A way to hide to text in japan, is KURONURI culture. This tool implementation that way by Golang.

When you take over operation from your senior, you may look legacy shell script from old.
wget --post-data="userid=$USERID&$PASSWORD"
very, very, very worst!!
This makes you want to encrypt a little bit, doesn't it?
But, If you encrypt all text, anyone can't see what's inside.
If possible, you want to encrypt a part of text. This tool help you!
This tool encrypt or decrypt a part of text, and create temporary file and run script.
So, secret keyword can't know anyone , and we can know script's inside.
The earlier script example.
kuronuri.exe -noRun -dst=output.sh (USERID=;PASSWORD=:hogepassword) target.sh
This tool encrypt the sentence after the key word.
wget --post-data="userid=$USERID&$PASSWORD"
A case of decryption, ")" is opposite direction.
kuronuri.exe )USERID=;PASSWORD=:hogepassword( output.sh
ver easy! (Bob Ross said)
You want to hide your local address too if you can by another key word.
kuronuri.exe -noRun -dst=output.sh (USERID=;PASSWORD=:hogepassword) (//:fugapassword) auth.sh
You could.
wget --post-data="userid=$USERID&$PASSWORD" http://eNU4qWl3qJ7lVxL14lDTrMXkyUQuuMXwzM9nsbowd8ZVDJFyC1XJ5KRXJsUvAA==
Way to decode by two keywords.
kuronuri.exe -noRun )USERID=;PASSWORD=:hogepassword( )//:fugapassword( output.sh
")" is opposite direction again. ver easy!
This tool encrypt or decrypt short length key word by AES.
So, Not very strong for brute-force attack.
If you notice hacking, you must change key word encrypted.
If you want to put it under the path, you can use the following.
go get github.com/yasutakatou/kuronuri
If you want to create a binary and copy it yourself, use the following.
git clone https://github.com/yasutakatou/kuronuri
cd kuronuri
go build kuronuri.go
or download binary from release page.
save binary file, copy to entryed execute path directory.
delete that binary.
del or rm command. (it's simple!)
"(" and ")" used encrypt or decrypt and this tool provide another options.
option name |
default value |
detail |
-dst |
(random string) |
output file name |
-noRun |
false |
no Run and no Delete script |
-dry |
false |
no Run and no Create script |
-wrap |
(Windows) busybox.exe (Linux) bash |
wrapper command |
-opt |
(Windows) bash (Linux) [empty] |
wrapper command arg option |
When run on windows, windows don't provide unix command in the standard.
So, this tool is using "busybox.exe".
Download "busybox.exe" and put same directory this tool.
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