Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddConnectionClosed(raw []byte) []byte
- func AddOrUpgradeCookie(raw []byte, value string) ([]byte, error)
- func AppendHTTPPacketCookie(packet []byte, key string, value any) []byte
- func AppendHTTPPacketFormEncoded(packet []byte, key, value string) []byte
- func AppendHTTPPacketHeader(packet []byte, headerKey string, headerValue any) []byte
- func AppendHTTPPacketPath(packet []byte, p string) []byte
- func AppendHTTPPacketPostParam(packet []byte, key, value string) []byte
- func AppendHTTPPacketQueryParam(packet []byte, key, value string) []byte
- func AppendHTTPPacketUploadFile(packet []byte, fieldName, fileName string, fileContent interface{}, ...) []byte
- func AppendHeaderToHTTPPacket(raw []byte, line string) []byte
- func BasicRequest() []byte
- func BuildLegacyProxyRequest(req []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func CharsetToUTF8(bodyRaw []byte, mimeType string, originCharset string) ([]byte, string)
- func ComputeWebsocketAcceptKey(websocketKey string) string
- func ContentEncodingDecode(contentEncoding string, bodyRaw []byte) (finalResult []byte, fixed bool)
- func ConvertHTTPRequestToFuzzTag(i []byte) []byte
- func CookieSafeQuoteString(i string) string
- func CookieSafeUnquoteString(i string) string
- func CookiesToString(cookies []*http.Cookie) string
- func CopyRequest(r *http.Request) *http.Request
- func CurlToHTTPRequest(i string) ([]byte, error)
- func DebugEchoServer() (string, int)
- func DebugEchoServerContext(ctx context.Context) (string, int)
- func DeleteHTTPPacketCookie(packet []byte, key string) []byte
- func DeleteHTTPPacketForm(packet []byte, key string) []byte
- func DeleteHTTPPacketHeader(packet []byte, headerKey string) []byte
- func DeleteHTTPPacketPostParam(packet []byte, key string) []byte
- func DeleteHTTPPacketQueryParam(packet []byte, key string) []byte
- func DeletePacketEncoding(raw []byte) []byte
- func ExtractBodyFromHTTPResponseRaw(res []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func ExtractBoundaryFromBody(raw interface{}) string
- func ExtractCookieJarFromHTTPResponse(rawResponse []byte) []*http.Cookie
- func ExtractStatusCodeFromResponse(raw []byte) int
- func ExtractURLFromHTTPRequest(r *http.Request, https bool) (*url.URL, error)
- func ExtractURLFromHTTPRequestRaw(req []byte, isHttps bool) (*url.URL, error)
- func ExtractWebsocketURLFromHTTPRequest(req *http.Request) (bool, string)
- func FixHTTPPacketCRLF(raw []byte, noFixLength bool) []byte
- func FixHTTPRequest(raw []byte) []byte
- func FixHTTPResponse(raw []byte) (rsp []byte, body []byte, _ error)
- func FixMultipartBody(i []byte) (string, []byte)
- func FixRequestHostAndPort(r *http.Request)
- func ForceStringToUrl(i string) *url.URL
- func GetAllHTTPRequestPostParams(packet []byte) map[string]string
- func GetAllHTTPRequestQueryParams(packet []byte) map[string]string
- func GetCookiejar(session interface{}) http.CookieJar
- func GetDigestAuthorizationFromRequest(raw []byte, authorization, username, password string) (string, error)
- func GetDigestAuthorizationFromRequestEx(method, url, body, authorization, username, password string, ...) (*DigestRequest, *DigestAuthorization, error)
- func GetHTTPPacketBody(packet []byte) []byte
- func GetHTTPPacketContentType(packet []byte) string
- func GetHTTPPacketCookie(packet []byte, key string) string
- func GetHTTPPacketCookieFirst(packet []byte, key string) string
- func GetHTTPPacketCookieValues(packet []byte, key string) []string
- func GetHTTPPacketCookies(packet []byte) map[string]string
- func GetHTTPPacketCookiesFull(packet []byte) map[string][]string
- func GetHTTPPacketFirstLine(packet []byte) (string, string, string)
- func GetHTTPPacketHeader(packet []byte, key string) string
- func GetHTTPPacketHeaders(packet []byte) map[string]string
- func GetHTTPPacketHeadersFull(packet []byte) map[string][]string
- func GetHTTPPacketJSONPath(packet []byte, key string) any
- func GetHTTPPacketJSONValue(packet []byte, key string) any
- func GetHTTPRequestPostParam(packet []byte, key string) string
- func GetHTTPRequestPostParamFull(packet []byte, key string) []string
- func GetHTTPRequestQueryParam(packet []byte, key string) string
- func GetHTTPRequestQueryParamFull(packet []byte, key string) []string
- func GetHostsFilePath() string
- func GetOverrideContentType(bodyPrescan []byte, contentType string) (overrideContentType string, originCharset string)
- func GetRedirectFromHTTPResponse(rawResponse []byte, jsRedirect bool) (result string)
- func GetStatusCodeFromResponse(packet []byte) int
- func GetSystemEtcHosts() map[string]string
- func GetSystemHostByName(domain string) (string, bool)
- func HTTP2RequestToHTTP(framer *http2.Framer) ([]byte, error)
- func HTTP2ResponseToHTTP(frame *http2.Frame) ([]byte, error)
- func HTTPPacketForceChunked(raw []byte) []byte
- func HTTPRequestToHTTP2(schema string, host string, conn net.Conn, raw []byte, noFixContentLength bool) ([]byte, error)
- func IsChunkedHeaderLine(line string) bool
- func IsHeader(headerLine, wantHeader string) bool
- func IsMultipartFormDataRequest(req []byte) bool
- func IsPermessageDeflate(headers http.Header) bool
- func IsPrint(s string) bool
- func IsResp(i any) bool
- func MergeCookies(cookies ...*http.Cookie) string
- func MergeUrlFromHTTPRequest(rawRequest []byte, target string, isHttps bool) (newURL string)
- func NewRequestPacketFromMethod(method string, u string, originRequest []byte, originRequestHttps bool, ...) []byte
- func ParseBytesToHTTPResponse(res []byte) (*http.Response, error)
- func ParseBytesToHttpRequest(raw []byte) (*http.Request, error)
- func ParseCookie(i string) []*http.Cookie
- func ParseStringToHTTPResponse(res string) (*http.Response, error)
- func ParseStringToHttpRequest(raw string) (*http.Request, error)
- func ParseUrlToHttpRequestRaw(method string, i interface{}) (bool, []byte, error)
- func ReadHTTPPacketBodySize(raw []byte) (cl int, chunked bool)
- func RegisterSaveHTTPFlowHandler(h saveHTTPFlowHandler)
- func RemoveCEHeaders(headerBytes []byte) []byte
- func RemoveZeroContentLengthHTTPHeader(raw []byte) []byte
- func ReplaceAllHTTPPacketPostParams(packet []byte, values map[string]string) []byte
- func ReplaceAllHTTPPacketQueryParams(packet []byte, values map[string]string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketBasicAuth(packet []byte, username, password string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketBody(raw []byte, body []byte, chunk bool) (newHTTPRequest []byte)
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketBodyEx(raw []byte, body []byte, chunk bool, forceCL bool) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketBodyFast(packet []byte, body []byte) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketCookie(packet []byte, key string, value any) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketFirstLine(packet []byte, firstLine string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketHeader(packet []byte, headerKey string, headerValue any) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketHost(packet []byte, host string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketMethod(packet []byte, newMethod string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketPath(packet []byte, p string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketPostParam(packet []byte, key, value string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketQueryParam(packet []byte, key, value string) []byte
- func ReplaceHTTPPacketQueryParamWithoutEncoding(packet []byte, key, value string) []byte
- func ReplaceMIMEType(headerBytes []byte, mimeType string) []byte
- func SaveResponse(r *LowhttpResponse)
- func SetHTTPPacketUrl(packet []byte, rawURL string) []byte
- func ShouldSendReqContentLength(method string, contentLength int64) bool
- func SplitHTTPHeader(i string) (string, string)
- func SplitHTTPHeadersAndBodyFromPacket(raw []byte, hook ...func(line string)) (headers string, body []byte)
- func SplitHTTPHeadersAndBodyFromPacketEx(raw []byte, mf func(method string, requestUri string, proto string) error, ...) (string, []byte)
- func SplitHTTPPacket(raw []byte, ...) (string, []byte)
- func SplitHTTPPacketFast(raw any) (string, []byte)
- func SplitKV(i string) (string, string)
- func ToLower(s string) (lower string, ok bool)
- func ToUnquoteFuzzTag(i []byte) string
- func TrimLeftHTTPPacket(raw []byte) []byte
- func TrimRightHTTPPacket(raw []byte) []byte
- func TrimSpaceHTTPPacket(raw []byte) []byte
- func UrlToGetRequestPacket(u string, originRequest []byte, originRequestHttps bool, ...) []byte
- func UrlToGetRequestPacketWithResponse(u string, originRequest, originResponse []byte, originRequestHttps bool, ...) []byte
- func UrlToHTTPRequest(text string) ([]byte, error)
- func UrlToRequestPacket(method string, u string, originRequest []byte, originRequestHttps bool, ...) []byte
- func WebsocketFrameToData(frame *Frame) (data []byte)
- type Authentication
- type BasicAuthentication
- type CurlCommand
- type DigestAuthentication
- type DigestAuthorization
- type DigestRequest
- type Frame
- type FrameReader
- type FrameWriter
- func (fw *FrameWriter) Flush() error
- func (fw *FrameWriter) WriteBinary(data []byte, mask bool, headerBytes ...byte) (err error)
- func (fw *FrameWriter) WriteFrame(frame *Frame, messageTypes (err error)
- func (fw *FrameWriter) WritePong(data []byte, mask bool) (err error)
- func (fw *FrameWriter) WriteRaw(raw []byte) (err error)
- func (fw *FrameWriter) WriteText(data []byte, mask bool, headerBytes ...byte) (err error)
- type LowhttpExecConfig
- type LowhttpOpt
- func ConnPool(p *lowHttpConnPool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithBeforeDoRequest(h func([]byte) []byte) LowhttpOpt
- func WithConnPool(b bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithContext(ctx context.Context) LowhttpOpt
- func WithDNSServers(servers []string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithDefaultBufferSize(size int) LowhttpOpt
- func WithETCHosts(hosts map[string]string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithEnableSystemProxyFromEnv(b bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithForceLegacyProxy(b bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithFromPlugin(fromPlugin string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithGmTLS(b bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithHost(host string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithHttp2(Http2 bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithHttps(https bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithJsRedirect(jsRedirect bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithMaxContentLength(m int) LowhttpOpt
- func WithNativeHTTPRequestInstance(req *http.Request) LowhttpOpt
- func WithNoFixContentLength(noFixContentLength bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithPacketBytes(packet []byte) LowhttpOpt
- func WithPassword(password string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithPort(port int) LowhttpOpt
- func WithProxy(proxy ...string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRedirectHandler(redirectHandler func(bool, []byte, []byte) bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRedirectTimes(redirectTimes int) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRequest(packet any) LowhttpOpt
- func WithResponseBodyMirrorWriter(w io.Writer) LowhttpOpt
- func WithResponseCallback(h func(i *LowhttpResponse)) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRetryInStatusCode(sc []int) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRetryMaxWaitTime(retryMaxWaitTime time.Duration) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRetryNotInStatusCode(sc []int) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRetryTimes(retryTimes int) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRetryWaitTime(retryWaitTime time.Duration) LowhttpOpt
- func WithRuntimeId(runtimeId string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithSaveHTTPFlow(b bool) LowhttpOpt
- func WithSession(session interface{}) LowhttpOpt
- func WithSource(s string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) LowhttpOpt
- func WithTimeoutFloat(i float64) LowhttpOpt
- func WithUsername(username string) LowhttpOpt
- func WithVerifyCertificate(b bool) LowhttpOpt
- type LowhttpResponse
- type LowhttpTraceInfo
- type NtlmAuthentication
- type QueryParamItem
- type QueryParams
- func (q *QueryParams) Add(key, val string)
- func (q *QueryParams) AppendRaw(raw string)
- func (q *QueryParams) Del(key string)
- func (d *QueryParams) DisableAutoEncode(b bool) *QueryParams
- func (q *QueryParams) Encode() string
- func (q *QueryParams) Get(key string) string
- func (q *QueryParams) GetAll(key string) []string
- func (q *QueryParams) GetLast(key string) string
- func (q *QueryParams) Have(key string) bool
- func (q *QueryParams) Remove(key string)
- func (q *QueryParams) Set(key, val string)
- type RedirectFlow
- type WebHookServer
- type WebsocketClient
- func (c *WebsocketClient) StartFromServer()
- func (c *WebsocketClient) Stop()
- func (c *WebsocketClient) Wait()
- func (c *WebsocketClient) Write(r []byte) error
- func (c *WebsocketClient) WriteBinary(r []byte) error
- func (c *WebsocketClient) WriteClose() error
- func (c *WebsocketClient) WritePong(r []byte) error
- func (c *WebsocketClient) WriteText(r []byte) error
- type WebsocketClientConfig
- type WebsocketClientOpt
- func WithWebsocketFromServerHandler(f func([]byte)) WebsocketClientOpt
- func WithWebsocketHost(t string) WebsocketClientOpt
- func WithWebsocketPort(t int) WebsocketClientOpt
- func WithWebsocketProxy(t string) WebsocketClientOpt
- func WithWebsocketTLS(t bool) WebsocketClientOpt
- func WithWebsocketTotalTimeout(t float64) WebsocketClientOpt
- func WithWebsocketWithContext(ctx context.Context) WebsocketClientOpt
Constants ¶
const ( CRLF = "\r\n" DoubleCRLF = "\r\n\r\n" )
const ( FINALBIT = 1 << 7 RSV1BIT = 1 << 6 MASKBIT = 1 << 7 RESET_MESSAGE_TYPE_BIT = 0b11110000 FRAME_TYPE_BIT = 0b00001111 TWO_BYTE_BIT = 0b01111110 EIGHT_BYTE_BIT = 0b01111111 TWO_BYTE_SIZE = 65535 SEVEN_BIT_SIZE = 125 // 根据websocket协议,126和127分别代表用后续两个字节/八个字节表示长度,所以这里只能用125 DEFAULT_TEXT_MESSAGE_FISRT_BYTE = 0b10000001 TextMessage = 1 BinaryMessage = 2 CloseMessage = 8 PingMessage = 9 PongMessage = 10 ContinueMessage = 0 )
const CookieTimeFormat = "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT"
CookieTimeFormat is the time format to use when generating times in HTTP headers. It is like time.RFC1123 but hard-codes GMT as the time zone. The time being formatted must be in UTC for Format to generate the correct format.
For parsing this time format, see ParseTime.
Variables ¶
var CookiejarPool sync.Map
var ( DefaultLowHttpConnPool = &lowHttpConnPool{ maxIdleConn: 100, maxIdleConnPerHost: 2, connCount: 0, idleConnTimeout: 90 * time.Second, idleConn: make(map[uint64][]*persistConn), keepAliveTimeout: 30 * time.Second, } )
var ReadHTTPRequestFromBufioReader = utils.ReadHTTPRequestFromBufioReader
var ReadHTTPRequestFromBytes = utils.ReadHTTPRequestFromBytes
var ReadHTTPResponseFromBufioReader = utils.ReadHTTPResponseFromBufioReader
var ReadHTTPResponseFromBytes = utils.ReadHTTPResponseFromBytes
var ( // Add four bytes as specified in RFC // Add final block to squelch unexpected EOF error from flate reader TAIL = []byte{0, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff} )
Functions ¶
func AddConnectionClosed ¶
func AppendHTTPPacketCookie ¶ added in v1.2.3
AppendHTTPPacketCookie 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,添加Cookie请求头中的值 Example: ``` poc.AppendHTTPPacketCookie(poc.BasicRequest(), "aaa", "bbb") // 添加cookie键值对aaa:bbb ```
func AppendHTTPPacketFormEncoded ¶ added in v1.2.4
AppendHTTPPacketFormEncoded 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,添加请求体中的表单 Example: ``` poc.AppendHTTPPacketFormEncoded(`POST /post HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------OFHnlKtUimimGcXvRSxgCZlIMAyDkuqsxeppbIFm Content-Length: 203
--------------------------OFHnlKtUimimGcXvRSxgCZlIMAyDkuqsxeppbIFm Content-Disposition: form-data; name="aaa"
bbb --------------------------OFHnlKtUimimGcXvRSxgCZlIMAyDkuqsxeppbIFm--`, "ccc", "ddd") // 添加POST请求表单,其中ccc为键,ddd为值 ```
func AppendHTTPPacketHeader ¶ added in v1.2.3
AppendHTTPPacketHeader 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,添加请求头 Example: ``` poc.AppendHTTPPacketHeader(poc.BasicRequest(), "AAA", "BBB") // 添加AAA请求头的值为BBB ```
func AppendHTTPPacketPath ¶ added in v1.2.3
AppendHTTPPacketPath 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,在现有请求路径后添加请求路径 Example: ``` poc.AppendHTTPPacketPath(`GET /docs HTTP/1.1 Host: `, "/api/poc")) // 向 发起请求,实际上请求路径改为/docs/api/poc ```
func AppendHTTPPacketPostParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
AppendHTTPPacketPostParam 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,添加POST请求参数 Example: ``` poc.AppendHTTPPacketPostParam(poc.BasicRequest(), "a", "b") // 向 发起请求,添加POST请求参数a,值为b ```
func AppendHTTPPacketQueryParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
AppendHTTPPacketQueryParam 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,添加GET请求参数 Example: ``` poc.AppendHTTPPacketQueryParam(poc.BasicRequest(), "a", "b") // 添加GET请求参数a,值为b ```
func AppendHTTPPacketUploadFile ¶ added in v1.2.4
func AppendHTTPPacketUploadFile(packet []byte, fieldName, fileName string, fileContent interface{}, contentType ...string) []byte
AppendHTTPPacketUploadFile 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,添加请求体中的上传的文件,其中第一个参数为原始请求报文,第二个参数为表单名,第三个参数为文件名,第四个参数为文件内容,第五个参数是可选参数,为文件类型(Content-Type) Example: ``` _, raw, _ = poc.ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw("POST", "") poc.AppendHTTPPacketUploadFile(raw, "file", "phpinfo.php", "<?php phpinfo(); ?>", "image/jpeg")) // 添加POST请求表单,其文件名为phpinfo.php,内容为<?php phpinfo(); ?>,文件类型为image/jpeg ```
func BasicRequest ¶ added in v1.2.7
func BasicRequest() []byte
BasicRequest 返回一个基本的 HTTP 请求,用于测试,它实际上返回一个b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n" Example: ``` poc.BasicRequest() // b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n" ```
func BuildLegacyProxyRequest ¶ added in v1.2.8
func CharsetToUTF8 ¶
func ContentEncodingDecode ¶
func CookieSafeQuoteString ¶ added in v1.2.2
func CookieSafeUnquoteString ¶ added in v1.2.2
func CookiesToString ¶
func CurlToHTTPRequest ¶
func DebugEchoServer ¶ added in v1.2.3
func DebugEchoServerContext ¶ added in v1.2.3
func DeleteHTTPPacketCookie ¶ added in v1.2.3
DeleteHTTPPacketCookie 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,删除Cookie中的值 Example: ``` poc.DeleteHTTPPacketCookie(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: aaa=bbb; ccc=ddd Host:
`, "aaa") // 删除Cookie中的aaa ```
func DeleteHTTPPacketForm ¶ added in v1.2.4
DeleteHTTPPacketForm 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,删除POST请求表单 Example: ``` poc.DeleteHTTPPacketForm(`POST /post HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------OFHnlKtUimimGcXvRSxgCZlIMAyDkuqsxeppbIFm Content-Length: 308
--------------------------OFHnlKtUimimGcXvRSxgCZlIMAyDkuqsxeppbIFm Content-Disposition: form-data; name="aaa"
bbb --------------------------OFHnlKtUimimGcXvRSxgCZlIMAyDkuqsxeppbIFm Content-Disposition: form-data; name="ccc"
ddd --------------------------OFHnlKtUimimGcXvRSxgCZlIMAyDkuqsxeppbIFm--`, "aaa") // 删除POST请求表单aaa ```
func DeleteHTTPPacketHeader ¶ added in v1.2.3
DeleteHTTPPacketHeader 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,删除请求头 Example: ``` poc.DeleteHTTPPacketHeader(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json AAA: BBB Host:
`, "AAA") // 删除AAA请求头 ```
func DeleteHTTPPacketPostParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
DeleteHTTPPacketPostParam 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,删除POST请求参数 Example: ``` poc.DeleteHTTPPacketPostParam(`POST /post HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 7 Host:
a=b&c=d`, "a") // 删除POST请求参数a ```
func DeleteHTTPPacketQueryParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
DeleteHTTPPacketQueryParam 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,删除GET请求参数 Example: ``` poc.DeleteHTTPPacketQueryParam(`GET /get?a=b&c=d HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host:
`, "a") // 删除GET请求参数a ```
func DeletePacketEncoding ¶ added in v1.2.5
func ExtractBodyFromHTTPResponseRaw ¶
ExtractBodyFromHTTPResponseRaw 从原始 HTTP 响应报文中提取 body Example: ``` body, err = str.ExtractBodyFromHTTPResponseRaw(b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nok") // body = b"ok" ```
func ExtractBoundaryFromBody ¶
func ExtractBoundaryFromBody(raw interface{}) string
func ExtractURLFromHTTPRequest ¶
ExtractURLFromHTTPRequest 从 HTTP 请求结构体中提取 URL,返回URL结构体与错误 Example: ``` v, err = http.Raw("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n") url, err = str.ExtractURLFromHTTPRequest(v, false) ```
func ExtractURLFromHTTPRequestRaw ¶
ExtractURLFromHTTPRequestRaw 从原始 HTTP 请求报文中提取 URL,返回URL结构体与错误 Example: ``` url, err := str.ExtractURLFromHTTPRequestRaw(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n", false) ```
func FixHTTPPacketCRLF ¶
FixHTTPPacketCRLF 修复一个HTTP报文的CRLF问题(正常的报文每行末尾为\r\n,但是某些报文可能是有\n),如果noFixLength为true,则不会修复Content-Length,否则会尝试修复Content-Length Example: ``` poc.FixHTTPPacketCRLF(`POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 11
hello world`, false) ```
func FixHTTPRequest ¶ added in v1.2.6
FixHTTPRequest 尝试对传入的HTTP请求报文进行修复,并返回修复后的请求 Example: ``` str.FixHTTPRequest(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n") ```
func FixHTTPResponse ¶
FixHTTPResponse 尝试对传入的响应进行修复,并返回修复后的响应,响应体和错误 Example: ``` fixedResponse, body, err = str.FixHTTPResponse(b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=gbk\r\n\r\n<html>你好</html>") ```
func FixRequestHostAndPort ¶ added in v1.2.3
func ForceStringToUrl ¶ added in v1.2.8
func GetAllHTTPRequestPostParams ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetAllHTTPPacketPostParams 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中的所有POST请求参数,其返回值为map[string]string,其中键为参数名,值为参数值 Example: ``` poc.GetAllHTTPPacketPostParams(`POST /post HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json COntent-Length: 7 Host:
a=b&c=d`) // 获取所有POST请求参数 ```
func GetAllHTTPRequestQueryParams ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetAllHTTPPacketQueryParams 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中的所有GET请求参数,其返回值为map[string]string,其中键为参数名,值为参数值 Example: ``` poc.GetAllHTTPPacketQueryParams(`GET /get?a=b&c=d HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host:
`) // 获取所有GET请求参数 ```
func GetCookiejar ¶
func GetDigestAuthorizationFromRequest ¶ added in v1.2.8
func GetDigestAuthorizationFromRequestEx ¶ added in v1.2.8
func GetDigestAuthorizationFromRequestEx(method, url, body, authorization, username, password string, useCompleteURL bool) (*DigestRequest, *DigestAuthorization, error)
func GetHTTPPacketBody ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketBody 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中的请求体,其返回值为bytes Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketBody(`POST /post HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json COntent-Length: 7 Host:
a=b&c=d`) // 获取请求头,这里为b"a=b&c=d" ```
func GetHTTPPacketContentType ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketContentType 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中的Content-Type请求头,其返回值为string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketContentType(`POST /post HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json COntent-Length: 7 Host:
a=b&c=d`) // 获取Content-Type请求头 ```
func GetHTTPPacketCookie ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketCookie 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中Cookie值,其返回值为string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketCookie(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; c=d Host:
`, "a") // 获取键名为a的Cookie值,这里会返回"b" ```
func GetHTTPPacketCookieFirst ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketCookieFirst 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中Cookie值,其返回值为string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketCookieFirst(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; c=d Host:
`, "a") // 获取键名为a的Cookie值,这里会返回"b" ```
func GetHTTPPacketCookieValues ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketCookieValues 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中Cookie值,其返回值为[]string,这是因为Cookie可能存在多个相同键名的值 Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketCookieValues(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; a=c Host:
`, "a") // 获取键名为a的Cookie值,这里会返回["b", "c"] ```
func GetHTTPPacketCookies ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketCookies 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中所有Cookie值,其返回值为map[string]string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketCookies(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; c=d Host:
`) // 获取所有Cookie值,这里会返回{"a":"b", "c":"d"} ```
func GetHTTPPacketCookiesFull ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketCookiesFull 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中所有Cookie值,其返回值为map[string][]string,这是因为Cookie可能存在多个相同键名的值 Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketCookiesFull(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; a=c; c=d Host:
`) // 获取所有Cookie值,这里会返回{"a":["b", "c"], "c":["d"]} ```
func GetHTTPPacketFirstLine ¶ added in v1.2.4
GetHTTPPacketFirstLine 是一个辅助函数,用于获取 HTTP 报文中第一行的值,其返回值为string,string,string 在请求报文中,其三个返回值分别为:请求方法,请求URI,协议版本 在响应报文中,其三个返回值分别为:协议版本,状态码,状态码描述 Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketFirstLine(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; a=c; c=d Host:
`) // 获取请求方法,请求URI,协议版本,这里会返回"GET", "/get", "HTTP/1.1" ```
func GetHTTPPacketHeader ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketHeaders 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中指定的请求头,其返回值为string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketCookiesFull(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; a=c; c=d Host:
`) // 获取Content-Type请求头,这里会返回"application/json" ```
func GetHTTPPacketHeaders ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketHeaders 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中所有请求头,其返回值为map[string]string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketCookiesFull(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; a=c; c=d Host:
`) // 获取所有请求头,这里会返回{"Content-Type": "application/json", "Cookie": "a=b; a=c; c=d", "Host": ""} ```
func GetHTTPPacketHeadersFull ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketHeadersFull 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中所有请求头,其返回值为map[string][]string,这是因为请求头可能存在多个相同键名的值 Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketHeadersFull(`GET /get HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Cookie: a=b; a=c; c=d Cookie: e=f Host:
`) // 获取所有请求头,这里会返回{"Content-Type": ["application/json"], "Cookie": []"a=b; a=c; c=d", "e=f"], "Host": [""]} ```
func GetHTTPPacketJSONPath ¶ added in v1.2.3
func GetHTTPPacketJSONValue ¶ added in v1.2.3
func GetHTTPRequestPostParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketPostParam 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中指定的POST请求参数,其返回值为string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketPostParam(`POST /post HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json COntent-Length: 7 Host:
a=b&c=d`, "a") // 获取POST请求参数a的值 ```
func GetHTTPRequestPostParamFull ¶ added in v1.2.3
func GetHTTPRequestQueryParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetHTTPPacketQueryParam 是一个辅助函数,用于获取请求报文中指定的GET请求参数,其返回值为string Example: ``` poc.GetHTTPPacketQueryParam(`GET /get?a=b&c=d HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Host:
`, "a") // 获取GET请求参数a的值 ```
func GetHTTPRequestQueryParamFull ¶ added in v1.2.3
func GetHostsFilePath ¶
func GetHostsFilePath() string
func GetOverrideContentType ¶
func GetStatusCodeFromResponse ¶ added in v1.2.3
GetStatusCodeFromResponse 是一个辅助函数,用于获取响应报文中的状态码,其返回值为int Example: ``` poc.GetStatusCodeFromResponse(`HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 5
hello`) // 获取响应报文中的状态码,这里会返回200 ```
func GetSystemEtcHosts ¶
func GetSystemHostByName ¶
func HTTPPacketForceChunked ¶
HTTPPacketForceChunked 将一个HTTP报文的body强制转换为chunked编码 Example: ``` poc.HTTPPacketForceChunked(`POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 11
hello world`) ```
func HTTPRequestToHTTP2 ¶
func IsChunkedHeaderLine ¶ added in v1.2.3
func IsPermessageDeflate ¶
func IsResp ¶ added in v1.2.4
IsResp 判断传入的数据是否为 HTTP 响应报文 Example: ``` poc.IsResp(b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nok") // true ```
func MergeCookies ¶
func MergeUrlFromHTTPRequest ¶
MergeUrlFromHTTPRequest 将传入的 target 与 原始 HTTP 请求报文中的 URL 进行合并,并返回合并后的 URL Example: ``` url = str.MergeUrlFromHTTPRequest(b"GET /z HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n", "/a/b", true) // url = "" ```
func NewRequestPacketFromMethod ¶ added in v1.2.6
func ParseBytesToHTTPResponse ¶
ParseBytesToHTTPResponse 将字节数组解析为 HTTP 响应 Example: ``` res, err := str.ParseBytesToHTTPResponse(b"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nok") ```
func ParseBytesToHttpRequest ¶
ParseBytesToHTTPRequest 将字节数组解析为 HTTP 请求 Example: ``` req, err := str.ParseBytesToHTTPRequest(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n") ```
func ParseCookie ¶
func ParseStringToHTTPResponse ¶
ParseStringToHTTPResponse 将字符串解析为 HTTP 响应 Example: ``` res, err := str.ParseStringToHTTPResponse("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 2\r\n\r\nok") ```
func ParseStringToHttpRequest ¶
ParseStringToHTTPRequest 将字符串解析为 HTTP 请求 Example: ``` req, err = str.ParseStringToHTTPRequest("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n") ```
func ParseUrlToHttpRequestRaw ¶
ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw 将URL解析为原始 HTTP 请求报文,返回是否为 HTTPS,原始请求报文与错误 Example: ``` ishttps, raw, err = poc.ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw("GET", "") ```
func ReadHTTPPacketBodySize ¶
func RegisterSaveHTTPFlowHandler ¶
func RegisterSaveHTTPFlowHandler(h saveHTTPFlowHandler)
func RemoveCEHeaders ¶
func ReplaceAllHTTPPacketPostParams ¶ added in v1.2.4
ReplaceAllHTTPPacketPostParams 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改所有POST请求参数,如果不存在则会增加,其接收一个map[string]string类型的参数,其中key为POST请求参数名,value为POST请求参数值 Example: ``` _, raw, _ = poc.ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw("POST", "") poc.ReplaceAllHTTPPacketPostParams(raw, {"a":"b", "c":"d"}) // 添加POST请求参数a,值为b,POST请求参数c,值为d ```
func ReplaceAllHTTPPacketQueryParams ¶ added in v1.2.4
ReplaceAllHTTPPacketQueryParams 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改所有GET请求参数,如果不存在则会增加,其接收一个map[string]string类型的参数,其中key为请求参数名,value为请求参数值 Example: ``` poc.ReplaceAllHTTPPacketQueryParams(poc.BasicRequest(), {"a":"b", "c":"d"}) // 添加GET请求参数a,值为b,添加GET请求参数c,值为d ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketBasicAuth ¶ added in v1.2.4
ReplaceHTTPPacketBasicAuth 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改Authorization请求头为基础认证的密文,如果不存在则会增加,实际上是ReplaceHTTPPacketHeader("Authorization", codec.EncodeBase64(username + ":" + password))的简写 Example: ``` _, raw, _ = poc.ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw("GET", "") poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketBasicAuth(raw, "admin", "password") // 修改Authorization请求头 ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketBody ¶
ReplaceBody 将原始 HTTP 请求报文中的 body 替换为指定的 body,并指定是否为 chunked,返回新的 HTTP 请求报文 Example: ``` poc.ReplaceBody(`POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 11
hello world`, "hello yak", false) ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketBodyEx ¶
func ReplaceHTTPPacketBodyFast ¶ added in v1.2.3
ReplaceHTTPPacketBody 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改请求体内容,第一个参数为修改后的请求体内容,第二个参数为是否分块传输 Example: ``` poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketBody(poc.BasicRequest(), "a=b") // 修改请求体内容为a=b ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketCookie ¶ added in v1.2.3
ReplaceHTTPPacketCookie 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改Cookie请求头中的值,如果不存在则会增加 Example: ``` poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketCookie(poc.BasicRequest(), p"aaa", "bbb") // 修改cookie值,由于这里没有aaa的cookie值,所以会增加 ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketFirstLine ¶ added in v1.2.3
ReplaceHTTPPacketFirstLine 是一个辅助,用于改变请求报文,修改第一行(即请求方法,请求路径,协议版本) Example: ``` poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketFirstLine(`GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: `, "GET /test HTTP/1.1")) // 向 发起请求,修改请求报文的第一行,请求/test路径 ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketHeader ¶ added in v1.2.3
ReplaceHTTPPacketHeader 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改修改请求头,如果不存在则会增加 Example: ``` poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketHeader(poc.BasicRequest(),"AAA", "BBB") // 修改AAA请求头的值为BBB,这里没有AAA请求头,所以会增加该请求头 ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketHost ¶ added in v1.2.4
ReplaceHTTPPacketHost 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改Host请求头,如果不存在则会增加,实际上是ReplaceHTTPPacketHeader("Host", host)的简写 Example: ``` _, raw, _ = poc.ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw("GET", "") poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketHost(raw, "") // 修改Host请求头的值为 ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketMethod ¶ added in v1.2.4
ReplaceHTTPPacketMethod 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改请求方法 Example: ``` poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketMethod(poc.BasicRequest(), "OPTIONS") // 修改请求方法为OPTIONS ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketPath ¶ added in v1.2.3
ReplaceHTTPPacketPath 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改请求路径 Example: ``` poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketPath(poc.BasicRequest(), "/get") // 修改请求路径为/get ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketPostParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
ReplaceHTTPPacketPostParam 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改POST请求参数,如果不存在则会增加 Example: ``` _, raw, _ = poc.ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw("POST", "") poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketPostParam(raw, "a", "b") // 添加POST请求参数a,值为b ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketQueryParam ¶ added in v1.2.3
ReplaceHTTPPacketQueryParam 是一个辅助函数,用于改变请求报文,修改GET请求参数,如果不存在则会增加 Example: ``` _, raw, _ = poc.ParseUrlToHTTPRequestRaw("GET", "") poc.ReplaceHTTPPacketQueryParam(raw, "a", "b") // 添加GET请求参数a,值为b ```
func ReplaceHTTPPacketQueryParamWithoutEncoding ¶ added in v1.2.8
func ReplaceMIMEType ¶
func SaveResponse ¶
func SaveResponse(r *LowhttpResponse)
func SetHTTPPacketUrl ¶ added in v1.2.7
func ShouldSendReqContentLength ¶
ShouldSendReqContentLength reports whether the http2.Transport should send a "content-length" request header. This logic is basically a copy of the net/http transferWriter.shouldSendContentLength. The contentLength is the corrected contentLength (so 0 means actually 0, not unknown). -1 means unknown.
func SplitHTTPHeader ¶
func SplitHTTPHeadersAndBodyFromPacket ¶
func SplitHTTPHeadersAndBodyFromPacket(raw []byte, hook ...func(line string)) (headers string, body []byte)
SplitHTTPHeadersAndBodyFromPacket 将传入的 HTTP 报文分割为 headers 和 body,如果传入了hook,则会在每次读取到一行 header 时调用 hook Example: ``` headers, body = str.SplitHTTPHeadersAndBodyFromPacket(b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n") ```
func SplitHTTPPacket ¶ added in v1.2.3
func SplitHTTPPacket( raw []byte, reqFirstLine func(method string, requestUri string, proto string) error, rspFirstLine func(proto string, code int, codeMsg string) error, hook ...func(line string) string) (string, []byte)
SplitHTTPPacket split http packet to headers and body reqFirstLine: method, requestUri, proto: error for empty result rspFirstLine: proto, code, codeMsg: error for empty result hook: hook func
func SplitHTTPPacketFast ¶ added in v1.2.3
func ToUnquoteFuzzTag ¶
func TrimLeftHTTPPacket ¶
func TrimRightHTTPPacket ¶
func TrimSpaceHTTPPacket ¶
func UrlToGetRequestPacket ¶
func UrlToGetRequestPacketWithResponse ¶ added in v1.2.6
func UrlToGetRequestPacketWithResponse(u string, originRequest, originResponse []byte, originRequestHttps bool, cookies ...*http.Cookie) []byte
func UrlToHTTPRequest ¶ added in v1.2.8
func UrlToRequestPacket ¶ added in v1.2.3
func WebsocketFrameToData ¶
Types ¶
type Authentication ¶ added in v1.2.8
type Authentication interface {
Authenticate(conn net.Conn, config *LowhttpExecConfig) ([]byte, error)
type BasicAuthentication ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (*BasicAuthentication) Authenticate ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (ba *BasicAuthentication) Authenticate(conn net.Conn, config *LowhttpExecConfig) ([]byte, error)
type CurlCommand ¶ added in v1.2.3
type CurlCommand struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CurlCommand contains exec.Command compatible slice + helpers
func GetCurlCommand ¶ added in v1.2.3
func GetCurlCommand(isHttps bool, req []byte) (*CurlCommand, error)
GetCurlCommand returns a CurlCommand corresponding to an http.Request
func (*CurlCommand) String ¶ added in v1.2.3
func (c *CurlCommand) String() string
String returns a ready to copy/paste command
type DigestAuthentication ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (*DigestAuthentication) Authenticate ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (da *DigestAuthentication) Authenticate(conn net.Conn, config *LowhttpExecConfig) ([]byte, error)
type DigestAuthorization ¶ added in v1.2.8
type DigestAuthorization struct { Algorithm string // unquoted Cnonce string // quoted Nc int // unquoted Nonce string // quoted Opaque string // quoted Qop string // unquoted Realm string // quoted Response string // quoted URI string // quoted Userhash bool // quoted Username string // quoted Username_ string // quoted }
func (*DigestAuthorization) RefreshAuthorization ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (ah *DigestAuthorization) RefreshAuthorization(dr *DigestRequest) (*DigestAuthorization, error)
func (*DigestAuthorization) RefreshAuthorizationWithoutConce ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (ah *DigestAuthorization) RefreshAuthorizationWithoutConce(dr *DigestRequest) (*DigestAuthorization, error)
func (*DigestAuthorization) String ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (ah *DigestAuthorization) String() string
type DigestRequest ¶ added in v1.2.8
type DigestRequest struct { Body string Method string Password string URI string Username string Auth *DigestAuthorization Wa *wwwAuthenticate CertVal bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDigestRequest ¶ added in v1.2.8
func NewDigestRequest(username, password, method, uri, body string, useCompleteURL bool) *DigestRequest
NewDigestRequest creates a new DigestRequest object
func (*DigestRequest) UpdateRequest ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (dr *DigestRequest) UpdateRequest(username, password, method, uri, body string, useCompleteURL bool) *DigestRequest
func (*DigestRequest) UpdateRequestWithUsernameAndPassword ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (dr *DigestRequest) UpdateRequestWithUsernameAndPassword(username, password string) *DigestRequest
type Frame ¶
type Frame struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func DataToWebsocketFrame ¶
func (*Frame) GetMaskingKey ¶
func (*Frame) RawPayloadData ¶
func (*Frame) SetMaskingKey ¶
type FrameReader ¶
type FrameReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFrameReader ¶
func NewFrameReader(r io.Reader, isDeflate bool) *FrameReader
func NewFrameReaderFromBufio ¶
func NewFrameReaderFromBufio(r *bufio.Reader, isDeflate bool) *FrameReader
func (*FrameReader) ReadFrame ¶
func (fr *FrameReader) ReadFrame() (frame *Frame, err error)
type FrameWriter ¶
type FrameWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewFrameWriter ¶
func NewFrameWriter(w io.Writer, isDeflate bool) *FrameWriter
func NewFrameWriterFromBufio ¶
func NewFrameWriterFromBufio(w *bufio.Writer, isDeflate bool) *FrameWriter
func (*FrameWriter) Flush ¶
func (fw *FrameWriter) Flush() error
func (*FrameWriter) WriteBinary ¶
func (fw *FrameWriter) WriteBinary(data []byte, mask bool, headerBytes ...byte) (err error)
func (*FrameWriter) WriteFrame ¶
func (fw *FrameWriter) WriteFrame(frame *Frame, messageTypes (err error)
func (*FrameWriter) WritePong ¶
func (fw *FrameWriter) WritePong(data []byte, mask bool) (err error)
func (*FrameWriter) WriteRaw ¶
func (fw *FrameWriter) WriteRaw(raw []byte) (err error)
type LowhttpExecConfig ¶
type LowhttpExecConfig struct { Host string Port int Packet []byte VerifyCertificate bool Https bool ResponseCallback func(response *LowhttpResponse) Http2 bool GmTLS bool OverrideEnableSystemProxyFromEnv bool EnableSystemProxyFromEnv bool Timeout time.Duration RedirectTimes int RetryTimes int RetryInStatusCode []int RetryNotInStatusCode []int RetryWaitTime time.Duration RetryMaxWaitTime time.Duration JsRedirect bool Proxy []string ForceLegacyProxy bool NoFixContentLength bool RedirectHandler func(bool, []byte, []byte) bool Session interface{} BeforeDoRequest func([]byte) []byte Ctx context.Context SaveHTTPFlow bool RequestSource string EtcHosts map[string]string DNSServers []string RuntimeId string FromPlugin string WithConnPool bool ConnPool *lowHttpConnPool NativeHTTPRequestInstance *http.Request Username string Passwrod string // DefaultBufferSize means unexpected situation's buffer size DefaultBufferSize int // MaxContentLength: too large content-length will be ignored(truncated) EnableMaxContentLength bool MaxContentLength int // ResponseBodyMirrorWriter will be not effected by MaxContentLength // response body will be TeeReader to ResponseBodyMirrorWriter ResponseBodyMirrorWriter io.Writer }
func NewLowhttpOption ¶
func NewLowhttpOption() *LowhttpExecConfig
NewLowhttpOption create a new LowhttpExecConfig
type LowhttpOpt ¶
type LowhttpOpt func(o *LowhttpExecConfig)
func ConnPool ¶ added in v1.2.7
func ConnPool(p *lowHttpConnPool) LowhttpOpt
func WithBeforeDoRequest ¶
func WithBeforeDoRequest(h func([]byte) []byte) LowhttpOpt
func WithConnPool ¶ added in v1.2.7
func WithConnPool(b bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithContext ¶
func WithContext(ctx context.Context) LowhttpOpt
func WithDNSServers ¶
func WithDNSServers(servers []string) LowhttpOpt
func WithDefaultBufferSize ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithDefaultBufferSize(size int) LowhttpOpt
func WithETCHosts ¶
func WithETCHosts(hosts map[string]string) LowhttpOpt
func WithEnableSystemProxyFromEnv ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithEnableSystemProxyFromEnv(b bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithForceLegacyProxy ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithForceLegacyProxy(b bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithFromPlugin ¶ added in v1.2.3
func WithFromPlugin(fromPlugin string) LowhttpOpt
func WithGmTLS ¶ added in v1.2.2
func WithGmTLS(b bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithHost ¶
func WithHost(host string) LowhttpOpt
func WithHttp2 ¶
func WithHttp2(Http2 bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithHttps ¶
func WithHttps(https bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithJsRedirect ¶
func WithJsRedirect(jsRedirect bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithMaxContentLength ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithMaxContentLength(m int) LowhttpOpt
func WithNativeHTTPRequestInstance ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithNativeHTTPRequestInstance(req *http.Request) LowhttpOpt
func WithNoFixContentLength ¶
func WithNoFixContentLength(noFixContentLength bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithPacketBytes ¶ added in v1.2.4
func WithPacketBytes(packet []byte) LowhttpOpt
func WithPassword ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithPassword(password string) LowhttpOpt
func WithPort ¶
func WithPort(port int) LowhttpOpt
func WithProxy ¶
func WithProxy(proxy ...string) LowhttpOpt
func WithRedirectHandler ¶
func WithRedirectHandler(redirectHandler func(bool, []byte, []byte) bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithRedirectTimes ¶
func WithRedirectTimes(redirectTimes int) LowhttpOpt
func WithRequest ¶ added in v1.2.4
func WithRequest(packet any) LowhttpOpt
func WithResponseBodyMirrorWriter ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithResponseBodyMirrorWriter(w io.Writer) LowhttpOpt
func WithResponseCallback ¶ added in v1.2.4
func WithResponseCallback(h func(i *LowhttpResponse)) LowhttpOpt
func WithRetryInStatusCode ¶
func WithRetryInStatusCode(sc []int) LowhttpOpt
func WithRetryMaxWaitTime ¶
func WithRetryMaxWaitTime(retryMaxWaitTime time.Duration) LowhttpOpt
func WithRetryNotInStatusCode ¶
func WithRetryNotInStatusCode(sc []int) LowhttpOpt
func WithRetryTimes ¶
func WithRetryTimes(retryTimes int) LowhttpOpt
func WithRetryWaitTime ¶
func WithRetryWaitTime(retryWaitTime time.Duration) LowhttpOpt
func WithRuntimeId ¶ added in v1.2.3
func WithRuntimeId(runtimeId string) LowhttpOpt
func WithSaveHTTPFlow ¶
func WithSaveHTTPFlow(b bool) LowhttpOpt
func WithSession ¶
func WithSession(session interface{}) LowhttpOpt
func WithSource ¶
func WithSource(s string) LowhttpOpt
func WithTimeout ¶
func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) LowhttpOpt
func WithTimeoutFloat ¶ added in v1.2.4
func WithTimeoutFloat(i float64) LowhttpOpt
func WithUsername ¶ added in v1.2.8
func WithUsername(username string) LowhttpOpt
func WithVerifyCertificate ¶ added in v1.2.4
func WithVerifyCertificate(b bool) LowhttpOpt
type LowhttpResponse ¶
type LowhttpResponse struct { RawPacket []byte RedirectRawPackets []*RedirectFlow PortIsOpen bool TraceInfo *LowhttpTraceInfo Url string RemoteAddr string Proxy string Https bool Http2 bool RawRequest []byte Source string // 请求源 RuntimeId string FromPlugin string MultiResponse bool MultiResponseInstances []*http.Response // if TooLarge, the database will drop some response data TooLarge bool TooLargeLimit int64 ResponseBodySize int64 }
func HTTP ¶ added in v1.2.4
func HTTP(opts ...LowhttpOpt) (*LowhttpResponse, error)
func HTTPWithoutRedirect ¶ added in v1.2.4
func HTTPWithoutRedirect(opts ...LowhttpOpt) (*LowhttpResponse, error)
HTTPWithoutRedirect SendHttpRequestWithRawPacketWithOpt
func (*LowhttpResponse) GetDurationFloat ¶
func (l *LowhttpResponse) GetDurationFloat() float64
type LowhttpTraceInfo ¶
type LowhttpTraceInfo struct { AvailableDNSServers []string // DNS 完整请求时间 DNSTime time.Duration // 获取一个连接的耗时 ConnTime time.Duration // 服务器处理耗时,计算从连接建立到客户端收到第一个字节的时间间隔 ServerTime time.Duration // 完整请求的耗时 TotalTime time.Duration }
func (*LowhttpTraceInfo) GetServerDurationMS ¶
func (l *LowhttpTraceInfo) GetServerDurationMS() int64
type NtlmAuthentication ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (*NtlmAuthentication) Authenticate ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (na *NtlmAuthentication) Authenticate(conn net.Conn, config *LowhttpExecConfig) ([]byte, error)
type QueryParamItem ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (*QueryParamItem) Encode ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (item *QueryParamItem) Encode() string
type QueryParams ¶ added in v1.2.8
type QueryParams struct { NoAutoEncode bool Items []*QueryParamItem }
func ExtractQueryFromRequestURI ¶ added in v1.2.8
func ExtractQueryFromRequestURI(i string) *QueryParams
func NewQueryParams ¶ added in v1.2.8
func NewQueryParams(s string) *QueryParams
func ParseQueryParams ¶ added in v1.2.8
func ParseQueryParams(s string) *QueryParams
func (*QueryParams) Add ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) Add(key, val string)
func (*QueryParams) AppendRaw ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) AppendRaw(raw string)
func (*QueryParams) Del ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) Del(key string)
func (*QueryParams) DisableAutoEncode ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (d *QueryParams) DisableAutoEncode(b bool) *QueryParams
func (*QueryParams) Encode ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) Encode() string
func (*QueryParams) Get ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) Get(key string) string
func (*QueryParams) GetAll ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) GetAll(key string) []string
func (*QueryParams) GetLast ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) GetLast(key string) string
func (*QueryParams) Have ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) Have(key string) bool
func (*QueryParams) Remove ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) Remove(key string)
func (*QueryParams) Set ¶ added in v1.2.8
func (q *QueryParams) Set(key, val string)
type RedirectFlow ¶ added in v1.2.4
type RedirectFlow struct { IsHttps bool Request []byte Response []byte RespRecord *LowhttpResponse }
type WebHookServer ¶
type WebHookServer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewWebHookServer ¶
func NewWebHookServer(port int, cb func(data interface{})) *WebHookServer
func NewWebHookServerEx ¶
func NewWebHookServerEx(port int, cb func(data interface{})) *WebHookServer
func (*WebHookServer) Addr ¶
func (w *WebHookServer) Addr() string
func (*WebHookServer) Shutdown ¶
func (w *WebHookServer) Shutdown()
func (*WebHookServer) Start ¶
func (w *WebHookServer) Start()
type WebsocketClient ¶
type WebsocketClient struct { Request []byte Response []byte FromServerOnce *sync.Once FromServerHandler func([]byte) Context context.Context // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewWebsocketClient ¶
func NewWebsocketClient(packet []byte, opt ...WebsocketClientOpt) (*WebsocketClient, error)
func (*WebsocketClient) StartFromServer ¶
func (c *WebsocketClient) StartFromServer()
func (*WebsocketClient) Stop ¶
func (c *WebsocketClient) Stop()
func (*WebsocketClient) Wait ¶
func (c *WebsocketClient) Wait()
func (*WebsocketClient) Write ¶
func (c *WebsocketClient) Write(r []byte) error
func (*WebsocketClient) WriteBinary ¶
func (c *WebsocketClient) WriteBinary(r []byte) error
func (*WebsocketClient) WriteClose ¶ added in v1.2.4
func (c *WebsocketClient) WriteClose() error
func (*WebsocketClient) WritePong ¶
func (c *WebsocketClient) WritePong(r []byte) error
func (*WebsocketClient) WriteText ¶
func (c *WebsocketClient) WriteText(r []byte) error
type WebsocketClientConfig ¶
type WebsocketClientOpt ¶
type WebsocketClientOpt func(config *WebsocketClientConfig)
func WithWebsocketFromServerHandler ¶
func WithWebsocketFromServerHandler(f func([]byte)) WebsocketClientOpt
func WithWebsocketHost ¶
func WithWebsocketHost(t string) WebsocketClientOpt
func WithWebsocketPort ¶
func WithWebsocketPort(t int) WebsocketClientOpt
func WithWebsocketProxy ¶
func WithWebsocketProxy(t string) WebsocketClientOpt
func WithWebsocketTLS ¶
func WithWebsocketTLS(t bool) WebsocketClientOpt
func WithWebsocketTotalTimeout ¶
func WithWebsocketTotalTimeout(t float64) WebsocketClientOpt
func WithWebsocketWithContext ¶
func WithWebsocketWithContext(ctx context.Context) WebsocketClientOpt
Source Files ¶
- auth.go
- basic.go
- boundaryhack.go
- config.go
- conn_pool.go
- cookie.go
- curl.go
- debug.go
- exec.go
- exports.go
- hostsfile.go
- http2.go
- http2curl.go
- http_content_encoding_handler.go
- http_digest_auth.go
- http_request.go
- http_response.go
- initCommonHeader.go
- legacy_proxy.go
- modifier.go
- prescan.go
- proxy.go
- query.go
- redirect.go
- save_handler.go
- url_to_request.go
- utils.go
- webhook.go
- ws.go
- ws_client.go
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol.
Package http2 implements the HTTP/2 protocol. |
Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2.
Package hpack implements HPACK, a compression format for efficiently representing HTTP header fields in the context of HTTP/2. |