// ezcx/examples/webhook-quickstart is a refactoring of the Google Cloud provided
// Go webhook quickstart: https://cloud.google.com/dialogflow/cx/docs/quick/webhook
package main
import (
var (
PORT = os.Getenv("PORT")
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
lg := log.Default()
server := ezcx.NewServer(ctx, ":"+PORT, lg)
deps := NewDependencies()
server.HandleCx("/confirm", deps.cxConfirm)
server.HandleCx("/hello", cxHello(deps))
// Dependencies represents access to resources. The contained resources
// should be safe for concurrent access and use by multiple goroutines.
// An example of this would be *sql.DB which is a handle for the clients
// underlying connection pool.
// In general, dependencies should provide access to state - but contained
// dependencies should be stateless - i.e. they're meant to provide access
// to state stored separately.
type Dependencies struct{}
func NewDependencies() *Dependencies {
return new(Dependencies)
// Structural approach.
func (d *Dependencies) cxConfirm(res *ezcx.WebhookResponse, req *ezcx.WebhookRequest) error {
params := req.GetSessionParameters()
size := params["size"]
color := params["color"]
fmt.Sprintf("You can pick up your order for a %s %s shirt in 5 days.",
size, color),
params["cancel-period"] = "2"
return nil
// Functional approach via closure.
func cxHello(d *Dependencies) ezcx.HandlerFunc {
return func(res *ezcx.WebhookResponse, req *ezcx.WebhookRequest) error {
res.AddTextResponse("It's ... really this easy.")
return nil