Fluent Bit output plugins for CLP
Repository contains Fluent Bit output plugins that store records in CLP's compressed IR
(intermediate representation) format. More details on IR can be found in this
Uber Engineering Blog.
The general flow is as follows:
%%{init: {
'theme': 'base',
'themeVariables': {
'primaryColor': '#0066cc',
'primaryTextColor': '#fff',
'primaryBorderColor': 'transparent',
'lineColor': '#9580ff',
'secondaryColor': '#9580ff',
'tertiaryColor': '#fff'
flowchart LR
A(Fluent Bit Input) --> B
subgraph CLP Output Plugin
B(Parse into IR) --> C(Compress with Zstd)
C --> D(Output)
classDef format fill:#007DF4,color:white
class A,B,C,D format
Fluent Bit can collect application logs from >40 different sources. Common sources include
tailing log files and other Fluent Bit instances.
CLP Output Plugin
Output plugin receives logs from Fluent Bit and parses them into CLP IR. CLP IR consists of a
timestamp, a list of variable values, and the log type. IR is then compressed with Zstd in
default mode without dictionaries.
Compressed IR output is sent to plugin output (currently only AWS S3 is supported). CLP can directly
ingest compressed IR output and convert into archives for efficient storage and search.
Each plugin has its own README to help get started. Currently, we only have a
AWS S3 plugin, but please submit an issue if you need to send IR to
another output.
- Install golangci-lint:
curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | \
sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin v1.59.0
- Run with
golangci-lint run