSnapshot(term uint64, index uint64) (*KVSnapInfo, error) UpdateSnapshotState(term uint64, index uint64) PrepareSnapshot(raftSnapshot raftpb.Snapshot, stop chan struct{}) error RestoreFromSnapshot(raftSnapshot raftpb.Snapshot, stop chan struct{}) error Destroy() CleanData() error Optimize(string) GetStats(table string) common.NamespaceStats Start() error Close() GetBatchOperator() IBatchOperator }
func NewStateMachine ¶
func NewStateMachine(opts *KVOptions, machineConfig MachineConfig, localID uint64, fullNS string, clusterInfo common.IClusterInfo, w wait.Wait) (StateMachine, error)
type SyncedState ¶
type SyncedState struct { SyncedTerm uint64 `json:"synced_term,omitempty"` SyncedIndex uint64 `json:"synced_index,omitempty"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SyncedState) IsNewer ¶
func (ss *SyncedState) IsNewer(other *SyncedState) bool
func (*SyncedState) IsSame ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (ss *SyncedState) IsSame(other *SyncedState) bool
Source Files
- config.go
- conflict_checker.go
- geo.go
- hash.go
- json.go
- keys.go
- kvstore.go
- list.go
- log_sender.go
- multi.go
- namespace.go
- node.go
- node_cmd_reg.go
- raft.go
- raft_internal.pb.go
- raft_storage.go
- remote_sync_mgr.go
- scan.go
- schema.go
- secondary_index.go
- set.go
- state_machine.go
- syncer_learner.go
- ttl.go
- util.go
- zset.go
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