Extract proto.encode proto.decode compute.update from configtxlator to
the rpc service.
RPC Methods
Converts a JSON document to protobuf.
// Request params
type ProtoArgs struct {
MsgName string // The type of protobuf structure to encode to. For example, 'common.Config'.
Input []byte // A file containing the JSON document.
// result
reply *[]byte // A file to write the output to.
Converts a proto message to JSON.
// Request params
type ProtoArgs struct {
MsgName string // The type of protobuf structure to encode to. For example, 'common.Config'.
Input []byte // A file containing the JSON document.
// result
reply *[]byte
Takes two marshaled common.Config messages and computes the config update which transitions between the two.
type ComputeUpdateArgs struct {
ChannelName string // The name of the channel for this update.
Origin []byte // The original config message.
Updated []byte // The updated config message.
// result
reply *[]byte