temporal-over-ydb is an implementation of a custom Temporal persistence layer using YDB,
a distributed SQL DBMS.
It is still a work in active progress and is not ready for production use.
How to run tests
Clone and patch Temporal source code:
git clone https://github.com/temporalio/temporal.git
cd ./temporal
git checkout v1.22.3
# This patch allows setting custom advanced visibility persistence,
# see https://github.com/temporalio/temporal/pull/4871
curl https://github.com/temporalio/temporal/compare/634a5a1223a8b2bc00b9320d17ed1f1b67182fb1..3f0ad69ad521ffb07e1bbdea1aa4da0adeb3be7e.diff -Lso- | git apply
# Since the suites in the tests package are not exportable and not configurable with
# custom persistence, for now we just patch them to use YDB:
git apply ../tests/functests.patch
cd ./tests
cp ../../tests/functests.go.mod ./go.mod
go mod tidy
Run docker-compose:
cd ./tests
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d
Run functional server tests:
cd ./temporal/tests
# Specific suite:
go test . -persistenceType=nosql -persistenceDriver=ydb -run 'TestIntegrationSuite'
# Or all of them:
go test . -persistenceType=nosql -persistenceDriver=ydb
Run persistence unit tests:
cd ./tests/persistencetests
go mod tidy
go test .