How hard is it to accept all MQTT connections and print the received messages to stdout?
Turns out, not that hard.
Running a server
Start an MQTT server like this (requires docker):
Sending test messages
I'm on debian, and mosquitto is available by default:
$ apt-get install mosquitto-clients
Then, send a message to localhost:
$ mosquitto_pub -t foo -m 10 -q 0
The server output should look something like:
2019/10/03 11:42:47 mqttshim started on
msg: <Connect ClientID="mosq-uLOcLFQKaOnRWftpXQ" KeepAlive=60 Username="" Password="" CleanSession=true Will=nil Version=4>
msg: <Publish ID=0 Message=<Message Topic="foo" QOS=0 Retain=false Payload=[49 48]> Dup=false>
msg: <Disconnect>
Helpful reading