Index ¶
- Constants
- func ClearContext(x interface{}) interface{}
- func DatabaseSQLOnConnBegin(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context) func(tx tableTransactionInfo, _ error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnConnClose(t DatabaseSQL) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnConnExec(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string, mode string, idempotent bool, ...) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnConnPing(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnConnPrepare(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnConnQuery(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string, mode string, idempotent bool, ...) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnConnectorConnect(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnDoTx(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, iD string, idempotent bool) func(error) func(attempts int, _ error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnStmtClose(t DatabaseSQL) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnStmtExec(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnStmtQuery(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnTxCommit(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, tx tableTransactionInfo) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnTxExec(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, txContext context.Context, ...) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnTxQuery(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, txContext context.Context, ...) func(error)
- func DatabaseSQLOnTxRollback(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, tx tableTransactionInfo) func(error)
- func DiscoveryOnDiscover(t Discovery, c *context.Context, address string, database string) func(location string, endpoints []EndpointInfo, _ error)
- func DiscoveryOnWhoAmI(t Discovery, c *context.Context) func(user string, groups []string, _ error)
- func DriverOnBalancerChooseEndpoint(t Driver, c *context.Context) func(endpoint EndpointInfo, _ error)
- func DriverOnBalancerClose(t Driver, c *context.Context) func(error)
- func DriverOnBalancerInit(t Driver, c *context.Context) func(error)
- func DriverOnBalancerUpdate(t Driver, c *context.Context, needLocalDC bool) func(endpoints []EndpointInfo, localDC string, _ error)
- func DriverOnClose(t Driver, c *context.Context) func(error)
- func DriverOnConnAllow(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo, state ConnState) func(state ConnState)
- func DriverOnConnBan(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo, state ConnState, ...) func(state ConnState)
- func DriverOnConnClose(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo) func(error)
- func DriverOnConnInvoke(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo, m Method) func(_ error, issues []Issue, opID string, state ConnState, ...)
- func DriverOnConnNewStream(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo, m Method) func(error) func(_ error, state ConnState, metadata map[string][]string)
- func DriverOnConnPark(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo) func(error)
- func DriverOnConnStateChange(t Driver, endpoint EndpointInfo, state ConnState) func(state ConnState)
- func DriverOnConnTake(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo) func(error)
- func DriverOnGetCredentials(t Driver, c *context.Context) func(token string, _ error)
- func DriverOnInit(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint string, database string, secure bool) func(error)
- func DriverOnNetClose(t Driver, address string) func(error)
- func DriverOnNetDial(t Driver, c *context.Context, address string) func(error)
- func DriverOnNetRead(t Driver, address string, buffer int) func(received int, _ error)
- func DriverOnNetWrite(t Driver, address string, bytes int) func(sent int, _ error)
- func DriverOnRepeaterWakeUp(t Driver, c *context.Context, name string, event string) func(error)
- func DriverOnResolve(t Driver, target string, resolved []string) func(error)
- func RetryOnRetry(t Retry, c *context.Context, iD string, idempotent bool, nestedCall bool) func(error) func(attempts int, _ error)
- func ScriptingOnClose(t Scripting, c *context.Context) func(error)
- func ScriptingOnExecute(t Scripting, c *context.Context, query string, ...) func(result scriptingResult, _ error)
- func ScriptingOnExplain(t Scripting, c *context.Context, query string) func(plan string, _ error)
- func ScriptingOnStreamExecute(t Scripting, c *context.Context, query string, ...) func(error) func(error)
- func Stub(x interface{}, f func(name string, args ...interface{}))
- func TableOnClose(t Table, c *context.Context) func(error)
- func TableOnCreateSession(t Table, c *context.Context) func(error) func(session tableSessionInfo, attempts int, _ error)
- func TableOnDo(t Table, c *context.Context, idempotent bool, nestedCall bool) func(error) func(attempts int, _ error)
- func TableOnDoTx(t Table, c *context.Context, idempotent bool, nestedCall bool) func(error) func(attempts int, _ error)
- func TableOnInit(t Table, c *context.Context) func(limit int)
- func TableOnPoolGet(t Table, c *context.Context) func(session tableSessionInfo, attempts int, _ error)
- func TableOnPoolPut(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo) func(error)
- func TableOnPoolSessionAdd(t Table, session tableSessionInfo)
- func TableOnPoolSessionClose(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo) func()
- func TableOnPoolSessionNew(t Table, c *context.Context) func(session tableSessionInfo, _ error)
- func TableOnPoolSessionRemove(t Table, session tableSessionInfo)
- func TableOnPoolStateChange(t Table, size int, event string)
- func TableOnPoolWait(t Table, c *context.Context) func(session tableSessionInfo, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionDelete(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo) func(error)
- func TableOnSessionKeepAlive(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo) func(error)
- func TableOnSessionNew(t Table, c *context.Context) func(session tableSessionInfo, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionQueryExecute(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, query tableDataQuery, ...) func(tx tableTransactionInfo, prepared bool, result tableResult, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionQueryExplain(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, query string) func(aST string, plan string, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionQueryPrepare(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, query string) func(result tableDataQuery, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionQueryStreamExecute(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, query tableDataQuery, ...) func(error) func(error)
- func TableOnSessionQueryStreamRead(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo) func(error) func(error)
- func TableOnSessionTransactionBegin(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo) func(tx tableTransactionInfo, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionTransactionCommit(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, tx tableTransactionInfo) func(error)
- func TableOnSessionTransactionExecute(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, tx tableTransactionInfo, ...) func(result tableResult, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionTransactionExecuteStatement(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, tx tableTransactionInfo, ...) func(result tableResult, _ error)
- func TableOnSessionTransactionRollback(t Table, c *context.Context, session tableSessionInfo, tx tableTransactionInfo) func(error)
- func TopicOnReaderClose(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, closeReason error) func(closeError error)
- func TopicOnReaderCommit(t Topic, requestContext context.Context, topic string, partitionID int64, ...) func(error)
- func TopicOnReaderCommittedNotify(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, topic string, partitionID int64, ...)
- func TopicOnReaderError(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, e error)
- func TopicOnReaderInit(t Topic, preInitReaderConnectionID string, ...) func(readerConnectionID string, _ error)
- func TopicOnReaderPartitionReadStartResponse(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, partitionContext context.Context, ...) func(readOffset *int64, commitOffset *int64, _ error)
- func TopicOnReaderPartitionReadStopResponse(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, partitionContext context.Context, ...) func(error)
- func TopicOnReaderReadMessages(t Topic, requestContext context.Context, minCount int, maxCount int, ...) ...
- func TopicOnReaderReceiveDataResponse(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, localBufferSizeAfterReceive int, ...) func(error)
- func TopicOnReaderReconnect(t Topic) func(error)
- func TopicOnReaderReconnectRequest(t Topic, reason error, wasSent bool)
- func TopicOnReaderSendCommitMessage(t Topic, commitsInfo TopicReaderStreamSendCommitMessageStartMessageInfo) func(error)
- func TopicOnReaderSentDataRequest(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, requestBytes int, ...)
- func TopicOnReaderUnknownGrpcMessage(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, e error)
- func TopicOnReaderUpdateToken(t Topic, readerConnectionID string) func(tokenLen int, _ error) func(error)
- func TopicOnWriterClose(t Topic, writerInstanceID string, reason error) func(error)
- func TopicOnWriterCompressMessages(t Topic, writerInstanceID string, sessionID string, codec int32, ...) func(error)
- func TopicOnWriterInitStream(t Topic, writerInstanceID string, topic string, producerID string) func(sessionID string, _ error)
- func TopicOnWriterReadUnknownGrpcMessage(t Topic, writerInstanceID string, sessionID string, e error)
- func TopicOnWriterReconnect(t Topic, writerInstanceID string, topic string, producerID string, attempt int) func(error)
- func TopicOnWriterSendMessages(t Topic, writerInstanceID string, sessionID string, codec int32, ...) func(error)
- func WithDefaultDetails(defaultDetails Details) matchDetailsOption
- func WithPOSIXMatch() matchDetailsOption
- type ConnState
- type Coordination
- type CoordinationComposeOption
- type DatabaseSQL
- type DatabaseSQLComposeOption
- type DatabaseSQLConnBeginDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnBeginStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnCloseDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnCloseStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnExecDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnExecStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnPingDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnPingStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnPrepareDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnPrepareStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnQueryDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnQueryStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLDoTxDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLDoTxIntermediateInfo
- type DatabaseSQLDoTxStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLStmtCloseDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLStmtCloseStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLStmtExecDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLStmtExecStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLStmtQueryDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLStmtQueryStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxCommitDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxCommitStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxExecDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxExecStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxQueryDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxQueryStartInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxRollbackDoneInfo
- type DatabaseSQLTxRollbackStartInfo
- type Details
- type Discovery
- type DiscoveryComposeOption
- type DiscoveryDiscoverDoneInfo
- type DiscoveryDiscoverStartInfo
- type DiscoveryWhoAmIDoneInfo
- type DiscoveryWhoAmIStartInfo
- type Driver
- type DriverBalancerChooseEndpointDoneInfo
- type DriverBalancerChooseEndpointStartInfo
- type DriverBalancerCloseDoneInfo
- type DriverBalancerCloseStartInfo
- type DriverBalancerInitDoneInfo
- type DriverBalancerInitStartInfo
- type DriverBalancerUpdateDoneInfo
- type DriverBalancerUpdateStartInfo
- type DriverCloseDoneInfo
- type DriverCloseStartInfo
- type DriverComposeOption
- type DriverConnAllowDoneInfo
- type DriverConnAllowStartInfo
- type DriverConnBanDoneInfo
- type DriverConnBanStartInfo
- type DriverConnCloseDoneInfo
- type DriverConnCloseStartInfo
- type DriverConnInvokeDoneInfo
- type DriverConnInvokeStartInfo
- type DriverConnNewStreamDoneInfo
- type DriverConnNewStreamRecvInfo
- type DriverConnNewStreamStartInfo
- type DriverConnParkDoneInfo
- type DriverConnParkStartInfo
- type DriverConnStateChangeDoneInfo
- type DriverConnStateChangeStartInfo
- type DriverConnTakeDoneInfo
- type DriverConnTakeStartInfo
- type DriverGetCredentialsDoneInfo
- type DriverGetCredentialsStartInfo
- type DriverInitDoneInfo
- type DriverInitStartInfo
- type DriverNetCloseDoneInfo
- type DriverNetCloseStartInfo
- type DriverNetDialDoneInfo
- type DriverNetDialStartInfo
- type DriverNetReadDoneInfo
- type DriverNetReadStartInfo
- type DriverNetWriteDoneInfo
- type DriverNetWriteStartInfo
- type DriverRepeaterWakeUpDoneInfo
- type DriverRepeaterWakeUpStartInfo
- type DriverResolveDoneInfo
- type DriverResolveStartInfo
- type EndpointInfo
- type FieldStubber
- type Issue
- type Method
- type OnReadStreamUpdateTokenDoneInfo
- type OnReadUnknownGrpcMessageInfo
- type OnReadUpdateTokenMiddleTokenReceivedInfo
- type OnReadUpdateTokenStartInfo
- type Ratelimiter
- type RatelimiterComposeOption
- type Retry
- type RetryComposeOption
- type RetryLoopDoneInfo
- type RetryLoopIntermediateInfo
- type RetryLoopStartInfo
- type Scheme
- type SchemeComposeOption
- type Scripting
- type ScriptingCloseDoneInfo
- type ScriptingCloseStartInfo
- type ScriptingComposeOption
- type ScriptingExecuteDoneInfo
- type ScriptingExecuteStartInfo
- type ScriptingExplainDoneInfo
- type ScriptingExplainStartInfo
- type ScriptingStreamExecuteDoneInfo
- type ScriptingStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo
- type ScriptingStreamExecuteStartInfo
- type Table
- type TableCloseDoneInfo
- type TableCloseStartInfo
- type TableComposeOption
- type TableCreateSessionDoneInfo
- type TableCreateSessionIntermediateInfo
- type TableCreateSessionStartInfo
- type TableDoDoneInfo
- type TableDoIntermediateInfo
- type TableDoStartInfo
- type TableDoTxDoneInfo
- type TableDoTxIntermediateInfo
- type TableDoTxStartInfo
- type TableExecuteDataQueryDoneInfo
- type TableExecuteDataQueryStartInfo
- type TableExplainQueryDoneInfo
- type TableExplainQueryStartInfo
- type TableInitDoneInfo
- type TableInitStartInfo
- type TableKeepAliveDoneInfo
- type TableKeepAliveStartInfo
- type TablePoolGetDoneInfo
- type TablePoolGetStartInfo
- type TablePoolPutDoneInfo
- type TablePoolPutStartInfo
- type TablePoolSessionAddInfo
- type TablePoolSessionCloseDoneInfo
- type TablePoolSessionCloseStartInfo
- type TablePoolSessionNewDoneInfo
- type TablePoolSessionNewStartInfo
- type TablePoolSessionRemoveInfo
- type TablePoolStateChangeInfo
- type TablePoolWaitDoneInfo
- type TablePoolWaitStartInfo
- type TablePrepareDataQueryDoneInfo
- type TablePrepareDataQueryStartInfo
- type TableSessionDeleteDoneInfo
- type TableSessionDeleteStartInfo
- type TableSessionNewDoneInfo
- type TableSessionNewStartInfo
- type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteDoneInfo
- type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo
- type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteStartInfo
- type TableSessionQueryStreamReadDoneInfo
- type TableSessionQueryStreamReadIntermediateInfo
- type TableSessionQueryStreamReadStartInfo
- type TableSessionTransactionBeginDoneInfo
- type TableSessionTransactionBeginStartInfo
- type TableSessionTransactionCommitDoneInfo
- type TableSessionTransactionCommitStartInfo
- type TableSessionTransactionRollbackDoneInfo
- type TableSessionTransactionRollbackStartInfo
- type TableTransactionExecuteDoneInfo
- type TableTransactionExecuteStartInfo
- type TableTransactionExecuteStatementDoneInfo
- type TableTransactionExecuteStatementStartInfo
- type Topic
- type TopicComposeOption
- type TopicOnWriterReadUnknownGrpcMessageInfo
- type TopicReadStreamInitRequestInfo
- type TopicReaderCloseDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderCloseStartInfo
- type TopicReaderCommitDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderCommitStartInfo
- type TopicReaderCommittedNotifyInfo
- type TopicReaderDataResponseInfo
- type TopicReaderErrorInfo
- type TopicReaderInitDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderInitStartInfo
- type TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseStartInfo
- type TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseStartInfo
- type TopicReaderReadMessagesDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderReadMessagesStartInfo
- type TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseStartInfo
- type TopicReaderReconnectDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderReconnectRequestInfo
- type TopicReaderReconnectStartInfo
- type TopicReaderSendCommitMessageDoneInfo
- type TopicReaderSendCommitMessageStartInfo
- type TopicReaderSentDataRequestInfo
- type TopicReaderStreamSendCommitMessageStartMessageInfo
- type TopicWriterCloseDoneInfo
- type TopicWriterCloseStartInfo
- type TopicWriterCompressMessagesDoneInfo
- type TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason
- type TopicWriterCompressMessagesStartInfo
- type TopicWriterInitStreamDoneInfo
- type TopicWriterInitStreamStartInfo
- type TopicWriterReconnectDoneInfo
- type TopicWriterReconnectStartInfo
- type TopicWriterSendMessagesDoneInfo
- type TopicWriterSendMessagesStartInfo
Constants ¶
const ( TopicWriterCompressMessagesReasonCompressData = TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason("compress-on-send") TopicWriterCompressMessagesReasonCompressDataOnWriteReadData = TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason("compress-on-call-write") TopicWriterCompressMessagesReasonCodecsMeasure = TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason("compress-on-codecs-measure") )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ClearContext ¶
func ClearContext(x interface{}) interface{}
func DatabaseSQLOnConnBegin ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnConnBegin(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context) func(tx tableTransactionInfo, _ error)
func DatabaseSQLOnConnClose ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnConnClose(t DatabaseSQL) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnConnExec ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnConnPing ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnConnPing(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnConnPrepare ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnConnPrepare(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnConnQuery ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnConnectorConnect ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnConnectorConnect(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnDoTx ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnStmtClose ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnStmtClose(t DatabaseSQL) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnStmtExec ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnStmtExec(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnStmtQuery ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnStmtQuery(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, query string) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnTxCommit ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnTxCommit(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, tx tableTransactionInfo) func(error)
func DatabaseSQLOnTxExec ¶ added in v3.34.2
func DatabaseSQLOnTxQuery ¶ added in v3.34.2
func DatabaseSQLOnTxRollback ¶ added in v3.34.0
func DatabaseSQLOnTxRollback(t DatabaseSQL, c *context.Context, tx tableTransactionInfo) func(error)
func DiscoveryOnDiscover ¶ added in v3.10.0
func DiscoveryOnWhoAmI ¶ added in v3.10.0
func DriverOnBalancerChooseEndpoint ¶ added in v3.26.0
func DriverOnBalancerChooseEndpoint(t Driver, c *context.Context) func(endpoint EndpointInfo, _ error)
func DriverOnBalancerClose ¶ added in v3.26.0
func DriverOnBalancerInit ¶ added in v3.26.0
func DriverOnBalancerUpdate ¶ added in v3.26.0
func DriverOnConnAllow ¶ added in v3.25.1
func DriverOnConnBan ¶ added in v3.25.1
func DriverOnConnClose ¶ added in v3.12.1
func DriverOnConnClose(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo) func(error)
func DriverOnConnInvoke ¶
func DriverOnConnNewStream ¶
func DriverOnConnPark ¶ added in v3.12.1
func DriverOnConnPark(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo) func(error)
func DriverOnConnStateChange ¶
func DriverOnConnStateChange(t Driver, endpoint EndpointInfo, state ConnState) func(state ConnState)
func DriverOnConnTake ¶
func DriverOnConnTake(t Driver, c *context.Context, endpoint EndpointInfo) func(error)
func DriverOnGetCredentials ¶
func DriverOnInit ¶ added in v3.5.0
func DriverOnNetClose ¶
func DriverOnNetDial ¶
func DriverOnNetRead ¶
func DriverOnNetWrite ¶
func DriverOnRepeaterWakeUp ¶ added in v3.11.13
func DriverOnResolve ¶ added in v3.11.0
func RetryOnRetry ¶
func ScriptingOnClose ¶ added in v3.13.1
func ScriptingOnExecute ¶ added in v3.10.0
func ScriptingOnExplain ¶ added in v3.10.0
func ScriptingOnStreamExecute ¶ added in v3.10.0
func Stub ¶
func Stub(x interface{}, f func(name string, args ...interface{}))
Stub is a helper function that stubs all functional fields of x with given f.
func TableOnCreateSession ¶ added in v3.15.0
func TableOnDoTx ¶ added in v3.15.0
func TableOnPoolGet ¶
func TableOnPoolPut ¶
func TableOnPoolSessionAdd ¶ added in v3.33.0
func TableOnPoolSessionAdd(t Table, session tableSessionInfo)
func TableOnPoolSessionClose ¶
func TableOnPoolSessionNew ¶
func TableOnPoolSessionRemove ¶ added in v3.33.0
func TableOnPoolSessionRemove(t Table, session tableSessionInfo)
func TableOnPoolStateChange ¶ added in v3.11.0
func TableOnPoolWait ¶
func TableOnSessionDelete ¶
func TableOnSessionKeepAlive ¶
func TableOnSessionNew ¶
func TableOnSessionQueryExplain ¶ added in v3.10.0
func TableOnSessionTransactionExecute ¶ added in v3.34.2
func TableOnSessionTransactionExecuteStatement ¶ added in v3.34.2
func TopicOnReaderClose ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderCommit ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderCommittedNotify ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderError ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderInit ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderInit(t Topic, preInitReaderConnectionID string, initRequestInfo TopicReadStreamInitRequestInfo) func(readerConnectionID string, _ error)
func TopicOnReaderPartitionReadStartResponse ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderPartitionReadStopResponse ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderReadMessages ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderReceiveDataResponse ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderReceiveDataResponse(t Topic, readerConnectionID string, localBufferSizeAfterReceive int, dataResponse TopicReaderDataResponseInfo) func(error)
func TopicOnReaderReconnect ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderReconnectRequest ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderSendCommitMessage ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderSendCommitMessage(t Topic, commitsInfo TopicReaderStreamSendCommitMessageStartMessageInfo) func(error)
func TopicOnReaderSentDataRequest ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderUnknownGrpcMessage ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnReaderUpdateToken ¶ added in v3.32.0
func TopicOnWriterClose ¶ added in v3.38.0
func TopicOnWriterCompressMessages ¶ added in v3.38.0
func TopicOnWriterInitStream ¶ added in v3.38.0
func TopicOnWriterReadUnknownGrpcMessage ¶ added in v3.38.0
func TopicOnWriterReconnect ¶ added in v3.38.0
func TopicOnWriterSendMessages ¶ added in v3.38.0
func WithDefaultDetails ¶ added in v3.11.0
func WithDefaultDetails(defaultDetails Details) matchDetailsOption
func WithPOSIXMatch ¶ added in v3.11.0
func WithPOSIXMatch() matchDetailsOption
Types ¶
type Coordination ¶ added in v3.10.0
type Coordination struct{}
Coordination specified trace of coordination client activity. gtrace:gen
func (Coordination) Compose ¶ added in v3.10.0
func (t Coordination) Compose(x Coordination, opts ...CoordinationComposeOption) (ret Coordination)
Compose returns a new Coordination which has functional fields composed both from t and x.
type CoordinationComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type CoordinationComposeOption func(o *coordinationComposeOptions)
CoordinationOption specified Coordination compose option
func WithCoordinationPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithCoordinationPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) CoordinationComposeOption
WithCoordinationPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type DatabaseSQL ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQL struct { OnConnectorConnect func(DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectDoneInfo) OnConnPing func(DatabaseSQLConnPingStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLConnPingDoneInfo) OnConnPrepare func(DatabaseSQLConnPrepareStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLConnPrepareDoneInfo) OnConnClose func(DatabaseSQLConnCloseStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLConnCloseDoneInfo) OnConnBegin func(DatabaseSQLConnBeginStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLConnBeginDoneInfo) OnConnQuery func(DatabaseSQLConnQueryStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLConnQueryDoneInfo) OnConnExec func(DatabaseSQLConnExecStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLConnExecDoneInfo) OnTxQuery func(DatabaseSQLTxQueryStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLTxQueryDoneInfo) OnTxExec func(DatabaseSQLTxExecStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLTxExecDoneInfo) OnTxCommit func(DatabaseSQLTxCommitStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLTxCommitDoneInfo) OnTxRollback func(DatabaseSQLTxRollbackStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLTxRollbackDoneInfo) OnStmtQuery func(DatabaseSQLStmtQueryStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLStmtQueryDoneInfo) OnStmtExec func(DatabaseSQLStmtExecStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLStmtExecDoneInfo) OnStmtClose func(DatabaseSQLStmtCloseStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLStmtCloseDoneInfo) OnDoTx func(DatabaseSQLDoTxStartInfo) func(DatabaseSQLDoTxIntermediateInfo) func(DatabaseSQLDoTxDoneInfo) }
DatabaseSQL specified trace of `database/sql` call activity. gtrace:gen
func (DatabaseSQL) Compose ¶ added in v3.34.0
func (t DatabaseSQL) Compose(x DatabaseSQL, opts ...DatabaseSQLComposeOption) (ret DatabaseSQL)
Compose returns a new DatabaseSQL which has functional fields composed both from t and x.
type DatabaseSQLComposeOption ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLComposeOption func(o *databaseSQLComposeOptions)
DatabaseSQLOption specified DatabaseSQL compose option
func WithDatabaseSQLPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.34.0
func WithDatabaseSQLPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) DatabaseSQLComposeOption
WithDatabaseSQLPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type DatabaseSQLConnBeginDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnBeginDoneInfo struct { Tx tableTransactionInfo Error error }
type DatabaseSQLConnBeginStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnBeginStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DatabaseSQLConnCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLConnCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnCloseStartInfo struct{}
type DatabaseSQLConnExecDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnExecDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLConnExecStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnExecStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string Mode string Idempotent bool IdleTime time.Duration }
type DatabaseSQLConnPingDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnPingDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLConnPingStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnPingStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DatabaseSQLConnPrepareDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnPrepareDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLConnPrepareStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnPrepareStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string }
type DatabaseSQLConnQueryDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnQueryDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLConnQueryStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnQueryStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string Mode string Idempotent bool IdleTime time.Duration }
type DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLConnectorConnectStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DatabaseSQLDoTxDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLDoTxIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLDoTxIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLDoTxStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLDoTxStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context ID string Idempotent bool }
type DatabaseSQLStmtCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLStmtCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLStmtCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLStmtCloseStartInfo struct{}
type DatabaseSQLStmtExecDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLStmtExecDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLStmtExecStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLStmtExecStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string }
type DatabaseSQLStmtQueryDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLStmtQueryDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLStmtQueryStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLStmtQueryStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string }
type DatabaseSQLTxCommitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLTxCommitDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLTxCommitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLTxCommitStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Tx tableTransactionInfo }
type DatabaseSQLTxExecDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type DatabaseSQLTxExecDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLTxExecStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type DatabaseSQLTxExecStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context TxContext context.Context Tx tableTransactionInfo Query string Idempotent bool }
type DatabaseSQLTxQueryDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type DatabaseSQLTxQueryDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLTxQueryStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type DatabaseSQLTxQueryStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context TxContext context.Context Tx tableTransactionInfo Query string Idempotent bool }
type DatabaseSQLTxRollbackDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLTxRollbackDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DatabaseSQLTxRollbackStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.0
type DatabaseSQLTxRollbackStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Tx tableTransactionInfo }
type Details ¶ added in v3.2.1
type Details uint64
const ( DriverNetEvents Details = 1 << iota // for bitmask: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ... DriverConnEvents DriverBalancerEvents DriverResolverEvents DriverRepeaterEvents DriverCredentialsEvents TableSessionLifeCycleEvents TableSessionQueryInvokeEvents TableSessionQueryStreamEvents TableSessionTransactionEvents TablePoolLifeCycleEvents TablePoolSessionLifeCycleEvents TablePoolAPIEvents TopicControlPlaneEvents TopicReaderStreamLifeCycleEvents TopicReaderStreamEvents TopicReaderMessageEvents TopicReaderPartitionEvents TopicWriterStreamLifeCycleEvents TopicWriterStreamEvents DatabaseSQLConnectorEvents DatabaseSQLConnEvents DatabaseSQLTxEvents DatabaseSQLStmtEvents RetryEvents DiscoveryEvents SchemeEvents ScriptingEvents RatelimiterEvents CoordinationEvents // Deprecated: has no effect now DriverClusterEvents DriverEvents = DriverNetEvents | DriverConnEvents | DriverBalancerEvents | DriverResolverEvents | DriverRepeaterEvents | DriverCredentialsEvents TableEvents = TableSessionLifeCycleEvents | TableSessionQueryInvokeEvents | TableSessionQueryStreamEvents | TableSessionTransactionEvents | TablePoolLifeCycleEvents | TablePoolSessionLifeCycleEvents | TablePoolAPIEvents TablePoolEvents = TablePoolLifeCycleEvents | TablePoolSessionLifeCycleEvents | TablePoolAPIEvents TableSessionQueryEvents = TableSessionQueryInvokeEvents | TableSessionQueryStreamEvents TableSessionEvents = TableSessionLifeCycleEvents | TableSessionQueryEvents | TableSessionTransactionEvents TopicReaderEvents = TopicReaderStreamEvents | TopicReaderMessageEvents | TopicReaderPartitionEvents | TopicReaderStreamLifeCycleEvents TopicEvents = TopicControlPlaneEvents | TopicReaderEvents DatabaseSQLEvents = DatabaseSQLConnectorEvents | DatabaseSQLConnEvents | DatabaseSQLTxEvents | DatabaseSQLStmtEvents DetailsAll = ^Details(0) // All bits enabled )
func MatchDetails ¶ added in v3.11.0
type Discovery ¶ added in v3.10.0
type Discovery struct { OnDiscover func(DiscoveryDiscoverStartInfo) func(DiscoveryDiscoverDoneInfo) OnWhoAmI func(DiscoveryWhoAmIStartInfo) func(DiscoveryWhoAmIDoneInfo) }
Discovery specified trace of discovery client activity. gtrace:gen
type DiscoveryComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type DiscoveryComposeOption func(o *discoveryComposeOptions)
DiscoveryOption specified Discovery compose option
func WithDiscoveryPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithDiscoveryPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) DiscoveryComposeOption
WithDiscoveryPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type DiscoveryDiscoverDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DiscoveryDiscoverDoneInfo struct { Location string Endpoints []EndpointInfo Error error }
type DiscoveryDiscoverStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DiscoveryDiscoverStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Address string Database string }
type DiscoveryWhoAmIDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DiscoveryWhoAmIStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DiscoveryWhoAmIStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type Driver ¶
type Driver struct { // Driver runtime events OnInit func(DriverInitStartInfo) func(DriverInitDoneInfo) OnClose func(DriverCloseStartInfo) func(DriverCloseDoneInfo) // Network events OnNetRead func(DriverNetReadStartInfo) func(DriverNetReadDoneInfo) OnNetWrite func(DriverNetWriteStartInfo) func(DriverNetWriteDoneInfo) OnNetDial func(DriverNetDialStartInfo) func(DriverNetDialDoneInfo) OnNetClose func(DriverNetCloseStartInfo) func(DriverNetCloseDoneInfo) // Resolver events OnResolve func(DriverResolveStartInfo) func(DriverResolveDoneInfo) // Conn events OnConnStateChange func(DriverConnStateChangeStartInfo) func(DriverConnStateChangeDoneInfo) OnConnInvoke func(DriverConnInvokeStartInfo) func(DriverConnInvokeDoneInfo) OnConnNewStream func( DriverConnNewStreamStartInfo, ) func( DriverConnNewStreamRecvInfo, ) func( DriverConnNewStreamDoneInfo, ) OnConnTake func(DriverConnTakeStartInfo) func(DriverConnTakeDoneInfo) OnConnPark func(DriverConnParkStartInfo) func(DriverConnParkDoneInfo) OnConnBan func(DriverConnBanStartInfo) func(DriverConnBanDoneInfo) OnConnAllow func(DriverConnAllowStartInfo) func(DriverConnAllowDoneInfo) OnConnClose func(DriverConnCloseStartInfo) func(DriverConnCloseDoneInfo) // Repeater events OnRepeaterWakeUp func(DriverRepeaterWakeUpStartInfo) func(DriverRepeaterWakeUpDoneInfo) // Balancer events OnBalancerInit func(DriverBalancerInitStartInfo) func(DriverBalancerInitDoneInfo) OnBalancerClose func(DriverBalancerCloseStartInfo) func(DriverBalancerCloseDoneInfo) OnBalancerChooseEndpoint func(DriverBalancerChooseEndpointStartInfo) func(DriverBalancerChooseEndpointDoneInfo) OnBalancerUpdate func(DriverBalancerUpdateStartInfo) func(DriverBalancerUpdateDoneInfo) // Credentials events OnGetCredentials func(DriverGetCredentialsStartInfo) func(DriverGetCredentialsDoneInfo) }
Driver specified trace of common driver activity. gtrace:gen
type DriverBalancerChooseEndpointDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerChooseEndpointDoneInfo struct { Endpoint EndpointInfo Error error }
type DriverBalancerChooseEndpointStartInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerChooseEndpointStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DriverBalancerCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverBalancerCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerCloseStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DriverBalancerInitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerInitDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverBalancerInitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerInitStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DriverBalancerUpdateDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerUpdateDoneInfo struct { Endpoints []EndpointInfo LocalDC string Error error }
type DriverBalancerUpdateStartInfo ¶ added in v3.26.0
type DriverBalancerUpdateStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context NeedLocalDC bool }
type DriverCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverCloseStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DriverComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type DriverComposeOption func(o *driverComposeOptions)
DriverOption specified Driver compose option
func WithDriverPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithDriverPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) DriverComposeOption
WithDriverPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type DriverConnAllowDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.25.1
type DriverConnAllowDoneInfo struct {
State ConnState
type DriverConnAllowStartInfo ¶ added in v3.25.1
type DriverConnAllowStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint EndpointInfo State ConnState }
type DriverConnBanDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.25.1
type DriverConnBanDoneInfo struct {
State ConnState
type DriverConnBanStartInfo ¶ added in v3.25.1
type DriverConnBanStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint EndpointInfo State ConnState Cause error }
type DriverConnCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverConnCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnCloseStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint EndpointInfo }
type DriverConnInvokeDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnInvokeStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnInvokeStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint EndpointInfo Method Method }
type DriverConnNewStreamDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnNewStreamRecvInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnNewStreamRecvInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverConnNewStreamStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnNewStreamStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint EndpointInfo Method Method }
type DriverConnParkDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnParkDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverConnParkStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnParkStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint EndpointInfo }
type DriverConnStateChangeDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnStateChangeDoneInfo struct {
State ConnState
type DriverConnStateChangeStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnStateChangeStartInfo struct { Endpoint EndpointInfo State ConnState }
type DriverConnTakeDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnTakeDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverConnTakeStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverConnTakeStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint EndpointInfo }
type DriverGetCredentialsDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverGetCredentialsStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverGetCredentialsStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type DriverInitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverInitDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverInitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverInitStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Endpoint string Database string Secure bool }
type DriverNetCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverNetCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverNetCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverNetCloseStartInfo struct {
Address string
type DriverNetDialDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverNetDialDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverNetDialStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverNetDialStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Address string }
type DriverNetReadDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverNetReadStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverNetWriteDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverNetWriteStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverRepeaterWakeUpDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.25.0
type DriverRepeaterWakeUpDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverRepeaterWakeUpStartInfo ¶ added in v3.25.0
type DriverRepeaterWakeUpStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Name string Event string }
type DriverResolveDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type DriverResolveDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type DriverResolveStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type EndpointInfo ¶ added in v3.11.8
type FieldStubber ¶
type FieldStubber struct { // OnStub is an optional callback that is called when field getting // stubbed. OnStub func(name string) // OnCall is an optional callback that will be called for each stubbed // field getting called. OnCall func(name string, args ...interface{}) }
FieldStubber contains options of filling all struct functional fields.
func (FieldStubber) Stub ¶
func (f FieldStubber) Stub(x reflect.Value)
Stub fills in given x struct.
type OnReadStreamUpdateTokenDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type OnReadStreamUpdateTokenDoneInfo struct {
Error error
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type OnReadUnknownGrpcMessageInfo ¶ added in v3.31.0
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type OnReadUpdateTokenMiddleTokenReceivedInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type OnReadUpdateTokenStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type OnReadUpdateTokenStartInfo struct {
ReaderConnectionID string
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type Ratelimiter ¶ added in v3.10.0
type Ratelimiter struct{}
Ratelimiter specified trace of ratelimiter client activity. gtrace:gen
func (Ratelimiter) Compose ¶ added in v3.10.0
func (t Ratelimiter) Compose(x Ratelimiter, opts ...RatelimiterComposeOption) (ret Ratelimiter)
Compose returns a new Ratelimiter which has functional fields composed both from t and x.
type RatelimiterComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type RatelimiterComposeOption func(o *ratelimiterComposeOptions)
RatelimiterOption specified Ratelimiter compose option
func WithRatelimiterPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithRatelimiterPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) RatelimiterComposeOption
WithRatelimiterPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type Retry ¶
type Retry struct {
OnRetry func(RetryLoopStartInfo) func(RetryLoopIntermediateInfo) func(RetryLoopDoneInfo)
Retry specified trace of retry call activity. gtrace:gen
type RetryComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type RetryComposeOption func(o *retryComposeOptions)
RetryOption specified Retry compose option
func WithRetryPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithRetryPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) RetryComposeOption
WithRetryPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type RetryLoopDoneInfo ¶
type RetryLoopIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.10.0
type RetryLoopIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type RetryLoopStartInfo ¶
type RetryLoopStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context ID string Idempotent bool NestedCall bool // flag when Retry called inside head Retry }
type Scheme ¶ added in v3.10.0
type Scheme struct{}
Scheme specified trace of scheme client activity. gtrace:gen
type SchemeComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type SchemeComposeOption func(o *schemeComposeOptions)
SchemeOption specified Scheme compose option
func WithSchemePanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithSchemePanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) SchemeComposeOption
WithSchemePanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type Scripting ¶ added in v3.10.0
type Scripting struct { OnExecute func(ScriptingExecuteStartInfo) func(ScriptingExecuteDoneInfo) OnStreamExecute func( ScriptingStreamExecuteStartInfo, ) func( ScriptingStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo, ) func( ScriptingStreamExecuteDoneInfo, ) OnExplain func(ScriptingExplainStartInfo) func(ScriptingExplainDoneInfo) OnClose func(ScriptingCloseStartInfo) func(ScriptingCloseDoneInfo) }
Scripting specified trace of scripting client activity. gtrace:gen
type ScriptingCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type ScriptingCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingCloseStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type ScriptingComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type ScriptingComposeOption func(o *scriptingComposeOptions)
ScriptingOption specified Scripting compose option
func WithScriptingPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithScriptingPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) ScriptingComposeOption
WithScriptingPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type ScriptingExecuteDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingExecuteDoneInfo struct { Result scriptingResult Error error }
type ScriptingExecuteStartInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingExecuteStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string Parameters scriptingQueryParameters }
type ScriptingExplainDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingExplainStartInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingExplainStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string }
type ScriptingStreamExecuteDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingStreamExecuteDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type ScriptingStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type ScriptingStreamExecuteStartInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type ScriptingStreamExecuteStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Query string Parameters scriptingQueryParameters }
type Table ¶
type Table struct { // Client events OnInit func(TableInitStartInfo) func(TableInitDoneInfo) OnClose func(TableCloseStartInfo) func(TableCloseDoneInfo) OnDo func(TableDoStartInfo) func(info TableDoIntermediateInfo) func(TableDoDoneInfo) OnDoTx func(TableDoTxStartInfo) func(info TableDoTxIntermediateInfo) func(TableDoTxDoneInfo) OnCreateSession func( TableCreateSessionStartInfo, ) func( info TableCreateSessionIntermediateInfo, ) func( TableCreateSessionDoneInfo, ) // Session events OnSessionNew func(TableSessionNewStartInfo) func(TableSessionNewDoneInfo) OnSessionDelete func(TableSessionDeleteStartInfo) func(TableSessionDeleteDoneInfo) OnSessionKeepAlive func(TableKeepAliveStartInfo) func(TableKeepAliveDoneInfo) // Query events OnSessionQueryPrepare func(TablePrepareDataQueryStartInfo) func(TablePrepareDataQueryDoneInfo) OnSessionQueryExecute func(TableExecuteDataQueryStartInfo) func(TableExecuteDataQueryDoneInfo) OnSessionQueryExplain func(TableExplainQueryStartInfo) func(TableExplainQueryDoneInfo) // Stream events OnSessionQueryStreamExecute func( TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteStartInfo, ) func( TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo, ) func( TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteDoneInfo, ) OnSessionQueryStreamRead func( TableSessionQueryStreamReadStartInfo, ) func( TableSessionQueryStreamReadIntermediateInfo, ) func( TableSessionQueryStreamReadDoneInfo, ) // Transaction events OnSessionTransactionBegin func(TableSessionTransactionBeginStartInfo) func( TableSessionTransactionBeginDoneInfo, ) OnSessionTransactionExecute func(TableTransactionExecuteStartInfo) func( TableTransactionExecuteDoneInfo, ) OnSessionTransactionExecuteStatement func(TableTransactionExecuteStatementStartInfo) func( TableTransactionExecuteStatementDoneInfo, ) OnSessionTransactionCommit func(TableSessionTransactionCommitStartInfo) func( TableSessionTransactionCommitDoneInfo, ) OnSessionTransactionRollback func(TableSessionTransactionRollbackStartInfo) func( TableSessionTransactionRollbackDoneInfo, ) // Pool state event OnPoolStateChange func(TablePoolStateChangeInfo) // Pool session lifecycle events OnPoolSessionAdd func(info TablePoolSessionAddInfo) OnPoolSessionRemove func(info TablePoolSessionRemoveInfo) // OnPoolSessionNew is user-defined callback for listening events about creating sessions with // internal session pool calls // // Deprecated: use OnPoolSessionAdd callback OnPoolSessionNew func(TablePoolSessionNewStartInfo) func(TablePoolSessionNewDoneInfo) // OnPoolSessionClose is user-defined callback for listening sessionClose calls // // Deprecated: use OnPoolSessionRemove callback OnPoolSessionClose func(TablePoolSessionCloseStartInfo) func(TablePoolSessionCloseDoneInfo) // Pool common API events OnPoolPut func(TablePoolPutStartInfo) func(TablePoolPutDoneInfo) OnPoolGet func(TablePoolGetStartInfo) func(TablePoolGetDoneInfo) OnPoolWait func(TablePoolWaitStartInfo) func(TablePoolWaitDoneInfo) }
Table specified trace of table client activity. gtrace:gen
type TableCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type TableCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TableCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type TableCloseStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type TableComposeOption ¶ added in v3.17.0
type TableComposeOption func(o *tableComposeOptions)
TableOption specified Table compose option
func WithTablePanicCallback ¶ added in v3.17.0
func WithTablePanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) TableComposeOption
WithTablePanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type TableCreateSessionDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableCreateSessionIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableCreateSessionIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type TableCreateSessionStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableCreateSessionStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type TableDoDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableDoIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableDoIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type TableDoStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableDoStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Idempotent bool NestedCall bool // flag when Retry called inside head Retry }
type TableDoTxDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableDoTxIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableDoTxIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type TableDoTxStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableDoTxStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Idempotent bool NestedCall bool // flag when Retry called inside head Retry }
type TableExecuteDataQueryDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableExecuteDataQueryStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableExecuteDataQueryStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Query tableDataQuery Parameters tableQueryParameters KeepInCache bool }
type TableExplainQueryDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableExplainQueryStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableExplainQueryStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Query string }
type TableInitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type TableInitDoneInfo struct {
Limit int
type TableInitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.13.1
type TableInitStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type TableKeepAliveDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableKeepAliveDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TableKeepAliveStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableKeepAliveStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo }
type TablePoolGetDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolGetStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolGetStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type TablePoolPutDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolPutDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TablePoolPutStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolPutStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo }
type TablePoolSessionAddInfo ¶ added in v3.33.0
type TablePoolSessionAddInfo struct {
Session tableSessionInfo
type TablePoolSessionCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolSessionCloseDoneInfo struct{}
type TablePoolSessionCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolSessionCloseStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo }
type TablePoolSessionNewDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolSessionNewDoneInfo struct { Session tableSessionInfo Error error }
type TablePoolSessionNewStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolSessionNewStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type TablePoolSessionRemoveInfo ¶ added in v3.33.0
type TablePoolSessionRemoveInfo struct {
Session tableSessionInfo
type TablePoolStateChangeInfo ¶ added in v3.26.10
type TablePoolWaitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolWaitDoneInfo struct { Session tableSessionInfo Error error }
TablePoolWaitDoneInfo means a wait iteration inside Get call is done Warning: Session and Error may be nil at the same time. This means that a wait iteration donned without any significant tableResultErr
type TablePoolWaitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePoolWaitStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type TablePrepareDataQueryDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePrepareDataQueryDoneInfo struct { Result tableDataQuery Error error }
type TablePrepareDataQueryStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TablePrepareDataQueryStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Query string }
type TableSessionDeleteDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionDeleteDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TableSessionDeleteStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionDeleteStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo }
type TableSessionNewDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionNewDoneInfo struct { Session tableSessionInfo Error error }
type TableSessionNewStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionNewStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context }
type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionQueryStreamExecuteStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Query tableDataQuery Parameters tableQueryParameters }
type TableSessionQueryStreamReadDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionQueryStreamReadDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TableSessionQueryStreamReadIntermediateInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionQueryStreamReadIntermediateInfo struct {
Error error
type TableSessionQueryStreamReadStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionQueryStreamReadStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo }
type TableSessionTransactionBeginDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionTransactionBeginDoneInfo struct { Tx tableTransactionInfo Error error }
type TableSessionTransactionBeginStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionTransactionBeginStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo }
type TableSessionTransactionCommitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionTransactionCommitDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TableSessionTransactionCommitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionTransactionCommitStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Tx tableTransactionInfo }
type TableSessionTransactionRollbackDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionTransactionRollbackDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TableSessionTransactionRollbackStartInfo ¶ added in v3.15.0
type TableSessionTransactionRollbackStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Tx tableTransactionInfo }
type TableTransactionExecuteDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type TableTransactionExecuteDoneInfo struct { Result tableResult Error error }
type TableTransactionExecuteStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type TableTransactionExecuteStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Tx tableTransactionInfo Query tableDataQuery Parameters tableQueryParameters KeepInCache bool }
type TableTransactionExecuteStatementDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type TableTransactionExecuteStatementDoneInfo struct { Result tableResult Error error }
type TableTransactionExecuteStatementStartInfo ¶ added in v3.34.2
type TableTransactionExecuteStatementStartInfo struct { // Context make available context in trace callback function. // Pointer to context provide replacement of context in trace callback function. // Warning: concurrent access to pointer on client side must be excluded. // Safe replacement of context are provided only inside callback function Context *context.Context Session tableSessionInfo Tx tableTransactionInfo Parameters tableQueryParameters }
type Topic ¶ added in v3.31.0
type Topic struct { // TopicReaderStreamLifeCycleEvents OnReaderReconnect func(startInfo TopicReaderReconnectStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderReconnectDoneInfo) OnReaderReconnectRequest func(info TopicReaderReconnectRequestInfo) // TopicReaderPartitionEvents OnReaderPartitionReadStartResponse func(startInfo TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseDoneInfo) OnReaderPartitionReadStopResponse func(startInfo TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseDoneInfo) // TopicReaderStreamEvents OnReaderCommit func(startInfo TopicReaderCommitStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderCommitDoneInfo) OnReaderSendCommitMessage func(startInfo TopicReaderSendCommitMessageStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderSendCommitMessageDoneInfo) OnReaderCommittedNotify func(info TopicReaderCommittedNotifyInfo) OnReaderClose func(startInfo TopicReaderCloseStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderCloseDoneInfo) OnReaderInit func(startInfo TopicReaderInitStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderInitDoneInfo) OnReaderError func(info TopicReaderErrorInfo) OnReaderUpdateToken func(startInfo OnReadUpdateTokenStartInfo) func(updateTokenInfo OnReadUpdateTokenMiddleTokenReceivedInfo) func(doneInfo OnReadStreamUpdateTokenDoneInfo) // TopicReaderMessageEvents OnReaderSentDataRequest func(startInfo TopicReaderSentDataRequestInfo) OnReaderReceiveDataResponse func(startInfo TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseDoneInfo) OnReaderReadMessages func(startInfo TopicReaderReadMessagesStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicReaderReadMessagesDoneInfo) OnReaderUnknownGrpcMessage func(info OnReadUnknownGrpcMessageInfo) // TopicWriterStreamLifeCycleEvents OnWriterReconnect func(startInfo TopicWriterReconnectStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicWriterReconnectDoneInfo) OnWriterInitStream func(startInfo TopicWriterInitStreamStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicWriterInitStreamDoneInfo) OnWriterClose func(startInfo TopicWriterCloseStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicWriterCloseDoneInfo) // TopicWriterStreamEvents OnWriterCompressMessages func(startInfo TopicWriterCompressMessagesStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicWriterCompressMessagesDoneInfo) OnWriterSendMessages func(startInfo TopicWriterSendMessagesStartInfo) func(doneInfo TopicWriterSendMessagesDoneInfo) OnWriterReadUnknownGrpcMessage func(info TopicOnWriterReadUnknownGrpcMessageInfo) }
Topic specified trace of topic reader client activity. gtrace:gen Experimental
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicComposeOption ¶ added in v3.31.0
type TopicComposeOption func(o *topicComposeOptions)
TopicOption specified Topic compose option
func WithTopicPanicCallback ¶ added in v3.31.0
func WithTopicPanicCallback(cb func(e interface{})) TopicComposeOption
WithTopicPanicCallback specified behavior on panic
type TopicOnWriterReadUnknownGrpcMessageInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicReadStreamInitRequestInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderCloseDoneInfo struct {
CloseError error
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderCommitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderCommitDoneInfo struct {
Error error
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderCommitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderCommitStartInfo struct { RequestContext context.Context Topic string PartitionID int64 PartitionSessionID int64 StartOffset int64 EndOffset int64 }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderCommittedNotifyInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderCommittedNotifyInfo struct { ReaderConnectionID string Topic string PartitionID int64 PartitionSessionID int64 CommittedOffset int64 }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderDataResponseInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderErrorInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderInitDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderInitStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderInitStartInfo struct { PreInitReaderConnectionID string InitRequestInfo TopicReadStreamInitRequestInfo }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseDoneInfo struct { ReadOffset *int64 CommitOffset *int64 Error error }
TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseDoneInfo Experimental
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseStartInfo struct { ReaderConnectionID string PartitionContext context.Context Topic string PartitionID int64 PartitionSessionID int64 }
TopicReaderPartitionReadStartResponseStartInfo Experimental
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderPartitionReadStopResponseStartInfo struct { ReaderConnectionID string PartitionContext context.Context Topic string PartitionID int64 PartitionSessionID int64 CommittedOffset int64 Graceful bool }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderReadMessagesDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderReadMessagesDoneInfo struct { MessagesCount int Topic string PartitionID int64 PartitionSessionID int64 OffsetStart int64 OffsetEnd int64 FreeBufferCapacity int Error error }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderReadMessagesStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderReadMessagesStartInfo struct { RequestContext context.Context MinCount int MaxCount int FreeBufferCapacity int }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderReceiveDataResponseStartInfo struct { ReaderConnectionID string LocalBufferSizeAfterReceive int DataResponse TopicReaderDataResponseInfo }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderReconnectDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderReconnectDoneInfo struct {
Error error
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderReconnectRequestInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderReconnectStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderReconnectStartInfo struct{}
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderSendCommitMessageDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderSendCommitMessageDoneInfo struct {
Error error
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderSendCommitMessageStartInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderSendCommitMessageStartInfo struct { // ReaderConnectionID string unimplemented yet - need some internal changes CommitsInfo TopicReaderStreamSendCommitMessageStartMessageInfo }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderSentDataRequestInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderSentDataRequestInfo struct { ReaderConnectionID string RequestBytes int LocalBufferSizeAfterSent int }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicReaderStreamSendCommitMessageStartMessageInfo ¶ added in v3.32.0
type TopicReaderStreamSendCommitMessageStartMessageInfo interface { PartitionIDs() []int64 PartitionSessionIDs() []int64 }
Experimental ¶
Notice: This API is EXPERIMENTAL and may be changed or removed in a later release.
type TopicWriterCloseDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterCloseDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TopicWriterCloseStartInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterCompressMessagesDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterCompressMessagesDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason string
func (TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason) String ¶ added in v3.38.0
func (r TopicWriterCompressMessagesReason) String() string
type TopicWriterCompressMessagesStartInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterInitStreamDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterInitStreamStartInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterReconnectDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterReconnectDoneInfo struct {
Error error
type TopicWriterReconnectStartInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterSendMessagesDoneInfo ¶ added in v3.38.0
type TopicWriterSendMessagesDoneInfo struct {
Error error
Source Files
- coordination.go
- coordination_gtrace.go
- details.go
- discovery.go
- discovery_gtrace.go
- driver.go
- driver_gtrace.go
- ratelimiter.go
- ratelimiter_gtrace.go
- retry.go
- retry_gtrace.go
- scheme.go
- scheme_gtrace.go
- scripting.go
- scripting_gtrace.go
- sql.go
- sql_gtrace.go
- table.go
- table_gtrace.go
- topic.go
- topic_gtrace.go
- traceutil.go