Client-Service with SQS in a middle written in GO
- docker / docker-compose
- go 1.18 to run outside of docker
- Optionally you can use direnv https://direnv.net
How to run
With docker-compose
make up
This command spins up localstack, server and executes client with input from test/data.txt
To run the project locally (both client and server) you need to define following environment variables:
If you're using direnv, you need to approve contents of .env placed within project:
direnv allow
After setting up you can run go server & client as usually.
Server command line flags:
Usage of ./server:
-paralellism-degree int
number of processors to be run concurrently, by default equal to system's number of CPU (default 6)
-queue-url string
SQS queue
-wait-time-seconds int
number of seconds to wait for SQS messages, bigger value decreases CPU load (default 1)
Client command line flags:
Usage of ./client:
-input-file string
input file to read commands from, otherwise stdin will be used
-queue-url string
SQS queue
add item with data 'ITEM'
remove item with index INDEX, where index is an integer number
get item with index INDEX, where index is an integer number
list all items
EOF or ^C