There is no documentation for this package.
Path | Synopsis |
Package driver is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package driver is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package gohistogram contains implementations of weighted and exponential histograms.
Package gohistogram contains implementations of weighted and exponential histograms. |
Package circuitbreaker implements the circuit breaker pattern.
Package circuitbreaker implements the circuit breaker pattern. |
Package endpoint defines an abstraction for RPCs.
Package endpoint defines an abstraction for RPCs. |
Package client provides a profilesvc client based on a predefined Consul service name and relevant tags.
Package client provides a profilesvc client based on a predefined Consul service name and relevant tags. |
Package booking provides the use-case of booking a cargo.
Package booking provides the use-case of booking a cargo. |
Package cargo contains the heart of the domain model.
Package cargo contains the heart of the domain model. |
Package handling provides the use-case for registering incidents.
Package handling provides the use-case for registering incidents. |
Package inmem provides in-memory implementations of all the domain repositories.
Package inmem provides in-memory implementations of all the domain repositories. |
Package inspection provides means to inspect cargos.
Package inspection provides means to inspect cargos. |
Package location provides the Location aggregate.
Package location provides the Location aggregate. |
Package routing provides the routing domain service.
Package routing provides the routing domain service. |
Package tracking provides the use-case of tracking a cargo.
Package tracking provides the use-case of tracking a cargo. |
Package voyage provides the Voyage aggregate.
Package voyage provides the Voyage aggregate. |
Package log provides a structured logger.
Package log provides a structured logger. |
Package level implements leveled logging on top of Go kit's log package.
Package level implements leveled logging on top of Go kit's log package. |
Package logrus provides an adapter to the go-kit log.Logger interface.
Package logrus provides an adapter to the go-kit log.Logger interface. |
Package term provides tools for logging to a terminal.
Package term provides tools for logging to a terminal. |
Package metrics provides a framework for application instrumentation.
Package metrics provides a framework for application instrumentation. |
Package cloudwatch2 emits all data as a StatisticsSet (rather than a singular Value) to CloudWatch via the aws-sdk-go-v2 SDK.
Package cloudwatch2 emits all data as a StatisticsSet (rather than a singular Value) to CloudWatch via the aws-sdk-go-v2 SDK. |
Package discard provides a no-op metrics backend.
Package discard provides a no-op metrics backend. |
Package dogstatsd provides a DogStatsD backend for package metrics.
Package dogstatsd provides a DogStatsD backend for package metrics. |
Package expvar provides expvar backends for metrics.
Package expvar provides expvar backends for metrics. |
Package generic implements generic versions of each of the metric types.
Package generic implements generic versions of each of the metric types. |
Package graphite provides a Graphite backend for metrics.
Package graphite provides a Graphite backend for metrics. |
Package influx provides an InfluxDB implementation for metrics.
Package influx provides an InfluxDB implementation for metrics. |
Package influxstatsd provides support for InfluxData's StatsD Telegraf plugin.
Package influxstatsd provides support for InfluxData's StatsD Telegraf plugin. |
Package convert provides a way to use Counters, Histograms, or Gauges as one of the other types
Package convert provides a way to use Counters, Histograms, or Gauges as one of the other types |
Package ratemap implements a goroutine-safe map of string to float64.
Package ratemap implements a goroutine-safe map of string to float64. |
Package multi provides adapters that send observations to multiple metrics simultaneously.
Package multi provides adapters that send observations to multiple metrics simultaneously. |
Package prometheus provides Prometheus implementations for metrics.
Package prometheus provides Prometheus implementations for metrics. |
Package provider provides a factory-like abstraction for metrics backends.
Package provider provides a factory-like abstraction for metrics backends. |
Package statsd provides a StatsD backend for package metrics.
Package statsd provides a StatsD backend for package metrics. |
Package teststat provides helpers for testing metrics backends.
Package teststat provides helpers for testing metrics backends. |
Package sd provides utilities related to service discovery.
Package sd provides utilities related to service discovery. |
Package consul provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Consul.
Package consul provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Consul. |
Package dnssrv provides an Instancer implementation for DNS SRV records.
Package dnssrv provides an Instancer implementation for DNS SRV records. |
Package etcd provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd.
Package etcd provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd. |
Package etcdv3 provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd v3.
Package etcdv3 provides an Instancer and Registrar implementation for etcd v3. |
Package eureka provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Netflix OSS's Eureka
Package eureka provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for Netflix OSS's Eureka |
Package lb implements the client-side load balancer pattern.
Package lb implements the client-side load balancer pattern. |
Package zk provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for ZooKeeper.
Package zk provides Instancer and Registrar implementations for ZooKeeper. |
Package tracing provides helpers and bindings for distributed tracing.
Package tracing provides helpers and bindings for distributed tracing. |
Package opencensus provides Go kit integration to the OpenCensus project.
Package opencensus provides Go kit integration to the OpenCensus project. |
Package opentracing provides Go kit integration to the OpenTracing project.
Package opentracing provides Go kit integration to the OpenTracing project. |
Package zipkin provides Go kit integration to the OpenZipkin project through the use of zipkin-go, the official OpenZipkin tracer implementation for Go.
Package zipkin provides Go kit integration to the OpenZipkin project through the use of zipkin-go, the official OpenZipkin tracer implementation for Go. |
Package transport contains helpers applicable to all supported transports.
Package transport contains helpers applicable to all supported transports. |
Package amqp implements an AMQP transport.
Package amqp implements an AMQP transport. |
Package awslambda provides an AWS Lambda transport layer.
Package awslambda provides an AWS Lambda transport layer. |
Package grpc provides a gRPC binding for endpoints.
Package grpc provides a gRPC binding for endpoints. |
Package http provides a general purpose HTTP binding for endpoints.
Package http provides a general purpose HTTP binding for endpoints. |
Package jsonrpc provides a JSON RPC (v2.0) binding for endpoints.
Package jsonrpc provides a JSON RPC (v2.0) binding for endpoints. |
Package httprp provides an HTTP reverse-proxy transport.
Package httprp provides an HTTP reverse-proxy transport. |
Package nats provides a NATS transport.
Package nats provides a NATS transport. |
Package conn provides utilities related to connections.
Package conn provides utilities related to connections. |
Package jaeger contains the code for Jaeger backend.
Package jaeger contains the code for Jaeger backend. |
Package builder defines builder resources (like logger and metrics) shared by jaeger components They are defined in this shared location so that if several components are wired into a single binary (e.g.
Package builder defines builder resources (like logger and metrics) shared by jaeger components They are defined in this shared location so that if several components are wired into a single binary (e.g. |
Package flags defines command line flags that are shared by several jaeger components.
Package flags defines command line flags that are shared by several jaeger components. |
Package ui installs UI assets packaged with
Package ui installs UI assets packaged with |
Package assets contains auto-generated UI asset files created during the build.
Package assets contains auto-generated UI asset files created during the build. |
Package driver is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package driver is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package model describes the internal data model for Trace and Span
Package model describes the internal data model for Trace and Span |
Package adjuster contains various adjusters for model.Trace.
Package adjuster contains various adjusters for model.Trace. |
Package converter contains various utilities for converting model.Trace to/from other data modes, like Thrift, or UI JSON.
Package converter contains various utilities for converting model.Trace to/from other data modes, like Thrift, or UI JSON. |
Package json allows converting model.Trace to external JSON data model.
Package json allows converting model.Trace to external JSON data model. |
Package thrift allows converting model.Trace to/from various thrift models.
Package thrift allows converting model.Trace to/from various thrift models. |
Package jaeger allows converting model.Trace to/from jaeger.thrift model.
Package jaeger allows converting model.Trace to/from jaeger.thrift model. |
Package zipkin allows converting model.Trace to/from zipkin.thrift model.
Package zipkin allows converting model.Trace to/from zipkin.thrift model. |
Package json defines the external JSON representation for Jaeger traces.
Package json defines the external JSON representation for Jaeger traces. |
Package pkg is the collection of utility packages used by the Jaeger components without being specific to its internals.
Package pkg is the collection of utility packages used by the Jaeger components without being specific to its internals. |
Package metrics provides command line flags for configuring the metrics backend.
Package metrics provides command line flags for configuring the metrics backend. |
Package plugin is the collection of implementations of different interfaces defined across Jaeger
Package plugin is the collection of implementations of different interfaces defined across Jaeger |
Package storage is the collection of different storage interfaces that are shared by two or more components.
Package storage is the collection of different storage interfaces that are shared by two or more components. |
Package restapi Zipkin API Zipkin's v2 api currently includes a POST endpoint that can receive spans.
Package restapi Zipkin API Zipkin's v2 api currently includes a POST endpoint that can receive spans. |
Package baggage is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package baggage is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package jaeger is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package jaeger is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package sampling is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package sampling is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package zipkincore is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package zipkincore is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package nethttp provides OpenTracing instrumentation for the net/http package.
Package nethttp provides OpenTracing instrumentation for the net/http package. |
Package harness provides a suite of API compatibility checks.
Package harness provides a suite of API compatibility checks. |
Package errors provides simple error handling primitives.
Package errors provides simple error handling primitives. |
Package jaeger implements an OpenTracing ( Tracer.
Package jaeger implements an OpenTracing ( Tracer. |
Package rpcmetrics implements an Observer that can be used to emit RPC metrics.
Package rpcmetrics implements an Observer that can be used to emit RPC metrics. |
Package transport defines various transports that can be used with RemoteReporter to send spans out of process.
Package transport defines various transports that can be used with RemoteReporter to send spans out of process. |
Package zipkin provides various Transports that can be used with RemoteReporter for submitting traces to Zipkin backend.
Package zipkin provides various Transports that can be used with RemoteReporter for submitting traces to Zipkin backend. |
Package zipkin comprises Zipkin functionality for Zipkin compatibility.
Package zipkin comprises Zipkin functionality for Zipkin compatibility. |
Package jaegerlib is a set of utilities shared by Jaeger backend and Jaeger Go Client.
Package jaegerlib is a set of utilities shared by Jaeger backend and Jaeger Go Client. |
Package tchannel implements Go bindings for the TChannel protocol (
Package tchannel implements Go bindings for the TChannel protocol ( |
benchclient is used to make requests to a specific server.
benchclient is used to make requests to a specific server. |
benchserver is used to receive requests for benchmarks.
benchserver is used to receive requests for benchmarks. |
Package keyvalue is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package keyvalue is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package example is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package example is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package hyperbahn is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package hyperbahn is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
Package peers provides helpers for managing TChannel peers.
Package peers provides helpers for managing TChannel peers. |
Package relay contains relaying interfaces for external use.
Package relay contains relaying interfaces for external use. |
vbumper helps bump version numbers in the repository and in the CHANGELOG.
vbumper helps bump version numbers in the repository and in the CHANGELOG. |
Package thrift adds support to use Thrift services over TChannel.
Package thrift adds support to use Thrift services over TChannel. |
Package arg2 contains tchannel thrift Arg2 interfaces for external use.
Package arg2 contains tchannel thrift Arg2 interfaces for external use. |
Package test is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift.
Package test is generated code used to make or handle TChannel calls using Thrift. |
thrift-gen generates code for Thrift services that can be used with the uber/tchannel/thrift package.
thrift-gen generates code for Thrift services that can be used with the uber/tchannel/thrift package. |
Package trace used to contain TChannel's distributed tracing functionality.
Package trace used to contain TChannel's distributed tracing functionality. |
Package trand provides a thread-safe random number generator.
Package trand provides a thread-safe random number generator. |
Package atomic provides simple wrappers around numerics to enforce atomic access.
Package atomic provides simple wrappers around numerics to enforce atomic access. |
Package multierr allows combining one or more errors together.
Package multierr allows combining one or more errors together. |
Package zap provides fast, structured, leveled logging.
Package zap provides fast, structured, leveled logging. |
Package benchmarks contains only benchmarks comparing zap to other structured logging libraries.
Package benchmarks contains only benchmarks comparing zap to other structured logging libraries. |
Package buffer provides a thin wrapper around a byte slice.
Package buffer provides a thin wrapper around a byte slice. |
Package bufferpool houses zap's shared internal buffer pool.
Package bufferpool houses zap's shared internal buffer pool. |
Package color adds coloring functionality for TTY output.
Package color adds coloring functionality for TTY output. |
Package exit provides stubs so that unit tests can exercise code that calls os.Exit(1).
Package exit provides stubs so that unit tests can exercise code that calls os.Exit(1). |
Package ztest provides low-level helpers for testing log output.
Package ztest provides low-level helpers for testing log output. |
Package zapcore defines and implements the low-level interfaces upon which zap is built.
Package zapcore defines and implements the low-level interfaces upon which zap is built. |
Package zapgrpc provides a logger that is compatible with grpclog.
Package zapgrpc provides a logger that is compatible with grpclog. |
Package zaptest provides a variety of helpers for testing log output.
Package zaptest provides a variety of helpers for testing log output. |
Package observer provides a zapcore.Core that keeps an in-memory, encoding-agnostic repesentation of log entries.
Package observer provides a zapcore.Core that keeps an in-memory, encoding-agnostic repesentation of log entries. |
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