
v0.0.0-...-11651c4 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 12, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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This section is empty.


type AppsDO

type AppsDO struct {
	Id        int32  `db:"id"`
	ApiId     int32  `db:"api_id"`
	ApiHash   string `db:"api_hash"`
	Title     string `db:"title"`
	ShortName string `db:"short_name"`
	CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`
	DeletedAt string `db:"deleted_at"`

type AuthKeysDO

type AuthKeysDO struct {
	Id        int32  `db:"id"`
	AuthId    int64  `db:"auth_id"`
	Body      string `db:"body"`
	CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`
	DeletedAt string `db:"deleted_at"`

type AuthPhoneTransactionsDO

type AuthPhoneTransactionsDO struct {
	Id               int64  `db:"id"`
	AuthKeyId        int64  `db:"auth_key_id"`
	PhoneNumber      string `db:"phone_number"`
	Code             string `db:"code"`
	CodeExpired      int32  `db:"code_expired"`
	TransactionHash  string `db:"transaction_hash"`
	SentCodeType     int8   `db:"sent_code_type"`
	FlashCallPattern string `db:"flash_call_pattern"`
	NextCodeType     int8   `db:"next_code_type"`
	State            int8   `db:"state"`
	ApiId            int32  `db:"api_id"`
	ApiHash          string `db:"api_hash"`
	Attempts         int32  `db:"attempts"`
	CreatedTime      int64  `db:"created_time"`
	CreatedAt        string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt        string `db:"updated_at"`
	IsDeleted        int8   `db:"is_deleted"`

type AuthSeqUpdatesDO

type AuthSeqUpdatesDO struct {
	Id         int64  `db:"id"`
	AuthId     int64  `db:"auth_id"`
	UserId     int32  `db:"user_id"`
	Seq        int32  `db:"seq"`
	UpdateType int32  `db:"update_type"`
	UpdateData []byte `db:"update_data"`
	Date2      int32  `db:"date2"`
	CreatedAt  string `db:"created_at"`

type AuthUpdatesStateDO

type AuthUpdatesStateDO struct {
	Id        int32  `db:"id"`
	AuthKeyId int64  `db:"auth_key_id"`
	UserId    int32  `db:"user_id"`
	Pts       int32  `db:"pts"`
	Pts2      int32  `db:"pts2"`
	Qts       int32  `db:"qts"`
	Qts2      int32  `db:"qts2"`
	Seq       int32  `db:"seq"`
	Seq2      int32  `db:"seq2"`
	Date      int32  `db:"date"`
	Date2     int32  `db:"date2"`
	CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string `db:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt string `db:"deleted_at"`

type AuthUsersDO

type AuthUsersDO struct {
	Id            int32  `db:"id"`
	AuthId        int64  `db:"auth_id"`
	UserId        int32  `db:"user_id"`
	Hash          int64  `db:"hash"`
	DeviceModel   string `db:"device_model"`
	Platform      string `db:"platform"`
	SystemVersion string `db:"system_version"`
	ApiId         int32  `db:"api_id"`
	AppName       string `db:"app_name"`
	AppVersion    string `db:"app_version"`
	DateCreated   int32  `db:"date_created"`
	DateActive    int32  `db:"date_active"`
	Ip            string `db:"ip"`
	Country       string `db:"country"`
	Region        string `db:"region"`
	DeletedAt     int64  `db:"deleted_at"`
	CreatedAt     string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt     string `db:"updated_at"`

type AuthsDO

type AuthsDO struct {
	Id             int32  `db:"id"`
	AuthId         int64  `db:"auth_id"`
	ApiId          int32  `db:"api_id"`
	DeviceModel    string `db:"device_model"`
	SystemVersion  string `db:"system_version"`
	AppVersion     string `db:"app_version"`
	SystemLangCode string `db:"system_lang_code"`
	LangPack       string `db:"lang_pack"`
	LangCode       string `db:"lang_code"`
	ConnectionHash int64  `db:"connection_hash"`
	CreatedAt      string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      string `db:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt      string `db:"deleted_at"`

type BannedDO

type BannedDO struct {
	Id           int32  `db:"id"`
	Phone        string `db:"phone"`
	BannedTime   int64  `db:"banned_time"`
	Expires      int64  `db:"expires"`
	BannedReason string `db:"banned_reason"`
	Log          string `db:"log"`
	State        int8   `db:"state"`
	CreatedAt    int32  `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt    int32  `db:"updated_at"`

type ChatParticipantsDO

type ChatParticipantsDO struct {
	Id              int32  `db:"id"`
	ChatId          int32  `db:"chat_id"`
	UserId          int32  `db:"user_id"`
	ParticipantType int8   `db:"participant_type"`
	InviterUserId   int32  `db:"inviter_user_id"`
	InvitedAt       int32  `db:"invited_at"`
	JoinedAt        int32  `db:"joined_at"`
	State           int8   `db:"state"`
	CreatedAt       string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt       string `db:"updated_at"`

type ChatsDO

type ChatsDO struct {
	Id               int32  `db:"id"`
	CreatorUserId    int32  `db:"creator_user_id"`
	AccessHash       int64  `db:"access_hash"`
	RandomId         int64  `db:"random_id"`
	ParticipantCount int32  `db:"participant_count"`
	Title            string `db:"title"`
	PhotoId          int64  `db:"photo_id"`
	AdminsEnabled    int8   `db:"admins_enabled"`
	Deactivated      int8   `db:"deactivated"`
	Version          int32  `db:"version"`
	Date             int32  `db:"date"`
	CreatedAt        string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt        string `db:"updated_at"`

type DevicesDO

type DevicesDO struct {
	Id        int64  `db:"id"`
	AuthKeyId int64  `db:"auth_key_id"`
	UserId    int32  `db:"user_id"`
	TokenType int8   `db:"token_type"`
	Token     string `db:"token"`
	State     int8   `db:"state"`
	CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string `db:"updated_at"`

type MessagesDO

type MessagesDO struct {
	Id               int32  `db:"id"`
	UserId           int32  `db:"user_id"`
	UserMessageBoxId int32  `db:"user_message_box_id"`
	DialogMessageId  int64  `db:"dialog_message_id"`
	SenderUserId     int32  `db:"sender_user_id"`
	MessageBoxType   int8   `db:"message_box_type"`
	PeerType         int8   `db:"peer_type"`
	PeerId           int32  `db:"peer_id"`
	RandomId         int64  `db:"random_id"`
	MessageType      int8   `db:"message_type"`
	MessageData      string `db:"message_data"`
	Date2            int32  `db:"date2"`
	Deleted          int8   `db:"deleted"`
	CreatedAt        string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt        string `db:"updated_at"`

type PhoneCallSessionsDO

type PhoneCallSessionsDO struct {
	Id                    int32  `db:"id"`
	CallSessionId         int64  `db:"call_session_id"`
	AdminId               int32  `db:"admin_id"`
	AdminAccessHash       int64  `db:"admin_access_hash"`
	ParticipantId         int32  `db:"participant_id"`
	ParticipantAccessHash int64  `db:"participant_access_hash"`
	UdpP2p                int8   `db:"udp_p2p"`
	UdpReflector          int8   `db:"udp_reflector"`
	MinLayer              int32  `db:"min_layer"`
	MaxLayer              int32  `db:"max_layer"`
	GA                    string `db:"g_a"`
	GB                    string `db:"g_b"`
	State                 int32  `db:"state"`
	Date                  int32  `db:"date"`
	AdminDebugData        string `db:"admin_debug_data"`
	ParticipantDebugData  string `db:"participant_debug_data"`
	CreatedAt             string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt             string `db:"updated_at"`

type ReportsDO

type ReportsDO struct {
	Id        int64  `db:"id"`
	UserId    int32  `db:"user_id"`
	PeerType  int32  `db:"peer_type"`
	PeerId    int32  `db:"peer_id"`
	Reason    int8   `db:"reason"`
	Content   string `db:"content"`
	CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`

type StickerPacksDO

type StickerPacksDO struct {
	Id           int32  `db:"id"`
	StickerSetId int64  `db:"sticker_set_id"`
	Emoticon     string `db:"emoticon"`
	DocumentId   int64  `db:"document_id"`
	CreatedAt    string `db:"created_at"`

type StickerSetsDO

type StickerSetsDO struct {
	Id           int32  `db:"id"`
	StickerSetId int64  `db:"sticker_set_id"`
	AccessHash   int64  `db:"access_hash"`
	Title        string `db:"title"`
	ShortName    string `db:"short_name"`
	Count        int32  `db:"count"`
	Hash         int32  `db:"hash"`
	Official     int8   `db:"official"`
	Mask         int8   `db:"mask"`
	CreatedAt    string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt    string `db:"updated_at"`

type TmpPasswordsDO

type TmpPasswordsDO struct {
	Id           int32  `db:"id"`
	AuthId       int64  `db:"auth_id"`
	UserId       int32  `db:"user_id"`
	PasswordHash string `db:"password_hash"`
	Period       int32  `db:"period"`
	TmpPassword  string `db:"tmp_password"`
	ValidUntil   int32  `db:"valid_until"`
	CreatedAt    string `db:"created_at"`

type UserContactsDO

type UserContactsDO struct {
	Id               int32  `db:"id"`
	OwnerUserId      int32  `db:"owner_user_id"`
	ContactUserId    int32  `db:"contact_user_id"`
	ContactPhone     string `db:"contact_phone"`
	ContactFirstName string `db:"contact_first_name"`
	ContactLastName  string `db:"contact_last_name"`
	Mutual           int8   `db:"mutual"`
	IsBlocked        int8   `db:"is_blocked"`
	IsDeleted        int8   `db:"is_deleted"`
	Date2            int32  `db:"date2"`
	CreatedAt        string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt        string `db:"updated_at"`

type UserDialogsDO

type UserDialogsDO struct {
	Id                  int32  `db:"id"`
	UserId              int32  `db:"user_id"`
	PeerType            int8   `db:"peer_type"`
	PeerId              int32  `db:"peer_id"`
	IsPinned            int8   `db:"is_pinned"`
	TopMessage          int32  `db:"top_message"`
	ReadInboxMaxId      int32  `db:"read_inbox_max_id"`
	ReadOutboxMaxId     int32  `db:"read_outbox_max_id"`
	UnreadCount         int32  `db:"unread_count"`
	UnreadMentionsCount int32  `db:"unread_mentions_count"`
	ShowPreviews        int8   `db:"show_previews"`
	Silent              int8   `db:"silent"`
	MuteUntil           int32  `db:"mute_until"`
	Sound               string `db:"sound"`
	Pts                 int32  `db:"pts"`
	DraftId             int32  `db:"draft_id"`
	DraftType           int8   `db:"draft_type"`
	DraftMessageData    string `db:"draft_message_data"`
	Date2               int32  `db:"date2"`
	Version             int64  `db:"version"`
	CreatedAt           string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt           string `db:"updated_at"`

type UserNotifySettingsDO

type UserNotifySettingsDO struct {
	Id           int32  `db:"id"`
	UserId       int32  `db:"user_id"`
	PeerType     int8   `db:"peer_type"`
	PeerId       int32  `db:"peer_id"`
	ShowPreviews int8   `db:"show_previews"`
	Silent       int8   `db:"silent"`
	MuteUntil    int32  `db:"mute_until"`
	Sound        string `db:"sound"`
	IsDeleted    int8   `db:"is_deleted"`
	CreatedAt    string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt    string `db:"updated_at"`

type UserPasswordsDO

type UserPasswordsDO struct {
	Id          int64  `db:"id"`
	UserId      int32  `db:"user_id"`
	ServerSalt  string `db:"server_salt"`
	Hash        string `db:"hash"`
	Salt        string `db:"salt"`
	Hint        string `db:"hint"`
	Email       string `db:"email"`
	HasRecovery int8   `db:"has_recovery"`
	Code        string `db:"code"`
	CodeExpired int32  `db:"code_expired"`
	Attempts    int32  `db:"attempts"`
	State       int8   `db:"state"`
	CreatedAt   string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   string `db:"updated_at"`

type UserPresencesDO

type UserPresencesDO struct {
	Id                int32  `db:"id"`
	UserId            int32  `db:"user_id"`
	LastSeenAt        int64  `db:"last_seen_at"`
	LastSeenAuthKeyId int64  `db:"last_seen_auth_key_id"`
	LastSeenIp        string `db:"last_seen_ip"`
	Version           int64  `db:"version"`
	CreatedAt         string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt         string `db:"updated_at"`

type UserPrivacysDO

type UserPrivacysDO struct {
	Id        int32  `db:"id"`
	UserId    int32  `db:"user_id"`
	KeyType   int8   `db:"key_type"`
	Rules     string `db:"rules"`
	CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt string `db:"updated_at"`

type UserPtsUpdatesDO

type UserPtsUpdatesDO struct {
	Id         int64  `db:"id"`
	UserId     int32  `db:"user_id"`
	Pts        int32  `db:"pts"`
	PtsCount   int32  `db:"pts_count"`
	UpdateType int8   `db:"update_type"`
	UpdateData string `db:"update_data"`
	Date2      int32  `db:"date2"`
	CreatedAt  string `db:"created_at"`

type UserQtsUpdatesDO

type UserQtsUpdatesDO struct {
	Id         int64  `db:"id"`
	UserId     int32  `db:"user_id"`
	Qts        int32  `db:"qts"`
	UpdateType int32  `db:"update_type"`
	UpdateData []byte `db:"update_data"`
	Date2      int32  `db:"date2"`
	CreatedAt  string `db:"created_at"`

type UsersDO

type UsersDO struct {
	Id             int32  `db:"id"`
	AccessHash     int64  `db:"access_hash"`
	FirstName      string `db:"first_name"`
	LastName       string `db:"last_name"`
	Username       string `db:"username"`
	Phone          string `db:"phone"`
	CountryCode    string `db:"country_code"`
	Bio            string `db:"bio"`
	About          string `db:"about"`
	State          int32  `db:"state"`
	IsBot          int8   `db:"is_bot"`
	Banned         int64  `db:"banned"`
	BannedReason   string `db:"banned_reason"`
	AccountDaysTtl int32  `db:"account_days_ttl"`
	Photos         string `db:"photos"`
	Deleted        int8   `db:"deleted"`
	DeletedReason  string `db:"deleted_reason"`
	CreatedAt      string `db:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt      string `db:"updated_at"`
	BannedAt       string `db:"banned_at"`
	DeletedAt      string `db:"deleted_at"`

type WallPapersDO

type WallPapersDO struct {
	Id        int32  `db:"id"`
	Type      int8   `db:"type"`
	Title     string `db:"title"`
	Color     int32  `db:"color"`
	BgColor   int32  `db:"bg_color"`
	PhotoId   int64  `db:"photo_id"`
	CreatedAt string `db:"created_at"`
	DeletedAt int64  `db:"deleted_at"`

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