For a more modern editor, also written in Go, look into micro.
Features and limitations
Has syntax highlighting for Go code.
Can run gofmt.
Can be used for drawing "ASCII graphics".
The editor must be given a filename at start.
The editor is always in "overwrite mode". Characters are never inserted so that other characters are moved around, except for ctrl-d for deleting a character.
All trailing spaces are removed when saving, but a final newline is kept.
Esc can be used to toggle "writing mode" where the cursor is limited to the end of lines and "ASCII drawing mode".
Can handle text that contains the tab character (\t).
Keys like Home and End are not even registered by the key handler (but ctrl-a and ctrl-e works).
There is no undo.
Expects utilities like gofmt to be in /usr/bin.
Known bugs
Letters that are not a-z, A-Z or simple punctuation may not be possible to type in.
Lines longer than the terminal width are not handled correctly.
Characters may appear on the screen when keys are pressed. Clear them with ctrl-l.
Unicode characters may not be displayed correctly when loading a file.
ctrl-q to quit
ctrl-a go to start of line
ctrl-e go to end of line
ctrl-p scroll up 10 lines
ctrl-n scroll down 10 lines
ctrl-l to redraw the screen
ctrl-k to delete characters to the end of the line
ctrl-s to save (don't use this on files you care about!)
ctrl-g to show cursor positions, current letter and word count
ctrl-d to delete a single character
ctrl-f to format the current file with go fmt (but not save the result).
esc to toggle "text edit mode" and "ASCII graphics mode"