
v0.0.0-...-ae88a46 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 5, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 6 Imported by: 0



Package xgateway

@author: xwc1125

Package xgateway

@author: xwc1125

Package xgateway

@author: xwc1125

Package xgateway

@author: xwc1125

Package xgateway

@author: xwc1125



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const (
	// Authentication
	HeaderAuthorization      = "Authorization"
	HeaderProxyAuthenticate  = "Proxy-Authenticate"
	HeaderProxyAuthorization = "Proxy-Authorization"
	HeaderWWWAuthenticate    = "WWW-Authenticate"

	// Caching
	HeaderAge           = "Age"
	HeaderCacheControl  = "Cache-Control"
	HeaderClearSiteData = "Clear-Site-Data"
	HeaderExpires       = "Expires"
	HeaderPragma        = "Pragma"
	HeaderWarning       = "Warning"

	// Client hints
	HeaderAcceptCH         = "Accept-CH"
	HeaderAcceptCHLifetime = "Accept-CH-Lifetime"
	HeaderContentDPR       = "Content-DPR"
	HeaderDPR              = "DPR"
	HeaderEarlyData        = "Early-Data"
	HeaderSaveData         = "Save-Data"
	HeaderViewportWidth    = "Viewport-Width"
	HeaderWidth            = "Width"

	// Conditionals
	HeaderETag              = "ETag"
	HeaderIfMatch           = "If-Match"
	HeaderIfModifiedSince   = "If-Modified-Since"
	HeaderIfNoneMatch       = "If-None-Match"
	HeaderIfUnmodifiedSince = "If-Unmodified-Since"
	HeaderLastModified      = "Last-Modified"
	HeaderVary              = "Vary"

	// Connection management
	HeaderConnection      = "Connection"
	HeaderKeepAlive       = "Keep-Alive"
	HeaderProxyConnection = "Proxy-Connection"

	// Content negotiation
	HeaderAccept         = "Accept"
	HeaderAcceptCharset  = "Accept-Charset"
	HeaderAcceptEncoding = "Accept-Encoding"
	HeaderAcceptLanguage = "Accept-Language"

	// Controls
	HeaderCookie      = "Cookie"
	HeaderExpect      = "Expect"
	HeaderMaxForwards = "Max-Forwards"
	HeaderSetCookie   = "Set-Cookie"

	// CORS
	HeaderAccessControlAllowCredentials = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowHeaders     = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowMethods     = "Access-Control-Allow-Methods"
	HeaderAccessControlAllowOrigin      = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
	HeaderAccessControlExposeHeaders    = "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlMaxAge           = "Access-Control-Max-Age"
	HeaderAccessControlRequestHeaders   = "Access-Control-Request-Headers"
	HeaderAccessControlRequestMethod    = "Access-Control-Request-Method"
	HeaderOrigin                        = "Origin"
	HeaderTimingAllowOrigin             = "Timing-Allow-Origin"
	HeaderXPermittedCrossDomainPolicies = "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies"

	// Do Not Track
	HeaderDNT = "DNT"
	HeaderTk  = "Tk"

	// Downloads
	HeaderContentDisposition = "Content-Disposition"

	// Message body information
	HeaderContentEncoding = "Content-Encoding"
	HeaderContentLanguage = "Content-Language"
	HeaderContentLength   = "Content-Length"
	HeaderContentLocation = "Content-Location"
	HeaderContentType     = "Content-Type"

	// Proxies
	HeaderForwarded         = "Forwarded"
	HeaderVia               = "Via"
	HeaderXForwardedFor     = "X-Forwarded-For"   // 标记通过代理访问服务器的原始客户端IP地址
	HeaderXForwardedHost    = "X-Forwarded-Host"  // 标记通过代理访问服务器的原始客户端Host名
	HeaderXForwardedProto   = "X-Forwarded-Proto" // 标记原始客户端通过代理访问服务器时用的协议
	HeaderXRealIP           = "X-Real-IP"         // 标记通过代理访问服务器的原始客户端IP地址
	HeaderXRewriteOriginURI = "X-Rewrite-Origin-URI"

	// Redirects
	HeaderLocation = "Location"

	// Request context
	HeaderFrom           = "From"
	HeaderHost           = "Host"
	HeaderReferer        = "Referer"
	HeaderReferrerPolicy = "Referrer-Policy"
	HeaderUserAgent      = "User-Agent"

	// Response context
	HeaderAllow  = "Allow"
	HeaderServer = "Server"

	// Range requests
	HeaderAcceptRanges = "Accept-Ranges"
	HeaderContentRange = "Content-Range"
	HeaderIfRange      = "If-Range"
	HeaderRange        = "Range"

	// Security
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicy           = "Content-Security-Policy"
	HeaderContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly = "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"
	HeaderCrossOriginResourcePolicy       = "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy"
	HeaderExpectCT                        = "Expect-CT"
	HeaderFeaturePolicy                   = "Feature-Policy"
	HeaderPublicKeyPins                   = "Public-Key-Pins"
	HeaderPublicKeyPinsReportOnly         = "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only"
	HeaderStrictTransportSecurity         = "Strict-Transport-Security"
	HeaderUpgradeInsecureRequests         = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"
	HeaderXContentTypeOptions             = "X-Content-Type-Options"
	HeaderXDownloadOptions                = "X-Download-Options"
	HeaderXFrameOptions                   = "X-Frame-Options"
	HeaderXPoweredBy                      = "X-Powered-By" // 标记框架、技术、环境等
	HeaderXXSSProtection                  = "X-XSS-Protection"

	// Server-sent event
	HeaderLastEventID = "Last-Event-ID"
	HeaderNEL         = "NEL"
	HeaderPingFrom    = "Ping-From"
	HeaderPingTo      = "Ping-To"
	HeaderReportTo    = "Report-To"

	// Transfer coding
	HeaderTE               = "TE"
	HeaderTrailer          = "Trailer"
	HeaderTransferEncoding = "Transfer-Encoding"

	// WebSockets
	HeaderSecWebSocketAccept     = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept"
	HeaderSecWebSocketExtensions = "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions"
	HeaderSecWebSocketKey        = "Sec-WebSocket-Key"
	HeaderSecWebSocketProtocol   = "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"
	HeaderSecWebSocketVersion    = "Sec-WebSocket-Version"

	// Other
	HeaderAcceptPatch         = "Accept-Patch"
	HeaderAcceptPushPolicy    = "Accept-Push-Policy"
	HeaderAcceptSignature     = "Accept-Signature"
	HeaderAltSvc              = "Alt-Svc"
	HeaderDate                = "Date"
	HeaderIndex               = "Index"
	HeaderLargeAllocation     = "Large-Allocation"
	HeaderLink                = "Link"
	HeaderPushPolicy          = "Push-Policy"
	HeaderRetryAfter          = "Retry-After"
	HeaderServerTiming        = "Server-Timing"
	HeaderSignature           = "Signature"
	HeaderSignedHeaders       = "Signed-Headers"
	HeaderSourceMap           = "SourceMap"
	HeaderUpgrade             = "Upgrade"
	HeaderXDNSPrefetchControl = "X-DNS-Prefetch-Control"
	HeaderXPingback           = "X-Pingback"
	HeaderXRequestedWith      = "X-Requested-With"
	HeaderXRobotsTag          = "X-Robots-Tag"
	HeaderXUACompatible       = "X-UA-Compatible"



This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type Cookie interface {
	Key() []byte
	SetKey(key string)
	Value() []byte
	SetValue(value string)
	Path() []byte
	SetPath(path string)
	Domain() []byte
	SetDomain(domain string)
	Expire() time.Time
	SetExpire(expire time.Time)
	MaxAge() int
	SetMaxAge(seconds int)
	Secure() bool
	SetSecure(secure bool)
	HTTPOnly() bool
	SetHTTPOnly(httpOnly bool)
	SameSite() SameSite
	SetSameSite(mode SameSite)

	WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error)
	Cookie() []byte
	String() string
	Valid() error
type Header interface {
	Add(key, value string)
	Set(key, value string)
	Del(key string)
	Get(key string) string

	ConnectionUpgrade() bool
	ContentLength() int
	SetContentLength(contentLength int)
	ContentType() []byte
	SetContentType(contentType string)
	ContentEncoding() []byte
	SetContentEncoding(contentEncoding string)
	Host() []byte
	SetHost(host string)
	UserAgent() []byte
	SetUserAgent(userAgent string)
	Method() []byte
	SetMethod(method string)
	Protocol() []byte
	SetProtocol(method string)
	RequestURI() []byte
	SetRequestURI(requestURI string)

	Cookie(key string) []byte
	AllCookie(f func(key, value []byte))
	SetCookie(cookie Cookie)
	AddCookie(key, value string)
	DelCookie(key string)

	WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error)
	Headers() []byte

	// resp
	StatusCode() int
	SetStatusCode(statusCode int)

Header is like http.Header, but only implements the subset of its methods

type Request

type Request interface {
	ID() uint64
	Context() context.Context
	Header() Header

	Host() []byte
	SetHost(host string)
	RequestURI() []byte
	SetRequestURI(requestURI string)

	SetBody(body []byte)
	Body() ([]byte, error)
	AppendBody(p []byte)
	BodyWriteTo(w io.Writer) error

	WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error)
	MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)

	Cookies() []Cookie
	Cookie(name string) (Cookie, error)
	AddCookie(c Cookie)

	RemoteIP() net.IP
	Method() string
	Path() []byte
	Args() url.Values

type Response

type Response interface {
	// ID returns the request id
	ID() uint32

	// StatusCode returns the response code
	StatusCode() int

	// Header returns the response header.
	// It allows you to add or set response headers before reaching the client.
	Header() Header

	// Var returns the value of a Nginx variable, like `r.Var("request_time")`
	// To fetch the value, the runner will look up the request's cache first. If not found,
	// the runner will ask it from the APISIX. If the RPC call is failed, an error in
	// pkg/common.ErrConnClosed type is returned.
	Var(name string) ([]byte, error)

	// ReadBody returns origin HTTP response body
	// To fetch the value, the runner will look up the request's cache first. If not found,
	// the runner will ask it from the APISIX. If the RPC call is failed, an error in
	// pkg/common.ErrConnClosed type is returned.
	// It was not named `Body`
	// because `Body` was already occupied in earlier interface implementations.
	ReadBody() ([]byte, error)

	// Write rewrites the origin response data.
	// Unlike `ResponseWriter.Write`, we don't need to WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
	// before writing the data
	// Because APISIX will convert code 0 to 200.
	Write(b []byte) (int, error)

	// WriteHeader rewrites the origin response StatusCode
	// WriteHeader can't override written status.
	WriteHeader(statusCode int)

Response represents the HTTP response from the upstream received by APISIX. In order to avoid semantic misunderstanding, we also use Response to represent the rewritten response from Plugin Runner. Therefore, any instance that implements the Response interface will be readable and rewritable.

type SameSite

type SameSite int

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