yomo flow for noise-example
This is part of the example-noise, which describes how to write a noise-flow to process data from source or other flow apps.
๐ Getting Started
1. Install CLI
Note: YoMo requires Go 1.15 and above, run go version
to get the version of Go in your environment, please follow this link to install or upgrade if it doesn't fit the requirement.
go install github.com/yomorun/cli/yomo@v0.1.3
2. Create your serverless app
$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/{YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME} && cd $_
$ yomo init yomo-flow-noise-example
2021/04/28 15:20:57 Initializing the Serverless app...
2021/04/28 15:21:01 ๐ go.mod replaced
2021/04/28 15:21:01 โ
Congratulations! You have initialized the serverless app successfully.
2021/04/28 15:21:01 ๐ You can enjoy the YoMo Serverless via the command: yomo dev
$ cd yomo-flow-noise-example
Update the app.go
package main
import (
// ThresholdSingleValue is the threshold of a single value.
const ThresholdSingleValue = 16
// NoiseData represents the structure of data
type NoiseData struct {
Noise float32 `json:"noise"` // Noise value
Time int64 `json:"time"` // Timestamp (ms)
From string `json:"from"` // Source IP
// Print every value and alert for value greater than ThresholdSingleValue
var computePeek = func(_ context.Context, i interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
value := i.(*NoiseData)
value.Noise = value.Noise / 10
rightNow := time.Now().UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %d > value: %f โก๏ธ=%dms", value.From, value.Time, value.Noise, rightNow-value.Time))
// Compute peek value, if greater than ThresholdSingleValue, alert
if value.Noise >= ThresholdSingleValue {
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("โ value: %f reaches the threshold %d! ๐ซ=%f", value.Noise, ThresholdSingleValue, value.Noise-ThresholdSingleValue))
return value, nil
// Handler will handle data in Rx way
func Handler(rxstream rx.Stream) rx.Stream {
stream := rxstream.
Unmarshal(json.Unmarshal, func() interface{} { return &NoiseData{} }).
return stream
func DataID() []byte {
return []byte{0x33}
3. Run your serverless app
yomo run app.go -m go.mod -u localhost:9999 -n NoiseServerless
Docker Image
The case provides Dockefile files for packaging into images.
Also, you can get the official packaged image (noise-flow) from the mirror repository.
docker pull yomorun/noise-flow
Docker run
You can run the service with the following command:
docker run --rm --name noise-flow -p 4242:4242 yomorun/noise-flow:latest